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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1876, p. 2

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J.8. bo Wlnblr ana Wrilht entored ndtok 0 - f oni et ýLuwPI011# atebot-rerme..., readjutmet, axdlib,ZI attkse ~oQ hd~.~,. otl. Scllnt, ~ p~~~ ubideelJwe mch 0ceding.-ÂbSent, Mr.-Oreon8, te wMr.Bieoeteloo thealek foM, wPat e y &= F or Sale-. A d arried a cMisa, aaMsad.afreom hoonzeessT eni o c pauhi. of gict riaotice conce sions o t 0Tii. W M r.eaterson gavetnaiceho hade fol Ma iue.o li o olias n t MoGer, or bv I eà85,o adPoit Party andi n 2 on to-niorrow 'nove for a apela Tamrled Mr. Biekelis motion out of order, apeiai l ate- . auad Aatn daina omr1a8M but Ouly bis reoearls. Serve 92<irl ce-. 0 ld iUpper Cndêath bliiand i12b,0OOfthun requlred. Ând, un. I àneedloss t oxit n Loo4y tiO,. pifyiiig t bave tl w M.Gaa'a& teWne aI holineoflii sste ,ay iialb cuny ome £rwndtogivua aclamorons for "botter ter t aa sy rltn oti ao ad o o*wheth.î the latter part of the, motion 8uh e~ito .~iv remcidont taxes sa altcred' as ta place theo Mru Patron, aW mmber of thi. Houat of o.t vboni wo hl h 'na, thore fa great nrom On ing vudivîv youumlorb- mane1 lii tiils c o r. Paermb wo amend aintâ ~~fjq~II4I.Ufl l~indho a seat intheLigi ollature of fear, -in plain language, th. extension increas. cf thelaxation ofthe Coin r' ive migor muuiclpalltios xIn wh eh the e.mvdb a faedinta lb hPoince previons 1th t. Union. Wl-ilb. kuooked onutha h esd, for 111ei Witb aver se fair a conclition o ' lands are situatod, sd 1t report during Bihl, heran D.Mo NLY~z o ER NNU . fter the Union h. was raeeteto rauîleeat T1prniplowno lu regard ta revepue oun1the Pioe.tt et sesLe.a coowztt.e, 10 report Ibis basc o txaton ou ozetng blg . ÂPatesn,..tiuaî hé i, on ,to. 'eso on the tate of 1the formae rintodl the sainu. constituency. é e he l.oft1he rondi, vbo remude inornoan 86evl bob trls.S h t morrow move for aseocial oommitîe rteneemg~taadv Ii Whîb, hîrsay Jne8,- 87. flce of Iuqpector of Iulaud 'Rvenue are mrrounded by -Toronto 'in 11uencÏ I tln1subsîdies pal, uon 1he equtitsi. taenquire and repor,15 meoae an-ee cuat plu.esthso add fe ttiona feon oisgirytraob. a piroceuied. under thé. adminietration cf Sir. harles Are not disposed 1ta put thieir baudseii leplan w. bave beea gsîgwu /i aeof2oSouth Thé, cheik said liaI 1the concil haf Bagot. Bubeequsntly l4e ettled in thoir pockets sdfn 1emas1 ma htfreeydlar received'& af flt14inte t o; fToa lot 14, inftthehe6tIoitth'con;epodot11faoaiaisi Th aniatsI teOnai@,ad n h@engt mn ha oreey ot o axesof nohingpower twatseueidutoi ofith Tii CedudtesIn ho ntalo. Labbo, atI ae laced or eutant avancethh section ofonuntry, vhqee dollar vould bave te b. rased by th oraes, witnd oesnd for ait:a r of i oceaaes fmgs su drecipient The question then premeaît emeaudoueesdrprt rts. _ Au Othaws correspondent of the. became a niember of the Badwin-La. they is fot partioulary iutereele. iteelf whetiier a rduction of expeudir htato ui 1 etknb h Mr. Paterson lagreeii 111.1 the conoil Otobo sondema tolegriauta0 îat journal foutain Cabinet viieu they cametn@ byaepeprd iolenysu u.woh o . oepoitbehncouncil in the circumstance f l'lid no right t inîcrtere iu lie mater go thé affect thait neithuer of the Me art. pover lu '48--retlring onacou t ' finance, tie whole o0a' nc 80.a nraeo sbiy ai mr ae n]reetdta eva ltaaeo Gibbs wli be a candidate for North or tmre difference wlth Mr. Baldwin luIng niepigeino i bi rftaliutii epacial? Mr. Smitli-Tfîâi lie vndonh.auY Iaw requiring bbc Clark of lhe Set Ontario. Perhaps 1he vishi s "11850. 'In October 1851 be becaff rnoPe. etad, but tbey are net prepared ta si hejulan enile~mrr ee pnt edrepot ofti e cniaîPaoh ke irm o i e of me. comteapone ' tccneIgistrates, nor.of.auy iy-law cftlie coun. ftîer te lhe tiîoaght. Both gezýtle. idetOftbe Counil te rnca-Moinlueur ftu-her liability lu building rail. the position, andi sncb as demervea ta lest session ilutlie malter of the iudebt. cil iequirlug theu clerk 10 keep paper mn, vohave reasonto kuow0 have adininistration, but, lu offeiing hiaiefrasfî emî b rentviigb commeud libsaif hothe imer Pîcvinces.l edneus of lie township cf Reali t i in Pigeonfiolesforthe seof raus recelved piesi luivitation& te cornefor re.elechion lu Kent, vsedefcated belp tbamsolveo. They canluvemî their FPreh enbsidis anamore taxes. 'County, aud wonld move the coucil trais of the conuty. Ho believedi Pnoconntteo lewoî îero. hovever,thie motive vieliMr. Bickel forwsrt lfoi th. respective ridilugi whlch bY Hoi). George Brown, via then for money moresadvasgeeumly, sud, e pclicy cf retreucimenl on hie part of i bs miteOf-theal le vth ou ida îv odae theqforuuerly 0o vortily repreaenled. lie firet lime antered public life. A are tbld, eau meure btthtri frle Local, as Wallase cfthe Mmnon ir. sdn-T, oe e aata miro. Madi. Smuthame a e cnlso Speolal efforts, au we rire aiea avare, eat vas, liowever, louaitifor hlm lu thsieve ygonmuwiil. ii Goveinaient, le vliat is necisi.daeaylv ufciogrnng iaboitememetndrsuho emagiven by going n With the NI-Ibous of 820,00n0 tore of rtlitbya& vere ou h er.eden n eslt have'bemn madtI 10 nuca Ilon T.N, Huron, vIlci cnnly io iapresenti singandVictoria Companien On anohher T c< o f ieWbb Crnce orts ofrry ltaviy ortpao y & iiwr. ouiofire jce iIta nto Gibbe, (lu cenequonceeof Somne oli until 1854, vien hoaw valefaisd, sud arrangement, sud dropping lie Whihby DÂ m extension qfmaid railvay. reqniied one day'm notice, seccording 10 or quasoi.Promlme) Allegaàtahobave beauI vîithbis colleagnea ba t taretire frei«eneuion altogZether. lunliii aspect o cf moud11,hoifo1,ynxT * LAYBNU.te ojecto asle od atie by hlm lu dellniug a roquheîhlon office, bavlng filledinlutle mesutine thi, casethe question becomes a serions many readers tbat'on Thnrsday of lest Mi. Gibsen moved tiaI Mr. Holden, Council adjournet]. ta tstandl for te Local Legielalure) ta dis positions of Pashmater.General sud one, inasmuci as il tireatens theeasun. eek, a large bear w a killed on the maoaging cireetor of tie Whitby and coma eut for ilie North Rldlng. Aua, liister cf Agriculture. H. siarci in deu'ing if thie country. The exhen. 8th con. of Wiitby. He was first dis. Port Peiry Ilaiiway, bc accoîdedtihieSEOD AY th vrinsacaresen Msuesetsinwlirastroghthrtenmiesofcoverei by Mr. John Davîdeon, ou hlm priviloeaof addressing thie counicil. Mr.- EODDY altiaug thie assurances çf lie electian lsvrosshmmsdmaue Ise lhrnhruihule ie fferai. Mr. Darison gave chamofin- folden,thie mover stad, would ex. Wedncsiay, June, 7h11. voie of-he moi carnest chaai, we lie lime-af 1he Hl-ncke Adminishtae.111e couty-will givo Brook ac'commc. mediataly, alarming the natives 011 Plain the. position cf lia ronad uthie Ti adnto h hi hr ý&ra tlti ho ebas declined, s0 long lion,. lmluding tbis construction cf the dation et hhrestations, sud yl be a route, via musteret] ai Once and San importance Of the extension t10thue Ti adnto i hi ir asltereIo a vsauony Iluthie SotiBit]. Grand 1fYftk Bailway, cf viioi lhc was furbier stop howarde securing the.line ircugit bruin to iay in a swamp?, a county, soaise iaI vienthie iy.isv after ton o'clock. ug, and tlit hs friandis lesie is ser. câue of the Governaient Directorm. He ta Beaverton andtihlisbrandi1 mUiTu lse auho gi hrt veas anime. almgie ainligmet volLe ale ate fPtrc îer, pryN g ora viccs lu iis cl41 coueitueucy. W. have vas euh of Farlismenl for four years bridge. Tiýe-Linds;ay connechian ilseif et], particulaîiy ho a paity cf amateur M.Hlin(ihtlempbfr nuîylt i aec intiforauf no donit that bliose services are desîr. until electet] fi> December, 1858," for vouli hue s great boon ho the people cf hunters, vho vi ltbogdiy1 n poaddt on n i m on f t o.,ine tic sl fon f ae o'] as «etirnety as ever thsy voie, ani Laibton, wiici bhoIsmu unsu.ccesfully lié nortieru municipalihies ooming ta face danger, sud periaps deati, ase us suce cf tile îsilway connection viichluaot for taxes la Mr. M. G. Roison, cf liat liis friands colieii m nov, Asecontetai afber Ilade att n-Huron, tie counotitovu asud the front. But theoeeraieuGamondenai hy nom- isy cunection wi the lieai torLia, ric lbr.Mr ager. tliey bave liercloforê, the bot man thah He represauted lie former Bhdinglti tii.h importance of connection vitihie bers, and sîmed vibi suali veupoos asu iîutNrlir;ni iisngri.EiQUIRtY. conhd bhoeslecteti froni amougmt them 1880, viien lue reigueti, sud vas elect. Victoria road-rnaking Wîitby lhe heai a faîmer's yard generaliy supplies, they ways andI nltimuîtely wihh le pacifie. By'Mi. MeRue, us 1tavihier the. te reprenatlituaRIting. -Faîthear-tedheicLegielative Concil forthie St. ocfa great colanizalion lins cf raiiway, coufronhed Mi.. Brute, via wWu soon H.eaîet upon lthe vastness cf thewaîdan or aoonty clark iad rcccivcd tonths util thea vilicf Clair Division. Iu 1808 li. quibleaican marcly hue emîlmatd t any meney bruh agrief by'a siel iem À2Mr,.1country dliIwonld ha opsned up ha set. aoy communication in referece t hle han bih.,, sî~~~y Wiso. amesh forgtl d yOtennudtcbnft lihteTalbot river bridge. ilie Party l inmade kouwn lirougliPailiament ta eccapl lia Queco'e valuaelisnil-mate beneoficial icinîts. liataI mngle ubr v astellnuy - peu c l anten f Otiio tenl I.Wre ele]l i eaie lte convention abolitIta assemble, Il is Pîintershlp, lu vhili office.h. continu. Aie nol the people of lhe couuty inter. Forest (nol an entire strauger in your receive frorn tisse important îuiiwsy NOTICES. uocesoary te state ah pissant, exempt et] for nmre ycars. Subsequntly be eotatinluthe future grovîli sud Pros. columus) anti slvaym forenosl in good iConeetjos. The soti vonli- recel-vs ýB y Mi. Luke, lImaI heovenît]on ho. bliat' tic naines of Mr. J. B, Bidkeil, contestet] South Reufrev for tle Corn- perily of Iheir ccuuty bovu ? Cortainly works, Who, ieap-\yood unndintuberasothie millers morrow mure for louve ho introduceaa "Mounte i uis bay imars "Meg"- Of thcesajI woull hac naied ta pur- by-iaw 'te cunfirtu by-iav, No. 298, eonuty hava bescim insotionet] as aai. Otario Local Hanse in 1871, anti Rus. represanhativos blie.neyer beau, bacl- Re klpiî on tirongi dlub anti mire iuhse grain ho bc delivered atetW-ii passet b the. township council cf East ab~cn1uaa. But eltier of théme oil for lie Comuions lu 1872 ; on ecdi ard in doîng thei part ta îeîp the have ing vinti antie bea,- anti fin Sa o yn wilums, asr, tint Jimmy hvecce-cs t i cnt tw, By Mn lB easby-Tmal lis vonî], on peteew reas".woa nyocso uscesul. ttegnrlmunicipalities lu tb. norîhi. Wienever iantI a clîice cf markets vould bchuen- O.to-moi-rov, mors foi leur.ho introt]ucc accept a nomnination inuoff& cf hie election cf 1874 lie offeret]asu a candi- appropriations have beau askati for tic clisse, sud altiongh iehowus net n uant et olie ieo arncpro 442 nnd 454cfii. blwNos.4cfUx no mpiate retirernent cf M1r. (Jubis frrna data fui South Ontario, audt], thie roade anti bridge@, or othisiise, Wliitby l'ah tie deti" (ta usa a honler's ax- rie;îî aîa oî]hr i rde tic fisld. Mi-. WillisiOiblias-letsurprise cf eren his political friands, lias neyai heitalei tb gire a lialping pression) fiait tiat h a hle]h o evaiebcf-te]ig Ihe oudhy avagthe ride t i c " h r n s i '" S ea t ] u v î l i s c o n e s f r fo r i u i d o c1i b a d h Y B y M r . S e g e r - T i t l i e vo n î , o u ilumief cttiroyiy h b anude cf hie suceeded ilu iefaating Hon. T. N. haisudani lingiy bear fils slarc of th' liit exaîhet] posi-ion, anti acon tic keen 1bridge but]lisgotinubatinch Ux-to-moirov, more tint Messrs. Bickell, friands lun' lhénorîl,, uni if lic Le the- Gibbs. TIi.Pacifia Scandai, cîy vas burden. We noedeti olrepeal lieathic ege cf Jinnsy's kuife was plied rigor. rnuk lino on ho Beuverlon woufinn- Pulerson aud thie maver, i. appoinlt]d cliaice cf ilicir ccuîzantiatî, vilI iun raiot] agaiusl Mr. Gis, vi o,inno. saguments advancoeh 1>3'Mi. Hoiaen, cusly tivit]ing assnunicitissu. antId iue flc epetinaftI s.pecial connîttee to enquire into the wfti as sgen, a resolve ta vin as erer. cent îhc.nmelf of ýact or part in lie sud frein lima ta timn t u ise col- "Muscle, ant ina fach vas thc only sur- extension ho Lindsay. Thirteen miles touesi 71,cftcsuilaolo Bath gentlemnen viii ba foubd iWorlzing malter, vas nmade le suifer foi umus, low Osav, ikeringthe geon onthie field. But I muet now ioftic extension voultirinn tirougi7l'otxes it onf hMsu a atireor t withianti for Ith. psrty sot] parîy eau- thicsins of aIliers. Mi. Cumeron ah township of Whihby, sut] dveiy otlier lias. amateurs vere congiauliating lahe lienfiOt aione lameokîxan le. - -sion didase iotter ll îemoqolves ba lie tiethune bouglutàa buse l ine hovu cf muuicipall-ly lu tic counuy back la hheaiseires onthirsuce a,asudwathohi- 'îtn-oja icRylO By Mi. Evers-Thul le voulti, on. choice.or ual. Whitby, vhcre,. it vas giren cul, lis fn- Rasa, vonîcibc atier diracîhy or ing thi.dexterous moromnts cf thie two tes h cut fVcoi OwrO nrdc y wN.68,o As toa eGovcînueuh :candaidates in hendet] taking up ifs ftore resideoco. inirectly benefilteti by Ibis axten- blade, linte liand cf suci a skilfui o ciers.85Tic0cortycfbictian o r onsipoduacyh. o.68,o opertor whn, o 1"a change canetha tesivn88t00a oLieay b uilig cf ie oMnrip feac-htlie. ol,.o bath 4hdingi, heir nain. is lagion. Bot slîorhly ufler lie eleetion vas- ovridien, nor racapitulata 111e manyory h pii ftheir trsun" vhlci ooly tcîhesion lns of ,he alhiough By mi. F moesforTiavtha enit]-o Mhr Gorge . Cii.i lias beau hesot by an-ieho turnedt]ahoOtawa sot] isoldthe li.ant agcs vili, voulti flow from tie arousedti bicmfron tichereri, loto pil tirougili tat cunhy ;uni surey the ie n for thie raturnaof tie ssessor'si ntber*"-of people Ironi Uxbridge te Plae, wvil it appeatu was only lu- connection ta the counîy as a viole. vliicli bliy liatifallen, only te flot] lit wolya iles ofhie frote outi oloirc moe foileth e axse t eni enter thea fas!,omtprnii n hei- Sap. teotIat ta serve thictempornry porpose A lths thongilfol consideraîlon on tuis wtal Jimy asackind a bot] rtieu cf vs na hithie haiaicnuyorhia nhy roîl f Uri Br, or thlie resent yn a i the sî,t'ny. lu ase lîm is o f seeiog lia suPport of tti lau liati il be sufficient ho establisli trie raul a ->l, ho y anticomplets lus ye cotributet] a cent durceehly lu help lo-erov nove foricar, ta inhrot]uce f (loué ho spiteA Mm. Gootgo - Wialcpr, as otent, liliam beau vl aliat laI lie vram anuof lssbing geai hhsh migil toilet. omi o te eaey ih h alwsonof the ntytîcsut] ollv tars ucead f 84tua gv ef caote cf On- y1îiI Itecîemt~~~ àte, Mr. was diestingoishied by s aîket] lodivici. bcencuoîct by thuegraoling of lie con- in bisi eranloan emiruce, ho cîpostu- Ifnhe o ny O us îdlas nc co 84 nth OnYO n 0Ctiiriii ctînot feAl tonc -irw 'Iqahttoict] rality cf manuier standcaîacîcr ;sud paratirely suisîl annaunt sskad for- lI a umi i aatus i ue - l as li rias e ontutofInria.ES.-s baliberahel use ad iet fflei cuny of TXSLS YIie tuoneo-i*, Ivo exceptions liealt- insignificasul vlen cotupareti withithe lt on ic"udna' letc heVictoria ww vali havoe tr.Paerony cfdd r aI with hmstivas vlii linguide 1ho s.ii welth clame" cereylnfëllahewlîisthitaou Ilueirwhile Jimm hagoOryonrogag rirecîîydi îroug t urMig.ilWrght,-mo od secoodat]ut bynie ofruili imitaliciho t]iPîI)Oît. M etie' u yi prtileamardyeu sitoffhiofta outy attheeecle o iot,"thie Jny ate f vhili onit t tcGaryan ,y.anan rgd, avoftc eslulncfwic dlaiuis of Mir. Clarlog Robinson. a lire- tlit ther con fidlence shskcniîy uis course lue nceanplisisd. Tic figur-es are thie ooty, sot]lI i av oie etr no Midlarut] or N ipisiog curryione off tuelie gaentceysedy, liaI Messrs. h Reformor, V ju» the e~arlIer portian cf liii public giro n luMr. Holt]an'i rensîki befors "Ai bees fly liacue 'vo indes o' treascire, frii u iafcta eiiaeyb- t on esy nlMReb lnzhRfraiw-u ins brn-vely ogit >mrLie ued isi way wi pleaure." hu. uiî bthe fr hil yn~,hueca1ýiias uover completeîy reshorad.th.le Counly Council ou Tuest]ay, se im igln ehe our u u ligshodw- conntee ludraft a menori 1iai th.pat aQuefo mt en,,baeIigit funcy thue Ciosing icone ca c .ltesthi affie Il ut cthe imel b e- St. Jonmesy nlMReh fô hmse linos aoni tie construction of te ltme Legislalure of Ontario, pîayîog been ignore] by tiuocco xbrilge geutry, Tîr -a îasaotu-u u igtcpoeho fleaon hc i s drsaamucl liko the une su fanil- thie 'ictoriaantI Pacifie 'linos,. wiici hiatthue iaw ioviting for sale of lundi W4 weii as licuse cfrallierîWeill hrind Be- perilyhs> Aceouuts for Itue comparative easclii unicipslily voui liebccailet] upon lirho many ;- wverc net theon Ilto f, compieteîy fer tases lue su amendet as te give e- ferments. piivacy lu- -'liiei ie latter part cfhis la pay. Win thiequestion cf them, "Wien scarcely ut] ho Muggie rallieti aiteredtheI aposition, anti luis canuty nîuour municipaliliesthie central eh th luSoila ulcri Nr.Hlten M- hfowu 'p rôL..cnehing tiatnaiict] Siip Canalcanme before Ilie concil Asheagunthanry eio idiot] cou Outrio1fr Hoden M. "e wm As,.4qagWer outhe ngy e wînii ola i 0w oly ohînin 0ev hratIe by Fncb salea. In a rery effective speech T. P. W hile, Mr. a. Y. Smith, Mu-. bis Public uscofess; Stihi, looking sains ycars ago, theie embens cf liaI Whe"catch thie thie 1" resoucins alout]eccîueching viL hie Victoria rend, antI lie contendet] for tic necessity cf hie W Calvin Camupbell, antI Mi' r, uichael baci t ahliq eutly hitlisy,.-eut] recollecî. bodlyiuu dit]not liesitale, nallie sng- Se Moan resldic ec hers oll-s à hluappion ecliihes. H. l iaimcl erchag e siHc i uboulul ormptIl. <nul-t are e anines vrricly uneutioneil as îug vihtby lisO uvl uMncilccenergy lue gestion cfthie lhen reere of Oshawa, Yaîur's, &c., fthe caveraI municipîlities would be thue saine purpose, sot]llue understood ic ricliut canididates in the 'Govrronuent vus aile t0aacoiuplisir,, itmuet hbe Col. Fairbanks, ta rote one Ilousut]I'LL SEE YOU AGAIN. gullot] upen ta î"'y as tiir proportion tint a great mn of lime county ceun- fo Inlareit. lTie veiglul of opinioisa -ad mitîsîl liaI hies s acartev-iin any tdollare (it afteivards ceel soae 1,600ý iofv ceveihe ire iaae the 000i ndti ese werc lthecils t ho ion hie cheik liatsent in, noalfnteo-irf-,en- 0iaa uvy Hi saliapaa i nore wer hidte 11fr. Forool off retitefiuurcs-Brock, $2,684; Mura, $962 ; Conmunicationsvotili aIssetalin lie a sppears ho lbe lu favr of Mri. IHolden, respects Palickwreu-b e-t uk ureRiug8,iePoet nomdteMr omtofre h îkrng 876 am,$1" iaci nte.Th ae ne tepoeth troin thue large rota lic vouit] he Mure cai-deti. Ha.ras an enligünnedsi-cea- thlat appesasa ho le publie spirit ofthie sk'n luii celleaues in lhe- hunnh, but 8ý2,458 : Scott, $1,282 ; Scugog, $264 ;syten ivore fraugh itwlh Ti ouaTu tacilr ia ie av, ut îuîulu n-cale cf canal and] raiîway conkchnuctïou viole ceunty, aud if _ir& ssu n-"ub i3 eîue]l eep l osiIn laal,$8 Uiig,6,136 ;prachiceb. Ho spokie u'uhoritnîiveiy, a'ie twi ninahion et îefui, in thueinterest cf tlicocuntriy, cf tlIma iespirit or libershityiluthue îeprecsenl. ing tiat hie own provces sot] cEons Wuliiy, $1,838; East Wihib, 81,844; antI knew A5s afict haia inig of Êepec- en horioty support cf bIhe paity, liera is ne ri ghihe cf omen toa ltilunds, ef homne- etirni- cf to-dlay,thiere iaboula ot be betetnihlcd un tu lic came. Theu xreVlae Oh 8 ,14 8 ; ort ry $46wn, lulos th ie o f orictiing lheiscenI pz( (lobttfe cntntwcuhld ble saikan oue. seti dexemption,thue abolition criai- the second question about giving tlus MnaI leverr asfairy diUxinind dg18. Villeaem36;iitpy eT of l witfohumaxes.iev cf eoh ofiing l sle t ve twoareht liai ggMr. Abrain Fane- prisonnuent foe- deit, of a libral fiscal stuah, i«s ta bthc rilyay.vas, v. e eensiledt] a shahe, vas cf wiici extendet over a periot] cf twcnhy iman in thie northeî part of lie cooty veli ie &ain Ah vonk msoipulating ghie policy, cf vole by ballot, cf municipal excellent qualily. ycais, vould cuit for au insignificent vie vanheci tb buy s loh cf 100 acres cortnton atiliIvii.prfesig-govrrmant, cf arbitration in place cf Pnrovuincial &numlidlen. uaunt lualue raisoti annushiy ta puy in luis township ul- a suie, an ttisoot] 14 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wr iv fi csnteaanetrFr vAn ofut]fhue total prohlibition cf lhe -FBESH ANDi WELL 4LÂyoua«Eu TEAs oftedi;u oî]n-e efî ecyh ieafi uefriiî u ta meut, lue e hkehytbav ner la 1.lqo ifito u us aei -TeGucle akn sa 4a-il' epu.heMnnelTs opn'eM .Hlîure rti. cgra ut-cclt - bhfritbcnt-iasotT racelaIlit4ie mti nThieyslîutuGlig.obflntei ie"rn" t --- ana obas t a py 960(),(00, juel vo la 'Mui "Hll on Wct] ntiy crerin-. ahio» cf ied-naoBeavten m. olu ulvsouilt] ms nne fpo soieatllan WaiesdliaIc* puiptatie., an.ahe ing tIwaso fddhhowd ngt rase- helu WluiOahngWL te(ay ba tbha1ey, ah a epftel4meeting fheltifo olafor oreeyoeî cceives ; or, In lie course cf bis remanis, hlie di oleaflerwarti uiîaoiya-li iî a duiws kaaciedwu aiheu lievuopomel siexham potetineveat svenal questions put te il-nby lai tle cf inu ding ie voi~i, ps avuvil-hoh.belierot iedatigreally injaret] Mn.2'alereon, Mn. Suire, M1r.Breiboun saaane 8alot punp uuidn teaadouinsî ra mry la furîllier pditothe hivîtlbyltinadduIioaal eubsidy ont cf lie pockets cf Ilie Unitedi States, but tiee. aR a m-ai te m euiesafnieoncl. sae ni for ket] dl o tiomnier fe vet ts ucoù 6 be. il M eaby Mn. Harper, secoidted by lier ovu people, sud as muai more loi. dinaiinlu eryîiing, anti if ve udopte]li.rn frhsulpulu c i vîli ~ ~ ~ ~ M nvbbogionltu*se r.Long,liai tia Canne-i bag tho ofer vands meeting ehier paoplc's subsidiees, ci a policy as voult senti or tnad6-PauMe FeuRiLA15TUATIS-POINTS OF luxes8doson il. Thua nesulteof th-sys wlDobcbogtoin1*-qiepr eir eoniolenxce vithiMie. Cameio ifl rseto eln ii, t otn e o- n hldlhaODR o a opaelnsi h ant] cf D.I of Julyi of vIeludue nouuCénýMJtèn touho ieceoeof lier lamontei father vh uepopetc bsig liar Fo Bostn ev oîk se uppulatpina, icelscinm<it. Mr. Iean valaplace luns i lepoe a Ai yull be maie. 1:te hou. Malcolai Cameron, meunier propornîlo f-any uuov bardeus createti aanIepc 0hseoipplho u.Bcihscnit 1f. Lkspvltne ler fhi oarvsvthi by émigration -to lie Uniteti States. movedtihiat Juige Burnian, J. E. giron la township councile lia abject tlicus fi' bnlliOntario, sud at a spécial W. bave roeoreti bore ho the question lu huaI cse ve voulti bc't]olng viti FaievelI, County Ateorney, anel theue db csl n u ihave Propsring for lie Contegî. rnbehitba eifer I4I1 lUrpos., rasoir f muhuidies &longbut be la saliia.sud banyanditi a rîev athIma, Tliu Exenîle Cmmltta t le M o9li' matbdythimtai I lne utle aepra eebadatiadigiihi e cher, moyen, hue appointéeiàaspécial commit- ho improvemeal. He gara anotiar in.-s a - 10affeafr u' ebody ~ieiedbe il apphy 10 Ontario' s lia n m andt he reait vondctihue ilosa foi t e cise sudliave printaci certain stance cf boy thicsysten wonke4 to de an ccmpas Ibm rOmaine héips 1thle oubaneet i D oi~es Of lie Do- nahloushiby, anti sunexaîl-on. We animinal justice forme reqoiret] for thie lihl-ury ofthie ml-non munici i iesc Baforux Aeooiaîîon for Soah'luOntario, W cipsaimloio.s eth in,-n as oth eylag n rý roiaapr rpac il vnaanxpnbrdbol car near- use cf conuty magishistes, andt] laI lie in bi sala cf twenhy acresote suto moctoto hie mary largéith pulu.asest noiglhucurs shut us ouI cf biair cakpovcesponpnein1 vici part cf lot 14 inth 6h one soui of agi mecs bday (Taniay fe hi pu. ceaseti, andti lii-the Cloe sentia cra»e vich bhu taken place lu tie markets vithi liai higi inlies, eo Ihalticsmthoit uakp n i ffice. Tenah c eny White u fvil poe cfrnalngarrngeent fo hoi- ap cfIbi realuicuta is.<lauern.expeliture luring tli ast nina yare. e liai 1 oo k elevere. We ongimh M. lkhlvnt on 1 to Bay ov îth e hownship cii iai neer maie any~ c Iuîg a onvention. Tha membaesof tise' Crporhln Tii.gain te Ontario ont of viieh ta tic alarge tmatie iilihe WestIn. a. ' gitrahes cfthie couniy lad a greal islam b he counly biossurer. He gaveal Ti Cuimiteon1.taeinuOsuee hmavwa o.-lisde uiosbv n~,nr isties, but liaï; vas iM~possible, axcept deal c okl -d-enlme f~a ceount f eisas ii vici Mn. 4EB n.-cutive ur on ha e -- va véhu w w r a direct b y as an ti im porteais di ffc ut dlara ter an ti got nothing for W ite im self m a ti, o t a descriptionSu Libra CoeerabveAseclhio, ua Seahr Vda luchrgeof'lie oy. - e$ bi. Thc aquisii ofthe North- f ravagai, sd tis e could nt do i ; lat lhe forme equiet] by hic o f le popaîy anti gel M. Si-r 10 Adal beu summone t 10 îeet utthe Royal Allihe Wihbystation taeve Ievshwsn duîaoanc aiat uis e msuieit agrnfuiu naniuii le er nlc ihi c er i i ii oflseesre-mIe hotel, Wiihy, ou Menday next, ah Ivo slreatnaciculn oneo i.iaç tBiliClnb a n a large amale anti on a mura issus un gettusg ut.lie clerk's office for generel both genhlemen beiug imposai apon by aiten.e Canada This,.gm.n valcorgeuc dceus snretnccnnccuey nepaine-aofoathe Wbuhspantiiteiphincatis aia (vmieie re o'iokthi.le principal nmen of lié tova, sud wgas6 as -sleo, if more remohély, na- vibicuThtis ging ui copr aen e taidohôuse iihortypyfr ten alhie h ti. uangdsihso f tidcd471b proposa- he' Thle Libaral Coneervalivas Of Nordfrorn thenceMn.. Chester Draper se- vaataoum - 40 Ontario. Tien, toc~, en a mes, nti rprnthialz ogtha sannat] Ilie i e pa vusr h e vullte alotbh na ts okf encit]) oi-l -Een sh Ontario meet lu convention on lie 218t, companii the romains ta Sannia, ont" gua nts ca large.ollaI for. iar Amoican bonuty on expant, vithi a blem, uni lave theai sekepl by thie isting thi, advantage liaï; hacibeen And lie BofertunConIventiOonutle 141h,vhoeo hie'fcnaîai tbok place an Sahur. eme isn thé Maritime province onriie ha: on refi eagsr. lb -leniar iIlekoh u bsntitkno i onyoUes v aas o bcld, teW .da tr . et qite certain day. a tib4a s aie al i iter em in. h ose com - oboul fi lb e ou i p oicy o tai B ritish via n call ai for. T he C o n y Ju tg a injury h an la i be au donca privo.t a in h o gaodesemigl&yuas hie roeeue require. anti kounly-Atlonney, ha presumet], individluils hiing lautis sdjol-niug ant iliei - ~ POSTPONED AUCTION SALE of Rosi eus, ie* * But lit mamnufactures vouhti permit, but Auwi. useul tultérations mat],, and for fiai. 20 acres. Ha e a eîini aea Mai eusIJuu.-Tlie Cluef Cou- Emlate, vill talcs placea oas t à bvions Iliat Ibis sort of thing cannot iagod hut s ilrmls asu luyvn lct pntécn uac hc oticelitie asienm« E isable efoers a revird for eci informa. Americanu, o u B lon ard J goifuithen viliaul thé vhuols fiosucial oe oud at] ôlat afene, L iaict traHeeferrrdtiugthéanexaIérieebliMr.chagefrom hie ecnlyadô0 dhie Ai v8.ei oncshî Iisnraliaene;te-tuefmi i s Hrefannt inte.ueaxp6ani eebyn. chage rantheamuy atoctei aso tien ne vinl ei ote dieeovery cf tie10111, 1876, ah Iva a'dlodk, p.m., et lie arratigements#afcting tl iesal -Pro. vu noisderely justifiable bat absolul.. Clark of hie aése.soffce, soi coai- local aianiipsitiss, vicia no rings -Sun,« perlons Ie pulbeti-tievn lie raillng Pporly kuavu as tie-CacaaîaProsby. vine" beiog reconatoreti. -AntiWhvian ly uaoasary. If va folloredtheticplain d lini; e. fr a, baides being coule hua format] anti vlere i ats&Pl pre.o*i~glb.i¶lcb 1 ls crne etth.IceisuChaclu -~so tivrtiem. h.] iledoue matters ili have tb bc e suicida, coure f sndng oui brade 4o oný ere keptora in soe confu. - oultibc hua sdiho labesavatg. u i Mhatitig -knù. R. la ais. aller - the, Améri.i ~c ites,,oui separahe political sien, anti vas procoeeting 10 censure the, Tic motion vas*criet] by aunanu- wvii n unintI, beys:avho aeeeble aItat âquar. UBoAm-t o ihco m std aslU rocive ,ox5dtly existen vu as uneg, andi vouidt] n l erk, Whou hoe vas-cailedte border îy-,mous vote. w ai 9.21 ~ lb onSnnsy "thebsu"Y.uiJ )ng survive. Britishonecionviiei -Mr.j Paterson, objetei litaI 1the - n nfrei ~ pssee-b *~is1bsiysyhout vs dvimaias a ho hopeti vouli longoeniaramot ramar!es -f hieneea. f Whîiylav- minutel &cd ##4hr avinga. 'e lation le the ativertme.m.oqtf 'bahite fornthieeqloletipt ofrevenue lhreâtenclwithhe hnsgl-aydnesaci ceeulcrri the resaîton nmoin i ,.Pt0,T - on'o Blietih plli. it 14 vMW . iry e fleoprghe Puaa. Tf Inch uu- .. -- A Gioomy prospect,- -The question cf lie day is tli dis- cuameti by lie M6nIreal Star - MTvo, year. The Gasbomi racelpts -for 14 f1875, amountsi 10 #452,004.18 ;1 ?year they total ap bal 8257,286.11 decrsie of 8194,718,05. Tbeý-il Berenae Departaieni ksie iii 1redeipts of 79M822.90, 1h.figures May, 1875, being $181,042-42, ýagalit $61,219.68 for I1st mon These figures more bisan'aybiing tic vay cf argumentthaI lias se beau advancoed, inicate "he 1idcinet brade ln Montréal under lie, Opérat cf Commercial déepression. Have, men may lb. inclinai -toa ahhninta cause cf-the stagnation liaI bas P cipilatid itecîf upon ua, the fadeo patent liaI lie ceunIry le mmporti 0111Y about uaif hieu- former purcs and lie lhome industries dontribuli ta nrenue are vriy eericusiyelnici lu Ihair opératicns. The ouhok: lthe reunainder of the ye s lent sui enhly brigit te jnstify lb. consîruci cf su yexhendat] bai-f ual the depr iugfignee va have publieledfrc utonitatire sources vill hue malaria: chauge]. Andi as the relurne fic ther poile une ulmoîl equaliy d courag-ng, the prospect of s rery lias deficit lu the Fedaral treasary loo, up mostiscouragingly. Thmeîe le maison for sui-prise, howvrer. Tic j fiel-t signulizet inuMouihiesi vas taelis been expeabeci, anti if lb iufalhen v a libhla greabar sevcrihy tisan vas dm-st cnitemphate t uerc is neouni reason for dissatisfaalion than i-f il b1 been snaiisr. Tha Lég-slature, Ilion fuhly avare cf thi dture offtliecol mandaIl complsinl of the country, bl cd te tic dictas cf a min-slny liaI loin vas covati by liethroats of section of ihe supporterethresaning bit i a lhmpb ver, matie te gi lie laI-hf a prohachive linge; no effi vas put forth o remedy exiliiug amii sud lie nesuit is been a conhinuani cf depression, a dearthcf.empîoyme, for the industrial classes, - puohongj cessation cf vork in munubacluring e hailisinene, uni a Isu-ger axodus Irude sut] dapital 10 lie Unite.d Shait Do-noling-isn, as repiesentei iy hi Cabinet cf Mn. Mackenzie is perpaîni ing s condition of hhinge that feremi dovi tic nesoît intiasati by, SirAi ander Gait in his lecture ah Toronto policul annihilation throngi lie ai sopion f Ou taie y oui neigior Till figures w. hure publisheci go t shov tie sountneiss cfthe bu-gumen if lias. vie urget inuasut]but cf Puri ment the necessity of framing a naion a] policy hhat vili prokhat con home in dustria'i against anfain forýign aggiea clou, aud place ouf manufactures onj foting eqoual vih tose viose coin iclition slu i t them to.day. Tc Iay lie Anenican manufacturer sup Plues Canada ah famine prices brenhg superaundunae cf ie mtpphy. Il oilon mclia kills cul hhi.lom ruoduc n., vIe cannolaffouta hosaliancien cash and, protectet] by s prohibitive ham-idf eo feurs -nu re tal-alany euugitening, But wienth ti luroc, wvîcu Cana. ian nannfatuiug intereetl hue boom killet] ont, vlan lis glut is voîke] off, wlien lie Aunerican market lias resun. cile normal condithon, w w yl lue s use marcy cf thase proincens, via vill taie viat chiarges lic7 phease, sud vi vili hue onable ta lîalP Ouneires, for oui ýperahicvi i li ave beau tuyan u eofa ne country, Elkethe mugai refineny iadi, ha seci - vorn vicie ilis ho lue ont]; capital like liaI vi-ci vs rveshet] in the defunci les busines ut] nov tnansfenned ho New York, vihI Ire dot] cor shores, uni lie "Fiee ado" drean ccii huacacmplets vlien se une forceil ho seek refuge 10nltie ubre cf tic union. Thui is eh eospect "'Fiee Trade", as pîsache] ly ie Gorernanî ougans ihti ouI, sut] , ask i it an eoehauting ouae Dicti fudticuhy cf Heurt Disese. Ilav commun is the sooncamen. otsants are iudtioniy ivepî ino erit7 by thuis fatal mulat]y. This cease genenuly huas jtd rigin iu ipure bluond filiecl 'it i iiatin2g, uonous nuterialo-, wvi-h, circuhaîing rougi 1he heurt, irnitute ils dahicute sus. Timougi lie lnnilaîleon nny ut t hua ouly eliglul, puot]uaing a libtle ,pilation or irnegular actiQu, or toi, avy, or mliarp darting pains, 3eh iy d i7 lie disesc lecomes ijrnly seat sot]d inflannation, or tieeung of e ining membrane or cf If, mval vas produceti. Hov vice 10 gOve euuIy ueno bo a case cf tliik ini Un- Lral thuubhing on pain in the aégion tue isant shionît]atinenusi One tIal lo ail rigit, sot] if ycon%qýul] pie- -o il fion2- fuillien disease,-5yon muetl tpl iicul nat igitly iylit& use of eti ut] ai nv enoyin goo i Icmx OP TEE Dxu'ose SULTAN.- Tl "A'z0 hdpossi Sultan, dmA d sucida yestendsy by eern ci es iu bau arme. At leasI Ibis- 15 IW 3port proaiulgstt in Constantino. Be bougi «ameassinaiion ,is susDacte] -Be since his accession in' 1861 Le haS tYei oniy vialmusi in bie officiai O itY- Il vas WBlUs cnom ho rcmninn Tu palace for-Ayýs amueinglisef, Ca lha BSà'te Was lefi té othans. H ýe- u-ty-mix yeap cf1 ago. - leý tiEÂNTH.C Dnnix, 841«h: ,Bah, ai àtaineci a mecond.diass ceitific-ate. .ope t7e5 TEIE CONTumrI r 8. < r and Frnc eCl, Jane -janett M aaî's ,faittoverland inh fr ccii., on ouüumng bridges, 840-Wil'im BA I!B uRTS MBCUH usSoîlt anti W. M. Millen, com.; 7h1COU. ~ ÂIBC-NBo mut; rosd, at lot No. 18, 676-W. Wilson, On Thudy, lune jet, 1876, habomesipoe lin.; on veetern lSovnlhiue, opposite -- POnsd nnti usth 5t anti Ou cons., 840-Join H ,UN , SSmnith, coin.; siea rosi uolvaen lotsa à SAlIRDAYdNE10th,1 Iffl id ani 88, in 4th <on. 8200--T. P., White in, antiEt]. Bradshsv,ecai. ; on 4th cou. aI tva a'eIock P., aI lth, mame piaSor. ah otNo 2, 25-~ , ooer ~ The pro cri consieta of one quart«-of se Týnln oui, 20-la-Jmee I. Davidi- erectedt liaion.- i Ssou,-domn.; siide rosi belveen lots 14 ~- Tamcs.-One-teubî of thepnrcbsse Mons lu15 i 4 on, orutig u uiens on day cf sa, sud auffiieant thoevl-tl et &oc., $200- >0hn agt, cota.; asde wibu thirby iaysta mak oneusIind of the of rosi bebven lotoe84 sud 85, lu 7ti viole; tie remanftien 10 b. e alun1wo DU cou., for, Axiug d'lvenle,15-M. Nigi. equs -nu' nal lusemente, vith intored ýsevanier, aomù. n 11catirosi, ah lotliioh aununm; latîfcoyseu-yr b tih ho -,Ne. 20, for bulding oulvrtl80-John od liae rendors. a. *igil, cou n uside rosi balveen An abstrsc ofai tis, froui filng of thb u-e lois 12 and. 18, bar gravohhing, 815-S. plan sud & aU r i pssession cftlb )o n ucau.'ros], atlIota27 andi.28, 825-_ocm he d'Yof saes--Iiii5 DgJohn Thomson. Chaiais LAINGfmagr id The bolowl-ng acc unhs vera crierea St. Àndrevs Chanci, Whlhluy. r~ 10 he pal-d: A., B. Nigisysuier, fan JNO<) A. MGLLIVRY, a.1 filling np approacies to bridge on 811Il1crtay )n con., #88; W. M. Buhhan, for gravaI anti Wkillhy; Jane Vii, 1876. s- tone purclaseti for hovana aWst 1, #6; 2-t J ohn Slier, Esq. P. L. S., for atend- - ~~~* in outinTrnOOK15; .J WAIITED 1 ly Mîtieonielifor prornessionalserv-ces, 85j M~ Caunenon, McMiciuel à Hoskin, - for A good Cock vantai nt lia Armstrnu ycaose tefeut]ing sait C3avha vs- FullerHii. su ad tie croainc Paaig 8Apply 10 cororaionof icerig, 85 1MiS. E. ARMSTRONG. o0 compensation' ho Cavilra, $100 ; CosaWitby, lune Vii, 1876. 24 0. cf suit,1 $O7.8k--in ail, #202-88. _________________ ?o The standing dominnutea on petilions -ANT D ýh aund accounts recannent laI Ite nre - TBD mi iev anti examine tbe -ill -on northiain godCatI'aes -e tovolue, sut] repert ah hi. next- mach- TvgadahMke. îing of lie canni ; liaI P. R. Hoover LOWES& POWELL, SvieW uni examine lic brit]gc on 8nd Wiuitby, June 7th, 1876. B con-' opposite lat 19, siso calveil oppo. R- ile loI 21, i0 2uti con., ant ill11 on loI $5.00 REWTARD. n con., ut lots 81 anti 82, anti report le _- Sliii concil ; liat S. K. Brownulot the rpisabove rwns lc ý ai y tlis sjob cf filling up the pproacies ho bridge -a %tieiîZ aiinfornisahuus e on siie rondbehycen lots 4anti 5 near 'wM lFeis e e a$tianof the Party or- rt Rang. lina, sud report tho lis counceil;- parties vioe lo n th 1e railing ou lie 3,tiah M. Golt i icvanti examine brige ,sievi t thle corner of tl i BakDnndas aon.,8th con, lins, ah lots 4 suÎd 5, suýd street, enlihe niglit of - [report ho this canni; uni that S. J. FRIDAI, ftne 2nd cf, JUNE, i876. Green riev and examine bridge betveen IACOB' BRYÂN. -lots 10 uni il in 8th cou., sud reportut Ciefo Constable. ýf nexi mectiagof thi c unci. htyJue6,18.,2 Tiat the Reeve natif7 Jpin ]Boyle ta lubJne6,17.2 ocausa tic' bridge on Icynline vest, - utndevwilithe tait race of bie Mil Y O S AL El -pusses, ho hue put lu proper repair. - Tit le sai c 810, ruatd i Ontiesixth con. Pl-keng about 20,000 1875, hc hue expentietiou siea nsd .hua- fet cfciu '-Ilsd2uciinlabr -w Iv o as82 -ani 83 in 8rticon., be FrJ.uIialnisp<yt-SW re-grauleti, asdt] hîlJohn Colier st]anHdM1H Eti. Bnutisiuv set as conaiosioners 10, Green ElverP. O. expeudt]he saine. Report rèceimet] aud Jane 6th, 1876. 2luî*4 'bMn. Hoover gires notice liaI lie vil, C O WANTED! ah tie naxl meeting of thie coancih, CO more for icare la unînotiace iy-lav. la À7ppîy allihe oecnthe original silovance for rosi QUEEN'S HOTEL balveen lots 20 sut]- 21 lun u-t Rang. cf W-ilfy. tic Broken Front concession of lie Whl-hby, Jane 61, 1876. Bmi-St tovnship cf Pl-ckering ; andti laIthe _______________ Clark nohiby thcParty or parties in possession cf suob roui sîlovance, per- STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA seualîy ocin10 viting. Mn. Brovnu meves for heure ta minro- NOTICE in horscby - an Ihet a Dm-i duce s by-lsv ho eslablish iae outiDEND- aifTERE PBR CENT. foir .te balveen lots Nos. 14 anti 15, lu lie 2nti carrant hall yean, beiug aihe rate of coucecssien cfthe township ofLPicicning SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM viere iilih or as i1115 nov hnavelleti, sud liaI1h.sun huereai afini lie u - pan lie psud-up papital' stock cftlisIn - lia e ai e ellug cf liii conne-t. ititutian, hailmeen deele rethe lcu enu the ext eetng o ths coticl. .lýhi-yeai, sud thal lie saima vili be psy- Mr. Green movcu hhat 1h15 council do ails allihe Bank anti lIe Agencies ou anti nov udjeuri1'l uestisy, lia 181i cf allen '- June, andti len te meet as s court cf àitsday, thle 8rd Day of Juiy, nce4'. nerision. Curiieti. __ The tianier hbooks bookesvil b« closa- - fran tbe 151h ho SOli Jane nexl, boh iays Ký' Notices ofBe-irtos, Mas-m-lges, inclusire. andi Deaths chcrged 50 cents each. T ha Annuel Genct-Il Meeting cf lthé - Shar Joiders. for lie elactian cf Directeas- M A RRIBD.-fer à iensuing year, vill as hed atih IE.Bsninng Hase, in Tenante, onM PEARD-G.RANT.-A1 WitYon W-EDNESDAY, TEE 121th 0F ULY, âmne lait lus., by lic Bsn. Walter next. The chir"'vilbe IskenaI Ivaire Ayens, Mn. loin Peau-,t], b essia f. o'cleck, acen. Granh, al cf Whitby. koreofteBad D EAÀT H S. yrirflcl J., L. BBODIE, JOHNSTON.-Atl Wihy, ou Frl-- C5sbui. day, Jon, 2nd, Joseph, only son cf Mn. 24-Id Wn. loinîten, aieneaunt. fnl..- hhing a le zygvn m h fiPubliilttigOfte Ct O Rvi, o.f h TOWNSHIP 0F PIOKEINO, 'far lia present yeer, - viéhel~ ahat lia Tavnsip Hall,' 'Biaughien, on Tuesaday,_ June- - l3th, '1876, ah lie bour cf One o'cloek lu lie afleruaca. HECTOR BEÂTON, Picering, MsY B3rti, 1876.Twshpbîm22 fOUSE TO LET I' canitainlng Eigit Booms, geaci Cella>,, andi neceesaiy danveniaucce& A&ppay tlu - . B. POWELL. Wiby, May Blst, 1876. T ROItOUGH SERVANT WANTED. Ne buh a geet] girl, quahi.ieti toado geu- cel icese vank, neeti apphy. MES.C.DAEl WlihI;3, May 3Blet, 187. 2- LAND PLASTE I BAIClS. SELLEaS. MoÜnîreal ...... ......84& Tom-ota.... ...... . Ontarioe......... .... o uî Mercluaa 8.... ....... 98 Conslidaed .......100 Caommerce ........... 82 Dominion ..... 100 Standard-..... 9 Imperial-----------1.0 19 Ccny6prcîT. DeONTnurce,18. Tavnship t *** ' t** 1.0I 1 Sprng heà ........... $1.8 @ $1.95 Joncî .... 7........ l @ 12 APe...................81-e @ $2.2- 183 184 103 96 1221 125 98 Baller................ 5e&à@81610 EgS.......ea.......... c0 010c BaI >,Na. 1, 75e; NO. , $0 55 1 0 75 haover-------------8*"* 8 25 p89 0 1l-motiy ... ... 3 75 $4 00 -el7.. .. . : . . .. . 0 Black Bye Pes.900095e "Ys. .......... ..50 70c. .40..e ......... 0 tay---------------....12-2,@l1 eotts oos ... ......80e ggs ...............1e Joh,perhou--------...7.87800 crk, por cyt. .......00870 3hulkene------------... 8 @ 0 o pl eucks per pr.... I****. 5o c @ co0 Cuikeys, per ib.......10 ples, pe- rb eld....0100 sese-------------... jà @ lie. 'ol............... 7a 8 0c. eef,iunt asiten .55 0 B $6 St0 'f for qune .5 60 @ 85 50 ids.............*1125<81175 ..... .. 0 00 0 'I' tps- ....... .....100 @ iBid .....s..- ........----- j@ 0e0 REppos'e Ooh. îSc.atf.I sand> cern. iIg.1 , looni -kuvhtf suu<d for sale aI 87J- CTS. PER BARREL. THIOS. I'ÂWLEB & C0, Wiitby, àMaY 8let, 1876. 2B; BRICK PAMILY BESIDENCE I Wantet o Purçbsse lu ahe TOWN 0 F WHIITIBY. Immeatil-aposession iaslne& -Apply St Ir ~TEECHRONICLE O0ffiee.- Whilby, May 29,4878. hf-BD PPENTICE WAIiTED. To leem lme Dre nss. Must bè salve, have gooti siires, sud moderato eU.cahon. Apply 10 - AMES BYPMI. Medlicai Hall, May 241h, 1876. 2 LASTEB i 1 A fremi cargo jusl receiveti at Frenc. =!ln'O Bey. - 90 CENTS PER BARIRL. J .MOILELLAN ie or

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