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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Apr 1876, p. 2

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Loi -*polm. I la ~PWPW1 PER ANNtJM. s. - ctision Bltie. 2\11uti$u iale bils, )a'intaf-at 'Tacz t.bc0o41CLM OfIotl n iia superionsurstyle, ansi ~free, notice gWenp of the i84181 - aoiuitsmi luIsese ;tnotin tisai lb. Casobr.- wràus ûst e proeseon IVediesdlay S i ifiuaasoac. Cususnioatiouss saotais &iieneora l'îuoh liosaoffice nit tter tisa» - Tisaseda>' isi tus-d o nsurti puîblication Th - l'. oausoit to'uSe Extension.,. By.iairm grai'ing honnies for-tiéseke- tenision ofut isa Wlitby & Part_-Penny 11a4lway to Linmdsy as-e noirIsbotes th ru~ atpaycma of Port -Penny, sud tise towri ans) townshipî or Wlitby. '-The alubout sekea <mnatise stowssilp le # 10,00fl, snd trous tise cher corpor-. chiena 20,00 acis Last woek ire eudearc#tis te siew tisaIit was fer -h Intis e lieiof esîr bownusen te vole for the bylau. TIse rossons tison as). ducei) aaeeal nit( bie ncapilulaietd. A fuir, iuateiigeisîcnsiaieraitloa of tIsa - asuhat ass auot fait te sastisf>'alil,but thoo;e iriseare cletes-cu i ot ta be o pssviîl sisal ndte chut tiseir cars ta ail argausst uoi rti lway cesassuictiou wis Llaidway, elfineatian milstiste Victoris a ii, and )tismRsîil 1h eltie gi-est Norilsas-i mser negion, sud - it (st uvla ?ss4cilo , vell lue of immnuse adesattage t,tise tamis of Visiliy, ans)i thn moinaas of irprriug Ibm position lu snob a us>' setae v en iVos-tis usan>' titnse ;tise lropeseilibous, lIais>'o! tho saine argumntsilevl alise bs pa - plicilibie te, rasas) ellissi) ieigia mItls- lie peupleIlf lise, towneltlp lu déternmiasng tîsainrvote. 1ise>'Yihava %aise(lise 0a1iahi tionuil las(uulunut offoesa tiseo f as surihli a t HyrIle ands a sloen.iouso At* timo 'aue place-ou Salis eut ulsicis wrke, o li ait tise samnl amkilofe willi haveelie expendesi b>'tise Rail-t wsy Couipsu>'. Champ inuber, cisp1 meol, eliap peste, rails, &0.,; reflua>' risoilillies tona mrket lu the nortisoso ragian, building îsp a large popuilation liaulausurken tuhie town, anal the ois- scîqasul eilanaeinesut ofthfie -susse cfe iawuie lis 11wiow ' si ina>'ail Isa s;sasîini>etl sisongsb tise isueia, uliah tIlA basweseila tr wViitley will -ar ivii re0tumu tafor ls% benasate tis esxeision. Witis tise tnaliuieac fou- siipmasit in a ssr -y uiasi oul-olin nsit myrtia ta4,asi> oSsuisngas iiatisiîtiuanng- Pohit a, assai lsportsesat etiaslmolusa grat trissaîitseiifi,'at nallvsy, isattsasi et iit a mss' eaLtiass vil as fuesiy-Iinlaa liiisi lttweesa Wiithy ainsil tl'eu-s->'. As-il tise casaI ? Fijty secbte, ler ras. Til'unII siuam isaItise raete a *e>' ffIL liss psioivaailad isferst eos $lii),o00 Weutl a aususit le, liu tiseraap 0ar w bisa e iLityissavssemblp cf %Wiiitb>'. The sasas owvniug a 11isiti)Rs14ia ige st lus i3rOooiia, auassealea 8 ws~ oudIilusse leu ,s>' ilS am#ti 4 s @ lairla-y tai, ansds ha (-ruilesnu #25uW0111voass f- coin-,s Seli aray i>'lif liait naist------n Yos-k siiiing t a yens-. Tlisa nslua>' a 01S OsI 8i(l ouais)t c, isa. t tise lance cf tire cf tIsae cleap.- setll isî)etcldisako, or etfunse ,'ed igail WVitiî lese tuage b ise t ie, mon %wlae ,f Staa y e'oppeliathse h l.s becanse et bIle iree-yl fax, asiossid ia se sailaa slsauufabunec oal> seasering cf loin- As taO tlwisatus Pas-a>' blaîr :îtlsa îvilaîake geuthewoau et tisai wili tavres)v îUae snderstsui tisais- owr iciieregs a slitho e ai al la refuse lise licouis. Fer tbeir #20,000<, lise>'scnn -tlb.extensions trosu tIsaipoisnt, oltiaa - realuclion lssfrefgbte ons grain aud Incu- bes-, ans) lie hundrseti chien alsmtages muaIs mli go ta make Port Penn>' au imaportat oua. Consiclerssg tleise.u tereis vehieli Port Porty>'lame aI shako, the sssnoutlalu ctis-el>'tace mussl amu- pares) villaWisat in &acles fs-cm lie aîhes- - muuicipsIigies, Tise auves>'liasemade tise placeansuat tiseexpeo e tis nc euf Whib>. Witlioasîte tiss-lia> Port lPrt u'7 icis)nk Imbo ite originsal in- - - lgii-mae. lbIt ai neyer Intendeul tisaihe Mbise ailiteabosisulî n b>'Pont Pers.>' -te veIi htlère mas oui>'la lie s - evetelu, apdas is e people of Port-Pers-y meais-o, l$'1loIs) aIntise usatissg on Mon- ilsy nvcuiusg b>' Ms-. Draper, lise peupe a! Wlstby-lauss andt omusIuip-.lw-hso - -- so undor-slauci somevelal .tiair ow'n lntercatR) meuul sisuals moe-e illingi>' coi4,ibtite liv idollarsmurs-tieeiesies et thse ruas) trawm auclester bIsan oe for the. extension fs-cm Pari Pennty. Tho propoaitioa Indees) heu been madle le pay tise nin assied frein Poest Pers-y aal isaitise lisse" a fe mel sepossibile thruoug BeRah ta Brock, acoemsiug te lhe original programme. This moula] lenve Pont Permy' out listIsa cols), but Il mouisi bave tise effeat ut lindimg tise cotinty iogetbeu-, ad doîng, justice ta Roaais, miich i b*ssuaIbeen tain>' deait veîitis e devisttoi of the lino b>' Port P4rgy. , Tli iseo efs-cm -Monclieutoi would lortan the litaceonsetue Mlle*-, anl -a-a'ieiug lise isaar>grade fs-tisa -o-iT o rr eY, w6tld làue a avlug, pre.es>$ 'nd'hitae, cfa lr-geexpeudi. .ltue to thse Coimpany. :Ibi4o therefome mi comparative ludiffence tise caursee wlslh maylbe ta4n by Port Ferry lu regardes). 'Thle people c f Pont Perty wouU abq tIse gréetest auterre hemn- seles by tier r@fVvd tbroie thée bonus. T hue m eddbymw tir th. lover, il 'Winb.e seau utins a ptrt'Iois aI" - thse pi eeeds ofthes,4enibsus area nî>' ta># llllso qyAr &Anthe road prageoue% e#-Ose issu upêsi bis aertiftaate of thé' th is satulng hit hf wtè-tise enguneer W>j1.Oéi 4$y hit he anga bave bein on tise-BianaIs ta Linsay'. Tbil a~ ail syes, 8Sh. vas arrayed li -the deepemi moIsrningj and seeete o ,. 7 féel lher uneniable poition- ~'Bueé »lIdem lôoked up fro»m her'pltte, but seemeil te iî-iis #ainest cèeeeQoù wltiî her, frieuid. ;Mmg. Camspbell in- all and v"x'y siight lu figure-& prosts1usntied, buriette, >.wth, larget blaek eyem, a feàtssrS. 3ha eh iv&8 e*tremely eigï&lng, luy is na e uVen very ,retty in lie: yuth noe bs.ld on> ~for lies, appesirance, ber <sarriage, ad li'la fane t ton yardsdistance beséeak 0, sufflciency 'Of s p rit. ler faoe, thouglipaleàsus) evidentiy mncsois em by tii. noar>tliree ye>ma of olii liaseorperien"(l, la luiutisg ala oxpreBiý~e. {ow tisat ee abc ,bou iievorai ditys isere saeclbas inucl ii proved in spiritn sud appeas-auce, and c0 et the dining table, always wltli liee1serlyonjalowho appeara prou f' hs chrge. Seoi ulways brnsa book, aud wlion not in couver. lation ocissksdivemmiou lu its pages. Aill -the ladies iu the hotel kuow lier, by sigh)t aWiappear te seympathize iîli lier, as the >snprosiuuo, ,prevalent in Wliithy, grows hure that slielias been un extrernely foolieli. but je ýct a cui wornan. Mr. Gordon, Who se accseed, of belug lier partnes, lu gu!ilt now. lives lu Manitoba, or wae there' wlieu st boardi frosu. Ile scia tisat if he weme abislie wouia cousa aud ibtantiate lier temtimsny. Mme, Campbelimau illustratiou cf a Jivel>' aud rouiastic worn a aying a msan wio le lier very ssstipodemu in Iliese reepecte, but poseeee of wsalth. Me. Camnpbellei much lier eider iu yeare, liaesuorked 'early and late et hie buesee, sud lias added te lis proper. ty. Haviug few sympathies iu comn- mon, tlssy were eeparbted rallier tlsau attracteil 1 esoli- ollier, and) the oppor- tunity was aifoades) for tise veny serions ludiecrotiou Mme. Camspbell 4 ADUIT5 8SUS WAs OUILTY 0P. Tisi mli.wae exceesivel>' fooliel iti ad- snitting Gordon to ber bouse i li er husbaud'e abseuce le unquestioued, but tise generai -impression la tist seBIin. ned no fiirtiser. InsultiTsg a Wittseae, 011 the ellaaiuatioen cf Mrn. Aluïn n fuivon of Mme. Csampbell, au iusu Itiug queOstion, sssggcsteil by Camnpbell te 1dm inwyem, wae pût te liser, aundtlie etlect 1,ras tise vahlesocut reprobation of al uWset. vc.Expncsgious of auger aud dIes. gut wr made by su ltise tenators lu the rOow.. i5eerel meushers of thse commîttes sud cliairman iutauîiy pro. testes) agsinst such vile couduot, aud Mr. epeaker Chisitie, wli& was sittiug near, rose sud, is» vigorous %adin)idig. usut terme,,oissraoberized thse actieu of tlie ecoumsel s bitrageos «and unupre. ce-deutes), for whicilie rendras) tise Sp. jlsuse 0£ eviryono bsut the. (auspieile ansd their iawyer, wlio, we are tels), lIsng tiseir heade lu ssuie. MnIr. Allun, (wife of Msfr. L. Allia.> ns asii who kssow lier lu Whitby, ansd eut. tile it, tare aware, isa n soîst--ns-sîsctalbie lay-, whcs as tia Ottaswa corresposeio oatyl liuî)erery Apsearancé cf bejus whaât iii lookeal snd aise Vary " 'etivs, estq qsuia'tiY givilsg h s' eviilpuee wlien lier.feiisgo wera osutruiznd ihy thia wan. ton pise c f' hrutality. Il iA tise effssct of aisewrilig thea cotsûmtta.s,neael as c assytising 0ise, thse clineractes of thea iss a:, vliawould fot hisitate tae outrage s woman is olieet nds)beet foarliiagti ln sndçsn ta gasiinbhirn Irp0asa- Assras-aut~ts fvA 't 5UÂuabE FAs-as càu,îis, JmesI.bîariseu, hinasisu, sas eold "Village,. Gis-I' ana l isenthree- iasltus Issuheit l, fersîi avais $ii1,0 to lis.(Geoesga ribe-ar, oasRo R oy11>, touwnshîip of Osjss-ey. "Village Glial" ras is-ssses-eui rmatise lies-s) MtAnsoï Cr-uikhank, Esq., ef Sittytou, Aber- cucnllira, adusilles)te ha prolînlîl>' bis [argent asd beal in Os-lat Bribalu. Ou this e have, tiheopission cf lise lia lachng - suihonities on sîsehnliosusin tae Unites) States. Tise Sbses-tora Reportear' sïa>' :uuTisefame et tise [Iniklsan caIllele m o-d id e. Tluoe' s-o prisoiema onnats a omisu>'of aur est Iserds." Tise National Lire Stbck hosas-ue, noticing thse ccmng sale, ta Mke place ounIlie litS May', 40 os- 50 asdl -fs-cmlise Crsuikshank liens),.a ibttte, obs e *uuThe isrd la probby' se largeasb lu Grnat Brilain, sud lbac inlnilubect soine cf tise lest anil&i mer importas eWo luis canut->." The de miI niforil osplendid aoppntnit> 'rbln>'ig gaai cale. le: Ci b -JO toi fi Ol foi LA Caoisas.-A ver>' suceeasfai meet- ing cf lise meanliera efthlie Union La Crosse Club wusa balla satTue'nnîsj os-naiig. NearI>' &Hltise old imeatabel's eas) s nusuber of nei anas mena prses eut. Tise club promises lIn sca r elongar -one than Iliat aut mut yean. ýThe fallowsng officesamseeeleul;t HugIs MoBien, Ps-eisient ; inai. A. -Knomiug, Copîsias ; ea. A. Poue-, Trassurer ; Fr-ank Higgium. Secrelas->. Plb i.> uiicôsulienca ails cusnas suit- able meatîser ais in. Os-'rnA siMAYoasaas-.--lIs. Waller lime beotseleotos) Mayorsof etawausb>' a Majes-iy-et of9le!) r lus ppsuîsailt, Mn. Bangs-, la djsected te tise acIvt, etMr. Tisamasa MaCanai, l is tes' enasenue. HM agrianihursliW inpmeustewmlii bo tons cf bis. Lest mates-li al uéf wakmansisip, aud, mcli -ls>' lis e s-eputainealnb. liebed otasbSnoid wmesmb>'Ms-. CIay'. ton. Mit. A. S. Wi-os-ne e sli kee-mi agrieulîsimai impleuienasutctuser eta Osisawa, dieul aI lus zeâideun, Ceadie, Da1e, ou Thumuda>' last. He mas 60 yeanu of age. TataNavi-Scs-iLzGSermnàUus- las been prerogued. WINDs-SORa sEezix offer indue- mente ho parties reqniieg fruit suai ornemsentai trees. Svigà muAhIusALSa cf uew gouls asc -,peing b>'y Ys W . illucide&,Co. VàiUÀUsasa- Finiesranoit Atn-Se iidvt. cf Mr. Bigeicw. Wu'ahsor~à-h Pope bas 'eeioa --MoofneàDsaEa as lilà asIQeaneaI yli- ai.tws~i es eu-n'u151, 00 te bi me-etie' uisesieîià m n t BD a $umiaMk'ailfor (80,00)te irue e usetton seuil ise Viat ria s-e d, ac. &a. - bia sscs)'gis-uen uoug i' tise$1 00,analtaitisa. ta'Qait att bu their uhsolo e inbu Iletathe s-, netý oui>' to Port lPauvyrat o k ils - tire, longlis p-, 'a caes)'ai t Mrnsaoflden r ere tisa 3onuhiti aftie proessby-lsw;tae hivwt t- Ihui#15,000 mas cul Wègis-ut ;if eorý te Port Peany ;,lise C&maty lie 0 menu IpisaIeexpeusse of ibuitt tise by.lu.> - .An umdertsliasg 1a luis cifeat oigaild b>'Mr. IHollleti, ane anag dinoer.-a iàraiictmte tise miacîe 1Ms. olida>' lu lieci sud conside-aticlause b>' cianse;. l 100 et ie ua i etîles) a f1e sai lise 201h eof May>' as appei ted s lime for lsking thé, voie,&ehs lta il feae su littea as. posiible mitl fas-su -or mo-' at seeédiîg. lime, sud a àer go conversIien"l disousuien la uhieli llida>' ois 'part, thé byliw repos-ted sd os-seraui tabe pnulishod Mn Muloou ansuvarelihlis ee questions put te lin, s anta tîso le aspects, sud affect ofthe by-iau. Sýecaiai Meeqisg. Tues a>t Aýril luis A upacial meting oet,îl >coukcil s- Iseld thuaoeeiug. Mn. Bicý mdpeni froôliste specialcoinm2ittec apIý,oiutad conte- milS thias s-aa' senpany eecssiîig a bondl te tie town Mn. * Harper ebtaels) lare Ictit duce lis e nde(, muîa>' -lu muis iras censidereellu insam;it ef lise isole, Mn. Long lu t le clic sudý repas-lad fs-ens a sacanul enalini tisa aies-kSeing instritoîeslte ]lsaves saine pubuiuhes). Tise amesis) sy-I >- pro-is)es tisai cul>'oua haifthtie ps-oe' cf tise aebentus-es sisallh lieniides) o- msas tise rosadie gradeal, ansd onue h mien 1he iran lias beau placed on t ils-sncb l tads. Ou motion et M-. Harpes aend b>' Mn, Gihson, tise specisi a0muti aispoinîns) ta settiee ter as-unfati isbnd miti tisa ieilua>Comspaniy, ir silasmealfus-tiser lima tas-paost. Ceuniil aa]jeurused. ]Dr. J. M. Cas-dieux, tue Ten pcrn Os-nior. A CARI) OF 'TITANKII. Tise peeple oa! Mýyrtis asst is)iility Il lcaea methaîni Dr. C acieuxs-t Isurt cev'ea' uanuar- lunarisicia lie ufeelu timese on bise asreiug cf thsaolIs isîsuf It mîil:sem ut imore i iterpsliug Il il w tise souso-nl lime lisu lie 11C.1as-a Orales- ban aalaairioed lii s-sci- anal lise secosnd ima fliant a iftnug ai aîsps-atsiva stualie las)aauusii gi-ct bil, nalutha messePi limas 1l0Icv Iis-ncal et l e a "nyts." 1 Tisit toaisa laescisa uP. ig sDr. as-e blha s s-ee but if ie as-a mu-ta na ossr conusasels, anal if tl( rissa-si 15 sels à sna n Uo u*e11('1a4srai !ag iras- e aisfa-as-u 141is1utiai10 lueh suis-il 41wos'Orion ests teeoften ta es-en a 'sas-c a taapra a e fnturae eau. froi 1ias lîefi li ui eigibcsoai0.i "MACDUI--. Auilinusi, April lins), 1871$. Caunty Court. i The felloiemsg casas casua lattas-a fi, Consîl>' Court iselalMonda>' anal 'pnea -uta>' lemI. Hlm lieues- Jaulge D stus' pcasialed Moutayds> sud11elanes- tTn -Buneiun on Tusda>'. Oantario Bank'-tsa. McCauci. Àctioi -on psomiaeu-> nite. Vms-Met ton ýlain tiff b>' consent, $210.89. Jno. BlIiius J'or plaintiff. i Cau-?dll Ps' Gs'snd TrsanlnRýaes[us e.Action for damsages. Verdist.fa idefens)nnt., G. Y. Smith for plsjutiff - Luisis fer uefandaut. r Rdwaard8 sos. McLas-csa t e)3u&Aceh.- 'Verdict for pisintiff, $108-05. . C Keleles-or jlaintiff.ý Kmssg vs. Teo-onto 4b Nl5eiaig Ril -uay Co.-Sctlid. - Eseis aru>' ptyin hbis cmi Cossa. CC. Car tes- iin lif ; Jue. Leys tas- defeuslant. WVilcox s . Duff.-Actioou nps-tasi o ub.Verdiaterplnintaff, $2 69 Cche -uronplaintiff. P. A. UlIns fer déendlant. Grahsnarmus-. lecl aend séalb. Action au ps-omises->'noe. Verdïit fli piaimiff agaluat Van Sinclair tes- 100 Powell baiug s miner misa» lie, nofi -use mas)e. J. E. Fas-ewell anali :11 IColirane', fan pitff.; A. G. MaC1MilIaX ans) P. A. Hurd, for defi. Th 'rs uItge, srastic, gs-ping, sickeusinp îý MsCounssoted oet as-de, cens-seasu Sulky augnealse-eta, ara faut bciîla up, meilos) b>' Dr. Pies-ee't Puesanit l>spga. is-e Pelleta, or Su.gsr.Coateai, Ceceas« trates) foot ans) Herbai Juic, 1.u Bilionis GranuIs-tbe "Litle Giýant catiaartic c Mor ïn sj»Par-suePliÉsieu Maitera CliemicasiScience anablas Ir. Pies-ce te exîrsel troustise juicos of lbe rmcmi ralale reotssud herbe' le aivs-a uedionasl pineiples, ubici usheu morked imb littie Pellet oe Granules, scarcely larg6e>-llaaussauasara gees, rendes-s escis littie Pellet as aqiir ans) poearful as a large pill, whila lisey are muaIune-apalatabie said pie au lu ailcel. , Du. huis A. THAYEu, cf -Bacncessirg, Olsorsita :"Iregans >ous-e l'ets s the beat nosec)>' fir lise as-adit ana for mieS vosipreacrilebeseiaofni s> lising I bave aven useds), cmild i u ,cerain lu effacî, ana l evng Iiaieel3 lu su excellent coditin. - I sea tu me~ ~ ~ ~~~~S lif snt au ie loo ile aor caîlastia pilla anti meiicinen."f LYON&M oisidmnggiets, er- milion, JD. T-.,'ssy:"Waiinki t are g-iug toa-sIilice boýol askegsas e n se peoplo get asqualnted. wihISeus na mi spail lie pil1rade, an thee1 2aiý li:va umetiliseàllicet Iliusmuel Se t tsas las-ge pilla." tL5rOTER P PUasTsuiaiBv SinA. T. GiAL.-Sir A. T. CIil i ihs se&nul pampislet appeals' to'Proetsîts lid Cabiohieuj, irreepeefile cf creel,ati as- aliI>, os- rt> le nuitséIls- tic- nsÜn Pweea r smd fltin Qseb. il t.Jno4.to31w; brotisktins tlis'èoi u e iane pointed) ont tise of dftsCntê~tsf8#e.~ pr ang~er t e eapjmelinded fnrni beiiug laI it prorAenets. The o nil resolved jîe cIt if by.SicItoria antd ý ipissiid- the , n i utca sy;r-. wlol. M. Ib s eutsprogramme frIsLlu css tis Te Th e r loinnmended ýtise tr qimitWi, uld it Psy the people 11-1 ; i ~s cl i ,ý pofs feU Ilinooglu. Tii brànk«1çf'cr.P0nyte guve >the 820,000, lurà Oh..., the 7 cf nty sabl r tisu s leriffk >of liaving thes ~sîm, ~near13iJCüt on', fsoà. Itp5ÇonqIyi trhd;cp ais île' iu tise jsuiraat 85.0 oper dard. 'Re.ý ;a '16 lont Hluintenn âmeo.tteqEomeJ6dre.ine wst. H tli l!urië ph Port, , o eMaope tw- 4'i.U rs o of grain and 14ms Mr W.s H.ai* OHunadap îed ti 5lnt IOI ollus)ed, by tatiug Iliat if ?ay Mr .H ansirultl.a le, laiiwa lmssyn wou l ogres ta sudreortcftis, "tint 0çsii5lei d mf d 50O0 of tise 820,000 ased for sw ossTol ieslveiisif551 O i~tfaef te bu iit'1tise artinigst ~bridge, tisa by.ý- nlEtis heie Mr. ibaen lu fise chair.ý, îsw sjý,ud bànm, l ilntopoiiu sera ~P~usen o FOU a u i th t4 pýstis h-awn mai laf0Uwiný ccomts $t'3obu' liàve toble amandes) e-ptbulihal,ý con. Cisus'b, 802;1<Ulias, Pesinylegion, 0.5.75;ss is s adlit oniywtsts ,ie,Ws. U'Nii, 88 i eport adopted.- -, Commiiitteoa seid repom'ted tlie saine. q nscfteAipssd st ship The Mayer nrasutneid tise chair., Couu- l15, cil adlopid tise report. , li iP.- A. Hard was nje:st presses tai t ftalusthse stasnd. ,HIo spolie aisiy audn( Ebe By--iw'FoR T5151 155t1ita, sS5Sszsmop 0FWeilinlufaivor of the - 820,000 bonus; DOG, blola xedniion wonuuei e 5ade. en-l Mr. -Xing secondes) by Mmf Long, ciàd1iluncfiîte Port Pemny, sud that if tié oýved-ldsivè ist nrodssoeci s by.iaW for tiseplace wene ta grow ils business tise bptter aeseisg of doge. Coiscil cuuel!ho oxtensleai y . naiiway facillteso. 008B esolved itselfif m comiîtea of thse He eointed eut the dsîty of ise people bhat wlsole-.Mr.. Hopkins li the cliair. --of POri Perry te axteufi and fouter thse rodi Oomumittse roa, eported progresasud trasie1 âWsiting tisemn te tise nantis, sud sgdaits) lslaV 'taav t siagnin. -Thoe Mayor saia) t]1a4 nziess e Ow clanneis cf Isade thlg nesused the chair. were! opeucl tlie place wouid stands , M im. Essinau, seoondes) by Mr. Rlioli; ahi!, ier eowould ho ne indusseuses, 'fiàs h ou, ssovad 'tisaItiste commsittaé on feona of capital ta soe tlisare. Ile sÏng fine sud water apply to tise Inuiteet of poisnt d te wiast Lindsaealidoce, ' , hé dosgregational iuruneifor leave te :iaf t liepeople Lisee wrea loiasg, andi lair, bell tower may bie suade more easy ofe uap4in btaining rsiilway canaiectiont 16- ecase lu giving alaran in case of tire, sud extensionu. The prenant liik waei le; Choid Ent o0 ,y onuectiug witli Lindsay, but 'theinVcoian ild tom. R COMMITTXEOS FlUai AN<D WAT5555. c lo icora udMiiir u their kw .Mm. Harper imouglit in tise report cfau apotintst u atig P.rien rny tise cosnsittee ou lire snd waîer, sîatiug lane u4ponthnthetatond on ntnunkro tisat tic>' lagÀ procuned tenders frei is IWt ie us iutu-ri 'aud diférent parties for tise digging cf towu oiiny astise port terty ilsorte Was Wells, but irouîls) mcomunsnd tisaItise woaîluýgsautHbes ofrdt ti e m l ise i. saine ho. laid ever sastise gruund was in bailes1 io liorfelncd t n t h ie era Ait linfaàvorable condition for tise digglng Xisthia nItsaition ef Bell skart ou the ;gsi of tisem,; tissltlihey islbild rscaivad 1otsnsIaia, û)ska fts tandems frein Mesjins. istais Bna. fer Pei ,fPr cryaasîc- iia Asuerican cea i oulit U5ctR per galoc= saosdu a vtedocath lu 5 gallon lots, and frein Mesers. Gooby i f hss.tevtadws i &MaoNsichtan at 2Scts per gallon ton cI t alneS Cran1cil, wlio waî insisso- Cuni cil, alise je 5 galion lots, and t-u tale tisa stand after maîaesteil s'as wouid recesirtnons)tise scceptiug cf tise casas, saidi e w ps) ttiste bonus, telatter tender. Report adoptes). cosephihd )tisai h taxes ,vema tee te sao~seza. iigis, laad wlnt he callad ial imanciaI i ta'IlOTIOS. tateru(lust of tisa towss, sud said tue for Mr. Iarper moved secondleil hy IMr. îaoeiiah wasre nscill ashia ler c su ear>' R liolison tisai tisane eing cenîsias auppos. btirticsls. MIe desies) tiat tise extenision 2 neo- s) errera andl omissions in tise bonus oatili ieba a bs-ns-l te l'ont Penny, sai îw, by.luîw j.'saasig $20,0910 tu tis a Rilwuy tia IWS2,0 oalii cast tisesi ili2,6JU,( teeo Ce.,,that l ecoamnttea cesuposed e f' ana ld si)r-.sin ppariLy.\t air, Mesors. Ferguisen, Blow, Xis-g, Lotng s Cran-ills tseantnicai attitatde, 9- sud this oyen Iaieappolutes) te ceonrstrsstst4, i'cKwuasl nsdfs;s!on the tisa wiitiste Town tlalicitor sud tiesa oiscit. ýplitfas=, anal lsAcasingy witl voilsemsent a-w or cf tise Itaiwsiy Cetupan>' for tise laurn gesîssrë-, escitel sassas snorrianent.1 sdns pose cf reotifyinag sad es-ors, anal tisaI t 1i.Cnî Jiiavu --. al lver tise>'ne pont te this ceuncil on tise eveu- ed oP ia, rcsli.l tuo Mm. Craasdsii in1 suIf iog cf Ineada>', Apnd 4tb. Carmins). forcibia tes-nus, aud al ise 'aas.a ilinif tihe AunIOReaI RaEOR. a wsy ta provasie n good desîfltasîgisi- les) Mr. Gibson seas, sacendes) iy Mn. ter, aý tise axpeose ci f r Cmneli. ýtee ý1arper, liaitisae conucil rseire itself UIe tttaaitisa' getiemnu abolit is tise auto consuisttnecf tise whlacs le s "raiei % fr"istnt"frtss ,ore audit repart. Mr. Hanuasu lu tisa chain. wh s isii icorne nftan tisss-tse Onmotion cf Mn. Harper thc coin- dean Iile GCndi,,ls-wio weuid ihave ssittece rose, repenteal pmoga-cse, andi ask- ta bianaitiseiri;chars af-dia taxes-tse fact as) bave te oisasgaun. Tisa Mayas- ne. lieing bI tisa hgeslèman nern ist sce uassel tisa chair. hinsesf iii a posiiocn te have anr~ chiai. MSOTIONIS. non, ssii-ielac(Mr. C.) iselievec neyer Mn. Uannsata, secneals)b>' li. LongviOUId bs-ea dallai. lIespolme of hlîlus -novai tisaitishe peuillincf Tianotisy aso e ssg sss'aa aa aai a ii Conness as) othars ba refe-mnel t e î ssttrausmi-tsaisfsiauiM-.. aa'g ceusoittec on srcetsud iaiasciet. 'sIoisirl e tlisalapi te oppose las Mr. IiCîai, à;uasnled by lin..1'argugo.tebaisss Lvi lfoAPoirt vst sa' sucras liaïthlie Mayoassatisonize th. Il ih isssuieasileib iii. Town Solicitor f0 daman is- tayaaa'st iasassri vv..1 aprof cs(f itliea isai- Vas frein Itiesuim. ]>ussia ls>k &WC.tlalsc, and ial Calt a Sssufsians s-îs tis- oi las casie oe'refiul al ets- suit lorfeu- tis wsuai i a lly 9) an isicra Satana tise igs gaine. Motive on ut,- Ms-are. Risng, rsu-~~asi l ta itiîct t1scn la(,lisai nul Fonguacu, J-iyandi usa-uer nsiy vot. sscLnsul:,1 so)lal Lis) cil-s of tise towa l'a" iCi te ing yea. iusi!Jlio9g f-.r Iis>. 1fr. Camipblli La àm. Giiussusainaotl fia fairlies- liane ad-iuculý facta s îtlsias lus cwsa knnw-- hoe grasaiut ic osuis.a apisointassl to lealga utsete tis,-extenat of tise greai s.sejuine iliaa tie isscrau et saiiany ta tartyl is'aa aia Juuasnaae se tlsa Tovin Solieiffr. Casniai. tleeCtaia - otibr3- asic, lug Ou) s-tnef tMu. I iiînuîsuiii cusi- claslesia.lnrii e sicu-c isnl-baft iy cil nuiJoumnel audsst~andls aaijouu-ascsi tii cu-Mra. cadi a h lx cu(l TueAdsly avaulidg, âetis411-1i. rBsausCrsislwa teaex id - *,,.~ ' a51us-sil i'- tonaa , >)altise bossuas ona Thlashtb- E ncosmnti'cf th isa isesuas>'tsve-foiu tise a.reiOl.elul stan' aof lu,-a l--sss asise tirsa a!aCs -)csin Iossai isfuv;nliaiis ot lie-nais. 5LinrfraaY Pous.) ss>uiisajpt tticaudssienrac is a vas-y ge Tis elinailsiiaas->' meetings ana l nsgo. lhumaounrSstspusaiinglissu pissas. ciatieus ii iilby anal l'aurtit,,.s-y AMr. Tsoucs sapokele ss-anin tslavernP' witls a view tg) hoaiuging tise Exteisaioii f e a i- nw, dsuo f tise C'eanptsy, to Lindisay' have nesîsited lu thuaï anal wiat tise>' iasi aonc fer Pont Penny c nicipalties suisritting Syîsavg for 30, se lespris 'ing e6 cscsrsgsaieut t 000)eah, tise votiug ýte iaplace 011 Mn. cheaster Drapesasiu Ile s ccat se lise iSti cf Apsil s-soit. Tisa Go pany thse meeting osn the invitation of suos a0hava not bacglin in l pueiîing ou tisa Pari Pery gentemn, ains itisai Mn. eproject tfisa>'have undenîslean. Fs-cm Austini, w01ie iîssd busiLInessila WVitSy, ahwist we le-arntise proepects et cnîryiug wa aise ipreSant b>' sccidUiel. la ia- Otise by.laws as-a goos) ; tisougîs tisane 1a fe.rnei teitisa polie> of tise taivr.yt in naeitisas place unianimit>' nf feeliug Cempauy' te aes-ind tise line isous Pert0 su i tie -atie-. hity lis fn serate Prry Asa dica-er ac aquiscC)Il threugh, tise towinsus)getheà issei isalin iec, ef tisateOnüt>' -asa iaisl, iA gpossible goos) eut ni tissu. Tise sanie tsai tii rond siiend isi rInougis1 tisa Di id cucuasucas goermutise case of pent centre ef the conîy b>' Manfliesta'. tI( r.Persy,-wluiel s lnoir se large int % Anal ssombi uic proeaIscisemae le th( .tisera le nu ps-elisbiliiy of' ais>'rirai deleated feoiany>'causa, tisae r asin s- terling aîp on tisa lias. Tise Port anotises pr?~ganmse la>' malis Wlsitby, i. amny ipeople are, humeers, clinea4i aisd tise uisipniViiyse)ie cntenprising enonghi te decide tise ques- seuIls menId connu-at witi Sunaderlanda, s. lon ; suis)woen confidlent tise>' willb ans)tIsora withlise limes of lraiiwaya 1: glise h e bnus. Tise cousidai-af ion s-usasig rait nal irest andarl-ti blhinaisel ýe lierafoi,, lea assai te caîry >'sarîng tl isePust Perrya Thisws ais gees a cous Tn Lr sext-twentYysaa, iriset le WLitliy ah iaciion as tise people nos-lsanas)sosafi i, wo-Ruda- acnts, harle>' at îwo iroui) deeile. Ansd tissujustice wesilr s- cents, And alrisen at isist>' ceolfsp pen heoee le people of Reais ise isial d tisou$aui f e-t. Tise Comanyu>aiso beau eiccaeidin tise iaying ont cf tisasbli ,0guas-nuteo a brcceap te -tisa village tisa lina. Has eaiisathisaiil as in tisa ta y halierait on the debeaisures te a i sfoenes) jules-e te illailss'aY (îasssasy tar ît aui feias ou la laid.*ou tise bs-such oxtenai iheï-road fs-ian Pont l'errys, andasul fa-osas Port Penny la Lindsay. Tise ise le entaisiy lus Dot tise iaitcs'et no'tisa befos-astisa Port Pes-ny Iseapie.is tli people of Whitby or cf t1iicalanty tisaIa pisiiel>' states) b>' tilsa a-aadsird susis sli slsoui4 be ha ie case TVv is'sctasieh Ifwe gresit tlisa Iousstise extensionea t Viitliy, eaffsures) hi-u, saassll aises)an( - il sotai from th $is apice, ais) ParIno teasa anthse defeat of tisePort hi i Patr- illii eitina te lbien riLmpem.- 'esr>y v. Tis aniiway amade Port l࣠a ni nt ae, ciles-isiaiîy assai aler. PemmY, tise sailesaN, wiglitsl ueosnnake m:ise. B us niaiwav 'betireen it. Lotet i-u emausen tIsaI. 4fass- fes WIiby ans) lsudsay se will sîtill ns. refemning tae isaliibanal feeling muni- fou tain lier lakg9 51i'eda, anal l iutalfesissi-li>'Mr. Candalli, uloustise rail" ue, 4a0, i1 luan 'esec,1 *ntr.way liadices, sud regretia.g tiae wit " Lr with hem ptogrèse. Shlnsithse alisence of some lending Port Pas-ny or xinecessar_' ais) be doislinos), tic Coin- gentlemen trise ouglis lai have beau lier ;PaSÏY will thon be' st libarty te soeet proset-lliE favorable termefr fneigiss&W, i 'uh "tîioy on thiei eetlino aste Port Penn 7, saidbissaviug tise Cous. the: :isa OY 06 propr, trom wlsiehs taest pauy monis ffct lu avoidieg tise liesar sic( r ýjeijsQn ,and we lis ereby grade trousiPaint Penny, as u mnug upa bý fdaprives) et msiivaey caenetlion thIseradfroigu MsncliaslanMr. Dmapam's a *tfth -the - nerét3s, aitRd loue cur grain remank, u1 laseaemes) to make ne ne' trade, iicîs mil rer>' ustarîsîîy siilt lmîretien, -wame brongli 10 a mi - "t aîeus-ps-sent - presperit>' and close'- bea "futureprespeos." am e s ~Austin, Ps-amianüt cf tié au -A aupaa~;j;ncscj Compan>',ho ving basai naxtcailes) up- biso clipte Go'er omliaiapprval 'hse>aascuo,-replied it< Mn.Crandaii'u etatêment fs-oc th ýl'fl hâ p. filteBil cf tise #2Q,0Oi luosting Port Per>' $82,- eau » by ~Publia whlip. 000, st4àt*sag Ithati, s de, h.-abas'tue ta-r, - woula I; slfrlawo OtI5 ts Lhe4 fisw reiwoüldPort Pé-l>, - eday ? Now îhe>' ail isad ta ioo]çi5,lls ansavthelsie&> For liîaself'asd, naît lieut tliug, in casa Ibis by-Asv dis) suaI pss,,and -risambterosai frM-'WiT Pense ?possile. Zvià1qen fer an agame aun taw -o ilie ceaiuiopIbe ilwOuid lieasgrila 08uiislY if the hsý-la*w rnsdefeates). 1MU- X\ilpck, meidiOm ltrfax tiseCern. pnyý expiafue) as te ti6omission oifs provision, fso-e b y.aw lacI'neat t -reajuireriemsulTcitise, sotoflt eson ' Had is) ncs .lteul Otiser issyer n itile, rasttes- rise dîý.fiUrsA lus caOpinln-soma hiolding tiat tic hbys-alr radi>' uS. iniIes irs eifajat, ut asorder te ýplacé e iatte- bayon) ail dispute tliey' eusîdere) il better te sulsit au amende)liby-law. Tise meseemas ilus ertrr misu lissais) lie rosd-uaustrmias fnaM Port Pas-r>'; sc' ias ual -he cpfrtigamusesl îsartar of,174 Ise~tiseùiiPower' te -main ýfrein - su> point lu on nantise townsisip of'Reaci.ý Tisa meeting mas brouglit ta a alose a1 12.80l, midoîigîs, with tise usuai vote of Clisuka te tise airman. Tise Campbell Divorce. REPORT OF' THE! 5NATE COSE5aSTT5E. Tic fcliewiug lu lise repos-t cf lie Senate <Jommittee a lewisomwas me- ferre) lie Campbll Divorce Bill. Tise Sonate, Comsittse Boom,) 81s1 marais, 187à.,' Tise Select Comsuitte a te mic ias s-ferred lise Bill intituas): "An Act fer tise relief <if .flbcrt Campbell, te repo-t tises-on wii sail cenvenieni upee), witi powrnte seud frlers-as-os, papars sud raceoras, sais)de io ns i reaoaise roer. s-ad tise examplification cf tise procesi isîgo ta final judgmeut, in tise Court ai Queen's Benci fer Pncvince cf On-tarnio, lu- lise casa cof Cantajbell va, Gordeon, anal tisa axsmpuiflcatieu ai tisa pnoeed. inga in ans) alcrea of bisa Ceuni ot Chances-y fer Oufasrie rafusing ashow- susse for alimon>' tae liîs Mara Camnpbell, pressutes te lise Souateono tisa s-adiug of tisa palition eoftisa sais) Robes-t Cseapbesl, have tise isouer to repo-I ai follers : Iu oisedienceictiste onde- of s-aes-suce ofet ii tItis de>' ci es-h unctaut, aud te lise seventy-ninfiof lie Ituici end Ondes-eofetouens-oneurabla Houe,- Yens- Commttes isear) on catis tie Witaiesges lirougist baes-re thacu b>'ths Petjtisser fteieBill sud bb>' hife a thsa saisii'luzu. .iifia, Ccampbl, ap. îrsuvia tisas an-e, aise e-xamisas)tbé sii l'etiionasr on oata, an usil genar- ail>' -as jasns-giarai ta an>' collusion or aessni-asse batuecu tise partie, laicen. plialsca utilthisaiets-uctlosit ro u es Ilounahia leuse te tisai<affect ; and] tisa ssideace ofiaesaaiWituessas ans) Petitiener une laken dou in wriiing, anali la ias-cususteauusxcl,-togeter wiilals tesisiIWO exaunpliicatious of preoeadiasgs sasdi ssii voecianal nl- iiuteaas aduuedbaeni or( ua Couasiaae. Andal sîing dci>' considoeostise sai) evideuc-, vouchsers a-sa exisibits, andl aise tise exnmpificatiou et proceedinge te dilai lsudneui, sud tiseeupslfs. tien oi pmacecainsi anal decuce rates--d te tsern, Tour Comuaittu'-iss-acemje te tisa cosaclîsian tisat tise silagatLiOcu cou- triiusud in tisa preamble efthtie Bill have nol heen liroed. Au-i on tis e maes-e nnamaeto Tour Cainsaitice. nulise tantia day et Marais insetanit, oethtIePetities tram tise sais) Illiza Maria Camspbell, proseite te Yens- Hooaleie ousa--su tisaIa>, Yiou- Comusittea report tisaItise ismayes' of theisa is etltionwas Compie) mis s>' tisein te lies stisfaetieas, sas) tisaiof thse Cassuasi iris appaeai for has- le- fs-a Tour Comnusitte, as Tour Coin- silite isava reeson t e liova. Ausilcantise sefas-aneamasia bo Tour Cownasiteeun tia lenty.uiutli day of lia-cinustants, cf tisa Patitionfs-osai tise ais) El'ie.-,VarasCampiadlt, prensutaîl ta Your lHanonable Houma on &tiiday, pritying Ihat tise Bill s-stares) toTour Joluuittea usa>' net Sapasseal iritiseul certains amaudmeuts, Tour Ceusmittea sas-a cesue tas the conclusion ta report liai lise>' simd tbesslvau unable tb osencai er b question of ameudîng tise Bill in tisa way prayas) fcr b>' tiis Pu. titiener uilisout instructions from Tons- Honsorabile Hoanse a t tisasfeel. Anal Tour Comumnittaee have agroas) ea rscaimweil tîsat, lunlise e-eut of sic leelsien upon tise said bli liaing couse oa ->' Tour Honorable lieuse dmrng lie preseul Sessien, isurtiser procee). ign lisareon usa>' le snendeul, lu s-dan tisatisae sa-se me>' lie proceaes)% R. B. DICET, Chaairmait. lni lia-eh, 1876. On motion nf tie Houes-aSie Mn. Vick5ey, sacons)ad b>' tise Hicusahe Un. Reeses-, il iras Ordered, Tisa tise laid Repos-t ha taken intslconsisiaraîlen by tise lieuse on Monda>' naît. Tise couaides-atien etfluis repo-I et lie ssmîttee asa een: dats-es) ed te -day ýWecinesday), is-Iscuil la axpetas)to ee Ms-. MeDougall coueluias)an ce- nemIt sech sbaes-re tisa ceumitt-e, ap . )aling te tisea te do justiae te is -lient lu orales- Ihat lb milît net bliasais) sal ii tisa Provinse-of Ontario a help. ess mvita sud motsr as-ba)suffes-a s-et-eus su-ong-nnpannlliel in bise mIals uof Pas-lisasunI, or tise English 'ivresce Cens-t, for its es-ueliy-an tisaI îe isigis athtisni>'in lthe Dominion, sesagîs it couls)dus) bIste tact, couis) nel id or aIspi>' tise r-edy. Ms-.Campbchi's Pealîlaus. 'rue foliauig pellieiona% een pra- -nies) te bicseanate b>' Mss Campbllu: ro the Ilosaoraule the Ssnat, of the Do-intion of Cusnaela, ire Pal-lia- menat Aâeibl-e: Tisa pelitien of Eu-liMai-a Camp. ill, mitaetofRoelist Canmpbell, ofthtis as-u a-at W'itby, ini fie Ceuin>' etOn- rio, in bise Dos-tinie'n cf Canada., s-a- acirttiîly aiseireil - Tiai yelur pelitio-ner asas liuîwuliy as-s-led tL tieuais Ilobhemi cau bas b>' us tatiser, ts t1es-eenal J. T. tymne, us) ls bs'nersîls) uti5cs-' hanse *ai Viit- Sniensaaid, on tl is usluday oi Apa-ij, TisaI anflie 251S August, 1873, about sr aneailis lefan tise birts ci the Ss-hs sud last csil - issue coflIse suais) tanage, bise saisi Robe-b Campbell, tisent an>'sificieul aauee,jnsîification rprs-obation, trescemousi>' dejanasil er, bis e oiloner, hle mite, ami)teck- ns' iros ler'lie -lires chidren tIsaI s>' hua lias),sais)liaI ha bases-es- coe lires), sud kept the paid aiIîsesÙ' art frein hem ; .Tiai lin s'îtnsai lereians-, and -diai Dt raturs-tg iisbouse voile uem e- tinedi ifus on Il he Sa26fliSepinu r, 187à, ho did miii foréÎ3anud -once, s) thie a8siatànéeetoftua cenasa- 004 bt m ithont, wua'manhai remaive er- sun thé sais) housel ans) tuat lieoibas Wm siuoe rfetssc, ual os tilblrefdise, s-eçoelve'er cbs- tSefr you !ngoe cheld lieur obidpoechildrassl Thiat b>' a.deeaocf tisé CouTieý, Csauer-y of Ontariso, sUmn>'ias blie rofigod te iser, and le -laadised tis isle question" d, 6f ls imgiat _aQtdalisise opeus ta hlin îtbin bierresais; I Tisa tuum i- petilioner la tiesis-ausc ;liaiug aliemes tae rain the cane as acueos)>' et lie- 'etungem cluila], sudt bave su addition tisoý ehnt ýans) î-CUstbs o! lieroui>' deugste- s al, if netc -Wlses-etoes-yons- petilicuer - hamh pnsse 0-liatI tise mals) ui- mai>' nut i passaseil ishoul sncb '&mmerianssa ~~y~maueit~a4ct pni>idiug fuor sucl a seamniion baIeeur hifs sud tis a s ilabsert.-Osmuplil, s u oiss)- le effeatoq lu Z a lan) b>'eiecee 'cf jualiaiaitejë araticion bnc is le, pb!es-Coui p fý Ïhbsai) Roeli Caimpbll betàugorpalled te usake <da -8nal salequsale provision tonlien suppeal anthas aof ier cliidren ; sud provudi aise, for lier liariusg tise ca e sud o5Anae cf aI lenat tise tue yongest cf bh ahilslnen ; sud tisab'ytii petilions- mu have suaisfus-ilion d otiser relief inth preanisas sea ta your hbosaln leui usayasaem Sim sus):and yn patitionex as lus chut>'bons, miiiavras-ps-a>'. (Signaël), ELSZA M. CAXPI3RLLý Ottawea, 29ýtb Ma-cl, 1876. Dominion, Panliameut. Wn7delay, Ms-ci 9IItî. Tise Manitoba rçuad ellousoce bi mas s-sas)a tI is-)i anuapauss) lunth Banale. 4 Inlise Commons, the follomiuglz ill mars-a -ss)a tiinalime sad passes): BRespecling lise Mecisanice' Banku,a *amnsdes) b>'tise Standing Camusîtt on Bsnking sud Commerce. Te confi-u lie amalgamation oclii City' Baiku aud Reyal- Canadlien Baul said te iiaos-porala lie Croucolidat Bank cf Canada (frein tlia Senate),a amande) b>'tise-Sutanding Cemmitte on lianiisg sud Commeeso. Te issaorponate lie Brilli Canadi, In-estmmuî Compa-s>' limite)),a amnales) 1>'tise Standsing Coasamitte ou liantdng ans)Cousiis--c. To exteos)thflic t flsasiesiosi, i titailea , I"An Actreiatiug 10ta eUppe Ottaswa Iunproes-esi Ce.," as amend b>' tise Standinag;Comumilteaeusn Danki anal Cemnienca. Tai lucosporata tise National Tra and) Invesusasmt Cempany>of et Cas as amueades) iy-tse Sisndasg Comusitit en llaakîng sud Commerce. To extes) tise tisasfotehie couuinasua ment and cempletien oethtie Cas-dal ,Dais-oit River li-ilga, andf ton aîle-pur iPoses, aais es-edeailb>'tssaStauldus Cousmitte ou Rnilînj'm. Canais, sn, Toegmapi Liase. ' . 1 Ms-. Woosi-To uarn he saActta in cooaea i --Cauasdeb Silippissg Co= pally. 's1 Tise motion etflis-. IJeeilltona stisi meut cf aS Dauiiea usnontlys lu beau ýsua ini tise "isautui,' dinsincial ages 1seiag talucia up. -Hon. Ms-. Csrt,.vigit rebieal, gel pnucipaiiy ove-tise grounal pravieusj iak n stisanattas-. Tise-a ias no ci jectiou ta gis-ing tise IAinmation, Ps') salaisng if exteosisai fs-cmlIse lst D combe-, 1871. Tise ameont eudalpo-ii aI usai data iras.$8,000,000,oet muel $4,800,O000 -bas-a no lIneest ; tiii asmeut mes, on tise average, as las-t as n>'tisaIlias)been kapt pince. - Tise following os-dans wmedsropasi -Bill ta amenatise Crimiasal Lain r-elation lealise as-inaetofalcs-ion7-Mr. Casueseai, CanaIîe . For a resoutieu on susuiai t ounnus adsudssa e l Mnjesuty on tIse snbet ofatets prepesei legiaiation S>' tise lmperilPaisuses affcting Br-itish is ureisant eiîippiîsg-- lieu. Mn. Mitchell.ý CONCURRENCE. On tisa metion of Hou. 1fr. Ca-f veniglul, concums-ance' mas laken Alu soc es-ni nasolutos reporte) frc>mCoummit- tee of Saap,h>' Tisa isouseasdjnnmneal et 12.80 a. su. -TIs-da>', BOii. In tise Banale tise. debale ou Hou, Mr- Can'aii'a reselastios respecting lhe Paci- lie Railwra>'wae mesuinas)b>' Her. Mr-. Dicue>', iris carefuil>' re viemea tisa legisistin eus tise aubjeet ans) condamne) tisapolie>' et tho Go- os-nusst as net lus tie hast inteets e: tise counry. Mou. Mn. linybirnamore) ai au smeuhieùib bisil -ail ,aters-tise mcna 'alfos-t" hoe ts-uak eut, sais)tisa felloin sobetitutes) :-"Wtsout inceasiug tire sealifAu ef tiecen 1r-,siAnîs) lA.l Tisa leuse agaiu ment issie Commuit- se on lise Inuliso lais, suhis n emanud uider discussion uill ressert. Tie demIte us renuinoal on tisa clanse a-mnpoewaiog iagiatl-aias ts-vlim- s-risi foIr tas-ma 'ass-5 pss-sn s iii-s sii tisi A. issîui as. - o ýt'- Os, Jxeui . ,ilaasîtpowerbt oblasalsasin a1ristag axt n dpther Sa-é aîu ets) lusw MsÎgiStnde. is iacass-usal t: c si ni l ta Tho aoiui-e oeaelrpre Tise CMr.mi ritis -cens)saoselte LOAOio.M.Crtss-iltt ofs-al bis liMsei.tCol mmuAdts eSnply. o Ms-.Ch oîl>' more) fiett r asclnine mcite aS ihrgs-su usetre. uessIni ais las-ng lsch araie pteéumct oo ah leug specailuge) tie reditiohe fIedut>', ans) cenclndea >' mcithe Sa fr oliawiug ealutone-cThaitbut Spas .it ns- cie oiLetaat is exhair, enIt isaI -i hali s-asolaes taitie -axpadin lu fli ubliefinernattisaI tise e Cuousdut>' 1o -relues) paisyseauns ie meducei s -7je par gallon." -Mr-., Sarie- seaoned 4he molions "Il sais) 1 10111111Ua C Onoftie Pressa it hgi pslas, uliiîlt thrie éteaiIa ho Suppyp~ersl ssi~psse,- ......ip .. ........... IFI s -en tn~is~ sieds4a- .Tiii ...... . . 10~ a,@ 1soc su - ~~~~~~n: - lu ________________Pas___ ah, - srs ~u4--s~ Fridsy, 8let..- e~ap-~M a',' s- e -_T s"" ellïwater of' c f icu 'tisle Houge go mb Com-, tïi "inà eea n>' miliets èppi>' ,movedtLst iespen- - Ilv - - eMalde 8 11if t-bissF mater cfns do net basve techair; W sa-W ;ïiULýEe.Îý ,IbidJV- o f e e s o lv e s) a ti t c a s y -. h R a s) u& C o ., Ht m eî; cp e i c a a d i y te grfin 000 tons cf selral*Woria for Dietella Pieparatioii,e lauston- -,Witiîoat tie preieu sasnticn of ealîe.; imn , wt ~a utas stannaexarise -1a&sdososLosu cf exciap9eraudlasuaiTe Conu ptii*à. pureisase ires u'ti'si'is(ii itnd ýi curiss' 'd greantpeassaia-'!cas te tise ce Lrsy." -Tise esvemti3er,jaxlai. - -nh ' AýVenyJ«ogdebate essce n lub!iels "I lise wbcie question <if tise'pus-clisse cf - evegeta -tsoelyféhoe fpodyin id e! saélrails *atino-iato, -to. 1Mr -smple _Je rmeyf orsssfa.Ats Mackuenzie dnfenuliug tise Goverunt ra8uwnaisilanaaCli eau on tise gronaide Ibatse actes) îsndtX tlsè afflon,-',lo tvoàsu4'radcai speci- ,P- adrice cf tise Govemnot u e Re' 4for 2ervesfasDc laltj, P matire Deays su tsa is cilfratenterS s pa ui.ý and '& ms-vuas 0omp)pasmt,foeIl t bis duty and hatthe allfortondit ba b"ntmalà.easil lues-s tes- bilesuffesfug blais. ile duiyaaivertiaed in a nuanler et leadingAcsaoil Is motive, ho -niE abeorfuliy ri Màâ 'H*e cio-AM) t9l ylichodesire it, the feRug ll1y dis-ides), andefull -directions for' 7e , n _ , efi t ~em~-e'dSJ.Thse P -wlah te avili fer 4à di -C- a etheansoives ef the benefits of iisis discove-> or lutie aae itisoutcoat, cals dole 0 u>' etumn mail, la> y> Hoen. Mr, Dieke>' Made 5paiýsP8i, es- *cdresslag, usith s$.m, aln tsst sper, léPas-t lu regard 1t tbçCainpisliildivsorce DuCE[ABRLBS?.,MAUas9n', Case,mettng.fertithlie iieucie'. ans) ý àStreièt, net :conalisiiag-bhiai thesilUegallons:cosatain- 3i'-- au, .Y - w ns0uh preablê ofthe inlli have nt, -béeaupscrn.Oath' refamence t 10 Mmesil -1R~W i -ADVERTISEDIENTS. CaMpSall'acpetitiçin Ilat lise bill Se ______________ mre ea], b iermesuen issforTuse TTIPE TO DEBTORS i s"essonpodi ba suipeud). ise reost illi cusdeed 61?fnda Parties indebled te tise eitate ef saua B-aturda>', Apri1lots. E.R B.H Y A I, âi sudy's session~ mas short, lie. R .H YV A D he Hcusse seiiing only, up teasir o'aiock. - Amonget th.erncplbusiness dispos.- ýtis0' ecnus u ils ns) ef mas th eenidouin g: m u- t b . a id eoi i b e tr oe Mr. Lais-s) ltroduces a 1bi11 respect- TE I sf VA YOFX YNE T i iog lie Dominion:Landu, tie e4js-ol FM T;<E ans Seing te essabie a 'sebhiernea &long lie Alacut isete)a la aemih lina cf tise Pacifia Rsailwaýk, bbc setlens hanaled ltise Sàcites ai th. As signes, fer cellection. [se te psy nuisoqasuti> for the lande wicili 1 asymaul te Iha made aItishe store et Mr. - lu, lise>'miglit ecnupy, acces-ding te tes-ms Haywnsi. Breeliru, wmis a ulhismzes) l iii t lite ars-asigi. -gis-a re ipte. ,1. . as Iu repiy 10 Mr'. Ilusies-.: - DUNCAX McPFAfLANE, e Ms-. Lairs-e id le dis) net undalrsins)- roAissiApgnée. 17 tisaI tisa os-ernuseut _lais)a rallia>' au landlslu in covrs sas tise as- as rangement b>' mieS lie Goeomnet FLOWERS i FLOWERS i SEEDS i[J e ireateaquis-e lanssason Is sas E3Sl luasiug mlaen tiarougi its tIhe aisans)- IW ghaiBrksntden1 o- oesusicst et tise Esquras-asli Itailira>'. 1 Gas & Mut Wrihtn&, Broks, er oves-y erSir John, Mac*nas) compiauosl cf' description et Flower ans) Vegélable Seeds. ed tise numhes cf rres e uaidlias)linTse best selectefi stock oves- afie )for sale sg graî'ntes) b>'tiseHouise, ans) mmcih as) iu thse Tamws et Whitby. As thé soasan as)- , mol beaunmade. ,Ha founici thai oua rances, me sisal lie prepa-eci fasuppi>' aur et litndres) ans) siglilreturusSa)beau ajcteisieras ta succesision et suitable - a, gmntea, su oni> moie fot>' las) eau useaand) beddig Ila. lgte m antis lysois ie iras otisadens-tm r2e- fer Prauing, =sîig cm Land.: ce, nde. lu En-glssua l ilà h u;o cleGardenlisg, popyattesidefito to itlioa hesupplies nubtil tise -ce- Satisfaion guansastees). le- tus-usa stes-amade. 0Ous-seion n'as 10o - - WBIGHT & BROOKS, id exiteaiili' is-IrtishaI tisetîtunces -Aget frFu0 sns s Vaties. s- : wedto aas s-s-uis-es)in - bis par+._ - ]rock-St. agtisular. Cestains-abus-ns grautes) 1»' whitb>', ÂprE 11h, 187e. t-1j sd tisa Unise jasconuactieus mitis lie Paci -__________________ fie Raluay bavaeiDot beau madoe, mlaisi« us- couls) isave scen main u24 É heu rs. -]ý8~M AIa 4 Mar. -=eoasoclS a aad ail pas. A s'0 subIe expedtio i iiniringiug dom -ste-T sturs-n, mass>'of! iricis equirealis eusn PUBLIC -AU& CTION. kg pasmnai supervision. g, ns-tiser progress wuas madeienl suppi>',- sosaniitemîsSeing passes). Tisera mii ie ailes-ns) tes- sale b>' Pishulie g On tise item etfS50,000 t e tic St. Atistien, ulisaut mes-ve;sta lay's British ly Ps-tes Canai. AmercanHolel, an b- lieu. Mr-. Tnppsrsais) ibat lia Gev- Satîra' - < tJ 17 2-erauseuîf, ulalis te>' cliugas)thea plane i-rl51t 1M e. ftai' iis causal, $isoulal las-e taken a vete - in Tira Pas-cois, viz s ts tram Palilausanl. -PisCEsu 1.- Part oofIcI No. 28, iastise 2nd 'h Hlou. Mr. Mackuenzie mais)lissa ion. cuesana h Iwsiipcf Wiiby, cou- las gentlemnan dis) net: knoirwhatl iea as laiasing 64 acres, auaion a1 te et cultiva- eo talking about. Thsis le coe oftise beel faims mInsTown- Hon. Mn. Tupper mibsn hePs-cuier l'1>~cs . EuBt hall 1aoflise Not-s-au etf Sas) ai rigit te ue obai sguange. It lot Na. 25, lu bhisth cencesibi.of etWiitby, in irasusait uusparliaeasy and degnadi- cessla;inias 48 acres. r. ing tte sadignil>' ef Palitameul. Saue ai eue o'clock, p. m. Tes-usaode - a» Hum. Ms-. Mackenzie sais) limaI noti- humain aI tho lianeof nus. Titb indlspuf- 91 ing aisat coula le saai te-tisa aiaushas abus, sud immedisle possession giron. aI faos-Cauberand wmuis) egnade tise -1 L., FAIBANKS. t Huis. ALEX. ANDEUSCIN, Auclioneas-. - Sir Jolso Macalonaild sali nchInnma- 1Ps-opa-otos-n gasaigoa mas suparîiuneîscasy anude- Wlsiby, Apa-l 59a, 1876. 15 gradissg is tis enis-anse, ai-Ilieo coula tel tehte lieu. gantis1mans that jrfhafie sealT 0, BULDERS dC ONT5IACTO1SS. -suds languag u- tise Ileuse cf Cern- TENDERS wul bssecl'veidb Iho unden- filonsus la Engianal it uculai rime te ps-e- signes) tils 6 o'alaek, p.m., on TRURSDAY isat even, tise measiact sisemberilusthe 155e SOthis aeSut,for tise es-ocilnofa block iIoueçs. Tisa hou, gentleman lia)fcr- - c gotele iimsalf lu using lauguagas cf ,-~,-ss ~ltT ma1,J suoaiachas-alter. Wbat miglit Sas)holie -"-' BRICK SO RESui5 thB> uIneiuiaS cus s < lu tise Town ci Whlbsby. Planes i spaci- tiseanebs-for Cumbeérlaus) wouldf eat=nucanh.sen on waisites- Monda>' degrade tise Houge 2 Wlal iglit liuatise lothis nstant, aItishe sta6rs-et Messrs. lio te bal llus lie kueir uoîbiug about Thsomas Lawler &Ceo, Whitb>'. snutathse- wh- bis ie s llking cf. It siscucaloffices aoflise tah-itece, Langley, Langie>' tist atisa hon. gentleman bas) ual realiz- & urs-e, Toranto. Thus) e Semesl cmor>'tender- net useessa-il>' -es) Sic position. Sncb lauguage acceptes). f Se srroug ansi unparliainentas-ylunbise - JH Â8N m ean at m um en et tisa ou s, but il JOH - W A SN, y i ias muci moearap'reisensible jas tise Wiitb>', April this875. - 1 ileader efthtie lieuse, misose bondaus- -dut>' lirews le sec tIsaI net oui>' lie but T~lrYMACHINE WOES f sases-y hoosaSie msuensises bouls) lie bas- on isemeutIsiri ocautos. Contaiulisg 139 acres etfmlaid, 100 acres lion. M-. Tupiper mas quite willing aeas) ssi uaod uluaeofet uitis-alien. ta lenve lt-be tIshe Husee tb2sr lie 85acres plessgiseà-sa)>eas- for lrg cress irai mso-nin critieising tIse poia>'of FrarneBaina1h50, irai- 51cr>'0 et^tne, 555 tise Gos-ornsenlt as,ab luse, aa] as-stabllmsg; goiFs-anse House.-'Tis nisethe ises-ia ial s-%sugsessieîl limis t as-ns ar l>'a uediatel>' es'ao uof tise cas- Paniasuis-2sîssr disu~sin. i poration af Pas-t Pers-y, and s)e n fatise Parinili"àttrymo1eu lautiy situsate i propesties lu lhio Tisa- iitaeus asses) alsrs tise felliueg - ouut-y an tishe s-aremf cggLke. ý Tise .- ,;y e>' rctecCasuel, #201000. 8soU anot ha surpasses). l'os-t PeM s- à fatst grausog loua, sud se eueetftise hast Tilx eLOUDs-GuciCÂT DAm.ACitTO -Mss.à aIn rakets isi tise caun t>.Tisii a I500sitcr.-3etou5 Masoit 27.-Souie oes-Int>' tissh;els)ouofèna forcbtour- oeciu r s;asariuiî perîis-s-iere~ sig so eseisable ta ps-pes-ty an easy tas-ans cf 1dmê to-day,1 .-ngto:tis - stpýpage Of' 1alaca divide)oves-a tenu af bsn yeura miais>'miilleLa oenseqi;ance .o!flise.un.- mi mIe-etat six juancent. Titie jodie- pmuepueutgd hlgh. mater. s Al ;tise mili s b.Peseuaton giveas ls>ssedialy, alssSpiaketi ris-cm as-e stoýpa. The lnvmslacl scmltic rbis, laIess-i-oas liis moning te D201th Apnili utant. BGLW wate in he Mnîm&ý lis dmud- ' tiseugistise river usati faileai four jues Part Pasr>', 4111 April, 1876.- 15 aI saaan,,aelli mater tle pradicta-d. Tise tresaistat nIAï-isauss, Mass.', is extensive SERV4NT GIRL WANTED i1s sud tise damage te pnopes-ty raac h$s4,- 000. AppI>' le, -I - BOSTON, Mssais 27.-Latar aslvices s HIGGINS. aineli hesebi. aIClinton, Mass., t.0 uyApi bs 57. - 1 8350,;à00. At Tafivilleè, Ut., five msen_______________ uoe.drowaed bytse givng*way et a NziTSEmIESi - dami bSn>'wes-erepasrung. - w ' - DucriPtire Cataloguie tom 1876, et fruit AISOTEES llVeLUTreMuiN MsiCO.- bs-eu, k.,pia ue-ias louer an luit Asietie -res-iutIiliseh»-4saltan outinta y~, 1-fers re- tsees i555iu5tasatýe -Muc.-G~uenl iazi laierisea jflnnsIe. Fre4it ps-e-pai): nases-dem of -iebeiiion aiusaltaken bMatamrs I vs812ý to u,aasRuh ation4101. s And 6. tie j - ese

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