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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1876, p. 1

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~. jr 'rfi' ?r useOumiOU«à ua eeu, por oi, o' iffuDffl cjuenit iergon. ,eIl".-. Sp.l~op*ret~ ai0 wit hadvoeaw by G ; b muoU~swtL 3. TA)H f. 4 Bù~Tt~&P/rectOIsY IL J.' KC»oI1IÇLtr. 48 Rtu cOncéyRAconq lîiajPui, UýarioPuie, anti (1onq. o & .,*trýBy. 0reWht n. J. . AEWLL, L.:L ., A am"S KEITII omerD,Ci I3AUR¶IhTAT LAWSOLICTO IN ARTTRYATTLW OLTOITOR INW 113 Solncory in omncer, ndho analng loc, Bra i e. W. ibOtro LMate rewood(>& M L La. B. T~AERISTER ATTORN, SOLICRI J..) Oh.ati Publie, oyaucer, c. i. dueyon Otréiuha f Ptta.o WB: ty::Ontario. ft*ANhROBINSON, DAItRIBTERu, 'ATTORNBYOAT-LAW, SOLIOIZ'OZI IN CHANOERY, OONVEYANOERS, tfo., OFFICE-Provincial Assurance Buildings Coua~sT 8-ra, Toaowro, TOON-AR IIU94TOrf, T ON OEERA"D TREASURER, TOWhtby. Offce-Town HL&U. Houri, f rom 0 toi1 o'êciook. R-ý. J GNN S 1UBGOI&E TO TnEE OOÃœNTY GAOL, byrMO treot, Whltby. W.. McDRIErÇ, i.Det JLR.c.U,, G UYB HOSPITAL LONDON ,ENG., Y the oyî R. O.K.L., Oshawa,#Ontario! ~ T'INTIST, <SUCCES. ,.1,DEici ta W. H. CarL>) '..LrDentai Room-DuadaoStroet, hi cu M. 4ameaniStori. Nitrous" Oi ls a dixlnl.torod for tho painloss ex. taction of toeti. 01 XN. VARS, L. D. S. ACUi rEETH luioertecl on a&l the (ý-.E iateot principles of the art, as -chep a. thse chapoot, and aiugood iie-ho béet. Teet1 fifled Witis Gld and iliver. Tootis oatradted vithontiain, b>' produclng local ansothésia, Dontai RoemaIs4n Cow- an@ nov bilo, over Aidsnï Drug Store, rng Street, Osisia.-8 TIM sDEVERILL, I3UIDER AND CONTRACTOR, »UNDÂU UT., WHITET. t-* AUl orders promptly exiutod TAIR DRESSING AND SHÂVING ILSaloon, Brock St., Whltby. A GENT FOR THE CELEBRATED tiScottioli Granite. At Marbie Workî ni J'onathan Wollendn,DnnaSt., Whitby. GEOIIGE CORNAeK, LUMBE1% MEROHANT, CA14PBNTBR L ad Joloor, Groon Street, Whitby. 'A largo quantlty aofa&l indi of lumber con. otasiti>'on haud. fi E.O'DELL, AT HEBR LY# ?CIerk Division Court, Tp. Clark, SCommissioner lu B. R., Land Agent, àc., &o., Atherly, 0County Outaio. j Atboriy 08mot. 2ni, 1872. 861 DUO@, CARSON &IBOGART, Phiyuiian., Surgeons, Accouchera, &o., &c. Whitby, Sept. 80th, 1874. 4 R QET. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. GraduaI. sith honora) of lise University' of f theiseTocf Whltby, hta; endappor-te OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, (UNDER THE NBW'ACT,) For the Couxty oi Ontario. All business entrusteaita hie chargewlli siyat tonddtu. Ovi oc flyi WhitbY, 3a,ý. I4th, 1874. aIy T 119 E T -HORSEMEDICI-NES., i ldoscrlptionl qi the boit Hrie@Ifodi. oines aet oultantî>onauhandand for alesat tule'thyLiver>' tables. * IrNo charge for adylice. N. RAT. flAW FUR$S 1 firm la bwokonrk 1viiioneal-tho largoat Cash price for aya pt the bhrh oit Qoon, Muskrat, tqani>'oMlk.Px HUGUoBIcREI#, atIersad Turnier. PEALER IN LUMBER, w H 1'r B Y, floas on'hand a opiendid stock e-oflinoelu sud woîl %soued Lumber. Al hindi for apnter mans bilding parpose... 011=09n anti Dren.ed umber aiwrayi on baud. Grass'. plinng MWi djlin on the aâil..I.. ha ..-.5 - of oisarr. ROBT RU'B L, ..ayaleby rôPO tTRy, ONT., T. B. WALKER, - PBOPITOR. EAST MARIET SQUARE, TPORONTO, W. G. 3OHNSON,-- PROPRIBTOR. Tzaus, $1.00 par Day. Stabling su cou- moction. 4 T SEAMBRICAN HOrEL. com"Nx 1 or roxN ÀNAIFONT BT. dEORGE BRLOWN, PROPlUETOB. This firit-clai. boutsehas beau nevly fit. ted up u.nd renovated throughout &idsi." lords superlor accommodation for iii. recop. dion of gnut. The present proprietorbhas apared no pains or Openie lin ïtroduclug evary Impmovemet tit v ouid te'd to th« camfort and cauvenlaue c01Ia patron.. Toronto, muiy lOth 1874. 29 O NTÀRIO MOTEL. WHI1TBY, ONTÀ1910. PETER WAKEM, PBOPR1ETon. Superlor accomodation. Table, uupplled i wlth boit iu ueaon-Gonuilue llu~. Ciqarasbit brandi. Billad rooaom ýBRITrISR AMERIOMi HOTEL, WHITBY, ONTARIO. Haonewovy renovatetisuanti sshed tistaugliaut, sud put lu insl-class order for lhe recoptian aifgeste. An omnibus t ansd rom &Uainas. Firat-ciass sample roamu, G RNDTRUNE 1RAHWAY MO0TEL, AT WHIITBT STATION. WM. O'NEILL - PROPRIETOR. Parties taldng the train mud leaving Sanies viil have thens wvan taken cosocf 1111 tisir reluru. T QUEEN'S MOTEL, (mari coxxaaouL,) BOOK.OTEET, WJUTET, 1 TAYLOR & MoCANN, PROPEETORS. Tise itudeoigned deaire to lnlcrm their Mrende aud tho public that they have taken tho above Weil ituowu hatel, wbich they have nevi>' fittod up and ronovated, and put into tise beut of ordor for th. accommoda- tion of guesti, Tise Bar, wisich intisohaund. somoolut itheCounby, iwel'-supplied vils tise finest brandie of wluei, liquors, and ci. ,gara. Amnp le enelosod shod rooni sud good italln0 , box stalle, &o. Dotached roomi for commercial travelieri. J. P. TAYLOR, PHCILIP McCÂNN. laie of Taronto, s EIKESPARE OTEL, COasuxasOF Ku<o AND veUX BT., T'ORONTOQ. JAMES POWELL, - Pioi.nîELoB. ho. fleurS, S150 pet ay. 10 TORON TO. Thse mostî Elagant. Coali>' and Pcrfact Hatel in bise Dominion. Tisis Hotel aaknovbedges no rival, eltisar lu its managment, appoltmenta an loas. tien, Iunlise latter respect il ahiordSitis, guests a chislng aud umibstructive viiev oi Lake Ontario. t-a* Tise fueit Waterucape vlov in Canada. It Sas 250 mreu rnish ist vlSal tise modierniimprovemeuts. MCGAW & WINNETT, 419tf Prc.prietor-s. ýARMSTROjNG HOUSE, (LAT£ ALSilori,) WMITBY, ONTAILIO. E. ARMSTRONG - PEOPRIETOR. R OYAL HOTEL, vaItrT, ONT. A. HINDES, Ju., - PROPRIETOR. Comniodions Sampis-ro'me. Omnibus' mneue&ailtrains. 27 w HITBY 1OUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (WSTxaroF rOiST OFFICE.) JIOSEPH A. BANDEL, PROPRZEZ'OB. Tisis bouse lias beon rocenti>' hiuit, je lange andiromnsd SitteS np suin st-lass sle. Bout Whnes, Liquersansd Cigars; 6euh Lagen Beer. Goocl tabliug sud en- closeS yard; attentive astleri. 48 F ARMERWS h MECHANIC'S MOTEL, ESROUONEAX, cNTASIa. S. B. WEBB, - PROPRIETOR. Bsst Liqucri ant iCgti alvs>'s on baud. Marais 801h, 1875. 1 L I VRRY.- Baga ta Inforu bis fimonde mathe public that hé c0rhs u 1thu Livon>' bàsines ast R&Y'S OLD STAND. Parties rsqulring canîayancoa-..00,0re5 anS open-can ho accoeumoâted at a mtau' notice. 1110H. PIERLDON. Whitby, Sept. 21, 1875. 89 yoNO OTEL, Ri ou SaADALTON, BÃ"BT. K.-XYOUNG, PEROPRIETOR. Relimbie informationread try, qe., furnlsbed ta ,.rag4tng tho coun. POBBBT X.3 Ont commkuio2, iw e t r r - ' 'r low rates fjn.em il. yta.-. 'Brook Bt., w t6y The ubscib.~ deiresta tate Iaths . A, ilARP lu thse promises ôx erican Rotai, D ho výIii Jceop ou overythmsg lu hi.' sai at tise lavesl a ousurefetpublic, Whltby, lob. 24,5 FOIRSAE GLEN Mýý )pila Btsy. Bitiss rn ÃŽdaa-Stn,ýWhilby, visere hbadS' a upnir stock of laie a absnssudvi Atroiae M74. 1 LT THE MILLS il IshBoaadi, 2-incisPh k Foacinq Boards, >100,090 <set ai1Oa4 Mauile for ailai, lst qualil>', ý15 fIt. SquareTiinbs-, Ailof aih l l~b.solti champ for cash. ReHo nd acsotg la s>'that tise Orit Mil unruunng,ma'In h.dohug first-ciais vrk. Cisopplug doua 6 desailuths veak, fan over>' lôtS bushel. E:.MA;O]R, Prapnietor. Dec. 1815, 1878. 61hf GZOOD NEWS ýtOR TIE LADIES. A NEW REV] LÂTION IN- THE SCIENCE 0F, DBESS-MAKIN'G. CORNWALL'O SBLF-kITTING WAIST & SHý>ULDER CHART. Drossas SitteS i4am memurément &loue vithoul change cf à stitch. Fan sale, villa fret instructions, aI MISS MINYTYRE'S DBEUi.iiAKNsý Booms, WHITST. Agents vanteS. Âberal huducemenla ho lise trmde. 'Wlatby, ;Aug. 18, 1894. 8 JOTTOU PBICýS FOR - COAL AND WOOD!1 Alil iMdas oa d anS uSoit Ceai, consi,î. laag nf is ceIebralld Lacksanaa, Scrn- ton, Brion HMI,,Mon burg and other ceai. CHEAP F ~R CASH I Ton sîantities ta B,.uckamniths sud othoni SPECIAIý RATESv Wood, ea l e h~1, 25 centsdpet corS abatemeutfn oui nces. SelS in yoor arders tb r A. AL14XANDER-8 Whýy&Oshava, WICoral andi voad tepots Whilby, !suguit 8i8tý 1875. If-86 LIST 0F TUE 4DI;ION COURTS COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR TUE !TEAR 1876. Whitby.. 8il2$ 1 8 1 1 Brouaghsam 2 2 4 2 121 Port 18 yIe I~9)25 26 1 5 14114 27 Ca tan 'làf~~ [2 11 "12 GEK H. DARTNELL, Junior Jutige. Whltby, Dcc. 111h, 18175. 61 BE ATTY'S PAORLORNS Tise best cf ail. Send stamp ta liat ai tes- limonials. Atitresa, DANLE L.F. BEAT- TY, Washington, .J mIAJOR MILLS. Te P. WHITE viii, ion tise 141h Octoiher, 1875.« nesumo cou- trol o1 tise M ajar Milis, vison ho vil ho prépareuq ha pas' TE IIGHýST PICE for sus' quanlit>' ai visaI dolivereti ut Wiitevale. Me vii inake ever>' efaorlta give entire satisfactlainta liose vho ay> paîrouize lise mW ih their grietîng. Fleur anS Teed oaitse bost quaits', sut aI resioashe pices, vUii aiea ho kept con- alantlis'ou baud anti to, sale. T. P. W-RITEj. Whitevale, Oct. Olis, i87-1. FOR SALE--CHEAP 1 A firat-aluas uev Arnricin Orgsn, spply ut lise Cacuosi CLE office. Whitby. lob. 28rd, m6. g F OUE! BRAN! ýAND SHORTSII! OATMEAL, hc.' 'NEW STORE , fJST OPENED. v2r OS'posITE 14'a5 IOTZIL. ___ GIVE A CALL. WM.JOMNOTON.l TO THE FýRMERSI Custt. TnuugMllu~ esapnduSMov. Swilby Oct. 1815, 1875i. WM. JOHNOSTON. Y NE> TO LEý. A 1 mier Pl Mou leres WSit uremgsuiti 1- Was n isM Opeo. Fis zl8sranerrn "02m anv, L 1 r.8 ~ '5r, Sal anlýpia'lehàrasd"t.lcj o >' Wbitbyrc Junt 2,18t8. mSama lse adn& ee h, bc mad, oX ses &.. Office, Prt Perny 'W .WILCOX, Agent for the.,,, ROYAL INSURANCE r .OOMPAN,. OFFPICJ-Qntario Loan 'r sud Ss viugs CampPany's.building, corner King sAÏs Sm cac streele. (isisava. G.p.YOU.NG SMITi-f ISSUER OP' -- -J MÂ1RRTÀ<W îTMNSFSý QUB N INSURANCE COMPANY OP LIVERPOOL h LONDON. CAPITAL, .-.-«$19,000,000, MOLSONS BANK 0. A. BAYNES, ESQ., MA . WHEITBY, ONTARIO. WHElaýZ'F0 BUY 1 Gel made up anitput dovuin besI stylo Brussels Tapestry il Wool Carpets. Oilcloth si and Mats. MoIS Offce fer canada s 191&h193 st. Comnices, Laimbroquins sud 1'inges. Win- James StrieS, MoiitreaL. ' 5e Blinde, etc., etc., ut FORBES h MUDGE, Ch.ef Agent.. B. IL.i4WDE i, Agent, Whiîby. WILLIAM GORDON'S, Anguil lOti, 1875. ly-88 134 Yongc St., Tarante, S TAGE BETWEE N WHITBY & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY I Loavos OsSa's ait 8Sa, mu., and 2, P. M. Louves Wiitby ai 10, s.,ni., aud 4, p.ns. Titre 25 cents escis vs>. WilI cau at I theise attistahprivaI. mosentes (vison orSons are lAft al an>' ai tbe botals.4 Counecti viti Oshawa sud Bovuuauville. stage, aiavlsoiste Wbilby mut Port Penny BRsdwav, and vibb Brough. amn mail aI Wlitby. H .HOPR Wliitby, Marais Oll, 1875. il-tf BEATTY'S 0'11"1S The bit sud maitliastlng paarrgonnov lu uqe. No otiser parler oygan hae eveýr ut- talned lbe same pipuliril'. Senti stamp for circiilsn sud for teranste dealers. Agents vanlid overyvisere. Acidrns, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Waisington, N. J». W25STERN ASSURANCE COMPANY EEAI)OFonICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - 84oa,coo. AGEN4T Fas saUraiE N O5Ai, JOSEBJ HOLMÀN, J31IOOZLIN, ONT. Aise Agent for lis. CANADA FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Hesd Office, HÂMILi'oN; and CITIZENS' INSUBANCE COMPýY, Monîneal, Tire, Lile sud Guarante Depurleneu, CAPITAL, .-- 02,000,000. 1 Brookil, Dec 2, 1872. 12m49 BE~TY SCE LE R R A BEATTY9TED GOLD EN TONGUE PARLOR ORGANS arciigisly recammendet b>' Prof. O. M. Ranger, Rev. A. M. J elles', Baltimore, Md; Prof. John B. Rowland, 1"v. S. Damer, Wasington, D. C.; G. S. Dysant, Bloomuield, Iowa; G. W. Robinson, Prof. Joisuon, Philadel. pla. andt isnanda of otiestroas;tise bhit un use. Senti stanip for cxlcnded 5mb aif test!- maniais before baayiug a Panlor Organ. Agents vamitatievsryvsene. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washsington, N. J. c H 0 1CRB A P PLE TRE A Il0U T 40,000, -AT TIB- ES, HOME NURSERY, Fram tva ta four s'oins of age, embrscing ail the besî Vanielies. 'SETH C. WILSON, Lot N o--, 2n&eio. Pickuering, on Kingston Rond t .ilOffice, Whitby. Besela annuncea tIho Sas removtd te King St.. s fev Soori EAST OP THE POST OFFICE, opposite Lnks's sisev-nomu, viene viii Se founti:L fiue stock of silk ansi feit hats foat ladies anti genleman, of hSu ovu esanu- factura. ffl' Strav bats coloreS anti alteneS lu shalie. Oshsava, Jul>' 81h, 1875. 89 v ALISE S AND TIIUNKS. LEATHER VALISES -ANsi SARATOGA' TRUNES, h&., ho., aI WILLIAM THOMPSON-, Sadien aa S euetsMalter, BRecx-$T., vitEM. - IJUne024, 1874. BEATTY,1'S GNS AnER fiAnrust-olau sPAMNER AND LET.. T eREoas uS a ointing ho bis ativan. tage b>' addfýosing the, maufacturer, DANIEL p. BEATTY,WahalciN.J V UBRPBPEBTIr FÃ"R SALE. a 1ev doors abovo Adeluide St., vesI side. Tebruary O11h, 1870. -7 BE A "r'i Y PINO Grand Squsrc and Uprigisî. "The Pianos are thoeisît lu 1h. va as regards loue and. excellence.-Huntling. don ýTenn.J Itepubician. "ITise Beatty Piano ih pronounceti b>' sl, le svesstest btaI dinstrumnentî anufaclun. e."-Gettyiburg rPa.j Century. "The Beatty Piansau, grand anat. sud upriglmt, are remaar5uabIe for tiir'Isauty of filis la s Weil as fonr s'eetnese audivolume ai toue."-Middleon [ N, Y.] Msrcury. r "Mn. Beatty is s responsiblle business man."-Wasbiugton f"N. J.i Star. Agents vanteS oerywhere. Send stam for catalogue. Addrenq, DANIELs F BJEATTY, Wsssblugtoaî, Nov Jersey. JiOHN L. WATKIS, AUCTIONEER, &C., &o. BaAn.s 8RD Sun DIvm COacUsRT, Anti Gesieral Commission Agent, Part Frry>. y EOMAN GIBSON, Generaf Comission Merchant anid Produce Dealer, rAgent fat IiiaE5L'L sud CoxsstoCîM. UsN- acre Fine liisuranco Compauleb. BATES 0F INSUIIANCE LOW 1 Aise Agent for lise Leseas ase udCAseADaSe LoAse Air)AoeNacy Coseecix. Moue>' ban- cd ouns-eai astate, payable fhem T o ho Tvclve yeuma, sud in anme la suit parties. Lýu' Intercat 1ev aunsinn commission cisarged. Morîgages botaglt. Office ut, GIBSON h SPARVELL, China ra Store, Duadas St., Whilby. Whilby, March 131h, 1876, 12 BEATTY PI1A NO0 1 Grand Square sud Upright. "These selcirated instnuaments have ut- taisaed a wouderfssl degriecf populanit>' uniong tise niunîcal fritternuty ffgeseabb>. Tlisylhave been testod hy, sud received tise positive endomrnenta ot.some oi the meut celeisrat<ad musiuiasafor barmen>' and riais. nses oi toue. Tse>' are withant a sopenian. -ruuciasgson rPa 1 Monitor. SLe,' Agenits vauleti. SanS slamp for catalogue.Addrea,DANIE5L F. BEAT- K ING BRIOTHIERS,--- WHITBY, ONTARIO, I mportera, Dealeresud ManufsctInr of al 1 Rinis eot LEA THER AND FINDINOS, Cash paiS for RiSes, Banst, anti Lealison. Leatisen atreched. __ "BELTING MADE TO ORDEII ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872. 22 IMUICAIPOTATTOTH MSCL PRIOFESSION Great Succesa 1 Tise Hanri Guida for tisa Piano. Tise Hansi Guide i. tise rsunl ci man>' yesreexpenience and ti ld>', adsaSs rant. eS tosauve, ut leas,six sssonth.s cf heus i. ous cnes-aieps-caice of thse Piano. Ithwyll give thse hanS a purs- floseing ac- tion, aisitise ingers preof uidpeasdanse und trcngt /u. Il vii teach thelisehng3rsto strike upon tisa ends. t wIl iitoaislise baud quielnda vhmh ieh lingots are aumuaoyesi au single passagop. lt vii leath vnist oanoctave maotion, and lu thug compelling quiet on tise part. ni tise tunctien net emyloyaS, tend ta iulensity tise ex&rie and one-case graetis'tise -devel. apanent ferwviicistise exorcise is*IntenSeS. * Ths Guide l in rante tfit ay ausquare piezio, anti laet once siaupla ansi srcug. andoot ul e laketo Itouliepiano, Seing svung beiov visen net requinedl. Sent te ans' utdreus upan receipî cf tise 'reSprice, viffi instruction. Plain Caetings Wahnut BoSs.....64 00' Ela-g~antpaeâ Castings, Rosevoosi .îàv..............600- N. B.-Teacbers are respectiulis' invitaS, to give themsalest as tother quslifesano. AppI>' la Professar G. C. WIGGINS, WSltby,ot Prafoîsar C. MOTLEY, Bov=Uvl Sale Agents. Whllby, Jannar>' lSIhs-1870. , lange quanusity f ns>' ta OSisit ai iev - T LND sel, privaI. Si. Tise subicrilair affers for sala tise foilcv. ui T ED )r sale, moveral T wCLlats, tva Trame lng vahusap rtntsutise Town ci Wmit. ses, and.&. large Brick Hanse. Fon'b>'y-An Ïe=Zlnt ,BrIc"k 1Càt tag vilS i sacre Thosa ersigneti Sao -an' nu*Crf Mon- s, mipl>' <a, , of land, itusted an the cornercion ameiS l y toLenS upon Pa= or TownuProport>', aI G. YUNG OMITE. st. Pe6ter Sts., in tise SautS ward Also, j tiu.auay Loy Rate. ai Intorest., b>, Pela. 91b, 1874- 7 am0-f land,vWOU fsne& d uin & slghe£tate Loan iaube" repaiS ln u auna.l sut, bar. -6 e'~ ' fr ts., Norths WardL. ý.acreon eCentre s.5 evmlmr l arma dWi ud m TEEN'S MOTEL, Sauth af thë reaiieuc% of 0. -D)raper, E, in tor 4dos1p. is tise Roulis Waid.Alia 20 acres c01cdLu bIveitùnnL'mat i, unichna Dei n OS E AW A, v'TARElO. 01,05O dOpatalflot 18, lOtis con, turnes,Bank, antiotissr, kst tobl Stak. PTEYLOR, 0 ROria O. Oý f ý,C. Nenthumber. Fcr furtisor purtianlmArappîs ta' r.TYO,-PORS cearatindh.pnhpbte wiollbe lveaJAESROLDEN, 'LATE W. B. cGAWý. tailSU.é bovpaor .For furstiser par. ,PasA Veqrho nt c o" mm 1' ,Aççommo;Il nap bitsn -~~ a W. t uve .-SDiWI wayrteotbes Anii dnit gtswwi'lsvdir* Vr Ï wstehbad.iI'anaândlde; Ai > 1 1 ~ll a srted, w à tin ie e sol W ie'saveu whviore sl.gonq. AnS soavhlayiqepi~stheseavas iste ii¶ht inS i. suou a Scr Msrg'srrpisu~Rosamâud, Thié>'veto s' istero,.yot asunlike ais. boare nover 1were lýèicpté'l bpln-ailly'- 1.n s .r l >lie . -d".1, AAMtir4t vieRosamodnsiva fi' atiwisgis, vilS tiamid i alu e u -, ani aà 'ravu Isair fatiing 4ülarge eabris> about' lies fae, iidiasg vitis ils glittoring, Il-oasis lise fitint iawunofecrisasun ou barserèoki, as lise brevn neat of tisa robin -bide* lise seeot roi ou ils bresout.' Baosainiosti b>' tise window loocisug countis te fait lava, anti, gat- dons, bnigisl vithtise lait glov of san- set ; snd vilS a pr6nd Mkeep cf lier' ailken garmouts, Mar garelotaossed tlis ror o ileýrolier ululer stood. . BRoue," sse saidi iharply,"llme ai least if yau lave decideti ?" "Huas, Margaret,", ehe said, les plot- ingi>; '; yeu must UIit lla ual anI eaytligfor un'e lagive-up Ibis braS lave cf my lite ta 'oouy' t I bas beon lise1 chai-m of aeor>' rghtday, andth ie oiai<Qi- cf eert>' osaîl> eue. - Yeu knov I have haîtno eue else to lave me since our metîser 1usd." "Yonune qticklycouatoreil in aot-ov, Basor;'but s reul di.uppainlmens voniti.1 kil aliltisaI lagoat i aum e.' 4'11ow do yau Jcnow tisatPilip voulsi love yous, if I asaulti go ILAY> anti leavé, hua frée 2" Bouamond sastot,' fallering and' dropping lier eyes liefore ber sister'u ?asîionate «lance. '"Ifii tlougst'-- saisen, lai-dl>' above hen brealb. "H1ow do I knov il ?" Margaret repeatâti, tise proud fligist deopeuing in Si-r eyeu ; "lias Ual ever>' ann vom I have admilleci haro for tises Iree years cf mourniog, bocome itlier ns> slave or es>'laver ? Itle luui'yayur visite, baby face tisaI lia blindesi Philip Evelyn la an>'llve ? If yu go ava> vils no fanovel tg lies,hC viliieb.MuY laver vison you retnrn." ,,Andi viaI voulsi Yau do tiso 2' faltered Base. "Tan are uery praud, Margaret, anti Piiip la a peor man,1 rida oui>' in his gift of sang, sud iQ 1 vinrsing al hearti ho praises." « "But I hssve moue>'," Margaret re- lurueti,,bauglill>. "Ouar graudfatliei'u gifl Sas matie me a riais vaman. I vili go te Parie, as hie wi/'s1, beforet Ilirc moutha have gene b>'.' Ito8amonti uhutidered ; for uhe knov tisaI tise fatal psin wvih ial sdpos- sesilon cf lier sisteul vas ut alu love, but voulti fade iike au idle dtru beforo tis tem n ealitioi of iife. Anti1 sue lung te tiesevet belief that Pilip Evelyn voulti not suifer hiei love te be0 *on b>' so frail a passion. She leuilalesi no langer, botl lifet ben radiant oycs ta lier sislet's face. ,I do nol give hies up, Margaret. No power on catl 11ulsoutiCOMP81 me te su>' tisaI-iBut I vili go Saa' s you wisis, vithout bidding him good- bye anti yen mu>' have tise appartunit>' yen tlesine." isauk you, dlarling 1" saiS Margaret, ber veicesoefteuisig a5 111e as se watcheti ber isten's pale face, ramb visàicis even>' trace af colotir listi SoS. ,ï ov iii finil coneolalion lu uome now friendsulip, sud vlio vo er narrieti. yen sSall go vils us te Paris. Perisaps yen mu>' vat Itle yelt1" "Don't Margaret. You hurt me wilis yenr cruel vendu. Go nov, sut Icuive me alone fer a litto visila." a ,,Weil, I viii go. Shall I tell papa f of your contemplatetijounney ?" aiket i Margaret. f 111 vii lell isim rysE inluthe matu- 6.Vill yenue Piilip, if ho cames ta- nigisl 2" Murgurel isakat, toubltaUly. 1 One meeting nov migist menu 'Ask lies taoexonse me," she replieS a little sasi>. III have a housaie, sud 1 shahli e bus>'." TisaI cvening Basamoud hep t lier races,cul>' going ou nt mbtlie hall vheu Plsilip Evelyn veul ihcee, 10 lustin Se tlise lans a o cisiivoice sud step. "Tel Rose," i va, usying, "tisaI I soi sormy for ber iscsoe. But trutis cempels me, Misa Margaret, ta au>' that I issue passeS tva deligisîful isours this evcuing.", Pon Rose I Willi trembîung atoua elle are pI buot ta ier roaes, sud p ross- ing both hautis telier Ilrobbing hourt, 11ev loi-sefon ieu Ineeibofrs bise vindov, lettiug lise cool vinS ripple asmosulier face. "Pémisapu I issue been vrong. after iloaieBaia, witli a issif ob lu Su Voice, "sud Margaret Mu>' via hies ta: love ber. But God bîîus my daa-*ilng'1 vils isappinesi, vueS everlho May>' Tise nrirt day tis 'a pchît up tise hnunk, sm u,t shutv-i f,j. smouth'sýviait . t er linîrolau' slon uAunI Bese,j after wvisoi eblad iseon numesi. -ý "A maulS trois to-dls>' 1 sbi suoàe. ,buet," ah.visporesiho lier sisteiii àus slle' stood an the slips, tise aunlighti falliug lovingly>' Savn on ber -.velt- face. "-If yen- gel yoni- IearI' uf, Sean Mai-garât, Iasisal! irijct lobs' "hiappy.", 'lie minublroileti npidi>" -saa.1 Boomuui, in lise leu«,,freas country1 air, vsigettiug 'ýrosin place f bSoi HU", vhs eMargaret -ai-home wvas is vusr tisensQinionguft Ijseinsdey'- ai lisemonlis. Al lb. e-mônung a&se baS vanhdireS,irnass>' ndunSdovîrf tsgaSen Patus, -iiauutj Z b> ' afZ a thaie votiot aekaioWyeàies~ts bo ber ovubiant.--0 "1Wli o Boecames bush i1vIsonr Boss ýcames bueki"-1ils.- vhipered ta lier lisant. î Anti her hear liait ausvired bak- "Whatil ]Rose isoniti at'cons baek P' 1 WiSb4n one hoab ob.aSuStaiia stops En tSevardas- 1e 'secoom pUbbWa 'ofI b'i t viais. A manr,'wbO buS obe eu inuj 1 haodi id, en, .AStbeiu -bc hoai$tfMk d slBrhP, A~i usÉ roWibksiogo autis10oiisp a- resit~ t'Tb~ lk 9 ei Po6m y r mb onv-4e iàtes o i oftçe visu 'u i'fiiavàiirit-'is napi' cop ' 'h'- * . - b r' -i It*ass'long puis viliglt. TIi usadew oie réîdcigita l verytsi 'aSft of dooii, -Glomily iurcing iunde théoaid ouk trèesteadil>' aserting ti l$0ht1ta -tise" Pleastattest -aide 'l f 'fi hôtpe, iepi tcls a ls-tn of'tho'gar-dou. ', istdi- Iuiort-a lieu; indoôw led'>es, aidS netlingmiýtdi puSbiiuh aaiden o h tonhiselava Indoo , ?gIhey'ùreIsabout mare itosîl iifiokoringdubIlIn. 1u1lb. f cOira oft O iom. r loue vlndev l; anautiser, a; suent fignar wae pcng. * er â foul:.1oftliynuamonig li( raies of tise careot,ountil, s a thaugti or'defeat'flashîd Ilirongs lir btin, -oil grattait lier bel Idovis aloglis h avrsif listing thi siglit 'of tse innocent bolauly. tisaI rau <ram floortae eilinsu antigu osi t lieravu dark face 1rofleted it lise glace; vhile a fsill'eisaiow 'tolî "Nb, 11am ual Se beautiffut s osea I kuov lb, lu spite of the flatter>' cf0 dozen lovers. Icur ead tise ti-uti lie., for tbis. dsmb'Ihing viii ncd lie il, ýý:- 'Oug'a moréhe e tured b'ack'au.fai- lise vlinaw, asd lifting lise, ourlait vilis ieh evlet ssSpreosed lies ciseWkagaînils. ctéool0glass. Il [t l istree, years s5me ar uilath die4 ;- yet I sav ler leit -nigli, assise nueS taok hien eise utoos at tsegai. desi ?once, sud smuied a 0fondu>'sa ut.Bu.Bise noever gave me a tits of, tise lave ase lavisheoù onlier pale dsrllsag. Aud Base vould take aIl lis love front me voris iavlng I Ougi1 nais ta hehaoler ?' Tise brealis came quiot sud fierae tra belveen lier splendid white teeth, and. e did nat .,sear thé door a it opied saftiy beinidlier, for elle vs eti11 behui lishe ouitains. " ýOh, Phulip, il uBooms su Dice ta bq At. haone again 1 And boyW kiod cl Margaret ta seud yon fat me 1 Doei eué gustt ar secret, dean 2" h 6No, My darliag ; I vauld not tell lie util I coulti gain lise assurance af yaur love <ram yonr ovu deur lips. Oh, Base, Bose, yon are raie cf the voni ta Me V" Tisay vire satlesi froua tis ayuova ci a love tisaI lid villdravu thisa thauglils <nom everything euse, b>' the -ntiden noise ofe a wiudov beiug raisei Boand turniti ber liad, aud su; lier asteri dreits bolov lise curlalu. "lDear Margaret I slle exciairneti upringlng half.way across'the room. But aise stopp id tisero vitS a iliriel cf dismay. Oue instant, Margaret Romaine baS holS! spart lise leavy oui-tains, gsziug ut lion aister'. innocent, love.liglsled couuteuauce-Ilaeu vilS a face livisi as dealis, anti full cf a fsarfn liatred, sieesad tusiiei ai loslpeti fron tise vindow ho Certain dasts. It vas a yoar langer befao Philip Evelyn von his rose fromntishe gardes vanSd of <air varnen ; il Was a hifelime befone Base culti forget lier ietenia fate 1 Dit iloIseforgal il ovoas tisu? Tise Hidden Treasure. Once upan s lime thoera lived lu a litIle village in Germany, a bretsenstud sisear usesed Hans and Marie. Til falisern d mIon ero redeati, ant lsa Iived aill&loe lu a litIle cottage aI 111e foot; "of s steep mountain. Tiser vas quile a 11111e Tres round tise cottago anti tise landi*as isa fertile tisaIviser tise <allier vae ulive o - had ulvays raised enongs <nom il tetasupport lii family; anti visn lie vas ilying lie lad said te Hans :-My son, Ylhave oui> thus little farmu ta beave yon ; but if you are idustrian; il will yield you un bnesî tlivingud vA ilSviaIMai >effor, sen knllttngsMota, miansigel nY-, sixponco» ar h whw wre rio15." , ar h Ivasv Iotgias'to'upiodna i'n hi . 1nd-tn.sr lt1fool k. Joia=is, Soimidu I. Thona-,I cènis e alfd>'ou tishse.ss2sbul5l Ie suantiSiey nags".6u*at 1 vmar, too. "AmnSI. conisi bave a silk'areai, auid a gOU osnb fer my s,U" siiMra "But" 1an s aral y U, nèeer Vin nd it. 1 think sossb4laeu 'ba lvè. ETh i. is .. villa ôIalýW' t t b i i to teï isdokèd'ncfe t'bat Came aîm'duV ,dayn 'to a rhi.'Bkit'the' funulst tiÉlg *as- t.~ ~ ~ m bit l.la ral U f yara on ls'er ie. dcôuble> au'dil aeemed 40e1bbeso iueavy se tisa i ui'e ti,,ugoîrcely výaIk unde l veiglâ.r' edppdagËM lîtocurtieyi ,as se liseâcaie su,*iehi Msarie rotucuad as' or puill; tho nraggea »pli re cf lier drea 'ont 'of ir siglitfOr' the i donàs va'"drossièsinu" se_ a biàckruilk, alàdockcd-'quite ýlike' a' Il lady. ',Hana gais op sndeboweql, toO, aa 'yý polisely ashe canli. ur 1 111arn thé'firyWaillien, 'id' n. tishé î Waas no 0sicroc h- voioe.h; u'Ilvaw, Prâment ut bôth -your 1irîbitaý asipi-oiseS b vatchýover you, al'youir lives._ Perhapît Ih&veu! 'îon n "m'y du'"b "ft y yau, for Iose -yen Arg lu rO poverty' aud distresi; but I haýve nover fio-gpteo.sùyou, snd nov' Ihuve came ta e0 pittl aiesititoaaiyour tronbieo,," w as reaily svake, and visioan of, un- eèi boundéd ve*tîti and, undisturbed ease ïr 1'âOiebefotè-'hieoe'yes; viile Ma&rie ireaàdybegain. lathink isav uee: ould1 Or éatilbig9 ;Ilru2anud ail lisp village -girlsia z-atthe enêtuing- fair; for, of course ,the, na fair> cOfild ',do ne lois'ssu te iqmalte le ths iih"fss la ennpointed lhiaitguardiin-aItiseir birtis.ý l; Oisa unfnslenasi lisecordo tisatbon a tissibali yara. i er back, asud il roll. th ed -off aI Marie'. foot. t "Tisdre,7my iimadislide in th'st bail yo Winilimad'a hreasure tisaI i illi alte yen ricli and happy, lor,'fe 1i: na But youw il! moal sud iluleos, yen, kit1 Br up tho ypru as fast as yo.u unvind.iti., But bë'àa1igesst, anS yen wsligelte tisîe Br end'ôf ise'3yar-n .On.' je Marie ocurtsied aud Ihankesi the fair>', rliser ey!ea siuaing witli deliglit. :-To be1 at sure, il would ]lave belon nicer te havec le tisefarygive hier tise trensure witisoutI le cooaii in a bailleohy arn, but il oe voidultakLie lier long tIand it. .I I 'Then-t'ho fairy tuincl teanaisnsd .ook a s p ado, vhicli tley nov uoticed for tise fiso lime, fomlirsiie vsro , il bing. Sise vent Ver y near ho hlm, t and spoke lu a veryloy,ý myaterious Le voice :- "Hitden inaise-grouud,, aroundl thisliouse, i. a greal treaisure 1" CitembIesi vils jey.-"Whoere-vlsere 2' )s:h exl :ld, s::ed, ndliefar Tise fairy pnred up liher ips, audi Il shook lier hesti. 1- )f III can'is tel yaon eisâtly-visero," aseo , aid. -"'But il isn'l hidden very deop; a andtIif you'dlg tise gr6und al over vils ths spado, yau'll finS il." il Hans sud Marie overYiselmedth iec Ir fairy vilS thauks ; but in tise midal of ae them oaie isobbIsio te lise dooi, opensd- 1il, sud vas gone vithoul a vord cf v faroelel, leaving Han. sud Marie Suif - vilti vilS excitemieul sud deliglal., 1 1, Maris teck tise ltaitting needies, 1 viiaisba igravu rusty viths -isuse, e k out cf tise. draver, sud isegan te kuit ýt tise yarn off lise bal; andi Hans coulai y isarffly vusil until tise oruing taeisegine rbis searcis for liae treasuro hitiden iu t a hie owu farm. They resolvesi te keep Il il tihe fairy's visil a secret, for if tise vil- t a liagers knew tisaI a treagure vas hitiden a ou tise land, lliey migist comac in lise D p night andi dig for, and perhaps Sund il ; t! s sud if anybody knew visaI vas iiden Il se in Mnrié's great bail cf yaru, tisey t la migist ho lempledti tebreakiita tiser isauso aI nigislansuaeal il.. - i 1 Sa tlsey said nothiug, sud averybody ti wondered viy RaHanud'Marie, wlmo usedti o ho so idie, lia grownugoso ud J denly induetni6ns. For evary mànèniug atliey Iwere up befote lise day davnedl ~Hans digg4n in tisefiolds, ansi marie cq rbusy litlier knilting, sud tise>'neyer 1 ceased tisein labeur until lato at nigist. m H lans grew disoonrnged firIt. ,Ho e is:ba 'plongiseti is Soelde, tnrning up tisae eartts in every cerner cf tsem,ýaËd Ilion adug, sud hooti, andi raked,'tise ortisil 8until il seemed almeat a miracle, 'if -3 vishat lise <aiy saiS vas true---tsat tise -e treasura vasn'l isidten very- deep-tisat lie diasi'tSd 'l.Haolirev hlé iepoïde angni!Y dt>one day, vison lie, came. ce 2home irom lisefieldis, asud daclarati lie 'r veuls di- ne morle. Tise air>'1 vas -a b o heatsud a liar; tisane vas ne- Ineasure v, lisera, lie sant';sdoff lie vent tolisea raie-bonse, i L spite cf Maria"s ramlain- atrancet.: Wiah o ca me hme a r nightlie ho as more tlÏiiftever- doter- 8a >1mmcd ta dig no more. Hi. a olirn-: b ponions aI lise aie-hanse isud lsugiid IJ aIt hlm forlisii idualry, sud sonie cf la liser seemed teo suspect vbat lie vas f digging for. III arn gesng te plant tisea' ground, nov,"lhosid. "Everybosi>'t! v-i àauisaImei0 uTaie pe-- ohsl ias ýw Ie , .fertie, ast. i sW'lg 'U heur r uvav "ý!Yes* 'P answeredi Marie, qulobly; "Ianti, HRans, yati are Sindiug yaurs Sisal vas' 515Lin thse «round averyilayl1' TiseuJiha gai p, sud put-he. isantion. 1Ui ssoul.der, sud palutosi ta tisa fialds. "Do 'ynrem" giaber isov tse>'lookesi bte ise' < air>' camae? Do yen ro- member Sisl vs isd.lalhiug ta -est, r srotiig te vear 2 -Andi nov voehave pleut>', sud I have laid b>' onoogli of the moue>' thissI got for my socts le suppor-tus threnui tise vinez, sien if vo, Ssci nol -tha1' splendidlia-veut. Dont, yense- vhutishe <air>' naiui, Hanso 2 a.'I ere beau a troasure l your spade sund es>'yarui2" Han. reflected ifSa visile. "I belleve se vus a gooti tait>', atter aIl, Murie," ho sais, emphsatiaUly, ak 'Tise nextrnorning Marie vus ut ber :kuiting, bnigist"sd estI>', andi us diii- «ant>' ai ase isati hit frnomtise fsiry's bail; but Rans loft hie hunvestlng andi we'nt lateo eIrm à, te ait lien, again, ta esansti &. Bse e le op athit fieldu co0vereti vilS ripe. vsviag' grain, aI bis toences'snl sages ail uosa a t tales, ut is. bursia areai>' SUeSl, sud Ilion, srnfllugb>', davis te biseale-Sougewviera ho-gro solde= vont nov. And Ilion uSe saiS uhe vaouli*. Ati so Marie sud Iress sitktogetiset, nov, sud:kuit asud pbill fSud treasurea lu lhiser Salis af yarn ; andi every-yea- 1Hasissspade bringu tise Ireasureoftan abundtist arveut eut et tise «roundl. And very fefloin the vensg,slisoy ait b ylise fine, tse>' 1.1k ettse <air> Whlvaoolleu,sund- liuton for tiasa rp bitle rat-s-tut lut, 1.1, tut an the Soor. But tise tairye-iualon vas ueaaespllsii' oS, anti aise came no more. A London Scanda. A, fev liays ago 'vo annuced, by' s telegraph £romBombay, that4lie Prince if Vales sud lhi 'suite liaS saileti for Europe. ilunrefience hoehIE trip' 'te [undia ti ewovYork Times sâayes: Mis viâil ueems te have beon huIlonS. id b>' au>' disuiten ar dravbaak,É ansi s uignal>' <aileS te vuni>' the pro- ploiesani tse reices.Th ireseees every . prospoec't biaI isevilli, lu& < sreoks,,haeuonemare iiu thez midul >f lis reesarklyah>' appy siomostie' eircle. -Il vouli bo 'voil if as mnuai ceulS ho saiS for aill vise accomepauicti aies. Ou. of Ihees, antIle cantrsry, lesîsti la a fBnc tisaIbis vit. bu akeitn advanlsge-of lis absence-ho forget iser uarriuge vaws, and lo'aasls in cretimig lie greateut scandicfdits tinS vii bas ocanret ln Engisissociel>' tino. lie rovelatianu us la Lady Mordaault. Fine yoars'aga tire r eo lebnsted in Wastnsinate- Abbe>', authlie sae tie, 'thse marrlagei of tva beaistiful liBtons, the -youngeel daugblers -of' lie Dulko of Aberooru. Lady Alhertis LIa it hie Prince onsor's goti. lstghter heame tisevifeoet lis Mar. ui cf. Blanudford, ansi Lad>' Mande,- bfsrcionesa of ýLansdovuc. Notbing0 vas vanîing ho give caa te ho tse suptisls, vhîah lhaSt a sbroug utoma of sistoe niclueroîl about thees. Tii" arides voe of a Vninaei>' hanse, re- sowueti in Scoîtiss star>, sud lise aucostoru cf tse bride-groomsis bailpla>'- Sd na inouuitersble part lu tse page af lugliusà histor>'. The iseir ta tise Ibrons' nsi lis beasiiul vie vire smoug 1h. crovd of notables'presént at tise coro- non>' lu tisa Abse>',sudavison- lthe rïidai part>'atijouned ftram tisat 'se!grbi4fane itvwu te fa ouinsua labol> sudnanoble mansian, <nU , r asociatians-Chesterfielid Hanse. No 1srrisàes old bave eouxmenaod, ppmip-entiy, nusier brigistor auspices, but unfartunsel', sa far aoneocf Lhem, viFa concerneS, TIse misceuduat <fLord BauiSfora, tavard lais rwifOhuas ra long lime beau s mastet of club , uti Srav*ig-romgo.iip.-Of laIs gie> baabien living spart, bisough witisonl an>' <ormul saaion, andi loss . qaited vilS - is carsoten, fil feerb' ur affuprat ths aunonoco- seulo cfhis ilepemaul vithtlie vifs >f aauktsr nsan;r NoRr 'vil lisera e» a n>' eBetalfstynspslhy'oth" sa tiser man, insiih a& nelis thse gëj1 of Âyiesfart. A visiter, more ifoi pàenImosif hWbla avsor >auy SPI. mumq..-.Jw 11 1 1 1 11 1-- f.- 1-1 e 1- 1

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