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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Apr 1876, p. 2

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,uesdaj were ýl--- 1 mjYf Ut jur. ironu0f, ýWJgjtorale ý Ur, Grabath, Bon -, Xî O"U&ry Ur, çle, ýrenohn»n'% Bay. lin. Ok- quanacesoful-Thr«-Mr, Brodier, idr. Wilim, "burh'i jjrý Ashbira. couliil Hm'itedi Tb" ý or n Wakemi UwU waa Dow-etit Offr -4vuvyw, - - 7»ý d m'Ili! 18Z âg-gko- 11, t h, 9 n 1 ay tiëï--on ci] ways which ni acoident,,;b gya the i t; aqý èpe 1w Rïý lutoïlle etre luteýt&"d the 0iý0gt -ýt#e , - ,"i oýrý et in bis rowl 01 OPÉOsiu the laye of farm ro id id Cud aing av lïimlý--- ý, ý . 1 1 4Ë M. eft the eüRffièj-,ýR( ý m fi ÃŽY er thia ý1jhë1' tacoa ýhàdgQne'by, end ýh6 eý9n *elýers to-P Y a oh 19 g, et â1ý to or Ëageo wuý wn, in. lie' 7ý ta, for eau wbffl Po Wn ariviùg of a naü tËe, dde"k, with y sidonng, thý ' -ifità lv6ni îï4tý__ý # hône Our BI-lu t;a4e of abMit L-4-1 -le Tbe p;,,twp. towmhiýo Wquld _toý.giyo, #20,OWtfojr.-ýthé wu conneillet» a six. t a of 88 cars, 1 ÏM , foie- Il 1 a Thak PM 1, tý Olher sources of trade àâýr &av 4r,»I"Ibèhamqwe i>inow view, Biu El&unamll for 0affle ý_T4 výxteasion;gAyü theu, splend 'ý inités ý46 'Lindàày"ý*itwthe antsges ai béit put 8"w ont jine the by-lew ýof,=,U r7 ý3r!j4Q"wp t6 afrest, thefr, M ;lro»ojwg ne p, Iliâ new ih ýgwpl 0 ý 4 Il ratin' 1îýýàà id connections te be there Ob, eAl.,tole4rnï r 01 ta rolay v. Dar. An' debathil 1 the trade of the- tý,rritory of the 4 >th, the town. rib ýd"butlàébÏý tg, Young Mau au 1 ý,M r tàucë* of, g, -ttgao-," tbey.1-ýfe=d"ý*0,",dýiver- Wu puÏee. %ÀM Aml'the meu of WWtby radn' and they WOILIÉ1 h ei Z -t5 of Mr.,Harper entered et somý;, to. 4jwh'ýjim, solupe, and saw from, thelet alla te.the pbèrýLp1e 70,-ai2d other i 1 . L et lie doing th t 7. leugth fullY int* the to 6tWked wa ', > 1 .. . su or '0, nOtý ýNreàl1yp î ti se mtizODS of' %,' tby, if they Ch, ohé rec ô*.- Ilima a as an ewho Aeposit'edînoneyý WM the et a dia; rac es spea lie- tqn,ýwâu et" specul iLý Some saiitwe had',BlrýadÉ triflfýg bAIF thai. ýus pou tay ruo Or dmrmtn,: Paid, enougâ. but ý the. towti lied, ýg oprend a , - 1 ' - - , tor. This is moble dôed,-ýhîèh duiy *ôuld> h-avi to- bé,ýàid -'Matterof,' ïdhim te, Ou irrivitiggtthe pqnd,- - tiU[oF wptji» byý mou9t's et. niiie omyatiu'- What it-Paid for+ihe twenty milesif dtî1ý" a 84 Ob ver z(ý ara for t a jutereoF, aüd,ïtai&, rateý.a"fte ana OU reachiàg-thei oaùal,,the' enji&ý--pIcIIgèd bqp4 h jp e,ý&rge. Cotin town of, of VVoý 01 0 - ria, wart bii iéllow t,6,Wàsmen rafl«ày môn là riýèon,. into the weber, dragging affer an éximple or In Cooi 'à 1 leiqbt The ý WrCh l? peop railway te Fort Poi7y. Now whit *68 th ', *àWWIýh whý& -eiee.ýopthýr people connectai! ýmerCY upon. &a "ioý ýidsaýo'd. -à ey ât, thons 'a. Àt la8te that wu the'Bill lltiüzýatu 1, wautea was the ýteéntyflve -byrlaiv, sud IO8çýj ý,aq ý they liait in dulY't whitby loi 0 the.cars pâma é4 se oovér. bëd in tue mind'a eye, ia'n - miles tol Mac with1anking institutions Would dOýi Weil Ibysdéhmoiijýo'Mr'. Han Merchaltdise. et lie a Lindsay,. âud'thý ranýiý"Y CoLIneCtiýns1-g0ne b ,the,-."noooi #reut nanti [Mr. Alexander, (aatto,-voee) 'ýveî îlié ý'e:nàine; sf#ký* a+ý - the ta f0Uowý -- es wax ȃit0t, nd- on tavema luitis an' the or&" thst gitsupjtee to be o6tained b in Me a b"Uz. -high Amen I-BOsia > of laueiaï.] - Mr. ýs ' g.4 &1ïo Amtelle a., win ridge ' p ' uiWnï,'ii eMýjL gg'feýt sible - ïdilh6llàff" of- the !0 Indes: the raie opposi. entertained no ùýýbt that4he, exwjàiàn- and tdd hâve ta -be paid auy way 94mua ýe within the twpebelles, an! Wo position was but that'ta'ken off the Conty e. II Be,, iÃœe soWkina 'tio ý ilie- "$&me would énoreàse the ýfOp111âtioî ;sud but the wayjk),"Iighten t4em- _,ý!aoý_by onnu sud- Mr. Laingin thè old " " a cru" for ci-athory tbat bas apueil inany basinieniý:lof the Ù6 -- on a b an., time-aud whielà-both ré l etigne.ý ýPropÈ Alwrecking est was promptly on the, um ýk" à. its t ntle spot from the west, inil a atia hii dotiiéd" là *oitild bc ing the c&Èagi of the town ta beaithe @e lasyted widh thimadves thst they tl"k' tbp ýwà«gon er to ftli t ty trade ni Fort Brie,,bringing with thora W. èréd-7 ki" béè"é -Ïnb W"gâ s'rad il bindW, by it--.ï a onkv question Was, ;bu -sud 4 90 Ùtlemen who were thon clorke Nuir, Genëràl'-.Vâiiýgei; £'. B.1 Bur. than ever ta ý thousands -a( -*a-- poer that, As > thé Ithey- ara' op'akiie'-'wor'du av wwomý,» *t , t* ' , i m tao muChý, weïr !2z, r essirg.'Raa-,, bahidd-Mr. ýLdingocotinter w#à f , ù& is i was 1 coq Ing t a '*&ô" made tô "M tic, whilit &Il thé, time oinsible7 people are they, Co Id notý re_ý -the ý .. 5-1 . - àking t . Muter Machania; sud Clins. Càrr Wew.i;t,Ëatory" 0 , Could t the railway without nam, Gibson, Powell, &q., who'not I&Miný st Ithim. The or same:Pô13îtiOwýý ây- 'tài-ýéa wIth B ý8uperinbéjadent; all, 0 ýçn WhôTCanýAppr"ffl âme, >av paying, sormatin - for - Jt, ý. and thé op It must ',bé ýthi jolie ià to bear sieh déclare thit amoant Ow ý1Oo11 came - ta nome #1.w a Mr. rïý»U»ù a, pro- Johp :VanhotIghtoný wafoundý,by- jeed. Draper said lie Ilot dis.' thé Boýîdî jthey .gré workin' lùià-týbse. they te- year ci L was a very small SPPÃ"iÏted-'Ïf tfieý' oonr'e-ý6'takêu'-ty thé "vle t4,,,,,ýArêk railway CAàiàýý Perîguoôn on the; - aük-ýa rittle hýrter; ut Whoj,,ýit dazS ý.toin'aub- igwu the trztàk,-noarly submergea fiij Those'iec. 1prisint the workia' man, sa', pratin' sum, indeed ta hiýé topay, for the bitie- ge;itIemený Opposing ýý the by-law ','Who p -ta se 1 « OMIS. j *bout the works av 4hoir bande, etoét. lits to be roceive4. Ho roferred ta the aimed . ta, be the, ý public mon- , of-the, for' tOn ýOf 05.ý'each r Mr. S ier. ýwat,0r__,He wag carefuUy,,takený',.,but, domestic tragedy tooký'PI"'C"iat"PhUs- 4 cou: ari. That'a &U partouse, purtindid bu- grestdeprodatich -of'property in the towm Tbëy-ioülil--:ýèallýth ioint1oh ihild air priva ir- G, q2%ý and il; no quite. a snrvey, E îbuad il ab life was' last weëW, multing in the death ont th mility, ta gain aimpathy.. The fellows townmome yéaiinia#o,, sud t#eènereau mçetin r. dInn wu 8180 putea the board of extinot. Re die' D el, however, ihôitly de pf'a b usbond ap4-W, -under gs therp . , -0 The ý*hoý4àke on this wayi are4he vezy eince. go hua bought a lot then for wlier'o', thojr," c'ô'üjd' :'u ýo&.; I'e aile 1 werp ards. -liold -,fýàh the rWhitby &'port Ferry ýCo, sàd a aftorw a-s-th-o-y -are Ll?,r'l'. in ýOt , cheekiest kind goid, an' obud be, hall- 020 ; it *u n6* ý Worth 0120, and this This'iw&s> s'pûblie' M a- municipal Conneillorst thetiùie,ýand The dïivêr it iesupËèiigdis blirie in myotenous. acting caUedi,.bY Whou it came4 . ý ogningthe contract, the £Icbri8 of the engine. Hie body bas huk,,regided nu-til êouncils na- l libed from -the ranks of the workin' rise he attributeil in grest part ta the the, istelibydraýý ôf theý north ward tO resigned. Snob was hiEt interegt in the notýyet,'beèG1-reCàverýëd.1 Iffis name ils tbw'*'rýa-(-""" Bouvier Id hitthèy 'min, an frauda upon the frateraity. No railway. The railwsy lied the affect of daëdsmr &.ï, 6ter,"f.ý ýH, S@ke&,if Mr. "mg,àý_ 0. 1, 602ý , , 1 1 ý1 the question publicly, and giveý rsilW, a A4ron Cady, of Watert"n,,N.ew Yorki îtreét, -ni a Ésrt'.àf Wled Mp. 411 n'o. 'ýindepiDdint workin' min want thé in- increasing the value of lande and thé ratepayers an opportaniby of judgi. Marmora boa advanced thefirat argu-T bat lâtély of Teiýiê'!Uante, Iiià- But 41e""W,,Seç,knoýwni of Lby thé Act dustbry of their craft ta be migra brought trade ta the town thst could ing intelligently- of -thé noutionj,-Isùd ment againet thé, lied It in suppomithe line ;! -not býë ýt4ý b »e zIëjkhboii4* excee ifiai the i . thordore sented bc sach mouthers Of wop..rlo* net be got, by,,aýy other menus. Thé yet they were dumb. 0 g ' blî ýhe a%- ojýèh fCIï,ýrafBc for &bout thréâ 4YË4 i MauWu ani trio., :But, 1 belleve, notwithstandin' this, Towii Cl6uneil did their utuiost ta got thé reprosentative mon of the north tension of the railway ?' The railway hè Causas SO-utliera ha ý'd - grees from Fespia, sud, est- they were hysician, both were emi- T. Ithere in râle good otbuff inour Bill the béat termathey a from the ward-th vezqa esr- id s att;c COUI mon who maire fflaced in a tax would lie only $1200 a"' th. GMU(r,ý- Trank 1 aRý'ÏreIù.1y, well'to do, their. bouge being ho otheis, ýwîdh, proper týlirainiLL, and the ygara Railwa Yser ; the rangèments with PM Y z, Company, and haël securea repre"ntative'pooitiýù,'Àud who aira.-d annam woulal Compîýn ,,bien of the ýthat bring dJ«ruliun. Re is youug from ni a bond as éxacting it ta lie ablic men, ýto gi" tfie ýaïep Wollo spoken of by-üý--1X _ay by whieli theiýe','Wili-ýbô ncý' -.fe'ùUhed lý Cod stvle, and, the djecter weil are en. au' plucky. Let Illui be disereet an' raï could lie. We sIýonId bc progressivaes se ers et large - that infor 'Y- lme Cost $1500, go- tfiât in' éne Yser we interroptionto thé, through fïeight îind Ming W nave see a go piactiW Thare caution they were aï etinent as a millibar that silence je goolden, au' the people of othèr towns wore, and lie would lie actiially -pàÉng a smaller passenger't-iaffie où 'tlie formn rend. was a d.isparity in the ages of the two, 1 entitled te receive attheir bande; but sum for tlierailwsy;éttfiision than for Their trains will tàk'ýthe Giand'TrÏnk tlie-doet& boing &bout fgtv yeurs old Dapacity ý of i th&& if a Young fellow is iver sa amart, considered tbat, potwithstanglin- pilet they failed te open th i - 0 .., t - Il 1 - orahi. The thore's nothin'so unbecoulia' as want the rond hua, âj[ready cost, and the was net bis intention taelr It digizing of 1W wisIls. Mr. Ferry Railroad truck -et Canfleid., ta and from leu Élan twenty ,]but> appealed te the electors'of the, North tire Esst. èfwith. Le "en ta of modesty, ad ta show liabichuel dis. $20,000 _now as.ýed for, we were still on the meeting; they &Il kne bis: son- Wàrd who lied never vet failed ta do ng, in maël, IîarýnOny, -aý affer- at it is ià- îrespeck ta one's eldhers. But ta re- getting the railway CheUL- Chéaper timents-they were thorougl* il f11011 their duty, ta do a tien-- ta '0, 'Iway and of the extension; 0 On this Oec28iOu-tO, Taylor & Bernard offer their large A few Ofthàýre- iàùàmatýe- of bich- it is ta tum ta the raleway oppooishun, I hope thau any other to wn nu La On ýI of dis, ý rat vote for the by-law on ri riday, and aloo Stock'of Lazarus Morrii, ýe Co., and tb!ý. nçigbbqe hoWever,ý»y that, in the 0 lie appor. thst it bas now cooled down-that &U for railway comlýnniçâtiou into the lu- and he'wduld rest satigfied with intré- wording ta thesliteamhasbin letoff atthemeet- terior of the country. He confessed lie ducina ta them a gentlemen who lied ' ta attend te Mr. I1annamýo case neit otber . fine ýSpectaoIesî,With môrocco lmv""Yof-'theirown homethe doctor t point- in- ýins' held, au' thst the tbrue frinde av cailla net uncl(ttàtand the grounds of travelled throtigh ail the northern. laugh a& Mr. Rannam's child% play on -1 ý 1 f ià - '. , ý, M9-ý ýY 1 annary. The town conid net afford ta case, e 01.50 par pair, saine of theùIý ex]Ùbitea' the« svinteuseý jealousy of Cost $2 wholesale and are the veij bas&, la wde, who Wag i very pretty Young the town will niver lave it ta bc sed av opposition ; but ýcopie could net ail country, who in.,his publie and private this question. Toronto and Port Hope in the Market et thé presënt'Ïime, but Iady.ý1ftIds îgtruýiti8theOnIy key, thim, that theyL Were 00 miserable mis- sec alike-tlj(-re always woul-I bc Op. capacity was always a friend ta the were anxiously watching what Whitby ' lie per. ý bu -beeu-fcnndý ta the mystery re pleued led as te vote &gin this bonne, kue position te the liest of projects ; lie town of Whitby, and who happeneil te was doing, and again ho entrestedthem fect longes. surroundinÈthà-ýouièide of the pair. Oithe best they, happened ta take a false view av trusted this whole matter would lie bc prpsent, and who would be able ta te la illeir duty ta vote for the by-law, The faets atténding the double tragdy, thq case et firot, widhout enrisiderin' judged of intelligently, sud with a de. tell them of the great country iiito and net take .lis mistaken ýadvice of P. Taylor, Oshawàï bas made a diaçov- ta whicfi Ustruction. -the thiug properly. Let 'leur Bill" sire ta ailvance tlie future prosperity of whicli the railway would penetrate ; sueli mon as Mr. Hannam, or tho8e ery for whicfi millions of people will yet be âbOut'aýfi0Uo-Wo rolong his aveu do this et the last mom'ent,-Iie the town. Mr. $inifil thon proceeded Lliat gentleman wae net thora secking, who were led hy Iiim. thank him. He bas f6und it ta lie al- or. Tliere bas dun all that end farely lie expected ta rend the bondIto the corporation as te influence them locally as te the by. Mr. Gibson tank Mr. Perry te task most impassible te get a pair Of apect- TUE CRIXE. 2g ta made av him, ta git botther terms-an' lie followa law, but te give them information the Shortly after breakfast the doctor yý for his alleged reflectiong on Mr. Laim, acles or eye-glasses of any manufacture May yet regain the respeck av, his would be all glad ta liear, and in a fa The Mayor denied that Mr. Per"* that are perfect or correct. Frola, the went into thé -front pailor, where 4 lie Inselves of This Indenture; made the Twent - w ry - foun-d hi' wife lyin-ý' un a sofa onfledng old frinds, an' av Y further conaplinientary remarks te Mr. songht te cast any reflections on th't elleapest glus th thé best pelibles all Yers thruly, second daq of April, One Thougad J. B. Campbell, lie introduced Lliat gentleman. aliks are imperfect. Aiid if y persan the mont intense agony. On the table Eight Hundred and geventy-8ix, au TIM O'DAY. gentleman. g a pair-it ý is wàs'a sinall bottlewhieh had contained, illu8trated beliveen the Mr. Perry also denieil that Whiiby and lie liad is fortunate enough to'get Mr. Campbell couimenced by stating done go, or thst ho wisbed t only by chance. We Baw Mr. Taylor prussic, -sala, aàà W tak' from" Ille published ExECUTION OF DOLAN.-Jolin Dolau that in discuissing this and other publi pectfülly of Mr. Laing; lie was Ouly Perry Extension liailway Cwn- oc o speak dis- -fést saine epectacles 'and we have no doctor% study. It':'waîllalf emPty,ý ,vizizy, of ilte ýr4 iret Part, and the ti lis lieretofore, lie never fort' res Lmb-er han was lianged et New York, on Saturday Coi:poration pf the Toion of Whii- ques 10 ,0 t commentin1g upon bis pliblio course, and liesitation in saying that more tliau ehowing a portion of the, contenta ha&-. and je as inorninc,,,- for the murder of Jas. H. by, of the Seèond Part. the couaty of Ontario. Re régretted the great influence lie bad used in de- that whitby was the county towa of two thirds of tbe spectacles now made beau swallowed by the unfortunate. etive and Noe. -He olept, but little Friday night, Whereas the said parties of the Firsi that many Who resided in the county feating the Original scherne. are very incorrect and it in a wonder woman. The doctor rushed out of the, ron. ' The and was up early Saturday moruing, Mr. Carpenter made soins rambling that people are net stalle blind and no bouge sud into a Mrs. Kilney'ë, du the, whon lie attended mass in the prison l'art ]lave appliedito the sai(l parties of did at times forget this. He bail al- reinaykR in whicli lie chargea that M wonder that the eyesight of go many oppo-site sida of the, atreet,'begging bar, Farman the Second Part fer a Bonne of Twenty waye, while a representative te the Austin liatl insulted the people of t y* ý !ke ysician; as ho fail go fast after they commence ta use for God'a saké, te go for Il cLapel, bis wife being algo preaent. ThonFalid Dollars, ta assist thoril, the Couuty coulicil, found the representa- spectacles. Mr. Taylor hasjustreturù- his wýfé had poigiondil lerself. The OP & Ocy,9 After taking leave of his wife, lie re. town. said parties of the Fîrat Part in extend. tives of the town of whitby, men of the Mr. Holden denied thst snob was the ed frora New York where ho bas enter- lady immediately loft ta - couiply'*îth tired te bis cell, where ho joined in re. ing their lino of ilway, sud the gaid raost liberal character, sud lied the case and defonded Mr. Austin. ed into a contract with the only manu- the request, and bréuglit a De Craudel ligious devotions with the clerg men parties of the Seeo%(l Part, before issu. ineasures those mon supporteil and ad. Mr. Wrn. Robion was opposed ta the facturer that could undertake it, ta te tire hanse. On 'enteringthe parler whe have attended him all along. The ing Debentures for that atiaouat. for dis vocated soins twenty years ago beeu bonus and accused Mr. Harper of goin, suPPIY him with ýspectacIes and eye- the -horrible spectacle- was presented execution was ta have talion place et purposeofraising1the said suin, have carried ont, Whitby ivould have been in lie correct in every re. -of the wife Iying ou the; floêi dead, as ave, forna- nine o'clock, but an a reprieve was for the railway bonus while declaring glasses tbat will required the said parties of the F irst a difierent position to-day. » But lie re- that le w&s oppos peet and are ta lie called P. Tàylor'a th 'isba had, rolied off' t'ho sofa, sud sideration looked for, the dread avant was post- ed te bonus ' Iouih -ýand,'alào'ý Part ta execute thýsc prosents .-retted ta find, they noW,-had men es 8 poned for half au hour. At half. past principle ; heaiço said the bond te th, corrected lange spectacles and eye- de of lier lày, bar bus Now, this indeWtnre, witnesseth tilat amougst them, as they had twenty town was worthless beeause the railwy, glasses. _P. Taylor will bc staIn'ppd dosa, with a-, buIW:;Wýùndý-over ï the cille the shériff notified Dolau thât it lie said partles of the rirst part, yeare ego, opposed te a grest publie One -liaW , sWas 111 are as was time ta star& for thé gallowa. Rio !"ey' t ondsweranotsalcablet HeconcInd. upon dis nose bridge of every pair, heart. of hiàý Ointea in consideration of rpeeiving from the improvernent-they liad sa a rew of ed his remarks b* declaring amidt overy glass will lie thorouglily tested by il arme were piuioned and thé black cap Rid parties of the' 4cond Part, the said just such 'non et Port Perry-(Laugh- cheers that Il y mperfect glau wM be lay à seven-àhonter'DéMngër.". or JýjapIe placéd on fiis bond. Re looked very a was in laver of the ex. liim sud every i Bonne of Twouty 'Pliotisand Dollars, do ter) and lie regrette& ta gay, that it waq ' tension. thrown out at the manufacturer% ex. The supposition Às î1îat àbrèn after flushed, and when lie stood under the Covenaut, promise, and agree ta and following up that course, and its in- pense. Se according te that it WM bc roqueîted Mro.'Rflney ta go for ,eaux. rope lie looked up nt it and theu nt the Mr. Holdon, uked if Mr. Robinson hsvin spectators. Mis manner was perfectly with the said parties of the Second part, flnence upon othera in the county that knew wliat lie was talking about in au iMPOssibilitY te get an imperfect a phygsiciau fWhis ý'Wife_ïhe doct.6y -had possessed, and lie exhibited no emation 8 y, the gsij the best interests ci the conuty and essrs. R. and their succes ces, that the* speakinz of bonds. leupe of Mr. Taylor who will instruct returned te the parlor,"end fuiiýkg-biB inston, C. parties of thé leirot Tart, shall, and will, Cout'tY towIl were Iloglected, and Pre- Mr. Harper'explained that ho was every purchaser ta test hie own glasses wif.ëýqn the liner d.esdihisd; in. a-moment of any kind. After lie bail prayed with until thé exteilsion'Af tbeir Boad froin vented their consolidation. He gave opposeil te bontises te manufactures on so that there will be no humbug. Me of ungdvernablè 'eicitement, fired the 0 his confessors, the black.cap was drawn the Town of Whithy ta dis Town of credit1ýt the town for havin- voted principle, but net te a railway bonus, lias ordered large quantities as they are fatâl ehotmbioli tank -his oiwn life. No ss will lie over his face. A few seconds elapsed, Lindsay, in the Colinty of Victoria, bas leeraII7 te build the rond ÏC, Fort ta be manufactured specially for him. explanation. was loft ta show the cause and theu the sheriff gave thé signal, beau graded, recoup and repay ta the Perry, and admitied that Port Perry and thst Mr. Robson mieunderstood and Dolan'a body abat into thé 'air. bitn. Due notice will lie given of the firet air- whieh induend the wife ta poison bar- Division Save a few convulsive movements of said parties of the eecowl part the in. bad in that inatter got the long end of Mr. Pergtli;onhnd hoped the time had rivill. self. In the dining room the, breakfast- the chest, and the effort of the, bande ta terest payable by the said partipp of tlvv, the whiffle-tree-and certain ffiends ül passed when the people of Whitby P. Taylor, Oshaws,'is aise agent for table was still. set, ehowing thst th 1 éy lift themeelves upwards, no otlier Slang second part en the Debentures ta the Port Perry wanted to liold that-to wotild lie found fi-htin- one another. the patent Measuring funnel. hÂd partàken of that meàI toêeÃŽhér. A amount of the salit] sura of -Twenty hold ta itfor the moment-forgetting :le took Mr. Rob'son tâ task for his couple of lettira wiittýn-,-in- Cermany of sufférinc were te bc observed, and Thousand Dollars, and that they, the that in the end it would bo their des- TotheEditoroftheWhitb Chronicle.- wère found, one of - which w a-s.'-from -a aftera convulsive ohudder hait passed said parties of the first part, will after truction,-but lie was course in the Town Conneil on the by- New York-'soIieitor.ý; Froul, what eau through the whole body, all trace of Foch gradin, is couýpleted nnti iintil the majoýity of the people of Port Perry the ternis of the bond, which ho con- An article appeared in the Whitby lie ascertained thère is remon ta believe life lied goue. He died remarkably rails have been laiif en the said Fiten- lield inore liberal views, (cheers) sud CHnoN-icLr,, of3larch Wth, in regard to.the that while the husband Ùéa'tècl libwife easy for go powerful a man, Illis neck sidered satisfactory. Me animedverted Campbell divorce bill, in which extracts are sien of their said line of Railway ta the were now willing ta compote with on Mr. Hannam's position in going te suid tu have been balisa froin the p rg, in with upiform. kindn'esa in'publie their net boing broken. Hie lioart ceased Town of Lindsay afýrpsaid, reqoup und Whitby on a mors even whiffle-tree whieh it is stated that the evidence eG ibs iràu,ý,,fi jeà1bus t besting after lie had been susýended - Lindsay in favor of the by-law a il bickerings tl Y M Prive -a repay te the said parties of the second Admittim, that the beuefits of the roail n OP" and Adams convicted Campbell and And0'3rn thirteen and a half minutes. c posing it at haine, As te the stat6ment son of wilfal perjury. And. new, Mr. E were-frequent. , A brothér - of the -lady part one-half of the jinterest payable on were net all thst the people of Whitby about the value of lots in '56, lots in the for th" 11atioà6etion, of a descriminating PU i' lîved with them, but, being' employed the said Debouture& te tlie said amouut expected-they got ali they could get I will malte illis: offer tu said Gibson, Adams et the Centeunial. gratinas, was qbsent u is repre. town lied thon riseu in vaine, ta ýanand Gross. As 1 understood thoir ovitlence in AN INFANT MUEU)BRED BY ITS MO'r]JFB. of Twenty Taousan excessive value . when the affair occured. f Grand -A most horrible murder was commit. Dollars. And the under the* circumotances, and the rail- said parties of the firet part, for them- way lied donc weli by them' He waa In ConSeqUenCe Of the the Court of Ohancery -here, amd in Ottawa bc- railway then-because it was concludea fore the Senato'committee. Gibson swore ted et St. Valerien de Milton, Qu bec, selves and their guedessors further cave- scOffed et Whou lie told them, in advo- that on the ovening of the 26th August, M75- a the railway would lie built. A gentle. they were rotuming home froin Dr. Carson'i -Unlimited Remedial Resources, by a woman named Guertin, a reefflent liant, promise, and 4gree te, sud with cating the railway et Reach, that they main in Toranto hati spoken te hiin that a t or about halipast il, P. ni., and beard mu- anil get of that place. The mother, it appears, the said parties of the second part and %vould soeurs the trade of the intaud ic and singing in Robert Campben'a bouse, People semetimes suppose - that Dr. had placed the child in the boa wherein tlieir successors; Ai ýat they, the said navigation, but what lie had said lied ýiay in favor of voting down the by-law a"ndaman's voice accompaning M". Cam lier aister-in-law lay sick. The and coming in at the tail of thé Nipig. bell, and saw two men -standing et the end P.-j erce's Family Medicines, represent child parties of the first pirt, will net talle or turned ont ta lie truc, and this car the - bc hanse, a taU man and one somewhat the entire ëxtent of hisresonrces - for y sing some YeRrs froin bence. We bati t2orter, and one of thein had on a white luit Cried, and its mother came and nursecl endeavour to take any stops towards timber ont nearly a liundred miles in- ta look nt this question from a Lusineps or Bomething white on lits head. euring disease. This îs, an error. 2 Satur- it. Tho sick girl in the meantime en- building a branch ofthe Raîlway frein land would b shipped by this railway point of view-looking after our own I now wish ta make the following publie of- Expérience ýProved thst w1fite 1-heï Gel. Jeavoured te get to sloop. She haël Me fer te Gibson as I (lid in private et the time of Well the Town of Wliitl)yý' to the VilÏa-e of te Whitby. a referred te the early interests was the way ta de se. the chancery trial here. 1 ain wwin den Medical. discovery, Favorite Pres- et partially oucceeded, when 11110 wag Oshawa or ta Oshawa Elarbouruatle, , rail way battles, to the discussions of the adinitted that we had paid too inileh . number of disinterested parties may lie chosen nanded. ýrCM11ed . by - thé _. sauna of blows , sud uower iiivisn tn fliAni hv - À extension in Lindsav- -m-tha tu (10 go, lu consequence or the nurnber ----I-n AfLer. - __ = ___ -__ r -------- Cet 'Oric reof tlifà, gaid partie, referring ta %vliat port Hope, tiie ratepayeri; ýf whitby. m iven in -this case whoUy %vrong and lin treýt ý.j6tth S 10ng-fglt'waut in the and toile of the letters. Cobourg, BelleVilIP, Kin-StOn, 1 0 0 -more-novoio chionie insur, Re, in order ilereto have -Loreunto rat their band te The meeting broke up with the Uqual truc. fflionId ho succoed in makWg his ovi- cou te discOver the misereant, answered one were doin- in aidin- to build railwavs vote of thanks ta the ellairMaU,-after douce good, I will make saule Publie acknowl- affections By a careful - siderBtion nearly a 1 J a 1 t wh't edgernent in bis case that I will do in the cases i of the symptoms as given in writing, Of the auOnYmOus letters, and enquired ud Seala' d and , dolivered in the le adviseil tha signed, Saale into the interior, 1. ofýGibson and Groog. ho successfülly treats thousande of at the Post Office wilo the persan was presence of (Signed,) by bc net lait beliintl again in the race, Tha* there bas been the mogt deliberateper jury in this case ever comamltted no person cases at theîr homes. » Otherà visit the Who liad received the latteý-. The Post (Signed,) J. AUSTINI, and loge again the trade that was nàw SUDDEN DrATEI-A GIRL J)JES IN HEII can for a moment doubt, and in these three Dispensary in person. The amplest office officials, howaver, refused to give JOHN J. - ROSS. President. L.S. within their grasp. %Vllitby bad the SISTFR'S AR',%I".-Two daughters of Mr. cases it can still bc shown Who the partioa are information RB te Who the party was, Who have done no. resources for the, treatment of lingeringr ýeaver- position-au enviabie position with its Henry Smith, butelier, Yorkville,, ]art Tùne and similar surroundings eau still bc affeCtions are - thus placed, et the dii- and PO lie sourtht elgewhore, witli the Mr. Gibson (reeve);having bpAn call- excellent harbour-and it was fur the Toronto by the Saturd'ay morniu- train ëolected and a fair and impartial trial ho had ilosal of ý every ý patient, and those 4dný assistance of andetective ; suspecting a ad upon declined te gbeak just thon, lie men of WhiLby ta utilize it. He next on a visit to Mr. Gao. Ërodie at "Frank. in justice to, the innocent, and for tho punish- whom mont of the the proprietary meaieines do net agame certain pàrty, ho received a copy of bis had come ta lâten. traced the Victoria road on fil In lin, near Newmarket, and arrived at As this iii guilty. b 1 ýpI a case almeet unprocedonted in ave the désired affect can procure a Dg it its connections, dweit upon re- the annuals of Canadian Law Co handwriting, and upon compari Mr. Hannath wanteil ta hear the ethe their destination in the aiternooll* as in the Logislatu urts as Wou more. thorough and efficient, course by, ri), I hope that a discerning witil the anonymons letters they were railway people ûrst-ý-thosc who had sources of the great country whose Immeàiately after supper, the youugest , public wiU*be as anxious ta seeJustice done in a perscaal application to the proprietor of found ta ho exactly alike. The injured called the meeting-& ud ta raserve hie trade would ho tributary ta it, and named Lil"n, was attacked with 16 this matter as in any other. And te insist of the World'a Dispensary. ail Of huaband met the Young man-whose remarks. which, would flow into Whitby as the severe vomiting of blood, caused hy t that this matter may be fotiowed up If net IVY lie acourt «justice et least in bli fuient aboe. Dame is Ashley Richies--the Other Mr. Harper (deputyreeve), who was terminus of a great colonization road ; bureting of a blood vesèel. The siglit and that the contempt of a blic may be brick. 'esrvu a av NOV4 SCOTU Wants a ContînUiLnce of [y the recoived with chaors, jaid lie believed it referred &lac ta what Lindsay bad done was no ghastly that Mrs. Brodie lait th' _plied where it in doserve, avellin on Adelaide street, and deman a ap the additional enbaidy of #8%ow ger da ang apology. The Young man re. wag not genékally kno,ýwn whieh aide ho ta secure- its position, and in very com- bouge and fainted, . whilet Me. Brodie That thora may ils n6 qlmwing back hould theme parties consent for a trial te, be made, 1 annum, which was grantëd'-for va fUsed,'and the buaband gotting him was on, ho bail not a$ yet proclaiméd plimentary terme ta the enterpriging went for saine noighbors, Who, on en- ain willing te place the aclmowledgalent of years'underthe Botter Terme 4et, but intO & lane gava him a sound thraahing it himself; ho spolia a working mAn, men of that town, and who, if they did tering the bedroom untruth duly signed in the handsofthepàrties la re. 4$ and Razing u1pon inventigating, te bc by them used against the- wilth"é'téýmàake à very,,sùmlong cage ady until ho luStily yelled marder. -a member majority of the not get this, would suroly have another the girl, immediately retreatod au and they ta o the sanle. i' e a cm be granted in the 1 a of the a fý parties faili te make thoir evidence good, nd eà i)-ofýre thi- the to-wu, and ho thora déolared hiniself in basides Port Hope, and concluded an but soon. gained strength ta approach DI The acknowledgment tq ho publiabed in the presont state of the ýDominjoù finanças. MÀPLE SUGAU.-So Much ma favor of th (Chpers.) Ile adiiiirable speech amidst applause. the room ta observe Lillian saturated local as won as In other papers. stýoDg p.litiàl preàu» - ty be brought Sugar has beau sent through the maila would give bis reas(no. The Lown Mr. Hannam, afterrepeated celle, with blood from lier Dock down ta lier JOHN ANDEILSON. t *a beai in laver otýthis,, 4br the Nova . taken from Vermont since the openicg of the could net stand still; t must either go took the pigtiorm. Re compared him- feet and thore lyiug a corpse in the 'Mlltby, Ith, April, lwa. Scotian, mombers - cab wrk togethéï, season that the Departmont bas had to forward or baokward. A man had told selfto à atnall:canuon, said kewu'âct arme Of fier Sister 'Sarah, whose ner- ------ 4-0-0-- - when aîny local intéresta are- concemed, issue un order direoting postufflters ta him that day the town could stand etill opposait tô the extension-,' but thst vous system waà go shocked that elle They were, sitting togetheF,, ho anu in a manner perhaps more indicative of 1 Rhe, and ho -was iperor Zorn" to roooive auy more. * - for,20 yeare. That wu afallacy. To, %Vhitby had alroady put in a link in the did not looseu lier liold without forcible zeal for their own people tbau* if any h the The Newfoundland oeaEng fleet bu stand etill was ta go baokwarlà;. And line and had paid enough for it. ue means. Iler -band and dreu gtained what 'ta Bay. ý FinAl1ý , ho * ýbur8t ont, CAlm consideration of sound prineiplâs visit beau, ouly fairly àamsdul. T'ho Cod where would be the enployment fer the mentioned the great.,reduotion in the %Yith blood, remained, in that Condition, vith : "In this land of noble -,aobieve- zuing and herring flahrries promise botter. carpenters, masons, ainters, and- ait parlice- of 14nd sinci Mr. Perry's laàd till two in the morninà before she would'. ruiÙta and undying,.glory, ëhy is it on whieh ta manffl,-.tbe afiairs of ý the 0 in whola Dominion. In doing this, thora other tradés, and îvhe 0 the business to 156;and asked if lande and town allow washinz. The doctor boing thora that women do not come more ta the je littl, doubt but that thoir représen- ýTbe U. S. Trenaurv st Washington, keep reaidente of the e wn in it if thora lots were now ta be.znadejço valuable, prononnoed her mentally deran.-ed. front ; whyis it that they do net elisub tativearelleci the fe>eling""Ã"f tbo'péople. 41UN- lip ta Baturday, had paid out in ex. were no work and av rything was ai- how it was that .1fr. Draper lind adver- Silo lias l'ad lia olcop and apeaks i#n>co. the ladder -of fame e" III supposep', Ili fact they, ire probéably much 'more beau change, for fractional eu 1 rrency over lovod te gtagnate? imre muet either tisements in the paperd offaring partions lierently, but býcame ig; a little quieter, said. Bilé, putting, lier finger in ber moderato than their constituent& desire, lafion 9200,000 in Silver coin. build more honseg and inciease the of bis proporty for sale. . Re chargéd when she took the train for Toronto Inouth, '*It is ail on accotint of th"' for intercouraë with réprereiitativës fiorn' Other _The distress of a few fishermen on population and businei a of the town, or that ît was L>eeauge of the bonus tax accompanied by lier brailler, who came Pull-backa." ail - parts of the Dominion ý at Otta- 6gious the Gaspe coast, Owing ta the Enow thosewhowereinitwouldhucinoti 0 Mr. Draper wanted to oeil. He referred this -orain.- to tako the corpse ta ber Thomas -W. Piper, condemuedi ta be wa cannot but modarik soctional féal- 'te of blockade, hua beau magniflod and pub. ta do and would hav ý ta leave. >a ta the condition of the etreets audoide. fther's r6siden 1 ce in Yorkville. Oxécuted on May 26th for the murdoi ings. The màtter will have ta be from lishod in London as a famine. procecded ta show whý re goôd wae aone walke for tlià.^ropair of whieh the taxes of Mabel'Young in the belfry-of Warren settled by the prirsen , Dominion Gov- lifax, by railwaye, and thât if individuals wore wanted, and to the appropriation Of tho eeven children of John Hall of Avenue Charah, made a swôrnýstateý. ernmeni, and aW iteléaders in the dis- npor. The Queen bas raturned from lier werc benefitea il , lt---.iome more than of $1500 for the sinkic,; of wel.19, which North Troy, four of them, ail undpr ment that silo received»the injuries thut cusâlion of the increnne of subsitly to viait ta Germany. others-those, i ed bithe CcIIRONIOLE, WbilO ýo bc vidu Io were enabled was oppose fourwen years qf age, weigi exactly e-tusédbAw-deatli'.froiý2 the trâp do6r Ma itoba atthe latW session distinctly The farmers of Mgnitobaaro busy ta give more employai nt-bad ta pay th&ýCsRorÃŽiclz advocate the grenier- 1.)00 pounds, -ane each bu ten fin ers, falling ou ber heàd -'thât ho was friéhï- mýjaiüed the ground which >tbeý, bad es, and thut, in expense of the bonus ;- ho attackod Mr.,. two-thutebs and twêlveýtý6es,- ened,,,,Ieir, Acw. ploughing and fiewing. The Red River S larger abara of the týX lis .-would. ho., accu8ed of talion serainst- the Imannor of the in- a the 'S open. fact every citf:teu of t towný partiéï Draper sa ta the:ýgrà&é1 road and,0 1 murdering her,.andtherefore denied sIl creile, 'tdÎéva scotia, whieh W" em- pated more r., B in ho general and atuidst some interruptions, and crise of Ail the Englieh spdaking members of knowledge of the matter, t a in a xesolation and affirmed by out 01 Senator De Lery aveu in the vid bonofits 'ta ho "stick ta the aub«ect," resd a columu of the Quebec Logiolatnrewith one excep- -bis COüî"On!ýwith W.W-Ould 'net bc Parlisment, thora is not mucli prospect foreilhaowed dortred fftronaï -the n wké owliia a figuis as tg E taxes paid by that Ûoue- are ieporWd ta be týonserv&tives. dîocàvoped., of the extension béing obtuiiiedý bý ta 0 Eue lffl"4a Umý lta ffl ý -ýat wonu be X08li4 ýW1494 4, nO fomi rnu ù the 'tirth, w-h'wli'eù ts $100 éhall lie ima 0'iedUP lond $200 upon 0 or-& mailing vânt is fui t 0 -cils to impose Rold 4#puuea are ta ýl c6ilkderé s.-Ãœd.0býPà,-"'il aýý,p therefprg UM IC on 0 > tue of rélen ýwe 1 1 , 6. dwii LfIîjd,ý fi the ëbott'. séotioi» ý be, ànd 1 A boue ol clogm4g. Hold ýt power 't'O' Ï not @xprewý -zueïýved tol- by the Aét oi lait oocïiderod à@ tr&ùsfiiýe&sô of làcenoe Colpiniodon , ers'. tions are therêforvsuimhýcl, unsa ,iiibý 'Ar'onidt, uwd and 'OB Larler F jet, *Ott, wS-- 7e-, à-. Tha'rsday, April 27, 1876. -One, --Uri Btéýbko The &ho nomber to 'i )UNTS 1 ACCOUN TB 1 1 Ileenses' te& to F.-Njà 1 havo notyot settled grAU 0 thair înd at illis office wili piguï 13A$,r pom 000 tg 0 and Bave ocats.. lor, Downing, -Auction Bille. ',Bailway Station, Mr. Rarýe:r' Non. n, Baie bille printed st TÈz quon ROAL A offieu iý a guperlor style, As inight ný%furâIIy be expected, tg n-19- -4--- -0 à8- --É- .. - - . _- Section 7 forbitio ëollicg Il Il auci a Iree notice given of tho sale. groat Wm the Ohsgrin-and dimppoint. te prent* wit, a Horne Bills l m'ont atùollgot the botel-koopére présent sen, rtheir'parents or àiw Prititeà elicap and in thé bout tyle whose applicanong *Or*' refugea.. In power 0 maire such a ý prov', a Oshawa sud the eow«shipýOf Whitbyo reservýd ta a municips,ý,c fit the citRONICLX Offloet An assortmont < 'ili ' ' * i ' or Anitable enta. whore, the Conjacilis hM pugod ý by.1swo, der the lut Act, but it - hoi, Te limiting the number of tavern licello . es Possý-sa it under 86 'Vie.,,6t - Corresprin. to one an, J& 8799 which wu not ýbffccfod dt!Llts %vill please notice týaltýtlle O'nuot;. i vos respectively, the êom. jeforred to'. The section CL% ia &but te prose on lredi4ciday missiouers had no. po.wer to-grant more Otandé, Section 8prohibiti swearing, in ta thau dO limited number, - The discre. verne, âD ILOUItuunications should don Otherwise o%ýrci4ed by*tho, ed on the saine, gronna ai th là that is beyonil tilàjliiiseel rORch Vie 011100*not later tlia coin e ni miioiôuers -in reftuing licanses, especi- coulicil. Ileld tliat-th co Tiles(lay lu order to inaliro publication Sllystittob insportautpointeof trnvel such au enac the 15ama week; titled te maké 1 as Brougham, Duffino' -, Creok, and matter of Police in thoir,< Whit rdians of the publie Mo The Opposition te the Railwày Bonus. avale-will not pase unquutîoned, P4>,Ouuaeral objection wlâch wai and wili lie variously ocndemnsd' sud ilie by-law as a whole, tha The oppoliition tu the railway bonus approveds according as it i viewed defiaite as te the time for wh hits, am,:jliglit lit expecteil in the light from the pichibîtion and moderato 1e binding, is overuled. Tc tioned * as far as possible acc of fiviu(lled down ta insig, stand-point. It does saoul, the findîngs on the different nificatim. No one *lie lias attended arbitrary exeroîse of power to ont down volved. the iagotit)gf" and board wlist was Raid at once, and without notice, the licou. 00-0- nt both cieut(I rail to bc donvihoed ses in the township 'of Pickering from PROFESSORROBBINS, we ar of thm WC ftýltnfaq -of the pâeitinn tftken thirtoeu ta four. The position of men to leatu, bas now snumber 4 IJY th(J oPi)(monti of the hy-law. The who bave gank thoir menus in expens- musicians of the town under ir ArOlliplit that the amoutit was too ive buildings, fltted up àxpresaly for Ho is therefore induced to pr mucli ham beou flisposell CL 'kilo com- carrying orý'this particular business, stay in Whitby a littie fartile plaint 01at the town hall net iqufR. îAnd who perfiaps are dependent there- is tîme for those still heffitatin cielit siietirily, auct as toýthe, pgyment on for a livolihood for themselves and iiii their minds and avail thei tpf tho inttwosit, and the Oshava their familles, stiould-ineet with grenier Mr. Robbins's services. bralich, iK met by* the bond from Mr. botisi(leration. Te deprîve them of Aristill, publialied, in other columno. vested rights, and ta reduce the valub "WIDL Aw,&x£" is the best i All the diffictiltiox raiged have t)pjn of théir property without sufficient magazine, for boye and girls fairly inet unl'doalt with in, a spirit warniug, can scarcely bc regarded in Ainerica. The May nui et' the litino4t liberality hy the Cum. oflierwise thon, as a very È.igli-lianded juat beau laid ou our table, paijy. Thrrn are perhapî a fow etill procoeding. Nor should the fact bc usual coniplete ivith iustruc tlnil[Lti.4fliýil, hlit those are of the clans overlooked flint, at B-rOughamý largoly amusing stories for the childt that ilotllit]41 Woulcl' satiafy, and who attendod [airs; are field, thore the Di. magazine is eilited by Eila wliijt,ý puttilig forward exousfo for thoir' vision- Court sites and the Township and publislied by D. Èotlir-O Opiso-sition, were distermined not ta Couticil meets, et Icast one tavern Boston, at 82 per annum. bc 1qiltiîfil(l frotn>tl'ic firat. They now might bc a nocesoity to meet the publie Brougham. aly-"O:j the bOud is no* gnod" 1 The reqniremente, however ibnozicus the bond il; as binditig sq any logal docu._ liquor traffio miglit lie the the coin. The teacher5 of Pickering bi ,ment, of the kind Gan- poseibly be. It missioners personally. The publie cou. od au association for the cons liai, boen prepared with, the utmost verdonce, sud the discharge'of a pub.ic Of matt0fl tOuchiug tll8ir Pl cani, ig approyert by the Town Salie. duty, the law itself, all require some. The oflâcerti : for carrent ton iLàr, mil lliriilg the Cotupany sud tileir thing more nt tlieir hnada, than flic follown :- HUCCU4901S in a -penalty of one hýadred "IrYilig Out of- their persanal predilec- Presiderit, H.« 13axter teacher i tn perform the con. - tions in favor of Prohibition. Lodge Brougham. ditions and stipulationiq etated tlierein,-- Sec. and Treas. J. W. L'Amori wiLh ait the force of wnrde that can In '56, town lots in Whitby, because Executive Cominittee, Me give a legal iuatrtituefit validity. of the prospect of a railway te Georgiau Seldou, J. Williaon, S. ri. Johi What ilion) oonill be R81cell or expect- Bay, wýre worth from fifty te one han- ýPalmer, W- G. Brown. c(l ? 1,0 tlle bond ig th, laat dred pounds. The extension will lie- The first meeting for busines resort of 0-10 qtlibl)ler. A few Others cure us this connection, and also made held in the 29th carrent. who havp, been lieiiitatîug-wilo tell us Whitby the terminus of a much longer The officers of Brou-liam they ftro in favor of4lie extension, and Unes op* coin- up ta us the trade of a new l No. 104, are as follows, viz 0 P. W. P. ,Iwoijlil be willing ta go for a bonus if country. Town lots will coLne up Baxter. they had Leon coliBulteil nt firstf if this agaiu Vote for the by-law. J. W. Hogle, W. P. W. W. Woodruff, P. S. thing hail been discussed and net C. Churchill, F. S. Sec. rl)rttiig upon them"--atili heoitate where ONTARIO LiDiEs' COLUGE-GYMNAS- J. C. Willoon, I. thrro iR no further danse for hesitation, TICS, 110RSEMANSIJIp, &c.-The last tertil R. Fuller, A. C. of Ahis ingtitution surpasseil all pro. G. J. Smit.11, I. G. ()t*- Lilue for éla ' lying with, the 'question. coding once in the attendance, clos- Goa. Guilders, 0. G. It i8 tou hile tiow tu talk about tlieir Sigter, E. Roger, A. B. S. ing with 66 boarders. Though therp is ýé not linvitig beau connulted. That can. E. Siuitll,,C. 'lot be illenfled. Th@ time bas passed geuerally a couriderablefalling off after Bro. Et. Baiter was elected a and il; boyolid recall. 1LnA as for time E aster, the numbers are likely te be sentative tu next meeting of for 1ineuqaion P' We liave just liad two very nearly maintained. Au itiýport,,t Division. -- -- ilit)"th4' of it-moté tlian cnough for and interestîng féature for the next V ote for the railuvay by-la.w any practiont good that coulil lie ac. terni, will be týeintroduétion-of Gymn- cheap lumber. Tu whine about nut liav. a8lic exerci8es, and a riain - g school. - 4*0 ilim- licell "dotiolilted"ýisiiin2ply.eliildit;h. lajor Dearnally, formerly- of the Life PROFESSOR AiWLEY'S enterta 'l'lie (,'oliipllliy did ali thst 7as noces. Guards, and well know ' n as successfally in the Oddfellow's Hall, libre, on -111enl ta (10 uncler thc cirelli conducting those exercises in several day üvoning last, was net no i fi-'rY for , n. Ladies' Scho la in Canada, begis lits tended as its high character dem F;'lLncýA- And ta vote egainst ihe by. a The professor gave eowe astoi course in the Colloge to-day. Ho is law b9cause à4e)n'o gentlemen May engaged te give tliree lessous a week and lauabable illustrations in bc colleider thphr anloz&r 1)ý*OP?.e te bave for, the-term. The i esulta, on flic ap. arts "Meagique and Ventriloquisi boeil %vonnded, botrayât a littleness of - 0.0 mirid illat men, of gansa OqIlotilil féel poarance, development and health of Tur STEAMER "CITY OF Toi afillaillell toýconfeéqq. Let no net as flic pupils, will doubtless prove'liio,,lily lias commenced lier regular tri illen in this matter, and natisfactory te, pitpils and parente, and the season between Toronto aut motting our vanity and salf.lave aRide, creditable te the College. In Beveral gara. (10 our duty lionostly-and ôVeIl admit of our exchangeo, 'Major Dearnaly's instructions in these departments have The administration of the affi that soine of ni, have beéu mis. been noticed in very coniplimentary flic North-west Mouuted Polie tillieu,-if neeessary. Te persiatin the ternis. W-e t1iink no 8chool should beentransferred fromthe Depai %vrong floin-so after bciug convinceil (ef Justice ta that of the Secretý that we have boon in t 1 ho wrong à net naglect thalle. it is dowriright obptinaoy. The ext-gnsion of thé railway will add Fires. The rep1ly intelligent illan who bas the to flic value of town lots and all kinds good of, whitt)y %ali'd Jta future pros. of property. DUFriN's CimEK, April 24.-Ber perity lit lioart, will, yield the point lInrtrick's house, on the base line CRICKET MFETING.-;-At a meeting of ýring, wag de8troyod by:fire this and vote for the boijuq, and will after- !D<' Part of contents naved. ivardA ho able ta hold ilp his bond like flic Ontario Cricket Club, lield in Ray's inonu'llance. a inan, congeiauý that lie has doue his Britiali Amorican hotel, on Thuraday Gniýj..NwooD, April 24.-A lire dnty. evouing last, the follow officers were out about raidnight on Satllrilay elocted for the ensuing year: B. H. (icý,strcying the barn, ail Ïli The Enernies of Whîtby at Workl Law(ler, Presidente C. Nourse, Vice- = gs with about 400 busli . 1 barley, all the farming impleinout PreBident; Jas. B. Laing, Secretary horSes, and poultry belonging ta Tho niieinics cf'Wliithyýin Port Ilope,. and Treasurer. A meeting will bc held Robson, fiftli concession of Ilick and. iienrer boules are- lit work opposing- v*uw'IlaLions qf yer-re. inst, at 8 0'olock P.- ni. A collectinn of Brazil, now on a, tour, through United States> will, b I invitation, wil, be.taken up in aid of the widow the Canaalan' capit&.M ore reLm Read tlici opecolies made ab the Odd and orphan fund. home. ýtjIlowâ' hall in favür of the railwAy FOR TUE CJKIiTYIqIYZAL.-L;'Veryoi2e IMPORTATION OF CATTLE-QUA ey-ittw. TllqF.-AU Ordatin Couneil haS shOuld 000 the flue PhOtOgraPII Of the issued for the restriction and reguli Vote for the Riiilway By-Law. Oddtollow% Buildings at the store of of the importation of cattle-and c gr. Peter Smith. The Pictiee is ta be RnimiLIII, on aecount of a contac Tho, votitig on the'boiius liy.law to oent to the cûnt0Ijnialý and is the worj, disease prevailing in mauy' pari Id the extension of the ràilvý&y ta of our townomim Mr. A. Barrett. Europe. The importation of eattle 1 Ettrope la probibited, exeept at Hal Andfay takeil place to-Morrow, (Friý St Johu, Ënd Quebee. And ail im ay,). vommencing nt nine ocloi3k in the Ma. Jolixsroi; io selling watches and ttÏiobs througli thooe porte ara t( Jewelty ut Goldswith's Hall ut ,de. f3tibject te a rigid quarantine. iorniug. -The places of polling ara the Towa hall, and at the CLOSE VOTE 4yx TUE buNx*ls 'ore :known M Mrg. JIoývém Ston The Daýeun Act bas been csrliod it a Vota for the railw km,, At the b0ký.' ay be-law and 1101P Township of HÎàohiabrook, Tho Atorit Iü fe 148 &«aînot. Bave ni .,)Y the 'ap unt de.noy 1 diiz am selves l "James,,Bpps'&, 4 i"81-4a»- TbÏeadDE cadiBy London. To Cý The. advertiser, -gProvidentiaul ical 'Missionag i si-pleý vegeta le 1 Permanent cure ý .J3rouchitis, Càtax, affections,--&Isoa fie for Nèrvous DE and all Nervous C to make it knows Actuated' by tbis 1 Sena. (freé of chalm reipe or epani succeseyv usimg covered remeily- themselves of the without cost, can i addressing, with s, DR;C]T-ARI 32 11-lyr NEW,---A.DV BAlSEl 'Fresh Grc FOR 900- PEF Pickering Harbour, 0 NTIMO BANY DIVIDEN Notic.e is hereby f four M-cmt' upo for 'h WM be payable aý Branches èh and -aï day of June next. ý The Trjýýér Boc the 17th-to the 81st Siva. -- Notice is-also give The - - ýAnni- of the Stockholders ectors for the enmùu thëB=Idng-Rc Tfflday, 13th j Tbe chair tobe ta] preciselyi3y order of Onteà-. Bnk, Toronto, Mst Aýrf CITY OF (Capt. Dicx), lenWes a Toronto, at 7 a. ni., 9.30 a. m., anil L"dj .Dections for the- FaE AlbiLnY, Cleveland, N &c. Tickets anci an Streez. FLOI _iPHÂRLES pý Dý' to noiify jàs 1 ý -that heis now F Mour- ùMÛ Feed 0ý at the lowest Fieur, Corn, Chop-FE --ea4 Cracks& Wh tat-04 &c., at> wi Chealwr that the At the Dominion 1 Çrosby's 131ock, lZast Whitby. CIL W'bitby, Aprïl 24th, jý H OUSE TO LE', Two-storey jjouseý j den "2&H Stable, on ÃŽU. Zay Bridge. por, Whitby» April gfth, lé RESSMAKRG._ The Subscriber bas coe Jq OPPosite T. W.,Gibb where she Io pur-d dresà-king lu e ,, ion;, Childreuls suite &c. All orders lu el be careffly and p ýpply to Lpril 2Gth, lsý, ýSOR NURSI

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