Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Apr 1876, p. 1

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Bu8ine# iretc, &m ".eus be u viiiaig OETAIO BANK, -WRITEY 4O- TROXÂS Dow, 0 JR 1 X 10 N 31. . XCDOELLM; rAngmnnots for *ýýroaeair, u COamaon, Q.Q, ad4Dr. M1alq.Q FM3AllttBL, AT5WTLW, 4oz quéhhof the ROYaLI U !. VAE, l, ClûmL. B, %U OffiesC. 1OvLet t.Ai 4aOnImtNEr-J AWkIro, WlbOt ýMchAule C. KEILER,é ÀOÂRITBER AT LAW, SOLICITORINx O.YOUNG SITH, Ln, "A S 3B,ÀTTdBZMY. AT LAW, NotyP bce&oBe. caMMils Block, Brook âtneoh Whlthby, Outal. (La. Grenwood- Be mMllan.) 3 ARRItSTER, ATTOIINET, 501410- i> I totary Publie, Couveyancar. Ci. flisoByron Street, South of Post Office, Whllhy, Ontario. BARRIsTEiIs, ATTORMEYS.AT.-LAW, SOLICITORS IN cH4NCERY, -CONVEYANC.UzS, .c., OFFICEB-Provincial Atrance Bsildings Cuser STRIEUT, Touewro, J. DuueÂre, Qo., J.G oieu O.. THOMAS HUSTON, R. Jb. GUToni'. H., s si URGEON TO THP. COUNTY GAOL, 13Byron Street, Whlthy. Wm. meaRRIEli, if.fl, M.R.CS., çyUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ERG., thlia ye R. 0. H. tL., Oshawa, Ontao. W. AbAMS, ~DE NTIST, (SUCCES- son ho W. H. Cen i.) D2 o enta Eouu-Dsidu ira Wb îbý- M4Tuesen'a Stsre. 1qltiu crdoU di uls&0 lenedfor tha paieleis ex- traction ut teti. C, N. VARS, L. Di. B. STEETH ineredon ail tie -lalesI pninciples cf tie art, "f a.hersp,as ltaecisapes t,S"d s.auetoisalite boi.Teeth OH64 wlh Goît snd Silver. Teiextnaclte wtliulou, hy pnuduing louai sanashoula. DentaRol Rums.-ta Gv- ma n w block, Ovr'Atklnson's Drug Store, Ring Streai, Oshia.8, TIIOIIAS DEVEXILL, BUMLbER AND CONTRACTOR, DUNDA5 ST., WîRnvB. târAI[lredospromptiy axecutet JOhIN -ROlINssONPS ]AIilDRESSING ANI) SHAVING Ji.Saloon, Brook St., Wlitby. AGENT FOR TECRLEBRATRD BL1 culisi Granite. Ai Maniae Works etJonathan Wclteudsn, DUntes St., Whithy. - GEORGE COR>IACK,- L UMBER MEECEAbIT, CARPENTE asdJuiner, Grsen Street, Wblthy. A largo quntlly cf ail kinis aet mbeoncou- ohently on hanS. H.E.O'DELL, A T H E R L Y- ~~?:f r N. BýOrdqm fàx raomp I>y 1.1hr z a . y~ttidédta. ~ ~ Â~NESS.8Â&E9 f oland from thee mnh1ra BOIBT. U8EL, Th sub.a4q t 4.a * -mate ti EAST MAUKET %QtVA82'OExo ITi,18.,Witi W. Q 3O~ONet rROyfflR ~~là, Ceof- egjo. aaa TaM, 1.0prDay. 8tý'blnin t 'on .IitNE T= 1E Wb ky t.~4 84 Lùùbron.u jsne& aTe" "BOA.UQ3- lEpr coawzu ovcoom bot 1240< Oak, o uI A Bt.I U OTI~~ . X sêii ufor foi es0A 0lioOquant .iords muprlo Itbh load 15e,00 wSqe ioni Wio Et gn. u. T RIO.t AU ~o orillo& sldce frc uprionppa800o em o sa i iton in in r2 4i 8CandldiM n g ie sw côh es n oenca ii aonn,. doe 6dsin the wdm , fr <LÂTE DÂWz',.) 5,00 fI. quar Tln Usgrestbrsaaanas. BUmanrom. Ruuy sable.sutn sheds. 88-tf (LAna nosisox BOUsE.) j WHITBy, ON2LARIO. Hanse newly renovatcd ana turulseed througieut, aud put lu firt-clasu ondur for ho roceptien fet gts. Auomnibustoansd nom al trains. 3'trOt.cua§g isipia noomis.i Gr BAODTRUNK RAILWA Y OTEL, AT WEYITuY STTIONcs. WM. O'NEILL --POIITR Parties heklng tie train sud leavfng lorses wil havetheuswdil taken care outâ tiheî, TEE QRENS OTEL, THE Q E cOiioecÀr, BSOCK-OTRMT, wmrimY, TAYLOR Be McCANN5 PROPIITOIIS. Theunudursiýl d ticira ta intenun iu Mnend t hiatuuic liai hep bave laken tia aboyé el kuIowvubotel, vilci lisp havý e wiy dteS np and renovatet, and put mbo thbe bst- et antan faorItheaccoumoda- tien of ques. The Ber, whicieithle liant. seusei in lie Cu la iswel suppliet with lh ies ranet o wlnes, liqujors, eut ci- gem-s. Amnpieeonlosot she ed ous sud goot tsliug, box stalls, Bec.Detachet neuuss for commercial Iraveliars. J. P. TAYLOR1, PHILIP McCANN. laie ut Toronto. s RAESPARE HOTEL, CORNER OrPsIeG A." vOus BTS., TORONT0. JAMES POWELL, - PsosoForsxos. Pimat-class accommuotioln; hali-reema, &eC. Board, 81 5W per day. 10 THlaE TORO uél MWdN TO The mont Elegaut, Ccstlp eut Perfect 2-1tcmluntic Dominion. This Hlel aeknewlotgss nu rivai, ilier ou ts 'management, appoiotmienls un lues- tien, Iu lis latter respect il sHunte its gue515 a ciarmlng eut unbhstruelive vicw ,of Lake Ontario. ta".,Tloa finesl Waeocape view in Canada Il lie. 250 roume fumnuhat viti al lie Monuem prevenionls. 49t~ McGAW & WINNETT, 49ti Prûprietena. ARIMSTRONG Ho.USE, (LAT£ AtLafoS,> WHIITBY, ONTARIO. Clerk Div/a/on Court, Tp. C/e-rk, J E. ARMSTRO N~L - PROPRIE TOR, Commissions n l B. R., Land Agent, Bc., *, Alherhy, Cuunly Ontario, Àthar t5tlt. 2ud, 1872. 86 ÀÇARD . - Dit!. CAIISON &IIOGART, physiciamie, Surgausl, Acecouchans,Be. , Bec, Wiithy, SepI. SSIi, 1874. 40 RefT. RAMSAt~ M. D, L. M. EDlR. GraduaI,(wthihouons) cothle University ct 1u'if liege, Canada; Philadelphie, Uni v. oi Medicine stud gey;Amonean Uusv.ut Pennsylvanie, cl ctelic C,,,ofigee pene suylvend utLicesshlate ot Mlcnoficy of tIhieUlv. cf Edinhurg, Sotient. Cor- oner for tis Ceun ty et Ontario. -Offce- Celîlwalsn St., Onfla. Augsput 241h, 1875. lyr 85 JO01N S. M. WILLCOX, 0f lie Town of WloltOy, lia, lcu.)eî poltet OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, (UNDER TE NEW ACT,) Fo en laCOUIty et Ontaiit, Al husiniess entmustet ta ucielrge viOl bo carefuhly at- tendadtol., Whithy, Jeu. l4lim, 1874. 81Y HORSE MEDICIN-ES. Aii&ssonlpsiauu0allie bes Hanse Mati. siioes kepi eeusantly on liant anS for ecle t the Whlchy Livery étables. ch~o large fer stviee. N. BAT. RavÀyPthea Deyforane cothliar est dirus. lu Newv uk, Iue'lIl psy lia hi 9 t -Cash prica tue' any quantltY 0a i yte ooMuskri, Be. Mik 02 i 000e, UGE McBRIERN, Whîby . oc 1th,185,Halbei sud Furrier. c JOHNSONÃŽ DEuALER INM LUMBEIR, SW H 1 T B Y , Hes un baud sa piendit stock oet due dcean eunduvel seasoee Luniben. Ail klndu tuer enu'psnter sud building purpseas. FlattntloSand Dresed lumber alwayu on h4udst(>rois'# planlug miliiadjoiniug, an lia pramisaswhr ondens axea promphIy exacutet for cL.ors, siose, blindaBe». 4V1ntby, Sh Nôv, 1875.. J R OYAL HOIEL, Wuîrnv, ciNr. A. HIINDES, iia. - PROPRIE TOR. Cusumodins Seuspie-roomu. Omnihus machs ail trains. 27. Dea. lOti, 1878. Propnial GOOD NEWS FOR THE LADIE-S.- À NEW REVELATION IN TE SCIENCE 0F DRESS.MAKINI CORNWALL'8 SELP-iITTING WAIST & SHOIULPER CHAR Dresses dîteS train measunanisut ai uithout change ut a stitch. F or sale, uili free instructions, et M1ISS MC1NVTYRE'S A g euta weted. LIbers] iuducemnta lie Irade. Wbllhy, Aug. 18, 1874. BOTTOM PRICES FgOR COAL AND WOOD Ail kimosce Hart sud Soit Col,counsit iag oft le celebratet Lackawana, Scrsî ton, Bier 1EU1, floshurg eut otier ceue i CHEAP FOR CASH 1 For quanlities te Blaeksmili sud tohier SPECIAL RATEs i Wood, extra iple:g, 5.& cents per cr ahatement off osualpniceq. Sent lu you A. ALEXANDER'S Whily Be baisua, Ceai sutduoot tepets Whiiby. ýAugust 31,1, 1875.!! ttîl( L IST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS or rois COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, 17OR THE YEAR 1876. Portougs 2 4 2 4 2 2 Wiithy.. 120il 21182 PotPny26 118 20 25 26 1I514114127 Uzhm.itge. 127 I 14 26271 6181-15122 I ilS g29j 6712116 Atbcnrly.. .. 1 17 J so~i 11 11l GRO. H. DARTNRLL, Junior Judgu. Whilby, Dcc. 111h, 1875. 51 G. YOUNG S MÃŽT H. ISSUER 0F MARR IAGE LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTARIO. m AJOR MILLI. T. P. WHITE Oim n tic l4ti Oclohar, 1875. rcsumc cou- 01o ot1h, Major Mliii, vian haouill bs propaneS te psy THE HIGHEST PRICE for eany qnantity etfuvicet telivcrct 51 Wliilevele. Ha vwil maies every effort to, g tecln slseîonltoewho may EITBYROUSE patrnize lie usihi uvili hem grstlng. W HITY HOSE.Fleur eut Peet ut lie besi queliiy, sud et easonabla pnices, il aise bc kept con- DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. stantîy en band ant for sale. <wss orrea eFier.) iilvsiOc. ~187T. P. WHITE.1 JOS5E PH A. D4NDM?, PROPRIETOR.-- -- - - i- - IGBRtOTHERS, '11sfhais his bn rpeeeuliy lilît, is jÙK N largesud roouyansd fittetdupilu tlrsî.cluss WHITBY, ONTARIO, style. Ilout inuc, Liquens eut Cigars,i tresii Lagon Beer. Gued t atiug an en- Importera, Dealers anti Manuufacturerta l eloacti -yard ; at teutive esîmens. 4 6 K in s outa 0MECLHTELEA THER AND FINDINGS, C'ARTrWRIGTle, ONT. JAMES DEWART - 1ROL'RIETOIL QUJIENS ITL 051ÂW A, ONcTARIO. WM. TAYLOR, -.PJ! PR&IETOR. LAT£ W. B. McOAW. -Firs-ch.. CommerciliAccommuo- dtion I 49 L IVRET. DQgPl te nfrus11 inds andlia publieo liaI lie cannas on lhe Livcry huaineuseai R&Y'5 OLD STAND. Parties roquinlng eoriveyaisov0y0d5anu uopan-can bc accoaustaa aiomnl notice. usettseieen' Cai pait ton Rides, Dark, sut Leether. Lealien stntchet. L-BELTING MADE TO ORDR ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872.i 22 F LOURE1 BRAN! AND SHORTS 111 OATMEAL, Bc. NEW. STORE, JUS? OPENED. gE' OPPOSITE oiAv'sO IOTEL. .M~ GIVE A CALL. WIL JOHNSTON. TO THE FARMERS I plougiî and PlouagliCas$lngi, 51mw- Cuters, Fauniug Milsé, Respans aud Mo-. c rs, Bc., Bec. 1Witby Oct. 151h, 1875. Wl!. JOHNSTON. ti-42 M NET TO LENDI whitby, sept. 21,1 RICE. PIEDON. A larga qusutil of muuay ho louSa h lm 1875. - 89 interagI, private zuorit. For sale, several Town - lotq, Ivo Prarno y OUN4i'S ITOTEL, Houses, anS a largo Brick 'Houa.. For tennis, spplp le' 3OCeen0-i, AiN,*G. YOUNG IMITE, MONic iTO<, Whltby, Pcb. oth, 1874.7 ROBT. K. YOUNG, I>ROPIIETOR -____________ Rei"alebie inter rgrd ty, etc., turnisenreopartg hiec ou- A R B I Sýrs8-Tlicî djr t8sud 11 H. M cM LAN, ,-I,,nth sus Oliornd er HuorsAgnt T.th inIleat lqeesdvian5h o ld alaut gtr - oirr Non uinet o Agntforlb feublniul .iat;ep'.Ceumodiousl ROYAL INSURANCE <?OMPÂNY, ]ROBERT KYO_ GI OCB--ontloLosum atd' avio55 Daltan, M bApr 187C5Me si oto, shawi.Corne insSGn lApril 90h, 187.1 raq ýu-- -- wourWiWýtjopIo - L. FA KG, l.,-1.W.IO1 a4F OoIne, ,ý1;. J Du h~~~0 S1èrta. B.? 0 y One wuoom, &9tZ J> î I tth À ~ n ~ w o . ~ a Ž B n 4 ?, on1o~ o ,! ~ ah ' * W ~ A ~ ~ ~~ Io* éiit, 25i j asdor ivfllnsn.pOOoz.tolyconth. ù i BOhdu~6,~r 1 " i RDh u uor umbre la 6adheJ M WOk7 athoBIWÀIEC.<t h~iJ~ip ,5iw¶,ÂO oWzlç'é'âth -1Ne o a'ho 5$htpi JU a r ùJegontla.4 fi, 9y.,_ 4 numbe teI ,4 op.î .MWL O X MMtk1zýfilbbbfés î4i -_ ., ' ie i an t CoU &ePrino. AeBbt.*4at, 172l c otao' Ã"ïb ffiIItL *toéW -ndîM'aur aB., OC B ~li~ ESA8L~1~< t~±.i. ~si; rd r.j M . Mi ý of. ioounè . ~hl oe o-Pwo utbliho O»p-. .ii. W 8 -neîabr! (. y-euktc1nor ô raisèadI. p ~aaot xsaoMll f h &Ynnýd ' ! oheý,_qMb»o~~ 0200iyw PAot Aat4. a.w 4;îf Iïýi à > i oner e -ai' Islaedsd bt~a~ô,sBM. TBn$ v IioI j'deauVloist;eta àf oduf! e;tâ Taooia2 Wi4a' r "l'mt-Tê f tourmin Ç M ;tdigneuti arein' u*.afo t #400au r e,0 yo ÀudGeneal t"Lomxuoà l. in4gnPr ~i ~~lni<~ i~~UwQOùgl 'iA;ulnd bi àl ceo~ rates. i .it~îu ~ froin lb ~reoeuta ~1fmpîiîrnue ~ î àud w i u b d hidika u g É fo r-t~a d g ~ 85~ L. ARBNS1p4ory lmidba uthn a&tid ba fhîjefrpî ë "hesxh,îten0r mlr'onhPo5 T'HC NI PRE INt~iA CE 00 bd utbi fotidWl,>îhe~ediad "so asaI iy ea pinod h r » oino v a the deoin, t e r. boy r OeIoraI CpmrIs~in Meôhan wbo Mactutahipuîhfsfootdowu ou' ~aplidtbesacod. " ut X .d "iWith'ïiui rzserha 1éut M cftha, Agentei1rAMU- i iMs~rte e ll pcleit, ud ha Won ô.i*I elive ho a de"w suao d inodiunuent m.are ipiltuhil ettbiliftmarnoedolngain -sooxie ooster uda eme, b d t a imi a l d1 i boole ad the . pulpi ciiIh inatnesonbl îeIsaudluses RA ES 0F'IN UIÂNC ~ ~ l l, erlî nd enly yildb i 0_glàdf<tiii o1alrd your acqu lltance. e a a hair doui 'remarkac1, it î augtare Whe; u Oerfficehot Broockte hBordinL aum peanit. Oce. 41."Theiuoa ieiâ3ýéyurwie eét raer, nîi iib i 111curh b îaIo E"~t Lo.,.s. IID Aureor Coipeaev. ouery bn. pîal acuin feldaimblalay it 1 Bo.' ire etDcebr ss iest e sdgntthre short ,andugge ha Ih onk.Btg= ni 178e2.owsu n connision se A fw i b d n "e fà l w. àfd n. sloowu875 1v a "STDACNA"FIE ~~ caxad Mýorte e euglt u uahî t rt epmre a ohdgotrotc ti-ooo' escdd lu grte ospg le dg by o 'of GIon. HE) FICE OMÉPTJB& C.,GID0h SPRVEL gî asOWfl lin wti disussfanceerb»aithe 5111ntlo CanadChin 'Masudkicntosh acqie-ud. Mn. Maoi. gu p o ltlb I-ai s.oe t oineit uÉlien agy ud tm.aT 1 Financiai Remuit cf 10i.a Menthe fluai- Dec, Ser, kntai avig crnod ispeit, t i jaok ad lonli erd f usnd Sudy oofbysmkig ae. Wstea uAM S a te 3Manger 5t 0825.xpÊàtandC i~~il>. U obreltoýnetiébe i didterniioe le dvorcebad hen prvi9usloaunono-tleus rmarks 850000 WityMari 11, 176 1 adoilia, oueivngIbs Olubrle mcl c." rs. Wbýiler re ti areund*,' ,w a itromaweins iPldnuCaitl.........ir0e are OLED.jel.Te ex mrnugta elewugn r , Ery cop ai i divre, 1an watcbIb rtretëig idr, iud ý as sic prve fl ô Goenet os esib' 016 AE FIRN bt, ire nt1i pparId ludhie etr yue: ren;la es lm ae a dvoceidi' emi prmted brunucitcmpr Total Iteveune, iii)orrprXacktintbr4r lrowu 2 1 " 1b'airwiéwll o sudInenet.........22,77 Agsent L forate sp ndtut. enocuts. Arîilyat 700 Sentti-itrcet Totl Lsss............6,68 Lanace li reei insum sut orn- Lipet'h d it m. Maeitsh drceus l' ivei:a-"tiare asoar gle'nw amt bonet À.momnt nte, i ven. Inveated Fundm............0194,715 owers. fie. fearfu c : ltytub ele d rom- 3euue t a le ie. c îacîîten cou p dtîx oim re , 0 olo cmier Assole........d.....19,888lIodsale cieap netArl1t, 86 6l Inevelmeura oundinlumtuiipa rie dcnctwen iaI othpe rl n ui e nen sapr ie. f na, seker, nefieohI ve, h tangiTheg B tein lerumrella. Mi, n.2 Bullevt Totl rste..95....52374 trc, est ohe ianettno e c o ckis son n , into exielcuceail had beeu fol- iSaamdat remansaort coincidence. liai eeeni nay bSAAOas PREuew c by bcgae buht 1,mcin. A irtoh a irr don'. usuhid rink at f ten be afast, u Moedy i, aýigexedugly won o reliove Tua CuR et OM AbY.tlei, Fr utCrticuli api eiOdb pcesetoe geatr m i ha shac tire.ite at aa in. nunc atscuy rates onliao waiegi isl ! I sud heR aD21 rance sud 207 &Agcncicslugumtys a nalci"cu tee i e f a u t upon lthadscsio ocenng t th ie t bt'-heu Mr lië. e ars vy t1eaoinjion HOLENt ac uoihin mon MrWa-liisteler h fr-aloaToi Bngýih uý JAMES op allut cond iepoti' Iis ca ailc asiad t o n sudth Wl iI5of o r temovet lier ýbotsx finyhoie b er 16-ly C . NRsutORSE4 Agnt, h iy OfcilAsiudc, roe, &ob. crateiti c rca. mýy dtrmne a yn't wefce- 2" 0FIICE8 r Io o3iiosBa ,DeM. Mcku1815.sj divorc to u e hyail bvenlprvcUllye arronýin ,sud nlrnis. e d, h: t . 1iîî e ii ilm le~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hly MjuarckSthicby7. 1le breakfst whe ie thstaonbelhewau tegte udiksceal rw.et"Vîtdynga iIbxntfr eie Bpnl9ti,172 15ran viCeapyiHtalsord.i..uper.....y.aepp..p t5liba00ay0et0tms.W ien u Haen' ena aromI i l e i W all t.uCaiCapita.ld ...d..rs.......u..ba..iy(sawomy5trat. 'veuttbée divocet, ud skeninge peo inn'entotninildivorceO *7 lng-ma END j c Thei mornalwy Pb) yniel lrwr u 'îî eauwatchitheoff suati bnels sa ti s iks6 huinsfF f IEANEWBOOK, 48 PAGES(Pir,.....tsinin otseae. 700,in tePicaeve i at rc i IU. îei reinw!Ir Gcro 4~~îeeertM.Meinol alfreena; h at i li.îshe.' eut c! pou can' afoh prt ted'wen, n malter compitrc Thgev.ni.lat 'ilha ay mout l on ' H et8sVùgfriande li L te ants iowmean yen dra erot hm e en md-ofLoude Toa1evne0ir riius ctoLn ents;pap r or Ton rux y ai. I ae efetluauotrteyer d Bhlroen"si, ex oug i re Ick as luorli am o it bs li k' an Itees .......... 22,75 m Bi IDGlyLw e s o.f anters oes , lmva isameu py t, su 00i pennpeni-senin finelgue mn ieievsw ien leof e ~i je lugtie meetingo's f.9intact, Total osseo.. ............. eîF 68,28- luaneuco lotryend e aumine sil."er- tttlgedidiMrMaeuttosait. m ofec litreLhyenwaTien fMis. Wmd bonnterÀfomen t nter med te se orale-o Inveate Punas ............O.TANT4,TO owerg thev aflmcueanit Mn. Mb c iîesbf eiieBrow sagIte lg ae betie cf wîue realize liI hnd umirelia m a t ie nod tT.Cah n andan Dpoît .... 4,19 ýSeI l MUICALPROvdFieSSInd WüIans sîe ew oig m lachi e s reta lu witmu .u e wlyie thriet man; w swe aie of lab nti cou- - one - : Inv~~~~Getmensuc ade i Hni Gidee gcltiungijutemexiteni t lasnn ie ev a- ikauowheesomrethiug 2" Auindser ha 'd l' eaeexei aui ocv yeea'exenenc et tnysudlawarat- eilngbyantly. "en atvcrtsct fo ma tebid. Teydt e udl utbely rtou' bler teeut la for read er n D hsinomabsn. ciabihe e lf, Fr te ae e t ic ir mnt.a f yt/a ei-5ewngmcin "le at loiget-eeti sa sm dr in ft a kfetgv iea i aon but ien M. Sowst Pire RiksBrces n 0 gnitt14f. akiteiuini nly Tie astualoccwasionsnd wcetylma fy pou ledeu'î ut îli ilm Whitlery" spp oint an6 ion.tcRle.ese4ecs Priietnic ES tc Pi No , cmeldaunt ati mr o- eoeier bgnlet h a bORE gnW ib. fiiA iga espurefoker &c.ac- "es,"rotmet M. 4akitsi macsing, but'lie wcmsnndiu'l feint, Ti feu i te -fui- c le at - I C.NO RS, . ICEonuu ertesDgminionBnM- Mrepenoh a utSttn on s te i vntott h bror aeoétIa ed n ii Agent, WliiîlBrooskiSt.tu-enth. i an a"bneavfast leant h ua g-ele. bt geimply nemankat. "s OhMnBrow n, n eîy, sudyas Mr. Whateoneteretialmar Whîy1Mri7h 86.i t xttc i c dugera tes2.il 15 up n gan's et. H ns gla i er ethete ne yen; tenar f e ets foin li fontleen et ugebeame qunsthset li ode "h!liI a f e eueqan.,î ausmian wtço sa M "n. temekn? hSmo-ul i Il s'i lecliti lint uSondniie aindiii lu umet ahe. Il's lia e bw le an oc.nonl e calar, nsliente tn rasu etuIe r3, o!00, 0 . ~\ U E E fin ena re bningtua foot. But Mrs. iistlen as given iltonnS 4, einuie>'d ou singlepassages. dessiers ane lu li wonîd, snvt1frkrw. I5eI I eeletpn fernpe sud geneneen le l iPos.T Pir ;of it liceieris sd nccae rcîi tc ive -4r.mcinten awas5 vem e y Tnyilt ssîsoe i ilen. rs. Mod iofsigciubonte aate iso fel g ANEWBOO, 48 PAES, éoncause Eiderh ouse.nu insistanaiianse Btan, à82 (rm AS LIE) pinntferwhii ta eorcsegs utedet sulu em N.e 001o di ieteuo saiI ofygshah leave b r to nah beme. 0 14 e g uivde illu rrainsWTed le f Oi auye ua-IoN ime di atse r he M r l:eM a c it shg- Cfo - h cb ating tieb us.c Dcviiv u li e at i.Ir. è - ntet ta au 'ow 'h place" ]cett neet ho tekslisu frein tha pii eano, CAPITL1 - $1OOO, 10. cwnts; eler cwhen net aqui ail. 1 g ieani. le vnwttotlaIi Ahpy ape inltsbr, lookum. Hcrnateîc Reue. te 7f en uon etti a e ct epeinhum bnin ta o ta  I e, rili eetàlybat h fnR ily n'ar et s - 915r,000ar y n h 2 AN eRa MEnOLÉuake ncwt instruIDTE C tio D nes, le-arlr. W le iawaslisofgae ihytcladiticeong wus;tholu a fw SE rA n ei ra.Srl u . c va.ertohhenwandou tronp Tus lst isys euease!,lie babiesn.siheemeeteut hisneacdy t MOLONSBAN G A.BAYES ES., .D. Plin estng Wallun R t. wY. w ar rii, on ttn e lime waa to h.Wt, at, iela y n ng nens o'lk lt i n A on1',xing ap oui l ie Jaînce Steet, Monreal. R Ia........ .... i . G O atone, ai .l a ssidlim M ..M ackintoshtsrsi g cic m t u a le p r ns crnaie t ha lie N w r k mi 1os, p yliei bec N.MSI-CheaArcPROFSpctlyIONvie eutla acentmaching.scbna manuin wthfo lelerma nofîhharrip an1y i n ew enk, ue allier nigit, dwitansd leen-i FORBS & UDGE Chot Aents tegiveheina tst a te dr ue ~ aati onled.br ut a tse Mr.ac kinctoli hlied bi enter havti. de n ? euesm Bgotlie cau seta c pe r m ny lu l a ran ! Hg ieg 11.11 LAWGEeatAent, Wli !hTheApHanleGuid for tion . fotîcti for lie kingtom feHeeven. o itioevnt 7gi, o . Allvn, from e Tleuse Augush ~ 1875. 10 Pr fes r . hCeWIGino. Whlh, o "Wi s oli m Iv bat" lie excie us s en ivrel ee t t t e o! riang s s thonpar iio p te ien olie, mine n - funavee Soie gentsn' et ce o ggd M.t a ce osi ev te isley get.u, fg o uers, asthe matiesncer.a Sri naltbeau nianiylin ions, i ~NTO TE III ISE & M R C A TIl 'W iit y, auu ry 18 5. e i spee lu s mc ie . "Do o ku ersa, l liv n dcuit "a un e b c is t ew . t gerrr te -ohfs pe rli n e te acol Sect 000nccidy i .L N usy e a n aireh a c o n l n n ete"t aIey en8c ito!'Q eee utnn uGuuid eil r cfhtisew eslfao fy Ir a ppdie n vin ea nw iIoo!aH euty 000. Experinced Agentsthroughout he yéarwa eldrhavee aegrellat, te ieurarrantg kiugtem lcfdHenvan,"adbotrtwielforamdoeteide. Tanye01 ry site.ot Brebietdhons forebre is- derectat FoiEiS R N E PnY PaTsaE t es ORix mENThfIONS t di-ay, wnet bavliug t ake , on cf ar t ehol he wde t cui wspstbs oe-icîin vMysce. hfmelenai enshi La usexeiisly dpr opely sof curtPtano Cen r.paten dplx t tcin ianin stetcf Tpelia situin. T a s t i e tlymotio n a nd! velmoredilta t h a ce6r tain ie si b w 36 Fet, sd ne iie c ages mderuat, rouit d. hi Uiif taessuoEroe. Paoeet iicaehratlltpsovrkiea.tfnalaurete u i e aLa awdrpso! deth an"i pve en bla . newii i1 salluon e aistnt gaanee r e ig. et fer B ý.eo"re llie cud pr. ckifntos.eri m g wutatheU o n ia 'tatcewof letqureeeowba nse l p4NUSE inculans tructings r. auytaepen ain "tb Iwe eneret aie hy sev enloe.cutil'sfae bt lel cnîtneha; ieen toasutds tr. aWarmalcf fierse an amra k G gentULE, Agent. d ettrycers. Wliitby, MJune 2 , 187 . 1 123 lltac he fNgrY tGeriST ewi m ns m ciet mn.higin i ei be a y a met liaI ns hep wace bee u t frin tnafrot uccessindbtntaub t a n ea Prie ------ thieoacleC.un "arespe tivhachi fnes, sud oaci e I f a bmiliger e, lur caso ! ie s e ond gram than c to rcfennsu dth rnusb ofug hie se ~,i t il Enginteband Suictor of Paluthe' d bing iul i qu ain !temaIn' e testheyDamegil otiho bntal leabth uflod. ut nrtW isgtle e basgc c1iliau ASURNEiOPA nsu e rugisina n sn gl ps agese.representot.sMerc. flBr own I eiaret, lhe sma sasspmsin. Te irmn ee Tnen Pankb 'y - aMn.kiet caeit ae glh ewit.grae.Tu vey alifiewsrîtii et nge udettig thePra aionon t wll eac wrs r ctae mtio, sad tentoeYo n e m aeul y enlozlu 1 lfsac e en e antit ste irow na a - e t rn nb Te reenase rna t n tOdus en t s CAPTA ST CK - 40,00 u i cini t poetn itniy lwu em ho eialea o su rue. Tc acet ci it i eIrus cu, wb s ile tsteg-ced o u who lllOid b th xriiead I heeae theopeealuisr."pa ntoshder" a i a vr oul fouly wa s araget h lwocofios lecrw.ele oB scig Lutoer, #t .TSEH OM AND BROELIN, ONT.uxfyrhe a c o heîî e of is utispl upen lie ch re riab is "compaeutes - a beswa co mitedla1h.eath uer hog ual oe. iec1n0c, 0Jme0B o1, Parkie srut wlev e fit ysq ae1 oim tey grb ed tese ig-C eaictheevl ue i u OFs AgE OL&ANADDFN.MERS 1'uhanc is eaonce ipe andI Coue eimatinemavnt." uthe impreands. sreaticrlikhp f h rsnrobu-I6viessomd0rwe0b lestthEf oueoxnaeail, etel romnteîianle ta yen eti o l o'ine~iawuth iut tne 1e"ctwa h -smli siniaka c s eutlak MAPTA LINS 10,CE 0C 0,0AN , s goot. wilieut usiog II e eie "ocenllotdnivltge I Acaipyneulé uqineitswhire nme -i cis olcly ih li ssean F cv Ilcat Office, Hent te anysuddRCHApnR ESpTLof Eth, pargand " Meanwiiotaawng iusa- cie enut washob a i ter at li e lrpy Iat eî0u1t5rg5Wliu00wchv a 17 maWbihyDeprceu itinruiother 22nd, 6757 62 o luantuw ing ma hina mu woebw ta ddlieneffactwa ie o;bltia eilTimomens le fNEmAeANEWbatRerec e .- au pa and 12 ANEUB MDIAL DVSEL. PIICE. uolie wggn dov u. This t, aut whoneoa bis failowu helow vard is ai 10 MOLSONS BANK 8. A. BAYNES, chines.w.tPlecomponingsniviugu wbaa........uy,0asaitivhet ualnbienatbnptisat.aboit hIldqnvea aagrponpeutianla fly lullcie op seer îmils D9H a fi e fr anad :19 13St, I -- me usigs oswod lstace lîieyelgossneepthem cinas tHoe, bep ar , a ofuew obth e n pntet, aeuée raefo w, Fttecimme w as c- co e CaPIs tALe, ote . R 20 00 0 i oabroda era...r.. sale.l.e. - oilo... wiîh0wSone, au p tlu ie rMacke iînt o dsrle sothie t c t hti e pentsu toual i topic oNd. AIk I bia et ,e eEg N. B- . .-piT, sihuae alcrne retu Gren st lb.andthk scod'- b" b sa an set orth le, i1 f'he ai W id e Yrtu te ngt it s ta hlmid 0. FRBE & UDGE Chef gensI. aPieemtesasta tic oir qa.liseaton, bil wxgt i n s.temahieoliewd s opd a t e w a rie os cimh e afeet cf lia lattàery iwe r n mo euas cf RTAGE .ISEWDEgn t, cr1', cf lent dlie tadi ehg lae leprleri. Smfeesl pl h iten rhurlaingdfor lcher, n.On t e wirn g i r ieu llivaBut d om hePî usg 1 etPofessier G .Wr elliglo at Gfy rd; aause ere netbeke etcf im b is g ronut cf bi savii ofg beau ruade "n olm usos. atrons ontesmincyrfive stu hy A u m t 10th , i 875 . IY -83 P of esetic M O L Y ,Bnesitenccdes C .d r g e DrrM c i n osaper, E eg.,H , f o rs , oo ad n inh e cu d eee d i v n b y li r i nevo nýi ORT B ITIH ME CA TIL hig cemanui par t ut ot 1878 11h.ou tua inh s ont i e cin ae. ns ey ut - tenoivncethie wI em as on C is t, a twerrerta erhweha fe taou b to Il e 000 c eI LeaesOsiwaet eus, sd , p u. t W wniapetMuney C. Nntuirbe. Mindear em mahc in Meuw11hiat lie chati an wfiti candanlin ed, obeaf-te w use, rltu maus cfasce ine ith cl erye FIEave s Wiilhy et 0,e Cu.,e tM P.ANi. lsn4 c no t ! wa g a enîutyon e u 5 i e Ct h unc e ut cbel' ah a i s i amise h mte a vilaluset d b frea ie r no a " lsi effs Pa a 25 c nt ac ay ean sud n s auand pro lo wlhee i n n atn t duc pexîu. Ev en vebii easiug Tfapré e pn sio n noe upin..t es ver th o ws e e , mus cih c e efr r aya.ibl w Baiadli a ail he ohes t e promvtl le, the l iaed Sptespand urorpunle. pu. honeoftholue lct'tl liiaus oera! scb ne on frysteethi t a mler, "IL aso eth ntepaeetbeo. Te wihh sdoca--- -oden-ac-l ;at uyofj i 1r ..ivholie-_ --_-I bveMomntaflntomet as lipin b, l. the irotele.l Connecte withiOshaw u '-' a ci ofwaggona nd t heuselvas attet sdoue wroug ; I dit net wiui te cheat tlie damas wane gainieg heàdway,ta n Bowmsnvilia stage; siso withithe Wiît yPRANCIS CLARK. thathie cuutue£i0r. Ali simes rw ltnnli CucbtIcuesicew a unsm psz nti i saet Hi sudPon PerYeRalwe, sd ill Bnug Whtby Jny 871 fltfhat elrcady, wifls cureatily cengregabtdhave ne saruplas about cheating lia excileusent., Ilsshouls wena neubiet, eu mi aW THOS. HlOPPER. eut waa consîauîly iucresaong. andei."sd pet higi above ail, for ýbOk. nret lady. Whitby, Marckb 9h, 187. 11- b]ORT WHITBY AND POJtT PERRY Il i. needess le uap lit raIM. Mac. away, was beard tb.-iencing crise'-of Tir., H4 i EXTENSION RAMIY. kintesh was now lun aelate handering ,A 4MUanen Dîsmouosn iv A D=ae.- tb.eliponiiied, womn. Herstaton Qenmauyh -l0 cBon fronzy. 'gobiedt b maltenp bis lsac]iandoiph, thea negro wbo mur- soemadto abecbu w' t otfaitesng r<HO RTMETBL a.1. mont, but dècision under lie circuni. tarat bis wîfoe t NaW Haven in lire the Broadway corner.'Bnck eut 'fortiý The Gort c sthances Wasimipossible. At l.ength il upring of 18MI, givai notice that ha will ohé ran, now hrpiug tha ight, no*wtlielas giron * ÀR Takcas effico on Wadioasday, Dec. 8, 187ri. begen le lie rusoret ou the cuIit., epply tte anaz'Logslalune -fer a ne- hh, odngl litîle bondie cf i cli- leêtn Tr.lof, hldig te te oisthe liawhc i te- nuong th. onowd, tli ousebedy had lSse froin State prison, ho whlohbe aimig she b.d savea lu one mrm. Hardly ment %adC tminutcssaowen r uG.T.1. tu=e. beeO alaleiba uMn. Msckiulash's hes. wa« sembacet for lffa. rm ne .dIalatiexperimnn altw 8, o'eeue Guise ,ioa eaîbcahoeasily believet, thet esoliin- crenetet na neat aens&1iinandtihie story anotirer Len wns seau ou tire roof, .At depi divtua meberoL intcnot wu ocf i le v.ry intere8Utng. Ha kilrli the h-Fifth 'avenue' corner wuasumsPenin, 2 UT nws4by junctiun..... depant 10.5e ua..preaseti withh11eides. thataspersonali wonan with a washboant turing n moviugvapldly alon . 1iapill miostletle4Y A 00 UT 4,06, ........ 11.00 s.m. inspecmisu, ou bisipant, o! lb. body Wus quarral ao rbabhy dit net imtendth oreokiesaly overthe feoe th the onmice deterrisi -AT a i -Brokfin.................11.2,0 5.ni.necassary. This cf courgedld&al oitone tuaaftl1lw fatéiundelde bjrsund ealn bogapani hiu.tb o..................1188 5&-m- ho- umnisi lhe crôathel. yicinm yof Raudolh ti à it bdu u uittlah.sdssk ols pl hn îtmoi HOM N RSE Y, J"~'.................~un.Makibahs-50 aC sM, et tbi h~ran~pé' bug coru sud broit he lisrousuand heen impriot flt lwrO be sedr Promi two le four yponsof aga, rice Albert ............210a.m. egnesa was naxt île su imposaibu y. ae t spa. Seel a. 9 erý, nodtook lunlb.ewlio lusIon'à a-: sinks l ha hst Vr0elea. c" g Poi' Perry............. arriva 12.15 a-n. Prntby siouneoneshiehatfine, "!d Rbn le ft fà lb.0 islngg an od lie ninglet Babeil et criais w 1 dlaUOç ST 0.WLO, P! TRIN 00oxree ours. in au instant lie cm-y was lakon top by a woninrelat wili ganimrassve- e! warning, coman ana udcouâsel Wtah5121 ont SRTHC. IlSN, o Fý ......... pant 6.00 S.M. thonsautivoices. Soon every fine eu- nasa le partie'lnuc ade a 1usdwbichthey bat beau ahonting for the Lut Ne. S, 2ud'Con. Pickernug, on Kingston Pc en......0.09 a.=. gine in lie city waa tnshing fer tha on tie aucessi ve fighla. He sail past tan minutes was ehatgiato le a Tue stemi Reat, as OfficeWh*Suy.Micete................. 0ei pt slMg mlintnons were Ibat Mary Anu camaeo hmcnawliug grand shaut cof applause.Te My eg.............680 a m. aLer tieni O! course Ibis dit neotatt on le ha 'âdla'hn 6 aak~ . et was a v le u lia slgit, puuky Ta t'ôc Bro k................ ...7.0 ..te he clienausoenily cf the' ascens. -Mn. lebe hébadit net -waik,'sbe neiliad felaw whbo a niake bis hiLe for hors, ubterat a lie Be u1 u o n aI al h a a o ei W htby ...... ......... . 7.20 aem ' M ackintosh, n w lu despai n-and alm ic l t = hecou it fo, for bla,ëga ba t en but h a halL pu a,'ha ll Pull é lie n is no e. Be AsTo W houihbya hoJinu tioedn . o zr . 17.35 a.m . e ravi g m als, ttem p t adt o b dp fr eut cu l cfi L ,E ach i n ig t aira ppe re t -t e niaong et * 0 flat roof w beeno thebr han tad ur 0FiTng PO? P7t.40 satios.thebonne. Sous, cne peintet him eut hlm'on lb, ýborderê of àa anall brook wene nendy la ssist., James F. Won. .uneak~~e i OFFIE, aoy taios.Trains stcp eou aig- as lie ian wlio bcd d toue s bbbng, whlci tiorail en-aheb.foot of lb. mans was thogalant roelier. qaiob tint, ilaae second, s dozen policemen gardon. At at lb. garden was ex- oppoite Lukoa sshow-rooms, whare wlhlb. C$uiucctiig st Wiithy Julnctien wituh the were clubbing bu. ,Haewau trsggot nusineti, sud lia bodyiwne Lount. Tira Indiena couis hait-tintthIèfsot Whymioui lout du ,oc ofsik ssd1.1, aI fn G1[R. eal.su weet.lFQot Ferry wil13 lathé lOokup,eut kopt la doranco-vile e of n girls -boing engagedtô 6saeaaireapondeit 2 iaa . angnteen ehslen-R k aueefo asay,g, nicssls nrihe factue. stgenleenofbi-fomrn- fo itie ndsuymgéne ln - net iemin. uriug he "lwsviygreedy-ql yen, Preddy, gentleman at once does'not bar brb ym o la- Stnsw bats coloraS and iterat lun C obagom i nightliho dit solhîng but dreanio! saw- luéat pour 11h11. ulster's ahane o! dake." from lie pI-ivilege of saing èaeclone lun ot i I iTAME8XLRigmcrne lb ~ ic nttmh Wby, nma, didn't yýooa tel1 -me hat I succession foLez b h o uOLlnmi olâa în iitu,70. 60se jmsaglngDizuelar. menti. The ne:t niaoruing ire waas iAmt shways b. surq ho tala. hef J)rt ?" opens Up Safl8w imustryi A]waysOPE iILxiasi by Bseasncb ai anse alhhy seasen, axteas ils lufea. ,fixas itai!f where a popurlation Lobha prepanet for ils racephien prevaienca cf lie lasser diseases menhionat isgatieredtogethar. wiole, il may be sait tisaI in neo adctos toi suob favouning con. invite ils visits. Thengi imnc la ho bdoua lu cur own aud - ut, wiet bas eaeno, if we 1 h. 111e of con oouteniponariea lice a!,Onkeue-estons o! lwo s go, marks a sunpriaing et- The woriflrrokery ilumoen ýcouIt net as n nursery for the ion o! tie :pestilenco e e aîcli- fie- ciief cilles c! lie Est. ar,- lie colIapîse cf thie erveuis wiicb i le,especial qinnecten- Iis frigIutfuLeieiaty la lavouret no anti belpiesaucs, uan tmi [undid modern commuuîty, 1 ho worst e-veut would aner- c Ombat cvcu fie pirgue witli reseurcat af medicAl science, 0 more* liýe ucedtote.lIe tes- the Orientai wlien. d icidt fce te face wilh the contagier sunit lie e leifiat, as lia peepie in wein u1M6, by he omn-- nu cf an; ýune xpected coeain <Tins:in iuôterà Englant- tioogieul WesternEuropýe Y-neiter the matenilnon ti niditians axisi .whichluinvitethe if the plegos." A. T., Stewart'. Wiil. ill lof -thiTata 'A. T. StewaxL in, thè Snrro.gla Office ou Iu il ho bequails ail bis pro- a estaete lis wife Comnelia nir sudlier*heirs fan evar-, anti Hlenry Hilton le sct ina hehai! îlae iunieanaging bis affaira. cof ragen, Me'. Stewvart be- ïo Mn. Hilton the snm cf. 1,- Ho appoints bis wife, Jndgc id Win. Libby bis oxecuhens. beals date e! Mardi 27th, 1878. z bus exacubens tb pay out lie gifhai slegeacias :-Te Gae. 1B. 20,000; le John M. Hopcins, Gifle o! $100,000 sm-c distrih- ts raug-ing freus85 le $20,- se wlîe iat long sud feitrfol. liiin biabnsinaas.- Hegives Io bis lbeuse. sorvants.. On 1Rébecca Morew, frIeas o! 'anti, sud et wl!cse fslier's unjoyet hospitality sud uval- ic be coulait - fenget on ne- Bslows anWanuity cf $12,000, quam-terly turing thein livee, ives the tireé -use, fer life, of thep new eccupy wiibhite thereof.To his wife'à-reai- en numnlen, ho beqocalia 810,- anuto Eflen B. Hilton, wife ilon, $5,000. Juiga Hilbu ta briug ,Mn. Stewart's part- fairs b a close, aùàd as fan as iehut leas te lione counectea în business.i eaten wlis killet au Frltsy, ,vUla, bhp*a llig tInca; oif dsp HenvyCunninghami feul ýe-guard ou lb, Grand Trunt mill sot died seep aLler heing eut an a ix. Macitia vas en bis mill race <naIn Bicli- 1;ou Scturtay WM. Dewey,, been mun overhy c train at lotd from bis injuries ; aut a Mise Ring, of Toronto, eut t, cf Hausilton, icth diet trom heant tiseaso. is CEN<xroaNN,-A train cf a bas been seul front Ottawva iphi#a. The train comprises rLests cf choice lomben a!f zes.î freint Ottawa sud Ain. ls; we cens round loe anti iber, boing lb. Québc quota i' b u ildin g o h a a n c te t at i hy Canada, sud twe.cars- bhaae, cauing -peci. inumhage hy--tbeePominiou Compaffy, saS ioiiiyane tb Ottawa Trou eud 'Steel ,PmoZ ScAicuAL, in which n je jnolved, lias cuminstot ie r diueppiug down sut mmllmtesat upon liaheaue iuvasligatedtheisalleged jr- andtheiaesuilt igswe have s offeuce was oising a mer- vain- ý.d1. Mx. D, aterd ai ON. Carl; 7 y il Audloy. 48.11 ~E sq. Amsy litrt.Fe8 lie ratm Ca,ý su favol' rnilel- lý

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