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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jul 1876, p. 2

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saUi1tur1iind, on 8SaLurlay. The e , m~ajorify for Mr. W, . lit(3 m ,1w Il ortt1 of 8. Robert« le 0 t .Pp~7rs k1*daw abNo. 2 .... 97 U5 1 P84ath llt, agtsm ofiatuoft»120umb.rofot.. 74 re0t batela OeVween Osman Pacha sud th ýacbb*aamant oovtrm. No. 8 ......P.. 60 0 # 0 UtSotn o. 4 ..... w4 4 o @rM, x elti, cm818 d. Op'«101to .wPeati h 1* I03%Il.fParu êIeen%) Hst.à)waro BNo. 19 nsdIII« 1080 à &pv l d. .esth, renba ifTictIô of snmofves kio edBt.- .rtOcjuhryi dit r.gol.4shalch. t ellei :3rna W.eip M*Ofl Wst.-if. FI~»IIk. N. 1. 88 U i- hwmUfwaklied.m p.r accou;IP.12B. a o, a No . 8 85T2îâ . Otman PMla a a l!ry h naverd ear Tofw-elle Hall. #4; HaremImpemntaAnl Ht-Wolt>B ro ok- . 8 2 b109sho 1h.,,andte vis ropy e, h&thotabueme, wd foa b.d n Wll r --- - No ...... 188 60 1 off ao.i fie cnt, 8;1D.2Wa; ,med Ne,. ô..... 71e- 8 0 tebOfuivsenace on Mro. Wbaiuer and NO. 0....... 71 08 0 The. Dally Tlerpli pubhisheo a Onnar'iichilidrena, per secoOt, -- . - despatoh from Beribn, whlch Baye th .~sraoonulsy 00 498 220 VursPiY e 41oated this Osrvans et Piratoc 11Wako.u, ropalitlag Mrs. Whe Tborslî- - Linrday and parsiued them aSU hour. hanse,8; L ~Toas ONLV S: PER ANUM. No. .47 ~ Vol'ey acon pidevery position hala by 0.8;A«i aailàokonra No.2 .7 41 * G0 tueTcDOO-Aîý ~75, Jas. <Irddes, coi*rSct and4 u~ la 2Q ~76. No. 8......45 29 2 101 !tésto.AlScuIe.ou Fisher'. li, $090; *acsothe ID 1ýNo., él4 .48 ul 2Q fl -Ilcept Tarislh ofcia18Ireports, SM o s ordera for the. followiag .mouni& - e he squoisaful Sud almost uDro.lste.l coufirnaed ta Jaies lbrt, gaio 28 186 2 uaris i. Mneeru lt fz.John Weir for lnmbý.r. #010.65,,' R ~ a î l o 2 1 g v i a s . W l k e r , f o r c o l e r , # 0 ; , s d i 8 Mn.Goubon laJanau. 184. olJd N. ~ 51 1 - 2 A specisi to the Timea froma Vionna Welsh was exoepbed (rom the peii Gordo, laJaniry 114,.olie No.l... ...o 61 71 2 sa5o-Ti. T'urkih campalgu, bore ance of Statut. labor on accoatit 1804 voesu, s thé lform candidate la -No. 2 ...21 58 1i 5.80' to .bbcstriatly defoasî?.Th& ueîi Nborth Opario. At tile labo *Iectloa No. 8 ...87 88 0 -Turks bave âbanîloied l al thilr poÈ,. On motion o! X, L. Smitlh, "oc, pvqai l.am anue o os, No. 4...... 10 28 O tiens in lowr BHrzigovmna, excePtlnu by Mr. Holiiày, rodolveul, th"t Sa prf1ýelY he dme nmber<of ote$ . lI me foril.ed place. Niesie, Beiek, and Davis, naine ha s<lded to the namt 1801., wu@ polel for Mr. Carie.. Tho. 122 190 i TrebinJe, sud soma oo!the. stionizgt J. L, Soitil and A. Orvis eat cou caltienco. I.reroarhabio, - Uot ouly a Uxbridgo Tp,- hlookhouses, aud .v,, t(lieovacuution ! of uecar on the Buse llaisjob o! gr te tisaAgUreg, but ~itih. face ttatWitle No.1 ....;.88 88 . 1i Meîar suaw ob. contemupiatcd. bing. tislfn oebssto tlaIta No,.... 80 70 0t) -prb.froc ait Bropean @gitltali J.L. Smitlt givea notice that hc N4u. a...28 74 1 . Iy£ tatoifent ha. At the naet meeting cethiis oounui i.gela o! eacoteaoias beau on the con. No. 4 ..... 81 82 0 muad. eryvoa boImipression. troduice a byilaw for thse appointi serviea ide1,. Tioi.tal ivoe. pollod Nu. 5'...54. 67 2 Tbo Tnrklsh .Minloter ha. rse.vod o! à Colisotor. ;hy Ste W. R. (Gibbs lu 1874 was 1712; - tIse fllowing deepatois tramn the Miuist- Où motion ar D. Holliclsyi secoi lui'1876 leIo la89I-prosenting mi<Un-187 876 10 or o! Foreign ab fsis tConstantinople. byZMv. MoTiggart, s by Isw vas il *esaaof17. ii foloin fguesfor sott-. -,'.The troope o! Gen. Nufyz Pacha, lu n 1 aupssaed, approprlating 17siu170ylNo. 1 ...82 52 commander of the Psianka division, et sanOfo!8110 ta bo expended ou 181 n 176w lRve th. mosus of No. 2 ...87 ai 0 tacked tic Servians yeeteruisy. 'Aftor roada8 sud sidewalks in th, towusbi compar!iioi lit thue sevonal Inunucîpali. No. 8 ...72 40 7 an engagement basting six houre aur On motion o! Mr. McTaggart, sec tp.Nob 44.51 48 1 soliers capturcd with 1h. bayonet the e.i hy Mr. Elliday, vesoivod, Thi p 1s87ad 6u az. .1 entrencismonts occapind by thse enemy. ReAve snd Clerk lie and are ho, Gb&Gr oGibbs. Currie 242 171 8 sud dofesètel biom cnmpieteiy. *W@. suhorized taenismovalize tihe Gove Boc ...._ 1 M 8R81. 28u2 cajtured a large niiser o! arma sud lu Concil agreeahie te Sections Il 41 4 .4 4 BKa ..... 8 -28 2 oalier effects. Iu cousequenco of!the 2c:tvd9o!tiCosju T-aite .... elo' 45 M u aitPe Psfloeae crt n of $Uleyman 8, t a i iofppuv Canada, ta bave Illtiri,. ....... 62 il0 --14s gi No. 2 ...57 os 0 without figlil their entrencliments se Townshsip o! Whlthy snrveyed aud tl l 550 . ý N40145 1871 Mone iaz-sd tetre t h. uine boundaries thereof marked by plan Pr.Perr0. 114to 1 544 u~ 0 loi 0o fadensarcation. permanent atone monumnents at - -- - UxrdeVi- Thse Times Parakin tpecial datedl front asud rear angles o! cecio! thse f76w 4 181 154 No. 1I...... 8 51 0 loui, instant says:-.Beigrade telegramel lots, aud tiîat John Shier, P. L. S. Thoa losud ia gain in the several N.2 ...*.44 49 0 are untrustwortiy,. Tiser. vas no recommpnded ta make th.e aid sur, lia i' 50cuae-N.lu a i gra bt.betwoeu Ozman Pasha aund U. Hoiiidav moves, seconded by e Bou Cmsrvtio l:oro- - Gei. Leochjamiuon-Wedneeday. Both MoTaggart, for lesve te ntroducea Cinarvvepeaiori l'A 10 - - 9 The Tirnee Constantinople correspon.- law No. 888. for reguiatiug tho dutii Ileacli ..... - 2 - RECAPITULATION. dent'sond eltieafoiiowiug by wsv o! Pouahî.keejîei-,asd tisaI the saint y Thorai..... 2 - 9 Beac ...... 881 835 2 Odessa on Sunday: Contvavy te Tnvrk- now rcad s firet time. Carried; li Émura.1...... l - 27 Scngog. 1ii 47 0o lit oMfciai bulletins, despatches received givon ; hy.law brougit in sud roi 1,tarun. .,... 9 - 6)e --se epr ie h eMnfrtfte 20 ~~~~~5 Brook.......496 220 6 aIEbsesrprhutlsSevns rl i. lXbrig ...25 - 28 'I'orai....218 1861 2 bave survounded and bombsrded 'Novi Mr-. Eoilislsy moves, seconded by l....... - il - 18 Mars.......122 190 -8 Bazar. Geus. Tobernayeff WAS violon. McTazgart, tiat tise hy.law just s PortPery ti - -. xbrige p 18 130 'oua ut Akpaianka sand Ceirkeuy, aud be naw voad a second tume, sud cou PotPr...a 0 -Uxbridgevi. 7 -i 7 o t p..247, 176 threatened Sçspia. Tisa Montenegrins go iot comniittee of the visole tiene Hama .......7.-.. 18 28 h ave advanced wiîisin aeý bour'd diRt- Mr. McTaggart lu tho chair. -- - - .- Port Perry .. 0 154 4) suce a! Mostar. Communications from eommittee rose, reportedl progr Total galu 190 20 Gain 118 118 Uxbridgc Vi. 108 152 2 thieir frontier ta tic souaet Riex Marnsd asked lesve ta ait agsiu. Rt] Jasa '120 LOBS 118- OPPIi t0 themi. received, sud ]cave given t0aBit agail 011 - Toalis.....1891 1804 85 A Tiintes Itgusa special gayasise On motion o! M.. oiliday, secon, g a'- odv aiu 171) tli'u asu. forinihîs 8 tow.uiof Metocija bashoistcd thle white by Mr. McTsggart, reoovod, *tisat1 1tlrn 05 ajority , o±ibs 7 lag. Tic population'toufiue weatwavd councili ofîfy Mr. Wm. Dow ta r'm, Cil['ue sa e a vy hfru oï,it' wilI LaeSctribverseus. The Gov. bis fence fromt off tise ailewu i-to 4 haeet lu ail elle township tuunicipali- "TUE MAOKISNOs<PENs"-Tf±e uaet-s ernor of $cutuiriui bat ôddred tise cou- road ou lot No. 23, 8rd cou., uortii tfs lil . nymsuoU o isea ipen, Baya tise Globe, over ait acription a! tise cutire- population ta ut. eodbig ufnu-litroc elucruAse lu the illagesaofI Uxbuidg oather pons andl peucils are nmmrons, tacl tise Moutenegrins. doinz road job now lottab Mr. Reard rt-n) Pu-tl>e-ry Th Coîsevatvo ud siaîboobvonsleailwlioxaine A Timea Somlu Ocapatcîr uluttudSUD n.sd tisat tise Clork i8 reqaired tho eidiPot e si t fissostrs-y, itv easd ue . vios te l is uninksa peuday laya :-Thie defeat o! Ostolos il ward a copy o! this vepoltio ta10 Vi erdidit, an lle) ontray, it ill b and ec it Pirs icoufanirmedndhpeuwasfiattacliewas byac supoy ios DayDow ohscs-lvei, ibas cnormuscd mnajonilicg '11 and hîcucil aIl couibined lunoue, sud in forces aI Florentin, but cul hie way ta On mootion of Mr. B. F. Cam pli J ct-erv municipality, witl l o ozc-ptinn traveinig carrying of ail tliscs la obviat- th'ufronîler with boss. secs.uded by Mr. Holi-lsy, eov csfSuIt im Scga, wiii auto gaveca iaiDaa OallmS aruned fon A Tisss.geVienaespecialsasys, Bouin tisaitise ilevA sud nover b. a ce lui isosst M.secM$-i~ anis lias sent tuetthe guarunteeing Pow- maittee ta examine a portion a! Brc lti4 irs lnt al, i utc> et) And o! tie purpose t fwitiig, as tise instrumeut or.s amLemorandum e-cplaiuing thse un- ross inlufifth concession, aud repart u votw s in1erlaps il 1wiil miay hocarried i lc pockol just liko satisfactory position iu wiil l e.1*8 bis cotumîte aI ext sessian. hc on<'îssile:îssltaît, t1imiedusse nI prova a poncil, eilosiasway compioeey wiîii placed under bisé Paris tveaty. Tise Moved by Mr. Holiday, secouded lus reAaction ? Bîi elttise Coverument al lotting, soîliug of flugers and memoadmsystipstonosi- vCmpetsa isouclon a lsuistry to'plsuifile uiur ecplaiuî as sliarpcuing o! pencilus ; il economiso tua gru'at dat-muer lta cus heOtweeu a-,.urn ansi standt adjouruod untilt rsa i Roumaujia sud Turicey, sud formnulati-s 6irst Mouday lu September, thon as tlîusV mav, tise facsia nd figures are Lime by obvîsting thse uecessity for con- seven points upon which ameuslItuis meet ut Township Hail, à~ 10 O'cio( agaiftiett Lni hll a iliereult aie, stantly dippimsg for ink; tise point beiug desired. Si" o! tisese points refer tea a m. Carried, sud Concil adjonrui amouisroun, sd wiiioî epit bhr relations witli Ttvrkey, sud if ci-sut Cau:y griultralExhbiton ! glde ootundo he aper thuso ai tai cl they wouid muke Roumanie virtuel-. The Toi-liton Tragody. ýV CUnt Agicuturl Ehibtio ofglies aong outhe*paer e ýaFiy tatiy iudepeniu.nî.. The Boveuth asks for nothOtai, opresosîuras wbtever la required, sud thue whloeDelta of! lime Danubse, from AFutim IIDUOS 55SEesoa Tliedirctos orbo oun tle writor hui s imply ta guide il -tms tise Taitebia lownwards. Tis sireluuî oi'tie y îIgl,<siesii. enubshing luimiu tawrite more rapidly , A spocial ta tise Dail1,N e oaunits Fitzra Rai-boni-, Julv 15.- La - tirosiSocetsy of Huslu hOntanio-iavc glu. sd . a u iutt'nu.Iew with Piluse Milan, of 8ev- uighistsiist sisocksuig tragey ocosurr 11oedmîam1hollig tisea anuais-xhiis.ando t ro rcuise thislepoosiole svia, on Friday,-to a simiiar effect withinis lu,,ietovwsàliip of Torbbubon aven tiss u sriug tu-e duys tis e pset yeuîv sa oir with au:y Otbsr linOr or euil ;tiat o! tebise'J jcs. Thc Prmuice ex- trivial malter. 'Tuwo ycargsago, itsecu and or tlise puipie of ruliu g tutsin excel plairsed. tise compar-ative inaction o!f arficr oe ini0auibv '-Weo-ssay, T'ruaay, snd lPriday, * uom'uiiwuraong tiseo sti n ramrn .B,,lauabr u h r luth, I1 .4th, Sud 16[11so! SAsI)tuomien. oerytliiuog ciscssioce blottiug ta nuder noeta. crd lny e.eff n s tnsmtîuie r feuiam'sHoaru su te gre Týii'tt.ionoftli twliilpý ocetyofed isispoosil. Tise specimeu la aur towarsis Stitacuiai, wiu-h eiglit battalona dpartao! hiesci-up oruwe u outyet WIiibYa uil Easet XVithy witlsi tiat o! baunde le a hiucly fiuislied sud l'eautiful ta sttack tise Turkiab ai-my, wtsicis os Bresoubsus asid lhowould Shoot hlm limeCoahy, uviielslia laion lacooking article, sud will makre a baud- now ait levor. Gen. Teisernsyeif hoida lue disi. Rot wovds ensuer), when, tusueappenage 1taaynotisugoo!i siapslaisa asiplaceura z0.No Turka telleheigît uf passion, Bresenham Sesoi qoauotfuil o sav acoo oed l uofnlsesnsta lhe xwri.tg ueak, sit1o lisse pC' seed tisedeffle of Novi Bazar, a gun andi deliberauely fi-edutahIdol: a makiug elsesxlhiîinnu af 1876 ans0 o! ladies ' o et Wns"Ti.. PrineeBasys tise co-Operatian o! tise Tise charge Loak effectinl bis body, Pm tisa bedtt if tnt tho vory iscst yeî heola. O-gsti-a"Mo'teu' grius s l iorouigil sud lîearty. uilo resuit waà iustatiîaneous deatl Tise ligsaof!pt-emifs mS:ve isen galle Mr. A. S. Ogg,wliso lies tise ageucy A si . eci . l ta tise New.? fs-arn Vieunoa Tiie report of muidui- soni-e -~ csusty vîos sars rcmoos- ie't Lou,,. -Gassîlier, Viguosan, & iCo.'s euW-Miil îusre Sastefulilmlustratuans.- coutr woseshre ac ùw aterSorel, Qneldc, vain'cu at040,0, on tseoteattractious of thi wjfl thi al au tu h) trîîr àL h6cUbo ure etedyeantiful Numuber are duels pst' vaie tisu lii, Scsidurd EuuyCs.oozos.Tise mes-haulaos! uAnelyestrday An iîoreîiug liuelated1'api-oo ussulttise towD, bave agi-ced vu u eurly Clos. Tlisecottous nu1hot' uiudleosud coulis. Welesley Collage Puliuudinug. O0s1ced afber îîouuiay noxîtise e ru Aabama js tiseateuês) itis dos- Au illustrateti deicriptive article, fuIl A MNersiEtau luutus .1IJA'5-3tonet i ii hoc closes) ut sevoir o'clock lun li-uetiuu by lihe cuthosi worm. o! remtiaiscenco aud anecdote, oý Sans. 'W i l e s atu a y o u n g l t )uss W 5 to O C , 5w . t is e r ai g , e x c e p t a u d a i-, s vie u T u s u sis i u A T r o u x 'r u x .- T I e T i ze t o g is S p r in g s ; I'lulatithé)sy, just sels f tus.towts. tlseY iii bu kept open unlil ion ocloek. spé,cial front Parakin slsa tis tat lue A Biographical Sketch o! Rouir-Ad. - ln utuljnl isis, luaseurisîg frotn repos-t o! Gen. Olimliie, uoueernng u-su Siubricis, n'eauutiag -saine o! the< llftesot'atwesîy eella euglo mi (us ou oax 'rous.Mear Turhii bci-silties,sasys tishe r baemaI tbnilling incidents of our naval lcilcd saverai hundresivosseu n sdista.' A1 1eut A act ans-it.alai!acrosastise isess, Jobinaon & Little, tise extoensive stock ciilsiren lin eona. Tiey sireacubg A poem hy Jamnas T. Fields on a Pou- re ûp-ens)deulllithewater snd -made breosiers, o! Pickaning, bave just laken vomen sud ciireu ho piec-s, tiirlowing traih o! the Aubior o! "Rah sud bis à et he bout. Ts olvspuseit nîue n ahead our o le bienitusbie air ans) csuoislug theinup. Frienda," accompanies) hy the portrait; tlic iloro loy tIh. fiàls, iviien shah guns purposof imporliug stock. Ws trizli ou their hayonoets. Tkiey cut off thiea A thrîliing sud effectiveiy iliuptrated biosd or nosess ofthie deaul sd iwouudedaccu, o ieBbieo ogIîu) Oe .prcocureti sud lhe inoustor foires)uttIsonbas- Ovoyansd a Raie anti speeciy vicreas the. vounolefltTurisisis ofîLongnIssud ýJr Rihar colin ar trrtol Ue Srvins.Five Udoitoriai Depaninenîn, coves'iug isutvitsou <-ieel Ilronucldti u veumaretreitadbut r3eviae. ubimeatioo!current lutarest lu Art, alhtunilclrk M. icar Cllne FoParIsts, Rs lais aecythèa, ,Millions a! Young tish fronsm ta 11 Society, Histovy, Science, Liîoratns-e, icd otisere welrcon Ithe shorf At lsecrdlshuvet luches in leuglis, anti appas-unt7 husvlu sd ncda - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ crilus and i al iintis o! fres oole, ho dsafrsantee.en hen Limndsu)saw tefiais. -ù Bus fo saneTtmEwCouars.ervdgInd the go ta Hatch's. fl<aing davu bise river or were waaheti LGc EEWTIZCUT.I h Fin£.-The hs.troy fs-smo isouse, ~asiore ou the' river binksa aoya litaI. o! Vermont, wiere tise prahibi- îm .îseyDrovulng Ocsties. Amuhenatbsirg on Tneaday forenoan asat. tory lav is lis force, tise question wbeth- owiec by Mvr . B. Mathohwsau, sihu- t ià balievodi , lb ti.s omebhiug liat -r or not lager beer wili intaxicate, was sonls o!tis no AbTusofJi 1.Yatru even- bas nover'. before beon Phaerved lunlise lately madetie bissubjoot of a trial su Mohd - abernacle, vas destroyed u 8 aciild a!kf. Pattcrsou, o! titisnighbonhaod, sud ils lapassible tispselegs1 decision o! oua o! the cru-e dTs by fire ntaIun early Ihour ou iouciay -Ésge, vas dnovued lu a avili barreai,-are B !tisaftheyonug fi-y piacad lu tishe aros faintie sizv ! The o - siouln. ii.Meryvatierstame Fhzry arour, july- 15-_A ma river by thse varionslreigehbii lager as caubraîsausnd orIsiw u uamed A. Marchsand bas mat iseen menle. tbe ovuer claimer) ita realanution. on pvompll snob ugisdravued t theBlia tirs.fouramethe grouudiitsa tise liquar wae ual la - thebas ig'oti tiset bc )aliaatis sd.lira Hucmeo!flthe crew o! tise lurret. lit bll'lngcouIs. alhasavcd, Pro- tramn Champlain village, Quebe. austp Thsunder have dieci lion injuries toxicatiug, sud thonefare diral t me veuled thb. aproat o! thie hanses. Tise Presobl, jnby 15.-William Mnisreteiveci by tise exploItIon me oftherwitiitlie p ravisions of tise liquor bain. builinlg andi contents vwèesinanrod for Agesi 14 vas dvavnod iaevnig libalera ou Fniday lisa. At lesat ~Ta prove IbiRs sveral veveencalatisa h $1000l. TIse tire wst tdboasoibulillutsft.LweneRvr.is!o! ibose Iyiug vonutled arrale. vre liaI thisy bil drank froin ififîen bv.mklng ont ln the.-stable about îwo Sevenai olser boys vire pré-etent, hlpce roo.lîitgiaueaada, otisai sat le uucoklats snsig er nbeta rpcup iihm. Tise body Tise Perte lsuitingCuircasiu.rsagainst t'rb.Oa wtissoebat he sîas vucoverot) about a 'cbock. tise jusurgenu,, aud tise Asisshave dranis lagoy until lue could drnk0m Nsw GooD.-Mr. J. 8. Iloli-ta Mni-aluly 16.-A feanfal cala. heagun burviing vWaaae, murlerusg eu more, sud heo ulol' as soonhiko s~-venls, ls sohiercomis a ovluge o rveraccdets asroun n.and quatering eblildren. -lb hse con- aeîting druck au mlk as oui lager beer. s oecf blank book, commcial n e l 0, a ng<l? voung titr@s:àunen ines, hi. tpah, WtraFveoors allre thatà an :(in- P&pOZ ulail evelopées, roelvod Ibis wn A wi, Cesmo lotocollIsion villi a Tis eç.wafroua i . soit o!fiar isvo vtueses fris.pacuon wa we.. le alt~a of o!franies, atyl. toain' barge andsi ve.capaizesi. bat slded. Howveor, il voulut appear tisat voi«ised o'0 200 ondesvetisai lais, gui at ail prieg.Ail «oc). glai manageul toa clImb np lthbanges,'. thle, us.Trkare, d oplaYiu agrtseihauanlg atlh.vsfltaie ~ai ltyprie.. vo outia uiue Peroîtsudmore reaaurce tissu v as expecled firn iansisd tuatILutmatie biruas Isîle At eDelaus, wo oSîhenm.e e ottn d _t isni; >iiî tise Servians11, llongh figlit- ligisI headeol, ithecourt docidcd lu favor I!EnuxO.-For vaut of s offinlto St. Ikanv'ss ourent wile svîM uIng bs-dv.ly, igst on lise ioaing iie. O! o! tho bager b er dealer. - qu .omua, thora e as uncmeetg ing thoeus.mlg, sud dvo9nod. the ltre. natiaus l is e conbe2t -tise Menstoateegnins have been ibemost suc A Colorasiopsper sayR, 'Thse Canan b~#dos~Wo~uieday'ie.t. isemou Anohes la, utuet Laigu, gt oi ceema coi a. -City girls don t take indly la croquet. bar~s pv$#q4$Wou. Masvs. Ham, Powell, of his deptihtHoohola and wasva. -This jsa imple o ie tuoi lTley aav h iin't bigb-toned enongi for Uo.VbswosBlake, an Poul. 7 drowued. s h - hOtgi hem. Leapfrog is tiseir-beal Jiold."' ________probloma pnopàsed aIt Lhe Storoy CntV Teft -A youssdMan, lsou o! e doclor nt nom. (Nev). -Teasbrs' Instituts. CAnuty i sefuur ptce NsUO.Tie liklasg veadi snd ,mfniffrd,- ha. boeaumissa i e$!tiehepubs lowdceir .tain masof o!noey on i sos imuilon s bae-bal niais -are twaiesparnifl o, «mv on lise aigas IiDOOn-be veul swirasrn« astVie. tise crner' oflthe se, to îake the traî,practialng vils a bal! brick don. up lu ~ I ~ ~iedu.~~*gtueth.bodwL an old atocklg. This lvisai mevy b.t is gdayi er, aa655*»tjaie Peybt i , - , .--. --- - -.y -- lixe u ang oosai. iacb ma ue 48gn tl,~v5y icremal th d s ue mUwey 'bi 'utbo sonstitultinr sxêbdmm'c.. oet,~ Luthr 'Dt&n mene o & gineri mssace Ashort broatipaoIs'le, anda us.y gniole uèhs'utohlnan mail irovlng the.mff, mý. owimportansut thlothse cold or eàasr)s ýeeWoofth Crhi av.Th il ywors tis e,,,anoe onté ,a3& ao hInstitution, bah ueventheeas«hb' ' aitimor - sute*ba' c nolo, >sboulclb ear- alting, theaos sgoirnisgularu, anti empeclalîy i pup afu"n a rs-ple laine> vuDlreoioos.uhaebeeu enabioti,'a. prom- '4a*ted -sui - ubdue t e ncel. For Ibis fil #a. the, ircaslas, have beou cas'vying oun the £iooth vaW, iiy ek amo o -edte Psvahalf-yary'mi ded t-1'nvstski:p Sg'Ctrh i etraxinla Blgari e u netsrnest o!h een thhaîr eru,îu e m anelookih rtt88s ifuh1sr uuu,-udIî7. apcÃŽ;av![ -mcl- ,atm'r.1 keeie'e id thy clau sdIls.Goveamnentt ul. Andeycarmneutear th 't ter ent atalm.ut n vhe, onc-lrid 'td omo ivosothéeParte la it8sîilrsits. I have hissaYris pn, tise 1ieraooner 'lu hue 'bow ytWl e so 1 d-erelesinmeidn, 1760; froni gaveraI sources durlag tise pat dowu uie p alde anc)riemes sow y c osd éaisfactry ly ils . 1 .Ldealers I d b> danua.su Y&ames (libras daygib.ula itnessiag report tiat suc)Il e a àlanu l erecî ouley t; TIse DiréCtorg voUld aIse mention Mr.Whil0bia-e, a vomin. of smsl &mueto Salgarian chillvoen ere soldse asalaviuse fluisger, vils thse lonasndU oloàpn linsalic s e 1 annuel meeting Ivo o! saue- ale 0 iesl cui fos-mu- by uls.lr Ciraceelecapeors. A vealthly At ertus leascîh uibove hie bedtilt , lle .uvi: London ansd Serath--. ad40miues-ieDndi,- e o! iii- Greék bsnkev at Pore, visosue n0 1 Iconsing dcl e theii. Isoi-ng@ voy,-hb>ve beens closedli, and il l falmrllvani4 muteu-DndNo -couis) mention, ism,,forihmane eossoac 'itilalilbi 0.51, sp nagaiaea ithe aiee itnmaao "'-.5 suu5 mght toward Le he boss,: eceuýav ho cm11sAttentionu ote f.ust Zasi.8.a as .ls ab sudeti bongisî four snob captives, O! cous-se Dnnlng tisis exclting (est bâ-ha. ta ie titi t tiy have mser landi soved Io to maIs'vaîker agilsl ime t t iIé[ amueS, vihh s vua ta a-nocue & t issiom s fate bbig cfeailv. R i shbor lumach Iiore4ntsble prenseafor -iheir aven a .ppeared inAusiralasiau colonies.ý ses ! viel aviho ibin l tle isud o!tli aboa e on fi elgsiî tn-iseHèd Ùffi' Tise Board'arepleasedd o Tisege et vs.accompliaedinla spublic amis- Turklab pnrchssors.; 1 Smain llame't lsarpnoner ita c. naielipaddl, a-,tteCheýn ale flo o e o saval. thuit meuy o! tise.pacha.anti beys are sud backs toa, to eseajpe-;liseeanimal 'o! tb.e B*k-liev. diâiharged l siafdalle or ssosk supplying thein baveis. itis servants sarprisosl suit) vundet, sdoi eura t ub etallfaètito.--- o st'lli (rom ihis source, and i hâuaIaIAcriau tbe aîîaek ab th's adage -dcf 15. haut. UAiwbich làrecipectfnbiyimnbmitled, $5W INoticea of Bi-iks, Marricger, il lu- opte tiSatrac). la cas--ed- Ou vilbli tIle, Tiseliait otage, hovoven t, fg flof, 'THOS. N. GIBBS,_-4m!Dal.care 0cs4 ah 'meut if auy, amempi AI econcealmsat. yau danger. Tise birbeti bîstie a! tue bar. Prosideni. -- are avare tisai th iseOscassasa have ai-. paon id secnresi by sa long sund Wverv -- -TS )des) vay sben sd are u is e habit O! sl-rong ropo rounadtise hausile. is lu11- 8TAI'DAID BANK OF <YÂNADA, 8oozW I'BüAKB8 ntro-. brlnglng up their cilllron b stock Ilsos ion-ledta corne aut O!fl okeasJUNE, Cca1876O.eJuylOi, 88 bise bares-aneo! eaihyMUnasuimans. No while the Iran haadjta ili-nly Oued l inuOsni 'OLOBSACCOUNT. aIWia......1O@81i àbte wonder if, toeohen vith hheir avn], the animais bodsy, tise rape unwinds, Baissiceet Oid Profit sud Lous se- spng Wheai ......... eI d0@ $1 or> ip hey offer te lte higlis biitiers tise uas) tIse iandle jhasts on tisa surface, canial ter redueiug Capitai aud 0a0sd. young creatunos they bave acizes)luntise Thea itmiter ioxt gast10thie isandie ansi wrlungcoff Lasse,---------- 9z-s ualey, No. 1, 75c; No. 2, 80 6à @#0 l76 i tise ravages) villages o! tise Balkans. I isauls ou the rap. tltiihe knovs litat4lhe Poisfrhaferedn J ai lve .... 8 2-( 9 0 arb7 bave beeu assurer)tisaI a poon Bulgari- la rigist oves- tue hest ; vien lie fea 1876,satem eudut eesfad Tliictiy ............8 75 @ 84 00 Iaheuféel Maagmet n Jnrsm e anlde'........$25 80 -no n aurefugre. nconizetiils owu chis) in fle ine su-euby sacsen hbasnla prpo-- Pai.-----------------------........ . 'os..... ...........700 suad the bads o! s Circassian elavedeser, st ta deliver anoles- arpoon at4ein la ' ,24 Black ye «Ftu ....90e @ý 95o lael an pon claining it bofore tis asulbor- glaint vien isippols enarMOUa java ap- Transfesred tecontingent Aocoaal.. euiueo 00 ttye.............. et M@ Tt5d iota liosiii, hlm dtaim vs rojecteti an account pear wl(li eaîeniile iun veleDivtdsuiNo.,,vayabei-djiv.18iO. 35» 50 Ostg .......... ... ........ tii- o! flb. absence o! Musanumaui vituesses watt-v. Tiseiackiug a!mtl",en adoiï,le ........ la.Ofice ...essud.rsa-ut m ............ tisa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l eaalesu i acriyfr n gi eetsbut hippo ait a assuis BaSl-secasrtied tonarci-........ ___7 -petatata------------8Nd aling ti'lubtedtv, many aI the. magisltrales, lu tise esnoa, cruncisos il wit lubs greai 84,85 44iiggs ............... lc tIsa "Pite.o! ail tise Saveeign liaita, shill ne - ai as easlly as'apyic 'a I a bondisBte .........Ie@Ue sadr) atne or duanegard Christuian lestimony. O a! zu5~gio, Or. shîvers ilvitis a kick 51E5EItAL sTATE31ENT. to---------e@1e ., lie by bis hind f)ot. Dep vos) o! ofbein Lialitis. -4 C , partan.......... 7 @8 O ve:. (Toelte Eitior of the Daily New) csno, the gailant cons des nînl Nt.atse.n i erslta.. eMS 0oscc Woad............. .. 94 00ota84 ~ SîaÃœ,-Turkish sîrocities, o! wiuicb dive . anti iniin 10 ll' sore -un4ir Depostst beaig tots-e ...h - 5040Pnpncl.....7d 7 By. yonr coumua ibave lateiy puhlias)vt5 icy m Ia ie ufnaelflecsed.~. 7134t o m e a e in sta n ces, are o ! co m m n oc b ea s s lo o k f an th e n n th e su sr s-e. T l s L a n a 5 7 9~ D uc li a P r p ..- - - - - - - - - Mo e F60 5C aié tcdurs-once Lunlîsose vrnale districts o!fsunir)beiug baby tbey escape hias iglut. Captaipald np..u------------.....01950 0) rurkeya, per lb .....îo Bave Buigaria, of Olti Serbie.andi Beania. When caugisîhy inSnY iarpoens thse ltntigaush AouaI-----------....2000 00 Appbos, par bnshoi ...... s vhilsar ot a tsare cio Canae-orevao eea aue oz u - Dtvidieed No. 1, payable 5s-d Jeiy,'76 15,07 50 td a hoioeototh émbo so eeacaiesezte hin- *Roessv'd for Iteres due Depositorm. - 4 s4i Oiseuse-------------......lOle <F14C. wltuess, or amy exceph Ttivkiaili official dies sua draz ibi itier aud lisithen, Balance ai Profit snd Los accotait Ms.ifomtou a l agai u f82 il1 weakoiicd by loss cf blocs),. he o. cars-ted fCras-vs-..----------------IM774Woeb--------------....25o @ 27c. Mr ifrmtonn lsinBlgia n1.2 n- Beef, id quai-tes-.... 6 0 @ 86 0 rear) ans) beard tise appaliiugtestimny-of ainbt;.1,277,170 40 Seel, fore quai-cen..e. #5 50 <F85 50 ini Christian natives and An-encan mis- ' BLNGIN '%31-h he s......... 12 17 enrer-Specue.,...............031,74798 hePai.. ....8 25<817 ion. uarisou thia bouc). aving juets-t s G i iaî- Siains el wmt,. i 5i5iii nena-----------------...81 do rehurned f(nmtise Boaniafrantier, ashow rsoneto!fianInian uneya pan _Dmiio_ Nte, e rielers~ s 0 ie.........4 o@8 res me ta relate wyul occurred at Turkisls gives tise faiiowinudescription No! es55 oBaand Cqesra otherBnks 3- 4tas............e 0 potBrod,atconputratisrelyciviizesl lova nn esO ambitmg. "Tise Sianoese are in. Ca-----------------------.. ,46457 Tnulips-------------. ..10e @ 121e therierSav tiop osie e he to vuof ceat aniblers. G sm bling iousesa Balances duc fron Foreign Agents.- 10,M4021 Oaarots --------------..... c16 <F@200 iddAustrlan Brodi, ans) on a iiî ruas) cou- i-e 0as plentifuil as calIce bouses ah BýV- Assete imaialy availabie... 8257.505103 tiîs tantiy haversd ybieCuust das) sud Cals-o, or se grog sisopa lu cf4l- Loaas,dtscents,a-anvsmenar-STC . S ra v e v o . O nge h o occasi o n o! s els fele c u t is sd B o m b a y ; an s) p er îa p s tlis e n t e t te Co ro rs ations. ... - 11, 100O T O K S luo incebabràlion o! the accession o! tse largettportiosn of tise G verumeuî s-el'- s-eu.----------------------..1,055740 44 BANKeELS.iB. LIrits. ainei Suit an, tinaeChrielluan bonswiere aierîri-; doris-o r ion thir. One nei Real Es )tate t.e . r-. Ib Ba .suk.Pi-e- 15,L97 58Monîreai ...... ...... 185 184 viiilsses) aboutI tie market-place lika ballaeudiviaicuo!f hie Fort ah Bangkok %isNelBsisud Bise verine tceousnidered Torouto-------------..187 185 o n . f i-a n e T u sk t a a n o th er. 'r u se li sa d a fa mm e il o n t fo r 8 10 ,0 00 t ic a ls, e q u iv a - co d ) . . . .... u e e... o uts- - - - - - 1 0 3 -102 k1 f o r , o f tli e e f s u e n i u s u g u ts h li ) b e u tu s a - l -n i t a la h n t 4 1 la c e ns i p e c a a y a a s -. u , e t .. . : . . 1 , 0 1 1 c a s . ..d . . .. -. . 19 8 Mr. panded au on aes anme distance froa t hs1less-calublinsi bouses are lancesesl, $5.277.170-48 Ceammerce---------- 121 12t0 Bi-od),sud bas) been talei olown an(] -us-cted lu a"'y direction, aud always -J. L. BRODIE, Dominion... 125 uelirnughit Iathe tovu ho celebrate lise fille(, witIî mon, wA~eu, sud chljdron, Casisier. Elailton .......... 99 98j 'euh, feCe. Ouse o! thon vus the lisaio! w"lro equateonr luciroles o! ten oi- Tise foliiowinz résoluhions vena tisen dsa......11 5 loîj, oseliknuswn young Bosulan naieu-clîst, doze-n. esoiing tiacmaelvoî liearlta-5 ,putl sud carrierl unanimnusly - Imperial------------ 106. 105 ici yni~maie a is sa)o eba roi l ta fi e tsmrîuizing propoueîty. Mayas) by Hors.T. N. Gibs PCunuty 6 pesrcent. Debeuses, 99 L teho h essu living in Austriasi Bs-ai wiilu lias- have meitîses-fiue vii lnar Preaidenit, secondes) hy W. P. Covan, Township " "96 iluring lime winîer. I fortret aiitîothfise ubihity ha asereameo. Ton bauve à Esq., Vice- Présideraî, "Tiat tIhe report July 9ts, 1873.- lo cscouat lu s latter frin theo local c-ar- crvisut. vWo l'aos, parluapus, ses-eyo 7 . wliis isiee' rosit, b. adapter),i print -______________ 0W regpouiseuh o! a Croatian papusn. Tise veil andl faiii!uliy tiîrough tise sonth. eut, sus) circulates) aunoug tiese hane- TORONTO MAR1IET&S the- slai-v at aflrwaros reltes) o isueon Yoipylmissaesdht5t- ooer"îaeo J1lth-7. the tieSave steamer by Dr. elie, snue off be ome amiiing aSed. ver, Mavesoby A.W. Canpisei, Eq. UWet------811281 1- e C i o n t ia n a v o c a t o ! iig li s s t a n d in g , r s i - uf hi e b e u n l n s k y , h oe m so s e r y f a c - e d s b y JA . W S u a - k , b e ll, " T i a p i u W li t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 - O S @ < 8 1 0 7 e ( lent lu Austrisu Bu-os). Ha torinu lo !bi.]munM Nolt ten does tlsu<htharukaof f ileesarehol-lers are due<'t----------7 eF7e bisat tise Rodjia (Turkiai - puicl) hallii-tisnady; ulu sommaun- jsu4- hiereis- bendereul taitise President, Osîs--------------------..c.. 8334c deLcribor)ta un tfis eè-uiue aceine mu stances, isy iansa re, bus oetnIVi déprésidlent, andIDireetors o!flise Hay--------------------..8 11 (st $15 bIse marucet-isisce, snl bis vecognition rebliru aenuitieu. Once laken passes- busnk for ftise aSle uinuer lunvisicis tlseyPsk..........75 <F8 o! thue hostis of lie victiume, t viîîu ns n ano! loyftise ulnuon a! gamubîiug, lie ilehisse con'] su 1 Iils affaira.", y Btter ................... <F @16ec nuUR.su iabsigbsmne oo) J.J oen, scn-Eggs--------------------...lie <F 12e lue badiseau persousuuiy acquainter). I Dtcnetwh oigbsm eY Mvdby J .RboEeq.. e011 AppIes------------------...$si50 ua 82.25 tele teîcîis lroou aut inusi i nsta9cais o lne :but il'hohelas a l'amuil, br ait by S. Trocs. Esq., "TisaI tise thaukm -stcout date, becanse il eau bus easiiy atah-es ils iifo and ellildren, an le.'o t e eing bo given ta the Catiier, l.p' --Sa.5a .~5ies prover). - Officilîtinformation uuay very tlma.o t i ene aifei gnFadoulier. offices-e a! tthabauk ,,,,e-"Byatsrni usd 4ien)g probsbiy lhavue ucacissd Erîglandof ! bihsis-tndvery afteuslse stakea bis a1vis tlte'ai-r tisaofficient mutuner nl iiclitheyetisnhualaa iil ae-nt- loiuccsîrreico-. Butl 1 sancoud lent tisaI nillsst. TsemshCi1 llane ditchai-ces) tlei rrespective iuttiet." ope-aliessoaidigestion anus itritiao; eIl ricatîfraiudoaulrîl us-y bt-uder anr) bairoayaacertain t-.5,s n.~ ,e acrllpliaono e r i) ! i e i n r m a s u o t.n e a s v c i s ' ~ a L î g - a u s u I - a n n i v t e a m c oo b y J o h n s so a n , E q e o n a a e o î aap- cat o c t , e f i n i, os-ln fteihmnculie hc lr noit tarutoqrt fitr)t ( by B. K. BurgeaIs, ï:tth duetis o ) lslce ooM.Ep o-comMitil uaiiy tlirouglsnt ttise lengtls ou cousition tisat il lie is Dotablchieluballtbox lie uw sopenlisans) euaildlasteoi aes) urbevensaeshih ma sud breadttio!ftIsi suÏd gellemua rjayisnviiin5cetinliehema>- o-oc . -Dyth ,stlPY iiva- frInacetanfiue upenusn -totococ hia day for tiese ave ns mausy hesvy dctes-s" bills." Il it lamentable andi miscîivous ugnora-ntce - 'ansi for 5 niustl tise dolst, pin- necoipb o! ballot tickets for lie election by tise judlicloas use of snch articles ai dis-I ius a fres ea stîiloue taforegu OpOîl'a uIni-et, la been luqurdater..o! Directors, tisa pail ta close as Soon as tisais constituton in b rduly nl suissuÃŽ1sois Asytitrvoîtf bondisaeseutel ta t!sle effoct, isa fie minutes ah hi ave elapes) itoulptsitissagoncst emlese- os ta. on aîsiaiitole-bi yunuy. Oua hourover resso-Ivo-stise, moue-. us -nu a vote baing letudenes), sud liaI Mr. E. dans-yta diseate, Hundreds alto tle mals- ndtitlrbl ysrdaangmls li fi-teloeo W .H.T ilos ai-e floahlug around si s eady lu atla-b W orti more. Ilias-e resu assue)asugmismiii i IeIoeo inUuac B. Oxles-aussIM.r. R Teple do10 tcIvises-oves- Ihere la a eali point. W. may anti agsau loy mauy Ilorniats - s cit wlratlse lisas pioeiorusly ltest, iosea as ëcrntinaei-c." 1esape usany a fCalisbaCt by leepiugaur- udht tisey lw spotre mand rosl oamiusandol -eomeets lv as as- Tiese cnnîu-ors preseutes) tise foiiow- selves watt lautifs-si vitlspure b ud ns lat Prpproprtales he slavilsadesnd ui d m i i rei t h e ts iii ba -ba i sti e co e - o t, a d p o r i t ou-, f i eso usu es bi m Sug Arep R D B AN S OF C ANADA, G a zzcC e. So ld in P acket and T ins, ilb , mitedbyth Trksuidiei-y on Curie quoflahingso!ndt incafrnyer. TiisToronto, l2îis JnSy, 1876, luomoeopati cCisemlsts, 48, T sess)eedie o!a wbe omeu ansd chilien are ldescri- 'tm !lsug olae Crya-.muLa.L ra"a î. iesSr-l asi10 ieaul odn f al.Ouîrseqainhîue io wu irt lia; unnnfrequs'uiy lime poov clave udi et s iJL.BoiE9,Caer toad17,PcdyLno. e8s) utn !bs epepueusn hiz ehas-ery, sa-i:sg sos-sr cutl as-cv acain Sî,-We, limeundersigneti serntinpers OYGN 8l -E tiades Iva of eed poupr) insofs ntapair) bia cresîllan tiese î rszulyappointes) at tise geussns meeting of lise OYE SLF. tas thlr to redswoldiinue s u oesl.hbmt yct nul l'-oc friinahie alittoiers o! tise SbaudiulBank o!f ' .BhlIGHT'S PHOiSPHODYNE.- eleetîsis aseretion. I know s certaints i) s111ULITUDES0?POL r oe instance u insic saine ins-kisis voînen 'ScUt, wiuiels tise exhuoruitunt rate or Canada1, belol hie dey iserey déclare 1 M'Ily ç 55801' Pfom eOPLt er ope.gig wero canneyes)ilu cafetyl'y inosrgente, untereet lias avouer) ont tua amutfalear-.mimefoiiovisig geniiomusenduiy electes)Lies-CmrsitDp-sina psli a I so an s lt t he use v6 , ho B a ya - mon , size. 'T is i 8l a m astI ruel sp e'itl, D irscto va for tIe e rsuing year:- Iypaslsn ds , Tignidi y, Indigestion, F i! laka. o! slaves-y. ansi tie present lîngzof!Siam. Han. Tý N. GIBBuS, M.P., us-s-fairoi-g, Sugist ansi Memor, Lisi in 1rewiii Wlo cllsliitael auenlglieue price. W. . ALFýintde, Wautc. i Paves-, &o., shase, cases l v5slt o al Iuevf au ealfigens-s pince. W. F. OALLN, msIit a au-srmanesst cnre-by bhe newr-aeed~ - iu, . f, t eoe unef 'grucyls - OAPHOSPEODYNE (Oxôeo Oygan) h2 lu Yoroein evn, isextirpation. RBa iteriférence . J TstaiOnce atîsys aIl irritation& ansi excite leo A.-P.obsuotientrservant, îu cilles) for, as ual ouly W. H. GIBBS, M. P., meut,imips-te Dowev eergy ans i 1e ta thè W 11 opa ,J e2.thsa asdulte ganhie avay tîsein amuli lives R C. JAISON, osîteebles) canatitution, ansi rapitiiy s-niet Boprd un 8 ans-S Sucs-hIes, but cveu ihose o! ti'-ir Dr. Moai-obre-es-y.stage ofetis-e Isithes-to incss-bme suri ellidren, visa, au srriving et au earîy E. B. OSLER, dias-ressinc maladies. Solsi by ail Cisemisto Tots: WALLA5sOuT PsisoxsHssîo.-A e- nuien they are asleie la sk, fus) - B. H. TE MPLE, ansiDrngIssisouboh tamsandbo le. s aider tragedy in litie atieo!Log hmelvaJneavs)ho-îr Isuma-.uiuhnen..ngdeau).orD-_rlhV Posissd ing o tses trloues uvme a Chie co.lss aiegi sut inheLlsetl Roshl nauo! terl, a rnsa mach asçPzas -* iieawtIhave ths, atae me reteuaCpuOceei. terribl isutovcourage was simple cg uçgstru hnefashe- "'SMotOesoingste;iandcoroches as) aublme. Wisen s atî ud tannin.. Ida«Hermatsea, Sun Fi-audceie u-o!eiin usiboce onti aven .T ARIO. IN ais tsirsffrnglie mr iulelgagzes):tha, amtisamest pareinirlulIe 2,0005 oaci. Besicdes tbiseo haal lu .T ÈAÉLÃ" luen blieîmist ss)y bu nanusiey tie bain is otlneh620 pe as ey, hogothsr u-iitisahehie possession a lot a! ailver unr)ds. D )Cles-liofOaic) Muuicipauity. in snbthelios graes tis aalite smbidan cabe.Suewa agieet vr. Fe oalvin ! ie tus Broauli, Jaly 14. 1876. M lin sudda bides saoa brougisaiî liseur e. Te toklovauens tta k insc hlo rvstltteso-qIvulaesseslsvare sovensl Ihousaus)(dol andi jesellevy iSeshlmabed si tae 2. -_________ andht isesas u bleahei tsen staelava' vurti cf diamuais ansd lisppeut0150. Tiselarge atouen ave stoti t#22.BROUGHAM OAR41AGE WORKS. N vena iustctibisn aoutnutl 108,amng tise vuiters money ssthouh ll ie pratianu talbe o!fbise puiretter t visen sama o! tiietnver. gatheresb op vere s pilcets. OuSauhrs)ay ase aussithe valsino! tien as atater) lu tise1 1 aui iaor. 'ih os bmbshe udpuistisheol au ativertisement iD!orming atoovo figures ave not lhougbîtaobe be. - .u w EB siuila ceriranni l nuost otie ando'-E. O. Crippea Ihat a lady asllie Linileil youd tise mark. Tise canne isicis Rte ectauly infs iois hePatrurist sud the p ridenou criones i mçtbealow Rotel desirecl la tee bin. Crippen isiouffist suipiebon ou Meyi-aal th, ubstishai s lias prcsiite ihj o c eti, i a quoer structureneaa-tlie Navy- bado h avlismit odywrt ato ai-r) cf alu o he Pikein, apuactule Rglh e yard, built as s tomb andsImonutment 1 Ieavrice. otaes uto u slgufrs u !ts ikrsl auatr liy the Tanmauy Sociehy ofNovTork.t tiselisotel, ansi fauns)u roSs eet- stanefor sale ast muscis liw ISeir Con ' Patent Seat o A - Si srnino oig a ecyafer~ heart. Tise meeting resuteti in a hasty semuai valus. Mbleona anrouiut hg. tha-l Thois u! gintaui al !te amamiago in Dr. Scisuyior's cisnrcîh tImtlae lise Police Court on Saturt)ay, sud tom Stat Leisisnrevasprocnos appo. s'uiug. Crippen is webb kuovis in remaineiLhilitise 22uid mal., ta permitEfesai praig050to bulusiupon Fort nCdeTEnSt. lar Green, s îomjs, vîic,î, ilaje isapus, viiisfa is on s.yi as)t elseiki h tsaosa.may provea saquai Ali partios vi ovelltoean-B - the. eue dy hoenmmunte) îya ma uoly dlaugiiler of a nilonaira vitosv o! ta s6 oa!tiselarge daonanobnlsSd Cutes-s. iefoègty seý ls- d~ e~te men. itiatiis unismetaisCahiforuha. She rau svay frein lier se having salinplaceo*lu Englasîid scaton sse - - - turne tiseprelou hoes as' eatfroi a nama abotltva wclsstalaCnp- aiderable tins. ugo, ans) viicis have Breugisam, Jtly 8t, 1876. lyrSO i] their s'eany svundeings-amocug lisaniPeu.,~aesnd.sodc ay~ler.Pr J z sMG1TE WEL -*I --hapR- by -tà is. ayon w Iàls.t6casa visiuS Me il s. esy t chv, h oe f any DETÂITLTE--Au oxsminaition ofagain 0coasup auma> informastiouniMay' -AND BAZAR. - 'av e pabriot vIselilving feau&-Once troc) Bs-lia, lb.ed.!slîiig asahier o! tise-be !Ã"rthcouiig from tise:,Oid WorÀ4. . -podage .,Ffs-o£c tba S-U.. r ie h. p ac viseW ra ov ho 11., anti Wo I tuteveols'u iai Raibvay's accounte ho ws'_ Il.- 1ifo l iU , s 4Crie-sr n t isSa-t gent Angîth rm i arning , réuliam - tlihsatisa e a uleît-rhO o Àmr oouguoMr xner Unitdusî ut vIhs ges u fl eag rnpdiau.-frilo h "T: hg 15,000, sud lie it saisi tco'have Itxises Ams- oa«uul v loads ARPER'S M IGAZINEHARPER'S nadie ex aluti "bnJ.- ao ut 10000lvyTvtieimns H- iics1.(r, LasW Poiul, C. B , gavie biutisWEEKLY, or aSIARPEWts BAZAR vili bu Butîle a Long Me.,oant; W. asutl cu hie -aciti by su easomt sab uireosusî,hiv 'uch ouhy bar)"Oun eu"itfor oe eu or tSiany Snhe-itser lis e CHADWIeoEn londapes-a ;orl're-y, buet asulise-o le un xrii of« lune-lu-g ans) tisia a"o stnewilt îsut ni- U5stedSt)lates or Cen idaPOS PAGP Pl ic .ot&get ioan vlstuainbOsHhsle h <-s 'a-me).Olieris liefniml as, btiePrIsbs fored.Othrwio te aitnl lIan e, abfs-ee, -an recept ai Four ua b bou)s lan.It-nisIet si.fnbiy develoier), sudit laaî acconnîs Hpý, ' A Boostnu pluyeiciu asys tisI bloviug vife -bei ias)Ssi. - ItLaui aisi bo usesî wu thruving. --- a'H.a Ildoti suz; fr onetycar, Wx 0; cornets on trosmboneasl a e iee e--bis position ta ilia cvaîed enengyo! lais Dr., Wilgou, au Buglial phsicielun, Oa ey 4wO for 87 00. . Postage free. T 'ai dua (or vomen, expancling tiseir luaga, vife. Hie ripaeboda3necocrulpafssataluaa lusvis,êltss QtunA osa'nlpl,-%)Ioe n e 3 brs~ans) aud maskiug them sînaigist saine tinteo afis< hieprivste-securrftle-of dipthisrl, tilat mosi fa t'al disasse ttVol0Sam of ,Maainanae An aimai l pos" 1~. rs~ lre th- ie Canas*sl imxantee CoLupan>.", vliicii lias se svouedaP'ptiysiosa. o- lie raierai'065<loiut vjl44ai~i5 LIE Lis Wa tire pouansu "p s ise hpo0ne. adtus. naderaignosi on Thesday, Jaiy litS, 1876. - B. T. HARRISON- Ciea-isoaitise Municieiutsy o f tise Tovnsip otWhitby Brookli, Ju1y iUtS, 1876..- 29 OUCSTs r>nDEap&sUricx. Ottava, April 2e, 3876. A UTHOR1ZED DI-1COUNT ON Ameroau a nvaos "until btmIer ln- tbe, il par ceut. J. JOHNSON, 29-hf Cosmuissiaiser Of Customas. 1;*ARM TO ÉgMT h A, Flrsiclmse'Fars ofol1doAcres, ou thet reV 01-i te Sa-s Con., Lai 8. To lut fors.L ces-Si!of yesn. Apyto D)ANIEL MeBRADY, Audio7 P. O.. LOWERS r PLT.OWEES L 9VER 2,000' Ta SELECT FROM' VVRIGHT& BROOKS' BROOK SVTE1?.T. - Wsldtisy, May 1011, 1875. 20 DMNISTBAT1ON OTÏE ro'allie Credi!os- Of ISAACJ REI7S OR' deceaasd, anelalioh/ts-$ -, ito'u claissi g eu'o-itU ina sae. Tise reditama o! Isssc Reesor. lateoaitise- L"avnaiip af Pickerisg,lu tise Canty cf - Ootaiiamilles-, decease), wvisa asdrovut.- as a esous os-about th irs aIday af jate,- 5878,ý sudab allitessisaviujg.aay elains ,tgaiset hie catate, asre, ous or tieforee l. is-t ts et Aguet.. D.,. 1876, ta send t.anie, 4stuiiusitraten dusly-appninced.sodesc) tiso, Ontarion tise fBparticula-s o! choir eSsimus, a ntatou.ent o! tisels amnts, aud tise nature of the secse.iy (if any) hed -y tison, togetisti- itishiseir cis-iiaLu ausd surususes, adsirensensuis) description or in leisuit theneof lhey -yullibe pes-emptoriiy exeludesi fuom sny benefil under t5ie dia. tr-ibutison of the sesets aller saisi lasI men- clauses)date, lu le made amngnîtiste par- ties outillsfises-eeto. This Notice is given under Statts c f Canada, 29 Vie., Chsap. 28, Sec, 27. ABRAHAM REESOR,- Aduniultrahor of Issia litsor, deeasesi. Toi-enta, 121h Jane, 1876. 25 -CE:N.TENNIAL. CJANE anmd CHAIR COMBINED, Befone going-ta tise Exhibition sonra One s! tiseindispensable eampassiaps, tisaI you îsay sit vien uns) visera you pleasa. ESPCIALÈy VALIJABLE, FOR LADIES, nisa caunot pasnibly endure tisa fatigue nitisout ana. Wetgl1ooniy 20 on es. P ite ý2. The euh- as-leis-eustise markeat tisaI Sa jua iaIru vaut. C. D. IlCHARDSON &-CO., . No. 807 Mas-ket St. Pisiladelpisia. s ERVANT WANTED. Muet bc s gond caolu sud vasssa. 8per soumis. Appby ha MES. J. V. IIAM. Vitby, July Ibi, 18i1.65h :LECTOItATDISTRICT, OUTH BlIDIN G, TO WIT:: DOUNTY COÃ"NTARIO. - - NOsTICE is hes-cby givoa thiat tise Hon- rable Tisomas Nliihson Gibbe, af the- 'isage oni 0-ha wi, Pre lueê Mas-chant s dit a ahhe prenh ebeeuion, fas mon- s- ta seps-sent tise saisi Distinctin tisa ruise f Communun;i Canada, bs n Pjohub 1W illiam Fs-es)em i- Cu Covau , e theé illsg e Oshaa, Equire~, lis filuaa aget for ýe pumposes et nausl electan. accordig ta s lihaiuts lu suc s ei acleansi provis). ivn andus- n autWillsy Ibis 2b1h day ai June, 1876. ý J.HAM FERRY, -28 lteturaing Ohien. 0PR SALE, &. alua l w-1-i-bs-es) Y oung Bneediisg w-foi- Sale.- E. K. CaPMAN. s-h tie ta)adminlagtrators- s-isL enaa-1 -hec) notice,-ansitise said admitàa-- red go pasolhesal-&Stà#it eo o me debt ns- daim Sho-sbi mtlb'itmvoilsas cwe e ticisa ie1o ill-istbti. RICHARnD COILLINS, - Admlaisls-aten., crhsg. 411h Jciy, 1578. 28 A GARD. - -cc FA ci MI mir' Thi te soif e- tenl ilescri JAS. j ilth Ç-OTI Werk' Wiibyl liections Albay,i &io. Tic, Street. AIL'. N Will usak, Part flOp ceastu tos-tieraï Fo . fVatrt pensR uila Veu.A I

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