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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1876, p. 3

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h.Frae Ti'ade Redos, B8Y J. ùIo,. ÂLLMAN LINE 1 o JAYg1?POL, LONDO1LDEBX GLA.0QW, CH EAP PARE% Prdp4p p$Oe10»55Ol5wlehla$0g out 1rIsnds. 1For Utiçktnil taher *ormtion Bzp. P. e. Ofti Igl*beh g7rch 1861Mq 14. wti "'té Béé l OENTENNI.AL S0NOS - AND 9UARTETTS - Otte 'UUndred Tean 40g, 'long * 'n'o. Ymnà. Qulwtlr Mu Lo GhBler... ........ ... ......1m su Vle e4u.Qett tot e4 ... ... 1 ..i.. ".'0 scatter lweet vers oW er erGrave., lw eso i......... On.... So We!o1e&er the aiG ves. Trio for Pei. oeater Ie el rJ14 fr-Aml Voc........... .. ........ 1f&ufltqn's New v hL -d. ee, 75tenta oaci Oed 8PO > 04*ttod ,for the Cornet. 75é. Method ............i5 ACORlImON. e u~nvt Mtho i f orcrsan. 7k. CONCEBTINA. P~g orta PnSt hod for Orhan .750, S0Complote Mthod ....... . 1 à Pobý>flubedby. L Peters, New York, t411 BrWÂ#4 0- 200O.Boa108 Station D, mnd malled. post-pald, on reoeipt ol the price.. march 98. i ÇOMRIL HOTEL, CARTWRIGHT, ONT. JAMLES bWAIIT PROPBIETOR. Gond acomnmodtlon. - îfdS GNIGON MARES SHOP i àSt the Town Lino <Whtby and Plokenlng,) ELLIOTT'S OLP STAND. A splendid lot of vefl.messoued inuber. OsAkmihsud Ritu. AU kinds of woyk doue lu à wvrkmusie mmmer. Bep"inspromnpt* GEORGE OOAKWELL. CAUTION!1 A LL PARTIES are bereby oautioned .l. sgs libithn or trespasslng obig pond on the 9Oh oncesmion ot Wbtbyo %Wihbout leAve lu wrltln« frot huzseIL. Trespsitors vili be proeeeuted wlth the ttttnout igor 0ofthe lav. TUbS. HODGSONJ, Lot 94, otu con.,Whitt>y., Mrh lath, 1876.,1 m- 41r . Depnosiit it Domiligou Gov amul5#50. 000. Expenlenceti Agente& troghiout the Dominion.1 FieRiaJc, wrU6ess caiAdaerjai a imee. - C. NOURSE, - Agent, Whlhby. 'Whilby, bIarci 7tb, 1876. i Wb.r.Advrl.g onrasemui b. mad, TOAItM TOby Mr. 1 Pb enra lately ocpe yU . . R& lot 26, Ird con. Whlty Contains 1U( £aIre.-5 clssred and'under culivation-. g)ooti ouèe and Ruildings, large Orcherd' 0o. Rllglblystuteddmmuedlstely outi4 dii mithe .orporation. Apply b1 Oshawa, Feby. 201h, 1870. 113ý0 'Wall Et. Caricatures, A NEW BOOK, 48 PAGES, contaïulng 14 engravadi llustrations, vITS INVOATIrON rüE BTDCK ePECttLToXB; price,, cloth covere, 10 cents;ý papor co 'vers ruz, by mail. TUMI3IIDGE CO., Bankers &c Brokers,I 18.ly - ZWU St. liew Yori. "ûXTIINSIVIZe CRE]I'L SALE ~HOROUGH-:BRED) SHORT HORN CÂTTLE, ME.JOHN LITTLE, LoIt@, ?h-Couceoaou=, TOWN6HIp of PICKUEIN9,' bote sola onltse promiosesOU, Wedneaday,ý April O5th), 1876,e enbraclng »6Ceve suda(alves, sud fou Bulle. 11 a ilmnahe are of supenlor quehiti andth ie pedigree gooti - Tamfs os SÀzs-Tvenîy.avedohi" n uneel;over tbatoamenai, six meuh edlw giveu b>' in neh~prov» not4eu eeujtpercent. ognifor"ecas, 8aiSon@-Lu4çh 5t19itolock, ~~sor -W a rm ntsSuitsefm"nim' Creoutalicaois ci, eG. T. R ,uantoln fro Whtbý M ilit ,phac" st* s viii mneo the tmais Sie igilprviens aud montte ooSles&is, te cenvsy psrllee tomd frnt 1he fanm*. L ÂIWIi5 Peurmglsrb141h, 1870. PRESCRIPTION YBEE r4OA the aetecuré of mnlwesiý siodsud Il iscism. g the uown of Wuitry, se nequirel 87 the statut.su intat boe ,for s submWleon of a By-law te tlb. ý PI ifiedratepayors of the said to *' * Âudl wh.r.as for snob purpos. xltao ne- cossary torAths Municipal Cono &4 tien of th. town of Whitby - raie.sltheu of lwonîy thousfand lug debt of lhe eaid Muniipalit7 <>of the said town of Whitby e Ilift oevàn, thfl dtom bandred doaefor einè ', nd îweîve -dollars for interest.; sud tlie , l ý Azid whereae 1he totpanot 04 ~' ralsed anualy4~pe for paying thlis ad e f 2 thosnd dollars and-intereat lier.. c. ýon,ý as JereinafteT, pnoyrddiis o A. nd wheireae thé amount of lie whole iateable roperty of lie Mutie!i. t cordtngte the Ias revieedraees. vm i ffnhe yakne bAonà- sand eight inndr.d snd eeventy. fivle s948,882 dollars. And whreraa~&a i61spialý r f' 2 84/100 miile in the dollar upou the posàty'&and requined for payxng the interest, sud fortxing a Pink- ing funud oufflieet for paying off »e. principal of the -sald debi to be ltoreby #ateç , wlt*ttle perWiorc terly eairs berein.< aller limited in thal behaif, L eoô4lug tJ. eproviins,,of 4h. 0 statut, Wn1haî behalf z-iade"and prcvided. iNow it le iore'by ensct ïbylb. un. toieýpal concil of the Cor»oration cf 'aietovu'o6f 'hty j1. That Ibis%,By.,l&w shal ,coôme mb force -arid' effect upodn', f'nand affiér th, OirsI day of May, one thoneaud sight hundred and moen. ty.sir. 2. That t shaîl b. lawlul, for the. pur. t poeo aforesatd, for, fixé mayor of- te tovn of. Wbitby, 'n'à h le lierebyauthonized sud nequninodto issue deboutures b an9 aonutnt o exceeming lu th.ewhole wenty lliousand dollars, il u eno! tinot r les# tian one thensaud dollarsp oaci, boaring interestet at1h, rate orc iiipet cent per annumn s payable on tie Fitst day of May, et one thoueaud eight hundred and ninely.eix.P e. Mite sala dobenlures mixall ho e e- pschlvoly assied wlt théb. eel of bi lbe,Municipal Corporation of th. town of Whitby, and elgnedl by the. .Mayor and couuitersigned by the lte ClenIc of te lewi of W itby', aud shall bear date rospectively on the day on whioh titis By.law sai eee, an àasilîbc made paya, le 1telthe bearer Ihereof. - 4. There shall be attacited 10 tbi, eaid debetures coupons for tb. psy. tient of lte intereat yearly duing th.e unroney -cf tl. aiddçsben- furies. whii coupons cib. ni rade, wayable £1 lthe <Ontario iBank, in cf May aforesaid, on the. Orel day ofMyin eacit ypar cluritg lte curreucy of tItis 1ylaw. .. Tho deltentures te ho signed and isàuei as aforesuil. shah hbc de- liveroid b>'. sàigl Mayor 10 turW' Trrueleca, te be iarnotii as foiiowsà:» ?ne lb>' the Liecîtlenant-Governor ln Council, one by- botiaild Bail. wuv Comnpany, and one b>'te ' ccuçcii of the lown of Whilby, lu trust lobe b>' hern, quadîr lte Ai- rection of-lte Bailwuy Compan>', cotverlod loto nmouey ;Secondly,L bo deposi thie amount realize(d freon sucit sale,-in the Ontario Banik, < cf lte lovu..of Whilby, Ontario, d lu the naine of the. Whitby aud Port Perry Extension Railway Municipal Trust Account, andi te pay thte saine ont te lhe sai Cotnpany frein lime telime ou il thé -cettiOca(e of ýlite Chef Es. LI gineer of te stiid Railway, to sai trustoe-lo tihe effecat lit double of4 îlip anouint rcquired on Snell cmtifi. cale bas beeti expended lu Dons-. truction of sa!Id BrAnch; aud fpu?. titer'tlxaî nb part thereof shalîbe -'cf paid te sitid Railway un til te Del Said Engineer shahI certify te .aid are htruxteftlimaILt lefsat Ion lcusaitid i'Da tdiaabas he expended ou suntobN .ýonstruction.th 0. For tite purpoueocf formiugz a siuk. ad" And il is futher ensacdb>' the salîl connail, liaI lt.e vele of te eleclons of thxe said bevu cf Wititby,' ho laken on te preposed by.iaw on Balurda>', lh. Fifleantit day of April, A. D., 1876.-. rior Nort Ward,sî lthe Oadfollo-yu' Hall. For Coune Ward, eaItha Tovu Hall. For'Soulli Wsrd, aI Mr#. Eowc's etoile store. r. That the vctos cf the eolactors sitaîl be laken on titis hy-law on, Saltur. day. lte Fiteteh43ay, cfApnil. 17vcmmenmiga i erc bine 'clock in tlb. morniR, sud choelng aI bie heur cf Ove oiclock lu lie aftemnoon; sud liaI lia Returning omfoers for taig lte sald Voles shall bs- L tFor Northi WoriHugl Fraser. -Fer Contre Ward-.Tans ap bell. Fer South Wsrd-Ricard Snow. Concil Citaiien, Whitb>', Marci 2ud,1878. - -NO TIC'Ef Take noticea iaSle, above les aInn. copy cf s prepoeed by-law wi*ich Oli ýb. laken inte ccu.idelsîieu l'y tic Municipial councIl cf lie Corporationoý, Town of Wiîilbyrallpr Oeenontifrein théeOrst pulcationutitrenf lunte Whiî. bY ýCE50M;cLB 's ud itiy'etf nspèro, c".bIllea 'u tt 4 tev>d c WhîY,sand itiehi ea firal ubicaîtio masch o Tluaalte neday o' ud Places liere in fiked fo 0ailkî. ,elAté ofth ,e - tepollq Wu!1 .28th, Haà I~'ollo wing, Patent ,,Midn,8 ~. oeierç4s IG%,11~n ~e~ij~al~Dîscovery. tg 1 "( Dr.,SagesC D . Jc BKetoiÀep Pi.leqgO4t Praie~1t attarrh Remedy. Nqaral Douche. !edial Discovery. ait Rheum 0intnet, à7iàîî i 1 .f A~M L A T{l!t'I k yiiton& 'OS., New PË1i;, K Nw-Shirtings', T %AtioDè eet'I~ ~ ;~~j New~ Twe RN4 si'.~ t~ t -aps,&c Yity, Marc14 28th, 1876. SP~ U~ 0E1876. Frt Spriwg &as8on *WB8ns 2" Ji~ f Fit'- ~ - [t1. Ât<~jkJ~~&j V -". --* - t. t 2- :1. ,~ -~1~~:oo---------- - -. ., - WEHýVE JST"'F- 1TN. j' B~R~G-.AI2,TS t' -C udreûsüGabs Stoves Wi aiÉà and Lanterns, Milk Pans, il â LL"NOýELTIES 6&1kfNEW GOODS TO SHEW. A'Yry vre Goods in engaged pat-1 ter~ Stylisit, Pretty and deeidedly Chesp. eSome deSiral$eàgoods to hand5that shed the. aust,- sucli te "Grand Opera rnilliantinc," and "Gi'ýn'd Opetra Mp àb. - "- One, Hundred N 1w Patterns ini Prints ef 811k design, sterling value. I A-M1ERICAN PRIN'TS Te b ens h yara ;I't hose goods aýée full nxaddeo, and warranted i ai respets perfecthy fas$ colons, uuifdrm, sud equal în manufatr onygds Nc'ew Spring Sha' vls, new Spring Mats. The business donc with us' siuce opeuiu lu inthe ~au hlas beau large sud liberal, ecouring. us te dili the nov clore wih a stock twiat as large as we.bega business viti. The new stock c nsists of new sudeFashionable' Goods, ail manked in; plaiu figures at the v ry clopst cash prices. Ladies making spring purchases qill net oui> fiud thepcst assertinu of-gonuiua finst alass gcods, but alec 1h.,ý éot vanluithe tow aI The Ã"dId Feilow's Hal, EDWARD FROSI It2' Please call and examine our stock, arnd compare our prices.1 14 DOMINUION OIIGA.N CO',S IMRVD..AND 1UEMODELLD' CABIET'AND COMBI NA T/ON o orINE7,-, Coo Titis CeUnauyIs neggtly beeun e-oî-g'tnîzed by bte addition of three lte mnocit prýaëces meii in, hç Fittor>' ci Clongix: & Wstqen's Organ Coý, ttrcil, Mi'cîtl., rc adikiug an active part in him cyn partiaular departinent, suda ae nov, nufctur ipg an OrIZan EQUAL, sud in mauy peints, suoxaxea, to amiy iannfaatuned in thUniled Slatms Canada. W. tahe pheasure iit annnuuecing toon catstomers sud thie brade genenaîl>' lt wo hale scune the nigitte manutfactureandnus, in lte Dominion of Can- a, tie cehebrated, SCRIBNE PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES,, :ured b>' Letlers Patent l ite Uuited Blutesb Eughlaud aundCanada. ey catis cf titis inven ion -au organ coulaiuing Ivoor erce sets of rceds becomos jual lu volume au power, sud fan Bupanion lu Quàlity and Bilac fTp su ordinar>' reed organ of' six or >elgilïneetis.Brltn>cfT . Ký Ouür cëlebre 'C1r R;"' uinana,$! Vilcox Patent "Octalve upir,"- 'Cleo" n ~CIIniut"stops, "1'ugi. e [om," "Dulcet," "A3o1iu," ,renoua," sapd G ànuiorgan ftop, sud L 'THE 'LATE IMPROVEMEUTs, t heoebtaineil ou y lu these. organe. weuby-five Difi mont Styles.for tic Parlor andth te Chnrch. offhe best Fa Boy ~QUALITY cicr>' sud Warl Agents Wmn Genermi Ageý vinanville, Mar ne« Bn< GT tJz~ tmaberial sud wierh<anîhip j AND "'VOLUME 0F TONE UNEQUALLED. PRICES-$50 TO $1,000. noorm, Cor. Tempcrauae aud Wellington Sts., BowmsnygIu 0e mu v0r Ccunty t13" SenaI for Price 1Mb. Adàremmi, 'DOMINIION.ORGAN CO., BonanvileOnt. ite for Canada for lia " Celebrated"l Bradbury Piano.' 'h2a1h, 1876. -- -' - "' ' 1 MACY. 'v t 'i Colore d - ~ ~ r- "-t; t The-whole Stock to be sold 'at 008 1~2 - Ose, in consequeuce of Mr. Watson's (Who Pail, & , &O ower of the. premises we now, 0oupy) intention of Ame ri can dCoal 011L, 35 Mats On/y -$1 75 Cash ; 40 cents if charked. A superior article. Inuporters of Sheif and Heavy Hardware.1 cents, 1Whitby, Mardi 2lsit, 1876. -00-- While thankixig our. custoniersa for fýhe liberal manner ini they have supported oui pa'st.efforts te -serve them, we have confidence in soliciting théir continued patronage as our present increamed fa- cilities will enable us to give greater satisfaction, and would, rnost respectfulfy, invite their f atteu- tionl to the fact that we-have now received our stock of Spring and Summer Dry Goods, coni- prising a ful ssortment of ail the 1Içading arti- cles of -the trade suitable for a Éirst-class busi- ness. Whitby, March 2lst, 1876. LAING &. STEWART, Break Streat, Whitby. )AY BOOKS, JOIJRNALS, ; LEDGERS. Blank and Pass Books of- every_ description. ENVELOPES, IN-KSI PENS, PENCILS, &c. Fancy Note Papers, Bver before shown in Town. New Stock iail the'above' unes opýèeedtus àweek. building new stores anld pulling down the old one,, it present occupied by us, we are forced to dispose of oui lm ~ 1 STOC~ BY THEý First of April. Next1 We, therefore, after this date will seil the whole of our stock, including a general stock of GIROCEIRIES, CIROCKERYe GLASS WAREY WINES AND LIQUORSY SEEDS, &c., &e new styles1 J.S. OER ON - P.S.-Magazincs snd Boeks et evemy description bound, aI city Prime. îak Street, WLilby, Ment et , 187&'" O LD SMITBI'S 1H A L L ELGIN WA T CPt1 c', w I c, J- >1 1? j, c,, c,, D to oifer for 1. Brick E E8 TA TE 8 -. Franle Dwelliig-s.a 4, PremneDwehling, snit famly - natyfltled upau anle.cre.f anFam 5. Fmste Houes, wlth of land, fhuit lreo<i d&o., on, posite residene of M. D.0 Althe àaber eUlnbz ,sds loy terns b>' a onlme 1 sumit Én aOveind efpnncbasr. re propertlee ire dçoinakbiy les caub. ofected ou von>' au" lpsymenl of csib, andi OFPICE-Dudas St., Wi llby. Merci 11h, 187. JMES W}IOLESALE &RETAIL. Warerooms-Albert' ifluâI Buildings, 189q Yonge st-. Haveaelwsys on baud a Full Stostieof e ver>'- e i i u th i n l in o , a n d o p o b > ' lt e t oa t t e n t i n t. tbewents of txer customers, t 10 i c<nLiUAnce cf lie patronege hitierlo ex- - eudid ho them. specisi attention pai'dt te lmaking cf NBRDLE WORK OTTOMANS, -FANOY CHAMNS, LAMBREQUINS, CORNICES, &c., dc nids sud put dcvi in the listyl etI. JAS. HI.SAXO &dCo0. Marah OUi, 1876, - VAUABLE REAL R5TAE FOI:EV>SÂIiE 1 SÂMO &cCMP TOWN' Cas wi fnd sain ofTBNI'YPERX CENT. purohun frômrn ua the whole stock must soldvbythé e m sn l tioned. by I positively be i fl W0wu re s t8tecived Fw h~'Spl o Partieig Who intend býJing go,6ds fc Il, 1 1 1 1 1 1* ý A.- i 1 -- 1 1 1 l' eýj--,j 7 REAL 8heep -Skin eau Tw( P. S.-Bead Twice. ýOTE PAPERS, LETTER PAPERS, FOOLSCAPt 1 soi-ioo:Lj by 1 '1 dit rýý ý,, P7y,^ ý ý * ' ':l

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