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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Mar 1876, p. 3

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ThwuzL4euigne to 09« for Iod. the 14 I. g Il I. s I. I - -- -- '---- ~I ~ J 8. Eelck E~us, Two__ and ImProved anfficly tiy ho blebi b 8.ter -DwMn-i,tplansd wyo b. abont, tb@tigb lu iaTY«7 1fobje abats.'shl, *iybv=paes ciland, srudt &W MY If rouehisitrouble weuulped sdfmmaW flW*.,-Bym n 85mb, theaistrh wl.t.nfbl& voeu.bbSha ho. fora. Po", @dfort for relief seq . y - und '.sutéle or . f d i i . I c o tl n u d I n u h ls f e î b i A l . t u % p i t a n S t $ rt blood alins.iliy ountil abou ru ny Bouma, wlbh 'u U.. tb. fin ofd Macii, 1878, Whou I becam. f ent! à ruit ',Oal*0. o SMoehI~ o houge. à"triend suueted ou 8SivmfLbwut of Brook st, rmde.But 1 vas axtremaiy s ap. , M-x a Ouch IVn bok blihl th#-el vouit! do me gaod, su 1 boalest &il hb lsatu e rnedle., And b.. l the.aboveproparia, are ddaou gsn t. look fupon madicins Mid oo&trs situatet!, mmi 1. o eauffeotet!on 's wih 1118À1141. Hover, 1 obtalned a 1ev termes byî uinafl payrnens cf cash, oftyour ei'ealai, onudraids a .fu=ipY. i lii oni ovu5i putehase. frarn which I camne tb the, olusion GEO. T. HALL, that'you underatoot! your butine$s, At Land!, Commis",onud pnerai4 Agoti cesut. 1 fiuaily obtalned àa uatiy of D)r. Bagua Calsbrrh Rmey, your Onti. OFFICE-Dundas St., Wbulby. don Mdedical DWucvoy sudPelletesansd ifehB ah, 1876. .cammncod thir vitgoaus. accord._______________ 1109 taodlreosmn -.Tom au iritlu, I AE ~ mowoban 5 80 X. SAXuovayjkO O AV sud Pelleta, lasn short lime, broaghbt Out à eveu O"rPtLan, vblhoo ntinaod F UR N 1 T U R E. for t'r« wmk. Ifait -'muai botter, My RPpthe mprov.d, aud I galuet! Iun etr.n«bbd flash. lu ibra monibu ovoa ed geof th. catarnh ivus«oe, WHJOLE'SALE&rEAI troembtlu hâd ueurilyapearod, T. hoalWbnCough vhaieor sanf etifirely eoaaa o brais. 'bloond; min, Coclmay ta Lb, oxpeotation of onme Of Warerooms-Mbeir PF 01Ybinondaiboeours bas remillsd per. _~Ll vsanout. I have bhadno imoreo 0W' Buildingsi18 9 y- .orrbagou from lb.e Lungu, sud am an. #ju>hge S lhrly fro. tram Catarrbe from vhLeb 1 aîuyson h l, had sunfaéroti nomuch man clong. Tii. îhlng thslr linos a ?us Pltock of «.r debi of gratitude I ows for thb bi g to tha vanis 0a àlt op by strict atteuio . hnr utomors t ieA I bva recelvod et y ou' bauds, knowiL couinuac. cf i pth, r o @it a~e no bouais, I amn lborougbly s'étls8èd, toudadt! thein. fromIn ryexporieuei, thai yoa' r v.adl. Cinas wîli maoter tb. worut forme 01 ltka ilus dhpaîse Cattarb , as wail As Si>ecW ttention paidici te .maklng cf Tbrost and Long DluearAa. I bave recammenddtlem to v ,ry mny 04 N ESD LE WOR K shah ever speakit haur pmaloo,, Grtflyaura, Gralfull il . SPFeNCE. FIEE SORBENS, coglPLuT1i< CTop TiaVICTOIA BAIL.. OTTOMANS, WAT TO IKNOU.aJ.....we are plossed ta Icaru Ibsi ne' o bas been recelved fron FANCY CHIRmS, a reliabie *rorce of thé sucoeasial coin. flto f'& ianaaiD ngoctations for LAMBEQTJDS, fromin ,iidsy b Eumount. Tha par. CRICSkO.,-&c. ties V eiho bave eutpecd latta the coalisai 'vit'4a the Raiiway COmDpauy are Massurs. Ileàs Lewis & Son of Toronto. Wonk «11 bel oresumenet ionce. TRE DIRECT C"L.-Th, steamer M&asd put doDuiluthebouhat styla. Faraday uuccessfaliy repirai the direot JS .SX 0 Cible at noan on Saturday. The work Mmh Bil, 1878. 'S .SM o ef plcklng up botb suds sud maklag ,the s lice occu pied oxactly oue mnd'a ibalf ibours. The Diroctors of the Coin. 0NTMIO FÂBRES' -Paay doclare their Intention mot ta suisîganate with thic Âagio.ÂAmorican MUTUAL INBURANCE CO'Y. Coinpany. THE OAEtLITS.-Crlluîs to lhe nuit. HEAD OFFICE, BROOK ST., WMTBY. 'ber of 15,000 are interret! lu Francs. Don Carias bau reeelved an addres Couhtrchmpsany ln]surss &Fann Buildlngs, frain 150 Logitiista ai Bouîlogne. Th Cnet t rso seo RouesHansesd their 'The. latter have about ae ucnh need of vefl.@;ut,lIeod Company' in Canada. 's'yupathy from lthe rejected Pi'.teiidor UTL SSPR 1pyAm "ne be bau for thaîr aidresses of Conan.- STL SÉ Rm L-?AD ,once. lu a manifeste Don Carlas L. FAIRANKSo, ja., j. . BICKELL, deelares b. dobs mat renauuo hbis Becrtari. - Proaldet. pretenslous, but Only folde bis fig titi Rates ut Insurance so loy tust 25 cents another oppartunity offe. vil nne 0100 for twelve months. Dox-CAm.0a IN ENGLLND.-D6gn Car- ies àas At Jasi airélacluEngland, AUCTION SALE OF 11bat utasrtbly refuge Of ansuncessil" A Enuropean îevolotionluîu. When ho Mfiscdlancouls Persona, rpry reachsd CbArlug CFOss. station, Loudon, Poet saine cheeret! auJ aihers bissed hlm. Siace January 1, 1875, 185 estates T -i e odb]ulo&clne pasuodt trongh th. bauds af ubre OfI. ail is gee fMantreal, reprosulingRRay's BrIiah Amner/cati Hotef, liblte athe amont f 84,250,000, 1< on wblcb, 87J cents on the ,dollar waeINsH rsaiizsd. T Àbrsaoh ai promise case with dam. T W N OF W H .. «U es ai10,000, aud Lu wbich betvecuOu lwo sud three bundret! ai defendann's witera viiho bri ri aihebNewBvideue, FR1121Y, MARCH 17TH 1876, Courts sa obleteNeBrunewick for Ho1tel board, a lot of mlscellaeoug prop. Couts.eity, blouging ta, Mr. M. SB.lchmiond oam rii a qusntity cf Printet! Books, fiank * 'Noticeg of Birth,,Marriagea, 4Paint. ageot cse 2Bo ,o and eata chrge 50 ent tec. Irashe., Jack-plane, Rockwell l âtSa'.' Stampinf Macine sihing Bcd, Trouin M A B B . Lno,-à ltlào Gntlmens Ciothlng amd MABRIED. sud lot of Ladies sud Gent.' Underclotfin, DUFFY-MALONEY...<>n Wednes. Trmi-Cash. Sale at 2 olck, p.rp. day, 2ard Feb.,,ai St. Coluimbkils Cath. L. FAIBBANRS, alla Charob, Mars, by the ney. Mr.Autoer Wray,'P. P., Mr. Patrick Duffy ta Miss Whutby,Mae t,16.nU Elien Maloey, elilesi daagbîer ai Mr'. _____________1__7__.____n__ M. Maianey, Manak Epad, Mura. DEATRS. TINCOMBE..... Port Wbitby, on tus 8Lt i mt., Mary Ana, reliai of lbthe ~ laie Capt. Tineoxube, farmcrly af Dcv. oaeire, Englanil. Mas. TiNoin ua one of the oldesi -if uat the oldoat resideni of Whtby-' I I R N et lthe Ume of ber death. She continu. ed ho resude upon lhe saine properiy COMPANY< frit setiea upon< by be-r huaband, ai Port. Whitby, np ta tus lime aioflier de. cesse, éd ud asruch levet!and respect. ed by , it wvho had the houai' ai ber au. Depo.lt vith flomdinGoverument $W,. WHITBy MARK.ETS. COQ. Experiencet! Agents ubraugiionl thu - Dominion. Cuuo0xzexx Oruîin, Mrch tb, 1876. Fire BuTe, written at Adequate Rate». pal Wheaî.........o... il 00 4-41 02 C. NOURSE, Spring 'Wheat...... 4 cia @80 98 ht ac th 86 Agn, Whltbi. Barîsi, NO- l# 750; NO. 2, 80 60010O 75 ilty ach7h 86 Clover ...............8575 @o 88156 Tuuuthy ........ ...... 880008G32A5N peas................72 Blaclx ByePo s.....Wa90 SO IR E E !1 .BS........ e 5o70o patsu.................850 A grant!sor. vil b. heid lu the Haiy.................. 1 ORANGE HALL, GREENWOOD, .................. 20.- lu cunnection viii lhe Presbi4ariam Btter............... l7e @ 20. ' Chunci, an Coau, Peni, on........ .. 7 @ #8 00 Tuesulay, March l4th, 1876, Waad... ...... ....04 40008450 iar Readinguvwil b givan by Messrs. Park, per é;;:.........es 0 @850 Bato nd cTihourne. Ad drosses iii ha Clîlekeus ............. 85 @p SOc per pair ven by the Ioo'. igeutlem :-Rev& Ducka per Pr ..........Ouo (CSOc O. e mi etie, CanmcÉ Bgo, Mh Turkoys, Per lb .... e lcardsun, IcLeusn, Currie, Rager Rnh sut!Maiden, sut!N. W. Brolit,31% Apples,,per bushel. tu @ 60e P~. .Choice. seleetions of muci D'y lhe Cheie s..............2c @ 140 Greeuwooj Choir. Proco.ets la aid etftthe Beot, hint! quarter. 6 @ 87 Organ Fut!. fleef, fore-uarter.... #5o@g05sa O0D SAVE THSE qUEEN 1 Shepukns........7 e 01. BEY. W, B. ROSS, A. JOHENSTON, ides.................4650 08506 ran seret..,y .8oî ... ...... 1 00 Greuvood,«Xars,î oth, 1876. Tu'tralpi ............ ..1 0 @O ije CarS............... 1500200 7518 HUPAPER lu0oV Pl=ai wro EPP'a<ICOA....GnàTru& A» SEARI NG S R4Eý 4' w" fIOMA8 L4WLE,? 4 00. rIRING FI~QM BUSI-N ESS T1te whole Stock to be sold -'at C'OS I lu consequence of Mr., Wtons(h fa owner of the promises we nlow ocoupy) intention of building1 new stores and pulling down the old one, at Present ocoupied by -EÜT1 I First of We, tiierefore, us, we are torced to dispose of STOÇ~ BY THE April Next after this date will se to bo a lttie nmOre ohartabe a eyw fta m obortlegs, gnd,, are soon oveiiaken." W ts taost akeptical by. ca1lrg at our offie, ana ho pet1ey ceisto-rcùlating sô baseless . a' briation ana reomomli "H0jo he stnmy Purs. steels Traeb," Compared with my god naie. "Nover take harsh means when'ý love wl do tho do- TO THE PýUB .ic -! We have' received another car of far superior to the coinmon Canada Qil-Ponly 85 CEIN PER GALLON, CASH, "tthat'ls where the shoe pincht ImporteraoOf 'Sheit ýand -H ea'vY ard wa 1876. SPIRING STYLES. '187, Co, Ci Co «4I-, Our w~ Li. z ODE GIEA Bac the wIhole of our stock, ininclding a generai stock of GIROCEIESI CR( Parties - Cash will find purohasing froý ]j,- aatmctr mùwhotiha Hanssu d Buildinzs, largoeOrcar ' one.. the limita f h. curponstion. Api' te FB.GIBBS, eoi t~fO O avFebi'. 2ftb, 1878. fî courra ci Rireire ,oa crs. TORONTO. dis4Çif5 duOW l, Iouoa ' uoeouue~a~batl1re 1î1 iTS' are. r6 z o na COAl 'c E? IFELLOWS' HALL, WHITBy. E. PROS.F T CLEARANCE SAh and Shoes, its At Auction YriAYS: )CKE Y, $7,000 WOITH OF BOO TS A ND 8HOES To be sold without reserve 1 GLASS WAIRE, 0 SALE TO COMMENCE ON &IT- WINES AND URDAY, FEB. 26th, 1876. LIQUORS, Parties in want of Boots and Shoes will find this a rare opportunity to purohase cheap for SEEDS, &c.5 &c. sprigwer -8000:Remember the place, at KIRK'S BOOT & SHIQE STORE, Ontario Block, Brook Street, W.hitby. ývho intend buyi.ng goods for [a svingof TENTYPER ENT.by.Whitby, February 28th, 1876, m us, as the whole stock muet positively be SUPEflIO-BRHIGCH T j eT sold by the time mentioned. ' Crystal Light T woldrepetfll jThis Oit is ,maùufaeltured..-e pelU reqss~for family use, burns with a br4ight steady light, and je tho veovrde ccun-Ban nte o otbooký best and 'safest Oil in the Market 1 u sttie the smed. .aredtore< 1nous of the fixmwound:up thia sprk«g I 85c per atlon , r 9àaa(kn& È'$r10.u A&fail upply of LamsBxresChmy, k.at f W- B. OM 8 vu i JJregg mLitn andi Tailoriug to ordo by. Pxsrt-laes Arfizans LOWES & rvyvL WhtyF ebmraY Tlh, -1878. C-UT TE -S I CUTTERS THEL£ÂBGBST AND MSST COMPLETE, STOCK 0F uy maiz. M. ('DOQ'NO0VAN" S CARRIAGE FACTORY B E TITY. ELGIN ELGIN!! ELGIN FI r;~ o o o Ihe, finest, best, and cheapest Watches made, for the mo- iey, are the ELGIN WATCHES, which cn be had ai Taylor & Bar. lard's, lit cvery grade, both ini Gold ana Silver Ladies' and Gents' sires. ian a largo stock of Euglish and Swiss Watch'es alwaYs On hant!. Cloche, reveliery, Silvervare, and FuncY Goods tb suit every baeste and pouket. Bemember bhc place-next door ho Grass & MaeNacit, Hardware derchante, Brook Street, Whithy. ANNUAL CASH.1 SALE )NE MONRr VHOLESALE 03-4vuJ vl'tJN,150 À&BFukt 5ocent# j ecea, sr «nld- i s hse 14' forai. asi#r m DRPbY GOODS, MILLINERyX, ~ pu Os< AND CLOTIIING. J . L. PETEES,P48BrulaNv HIAMILTON&. liltby, February 2ud, 1875. J PO TIT OT 5 KI ONLYESý L PU BLIC -Public Noticeà Connlof te Inm Village0 Buolin, ?eb. I9Ui 1876. in.lO CHÈAP MUSIC! PET£", UoueEhIopNELOoJE. EIGHT No. 14, contuains~lh ~u Worth P0centsoe,nme N One Hundroc ear  8 O N S 8Silver at Eveui7Ga.foeu ai NouD-Norah, - Dmr-I FOR WanttsoSmeher Pade Âpu -'Mesagerou, the Sea-ý Fifty. Cents' Dont irhMX, anuah- Hromotheudht amdLovne of (Worth 42.50.) THe, arde l Oui »bi Haya, Stewart, Dauks, etc. "I>ETERS' PARLOR 1MUSIC nO.14. caul eveuPiano lPems SE YEN l: itl 1d ,bn Gal. --Chl7ero Waltz - Crase PIA NO , uad Ziîmmermnann-B.ustic 'Polka-LI&Y 0f Kilnney PI1E C E a Murch-Bilyery Mooushine 'Noetunze, asud the Bkylark FRu Galop. 2'heee Piècet are by Knu- Fifty Cents kelWagner, Wilsu, and ai berpola u CRENE DE UEUMIE, NO. 25, contai= ilys tlPano F 1 V B Pievesfor fint.clnsPiano pa-nameiy - LTspe-- au'noe6 Îue Asller- Brilliau t We 2 moll, rceau de Salon hyG. D Wiluou-Ls. Rei . d aoPolka brill. auo a-ite byis~ Fitye=nts- mWothP oZnllet, 17h«e 3agacin are iubl raÉ-eiaaej6 'T~he celebrated RBuropeou aud "aurlesu Physician. Itinerent cf the helpitele cf- thé cblef cities ot End=& !,Irelant!, Seot- lut!, Fra-eaMdnthéieUntited Statesof Amerlos, su& the Daifulcuof Canada, vii pensonaly vlsit Prufesuly, sud msy lie causulteil at thk rOLEDSFRMJTH'E GO tokNOT opeeD FOR ReLecInaLd 'GOoDS ig yo now opleautfe, u eriinteting ash imporg y odacanoffr speiornndcemnîsb ashcusoinrs faroniMand AU affcinsfth t bh Chant Txat, whart eous elug rein - C/'nLingeriping Diaeaae8, longsadinmrpn Brela snd -~ TeO.11 aecinna e ti. 1h Ct * 'Ui.., Lier p lalut r iiin i.e 1 ~ * mParalyses, Neuralgia, Chr.,- or Bt Vitus Ai isses'af lhe Byea nt! Bar brealei lIn Gold sud Silver, Ladies, sud Gents', different grades sud prices.. ieusesf lbe T. 1set Fi»eGoît! Chainsi. snt!d isanriment ol Coloratand! Bright G0cM Sets, ILoke - ;lu T iees t aueeesfroft nfv.. Blân, &o., hc. 18 caateddiug RinçuNearuighî uni oiher eisoles. Eleetro lt dl g tetd n«u a& 7rÙtsButerCoolers, Sugur snd mslkBowia, Tràys Toast = g acks, ho. O8Day 'O-F e oniplaints et au i n ds Mud 0O.hon Cloeks, by lie hast makers. Cal ant!exmi. uls and pion eniiptions, vhiier soute or chreple, treatet! - JAMS JOUSTON, suoeuiy. JAI S imýSON, <. B.-If yan are sfe gImany of Praciloal Waloiiuaks. lie aboyé disesses, do not' tely, but visi - GoUIdamuihesall, Whlli'. Jan. t, 197a. 2g 4e dctornt ionce, no tbat yonmayhave the -beuefi of his cure sud tlsamen and bu * rstorêt te helili te sconer. e testu- F/R8 T A RIIVA L 0F THE SEA SON Febnuay2thi, 76 (CIROULÂAR.) TBEATT-YP I N 0 Whitby, F.obruary 101h, 1870. Grand Square and Ipright. Being desirous of caling the* attention (of tbe public tb My ç nta tm tD R .F largu sudvaried stock of Fashionablo Rats, Gents' riuButshtega, ess, DANIEL F 4éb., 1 have bakon this muetbodl of solicitinga a share of your valu. HAM,_Washington,_____Jersey. abe paronag . - As M y stock is ail nov, ad having been re - R G GE S L oonbly purchasot!' froin uveral of bhc mont extensive Manufactur. iIRGARS- ors and Whoicsaie Dealers, bath of' Canada sud the United 'umatt a Pover containeda n& morte States, I u&M pncpared to show bbhenMost coMplet. assortment e~~ ilh rtucedaist te sale, over opencd 'oul in Whitby. As.I confine'my businessexi4 i. - , Ee WolibjeyPbIio Anatin, ai bhé sively lii ils icgitimate lino, 1-beieT I am, botter propard .to b .0iýtdàncer vhtydabhic" TOWN 0F WHITBY, .Mpr attntionîagak n te . act, twa, oving t te .hort, pcriod hi sr 18 P8K&TÂu$. "ý'o! l Aat I haive been iiibusiness, myoamula onv sotqihu ltot fuiios,~s aythig ,imy lino that-you m-y Tttesday, l4tk Da f irék In eed , ' ' i l t u e e fl st u s» y o u wvi» a v ail y o n rself f t el a-b . id . o ol k 1b t a u s., vanlag of having 1he labeai styles to select fromn, snd wMIl àave part t no àù f havng pal ed, o o]ý.Yù ýé1 in, s711àýnc1 e m T ow fuaal at vor de as. ai~o, Uic days ofou'gadprns TrusilngYou1wii oi'm afaoal ouirai 4bg, bave b ign myeef XMlan'a Block, ulr o BrookRSt.,Whil>by&0 . --?O. o4ô -4ahorof oaiung d cee th. a J" L .H'E Pl 1 ohrea b, and~ mni11 tihe' il hae' further' uruwbrou other who ieus th. "Grand .01l ai the D., 1870, V. Grand 3euetary. rkronicle. uuiy put ofa thai .1 a tlIo- on 0 L D S M 1 T H'S We havereceived another car of 1-IArroi-1 ý Whitby, -march 8th, : 1 L-Y OUR WIIOLB STOVIK nP 0 F :) E: M 0 N'T'H HALLýi

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