WBT'B MLZZa. Tueda, otp Oct., 1876', éarin¶date -r &etvayth th, Onsonr&à Onice, Sept. 97ik, 1876. the olbw1ns valbi). roprty, Ne: 8. .... foree Spri'. but..........8105 #10 1 fluOf Maêeh.8Mares,?7 and 8 para old, '0bLxiFmï,Acon Barlsy, î .... 90 75 a1060 Apg> ~ ~ 8Wt GB E RmaOes ,auede Tioty.......06u06 stMeo fl th.b, ILnB O BROOKy POaU0..............u Mr0,70 1515 tehsdn teie.resofOntrio o BlacliBye Pos.e. Wuc0elDoS or l, n .OunyoOtaoo Bys......0... .0 OM700 Bouescolt, 2 eusold, by j'obl. BunmSaurdqy, the SOtlc Day of Septemn ........ BOdCO, 3 ton M, by Jack the :-.n.... ki'brood Arstgo Brll o , flOlloucw1flg lana. an44prli* S0100 i f..f: ., 1 Bloc&vies s er$ olS, PInOUL No. 1.-The South t1r quart Poaoe.........400 a 5w01e ldd i , ft 1,leteltOe . 19aPesdeout#.#.* e50e, cie*4aid TOMInup of Bosch, eeon i Butter,.. ........ o18e9OMe s 1bwvoluner otlmn.a fsele-smmoto or lmucif v coelaI, rton ......... ~ OOG. 07 980 l suo-t » As» a CÀa=.. I mac e = meare t4lbde mann Wood torlojesride*oif, si aple. There is on tiis < ar Wool ........ ...... OOMe027. 1 Durhab e a u, ondfelier a gth oows" 5fmaro Boet, bind qurte .P 800 #650 7grade Durhaem Cows, lineéuner1eath. lo agéd z But forfes0 usite6. grà deDubsnReilir.8yeau cso. sabe ieri l o raid grad Darha Bou , 270a!-Qli Metfrom t, e ofoSWhitby, ont Rides.................. p GO00 #0 4 grade Durbaut lier., 1 year old, Port Wbltby sud Port P"rr Graveai,o Onlns................pIl w 4 grade Durhamo Steen 1 ijor oi, sd lu distaint about one mile and ah Turulps ........... ... 100 a foi. 9 grade DurItem Rîee al .Iron Myrtie Station, on the Port WhiJ SApeprbtih.....80 9o wrag e Durbain teer omise.' 'S Port F5117 Bailway. Cplss .. .110« P ies . ,AxczL No. 9;Tbe South.uetpr Car.. ................. 0 113 PARKIE PLZXMTS. O 0ar4enann 15 0arsb . -a Wgà êre or lame anSdescribed qf floi Tuokesper r....d...... 00 8snge Buggies, ul earî sut b emi te idLot Nnmber tg, then Tureyu pe S> i0ci uigle Buggy, nev, Nortb 16 degfrees West 80 chaîne, more msnloua. letteegs. ouemsangle of land ow 8TOVi88 Iutsi ngle Runes., nsgarly new, by Aepader KtChea; thence South - lesbt heury teaun Silvormoustod Ra=es3, drsi W t 10 chef=,, more or les@, t10t BAN". mLEs unil. 1 et doubl Carriage Haros.., 0entreef thesd lot; thenceý North ixta Motreal ...ê. 80 i) 188 2 sets Piongli Haines., d onsest chiins, more or isuto t Toronto .... ...... .. 188 18ô6 0' Badd"ss ad Brwdes, centre cf the î..il Concession ; thence Soil 1na ......15 Johnuton Res5pOt 74 degres West 10 chainis, more or leus, MXerchante.......... 98 93 1Caince Moer.nirown & Pabterson Mie, lte Wetorly lmit of the naid lot; then, Coneolidated. .î1011 0 a.Leimsks, Souti. sixtsen degres ut 80 chabtis, me Commerce ..... .... 24 12 1douleT Prrl olin oor leus, to the SouthWest an gle of the sa Dominion .... .. ..... 12 lot; lItote. North 74 degrises Est2 chaIn 9a9i 98-.1 Irons double ?urrowl, mportod Plow, mor" e- su, to the place of beglunin 0 Stnad.....84 80 a bwaNo. 4 Pienihu, i of whleh lu clsared. There arit erpctà 1 Feoa . 102 10li1 Clipper Iià n gh 1h. parcel a good trame dwelling bouse, Imeil........look 106 1I ron tchis Piu i nrSframe barn, cou stable, herse stables a County 6 per ceut. Débotua , 99 'è Port lP Gang Plonut, sopen sfhee V1 i a teeoteet TownshipnotIlcf he Villge cf Brooblin, and sixl Township * S 2 *ets@ro-arof,-our miles from thc Town ci Whitby. September 11h, 1876, 1 sulky Born es.,Pca o8-VlgeLtNm r 2 rivoling Ey Mirs, AILN.B-ilgLoNmbr1 TORONrO MARKETS. 1 Agrclturslul Pome, in the Village oi Port Ferry (formerly Borg Tonourre, Septecuber 911h, 1870. 1 Grain craeher, lia), au shewo on a plan made hy Joh FiaîlWheat ............... 1100 1 Paunbng mii nsarly nswv, Shier, Esquire, P. L. S. o part ci lot Nua e 2Paangmllber Soesnteen, in tb Szl onceston ÊPrlng Wbhea............. AlO05@1107 large iron-Nottises, the uaid Township of Beach, whlcb n surly..............75 . O788 revlving Churu,Plin i leSe in the Beestry office fotr th poe...................72o 0 78o 1 common Chorn, 0001f of Onta4o,bae ndmer E. th Otto,................. SO000870 1 2horse utvaopart o the saiS ,sVil e atnder eet Blay, .s...... ........... 8M1 1 Iron Souffler,. convoyai! bv one Amy P. Johnson o o Pork .... . ...... 0ma06,00 1 Wooden Souffler, Charles T. Young. by deed bearing date th Butter .............. ... Lue 1 Corn Souiller, is Elghteenth day ci Joly, In the yearoftoo Eggs ............. .Ide 17c, I pair Heavy Bob-alsgh8, Tyordi Oas.Thousand llghtt Rondred a: Apples............. 1500,8228 1 pair Llght Bob ileutjhu, Sevent , te sai parcel of land hersbyt Eps.a ~.sès-Uas.uI'm * ar old Bob.-sleighus, beal oenc th rt-i et in wldti Opr.à l'len.Gritfa snd _1CotePower, nsarly ii ranting on Simca. Street,in the saiS Vi 5crgag n.-I'By a thorough kuovledm0 1 Jack sud boit, lasre, aud ioxtending Weslerly th. wbcl of thse natursi lave whleh govomo ie 1 G raill, Iength of said Lot Nouber Bleven. Th operttons of' digestion sud nutrition, Ray Racks, sald Lot cntalus eue quarter oftan acre, I ansd ba osretul applicatioor i-h. fine i Pois for Cotter, th. came more or lois, on which thero ar Lroris â ou lIr fl tables i2 1 o lGrinoraBdIle, fa oo.t{ a.Th. dvsfllng bousesam aspoie u rktd les eakr.Bps oGrin orBqo. fume sable. eoraa agood weli clliciotely gavoraid bovorage, whloh may i Tlll5ckeinitha Bllove, valer anS a numbor of fruit treis.. soaomu many heavy dotors' bille." Ilte1 -Bîsokemithe Anvil, CONDITIONS Or SALE. by thé Indiciouniue et snch articles of d51.1 iBiachemithe Vice.AuoPceNmbritsoeidn that a constitution msy tagradoally but à GrasSgohes sud Suaiths, As teil e l ta ivon Thr tano a dedo op util mlont enougi tO renite vsry ton.- Reaplng Rocks,oftleWnbdia brta aedo denoy lo disese. Rwdreds oluubtis mais. Wheslbea'rw tbbc sad parcel of land made o te ee Sari dieu are ficating &round un ready te attacli set bau Pdiy Bioche, Jane Holliday by William Rattenbory, dat wheroyer tiser. lea aveali point. We may ntBain rn dthe oua Et nthde sud eve ntOu escape manyà a talishaht by keeping our. 9uantlty loggtng Oai,Tosn ihRudead vnt se,vi l iýorllfflsd vilh purebltodnd d arge numtar Cattle Chaine, .Fur udbs eitrar'. abstract of tltit proPrlf nouished trame.'5-ciisu B5=6U 1 Domoral gon, wvus rackad ItwVndrshall nolta bound tepr aagesseS . Sold iu Pichet. sud Tins, lb,1h, Dmo Wtsî idnc. boy further or ter evidence of iii. as lb., labeUed,-'Jsuso upe ,_&Co, 1iL&a.d oUier nr 00 nabn te edso oioc Homooptbio, Chemisto te T readuseie 4 sets Wbfioirsen, e fns. ssyohr5.5o ois sudt " 170, Pie aly Lo den. S Iran Crovbares,, 'E,.h -arcel vili ta ofierea sobjeet tle et, ali.busbsl Muures reervdlbid fixed by the Mater'- and npar OXYGEN 18 LIFE. QusuUtity of Carpsnter's Tools, cel Noier Two vwfl be sold au Le o 1 Cross-cul S&W, Lease for uine years. mmde by tltla "BR. BRIGRT'S PZOSPRODYNE.- 2 Ray iKnivez, Jackson Reliidsy le William Kerr aud Jobn .IJ MULTITUDEO07FOPLE are hope. 4SNack Yokos, Kerr. dated Seventeentit of Oclober, One lessiy suffering from Dobfllty, Nervous ana 1 Turnip cutte.r, Thotantd ElgItI Hondred sud Seventy.On, Livor complainte, Doprousi on of Splritd, Qoutity good Timoti9' Hay, wberehy lte rent payable i. Tbree Hondred Hypeohndia, Timidity, Indigestion Poal. 10Coin tve sud 1, umiture a 980 annually.Th ors oS R sud Msmery, £".i o tvsTlt olr~ 'amineofgHo"art-clars a vbichLeasecao be sacertain- iode, Wsut 0oovr, &o., wbo.e. cases &ad. Qatt rIele odedo rmee d n he office of 1h. Vendor'a Solicitor, *Usls ermanent eure bytbêewremsdy 10 acres olTumnio y hpurchasereshbiahIbe imeofine PHOSPKOYX (Osonie Oxygeu), viionLarge qunuity Ofeà " ftnd em en~t. py 4ovn a doqoaalî niton psr cent te lIt at.onee alS*ys 491i rrilallends and oxcito- Larde quauîfty jfRehU=,une4pf.,' .asu4 oIe 9lisolicitor-and't lb.romaindor ment inportsnew energy asd ilie te1h.e si.Capti bvlgi.,aaý.' bcourt, vithont luteregt, vithin Qon enfeebLe constitution, sud rapidly cursor.-s, visevnglsj té hleo' month froin the day of cale. Or at lt everystage of tbosse hitherto incurable and 'P*aPerty, vorytbing vlflb@a "Id vils, option of lb, purchaser two.tbtrds of thb ditrs.ing maladieu. SolS by aIl Chemiets ouIthe slitest "eSermeuaever. purclimi mon ofo parcela uansd Ivo ean and Drusuo4ata throo bout te Globe. Bak. o'mole a.ir11. romain on Mo= gpaable le seven equal *W' CLY.TIN.-TIIo largo anS Inores- a aunuml inetaimes th ittinterest at seves io dmsd erDralriht'à Phespbodyne eh;BvRMS.-tAlîSunu 512 u uder $10 pe tttayablo yosrly. In other respct bas lsd te sseraiifinitaone undoesr cs; r hla mout mentits crsdià Cbscon ouocf cl iilbcte sstanii naianes; porehasoru of 1h. modiclue should -iMib. given by turniebing aprovod Joint conditions of sae.0oS the Court of Chanc.ery. Ihorlor ~s.cirtul o o serv b a eutNo, vithoot intereet If P W hou due, i f orl lbrprlcfars apply to John eucae bearut@ Goverument Stamp, vith ntc pald Interest viii ho cbarged froxu Houldun, Vendor'. Soliciler,- sud Meus. -thé wprde Dr. BrighI'u Phosphodyne, en.day of saûo. For tise Pige, cash vili ta re- Movat, MeLenuan & Dewney, 8.1i.iors, engrafl dthoron sud taI lbhesamie word. n re. -Toronto. are alo biovut on tho bottie. Byory case L. FAIRBANKS, Aunoeer.- Dated .BIsI day oS August, 1870., bear. thé TrsSe Mark sud Signature of whitby, Sept. 2gud, 1876.40 (iu) GO..DÂT LL patent"o.Io (gn) E.R RT L, EXPORT AGRTNS-Nerton -te JOHIN HOSEIN, Master at Whithy, &Co,,107 Souhark t,, Londo'où', 8."E. 0 ABIO ROTBL. iVindor's Solietor. 14.87 Try Tt-and You will always W EIT BTj, ON TABIO. Use Wood's Improved. THOS. MASON,, PROPRIETOR. In t70- Surrogate Court oýf Superior accomodation. Table, uuppiied tieCut fO tro Wood'@ Km proed ilmir Restoraîlve siltItbeef in soason. Genuln ue l~ors. M fO tro le unlike aboy other asiba n ul.Th boat brande. Billard rooza. ilounay 'r n a o*i. h salsud shes. Imprnved bas newvavgtaletoutate proper.- 40-t N O T IC E bieeu; routeras grey Ssii te a glosy, natural color ; rester@s faded dry. hîrsh anSdisl. THE PHYSICIANs REMEDY. la Iereby given taI aIl creditor.sud alter Ing Itair; restore, rese;se, dives vigor te persions ltaving auty debt or dlaim againu;t the bair; restores hair le urematorely ba lte estate Of Mary Wrighut, late ot lb. lseads; ramnovos Sandroff? bumors, seaiy ITEBN yen are ill and dont boy how Township of Pickering, in lte Couny of îecav drynose. Ne article pmduces snob yor nuîlean.If Tith.e M opinionÉo et t10 .1 M'r1-q %'l Inud;reove Iriaton bthig nd- td't ye i yi gJnly, endfo A.aioD..o 1876,e ano ie n o VEW ADVERTT8IEME'rT8 BAXKRUPX STOCKC FOR SALE. INSOLVENT ACT 0F 1875. In (lie matter qiHUGE-! cBjrh1p, AN INSOLVENT. 13y itue cf1tthe Power vested l n me, au As. 518smtd by résolutioaioScreditoru, will for sats by PubUio Auction, on THLTRBDÂZ IOOTOBNR 55 h, 1876, et the heur eS two oelecm. pm., in the store oi thé Insolvent, the folowlng stock .new audin0 gocd order, Vis: Shirts, Colleand sud decloîhiug, 058528 Belle, Braces and ndkorolfet 24.28 Bats and Caps,...2w. 8 Faro 210........ . 90 O.a...............6.50 miscellaneooe Articles, - -11221 61461,05 The ahove wili b.eold for Cash in lots ta soit purchassrs Datsd et Wbitby, 251h Sept., 1876. J-.8- M. WTLLCOX, 40 OMOIIe Asignée. BLACK BYE PEBAS WANTED. A quantlty of pure Black Eyes, frse frcm white# Marrovfit and Imaîl peos. Apply at once to 3. H.. LONG, WhftbY, Sept. 27th, 1876. WIçtby. STIFNES IN GIN AD LIMBS,' MPAINS. PROST DITES CHIL- BLANBEUISES, CUTS, hUENS, WADERING PAINS, &c. Il ibas cureS severel of thece physicians end thoitamud.ao bters las Canada, sud te 91w 0W caslSdAil on Ibis flunibent as wEcll as lu Europe, tue anîy reliable rem.dy for Ail Uheumitie affections. The fac simCa signatures of 1leading physiciens o1 Mnutreal are an sacS bottle tsi A goaanle n i s efficacy. For sale by ahI Sragglsls aI 50 cente anS Oî per botîle. Contfits es ai physfobans ara on u'ech botie, sud eau lie baS aIse by Sp. n-lylng tb CHARLES MABTIN, Muasîreal, Sol1e Agent for Canada sud U. 5. FrmOne cf lte Tesùmuonflî. Prm*r, Ds,0no b llum, 2Mont real r li lb. Undertlgned, have been suflering very rmusebfor lte lmut byeyears tramn Rhoomaîiem in the ankie joint, so much s0 lbt s Soflen unable ta attend le my cli. inff. but treo aPPlletianaafbr.Blrnbaxm' B usimadGout Remedy gave me ta&, relieS heom pain sud stiffnuseviicis I dIS ual exporlonce for tae iast tva yoars sua ater lgist days use eci e mmedy, finS myu.I titraly ourad. I ove tItis statemeullohpuhi eth profcsin eS l bIemrlîs ottise genuine article. DUNCAN MCCALLUM, ME. D. June 171h, 1876. D OMINION DANK Bas opOneS a; Braneis ef Whitby Agency aI LIVERPOOLMAET near Pickering Harbor toi couvenieuce of grain merchatte anS ether. Saingbusinss tiser., sud for rOcelvlngrdot,,î il.B. TAYLOR, -WhitbY, Sept. iStIt, 1876. Ageqnt. 41us.9 S L AINTS' CHUERRa LAND FOR SALE IN MARA., -PROMENADE CONCERT Titsubsculber efm for saes 100 i ACRES 0F LAND. lu ths DRILL SRED Ibisvening, (ô5 aeucleared) SeuhWtIt i l 9, con. 88.euLom kthiuqurie U'01gch51 VhurodayJ, Sept. 28th, 176 houes.1#0A1choiesotatIed&aIl reuud I. TERMS of sala verylibeiui A gee, Adrà nleue, -à é.Childe, Ise, bargain u otaeud for rsady cash, WitibySept 91h, 176.Apply te Whity, L 27h, 876.to JAMES WALKEB, BEES FOR SALE. Spabm11,~ mIuuP Sen Swarme, Vtry .rong, lu aetT0RN Moveabl. Prame Rivsu. Patnt v RNT GR0. GILCHIIIST,Thtvr wIitb,, Sept. tt9 0. i. r AkSr FIMP<I r cAr%5"m T D 1 4nbeln WostitaOfet ot NO. SoeIn the on T bI brssio nd t eovn Sece metb GfrL -Mu :t.8areU»S84OPeb 1 Ap)to rent situe for kfÀh 5i" <,du Si, l un.2- OfyWLJ1X BISAI 3129-E TOpe U,. J, anS bah. notice tai aller lte lest mention. .d Sale, lhe said adminisîralor viii proceed te distribute lte essof lte lobestae among the parties entitieS theieto, Itvin regard onlY lalIte die ioci vicIt IesItal titen Itave notice, enul lte îaid administre- bar wilI Dot b. hiable fuir lb. aseels se isîri. IlunleS nu any part thereof to any person of vitosO dluimu sncb adîninitrator sItal ua have bSdnoticeest tise lima of sucb distri- btution. - Thtisunotice in given ln pureunce af lt.e Slatute 29 Vie. Cep. 28, Sec. 27. Daled et WhitbY, the 20th bepteruber, 1876. JOHN WRtIGHT. J.K xGORDON, nmng;ao Solicitor for Admius.urator. 8 JI OTEL TO -LET.-- &NATIONAL HOTELJ At Part Wititby. Tis Hatl has 'recently Iteen put le thisa cugh repair, anS lu large and commodicug. Possasian ceaoubb ad mm.diab.ly. Apply te JOHF WATSON Whitby, lSth Sept., 1876- Port Whit6 F ARM 0F 100 ACR:eims TO BE RENTED. Being compcsed ot part ai Lots Ne. 9 sud 10Oin lise Fitu concession ofthesTownship Of Pickeing, quarter of amrile hem lb.h Vil. lae ef Grentwood. 1or bter pirticulars; tppiy te tise pro. Pliator otiepromise. ANDREW MoKITRICR Pickering, Sept. 191is, 1876. 21n.Sl TRE WALKEII1OUE PORT iPEà 8tR, WV. B. MotGAW, . pimOBIvrTOB Wjtextensive Pirt o sa. AeoWmoda.. tiens, a Sou stÃé et active anS obllgiug as. sistants, tihe Cioice ef tise Maiketfot tise Table asd Bar AnS charges niuucrte ts travelling pubûc and lise public lu e;ral vil1 Sud lu the Walker Bouse aul asecon. voenenduScomiorl vicisa tot au e Por Pery ~.~, W. B. McGAW Po PrySpt_ôt,1876. 87 FRSALE I Thot oligibie Family Residanoe vils ýoi Ikcres of lansi,conmprielng Gardon and, or- chaud, ail or- eelent quaîty, tormerly e- 1-upled by te lab John Bamuer, Boq., silou ate &bout oeamile osât et Wistby, ou tise Kingston RoaS. Thse Bouse centalie Ten goame bexides kitoha ý n lurviihgond ( eliar., Bad and SoSI va tem ut'i&epei se.; alo am sud stable. jrmi -For fuiglie oa'ienlrc nca.. INi m o 'nE« Daua Mme Littby 1of 'IWO Utho, once aor ted L 74 the Laon tise te sire dd Jne. 411 on a" and 'île ,nt t 01 rhe De the ma th. ore .h <te ar ad of if 'h It.i ue of ne e, e e or Raturdtuy, the 7th'o! October, 1976, prmoel one parcel.vis : Tise nortt.tali ci L '-t 1ir Siin tise Ethoocaqa onlurd, cnt unSug 10 sre, moe r is Teear etv.en80 &:nda40Mares cleard .1idnder oultivatien. Tiseticutrarn use vooanle imixeS. Tise:soil i. daUy iosm- sud tho land -ile vell vatered.' There le a- Log haansd stable on te premessSda- Lieg Houie. viichis epsrlly ou -the lot sud partly tusa auepqed aidelne. The lotis distant abopI *eve*p, u-1 B a attc n Mdlain i ,6acésae hli~~u hiotil Besvrton*1tsgo roade, asuîaina -WOU msead n Lghood vitS a60io1 oue a mle dissnj. ;Tisera vlllt a areerved bld. TB S.Te mpa onîÃ"fpthe urc sse mnsAer le one month 1ercitervithout inb4eet. la elhor-reects-lb. terme sud conditions vil ta iStanling conditions ef tise.Court o1 Chino..Iliý Forther particulirs sud cunditione of sale may lie obtained tram the undersignesi or At lte 1mw offices ociA. Hudepetis sud â4.. Dunsford, Lindsay, sud John Rasia,- Q. C.,.Taronto. DateS thi. 9tb Sept., 1876. W. W-. DEAN J. KETCHTJM Mister at Lindsay, Veudors Sicitor, 55.1 BARLEY WANTED!1 Tie undersigued wilI psy th ghest cash e »rie, for any qoulluiy ef Barley, te ho Se. tverd aI Ibe ElIevalor of C. Draper & Co., Port Wbitby. TFARM FOR SALE IN isAA, ÀAT ABARGAIN. Peing NortIt.isaf Lot 9, concession 8, vitIt. su a quarter of a mile cf thse Villae of lion, .15 sces nov being cleared up. Titi., indispulable; applyoo Ibo promise. PATRICK D0NNEPLY. Septemiser, 1StIt, 1876. 89 N 0 T I C 2. The underuign Mexects ob thé i Grain Markl lissesson, at Whiîby, le ciTer tis beïttpr1Ie.'for god eun am- ples .JO H N B L O W . Whîbby, Sept Stis, 1875 87 The undersigned vilI ay tise Rîgheet Price for au y qoantiîy af good ilarley, de. livered a et Siesun levator, aI Port C. DRAPER. WitIy, September ôtb, 1870. 8in.87 C OTTAGE FOR SALE 1 That Brick Cottage, just uortcofbise Brown & Palterson Masutacuring Co's. Works, vut te-Ad adj»oinlug. Tbere are on lte preunises a Stable, Hlard anS Soit W-ater, &c. For Surtber parbiculars spply te J.EB. FAREWELL, Barrlaber, &o. Whibby, May Brd, 1876. 19 SVABULE HOUSE FOR SALE. A large Two-story Brick Dwelling Houso, vith tree narbers of an acre of loanai- lached, well stockeS vils choice Fruit Tracs, sud ellualed on te corner cf Green btusiness part of lte town, !lcrms easy-for fuirtiser particulars apply la, D. ORMISTON, Solcitor, Whltby, cr T. H. McMILLAII, Osisawa. Wliity, Auguast 81, 1876. 88 J I No. 4 BULFINCH St., BOSTON;' (OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE.) TEUE SCIENCE 0F LIFE, Or, SELF-PRESERVATION. MORE THAN OME MILLION COPIES SOLO. Ooid Medal Awarded tu the AutItar by te "National Medical Associa- tion," March peut, u876. -Just publihed by lte PEADODY MEDICAL LNSIT E us new edîlion of lte ?3ical 89 pression. Loui aS z5ne H Eard Coul.en. auce, Confusion 0f MlnnMnd 1%su ci memory, - Impuire abat.efthtie BinaS, sud aul diesases erisine fbomterrors or icast or thes luSacre. tions or excesses c0 matureyeau, It toluvon ul leutte Coiss (eiG ra- ivePhvsiology lte Pisydloigt'1oSMarri., of W dOk and 'ousprisg, 1nsei oea Tus aly, ýjEsqirIistm, Perversion ei ~ Con~eaireeet sd frienurCoun. Expansion cf Vies,bte Box-, .la. 0f thes r.dene, Auient igorance and Errer., Meaus 8. ai Cure, Ours fcf ey euS Mind. 'roue Prin. Ciples ci Tretaen '-0 oPa- nt n Thi m oif iflu k la ou la Ptio@j e an boalte dentales mors 'tisu< .ProerPtlonUS omrte ebeve nusmad &Sdthor 9 dlsea se enhWorthansmore tisubise prie. oflthe bcook. The Inatitute aluo publishesedi THE PHYSIOLOGY ôp WOMAN AND çHER DISEASES." price, $2. Tise besi bock cf the kiud exîsue, AIws notier vuluabla moedical ork troat. ci les exoe1nielyr'Xmtal sud idorvous Dluoaes;. more mielle. fi 0,elyenonoh to pay for.pmiatt. %in,,Pocofr yonng Md Middle 1isd meus la ruaS Jest now ~inte Science tLfor soif Prsrvation. vosAUtole.rtmsjfo Eofrin excellet f~pi.lga lb uon theo mont .OfÇl onla gy everpbliu ~ zn te vauS uiss, am Md MOU enfierred MeS Shei, 19of.ite iure .ouvaante .4 lsslIa 0 il oe D7.e L5v ltBoston Prou., sud ltse le oiraislrughse country, Ths. Meda(wliietfcclii go mt vits mors titan une, tundred I.udba Élaod fr r tF=&=y. "Altofsthor. le 11.executbo nd thbse, is nmo'tamatorials. sudeltii dede. ltise mont notioabla mdai ver struelli ts coeuytfor suyrpoevstr l vfaSirITy von aaWorbeil& re[Ou n oeiplt o qfooeor rle.C 'i th b",urg * kANTEs, AND OCLOTHU, NEW TEAS, FRESH FAMIILY-GROQEmU LIQUORS--WHOLESALE-ANl) flETAJI. Al- gent~s for tihe oelebrated Port Hope, Allés, ii GrLÀà BWreAN DOMININ WARE OH1IS.' Keg Whitb7, Auguat 291h, 1 Are receiving Fait ,Goods. which have- been bouglit at' Bottom Prices,, times.A good stock o MIL LINER Y, DRESSMAKING A ND TA IL ORING DONE TO ORPER. LOWES & POWF Whitby, Sept. 151h, 1876. LL. LAING S TE-WAIiT -WHITBY Have now opened out a first-class assortment of Hlaving beenl early in the market- we purchased our sftook before the advance in gole, and are now prepared to offer to our customers and friends the advantages which these early pu~r- chases enable us to do. Our assortment is large. Our. Styles-the Latest. Our Supplies are fronu the best sources. Our prices are governed by thse faot that at ail lmes vs wish to sel a large amount of goods on esmail profits. fCLOTHS AND TWEEDS, Srouta~me IDRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINOS, WINCEYS AND FLANNELS, MILANG MÂNTES. LMNG & STEWA~ Whitby, Sept. 121h, 1876. A T THE Hlas made the second semi-annual inventoiy. This Stock-taking lias given stil1 botter resuits than tise previons one, a: proves that notwithstanding HARD TIMES& EDWARD FROST'S CASH STORE, FROSr- THAT GIVES NO niw. selle on tise bara - exponse Iîaying profit, marks goode in, plain figure makes no second price, iand turos over the stock ofton is appreciatedi Whitby. The Dry Goods ahud Ciothing Buisiness at the Odd Fe] lowuî' Hall je steadily incîeasiing bocatîso based upon sound business priz ciples. D)ry goode this full are cheaper than lest sesous. Edvard Frci li e pid apeouponto nov gond extiamineifmake tseleso. Be ~ ~ ODFLOS kHAeog oci ndeaiefryusLL, 'hitbv. SlODDFELLOWS'79HALLb whithxi. Rsnk 101h î~'ua Wisitb Grapes, Peaches, Melons, Apples, Pears and ail kinds of Fruit in season at the Confectionery an, Tea Store of W. F. WILCOXT Whitby, Sept. 18th, 1876. JUJST THE PLA'CE BOOT AND SORMAE, BROOK-ST., WITBY, HAS nov ou hanS a largo sud varieS stock of Boote andS Sloes.e. &Wa Hmakes te eider eveiy description cf Ladies' Gentlemen' anS Chldrene' Weau. Ce»Bepairing doue on tue shortest notice, sud aI reseonabla rates. À cal ie invited te examine thse oev stock. Wisiîby, December, 1875. Brook Street Wisitby NEW FALL WLAXBUok tetNSb GOODS LOw: Ladies,' Work Baskets, neat,prtyadhe.Te Bout stock in tow .n. petadcep h Ladies' ,Back Combe,,Childrens' Circoular Cons5 ob ofalIid.A good Stock. Purses, Pooket Books, Memorandum IBooke. -X igle sock. Veryà cheap.g Two Cases of-Stationery reoeived thiâ we'ek. Noie> F-a- pers, Envelopes, Foolecape, Inks,, &c. iMerohaut,' prfessicnà l mou, jana others Ovil VOmoney by Purchasing horo.- ---r 1878. 't ~Ã"OD -ÂT-.4 ES ATES<,BI. ifl'Subscribe here for your Magazines and Newspap' Promptneds and punctuaiity guaranteed-Âgent for an. thé leading p lishers. J. S.- ROBERTSON, Bookeler and Stationer, Whit HAY FORKS, j HAY RARE Sy SCYTHIES & SNAITH GRAN RLEY FR, BARLYTFRKSHO O-GENUINE PARIS GREEN-0- ,T. IT, G( 'es, 10 in. Cset adi )Y. 8 ,dles EUî egtoannounce to his cusitomers and., the public lu gfene- ra, ha o asust receved severalc asesOtasuorte r 3oddrc NEW FALL DIRESS, GOODS, Which are consjdered remarkable. good value, and ithe new- eut styles for th. cgoigseso, NEW PEINTS, - NEW SHIRTING, NEW WINOIES, NEW FLANELS, NE LANK EB Anda are rnealofthe celeblatebrsio"ef"',ý -LOul~r smm m BROOR STREET, -WHITBY. Just to hand a lôt of Thos. Russe eSons celebrated Watches, Gold and Silver cases, -a peoial prices. Waltham and Elgin Watehes ii lold and Silver cases, Jewelry, &c., at depression prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTSI Perambulators, 3 and 4 wheels,.Can- [ian and Ainerican makbrs, best value in town. FARM S' Implements, Heuseisoi Tise Snbscriber hoes roc frexu RICHARD C Adminibrator cfilise Est lise laIe Elind K. Chapmo lic R Aucion vlont ises se oi te late Blind.L CI 9 le the 41h con, Pi TUEBDAY, SrcZ OC' Tise iaoving valumble iRama.,8 yem aolS; 1imM Mare colt. 2 e . olî! ers. pub- itby. sc I. a ut' n 3rd, 4th. 5th and 6th October. Prize Lisesand Entsy P mis t e taS etý tbe Secrelery's Office Gelp, and &as tram tise Secretaries cf olher Socieli tbrougisout th. Province. - 1 Parties net rectiving their entry'Iieketm Urir o te ow mviii thein sI lb. Tiseseveral R-ailw vii ary fe sud pausengem te suadIrom Utis Exibito at single fae.. G. MURTON, C. sHRPE Serotary. ~ sioî Guelpht, Septexuher 2, 1878. 4iu487 $1PAiA PsOrMitor $1,700 durntipait feu moult., under cur im. inersa. Bock contaisting fulIinfo'rma. ion sent-au application. TUMDRID<E & C0., DauBer.A; Brokers, 3LAS. 1876. 2w 'I1BS ELECTED- -THE COUNTRY IS -SAPE I I ýN'T TIJRN OUJT McKENZIE 1 HARVEST 18 OOMING1 nd if you want Forks, Scythes, Cra- ey and all kinde of Harvest Tools, Chea-p. Go to, HATO'H'S. For Harvst Gloves,,-weil madean aranteedto ît; - , O, an H'ATO0HIl'. 00--, 03» Food for IeQtato B-ug-s, ateh's To ýPeA RT-l ~ES B: DIN you want >First-elai m, Putty-J eut sud other Na Iding Matetial usualy kepti e.~o Ohsu oo r 0,11jUe, SIBridl n ada -e Carnag'e Harxis., 1 ut Bngw r mae set Heavy Harnes. 1BsfLdR<b,ta1 Wiip, 'lGrind StOne,:i1est Carpentors' Toola, Rales, Scythes, Hay Fpork, HoS, Spadea, Crou eu lsaw, ., A qpsntitci oSbuse bal furitreenating of 1 Pano(Wober, Kngbony mater), 1 Seving Macie Ex- tension Table ý pbear,5saChais, de. slcad, si h 5md , sudmnomber of-ther arils e uerous le meutio. SWt u2 o'clock. Lunch ai 11, Ia ..- TERRMS.-AU smau suad under 0la casis; ever that- amoontecredit wijj ho glveu» outil lthe iSls October, 187, by fomnà isng eppavtd oin NtesFAIReANKSi cltag.dromday S mls-t nt l isonr F R TISFAnm FOrt SALE, Contnng 100 Aores, Situale oua mile suSbteee quarter, veut oS ise Tovn ci Wbil, cutl Eise Higelron Raad,.beùt come fprsfotNs ho isI concesson o01th. Town- ip cf Wbitby. TEernieOf Paymenb very eay. Fcr brt. r prlicul3ns8 ppybIYt te Propriorocmtse premise,, or be Levi Fir>amt.Wtithy. RDWARDHAT, - WYlitby, Ont., Propilte., Tbibby, August 9ah, 1876. m8 C OAL CHA'PER T A NFEVER l DOWN AGAIN. f Ceil sud gct prices aI AALEXAl4DER', Wtby mad Oisava. 3eP. 151h, 1876. 88 IENTRAL E XI1B 1T I C)N...MS 81000 Offered in Premliums!1 I LL , u 2<- OF iBIPe LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GL£SGOW, OHEAP FARESI Calfram Witby --859 , , ucrigte accommodation. Sleersge-4.s loy auany other lina. Prepidpas"aencrtfiiatesiseoe& aI loveet a tbpersane vlesing le bring eut finonde. For tickets and brISer uuommsaton appîy tie- GEO. YULE. Exp. sud TeL 0f.. D ILYLINE O BOBTER TEE y-LsTUA N]w "N 1 A -4 JERMIR LNG 1876. - Il ,Lowes ýOVR MOTTO LOWES & POWE Whitby, Sept., 167( WhitbY, SOPt. 18th, 1878. - ,Winter Dry Good Pickering, Sept. GROSS -Whitby, Sept. 12th, 18,76. w 7Mtby, May 1 . Imm 1 'Wm, M T.Tl I:pv 119- s > ý Whitby, Docember, 1875. ýHARDWAIREY 'Fall and RAIN CRADLES, & MAÇNACH TAN, EDWAR-D a 0 LID SM I TH'S HALL FRUIT.