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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1876, p. 3

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te, ù eù, aa- Gc . ry4 lO" èer nlov retomilns home i hlavlizg aoôtplieid a aingi. purpo f thti expeatilon, and after ha vln sfreti the losaofon-uarter of th.fr nuoeber. The rderto wtra regimntnof civ. airy .On the. Yellowstone ha. been count.rnaaded. Suvaaa HUREEWAUIX DiTRSWEBT Immeu.-The West India lloe bisave basa vW.t.d 1by aset..n of slee. ur- rioam., vW"loh es specisfy dis. trous in Porto Bloc andi Jamalca. lu the latter lelnti il Uthe.telograph PPERNa oME!tro 8nuIssuE» ET yTua. xy.--The Turkish' bondholclars are = ré ar4 ag#oms for th. issu. by the Tukibovernùeat cf paver Money te *0 =-snmun*etforty mllon dollar, 40 Iim legal tenider, redeemable lin1ton 'eanm, uti leaming Do internet jaNouoe-f Birtls., mass'agsa, atnd DeatUs 4ewgoit 50 cewf. suie. BRDEN.-Âî WÇmtby, on the 151h Instl*, th ii. iofMr. P. W. lireden, Ontario Bank, of a, dauight. AWB GRI BB.-ýI et. Catharines, on the, 711 instant,j at thé et8. Catharines Roman Cithoia Oluurcii, b7 the very Bey. Dean Mclii.j ginaiulted by the, Boy. Pethera O'Bey, Robin, Shea anti Mocanu, James ëhes, Esq., Merohant, Oshawa tà Mia.- Julia H., dsugiiter of Daiet MeGUire, Rmq., et. Catharines.. WHITBY MABRTS. 'ioxuxcea Opries, Sept. 20th, 1876. eti1Whst ........... 1104114 -sprlng Wheat ..... O... $ 0 61 07 Séier,;...............070 @ 10 77 O ..v.r.............$825 #9 00 'Timithy........ ......s 7084-00 Peua.................WCea 70 lluck Bye Pous......70eo @750 Rye ............... ol70o - Oea.................. 850 Hay ................. 88081 Potitou ............8e50 o Egg ........... .... 120 *Butter..i ..........le,a 22e col, pr tou..........7 0 800 Wood.W.......... ....8400840 Wool.........250 0 21c. Bet, ini qate . 5 500 @06 50 Béat, fois quarter.... 860 0 # 5 60 Shiepmka............... O00 0 0ao 70 aidies................. 0400.0 onions..........a 0o Turnlps.::..........l12,0l Appie., perbushel.1.00 Chase. à.............100 0 l2ie. Carrela................10020o PorlpareMt ....... 07 00 @ 7 00 -Chiekans ............. 804operpalr Ducks par pi ........... Oc c60w Turkeys, pr lb .......eo STOCKS. sasas, eîccBE. BUYzEBF Miea........ 189 18 Toronto .... .......88es 187 Ontarie ........ .... 108 102j Oanoliiatd. là 101 Commerce ......... 125 124 Dominion..'.127 Hmto...........82 go9 Fadeai . 102 101 Imperil....... ...1061 105j Conty6pe , u.Debentures, Du SepembrC ', Seth, 1876. 176 FailT 00T0,Spébe O,1876.11 Po us. ........ 70 761 p. fl5-t........ ........ 0 o @72o Ç *5e....... I...............80072aie 1ts..............80 3 ES ............... 88 @0610 Dgs..............1 8eof 7c ppe..............18 022 OPP698 ii<>coO.-Gruiecful and0Cm- f Irïug.-Bya tioiough kuovietifl 01ethle naturel lava vhiçh gavera.ý the 'tiporatiaus et digestion anti nutrition, anti tva a eauapplication et the fine piopeities ofvwell.selectedl cocos, Mi. Ep -ias provitiet oui breakfast tablfes wltlh5a - elioately flavoreti beverage, vielniay Bave us many hesvy doctors' bille." Il 55 hy thie ndicious urne ot uci articles oi duel tiat a constitution maL, b: fradually buiît np nutil etroug o eug remet oer 'eytc deucy ta diseuse. Hundretie aotîhle mala- dies Are docatlug &roundt us ieady ta attark whiieever there ie a vesk point. We may escape muniu a fatal satt by keeplug oui- selves vellfortifiat vitb pure blooti anti a -pieperiy nouisiati trame."-OisiiService Gessotte.Solt in la Pkets .and Tins,ihb, anti lb., labeled,-"Jamas Eppe &c Ca. Iîomoeopathlo Cbsmicts dB Thîsutineodle Streot, n 17o, lc cai ;Lo ndon. -OXYGENIBLIFE. lessly aufferlng trmDebillty, Nervaus and' Liver Complats, epremion ai Spirits, Hypochoutila, Timldity, Indigestion Fail. nia of Raring igt matiMemory, i>usei-- tnde, Want e o " r, d&o., viios cases uad- nit ai a permanent cure by the uew-remeti PHOSPIIODYNII (Oxonle Oxygen), whici ut once -alla ys ah irritations anti excite- Muent, imparîo uév eueigy and lite la tie enteebleti onstitution, anti raplily cures every stage ci hoe .hltherto incurable and dlstressing miadies. Solti by ail Chemises anti Dru @ta s lrou«bout lhe Globe, S WCIJTION.-The laies anti increas. lug timand for Dr. Bri ta ~PiceplatyIe bas loti ta gaverai imitationsunuder similar »aunes ; pureluer ot thii. Metilcine aboula therefore bc caretul te observe tiat ecr cues bsai% thé Goverument Stamp, witi the yards Dr. Brght's Phosphodyne, an- engrivedti tereonsdant th11e sume verte are alec bloncen te bottIe. Eveiy cuos heurs the Trals Mark ant i Sgnature ai patent«., EXPORT AOBTN.-Nartau, Watney CCe,, 107 Southark t., Loandon, S.L. Try It--and -You will always Use Wood's Imaproved. Wood'a ImnProvcd Hair Restorative ln l4like sny other, andi bat% no equai. The Improved hi. new vogetable taulo proper. *»e; retais. Urey bairto a giocy, natujr& oolor ;restores tadetiddr aaan &l lng hïr; estoes àes, gives vigor to tehar ; etorés ai hrshanti ty ai. beao rmoesdaud?,humoîY.&l eruptions ; removes Irritation, Itchiug anà clydneaNo article produces inchi wonderful effects. Try 1t, coul for- Wood'a Iuzproved Hair Restorative, andi dont be pu 0stfsitl, anw ot)&r article. SOMt by aIl i druggists tu lthia place andiddalers every. wbere. Trade snpplied at manufacturer.' prices b CO. A. COOK & Co., Chicago, Sole Agents the tnitei StatetimatiCanada, aud byj LYMAN, CLARK & Co. NEW DVERTI8EMENT8. NOTI CE. tor via net s ible bei nora=y art bave bhdnotice at bution. This notio. la live Statut. 29 Vie., UCsp Dated. si Wbltby, fori ýhtb ly asoI e i he tlmee ofsuch distri en in pursuence cf the 28 sec. $7. e gnt 2tasepteauber JOHN WRIGET, J. K. GORDON UZMOtto Sdlielter for kdsmlutt1; IfOTEL TO LET. T Il 'NATIONAL HOTEL - At Port Whltby. Thl Molel lks vr«mtly beau put in thor. cug repr, aa si arge wati cmm£o<lous0 possesiorL eau bb atiimmeduutely. 1- Apply to O'WeSO Port Wiid Wbltby# 18111 Sept., 1870. 100 Â&CEES TO 3E RENTED. oengcapPjosed cf part ci LLots No. 9 und cin thce Ffn.cnc ein f hoeTownship cfi Pceig, quarter cifa mile from the vir- lugec nrewood. For turtiier particulars applY ta lie pro. Prietor on the premises. - ANDREW MCITRICKL Pickering, sept'. 1Mt, 1878. 21n-89 D OMINION BANK Has opeusti a Brunci of Whitby Agency at LIVERPOOL -MARKCET, noir Pickering Hlarbor fur couvenieuce ot «rei nOmrchauts und. otllsers doing business tIsera, anti for re(1ivng depasits.- - U. B. TAYLOR, Agent. Wiitby, sept. lSth, 1876.. 41n.89 L MFOR SALE IN MABA. The subacriber offers toi sale 100 .ACiRESIl0F LAND. (5 sceas i ed), Soutiihuitl Lot 2, li con. ceseleOn Maru; withln quarter railsetfechool !Ouse. A choies. lot, mttlet ail uroundi Il. TERMS cf soie very liberai. A «cati Iarguin cen 8e obtainsti for ready rush. Apply ta JAMES WALKER, Baptembei 1th,1876. Aiuu .O8 That very ELIGIBLE FARM, belng West.halt ut Lot No. 20 in the second concession Township of Whitby 0O<>unty c Ontar*o andi ut proent ocRlied by Vlm. W. Mercer. For fuither JOMtcnlars s to rent, time f or which le.Ase wtiî 8e givell, and other particulars etpl:. BLIR Sept.131hl87~ Town of Whitby. FAPM FOR SAL~E- IN MARA, AT AÀI3ARGAIN. Baing North-hali Lot 9, concession 8S, with - in a cuarterat..-a.il0ofthe Village et Brchi. Cly soil, 80 acres under cutiva.. tien, 15 acres now belug cleareti np. Titie indlsputable ; apply on the premises. PATRICK DONNELLY. September, 18th, 1878. 8 Au Ho LEWIS Q'LEARY.* Port -Whii-tby. ,vuu iu.rpr&c Pickerig, Sept. ît, 1876. 89 JE REMIAE, LONG, Wltitby THE GREAT SOUTIIN THOR-. Whitiîa, Sept., 1876..1 NORTHIERN CENTRAL T IE WALKCEI HOUSE, RAILWAy COMPANY.T 'Iite. WiB. Mc'.--t1W, - PROPRIETOI BThe teIlowing intincements ara affereti by Ltue lins aver ail ether lunes c.' travelers Vti,'a.-,i, FirstatsaAcromunotit t or WATKINS (iLEN, ELMhhtj, XVI.. hiiin s fît atli t active aild ubligieg as ;LIAMSillflG, HiARRIîSBlURG B ALTI. ssciîs, thîe -Clioite tsf the Mariaetfoi Ilt tMORE, WASIIINGTON, 'l'iMjî> able n a rssit, itnd t-larges inodarate, thi tevellitig pubhlic aaid l ispiaillein gent-ra P H IL A D E-L PH 1 A will fisîliiîsîe Waker Houe althi n. CAPE MAY, anti ail pointa Seti. veniere nea.i rendort which a lotel con Pive fast trains tiaily making direct conee il. W. B. meGAW nactian viti the - lart 1'erry, Sept. 511, 1876. 8 NEW YO'?K CENTRAL RAILR'D - - ____ uit CANANDAIGUJA, N. Y., lia N ortiere X C T RS terminus e1thle Nertieru Centrai Rilway. E E U O S SA LE Pulîman Palace Day or Sleeping Cars an_ ail trains. Tie sertie caf cepntry ravered is vari. ad-antibaautilulî iecludiug lie meat cla. The Ext-tutus- and x ouf-x thtie Will cf brateti ant i pcturesque Lake, Mountain andtihti late Robet-ctsritl wililoffher ter unie by River Scenery in the country. Punblic Anction, et Tho fur-tumeti "Wutkiti net'tIecl 0 artoeLA 0K 'S H OTEL, with inclinsti Reaiwy rnnning ta tic top etf IN îtIL the Munutain, Visible tron amure t Rulacon, Pa.; th1e Susquehacna River wtisThou.VIL G O O HA A santi diminutive Islande, andth e National VIbL G Y 0-î A A Cemetery anti Battie hFieldtof utOetysburg, are duîectly tc Ib is roule, aca eunly be rcached byit ct ets.Lc lai S t ealtaR ails L nc iwîy Thursday, tu;e Twenty-Eighth laidwit Stel Rais.Westiigieu.se Air hirake au ail trains. Day cf september next, PIINNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD . at Tweo uelock in tise atterceois, lue South .at11arisurg GeteniaiExcursioniste Malie ot-Lots Numbers Tee ane. Bies-en, ut Hrrlbur, Ceteuiaiin the 14igth Concession et tic Township are dlivereti ut tint Compacy'e "Centen. et E a*t Wiîy. nia]" de p t, allihe doors ailla Exhibition. * i bv rpryisleot osset TieE ATIlNO STATIONS on tbis litie -uThen aol Frcalry is theaoldCoyet On. are uncsnpasad. Meule- viliie afurnisieti " Fml nth onyo n ut suibable heurs, anti ample ime baise; enies 208 Acres, etfu-hirliaubout- tor oi n cilereti28 ares are geoti Hnrtwood Timber-is enjoyog tqen.ui'tiercraiusd ant inb an excella-nt state et PUXCURSION TICKETS Sutivaltîcj anti thorougily tencat. ut reduoeti rates will 8e soiti ut ail principal Tic Dwailiisg Hleii Brick. Thora are Rilîreadti tcket efflees. - tca-e.Bari-s-ue with etona toundation, Besure thaut yonr tickets re1 ytewt atebuefotç2y-ihctle New Yerk Censrai, Nrtiare u ybIewt alICsnsafrteut-i(i ata Ponnsyvanîa entralnît andc rerot houae uctierneti; na(tawsied P1uar lan oh llilroads. tue Stables, anti one Impiemeul Hanse, aI1 Fo n terlutformution appiy te Wcst. his a Food tata af rap air. Tiare is aieoa erîî Passenger tAgents. hseaizg t 1ihiajdof fi imîclaisatrait lices, S. L. BRYmotun, B. M. llOYD,,Jr.,, eout-Jing about ttve acres. Wet'n Pae. tg., Gon. l'as'g'r Agt. The landse ie ol vutocti by tva neyai. Buffalo, N -y,' Pllateiljha. tailiug crack-a gooti val ant i ett ater Sept. 12111, 1876. c iatern. - This îlte moat deeii-ublafaim la h te "' OAL CHEAPER THANCVîIîî - County of Ontario; la ituateti Seven miles < tfram Part Peiry, anti about the sume dis- tance from Olava-bothgeati markets. DOW N -AGAI N ! Aind tlie aegeti ronds te bth places. Tt8 ete o 1,000 par yeur anti taxs,- CaRU anti gat pricee b 'o8seaseien given November, 1877. A. ALEXAIçEt R Si TERMS 0F' PAYMENT: Sept. ~ ~ ~ . ita176 WlibaniOl- O-tenti efthle purchase maney ut lime of Sept. 8tli, 876, 3 sale ; -ithin ane meonthinmci further sum as newsth bie one-tanti viii muke $7,000; the balance 10 hae ecureti hy mortguge, beaariu P. T AYVLOR' S seven peu cent iutereat, payale l i six eqma Correoted- Lens .Spectacles 1/ rterpartiaul are anticonditions af cula Mu.Taylorvill 11e ut Taylor& _. e an ha d tram John Smih, Esa.. Ruelu IOBSE FOR SALE EV AUCTION. Tie unudersigued -will affer for sala by acLtioni, an Friay, lie 22aid mot., a Day lse, 9 yeaia olti, ut Mi. Johiuliies TIse ,ntcogutjilt.I py the higet ci pris t__ny quuctjtyoetBarley, tubu 1e de- a- ff-, l Ln taa 6r pr nadc ea 8 c1usÛsia>' oe0t vii hahe pusaut a he oîr'cLit atiTaylor & amuîtd, W si . u Ao d b 1 y6 1 h l ontihor ieJ U age0 cf tic eulaise. county Court of the Oouuty cf Ontario, at TAYLOR & 1IARNAiID. tise Tovnslalp HallBicugbam, an tle Wliltby, Sept. 12h, 1876. rdD y .f OCtober, 1876, 3RE IBÊL 1 At The o'clock, p.,n., ho heur anti- doter. BRE AtE ubîn, th@ several compint of errais ad ~ ~ BJ3 o, ,,s,,ons ltle Voteras Lissé af lie muni. I t e t i 01 fPickering fer FuMiers storing BoyIs7 u t Wrcioee OùmbîH arbor, venlti tha veil la se. îuý' - Al leros bavlog business at ths oaurt undl.r etgn proielns,- ta *eliner-.as hé l are rqured ta attend Ailthes sud lime Aspaupr.i te puy lie bighest price fraur îjQtS.ýt nbe i'mnanit>' ot «ced barley, (grewth f hi Dalei 8011 Angusut, 1876. LYMAN ENGLISH, Vendors' Solicitor, Oshawa. LE VI FAIRBANKS,' A>ctianeer, Whitby. ta 80 F0OB SALE i That eligile Funnlily Rt, acres et landI, canprimiug1 cîstîl, al et- excellent quai '-upioti by tha laIe loin Hom aIe ulitleemile. oust af Ringatan'Poa,. -The - i)w, once with ai r'len anti Or- i,fermenly 00- e q., itu 'iilby on ths conhalus'. Ten viii bc s reserved bld. TERtm.-Ten per cent cf 1the irrhaa mn domvu ut limeaofse auZ the re. - ssJe uoemoth thereaiter vithout inittrest. lucher reets lie termsanti conditions vini8e11e tadigConditions ofth leCourt ofi hhancery. Furtiier particularsanti coudtiolns of soie may bc, obtaineti from the undereigneti, or attll iw *offices of A. Hudmpeth anti Oea. Duneford, Lintisay, and John Hoskie, Q C Toronto. J. KETCHUM Master ut Linsaey. Veutior's Solciter. 8-t ADOURND AUCTION RALT 0F VALUABLE FARM. ROYAL RHOTEL, 1Saturday, 1983d of Sept., A. D., 1876, >1arsbthessmulemoe.or legs, f I'e 'l 10ur.are cleareti andthelb.remainlng.20 acres ire voodet-Jiie; wttBeelb and SMaple. Thon la erecte!ona"M parcel a l octi frime barn, wlth cow.stabls, anai root. r Ouse uuderneathi. Aise a good hume sr table; thiesin also a gooti frame dgeling b ouse. Ti>OpertY las sittiate about ten tuiles tramý lU Tow of Whltby, on the. r. Port Wbltyasd Port Perry Gravai Roati, aud in distant about one mile snd a hait O rm Myrtie Station, On the.'Port Whltby * ant Port Perry Railway. PAnOzL No. 2,-The South-west part cf -Lot Number 22, ln the.. 5th Concesstion ot Whitby Township. in1the*suit Couuty of Ontario, coutaiulng 81 15/100 acr-ls be the same more or lesn, and doacribeti ottoilows, that le ho say:-Comnneneing et tii,,South. tant angle et the sala Lot Number 22, tience Northl, eéàWest 80 chains, more or issïý tethee uth ngle ieti mni .owuet Jrgoautier Kitchen ; theuce South 74 tiegree West 10 cuans, more or legs, ta tie contre othtie said lot; thence North sixteen d0greos West 20 qhiels, more or lese, ta the cen , lre ofthtei saidiCocesslou ; tiience South 74 degrees West 10-chains, mare or legs, tc, >the' Weateriylilmit ofthie mid lot; theuce Sbutt sixteen degrees East 50 chaîne, mare Or les., te tho South-West angle ofthtei. aid lot; thence North 74 dogmes Buat 20 chalus cmore or les. ta the place of beginning ali o f «which le cleareti, Thore are erecteAau this parcel a goati trame dwelUng bhise, a trame barn, cow stable, hersa stable, anti open seods. It insist4ite About one muile Peonth afth11e Village ai ilîaooklin, anti about' four miles tram the Town cf Whitby. * AE P 1c0. o. i-Village Lot Number 11, jthe Villageof Port Perry (tormerly Bore. nu),e as shewn onua plan matie by John Shier, Esquire, P. L. S., of part of lot Num. ba Sventeen, in the Six-th Concession ot th1e saiti Township et Beach, whieh saiti plan i. fiiedi in 1t1e Regiatry cfie for 1the Count1 et Ontario, save, and excee t hat part of the sai Village lot Number aven, renvayeti by oe Amy P. Johnsan te ane Charles T. Young, l'y teed bearing date the Eiglheenti day ai July, len1the year of aur Lgor4 Oue Thounti igit Hundreti anti Saventh11e said parcel ef landi iereb7 ta bo solt being thirt-cight tact in with, trontlug on Simcoe tree, in the oaid Vil- lage, anti oxtendiug Westerly the viale leagth et mid Lot Number Eleven. The sala Lot centaine one quarter ai an acre, bo th1e same more or lbas, on which there are ereeteti a gooti trame dwelllug hanse and trame stable. -Thora is as a gooti voîl of water anti a number offtruit trees. CONDITIONS 0F SALE. As ta Parrel Number Thîee, ne evidoences et tille vil ho given tiar than a deeti cfa the saitiparcolatf landi madie ta one Surahc Jaue oaiitay by Winam Rattenbury, dut-.l edth 1e Foxrteenth day et November, One Thousant ihgt 1untireti sud Seventy- Four, andth1e Regislrars abstract of tille andi the Ventior eh not ho boundti t pro. duce any furtiier er other evidance ot tille nrto urntsh any ôther deetis ar copies of Bach parcel wiii ho oflereti subject toaa reoervoti biti fixeti by t11e Master;- and par:ý vei Number Two -wil bcholsat ubjeet ho ao Loesefercie yeure, matie by the lateP Jackson Holliday ta William Kerr anti John Keri. tiateti Sevuteenli ef October, QueT Thousanti Eight Hundreti anti Seventy.One, wheîeby thse reet payable is Three Hundreti and Thirty dollars (880) annuaily. The particularsofe whîrh Leaee can heasacortaiu. eti ut thc office efth11e Vendar'e Solicitor.T The. purchasers ohall ut lie lime -etfsala P puy dawn a depesit cf tan peri cent ta the li Vender or hie Soiitor anatihle ren)alnderM imit Court, without inderest, within ana menth trom lhe day et sale. Or utthe11e Option efth11e purchaser lwe.thirdfthset i parrhnee meney et parrels eue anti two eau remain on Mortgage, payable in seven equai ,*%ugi istabmantewsi iuteresl ut savon prtp abl ya lu aIllter respecte th oa in f ae l ctestanding For turtier pnrlieularsanpply te John cl Hosicin, Veutior's Saliciter, anti Messrs. 'V Mowat, MeLennan &' Downey, Solicitors, Tarante. Duteti Blet day cf Auguot, 1876. (Signei) GEO. H. DARTNELL, JOHN IIOSEIN, Master ut Wlîitby. Vendors Solicitor. td-37 C. DRAPER. Vhitby, September O11, 1876. 6in.17 O OTTAGE FOR SALE!1 That Brick Cottage, juet north ai the Brown & Pattersen Manutacturi Cos. Werks, with the land adjaining. Tiare nre on the premisee a Stable, liard andi Sot WIater, &c. For furtier particulars npply te J. E. FAREWELL, Barrister, &c. Whitby, Msay Srd, 1876. 19 ta lt1 fu 'TALUAJ3LE HOUSE FOR SALE. A large Twvo.story Brick Dwelliqg Mannse, 11th throcquaitercetf qe acre of lnd aI- Lactid, well stockedl hrith claire Fruit retes, anti aituateti an tie cerner etfGGrecc in Gilbert atreets, Wiby, and.i et-h1e ýusine8s part af tie town. Teins easy-tai irtier particulars apply te D. OtMSTON, Solicitor, Wiitby, ar T. Hl. McMILLAN, Oshawa. 'lxiîby, Augual 8111, 1876. 3 17No. 4 BULFINCH St., BOSTON, OD FLL W ' HLL, - orsniRVR OS. Whilby, Sept. 121hi, 1876.- Wity TIHE SCIENCE 0F LIFE, Hr-TCE FR Or, SELF-PRESERVATION C H 0£1 F TTIT. 'MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLO. - 0 - - Goiti Medal Awardedtiudotic Ancior Grapes, Peaches Mos, App-nes, Pears by tic "National Medîcal Associa-Me ns tion," Murci 3pat, 1876. d al i '--- of Fruit i esnat the Confectioneru- and Juat nallsiotiby tle PEAnnODY itEDICAI. anu iiilSo 1 esn~ INSTITUTE, a cou- adtjhln ofthti metlicaî Tea Store of workettitiadthelia"8ChENCli 0F LIEE; er, SLLF-PRE SERVATIONI teaeu:pon Man- unteud; causa anti cure ef Exinuete ta - Ç'TI I.yCC Inuîsalesy, Premature Deollae tn mu, Sper- DNA TET niaborilosa, or Seenual Lasses (esaclonsal antidUDA8S8ET dinrentl), Nervaus anti Plyelcnl Dehlltý,, 113. Wbitby, Sept. l8tlh, 1876. -8 Isociondria, GloonîJ Foreoadingo, Mn alDe- pression, LoeofE ai er Y, Hacgard Coaen. ____________________________________ ance, Confusion of Miu% anti0 ofetMenaiy, Impure tatsefthle Blooti, ant il diseuses F A. r. s, .~..~~a 2 arlalng tram errais or Yenli or lie indisce. I 1¶ XT( C r r T iens oroeSesses of matureo ars et0(dNers. A L L Ci C) S Il toiluail-bu h yaeo eog tive Phsyelolagy, thé Physlology et Marriage, ef Wodaeck sud Qfiepring, Physcl Conteurase 1Tris Meralily, Einptrictem, Perversion o~ Marriaga, Couja1 recertasudifrlentu cauna. sel PhysIce rmtcy,?tg c anses anti cure, ..~j ~ r -* Rlelations eto helieBxas, Proosftset i ~ m ~ Expansion et Viree, tic Miseramet ofImpru. J.C ..YJ -. ' -deuce, Anclena I1nerauce anti Errais, Rene ai Cura, Cura 0f Betiy ant i Md. rie Pi- ciplos of Trealmeut Adtiess Pa ýtients andti s t announce t i utmr n h ulei ee InivuliBoear. e Atr's Principles .~ ~ aic f hso otms aehn lt al, that hle -lisjuet x-ceîvod seversl cases of assSQa-îu Dry uQOodS, direct Prescripntions flite aboya ciamiad trfuro the manufactinrere, a veiy large diaplay Of ailthe bookoebinln Th I ttue lo puillies Il AHE NEW FALL DRESS GOODS, HER DISBASES." Price, $2. Thc Which are considered remarkable goobi valuae. and the new- beal bock cf 1the klnd extucîetsylsfrteoir) -inoi Also anether Vaînable meticali vark Iront. s-tlsfrtecmns;îoa ing excluslveny 'Mental anti Nervoa useses;- more lien 200 ruyoctdavepasou twanty e10e NEW PEINTS, t eXng«î.boeunt In ussîtiai muaiu. Meoy$2. Rnrely euougii te pay for print- NEW SHIIRTING, iq oBook ter yaung ant idiidle ageontNiW mecI S te rend mal now, -le the Science of Lite, ai SalifE WIOES Piaarvatiaa. The aubierhna relure mNEW tranLS Europe lu excellent iiealli, anti la a"&in theNE FANE , Chie Caumulting Physician of the Feuhody NEW BLANKETS. Mfedicai Instituts, No. 4 Blfuci Street, Bau- toa, Mas.-BpuanaJauxis-an -'11e science of 1e1 le bayont iail con ai- And alag e wloftedeb tdbri o con the Msct elcrortinai-y waik ou Phys oio. lrernwlo h eertdbado gy ever pnbfhllti,-BosnTNEUZn "ýHop6 e slltlu in.te ballon cf P=anai' box, andi hopetIuMeï; er vlugs auev, ince-JA : 1theeuing ofesc v -'ablworks publighetiCdIiT ~ R hy lieFeubody 3Matilal Institute vwhioii ara Whicl our customers are 50 well acquaintcd witli, Gall and examine. toaching tiionsais hav toauvoiti tÙe malaies liat sap tha citatiel of Ua ~1 n~ Wo are always liappy to shOw you tlrougli our stock. "IX ahani e rendbIthe yong,lie mitidie Et.N =ve b-JAMES SHÉEA. .dii ois ntioly netiai evor cutferrati Oshiawa, September Cih, 1876. upanany Médica. Maua u Iis ceutry, as a racognlition et MMllanti proeesalenalservices, vas presentedti10h.eauthor1e1t hec. vorka, Mrai Oist, 1576. The prescutîtlo ancutic- edth 11e ima of ibu acenranceb teBoston Prusa, anti thea tiJo r « ouhaut t. JUlieT lg . I c conr.Thi mgicent Moda, I ofscui U L C ffic st ondefmre, tien ona hundreti India Qnsoraebidllicy. "Altegfetier, lu île exeoutionsud th idi. li nn% oftas matariais. andi aise, Ibis la tieieti 1thmotnoticeable a aI ever stinck InIL T »«N A'- 4,EW TEAS> FRE 00-i= Agents for the celebrated Port Hope Ales, in or Barrel. GLISSWARE AND CJOOKEBY in great variety, DO0MINJOÃ"N W AREROM Are receivihig FEdi Go, ods which hav bee b"h9 a Bottom Prices, K k. time'. A good stock' ;f' MILL INERYf DIE8SMA K/NG A ND TA/L OPINÈ DONE TO ORDEiR. LOWES & POWE] Wlaitby, Sept. 131h, 1876. LI] LA/NO d'8TEWART, WHI TB>Y Have now opened out a first-class assortment of Having been early in the market n purchased our stock before the advance in goods, and are 110w prepared to offer to our.customers and friends the advantages which these early pur- chases enable us to do. Our assortnient is large. Oui Stylès tie Latest. C1 Supplies are froin the best sources. Oui puices are go*erued by the fact that at all tiînes we wish t si a large amount of goods ou email profits. (CLOTHS AND TWEEDS, DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, IPECILITI s \INCEYS AND FLANNELS, IMILLINERY AND MNLS Wi nter LAINO- & STEWAR Whitby, Sept. 121h, 1876. AT THE fias mnadle the second seui-annual iuvcntory. Tihis Stock-taking lias given stili betler recuits than tlie previous olla, ai HARD IMES proves tint totwitlntanding EDWARD FROST'S CASH STORE, THAT GIVES NO CREDI' selle on tiho bare expense paying parofit, marks good8 ian plain figurec makes no second puice, and turns over the stock often ic appreciatet i Whitby. The Dry (ioods and Clothing Buisiness at the Odd Fe] lows' H-all is steadily iiecreacieg becatise based upon sound business prii ciples. Dry goods tlnis fall are cheaper tînan last ceason. Edward ro, las plaed a puice tpon thea uîw gods tiiat wil ake thlenusl. 7 --- 7 IT T, 08, FROS] weII wc was tal sACeV ]300T AND OEAE BROOK-ST., WHITBY, nOAS non hauti a lurge andivaried to laick f Bootsand -Sm-sa. 1.9 Lades MOTo : BakesMÂL lioFIT, PetA nd QUcKe R TheNS Lad tois' orkBsesnat ret u oep h Ladies' Batik Combs, Childrens' Cireular Oombs, Combs of ail kinds. A gooa stock. Purses, Pooket, Books, Memorandum Books. A "big stock. Very choap.g Two Casesof Stationery',recei'ved this w*ek.- Note -Pa-, pars, Envelopes, Foolacapa, Inka, &o. Merchants, profeesionaf-men, ana others viii rve money by purchasing hors. 1 School Books!1 School Books 1! The largest -stock in, tovu. - &'Subscribe here for your Magazines ana Newsaes Promputuess aud punctuality gwuaanteed-Âýgent for ail the laigpb lieliers. LOW-EST' RATES. J. S. ROBERTSON, Bookseiler sud Stationer, Whîtby. mm-1 . LoWes Powell eg -v >5 e E>. I. B -r 8 a N ( c A dl Perambulators, 3 and 4 wheels,- Can- 0CAL L AN D E XA MIN E1 JAS. JQI l WSto1ima 22 Practical Watcfrmaker. ~'hitby, May 22nd, 1876. 22 .'4JI BiB S EL E CTED l HECOUNTRY 18 SAPE 'AN'T.TIJRN OUJT McKENZIE,!ý Lnd if you.want Forks, Scythes,- Gras. .es, and anl kinds of Harvest Tools, Cheap. G3o tue For Hrvés HATCH'S.ll ; - o---19 de'a if ea tu lit. '3u eu WA TO0H'S. 00-- Food for Potato, Bugs, Hatcli's narani TG PRET1 SU1L .Satnniluy, 1Ime.8>rdloflSepimber, '76, aI 2 o'rloek lu lie aiterneoon timt u a_ a luable anti eomaodious Twdô-ttakadum Cottage, wisitable anti shed, sitlst ,m the corner of Byro r nid Dunlop Streeta, vili a quarter oftanuaeretfGarden «rond attacheti wdl astackcatiwili -vn1uahle frujt For uter partiulrs apply to JAS. IQ. GORDON,.Z enas Whitby. Wiitby, Angutt2411.i, 1876. s8lu45 Aiea ut the came lime and plaçPe, a qnantity of lHoueellold Fiurailture b... longing ta lira. lutiga. iM TÏOR SALE 0OR TO IRENT. Tint valeable Imiirovcd Farta, known.ue thle "Hamestalan tih e laIe Daitie.c- hi-e"CeMprIing 150 A cres, mare or it andi elag rcupanei of the South. Half cf Lot No. x2, sud'the' South Quartcr af-Lot No. 13, ini t'e tiret concession aof1the Townshipot Hramiltaon, ndjoini 1 ý11e corporation limita., ufthtIe TOWN 0F'-COBOURr,. TEItMS,,-InrBEIIALT For futherparticulnxs, parties may upply le J. B. ]ickcll, lrolcin, Ont., or tec'the DANIL McEYERS, Cbbourg, 12t1. Aug.,1B7G. - 6in-4 CGoutaminig 100 Acres,* situa e OneMile anti threa ff'rra -S-eslf Ilic TounoetWlsitbý, on lie Xingc;tor Eend, bziug renapeseti of Parts a of sNa 83 anti34. t lilt concesion etf the Taoe _ siip et Wlailby. Terms et payenent very easy. For toril- Cr parbienlars apply tthe Preprietor on th. premises, ai ta evi Fairbanks, Whjjitby. -EDWARD HART, Whiby Â~,lWiitby, Oct., PreDpricte-r. w5tb 111sU3ta, 1876. 2m3 T HOOUG1J3RED D'URÉAMS IMPORTED SHEEP FOR SALE. Tic underaignetibas foc sale n tew cy auperierTlioroughbreïl Darhx-&ýBojls anti ow. Alan mniupoited Cotawold Ewt.es anti Rama seler-rti frirathea docks ofthle best Englial lireclerc drriun ie late trip te lie elsIcountry. , - 0 JOJIN LITTL, Lot No-. 8, 7ft.c Pickering, C ENTRAL> RX Il--I I10N.-1876. TRE TOWelit. 0F GTEgp,,a Srd, 4th.,K tih an -d GtliOctober. Piizss Lista 'ani Eatry i>apere cen ho mati aI lie Serrebary's Office, Guelpha, anti aise tram 1the Secrelarie ofet 011r Socîeties bhroonts tIse Provrince. Parties nat rocciving ticir cdc-y tickets prier te -the Shaw will tend thoman uthle Secietaiy's Office. Tic st-verni Ballways will rarry freieit antlaiusoeni rte ai fa immte Exiibitson aI sigle taie..* G. MURTON, C. SHA&RPE. Secretary. - -Presitient. OtilpIs, Septenher 2, 1876: lin-87 ~100 PA IStO11FIT OF'ï$15700 tiurin« lic pai few mentis, untier ar im. V ovel sysftem et apertcting in -STOCKe. Jùsks iadur'edle cnonaian me anti profita inrasoti. Dock centaianing fulil informa- tion sent on application. TU MI31IWIIIE f1CO., Bankeua & Brokere, Lil~IOLLON]YONDERRY, GLASGOW, CHEAP FA RESI Cunfram WliLhy - '-85v' &71,9, accatiig aaccommodation. Inlermetiatù Steerege--as lov as uny atier Buse. Prt.paîi passage certiflculec issuad ab loweat rates la) persanis Mwiahing ta bring ant friands. For ticket. ati frtier informaâtion apply te- rEO. YULE. -- Exp. anti Tel. Office, Whty Whilby, Augut iSti, 1876. 11-84 ALY L=R TO CHTR- D 11E 8TRmER R you want Fi ss, Piitty, Out and '12 .- f. L . 2. . WITy,Aigs2t,18. HIAY FORKS, RAY. RAKES, GRAIN CRADLES., 1 1 1 JiAILEY FORKS> Pursuant to a power of sae containei in an Iedenture of Mortgae, whieh will be prdc t t ime of sole, the foilowing and' s nipromises : The north.east part of Lot No. 6. In the 9th concession of the Tawnship of Beach, in the County and Province et Ontarjo. 1cantaining 50 acres, more or less, andi deacribed as feilows Commencing at thc N. E. E. aje-gle etfsaiti lot; thon south 16 deg., West 18 chains 46 inks to the oast irmit et the Brock Roati; thon along the eaot limit et the Brock Rend, north-westerly 3 chains 12 lineks tiet narti 74 deg., cet 4 ehains ta the centre of enid lot; then north 16 degrece, West 23 chane 87J links ; thon north 74 tiag., cast 7 dhaine 85J~ links ; thon north 16 deg., West 18 choies 60 inks ta the road ailowane hetween th1e third andi tourth concessons; then n orth 74 dcg., cnet 7 rhumns 85J links to iho place ci beginung. The ubove je a valuable property,nder a gooti stateofo cultivation, andwlMlbe sold an reusanable terme. For turther particu. lr plte LEYS & PEARSON,. - Vondares Sol's, Taranto. Sept. 18111, 1876,1 ntti N O T 1 C BE. Tho undersigneti expecte la 11e iiitho Grain Market this soaeon, nt Whitby, te ofier the highest prie for geod cdean sain- pIes. JOH9N BLOW. Whitby, Sept Sth, 1876 87 BARLEy. The undereigned will pny the Highest 1'rice for any quantity et gooti ]arley, de- livered ti tbis Steam Elevator, at Port *ý7 GEITUPRIS É0 S e BARLEY WANTËD ! 1 1 GROSS & MACNACHTAN, 1 1 1 1 LE ANI) BIROCI{ STREETJ WIaJTBY. 'Wbitby,,Auguot,29tb, 1870. Just to hand a lot of Thos. Russell SSon's celebrated Watohes, Gold and Sil-ver cases, at special prices. Waltham and Elgin Watehes in- 1 ouil in the TOWN OP WHiTBY, on - nt eleven O'Clock, forencon. LOWES & POWEI 1 Whitby, Sept. 18th, 1876. Fall and Dry Goodc LAING & STEWARr 1 WhitbY, Sept, 12th, 1876. BROCK STREET, WHITBY. I-IAILIL -00- - Vh. hitby, Mýy 22nd, 1876. 0 1 *ý S P ECoO Ld and Si v r c s S U ITwh y, &eA t d prSI on is .[ HARDWA.REe EDWARD G 0 L D s m 1 T IEUS Il A-L L.1 1 HARVEST- IS O-OMINGA 1 H.A.T 0 H 1 S.

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