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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1876, p. 4

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s Càalogrue ce >laed Ftrox la thraeamiles west of lthe mnie Whitbý,.OU the Kingu5ton ]Ioacl. lurge %toc 01efSa"on autha4fl : ranteedand ucannot laU 10 gly faction. xtra cmr basbmirt4 l ting tue- y ed seeds. iK I betwialsn tg etemdadirect, Win plama sube ttAI Package s a ent Frea T . c.BROWN, wr alsdK M30 Wasnt0il te lirte owok iby, 1Fcby. é9th, 1876. AU. j W4.1.-~-~~ qt I4d:té à.r geatd,n.a, - it 'API)OIsA for *alc-onla mte h qn4wito," Thýif>ffoô& on lb. t om tý eiina1 leçUnie etarepiene worjc.- kIci Aci la tii bce s1ncciùetd )tra of the counnUes cf Lau. Ircinm u eit itce JraI acccetlnc;i but capable ho a> ar c~.ayotlser ln ;rfU til' 1c~}lur1tesare c»eceThsee r aatimc asitcgile wllb ve sendti rus thaceqqrctlcpand, iecltcc*Les, '. or tii. Mthnoik. thruniils cf hsRlly peWl6iiof willlJnd to certi y to ticir nu- Once. %We bave rcouie bre for IcIrslguee! 3n4ges cf Pianosa .le iuarluiaec but , sitarsa 1aticaocithe CeuItbit1cc:cnds a -rdezlek -Mat3isus ekt th = li tens aic ths m as of ln- IIç and thseeu bl.Qor LJWA1D MALLENHîAUEn, liksu planîca muet "lc e: tIélerci. of al %vil lcitroeimnts, tecci thelr pecrin acon, 091Mcî 1recîli'l's théni lcly far thîr mnct dut. s ci hle Ret hable tu,ýtOtt otl Ili. ilosi theç,dain 1>1 thidcceréct théeMItbn. iJça 1iere ilsyfscil J., FAY W'ATbSONc Watgoli'cc Ccnserrrrtory cf Micsc14. Y. ~muni-y wouidtëlnu)t. Ile tu Ianifilui t c.fihcîsalxkncieror tbc ail ciii i-s. K~M~cL~NT~ enFil, Ncsw Veru atparfl ia itrsTlof' illno>c111thel J; -0.. SuAW, 14 - Wimoafailtlt<, Saratoga. lives licaurd cOthinjý ta silànl t jii sxvéet- -ctf tous. t,. ilotes are nuSe Unkthesé iir âweetest #;lnglicg bîrlm, or those af ist hupnan ývclqeâ tIsais aîcy instru- tel groet a i cir îcad W re dell" h cure trully, S,'ÏZN0El1 L. PINNEY, niuoiintiî(les~~L A LFE IL P'hS, 1cî.lîlrter,. ce -Mall 4ohekrOrclîéatuc8qîcathuérao& thi luoýj Ab&ILH. f Ltcrcfwn leru Cwer y llouautie o, tka ae f - o AicFItRD if. P aSE. Elict er. Imcc'wîcaI.11à IIA LCK Elin tc, W.hMp lionl, Tocrodc- fnto i11U 1 ont thsÏtc. ith~re , mil uitI t lll . 1 ' lrc>hectrl cati i-ccivcc Thftouencb <rt AlCe ucrL $ l'lhmci>ct l mtr ra ndcti IIlc a CW cO, ëg rA - IJ1ýte,-h $. J. 1iO1ilittVtM lcoccc, W_ pin Ke W I DY, l Trt. sÀ haE r1cc ¶icrir,Mulic at 'or.a a st 91m U the enlte tisfactionuî Sahdolnothn a he Nu- i. Thé tocs li10 vu rè5casl iuglfrot . la feeR, -lii ca h.iltccty hse -i-y not 8.~EP J. LUNERPe1r Enuiktlln nean. llIt, 1 87.- ut rOcl l gics éîtie satisfatonc ilit tappil detation tsti e Oâ a. 7ati Vas ery rae0pttli hiare liurlskijs , OIJan. itl, 187. r. RE B SB, limMteea l;A o U n vs nts atsfLtonl lave1 foamd1 (iies! lt-cA &id -blave tfi me i~, 3 ,heihele P ffoia Mal tIse Uthin. a firotphs 10.2m1 CABINET FACTOI Il~ ") f) T/JE OLO STAND, Bi Go where yo e~ased inin aking seleotio Splendid Panlour, Dra IN ýw fesigus Weon Worthy -Praces. 'Thmung-noom BExt t coices, Pio-ture :fine Chromos sud Engra;Vings fo in aulits3 raU9 is;$uerguls ýWhitby, Noveinher 24th, 1875. iGrand S pare and Uprlght. -Lîberal te=mw to dealers. Sand staun laïrcirclar. A rmu, DANIL >P. IlUAT. TlY, Waahingtoi , 1'ew Jersey. E NGàLIýFHREMEDY 1 IB Tu g ays fter*aking S:bEOIFIC MEDICIIiE. usall N,:ivode. eiuccbase Tutxpoxs. D-srz ri, unernerzouietc,, wlslcb, inlu îcny casas reprodced byiqver Indlg1ence In tue c-e cf ce an sd alcoholilespifrits: bot theo Specifle leIo molesure eseclfy recoiunencled un anufailllg curs for SubNsniw WIcIWSS., IrSATwoaxUcsA pIiworiuex snd il dusaes titfolloe caeqisénce ci Self Abuse, as Lo OY uo Y, xNilli<A T MA oan ~ rses th 1 ad le I etr'c Or OcxbuuPTion and s Pli lAUIE 011 Oc, cail et wbec, asàâesri are lirot camec1i L*ydevlatlng froù)i thé patb c1 ester, sudocccr ucgenco. -o 8b pacidie Medîiciu le tbg restict o01 a lits stu iy sud urany l-arx CE s0perlacîce lutreat. lngtýýi je ;7z.,c51partciclre lu auàrtnllnp= o a$ té c$Mid frww1 ma ao vec nas 1is0 SpéciBfla dlcIncc lé c4old by ail Drug- su I a $1Par iîtocago,-Or ix packages for $5, or wlli 1>0sent binLcl on recéllicf thé moocy. by ac IréStin WilLIM GI1AY & Co., Jiyue ud aUciitîglccNortiircc;c. Lycîsan. 1 o ACRE 'AILM EN MARA FOR ALE1 West-liaif of Lôjt 1. lis thé Sixth contes- ýAlec of Mars. Oýs-hal.f clésred saddcuider cilttvntiocc. Lo Hanse, Ban,&c. WVith- inc two mite iaic lycin. Railway Station. "> -v -0- T Il EU MUÙ&( ie ',& XARW(Ii Manufacturing Comvpany- SStylé 5, 4 Stops, $140. Style la,5, S Sîpri, - - 1. tityle 7, a Stop", - - 175. StyléeI1 7Stops., 10 Ktyle il-c, '; stol)s, 2-00. Iii Ilesonr-ut ced Wrlncit elii-vécl Cose%. Cuses ercgiterzd 1874, MELODJ«)N ORGANS PATENTEZ), 1873, 1Style 4, 4 Stops, $140. Style 6, 5 Stocpsc, - 150.r Stylé 2(y, 6 to ips, - .160. style 8, 6, Stops, - -175. lu îcid8ouéIlhcrr-cVod Carse; >,i PIA N0 Ê'OR T.EàS, cf thé ielebraeii WEBiER A COS. insu, aissyn ou sueie itthe Lowe aét Béirsfor s tlrit-elatî Is ntncîmént. qusstad te ral il îd examrinîE5hé Ir.strcc niants béfai, hylng clsewliercr. Wu are maling large réductious le Cash asii Short- Urne Custccners hcyiug direct frori thé tac- tory. Several 8eo~nd-hand Melodeons 1 FOS' SA-LE ' FROM $6(Y UFWARDS. v FD MÇDGr, ximageccr. Wlsitby, .November 24tr, 175em[. G 0 S S of mi Dnsie s ae. Tu oup mc 0i i ID S ON: annot fail to be godl fu r ~ t peotion, at astonishing loç- STables-a very supenor ing in every style. Some Lida~c'6~ia~ Custoniers, and a well appointec WM. TILL. TEA STORE. PAR VELL,' aejust reoeived the lar est est assonted, and'cheapest sokof Crockeny and Giýs8W ne ever offered Lu Whihýr! China, Stone aud Fano' y Tes In Parlount, lu FANY"O Tt eS- Its. F MOI 1 1cy Toilet Sets. 3andl ]3edroona Lamps. - Lit, Cake and Til~sfs s, Tunblers ud Wine Glasses R PRESENTS, Ça. Tccca P vs . &' c. o PTéàS, TO'bâaec niail ic oË4lçe' Hc Bacon, Lard. Oysters of the baut branda alwaya on lîîud. - Hogm, Ont$, Senal ?Peaise, Marrowfns WhitbY, Dec. 15th, 1874. n cai for auyý quanti~y of Good Dresse& t peu TAJL~flhiN~Il# -00:00, Go where you eau get àa - eh fitthhg -a'rmhent':-To the Tailoring1 stabàishment of ýýGEORC3E GU iLEY, OSHAWA. SUPERIOR -CUTTING 1IA S fFW R ALarge Stock of FineC (loths bcst Englisli, Scotch and Camadian Twods.i (~r> cllent acot 7gi ad punld et rnti. A Tweds.it %aEeentOec nsad p.ddVs HT GORGE (YIJLEY, fr4 King Street, 0ohawa. G-EN T'S CLTH.!JNG FURNJIS-HI;NG GOODS I 77) Foi' Superior CIothin9-* suitable foi' Suuînîtur wen-r try the Clotluingi Store'and Meérohant Tail- oring estuib DUNI)AS ST REET, WHITBY. A Od "ý h'49g Y)LISIi CUrrWAliItANTED! ~G ent's Furnishing Goodà of ail kinds, including Shirts, Ilatg and Caps, Umbreilas, &C-., tf-81 JOSEPH ROEDGERS& SONS IVORiHANDLE D TÂBtÊ' "tE RY, F'eu and Pooket lCnives, Electro-plated Spoons, Forks, &C. STRAPS ! NEW YORK CLÇ S;KATFS. M ZICNACMTAN. Te PB. f r r CHAS. PEN Y L E G ~~~not bis friends â aindÉe Stomers of the above, es e!n~ittha , ha-ring bouglit out $he i rest of Mr.- CobbledLich ut the business, hl s ow 4epa to supply -P FLOUR & FEED 0F. Oatrneal. Craokod Whea.. At the Domanîou Floura QUALITIY;,, F1I14NITURE ai IrýeimtVb=esjlat ély Èed on by Ja~es E. Samo, we také this oppotunity of inviting. l ias anyl friéends tô give US a Ckal, and we can asisure ail tht we -,à prepare&rto de as +eI by them in4he futre -> ~ basdone in -the p et.. Ti . JOHNSTON. Orde:rs <by*m'ail proi»ptly attended to, UNERARNi.-The only ±r~ oelass Estàblishinent in the moùtwlee f~rJare ui 'Yvsvv~d TILt- & JOHNSTQON.,,, Wlitby, Oc ober lut, 1878. 11 ý40-Iy G/ip,4AT CL,,EAIRANCE BALE 0F ,-Bob ts and -Shoes FOR mEIRr ID AJY' At Auction IFrices ono OF BOOT8' ANS? To be sold without réserve1 1î1--SLE TO COMMENCE.ON SA)?- URDA Y, FEB. 26th, 1876. Parties lu ivant of Boots and Shoes will find 'this -a rare opportunity to- purchase cheap for Sprinig Wear-. - Remeunher the place, at - ]KIRK'S BOOT & SHOE: STORIE, týntario Block, Brook Street,. Whitby. SWlîitby, É~ebruary 28th, 1876. JI'ST THE C. KIRK.- p L A O-B B3iOT AND SHO1EMAKER, BROOK-ST., WHfl'1Y,- H AS now cu i aud a large and varied stock of Boots and Shoas. Hýa aise miakes to aider evurry desccription of Ladlies3',Geutîmmen'mdChildiena' wesr. 1 -zr' Bpai4iug doué on tue ahortest notice, -andt at rc4aonaWe raÏtea3. A cail is iuvitmd toeétauiuortle néw stock. - 1Whitby, Deceýýnber, 1875. WILLIAM B1YË-RNSe EtecSireet Whitby. IIST -0F ATICTIONEE1tS Lioenised ior South Riding of Ontario, North, iUding of Ontario, and separate Municipallties> in the latter. -Thoms Paucher,. L. Fairbanks, ýr... C. Moore.... Joh4 McGill & Co..- -Domiald Rame,... .T.H.Wih . win. ! aoidon. -lamas Digby, Jr. - Jarns Dlahy, j... Jobn L. Waikis.... J. O. PFilke 1*.*1 W. M Wilcox r C. Wilson. ' *'. ..1 Thomnas Tuckér . .. Dan. Whale.. ..4..., LIST O F John Cazr..;.. J&meB.Brigg .. A. C. Hrhni -James Black-wel. FaUita McGover4* John Giligan.. W;htby, Jan. M76. RssîosrsCE. MUsrICu'Ânrv. Maricharn. «Brook......... Witiby.. ........SoutudOnaria Oshawwa........ South Ridiug.r Thavris...........M as........... Orillia............ do............. Ashhuru .... .....South IRidiug ... Thorah...........Tàhor .... Csnuilugton. de . ...... ... suldderland. Brock.. .........: « Ciareniont. South Ridisg ... Clarernont. Uxuirtidge .... Port Perry...::North iiig. SaluttleId. 'Noirth Riding.:: PortPsrry ... Nonth Itildng.. Part Perry ...Reach ........à.. Leasskalse.....Scott ....... .... Toronto,......... North Ridiug .. PEDLE1RS FOR THE CO. Oshaa........On tact. liroclrlin .. .......1hors,.. Non-Rlecident ... . 1 herse,cunty... - do. .... 2 harses, Caunty.. - do. .... S hersas, Ccunty. .. do. ... 2 horses, Coa4l... WM. ýLAINGe, LîczeuisaExprasa. Feb. ist, 1876. Feb. lut, 18711. Juea28, 1878. Sept. 0 17e 22î, 1878, 29 29 -1876. Oct, lgi, 1876. 18, 1876. 19, 1870. d1 9, 1878. Oct. 501h, 1878. Oct. 551h, 1876. Oct. 28ih, 1876. Oct. 2Bib, 1878, Nov. l 116h,8M&. Nov, Slnd, 1876. Dec. Sud, 1876. Dec. 15th, 1876. ONTARIO. 2sit April, 1876. 8th May, 1876. Oth Dec. 1876. llth Dao. 1876. 16tIs Dec. 1878. 15th Dec.-1876. Co. Treasurer. .2 John sýon's 8e/f - fhakîng Boa poP WIRDED THE FRST'PRIZE. At tbie Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 18M0 ,Ë off er t , our éustomers for the coming1. aar!vO wo dWs Mtirnu Mones, whidk in styhl-at 'hlaatand mddtý ueful improvements of the day. JO«NST~ ~'S SI$LU ER S." ~AÏE ~-«-ur ess "4rtbGiO ifi1' un iveîailucs . ~ O.L1.fachiJne, both',in closely dbitestý- in Wlands of thef Orni,~~~ warrant us In' saying that, s a Self-Bah- '.iOvinei bsmoegodpoints and tees defeots. and bas met wit rnor "d,;als;sfailurc than hpràtofore offsrad te th' public. GJUNIOÈ >MQWERr w ID ININU A L UAkL L ýNE MNTH l-q'ý'ýON LYý HO0L E 8.4 LE JE OUR WHOILE STOCK OF 'SEASQNABLE' )IRY' GoODSý, MILLINI.R, !hlb, February 2ncl, 187D. RÀMILTON k 00. or- CUTTERÈý-S! ..Ct -T R~S1 000--- tHE,ýLÂRGEST AND MOST; COMLETE S tOCFI O Uutters, sIoighs and CapIJageB, M. 0'D-o XVA 'S CARRIAGE---FACTORY BP9K T. H 4fl]Y OHAP.CAL&, ~M Chap-JHarnese, Trnk8,MWip8 n ah 000 lVhitbyi,i5th instant, 1876. I desire to call the attention ci the public to the fact that et no uie éduripg the pasttive yffaa aveI been able to offezx Harneà o-M Etldesoriionisat 8B low a price ai I"'Can this Spingi. My expensea being liglÏt I: esu do it. :cýMo mre tyihrbetter Harnisà. jnade ini this County,. *Cash 'p'uÈéasers Win find speial indu erts-tbat là what I arn aftel. Cail and inspect. llespectfnllp yours, J. 'R. ,PHILF. YZErBepairing doue ressonably. Please nloticoe-Second Harness Shep South, next to Groisss Hardware Storp, fBrook Street. EstablisUd ZTs<îeny Years aqo. 12 W. J.~ HIRE & CO0 IN 'ORDER TO MAKE A CLEARANCE 0F THIEIR 1 DR.Y GOODS ST OCK, ARE NOW OFFERINOGREAT .BARGANMS- TO SCash Customers for One Month! THEIR STOCK IS L;ABGE AND WELL ASSORTED. NEW GROCERIES FOR CHRISTMAS) Just receîved in ail the different lines. A18o a 1large Slock Of Fine Liquor8,, la FARMEBRs PRODUCE TAKEN 1N EXCHANEFE. _ Whitby, »ec. lôth, 1875. 5 TOMS & frTp 0W'O J M"ýhANJFAOTU]URS 0F,. CARRIAGES. AND SLEJGHS, DTINDAS STREET, WHITBY, ONT. Have now on hand a hiqrge stock of Carrnages, Buggies, and- Sleiglis, Cutters, which for style sud finish camnot be, excelled. Oi'Ail will be sold at cost. Ail work warrazited-. TOMS - NLWPORT, Wbitby, August 251h, 185. W8ty tre5 IR JN G L ESý,oý--5 Have on hand, at thoir Merchant Tailoning Establishment, B ROO0 'K STREET, W h IT.BYl A muech larger and better stoçk than iasuR., enibracing sil THE'NEWEST CLOTHS A2ND TRIM! 1IbJ G. Fior gent le Me.ns'01 <lotlung;-and as they 4re gvig tei whole attention to the Taioring' busineiss, they arei~ a PomitionÏ0 do it A.& J. RLPRINGLE.- Whithy, Sept. 8th, 1875. 40- y C7~~IU7WNES& PRELIQOR at WHOLE SALE and [ETAIL to sutitFthe HOL'ýI'DAýýY ,MNt UNUSUALLY LOWP RICES. TY FRED-ERICK ,NE-AL7E r ICESTREET, OSHÂI A wk AGENTFOILDAVIES 4, BRO's Ce1ebrated,' 'XXX Oe~M 17wçie trais. prisas ca-at DP> 4idley, 'Nov. 24tb> 1875. 44 BEATTY'S Z 1GODL TÉO!GUE' liarlot Dzc ré r~kdb mnant musîcians as ibe IeadgciwgsU noew 'Fos r the;Cbugbbath SehooT, iLodlge or ,PaTior they hâe e, u-~ .pericr throughent the werld. We cbàUllge any mannifacturer, toa qual them lrzswt nego,,andvoluffe of topie, Wberé w. 1iav ne igenlts -Wewill allow any oes waibng ta buy thé asgents discount. Agents -wanfcL evýerywberë. Seud stamp for list cf testl- i Wz ianssd circular oLthis wcnderful mu-, si redncug instrumen.t. Addreus, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washbenk$N. J. ]ATEN 1TS FOR IN~VEN1TION~S -Pxpeditionsly sud prope';iy uecnre iu Can- -ca h-ntdStates as u r .e- tete. prrateed oruo-charge0JTa erà pitainstructions. A geM n - laperatioli ten yemr. . - Mecbanical Engineer, Solicitor of Patents To the Inhabitanta of Duffins' Crel sud Vscinity :~by Bntther's Shop iu Mr.W. Cuthbart's y re mnay ho. séenone ci th abest Î%apLysec Beel, Pcrk, sud Fowl ever effaredt e Public. IrBeasonabls Prices I Coeè one, corne aUiand gt somethig taoen good. Q PJICH4XD WESTLAIL, Whitby, fecemberý2fnd, 1975. 8 BEATTY PI11ANO 1I- Grand Square sund tprigise. Thia ýsplendid.Piano Forts combines- avryiuuproyement in toua vitis poweas md 'gréat durabilityean& ;ba&r e.caived:lthe n- qusliflad- endorscmg»t#,aldt)emlcght mu- diuscry niohuesa at toBQ a. scing NOrSU'- PERIOR 1N TE WORLD. Large sme, 7j -caeOésrsgBasa, Fuil Iron Franie, Prr-uis rscd Air-ion Fret Deik, Carved Péclel, -Solii auoeâ--M<tuizïiz, Kvr ey Front, Cmpped Hammers, a Greffe.Trebîe,&ci. Libéral, dicicuntlate tradé. Agents wicted-mile orrfénisla ' - Sendatsrnp for circulsu.-.A dresi, DANEL F*ýBRATTY, Walîlugton, N. 1. Agents Wauted lu every.TowpPlhip in Ontario to ali he- farnocs PnîzeM6d al Çrtau Manufactur. ed by the Smilth, Ainenicais Organ. Co. sud George Stec1k âdaCo',s Pianos. Spécial inducérnente wilba given- bo fi 8k-la<m Snts ans!.clubs of thrssa or ot aigt purckhae.,.- - --uyuuýber of teetiusoniahs in 1avor 6f thoefirstmlW1a oïga*bo eànbsfurnih- ed,ý but ai they are aerwidely, ,kuow- greatunibers haviugbcen sold through- out tIse ml;iïlb4 and L!fpýR givquuatii faeiàiii n ererWàfanceë~o- tstmol ah however fateigCaU,:add to 1- teir only geid itor aI liii Giiuuràl libqraBy caur, ~ $ 7,000 WO/?TH - Bic ~~ce -1? 'Wh ~rse Tee loci -Kim SKATESA.ND ACME CLUB SKATE. lB A cf Fs L B uITCHEL. BÈ£ATTY lt»10 Akento wiuted everywhére, maàls or 1erale. lajîcl pur. on NJ p-- r-'i reè atiirs.- -. )MedlP ORT WHITBýY ANIX PORT i'ERItY EXTENSION RAILWAY.- lUu~ ~ TIME TABLE -o 0 , ýegu1t ake» ellect on desa oae tTraisinn by Toronto lime, wlicb is twéîn- ýBitu laver cil ty.twu minuistes siowir thaîî G.T.11. ticne. 1ianq ýpur.- sud consid. Whitby Jancticu.... depaa&-is e r~~ %ybiv........... 11.00 Li URuMD rie................. 11.88 a-rn. 'rRY m . nnrrt .. ...............1150 am M ) Ianchester.......... 19.00 arn. 1.1. Prlpuce Abert....... 1210 &am. - Po i rr........r......ar r r t- ýc Absrt ......... .............. ... 642 a-'. Whitby JuGUetla .......... ~ .p - r- PlAtfonni statios, Traîné st4popnécdg- Fan K a sd*est - at port Perry vith slag fe Uxbldgant dome av[ggsiccu1 CIO At cl Auey tni' Feus 1 -T'ý B- £ H ,;!màde ý 1 sttgý8 ý ef!4'or . Lel- Wliitly4lp 1 ci

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