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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1876, p. 3

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twdevs Ivelveý l o be Lrats, of 20 thora- is two s., wiaole tiacu. 6 ne. msylng uink. Od eoff n the Dino ein.f )fathe sud Kfun. On of sud 2ollr fr picipIand 1u dollars for intert; sud -t& De principal in erreur, snd 1 dollars for Intrstinl arreaj Aid wh.rçastho 'total a&Mount ralusd -anually, ~~~ou tnoiuaudreolars sud lulereul thoueau Io hundro dollen ad.whr.as tiiamount of the. rahoableropsrty cfthe M palit o t lia, oof Mhttbj metroll for lia.year oui sand-elght ianudrid sud sev fave la,948,682 dollars. And vbeea an suniual speejal ri 2 841100mMoithhdollarupo naid lovu cf WhIbyi1lbe ceuary and reqursd for pi tlisinersal, sudf forzntng s Ing fuud suffioleut- for pSyinj tis'principal cf lthe said te bs heroby-created, vithim psrled éf -lweuty y.aua ho: aaft lillsed luthast be Socorin t.theprovisions o, statuts f1 hat behal! made Xow fi la heroby Inaclod by the h lolpal Counoil cf lias Corporatic lhe tovu of 'Whitby- 1,Thal liais 337.1e shallcomae forces sud $feot upon, froma after 1h.e ert day cf lune, thousnd olgial iauudred aud sei ly.slx.- ' 2. Thtt hall Eb. lawini, for théa. peosfo dreuald, for lthe mayo: the lovu cf Whitby, sud hg horsbyauthoriz.d sud requin* issus dobsuturotensuMunut xooodin lInthe viiole Iv, =1usn!dollars, ilu sumeocf lon "haneoutieusaud dol "al, bêaring lularest ai the2 cf six -par cent pr annuin,1 payable on the lira day, of Ja one thousana elgial hundred i flluily.51L 8. The. sald deboulureis shall b. peOotlv.ly sosled wtth th.esoa 1h. Muutclpal Corporation ofi tonu ofUWtlby, sudulgued by- Mayor sud oouutsrslgued b1 the Clork cf the owov f WLit aud ÙasE boerdate respectlvely the day ou h t bis By.li ,habie t ffoèitsud shah 1ýs ma paya bes te ebearer thersof aI t OttoBank, linlias Town 4. Thon shall be atsohed 10 lia.., dobonlurqs coupons for tho -pu imeut cf tlilnterest yearly durfi 1*6 dournenoy of thie sed debe itunes whlch coupons siasi be "n paystles tlhésOntario Bank, Whitby sforessid, ontho finaldi cf lune lu osch- yoar during tI cunrency cf Ibis By-lev. 5. Tii. debeuturcos leb.cstged ai lssued as sforessld, shail be d3 livereul by ssld- Mayor tla hin Trustees, t10lb. named as folovl oue.y h- Ie LiùlnonîGoverut in Connofiloue by thla, aiB way Conipany, and on. b yil counoil cf lths lowu cf Wiitby, trust to b. by them, unner the d reotion cf tb. Bailway Companj convrtd m mcney ; 8Socdiý ta deposit thaAmouuî re4hized frai sucia sale lu somo Chartýréd Ban inu the, Province cf Ontario, i th aineiof he .Whitby en Port Psrry- Extension Rsilws: Municipal Trutl Account, sudi psy 1hé saent outheaui,.se Company on lias certIficats cft chl.f Engineer cf lias sald fluve lu manner followlcg, namly.- one haîf thereof wviasue liased Eng neer siasll oertlfy le ssld Trustobt lhat the, sald Branciel graded ti Lindsay, sud lias cher hall hherec Whosulias sald %Enluer shail cor tif7 10 sald Trusýgîes liaI the railà are laid on osud Branoh to Lindsay. 6- For 1he. roe of formunga alink Innfd fr hepajmet:of the pouoscf th. Payng th. inlsrest due teron I orate aforesald, a seoalrats cf 2 84/100 muilu nthe dollar, lu addition o. al other rates shah b. ratsed, levled sud cooInadl er cron aill lia ratsabhs proprlu ti n id Iowu of cf hlby, dnrlng liae continuance or ourrenoy cf1th. satd deben. hures. 74, And Il fi funthîir seacted by lhe sald couincil, Ihat lias votes cf lias elsotors of liassald lowu cf Wllby,- oétk n llsti. - Aenî . - -h jTHOMAS paWsedby thel Muniipl1876. ofth ý*tihon of1h. Tomw01 Wbtby, on th. Day of May,1876 -sandiau sons arelîey reqiifr-'te, l'ke notiZC i sny ons desirous of applylng to bave snch oyaw ra part tYherof, quaishsd, mil et makolâa ppcaltion tor lhat purpose la on. f He MaisWaSuperior Courte of <lemmon Law;, et Toronto,ý durlng the terni ,of lb. sd uartdor<Courts, fort, alter 1h. olpe mn1tienthr=e byii1h. pub. lbtou cf IbIs4ee n consécutive numbera cf the lollowing nwpprt. The Wbitby Oxaoxzj andWtîb yGa. seUo,ori ho VII b.toc lIseto,>, heard in &ta bobaif; aci.take notice' thal sncb term commences on the Tvenly.oigbth Day of Augual, nexl. Vide 29 and 80yïTc., Cep. 51, ...202 sud 903. ' THOMAS HUSTON, Clark. " $au town au the raling or snob bonus. nty thousandi SOf th, oxisi vo.The chair to be a onsiant 12 'clock, noon, Lindsay ........ ... .0Sm preclsely. Fenalon Falla............... 00 By oder of theBoard, Sturgeon Point........1.0 ...........820am -A7iJls pur. D. FISHER Bobcaygeon ....... ....... 12.00 "Pn r fUNDER DIB±NGMUHD PATRONAGE. Ganeral ifauager. Stur son ........... ... ...... 2.00 p.m. s as R. BRGHT'S Ontario Banik, veuelon FOUS................ 2.30 "Msi~ eda bd 'Toronto, 21at April, 1876. 18 Liudsay................ 4.15 I alJjJ... gJLaIh, no~ H O8 PH O Y E. -- The Sturgeon Point Hotel Co. willhave P O P O YNE.tbeir Hctel qompleted byIe 301h o o uae, enty - for the reception of viactors, when tbe Van. ý o ebl Mrn netati#leaving Lind- & . c ~ INSOVEN0 ay Ou Ihe arrivai cf the éveniug tran from 0aeISLVN C F 1875, otH e ..s4 leyathe botel sud O ~~~~~~~moruing in time ta open hops au.onc etdort .Fot JOHN I ic ate H.4MdB ? wlth Ibatrains gcing11o sud sontb. This Nx ort .r ot snd' O ONhotal la uatly uîted up w#iIbBatha, Bats, -GREENWOOD, of thce Town of and msuy ci the modela imFrovemeuîs. Wht C aS 0h PIDFO1BTER7N6EGS. 80TeNvCraieAet uduyR- Wtf ia novÇnt. Boarde,n$1.5h0 peroday. Fh*1ng sud hontiug WibM110CAH ID O UTRADE .2 lu Ihe ne'hanrIood.fbIh0 hotis athe beut ye 1,7. Thé ew uraiveAget, nd nlyRe-ta eh htilu. Ibis sectioni cf the contry. h. able Remedy for Nervous sud IOTICE IS HEREBY given thal, Special rates made excursionu parties. Som- thevNrby virtxe cf tbe powers vested ln mer tickets for famulesan enhall et reas- thehs IoIai obntinJ onoofleed the ebove-nneed Insolvant, I vil offer for GEORGE (IRANDELL. , C 13i Tons j t N . , thwaeietmmbr feMdclsaleby PbleAucticu, et the Britisha2-S.Proprietor. ontpslbn h. vi 1>-ý o lt bOd1< Ampricen Hotel, iu thre Town c HTY & suppl the besenual contiuntftheou 5ATURDAY, the TWENTY.FOURTH avbiood aMuLoryi substance, sud for developing day of lUNE, nexî, et ONE o'clcck in thre TAILY LINE TO eIOCESTE ,z i~ wers sud foncticho f l.sstn afiarucoon, ail t a state, n ibtitis.and in. .i.- t lhe ath e e t e p esu ..tereat cf their -ame nsl e u ad of is Sabion, ï a te plnlngand Innocentain of uayself as sncb Assignea, lu sud ho alTI properties; and 1 s a s pacide. -SmIansuinglthIe foilowing landsansd prierai- 0 nuovo h 01e agentes, nîse, iz aid d& otervoos Prcsud permanent cure o-O LY $ E jC i Nevo n riral Lassitude. lot. Town lots nomber eight, ulue and &Y ie opansnýSbortuass of Brealb ten, en William atreet, Block G; sud lot _ ,O LY $ KE ,C 8H bi APtain0 hearl Trembllug oeen luBock H, on Centre Street. Rodeo.- en.aslznesu bandea n i., urt' lau cf part of lot twanty-aeveu, NO SE AN 00~Nie u b ed u manlrdd - .sMental and PhyiMu Sud. The nortb hall cf lot saveuteen in ORSEl4AN ' lu Lona of Euergy and Ap- Deprasaron Block 5, sud'lots B, C, D sud E on tihe (.CAFRM5U petite Conumtcn (in tbe ver'i edge. Scadding's piau cf part of (.CAFRisx, ey gypochondnla frast tage only) o wuyevn rkno ~,hrmai CbUliy tlmllloWt btysvBrknFront Concession, WIli urake ber regolar tripesonibis route,rhse ab e q an ty o encf týWhty leaving Cobourg ave mcruang et 7:30, sud elition Ernatjfon Olbh 8d. Towltnubersvn t1he fistPort IHp aIt 9.80 oc ck, for Rochesteron aving Jpurcae bv uniyo nd Petul c Lpalrad Slgbt sud ier of the Ifret double range cf îown lots tb. arrivai cof G. T. R. tmraluaset & ivelliiyo utNis ear rprdt e.Inca jaayfoi SIndy o 1c eî fBoksre, ub ow fWbî eta, of best qualiyo u alw r rprdt o aSc ue co Narvous FDeliIy lu f by.Ou lis tere la a ghecowoue su ouI.Nortireru Centrai sud BErie Railways, sud offer them-large sizes-at the low price 1. @mpve il Blood anI îe Stages buildings. Lake OntarioeShre Diviston of thre Reome, Pn lmraicnrditiloe4bfotsthc undrd Or sudaUmoraulle Dcf il" eytem ai_ l» oetobnrdadnnt-i Watertowu &Ogdeusburg Railway for ail of $.0prKg I1 ng frou vbatevar cause. The action cf tir, and twc, hundiredaud nineîy.nne. on Ga t'a pinavEa,est andi Soni Phospbodyne l. twofoad--on thre on bandi- plan of lot tweoîy.oive, in tIe Brokn Front RTRqx Win leave C ariette (port cf eraalng tbe princile wlllcb cuastlties usr- Concession, Wbltby. Rochester) alailv et 9Sp, mt except Satiar. lu M loodndv.e .cigoeretigog gnt no y Itir. Town iota twentZnn. hrv Port Hope direct. tcerafona. a marralôn e adinfoTeranovt. thirty.ene, en Wallace, lareweU sand Xai- Dealers in stock &c. wti find liais lias or fenice please nlote the above. y, tus tmattanrdsd broken.down consîtuhbone. ler's pieu cf p arts of lots tweuly-nine sud cheapeal sud mou t expedittoos route ho Bos- It Iquic ly laproves thes funcîlnocf essimi. thirly, lu the Second Concession, Wbitby. tn Albany, New York, &c. eaeate sxions, cedeverone, sud seami. . til. Village loI nunaber tbree, lu Block For forlber information aËply ta-W hae ls m rcn ak, 2k;irntfnba xsetefls ilr ,Ewcr's plan, lu the Village cf Manches- WTe have also American Lopk, in Itl coitua ejtd.taPesl.ll 1'R.CAFRD0ot oe utte, HneLatches-complete frbf&g thu wdlyloreesemlu on ta a an orobulse, eaa.iBtrne lota in Fai prvz. os or, C. P. GMDERSLEEVE lnefr ulig 2d bealtb. The Pbose a Iacte elet iy 7b. loKingstovin:.ot eatureutagonerate tlaat-bunau eloctricîiy Water Lot Iwo. Part cifottweuîy-thrae l Aiiiitn186 tO wblch nsnewesud nabollds tbe cesscusn,=ni- .Broken Front <Concession, Pickering. -1 d cular, njervous, minbrenus eand -'Mu tb Aoa-cr otlute ilae 0f OFARMERS AND LANDOWNEBS 1 ~legcrso bulltpnhaid dela Blrougham, Inown as th. Olti Teuuery Lot. T ARVEIS ~ IJ.~ y# tbe procese. It move. tbe aunes1 Ya beart, 1h. Town lot nuuiber six, on HunIer Do youwat to borrow moe ki'leyu, tcmnacb and iteastcI',I aleStreet intueTowaof monez'nt o i- me stmîdusauni.eUll, Waterîco. tr ouc liCut f (Re-payable by lcetalmeuîy S es Soes IEIe Rae ok ?a Té Phsphdynevos ackÏ0 teboman lOtir. Tire followlng lands lu Madoc :-ToabUny ancralandi for yonraelf cr fer yu p ds hvlH eB ks ols or saimatlng ees ofId, hi bs o Elzevir, wohndedare;0et a1 f o f vued, sud exarts an important lufluance dl. ,W>.icruace;as hl ft Ton, boir ndlai bnseor ote buT SyheSnihs c oo oosaH hep rectiy on the sal marrow and cenvoos s u umber oigirtini Second Conceaaion, EMies. foene, dande rffaorteemi tom chof a nu 9tira ue su ad inrlgorau a vir nd1 dâ,bl it-twentyfive acres, poe y c or afoayorpoi a -D catherintans,,1thaÏ booyenî onller parI cf wosthialf o! loI nunnber six, in Iller dotebtu? Or fornote pose bthfe beerfd ul, owa yn, woI ana2r,cnSecond Concesio, ei~r; tan acres, CIf you dc, le rDu egs Yýof trComArÂ. lh an hefù eLnsdene aic n-. t-et nl feath flot nuniber CA raàerLi N a~rsC~A >trl vroi tedliatvadeg six, iu Second Concesuion, Biriver. turing srebas mîademoelansua rer, gle dspsiio whchmay eran lepoi.de te ast y tserta n thr A NTS AND OILS. onenluaI Bethir aetlcns. Aluc al tira book debta, accoutansd afo facilitisand evntge ihreelfore The banoaseW tea of thelb.Phosphodyne jutigmauts cf the sait noletE~fbot eqallt y ay afrquetly how f nom 1h. tiretday or Itsls y suds a àTaesudt PolIco . adnisteratio, by aremarkeble Icoresse vafel Trad nslerI pi o.cmayanteDci.Genuine White Lead, Boiled and Raw a nrrone ýpower, vill afeeling of rîgour And eli sitIsivuTire Higbeul pnice pait for goot Mortgages. 8accueotoDg, t ctegrn slongbnA araâtv efer speciooandic lia ofe O D. Forfurtirer information epplyepeîanrasta ba AlIc afiBo u otgelDbaOl, Variishes, Glass, Putty, &c. bpeome n 'lbs nerf alune 00 0 t f Wbitby, an>- déoeansu sdlb ar c, tdahelea babur f ana n.aniJ. HERBERT LASON, atghal hsl aîorta c f t;a s b .n. ielr TtsDeac el O oManager, Toronto. tO o te p dneILa ran o. oFAREWELL LRUTLEDGEC ID E S A S OdIa nauheussen. Tha Assigna. wiil not futrnlirh an>- peper, Solicitors, Wbltby. tai dogmee of activl?>y lu lb.prevlously débrji. tilel, or mubim:nt dftitla,ctrrbto:Witby, April 101h, 1876. 2nî.17 W fe o e ~ e asa ot endperform îboi afr ra u 1 hI on tt o npction a foaeti"-5 *---- .L bgttdog n alur a utions BuP ter isecnas-For te, (1COTTAGE F RSL -1-- e et a -e ry 61gte fr0 NeroisDb 5t o'Oyn10 5 re-FrtirsROS si sle, eorOnyafwetaUary h rrlsvos svfîthacent. cf lbe purchas oue>- 10 h a epYd ouThel Brick Cottaejo rt thp ag Sr DehflIor el tir. deyof sale, sud lhe balance s moula -Brown &Pltno o l. k Pans, alanr. c,& . sud evn speti> a lal. u ioaunc itar. Fer Bock as udg uteDbtuaud Workvtrlr a lg hr r Ibis ma u mPoliciez, the ternis a»acash. oulire :mises e Shahbie, Ha$ sud Bofi DR. RIGH,8 POSPHDYNEG. C. GROSS. Weter, ri.1~ DR RIH. P4 ODN ssigne. For forthrnpartieniars applyý 1ta~ lu BOLD cNLY whlthy, May 22ud, 1878: 22.t.J..FAEWLL lu CASES et les. e6d. b>-ail Chetniltu J:B FBarrIEr, ay s fSlefad ev Hrwý and PactenMbedicine Vendors .v.ORT WHITBY AND PORT PERRY Whltby, Msay Srd, 1878, ' S.ý Wluitby, Ma 81st 1876. haoghouîtah Globe. .1 XTENSION RÀILWAY. ]NU drections for use nteEgel rnh B--" ~. ~ Tseo TABLE NO. 14. N0 TIC Dgeb"uoonITaDIehrsin, TMdo;a i ooclolieG LD SM IT H ' A LL. sas, , te nègèlo, Chbinelle and Jp.Tako$effeot ou Mondav Mev Ib 1876. Is héreby given htheCne oteG0LD SM J ]l &nos Langueges, accmpanying escir Case. oprto fte' mIrauf IN- lor rgr and ws p cpeui5lude-s.TraIns run b>- Toronto lime, virici î we- Croaio ftr meane. ..... ' Posho n l" i tily.lwu minutesusloverlbhan G.T.R. lima ViDg fPr sea iis 0Indermls nemes; pur.- ctaâffl 0ho ober e a hotld I ;bereors iaNBTE Pr.l t Obnclserv ac, eacb aubears ba e n2n r,îcx t a meeting tabbohéIdaI t ha -ho.ýRusel r (ia hsea ODt aMP, lb.thevos No.2.. No 1 =lunseit tnMIlae»'on j* Jus oh n alto M P osh y e Yod &»reu ityj ,..dep. 10.01 a..d. 7.07 p.n.t to h d a lo of h . R u e l r c'whitend uns»l o lovn r Wl1Itb ..........100 7.d16h" hlA re aresa lb. T onthenattisro.......18 < .8-,-(4Tueday te 13th Ry iof dune &Son's celebrated Watches, GeId and Silver 'cases,~~ pey mea the Ta delo re a .............. .......10.48 7.852 " ial5B.a Byav ani Mrue. 108 75 e zt,prpcoeetOpea' l"specil prices. j5refr ahloa. Te ub liearba&]no epulo M. ml .1. 0 8.05 10 stop nand cca." es a PuiaoStretor M4, ....s.frmlb nie hee, achsè.1 112 " 8.17 "blhwsy 1114certa&iu .onllon cI heorignal> fo m aa rlte l Pine Ihnt1122" 8.27 "ailrancefor roïat e=-waen hedtira 5 m(t anth sed arIlqelei10nteI s 8ri.85nId waltham and Elgini he,<-TWatches in T 0. ii- ~~ L~?7 o TrR lA 11 u.80" 885 îGold and Siver cases, Jewelry, &., at dr's'pree Los her & S ul vsr St ee , M nch elo .6 2 0 1. 5f ascne r a M 1ýt b Beu3cye.nanri~g~ Ço.,14 Coeman lre Port okrr.. .... ..6.0 0 "a' Cbls nt fryav.L 1.2ou5ia u t princeAlbert....... .90 ,gaba p2bl4c"Sveett or in~ Nortv, Soat'n CIMson. 1 A ark reta Manhestr.-.i .20 onagef hrof te n n udn . .ýtoe es oesl, palronel 0 t , lia. f EvansLe*Suer Evan WBsl oudson. irSi-" fi' dcescribelbaîot., elvenong- n the w SPEC.TAOL TKE NOTICE i upursuanceocflias Act pase cf eu ae sis relgu, sud onti Iork. J SMOKEFRSI MÂNY INFEBIOR IMITÂTIC MYRTLE NAVY TOBACCO Are nov offeradl, LOOKC OU7TFOR TUE $TAU T & 8. Prefecfed bp Royal Lai fert Patent, NB up Whitby, -lne6t, 1876.' H2te, 4 DON'T F'ÀIL, TO CALL AT "6TEE MONTREAL AE COMPANY STORE," WHERE. YOU CAN GET TUE WO1flR O0 YOUR MONEY IN TEA. STeundeIrsied lma been aPPeinled agent of tho M6ntreai Tee Ca., idsefl heir Tes You cenu gel fins fleývored Tees from 1lOto M5 par omit. oheap- or thanelzewhere foroCah. Try the n sd tf they do'notgie you satiufeoîjàn, roture them asn4 gel yobur-monsy as freely as reooived. you should flot fail ta buny ep these tees are, of fint clama quality.I *Try my first olsias St, MiObels Oranges and imes, description -these wll give fl hm is4faction. (Janni and Tobacco. 1FrÎesh vegetables roeceived danty. .4 cail W.P. Wf Whitby, lune Gth, 1876. 24 Di 4:candies of ail d Fruit, Cigers solicited. ~L C 0OX, FLOWEBS 1 FLOWEB5 I1W 00L l WoOL i Eigheat Cahi rice pi for Wool-nsît OVER 2000- TO SELECT FROM ewlUlae-~l JE: IEMIAH LONG. À T Whitby, May Slt, 17e1 28 WRIGHT & BROOK s T B1ROCK STREET. Whitby, May lOth, 1875. 2 0NTARIO BK"VAN DE 11BI LT.Y DIVIDEND No. 38. TEABLE Notice le hereby given, that-a dtvidend cf Winl take e ect on forpercent.. upon the Capital Stock of Ibsinstttin bas this day been declared ]onday, 22nd o May, 1876, for the current'hall ybar, and that the same wil be payable at the Bank and ab ite when the teamer willJ leave the Lower Branches on and aller Thuraday, the firat Wharf on -the arrivai cf-t h a train froni Port Theo Transfer Bocks will ha cioaed p t 2 an, t h the X7th 10 the 81sI May, both daya inclu TREI OITiFN sive. ELON FALLB & DeBCAYGEBON. Notic la lao iventhatRatiarniug will egein cali aI ail the aboya The A M et g points and arrive at Lindsay. in rima tc, con. The LAInual M e g neot with the evening tramn going'aonth of the Stockholdars, for the alaction cf Dir- This boat wifl also commect with steamer eotors for the ensning year. will ha held at Ontario at ]3obcaygeoni running to Che- the Dsnking Houa. in tht, city on mon s Lake and conneca ewitth steamer WhiitbY, June dth, 1876.Co "No Business cac be long maintained w hiere IhU eoettsýýî fot eta o L Tida wil be founda safà BusinessMa4,n"ý-John McDonaUd O Co. Good Commercial Enivelopes from 90octs.prTo sand-a well ussorted Stock. cspe Toa Fancy Note T 'apers and En'elopes, al the new styles. A Weil' assorted stock. I'aper'Window Blinds,- new stock, neW Fatterg --Oheap). Awell assorted stock. -Croquet 1 Croquet 1Qrq tI -very low-raies-, -A Weil assorted stock., Fans 1 -Fans I Fans 1 Sone*thig >nwan Prty A wdll assorted stock. e n ity In ail Our departments- Book, Stationery., ,neW and Fancy Goods-we atdhere ta the maxim, "lKeep the Stoc]ks;well Assorted."? JS.IR OBERT SON, Bookseller and Stationer, Whitby. JlysoeATRTHE VE Oddfellows' Hall, Oranges, .los thze mô8ât for lý 'w exvcha',ge forDry G rres, at J7J. Fetlo' SHai Whitby, May l6th, 1876. MAyN SOthA1876 E.-ý 0RST. fleg leave to invite their customr an]-d- the gnripbi to their store to compare,,prices with any oifered in the Town.. They have no intention of retiring from the retail trade, nor cf a1féring Bagus Bankrupt Stock, but they intcnd, te give tho very best value they on afford. They have been SO fortunate as to find severai leading linos mucia belowthe orduiry pnices. and offer, nat et cost non under cost, but on a: very sunail adance. For instance, i New Dress Goods at 100 per yardin plain Lustres. r New Browpu Duck at 12je per yard, *worth mucli more. ýI New Uni'on-Tweed at 37 e ts., sa piel-uns P. S.-The goods offered are in the labelt styles, andin th eading Ts4 designs, and nealthe accumulation af yers. ' Rospsctfully yaurs, C3-EA. M'DUToIOIL*T - B IN TUE <F PRICÉ 0F ORGANSjG c Orgalns and Melodleon Organs at gretly reduced prices, for Cash or Note payable in Octobor ucit. Lot Inc, Cail at the c"OBGMqNFACTORY" and examine o dn stock. Aise Socond.hand Organe sud Melodeons-at very iow pricos. cent Wht - Essith 176 (USI AIiRIVED ,-A -T ' ,1 portion of: thé fltankrupt Stock o Loekhart &Holden, Toronto, TO-DA Y Mae8 -o Grey and. Wh than Manufacturei Wbere FOR GRNTLEME atfal Waltzer ........... t o o .. ....... LilIlg te Frda......n mniung Ltl ak-eyed beanu at mlaRes Me nedding' aoUt.M3U )rdnlu Gin.. îasctuttg Blonde. da witr ier hair "tcol n>.. b>- Young Clark In a Dry <boof 't pan sut Itthe door... irIs don't mean ail lbey Bay.. . rd Times .......... îVwI lovethiep rlg.... Di don't cen toltyeo y-.. aCaltain cf the nrs maDp in love vitrartyh lliner'a Daugirler ....... ond centso atess, Post Office ENER4 rBIbL 98 Thotia thé L 1,ý Safe Business Il, Fm--p. Ir àRT.,Pý il ow THE MUDGE & YARWOOD M'F'G. 00., ML-à 1- ýMay 10th, 1876.1

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