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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Mar 1876, p. 1

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TEOVAS DOW, WHITBY AGJ2iOY, B. e. TAYLOR, T AW OHAN OhONVAdio .E4Oé, Stb Wn o.1m.A JAIMES UTLIDGE91 B. A. onnly Crown Allorny. JAWMES KEaTR C :ORDON, AOli,QflYIT.ÂW, Nota7pubi o &ie- osut. Ad: 8lon7a aloi, roc ï ri, -~,ont. CIJARLEs Ci, KELILER, -* Z*AXI< EGLOR, LL. Bot cSriI OsATva. ,BWITRI G. OUING siITU, LL. B., Soil0citor lu Mobsuh¶ and inolvenoy, Nolsry Pubjia o., he.o ffi-Nouillan'a Block, Brook étroit Wbltbyi Otarlo. A.. 0. MoDLLAN, (LaI. Oreenoot hkmouilla.) ~ABRXTERATTORUET, SeLTO. .L>llor, 'sot$ryPublic, Oouylac«s. Cf. flue-Bymon sîreel, Southis 0oo s ea@, Wbltby, Ontario. D UOGaANhROBINSON, DARE5TIIt5, ATTONI?5-AT.LAv, 0 soLImIons IN CHANCERY, CONVEY.&NOER$, fc-.,. OFFIOE-PrdnMai .LuracouihZngs COURT STRuIT, TonOxTo, ..DUOGAN, Q. o., J. G. Roînusoox, x. . 7 TEJOMAB HUSTON, T OWN CLEEX AND TREABURER, -1 Whitby. Offc-Town Rall. Honru, fron ta11 'olock. .J.GUNNl, M. D., sQUBOSON TO TIýE- OUNTY GAOL, t.tBro Ict, Wiltby. Wm..JuanDRIEtîý; m.D., SLRects., 4 UY'B HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., the b* y$ . O. IH. L, Osaa, Ontario. w. Auxois, Wbl¶7ovorX3r. Tsn>oaoila Store, Nitrons iGilo du admlnéa tertoréb.palsiliosex. C, N. VARSu, L. .. TXT insorted 'ou alilth. h inc nipIea of thse art, asoho.st 6 Ibesopost, aud as goa s the bt. àU 11,* Illi Goiliadsiilvor. Tooth irtractil wilbonl pin, 1,y proluclng local âWestboaia. Dintaluoma-in Co'..- a'. nowblocoi r Atkinason'a Drng, Store, Rings irqît, Cabuva. 85 THOMAS 0DEVERILL, EUILDIR, AND CONTRACTOR, DUNDABSBT., WRITE?. ga3 AUlorlon premptly oxcutil JOHN lRORIlisoN'u JJÂIE DRU §8ING AND SHAVING JU aon, Brook St., Whtby. 4.01N WOLFENDEN, AGENT VOIR THE CELEBRATED X. Geottlah Granito. At Marblo ýWorka otjenat#=a!;6Woenx,Duxida St., Wbltby. çz <~ECORMACK, stantly -ou baud. fi3. O'DELL, A TH B R L Y, Cler DIvaIonCourt, Tp., Clerk, Oommlaiouer li B. R., Lauil AgonI, ho., &o.0 itherly, Oouxty Ontario. 1 DRU.t CARSON1 & BOGANT, PhysicIen,, Surgeons, Accouchera, &o., &o. -Wbltey, Sept, 801, 1874. 4 IROBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M-EDIN. Gradiatà i ¶wtb onors)ofIbi Univerolty cf ~usn'é ollgaCanada Philadoiphia Ul9v;M ofdiotiue asu Àuriry;aon u,..M Rea ylvanl;EolOtCoZge of Poa q ns ul:ud Licaulta of Mloroficy aoI &e i4v. 61 XdintbnrgScotland. Cor- oner for 1he County of Ontarixi. Office- Cxldwtr St., Orilla. Augual Sth, 1675. lyr-SI JOIN S. M. WILLCOX, 0iftlb. Town of Wbllby, bas ýeexiappointed OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, -(UNDER TUE NEW ACT,) Far tha Couuty o! Ontario. AU business etanîussl1lta abcargé e i .csniuny et- WMbty, Jeu.141h, 1874. SlY .BEATTY'S CHUDRBCHklT SOHOOL, ù4ii, Lodgq, Offiqe Cabinet Or- Idi. ,Boetnitqus. 'ed-sItâni ton ciron. Ianr. Addioa, -DAIL'F. 1BEATTY, Washilugto4, N. J.- OREMEDIGINES. AU desenlptions ,aoithlb otHro a Yio chargefor adylco -N. RAT. XONTEALSTAR'l bave~~~~~a nv£1litladsuaullînce of Oue RuikraIsud Nuoty.flne Thoussul Rilr hîch m"les lhem tise Most vide. lye m cxliatéd udluuntial nevapapers publiaisel lu Canada, CasHi prisoor sty quantiloIMink'x -Oitmuskrt,hkc, - - - UGK MoBERN, -- t. -, - - ~ ansd Friez. omuapd PORT PEIU XT. ?. ~T. . WLXE, . PROPRIETO P. 'JOHNSON HOUSE, EAU? ÂKE? UQUÂZE, TORONTO. *W. G. JOUSON, - - PBPzErtÃ"B. Taxx, $1.00 pev Day. tbling m icon- Deollon. 42 AMEBICAN HOTEL. CODIEZ 01,TONOXA ON 5 T T. GEORGE BEOWI?. PEOPRIETOR. Thà.l ra-cltm, bouse bau bien nswil. fit. ted UP %amd ronvail tbzougboul and si. lordis auierlor soooxnmdallonfo i te recop. tion of guesla. The prisant p»rLrloor bas upail o ain orexen~ li lnlroduclng everfrProvarenI*h lid tond 10 the 5 ort hispatrons. Toronto, 3ulý' 101h1874. 29 O NTABIO IHOTEL. ("ÂTu DAWlcs'.) WRITBY, ONTAEXo. PET'ER W4EM, PEOPBiBTOR. Suparlor aooomodatlon, Tableauple wllh bfl lu soason. Gonuine lquoro. C1girs, bil brands. Billard roon>. BIVOxY ambaesanda.8oa§. B RTIH AEYOÀ1' HOEL <LAT» 311ONON OUSI.) WHITaY, 0ONT A 210 HOMsenewly 'renovated and furnushel tbrongliont, and put in Irsi-cWas ordor for hi rocoplion of gueula An innibdes lxiand rom 611ltraina. Pirat-ols.sampie roomo. G TEIUNUE AMWAY HOTEL. AT WKITBT UTA! ION. 'WM. O'NELL.-. PROPRIETOR. Partis a tsng the train and loaving hors.. Wlin have thom viii talon cariof tl& thoir return. TE[B QUUN'SHBOTUL; BEoCK-sTUEET, iSEITE'r, TAYLOR & aroANir, PPEI ETD.IEwos, -. Tise unlerslgnol basin. 10inforps tisair fieuls aud tise pubUlia lsa hy is an the aisewe voitnu btel, wbich they 1bave uevly fitted ap sud ninovatel, sud put intos lhest c ofnder for thie accommoda. tien of uesta. The Ban, whieisla inte aud. oameal ithe County, in viii auppiel vith' the fixiasl brandis cf vlneu, Uquors, snd ci. grs.Apeecai ie ronud gond J. P. TAYLOR, PHII McCANN. late cf Toronto. T -H E TORON TO., The-mest Elegout, Cestly sud Perfect Hetel lunlise' Dominin Titis Hotel acknowlcdgos no rival, itiser lu ils management, appoinîmouts or loca- tien, Iu Ose latter respect it adonIds its gnesîs a ohenmlng sud unobstructive viev ai Lake Ontiol. la-Tse fiuest Watensospe viev lu canada. i - Il isu250 rooma lurnisiel vils ailtise modemn Improvemeuts. MCGAW h WINNUTT, 491f Pnt.prietons. A RMSTRONG HOUSU, LATI ALUIION.) -WHITBY, ONTARIO. I. &AMSTBONG - PROPIIIETOR. -RO YAL HOTUL, vErTU, ,OeT. A. HINDES, iJ,.-.PROPRIETOR. COMMediaus Sample.rooms. Omnibus mouts aU trains. 27- WNHITBY HOUSU. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (vES? 0F POST cFFICE.) JOSEPE À. BANDEZ, PBCPBIBETOB. Titis bouse bas been mcntly but, ls charel yard; attentive estiers. 46 &LOBE HOTEL, 92OELuIN, ONT JAS.-POWELL - -'PBOPBIET011. FABE'ShMECHAIC'S HOTUL, BROUGIIAM, eNTARIO. S. B. WEBB, -- PROPPRIETOR. BesI Liquoro sud Cigaru elvyu on band., Mara80h, 17.1 BIl tei ombis frinds aid lb. publie zoith. canoteson . helrury boinoNs etC R&YI'S'OL» STAND. 0 Psrtiiq riqolnlng oaxinOscis.. ed *~sud - opotican b. aecoco asIAtantomout'a RICH. PIEdIDON. Wbltly, Sept. 21, 1875. 8 yOUNG'S HOTEL, i MONCK ROAD, DALTOO<, S ta ]ROBT. K. YOUNG, ÉPOPRIETOR. Reiabla inicrmatloun uaung tha coun- ' try, oMe., funabil 10 parules Zoulg' lJ ample accommodation for, =Hnxiilrs a citilai Tse bar sand lardonsupulm tiquama sud of xiduozs. tond I l b outy.Noxie buto g aud attinloamanakp.CoaioUn adprompt bo l iays on -' OBERTXYOUNG$ 1 * dr à pyab byi#obpets..,u 17 y ier, SI ç ,,vr to apteoat i o n muiaosuaInosecaga Pnt vle ispte Byle ?»hý Appail tyle-bs.,hib wb :Proliitor qy --.1 187,L RAK YLR. F SAL,SA D RY au Acr Tr eini10set It crPoic ot iD tdas.St, w bltby soe m i bing l i ioo'ulea u ail mIisoeatnc,uHbgseal a -nc oPul atnage 15fetPn Lm,0 il ueasone lcaning,*n sdîgfrteu ok molo 26 6 & Scentling, k oreVr 2-nci Iala Otis, 1878. Proprietoi 61t iD NIAS FOR TEE LADIES. iiW REVELATION IN THE iNCE 0F DRESS.MAING, ORNWALL'8 SELP-k ITTING STr & SHOULDER CHART. ses fittel irons misunement aloni il change ai a stîlcis. or same, vitit free instructions, aI S s MýCINTYRE'S 1 ESSEAKsuG sxieXS, WEIivY. id.Ws vantel. Libéral inducemonts t4 r, Aug. 18, 1874. 34 "OTOm PuCES FOR C AL AND WOOD!1 Dei A NI WAI Dre wic theta OIMbr AU Ir ing a1 ton, B r For qujz ardarst Wiib- Whitb' Broug Part p Canul', Beava Atiseni BE TY,W uixds cf Hard and Sait Coal, couis- lise celebratel Laokavsua, Sorsu. 'io HiM, Bloabnng sud other ceai. CHEAP FOR CASH t autitias ta Blackanitisexild others SPECIAL RATES 1 ,eztra e ln th,25 cunte per carl A. ALEXANDEB'S - Wisitby & Oshava, Coal sud vool deoas 'Augual 81s1, 1875. ti.86 NTY 0F ONTARJO, FOR TEYEAR 1876. as 2 4 12 4 2 2' 2611025 26 1 5 14 14127 21 1141 26271 1 6118112 128ju 18, 12728, 17'12 16121 17 80 ioi 119 - GEO. H. DARTNELL, - Junior Julgi. rDmo 1tti, 1875. 51 ATTY'S PAIILOR eofail a odsapf fs fts Se drsDAILP ET MA R MILLS. - .P. WHITE vii oilise141 Ocor, . 5, esume con- traollise Major Mihis, visonho vil ho prepanel ta psy TRE HIGHlEST PRICE for anu quantlty aofviseatdilverel et Whito ie.l'?Heeviii make svory effort te gire cnu ire satisaction te those vba may paînani e tise milvitis tiein gristlug Fieu sud Foeof tise lest quaily, sud at rosiitable prices, vihi aSho bc kepî con. stantiy on baud sud ion sala. T. P. WHITE. F0 t-BLALE-CHEAp 1 A IL4ulss nev Jxmerican ongan,à 1 at tise CIeîxcu office. Wisitbyý Fuis. SId, 1878. apply1 1 ~ R RA!AND SHEORTSIII1 NEW~SOREJUST OPENE!.. OPOIT A?'s HO7L. w GIVE CALL. 'WK JÏOHUSON. 0ij THE FARMERS t Plouglansd PbengliCastings, Srav. CuIt eraang Milu, Reapers sudmovr. - WU. >JOHNBTON. Whllby OcI. lBbi, 1875. - 1-4 m0 NY TO, BDI uttcne trimte Efos For ,en alTo wns iots tva Frs Ilonsms, nI4alangeBrick fcnae orb -G,,YOUNG SUMH ibly l l,1874. - - ' --c Q UENI'S HOTEL, F'M . .T Y!OR, PRO P1IETOR. l L TIRW.B!.MGAW. *~I 'm <owai.it MY ~m< daYvu, by prmptud rae er Laiis '; Caraul ItasDIlo uaiiasro lie To tho flow ru ahi rôv«s amang RE SOLTEsatisfaction lxi ail Who May vor me rdlb 'Tbougbts sopure as IâW'r realn'. T E Ibir Sales or CxUiii________ B is u b le d ul lN otes -f urnua. no, Fire inaurance Cè'y fCnd.ed Ùeof charge. ýj bsYeho.,'ePwa O cz.iSlr.lobToronto Officexpiniic letah tem ana rdêI or wme dain gioomo C A P1T AL, 8500,0,00. *.- Oflice, Port2ér. Within th. M=é-roont. W.AnaWLLOOX i0d aalytnarealea Npltdwih 0erý '67oooPrince Albre, sept.,2'41h, 1872.ý 89 -The waalid marnasof myHife, by' 'Il vil adust, aU louais wltboul delay, aud The slow delea,the blgb résolves, fi >ayve the cash AT ONCE. . Thstrnggiai fi lie v.ary ý&rîlo. n' BO LBX. M > ia.u, aI. r., ý -And Ilion I puanne&s ta - ur.=Weil JO H M U G AI 3 ÈPiad mxiL T . 1t- M OM IL L A N , m ytq mnt .Ana nmou o tým y llme Company. ROYAL ISURANCE COMPANY, u e wbom RISE E lOanvMUccai IIUSAXOM 04). Our judgl-iur boul sotes is a; in -* Apnil 201h, 1874. 17 :Our.iaa iniargol 10 lainer copýe, dlt :ÂI~ Th osibaleito us may bo CAIAL 40,OOO. The work with wbicb we a4lenCoxpe ESTABIS 1 E!> 831. -iGBO. T. HALL, - This olI aud vweilbl sb dCmayLNThc Stoen Diamionds. aeriarid t ocept « lbks u aClmanyisAi ND, COMMISSIONq, AND- prop itsrates asu _ those of axiy wonl Thse park behind xionOf lix palaces establiao C ipn l&Dada. '3JN'iîoLA.u E.NT, o! Girusany vas o!groat citent. Gur- sueforstee , ud or1za Mnsproperty in. Agent for tho Confedeation LU.f onpuese!vte, loe pane sue ire.tess.or ?- aspeoxaiy lov lion of Caniada. villi~vines, Ibick shrnbbeios, sud- L. F ANAS , Bocks posted, sud accomot made ont.- tracts o! woodlsnd vire thon x-ingiid ru (OffIMc@[Brook St. whit'by. Seecial attention given 10 tb. collection 112 uapp1ÈrentIy'wild disrder, Whiih ci Iotesf, Acconla, and Mortgagia. vas, in neality, tise. resmit o! careful ar- OfficeoavenRB. H. JaémieWiDundaa.st.. rangement sud -cexisiderafion., Tise NoBT RTS ECNIEWbitbY, Sept. 1,.1874.ý 88 visole vas surrounded b7 a icfty wail, N ~________________________ in whlc oh van hroe or four sali, FIE NSRACÉOO PAY,- doors. Alhiok foroat came couai p tle TIEISRNÉ O PN 1JOHITL. WATKIS, th.enlatidi ofiheval, sud*vainter. Safe, anid roiable, Chargesmoderatopropt ected by soversi moils. sottlomant of cdaims. _ ,omîAUCTIONEER, &o., &o. Aloon neDuofe!Ibosi esdroeian elegant travelling carniage, drawn byt GE . YULE, Agent. 11111,107 x> ixIVISIONCox , two .-extremily Swift sud pxiwirful r, Whitby. lune 2,187& 3An.éérlCmmsio gnt othorsea. A biardel man, of! Jewila s- Axl oerlComisonAon, Pâoto, innfed linsalinge coachmsxi' Q BE N Pry coat,eset upox tise bex. Tise ssulters ILcf tise vehiole vire drawn np, se tisail rINSURANCE OMPANY G.* conl net bo néon inte. Il atxipped s G YO NG SMITH, -îheeSageofîthe forest. The dooreopen-i. ANFIEÂDL 1E) cd, sud alittle man, ais looofsraelitiah. 1 ISSUER 0OF appearance, but very richly dresaod, th 0F LIVERPOOL 4k LONDON. gel out. He lofItishe deor open. CAPITAL, "Turu round, Abraham?2" uaid hoe, W 1,000,000, MARRIAGE LICE NSES i Jewiisjargon, lxi ch. driver. 1 ITise ceacismauebeyed, se tisaIlise IA AVSE:WHITBY, ONTABIo. herses' ;ieadg were li 1h. direction E MOLSONS BANK 0. A. ýAYNE8, ESQ., M.D. visence Iiscy came. Hosd Office for Cana.a 391 & 193 St. -* _____________ ie arnîage atool still,sutiolte James Street, Montreal. (I J SONmnTh kd eu Ieaundg itl FORBES*k.MUD qE, Chiot Agents. miuteler en ail aides, as if le make B. H. LAWDBR, Agent, Whltby. DEALERIR lN LUMBER, ueta o a en udCmeef Augat~ 87. very part. With equal attention ho _____________ Iy1875. W H I T B Y luapetultthse iarnesu and limba ef lthe TAGE BETWEEN R- as ou baud a splendid stock ofi fine clhar *g 8.ioShrpses. Araa, o S TAEBTENand vel seasoued Lumben. Ail.kinai fon m "Keepa hrpvlcsAras, o carpeuter sud building urpses. xityntnu." adMoes W H IT B Y & 8H A W A. Flooring sud Dressel umber slways os oiî earld ee, bad Gross's planing mlxi adjoiniug, on "Tise very minute I gel in, drive eff TWICE A ý~Ay i the pramises, where ardIs ane promptly aI full apeed. But noi aoonr-d'ye LvsOsaaaSa .su2, executil for bora, assies, blinIs, &o. ixear ?-neoaxiener." Loavea Wbitby aI 10, a. M., and 4,t. M Whitby, 201h Nov., 1875. 49-tf "1Why aboulai I seonor P" relorted FoPre 25 cent. each wav thse coacisman, aharply. in tieseanme Will cl.«tMilseiabU te a, su ad At pnivate -dialcot. résidences (visin oraons Lre lfet sauy of VALI~~S AN UES tise batela.) Connect, wt] Oshawa and *'N TUKS Net li I am qixite sae iunlise carni. Bowmauvllli stage *sîo Allitteiti sge-till yen Se, .11 yen liest, tisatII aud Pont PennyM . v,(1wihitByog-LAHE &I havi ahut thse door. Yeu muat bear il, ain Mau àtVrouis.LETHR ALSE -yen must vateis wilh your eusns,, for yen arn ~ T miaIWib.T)S. lIOPPER. muaItuxit tako yeur eyca off thse Wiitby, MercisStis, 1875.1j s.1ti ANDhote. -- "Dou't frigliteu youraself, feel 1', PARLOR ARATOGA-. TRUNKS, "And, Abraham, quit net tise box b BEAT YS OG.AN &o. atduriiig my absence ; and be sure sud EA.TT 'S P~g~~ 10. &O. 5]cave tise dean open, that I may jump Thsebest andMoat lastiug parîorrganunow WILLIAM THOMPSON'S, in at onc onO mynrelnrn." lu use. No alben panier orgaxi bas even at- Ts ocsa nvrlnt ltaIedthe saine p .plarity. Seula tsmp Sadfien anl Ramesa Malien, ThAde tbimng mowred. an thna fon circuiar sud ion terme to dealers. Agents "noetigmr.Da ba wauted evenywbere. Add es RC.TWIB. - ham, vil l th borsea bold eut six Ger- DANIL F BETT ahinton N.J. Jne 4,174.man miles, vithout resting 2 Arc you DANIL F BETTYwaaiugon, .J.uni 24,107. *281! sure lthe canotage vii l obreak downl" ASSUANCE - -- --- Begane, timidfGool, sud leavo carri- ITSTERNASU NC COMpAiy G BROTHRS, age sud1 herses te my cane 1" a ivThe littho man looed at hie vatcoli b SEAD OFFICE, TOilDETe. WHITBY, ONTARIO, Extlfi.TsjstetInte Once more, dean Abrahamx, keep a o CAPITAL Sr 1 OCK, - 400,ooo. Importons, Dealers sud Manunacturera cf au Sharp lock-out, I entreat yen." AGENT FOB SOUTE CNAixO, inds oi At a sot f aeaking m n, the tmid l Jev huriried to a deen in tise park vaîl, lis JTOSEPH HOLMAN, BBOONLIN, ON' LEA T/-IElAND èFINDINGS, close ID vhioh ti aildpassel. RHi n Alzo Agent fon thse CA.NADA FARMERS' glanced kecnly arounu hlm. Neone a MUTUL ISURACE 3ompNy, Cash pail for Hiles, li, and Leatiser. vas in siglst ;sud, pneluciug s key, lie te MUTALINSRACECOM'AY, Lestiser atnîtched. -bastiiy uulocked thse deor, OPepiug it bý HealOffceHauu.rx; ud nfBLTITG USETO RDE ONjixat ide enongis ID nllDv hon te slip >c Ilea OICOI:rU= ON;and 9ýe ELTNG A BTO RDE ONthnough. Iu au instant, ho vas su CITIZENS'- INSURÂNCE COMP'Y, S19ORT NOTICE. tise park, sud tise deor'alunI beisind Moutreal, Fire, Lite sud Quarante, May, 1872. 22 him. _________t Complîtely unseen as tise 3ev b.h Dearmetlievel himailf, there yet vas one atW CAPITAL, 0. . 2,000,000. T.IGHILY IMPORTANT TO TIE baud vise watcisfnl eyea issd !dllowed Brookin, Dc. 21872. 12m4 MUSICAL PROFESSION 1 aUl his mevemeuls. At lise exact meo-to linoliinDec 2,187. 1m49men t tsaI tise ocacimaxi turned hi Ata 1 -1 EE- Greant Succasa 1 The Hauf1 Guide carmge, and aI a short distance frcm ar for hePano.tise spot, a Mau emengod front thoe BEATTY'STED GOLDEN thioket. Ris appeerauce vas very TONGUE PARLOR ORGANS are htgbly TfuiH recommendcd by Prof. O. R. Runger, Re. heRnI Guide is thse eult of many atriking. Fan abovo tise nuue stature, SOI A. M.Jelly Bltimre, d; Pof. ohn erepéenceaanîutiy, sud is vannant, Iu peraxin ho vas oxtraerdinsry eparo. a B. Rowland, Roav. S. Damner, Washington, edt *e at leai, ir moni o ha ftedi- Large boues, bread sisouiders, n muacu- e', D. C.; G. S. Dysart, ]lloomfiield, Iowa; ouçtcrxfioisepra.cticoufthîe Piano . la>- ar,aud a bau*d 1k. a unch o! G. W. Robinsen, Prof. Jaiston, Pisilabil. It sul gie te bn a Pure Ai'q c- aboyainAicat is&a bis M. an Bega ta announce tisaI lih e bsmove o te TiseEstI Hali cthe West Hall cf L;t acrosa lie road, wisen lie perceIved'the mal Ring SI.. sloew Ione No. 1 lnthe Otb concession o! titi To*à. tIve- Jeva Satisfyiug buiaslf Mn EAST 0F THE OFIC, hpoaUxbr.ig., containiug50 airi, ta basty <lance, tisat ise va 0111 Useen, Dbo POST OFI Efféedelfirnimmédiate sale, li> e lnev lack vitliu cover xoifise; o p o i e L k ' a a i v o a v e e v i . T e r a l a , e r im e B r a ns d Lio g Ho u a i o n - t h i o k e l, . o n o e l d 1 b e bh i n t i ý a - i, k f nez"fn tc iaI u ellsainIh s loaqatlyo aubeare of foliago, hi vwatclied, vý'ils pro- jj0 facuoitue Fo Tonrmna dconditions cfd .ai. l î louni attentien$, eVory moveext o! ta" Straev oloîrilauandltersd lip ie iva ire loxi itatit for lim Wh shapie. FABEWULL & EUTLEDGE, 'le evirhear-thoir vomIs. Oshava, July SIli, 1875. 89 ,186. Bamiatens. Wisenoie o! tisent i aIontoed thé' Wht , eb in 176 park, tise lo4 gbrown»Mnxnimà0 soar ARLOIR ou ibrougis lthe vool, and again BEATTY'S G< NS1 B A T PA O! emergi from it.at,a pointvltere -,ho 4 Àn~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B A T fia-lm AN'E U-oold net le seen by tie oacixuan,buca TRR can ful notting 10 Ihisa aan. Grand Square exil Uprlgisî. *,wichOiyel vas fot r dstaufraintthe, M DÂN ie ETT, siting.onN 3 ¶ seul Aampfor Rmd*A=dubrefneioton S al>raôs. DANEe tiT Ibis g4ù Io. o« an&trlsdtee openiIt ine * DNIE ~.RUATVWaaingcxi N.~ vslooked., He tunnel baok, uIlrtig sonà v ;thPO AL.- ie vaiL; but sa tloisulessly, tsaIt the M V ~ ONEY ýTO LERD. uý;h rpesbar, close upon theo9then sid,; to i Tise sulscniber oflers ton sale lise fo. coul hsrlly have doeeted bis pro. . s I lgvaluaitle uropety in the ToWu of h lt. Tise =e nu M yh oxi iMn ~ sd Ii p i e uei sen# -Ait~ ~ ~~~~m exelntBYk otthvts ce 70Lan <u am or. OvuP 7, aI tres andti oSbulbes, grongwtsi c clail 5tnlidtiecrunofrinal xlmuaivpvortmo nowingç it rssithiioeaAb. .i 1.. cranofl n it VamI ar- rivera.ber Siverllmproved Furm ma.NI 'WILsnda for sale&os. - Innamunte maIe, lau Muncal Deisén- ltresB, Bansd otber.-m-keuttible sSb, For furdïÏr psrl4cunIar apply le JAMES HOLDES, Dusuoo, anti oovuso ith'thria 1017 firlnes, Ho vas about tlxia? ste Cm x. te tlie open space, vWhnulii ieanda, rustling near et baud. EHi sto el l, field' isabreats, anti Ixixketiaronuud isim; but h. vogs sîil l oxideep ln thé' bnshoa, andl could diacern netbing. Ho snv- onlyJeaves andl brancises, sud, tqwering abeve Iisem, theso Ibniell fir-treis,'vi ise hémaxxilng vind wvia. pering Ibrougs thoirbugla.. STh-is necxier vu' th ise 1111e 3e, vWho-walke4 uuessiy te sud fro beneats lise, fir.trees, oun a srrxiv feelpats viel led acrosa tie kuol. He mvi- dadety expectel seme oui. Fromt le- làind a tripre tenit ilsle fille watcbed.lxii mevements, sud listeuil $e bis soliloqny. "oPire minutes late," mutterol tise 3ev,: looking aI bis vatuÉï> "Ain I liseý maxit lxi ie pl vaiting 2. Rm la net lu ie relisd.upon. ButI<bavebim now, fast anti sure." H. ne guteti bis yuwlk, tison &gain alol shili." "A gol affain lii 1-good .'profil 1-a màatie man f But visere ean, hiole 2" He pansed, befone tbe veny trou bebind visics alol lise man lin lbe brewn jacket. "He la impuldent," ho coutiuued, "lligbt-soad- cd sud neokless. But arn I flot tise sanie 2 1 ams las if ho leccivos me. I have bim, tisougs-I bave bm." T',Màsey I'" ssiathi strong voice o! lise long bnevn man, close le bis can. At lisegssnme moment, la hiseavy issud vas clàppid roughly ou ,tisý e 3' sisonidor. Hi fi il letise <round a tisougs a tîtuberbolt bal aImak i m; lin falng, h.o cugista viiv e! tise strangen. Gegn-!" oriel ho, iu a berner. etckon voies, leaviug tise vend unfin- ishel. 10a6gpeak tise vend ight eut 1" salidtise ong mani, vits a calns, iueernn ami. Tise 11111e Jev's neoveny vas as sud- doena bis tonner. Hi vas already on bis legs, brusing tise luit i>-em bis- alotis. "lHew tise gentleman fngistened me t" ho salid, in a sert of! luisi os n.- "lSpesi lshenod Dut, Mosey-the wbole vxird 1" IlWhaI aboulti I spiak eut? Wiih word?2 Wiat dois-tise gentleman, s'unt " «'Mosey, apeai tise verd--Geigen.- fritz ?" "What la your ploasure ? WUMtl h or en, me " .' 011 drogue I 1 OdMesés Anisohol WViat ltis te yard te yonWPWisat is Geigenfrltz le you-your old fieuti ?" III knov ne Moses Amacisel. Yen are mistuken. And nov go your vays -de yenhear?" Ho aballicome quite beltl andlsaucy. Tise Inovu maxi lookel at hlm vils a muie o! acemuful :pity. "Mosey," ihe said "sisall I neokon up ise prisons and heuses cf correction lu visiclh I bave sien yen ? You havi grevn s greal man, il seenia. I have hearl o! yon. Yen are a nicis bauker ; ieblemp aseciato vitb yen, ana pinces are your leblers. -Yen are s baron, I ielIon., anti yen lin. un lnxury; but 'ou are net tise leass Voses &macisel, my ouI cônirale. I knev yen direotly, and yeur rascal o! a bretiser, toi, vise is uside vils thei carnage." Tise Jev's confidence lait hlm as ho atened le tisis speech:ý He maIe cune more effort le assume a bell cnien. unce, but bis velce Inemblel as ho mut- LrdIlYen are miakeu. I bave business hosen; leane nie, or i vill bave 'on annestel." Geigon!nitz iaugbed. "lYen bave business hero, I leubt net. lut anneet meî1 Your business viii- hardly bear syliglit, sud MY anTest woulti interfère vilS il." -Tise trots o! tise. vrIe producel a Wrrille offeot on lise Uttle Jov . R tood ion a moment iselpleasly gazng %round him ; tison he leakeol sisarply ast iie lutenleouttor, wvisut hebis t baud1 hmbled inietsbreast a Ibugli seeklng imetîisig. But le dnev ilforntspy titilet ilfali, by bis aide, výbilst btyi )ea aought tise <round. VWoIl Giigonfit," ho sali, ln a lxiv ane, "blave Me fer savisile. Go sud 'ait by lise carriagi vils my brother,- hil on eback, and vo viii speak "lNet seoi ldaluner. Yon ssia yon iLa business boei. Von sud -I havea lue Inainese legellior mono tisan once.'" "Tsis tian thoaisl noîhing for yena 0 do." "*Ttislanaor y Ou ledecide.", ":Dxn't apoul traie, Geigenfritz." "Wiat tmade is 112?" "lYen shall kuov by-anl.by." aaîmm n i tel , I ip ct." q ":Impossible.' c 1s lihane but le romain, bore." I MosesAmahl mvnntaxes dlmppeanel oxigal tise bush,. ' - Ps [ose. Amuobîl liaI liaI batela' lime va b. ~eoonsn brefitia anti eontvosnne, visexi £'Oclitoandig hie -alalrm, pak el.",tsi&sigs the Igét Wth Pi tle iaI t xsuai"o lai.rnedl.is "Doi yeitae e mofor 'a chila P2" saked Gigenfnitz.. IWe, perbpu a couple xof toüusau." "VonÏthr figisten me t1' crie th ie 3ev. :No malter-h-infes 11" cria. Geigen' fritz. ;"But I MuatI sellit i raI; YOnsisal bave your hae of lie pnce." 110tlise pnico ? >Yen do't laki 'me lu. -W. vil l ivide et'once." "Hov se1,tisaI possible 2" sakel lb. "Yareasy. I bi'eak tisecrovu mbt ivo haines; yont take eue, I tisoCiller. Give ilis erea 1Mose Anscisel shoek vilstoneror aud- Clulcisel Ose .glittening.amuanient couclua[Vily vils botshanl . Il vas lu vain ; lise mon hbaudoe! Geigenfrilz detacliet bis fingers, one afin tise etiser, like Ibose ofaàchilI. Wltis lie lest romains o! bisexisaustol sîninglis, tie ev atil clng tl is .Inasun, vhicb, lu naneliser sîoil, vdould hlaie bein vned fron i u, *visîn, sulden- ly,-a breal kuife, Ibmual ovin Ibmeaisoul- der xii Geignfitz, infliteta swift,4 -8 cul, acrs, lie isscko! th.,band il visih ho gra ped tie tîlld en. nvol. xntsnly Gigenfrits reIaxel hI ihiold bth o! ev suda jeel. 1mossAmschel sud the coaclinn,. Abraham, vise, ianlg seen. freuAiisi b e, is lro h er's - p il ithad. th n s -e -. petneuly core 10 bi ai, raxi away4 Ia g s n . T e -on u i n dum p e t io t ie Cago, ise 0oler ixmtse.,rein,; sud lbydbroe off aIa gallep. IsePrince ba tlexi tise dilen framn bis ovu vif., ilu sucisà a aner as- ID casl ssepicien upoxi oIhors, anti tise Jev sold it tle-fumuisis suppliesl for. Ose extravaganof.o! Iis duselule hein te the corev; but il vas noverel by l- formatien Ibrougis Geigeufritz, vise vas funbeus at being ba£ed just vison ho expectel lo e e Iumpisaul aud riais tismaugis stolon pfoperty. '-5 1 On lise baukae! tise Saco, net -for numben; vs fren wliore noiv stands lise -piesant tysburg; w village*xi! Fryeburg, Lake Eastman prison ; feu - bult hie cabin niauy yeamago. Neigs. sud- bal 10 boums tisere vere but fev ; sud e!teu shark ; vas for aiys tgetisr eo aav nôon ee ef bis igit ans hi ovn - race, éxcept the membens of, bis final NevwVa- cvii fâmilyýTise great vlldernesovas vltb a nope s almoat uubrokeu. anti untroti, excepî ly mrisele sans tise feoo th ie savages vise claimel theso outbreal liseo vildi as tiser.evuw, sud ceuse-- cnitabet by a queutly vomi jealous o! thb. encoesois. iamhquake ii of lise vhiles. -o ut food er' i Eastman aleèno bis lest<to kcmp anti vl ion cxi goal toeraris htiseni,but Ibis 'hoePine mines n isal icuol -il impossible te do et ail 81111lieotieeeî limes. Tisey leokîl upen binsvlîh Ceep dis ma s u a d suspi ign o ! is b est i -lu. ýn » l tentions ; sud, h . m ev n t o y soo e t, a i ly iis cabin mighi e iumel boire Idasandaone bol isou, sud is wvue îsuaialen butais, spirite are pli erei ol cllblool o guard againt liquMbil bll. Ibis hi alaisilug laceprearile enpti5d, sud vsics tse vceula fiéone s o inalap- toratiel ip proaci of adanger.','-leiui C lo s e b e in î is c a b l u t io n vu a I - i . A d a Iigi, rcky kual ; andl t tie-foot o! a"ar~idea tit ieb atdicoeneneti&a erall cavnmuoum eudt lie Th. entrnea teit vas illon bysalieý, patient.ý MM O I >o ! vi nes a tia lh ises, seo st a I il perf ioly ,qu te s'a enly by chanco'ist lie bal feunî -paer,. vii il. Re bl aken painste train lise Pro. Svin<-pl vines lu suchS.a mauner tisI Osey 5erW m'ox lu CSie sa Ose purpe s ill botter ; sud 'hilife Oins:- , s'as sûtisfiel that nous but tiéSe harp- meity frôns et eye couladhigSver il. - senseeili O n e d ay lu îa rly s u mm er, as lie v a s isg iser il alu st vomkinlutOe edge of tieforat, soeteoies xivxipli 1111e -dislancikforn lise celi, -h.osWinthe luepinetis surpise bý he ppelimâe!ofan lIt. vonthy xo bei a wh ho& aproohel Mxin Wli notunea 10h17y tisa I se vas ,, vithin sà e fi e l -bring .no pe uti ofs!i b lonhoe vas avare o! ber- lîit hal vi nsece.-Hoelsdsen. em. ierailionep -mms before, sud 0 oedalsaned hemraîiat o Dravn into. tise mapidi -sbove Othe, ealh G ra tie F e Ue, v ic li lay s em e d isl n ce own Oe ier, s. voul-have bien A Nenxix 1 ïa n n ed o v e>- lu h e m c a u oè e , a n1u d en à u ill l o ! l b.h e M o r s i lb . a g r y w a t e r s b e l e , > i a I i l . ,: n u l B o a r d , a n i e s i -ee mn -for tise t nen g lh wis - h i' p u t v as. rebd , il irts le save ber. Spninggnle lise tIen 19,000 do Water aI Ibthe isk -ofibis o vaiM , Se ed formthe abs ba I b ro u i li e r sa f ml y le s bo re . S in c e ù a o I o n Ib m d i laIt " 0mo lie bha l sOein lien',once Ir, o mofsnO d iug icè;exi a@nio=Ugi Oe aubject a lsd ts urge. t iwee 1 an nseton4 ehvnth sm-h ioiot '£ e minutes pssea i SIM on, sudd n1 e a n i y a n b u m a la s u d u nh e t h " bal tLaen upntiseir station ter-e. ' Thon lise -8etlen sav a Sbadovy figun re.p iàg ltovards tise osîlu. Another andi anoîbter !ol, utu ile d connIal five.. Thse suspense of their .omlng- vas enlel allait. Hieisearl tises try theo bon, aud seen alter ouie!f thein demandaI ad- Mittanoe. O! course thene- vas-no asaer frens vitisin, andtheisn tise de- maul vas angrily nepeated. .1moment afler,_ aud vilS s cry o! baffiel rage, ley h6 ltnelnselvs againatthles. o. Il vasu a strong one, and beiug veli faetenel, the ise»-not Afonce il. dlii Eama uÉd noLlnt tisaI liey voul succeel at lenglis, andi then th ise 1 tbîy bal vould lie attsa mercy o! tisa flnlnging hisfe ihi e bissouidin, lie singled ontolnee o! tisegavages aud final. Hlis ait vas good, andth ie -redukin droppeiliêa.Hitily Se reboalol blis piece, sod lookel forth againi. Ons sanag ouly wvas iile, andth ie next moment a bullet 1 vas, speeling avsy, lostinel lee Iay hlm. besideiùbs coin- rpaniou. 1.Again lise iorostbnioadel sud vaitel. But tise savages lialsougist siselter bie- bixl-Itbe cabin, sud-Ils minutes passe by. givlnghIm noalmpse xi!thons. The ludions ha4 countel upan a sur- pnse nIaesyilry,bbuad fouud Oeniielves mstaen.It w"s -ry an heur lefoneanolser ibovediseu.f, sudan tisI as uouiy te<lide avay li the riiection o! ef Ibes. Re vas ioflov. id by- anoliser unI nollir, unlil at l Luke Sav tisonsa ileparL. WiIis lie asaIlutis eter aeforth fronsthi liseln ing.plaoe, ttaulful for hi Tauniton, Meu, visu ba a ckenîl. career. -Re vsice ýsiipvreckeî; vas Bi la-maîlmosaaccident; a vay vilS limes vitsent as ahal li Ose neol at Gel- -as a pnrexier lu Libby .onerbeard irons a vhaler m linigèes iite&off by -a 3drattel Ivie; bal bis ,olcen-lu tvaplaces un 1the irk ' iet -,te a brrl arounIdelusnickfrom sunn- tia an .Alabama lowa at & o! lise réelolion ;vas failing buing turing an fmrik nmarly fifty benne; ping boerne rons lhe Witle 2anrovly oscapel lyinobing. u'I tconiplain.- àysiclans treat hy4rupxbia ,original mauner; - Twxi 11lhbal! milel vilS vine or ucel upoxi a fiie unlil thm Tise onutents ana tson 1Ite raoIte wxulisof thse mon living ir bas been t, Ila von Lar, as1 Id nos be weU for nria o bus losst s urtive glinee-abcs ihuh vatelbng isnixomexls 55 - )YELS o publieo cssl AulI, 1 O-F T]Ïý DIVISION COURTS

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