Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1876, p. 4

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d4e Thé wboeaffair di Dot eop more htosii~n minutes, and thi ere bd etood by the- ille; lookigon ln a bafaaldway. Had our etroggle >mwed longer llrsuder's animaai, for wbg 1 osay, mlgbt have mode off but imy nag would have., toend ln sey case,. And me we rode bae.k sud-ber.e in yetr primner." A Mesehh after thieabos'.e vqutm dap. tasin Brander tood Ihlm trial lu Sdynay. Tiiere was no diffleult inl provlng thbe Ivo robborlem Lgalnmt hLm.ÀA umuber of the unotes that b.d beau takeu frem the alwer lonna ln h.48posessimuon. vioL Ihlm. Tsketi togètlier wîtlî Wîck. ham'm elear snd consecotive tory sud wlth otbipr points cf evidence whiob the course cf ttiitial.brouglt ont, it proved conclusive proof ei hie gulit. Re la e<'w lfilliug issetence, iBfteedso aro * it wltiard la or, ln Bydte al .io Ilckm wasu uital.ly r.,wanded, sud the hlas.ce of the £l30 mn welI earued ineide Lite aud Joe happy. - r. l3uolel, asyn that iétory repeats itsielf. We presutneie h1 efers te t1ip ftàct hast the Jews werc Jireoted te maltke g14 theii wate places, aud that ilinalluepeamn4,ousom f doing ste wittlie lert arin on the front toop eenings. after the clii gentleman lise; gene tei ii. loclge, ilpopu1ar new. A. naien btha town of ltielîfond ili. * ( edanothex, mnie m tog. Theo son cf tise inian wbese dox wa hlled, thereforo.' * proceetslnd te ylîsp te mian wl>u killî tii. lo,, of tse minuho %vte son cn. Tii iitw h %va&sethse sons of theruan wbrs. l,;wukled wsa se1by ti In, the Surrogato' Court of the County of On;tarJo, !TTC ieheriby igven tiiet all civil- .'_ torts and otiier 1perans 1 Iîny debt or ltitu egeît t Ioe etete cfai iam V.1lit listt 01the'T'Owuîýhip of whitlîyp in the Coa"Ly OetriîoYeo>mnildeceaned, w'vbc ied on ucibabout itlî pish ay LAng. - sit, A.,1D., t8760, arc lhprohy requestrid ta t4s».! ifparticulè.rs ()fi their rIL,îinie with t1meeèèssery datsl ud items, eand the Chrta. 1 hi f nud lSuin>imm o! fie (ilaimaints, aud 1 hu r ir iedrceot eGoerg'e Flnt, IEFquire, sle Ececutor of the> lest wll and testament 01 th. mciilii Wvilliam iFlint, 287 Vic.toria IStreet, r'ri>,on or beforc tlhe I"o l'gffY ore. n r,, A. 1P., 18,76. Atîll tekO, jiotiCri, tija ter the Gsud 15,4 aititI'ivil duti th»e ald Exocutor will pro. 1-tio-1 (c dl!ltrihnute the alqfot!i ni the sasud Itttuai nuccîçthe, partie r,titlod thoreto; havis reaîrd otily te tL la iihua ofwhich hvi,iliheU litîn bave node ti dthe sii ex rc>îtor oUIl ot ho lh1h> fr rthu e ýýîoÉti sa >lai utdr ary 5part theym,! ftu t..uy tir. si ,fwhee> t'l (1101 etit xer"utor ehesll c),t ave I cli atie t the time of sud, dl.'tribu>tiô,î. - >'lix rtir>, is giron in parguance o! the St>tt>ei'J1_ý Vie., Cap. 28., Sec. 27. * itdrd r n.W)iitl>y, thc iO9rd Alig.,1876. GEORGE FLINT, Hile > EXecutor laesWillienî Flilnt. XrA1iEWËET,L & RUTLE1JGE, Soic ti-ès forJI;xectitor. 38 WII.L KNIT 20,000 STITCHES IN A MINUTE!1 A PIACTICAL FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE 1 Klif, lte eh esof worik, iarrowa and uidens lt;,tiiîiiom ail siirem crmpleti!. Kuités over M dlferent g.rnt)î.ts, Sock-e, Stocktege, Mittss, Leggirs,ý Wristletm, <tljîves, etc. itl lste ery poasîble vsrî-ety e>! plain sud fancy titch. 75 per cent. profit lu marnu fituturîn, lott goodis. Vurrtcrsan troble the vailue 0f their worl, by renivertilig t lot> i)I gpatin. Venînss <nuIt> 98-00 per - day wlîth il. Ac<raNrn WANTrco, Scnd«for Satnpleei, l'île.> IAHLut<d Circuler.> t., principal cIlice apcd juwiiis,,etory, 1<ijickiord Kntitîg mit hu1it> Mfg. (!,., ]3rttIeboriu, 'Xt.< (Or, 1101. lire No, 9180 13roaedwao, Neiw York; Na. 29 %Vet 8l -Street, St. l'au!, Mine. 37 MAN SION HOUSE, CORNER X IINIS ANIte TOIlE5M., 'flOUONTO, - ONTÀIIIO.' WM. KELLY, PRORIETOR. 'hie ittel h situatel Su (lie cetral por. tienuet ieu city, couvenoent te> tue ceiol#asî ssthliannts sud publie buildings, sud for (ourlets an, olmmnercial rvoleainî Snet olgSbùatftostlion. 'ruse. hous e s beco throtsgbrut, and miilzed upintheisaint cotnfurtable sud iaslîSeuable stylo, equal te s btr o uge oso lu tise Domtinion. Tise laclroornfiaoidre u.onaaelarge sol amiy, antilbhebbat sanltary rbgslahLtous ara 'J'ise lange 'sud con-renient uioreontes, lor '% tise oonnodation o! Commercial Trr.. ci-11urs, are commnodiues. and cojuvcntently Omibusese sud Carniages lways ieady for tise so.tumoiation cf gaestis arriving by altemisand téamboats ndaiu:o t leavl"g. TelegrapiOQ inluconuetion vils tis HIoose. - TIRUS, - - - &1 5DUl'EU DAY, w~atApil 12, 1870.,1 - FAN ITOUSALE. 125 A OR E, aiLiaed osnLthe Elaptu, Bedai2mils frous tissaflorling Tossu e1 Wblby, being e a exé of h. 5 th.West ;7e5 the15 Wor& 0msereg 01 LcLnso. l, conc:sson 2 lu the Towiaitip M tPickering, Tise dst. >105, VItS S5pu udarnati I Horst unaer tihe centre .ll'rsna Cov-olue 1»0 94%l1,, ardé Okn7 tmeetln ab=x oaýe Of flrt cii Slaevifet., y- -ly Witby, Set 4L, 1876. 87 D RY GOODS AND 'GEOOÛTB STORE àAT "AUDLËY,*. tise toesllty tis ubsebrsbeeusnAUa te open bu&nstuins uhLbabove lin.. ALarge and iwel Selected. .Stoèk >0oBT til!ANI) riUti ±'Jitt tEXTENSION RAILWAY. TIME TABLE Ne. 15. Tukea effeet on Moniay, May-8tis, 1878. Trains rut by Toronho tihie, visicis-is tweu- ty-Iwu minutes silowcrthtin G.T.B. ime, T5AIS4 O NO aonru. ste. 2 Vexe an I en. Whitby Jun .... .dcp. 9.10 s.m. i. 7.07 p. whit'y ....... 0 7.15 Breoklin ... .40 7.85 Meyrîle ..... ........ if.58" 7.62 *Suintait .....10.10 " 8.05 Manchester . -....10.22 " 8,17 Prince Albert..10.82 8 .27 Port Peny ..ennrive 10.40 ' 8.85 T11=14 OoINt SOUTE, lPos-t erry...,.dep. 6.00 .mt. I. 1.25 p.m. Prince A et 609-> " 1.86 NMauoIL"ter. 0.20 '< 1.45 eSummit..... ...... 00 1.57 ytî...........6.42 " 2.10 c Ilroeklin,... ........ 7.00 ' 2.27 %Viltby..... ...An. j 7.20 Ait. 12.47 Whely . »P. 17.10 vie. i 2.M -Whitby Jtin..arriva 7.30 Il 8.w0 66 *Pletomiutstations. Trains stop on sig. otli only. ~ Counectiig et NWlîitlîyjounction vilS tise G. T.R. u'ci !w.et; t Port Perry witb teefrUxb idge, sud Steamer Maple t>eaf niLlxdsey, tiser.>vooectiug vitli tise M<idIeul Itsilway und with steamer for F.'uiion Failli. Bobreygen, aod-Sturgeou Peint Rotai, a b<autifu.l pleesure mrant. JAM=S OLDIIN, 20 Msuawgiug Dinector. WANTED. w E waut relie., energetire auveîeeiog agents in evry towu lu thse Domin- ion for tise 1n01V<>llutrete.l Hiacry o!nis.h Dominsioneo! Ceuriade." TiSo ork i.> truly megnificte, conteiinsg uver 2,0001 double roiuninquarto pagea, anulove>- 011W uprb full pqaeegrenirig. Tht> woc'at pbis- ocî li,îpartsi t aseplaist ,'richin suîres ite welcrme le every Eughiehi reeding fîeuily. To <'urrgcticeigce or ladie, wso tare wiling t> m-eI,<t> ci genasatî.>.> a per. raineûnt pistoifori' xO yeer, sud o00te î-.Donit fail to, otite for or privute ternis, sample et~-,,ttc. Ileisis e grailt oppoi1uiiit), for trisol teecheýrs an malce «liore titan doutble tîeir salaries witlsout in- torferint' ceitihîchir pî-ofeioual dutiee. Tie wot-lis bhetiig ainsfaturel et e rost e! over 520,000O for tise liteîras-y, artistic sed inecclanical work ofi produring the pletec, by te u l wcvil-lniowu, reliahie Loveil 1rintiug and Pubihintg Ce., o! Montreel. AI lettonps roui Agents must be ediressci te tise 1ublibliers gencrel agents as foi. lc,ws : HA7JZEN- B. 3IIGNEY & CO., 28 a stdd1.0 St Francis Xaevier Strecel, MONTElAaL, QUEt. Mfontreal, Aug. 19, 1876. 85 THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY 1 Before Taklug. Gray's .fs Jr SPECIFIC -MEDICINE Orn*es ais Nmvoui. tesucas Tnvu'ons, flceîc. ITv, Pseanen". etc., whieh, in maoy eames, sire preluc d by uver lsîdiaeoe Sutie se so! teteoa4aleolselie spirits but thse, Spocifie etlie1<More elcpetaliy recommended a. sen unfilttg oite forer îrEÂx. S'.F.AKNEtf, iPEUaMTORîtuaÂ, Isu.roîCTZsp aInd 1 116I1tt tiset !nlcw as a sequeuice oÏ Sel! Akb9se, as Los op î.mtny, UrevkausAL l ItîsTrUDE, PAIN IN VIUE BAc, DrltwiîssoneVisiox. PRt- itAluitr Os.n Aeman sd nsauy other dtltsee t!îst lend te TNeÂOAICY Or CosesUXe.reoeand a PnMAuenuee(Aevz. anl o! watish, as s rui,,. are first causai 1<y devlsting frein tise patis of natasre sud ovet indulgence. Thie Speacie Meleicue e is e resîsît ci!aSIle titudil'andet Ioy yare o!01 eluoe Su ticet. ingtuee i~cis!Olosma.1. aiparliulars Su ouar pamphlet, tr ele odesîre te(o sucifruesby mail te evîrv oe. Tise Spelolfeiciele S ol by ail Dnîsg. gitse t a81 per paceksge, or six packages for$5~, or wSl te soseu by mai ou roespt e! tise mnoney, liy alelressing WILLIAM GRtAY & CO.. Wtndsor, eut. 9rW' SdI Lu WVistl yby B. W. B. Misths.la, 6=,s sI idrgli.Northrop & Lyman. Torento, wbcsa1 1te. - 7 IMDADRÂILWAY 0P CANADA. - ohîgKrtS trous Port Hoefflte Lludsy. -Baetnsd Orfihi. LvePrt Hope-. Mi.... 10 00 a,.Mad 825 ]p. Zn. Gclng Nnite t Peterbenel h Lakosdsld. a oniug SetihemrontOihLUa ta Lindaay,, i. Pote rbero' sud Port Hope. I. mi .., Idlp.n.Ar P ue6pm vonncte ise Nipisslog RallvY te sud from Toront ito a ned i sttos wsoue ou rsoosbls'At a PmlttoÃ"stbers.ijti N EW FPALL DRIESS GO, aýéhire Cons NEW PRINTS, MM WNOES, IÉEW PLÂNNELS.' LUiS h~.w; And a lug ~fiie ceIýbraedb o W4hour çnusfemes are0me vol so.Jùainted vils. co u xmie Weai lwyhsppy t6 show yo brti sour stok. - Oubava, S.ptemb.r BIh, 1878. -JAMES SHIEA. Cýýý-'- .00D---. GE THE LÂBGEST AND MOST, COMPLETE STOCK OP Carria gos,8'jlei hs aind Ctes . 'ýD:ONO0V AN'S CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., -WHITBY. VERY CHIEAP. OALL & SIEE THEM.' Important ta the Afflicted. BRUNTON'S RHEUMATIC ABSORBENT RELIE VES THE PATIENT FRONM PAIN IN A FEW HOLIRS, AND NEVER. FAILS. Rheumatisin is a poisoning ýof.tue.bloodl from ,acids acting o&uad auntracting ie muscles, and giving intense sxfforiug. It arises in the stomacli from Impaiired Digestioni .The active principle of this dîscovery is- to Absorb the Poièonus Acrid .&id by Outward<App1ic&tion. It is compoBed entirely cf vegetable, shneïadlas nèyer been. umed befoe the pFoseut proprietor appliod it.j From the natte cf the disease of Bheoumatism, and the Peculiar Pro- parties cf thus Reoeedy, it je an impossuity 4hal il eau ."in Believlng the Patient from pair, in a fow hours when applied'as dirseted. There is » distinctive feature iu iL as comparel wîth other Patent Medicines. Almost ail others profees to cure a variety of di&ea, >The proprietor only dlaims that IWe reniedy will relieve the Patient froml Pain from Rbenma$iRst nsd that it la the only reniedy (by 'out*ard application) known te Science that wili do 80. This preparation ia guaraoteed to remnove Bhousnatio Pains in a few heurs or the mouey refunded. J~ Price 50cts per Bottle. Sold whoieoaIe sud lRotai] by 1-1 1Vistby, Jisue dlii, 1876. S. w B SMITHI. Corner Brock sud Dundas Ste., Wisitby. -MER CHANT TAILORINU. --000- J UST RECEIVED Ail kiuds of Spring Goods, including English, Scotch, and Canadiau Tweeds, Worsted Goods", Fancy Vestinga, Broad-cloths, Doeskins, &c., &o. GOOD TWEED SIJITS AT $15! 1Brook Street, Wiitby, May lst-, 1876. A&J.R. PRINGLE, Merçisant Tailora. LEWIS ALLJIN'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, A large and well assorted stock of Room Paper and Win- dow Blinde, which ho is preparcd to seil at the lowcst rates. -A splendid assortment of stationery, New Miscellaneoues Bookis beautifuliy bouud, ail kinds of Scicol Bocks. Violins aud Concertinas. Sewing bfachines-best makers. Large aud uew assertinent cf best Gold aud Silver- Watcheis sud Chains on hand. Woel anid Fancy department complote. Ail orders for English and American Periodicals and NewspavPers piomptly fliled. Vie are now iu a position to supply Prize Books for Sahôo1s at haif price,- ahd we feel that we can give good satisfaction. Soliciting orders, &c. LEWIS ALLIN. Whitby,.Apil Stis, 1876. 15 GENT'S GLOTHING AND -FURIN:ISHING 0GOODS, For Superior Clothing suitable for Summer, wear try ,the Clothinig Stpre and Merchant Tail- 10ring eêtablisnràéiit 6f J Q ~-~- DLVND4S ST$eTf, -WHITBY. A GOOD FIT AND) STYLISH;OU,!Tý WARRANTED 1! Gext's Furnishiuig Gooda cf ail kinds, includling Shirts,- Hats sud Caps, Umbrellas, &o., CHOICE WINE84-fPUREf LliUORs. at WHOLESALE and Rf T to spit t4- UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. TRY BIMCO ~T~ET, OSHÂAWA. CelbrtedXiX r&ai Àë M Prter, +W~HE TRADE ST .MPPLIEDi NAV1- TQÈIX .JCb, ACBLE COIL TO- BACC3O, LORD DUF$P11 ? rO»ÂýC4 Ocb; PIXNCE 0F WALES CHBW- ,AJ.J of wiiht along wthMy 0other stok of- GTooeries, wil 'bp sold cheap for Cash. Do not;,fa~iýo s50, the new Coru Cob Pipes .t.the Oddfellowsi' Beffigs. * PETER SMTH, WW hy,Âgut otb 8 Whty, JUly2th, 18,76,. TO MNýY CûtUSTQM0EI? The undersigued, in returning thanks to his. numerous cust omer s for past fa- vors, bega to annçunethat onand. after Qh IRT0 SEFTEMBEIR NEXT, he will discontinue the system of egng long crecit,ý and will thence -forward sel, for CASH only, or short credit of three months to prompt paying cus- tomers, thereby enabling him to sell,Qoods at mucli Lower Prices than heretofore. Hi8 present Stock of BOOTS & SHOES and work of ail ldnds ýs heavy'and well assorted, and will be sold at Lowest:puioéeà for Cash. His accounts are being made up, and will be ready for delivery on' the above date. H&tving pressing dlaims to meet, lie'respectfully requests immediate payrnent. Ail Notes and Accounts past due, will ho plaoed in other handa for collection without fuither notice. JOHN SAUNDEIRS. GI?]mEÂT i MM UT-To-iON%1 IN THE PRÂCE 0F O'RGANS.ý Orgaus and Melodeon Organs at greatly reduced prices, for Cash or Note payable in Octobor next. Caîl at the "IORGAN FACTORY' and examine our stock. Aise Secend-hand Organs aud Melodeons at very low pnices. THE MUDGE & YARWOOD M'F'G. CO. Whitbv, May lôth, 1876. ELGIN! ELGIN! ELGIN!! The frnest, best, and cheapest Watches made, for the mo- ney, are thse ELGIN WATCHE8, which eau be liad at Taylor & Bar- nard's, ini every grade, bothin luGold sud- Silver, Ladies' sud Gents sizes. Aise a larae stock cf Englisis sud Swiss Watohes always ou hand. Cloche. Jewellery,9 Silverware, sud Fancy Goode te sit1 every taste aud pocket. Bemember the plîce-noit door te Grosa & NMacNachtan',s, Hardware Mercliarts, Brocli Street, Wlîitby. LIST 0F AUCTIO1NEEIRS Licensed fcr South Riding cf Ontario, North Riding of Ontario, and separate Municipalities in the latter. E.H. Cameron... C. Moore...... John McGiU & Ce.. Donad Ros.. T. H..Welsis... Wmi. Gerdn.. James Dig)sy, Jr. .. James DigbyJr... John L. W.......... J. C. Pilky ... W. M. W ie'. C. Wilom...... Tisaes Tuoker... Dan. Whae... Tisomas Poueber,.. J. M. Pattenson.. L. Fairbanks ... H. -E. SYDelII... Donald Boss... Bilas Bourse... Jesuston Brown.... Tiserais...... Beaverton.. Aaýisum...... Tiserah. Cann. gton2. Sonderliasd. Claremont ... Claremorit... Port Penny.. Port Perry.. Port Perry.. Leskiaie .. Toronito,... Maribam,... Bloomigtn .... 'Witby ;t.i.. Manille.. Vilage Ut LIST 0F PEDLI James DlsekelL.. FailLaMOGioveim..- Jehnào#wiI .... D.uffett Brou ... GO-è ,Burton ... Oghatre... do. de. do. Oeisawa... Osheve.. Ncis-isSi 1Whitby, Âpril 4tb, 187b. Seutih Riing. Mars... .. do...... ...... d............ Bîràk........... Nort Riding.: NorthlS-misng. Beach.ý....... .... North ......... Korth Ricling.. South Ontaxso. Sept, 20.1876. de29, 1878. Oct. 1lait,1876. ".- 18, 1876. 19,.1876. 18, 1876. Oct. 26tle, 1676. Oct. 2Mt, 4878. Oct. 24tis,1876. Oct. 28tis, 1876, Nov.' 22od, 1876. Dec,, gud, 1876. Dec. iStis, 1876. Jais. 241h, 1677. Jin. 96is, 1877. Fei'y -nd , 1877. n..rock........ ....Mfar. lOti 1877. Bc............MiUr. lOtis 1877. Ixbrige UrMge .... .....Mar. 212t,1877. EIRS FOR THE C0. ONTARO. ois foot ............. 2lst Aprfl, 1876. .1Ihorsn......sthMsy51876. liarmeiC, Ce,ù$y.. - ~..1876. 1 b: ,(ld aty OOlsi -.1877 -PASHIONABLE , iILRN Go where you can get a Well-fitting GQarment :ý-To the Tailoring Estaliaiiment of SUPEFR1OI, OUTTTNG.-SHAPES TflE WORK -1 A Large Blocit cf Fn ltu bs nlsSoeisd uids jTwed. Eeatyroal* nlpmd& et atrs a a. ~ t p là WHRITrB Y CHIN A T;E A STOGRE. GJ'3s ON &SPAIRVELL, Hv4recived the largest, best >assorted, au-d -heapest -6ok tcf Crockexy sand GlIassware ever offezed in Whitby. In China, Stone anud Fancy Tes Sets., Iu -china aud Fancy 'Dinner Seis. - Lii china, ston eand Fancy Toüet Sets. It Parleur; Table sudBereruLape I.ù lassFrui, Cae su Trileses. lu Table Sets--AUinu New Patterne. f'ANO0,Y GOOD-S FOR PRES ENTS, It Cpe, Sauee, Muge, Vases, Toys, &c., &c. Gisox & SPAIViLL have- ail kinds cf Choice anily Grocaries, Best Toe, Tobsopp, sud ail kinlda cf Fâncy Pipes, Hams, Bacon, Lardo, Oysters of. tb. hoast bmadmlways en hand. Tise higist markiet pice paid lu cash for aity quautity cf Good ])ressed Hoge, OîaLs, SualPeaie, Marrôwfat Peame, &C. At Whitby, Dýec. iStis, 1874. -GIBBON &SPA1iVELL'S.-, 1 ~51' WILLIAM TILL'S. CABINET FACTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROO0MS I THE OLD STAND, BR'OOK STREET, Wl-iTU Y Go where you cannot fai to.be pleased ln making selections of good furniture. Splendid Parlour, Drawing Room and Bedrooixi Sets" New'Designa well worthy of inspection. at astonishing Iow -pr-iùes. ia. ing-rcom Extension Tables-a very superior article. Gilt Cormices, Picture Frauiing in every style. Sdme fine Chromos and Engrwvings for sale. In ail its branches ; funerais fully supplied, A stock of, elegant, caskets. Coffins always on hand, triinned to suit Customers, and a- cil appointed lieause constsntly'in readiness. WM. TILL. Whbitby, Novembor 24th, 1875. DOMINION ORGAN COYS IMPR( CA B/NET )VE]) AýN])REMODELLE]) AND 'COMBINA T/ON z w M CO O Thia Compauy lias recently been re-organized by thse addition cf three of the meet practical men froni the Fsctony of Cleugis & Warre's Organ Ce, Detroit. Mici., oaci taking an active part lu hie ewn pantieular department, sud are nov manufactuitoe un OrRan EQUAL, sud in many peints supEii, te auy nîanufactnred lu the United States er Canada. We halte pieaeure ln announeing te our custoers sud the tratle geuersily that vo bave secuned tise iglit te manufacture sud use, in tise Dominion ef Can- ada, thi.celebrated SCRIBNER PATENT QUALIFYING TUBJES, seeuned by Lettoe Patent in tise Unitedl States, Eugland nud Canada. By menscf this invention au ergan coutaiuing twe or thîrce sets o! reois becemes equalinl volume sud power, sud fan Supenier iu Qnàlity sud Briilisucy of Toue te au endinary roed ergan of six on eight reede. 1-u"' Our celebnsted "Vox Celes," "Vox Humnua," Wilcox Patent "Octave Ceupler,'"Cle" er "Claninel" stops, "Fugle Hern," '*Dulcet," I"Abîmie," "Cremeun," sud Grand Organ Stop, sui ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, eau ho obtaineii enly in these organe. Twenty-flve Différent. Styles for the Parler sud thse Church, e! tise beet material sud workmanship 1 I t"-- QUALITY AND VOLUME 0F -TONE -UNEQUALLED. PRICEtS-$50 TO $1,000. Faeteny sud Varerooms, Cor. Teraperauco and Wellingten Ste., Bownanville. Agents Wanted iu Every Couuty. ~3" Seud fer Price List. Addnees, DOMINION ORGAN CO., Beomanville, Ont. General Agente for Canada for tise IlCelebrated" Bradbury Piano. Bowmanville, Match 28tb, 1870. 14 Cheap Harness, Trunks, Whips and, Lashes, 000 - Wisitby, 15tis instant., 1876. 1 desire te caîl tise attentien cf tise public te the fact- IbaL at -no ime duniong tise peust five yeara bave 1 been able te effer Harnesse-cf ail çieonlp tioni -sa s 1e a prie as I eau this Spring. My expeuses being ligist I can de iL. No emore stylieh or betten Harnees made in ths County. Cash prhsr ilfu pca iuducemeut,-hat je visat 1 amn aftez. Cal and inspeet. Recpeetfully yours, J. R. PHILP. kiÊ' Repairing deue re&eeuably. Please netice-SecoieÙH"rons Shop Seuths, next, La Gross's Hardware Store, Brook Street. RstabUisled Tivenip Yé-ari ago. 1 John aton'8So&l[ - Baking Boa per. AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE. At the Provincial Exnihîûxon, Toronto, in 1870. We ofler te our custoaners for tise coming tfarvce5tl two dis-' tinet Machin-es. which- in stylse aud. construcétion. enibrace tbie;.atest and moât useful iMprcwYfniQta ol the ,da'y. Tise univ'ersal succes, of this Machine, l-othis lu losely contest- et) trilsand in tise hmnti ofthe 1tanner8, wtrrnnt tas iai stw îhiii. les eSèli-Rak- ing Reapins àMachine. is hioa rtore gond ponn1qsnd lece ;dcf.'ctu. sud, bas t- tit more siccea sd les s ilure, thitA htretcaiore offeredti e thse public, CAYUiA -JUN.I-OR MGWER We wêre awatrded the Fariet. Prize 4 a Diple1 a.afth lJ gtisi Exhbiition, 1es urc 17 leçnpatewilh al l hele ,ij P i in îiesre ut1s. Prnva,i Vanti iviti. eue recasa! improesen. e tIme ingla- ctR1nis ien veartigss¾qi udeetpnior -ith cempêtiaup MRcltines, aasslsfled thnt ssîli na..tatlon val iire tevrv (nprej(iliaeod-lî olier t!leyt ! ~lt'he Fariner fer' l87tL<hui t D.li il vin bine-p madeansd put- dow Mardi Oth, 1876. Te ail aud li nos!# as Riv Jesuu rT' Iktn ta, i le;bB5 Hcuse, NaeTof O4 ij, -27- A LECTUBE TO YOUNKG MEN. JusL Publbed, in a sealed En.- 5iW»veoed. Yrimuxets, A ecture o tbe Uâure, TresI.-- meut0 1au radical cure of SemnialWesk- ness: kW, pez matorthcas, rduced lîy' Self. Abuls, ýIvolulflitseyEmssie m~potýeu-_ q,rveus-Debiity. am'iipedimeatLoý tty, Sî-By EOBEItT J. OU!O.YEEWELLI M.D.,autisorb e! aGreen FB»h. luirable Lecture2téleanly proves from lais own experieneelîttthe Aviol oouseuceee ef Self-Abusa may ba afectually xe:daoved vithout meclits, sud vl itireut dangeeou !surgical operationu bougWiesnstrument:a rangs, or condisa;poliuç auLs ode of cure; et nce cetai sdet byvbhich leverysuereriwoe matter visat his condition 0,ms bmycure ismeel!esply, pnivste. lThs ectue vi prva boon te tloje udtsns. Sent 'nuiet seali u splain eitvoloperte any adiiiesm, -on recipt o! mx cents, or twe - - F. BuGMAN & SON, - *4lAnn-5-t.éw York. Poat Ofieo-BoxLO86. ly-17 REALI fSTA TE, CgLLIMN. Tiseundrslgned bas instructions to offer 'for sale thse folcvwing pro-, perties I 1. 'Brick- House-, sterey.szid- -ha]f, on Duulp udCeutre streets, vilS quarter aro!ln.Desirabi fly resiioice. 2. Brick House, Tvo Storey-ard and acf t veter-quarter acre-sscely laid eut-fruit sud orne-mental treem. Cnr street.- 3. Framie Dwelliug-stable sud vwood- shecd, neeriy Lvo acres of land,-torit sud oruaamital trees.-Bycbn Strseb. Ailtise abcve reperties are desirbly stuateci, and asiescen be effecteDd ,ou very, 1ev tere by-a sa1 paymentel eSsis; sud on time te suit, couýenîeuce of nprcbieL. GEl). T. HATJ, Land, Commuison, ana seuersl Agent- OFFICE-Daudas St., -Whitby. 1Mercis 8is, 1876. TAtIFF OF FEES t5& ý-E A N: TY BCONSTABLES. (Under Order luncronneiz, ýdaz6d24th day; o! July, 14.) 2. Arrest of cde tudividuel upon a- .arrnt................ 8150, 2. Sierving summons or srubpoena... 0 25, 3. Mileage te serve entamons, sub- poeaowarect...'.......... 01 4. Milege.wheu eric«c=,t b. up on proof of due diligence.... 10j exclusive of dIsbursements nec- esssrily exffudecl in their cou- 6. Atteuding Justices on suMray .rlis onuexabmination cf pni- sonere ,hsged with crime, ror each <a necesarily employed lu eue or more case, wbsinont engagen more thon fourbeurs. . 100- 7. Do. do. visen engaged kncre tiait four seurs......... ...150 8. Attoudiug.A.ssizee- or. Session., eaeleday..................... 150 9. Mileage traveling te attend Asâ- * ixes, Semons, onrbeore Justices - (wheu puble on eaembe taknou0yreasenabediaborse- monts te eallowed.)_. (...10 10. Summo nit~Jry ýfer Coroners' * Inunest, includlug atteudIng, at luquet, snd au services 1lu ý.res- *pect tbereof, if héld ýozi ame day a uyummnoued.......... 200 Il. Âtteudiug crh dermu tecfif oSt- ,et g a dmor fouhur.............100 12. Do.d: lengagea moreî tissu - four heurs.... 150j 18, Servig sommons or subpoena te ate$udbefor. Coronier,(subleet No. 10)......................O0 25 14. Mileage ser.ving .. me . - O 10- 18. Exhueuing bedyuder Coràenerot *warrnt ............. .... .... 200 16. Re-buryiîeg mime............ 2 GO 17.- Serving distres s rraut, sud re- t .rning sanie................i 14w 18. Adivertlsing unider distress- vert nant.................i50, 19. Traveliing te uske- dimtres, oente se-arcS for -geodo;td mâie is- t2es. wpiosen n ood04Aare fund., e0 10 2Q.AppaWnnto, beitber by oe or more>,2ee ts h. dollar, onftie vlue o! gooids 21. eatal ogu-mie-o-sdcommissio sudadelharzy ofgooa, S ètsf. lu the #, on net prcduecf gcedu. 22. Executing seaeî bvsmnt.... 150 28. Seryviugnotieps' on"- con!tables. Whouen îsenaJJy seaved ...050 Ptbibd'yorder, 37.-MACDONELL, Clark cf thé Peace1 dC... 22: - Agente Wanted in êvery Towcehip m n tario teo eil tbe fanious Prize, Mdî&an Manufactur-- ed by theSmiti Aeicau Organ CO-. sud George,$teek, sud Ce.'s Pianos. peç -pdil nuceusenta vil be given- te0 fina-ciats s Lenisg sud clubs of thre or-four wicising ,te ý-purchase. Auy nuniber cf testimeonials; in favor- of those frt.lsar a eufr»s- .ii, but asthse- are ,à wiaîiy biow- - great numberý iavingbeeu soldhiilrugh- eut the Domin ion sud bvn~vnmts faction in every instance- Notestimonl. ai hcwever flatteriulg eau sdd iote ieir: The Stecit Piano - Ce., reeeived ie cnly gchd Medal avwanies]te Orly euhib- iter ah 8h.Vieunna-Expoî'itiee' i 87-- * Ciurees'reqniug orgarlu will be- liberallydezslt vatb. Style 82, Snib.h- *Anièricaii wi would cali attentiop te- -s eg eeially ad aptedfor eburces~? a vuispr o r-sunne:f ihs' power of the in$o cf hsruaeony. 1Plines; sud Orffas rais antI relail frou tlass Anioraniai 1Circuleratans] pnil application. - h face, unrs c LYMAN CONI -SURIGEON> - ron S Dr. Omncr-Ne Mtise eya, Xing SÈreet, C BUILDEII DM 3~Ailorcl J4 0,11 ÀGENT F t.Scttish of Jenstisa W «.Ei s large quuuttty H. E. O0 A Cîerk Divi., Cosmi sener &o., Atisrly,C c A IlD. Phaysîcisu, SU Witby, Sept. IroET. RAI Graduata <vitl Queeu's Colis tTniv. of medi, Univ, o! Peu=i -Penusylvania of tise uiv. ci enier -or tihe( Coidwater St., Auigust 24tis, 1 0JOHN S. M Of tise Tovuec OFFICLU -(UNDE cýF T-T sýo l'Q- el îl,

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