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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Oct 1876, p. 2

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ý Te bbwVae, *np&jýI tnde Ïas s. ganci uuçugh o gpve iurain a01 too qulokiy 4rns-- osa-on-g-- he 1ire sid Wticmiteron. 70ufllJ* 7lirsq' fpp;aus a2admlrashan of ail ther, We pass, wfth hor t st>pe, Ra- .nng paynt of the accoult of G. W@Fnaai.alt Ofet 25t1il870. on Y 9»al bu Dw vais umPanY' 1 Ias ~ ~ . 'd betthr bog1n athe na EIZiIT, Troy, oriigBrokRihardson, for'rage, .1.50. 1Report lo 0 i 01,of Wiby.L Fi.tho second lowextý.Thyeot o ahàad o!me tary. E.Istan, WillamUortWaeont,,m, adopted. bon , Âotlo*h ~tract.for the quantity stated l ingeir Zlat hedrlit town of Whltby on Northumberland, unbury, Millets- IMITDTAXBU. Fa u îrnogJ m ementi. do., the bi4-5-,OO0togus. Whou Mr. Maakinzl. Fri«ay ruorniui' be thé ai1vythraln, for blrg, hlita; Dauphin,and Ecekville, Theplnetatehd rIoot fMr, . Bý enlot No. sy, te gedutmtlPort Hope.Toato isg nteuii e&rv tHribrtecali- TeM O xlis hth 01 4tI con. Picerilng, on dyOo. 0,ysn, " ho sgrd uîtîmsîey akswtouesteamer Nora Dr<n, hich conectn 1h. -fthw re' sMOof 0srrlvaurg, lhe beensWein.uri tu.t-, es &to! andi 1, 1870. L. Fairbankjs, Auotiqrer. 1,Olnh etîî paawtoîwidh lh. cars goin' ousstandwttsttheii.places mentiouu'dare towns snd Mise, Tomsoon, amount1ng lu *25.10;, »an thorlîy in the statement of the tiat place, n' aIiedu Charlotte cibles of importance, wt ouhuns an lie would like te, heur the pno Farmn stock, lmploentnîs,4o.9 on lot cmsa&as maidalu th;. psrliamenlte-y re- short!7 afthrfu 'ckiî'he vàr10* :ro a lth n ops al x au, 1 No. 81, in the th conof Wi lu ateao i ie o ckhl, u ie varyin froua a't f b d n erd a ysi1e9f !the members of 1h& Counicilintb Oea î#:e'otturn. Thora lu, si Mrn White be ftheno nlIn'frth hanj tosnan lhfnidl n amttep,,- what,,var; lu 870 te jtlie Rchetean' there agalu in lime for or another for Ils manufacthunres, local The inembers of the council sdvtsed' of1. apbell, hîq. Li. Fairbanks, nothîng tavri fi correspoi.duce lia. Nprlhern Conthrai cars direct ta atthractlouser orl me other way, and 1.riitn t1.txs easa Auotfone.i~,.to disturb 1he conclusion liat lb6 Ebbw ?huladelphia. the trlp arose o cfPticthelongdesorpuhunmighte 1he su ae tcVal. Oompny-the second, lowcpt bld. lake ho the Norseman ileslway apis- written, au' whlch, were limean su nd srgu em ot welee e ir po- fmig loament., &o., the. properl% dr-were evoir. asked ta lake bo elut Ioeut ihias aiyouof h.esran' a ;spaoe u a edîsposhla, would no e oit 'rave trefrniiha house for' hem moeacomdailginîloman lien be Wall desarved. Tii.y a&Rp eu w wil nl Flngond Scu, on lot No.2ý. more tia le unll uhhir bl- Cpt ùcrorddthe worlhy Matie signeogu 'neprs n nutrsint aisn' as they are alildepeudanl on Oc. 7h.1laX- t < u' atda» 8wud-nct-,b. alsY 10 find on 'land o' u ae hlt lnlCoanfortW town arlty. 'the . T ii.lrd lowest offer wefst'o f S ay. W. look the roule of lthe North- able appearance. Harrisburg Iu about LONGER TIME. Parai stock, lwpImeuîa, 40. lot Guefsl & C0. Il was a0aepied withont erm Ceutimal b., ho faymoous Watkin's 280 miles from Itochester, anu' 105 from; Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Gibson, No. 81, la tii. 8éb o f Whitb, on 'auy preteuce of pressure lu take more Glen. Au' tua jen how w. prwoeded. Phuladelpial. 'Il lus ituatd On lhe moved liaI lie caminjîtee sppoiuled la 14'lsyOctber011 188 lI. popoîy an ias5,00 îo~ st frthlu 1 I ay tw., foÈ,I iasd 1hehonorcf joiin' riglit bank of liae Sus4àelanna. The. procure a map of 1he. luwulb. allowed FridY, Otobe 6J-1088, te pr0 $hn th Ï50W tns jt foth i t ia.theCompany of J. 1a., liae WeIl kuowusurrou2din' saueli as jparlienlarly iealnetm orpi.Cri Auo lo ee , L F ir ank ,'en er excellent c aie ! M agit ra e of the uld- - lov ly lu Ledt. T ie counthry around FIN~ANCE AND ASSES MEN T. X~'rI~ ~oe, la eannî, 6.,ou ot Tii. lowest bld wai liaI o! Ccx sud est townshaip lu tie eouuty, snd lwo le aloo vory fertile, an' lier. le muci Mr. Gibson sail li aIthe commilte. Meuay, soct.,22ud 1870tii&., nyutoug-very youug-lsdles, wiao wcre mineraI wealh. The 'populalhun 1jue nne iSIhne l eothl b iq lb. , oct . 2 Wl87, îhe t rain Ga-eeu. MmWleaIiy p ltashw t udtb sl a nsd periapu t o n, r25,000. I1aomember readin' dur. -enq but were uuable ou account of e! Mm. damés A. eglivie, grand chulîren liereafîhe,, iug theSoutheru ebeUmion Ofe'@ the board of 8c0110 usee0ul1avu laci lu iaIcase htir e advsld i ilull army havlug reschadthie river opposile vent down lheir estimales. Tii. Secre- bank , o; uoifonoer, Il h~ ~a lIoaxed an'- wieedled their Harrisburg, au' threalenl in te City, lr u i oadhdhwvrh . - "MOsvosILL, Dec. 1801, 18711, simple conflain' !atlaers imb beariu' lthe lhe graleexeihement csused, lie I155ly lievcd, informed tio Cleirk liaI lia. '1D1Ae Sx,-WVe are, lo-day, lu r ni e f XPIaIses. 'remot'l oa!thie Shah. archives, an' aortrqio o colproe a sabd. comirinhation froua %est Cumaber- W. StoppedaitutWatkins ne yaou ' le gatherlu' ÈtiroPsfopa lalun. lhir, ycar would lbe about 05400.d landu Iroia and Steel (,oie y(Imited,) in !hi rllo avtt e rfmcd quartiers to ressut lie advauce. I was r iby m.low - ---~.~ ~ the taveairable térme af psyment, they aroe o.makn l I.cptliaîeehdl al' sgo oh~aovedthast the dc e ao ustaucted 'hio ONLY s oprit ÀNNUM. prepsared lu Incresse lia.quantltyiy steel of nyer eouuty, N. Y., situaetod nt possible et thi.place, au' whici oeewrite la thc chairanuo! lie Board o! rails whach tey sa-ai conlrscttag-to deliver htahe Oa cf tulat remarkable hoaly O! gels froua tbe cars a! lie Nartlacmu Sehool Truehees, askiug liat 1he boardl -- - - - -freon (5,000) Ave Iheusandilae u lhe qumn- wetlatr, knawn as Sacec, Lake. The "Cenîlaral Reilway, in approaci tie ed ow thi esiac b<efr Whhby, ThtursdayO , 1876. îîty uow stais ta fiM otn thouisaud toivu le relier a fesiioniable resoorl in. city. The. SIale capital buildings Ce-snS dw hretiasboe ton-- ~ s h. lov romt ai têtOur r.. thd) a er ayaou, au' lhe CeunIty cnpy a, couepikie posie;lanu averlookin' Turd.thae 5th o! Ocober, sud thal faimtbin' gm' anallie ia. rver.s;ey(arlbuOn!.mcdbrIck is orhip uthe ayer lbe reqiuested le Pries ad Prospecete for Farmcrs. eleven paundi sterling ertn, delivered in Agriulthural fearbain'gain'onluttheetinrivro! lia.re conufcil forc Mntrel. We would netherefore, ra. . ime of cur arrivai, lta. hotele-vere full. sud vitlaunl cruamenl, but I vas ltould Cu a i Iia meingf e i. pneo! la&î.pnes r nv a-airdpectfully.requeslthiat1you voula brug thie W. oitalusd faim quartierseul! allihe tiat thin iymior, vitihie ansue neate rciigthe report e! lie conarrulle 8 Vai i,-ioi arl owbring raia proposition te the netice cit he Minuster et Jefferson Hotuse, utl#2 a dey, elcia. A hall, an' splendid llbmary roM, pretleut ou finance sud asescmeul sud lia. for.î hil ~ !rîe0 'Pnblie Werks, calllng bis particuler ellen- guide -waeengalged overniglat, SaiT fold ctit u a-uiR roltilo i ll iei>tlethie very 1ev pris e fie rails. anmq meuyattracions lathie visiter. The transactien cf cher bueiutss.-Cari.ied. 1 ~VîhyrArket, Witla barley at 80 "SoUiciiug th e faveur ef a reply. -n aydcucvl n nolgrtpe.l nimnerailway centlre; Counci! tien adjoumned on motien e! ceunts, epri,îg wlaeat et * .08, commua 'W. are, dosa, air, sraas. gron em uneauea e H tle ie oint ocf juncthen o!.sverl Mm.Harper P"l 0,ad8 ensfrba" yslYonr oe htsevne ad us out o! bied at five c'cluek neit ruade, saeJ thoreae le ohieru 2er poa-~70,anl 5 clie fr is Ileye, (Banse ,) "Ccox & GREEN. nornia', an' We !ollowed bis lad. np Centiral makes conneetion vldi Balti- gitte 15 u losc 10cns e 1.Ii.t~,RuSerlr.GRAN<D EXCURSO eie THE CENTENNIAL- miL ut351an I)t&(Oon50cens br tViEnWerlce Dpartinet thle Gien, vilchile but a short distance mare, Washiington, &0. Persane ge- a "Pbli Waka epatinnt, froua tIhe lotel, The mornia' was lin' off lth. cars willl ueS taho i. ereful -Attention le directetl te tic advertise. lul,1, andl125 cenhar pîuud for good "Ottawa." brlgit an.' clear, butthie greund vas a au' get imb hi.rigil tiareain nhheir mont under thie head luin tacolumue. ttefr, thlier. li tIle raom, lo!fter Wheu Mr, Whiite calîs the !oregoing 11111. damp, as mîgil b. expecteil, sud returu, for lie tireluskeep shifîlu a euutcet r sud e tae grlmbla. . soul dn. arîles 'le romxarkabic lettOrto came fro as firua the girls rcqutired ticir ubieme. Airly froua hiraek ta tiraek, an' tva tirains holding berlo7 ta taire advsuîage a! preseed ta tae.more" lieu they bave au il vas thora vas a calletithoe e i.may.b. gain' la inte same direokahun Narseosan, N. Y. Central sud Norîlieru T laero-aî. pripes. Lookl:ag Papk, It wllltaken, lie -speaku justîy. No ansver lu euthhance ; lis kseps the gale, an' lie vithalufi vs or heu minutes o! ajli Central Railwaye nt $9.50. WC eaui ha o îîl1h11'i, lu nin. years out o o , heu tlaIletter haviaphbeen eceived!for hres chargeise 50 cents a pioce fer admîshun. ocher, liaI one wauîs more tlanu lie Speak perennallye!fana, trip by tIie We considiared it a fraud an' au fin- wits about iua l keep poaledin lutle Naa-aemau sud Nartieam Central as in liotileY lias angaid ilgier lie OrsIt week day., Messrs, Cox & Gretja telegraplied posisun. W. vers hould, hovever, - gaplay cf lie pauishil. 2 lu OclObAr tli tanaiy otier pea-latloe!as follows : liaI il vas quit. reglar ; thahei.pro. Saieemore fine loves, -'incluidin' every wey enjoyaule andl lie meute vs thie year, -Wlaeaîîpreepechis a-e geail "MoNTi;E.%L TLNUAIÂîs00., priathor (I £orgot isuame) bidl bongiat Lancaster City, lamions lu revoînîioeary ebouXdrecommetiltaur frinnud aho aIte. 2r amtaIlista lîîalîiîese sue l e ia IOàAIV, Dec. 213f; 187-'. ths property framth. Gavannint, an' iluse, an' visa,, lie lampe vere lit as On icard lhe Nor8enîai parties wiii vili oba ~eadyTîaer le a adv U Ta1,eq9leajJft'tob Mitieal, lai T. Trud-l ib tis vay wae aaakin' &a9goo1ti ing wa, enliared, vere passeS ; elso -mal- obtail vr lsmd na iiesr illa4 tlsuoencY at prenent. Tiiere le no 'Seeounr ltter'- 18th Docenbaur île M. ot-olie uaiioi pcuthn muer ilishshg jllesen !fîîallituaa for exehange --ofrooney f&om . Wcllbet ffrigilia. aret otsranlaelng ie-vas wveil vorlîstheie iat le kuowu as lie "Ploli Massa- - feuwiel ll'rlnir lis mrkt. steBrnia e8rhg IvethonuaneeStons more mouey et aIl 0ov)nts. l'y. seau Ponl-a- cree"-at lasne uin ic thîom. le aoureoua Cruptaiu snd)lais Ptîreer, Ari 0PîOW140 l resci a uagier figure, s Ine'thre vanteS ; reply qulak, as a rajiroad plucoka, titi Devil's Glen, tii. Dargle, Ilvsn ar tin alcek istic ay sdlealea !li otim ta cu'l 114Y ltexpioe tla be sny loiver (Slgnod). "COX & GREIEN." eu'" lie faInOtuîecenery Oe!thie couuty cf iiothrly love vas reaclied, and lia. lina vil! bie founil equsily ccnirtpoli b1i iso 1. 1e0!anal pari(, nuw nell And tic falloviaag day came Ibis inever. Wlakîow, waicà 1 alauiveililuthaelu- parly landeS ettltie Sintielal Stesn, sdatniet asnoe ti"OraÂA, 211d Dec., 187d. ncneo nt ui a. cevlin lleglusevon 'clock vas ti.he ur --i nt5And .cen ts, are exîaotea te rk "Tecrii oCx 0Gen lnra ne cworld. But the Watliaiu' Gitan inlikaleil iluthe ie tstable. Butoal o. JïFr..yr"v yt' uF flia Iihr aR ubrofbo ate "ofenlhier steel reiltIe veul. Thanke. ishes Bannaezlier, aun'ai; every onteisil beau a smash-up sud bridges brck- .tilbi5Sito aa' arc0 binq aîipped *uvecklyi la- id (igel1 IIU, knavs, or cugilteaknov, Danuaglier un dowu on thiechier counect in, lices Clyde mares, DaurlufmatanculînandlP coitrwhoi il ae 1ciafetof'Stecrchsry.',bales-thie blazes. It les a waadhaerful wvil a aerdthe dalay. Leicester ehappin appoinleai for lhe lIteeligtTii. lurhe uip sudd. hisreusi'tibisie or thfuasal s laa receitive moreultaMy [Mr tisaa lngaedia on o 21 rnq.OheDsyias liasc saneIl ruuuh .a'ap a'r~ n-nîg 0o bottai Ilacu hioueand loue frata Cai & Groen va. dlnoitiaon tîae memuot iic a otinenlt.hea.roa befaire reeching lis desination cf lIa. boit cf their kinu lu tic Dominion, liai luaien cxpecol,ancl are loinaeplon. iuwever, reverseS. Outhie ti a! Jan. 1h le uoa logtn buta seucceasiaun -o!thiat ve are ailigilaimealapauseanduS nsudnost o!fIlîcara ated' prize taliena. dily iitiIîuo 1110 rectîuît nin' elaowers. nary, liey were luformed offliily,' 1ies,*iin', yes siially risiu' (clliss posîpona prnutieg tie remainaler o! isCeOA OESXECLN. 01 h hlnottwitlusteuding, tetâ teMnsro ulealnforane n ?) cuti bayant anotier, for lotter te eumcuext issue.] GedCA tADIuAN f-MI IoNGA-acs Iac pauialfaillui'(' f te wlin i-op, the ."lviug recc,îsidePO-cît tiir offer ta e re mîles. Itva lagliin s, iaici soo aaia ar blke hv auitlouk le 90041foi- l,. farier analthoraedi lenpply 5.000 tees .1rails in saddition sccru ta have beau tr tenu uîesdlien lie SUCCF8s OuP WVnr'mY HIaen SCOOL am ga s ag r 'i $4)i Ir llq ar!a feiug Of' conufidecnicli ia.he ta tic quautity sipiateal i her tht sinengli cfaà housadTritlii gianltt, PUIILS.-Ah hie lahe Toonto Univers. Livirpo' ol market ; saI voWCihave lieti]iD, aoarah, liaIaler aqacelaei. aicla as throng as Fin MeCool, wIîo ity Matrieiation Exumination tua, cf a goe'i mixeS lat-rondeteas villa ltun. - ~-.--- Tlacie citations froua lihs Iarlia cnar ceithe lestanea!f lIa.Giaut's Ciue.- pupilsOth itb lg Sio wr, one lod hasl tfou vutay ay in lis vorkinaagpron. Aiela sock- gin e !ale WihyHgiSlcl ~ snebou-lhslittta 5h TtaIwsatl'trCavO N Ob' WiuH. ANo rotures, lu eviaienceo! lia, circumotaucce suc o! the glen bus a' usme-hefrtaan .aepleselta cole, ase usual 100guineas. 2nu MeAstiuui.-Tborc ile mucia diseauisfae. under vlaicla Cox & Green-hhe loweshApia'0i es nigasl rpesu cceseful. Mesirs. W. Jackson, W. H. (ja~Pie theoeyFi. M ttnLe ccS upliets oaa overy banS bidSes-receiveui e contract for 10,000 ud fhottille. are Gîtai Obscurs, Huston, Cias. MoGillivray anal Har:ry Gîta Catliocdraî, Gîcu o!fltae Pools, Glen Webster not tialy sucoeeeadi i paeaing At a mpeeing of!thet Doau-d o! Dlrec- A atthue injustice c! the uew 1ev rogul- toup, are lnnquesîieuaabîy geaI for 5aDiffiulty, Gitan Arcadie, Glen FacltyMaha 4a0t111g vaiglale and noesres. Il le presumplion mosh paiefel aaeiheGs orcn ia sna. I gielbu se, lu sevemal deparlmecîe, vin- loirs iae foilowviog extra primes vere B regardeS iby- maulu vie ibave been trathio! Mr,. Mackni,'s delareticu tie names as chey are printedl over lh ie ng thie very igiest honore. Mn. awarded :.P "blail" a an ollaieg hus hase e meens o!f u ia is tovu, liaICox & Grec,, had entiance hoa dii. Tlaty are ail Jackson canried off lia. firel Classical Simon & lieiiy, Cigatre; Mal. & Sc sviellieg. Ti is letihe rsexpression beeun "preesed te take lia, viole 40,000 liaItic7 lareni ledme approjm ni cuolrshivotheyvls ofc$120.The'S pearimlnlefy Mie L . &Fa.Rusbsell, L neel by parties eomuplaining. W. are. tons." iulicallu' the pecuiai-itics of taie places cI h tier cnidtsPainting le mIlsa Ink. D told hast,.au nather liow pprfect thie The foutrli loeet bidllon as "lhie sa ceileil. Tiey are et oce beauhifal, e are Ibis veei unable te givp, l in h OiCIN-n Piefrr lyo velght in 1ebarcial d uput in, lu Montreal fia'u"-Meseas. Cooper, Faim' magnificant, sublime, prodligieus 1 Tic, absence o! c copy cfthie asesliste, e 876iCeasscvIlN.-nd aPr so lly f B Oribdtla receive tliasGovorement, slsup, mane& Ce. Tii. folloving viliil showerame Ibrougi lie gorge molets Fan Many years ual a matnlculatlan R.,Orfnistl.~2nd, -~~~~~~~ letn !aepn i eii lef i oel vac btfrnolie tliiough asuceeselaun e! rocky arcades, ,*~SI insen- ofRtltnpi'g te wigit taef, he od inwhiil ha fim otaiedgauheies, grottoes ccd suiterayni' examinahion lias beau lield ithilont thie- es - aul'tlat tliije donc, as welî as aîiaer tîeiu' contreel. . No teudaesli1aving paassaages, vilenie' euannauvia', widhu hi byfihcolhen, l ere CIAANVSTNGte etnia t'( lretoxîs, o! examniuorserted ho, lu beenaseked for rails, fro.e on board at Peols sud wvii-'ipeelsz,formin' Piaua'a sonhed sand lie puplus aoming oult ihviii andalcap asdcanalrtabi, baa-il crder ta allouai a calnalule gnaund for Liverpool, Cooper, Fairman, 4GCa bath., Artiste' Dliramee tic' laflu a goal recorl. 111eje nfal a snlljcct o! cndloidgieg ah Mn. àMorilme, 4082 AI vaealin, nonne' rapide aura' lasiain' cas- î-emark ut lhe Uuivosiy liaI mare Gireard Avenuei. [Sec advL.] Bra% Mùaaisle exorbbitant ciarges. Farinse vraiot on the 411î o! January, la Mr,. cades, niaiSe' s descent frein plan.'. te auni cemnlutlle o la tk. ieavy seules long Mackenzie, liane: pluneailu is varions vindins, eîtinitel pupils have passeS irmWiîly thase othOtai - - ltrlSoitys T dintances avenr olugli réels ta be exam- Il Witb refereace Ilatheie l,ouootons iailogether ah 800 feel. As fer lth, tram auy chier 111gb Sehooi iu lie Do.NatiOc a gnShow.alSo as. meS tn iihie ahances ofgetting ,.required f. o. bl. Liverpool, lay lckin grandeur and magnificence ofthue gItans minion. Ã"iîr yeuneg friands have aur - - Jas. titancut o cIe aalelufa-.:saling iniiediataonhluby cablo vse au gtiemeBelves,aselthie vaut cnplaitaaler si-ti th6 Ou O oreragan efoe racinè prllalyarrange il b.originel heu- wliiuisante!ftiion tarin, they arda î>e al congratulations on them eue The fulchw of Itue NorhuOnu'io Tv 11iaume. fudeoul Il voulî takp s muccli"der being al foi- eiiipment boeo eS y potua-Pen te lesanibo. iTue caesanS ou- besl viseego vithi hi9 Igrieultiirat S cit as ilah Port 2uîi, lôlum paau than ve aat w afford lu <i\lnhneai.) To failihale mations wa -uide olintaI ont soeraa ngerons frapepeascrereSft reny ls de y.'ruo wcaahor " ca alana il tli acuses Of dissîliefa. "waad id e glaS hoaliave-o yur instnua- oveni'angie' spois, froan Ont O! icita tniuapuis. al liane vîtliarefèece acleii, anal ltehae oveiiclarsouae yoang lily was pray- phroveSMtele aurait ds a necsbiThbut Ora tlcan,. The Govcrmuinlecondemned ohienvis ut soîth roks eaor auabeaMRaW]sacceera. Tofuel Tue ba hy -re"d deici1vony eh Vaucouiven'sIsland. . cipaheboywul chi raks biafaltbe re Ma. sa. Hteses, cf yu-ll, it 1 o luke, for puttacg in eau prýalby - ocniesliaisyearuummect-orsapSta oye afnil afo - -eer riui h£ e a ei wflymuge nti.po-tknh'leCeluilIayain 29h-- ----U '.'" .I"a .'. ue sI ad bave arriet off tme iittitaaws. h QaSEL,2MOtaber, 1871. biainese-like wey, ui on business prin- medale. Russell, a! Ricimoend Hlil, ve 1 yoar olI Stalin-19t, . D. Baker- wIte ho bresit , torat-mor tloferug ,gaIEbÉNm-n scora2n d, Henry cplu.Ceaies:a'ta turalo '2Joieny Jury.: rd 'ontien.tieeo te rek ow te nyrumntwago. avurof-lest., vs beg te effer, subjeci te poethr-v or i-amand, lu is.amas>- naed,bes io goîdIBal fl' Spn,, C l etetrChiti;2ne1,ro yeaar acceptation fer 251h prex., eue, tve, or shue. Net but tiet btae waicnjaI a 8Csuapbeîl-Iea0se'sCOvsdEuch m irec;OS .Bna -- -- tirce parcels et 5,100 tans eaoh,eof leemrbaîeBf i )n pohresi ilerfo Lrd beîend Iefneteîs BSroa a-latr, WA. BMeGal; r I, 1- SSAlaO4PRU iFÂi tY.-ae mih eee rals fTheeinmt uaîtysteretaui raf'heGseets ilb.rsk ilvreforLor Aerden.C.Mleaie 81, . Cstg.d Hned Roagtad.u s ilusaled l ti per.inglis teon f. o. bAntep, ;'o tgash oies, cismualu' gnies, the losmie'- ut Mn. Wm. Miller, cf Athiaexpeeted C. Mceezol ie; B -e,* W . C.Her Ho2iM Homst.a4-farU, the lL8leLeudnt cash , denain' velherndulhissauvago gi-snd- la evuc s i ea os o-is 2ya I il 1l .Bitn; 1 ea.o u hlbsl se e yeainyst Linon n. h. fiShhyar e heur oallie sceeery around, vere ennf tabewud heolmdlfrhi 2nd, C. Gabraiti; rS, I. J. GoalS. J. RaI Mr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o aibksle sî-nousi-uIundér 80 Isn. psr mHai yard- Tise. ta =ezihe da Sllest imegiuashun. Priehie.Teleie olepes Ou. yearcld Filly-let, Alex. Michie; 12 l Mr arnktew-kuw Ù rails veuS e et our owu msks, svs aie-eOur psrly vas fsil in.jerapthures vid in le asyel lucamplete anS inaceurale. 2n5, N. Claughton. Raipi aI *e, t 112.50, rar.o e elabliuig wirikm fer hem, veuld be et lnhey seir, an' ledulgeS lu ail soorts Goal jualgessythiat the. show as a Spring Fliy-Ist, John Ferguson; 12 R ihtdretl ace~s f he q.rne Ot,,. u n enh t odo-s 4B.DeUv1y ~o! extravagant pa vui.oe21 C 0.Mller oh estete, pabttitroerc - r on extyiwoei cacl itoae ..-"e4.swaisVe',natanue "Tur ~ ~ ' cs. h suaîiaptho a' , 1 5Tesa CriaeH-ist, Joes a,2I -uuer-iahappqa *8 pe ace. ii. (SigneS,) - "DO î N & RtANSDEN,- a n lie raclks lu a grota viiere ve rest- M. 3F.C rui'sSLoni Bke;21JasEcey;rd3c I WaiRr frai luho snieloollt sol "Msar:MaaaaÂ, eLL 'I, P. G. R. ait, an' viere al lusoriied Iheir names 1 Walerfauln he «m011.9 er e?. "oieneCaad."- i galaisu leCO.,usmet101h, pi-omises ta bthie big sale o! the --s0G8' sna & a. v SngeDnvig areis. ospi2dutlhy ae illi wyfroua îthe son, -inlutela kinS c! Ceatenisi GoulS ; 2nd, Waui. Cearice; S, Ml And aà*~4 jÈ0eoft héI& <MJaîe arua, 1iIh tbile oiter fon £10 Os OS; free On beaubifal lava cf Wiitby, on lie &notion. Tii. herses are iral elass,' J. Wigil. 2uai, A, e;lnuvg udveuabe r-board nallie great pont cf Anhvenp, me- banku o!f-'Lake Ontario. NalhUInrlgol-lo u Nhebs mug Sadile Horse-let, A. C. Biovue; Eami bavinas '$extensrijecand ulayoo a ld10erierti.. dsepo sd pssgesnd lNls sd r. mg 2aîd, N. Ciaghton ; Bra, Gco. Bareit.ra; acre.. -,iI lis u'25pa h rock,aovel se very steep anSd atire, ae somnefine uurnams sud Cl rmWn ae UU 180osrieou o board ah Liverpool, viti lie cou- irefligits 0! tairs constîiauî e- i~ub-dgiaIes. Thei. famua impie. man. Pelat >autiaof Dgo6klu, lu le-th nsIp trator 10,000 tons referr a-éd he irplîom sdhaogu la îum~sàre ËailnvsdÈo.I'vsdsUiT am fotbe nt ong'anc #o5.o.vr. letter o e t4h O! Janus.ny, gi-aur-b7 s a ttie sumil o! liimbnnnwb Wiclm omaihed te ulale ilu 1bh, IlaI lie. Stallion ImPortel-Irsb, Ellot >haed neft ong sué. t1e5.50e ofprivai. and specîliarrangement etal u vemiauke lie lave, anS Ihis e èo h soi. wlarge NeIherby mrSiallal Rcin.lo, 105 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h La eeonieae n.lelovest, netla lie scond ael tiafîsa, Ive heurse ra!toi! send di 1ty -hniares lu fosi, Hoakins. C. Pikie 005 ae' 0soron he as ice.n! se' Berne S anscereus cllabio,' jviOïa, and'thit cows as uilera, tea eunliW' 2 year oIt! Suelion-isa, Chas. Gai-.. Jt Otnfo;br o i - ar owe ilet iin >*~ thi'exceament aneSthie voalsawlia ber cf sixteen hewl, are aili lncal! lu s braii ; 2ai, 8aee$ien Pîîgi. li.J tic CrPtsAi~m nPbOll ÇaP~, luPloker. Prime Minuster should bavs fol î w. ilci ve vers fileS v as, iOwvfar,,thonongi-brii ail. 1vear oid Stallion-at, Jus. Withe Tuf iagstu4 wt~uj, 4,4 >n. 1,,8. il.seif Ires o lu ethlat 1'"alZ wçme Oa i 1111.fllat he ia. a. W. RoI Scwe n 2 . esm. uM ;a.e~4~ ~aer,~sa:,u' aineS lai open eompstltion," 4f th& loy. a lburry1 Tien. vas but isi! an heur Tiu LAI'EiT WAR NEye le a mage o! Spring Colt-let, A. Barrat; 2al,Mii, puljdot it-endr us vlnialla t etbreak!ast sel cantradictory umere. :Tiare le uoîhiag Thos. Ceatee. 2eJ Jui es edekeu ls 005itch the linain. Wist elimbersu nt s tcene M- àat" viti aaa-lstThas Ian-eu' o f lu o la n a 0 1 th m n o e t t h n g s d h n ili- g irls e r o 1 T le y f e wu l i e s e p d f s t a o t i D p ta c e u p e c e -i .l u m a b) p-own " thds-jump raposilions. 2n5, J. Ferguason ; Si-i, Gea. Hy va in 140%. of th tl.~aou tbbse fau 1 tfinla.r eV- niiesl x2 year uldFjlly.-.îsî,-Johnie rtti Jrnl vf aqpuv, llot ta record-of a Da nteÇIeêsMofid ,à BBA .attentiooi~~ n ofresers2coaDvl. J.Baze; Du ùhî>9-U Ii el wâ m e be u e'â b bê »' V4n atý,pye A , -îepwji don e rton. bookeellen, lu ac-.- --: - -- - tan 4 11- 2ta-)V1155 'po u. ±UeulJ.1I,. UGo*d; fUW..a-- r- - Csee)dy; aS Bb-usô. Pound ; -Sa-, los. Les. -- - 2 year uTS Bull-lot, E. Blow. . FaIl Apples, lot, B. K. Bryant ;2ud, ta'"Natice#ef.Bi'tTw, MaWànisu Yearling B al-lo, H. Doolittle_ý J. M ead; a-, J. GoulS,- and Death cluaaged 50 c esas eah. 2nd, Jas. Waa-d ; Sa-S, J. Ad'ams,. Crai Apples-isi, J, Stanebouso; B ill. ca f-luet, Adam E smeman ; 2 d, W m . Alle, 8ra, W m. Paria. B 1 B T E_ s. - 2nd, Jos, Le ;ia, Robt.Dobîpn. Pear-lu, T. C. Formns; 2n, . CONNUE.-On Wedneî1ay, Set, 'Cow ie osf-lo, F. Doson ; 2d, T. V. Benson. FIE1T 21;a.i neneHfl hty i 2 year ulà Hslfer"1st, Jo.o. Gslamdy.' -Purtrsit-4s1, H. MeKenzis,- ,CdnnrsPon.ao' o y a r o l S H ife r- lo t, J s. B ry a t . 011 P slu hln - l t 4,M i s B J . B ig e o w ; D ~ A T 2nd, Jas. Witeîe;8ra, I. J.- GonPd. 2u5, Marla & Faint. DEATES Heifer Cif-is, Ju. Cassdy;4 2ud Poer Potlet; Miss Hogson., ELWIN.-Âl Witby, on Frday sd araiJBe. Ward. Pncil Dnswing-let, W. B. Tayvlor; ýSept. 22nd, 1876, Ada Jan, belveil H rS o! h erag-breS Cafle. l -, 2d, Miss B. Bigo vw daugier t M m. To. G. Elvi, aged L. Burneil, Crayon Dravlng-lsti Piles E. J. une yesr andl seven moulie.- 2-ym ol heler-isI ,L. Burusît. Bigeboir; 2n5, Chas. A_ Blgelow.' OEADB:OATTLE2. Penuaanuhiplp.4s, W. M. Toron; 2ud, ' WH12!BY MARKETS. 2 year cl Buli-lel, Jas. B y nh; L ADIlson.I TM NT 2 n d , W m .- O 'B r y a t . LODI S ' D E Â R T M E T7 6 . Yearling Bull-lot, Jun Ellby. Cii's Dres -let, M m. Q. D . IVai; psn W es.. ;......... el to0@ el 12 Cov lu esfleit, Ju. Cassidy ; 2a5 2d, Mrs. Bruels.Se gV-Mait..........où* 1 ~08 sud Si-S, ÂeSrev Rose. Gcnl's Shirt-isI, Mmes. Wm. Allia Sprley ........W.....8 2 yeaa, olS Heifer-lsI, D. Bateman ; 2ud, Mme. W. Sqnseiarlo.. . .. . .. 75 @80 80 211d,,L . B u nett; ai-, T os. Coaes. L adies' B onn e- lot, lim.-B igelo v h ye . .. . .. . 8 25 69 0 Y earling H eifer--let, L. furnet ; Piece vrie Q uilt-l t, M s. S ia w- Tim ot iy............. -@25 89 25 2and sud -, Auaarew Rose. -2nal, isa E. Fenton. W Peu ................ 70, li e d er C a f- l o , H . D a uolit e, ; Z n, T u ft Q u ilt- ils t, M rs. B u ls ; 2 u , B laïck y e P e u ...... ,,, 8 0 8 5 e' - Andmsw Rose ; ara, F. Ward. - Mns. C. Pannisi B lye............ .... . 5e 0 700e Womking Oxcu-isi, Thou. Ceaies; Huit bel caver-let, Mie. I. J. Davis; Oshe ....e...............850,1e 2 u, J. A . W a ebur ; r i, J s. o u. 2 d, M rs . Jam es H um a n HRay _- .............: 1 0 00812 . - t I C e ile - i s , T . to a t e s . C r c h e t vo m i C n e e r p s e - l et , M is e P o t t e s . . . . . . . . . . .4 0 '5 0 oo Li10oru g i-inaSd B ull cud fi s-e siaves M . E . Cam pbell; 2 c, M rs. W . IL.Tay- Eggs. ................ 5 !aem esase-isl, Jas. Grahsam. Ion. -Butter ............ ..îSme, 250' Sweepstake-The boat Bull on the 51k Q ilt-lo, Mas. W . Stephenson; C ei, per tn ....... $ 7 a 08 o gi-nue-lot, A nSiev Ros. 2d, Miss Lucy W ilcx. Woo ... . ...eS* 46 SHEEP.-F ancy Neîîing-lsî, Miss A. Niciolis -. ........... 25 0842c.0 LEICETER.2eal, Mme, Sqnelch. ' Wet-----------------.....e4 0 27e. L E I c E s T S h a. i L a Iy ' e D r e es - l et , M is s M . H i c e ac is ; B e , u S u r e . . 5 0 0 $ 5# 4 - R atu L a b - lst snd 2 d, l. S ugge ; 2n l,' m . h aw .. e. ,ilor e qu rter -.. 6. 4i ý0 0 O $4 50 8rd, L l3enelI, Bet collection ot L adies' Under- S eep akis .............0 , 60 @060 70 Tva Ewes-it, Il.- Sggetl ; 2nd& L. lething-ls, Me. I. J. Davis ; 2nd, Hides ................. 8400 @60 Cu-clt. Mm. H. A. Blâck. Onies--------------....6. 1 ou T us-eS iea lin g E w e s- l e, . S u g g et. B e t d lp lay o ! M illi iery - l e, J u s. T u unip . . . . . . . . . . . .' -1 0 0 @ 2 10 Tva Ewe Lambs-lt, L. Burnet; Bigelow. Apples, per bushel ...25eo @Oc 2d, . Sagget. FnyKitn~sMa. Sqelh. cheese----------------.lic @ lac. COTSWOLD. Talting-lmt, MiessHiscocks, Car-uts ................ 16eo@ 20c Agel R an-lt, E. Blow. Crochet W or -ls, Miss M. E. P rk, per ........... 06500 8 70ou S iiar in g R in - t s J as. rd 2 nal C am p blel; 2 d, M m. M ajor H uageon C ii -ke ............... 2 5 @ N5e pe apair ý Hlou m; rd, L .B ue ne. ' ' E r i ery n M u li - l t, M is. A . D u k s per Pr . ........... u e0 @ 800 Ramn Lamia-isI, J. Leekie; 2uC, A. Gerdoe; 2ad, Mre. W. Squeîaî Turke>'u, per l.....i-uc T h oin pson ; r a, Ja . G ra h sam . L ac E m b ro id ery - loît,u M .. 5 9 en.c -S T O C K S.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tva Ewes-let, Jos. WerS ; 2e1, D. Sl Eminoidea-y-leî, Miss Nuciolle; - SOC roatî. 2u5, Mno. Hi-Ion.BAK.ELE. 1uza« T va ShearlingE w eB s, J a. W a nI - C ottonE m broidery- lt, M m. irto ud On sELL.... . ...a. .-uns. ual, Jais. Grahamt ; DrI, Jas. Wanth alisl Boa-lin Work-lsî sud 2nd# TMentoes.... .......9 186J Tw a E v. Laîmb-LitîJa. Grahsa ; Miss M. . Campbell. Tente ........ .... 8 6 1 os 0 un f cn d S i - , J s . I V a'.F l t B o a l i n W o l W o r k - l t , M m . M e r c a n t s - - - - - - - - - --.9 3 1 . 1 2 1 l'e u e !f a î ae e - s t, J a . W a r l 2 n 1 S hia r p . ; 2 u , M is s E . J ., B ig e lo w . C n s e id a e d - 1.. .. . . 1 1a0 1 us. Grabataini ' German BaiseS Work-lst, Mies M. Commence........... 1241 124 B o a - E . C a n ap ie l l ; 2 n d , M a - . W . S t e p e s o n D o m i n i o n - - - - - - - - - - - --.1 2 91 - 1 2 8 T ara: F at S eep- ls, A . B n a d ; Gf H am lton ..989-9 a a, ilo s. C oa tes. G u ip u re W or - l et, isa M . 'Ja 1>- S tan dard - - - - - - - - - --.. 830 SWINE. bell; 2ed, Ma-s, Sqneici. . Federal------------**102j,. 1011 Mieseca NesSie Wonk-isl, Mise M. Imperial........ .... 106à 106 uitisecu.Campbell; 2u5, Mise, L. Wiiioox. Ccanlty 6 per coul, Debsnhnree, 9 Ilaar-lgl, Join e Vi-. Ornemental NeeIle Work-lsl, lins. Tewnshaip Il-1 Seuv-lsI, L. Burusht; 2nd, Joei W. Squeîch;-2u5, ias Rose. Ochoier th, 1870. aw.- Speaimen Breiing-isî, lire. W. L. ' 10a- Pig-lsl, Jas. IVard;, 2e1,A. KMg 2n1, hiss' S. Maréi, - 2'TORONZO MARKE, TS. lkey. Lae Vek isI, lire. I. J. Davis ; TaRNesve October 4tb, 1870. - cI 8 ev ig- lsî sel 2 aa, R. IleK iney ; 2 d, M s M . B . .Cam pbe hI FeU i'al eat. ............. 1i 10 @ $115 s rd, J d. W tr a. "V ak e a S li p p ers- îs, M i s M . *E .0 S p rin g W heat - - - - - - - - - --6 s i os @ 106 SUFFOLK. Campbell; 2nd, Miss Illtril Barey, ................74 d@ 82 bi Boar-lt, Albnert Xilliams. Sofa illeu-lt, M ise E. Bigelaw O;. . .... ........ .. .0 o @40o Soav-14a, L. Burnuci. 2ud, Mise A. Nieballg 72e .......d...... 8e010 tJ 5MLLOiRi.Toilet Set-lit, lire. U. A. Bleak Park ...0. se $-ou' SLLBIE.2nul, lra. 1. T. Davis. Bulier..:::.*. 0c @ 23o Ileur lig-lsu, J. Mara ; 2aat, A Cotton Tîdy-lst, lire. I. J. Davis, Eggs.......... ...... . 1.0e @ -2125 A. iîey; 21,C. Wociien TiCy-Ish, MieBigclow; plr----------1 S Oe22 Sow~ .1.li-isld C 2n, lirq, MeGili. dCon 'v- ; Oral,P. lt. Braided TiJy-is, MiessL. W lleo oz; iupu'e "Byo a -G reugh ',n d m 1POULTRY. lud, Mrs. W. Squelciof the' usturai lave viSit geveru thas l'air Turl îys-lst, R ubt. B e,ýr-tna W a~Vx Fruit lot, M a-, W . L. HÇig ý,y pe ations of digestin a d nutrition, O-ý d , I . F r a k l u . ' 2 c a , l r . E S a r p e . s oln d v a c a r e f u l s p i é i o t o fe he l i ne t i e e - - l t , C . M a r s i a ; 2 a d . W' a a x F o u e r - s t , l r . E . S h a s ap e ; r p e -t i s eo f e l - s e l c t e d c c a , M . E p p Gui. Tta. 20uh, lira. IH. licRo zia. cas previded an r hrealast tables vlt] a )c-lst .D 3oemn;21 ee ivrelt ae E hr. elicately flavered beverage, mmci mayc I)tclç-ltt, . . Bwerau 2u, ape Flwer-ls, rs.E. hare;save us many heavy dochers' buls." Ilta - Th om pson. ' 2 e, M ise A . B e so . by t b4 ju ieous use i su ai articles et liaI Buf Cohin-Is, . H Brwn rinl Wool Floers-lt, Miss M. tat a constitutin may be eadua1ly bufilt C lui Colaue-sh W.H.Brae;E. Campbel. up uil stmeug eneaigitele ose every tee- ialC claiesltW H rav; Fether Flovers-lst, Miss M.Baird; Seuay ha Sistase. Hn d osble mals. arrdeCcislt .H rw;2cd, lire.A aisn diee are flealing areuitd ns -eay te atsck ou, d, W. D. Bovarmnn .Jman.n. vasiever lier. e ia weak ipoint. W. may ifw Lig il Braiam - is, W . H. Brown ; Zeplyr Flo ers-le, lr. E. Sharp ; esape man afatal saflly eepiug oDur- u LW . D. Bowerm an. na2e, M ise M . . Cam p b~ell. .eIves irai> fortfie S it i pure blood an Sdsa ne Daik Baahauj-lat, R. K. Bryant. ra uy a ket- s, M itssI. W sier; properly nourlsebe fram e.-Civil .seice pai Dork ugs-2nd, W . D . B aer m en. EMr . B . Sarpe . Gazeee. Sol l Pa kets d Tins, ilb net rac h S p e is - l e , W . D B a e n ; M ies t- l t, l r Ho i b y ; 2 u d n a b ,, e le , " a m s B P B & C . l Bowerun Mss Beson.Hemopahîd Cemiete 48 Treaineedle trt, iJ. Bo g ra. n u anStreot, sud 170, Pica diyL nd a. as panqed Mi iurs-at T. Cur. Lamp Mt-let, Mis Bougon ; 2n, bi. S 12yd aJ. ur - lmise Bigele. OXYGEN 18 LIFE. eîr oalene-isî, W . H. Bravai; 2 , F aney Loatier XiVok-ist, hi-s. A. B. R GH S O P OD N - t ' D. Boerman, 2 1, Jamlieson. ]D) U LT4ITD SOFPHOP HODare .- hie Lny che n breed f f avs-lt, %V.H . R uti a W e m-le, M ics M . E . Cam p- h sly suffering r am . D ebility, e ms-us an S von ; 2 d, J. Nichlot. ' bel; 2 e, lr. H gg. L ver C m paint, Depresson of Spirite, t Coe ~wua-i-loî, Mme, Heiman; 2nd, Hypeahoudria, TimiSiIy, Indigestion 'aIl. Hoi GRiAIN AND saxs. M is Be sc. - ure of Hearing, Sighl ana M e mnory, tassl- vobus. Spring W'aVi h(Ciui)-il, Farmer's Wrath-ist, Mme. E. Sharp; mtuSo, a pemaet re e.,uthe nwcease 5 c lienlerson ; 2e5, Jos. 'Whii; OrS, 2uil, Miss M. WaIken. -PHOSa ODYE (î ana-e bye e wiet Glovy. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. t oua. ahiys ai> irritations and excite- f ao bus. S actch Vteat- lo, J. W h te-; m ent, im parte ne ir energy a d lie tathe - Juis. Maindea-sen; OrS, R. Franklin. WooIle e Blaniehe-list, lins. Wm. enteebied conistitutie, sud rapidlycures Ai, o bus. B r ey (2 r o e )- ie, W , 1 A i e; 2 ea, M m. Joh n W a tson. very stage eft lies . ijh erto i acu rb e a n d Clevelt-let, lira. J. Drue]. ; 2n1, dîotrsing maladies. SolS b7 ail Chemints lewooîl ; 2nal, Win. Thompson; lire. W. J. Sîpeusan. ana Dru-fflote tiarougiaul lute Globe. Jas. Sineliese. '-*-Y XUTION.-T be largo sd increas- %vo bus. Baley (6 roved )- îî, Jas. Knittin g- Yarn- leî, lr. S. Neth eroi-- ig eman l for Dr. Brigh's Ph spitdyne e lia se ; 2 nu, W m . P a m isfi 'ý , ol'te ; 2 u , lr . J . H olmn a n . h a. led te sev eral i t sa s u lder sim lar W hite.' C ou terp sue-l s, M -. J. W . E li tt; am e R ;p rcha r o f t hiis m edi ine sh u ld %v a bus. large W i tehu a O s- lst , S 9,d, M rs. J. M auma. therefor o i. c reful te 'observe th at ach hetu;2,jas. Mandea-son ' brai Wuucîîen hits8-lel, -; 2n1, lis, s. basli.evmmtSap, li5u ittt.' 'H. V. Besn. e rs Dr. fligial' Phspbdye, s- Tc Raeli. -Alr. .Mle. aele SCT.Dressed (Jeleile-lel, Bigolow & - - atetuT. Ballrai.. E-W ADVERTISEMRENTS Ssa Tuanps-iet, joli. Ward ; 2e1, M. Caileeîiou o! Bo0oleseuld Slaas-isî__ ___________ 5 7. r J . G . lo rg a n . fege Wu'zl ln e)l 'imHmesLit, T. Courice' N 0 T 1 C E t eia. Cna-leg Hames-le, T. Conrtie. Wit an e l W a tz le (g l b )- le, J . S i g le H a rn es - l t, T . C u rtice . P P I A T Ohv i btaa d b i 2n1, John Parier. Coo .k Slave, Copper - l'ntr A,ýPPIAINwi cl;e ete R e d O s i - o s - l s t , j ipt u r e - is.î. P r i g . L e g i l a u r e o f O n t a r io , a e t i s e x h ~~~arker~~~~~~~ 02.Rlp;21 W-.Paii ee n y le Whity anS Port erry Ex- VlIte arr ts- 13t J.Collection o! Tle W ar -ls, W . T. eso Railay C empny on an Act rsify .vW v li i e a h -l t J a p l; 2 e, p arié . ng le sale lu le ' C a pany of, certain p o- A g, P arker. Qa1le ei n of onfection ry- let, . PçtiY an sI b u- M a sa-A uistin 1 F u t n Blôo Bets- et, ulis Buels Imcfie aunS Hoaln, and alaoeni e oul f -bc Betsle, Jiis B-nis; iscacl>Ç - PaLyaent f henefor iy the Cempany, ineucah 'aVilisas Panel Deors-loIt, a. Richiardson. c-or tgaege -bouds,; ase- atayiasg ail iy' b u s , O u i o a - l et , J o h n P a r e r ; S a s h - l t , A . R i h g a r î s o n .l a s s g - u t mn g a i t ae i Cth e; a e c t W i h - i li m .V ca e i se B lin il- let, A . R ich a rd son . lif, t e ave -s f th es C e mp an y a u th , lý R s ý Àt e ' î3,W m . Shar- R a pbenay W lu - sîne i. . u . s sue af m aigage bonds, snul fr suc it eh 2ndRas j otalaesî.etRa, hia- hawi , amedmens. tae-é Ad t o hhearJ ' paeu D o<' ic , Jo i G allo ay , 2 e, laM s. J. G ould. a s e n dum en ts ler t as y v O ax8 fÙ Pohes..îeî, JoBn Per Cea-autWiee-ls1t, Mies L. Willeox. ciel 5S.avisble. --~a ocuilS o to o ( u y ai u e i u d -l t, B. P~ G rap e , W i n s-îsî, lia- . J . ýG o u l S ; -W IL L IA M M U L O C K 1 ' - L an ; 2nd, W m. S araard. 2 n, M is L . W lleoo. solicitr for lis sov-neneul R elira . L DAIRY PRODU CEdlasiW usMs E. ece Toraia, 27th ept.187. c- Ol- lieiR si-I;- 2nd;'Mro. Jus! -Chemr 'Wn~it ;2n1, Mar.i Sa, re.John lIones; Ei, WNun. AlaCcE.-Ganîl. - iIÙe Bmne. EusbnyWie-î, gj. - O I E But in-loçt, lr . John Stone s - P E, nv ss. S' V 5 N TA IO CEN T RAL R A TW AT W S i -e a. G ra a m r4 t t rs. S raw l asM n., .îl insM. . . J 13ig lo w T ' i0 P A N Y %viii ait h e n ex ti ess ucu w h tb Bti ln. F. MoKerciier. of L ii~it, . îge. ~ îisature cf lie Province.ofele- 4h MrC rRt -9, 2i5, Mme. 1a i- liee'.sî aCiaua Wta. -tmthi auuieneemenh and icompistiou cf JUA i n a B ruels.., G o seberrie e..l t, V ! n. 11,,V . B- &n I e r s iS r l w y, and for cth er purpose . e iueCheese-la, Julina R sampbrrjesîslt, Mrs. J. Shaw; 2d, WlhSet 8i176-2u. iî- WhitbYsSeL. Bua-ust18.6-- 10 I MV PLE M E N T S. - P e m s"- is, M m ,s W m . A llin ;.2 u ,N 0 T I C EB 1 --- (S e e ic Ca~i~ v ~ Mcul-- . Sha . acre 9.~ - -- suse w-I Bave 41 Allie -C6M] whihby. Oct. 2n5,1 F AmXTi Plasnu ; I e- h eil ll eun ho of la-a. 'Tva acres o! Orahand;- par e=, &o., &py PiYta i rmtr CW &PHEB licÂVOT, Esissan P. 0. Ochobor 2n5 1876. Sin.41 FURS t FURS!! Be ieneCn eSmst eriali Me'IOadistChm, - Wiby,OCet. Sa-S 1876. 1m4 W. J, EIMÂN, - VTETEBINÀRY- STRGEON, Gradue VOntario Veteminery Cailege BY a- peiteculV.8.luD F Rshey.Wain aI AiurangàsHatalWlnlby,evxTes latr11 v4ehomyb.cuse on ail tiseases aoflIbe Sameshie anal, lweeleeue,t-ComueilHolel;-Ow- Eia1rt's Dag.etar, King olmeet,bodiuss. hitby, Oal. ai-S, 1870. ~ 4 l/A N EH0Go D MU E S-T O-IlE D3 ictiins cf youthtol lînmdeeef,wvite- trieS in vain es-ery kuOvu reraedy vil leî-n 0t a Siple prsciptonFREIU, forhe ?peedy cureof nervous debütt premaes eay lest aalanieed, ael ah liso-de broughaI aujy excessea. Amy drnggist-ha. tie inga-odients. AIda-csz, - DAVIDSON &CO., 86 Naeeuujt., N. Y. NIGIIOLAS MOIRITZu WOTEL AND RESTA URANTP. NO. 4032 Gir-ard Avenue, pasihc Centenlel Buildings, PIlLA - DELPIA. BLATES,-#lMe, per Day. ctabe- OrS, 1876. IMn41 [fyaur garmets have har, grease, paini dirtI on hem, iî mU maklthem dean, ai- mhey are talel, I1vil brang them tla thein Ia-aI cahea-, anS I vill nie them se as r iman vilI 1mev hem fs-cmnair. AU la- ding loue ueally. 'If lie garmente are le atsaitorily cleenel, se abas-, etes, I ll not malts suy eharge, *viater, for >ny aub;;e. Pa iw edinig thei garmai b dliirtaelve promupt attention. I viii lu Whalhby es-ery Tue"dansd ail orlers Eta tth star. ai W, P.wiilauCoidc- Duer, viii reces-e promp t Rthoýn. - THOMAS. PEATE, ilcuovetar Chath anlClalies Cleanar. kw Sbop snd residene, opposite Tios. ossBhaksrili.siep, Bormarsille. tober Si-S, 1876.Smd tESOUTH - ONTABIO ELlICTION, JJLY, 1876. atrac lafonEyeaseq,ý,alo date et lis eleallon hall an lie 2811 June, sud Sti Juy, 1076, for lie South- Iliding efthe Ceunly cf Onterie, as per rolurn ta me byW..F Coman, agent for the saiS HON. T. N. (lIRES.» oltuma cf W- F.- Covan Agent as- sférê- e Pa-intlng Aeuts .28 90 Psage a- - -9 90 'H e re m eln il.-. 8400 PotnBile-----------. 89 4 Oan aComl. Boam.. 5000 Pal caeta er co . B om. 4300 -Emecting Plalforas -1....-4 00 PaiS Sitacay......10 TelegrehAcct-........2 9W Veters lis.........5 00 PaiS Prinhlng (),.... 20 e Tova .a~ia ipq -W. F. COWÂANtý trsel cf Iteturu of Pereonal Expenses ot E«N. T. N. GIBBES, a candidate, #27.88. - T. N. GIBBS. ve, Sept. liii,,1876 le aies-e is a Ire cpycOfEetnru made ha )y lie saiS W. F.-Covan, Esq., anSdlt.e Taas. N. Gibi. led lIais 2nd day cOfOctaber,< A. D. 186. '.- HAM PEBET, t Retuming Officer. 3EE -FOR SALE. IlOv u a, ýVary shrong, lu Patent. M rebleFi-smoe1Rive&- GEO. GILCHBIST, Break Street.; uy, Sept. 26th, 1876. 40- ;oca S.rvani Girh. MR9. B. STOBEY, - Whitby, P. 0. -y, Sept. ý251h, 187P.- 2i1ê40 IIIION BANK usele a Buùh 01u aitiby Ageuey 51 )Yi Sept, IBti, 1876. ÇD FOR SALE Dl The suwém-ber el] Martin Jol do Ma-s. Frau Jas. Gallo -John Beije Joseph Tyi Ieabeila Li Mary A- 11 Balph-Wfu Joseph Gai Johan mq4i T. B. Fram du dc -A. J. Ha-i -George Ca John Ev.>, T. B. Fra*i 'Wm. Quin. do.. John Le W Robert Me:. leo George _Car DJuncan To Richard Rn Jas. Sempli A. J. Hara-it John Wleke bain C, Hi! Alez. 3Main, JenUle Joua ReurykJaci - Jeinse T. B. l'mnub Elizabeth 1B .-do T. Tioapso Wm. Moli- Office of INE SPiE is I THE 12. -] cheaper ti 13. 1 deCidedly. oient -valu, Thc ouly ho- Clothing. Whitby, ct - - Luithe .&u tse Coutu NC [ARA. Td ring Fi"'flý-ot J-Fergnoon ;i il ine 13y- h,3ues~nauv:

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