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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1876, p. 1

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W-a ser, or uierf* te WHITBY BIRÂNOHI THOKAS DOW, DOMIION ArfK, WHoITBY AGENOT, I. B. TAYLOR, AWXHAN!iERY & CONVt'r*NOiG i fleSubWing Court flouse. Ar. Cau oret for specW 3rotainer of Hon. Mr. CaiFeron, 9.0,,and Dr. KcMlchatl, Q. O. FARIEWELL & RUTLEDGE, 1PARIU8TORS8 ATTORNEYS, SOLI- cinse.ver (1fc, fArst deer south ci th. Royal Ucotel, Whby Oounty Crown Attorney., 48 JAME KITEJ GORDON, BAIRISTIIR kATTORNEY.AT.LAW, dison s store, 160ok Shoot, Whltby, Ont. CHJARLES C. NELLER, ATTORNEY.AT-LA W, SOLICITOR IN ton, odC LYMAN ENGLISH, L L. B,, BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOB IN, Ohaoer, Cnvoancr, o.,c.Slm- CeIe Street Oshawa. G. YOUNG SMITH,LL . 13 ARRISTEB, ATTOENEY.AT-LAW, 3L>Soitor ini Chancsur madInsoivency, Notary Pubic.,e *&c.fieMMfe' ]Blckh, Brook étreet Whltby, O;taro. As. G. MoMILLAN, B ARRISTBR8, ATTORNEY, SOLIC. iter, Notar Public, convoyancer. cf. Alce-Byron Street, Southi oi Post Office, Vjýhltby, Ontario. D UGAN & ROBINSON, BAURIST028, ATTORNEYB.AT.LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, CONVEYANCERS, ac., OFFIOB-Provinclal Assurance Building# COUR T OruET, Teoscro, J.Duos,.c, J. G. Rcaixsore, m. . THIOMAS HUSTON, T OWN CLERE AND TREASURER, Whltby. Offiee-Town Hal. Houri, from 9 te i1a'ebock. H. J. 0GUiN NeM. o., URGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, s Byron Street, Wblthy. Dr. W. J. BURNS. OyrteÉ-NaRt deor ta Casossîcua office. târ Rieice, ai Mr. Lewis Haokes. Wm. lIeIftlIIlf,. M.P.,M.5Cf, ('1 SHOSPITAL LONDON, bNG., '~Jthe oye R. O. H. L, Ogha*a, Otarjo. 14. AS)ASjeP, SfENTIST, (SUCCES. q ~ -~~sor ta W.* H. Card.) "J.7Dental iloans-Dundas StreGt, Whltby over Mr. Jamnou's Store. Ntrous Oxide ds admÃœiiercli for the painles ex- traction cf Iceili, C, -N. VAR§, L.D. S. ETH" ineertcd on ail the Tlateet principles of the art, a: eheap as thse cheapest, aud as geend as thse beut. Tecth fili wiih Goll and i liver. Teettb extracteil without pain, hy producing local auccthesia. Dental Room-in Cov. anc new block, over Atkiuison's Drng Store, Ring Street, Oshos. 85 xx corner Mtohedssh & Misslesaga Ste., ORILLIA, ONT. Ths rnagniOcent brick bote4 la ont ci tb. .4,, amlebe d dooaducted, @&,a A' FIR8IT. GLASS HÃ"TEL. ! Cornblnlng elégace, comfcrt maeonry It hou ample accmIonforsuzme vii sllghttiuU aadceutrallyusituait. ad, being in-olos 1vomito thé stean boat wharvee., M d nean, Nrthern BB. stations. -commodions .a perooms aBd .nt. cf' apartmet. for famle. N. B.-Orders for roome by letter or te. gram proeptly attended to. OunnlbuIseo 10 and from 1h. steamers frees 0f charge. BOBT. BUSSELL, Orilisi, Jan.7, 1874. Prpio. * AO XÀ5TMKT SQUARE, TORONTO. Teas., 91.00 per Day. Stabllng in cou- neution. 42 EB AMEICAN HOTEL. CORNER07 TON SAND iRONT-ST8. BORGE. BROWN, PROPRIETOR Thie firat-elss-house bas been nsvly flt ted up snd renovateli througbout mn i torde superior acceomxuodation f'or tia reoep- tien Di gnut. The proeut propritorha.M spared no pains or expense iu ntroducing every lauprovement that would tend to the comfort and oonvenenee of lhis patrons. Toronto, July lOth 1874. 29 O NT)aIO HOTEL. LT3 »AWEs'a.>» WHITBY. ONTARIO. PETER WAKEM, PRO.PRZETOR. Superier acoomodaticn. Table, supplieli with boit in season. feunlne quors. n1g,ra, bst brande. Billard reom.. B à D deshAdd.sheds. B IIEAMERICAN HoTETL. R A Y-a (.er RoiRson bRouit.) WHITBY, ONTARIO. Hlouae nevly renavaieti anti furuisheli throughasit, anti put in Oret-claiseondin ton ha necopîson of gnus An omnibus te sud 'nom a&l trains. FirsI-cisas sampie rs-cru ADTRlUNK RAILWAY HOTEL, AT WR3ITBY STATION. W .ONEILL --PROPRIETOR. Parties takhng the train anti oavin g herses viii have tiseen veRtaken car. of 1t11 thair TfHE QUEEN'S- HOTEL, (LATE coKMEitOuL,> BRReC]-BTRZMýT, WRITDY, TAYLOR & McCANN, PROPRIETORS. Tise uudeneigned desire ta intom utheir freendsansd thse public tisaI they bave tskeu thse ahove ivell kuavu ihôtel, visici they have uewlyfiiiisd ap aati renûvatsd,snd put inte tIsa best ci order for tIse accomumoda- tiou of gnoses. Tîee Ban, wvisteIla tIse baud., moment lu uhe Caunty, ie velI aupeliet vitIs thse fine;t brandeteof vines, lUquars. and et- gars..Aple enolosolabsel room sud good sîabiing, box stala, tie. Detacheli noome tôt commercial travellens. J. PTATLOR, PHILIP McCANN. SHAKESPHARE TTL cOUEIeOOS IIYMOAADDYOMK BTS., TOR ONTO. JAMES POWELL, - PROPRLIETOR. Firet-ciasse accommodation; baib-reoma, bc. Board, 81 50 per day. 1 THE TORONTO. TIOa.- a [IV.R... - Tise meet Elegaut, Ca.cîy sud l'enfcct * BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, DUNDAS eT., WRITISY. IWAlilorderu -promptly exeouteli H ItDRESSING AND HVN L.Saleon, Brook St., Wbitby., Jolis WOLFENDEN, Scottsh Granite. At- Marble Worke AGEORE GELHBRATH UMBR UERHATCARPENTER large c'quantity et ail hinds cl bumber cen- tautly on bandi. HieB. ODELL, A T-H R R L Y, Clerk Div/B/On' Court,-Tp, CIerk, Ciniaiusgloner in B. R., Laud Agent, &., &e., Atherly, County Ontario. *Atherlv Su.t. 2ud, 1 7 2. 86 cARD. - DRt. BOGART, Pbyaiisn, Surgeon, Accoucher, &c., &0n. Wlithy, Sept. 80th, 1874. 40 RBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN: Graduaie (witb honora) of the University of * Quees ColIeqe, Canada; Philadelphie Univ. cf Mediciend m Surgery; Amencan Ueiv. ai Penneylvania; Eclecue olnlege ai Penueylvauie. sud Licentiai. ai Mscroflcy ef thse Uulv. of Ehiinhurg, Scotlauli. Cor- Olier 'or the Couni>. ai Ontario., Office- Coldwater S. )ila Asc4uisit t'h, 1876. . lyr 8e JOHN S. M. WLCX 0f thse Tows i fWbithy, bas beau appolnted OFFICIAL ASSIGNER, (UNDER TEIE NEWAC, For thiseCouHty et Otarlo. AihUues entrateli ta is charge viilhe cerefully at- tendeli ta. Wbltby, Jan. 14th, 187 4. By HORSE MEDICINES. Ail descriptionuaoeth1h.boet Hlorse Medi. ln ept o anl o an nafor sle ai saWNO charge !Or, ativice. CIOH SONN. RAT. DE ILE R -IN ,ZLUM3ER, W HI1 T 13 y, 'los. Ou baud 9,aeldili stock cif fiss'ce &ad gol a 04onurtrn4t. Ail indi 'for Hatel itise Dominioan. This Ratal aokuovbedges ne rival, eiîben in ia mranagement, sppointseuts or. loca- tioun tuhie latter respect ih affonds ita guesta a cbanming suduobsîructive view of Lake Ontania. 93 The fineel Wateraoape nvielai canais. Ithas 250 roome lumnisheti vus allishe modem improvements. MeGAW & WINNETT, 491i Pntcprieiona. A RMSTBONG flOUSE, (LATE ALBION,) WHITBY, ONTAILIO. E. ARMSTRONG - PROPRIETOR. WBI TBY BOUSE. DUNDÂS-ST., WHITBY.- (vEST OF POST OFFICE.) JOSEPH A. BANDEL, PROPRIETOB.- Tise ouse bas heen-receuitly built, *ie large anti room>y, sud fitici mp in firet-case sye DeWinee, Liquors sud Cigare;. fresis Lager DBear. Geeli etabling sud en- cioseti yard; attentive ostiere. 46 CO'MMERCIAL HOTEL, CARTWRIGHT, ONT. JAMES DEWART - PROPRIETOR. Gondi sceommodation tf-12 TRISPAPER IR ON FILE WITst WhaeoAelventlslg Contrace eau bu madie l3ege ta tnform hie friands sud tIse- publie tIsaI ho cars-les on lise Llvery bosix ecce i A Y'8 L.D STAN14D. Parties r iquninsg cou4veynee-covcer d epen-esu b.e socaunsoiteti ai a mosent'e - RICE. PIERDON. Whitby, Seit. 21, 1875. 89 PRESCRIPTION F-REE broghoubinisratono-ecei.Any Dmugpsl liasthe.ingredilents.. Adtias DAVIDSON & CO., Box 2296, N.cv Tank. Septemben, 1875. IY1-12 y OUNG'8 $ TL VOYFOX ROAD, DALtN, BT. K. YOUTNG.i'PnssTrmTn-n Beishlhe infsrmnetion reganliing tIse couan- y, etc., fumniaesita parties requiring it - upl asecnuaenltion for Rssuter. and iatese.TIse bar sud lardon suppliei Ititihe tSt cf liquors sud vianda te ha 'ntdin alisee ontry-Nom ns boid..ir i SINGINO AND SINGINO CLASSES MTA1I MR. CfORGE C. WIGGINS, D.A.,# BOPeta osOnOO tisaI ha vISundertaka th. iàsts-otioz01ofpupls on Iet iaome lotiecl, anti,'ergan, os roasonble arm. Abls Sngisg sud Bins gClassas-. Prof. Wlggnus Pla an atiVocalstma Prof.U1Lsar the talenteti Solo Vielnlel Oas b. a;n geJfor C=ono.a-so Sin".a a~ Musical Fsion roasonable lare. Wltiby, uIyUthi874 op Jj1 ES, SADDLERT. Thi. subseniben de"ieste state Isalha ha. openeti a KHARNESS SHOP, hanlis. promissa0ppote Raye Britiish Amn- anican -go.14 Duntias-SI., Witby, visera he -viii hesp en handi'asgupeiot'stock of pale,. 16wabe s 10es.1lie 'a ,'aéof publie patronage. FRANK TUEBR. Whllby, Foi). 24,1974.,9f FOR SALE, ATTE GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 600,000 foot Pins Lumber, vdil scseneti. -Inch Boards, Fboonlng, 2 x 4 Soantlissg, 2incb Plasti, Fenoiug Boarde, 100,000 foot oi Oak, Maple fon ailes, lai quality, flaosaooti, 15,000 fI. Square Timber, Ail cf vIicIs vl be soat heap for oasis Ne vcuid algo belg ta say tisaI tho E-lat Milt in aning,and la daing flrot-elae wr Chopg"lssg donc 6 day lunlIse veek, for overy E. MAJOR, Des. lôtIs, 1878.Popit, GOOD NEWS FOR THM LADIES. A NEW REVELATION IN THE SC~ENCE 0F DBESS-MAKING. CORNWALL'S SRLF-kiITTING WAIIST & SHOULDER CHART. Drseuses filteti tram measurement alane vitiscut change ofaisîtitcis. Fo2r sais, vitIs free instructions, ai M I SS M cIN TYRBE 'S DRESsSIMAEINO BOOMS, WHITBY. Agente vanteli. Libers] inducemeuta le tise trade. Whitby,,Aug. 18, 1874. 84 B OTTOM FRICES FOR COAL AND- WOOD! Ail kinda of Hand andi Soit Coal, conelet. ing of the celcîcraieli Lakawana, Secan- ton,.Bneer Hil, Blesurg and othen coala .-1CHEAP FOR CASH i For quansities te lackeuiths sud aîber. SPEC14L RATES 1 Wood, eitra lensgtfi, 25 cents per crd abaternesut Oaf menai pnices, Seuli in your ariens te A. LXNE' Whitby & Oshava, CeaI sud wood depota Whilby, Augui iai1s, 1875. tf-Bs 01bl F TEE DIVISION COURTS OF THF. COUNTY 0F 0NTARI0,d FOR THE TRAR 1876. whitthy.. 8 i 2 11 i1l8 3112 uj Broughasm: 2 4 21 4 2,2 Po"rtny '26 13,20 25128 5 14 14 27 Uxhnidge.27 1126 271 I6113(15122 Cuntn28 15 1 27 28'j7112 1621 Beave-ni H 16e1e1 29 lii 20 Atiseny... 117)-i 50 101 19 GEO. H. DARTNELL, Junior Jutige rWhitby, Dec. lîtis, 1875. 61 G. YOUNG SMITH, ISSUER 0P MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITBY, OTRO KING BROTHERS, WeHITBY, ONTARIO, Importer., Dealeresud lManulacturars oletil Runde ai LEATHÈR AND FINDINOS, coy, vàei-aoaoa Company in vaneas J UST LOSSES PROMPTLY FAID. L. FAIRANKS, Ya., 3.B. ]BIOKELL, Seoretay. Preeldent.. Ratai ol'Israuce a e Xcthat 9U cente viii naure $100 for 17 eve asoths b. W's' AMEETOAN Assurance.C.ompany. Thts is m 'oeiisblaeliCmp are preparedtg acot risai.lin cau es cf p obe t« ates 41is ho»'ofi anyvWou Isolai.ed uonlsaaeow roperty in- snrcd for thrse years or lem t apelly 1ev rates. L. FAIRBANKS, JR., Office,Btock St., Whitby. p M NIX PIRE INSURANCE CO. Leuibard st. sud Charing Cross, London. ESTARLISIERD IN 1782. GILLESPIE,, MOFFAT 00., Agents for canada JAMES DAVIDRON, -.Manager. Insuranea againet lase by Pire au effect- cd on the meet reasenabie terme,'sud lasses g a withont referenetthBorinL - on.neteteBorinLu L. FAIRBANKS, Agent, 'fhithy. April 121h, 1876. l8-Iy T RE"STDACOA" IRB& LtFE HEAD OFFICE, - QUEBEC. Financial Recuit Of z4 Menthe Busi- ness ta 31st Dec., 1875. Authorizeli capital........... 5,000,000 Snbecrihcd Capital............ 2,800,000 Paili up Capital............... 200,095 Goverment Depasit. (Fire) ...50,000 Gaverument Deposit, (Lufe).... 60000 Total Revenue, Pire Premiume, aud Interest............... 2211,775 Total -Lasses..... ............ 6,2 investeti Punde ................ $194,718 Cas;h ini hanli and Deposit... 49,198 Oihcr Assets.................... 69,8u8 Total Aseets ............... 293794 This Company has nov establieheli iteeli, and has 21Branchce and 207 Agencies lu the Dominion. GEO.*J. PYKE ' Manager, l6dly C. NOURSE, Agent, Whithy. Dapnsit witIs Domninion Goverumneut S50,. 000.. Experieucei Agente tisroughout thse Fire RiAa written at Adcqnate Rates. C. NOURSE, Wiiiy, Marris 7tis, 1876. AetWily INURANCE COMPANY (ruaS AND LIa-E) 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, - $10,000,000, DARStERs: aL sc.AVIBeRa: MOLSONS BANK 8. A. BAYNES, ESQ., M.D. 11usd Office for Canda : 91 & 193 St. Jases Street, Montreal. FORDES & MUDGH, Chiel Agente. R. H. LAWDER, Agent, Wiithy. Auguet lOtis, 1875. ly.33 NORTH DBRITISII & MERCANTILE FillE INSUIiANCE COMPANY 1 safe, sud rdliable, chargea moticrate, prompt settiomeut oetdaia. . TEO YLE, Agent. Witby, June 2, 1875. ' 23 VTSTERN .&SSURA]TCE COMPANY REZAD ea-FICE,_TORONTO. Cash psu tfon fldet, Bas-k, anti Leatlsor. CAPITAL STOC K, $ 400,000. Leather ecretciset. AGENT FO. SL surI Nc oeiao, __ -9BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHtORT NOTICE. May, 1872. 22 F LOR!-BANIANIS SHORTS III NEW STORE, JUST OPEN'ED. te 'oSTr IA isHOTEL. -___ GIVE A CALL. WM. JOHNSTON. l'O THE FARMERS I ploagIse anti PleugIs Caetings, Strav. cutters, Fsnning Mils, ltcaperesud loy. ens, &c., &o. WM. HNT . Whiisy Oct. 131h, 1875. tf-42 MONET TO LENT) i A lange quanity of money te lenti ai low inteneal, pnivate tunis. For sale, several Tovu iota, tva Framu alouaes, sud a large Brick Housa. Fan lerma, appiy te G. YOUNG SMITH. WIsitby, Pcb. Oth, 1874. '7 A LLAN LIEI LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW,. CH EAP FÂAR E S! Cabin, fr-ont Wbiby - - $61, 081, t91, asoeiiste bacoommgdatiou. Inlermodisie -- - - - W4. Steerag-------------- Prpsiti passage ceniicates issueti aI leet rates te pensoni ving te hnlngý out friands. For tiekets sud fus-thon information apply te-, GRO. TILE. - Ep. anti TeL Office, Witiby, Mas-oh 27th, 1876. ti.14 c ABDI - T. H. MeMILLAN, Agent for the ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANT, PROVINCIAL INSUR&NOR col JOSEPH HOLMAN, BROOKLIN, ONT. Also Agent for tu.e CANADA FARMERS' MUTUAL -INSURANCE COMPANY, Head Office, HassuLvoti; sud CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'Y, Montreal, Fis-e, Lite sud Guarautee Depaniment, CAPITAL, - - 82,000,000. Drooklil, Dec. 2, 1872. S TAGE BETWEEN 12m49 WHITBV & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY 1 Leavea OshawsaitS8a, sm, sud 2, P. M. Leavea Whiiby ai 10, s. s., sud 4, P. M Fane 25 cents caca vsy. Wiib cal] aI sU thé hotele, sud ut pivale resideucea (vbanenresare tafi aIany at tise Iotels.) Connecte vilb Oshawa sud -Bovmau8iiie stage - aiea vi1h thse Whitby anti Port Penny Radvav, sud wiîb Brough- as sal ai Witiby. n=0. TRuS. HOPPER. Whisaly, Mardi 91b, 1875.Il-tf APPLE TREES, A il0U T 40,000j -AT TxE- HOME *NLJe-SERY, Prom-wvate four yosrs of sge,ornbraclngcil the hat Varietiai. SETH c. WIL;SON, Lot No. S, 2nd Cou. Pickelng, ou Kingston Ra,st Oflea, WIsiiby. liegà toa aunce ibat he- bas nemovedt o, Ring St.. a tev deouîs EAST. 0F THZ POST -OFFICE, * opeeie Lkee lio-soMga viseo iibe fooli 5 fuestok e ik&Ud' tâtae for LICEN8ED A 108 'TE£ OOUNTT OP Township of Maripos, Halgnvgiven ul vWhobs tIme 10 lie busine Oohiecting, e&o. Il viiibe myessivou earefub atenin te bush Satiafactien te al vho n thel - sales on Oofleetung. Bille traughteti anti BI& ati fresetfcharge. AIea DiiiStamps alvayi Asraungeameute eau beu Kt the CERosercs, effince., Office Prince Albert, id 011e., Peni'Pomy. 1 id. BSandardf Prince Abert, Sept. 24thb, 89 OHN L. WATZS,f AUCTIONEERjý, &o,*&c. ILIF; 82 D.x ô9vz 0 Tf Andi Generai Commission Agent, Port Perzy. MNIONEY TO LEND. The nnderuigned has an y amount et Mon- ey ta Leud upon Farm or TPown Property, at nnuanally Low Rates of Interest. Leaus eau ho repaid iL urAuis te suit bar- rewers. Several Improveli Ferme aud Wiii Lands Iesenomade ini Mnnic(psal Deben- turcs, Bankan d other marketatabl Stocke. For further partieniare appiy ta -- JAEBSHOLDTI;, Officiai Aisig7ece, i3rckcr, &o. OFFICE-Over the Dominion B=nk, Mo- ?sillan'e Brook St., Wbitby. Bpril 9th, 1@72. 15 IOELY IMPORTANT TO THE MUSICAL PROFESSI0Oi; 1 Great -Succes 1Tho Hauli Guido for tbe Piano. The Handi Guide is the result of isny years' experience and study, an&ie warrant. ed te cave, at leset, 8ir mont)ueof the ledi. eus ererciae practice of the Piano.- h Ill give.the baud a purýe flowicy ac- tion, ud the ingera grealt idepenYonce and etre.cgtlc. It wiil teaéb the fing3rs te strike upon the ende. Itwilb teacb the baud quiefude while the fu g cr are employed on cingla passages. twill teach wrist or octao, motion, andi in thus compelliug quiet on thfe part cf the function net employeli, tend te iuiensify the erercise aud increase greafly the devel. cpmeut for which the ezercie. is intended. Thse Guide is warrauted te lit auy square p jane, and ta at oncesixupi. and etrong. Ned ne t he takeu trous the piano, beiug swung hclow when net requinl. sent te any addreas upon receipi ef the marked price, with instructions. Plain Castings, Walnut Rode.... 84 0 Elegant plateil Castings, Rssewood Rode......................... 6 00 N. B.-Teachers are respectfully iuvitnd te give theru a test as ta their qualification. Apply ta Profeseor G. C. WIGGINS, Whitby, or Professer C. MOTLEY, liowmauvtlle, Soie Agente. Whitby, Jauuary 151h, 1870. 4 l )TENTS F011 INVENTIONS Expc'iitieusly andI preperly se-ue nuiluCen adla, tise Unttrd States an u, tr.sp P tenuagucnanteci onrc11cccarge.* Zuni fe'r prin tee instructions. Ageucy in operatien ton yeere. HENRY T ST, (.tawe, Ccaaa Mcehaneul Eicgineer, Solictor of Patent sud Dasiugisteunan. 35 Ta tIsa Inhabitaute of Dufflue' Crec and Vicinity: I have nov epesaed a Butcher's Sisop lu Mr.W. Catiherts, wlcsne may te seen eue oi tise hest diapîcys oi Beet, Pork, sud Fewl eve -rofferel te tise Public. 5.nce' Reasonable rires I Come eue, dose ail, sud get sometbing te do yen gooli. RICHIARD WESTLAKE. Whiihy, Derember 22nd, 1875. 52 v ALUADLE PIIOPERTY FOR SALE. Tise suhacriher affura for sale thse folloma-, ing valuable pncperty, in the Town of Wlsit. hy -Au excellent Brick Cottage vush acre ot land, situatei on tise corner of Green sud St. Peter Ste., in tîse Souths Wari. Aise, j .cccr4of land, wel tenred, and in s high etate of' citivation, carner Wellington sud Git- fond sis., Nantis Ward. j acre on Centre St. south of tIse reiience of C. Draper, HEq.. ini tIse South Ward. Aieao 20 aorea af goed land, heln composed et part ai lot 18, lOtIs con. et Twnship of Murray, Co. Northuember- land. A dlearn aiinditputablo title wvbilihogven ta, aU thse sisve praporiy. For funther par- ticulane appiy ta thse owuer. FRANCIS CLARK. Wlithy, Jly 1871. 291f 10Oo ACRE FARM IN MARA FOR SALE 1 West-half otLot 14lu tIse Si.tis c.res- sien of Mare. Onu-bahf cleared and union cultivattesu. Log lieuse, Barne, &c. Wtth. in twa miles et Brechin. Rciiway Station. H. B.TAYLOR, 1Domiuion Bsuk, Iitby. "YEOMAN GIBSON, General Commlission Merohant and Produce Dealer, SILON FALLS as-BOBCAYG;EONq. Retnnusiug vil! aian eaU ai à» the sboi peints sud arrive na ifldaay lu tua. te cou- neel villa-the evenhng <nrain goîug senti Tbis oat uLl aIse> cenneet ths Me OntalarietBebcgeau runluig -b Cis- moug Lake an4,. conneds villa tesmoi Ma pIoe Lest aI Llndsay for Port Perry Raeil roati TIllE TABLE. Lindsay-...............8.20 a.=, Penelon Faleo..........10.00 C Sturgean Point--------------....11.00" Bahosygeon-----------------....12.00 stungecu--------------------...2.00 p.n. Fenebon Fable--------------.....230 Lidsay ......... ............ 4.15" TIse Stnrgeou Peint fIptol Ca. vill bave iheir Hatel completeti yhe tise Sof etfalloe, fon thse reception of visitera, wben th. Van. des-bih wilî mun an extraIstp, leavungLinI say on tIse'arrvai cf tise eveniug train#roc Port Ho pe at 7 p.=., sud lay aI thseIsotl over nigbt, relnrniug ta Lindsay Lu the morning iu tise to apen sisepesud eonuect sud mauy iet he modemn improvemente. Board, 81060 per day. Fsheng sud bunie lu thse ne*ghhorbooi of thse hotel is the hest te be hafi.L this sctof tise country SpeciaI rates made excursion parties. Sum- mer ticketa for f amilies ean be Isad ai res onable rates. GEORGE CRANDELL, 28-S - ,Preprietai. DAMY LINE TO ROCESTER TEE STEAMER 'N O RSE MAN,' (n. CRAWFORD, MASTER,) jWill make ber regular trips. on ibis route j eaving Cabourg every morzng at 7;30, anc Port Hope at 9.30 o'cIock, fer Rochester, an the arrivai of G. T. R. truins East & West, connecting tbere witb the NewYork Central. ,Nortbern Centrai sud Erie Railways, and Lake Ontario Shore Division of the Reme, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railway for ai] pointe East, West sud South. RETRunasco: Will leave Charlotte (port of Rochester) dsily ai 9 p. m., except Satur- lisys, when ebe will leave aiS8 p m., for Port Hope direct. Dealers Lu stock &c. will flidibis the cheapest sud mosi expeditions route ta Bos- ton, Albany, New York, &c. For ftiriher informiation apply te- R. CRAWFORD, Port Hope, or, C. r. GILDERSLEEVE, April l2th, 1876. insnil "CITY 0F- TORONTO , (Capt Dicc), leaves daily fontot iVenge-St., Torente, et 7 a. ce., arrives ai Niagara se 9.30 a. ui., an<l Lewfsteu ai bila. m. Con. nestieus for the Falls, Buffalo, Rochester, Albany, Cleveland, New York, Philadeiphia. &c. Tick tesud ail information a S Fraonc 18 D. MILLOY, Agent. I OUI;E. LOT ANDS BLACKSMITH .1.SHOP FOR SALE. *At Ashicurn, in the Townesip of Whitby, Ceunty O>'ario.-CousfortabIe Dwelling li atonies, atone cellar, pueep, &c., with half an acrre well plantes) with gooei fruit trees. AIse lllackstusith Shop on tIse lot, 86=30. 3 Foi-messncb 3 sets of Tois, Herse Power, 'iurscing Lathe, Vertical ind Grindetone AnI tlsree ciffereni preg;ese fer naking moulli-boards, asnd eue Beli Cuiter. AIse 1010 acres et ]and, (5 acres cleareli). South-balf lot 2 ,lith concession Mena; witlcirj mile et echool bouse A choice lot, setieli aIl around it. TE RMS of sale very liberal. Part of the purchase enoney ai the Ashburn property will b.e allewedito rematu en morigege. A goond hargain cen hieobotaiaed for ready caoh. Apply te JAMES WALKER, Ashburu, P. O. June litîs, 1876. tf.25 Two Patent Rights for thse manufacture ef twe of the Icading plonghs of the country for sale. BY-LAW No. 8, 0F 1876. COUNTY Or,' A By-iav te clase tise DaXTAnso, rosi on lot seven, lira THORAH, concession of Tsonais. 1876. J TIse Council ofthtIe Musicipality of tIse Township ai Thonais enacîs s That tram sud aiter tIse final passing afi une By.lav tIse rocti au lot seven, iu the firel conces- sion ot Tisaras, tram lIse Cameron rosi te Est bank of tise Beaver River he ciaseti up sud ne longer consiencti a Publid HigIsvay ai tIse Townshsip ai Thorah. II. Tisai tisaili noati hesold ta tlsepro- prarter oethtie adjacent latnd for tise sus sud rate of Ten Dollars per acre, provideti ai- ways that if the proprietor efthtis adjacent lani shacîl declins or refuse te purcisase tise sai roci. aItfise price isenein stated, then it shalha sold teanay ether persan fer tise sanie or a greater prie, aud in such neastisaCouincil sisal)orierordliter- mine. 5 NORMAN F. PATTERSON, Reeve. NOTICE in berehy given tIsaItishe above B1y.law %vill be brougisihetone tIse council et Thorah, vith a visw te thse final passing et tise same ai a meeting ofthtie saitiCoun- cil ta be beld Lu thse TOWN HALL, Agent ton tIscsc an sd Cnsmmncu. 'UN- ai Deaverten, an IONe Fine Inance Campeuica. Safurdszy, thoe 29i1e Day of ,Tulsj, 1876. RATES 0F INSURANCE LOW 1I1 nwvnaFSM asrrqr AIse Agent ftah ie LoNDoouoasd Csucàa&se LOAN AND AGxENvCY OMiPAN. Mouey lban- ei on neal ustate, payable froua Tvo ta Twelve yeure, sud l ie la StOsuit parties. te>Interoît loy sud. ne comlmission chargeti. Mortgages bougisi. - Office et, GIBSON & SPARVELL, china rea Store, fL A.. e15t WhitbCJ. The Caudil efthtIe Muuioipality ofttho WIsiIby, MarcIs iSti, 1876. 12 Township et Tharali cuactP : I. TIsI Ires anti alter tise issai paseang cf titis fly-bav that.psnt ot thc rosi kuavu as the Cames-on 0 0)INVESTEPH. AS Ros4. lying helvean the slbowaucs fan rosi qp 100 À RFT 1, 1700 bccfntheTv aioth analati centresros P-un PR9FToi tveenotIsipofotin u d isConcressions turing the pasi 1ev mouihe, unier cun tua. oedu adnolngrconsidereti s praveti ystem of opersting iu STOCKS. Public Higlvay ailthe Townesip ef Tiserais. Biaks neincedti tenominai suso anti profits I. That tIs a ipart cf tIsa Camneran incoesei. Book cooaining 5fun nfrme,.,Rosi Iserein ciaseci up he siato te - pnoc tien sont ou application. . pieter ot the adjace b aud for the Oumi of TUMBRDGE CO0., Bankere & Brokera, Oue Huntiseti Doasprovidetialays i8 hât. ifl tq prapriaten cf thé adjacent baud ahail l9-Y.- 2 Wal St. Nov Yorh. décline; on refuse te pufrnlsae théo sil rosi' aitIshe pnice hbs-in staltid, thon il shali bus soidt tsy ethei-person fcr tIese eme or si D OMMON FLOUR & FRED STOR. greater, ps-be. ant i lassci 1m5iuflr asthe Council of Tlionaihahnieêr or*dtirutine. CHARLES PENNYLEGION NORMAN F. 'PAýTERON, Bestha e no b p riepdandti ta aupp Dege te sn7 hifreis su nsasr lere Flou- ani Feti f to Bot - NOTICE le Iserel.y given thsai tisa aboya Flour nd Fed of he B Qnaliûty, Bj-law viilbs braught hefe> "the, Conecl a ihe Townishlip of Thorah vils s viev te at tIse boveatliving psiees.. thbe.final paasiug et tIse smea smeeting Fleur, Corn, Chop.Fecd, Brau, Shorts, Oat. ni tise ssid Canuail, te bu held inatisa meal, Cracket Wheict, Pes, OstaFa- 1 .' H 1L~ isObs, &kc,, at Wholeasieandliketii. 'T O W N H A L« BY-LAW No. 9, 0F 1876. ONTARIO, THORAH, 18"KS76. F A By-lav ie closup Ë art efthtIe Camcron oat.1 i Tusemeuy5tPyau goirR seul, WiU ba raoked ,11k. I IWW thinh avo stre e dead, M- have, hm twIo <ul Heol ae1.sight cimne sfol wih 4 p"1y gij or n "Bleed vii tell, vonitiha aay, rio ilown, in pautolme, before eur If he droaueli vo bore that boy, tl h.e W the' Enlish jtga, 'e Lgt otielte antd'loy, naef5lssaab h- ichan-xad ou aigntf e a.bebievedl t sthey, Noà Oh. Icueap dunb.auva« : v 1on a Chinamasssô take a lia cati S. Oh, cer aiaelthe MancerofvbistellI a- c i% - auer 11 masa o!hibutII n bniSkes they notait undera Baby'. Skies.4, for inufact tlsé Çhlîe. use no Iosd yo!e hnow the baby's alies ? 0, in toiWr law uts. Nov, Bab s i ues are mammasweyeso ir itgi hsi. cj Yo Mammala cye sud smiles toethsr fron more aus1.rvati . eu, in ich'mU , Hoe 11h Malts1h hby's pleasant lveathar. phatio termis or descoriptive gpatursare l Mamma, keep youn c .yc tram tolère, introeduced nserely for tise turposo o f fairlye CL Keep your beart froua foolisis tears, esoWiug the. etrengila of resolve in tise it, bace Keep yeurxlpe ro iral com11enpaluug, deolair'a mind. Where, tison, doesblinda, Lest -thsebaby tbiuk,'ils raimng. the differenco lie balvesu thé lvd 2 IL tisat 'e _____________________*4s-to biefoundin athse incurýring of super- sud no Amueung Breach of Promise of Mari-n-autural penalty. Thorel. wouid -b. no gr. G)l ago case- difflcislly ai auinla leariag sp tise qne.deaZ sl là - ien,ýwere it net tisaIt issolegians b ave rmt 01THE LOVES OF sHU1TrLE0OOK AND, RAT- set up a distinction bolfVeen osths of lira. ta TLRDORE. lipriostios ad dl s witoesses.-whatih An ctin fr beaci o prmis ofSucla mubtbeties,- however, ooed ai de vif 8, A acton fr beaebof pomis offrein apractical point :of viev, ara "en ou)y là . MIageWbb va. Davidac- vas te bo cauistie cobwobebio h a àtondis greatfd ig lidi in ,the Excisequer Division, ne-,'of the rougis brocin ef- common suse ponace li ceuily. The defendani pleadeel tisait i swaay. Tise practicai ques. isevs -reasonable lime bai net .lapselifor thsetion l t:-Dosa'thea Ëwoarër ao eri fullilcuenl cf tise promise. Tise!plaintifi tisa bygoiug ibrougi tise ceremony ho anuyti was tise daughier of a- mililary loutliter brings ounisimef, if- le breaks laitsà, tory.~ nI Chathaanud thse defendaul vas a soine special magie iearn or devine dis.-visai 4 r. hipbroker ai Newcstle. Tise facto pleseure sud punishimnit? If se0ithe thon e1 were iuclose inlutise fellowing cvi-- catis upracieaiiy'mp eo U; no& Whsou deuce ,-Mise Amollis Webstatedti i t in lufutie wanting ue .Try lantion. atoro-»V tsho resiieti villalber friends ai Chat- visicis g'ivea, itlégal valu.., t dee.-utlevely lisc. Hernsele, Mir. WilliamWalker, malter vbetlaertish pe citon la at- d'rosa reeided ai Rîversiale, Levielimansu edooylped . ha a' Bodiin pracale cared ou business ases ahipbroker i.n picko'up s atrav,àaad vaarsby -Eum Routieri thtCity. Iu May lbut year eahe va*sa homaka il grov sud Wvithe, liseo ïs, 00. 1 eue of a panty vise celebraiedti ho, trial ne need te sccompausu ilwtla hem. wli.ichi trip cfa slip cslled tise Rie Graindes. ily ou tis ual. f the *peijured Tisis lainaI Thse defenctani vas eue of thse party ; nticinoe la ae iaaual l ise vtenwrd tisai abrupt aile hall nover kuovu hlm prevîousiy. as afteu as sot *o have te go 1outèéido tOmer1 Ele vas a gooli deal in hon sooicly ou the- soins! formula anti coemeny te muitt) 'I tisai occasion. On tise ratnuaviltIste learu what their full1 intention lu. anti g) vassal lia aceompanied lier le ber Lot u ne o xamine soime typical dlent b unelc'e, viso bai previously kuovu forme cf ostis. Thse rude nativîs cf 4475.0 i. sometising about bien, sud visethoen, New Gaines swesn by the sn or sy ea sud tlb fse believeci, iuvited hlm te etay tises-e certain mneuntain, or by s' vespon. tisaI cfe60P] Ifor the niglal. Ou the foll.eving men- thse sun may hum liseen, onrlise menu- thse ald >ing lie maie lier a tain craes them, or 1h. vsapon vounn froclu I Li FORSIAL OFFES OF XMRAGE, . theen, if they lie., Tise eveu'radar eav- -the cou iufarming lier of hie positien, sud stal- ages of tlie Brazilian lereate, te cenfirm ou lie if iug tisai lie liai £1,000 s year, suil tisattheir vends, raiestheh.iauti ovor tlis. isoas lie nnti tIsemas-iciqulklyiu eal or thune il inte tiseir bain,,or ibey PaY thE June or July. Hoesii li ail a slip vili touclilishe pointa cf ibeir veapees. s ai Newcstle. Sise aceepted biha offes-, Theso twe secounts cf savago ceromony îig ai 1- aelling hilm, Iseever, tisat lie muet cee introiuoe us te edeloma vell kuovu ,o alaren, ber papa sud aise lier uncle *about il. natiens' cf iigisen culture, Tise rsaiung ,S lisp [les ebsqenutly told lier tisai lie liai of the, lbend towsarls lthe sky seema la >Mn. apolcen te lierunucle, vho hali euggested mean bre vhal ildoe clsevhcre. h t tela îh1ii iisey hai net kuovu escli otson ii in gosînne csllung ou tise hoav#s god iulg te1 Ilsùg enougli, but lied expresseci hic ap- to emite tise parjurer vill a'hlnder- Oui POI prevai of tise matcli cubjeot te tise appnov- boit. Thse lonching cflise isend, again, iaiidloi aallier papa. On tisaicocasicu-sie ne- carnies ils mesnlug amoug tise Brazil- BOsîvi ceived from lien a ring. Ho bell ber igue, almos sa pîsinîy se iu AfEricaî couside unoie'e on tisesme niglit. Mitegr hoa vhere ve fini mon swesning by tiseir vick gr left allé rcceivei lettons frein hlm, vnlt- liesis or lime nutise beiel tisaI they' plain U ton on board Ilis steamahip on visicli' venl witlher il foicstrun; on 'as vison btisaWv lie maie bis passage uriiswari. -one amcug lise Old Pruesiasea man vonli mer an *was fsrn Gravesend, lu whicis ho ai- lay hie rigisi haud ou bila evu neok, sud tisaI ho .Iressed bler as "lMy ovu precieus dal- lais loft On tise lsely osk, Saying, "Ms insua o iug," sud cocuplaine') of somo ielinluPas-kun (lise tisunior gei) dcstney Me 1" Giassfc -.he passage, expreeeiug bile regret tisat As ta swearng hy veapeus, anoîlien IlCal die Lime speut on bsoard coulel net have grapie instancceOf its Original meanisig "Cal soen pascail in bler saniety. Some four ccue (o Aneu isn ie instifiai a er five veeks aftcrwarde, visilelse .vi.as weaigt peki dit ae l oe lu Lonsdon, thoecofeudaut came up sud i% baud a muset, s swond, a epear, a ea viaited lier. Sîse veut ou s yacht tigen's tuak; a crooiediie'a teoth, sud a -i toueE pnniy vhici ber uncle gave, otarLing ilinderbell (tisai is, of course, a atone inastot, m'romu Doyen, sud on arniviug at Mar- pelt). Tise oaths byÂiîe veapen net e1pl-86a ~ate tise defendant jolusi tisec. Heoaoly iael on Ibrougis ciasalo agea, but- do anyl recuainci vitis tiseen Io or tiree das. remaiued go coinion -lu Claisteudocul Tise c îJn -tiseir return home Mi!. Dnviisou tisatiilwva expneasly fos-bitdeon by a iseIP1eas acconipaniecl thecu, sud eaw lien (suber Synoli. Even Lu tise seveuicentis con- vals ia sud enether, vlso ho eaiu '-1 tury taevear n e s oni(like Hamc- !udi& t APPntovED OF TUF' MATCH. leofs friandtinutise ghost sagne) vas ail mau v8 [ls maie reference again sud again te s legal oatin l Holatelu. As fonriseld- hlm inu ilo position, sud sai eocuetiiing about in6pls6îuibiveets esnlaeCIsi ilis beiug a gresi laver af art, sud thâ divine sk3', tis eceessor cf lhis pnimfi- "h lie intenici te epeni £3,000 on pic-tise geture roans te Ibia day among lic's n 'ns-es. fHe obsenvedti t, ile should hece ct uts ôecuets fatriai shlow ber £1,000 a year for bousekeep- Eureou notions.h.ti ug ; tisatiebispas-muer ied given up l al ihsoateliillbo ebovu miore sesm £800 a year, vbsici vould coino te hlm the alyvils oevis t atikelcuagiuaion h (thle cefendaut,) sud iliat lie wiieiisse e s:gwoucvstsa yb i Tis )e mars-ted lu Sepiseniso. Ho romain- aeir, suis s eueispgehi h ea er* hie vide <'i ai lier f'atisenra. io or ilis-co iys, OaPO iiseesv aemi eliy i ie sud tissu returuci te bie home. Ho in counebtien viti tisegroup of catisa Wis cîski br vsetsersusveuti o î w e eau carry yet a stop funtiser tise me ?" Il te Noeastle ou avieil tobisfatises illtustration ofva WY 1enus miiyean sud~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Dk ascoaueilgoiîîets vrin u Iis primeval stage of associa- Bosti fntiser's family, invitai ler. Sue ne- tien of icass. One of lise siecounterc epn ceived latelîre on tise subjeect aller tise uNov anes e ta ls e vean tr hng ep doieuisut vent home, sud an invita-.up anias-ovclie;bon tisevng-te apesuisis Iek tien frocu bis mothen uAuguet. Sise&lie Ifte. li, es; bu tblie n.anovai. 60ke.c accordiugly- vont dovu te Newcastle .ho.allisy is me eilleahatr.Wa- se ebfen ou tise Otite at Imentis, sud vas met Izeti iI amgeal vn is 0, a ni tise station by dieedani'a motiser euei symbol eau do, lis. reversei synsiol tIMM sid isell. Sile remaieiieaou ulle. Truc te tise lave'of primi. maneil about a fortuiglit se tise gucat cf Mro. liv magi emaouing, uucuitiàaed meun tck Davidsou. Tise icîcudant resideti aI elievhe llL carry en lise syabolic Rfie tisetin vil bi faian, gisevasreversai of tisoir oiis. An AbyssiienPeseti't teetedti iere as tise defendaut'e futur. Cisi o ishail evoraan oatis hodislik- epe al vile. Thon. vas a lange psriy tisane, ci, liiand heon eou a s re rel offhi assuen sud cougrsîulatory speeches vene lnu udsi lou.Toe ara .111 "on maie, lu vhiehle aise aparticniarly places lu Gc-many visera lise,*sbal rku o i s-efenned te. Belon. elle left theo defenci- viiuess neoktins t esecape tise spiitlru e baerusedi Uotc. en 1UysieUea so£e, ue ao, visn a peasaut voman, viom a m bndhi eaed, ov t hyoex a s fago, miscisievous 11111e Bolgghisboy 'isa lneyer se sud o aate tisI b ba statei inirritaieti beyonî ýenduranùce, proneano- - business ou hae ovu accouaI vissa ho e h« ancieut avfnli lrcion on Coupuer vaa iveuty yeare cf age .'Sho vaàs etim,,1W i mper> raetheV e e r hnsee .only 22 yeare of age wvis o 'proposet hlm "ise b 1)asa- the ltries tie ieVéry mat' ,ienste lien fth d edinti of Imua a iiger's skin lu avôra on i m o ont78ettrste ie aierho delicd otise saineseusesa tisa.b.ar'é *b.adth m a-y ouitlais ongagemen-ut asmncis <smong tise Ostyas. Blver's, g-ami thavtl commnteti on turing the prognese of vhieulit10th. cavage anti barburim iare tle trial. It appoanedti tisai si à inaitelligsnt sna peraont1 diviiiies, areAn pciusy ntent i oepainig ora by in setnong hisef ltal Isla- ir hsn ef bs cu~ioouuo~tevnti bo,' sk-waters vili punisis hlm wiotakee their tiverile: wng humifulfh bi eg1aeoll tla is me invaln. Wèeanuartnlwy iesfl dlt observ2X tisai Se hohùduoit o ie heroi' sore y té)«j ' ï~jlàt ys NAZEA 5RTTLEOON ? BE visn ve hsmr .1111 among-ipilhow, wili iro& Irepiy, thoetieiendeui'sddraewd a lot- tbe Saced-ange- iae -vop,t* u-ffS tte hecmocn DaSstl.sur a 4terillue o 0 he ildsn of Siai. Wm Ï, a] il d n . I . p s u if u r f~ o a ficatio ,' t he .- "m e ,ts r ai I p .naiig , zn 8ane h b o t r n i om n s - x m i a i u i a sti em n t fro ,t e o u tr* e d d é t Y , -ý d h i o s a atatai tàis iher' biter te hlm Ioilow- tisai savago and harbarie: men have e~ iug the -neceipt. of tisaI bIter, ah. toki avoruis ky orsu. ThustheRuron- tongh' lin tisý, aI i so st peiledth ie vord ladiaunwoub4 gay ian, awm lOM1 t hi vis w hld uaI blslienelf ln adi- io of Bostwick'eiiamouil pun,suil la ta learu tIsaI isovas net tie bul thse Bilent Party holdling about )00 verts of stock in tle concero, ais le jusl vorlcotifreen pure lovs ploycuont. Mr. Bosaîvlce ieektid d'gentleman abonitatn feel swsv aie enstecuen,'sud l6aniog 'avenr muten sea sate gel as close a ran ge a eau as possible, visispereil Y Il v oûidn'î bec xaveuisut te aIrent te-.day." ey 1" elitel lie clamnulock- Boabvicks aglialeti face in seme il y, vhy, vla'e ibejalter 2 ?pnnsa2" Bosiviclao made a futiio efforltet sold cf lise-,oldmau' esarinteni- pour bila explenstios mbil 58itas Dus valer ala a funol, but .lsle d briskly tiotgeti anti vaved rk avay vils an expression tcf arable'apprehonuion.- Mn. Bost- mane"d'aienicsvourei taeox- to1se cli gentleman in a mauner rouid ceuvey la tise pnatty existe- id 1hé oihsrsi in-tise store tse ides e vas refueing la give -thé cli -edit, sud, al;tsame lime let cri knov tisi lic as "hustoil"r n'l do it " hn eboutei.. n' do visaI ?" luquinci lise mys- la genlemxan lanlisose steutenias Bo popular vush deaf people, s't iselp yen 1" siseutei Beativcs, se ts tenueoss of wviuelcou- luicnicusly wvlthelishe episis lbhingcfer yau 1" - ibi inuIo oketi et Bostick lu ;a eude-,_sud îles aI lis. doon, in mini half maile ta runawvy, tise impression tisaIlise yong ras cazy. fie finualy atareti ai Sopen moulised amaeeneni snd ,lis bovilement., ,>Moeois," tisongisi Boalvick, Ma ses abornel, ise'll brneak out mute, h1mev whevilL" ,Tissu id hits again, lu a veie like s rhile. -. au't do anything for yenu 1" coai mnsamonts -,openel elhil- sud bis cyce sieceilanounti on !el boues lu anazpent. 1 io asked yen te do suything fer he fiuaiiy graspei. "Wisati l; il ie?" 2, vwick greaucel, ant inlua fit of atien la. broke siovu, sud gave il 3au't tay tisatimeut te-day 1" le aIl, ani the ps-eity enatounen vas iked tisisise inoppeIlber pana- anti papen of guin.tis-ps. et vent 10-day 2" saLai tle ola wavlog Bostick off vila lis tse proprieter officicutaly inter. ,te coer Boôsivick's- cenfusien, dg in tIse -higisesi boy h. coula nt1 lBout b1flous eaont, you fiRe ays h.o an't psy bis bouse ay 1", b cay ?" ecicoeil a dGlasIon; fi, yee, Ihst's pasl Ivo veeke ago cf iIîe-conili." 3,I-srieked M. fleetviok, visilo e fllesucutomoers and lis IcI- tics eîood as-aundand scuileti, cg- it, bat h eau't psy il te-dlay gel a cent 1" lt" exclairneilthe id min, vila n ol inteligeco pesslng oven hi à 1 oa't cane about tisaI; tisaI rhal h corne fon. h cqma- ta tell your vifo vanethe sfront room taire paperati, ta go siseai anti doue, sud Iraallev it.',- prn1etty constoer vouliu't have a tu say ta Uic disooitei Mn. ck wlaebhowesi baek, and lise u tld lise propietoeas- Se at tbe doorlisat lhe believed Ibat man vas about baif crazy, andl ffhe 'vere aU 80 plissant *ISai xc nearly veul mail ever tiàie v as raindei of bis a-otan- ocipitaoy; ana hstiais.hevay une couvinoed that il vas alto- ligister tisai vauhty laz ent ofIa au.- 'ÃŽr.ýNCMLZB.-A vWoinu *111 îknoviedgeto a doféat. Yos may ýhen-von -may brnazheroS Clseaper- IIaLt the Checapestfor, FR0111 ris-cti )n of' taune 1 ificli tis ais Ce. 'l'ilUMA-4 ý VEVEIZ14L , - 1 1 1

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