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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Mar 1876, p. 2

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or mierspresom of tie Or"Nf quettion. île *pei- ýmparaixce -min of lté lAtti le. T. H.l oa- btHLY ~buse PER ANtiUm. WfhitI. TDiduay, Mrch 9, 1871 ZtitîcBtille. Ahelle atesa le Isprintesd at Ti OireONIoLsiOcfice. ln a mUpoorr ulyl ad à fren noticee 61yen oftse aie, Prinlou1 cissp sud lu ite boatitul et te ÇLII0NWOLE Office. Aitassorlmez of iitable outa.s (lentts wlitplose notlce. ltaI 1he. HOsI 90Lislluoient te proe ou alWrubîlescf Iýft0rrîoon. Oormunicatlouu . sulî tliioreeroai hie alas etttaer lis Tlusdy Iai-dot ta lnuer. îbtieatio thi ai ané weck. Probasble tîme of Prorogaton. Il lu atd ltat the prorogation iii tako place before Baster. >'Bath liouse have iitleai 4pwci l workc, now tip Lent ba at bmoqneu gn titere will i D, o re balli and but, fow entertaît Extn0lon Whitby & Port Porry Rail wey. Theii% rsiwy people ar,,aioslg nD Min»e In lakiug neasuires for socurinl the rlelandar cf lthe bonussfor th, extushn ai lnhmuy.Mr. Hnauns ME .Draper heu an informâltmeseting at' Port Perry on Mcudey lest, aI wbtei th le Idlnig mon prcscaiî sgreod toe Rig & toquluitieu tote tres.lavcahoi a pubu la meeting for the . purposo of disenîsin, lte Atount o!flious ta bc gircu, Per Perry, tlens far, ha. airesdy roieapoîl l grcelt & sLvetages of soy ôcher local. lty by lhi econstruction of tihe ron~d frets Willby ta liait point. 1Wth lhe con. etructlen cf lIhs branoli -.tLindsaty, il wouid beccine a vers' iportant towc uipen a Trenu i lne, having' counectien csiéoot wett,.and nortltý-as wels seuIt -wiit h ieMitIand, te Yietoandi-ei sudtheli Pacifia, iuslead ci Poiug as at prusoul ltie terminus of a few miles a: resd. Port Ferry wouhd oceipy a Btuvilai- poitiion la Lindsay on tliclino le, lhe Ottawa river, tirongh whielu thi lnuieiisertraile frain lie -nerlt wcid pags, andi coutil nor fait ta grcw ilo vali iMpcu1Iende is au iniandti 1wn Liniiioqy lîa.g alroady givon '#99,000, le rcod nnaibêru, tlthwnsle canstrue. - iait cf tIheVictoria snd tlid Whitby Port Perry Exlensîo. Port l'ory liai only «ivou *8,000 b liceXhilby rosau- botng tm&ire o! li.o ach bonus, as tIeieddby lethé t los T'P, town cf Wbuîby lias giveil 11,000l-for the sanie ptivpose1t ui hanltdorivetl eue' te1 t oallf 1lI t aint of boneit fi-ara the rondl, Nlîlier Wliilitiaur Liuditay w iili b, aoy maile. dvautagedby lthe cotilu-uis Iilinotitan wilh ont, friands i ÏfPort Ferry. Tiîim tîey mut Ile readiiy abL01 ta percoivé orntiievs and we trust 4 Witt wigi wlltisîn la doter. iahiiugth lm nîctlof thoir coutril)iîii'. Corr'uption In i 1gb imîceq nt Wassîî- in Preltîcut Granl's Cabinet, lu unionr iîupaciîmoatt before tiie United Blutes Snate fori dugraefuitcorruption. lH. 1 amkneodgesî having uneitlàIifi. position lunItieGonvernmut Id sell contracts. ioreeaftsare of daliste mugi nag. ing chai-acier, A Mr. MaraIs, cf New Y'ork, pati the Ilenretaî'y's wif, $10,.000 ln caei, sud uontinnedtlaps&y, eti;nng asi lie retaluedt he ceimraolfur certain poil IratIeralilpe îîsFart SllI, 16,000a year. - Tii.arrangeuiett wus amade witli 13ekinq'ot ife. Othimfraua sand coi-i-pI acte ars aslotsiflod ta. On f biog Asuamgnnct bofore lime 'ccmnit;e TPpa UE .s.pIÂuu oTEaL,- Taronte.1 bi-'. Jates FcwÈIll, of ti qGjoloHll, Bi-ekllu, lias taken hue heetisame1 ne'wm'y littiedp bhel, cerner -0f Ring snà Yo~rk st-ees, w hore iwli b. ha~l]~.eelea VImi fi-cm bis aid am lé<s1uai aIy andthe parlers an&d sli , nýômm ls nu uavery au.- P¶~t ~uer 'Te charges'wlli'bs whu, 1mev Mr. Powell useul ne asmur., aueq f;qpu ult svrylmlg l-bis pdweî Wilkbe doue for te seoMineda. ýs, Wltclî basi. -ceutiy boeuen feriad by @eqmfitaiesue uo.ev uîdyeiveuiu Iaut.yfz 7«a edoded suceou, ltse tutli itg ft bocethe lr ip theOnio u me r&w' Mittwa w~êhewAucodi toýttw*dee *#e lem y -l ilv ee, o1 ll, "bhmulf. Thé tact eof tbo#e Iadi "who, 11inlefonnuof etlir 'faùz1 "were wifling to unite themuelves fterandudsk the, oncil tleu wl tc cortail thé monisteocf te: peacaud cla,ýggdowa te j Ocuncil suàtilad pr.emnhgtb s petftlen In perpon 1,u s made thslb: ' cfau attk wblh hinu aucurrilicuu us~u, ungenercus And ungeul mal.Hors à the way ho pâts ",4Thes ose.of temperseo àuàa gc and "sdà noble oe, sud thos'whe,< = vocale liraI cause' are digervlng' "respect frote thae ommunlty. Go howsver, as il ýIs, ftwil *scareoly- one "usImproprleties of publiécoendu un FPnibes ndslioaoy, or boia -forwa, "ne.. in womatn, nover yet lie]46d sa "cause eftecually." ' "*MWItlhe editor cf lt Chronioleî "plain yul at smeanî by th. lait pi l 'graph cf,4hse beve quotallon." nIAnd so hé goesue n, in a sring rhodomoiilade, fulo4 abuse and lu t vilout cf bad gremittar-wisunei ,n- garblod extracte frem the CaoiiNci î- sud allaoking oursolves for what w fy nover Raid or intentlod ta be. uaid id tos.coiiin. And thimei alieda ani voatiîg lthé greal Temperance Oausi 9-U Why hld net he oditor o! thé "C zelIe" 4h.hcueuty le givelthettoi whal appeiroâ ini thé 0Caotczx, tat liiiroaderu migbt have been Ai il ho Judge fairly cf the. tenor cf ourr es marks ? Hors in whist we diii Bay : stIl "The danse of fempogance la a goý *and a noble one, ana Ihose wbo adi Gate thiat cause are doserving o! ovei lipcefomte cammunty. Goc however, as il lu, il wilI soarceey exeni improprleties ef publiecoauduct. F maie ludelleacy, or boid -forwandness ivoman, nover yel iieiped aoy cau 10 effeliraiy. 'I14her own influence l g9u ~o îugehold dutica, ini inoutcatir ea fhmoral <and social virtues, in saccu Id go ififtafthe feachinga ct f lie chutrc. the achool, 'and the caf echient are n, no wceiorne las a rnuch widi spere of uefuineas, and greaft nmeans o! proetilil lfeperance f ha in public încetingsan<d l'odges icoe gia aien~ addrews each atheri ibofe and "ueiafer," unhallcwed1 'the aacî'ed chai-actera of honme reli O fion. and kindred trffecitoîua." * Why did the "Gazette" suppreus. l n portion cf the. paragraphi pintedi 1* Italies ? IHad lic giron il, as il AI. It peared iu lusse,coluntus il wouhd liai o bold for lîssîf, aud wo Shouid not cou 2 plain of inyï renarks liechocs. ta ià Idnlge in. Bn~t liat would have bee acting foc e lirly le suit the. Gazette Èurýose. Unîrnîlîful assertion and bii f1er vituperation are fll.eaepons i a-whielî nnprineipled temperanot 'liai 0lors, like the edilor cf the "Gazette, acouatoîi tlîemselves. Il In in th Ibauds ef sncb flnworthy asdvocatos disi thle omise of temperanco aunferu. Au mest on long as we have associationsc womn crusade, willilng to b. leti b inuserupulens hypocrites, wil i te eaus cf tempérance. b. rgarde.i with disfavo -if net brouglît imb' disrepueo. Th CuatNicLîr 'i. not oppased la 1smper eues ; it but oxposes felseliood and hy poerisyaed the insanneis Andi iuwortbi ues wiîiclî fini! sielter beneatli til inask. Te east oven dies shadow ofi refiectlon upi lfile ladinsoîvlia camneý,îl, ititereet thoîîîselves in flie muvemen -woid b. coutrary lu every seutituon cf aur being. Wo kuaw v uni ail gooc wionct are advocates of toinperancc WViat tve ila ot cuncede le thaI, ib order ta b. a good lemperane ivoman ilit iîq lnpitery to bti a rrlI;ssîdr-l bW innr.slilcîi anid led by ùm. Yonmru: andl My. Charley Taiylor, nutueuthr like, tizîcungli Illei, strijujî of tihetowîî'--ituid n thîeir lidding lu înob fticcotiîcil ii ilîcil caanier. WXVa oy tlisio ifooliglî and unwisc, eud' n coure. froin wliielî file doliiccy cf lthe aclf-reilpeaîing woîîîan oblinka. XV say thaIt tere are Othic andi bttpr uiodeài by wliiclî temiperance pîiuîcipies eau bu icuuotno by Cutuuidiau ivvs andI ioltlîers-pensuasion, instruc- tion, anti good hinaemoaiaple. LI,.t tiiese takelthe lraulle-forit il ues invaiî'c even e large mnajcriby cf lthepeople wculd b. Iannd loseay, 11Do. away with tihe liquor traflic-allogellier." 'Lot Ibis bu tesled-and we believe the country ripe for testlng lt-anti if e majanity lie faunti ta declars in lie: 'affirmative, letý- us have e general prolîibitory law. lUnîilit laoune, w. do not Imlieve tuat limliug lte traffic, lîigb license, and cther repressive moulures, lin aitl commeînilies, wili ever have 1h. illgt.st benefical effeel.. Tien. îuay beparlial repressicu un smre ucallercd ocealieso, but ne real reforra. Speaking frei «ansu indIvidual point oîf viow w. believe l"aIabstinence aud moulraticn ar. boit preoi'ed by moral suagian, iigi moetives, aud soued instruollon s tu the. hurtfel conséquences, imnucrality sud irrelile»wlich are sueo hoproeeed fremovor.ladulgeucs. W. bolieve lie to b. more sfficgseious lu unbdniug. ho passions tliiuall lie resîriclvo 'law. tii.0*ecld b el<04snad. But cf all -lb. 4lîs-'o te .proad cf teumperanoe tbst of lite enprirelplsd temperauce #iower, who 'oÏtentatioesly>boi-ates hi. neigli. b6 an soeussks b carry hi.,point by ,4oei ablslyt u, aJ isore"proseulation le lie woîst. 'H. makes hiraseil!e aulsabqeSsncl e cemmen disuerbpr iu ite cominunty-astirrr p cfanlîpa. Ihle-apiuse ofe! ccompiisbing an y r1odoeysucceedsinlusellieg, pce- pie by tho @ari. lu that calegory 'we pabe t4-eodler of the "Gazette" wibh Liqi lipqerisy audinnesclies m eP l lt liur8Bed."By lUE ïë, 4 Ei4orio 4 qojil, pa $8 4su, 1 U' tIe t: ad. of ex- Lrd. bfly ex- of iiig id lat la. of 80 b10 ye- )Gd e'd la lie bar, ho commeuee lire of bit profssion at Oarviý he shartly afterwerds rnariiee4 ton cf Col. Cimltuiî, cf liat reternedt leWitl>y-ln 1857,4 .4 inIe partnorsbip wlithU Bahingu, purgusd husprofessicl witli gruut sedees., up 10 lhe t lie&B was braken by tie sBad wbicbee& d iut te ho soi of his in ', l 868, ciuud. and peignant grief, aud net lo qustliy bis friendi bogan 1fox Ikrul aberrations whlch aflewm oti Ilis bghgIftd md wsbraet letowueofPort a , bêlng l in Idaorly.tiird lisp time ef bis desth. À ro eýhlscidenee ini 1he deatli o!lhiii ivife, wasliaItbey bot diol nigbl of 1he uDuh of a!Fbrua Wilson waî à t-ne frind-a g in the boat seo cf 1he word- queul pleudci, and with te prospecta beforo ble,,lied Le strieken doivu in lie pride co teileet, wes dcslined te nuse tei erninonce ini iis profession..1 tal caror nie vien t te. lie hle dealt mn 'Jeep m1g .subse- altice lie .*Wilson Iope,ý lu year aI moxikabie iself anti on lie ry. Mn. iîlman -au 010- billia'nt iIbeen ,te-finit vol- ery Mit. T. P. FEMautseN RILLE D. -Mn. T. id, P. Freeman, lonmgut resideul o! Ibis "' town, anti for saune lime pas-l iving iu FOI lu Dundas, vas kilied ti attlace test se veek, uier theo fouloiîîvim ( unhoniol> ai cirountamces.. He ivas ouIls va>' ce hiome witi liemmuners o! i faimil>' iYO f-mpiaying oh a Par'ty nallie howu h~ ail, ani, lbe nigtî eing i fik, vas toi vahlng i ic e mile o! ths street. trH. v1 ai maoci dowu aund rut. o;er b>' an a waggon, lie linti vieel (4! ic ,-e passeti over lhi@ cieut, qausing instant asi tealli. A eononer's inquet vas hle by/ unira verdict o! accidentli salt t-o- c-. turueti-no biano being stt4cbed 10 hthe tdriver. Mn. Freoman v4a videl>' t e kuown as lia fallier anti leader cf tie lu3 taienlei"'ooeman Ftuily." He wam 1«a genlal, viuole-souleil, gond felow, re viose esud ui lilibe regrottil b>'bie n'mua>' aId frietius aud the peoople vim o'i TaE OIL Stuzuiiu.-ExýLA Â'ruaa.- t. Theno have isoon circnhetiug reports len about tIle Messrs. RataI s-mnggling tw- colol il fan saun atiys. Theef ets are, li s.vo at-e'- creulibî>' inforin il, liat à'3 -'Iîmy-Halci & Biolue-bouglit lie il cil, delinereti fi-a. atmboard ie cars 11 Toronto; ail chiarge peu ta thit point. O! Tbo landing vaiter lI Toi-onto gave 'Y Permission te bave thc can u uoaded, Be vhichî vas doue, oui elle car sent ou. un Iî apponni the iaw roquines ail bai--e e ta b.llebran Jdil, iicît as net done. r- The Iniand RIevenue Ins;peo:a' dut>' 18 iseh seitua al bai-iahisînhtoseifrantisi, a snd findiug theisatnu e h tIi ual seireti th lioil. It is o! cour-se o maltai- for thoso a consigufugle alle i . heMessrs 'alci Y anti the affcet-s cf tIse Gareri anl ta le setle. Il f. umt likely-in foot it wculîi le be impossible foi' lime Meseare. I aIdi enb gel n caond fotit alb>'Grand Tunck ilaliuy 3miîgglei. It ciii>'re il uhus a tmoment'. tefiection ta se, Iow ro-und- Ilssu lane been lte nepanlt impli aling an 5huse cf toiiint iihgrily. Mumy wo oi e ate'lte iehi lii-oeut beeax f4~lier la tlle' lioglt" [86e adveitiseunoýut.j untie IIetisec titi nouticeu litIr1"Assuor e Uutriiigt~ouIutie îroîiulig boforO ltepecof llrouiklii, an tbo14ýli andt - 111h mcl.,elite elobrateti Boug 0oer-t Cantin-oof lue Ilaymuakonsa"; The cnet le lui ha entirel>' matie nia o!;ihone tlent, fi-an thie Meliodist cliqueo! DlBncakilu anti Kinsale, unidlte P:etsbY. lcriati'choir, o! Bnataklin-ahhutr thtie directio fcf.!.Ilarringlroti. TIei. a alrumenlal depaa-ticnt je la ho pru$ideti t aven by NMises8. S. Hai-ingion. TPhere ls o gi-exttIront in staoefor aur litqakuin FiuuNI'îRoa.-Muesei-e. J. IL. Sano & ti Ce., vo are ploased ho fi, i- oe againil ulli sînengîlu in lineinesu. andi are pccîunrad to accammoiate cuslolnoru viti funnilure cf ail kituis o! su erjot- unake anti finish. Tueur vareoo are a- ii elime Allient Hall buildings (naxt doon 0 to thie olti place,) 189 Tango St., Tue>'n bave just nov ou hai same fene>t fine sot-cens, Ottomans oud chirs o! exc erd- iaghY nice fane>' patter-ns, anti ' hef r C peaos yl indti lie as liea-tcore, ti counteaus anti alliging, ouid duGi-tinur F 0! n cati. Carpets maile anti put tlwvu tm ele beel style. [Sec odvIrtN C ACCIaDEx NT 011WTUE 'umv DY& IÊ0IT N FaoRRnatiLw4.-Ou Fu'iday SasI,ilite X lassenger mail Itrai going Sontht, v'es D tIirewti-ff lime Iracî b>' lte breaking O! B elite sunal fi-ont vieoi ana the englue. 1, Mr. Devis, ltae station agonI t ' T4J Peri.>, anti ello brutesman, Utr. Wiýitt, L woreooviwat Injuret, as uneaise m:o Mrlt. Aaron lioso, visa vas a passuinget'. The train wvsucarapuseti e!sevan jare -foun loastdictiihi ood, oeofe! IN bei-k, endi tva of grain, besides tlb.th passengen car anti bcggaga van, 'Pecc Wright sud Bi-cokslbave openai lin d- pm ieas in Broci-st.,, noxidoor ho 'Mesu s. lu Gros. & Maoncnihlan'soi lte abore lino. 'Ph2le ' i eep9i i.4ip'tle beil anti cicsosI l' aede1 s14 ,plan ts,: a i nu4 I l give theur persenal attention t lbR ceibomens, 0ateistosaiuta. We welcamothie pditicu pf thlieu. Pi* to *6ttowu. - bc deucender catit ltaI 1fr. Cechrn-'s" lois ameunl-ed thô #88, tust lte@ewtmer -o1 lhe dog cccli no e ho uud, aniim eoin mending ý"t OM$5 le awarded Mr. Ooclira ciuomrpensation tôt bis Yosa, and fiiteianigesting lthslime chueal 'ubeelal baie seute meauî te prevent the runiu autlargeof scgrea a nuber o! doge. Report adepteil. MeTION. Mercid by Mr. Blow, secoudeti bj Mn. Forguson, liaI lie comunication o! the towu solicitor b. refeirmd a écun. uittee on finances iïaso>ssaenat. RiEPOeR0Oei MMTTPE nON PRINTai. Mr. Robson brauglul ina the report of te coununlîes on prning, necommeati- tn îlthl.e maunt cf $10 b, allowed, asA.Campbsell for printing electiau bellots. Report sadpled. PIRE A14D WATEKL Mr. Harpon brouglml ln lie reort cf lie comunlîle eon lre and vater, ne. eammendiu2g that four weolslis bedng iu i te tawn nt tis follovinag places, vin;- one on Rieiuneud Street, neer the rosi- dence cf Castl. Fax; ao n lb.hecoi-noi- e! Keoiti andI Brook streces; oue ounlte corner of Dundas sud Kenat streets, sud one an Dundas Street near thse rossiug cf Hopkins aide lino, andt liaI$500 but p tethle enedit -cf liaI eounuillee fo'hopurpese. The connei vent mb ounmittee cf tie whcle tieen, Mn. Fenguson ini lhe chsir. Mr. King anovoullain aondunenl ho lte finit clause e!flteetreport liaI the one on lie coi-uer cf Richmnd steest anad the eue at Hopkins side linolis sînuck off. Tii. aundment ivas losI. Mn. King and Mr. Long alone valiug yen. Tih. volevleuwthl aion on lie fnla clauaeofo!thle report, wbio!u wos caried, Messrs. Long auJ RKing alone vcting nay. Mn. Blow unovot in aainenilment ho ltas second clause lImaI the cominitleu hie insîrnceetitéa averlise for tenders fon the.diggimg o! voila andi repcrt la lime cauncil at theineil meeting ; liiet tie clause pieciug $500 la lie ci-eut cf th. fit-o ouni aton commuittee lie utnck out. -Caried. Reort adapteil as araeuded. TAX ON D0GO. Mn. Ring giîve notice hast, aI -tli- next meting of lb. caunil, ho vcnid inîroduce a by-law for lt.heeal o! by. lsw No. 129 andti bprovide fanthue botter eusesjng cf aivueru cf dogs. INSURANCE 0F DRILL SHtED. Mn. Harper anoveil, socouded biy Mr-. Flerguscai, that the Mauyor, Reeve and Treasurer biu instructeila h ave Ithe drill Shîed insureul lu etier te l ]Iyal, Impérial, on Soute sîmolu eli oslabliebeui corapaîmy, as tieymoyay think fi.- Caried. Coutimilitliiluadjont-enetat0lo 'clcck. Agriculture uni Arts Association. 'Pite nunni raeting o!fltae Agricutil. Inral sud Arts Aisocielion, vs aBhldah Ottawaaon Wadncsiîy. Mn. C. A. Marganvas eiecîeui -Frosicnt, Mn. SiiipicT, vice-Pnesiieaî, anti Mr. Gi- ian, r-eeni-ci-. A balance cf 08,210 vots siott h.credîl a!flihe Associa- lion. A comnalrîe vs s uuiuîtm îto woil on lthe Minisler ai Agriculture in c'nicr la obtain aid for lia Duuiayînene' anti Fruit Gravai-e' Association oh the Ceutenuial lExiuilion. MOti'.SucILE ouuaiuus lnTop umt.- Eariy Mtuioy aocailug lie uity gos store of Meesi-s. Moo-uiomsnt & Gardoni, 68 Ring Streot vagI, vas cuhem-ed b>' luugiene, wmia dol. abouttwlicat>' planes a! butoi siik, ralie aI $6',000f. A coumple of men vcrc cocu cani'ying the sili aloog Temtperonce sîreloani place itundth e uastops o!flime Teanper- alice hrali hy two fintiluan, iio isolieving sounliîing tae inu'ong, jifornothe plceo, vio gai-e cliase ; but tIse hung. laie mode thi i' apo. TIi. siik wtt, laken te he police station andi indouli- fieti b>' Mr. Mooniause. MinI. G. T. Hall, Lanti anti Commuission Algent, advriseg tiésirable résidences and vainube praiicrtieî for sole, on easy oerie o! paymeul, in allier calumîs. G.%Nc» Souutii-Atontioil ii irtuîc 'o thceutnu&unucouaunt, in aidoaithe tigan fun c! lie Pi-esltytrnio Cimuroim, t'ob liel eat Gi-eunwood, au inseula'. Tit: CtAueaancc's Duvootc-:CAîSEa aS expectei la bbu oghli eferethe $en- îl o'diuy. St-auna BT-Ycmu.-Mir. Froshis aIt-cati> opcuing ont spning styles, simdlbau saune chili>'hale êntl stylisi caps. COUNC'IL OF THE DOMINION RoIFLE A88oouArIea.-At île meeting e!flthe Conrih o!flime Damninifla Associa- tin, Lient.-Col. Gzowîhîi wnsealecleti prosident. Tme vice présidente are )ntonia--Aliau Giimou-, Oa;a Qnciec-Liet.-Co. C. J. Bryiges, Montreali. New Bruns3wick-Lieut.- Cl. Humn. A. E. Bohîfoni, Sackille; Nova Scotil-Lieut.- Col. A. K. Mo- KiuIuty, Halifax ; Manilolm--Ilon. Donald A. Sumithi, M. P., Wiunipeg ; Biish Calunabia-Hon. R. W. W. Darroîl, Victoria ; Prince Edwond le- ad, Hon. Mn. Howionti, Anilans. eohn Langton, T. D. Rarrugton, Lieut.-Col. Macpher-son. -SacreIan>', Lietît.-Cnl. Stuaurt, Mihitia Dehmartuni, Buu<aING ce'tmR ina FRauTHErAura o Broox.ru, N. Y.,-Tle IRama for àe agai in Brooklyn, N. Y., vos dis- 3verci Ic b, ou fane on Tueslay morning lasI. 13>'tiie bunning o! 'bhicli, nt leaut soveateen, antipi-chah>' min>' clil permons lait their lires. A muie sng tho lumuttes juoreth le MCCONNELL NOm m'a Ba RFÉI.fuvLt.t., lie shimonihas receirci instructions 'cmn Ottava la maiee u-I'srons te lave the gailoms i-soi> for lime 141i af uis maonîi, Itse ils>'set.,spart, for lie reculiti-ef MoConnehi, anti ail hopes e ' reprievo for lime convict are dis- MASACE OnF CIISuasNs.-Anothe- Eaasaaie o! Clirishiaus àne p orteil ta iva-l:aken place in the Parîfisi Pi-o-, ince'o! Norhsi-uBoania. Il ueeuus ho o bý,igli lime ferlte allier poeor. te at-i-fe in seme ýdécisicve a>'anti put stop ta limemu ali-cilios, ashe Poite oems 'chIen>' unable ta niaiutain on-, Juigo 'Pft, o! Cinciasosti, lins beau mpiaild b>' Pridtent Grant Secre. à . ocf Wat' in place cf Gon. Beikuop. SignemuBiancieri iaî been elected, neaudent aie IlIUe Sute, defeat. agDepnstes, lthe candiiitc^of the LefI. 'Pis (4nebea lleflway Clommissionors 'i tedy,, bein théep symnu cf lite- iîettloti lairs o! lie cent-actons a! ho Mo'ii-egi, Ottawa, ouci Western Msuye!ofie sîreanus tiineghaont lie lldtiwpalhtethe - ' prs0e« t , oen Ïq199 brMies4d&0. a woe'l it oovor frmucly terme, au' vi ýf upen Wtln olihmiùWore obIeaed i a bleep ln the saminedi, wltinth vel lin?Pone avîbtlue, Who vasaà « ruý Vlad, getiôl m etifl-ai, havin!' li 1 big spur upan hi.s bars leur, wviusit hi a ecaipanlei o wau engagea in usayiu' hi r prsyers. Thes devant peaor feilow wvs lireul an' sean feu te dozn'afîher àgo til ini-thes aller plavbay hein wtt *avas, bnt pnrttn tc a he leepin' Aftber n while, lis spur is pet ik acksliin, an Iliare was a gi-au n', drawun' up avlie legs iin a liveiy mai uer. Aflimer a short lime, isu' jist ai tho iroulap la fain' off ta dozs ugil flisne's another moveminl av the upur sud a kiekin' sud yellin' twice as laui as aI fi-sht. The bay.e vidi lie spi 1purtigids le b. ewakined au' telle tIi allier poor !ellow, vlio i. ruishin' hi legs undiher tie close§ le .itap hù -noise.au go le libsep t Not iane aftier, lie terrible spur iu put inmo-m sn agin, an' there'us adbredfnl yollii an' kiekin', sud 1hegi-aloi-thie kickiî thme gi-nIer the. urapin' fi-cm tles sie spur, unlil tho injnred cbap jurapsui av bcd widh i loeuaundiody cul sud bleedin', sa' cryiu ' ont Il Murdier t' "iMurdier t" liefore lis litaetali ret thes spur iî put away, an' le add insnli te iujumy, tb. viotim a h carged vidh seratelin' biraself in lus sblsop au' nousin' itbe boum t 1'un plaiseil lieze waun'l any sîil thricks as limaI played by yer lwo fiide. Tiiey wur 2 dacinl au' imuiint for skci pranks, but boram sowkins, if the.larae Misther Fer vas in place av one av thiun, I wtnl put thie miechîf av lb. thtniclu paei lin. Howsoradeven, sll's well liii indu veil, as 'lis seoa, an' 'i a hiappy tiing for aIl parties as'ti'haro own pace cf inid, ta opee li ne an' tbe iam lyiu' doivu togoliier sn quietly. an' lime iuaiiut mnu, Mieflior Ferry, liko littie eh, ladin'-ara. Hoc'ray uew far the. Miltayniunm i-1 rannelthe Rail- way Millayafura t l'in tould thnt yoz si-o liltely le lase Miotiien Taylor, soefliat Chie! Bryn wcn'l any longer bave the ttlroubl.e'a p rot ectin bira frmerahe metarin av tle boye. liiey say h. inlendi gain int puei-iship widi Mistiress Umins in tho tirapeiuce bîsiness. Tial lie: mIntdè thravein', cinkus like, an' thac "PCak-spitriow" av fume "Reformer" a ta Inde lii. exiiun tSafe keepin' ta tic happy fasmily, an' c gooti nid- dincu,, say I. Mauy woau'l'tieir ayeo onyiu' for thein renur. But Who wiil thet wimin crusadmenu an' lie for- word girls, wlîo suni le ai home mnd. in' tuai-o stockinse, now gelta i-run the masiinc ? Tii. Onveraint, I peruave, lieu a- dopteid a do-nothiin' policy. That wou't lieIp lImai. au' mantifacuimures inuch. But botter titat thon liaI lhey shnd b. doin' mischief-appoinliu' agints-ginerol, blinl' silcol rileisua impoverismin' thie cautiry ifitli tlîtiu uliamnnfui pindiu. Sir John, iluoy sty, i. playin' o waiiu' guat', au' lieaif;thlii boy lIaI ios, haîv ta make t.tthimka wluit lie gels ltaecnt-de inbi li bndeP Twas iano gui, lue oui givo 'ir ar donule sulle. Suin gintlierai uin ltie TownitCounsil have vQted $500 ta hbe snnk in diggiîî 'colis. Thmis lu the. way to siuk lime peoffie's iunoy ont of site. Cuilîî' tite iff-i itu icîtuticii > iob ate s bit ottu tiracu gel bttier, and kuapo doivo tihe taxes at us ranc s tposuible ivîin thatre je so immune distieps araunil, iituiont pilin' on expinse. ?Al iu v eli tht inds el n-cl othiinat - ou'- iveil, wlinuuldoes tlec nnlory~sthlifu abuutuiî il I wuus glati ta pemeave huit Kinni-dy -uuaëtmon wiîa ken i-aise lime' cookios co' yen lhant, widh o fians Scotchi sang, ici, cncli a gaad hansp. Auj!i Mistier Tay'lor on' hie Iiuipernce wtlneax, an' ivr-ry-iniinbi'oravlime Tow~n Coamnsil, hon, culi 1. iy he Kinnuiy givmn' a "",al tio,' te agpius, as Alieiier gooi Ilion utillte liipijut'ce Cialaio-ii', oui' Sirtmni-Stryiuan' ut' iatlicnin' of a I2-uuxouîuiu. luiihaste, yen tliue fi-lui ioWiOix Lao.-.-London (the. ies> je ltte1>' gaining tcail nouiabie repulotionfra anlIe î'ovryienmuahio p- lpants lito uania imo and uib>'the mongiîs cf limat city. On Fialhast some oa!hlm atter visitp-tiSt. 'homos, anti peupetratl a sut-ies o! disgnaccful outr-ages. A luitt>'o! lhen nameti Puawell, Ft-ederick, Hayes, Olleani aud Mutirisatu, Itigilluen tlt1 two uuianduîdotlacn. 'llîe part>' hinoul a linon>' ri,, andstanîci for an ciuuriui, ail bing tiiuniantiudaimod i ihtt-o vvîcu-. At Lamiboth lIma>' antan>' osuntoul EtIword I'enwici, besuling Inn sea taie .is cerianusl> i. A former naned IvDaut Abliatt mas nexu auaolîti ean Tutalvilie. R. vos paueing wjîh luis teai, wheu one o! the part>' îlîuek imiun h lIa whip stock. Anotmen firai a siol Iranmitis revolver-, vimiclu înuci ana o! bis hersesilathue fiani anti disalitl. Theo pnrties nexl ussauited a taiî'keepen nameti Jamesai Houn ithi vip-elocks andI steel-ucileu, icmting hlm bai! deai. Time>' eturnnaibath. city'ohfonm-o'ctoci in lieme orning, andîti rt.arneeteti allen a tFcnnaoncaun b>' lte polile.. lu lise moine, CttnstaleioCi-nforu fired inoang thien and cplured i ilsoui ,Powell, ant iland ticiten over la Cou- stables Bowau anti Lat-kyu. 'Ple>' noie a stout uesisînnce, Rut>' dring bis revolver Mh Larkyn, gelling lira dovu -said îiuking hlm in lb. fac..Afler a long eti-u,,ine lta>' vere ailthait- n mb cubtoty.i>'iTey vane bu-auglil np sud rewundotifu' a wetuk. 'Plesucen Rayu amui Powell arena orionsufomans fi-ea thue States, tlia fermer fi-cm New Orleanîs mndtihle latter frin 'Pro>', N. Y.' TLritmcsn ACCIDaENT - - aitimore, Mmuruli7.-Lait niglît bliîeen cheveu andtiev oyr 'clouk, viii. 1h.evo>' fneigbl traina,iia opasenger car aI- ttlici, was cnasimg tic bridge ovee th. uni-o assoeo ouantle Ranper'î' Ferry auti Volley hrannh cf lime Balti- tmaie msud Ohijo railway, ruxty-tlii-cc nules hoi-cntarpc-i's Fer-y, lie mile upa gaeo a>', atnd tie engin, anti Irasn felilirougli anti vere vi-ecieti. 'Pli foloiatiiagaraelime usines o! the iiiouindveunded : Kiiled--W. A. Wigitmaai, Etiiuîhurg, Va. ; C. L. Neel, Mount Jacksoa, Va. ; R. E. Rammoat, Mount al ckson, Va.; R. L. Wood,sunp- poeci o lie frani Iticlunonti ; C. Il. Hioigmon, Biake>' Springs, c une misai-oe the West Virginia Legislatnre ;,~J, A. Bohdiui, Balimnore ; Jua. Gana, Wîu.- chester;; A. C. Baones, commercial Irovoller, Beltiwone ; F. Donavan, ou- gineun, Bond>' Rock, Balimenre, Md.; J.~ ~ ~ S Cipna nl .Jfferson, braksei mon, Wioies~r w6üànled-j.' *ei- bant, Nevmnaria$, Va.; J. Raimu, Wood- stock, Vu.;_ M. Bird,- Mount Jackson, Va.; H. C. Baker, Baltimore; Bernard Rugîtes, Wisconsin; J. Russell, 'P. Cuummnug. Ailthua vondeti have ne- coived cnra!ni attentien-fraun lie Rail- va>' Compan>'.'Phase kilieti vere li- medialel>' sont ho Winchiester, placeti lu charge o!fsununtertako-, sud vil le ment la Iheir rlatives and friendi. TurME OutuAuN QUPOrstoa rMeOutn.U.- Thea vote aunlte introdunction cf lié ai-gau-n mb lite Orlhia Pr.aliytet-ian. ami-ci vus as fliovi;,Gommuànioantis for lie ongana, 64 ; agaiasl, 10. Ad- hienle foîthle ongia, 24, anti2 agmaist. 'jeorgeu wivu1l 1'!, Cnpiq'io4çoiada. Io -"e u5ewuwuu a U az me es1tissDs t. voeu mai»e any furtheropoe"lo ell te tienu ueeeasry, sine the wonld. % à,entibe tioa llthe v s f Mer sjel l Mr. Masson meue& ahi. e mpia a re gsniuthe alay' in lt.h-ensial t. e!lieHanuara mta Freucit. T le premier stste ltaI lie:Eirsetoplëo. i'.lb.eFi-oacitranslioenu o lu é nth tu bauds a! memiters to-mori-a*. a Mr-. Blake inbradnced s BR tolene i. able raiwy andi tosti cmapsist as cousîreot Ibeir roids,,ovre navigal a, waters. Ho expleineath ii lhe Aé r, voniti apply teail railvsys cii-eau id cenlracted esovol ag lhoue undor'cou hn iatcîja t pressaI. Ini repiy tb Ma us Deaiville, he statei liaI thiere vs.à le provision in tlb.1Bill b-by Ii c illa [s alorfoles l ~ acspapor, 'mlgf ig preveut sncb bridge. beina buill. 0- Hon. Dr. Tupper asked visIter th n' lte Governunent vill lay on tiehe tb n' e! the Hanse ,saoement cf Ih cp amnunta cf mouey helonglnag b Oanadi utinl tIhe bleuof fauncial agents, or Il id bauku ina Canada or timeir ageuicies i V#England, on tie luth day of Jnne last t, sud nallie-pi-osent linie, nospeclivsiy iît !pecifying lis amounnîs lat vers beit hm iug no interest, andtheli ratle a! intereo î' on:albIse allusi-amounats -spectively 'e Mn. Cartwright aljected 4le tie ques sd lion, -but said lhe veuld bliing deva Il il nosturne. se Mr. Matson asked , vîsîben it >y thie intention o!flime Gavormntt, ý't adopl any means te &aure tho ce: t struclion o! a lin. o! rsiiway ta cannec i Partage Dufont, lte prosouedti tminu sy o! lb. pi-ojectoti Quebac Gave-nmnae 3e Ruiiway, vili lh. sulisidireti portiona n the Canada central Railway. Hon t Mr. Msackenie smidtihei.Gevernun a lied a mémor-ica n thosubjeol frouetIl )r Goverumiul o! Queoe, andlIhougi Ih, - motter vaàs ual yet 'farrasly befo' lmnhiey vaine uisposedtu tacousid se favoraisly auytimg ou lie subjeel. ns In reply le Mn. Dyuuond,,lHeu. Mr ýv Blake sai thoa liai been saune cor e responulenco on tie subjeet cf enuarginr ýo the >'scepe of lte extradition troaly. il Mi-. Masson maveti conurreance ir ýy tlae standing report &f! lis Select Con kt mitlee, appointldtuassumee lie direc si lion a!flime neponling sud printing o i'tidi scussiotîs a! litsHanse. Mn. De 1. lerme moveti in ameadunent liaI tIi Ir commite.bclienstrnoted.ta secure suci o assistance ad rasy lie ecessary, ir -re ai-oa crapaul lb. prompt oxeoullor -o! lhe vank. A long debala folloee ein viic thie Opposition songlil tq Pro0V Ilial lie causeofo!Decelles' faiuint-,elg thie joli cf translating lie debalea juls ýt Frenrh vas flint ho vas a Conneu-vt The amendient vas cari-ieui, yeaî 96, uiitys 64. Mr. MoCalîun mouaci for on oanc r fan correupandence an lime suiject ci 1,daînages cansoti by raising lie voter in etise nppei- uvel o! flite Weland Canal i Aftecn adn. discusion boîveen tlb rover nduithe Pr-emier, ltîo latter r statei lic intenduud la do juatice in the ruisîter anti voulti bring dovu vial. jevon papens lie lituiton flimesubjool. Tii. soconi reaiing of Mr. Woi'a iBill t a menath le sot espectiug tii iincorporation of IBoardfs cf T rade in tlic tDorauuîan, weu carritai. 1 Mr-. Citai-to'. Bilt respectiog the i transportation ofcfralie by raiiwey oa 9olîmer mode cf canvoyence, vas neada 1second limae. - On lie second uestiig cf Mr. Ccak's jbill ta pt-ovde for the exarainamicn eut liccîmsing o! itronsseipîoyei asengi. neons cluoeree tien on steamboate, file Premier painfaul cut iait au 1he Bill roquineul the imposition oftalx it coudnli ul le proposoti by a pnivate itienber. Sin Johin Mutcdonaldi quoi. Ijoneul tise junisdiction o!flIme Bouie in tise muter. On motion e! Mr. Me. Dongall (Rsnfrew), seccndod by Mi- Young, lie dobate vag edjounud. Hotu n. Mbitchell nuoveu for connes. pouiec r gartiiug tonaubnîes. Carn rMillexîu moved for correspoudenot vii tite Caoîloil Beei-tany ou thesui> jecl aI the eaorieeoai lie aower o!f<is- allowance o! lie Provincial taintes. Cerried. A lar-ge nuniser of molien. for i-e. lui-ne fur correspondence vere agneau la, sud tic House adjonnned. Fridlay, Mai-ci il-. Severai pi-vale his wvoeintroducai andI rond a finit Lime. The faliowjuîg Govenament neauiee vers introihucedto apss tirougli Coin- milIce oaa Tnasday : Iiicpeotiug veigbts and ineasunes ant insupectiîug gas notenu lu Pi-ince Etivard Islatnd. In nepiy ta Mr. While'u (Renfrov) question, Mr. Mackenzie madetiei net'y iraportant annonncoenet liaI thie coul-act- citi-the Hon. A. B. Foster, -or liae.constr-uction o!fIlie Geargian Bay brandi of lt.e Canadien Pacifie Raiiway lias been canculled. Iunltse Sonate a somewbnt beateti debale ena the saune subject arase, bunt noc i-asain. for lie cenceliation vere givon. Tii. ilciate on lie budget vas i-enew- eti' onTesay ovemnig. Mr. Work. Mea move th le failowiug auendunt. "lTiat al lbhevardasftar Ibal' lu lie originel motiun ho st-uck ont andth le fellawiug insertai ina therelaioc!: "This IHanse.' Ïéeply regretstlai $hi Goarninenal hauual otipcsast b ar- lia mont a kolicy o! iuci-eaiod protectiou le Oui- vartens sud importaut manu- !kictuyeo, iilarge amocéul o! capital niov inesbtïaiehreina, ntilte presset depreseot condition e! the country rsmderiug iuuch & ;policy ueceiuary ta restere thin t10'a condition o! pi-as- Pcity.'" kii- 3dmA. MaciienaJctin uspoaking sauiMn. WenÏkmsn's reseinhice did'net go far encngh leoisuit un, but lie veu vole ta-i'nev1ei-t i oulnupi-c- lee stage., -A division' was; tace n on Mi-- Wonk- in'. amendmenti5 viici reseil-tdas' YEsMsr.Baby, 'Benoit, Blaiu, Blahchet, Bowei Brooks, Brens., Brown, Cainerca (Victoria); Osi-cu, CiMnin, Celb ,oqlthbertI.Decmtfnos, wt 1rt FU ~S-ahi ?Mü sou, n.a-o, uismgbou, Jes, (mal be fo*xl~ oi-er, KhaKm ik, Lsflisnamn ,fLer, Lajaie,. Lauderi, Lsuglcii Laner,McDouei (Inverness), Msi dotugai l gin), Mackay (O. .), Mai ~.keuzie, MoCrauey, MoGregot, Mcli te lyre, Mcolsaac, Moeoed, MeNait, Me, ble celfe, Mails, Nemi-lu,,Oliver, Paloro *ît Pelleier, Perry, PebIéus, Pickand, Poe dy, Richard-,Ba RBbillard, Rose (Dui n-he) Boss$(Prince Edvarni),0Byst gr, )yue, catcierd, Bcrivé.iSube a ort,Bhuaclair, Skinner; Sithl(Pasol q, Smaith (Soikirk , Smith (Westmeri iaL .ut) Buud r t 1-on, Bt. Jean, Te. citi-eau, Thîbaudesu, Theaupson (EU] ýh dimnend), Tiarnpson (Welland), Tri bl maine, Trow, VaiI, Wallace (Albort, ýh 'Yea, Yunug-Tetsl.--119. lA The Hanse aulournea shortly efli â. one, haviug pi-evionslv lakon au ite lu lu Comunitte.e!ofsuppiy.- ly, Items frein Broughiam, Wlaitevale r. Gi-cen River andi Claremnueu. 1Y BaeOnUGàx.-Tbe lenipsi-auce Pcl os- tien o! tie coinaunity are iighly -pies 20 eti viti the appelulment, by gaver monint, o! Mr. B. K. Brown, ais licens 32comiisionor, le reprouenî lb. mni tocipaiily o! Pickoring. Il vas niily el )n- pected liaI Mi. Hubsl ihembasdu cet cimsîgsd lb. dnhiem cf township inspec us tan vilb ranch seceptauce liy lolli Ih ut council _ nd munmcîpaity et_ la-ge a! woniti meceive Ils, appoinîment cf ta n. îpeclo- ende thesnev Act. He rc ut ceivethe nnimcnus eppraval o! tIh li counicil, anti e -regoinu lataIellec 1e vas forwardcd le lie Execclive, vif 3re proceedings ai- cuncil ou the l7th uitc lr TIi. i-ade are in an exceedingly elai py sud spattering attitude, fuit cf thi Ir. juioe cf Ibeir itucapabomtess, rauy fat Dr- met; ie vere r.moviug heur g-ai ng ai-ra biigoato b rost on tfi cnoaesfor ýhe pi-oent. Tii.Moan' Loig-e carav,.'aes for lie dispalthi business on lie 5lb cuivont. Ou Fol O-lovo meot on lie t,!.h. Tii. Divisioi of assembles ou Batulnranoxt, at 7.81 )e p, un. Aill i-e pi-ospm-fug, se are liai, he limes-bi isJemai-voilons. ýh WafvnêÏ.-Pnnnswick Rh.' Divi in sica, hene, gave a mixeti euteitinm2t onon lieesvening of lthe Si-J ct-enaI; Mr edT. P. White officialeti as ciainman, 'e dialogues, soies, duetts anti cionuseE vanser furauluheti aiternatly. Tii at draina of "Tan nigits in a Ban Boom va as relioaraed iy Ithe menliene o! Mai. vern Division. Mr.1 MeArdéil, ai contnilinletiveny langely le tbe sunces ie f t e cf ing viti bis excellent gobec inlo fsangs. I"The antontainnment vas protractadilite 1"veen ma' aurs ayonl lbe Ival." The comnpilersa!oflth pregrararascommilleilanc egnegioni ir -bindo-in strsngling tieunselinesand Oe audience viti e sucu a liavy "bill a 't fore," any effort eneding boyant lv hotu-s becomes nauealing, uniess sus. Staineti by unusuai draatic pover and le sperkliug dispaîcli. Thme turacoots are ie tIabe liin .pnrcbasiug anuct-gar 10 The peupl. tre veli pioased vili lie Dr result o! noting an tha by-laiv subuidir. 'n itghle Harbor Co. o! Frenachman' Boy. id GREEN IRîvme.-Tlie Division cf Bono o! Tempenane. ici-e, lied a-isn-dac of auirti ant ialgocti feeing, on lia ereaiug oa!the l9ti nie., aI thei ît open division. This Division, vîicl telias a lista ynol atnin ven s - year, lias juneaoseti in meunbership aud sa urpasseil lie Meut sanuine expecle- l. ions o! jîs moul 'snxious sud reolone r. promolers, lu a mannetheiMosailgiati. fying anti satisfactai-y. The muemben- -slip ameviluilutlbneigiboriod of 90, an enill ti.y came taoveli the. nurar. Ileadings, carapreieailing inouy excel- leant galectians ; dialogues;, neoitolions -andI innei in iaexisauilible nariely. 3. The divijion lias an excellent ergan- paidi fan. This people are s lire cara- - înnty, andi progressive in aIl geai wovrks, viîicm is lvidenl from flie foot d lual Ilucro s ne grog imop o! any kînl lu lie place, and ailliongh hey taay exiiibiî greet fidely fan tieir atm "Green River," il cannaI lic negandeil as a "vweakuess" ciarutceristcofo!tle dpeople. Prohuibition alreuudy existe- fiera. Long lnlvetaI îlot. t Mn. J. Hl. Sitjîh,lime affable and cani-leons P.M., nenebutat amudta ille, is tlaig a slarge andi incî-easiag business. CLÂBEioNOT.--Tie Draînon du Phliurmouic Society, o! tilli; village, 9gave an ententsinmeut o! rare nenil on the eneniug o! Fniday, Mardi 8nd, in aid o! lie deserning poor o! the vil- lae. Sangsialogues, realainge, &e., constilti Ilihe programme cf lIme even- ing Mi-. (Moore, cf Whitby, gave gev- Expedition against the Sioux--Tic Tnie li-e cExterraiuated. The Unitedi States Gavernunent hava organireti an oxterminaliug expedilien against Sien, Indiena. Tie expeditiqa is lob1w composai cf 10 companies. of cavaIt-y, Ivo o! uufaulry, 25 scouts, 250 learaste-s anti puokers, 'ration etifor six vseks, cenv.yeti by 80 vsggens oni 400 peck munles, loft Fart E to-man, via FortI line 1andI Fort Pull Kany' Rouît., te operaie againas iteh Sioux Indiana, viose biandes have been for the lasit 'everal yam'e sund are nov againsl evoryliedy. aine iirraidiugcorapsaies bave vilhlu lthe pasî Ivo o eeu been' apeneling an. Pialle oui La-amie Rivera in tieflanc o e ieI-cps sud selliers. Tiey opoahy liostaii&0s soon as grass greva tiey inteat lebreak ouI ailelpnlg lie lhue. Tloy claim t aeslaid luia goed snppiy ofa!ea antiaanition, !îom agencies, te carry cont' hm vwan villi the Arapaheu, vio have been living nean olti Fert Camper, anti vho ai-e maving ta lie lied Cloud pugeucyrlo aveud thrsbeingdangers., Ail personas cauuecîeti iti Ibis expedihionareat-m- oi, sud'are expeatlettcde aclive ser- vice. The anainis' viiilie pakel. at sonse peinl'beyend Reno uAla &rge ô!t saineifstfri ic place the cava-y villpoîlet-ale tic counrnhsoi-l o, j, o. a- a- 4. r' r- s' y" s- s- 'i. e. n O' r- s- a- me 'i- K- s, a- s, a- e- Le ai .lu 3- a- te r- n in ie a! i. 'n El, -i i. il vuateli wère vetoi ý-cshvu'a. - Mr, M. ïBaker, (wli ase jugt arrireu fi-cm Euglandad d ho vifl be quît. an sa. quisitiami te .mnsical coteries of the lavai,)-sang scee eaulîful Xugli8 sangsiu spiezuduistyie. Gi-est credit ss due te liose ladies vinaa nged ali lie détails o! lhis "Fail o! reason anti flow e! seul." MiesO. Ste wart playeti lieývenions aCempsnimeeuîi Ilreugiont the oreuiug with admirable laite sud conuectueis, Tihe proaèese il t go, w. uuderitaud,' toardu aidiug ini lie pur- case cf au 1oi-gan-, nmelotieonufan the a abel. MissnBrama Harris neceiveti ýîsjpaovaMENTS A ATÂICmauxY-I-M- Johit MeGirr, lie veii-kaiov ccntrac- toi-,o e!Oriluls,bas neceivoil te conti-Set of building argangosd, importent ad- dition tle .aafldy espacions pi-ami. ses cf the "DeqW Droap EHtel" situat. an lie cornen cf lie Bridge sud lie Reins rosis, anti closehy lte nalvay station. Hsl viii commence vort- ao'nce.'Oui- elti sud entemprluing frienil, Mi-. Jacobi Neyors, via nov avns Mn. A. Ken- uedy's splendid residence sudextengive Mercantile establishmentl, i deiug a good, profitable, Irade. Mesurs. Oliver & Montgomery Revel bavo, andi gré nov ieing e vory 'lucrative bhelinsëo1isn' lie pork' anti grain buiny bguisiness, aI thb. Na-hbern extension o1'lb. Mcslcaka Rslvsy station, on lb. Rama-reati. ANIelutIStiWxauaO.-Tlie-grand event a!flihe sessen vasIiie nunptuile! a veli-kuovu citi résident. cf Mars, Mn. Fatrici Duiffy tc Mies Ellen MaIcueyt'ef lie amo tovnship. Thmeeas over' 18 leauns and cutters aoomouniedti le biusiing bride, surronnileti ly a-hody- gimant cf fair sympeisers. Thie levy o! rouy-oboeked, protty daungels, ap- poarai as if lhey vonld haro nc abjec- tion 10 snbmil le a 11k. ortiesl. ExTpENsuate op- TaxE Fou Tàxs.- Ovwiag ta the. bai-dues.e!flte times and tbo conséueunt difficnlly in pi-aenring meaey, this season te pay cnes taxes in thetownship cf Mars antiRaine, lie déepressian o! traie anti scai-cily o! mnoney sionul lie lakon imb considar- etiou iy tie connil o! lies. townships, sud' extend lie lime 10 tie menti o! gay. The saune as a aister municipal- t'yv diii lait year. By 50 doiug, tliey e tue th~ e uuiauu tsinrmer, wvua Tai Wchipfnl Muters, Puat Màuters ~~~~~~~~'l laer i rs yle ors an!Offinera. of 'Loages, antiahu 1- sceal cf hb l V. Masonie Brotiron, ta vian lthe»e.pres- )f AN A VEN a-nraz.--A num bor f ur c uti îMay co ue. -yaung gentlemen .,altirair in-.GETK ieacoraîns puiti a.naCtun.' visit ta Athi- W:esil is vithinmy, knovlodge, e aney, on flime occasion a! iLe récent that B nos. F. Weslke, J. R. Pool, W. It Sunday uclicai festival, vhicb vab; beldtILrt. i-t, J. F. Lutiner,'sud W. W. e9 in lie Midianti Railway station, On 1 Fitzgera.'d, liraliren'vithiin thbo junis. 8Tuestay. og., 291i nito. Thme psrîy, dictiona oflis Gi-sud- Lodge o! ýCanada, son arrîviug alliah station, becaune ai- bave signet lo dealaration e! incorpoar. emast inextricabîy inoire in. thehum- poation, uL 'tie ho utyle santilhofe Ifbar pilas in huaI loonîily, but finalIy '-Thi. Grand L"oilge c! Aucieut -Fi-e, anti 0managaul'to fini the gpai o!fILmeir (do- AcooptetiMas- anas o! 'Oularo," ti 1- sire afler nmeny Jau.c as anti duaye. iareas inch a de larlian ilu nattemtup 1 The ladies vere aimait incoonsolale, 10 subvent the auk idritiy af lie Grand. o bu wvesosen re-assut-eti -by lhiuLedge o! Canada, i.&tistrimentlltboieé 5galaI escorand oui ven endd et tie basl Interesta .eofPi--..e ea1 -a%: l scene a! feetivily afler boiug lmuici by cluae a ueh ISPàuc,"b lite masculine gouaden limuougli a mevw mouy, anti nuity o! tie .frterniYý; anti 8 drift sii footigi. viereas, lie vîthin gned ~brelh-en, aTovN ai' OluLLn.-We regret ta Ray and othuirs have been pr4es ouI ut, sud lmait tmougm thia picturesqueîy situated ti ken part ina, clandlestine ,n 'eetiugset lavaiw, soma fev ysars ega maie gigan. Masons bhd et the city ofot *don, un- e tic tides and unexp cteti im prove. d orntlie6pretenied ti eloî-my of th e, Bo- umente, tînt nov, oviug lc a nuanaben a! caiheil1"Gi-sud LIxge- of! utsi-itîe" in F i-uaîtonces.unufersean aiLime ime, uhler violation af thei- Maenic ch- à parties speculalti anti buill i-ecklossiy galions, sud tlia-requuremenlaof Io bauh righit andtI -f, iii lie oxpaclation, constitution. tii t hase fioiirislaing. times vonîti con- Thorefare tais notice, ltait isem -tinue. Hovev.er, uiifn'rtnnatcly, ltaos. W. lie Grand Master' o! lie Grand& t-isaltuyaa day. have dieoppaeuh. Many Lotige-e! A. F. & A. M. o! Canada, bs; hionses ana ompty ; properîy in mny- b fleowei v.std in iu, suspeudodfi iticaluimeu anaundth Ie tavu huas clapraci- t v itenunamed *li-et- ensud ehersm. *aloi in valut. ; commeorcial failures are fi-ra al lite rights, benefits, aJ coramon, ranch more so lion va vonhl priviiegas e! the Order o! Fmeernaaenry, - ike fanthie lieneiltIth traie. He-.snch suspension to continue in fl'! ever, tlue alunaul ne-iuniliing o!thie fat-ct turing bis pleasure. or - nuil lie' Asyum nd ts ubsquet ocupucyGrand Loige cf Canada shahl have' uts au "IdtieloInstitution" vihi, il 5,tte ak cion Ilierecu. - lie bopeul, give o fi-oui impulse ta the- Tîme M. W. tIïiGrand Masteritier-- tovu. Ynurouifrienai, Mn. Thiomas diriects anti requires liaI yen viii ual, Mutnahy, boetter kuewn by the appelî- nden aoy pi-eleece viatever, heM a t- ation o! "liaeCunifornis man," ais usuel manie inlerconarse villa lie bretiron siravily aivrtisas iacgeiy, agi cf yitn nasmeil oen itli uy brethen via course nocaives tho lieudIt, uamleiy ais ig n aympaliy vàth,'ci-rocoguiss the profitable traie. Mn. Fi-oui Griisbin aulbanily oer thli s-eotè "Grand ie nîso sioing voit in the tiry'goctîs oui Loilge cfOntar-io." gnooery line. Anti vonîtiyeiou éil t Giron endar my baud sud sesi cf lb. Nfc. James Qainu, J. P., ex-Reeve of Grand Leilge, at thie city o! Hamilton, Onillia, lis emealarkod juinmercanmtile li 2dda !FlMary, A . 86 biuiness, in hifs nov iblock ci! spienIli A. L., 5876. brick building, vîuich iti i eut u By coramandi-o!-lie 1M. W. Grand stane firet star>' finuls, si-e cerîainîy ltma Maslem. JMso~ raout iraposiug snd rauguificieul narth Grand Becretary. o! lima Qaeen city. The glane vos gaI--se---- fi-ra your ohti friand, Mn. Jaunes Mo- To thecEdifor office Whifby Cloi ice. Pienson, J, F., Roeveofo Rame, Ris DEAtSun: quarrieî nov -snpply ahone aIl aranti eri'aps yan viii permait me hht'ugi Lake Cenciiciing anti Siraoso, ai Wall.ltha comumua e! yeur paper ta conkralu- as ahang lhe lin. of lie Notiebrn Rail- iota lie people a! Asilicu advcn way. Thme quelit>' o!thie limeston, anti aesuessated nd vlcinlypu gr-ay morbia cannat ieb.excileti for oa i uceaatedu fel e building purposes, &o. Yaur esîeamed feti isy Iheun for lie suppreasien _o! fniei, ie opelr éti eertonsunio tle sale o! iatoxicsting liquar lu liaI o!i n the nn o liar nd u e Gn ur evillage. Yon are avane ir;,lthai a fitonecurabo teaut ! I.Cl'unall dpuaion e! balla ladies anal gente. iMara, bas performeti miraoles since ih oh u fciplaloc.il> ai lut. o cama to Orilhia te resude permaenul>. îes- M,.uniporCeu p't it' i ai Iv A splendid brick Churcit andI a baud.-sisne-etspoftrhi plilios, aigm b> soma resiience havo beau buiît tianongi nirna-etnls o hie neyerg, payi hie indefaligabia anti unweauieax er- g O en horoe lions. Ba0h structures are of an vhat tlcy consitier a trefrom tiluir unique clauratar, baotifniiy silnaloi mitist. In liai. - lies cf .ao mt ou au eralueuce on West sîroot, con epmnmc-rvea u ~mgt raandiug chrmiug views cf Lake ay,' clancer, ve are apl bt sonstimea Conciching lievilage ant' Lieoue sigilcf anti perbapa usudmiestmal. Birac,. E the lagto sud: ae the importanWeo! ouli petiioüad- !iaat friend Mulcslty'a subuinbau villa is le hoi'iem he o!le uofiti 'a! mu on tie apposite aide a! lia road t i Pop i eile euec vr sîso bunlît in onae so , anticdOooiciaim th. protection o! lies.' mane cciete sptan c v iesun positions cf .suci paver auta suthor. o f h Ii l l i c t r y os C n a d a "a n d u r - a m p l e r a s o n t o i u n k tl i e m b e i - s o f ' roundng pctursquescenry, hihthie ccuncii fe-r the maunsi- the>' in 1ter. ahorCpiste i intnTe ay. ett inisaivc'uheur case, ant i a gran conert n te ev of bg a-lhesasun,- tinet. o congi-alulate lion.- grand cneent n lba-eveo t a,*l- salvaeen lime proopecta a abote uul nick'm Day. The i-ev. genfiomn iii ote sa icliver a lochai-e on lia occasion. A !d- ns uftre ei bruouereti, dr-esseu wil aiea ieidoivemod by mte in, liaI btie ladies anti gentlemen foi- gentleman. Prof. t)cnni,, Mi-s. Tops ing lihaI deputlation, areâ4nok pet-sens fieaid, Pt-o!. Shauuacy. cf Bai-rie, thevia,, (outIof; enrios il>')7have alhieti oeiebcated vialinist andI cornetolayer liiemselycî unlia acauise 1 becanse wil)i uenerah alisi- local amat u *i-,B *Feinale deputolione" arelte' crder of assiel mil the'affain. \Ve 'tu tsî lati thle dayNo, luI fluey are persona vie 'eoncert in aid cf tlia -chumci uai, hu ave hla o->ea- #h'xiiitaiulia of lia iibem-aliy paînouizeti by lte.verm -liche *rL!iugs of'lbîîtes.ilterpe. - Tite ieai-ted sons cf Ilie Emeralti Isie. c oint-c bas*bâ'idi ~sturbe îorn'jim~e to li4e,,anil oldei-ly persoàà audladies BrAvERmuOar RACES.-Onu Tuemia>', have boon repe'atel i uthâton'caib-h 201i Fais-mary, andtho !olloving day, bah eveulags, ou lhit- aiy home froe lie aunnal Iroltiug nacesbai plcana ncburch, by pensons under, the, iiffuee- tie-ire. A. lerge'ei-avd'of-lie iýportùitg o! lîquan. Thae tna a UitIle o! lie gentry' withtirm rieuus te lu ilIteu-rae'1. m4 .znyss-~iau, tance où, *oi dau. Mach intereeàteelief'rls cf thI'opaobe an4,îrspeci. voas menifeta lthle naces, .Joban>' able part o! tiie commnnily letalc.k O'Brien e s'.th. A biti0"-Hotel, oilii, suai' alepa as axigit preront thits a-0 vase!fcourspi-osent-anti tii a asning iqueue>',o!foi'1haýohmeful cenduci, auJ rcsibing busiies. -The imiportant Gr-eat credit lu due ft Mmr. iodger,Çabti cuti li'ustworîmy jcdges vsre Messrs. alioe lài aie vieoupporled im. Loe Miller,- o! Ouiis, N.. Palterson,.-o.! As -lii. maller vil soon i-eut viti aisaverten, anti Jno. 'Mcoualti,' cf officiai camniWis.tone- te su>' vieller Sullon. isot race, Ist day-Local Trot, on axot sncb a tat.e!f liig,ay(- c' .4. 5 onîries. Thle lot prise, vas výoit b>' -tine, 'ie Lave evety>' Gencoe' las Mn. Farquabar MaRame'a mai-o, Mollo 11f îiy -,vll provo ;thslm iéée qel le Daring. lime,>,2.48; disnce, i mlo; tlueur dutios andideal vih scbcaesain prize, #40o. The seoandi prize- vas von s va>' liaI vill hé consistan with lit.m b>' Mv,. T. Heldgkhnsou's mare, *Fly'." aM aitirens. yçMur,. 'Pie Brd prime wuvas n y Ml, Molae's '-MO hors., BeavetbuBoy."-. ,For thi. 8BrookliluMai-ci Gt. ~~ ~weroeuale:iAs u.T-' ' ors *.o - anuil>' vwii ts Nusxos.mk Districts, empeciali'l teos, vitogo an piscsleral mandosieuto 8parrow Lake sud aruntati ite e isevin Rier âfiung greuns viilb. pie.to ler- hat lie vslem eto'lbeSern-aRivet sud SpdrrcwLake will1.act1y b.. rainlced le summet- lerel.- - Tins the périodicia avesfiov sud inunciaione'f abcstt 8000 acress-cf lent riei' with the alluvialdt. peuit. o! cealunies vfil b. re et imeti und rendéret urailahile 1 h. netîlera on tli Taux WIMBLEDoN Tz1s.-Tbm' Wuua bieden teaùIa vWitt be coopeed'-sa fol- lovi :-Berlj3nBulier, B. CO; Bei-ptCer, lin, 'OSi-te . Battalipa, -N. 8; Co"rp Mitchell, 181i Ballalion, - Ont; Be i-1 Sulb eyiand, G.- G. F. G. OuI; BoÏiul Ci-cv., W. F. B. Ontl; Lient. Coe -42nd Ballahfon, Ont ;_ Private RBou,J1.1 P. '-. R. Que,; Lient. Jeon , Ilsi Bablaliou, N.- B.; PiiateTanibuli, lot P. W. R. Que ; BeoigIMitcelal, 151h Btaîlin, Ont;- Lieut. Wright, 6"1 Ballalion, -Qnebee ; ,Lieut, Bai-nhl,, 7Sti Baltalien, N. B ;- Sert-IFlynzsa, 101h Batiica, Ont; "AsiatnSuBrgeons MoDonoiti, W. F. B., Ont;.-Quari- Mauster Cleelandi, 54hi Baîtllie, Que; Corpotral LanguI-oth, Sh BallaMon Que ; Lieut. Filait, 7S8ti BuahWin, N. B ; CapI. 'Mon, l8ti Batlifon, Ont ; Capî.- Baille, 101h Battahion, Ont ;.Cen- poaa Troop, G. G. F.- G. Ot; CapI. Giroham, H. F. ]B.- N. B. Maseulo Notificution. Tie'!olioving ediet his beon lasse b>' tie M. W. th. Grand, Moitera! lie 1 ý viijqy- bi andi1 eut a fors.w MY ai lied aI Ihav nebo fro recon: leair tiefln' cable of P41l ~pany froin -The la lence. preteni Doe 4 s nie CI chai ams. liabilil agou at, Ive sud lêlters, willsoc: and ez DUFI day, 28ia Wr-ay, P, M. Malai the 8h il oushir., J -ifunot ti S ae lien, eatarosi fint seUl quaintau CIMN]m spzing Wh, Baley, 1No. Claver .. Bbek Ry.

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