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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1876, p. 4

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ou time tôta 'wîuî quiewo. [fui face seemi, leu, for the per. Adow for eue y ght of mi".nnn ea gocoin is re like mine fi rrow * truly,fit ho struloilii oveîrthe head dlýppafor trylng to Miasber, 0 "$htitinuabaladdo f the uuus thoera are two ways lu l"tAit, fat aud forty" tma ses Ilseif mous1, vI.: its wsste of afiguo, gsorge of walst. Thai eligible Family Resitoneii w 31s Cres of land, comprollng Gardeni sui Or. baird, AUlof excellent quality, formerly os. opl(ii by thxe laie John Jier, Bâq., silo. te. abut oue 'Miloeuest et Wliitby, ou the .Uigsitou Ileail. lies lieuse rentama Ton aInas obeides hkitchen lu reur, wlth poid sibiar. Baril and SetI water en the premi. ,e ýaise barnandt stable. t For firther plifrucier, ,, 'diqutre of - .ll<TATLOI, Emq, On lte premuisei. Wlity Arl 21,1 ]6 le seme, li par. n be ly, it hier, f the 3 in toolf Une: l the Ton good ami. for est ýen lad ost ta Iie ma ire no, va. tly ,dy by ta an Ju E it t., lit 11- m A ýa: Bel nt SI Cul ITIr are tobi Me( s "si SPE th& Lom MAI thai PRe are y ilat Ti %tlu lngt Our mai Ti glati or ti. Ton MANSIO N.HOUSE, (orttîcf iNt tt YO)Ua ara., - TORONTO, - - ONTARlIO. WM. KELLY, PRORIETOR. 'i'itie Uuotel la îltuteted in the central per. tien if rlîs îityvetiriveniozît tci tusne hle4e !es Rioilusandil pubhli buildings, ,înd fer loîîiRse .tiîennnesrviai trivellieiÇii a nsi eligiiln siloitioîî. Tlibouse has tissu 4 tierîgiîy rsergîîieîlami ro.furnisbeod tîîroiigbit, andti a iltelnp lli tesmet îîtiortbi sd f,îilcîilsstyle, equel te sîtyltrt.cios, iniîsth ie Potintefln. TIse bctlîoetnqAut ld wgretsare large and aii'y, anei thes hirt onitary ra'gsiatieno aLre Tus largo anîd î'euveiîisut sample roeins, for thee îpîsiîlî of Commercial Tra. ,ve*lireiara itînîttuiou,. sud tveetl 1octied on tisetiret fl. . OmnIbusses unitl Caîrageosaiways reedy fthfes Accommnodaiooif gismts arrivlung by &il ths trains cii Asiiîiîaltiand aIsO te vonetey thçm b> thofe ipol utii dwlarves on loAvirig. Telngi-it lOMi-e i)n itutttiou wth Ibis; IlIU S, - ~$150 PER DAY. crouto, Apirl 12, 1876. la-~ CITY 0F T01ZONTO (CCitt. 1DECK), ittîvnti 1iliy foM tcf1iget. 'rotrçclît,,ant7 c. cen trrives eit Niegara tt 9-30em. is aiii tis nt,î 0a 1 . su. Con- xîectiolm ne litie i0iilm, Buflai, Rieeter, lilbativ, (<le,elLnf, Neîw York, l'b11i aililsia, &s. Tirk4 tïcal niilî lifiirmnntini t 8ettF1roui 18 1). MILT>OY, Agant. 1jSýT iLeCElVuD 440 DALE% NEW SP1IING CAlIPETS1 * WILLIAM GORDON Cerpots, Fluai (MllancdiCor- * tioliîîs, Dtîaaim md Lac'e (lurteiriN, iffoiw polo, Corîtieca & Fringiuîuqti. .4Il Il c vitli wslic ho sîili tI tiiloesi pi-les. April 111hi, 1878.il Do Isuproved Penn or City Pl'ioty. in- teé t"tpermscet. par annura. Payable MULOCII & OAUDILL, Oftc-4)V0r Domi. Dent, Toroisto, May Itil, 1876. brt. 0OT 1C0 X Al aeroîîute dua JOUX ANDEWJSON are te o pauti Ihe uiderigned bafoue hie Ilit of Joue,- otherwisa thsy wlll ho placeil Ilu sit for coietioz,, WhiLby, Mrty 3141, 1876. J. I. tA1LEWL,, 191 ..1 T.HL, 0PR F FP BES TO BE TAXEN ffUnder Ordar la Oouneil, dated 241th day Warrant..................Pel 0 Servlag su"mmn or ubpoeu.... O025 M11.age te "seeummouns b. o. W S e dr............0 10 exclusive otfLsburssmeuto Vo: essarly sxpendsd ila their con. 0l. AttJuding jutc$ on suia O trial, or on examlnation 2f.1 Monrs carged i 1h eif or eiicl day monsssauy empl»od< Indoue or mors casas, whea-4îot mr anfour bouis.. 10CO 7. DnVwhon cngaged more ibmu tour heurs.................. 1 50 8. Attondlng Assizes or Sessions, ihaya..%................. 0 0l. MIlage raveling to attend As». olfes, Baions, or before Justices (when pubîlic conveyauseeaun ba takon, offl ra pale disburse- mett ole *.O...... 10 10. flumrnnin ,~ for Coroners' Iqet nl ng attending at inqeest, aud ail services in res- pect tboecf, ifl îela on sain e dy as Jury enminoned.......... 2 0 Il. Attending eech adjourninent thèreef, if lot engaged more four lionra ................. 1Go 12, Do., do. if ongagod mors than four Iheurs1.................. 1 5o 13, Servlng sommons or subpoena teo attenC~before Coroner (subjeet No. 10).s...................0 25 14. Mileage serving sraie...........O010 15. Exhuming bot yunder OoroeAe' warrant..................2GO 16. Rebhryi 'âmesains ..........2 GO 17. Servingditrees warrant, audre. *srnlug ea . .............1 50 Io, advarlig under dstrasswar. rant ....................... 1 50 19. Travelling te make distraes, or te sserch for goodu te inake dis. troiswhou Do gondst are fond., O 10 201. Appralsements, whther by ene or more, 2 cents in the dollar, ou the value cf gooass 21. Catalogue sale sud commission aucl deliverYof oads. S ets, lu the8. u nt rofuceofgoods. 22. Exscutiugsearch warrant....1650 28. Berviug notices on constables, wheu perannally served..... 0 60 H. J. MACDONELL, Clerk of the Peace, . O. 22 V ALISES AND TRUNKS. LEATHIER VALISES I5AIATOGA TRUNKS,1 &ot., &o., et WILLIAI&THIOMPSON'S, Bailer sud HarmnsaMakar, IilU-TWeITBY. -lune 24, 1871. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDYIl Befora Taklag. G a' g SPECIFIO MEDICINE Cures RahhNuRiVOUva sîîe as Thrngs, DsîIL. ITT, Il'lssTivrxOx*, etc., Whlsh, l in any cases are produod by over indulseure Ia the use oï tobacco 41an lefspirits: but tI cuieee fedicie laymr reesildda an tiufailing eure for Sm AseusL Wsemss, SPEBUîTaAOanusItÂ, IMruOuTtIUov aud ail fieses 11maI folliw As &a seqences 01Self Abuse, as Li ossP ltesy, UNIvEAssa, LsssîsUes, P'AI<Ns NoIFBÀLwX.DXNcsmsasor VîSîoI; Pas. MATUE1T) uAoeu, sud mauy other dfnsses that bail te IXATessrY or tonset'dpT',ansdsa PAUmesva i tivm, ail cf whili as a, rois are Oirsi eusait by ilevatlug freint1lie path eï lalomseandl ovsr indulgence, The specette Medicine Io the resuo f ealit sîutly and Mnsî,y veers ni exparlence in-teust- Our paioplilet, wsich wu düsire te eond frt. by nuail te every e11e. TihestSieeile Msduele la h old by ail Dig gistf eit 81 ier package, or ix packagesfo , or wil bc sent by mai] Ou receipi cf thes iîey, lîy aldlrssstng WILLIA74 GRAY & 00., Wviudsor, ont. 94-rRoldlit hith by . W.B Sith, e$,as Ilymue and ail drugg ds trop~ & Lyman. Teronto, whlole agenits. 7 JÂMES a. BAmo & oomr4Ay FU( R N I T UR E. WHOLESAIJE & IRETAEL. ,os-Albert Hall 1, 189 Yonge- St. on bands pau O t0ocfevery. n;-,and hope by stict attention 0 thahr eutomaro te marit a f lte latrosgo histherto ex. teindesi to tbora. ~to adte zAum ng of EDLEWORK ÂIWCY CHAMUS, M AA LARXDS- FOR SALE Lot 12 lun1th cencessin,20aes -South.al f ot1 h ui111 obc"saO10 acres. Aout six mùiles frein Atharly *ail. vay station. Whitby. &Cree way 1 GO] Mau. col Peter Lesvi Mali cox ý,lLNDEIWAT 0F O y A TIlME-TABLE, Go>1'odt= Fro ort Hope b Llndeay Lesve Port Hope- Mul.... 10 00a. M mIMld,.89pm Going Northi te Peterboro'kduLsklelî. Mauil... 12.46p.m. 1 Mlxed .... ..... (homlng'South front >Oriliate IjadsaY, PtrooanaPort Hope. Leve Oruila- maniLOO. 10 p.i.ArOpe 045p.M. CominerarSouthfr..- T..¶...&., AT THE VERY LOWE8T LIVil GROCERIES AND LI. TO SUIT Tin, iTjmE6. Wbitby, April26th, 187e.-, ORlàs TB IUÂGEBT AN~D MOST COMPLETE STOCK 0OF Carnges Sligh& and Cuttet "M. O'D-ONOVAN'S CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBI VERY CHEA?. CALL & SEE THEM. MER CHANT TAILORIN( J USTi. R E-0E1V E D kinds -of Spring Goods, inoluding Engliali, Scot<, and Oanad.ian Tweeds, Worsted G-oods, Fancy Vestings, Broad-cloths, Doeskins, &o., &c. GOOD. TWEED SIJITS AT $15 Brook Street, Whitby, May lut, 1876. A.&JB. PRINGLE, Merchant Tailoi LEWIISALLJN'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, 1 ua Ei5 c2 Fi Su 1 r0 1T E. ehs n.. A splendid assortment of stationery, New Misceilaneous Books beantifuily bounti, ail kinda cf Soluool Blooks. Violiîîs anti Concerlinas. Sewing Machies-best niakers. Large andi new assorîment of best Golti anti Silver Wabches and Chains on hanti.- Wool anti Fancy deparîment comploe. Ail orders for English and American Periodicals and Newspepers promptly filet. We are now in a posiion to supply Prize Bo'oks for Sehools aI haif price, anai we feol that wve oaa give gooti satisfaction. Solicitiug orders, &c. Whibby, April 6bh, 1876. OBGREAT A lIarge and well assorted stock of Room Paper and Wii dow Blinds, which lie is prepared to seil at the lowest rates., LEWIS ALLUN.-: FUME, DRESISING C my» article not in stock prooured, wit]:jout 741 byi April 25111, 1878. Ga4rden Rake*8, SPfI/NO, -04 8.W-B. 8MITH# Comner Brook anti Dundas St.., Whi 187 6, Spades, Shovels, Hoes9. Fasse, Marrowla Whitby, Dec. lSth, 1874. CABINET FAOTORY AND. Watson FURNtTURE-- WAREROOMS ! frNo m h Matlmsbe THE ULD STA ND, BROOK- STRiEET WHITB y ,Mtý H.b GoJ where you cannot fail to be pleased in making selections of ood furiiture. 1 h 1ave iej Splendid Parlour, Drawing Room: aud Bedroom Sets, of-oe New Designa. well worthy of inspection, at astonishing, low prices. ia- et î ing-roorn Extension Tables-avery superior -article. a& vlth our ed *ita gra GiIt Comnices, Picture Fraaiing ini every style. Sorne ne- Chromos Youri SN&s: and Engrav ID M for sale. .1<' 1-1% OJ In al its branches ; funeras fûUy supplied, A stock, of- elegant caskts . Coffins always on hand; trimmeti to suit Custoiters, anti a.well ap pointeti 1iarsemer 2tath, 187a5ies. DOMINION, ORGAN. CO'-S Litby. ýss, 16 rs 'iano te bu] melodiaus in PULL AGRAFFE, 7-OCT AVE PROM $30,0 PIANOS froua other rehiable inakers ai botfem psires. Wholesalc agents for the Dominion cf Canada for the PRINCE ORGANS. Agcnts wanted in every City, Tova and County in the Dominion. NOIRRIS &SOPER, 8 AdeIsie-Si.Esi, Torono, SOLE, AGENTS.- JOSEPH lBESE, HAMPTON. agent la Derlington, Wlsitby sMd Cart.- wright. 7 ]-ýY 00DS AND GELOOEEY STORE AT, AUDLEY. In orar te ineet the grewing vents cf the locality the subacriber lias beeu. iaduced teo open business-in the aboya lina. A Large7 and wel Selected Stock- equs inl price and: qnality te auy thal cen be purchaseilantewn or ciiy. 01v. us a eal, judge for yourîelf, andi il yen ceai ha D. MoBBADY, . Audley, Nov. 241h, 1875. 48-t PRESCRIPTION. FR.EE F O R the ope 0yOCur e M a innsi W esk- n2ess, Lest eMiood and ail disorderat% brugt ouby ldsrtoaor ansess. &ny, 1 gilba leIgrdet. Addrasa. DAVIIISON C, ox296, Ndv York. Saptember, 1875. I.r Agents VWanted ina every Township la Ontario tb ieII the. famona 1'rize Mea asn Marinfaojur.. asi by lb. ýSmith American )zgeC. anS George Stec'k lant'CO,-pianios. 1 Spaclal- inducements Uilcbe given, bo firsi-clas agents and clabe-Of ibreet or four wiealing toi putecbage. Any nuinher off testimoniale in àVor- Of thcO, hint-lass organi&au b6ffrn4eh.- faction li ovel a] ýhowavex-ila reputation. lb.heStecli clina as heùfi Gefluine White Lead, Linseed Putty, &C., &C GEqOSS & M ACNACHTAIý BROCK STIREET, WHJTBY. Whitby, April llth, 1876. Ois, Glac ELGIN E LGJ N ! EL JGI1N ! le C- The flnest, best, aild clîapest watelles mîade, for the nmo- ney, are the ELGIN WATCHES, wiîiclî caîî be had ut Taylor -L Bar. nard's,: in every grade, both iii Gold anîd Silver, Ladies' aid Geats aizes. Alsoa lrgestok o Enli' and S'>wi"ssWatches aiways on liand. Clocks, Jewilry Silerwae, IîîdFany oad suit every baste and pooket. leebrbc e-nex do rores &- MacNachtan';, Hardware M erchants, Brook Street, W lîtby. FIJRNITURE!-FIJRNJTJJRE! 15 CLEA/?ANCE SALE 0 F Boots- and Shoes At Auction Prices 000 $ 7,000 WORTH 0F BOOTS AND 8HOEc. To be sold withoit reserve Parties in want of Boots and Shoes 1wif finat Iis a rare -opportunity la pinschas. cheap) for Spring weer. -Remember the place, at 1 IRK'S BOOT & 5110E STO-RE, Ontarico Block, Brock Street, Whitby. JWhitby, April l2th, 1876. CKIRK. ýENT'S CLOTHINGý IJRÉNISUJNG GOODS -00-- For Superior Clothing suitable for ummer wear try the Olothing Store and Merchant Tail- ong este.blisnmeut of -F mmei RG-TOSQ -, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. A' GOlOD FIT, AND STYIISH OUT WAIRRANTED 1 Gent's Furnishing Goods of ail kinde, iuoluding Shirts, 'Ha4us asE.Càps;, UmbroUls, &o., Whitby, July 27t1s, 1875. tf-Si GH1CE WINES & FURIE LQO aQLIDAYlEMND FR.EDERIVýK NEALE'S at WUSOLE ISALEi an4 RF4TAIL to suit the - c~e UN'USUAJLLY LOW PRICES, Now is thec timne to buy goodC and Clieap Furuiture. I{aving' bouglit ouiglît the businessi hatoly carrieti on by James H. Samý, w-e bake tlà; ojportiinity off inviting bis many frienda to give us a cail, e'nd we oaa assure ail blin we are preparedte t do as weil by thein i.n the future, as Mr. S3amo has donc linbthe pasI. TILL & JOHNSTON.1 Orders by mail promptly attended to. UNDERIKN.Ti only first- clasis Estatblishment iu the Conby vhere funieralls are fîilly aiîppliedl. TILL &, JOHNSTON. w Vhitby, October lat, 1878. LIcedfrSth0F iTCTIofOnEqrhRidS f LIST O ATTCTO0EE y Ontario, and separate Municipalities in the latter. E. H. Caeron .... C. Moore ...j... John- McGills& Ce.. Donald Roseý... T. M. Waleh .. Wm. Gordon. Jaines Digby, Jr.. James Digby Jr.. Johin L. Watýiu.. J. C. Pilky.. W. M. Wiicox,.. C. Wilson...... Theinas Tueker .... Dan. Whale... Thoinas PonlIher, J. M. Palterson.. L. Fairbansa... H.L E. 'Dsll DonaldBos- EllesBpe . Johaston Brown.... John Cas-r. James Driggsý. A. C. Hnsben .. James Dlack'sel.... Felits Meiover. .. John Gilligtn .. Duffett Bs-os... DoilaIt Bics. .. Go. Burton-. rh Rrsmnr.wcz. Thorah...... Bi-averton.. OrilliF,.... Thorali ,.... C'eiin gton. Sunerlanîl.... Clareniont.,. Port Perry.. Saiutfielit. .. Port Ferry.. Port Ferry.. Leakdite.. Toronto,. Mas-thuti. Bloomigton ... W'hitby ... Atherly...... hleaverton ... Manille...... PEPLERS FOR THIE CO. Southl hidiig .. MIIas............ dc..ah......... Sounth iiiding ... Tiîorah ... ... (1le....... ...... Brock . ........... Senth RIiding.' Uxbridge .... Northi Riding. Nos-h isRding.:: North ie ding .. Beach.......i. Scot............ Nerth îiiling.. Sonth lliding.. South ie liing.. South Ostarlo. Mers....... Brock............. fxrnt...... ...... Oshawa .... Brooklin .... Non-Resident. do. do. do. 05slawa.... Osheawa.... Ncn-hlegideut. àithy, Api-i 4th, 1876. On foot....... 1herse....... 1lies-se, Couîty.... hi hrses, Ceunty... 2 luesses, Cennty.'. 2 lues-es, Cnunty... 1 horse, Connty.... 1 herse, Ceunly.... 2 hres .... WM. LAING, LiczuusE ExicmEs. June 28, 1876. yt. 20, 1876. 29, 1878. Oct. lot, 1876. ý 1 1 8 , 1 8 7 61 . di 19, 1876. d i 1 9 , 1 87 6 . Oct. 26tie, 1876. Oct. 201h, 1876. Oct. 251h, 1876. Oct. 281h, 1876, Nov. llth, 1876. Nov. 22nd, 1876. Dec. 2a!, 1876. Dec. 1stie, 1876. Jan. 241h, 1877. Jeu. 26th, 1877. Feb'y 2uil, 1877. M'rch Sth, 1877. Mer. 101, 1877. Mer. 101h, 1877. Mer. 2lat, 1877. ONTAIJO. 2sIt April, 1876. 8th May, 1876. 131h Dec. 18m.1 141h Dec. 1876. 1111h Dcc. 1876. 151th De. 1876. 201h Jeu. 1877. 218t Mer. 1877. lai April, 1877. Co. Treasurer FASifIONABLE TAIL ORINU Go -where you. cian get a Well-fitting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establishiment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSýHAWA. SUPERIXOR OTJTTING- SHIAPE S THE WORK 1 A Large -stock off Fine lotha ; besl English, Scotch anti Canadian Tweetis. 0>)- Excellent Overcoatings anti Splen<did VesI Patterna. A good fit Gumanteet, GEORGE GURLEY, king Siree, ehws 1ST TUE-PLAGE. S'IM0OQE ST!BEET,,OHA sAGENT FOR DAVIES -O' A~O ND SHIOEMAKEB, c i > This Conmpany ha'i recently been re-orgnn-iizedl by the addition off three of the mnost practical1 mon from the Factory of Clougli & Warren's Organ Ce., Detroit, Mich., eacli takiug an active part in hie own particular departinent, and are now mannfactnring an' Organ EQUA&L, and in rnany points supnaRon, to any Wauufactured ini the Unitedl States or Canada. We talie pleasuro in announcing to our customnera andl the trade generally that wo lînvu tecurcd the rigiet to msanufacture'and use, ini the Dominion of Cao. ada, the celebratcd aecured by Letters Patent in the Unitedl States, Englansi aud Canada. By iens of tbis invention au organ containing two or thrce acta of reede becomos ûquai in volume ànd power, and fiai Superior in Q2uality aud Brilliaucy off Toue to an ordinary reei organ of six or eigiÃŽt rees. t I7ýË' Oui celeieraled "Vox Celeste," ftvox ummena" Wilcox. Patent "Octave Couplcr," 'Cloeo" or "C0larinet" stops, "IFuglo Ho«i'," "Dulcet," IIAEolinq," "Cremena," and Grand Organ Stop, ana ALL THE LATZ IMPROVEMENTS, can bu obtainuid oahy iu liese organs. Twenbty-fivo Different Styles for the Putrior andi the Church, off the boat t2ý- QUAL materAVLUMEd OrkmaNE UNip h ED QUALITI AD VOLUME0F TONE$1,Q000D. FacoryandWar PfomsCr eS-$rae aTOWeligon. ,Bwmnile FAcgends WareoomsiCor.Tlera nce ansi end fgor 5h.,BowmaList. Agens Watctllu Eery CONONnb. t SntiO.,for PricoLa t. Genra Aent fr ada fortDOMIION brGAN GO., lomy Panilont. Gewmnle ral Aget orCnaa o1t87C6er.e14adur iao Bowmauvile, Mercie 251h, 1876. 14 c IR -TrnWhpadLahs Wieitby, 151h instant, 1876. 1 desire to caîl the attention of the publice1tIste feot Ihat et -Do tire nurng the paat five years have I been ciesto offer Haruesa off ail descriptionsaba as low a p-ice as I eau Iis Spring. My expenecabeing igiel I eu do it. No more! etylisti or better Hlarnesa made lu tels County. Cagh purchesers wiil find special induesnment,-thie la t 1Iameut e. Caland inspeci. Re aiin d nc re aoaby. Peae notice-Second larn sa Sop South, next b Gîoss'a Hardware Store-, l3rock- Street. E81abli8hed Twentsj Yeere ago. l~l I MANUFACTURIERS 0F CARRIlAGES AND SLEJGHS, Have 110W 0on aud a large stock of Carniages, Buggies, and Ç,'AU will be sold at cost. Ail work warranted. er. -TOMS>.NEWPORTro 15 Wieitby, Augual 2Sthî, 1811. - WibOtr Johnfston 's 8e/f - Baking, fap8r. ed AWARDED THE -FIRST PRIZE. We 'oller to ou customners for Ihe coming Lliarvest, two dis. tinct Machines, which in. style and constructioD5 embrace- the; latest and niost useful ilnprf>vemente of, the day.. JoliNSTN'SSI GLI' SELF- IlAKiIN G RIAPIER - THEI ILING (OP REAP]ER8."Y The universal suee ed trials esud iu the Ceand ing Reaptue hîuac h; muore suîccesspd less aisu CAYUGA of this Machii the lrmir, waTs-s' more- z'nd is AMR V I AND JIEMODELLED O N CA B/NET heap Harness, stan ciel Coin .cR Graal- TUiv. of tha anar I col, For i tendras A NDj CO MBIA /O m 1. c mm 1 Il .1 pan ufr tha pautten y" ars&ays 4liai'the 1I. 10 Orchestral juat raoelvad frona yen la the best made and ftnest instrument in this tyD. M.-SÃ"MBVL, Cleveland, 0. 1m-streetl W. M. Sehool, Toronto. - We have grea is euré * stating ihat as an iastrumettcladthelngin ILm.Su.- day School, mothn can exceli MiTe toue is soit and full'. Tlée- bs sagrand, and when OlXvoi6es ara singiagtçatboe, the piao cueadistinctly heaz. WBery note rings ent as iileso eas a bail. S. J. HII&TB, Pastor, WAEBING KENNEDY, S~ SAMTEL FRISBY, MusiciaC>.'r It lias given my tfamily the veryhghest- satisfaction. 11EV. J3 BEDDÇB arrne. " Hampton, Jan. 51zt, 1876. MR. J. BEBESE, It affords me greet plessuras i-ackuowledging the antiro satisfaction, sund hiliapprecoation oftheNo.9 -XMtJu. aince. lno purchashed fronayoueafew tdaYs Enisltien,' Ont., Jan. 131h, 1878., PROF. J. REESE, DrÀR Sin, The Medium Mathushck. we gct frein yen gives entire satisfaction la every resp'ect. I cen unhesitatingly recoin- mend it to alh desirng1 a goodpiiano. P. TEART, Pester et Preabytqifsn (Ihurcli.. PROF. BEESE, Oshawýa, Jan. 25rUd 1876. shek as îIhave foni th, Math.-. seasayeu representea ilt--a ftrat-cleas piano. Many musIcians have tried itf, and pirenounced itIlexcelleut.-' Respectfull ' MES. k. MITCHEL. Hamapton, Fcb. lai, 1876. MRl. J. RElIE, The Mathuah.sk Plane I pur- ae »fomynlisgVen stire satifac- * tion ad'romepY"ts""0 e Uperior instrument te every respct.I wndrecomrnend au, tseteMahnshek befre purhasing HT.PHILIPS. 'EnuisIellen, Jan. 25th, 1876. PROF. J. RIEESE, Hampton. I have mmdei pleasure la adding-my' testiniony te the many yen have already received la fa*o& of the wcl méritesi Mathnshek Piano pur. chased frein yof reccatly. I a=a *£Ilha&ti fiesi th il la la every res1,ect, and, censld. er, for beauty -and tone, e t la -uarpaased by any instrument I have 'yei seen. S. 0. HIlLIEl, M. D. i vu Ve ýn( '0 'hc I.tr g 1 ore c ig'. a ààli ir w, Mlutby, Dec. 15thy 1874. L'S WM.. - TILL. --oo 40-ly 1 w ip 0 IR, r-V c'OMS AND DUNDAS STREET, WHITDY, ONT. TRýY &o., &o. 1 Trunks, Whips and Lashes, 1

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