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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1876, p. 1

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'I ~D f - gad ao4ents, f lno#p k1imbi*u- a m t àik. wftb advautise* -Fe O#e&otlaeauel@ Baubin wyD iao gry M~OUAS OWi, NW3IUT -BY ÂG F, NOT. bcIII 01111,01, wiera ntartoît laJi Oiob depo. kitswof si. TAYLOR, itti~ q~e. iat iMa Agent., 'aUKoiuitt for aalla itTê. '~aaoQ.C., saDr. Md 9 . pARfl1TWR9, ATTORNEYS, soLi. alollrs, Notarou PublJi and Couvey. O ft iret doutolti Of the Royal Oomuly Crown Attorney. 48 j'ejeJeq KEIf'fI oiRDON, 13ARIISTER d& ATTOIINBY.AT.LAW, NotuT I7i'biio, d&o. o4Ec-Over M r. Ad- Brcoiistre.,whiwtby, Ont. LY -E NGLI-1491, L L. R,9 AB iltE AT LAW, S4OLICITOR IN J>Chalicery, Con7eyanor, &oa., &oa. Sim. dao traut, Oehsws. B ARIIISTEIR, ATTOPRNBT.AT. LAW, Notai7 Fabue di;, di. Jfâfi-mexlpJ* 'Block, Brook ëtlraeÏWh1tbl, Outanlo. A. G.-IiciSIILAf, (Lie Greenwood &iMMla. B RITER, ATTORNEY, BOLIO. Bf[onR 5soar !Pule, er«A à.Gi Wbuîtby, Otario. DUOGAN d& ROBINSON, WZFFICE-Pravin it4urande.Bufidigs CCtT T uua'r, Tonoîrro, ~.Duoo300AW . c., 3.. Amrai, . 89 a. J. GV?<frN, m. 1o., s URGEON TO TftE COUN TY GAOL, Byron .t., Wbitby. Dr. ,W. J UN On:crz-Nert donarte CutorxctuOffice. SIedet iMr. Lowis Eouck's. CýIUYI HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., teeoa. 0O a. t.4-Oshawt, Ontario. SD INTIST, (SUCCES. mer to 'IV. H. Card.) DIentail tno-flunu t81-et, Wht v elnr.lfr Tenlo'i Store. Nitrnt Oirlde Rdf Réinusîsreci for te painleme tv. C. N. v % RS. L. 1. S. dMMTPEETH inatcd nu ail 4hé abat as, L 1 0 mtprcplecf the art, &oteap a techeapeel; cuti aigond te uhe bet. Teebh tilil vwtb - Gnliandi Silver. Teeth extratei wthout pain, by, produolug localitnmthoslt. Dental omo-iu Cow. tu e naw block, myen Atklusoult Drug Stnre Kluig Sirest, Oshawa, 8 J3UILDER AND CONTRÂCTOR, KS & Il ardire proctly ôo:¶cUt&l tAMR DRESSING ANDI SHAviNO L±ti.i.iau Brook St., Whltby. JU5IN WOLPBE-4?lr, A GEXT, FOR TUE CELEIJRATED seettlh Granite. At Mtnbia WorkR O! JauathitwWcieuýdeu.DundaisSt., Wbtby. JjUMBER MERCHANT. CARPENITER su-ad Jetuer, Grain Street, Whltby. A large qusnilty etfa&l kinda a c iiedon- siautiy on baud. -BE. O'DBLL, A T H 9 R L Y, Oiorek Division Court, Tp. Cierk, Cemoulselquer la B. IR., Land Agent. dia., &o.,, Auely, Oonnty Otario. AtherirS .9- ud. nï,172. .88 Dit. 110U4RT, PbYsicAla uSrgeon, Accoucher,dida whiftiy, sept. 501h, 1874. 0 IIT nASA, M. D., L. M. EDIN. Glraâuai, 1gvtthhnnie nicftii.Unireraity cf imels Éôlago susa; Philadalphia 81.c f ?uet ediine nSu ,,;Aneia Un. v 041y oPucsyivaula; EcleelleCollage of Peuneylvomit and Licentiate et Microllcy di heUulv. of I iilburg, gcotiana. Cr- oner'or thé. Couty ai Ontarlo. Offie- Coidwaier si., Olilif. A(igint 241h, 1875. lr J OFI S. M. WILLCOX, 0fthie TovwnefWiVtltby, bai bau appnint OFFICIAL ASSIONE]1 (UNDEBTUBTE NEW ACT,) -Fan ta. Conatty cf Ontarlc. AtU buisint eulrtsoc a ebis carge -viii bu' canUil tantled la.-' Wcitby, JanU. tiCh, 1974. HORSE MEDICINE'% lésis p onn cfhie a Hor#%Ms IAs Wiu a>'tivAru StahAse. scI-vacirge for zadytte. %- s'l T' drItti, IerAlkinda 1 c.l11'IIýM' nn b p t in cmacu. v l' t ai D'sasi lîrUtteby r ayé v014L X~ JOUN0ON noue, p«? gAZEZSQUabE, TOZinrO. WG. OUNS 3ON, - 'OPEETOR. Toroto, Jl I 87.2 fiNMORWAN OTEL corito Oifb AR ZIITC. GEORGE ABRWN ROPRETOR toedi sudn ievae Sboohu sd fard .u.eroi oe. i te am p .mraefor îlo~Of guli.ATii.p maibtj> o sudh. sr s~pla repdamlut1noms.i ][YTRiUCTI0N 0* N ý TBE VuXO. INFORTE AND 0RaÂN. WGING NOAND 8INGIN0 ousAEt< TAUOTi, QS~ >O1IOE C. W100U40, B.A.# theÈ Wmai auno un i thé p iumaukalne lom saýOmoe, ou aile ê AI»o Blugin g -and -Blk#Ilg Oiaeae,ý aro ELubatbtai*adsolo., S ae afuwgelo SI aeiFestivlc eenbatrf Whltby, .Tulà 97, fi4. FO8 SALBP* GLNMAJOR. MIis !i O N 6 UJF MLITUA.L lIN 110AD OFFICE, MOBT -LOSSES .PEMPTLY P.AI. L.- Li PAla NwfrSu., 3.13ù . 1IEL ooofiet PLU usLimbar, vii] eaiene. Asnao d*ay IscitBeardprosA. CÂITÂL,4400w0au Fioertugmyw 105,00 ft. f Ostu AUl01 wvicis vill b. sold ehaap for cash. L. FAIRBANKS, 3 -MAJOR, Lombard St. ansudChinug Crocs, London. Proprietor. tr INlUE> u1782.- Dot.Mil. it>. GILESPIE, MOFFÂ-T & 00., n I0t)EWS FOR TUE LADIES. JMSAgeitfe uai A NEW REV u TIrLOaar IN iiut'TiTM ----- -Fi.ae.fat. PRDTRUNE RAILWAT HOTEL, BCE OP GB EISMARING., AT WE5TJ3Y i?ÂTDICt WU. O'NEILL -. . PRPRIETOR O1EWL'SSL'4TIi Pari« as iknt thé tra in and lavinghoxieo WAIST & SHOIYLDER CHART. ratura. ithnt change citaa cilai. FoPr asie, viti-freeia Icon, ut TE QEE'SUOTEL, -MISS 3MINTYRE'S (uiar caÎcncuu,)DgZ85'ttIIla 100>15, WEITBY. atiOCK.STEET, viSITZErgnàatd ibrlidemnet TAILOR di&IIaCAUN, PÈOPERTOEtS. jaet wnîu.Lieal$nncmeîs* The uud«egud dasm t binform ticiir Wbibby, Ang. 18,1874. 4 friands anA th* public liat bhay have baken I -- the aboyval] ýkuovu hotsl, wviait he' hava stai>' itisd np sud tnovated, "a PuIt IST 0F TUE DIVISION COURTS ftb th i bet of ondsr for 1ho aoaommoda. L-'- tlan of pente., TiiéEBu,vwblcla tia baud. or T=. goo ntéCocauhy, t i pl U Md IWwib - te fluait iantis oftwluos, liquors, and ci. "Jei tw-rnu- gens. anmple enobàeadmbed roi madgoti LUUI'h1OF V VI101U sisblitg,, box estalle, d&a. DolacisA roome fon co~mretll Ivelianýs. FOR TEEHE A 1876 X. P, TAYLOBjl PHIIFMcCANN. .____________ ROYAL HOTEL, I'21f WH"NBroum 2 2 4 2 f 2 w E 1 13 y.ponlperryi128 182025326 514 1427 JAS. PRIÈGLE, PROPRIETOR. 7 ~2"f141 26 27f 61151822 Thseesrlars n cet. L>.'uu dcuppuhone vr'1 f.1 'titi thi.beoutlunsseanou. Bamîbrande taquons anti olgani.Enal'ted Yard tund ehedroari; attentive hnt!eus. Chargea t a suit lie imes. E., 1.-Linon>' attached. 27- courra orsaRaGArNTtux ais., TORONTO. cueO. H. DARTXBLL, Junior Jutdga Whitby, lDoc. lie. , t5'i. 61 ISSUER 0F JAMES POWELL, >. Piensxro]t.1MÂRRIAGE LICENSES, ririt.claee arconarodýion; bath-rooms, &oa. Board, $1 GO per du>. 10 (LAr£ ALZIOt4) WHVITIIY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTRONG - PIROIBIE ÏOH. DUNb&8-ST., WHITBY. JOSEPIZ A. BÂNDEL, PSOP1?1E2OR. This houae hus'beau neeautly mut, t. clogea-yard;- attentive ostlera. 4 (OMMLI:ýAL HOTEL. JAMES I.EWABT - PROPRIE1OR. ond accommodation 12.12 Tins i'APFPit r nrc c rrr ." ~NEY TO LEND. Thé undéasgned has gauy'amonut cf Mon. #y ta Leud upon Farrn or Town Propecty, at unsua13y Low Bates of Intmrest. Losoeau ha raîuin lu MS te SUit bar. Siveral Improve.d Prmi sud Wfild ande for sale chsap. Tuivstments made iv Muniicipal Debon. tuxes, Bauk, iud other rarxkeaablo Stocks. For lun.har pattic.clair4a pply te * JAMES 11OLDIZU 0810Wficiiaigraa, Jroker, d&a. OFFICE--ver the Doinion Bati, Mc- UUI&m's Brcook St., Whitby, Bpll Pi, 1f7g. 15 L 1 IlUy Il3e Wtu i s inb stdl and lte public tlai hu canniesQonthie Lîvery buoilna;,sta NVHITBY, ONTÂIIICI. MONEY TO LEND on Furm sud Toatn Properi>'. at- LOW R AT E S cf lulnteula For lurthhîr patilculane Apply te- 1Anuatt 151h, 187C, Ottawa, Apni 2-2, 1876. lice, Il par caent. 291 CcmîsiDnur of Cartoms, KBRIOTHERSB, %VKflVIY. 9!'TARiC'< 5 1elAon the ot rfesnibetaempsosrd lou.e Agent. Whiby. 4&pnul luth, 1676. 164iy T BE <'STADACONti" FIEE d LIFE INSURINCE COMPANYT. HEÂD OFFXOE - QUEBEC. Financiai Reanit af z, Months Busl- raes te 31st Dec., 1875. AnihieaeCapital ... ....-5.00O,0W Subscnhbed Capiai ........... 2,800.00 Paidup lipial.*****' '»*'" -200,()95 Gov«entu Depouîl. (Tirai ... . .Oo Govarmeub Depolt, (LNi.. 0,0w, Total Revenue, Pire Prailuma, anA lIntAreal..............$228,775 ToaliLassez-------------------..68,528 lnvested FanAs-------------...$194,718 cas'h band taA fepostl - 49,193 Other Aceeto----.....----------59M9 Totalists.-.-..........--5298,794 Ibis Compan>' bas nov esiabliseatsoeaf, sud bat 21 Branchas issA 207 *Agendee lin the D"snln iont. Manager, 16-ly C,. NOURSE, Agent,- Whiiby. Do tai viiDominion Goveminut $50,- (100 Pemperienelti Agents Ilirougiout t-be MInuion. Fine-Riefa îwrtten t-c iAdaguazte Rtec. C. NO1URSE, Wbatby, Marra 7 th, 1876. Agent, Wii. Q u E E I! INSURANCE CCi0MPANIlY (rouxNI;1 aa.'), OF LIVEP.POOL & LONDON.- 1ICEN$ ED Fou raz cOUP?? iRavIne uiwo1 gven)itheb b g uto Ball,,I lina, iL'un Whoua lime ho thé buhfluhgrM Âseitionoea, Xliii om oendeevoury, p=opt scul cauiful attentIo obualtes fa give fu satistion'*al bhiy>va e 6. teit-S Sals Ooflachxg, Billdedsuhtea sdfa*a k Notea mrnlh- »deira. of ebange., .Pelo 13111Stsmnpaaliv" m ou éd. OfficaP tnt Farny. prise Albert, sept. 241h, 1872. 39 AUOTIONEZR,&o,&7 JAntd Geoaltommaijon i Agent-, Port Ferry. WTH TBY MACni z vitxf-I fc.ATx CL.itô s'a) BROOK STREET, IHITBY. Ilaô sind6relgetbopgu e 4areithe lunes- ens Ci tha uureundcata CUyt liat ho hae in steak A largo aaotm * ci Cuiting BOxeS, ChUru, Turnei DrI~, Horse RakaiP ekXYokto,Wbiffie-Traaî, Whetlban-rowa. &0e.. &iC. - Rapaaun1 t ailkinde Ixcctebei itIa nUeàta ý,and I <iraîbot. Brock-St. Wbttby, Apccl 4th, 101C ly-15 D OIION FLOUI R &FVeD STORIE. CIRLEL bPEI4NViEGIox-J B£90a tecaiihy bis luencIs azd cnalatue'-e bhat ho ie nov preparcd t inpply Fleur m.a Feca of lt est IQnality, ah the ,.t lehSIn; p4sc- Flaur, Cern, Cho -Feâti, Bran, Shrt, Uat- meal, Craaked-WhVit, Peat, Os, Pa- Itiota, &c., ai Witoleal an litail. Clca<per ltai th litalaee for Ccitt. At lic Dosinion Fînur aid eAfcd hit. Cnosby'a Bien!, '?Pst d'en, Diinclat Gt'et, Wittbv. ()RAS. TilN!lTLflION. LEATIIEIIVALIIIEl ,aA-.I%ÂTOGA TBUI%%i',1 J Lct Lt, 11 A 'il' ail î . R WICKETT, Sole Agent iLa Onla .chj 1HI. Moa6y ce.,ebraterd olorat) an<ýFat- >' Lestiene. T110,uoYs ly.ii~B Z' ' .122. 5sTAGE BEItWL!1 Wtby., jCAPI TAL, --$1O,OOO,0OO. W H i-BiY&Vý H A ; :'mne nmnct.a nnciR « MOLbON3 BAtiK 0,. A BAYNES, ESQ., MD, Ilee alOfce for Canada : 191 &r 193 ýt. Jantes Street, Mantreal. FORBES &c MUDGE, Clîlet Agente. R. a. LAWDER. Agent, Wititby. Atigustî lti, 1875, - IV-SB NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY! Sala, &at-rouible, ohages moderato, prompt cettiemoestlof Cima=. SEC.'.YUJLE. Agent. Wihby, Juste 2,1lia5. 23 W tT iT ASSURIANCE COMPAI;Y gsa cIcua. ceuONTIlr' 1mpctria lèrt tnd MeuuftbarrifeU tailCAPITAL STOCK, LEA TH(Ii ANI) FINDINGB,ý cash peA l oidaes, Puar euandLeatisar. Larat-: nos catra Ozll=o, 1 JOSEPRH olMANý, BRZOOKLIN, ONT.* Alto Agent tor thte CANAD'A FABRIEht S' MUTUCAL lINSURÂNCE ýCOMPANY. §Sr BELIIWO biAàE xo ORDER cil Hat)000c, Il àaun loir; anti SHORT 170TICE CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'Y, 1 ays,1u72, M 0*-",'BY TO LEND ;À .1re_.attf ooeybIed i o 1,n1anol,161,rivated at l. For a severai Town lts, ture Fraine Rouses, sud a large Brick Rouet. Fer terme, vpply to Wiiitby, Feb. 141h, 1874, ' To the Inhabîtaula cf Duffiua, Creae and Viciity : I Lave Dow opauad sa Enicher'a Sbop in Mr.W. Cuthbert's where Beay b. e eeue aofte beat duspfye of Ber! Pork, sud Foui aven offered t10the Public. 9' ea Econabi. Prices 1 Coma eue, cone cau, snd get eometidng bo do yon gaod. au, a. 2L'eeberULJ> , 176. 8 Parties raýqutrnug onrayancas.-aaoverad and hty eeba 2d 05 open--can b c aoumodatad at a momnuh ls uahlaa. RICK. PIERDON. 1BlOGI5ZCAR.GLWUO wh Wbltiy, Sept. 21, 187à. 89 S . W EB B SPRESCORIPTION FRIEE Rlosi ectiuUy iorma hia Patrdm na dthte Pu htha bas purabased tha Rlght for th Cu4 fSeIalWgk ickering, te Mnuisabre ~*brough onby iudlaonseuor excos.Ay Canboy's Patenît Seat Mi. DAVITISON diCu., Bor 2296, Ndw Yorlk, fon ist septeiubn, 1876, l n1 UGOIE,t ,CUTTERS &C. ~TOUNG' Al puaiesa vii dc aveilla ase otin Baîgol YO IF T OTEL, and CuIters, bafoue glving îheir ordera eiaé Noyer KROAD. a.bTrOle, vian. . ROBT. K. YOUNG, PR OPRIETOR, nuisli'11,17. lr. R: RoiSible hstformtu tragandtuqihe o u. ABRD h Sr>', tIc., lfiaiobhed topartiese naq1aislg i .,, amp)ionaccommdationfor unuhar &nAi; 'r.H.MacM IL LA N. Sarinnmen. The br a a larder atippliedi mir wihthe bia 0f hîquonsua nianae la bc Agent for th* fejr annna lu Ibe ounn.-lionsbut obiglag ->ROYAL IE8URAÇsCIE OOPANYP anmat rtve cu= a iapt.ýýcmmdas cn eiablilu ad prompt boîtiers awsai u *O*JOZLtl<SuitAiiO-P hn aud), vais.ToK TOU*G, j wtoén-A" Vig - ,,,,B.i.. YOUNGnA 81>5 1-iubreel, Tire, Lii. au GuatRautee CAPITAXL, 5,0000 Brooklin, Dec. 2, 1872. 12=49 'OM HOm-Q APPLE TREES, A 0O VT 40,00n. HOME NURSERY, From tua 1toux y eanc of! e, esmbncing Pt the boit Vanleties. SETH C. WIL&014, Lot No. 8, 2nci Cou. Pickeing, on Kingatan Rs. lit Office,, Whtbý.- FAmu FO]R'BAÀLE. à Onr.-hund AMreFsrm for- gala in East Whltby. Apîy -- Il. HINEO,ý ue21h, 1876. . m2 10ACRE PARM I13 HARA FOR SALE1 Weq1.baf cot 14 lu hli zth oea -ir.n nebs - lserd udune#. uudv*onnL1Roa, 'c, i.Wuth. P ATPETS FORB NENTON8 TWICE A DAY ! 1 l,;: ýL Ucha%7va t0a,1c i , and 1, tp.ou. LePace, 'tWtitije t19 80. asM.,tnd itO Fixe 25 rentseeeb rv '11111 eU ah al lie h-iraIt, -and et priote reeliiene <vian erdeca are lei at an>' ai the hotsito> Connecta viti Oshava sud Bowmaatvtle etage - alto viti tise Vhiîby sudl Port PaR;àfa-ra nrith Brougit- am mal atý9L- 11 10i' HOPPERI. whbtbjy, Marri 9eh, 10<65.- il-fi s 1 y A 1M iL 1* eCITY 0F TORONTO," (CapI Dsccp, luecudail>' f Attcf Tonge-tt,, Toronto, aulita. nm., ariec el lilagara Pt 9.30 E. s., anA Levicton ai 10 a. m. Con- necions tonrte P"ll, Buffalo, Rochitler, AUbn>, Clevelandi, New Tank, Piadaiphia. &o. ti'ckts and allnformanut 8F ranit Street 18 D. MLO.Ait Bîge le announabthst abho hea remoî-edti Ring St.. s le-e deans P-AST 0F TRE FOST üOEPICH, opposite Trake'a thnwv.îoocnc. vire -gjll ho tona iinoetok oa i ak ana folt bats for ladite and gentlemren, eoftais o o--miu- taatture. ISe S1rew itle 91t11 -l utt eteetInl Oshawa-, July 61h, 1875 89 GenoraliCrniiiflIon Merchant rtPnd Produce Dealer. Agent fur Icauzr. uant ii otîacuc.Ur- soii Fire InsursuceCompaniar. RATES 0F INSUBANCE LOW 1 Alan Agent for the Lo=cos sund CÀvàciu LOINe A." Aezuucr CcXINrsr. mona>' bah. et ounaai l stata, payable tram Tino to Tinalvo yaus, anA lu anme te suit parties. IWIntôeeel b-un anonucommission carged. Morrgâges banhi. Oscie s,*' GIBSOIT di SPARVELL, China Fru. Store, Dundas St., Witby. WiitbY. Mirai tht, 1876. 12, VALUABL .7PROPEET! FOR SALE. Thoiscbacnber effaraï eh. Pa* te t.,iluthie son air a1 lu& inAveIfmau of enltivaion eozii slatû is nloir. 'Townu ai Whit. hage wu i*ac Lo a Green smd "e on Omtrn4a-a 51 Thou6gli farzrr,fala the restmtight [S: Thougjhýay zighit ae in tgfaeiouely, Re ouly careti ifde did. Thbroûgh god sui I~puy4cii WWÎ hs b tt 4wavero& naver, lié U. sud dath cf 1,edet 1.11h, Aud lne taonte or avey. M Nstiprusa-6 eçuena Umbeatt a. merme 2h" 801 Gly reta theGieor bra, ati te outoroti lt foregoitsg parurlain a big bock. "Weli, you kncv tae change- -steealig titis gentiacsan'o§ iu. brellat. f[ai-c yenanythingIte, Sa>'it addition 1ho cuhat yenuavei-oalnonlv, stabt) 2' "«Notltitig raoor. nvoeic" CaU oui11Y1epeat ht it iL im ttii'lykte eaicctile uspeiî MY pat» ', 'Ton']) hava an oppenlunit>' af prcvsng Ihal in tise cornieg. Yon ant ibyne catana i te firsb ponroniva bave itat) lu dAl ith ii hare via bas icetakun otiter iîcoi'o propenty for bicc cwn.---Tako bics tu Ibe Aic. 'lnd thon 1T vau morciciloff. Tho circutsieceete-bviclitbail brougisb i ue mbIbt iesecrapa vero et fellearbMy- tdlf isîcisy friand Spruaingloe vona lu thc eiployaiont cf a railvay ccntnacoe, %vuosoie offices vers aiitualet) in lise becelil>' iraeA>'mentionail. - Ttc dalles cf our departumenl varo ubaret) b>'came 1balf-dazen otan yanng gentlemen of Our ove ago, aWto, lice ne, vero quali- iy icg tisemccccvec for lise surrey cf ground anti construction of linea in au>' part cf lise wonl'l whieb thein genino aboulA Cali thie;a:But plans anA cpecifiaationr, are net pantionlani> cx- htisratieg i l iteag.elvee, apant frocs them professiial ianeet; se il ianeua lu lie 7oràdered aI, liaI acong scormal Young fallait-t-,fulilcf animal spirite, a litile practical joking chenl i axe be;en at limes inducigat)il. Net) Spruoingtou anti I wtiesoit)Car- lisiano. Vhen vo mal. tiserefono, aller tomse years* au'pration. at bbc office lu George Street, vo hat) iy te nrenav onrfrieudeitip. Thegneat dandy ofou ceins, nu', cf te enlia-oitouse, vus Neil. 1 bonestl>' bebieve, tee, liaI ten vaan eof bise uioal gul elaas, cimpla- Itearteil fellotvo cliva. Ha tai. hein. ever, oneconGpicuens wesknos-vhici vas to be taken for s man of fasision. le d1r'teeii, 1admit, aunnxceîLitoabnly;1 audt) teaid leurs in îîrcdnecig tLieipres- sio vliislie desireil opon iteitldent. taarebbiLes-than"a-lut)y*upanasal, tiiougng<f ourse coutiflenabby longer. Jcdigtng froua the cl ouyi iantila. mounhtd in goil, il(at have ctccl- iis a wini- cf nions,',. vsl, ýiî tile mhrellce 'f Kec r,'e iieti aIl vs ec-nid think of to gst boit) cf. But10 ii L'a OO wary fer ca-lb irai alç-nvý% efti îcFoume cafe plac. If ave bial sucstld 'ln gaining poct8eiskion cf il, it -"l1 *1 et -havbuîe akeIl Plcii- cpice< us ji in lu cieye uc'IeAs tast vo itocama cru deapenale tisat 1 accepiot)a a Wb vgor fraost00ocf bise otiser fellove tisat I woauldpresenu>'- self aItte office tise nemI uscmrlng, ai ail bazaniL. tise prend porcoctear cf Net) Spruciuînt* cmisLurella. ,1 On tat pai-tieulur day, wurk litg sek, aven>' oua was en!ableil te bave nunuuily carl>'; ce ltaI iy four o'alok in lise aflernoon lte houe was cierared oi ail e-,vo Inytoif, my bnathirr-cauna ber, sud lita aid sellier via livet viLls hie wifo, on tise promises. Miy fndt o v a s balis enebont utl sncb>lLimes, itat announued bila intentioet cfpromu- enaëlinelte Lnlies' Mile, titerete aoir lainsotîf, lai;; ariahcracy. stiti-bis umitroaîs. icieded ulicn foiIoving him thlur. Aat Iere vert Yet bye honte cf tinyligit, hovoeor, I tisougit I coulal cet dc baller titan forth>' csy- self for thto entenprne Lyt>bakiug tomue snhcctantiul rcfrashmenl beforç cet- csencine uporaiona. -Alt laiiiai, 1I ivouli 1mai t the cîcapher ai eceidants. WiththIis objecl in viaw, I van ne- puiring luîr n s>'favaunile pilace cf refi-etice cu bbc Strand, wiscn vie etonidi 1uGe o oking in autlte lape. graplucr' iop b>' Northumbenlaut) Hoco bat Noc)i Sprnciugton 1t Ho ougitt, b>' sigisu, l bean noarl>' LinOiles ai-a>' cilHyde Park sCorner ; yeltare n-ai liý aI Clsuning Cmoa, caliyI>'ccudY- us;nic nulp ofsa-"rlcat cf van V'" Ha ins u Un inA lu ong oIson gaue, taI I coula net gel at hics le ipeak on evon ho have a ean nin ol hue'face. But I kuein hlm b>' bis heigitt, b>'tise nosil>' braidet) cccl, thtet)elieabely tint- ad trousons, lt e wel-poset) bat, anA last but net lesat, ltae umbrolla. Hle vue holdin -hie ad bi 1-) i 1-1i, moment of tise tnaneaction was Gnougl for -me., Befone the ligers of bis loit bsand coulA close, 1I tu eoizet) uhe, umbrelia, and lte nazItmoment vaà dashing matily uaroîsTralgar SeJuar in ttc dieaiou cf lte ]Haymnludé. hint) me, a commoieon vhisi ccom evellet) iaoauanuproar ; f1edeà il ='O, furtier ltan to tariabal connd,*! oda te lot tlpnuinpton cee vte 1 vas, anA to floulsaitin lte-,sixMY>' brll-t mean hi.- umbrella. But tae uproar dit) net rlz ; ounlthe contraryor il b.- souba cf "Stop biiaf 1V' feloved mesuaa I fle Zp ltae tipea aIthe arutler oai oftbq square. The arias .111 ii g-g itiitelecosotIet itsiite n a ser5 te mortggfor me,, lve per namel>', a woodeutu.h a O mhrl cent.,IanA perfect seeenity; sud ha put nuah lte votsfor vair, of Oe icr.1the îc my u'pneorshug -a gambig, taini>',but ne more l t-oeûcmparet)vent o-scear>' ana foraibly, bafero Iwit2he bisl«ries cf lte onyx.itandled, Me, tcaî nliting buftibis maiai for not titan a côatermengéo*'ideawake ailt it Canebate sn I have once ido ui -lte Arehhishap cf Canterbnry'e hast Myv lin lprevauted My embnàcng lui "aboyai." - offor - 1"thgr Ili iO. Au- altempt ai bînaier b>" tise ba le -"i 2hava i ad expa ia ii iesmat, poseseor of lais umbrélla waa -quistly, - bers, n4 yen have" nouae," iai, ha> "an)1d mal bNet) wilh a roquesttit lu1 fl ti o htc lh ju svl ceflo o f -te '-crt ioulaz itue puonoulta -:rb favorite for teiniia iUTJlthtiae . Til I WSB kho rby, se throw i. ijoea aoncemu a- g i ial*@»atsvybUeasatma fonttheé unier iiel "6T. W.," aAlieohud !not.a lima e bl btidai eds." taik nolItcf -tii itlusto ". 8" et gva me wooid *inrrbut, mb 10 onx-ebue.- i l ea tut We' hould 01 course,=y imutediate relasue fol- scauc nho waa soe esoparaled by rny lowed ipoù tIi ilo vef'yaewmpiëubiad o isî aiato laint tistau ite by toaauntanca th.sI I eft tisat court bh once bad eofineontng my uaýpe wilhont'aany'stain upon iMy in ht' -u is i M must utow bc reeo""d - e. flaepromeuttor as glaici for wýét e athe use Ile in 2 - .llk retfalo .ay, yet ssc baIeorotoun wo wiluuy thoil itavé-y t02, iêbat recie a savaiororbuko, id- Coe aI1o pa&u uat sa u i n i t ro d b y t i s e 'Ii sé i t n a t a '. t h e - w o i ni rè %low huit oO Ivesîing u inte id flope luraI ont ci Obsk, -iun coiulleusi ehýÀ l8y~4i 'TACR va tlStenege uMo 1 wqk1! Maud the.ar ù! euneail y, pneowtatîung 4)f Pe~u1.or bave fewploaeîreseuiough, inoenxce wveef neu vfi, and 1 waiiii aia 1lm not gû diminleit item," enter cieeon i 4ote lisp eliItrdi;ili Uofl$i 1 O iclmaa be, ba *, agrj4e<m w erithohadn oeldoor dofdteMe, al . Iwag tk b Th(dtiout W.-Wu$ egroat, ltat laugh Ü9oi Il vlig ôhéàyear with 'a va y i m,1coulA ai t iritdci"cng a Dfrouglis rin flise very, aui- ~tulhi~40gdca1y I becami keof(,:ha éuns 'Of Londouw iand &*ac h-t W i anarrow v4 . j an impetue iotippling, aweanang, RWti. alway tP tsw;daIia Wü 1; -Anýclio 1 t&ét0< *ooeu eîaoetin, and round' Ivo li e lveiiouth. Thon the races wer,' Bido I could diuily Éoù 'ài v ea *t 'Ou thie square",Tihe principal barely tva feelffront a flor sw1ih huinriewas .given by iho landiord Of the itictt dep luttcwuat. trEon - doit I bggeis ot.iot,e, who invariaiuly foua cfhideigtful ap)arttent *ws efgreat a pe ,enterodii nta-nî~ ttickneae saisn-aofivo fet vWin .l.aot, thete.wa s cjont in frocs thbc greuad-U temall gnatiug ot tht 1neaing; lime raciug wae a farce, roustd liaoe, Ly >pressing -îny face 1 andl ipwdoeialacutytetaers tré ag<Lîutt titi. g,'ating, I. Couladfoiteio tIien., the corridor %vitilout.- Buttise onlyl ',(D. mu and dine writh cn, aud taik it viuw obtainubii wttas ground.giu a or,r', uîld logerd,; and gavo ut§ uý Mste wimdcw opposite, illunsinated by lte I eetepignepaiabotie of port, which last lingonîug ray. cOf tbc.ettiug siu. IL vair Jbcnevoýiao méel dowil, hand à was altegether a muet depreoiiug ýpiacta, cigtos wiil1 f ourdi-ack atgzulielg T6t flaveur euggostbcd tt nîo- waüea Ounm- sneltfrsaaob ouît hin.g. An,)j biuoi) une, mnate up of te 'ceudaueledtill - e warc net hippy, fer Muiioiaw eIl fitNewgame, tise duugeene of the stuc Lu lubisest.; ani cet longtelieuii Baelilic, and lte 3psxeiqii îquiitiou. des 'rmg icar inad e ite îme p jrofit. Occaioual gruif voices -and e] evy fot- tuo r eZrk. stops in lte corridor deepenod- lte iut- "Oietinabe ?" tsaid iMee(llaw;hisam 1presasan AÀsuiiiinc iii a Irai watt a hap;te .ay thut I amn.,If I woerionu Liug ho slue. cLietV l, My incomoaiut tis umon'eai Tharsi '.tgac t iuknlit.41oîî f wosd bu ho v udred anAfilfty poueds Mcy tituiation, That 1I bad -coiiwitttelper innuus, anti I chaulld bu worIcing folouy there cuiilto te cluasnt deubi, iaardlcrigisi hurs n day tlearast-'* tbestgi wrth nsac elouiene intention. -Te.ll uýs Ibat,91, cnicil Roers; "IT ite-ir WVosId i he lnaw8ctrite itelieve Lany es- lec'ui'd cf clst'ueacy payiug-bforl. planalion ? Suroly Lay icauner tantd - 1'ecaucc, vitera il, pays. yon cali it appearanco wcore net bboso'cf a pi- fr i'see,' saiA Mcdelnw ; 'hewevur, if But oy laret oaauk it-bm ute as I ro- 1 au tuh bu -.ut.cbîogLapiticai, Inmuet be menabéî-ad that lte Landau woli.mub exact'. I forgict tisai in auddition t-o cy are kiuoNvu lu bu te ceveneet -actera ie saiary ý1 elould have itý ha lte interetý ltse weld-iu faut, cun iwibatéte hlier- on w aet viceloft ut mny capital, anA vas fection aey clasi cf saciety. iMy oniy. ihing(Yofi'wbat I tat u iivc ait wiî'nZ, hope %vas -in 3pruaiuglou Ha wcuRé c 0yi~o ance casho ta mu"ten bisows. be cf matulilasittauce iu cilcnning Up and p~ouaa il sitouh bava lieue, uit te nysteny. AnA yot tat mbrella2 tber0' wera Oue or iwo legacics, andu tito I coulA bave owonn lb to belng -le pPucoprobi blic duby. Bestms sates other but ho ! Howerver-. 1 bail dos- cd le,acieti 1 lse tt, prbable dnty! patceeiniestengere ta hit, MY e m- iJbatd otiser sentimsnut flit eui, ployer. anA my frionda: ;tenefcra, the but $îuey maiù my fortune. If itl bat unly t-ing tealin dune %vastta w;eih net l3api- ortesodoductiose, 1 shaeild patienbly tillthbb monntsag. leave loft csy property lie quiehly i se i I spraro you a deecripticn uft' btI igist funilc ý; but hisui tue l)jILpari, ho ef borner, for acii lb vas 1luaocwlmo catil1r daims ,and taxes, I gel vexed, bail ttevci- before buffesred an bcer's and ti ebrnined ta realise tise whiole, deprivalion of liberty : tuw i te moue- sud iMuae n bit of a -geuiho, 10ua ho tonyofilheu ,long. heurs vwat only roake up Ébat aonfoucded pioce vhicis b,.oLinat ilervaia by tht> appuaance bad e bâllon eutoeeMucre. et thc gratiug ci' ce ib ,lisebueboil Som(4 friendksrowetïrated,,wbiÎci maâe visage,' dcmseeliug wither "idli" vas ImC uoe s etenmoinod, -and say3'fir5t "rigt"-hoiv at four u'cleak i. . n. o bauki r'ti balance vas a noble eue. faliow-prisocamaf, j is e chapes n'ai s 11Tho question %va, vitlgacible drunken ecavenger anti a deoner from cebcul 1 1 go fer-mines, naiiways;, or the Royalel Alillery, wans titrustinjte miscsdRancune ? Whila I was liesitat- Ibe cel; or bain in the nonniuig.ail tha iug, bac] te go te Liverpool for bthe' coliG avee einptied, and ave, te occu- houJinluwhialîI 1was clork, uud'lryiug plants, %vils acbing boucs, uwasbod- -ta se<p on the journey, 1 overbetzrd ea and cukemupt, %irn parad tiebhneugh couveÏbatiun belveen twe leug.iteadle<i the str e j4lslyt nin, lnuScotciîlooking fellewaengers. Liu that aailnaof Dot gui»iai us tise crovd of dinty, disroputalile detca. gsitemý,end a bnead-bliimeelu1h tU3, cacis guartidc by a eeusiabie. whoa "Wia L dort tounrettly thiuk cf tlii filleti an ceter ruonsi. Dateb Canaliand Steam Ferry sdeiei" At the cry cf' "Chsarlîe; lanit " (I "iby,". nplieitdJliceteber, 1"I bhiîtk tbuAdore a ear csy ciat> cein ch a bhcel if bise anagement cf iwere i n place'), 1 sudny attendant policeman your if ut)!y iande, er il tote cf men marcied ache hite court. The jaileor, a I could rust, I veuhd put overy penny big. buniy, bald.beaded, gilt-buttened 1 cou.id risa jute il." p;entue, placît) utse in the dock. At lte "Thou mucit coufirmeetsMY ewn ides camue moment tUi proeuttiter etorpd poti lite oubjeci." bhc dock tb lie on. Ha vue a prig. "Tbe precant rate cf traeicl would gisb.lookiug mat, cf about ferhy-five, give cf profil cf ton per cent., Icueun and nMore like Net) $prucinsgtou iii neckesin- ths goeds cenveyed antcually front Ihu1 a s elike bise Monument. -parýilylise river, viiis jeoflen iu a fewin ml, vel.choseu wordg, lie unnaýsgab1e; parbly by vnggen, anti descnibedthetis vitleocecurrence. Whosa oe thse eslnary iu open boult; tutt* ho tati finisbed, I vas tld thatlIconld 111e a- very moderato ceinpubtaltii fo pub any queetionelis taisaI I thloegbi aseuuo liat thetbransport mveulti lct proper. 1 declilsedt)a du se. Thon, quadnupied in two yeare." afler bis evidence had licou ceutiraned "&T u reokenedthebb pereenlagê ou liy tihe ceestnbte wvisearreated Mce, lise1imete -poaed capital; 'but wilh 'that magistrate - au twciable-lookisig clii sulieq '* geniiecsau--aekod me : '"Well, sy "St ffilce? I never ciw ci sinepler biti finiasuti, vtl bave you ta say lu tibis ?" uof en riucning je my ie. Tho tont lu rcply, I gare the saine simple and pount) deositetahocpait) on ahanes unvarniitetd stateusout visiah I bat) 01- ougisl o te b a MPle0lte scttise vIto rctaiy giron tltise police etation. tbing ýgeieg vithout e'ailicg aitether ",Tit is ail vary wol asflar as ib pesuy gos;but have yau any vituese o te "Tlat, I seu, is liselAoct by hlite-o characler '.' pccba1q . tiotan inkielt, tison, lititl "Yti, sir--2lMr. Edwsîrd Spreimsglotu." wiii b cdhoee)d ",Caîl Edward Sprueicglen." "I îrAuuot say tlit: I du Ucl lik;e Lthe Thon I coulA iseur tis crier s1bonting mon 4'ho are gotiing tise eempany uap; tihe familiar nainue ltrougit lim aaseages tisera 8 ne knewiug ivluu bricks Ihose cf bise court. fomowm May pl~. *klftor a fear minutt' suspense lte 'a 1 us net bc ue iabiuubl officaia returueil, adcompuiet), taecMy Most mou are toit elvion llay dan beý groat, deligitt, by Neel. Tîho gond fclleîv seviti profit." lcekéd ccc dielcoseced tafe eeMe lu sucia ,A ', if hbey were capibalists, '1 ctould a presicsamonL, ltaI i1 fuît convicced te have Du four, but tlisent je nol a oulitan. woulti bava given a dozen umbreilas te liai u au auenget bisous. !tud hov bave gel Me cultcfrlte sorape. As a aua uguet) tibghave I ,oeu, ruLucd accu ne lie matie bis appear&ncu, 1 no- ehnply becatsitis diecetors coula net licet) tisaI ite proutUntr cisangIl colon; affordi tu, vait for tise legitimate profits, Iaiso coticedt)lant Wbiolea iiu lite but. bet needs initlais a lsttlîey ------------- oer-ro lnoxt cay tUsseit'I lire kinds of dlot, or abse freux ente pc'cla-ous veuxa avent la lise ilelr avi i i Ti dealer icoketi at tsa g enl,eurpnlo, antinattise w btromé vender. "Vy, n ho sd, "plou heen wvar do aun 1 Yon I'ink is ai iron, hep ?" NVbn a Yankee girl 1ev loi-e, lu s htacit of prou alter day it wuas oirai-fu lady> avrote ho ber lever ao lte ceu "aaOn in Viâtoi VeryV ý - dsatrn -b$qua goe, -semre u cr te a unolier, audtrsat te bic>' anre siares wiitit e reum»tacc ai cupiital bluitume. I etâetl i-î c,afOre nAi frtixlaI itous', I Yenai,_iA bt ni>' furtune vas macde.- 0hohua [_eueliaringUbie manket 50 Securing bisetitanes fruunii that i- conla positively'gel nu more, te Daltieat Canal and Shoana Ferry sueldeUlv ha-- came - a great <asccoti. ,, Twenty pm' coul. wîts pai t laI ver>' yoar; b ccxl, I gai- il>' anA a bonus. 1 I hava buen a Incis>' pccculabten iýstie hhn, L1c0 caver hlt bon ga goodt) a litg la>ynm vils, asuIvues foroo i itie i>' I) se clistisae>. 5a, you sec, 1 iug li juailil>' ouI of gratitudeI, sud il t -, tieS1 argulug vitl cucwis'saT Iicev" 7 piut dova us>'foot." "I ama&fresidnot,'- sui tisé Vicar- çt a sgis -" NYatdo yu u Ca>, Roger.. t" 1 uy>'tiuat if il vertsduee ruao muule-races bisai vs -enu t7iig tu -, press, I coula battusetrlnlesi5r] law'e auvocmcy." nhi r114-Y w rt YBsc.ven. -'"Vut 0 ,fta inuabout fort>'yeat-scf age mse stî". drove np lu bise Grand -Riv.-r ectF blactemiti sicop ycstert)ay-' Th itsamIs ecame otat and r4ylliuç)l it' tis Sigbt vas goot). - '<I vaut a sisce on Iisat-rxigbb Iut - nght te once,' site contînuet), anti thr junupet)devu nanAdIma t itahtrse cul cf lte eld vaggen before the-eii eth lise cent etene. tbe ledlte honte mIs> lte shop, etIdevit an tiehouait antiL f rapareel le takea nscsoke., sud au the Llacksrnillîleok dovu a tise s sue oit- seirved:- - ",,o;0ficling ccii. I vaut thast itua cOasut iimpose mtan me ,'cause r. n U tih Io huA been npeAii- hoea ndeul>' became restive, danacing aronnd and botisening ltee soor se tIsaI lie coulil col proceot). "T'-on Aon'I soelto hla bai-o au>'epr- icucevit bhonactet" naaned the- vo tutu as taise rose up tant) laid han piwtr "ides.11mev I his boal rt Du te flasieatt, anA yaca jist get liact m litt-le.-1 Tise sswiti rtroabed a 11111e and lthe vomn :caugisl lie bheab>' lta, bia, acnA giving hiin -à&t. ivhundreti ponl Icick in tise n'bs, , ol]ct): "Wbcoa. Chane Henry--git rouin.-l blere-e-t-ae'i oven aud t#tke tfrst--and iblis-caut soie more, Nov :aieetir anA te lie mark," Chiries fHeur>'kiédt tia atiIloff the block as isua kicekd liiibe, but cita Icicioreil tite.-ardesb, and viten lies horqe -sucer fsluck hbilanad lite tise elscp !e -hoee as hIaf-ovar a beisecli,tut x;s uquiet as a lussîl. "1N oir plareet," sui be ise u fn site pichetin a *hrpijpe. >"Whona a lace goto teo fooliig arcuand nie anti aahiog for a nov lic's iaying up, sorroin fbr lel' gray>' irs.', lie îvnu'canvng uat: dinnan, .. tboulght - 1l0e sUNetlk te suailIl bocking zinqel u lsnhi$ wt. "Hcv yen bkac lieet-1aa'eu ?" , tild le a&+ venture. "WVell cooked, tsait) shi. ir i uenosbted l ite Lkeines.at lisAu. We do«t knucv itcw pin-ba id ra mcde, but bisere pmuetbýt isa îoaiinl teom Sharp ranA iuicl Aougla! ccl faf9llT, net down incaulicusi', a foin dayseiuoe, ud laI çuee ent np fa; Mhigsa; tise chsair bocki!, Tise rai]tba- issuad fracs lier- beauttifu! nothl a- sidulpiuons. -1r. Bevele liag gotuIlatettlurL nhi naw lin hon. Ra finsle t iie aK cytcr a beistied etarci ua nt i of carnet, wlude ber up, puits ber on le et, anA ile iii bu>' au agg aoriy de ? for a 'erck. Ho haa va>' of kot-pi'a- hem fmcm workiegon Enuday. .tu Irith salffer, prolencling te duiant. neàO, vus disebagot. - Re lu a rS lime -aflervwarAýenlisled ita itoüi os-ps, eut)leatjreconiaed b 03a comnade, vus 'qecetioned boavr hLaamsa- eàtu o p eak. "B3>'St. Patrick," ?ho me&- pliat;, "téa geitewsvonit- malf. ta' a man. Epeke." Il oeeel elwaca ùoitlne rna ýltc;cjw toi 1

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