Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1876, p. 1

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B Us8lne9ss Di/Ptoa'y0 ONTARIO flÂNE, TUOXAS DOW$ DOxMniON lANE, ~WHITBY AGENOY. Aise snob Agency at Liverpool Iavlus D Drt ln Incnection wth bos lh. Ucswhr Interest la POUd on deoe. IL.13. TAYLOR;, Wbtby*ept. 101h, 1976 8 M. J. NAL'DOTfELL, RCame er, =Wsd r oibul .O PAftBWELL & BTLDGE, sueurs.* Ofi~lo irai ber sou*h 0et1he Royal Rotai, *hlby. JAMES RUTLEZDGE, B. A. Oounty Crovu Attornsy. da jIaMFoU KaItruGORDoNf, B ARRISTEjR hATTORNEY.AT-LAW, 1>solotor ln Ohanomr, ovyncer,1 l'otul publie ho. Ofaoce-OveorMrAd dson».store, Frck Street, Whltby, On,- CIIARLER Ce KELLY * ATT0fNEY.ÂT.LÂW, 8Soir l A oCbsoryConveyauc ' h.,OaunluIN LYMANT< UN' 4LISIuIL Le B., -U- YOUNG NITH3, LL. 1B., )3ÂBIISER.ATTORNEY.A&T.LA&WI tnonery and insolvency, )Ntaiy PubliH&.ah.OMce-Mcmiflsu'u lol, Brook étret Wh1tbOntario. A. G. oUI011LLAN, (Laies Greeuiwoda & MoMmfan.> TfABMSTBR, ÂTTORNEY, 'SOLIO. s0c-Dy on S South of ýwdb Ontario. ars ae D UGGAB é RÃ"BINOON, EAEISITEES, ATTORn?l5.oAT..AtV, SOLIOPTORS IN OIL<NCERy, CON VilY4NCERS, do., OFFIOB-Preeîeeil Assurance Buildings Censv STvurs, Tosoxevo, JDuo&,.a., J. G. Reoicsoxs,E. A THOiIIAu BUNTO K W LR AND TREABURER, WhitY. flo-To RaU.il. Hura SUBGBONTOTHE COUNTY GAOL, Dr. W# J-. DSIRNI Orwic-Next door to CHROiNICLI Office. IW Rualdence, et Pir. Lewis Hlouok's. Wm. 31PURIgRK, 1.),NRCM. GUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., Gthe oye RO. E. L., Oshawa, Ontario. y ENIST, (SUCCES. ~~BDr tISW. H. Card.) Whlc oeDntalRBooms-.Dundsa Street, r r Jamecuonlià store. Nîtrona oxide (Li a admlnlstered for the palulens ex. traction oi teeth, C, N. VAR@, L. 0. M oTBTH insorted on ail the Q7 l.-atest prixiciplos of the art, as Choa ~asthe eliuapent, and as good às the b8s, ?oet filedwit Pla d s liver. Teeth extracted wthout pain, by produciné local anudhatsa. Dental Booms-lu Cow. an's nev block, over Atkluuou's Ding Store, King Street,Oswa TIfc>15N DEVERILL, M3ILDER AND CONTRACTOR, I)N O T., w-ITBY, CM AUIl eirs proupîl>'executeti Jt 01IN ROBINSONIs JO DEINGOLFND SUN, AGîsh anit. A M arbeWo IrUMBER ÃœERCEANT, CARPENTER Li sud Joluer, Green Street, Whitby. à large quanUlty cf AUl kintis of lumber con. %tanlly on baud, r A T HBR LY, VJie ' k Div/a/on Court, Tp, Cfork, Cocm mlssiouer. la B. R., Land Agent, ho., .kc., Ath.rly, County Ontario, Athsrly 8ývt. 2nd, 1872. 8 C àAB D, DR. BOGART, S'hyilan, "Sugeon# Accoucher, 'ho., 'ho Whitby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 405 R OBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. Graduae. wlh honora) cf the Uulversity cf Colls e c, sCanada; Philadelphia ne suOf Medicine and Su Uulv. cf Pennsyvanie; Efec7; Colaericf Pen$vsylansd Lîcentlateocf Mioroflcy cf th. Uulv. cf Edluburg, ScotlsndCOr-~ ofer #or the Coua 01 Ontario.o feie-. -Augusi 241h, 1875, lyr.85 JOEIN S. M. WILLCOX, dt tite Town et Whiihy, ha, beau appointeS OFFICIAL- ASSIGNEE, F' (UNDER TEE NEW ACT,) ,ttha Caunt> Of Onlarlo. AIl business é trut e hi$ charge vwiiil e aurafuil>' At- tendue le. . WhItbys Jsu. 141h, 1874. 817 TUE b ST HORSE MEDICINES. AU descriptions oet1he lest Hors. Mudi. Ilus ra, emîtm u bandonhsd ufor Sale et the Wlt lyLîverylBtehlus. i,,INo charge for utivice. N. BA- y. LEiR I N LU M3E R, WHIT BY, i4ou 4Iti P. aplen4d i ck et fite clear I'eIae-ndLnbsr. Al lutand foi r--~~înîr anSbelilos~qrPoses. ___ - l'ý)ionor uad~. -___ __ TI x, 41 pa Da. Itli MR. GEORGE C. wjg(j'qQN u. Bag lepto tu6e ho buwSft ud tabtheluslroon etpupils ou the- lj' r IdNeouansd orga, o o xa j; BOTEL ,gr, i coswam-à»a""e'en for Cocrs o» GEORGE BROWN,, pR0pRIITO]R, M slç ~ ~ WhItby, JnIy 151h, 1In*. Thlu fnt.olasubouse bal boeun »eylt. em up maud renuvted tbreughmeilsi¶a. FOR SAIsg, for"dsnpsrlor.oco9mgastioafor tile o.p tIon O g9etpol. Théeprematperirau "On> TEEc sp&ired ne P"î6ur expanu l n làtreoalngGLx uvercilsnmPrr.-Vmeut lt lwouldtend to th., MAJORt MILL cmort sud couveneno.e Ofhbispstrei». Torouto, ilIy 101h 1874. 9 .'f. I. uua,~ri B RITISH M EICA9 OTEL , I ol g R A y18 x 4Scautl' WHITBY,,0ON 2'P*e 'uonlors .4t.Y10010M0 test fOak, ha ecptln f sIs~&.0 Basswced, rom u tain Çlst- *o8nlba~,0 ati?15,000 fi. Square Ti _________ isa mpleroomi. A ch 7 UO hch vil!hbu 5cM cheap-for dKR.&ILWAY HOTELï O, taac1 ogyts h AT w - XIe i rt1d*galy ob ggtoat-aa 0. ' ITBT UTAT IOVN. 1 o@0d&si i ek o WM. >0.' A5O w' adtos tsklng th. trsin and lesvlng horsés Poo. 151h, 1878. fttUu. -GOOD NEWS FOR TES LADUF TEquzEN8 HOTEL, (LIT£ coOMKEaCUL,> À NEW REVELATION IN'1 BEROOKSTICT, WiliTBy, SCIENCE 0F' DRESS.M&KI TAYLOR h M1OCANN, PROPRIETORS. CRWLsSL.ITW The nndsrslgued SuaIre te Iform, thair CBWLLSSL-ITN frientis aud the. ublic thât th.ýy have takuu WAIST & QHOULDER CHi the above wel1knowu hoôtel, whloh they haualy adttansd renovted, sudîput ressas ftted frozo ueïaurement1 fine bo astetierfor ta acmmoda. without change cf a stitch. ion 0f qua.ThuBar, wh .hlathe . f For sale, wlth froc Instrucions, as soe o In outy, la 'aOU suppla iedwh the <net branu 0 ous lquo, and ci. 1MONT YR E ars. A80l .Clo. dromInsud gSot ahuing, ~ X stli, ho. Detahod roomu ORES-Aa.ÂK.G uoois, vurrur fOr Commercial travellerg. _ w1ed Idceo j. P. TÂYLORt, PHILIP MCÂNN.' te 0. hr lote cf Toronto. WhltbY, Âug. 18,1874. ROYAL HOTELII O F TEDIVSION COURT WRIOF ImI Thi.largest and rnoit oemmodlous hatl COUNTY 0F ONTARI hntet* as aresampIo ýrooms or POBTETER1 cOmmOrcWaltravellurs. Table waflsuplai____TZAR_________ N. B,-Llez5, attached. 27 II S HARSPEARE HOTEL, couteu or aiseANDYOX Seu TL, T OR O NT,O. JAMESPOWELL, . Piepucuveme.1 'I Filrsiasaccommodation; latlroome, kc. Board, #1 ce per day. 10 (LATE ALBION,) r- WHIT]RY, ONTARIO. lVhiIby.. 1 2 il 1 l I81J 1 1 2 Breugouam I2 4 I 214121 Pote i s 61 1820 25,261 I51411 Uxrtg.1271141 122 1 11 C tn'iu28 ij1 75 1 1 Ahl>.. 117 1 18se01i1ie -GRO. H., DARTNEL: JunlirJul 111h, 1875. Whtlby, Dec.1 aQ.,YQUNG. SMITF ISSBUER 0F E . ARMSTRONG'- PROPRIETOR. 1 MARRIAGE WR ITBY HOUSE. DUNDAS-BT., WHITBY. (W-EST OrPeOT OFFICE.) JOSEPH A.- BANDEL, PROPRIETOR. Titis bouse has beau racenl> buil la large anti îoouy. anti fittet i n ufiist.cless style. BoutI'Winan, Lîquer.sud Cigare; trust Lsget Dean. Gooti tabl!ng anti an. coaseti yard; attentive ostlere. do -QOMMEIICIAL HOTEL, CATWRIGHTv, ONT. LICENSE WHItBY, ONTARIO. MONEY TO LENE on Farn sud Town Properî>', aI LOW RATES cf Intaréit. For furtiter parliculars Apply te- - JOHIN FAIQURARSON, Whti JAMES DEWART -PROPILIETOR. j1Ang"'at t, 1876. Good accommiodation tfi-2 Tmi PAPEM R I 1q IrLE WiTiI WhcwAverusing Voztracit <anb. ,onde Ottawa, Apil 22, 1876. A CIEIRlED sDPAITCOENT 0 Amenican invoices until funihar vr lice, il per cent. . J. JONSON, 29-tf Cemoisajoner et Citoum qONET TO LEND. N BRTES Teundareigneti lasany amounul etMon- W IBOTRO ey t Laird upun Faim ciTwn upetv t Imnpertars, DealIers anS Manufacturera of W tnusuirlly Le, Rates o et et Leaus eau le repait inlusums te suit ber. Madetise revers. SaveralîImprovad Farmu andi Wild Landes LEA THER AND FINDINGS for suie cheaép. Invastonts mateienl Municipal Daban- Cash palS for Rides, Barli, anti Leather. turcs, Banku, anti otitar markatsambler8tocoe. Lealter sîraîcitat. For fnitheu parllculars appi>'t4 tr BELTING SMADE TO ORDER O1 JAMES HOLDEN, SHORT NOTICE. Officia! Assigne., Bicher, hé. Ma-r. 1872. 2 OFFICE-Over the Dominien Bank, Me.,-___ Milau's Brook SI., Whltby. ~ E OLN Bpril th, 1872. 158 jvj. -END A large quanlll>' et moue>' to en euat le, 1 v ER y .interest, private funds. L For sale, severul Town bols, 1w-c Frame Hose, sud s large Brick Rouesa.FPc ternis, appi>yt 1ags te intoîzu bis friands anti thé public G. YOUNG SMITH. thal b, carnées ou lb, Lîver>' buinesis aI Wlllby, Feb. 9th, 1874. 7 R &Y'S OLD STAND. Tolt naiat tDfiu rc Parties nsquirng cont'eoyances....covarati and.ti h naiat fDfie rc open-can t,, accummodatat at a mocments sud Vîcinit>': notie. RCE. IERDN.I1have nov openetia Whltby, Sept. 21, R18.75 DO. Butahar's Shap lu Mr.W. Cuthhert's vlaere 1878. ~ oa>' le séan oeeof thé lest dispfays cf - ------- ~ Beef, Pcrk, sud Pcv! ever effareS te tha Publia. LU Reasenable Prices 1 Coma PRE CRITIO YR E oe, came aIl, anti gel somelhlng te do you OR thé pe Cure cf Séminal Wsak. F L jgeins,, Lt niteooa sudaIl disordare RICHARD WESTLAKE. brougît on byliacretion- r sacas,, Au>'Whuby, Deceubar 22nd, 15. 5 Druggiat has the itgradl"nes 0 des ____________ DAVIDS019h cC., Box 2296, Njv York. Septembar, 1875. - ly.12 B3ROUGHAM CARRIAGE WORKS. y OUNG'5 HOTEL, S.. WEBB - CE*Ras atfutll3, informa lie Patronsansd the Eocc OAD, DALTON, Pnibrlo that lie las purchaud the Bijht for ROBT. IL YOUNG, PEOPRIETOÈ. Plokerlug, bo Manufacture îjffall euifomaio n g te coun. Conboy's Patent Seat Inund %ta bii ha4d, Daltoi at BUGGIES8, CUTTERIS &o. A1l arties yul dn vel teseec OurBuge sud lIers, beforé glviug thair eiders elee Biroughtam, July '131h, 1870. lY-80 À-BD lI T. M. MeMUILLAN, AgonI for thé ROYAL INSUBANCE> COMPANT, novwex. Iisuasiea00. IMÀD OF E ROOX ST., W HrrTBY - atsmolu- 5O -U that 95 o89 W" IS'oi 10 e nmrl4e opotha, 1' has las alla -A ise A g e n t fo r th é L o s u eic a n S c à x <,& N s u r a ite l o sew 'lim t . ed b aSï; - v in c no v e m, ssl o > ssse th P O t w h ee w e - a k e d d e v ui e t re e t , h o w h i -l . e d o u L uoin un A z îcy o rx& x. M euv l an , lon g face, lig it, i td efin ite - e o o d e e , h ff i a - lai k n p lace, b u t, îe >' aS lu -me a " I t i -a int a = ye n> F A I M F O R S A L EM . e ti O n r s i s a t e p y a b le fr o n t I w - t a s d a s s s o v b r o w '~C o m p le x io n . B i s c o u ld n o î b e t a b u r _g isn i > b r a a v r s J é u g r e e . 5 7 Avelve yaars, sudAcresnms te sortgaletins face w-au are, rave for s thin, sudy -Point Ou the ole ia h kl ttoi?2" the!Ié Au Ouhunre AreFam ousaeu Interest 1ev andi no commlamlon unimpresalve whl5ker;, Mans È'.normi helke re iw-au entirel> baffleS; WhateverI lh o o -sntcui EssI lty Ils bisck.lronht rmo àmgh b. o wsno ond ~ i,,, chageS.Meagstouht -expression, liké thalô géa insusd lte seaucit for tle iobler lad Bseau disposéS tae uighten us> IlalavsniugP, yen otar eolew o aed &' lîobs abandoneil from ulhoiée lack ef andIw-e diS netf, therafoue, question abaok Oshawa. GIBBON & SPABVELL, ta court or. givé ucope for inuta ohar-Théithôiie .. é 81W21h 00. . Su.27 Cinaras Store, ûacOrIzAien. ' Wlt -there w"was could oui>'w-ail andi loi,.« t acue- & The compact, betw-eau Cptain Bran- lie'pi ( I C I A C R E P A R ! l B M A R A r W il h y M ar h ~ D u n 4 a s S t ., W h itb y . b n e n g e a l . - -t i'a e e is - moa h i m g h tV o à om e l i g t I d e r i w it it e . tt s ud d n l c irc u m ti n ee s, * t e z 1978. ~ ~ Aller ~ short pause W tkham saiS ysuti b'., - -lsesfiin l ov and - nuooked fr coulel J . v v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p e s k n g lo w lj i Y , 6 u 'v e h e am d p à ey h o o p i n i o n b o & m e g o e n r a l i n W eo - t te ià# ï * q ý 4j# b p d u s l g t i a n d S I -F O R S A L E 1 . -w e I b m ,ini s ô lu t is, m a le tito nslu 0 > iw-"rCsek 't àýl iqê h îh g- lg l e 0s e , or l it w o a t rI ,n ,t ou î ;st, Iro al F O R A LE I V AL ~ PB PEB y FO SAL. Dctr, anS I eaunell ynUtI'Mé» w yman oâiu s mé tans go 0 ser ei>'Hc-ito W o06zitu 4] " -w st4haf c Let 14 lu the g l ocs.-aou l Cput tndrhax ~altoizther othdistrit, Z~~«bp twa eadsune hl1.sm gl ion etftara. O ua-laIt cleare fd unei The subscriber offers foi osale tloolle,, sm e o ite others. ltlnu we1a o fb ol >' TIli mp Wsétn ld a1mi . msi llug11 hfl , t i c u id t i l o n . " L o g H u s e , B a n , & a l i d W îid h . i n g v a l u a b l e e o e t 5 u 1 , T o w n f h a v h w n i i I l t t - o l n î h v é s r e î e î elt b a c i e i e no 11 , b u , t I l j g s Ia t u f r o n l t o B a u C e l t e r ' s c Any.xc4liextBrick Collage vlth j acre beau éasy. The féllov mot us lu thé w-s te b. diaturbed lu aver u>"-uilaak- pele.I -eexétdla a'to fixm i vem es fB.TAYOR,;va Staio . e«O ltt outhe corner of Gresn andtiInofethlie read w-here Il lests ont te ablé mauner. lun;little mer. titan-titretain Brauder sund Joe Wiokiténi ventSman., H. B. TYLOR, I. PeIv Ots. lu îl SouîbWard, ise, fWié Gitîl>'.-itè!brq You knov , it,8js t monîha atter'the ifirstrolbay~emI abo e ae ia ntou u " i DminonBan, creetlanw-el! faeniashlgh Bute -0emal hofortîle csot te ais. b> imitvtfn Corur *sLï1,ý é5~ il <aanin eîuck orihe inu>Ob.- 'ns pot we w-s watng thi-rtur. Ttc sun .wei ENTS FOR IVE TOkà ford uts., crtl 'Ward. tace n Gente.Iw tw-lti. w- andbyhésane at --h lhs'im bS st-emnîintheehndtt.pe Ié Euptitlo souetiluCon 1. oul frthe 8ecid e t O01 . Drpr s Aeaoce, ,E .i terl%>li Mau w-. Ii -a stGlenn, eord a um Oet oày neaýri>'equal . 1.vu nko-upeo o a d a , l i t U n % at u a n da ,1r p r t l i o 1 0 dhe t h e j a v > e r , v o 's o p s lh o r t - aij g t e d . ý j i l u i e t e b i s f o m a ze .- e t s ov e o hérod o w a r d t li t : tente 01 ~ oi>~ i ho a't seo fivo yardls beorehmi lt Âiowuac osuca lI bs Waiiu péisdb~4 -e b éhn 768 .Out bis glasses, se t lt l pei a m e s econd uobliery «îm&rjtu 1lu-narns flgures oft1w-e keraeme, e .r o o d-e th lne -- . . e UM dl be p ,w * ' b igtw e-v o n _i_ _i n d sh 6 w e d d rk ,.b y e n tr u a , S l ml vWas uer, I. ti liu meréiy gmiseS as il meeing lt-at_ ed it, it's uni ^képI ar- prétl Iknev, et a< sunce e oie chance ; lut ltances alec - B oa sglild M'fBIanNotes f nniofbken " oWifl57-71f. '500.w- -mo-,ý .iS ~~ ~fi ciAAB~ Saans.l youou4 D meIber, dar4lg, I $il - a~ed bee$h Q 'How th boutswoux oikply f , I4ét Weagetelen A J~i4memen b aefor sls aAs ve liàtend, 1n themoonlighj' OPofae This h ~ xmîa barrvn~g na.. 811'nQ om an.o~ hlly, Obwarr Te 1.mse 0isd1 . Spoepur*saebe nto et th 0 A.I ....jS u pp o se 8 S n d f l e l u n foi g t e a t ýd y m r n o w in 4' Mnd4rd ~~~~~It te lylorôiite epen dolh, Pnywe sebkinnfonefwhe PîLnoW.b M.ept ICh'197 39 TiatseeyI JOB,, je j montea tjhsIfermer9one, te-a, por- -CAPITAL, f,00 rnc leripst, ý1q. eo89qihfim 00 whzoh Proe'e- jnori. Ontaods-th(3hion. .Thek .4tamen wic ' fwhosë, elil rations the. rosSer e '0To,.cu %aan oe acete ap T h s ol ,â w l st b i li d C m i a yB a ok te th . d a y s th t are o u a mby .e n c ra ll7 a n u e u n o o d -ta Iti p u b l c a a u o u ff npM'eacp ikn0 lÃŽ fAUOTI N EE R, &O., &C., _Whav:saied our haïk t9eth.r $adnaaatotrssSwaseco. 5 il " . E Prty . eré o st gufsywllIOiýll éë-h 8L a r, Bl fthYe nusiitems, compriseS to"der vork." e Isoat4 nt nn auB tu . AIiP 8V iIs.ox OURT, And woaitormauws1voîmdntius g1her or bresnd =', d Ujrla.You grev dloser temy aide. IuIlo-fufie hxigbabd."hé t~ain wenîte oWestertou ou Ic M"dfornb YOri. essa 1ey OWAnd Genersi Comdission Agent, Port _avord, sud bayouot exeocise, seyerlng as niteea Yeseiday and came baok early -m rates. AIBAKSJ Peury. Wheu Ihe breàker's spray dasheti 'et us, bar of 1ead, &c. Ur. Couîltoî'a largeatt hu orinigr beliove," ansared-Dave si euh. . FAM NKS Z, "Ke? up ourag" yonvouiti say, room had beon flteueS it7 haaty Tàiù;"se te'il maybehavc oe 'GiIMACHINE WORKS I Dark sud dresî as la 1h. day.0' y, ednsaefrIeoccasion. Bauel- lhiug to tell Us fwa hygy&otA à Grioty Wheu.ve auchor lunlte barbariis began. bon aftor Wickham sund I ilthora." fvta hyua bu irkFE INUAO And the tide la ehhlug 1ev, enerit hero unAi p ( A T e l y r x , s T o ý h a r a 'b p a c , a d c uei n ,r a S e o m . A l r t h e r e g u l a r A u D a e u p o k e ( 'a p t . B r a u d e r ' . fi g u r e âI R, Lombard St. sud Chariug Cros, London. BOKSRET HTY. A a tet ersae - d mieprofessateintieeS iauny vite ochoaa ethé es street. mThe m'at loered about s g viletor. BTABLIMED xIt 1782. BOKSRMWITY swstet et g- d h e ahrdaofe al iLLS-------T 1 -T-.-udr-gn--haîoluor te ar. estep upen thé ýpi&tform ana. engage him -and gracieS himiîh a erles of c arEPE XFAT&C. h e ,sned ig ouur, th ati- Wickham'u Reckoning. in as utIle friendly play vilh- the gloves interrogatIons. -Il ors Agenthefor Osuada lucsteakya 1 e uaie ba- vlth himsclf or olîher. of hia seistant, 'Whal arÏ they uaYiýg about il at 1 AetfoCaaaistcalag mteut cf Cutting ,,oree ith anether.-Sevaral oflIotsert 2"&P aud h 9l, wtht Boe, hrn Tumi Drilla Homras , I utnoooek on a sommetrmorn. . etW'tet0 eoa.18 oe JAMES DAVIDSON, -Manager. gi, g e , Pann istg uCwaCak usîralla. Ther. nuaoceel dlte invitation sud puouonremoving bis algar frnom ,h4,lips. "Why -c Insursuces againut lose by Firare a ffect- Ncc Yoie, e4'rees, Wheel arrovs. voie symptoma ef unusual excitemautliegosudteenngovtas rllmutvtlyoreyi lrs TRE uS on the mosl resacuaible terus, sud losues i heho.,et ho.n a c.MreifrmlAdi 0tao [N. wvithont toférance le thelioard lu Lau. Repalrlng cf al muSe executed With l h etoet oehighdP eoifîoiau, e appr - iabesppa-ht esarighyco L. FIRBN 7Sr uatneîsaati espatch, curred te disîurb ils usuai, routine. -Anu oharacter isvr e yLt'afrocex i-baud, sud à aman oeete boat. 'Boit a-8 L AgBNonI hlhTBOMAS McCANN. item of uews baS arriveS frozu Wester. change Of aonversation béganamionu oeethiug Yeni may b. sure oÇ: lter.i'!!-ro Agent, Whrtcyk.St. ton vhicli lia drawu thé men frîm lte auidience, and. a suddeandsud fber a prcttytidy sum put on thaifcllOUv,'s P G pril 121h, 1876. . 16 lty pi t,1876. Ilicthir vork fer tho interohauge ofèpo alosiuiaSur al os hti u fyn r _______ l-yWhîy Arl41,l.18 eouthira l!xhibted t ! 'noalonee--hëd DW o hti nyo o!1 r.1t ~R.and discussion, sud tère vas au ludis. for soreting tea a eviale itvas natura. iclndfor"bt eamateur trap! w-ork li ASRAOT"F. &LF MIINFOV ED TRposition tereuew labor for.ltemorning Feremoat amoug lteose wvite-re figur- y6W'l have a chance nov. Baaof et yen Sbone F T' SRADCECOMPÂNY. . & aI lesat.PThénSiacuaiTOREaSOSeen pa. neounlte plahloron w-ithéglovés was have gelte do wit clama poor onougli c HEA.D OFFCECMP. QEBC. CHRLS ENYDGIN lits hesî aiald uxnng h. grou àp aain Brauder.' Il vaa enaetftheéta.makc it wvent your thinking about C 11ALESPENYLou fra oetamaCtor's iooaîîe r, iteexerctses lu vhich héevas aI Ioe, anS itý peritapï." 1a Begste oiiy h~ feod àn ontomrslmu.ho as the only oee ithsufficient conu -Captain Braudér vas right. 'Dnrtng ta S Fluancial Result ef 14 Monthae B l- ltaI beainnov pmparcd te supply The citief speaker titrougitout baaS fidénce lunitis owu povérs ta try a boul thé courso ot thé éusuing veek au, a; nesa te 3181 Déc., 1875. Fleur anS Feéeothei te .dquait, beén Caplain Pugluaid Brahdér. -Look viti thtt professer. Severalef the men officiai notice vas issueS ah Westerten t0 ,~ Authorized capital ..............viii#pricci t it loy yen w-tu, I say itî'ethe ceeleut w-ère found ambitions enougi ta emess- prolshxing, a revard of £200 le aoiy wm a11 eSbidCapital..........2et0050rk luhtitia vy that's héen doueane Ihénsélves vitit the Captatu, but persan uupplyninforaton lia E -p i Fap tlleur.. ... .M n, Cern, Chop Fe d, Bran, Shorts, C l u lt c l 0o e é i e b c , e ctl u ire ot et it port sae é hsî voulS leaS tealte di o er et h.r b e Gevermaul Deposil, (Mife$........ -0u0 ,Cace0WitPas -alPo aisaayina. "Baut iftht. ruasshow-eS son. éséeil lefrmsdbr u aaS t£0 o iecp Total Revenue, Pire Prezlumi, Isas, ho., aI WhdesaleandaRetsi. pluci, ltat waan'î auy reaseu wiy thosahumer titis oventng for ltée upecial work turc etfltté rame alive or deaS. B t es Tg anS Intareul ............22,775 Cheapcr fhaf fthe Cheape8t fer Cash. fel!ows ahoula have knooked under te lu hanS snd von cordial comméndalion for saine days nI et giu'li as a rumnor b Total Losses ........... ... ::163.528 At the Dominion Fleur sud FeSStore houx vîthout usmaitas atiriug a btand. fronit ltéeProfesser. RHé liShall enough wu v as baiof thé itigiwayman. No 'ai Iuvested Pandas.........89,13Cob' lock, 'East Leor, DundsStreetl Iî'sa amighly curions thiug ltaI euonvnardstiuluant te quickén hia pulse more Sefin.ito tracesvote discoveréd of an Cash lu baud anti Deposit. 49C,198 ' Whitby. man aboulS ho able te stick np thiée vitbout erhéatlng hie temper or aI bis lrack tieua n.o the occasion et hie m jo OhrAsv,........ 9O CHAS. PENNYLEGION. lunltaI easy quiet iyay, If eue hadnl't ail1nnae1 ing hie band or oye. Hé former deprédaton., The priluleet hiesi Total~ Assola.............. $9,74Witlby, April 241h, 1876. isîekuovu thé moneu migitîhavé Ihouglit stOod. hesi e thé Profeser gscn ireafe a euflooit ien T"Compsuyhbasnov established telef, - tevitole tlting looketi like a pul.u caorclesaly arotind hlm, w-han 1 saw haive r, and thon, as hefore,- lest. The nût - and bas 2lfiranches anS 207 Agencias lu 'Ob. I Sou' tknow auytliig about tteé eyé rest upon Wickham anS myseli, arUusasof thé colouy liaaloIe on record W0 M anageron. SES AND TRUar. e fl!ow-; asud yen So't lo k wlie w-are S tting vell back lu the reom an éltair et thé kind ltaI liaS be aum n. e! s G.EO J. YKE, V ALfor muob figlit train lile Tom Sharp. sud w-ebjual about te leave. I titougit -eged wit seo muai apparent ad roiînéas, air Maaetheugh hit'us mart enougi t aIisa0w-n I noticeS a aligitt glearn cornétram bis or over vhici thoaobang suait au air et me 16- y C . BO U R SE , A gent, W hi ly. L E A T H E R V A L IS E S l s e u o i k t m s i u1si 1ei u o 3o , s d lt e t m e e y. e é i g a o t ~ ~ ~ j longenuhthavé aimr oen i cotd i.Btoeevnuaot-awe fe p 14 27D Yel I neyer Ihougitt machitfet ltIofap ; "Can't yen mieéaoneîting vtitlte thé évent, 9 veuul-cultterite o r'ac. a9M Wik1m6uee1o22uil sce boxingz-gloves, Mi.,%Wickham ?" ha said. customad te vork aleng lte river, au( 162sor bt i ;hnea ofpaî ot qfi tso r t Yeu've a longu ltelcit, asudougit t ale bro ighî lita iteligence le Covra hie 12A0TGATRUNES,fim; alvaya litasaine cautions, valt. -reacit s man eo myiteigit prélty oasily. CraekltaI ho ad acm~p on vitlihe Bei abu19. 'enye ie Supposa w-e lry a taro or 1w-o." fauciad oigit bc tite trhoks of the bush- abc &C., dm., at litési silent, cioocmenhitéd men. He 'Tlitak yen, captatn,'! snswered JOB, ranger. He ita founthe bintns et a ai tig . s nt tt t ivé u sgel éoutraquiétly ; "but ine nobaudliw-it i te itoias et leading at rlght angles fro mg 1#;-WL IMT O P NS cliap w-io'It, hardi>'join in a gloves." thé bank ofthstresrnabaI point.li ls la,ý ex * WILIAM T OMPSONS, liqor, nu ven'îtoncita carS,»~ I Cerne, I1sy," raplietiOuptain Bran- course neariy halfsmiedtatrm w- - ~ IN URANCSadleranS Hrnais aker, e repadping ile of h a cah Btmun oar itI aa.Ai envutchntîéminSb le isuda Co Wra0 H bilirdoa.DoRnAliaIlekliafa -der; "afallow vitt san nlike ypur'e lte spot w-itré the iobbeiy itad beau kne HCMPN , '».limae I.yu va likis le hit et-sud au ounce or 1w-eet ThofaiérlaSbaudy o li -'A~ IRCK.T. wBIT?, eta anged ,~.~>5 s voukuw-pluck, et course.' a ] ut ack, and thé tracas w-oie e, jVbay ; snd Igay>'fet tiis Wtckafcm nov: 1Wicktaréuruati neausw-ér sud atlistoÏinol. The -manliaSt folloved in- Juna 24. 1874.' 261fi htl Ive more titan once titouglit, taât lIt lace anesg.lîmfrocSstceuSsaSie7 it I helieve ltera a aie us tl lc ~"t w-ulS hé iuterasling te know-," Ie'.liluthe direction et a solitary ' ravine w-s S,-------- ~ --hlm et any kind." rcos iteplc nconlînued théecatain, nal carlng 512>'in lt értoraIwitéîother. aro lte ré- Say R.1. KWistw-ethé caontnlascc litIw-as longer te concoal lis talingo. and ré. mains ef s désertédSaw5-pi. Blacktord gua S. O ETT quikénug ite uls et Jova C oakatiug nov leate fine velu et treny for Gien ltée place vaa asIleS, a louely spotl li Deposil with Dominion Goverumont $50,- IportR-Mnufcer aS holsae icninwav e enprtI>'fgatitr frle viicithli aîtmade a nare naulte somevit difficuit et accees, sud kuow te L 000. - ExperiencetiAgents throughouî the motr a dcue n 'oe ale wolhve ragent et li t one rationaICreele,. "vihtlMn. Wickitarnfears. A ho fow personau inte district basides pris -.Doinion. Dealer in -lité E fm téofatheromntéereteontman mupt'.ont oxpecl ho counit for mucitoeeor 1w-e voodmon. Thxo man ttc Fire Riak8 wrif fen af Adequafa Raie8. Leathers, Shoe-flndings, Etc. Weutertown itall heen stuck up on lte vite can'î stand a 11111e rougi play. Ilieuglil lite piace a likél>' onotigi tre. rata CBOREpréviens evening b>' a singleé horseman, Thaie's à certain lady aomeofe us kuov haest fer a busitrauger. , mer Whity, arct 7h, 87AgAgntt, ilby.Sol Agnt oronteloAfentH. foor'asudtaryitos ofsiJ.alaHmont, y agit vie anddnt lka e Itar Ian lté srnéavéinglit tak aengw-i Whity, atc 7t, 176.celabrated ColoréS sud Fane>' Léatitee, libank.nolegsuandigelS coin, but aitiefiy recoen, itow heuyouug man's caméeout thé mon-aIbtée EnlaturneS maini>' on gelt ltée former, viticitw-as being Iransferred Io.nigit - ltée subjeol et thé information, aud feit UHE, BN No. 52 COLBORNE STREET, le wcuîerton, secured b>'lte robliér. - I mookaS at Je. A faiel colon flash- viethen il ucemed likel>'t lebaS teanay'. & QTORLONTO, ONT. on the evening et thé day w-han lteeédhis sallov.hrow-n face, unid 1 sv lita tbing. Wickitam boaaSsked me ta hie. INS URA NCE C OM P AN Y y-85 P. O. Box, 322. conversatien w-itvitic t tiis narrative corners et lis menthit icit suddanly. drop lu w-it hlm tealte Emu sud itear me - l n O  e ie ) p e n e d t a k p la c e , I w -s d e v u a lW i k - Il é tO u c h a S m e o un t e io nd e r s ud vitalw as g i g o n . I va s ra t ita n su r- efl ST A GED rr ) item sd F r 's b t. W ie ever I iad rose te hi s fées, sd w e l ft te recru, pried at lie r qu as, b ot a trihutd it nb 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. STG BETWEEN aspare hur at nigtîrainmyo> prots, but net Beu;n noug tal miss eartg te the inerest wvieth ie affair- et le -posa seadoes, as lte single dochor in ltelte general isugit vîicit falloyed Capt. second rohiter>' vas exciting in Joé, lunlte ~~~~~>' ~~~ ~ ~ ~ i CAI1,- - $OOOOO ITBY & O - A . 1 stîl nI usS edrop lu and omoeéBrander's speechi. -common w-it aevér>'individual lu thé quit 1y APIcAIax$s100DI0L 0,DI5ETWIC&EOAHD A . apettttItese 1-me.1wata111e I vaîkét bock w-it Wicktao ta bis townshoip. , Win w-e eutered lteion vert -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~WC MLNSAN G.ABYNESMD. eaaOha A 5 880a .curions le lîcar aomebhlug moreo et bit t, and vent iu w-It hlm. Wo eat Captain Biander-was, as usnal leSing ltao HeaSOffie fo Caada:il» su 1, . ta incden vitait tai bée lit sh o Svansd lit au pipes ; s minuté or ta.1. pw Jaes SreforeCna:l. 1 93 st. toatrDnFr am"n;leadI INow, Iîre'sa achance ton semaetfraSl J m s S r e , M n r a .L e v e s W h itb y 5t J A. j, a . n d s , s o ie l p i a e t g e us s ip d r in g t e d a y , 1 - t e a a d c m n t u FORBES h MUDGE, Chief Agenta. P- n-., .8,tiougi I w-as nualdispeseil te proseo a lkeS a little logélter on tadoffarent u:," ha vas suying ; "ziores oul te w-et Fane 25 cents escit ay lpon thé lsubject, if héosaboula show hlm. subjecta, bath avoilirg ltatwvicaitw-as one meuntedlptroipintée Crack aI pues. bel' R. H. LAWDER.,.Agent, Whiitby. Will cal! at ail the hétlIs, aud at private saitfsbtsal dieluclined ta taik about it. teremeut lte ltougits ofetch. Wiic- eut, sud he'll.nat start- loesiar titis -te1 Angusl 1131h, 1873. Iy_88 residonces <whaen rer, are lafiat any of I tona bu anS isamata Dan Ford, tain scarcel>' spake. AL léngliDan tallow, ynoa' va Hè'li ge atong e thé hoels.) Conneclu w-it Oshawa and asiensd sau discoverad that lhey baSl veotnréd. "Ttce capîsin w-as nn2com- te Weetarton le-oerow te gel eidersaItel .Bow-manviltl stage; aise w-itlte Whilby 6éla discussiug lte malter.-uppeumeat mou usi>' o-niglil, Joe." from hitadquanlens, as by lte lime ami NOBTH BRITISH h MERCANTILE ud Port PerrLRalvav, asdvilh Brougli. . sou mail ai W îhy. in ou> ow-n Ihogits. Discussion is Jea rose tram itis seat, ands auS ltrae onrteuet them, are ready ta slait enu THEOS. HePPER. hardly ltee wrS tae plyta tieir talk, facing us. Hé Look bis ýipe froui bis a masn freainiere migit le ou thé spot. saiS :NF/IRE INSURA NCE <JOMPA NY 1Whithy, Martch Oti, 1875, il-tf havever, tor i aS been lsîre niuel>' mentt anSlooked steadîl>' aI us, sud Wcl, I've a proposai le make. *J'm sifai '.se, sudn o rdliemhre mdrtpopt - ___________- confineS ta Ford. ttone w-sa aligitttu inhs usual rather read>' ta go w-itan>' ollér ma nd an G R O Y L E A g nt Q T E A M E R A m o n g th é c m p n >' w h o ra S t a I lu stre l s u e y e . fo l o w - u? th se l a k s o - m e ro w . I n g h G E O W b t y, J neg2e187 .. rS m o rn in g b écu pass stg v a rio n s o pn lio n s II id n 'it m a le m u ait et a show , d ia do n I ti in t t'l l ei d te a y th in g ou'- a to t os-______ 28 ,18 5.on te affai eto ite m ail ro itier>' wu - I P" lie sai . "Theéfun w su H n oeue self, b otit imoa >. It'c a lik l>' enoug it neas rater sp cial acqu stta ce et Bau aid . But l'mn h ping a saé te day spot, Blacktrd Gien, a cordig ta a- setart WTETEU ASSURANCE COMPANY - Ford',, a mou et allant turnlu general w-len betw-aen Captai .n Brandar sud ceunts, for a ranger te bang eut, sud prêtt VV OTY 0F TORO TO mSocial>', vite taStakaon littié sitare lume titeré'll bha a qnlg of accouets." ttrée huudred'is verti thlitrylng fer, hand READ OFFCETOSNTO e itéconérslio, lI wlielia patI> AuJoéceaed peaking, ltae short cia>' an'w-ay. But eue lting I bargalu fou ; beto HEA OFIC, TRONO. Capt Bicx), leaves SsiI>' foot et yongeSî., on titis accout, no donll, retaineS the pipé w-huit hé voas holding by thé hovI Io,îy w-sut eue man witb me. Tw-o vas Bi CAPITAL STOCK, - s4eoo. ua,a .o. rie i igr imeîo tluhsmner'wlt t rmblad suddeuly>'ilu Is long s5mev>'t10oneéagainet tIs tellew-'s mout tanagec OSO z an LvitouaI10a u o-acus>.Tthike lhébtrtl fingéresud tel! in fragments on ltéenoigit, luoepinion, thaugît hée hé sex AGNTra BUE NZ~I, nections f'er thé Falls, Bufflo, Rocieter, éd ltaI afterneon te Fard, w-lie baS groinS. as gainéau a tiger, asd thé lhiug's net b col HOLMAN,1 BBMAN o xîo Alba njTClevclyenlevelnd.adaîphk.P a Farren w-as-- --lite £_suistaul w-o--nTvina oaëtrouble forîlefils titansi chal.-ce 1site'- 1- 1 1 - 1 i 1 - . 1- 1 1 ont A suiipo5seaeoî yen ere mgjioï aing tegea -little shy of hiplat thle ards. I eveh. béarS Iai beho aikeel ef [esvlug ltéeCreék ultoether, se -the fak w-as ail agatuet bicr he. Wellr fIter thé affair w-itlte mail h, seemed tbe set np in fands.agau, asdiller. wu uno maré- tslk ot bis going off. eritapa yennoeie&thal Ihe aîs nôuc une tlbéSmore et thé robbeijy thati àe, aud thal w-bat Captalu Brandi aid sud- thglil about il vau quoed y ebrybudy. IHé alwY ays-led bou il, asÃŽyenail kuov, iluabigl MdA ' ig soort t a>', sud ve iry v4rux andSî indignant about il sme. imou, éspécilaI t iraI. Nov, yod ta>' tIluthIat uothing cf Ihis vati nelito réebon union, anSdteither it vanta bavé beau te yen or- Sny onô. Ise; but ta ene vhose assjieiduuuan iréa.vS>'aouséd these thinge lad à ésanrg 8h11l I kuaw wmll nongi baIt w alolqult'e an nupréjtled tige of Brander. Hélbas m9d as&et gainst me aine. firua ite caeunewre nd latel>'i as yen ail know, las mboç'd se feeling lu s jurétly ronlgh taslioù; Wtore the mail relIer',is opinions bont me diS net touoh me mauaI ;lui fer lthaI, anS capecial>' on thé aveu- ig ho maie tIse allusions tesa certaiti 1>',7I dttunlteel ver>' emeoth $ý, trds hin, ynou pa>'gues. eutoi new lIaIlis itefif nighl ujuke rué ýeagar te aakont a. ase -agZlua un lu rny oev. ind ses I w-su e*ioutà. rtet Ziu ne aeçend stick- ýup 55 I feal certain tlIaI1Ivaseon aigtltraak, lutI dI 55thon. The -y the -relIer>' wau tumeS, just ou thée ly w-han ltéecoachi was *vib6nt 4 iad,,-could ual, I aalèÛl.ateS, bave ,en by chance, anS Ilihere va atia this thal on that yer>' day lthe enter- iuig gentleman b>' ou>'aide ber, loftt l Crack for Waulérteu, asud <iS net uru 1t11 naît meruiug-you vii ra- en thlat. -Titlu ceincidence, iakeg h ltée évidence I SIM sIreadIy gol 1er- tbar, ucéreedto me couclusive, sud I surre etfouy mani. 1- Hôw t, bulug thé. matlér b9oue ta a vas nov ni>'abject, anS itp- I'zld 9a good Séal, ,IbaS AîxbS ouno mite plan ou titat éventng w-len thé ,bi captain maSo ltae obiglng pro- sai te go vill anelther- iiiasaob.of initIber. His affer se eo e e l ite h uig a ma2n migit Se 1 Si- rt the sent, as il w-oic, anS I aI once )ugit 1 suv tbe ahana. I lsd beau âting for.> Au ides sutidenl>' eccur- te me w-blet, if I coula carry out, iulS enable me te vipe eut &aiisareu Fweén thé oidjepsrrer sud myselfta full. Sa I aloseS vilI bis offer, as a aw-.U Toloui'espersan tii 1 thé, plan in my: mid thât nigîl, Stht a-s lthe lady hé was gallant )ui ta make mention 'of. I baS auoîtlug ta ber about the w-l ir n> le Ibis lImâe au>' more tItan te roua élo, lui nov -I thengt 1 ýh la tel!libeu-avéuything. Site w-s onishet, sa yen Ma>'suppose, anS, -on, mn>' aise imagina, a geed -Seul led. 1 ladt 'taomanage tblugs .1>' canlioaul>', sud> I aven' aàIlgt Sa lui that sort ef thîng,I1 expecto or I'conit racouafle ber 10 w-bal I aanot tenderlake: -but I mau- iiI - so *mabow. Stc'sas gent et heu lui one respect aI an>' rata, Ihougit, !'m-je, -I llievé toi that allarund; s sscli s reaonabla giir bougaI it, anSeéé a -ttlug se qnlck ln thé it yen w-sut ber te, aveu wtoa >'ou il ciumsl>', as I often Se. AnS rI moist corneleaw-bal yen vaut- afy to'know 1suppose. After Dick ks thé voodàtan lad, put us failb té tracke hé baS Sdiscovered h..1 sa bad-ben arrangeS. -The tîrits ihorsé's test w-are lIera, cerlain>', ahIl distfnct enungh ta ho esaél> weS. WhétetheyIls>' lSa1Blaok- (ilan, or, luSsed, 1ev farutbey lad 1, I anot sa>', sud il mattais ver>' anov. Brander oblilgig lald ltse ,fr .103015 quartai ofan heur, 1 ld thinkstater Hicks leftnu; 1Ion wAtcl fou a chance oft liig mal. ta apoint 1 visteS. Onur'vs7 1.4. lgt thick bush, -nIiitIth.e uS ,f murterlet an heur or thteresbous, u y , v r o e d 0 a m l i eO p o ne a e-lotee sa spsatada bla. Ti ;w-hal I haS ban wMtilng for, tia Brantiér sud I had riddau le- mur willoul ei:changing, hard>' s 1. BLé désirs logs'. no é, ' ef mé p p r o ch to , t h e c o n c s le d ' u t- Sr Sea, ndeSasilence - ôn oui paI. LouI as wo baS gelt àirly euhtie= ansi adliaS eibow--orae, I.Wbooi UinS upen hliMi gaver8S hil vEl revolver, agdSwa rude enough te ro

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