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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Oct 1876, p. 3

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préenelt. in lnlch tre, Traer twioe gai * K.ygiter 0on1bisshoulerand ig uib milnutes ou bis buck und cl&dr, i l onbur Hse7gitermaunetetn punch blowa and Peurlagwfth poraopiral tion. ne aültee o'much, unI atteu aeprteértiuU waufooro4 i nie mnimu ll dýjj foning appiauto Treber thus won th. chmplonshlp Sud $1,600. *Bizsaos M w-rhrJ-fc julies ; weight, 194 Ibo. ; 64'1n"hc rouind thec hot ; biceep, 17- laiou forearni, 15 tachaeo aM, 17*4ii"ues tiîigh, 20 incluesi.Beygsler-ô teut 9 incilea; 804 Ibo. ; 58 inCea round thé chet ; -54 lchea -reund, the wat « biceps, l'Ji luches ; fo0moi,106inc)0e; calf cf leg, 22 Inchoes ; '090. 84 19nc40e. At dtic lo.eft bbc mate Nobla,-ObeO behl et Trahaer. Pieou FZssi» 'oeTLsix au Ervu MsîU'TNS.-Tbceltiscus et Qarrolof, Mo. bava e enpleyed fa seartain. Z 1g'Je oy short a" t ino wtna eue îfatrou lb. ild aunIPut ul n l iraad on, thé tabla, The Miller'& jounal pibal a latter ulgoal by thée jndgeae ty offiiai., aditoru uud cesir osasscfCroi o sartinu the trtot f b.folioviigoxposiet vwhich thhsy watched vlth vatchs le baud. Tho taueent la aifollews.' ,,Thseunadorslgnati citizen# cf Carrolîton amui violuîty eetlfy tliasulatrial mude fis day tor' the pulpoe. f aturtaielag the tlue in wbloh bresi Coulifb. made tram wheat tuiten la thse fieldl ebanullng, bile foibowieg lime wau iade by J. 1Y. *Lawton, pruipritor of 6h. unMil: Coin. mened eutifeg vith neaper et 8:01 P. m.; fiish-cdonlblug, 8:02; begau thneshin g :2; Oished one bnehel ut 8:0>8j. eCOnîncnedsi glng ut 8;Ot; lslisod at S:Of. n. Lawten bega nmkiing bread at 8:08; fial.bhed atSO8J. aniidile cake bakel et 8:09*-; ansi bis. euit bake ud m#&cabn ut 8:19 ; thé vholo acoompilsheul b:in11 minutes. The neaper aui uresher suri the miii ver. tiouoglyceltanad ont befere lb. trial ccmniiaced aundet a partiale et gean vasnuad hst di-btt ceuoe fraun the uuesuluiathe uboe otrial. The vit aines kpl separate time and ini the ré. soI iti dne ugreol, BAa.ar M"mans: ,NI>Isis-sump a. Asqiiort imetina et the Teranto0Com 4piunge Asscition, halalatheh Ectueulu, to censfden the best spathoul er ditilisgit'ilt he iltingifrroguiaritlea-ý regàrding thé faspection of bariey, Cues- ca by lîig of the Winchesiir grain mnurnOn O ego aui -theImpérial la Toronto, thb. tdziowlsg-regolilan, mcv. .1 lui Mn. W. I. Havîsasi sundsecond. eI b yMMr as-sileu, vas adoptel - "'TIufi v et ofthe différences whieh sx ati Insh mpection cf baley bebveen Torontoe unIOswego, tlisaAssoiation lu et opinion chut it vacil b.ale the b.iet nrstse t liamembens te lestruet, tiîeir agents in Oiwegenmot to allew thsir buley teha inapecated le thst prt natil tome satistactori- underalaudig slan-r rivet! at btwsau the lwo cilless te gradimgbanlay, anI tho Association alo ilope. Ibat ail deatlers- tulhroghe b c olustry viii panne Uic amé cour"a* aica, thaé$UMe rebaiutiorsbetrmufttoeb fontîwitt by telegrupb te the Qavego Boardi et Traite, amui ta sncb athen points sau ay be considoeel cls'alable." Mii. Conninigham, of Dandeil munder * sutolty, Wvus acarceiy ont et juil ber. the vas sloagbt hi sultens fer hem baud, Ptaiv itli'bioed tllough itl iis ave beau. She bail her pick umcsng gaverai eager applilants for thse pont ef danger et belagherliusband. Finalliallue mr. rlud, amui nov suielves in CaIltarnia la cu'ufrtable itnot affluent circnostaaces. Mrs. Fuir, tho Califoraielhomeicide., aiso g et offers, we believe, atten escaplmg jnatlee. Mra. Bravo, tie Londons wo. mon accused of poimoainu ber luusband, ansi ho wlîow aupicion pointa s se probablc gmllly ppsin, in likewiie me- ceilng offers ftram ueo aubitiou eto *ucceding i ho deas ma, thîougis the Corner's investigationen ioveelber te bu a faithleps vite, if mt a mundoross *There are saine o wl e .attract. -eut to sinch eien. Tii: ia LANa QuESTzON.-A letter from Mi'. Bull, M. P., on the Iniisulan qusetion, iu pulilabal, fle whîlcb, vilte cuutiamimg tIse leusmagloan t biag tee n anguine ie theln expeotations, lue say'm Ibs-eei10lantii. Hause oft Commas a mundi trange pati- thona lue balt anti- 'cipal in e lver ot givlng bis case a fair The runuotir thsaï Lord Cuis-f Justice wlîiteside la ta retire tram thse Init4i beol i ili a potrage, lo agali auent In Duîblin. -The Banatf Wliîancliffa, Qasi lias Duke c! Muibano, us previousily tati-d, wili auccoeitise Duice et Aboncomci as Lard Lieutenant oft îrelaad. Belveus 60,000 aud 70,000 gallons Of visiskey are hluved te bave heea stol- ou lîy dogmees. fron th. bon-desistenes of the Themomul-Gale DistIller-, Lie. MoNAIS Msczoaaàzu TÂnLET.-A, Me- mniai tablet le abaut te ho piaceul ln lb. cri-pt et St. Paul's Catbelnal la unm" et Cupt. Alexander MoNab, a Cana lte ,'as Aiile.do-Csmp ta ea. icon, bobi viti hi. o:bief ut Waterboa, Théui.olscf Wllngton siated'te Paniunuunt Ihattlb. preav. tien 'of 90auda us.a perton cf tise liiul, empire, vas élue te lhs services fet bbofte 5Sir Allen Napier McNab, s member ai the saine fauily. MOBLEcu FÂNcnuas.- Thse Amui' jour. nais cf ludisu-smdelseehoeaare oallng stneuusi - upoa Mebemmedlu a te.e Vote blueln meane le sidiaigthuesulta et Tnnlceyu aimst tise umbelaevens urbo aeiu ta uiprive blun- cf bis possess;Ionq.. 'Subscnlbe liberlli-," sai- tbs.y that tnuc -beilovensma-tultise beanls tram the o scuinesi na=bsWho udure &tlilft sacrilegelougndamsainat -a prince s-Sel hi- God ttalbe aur spirîituasd temporal oblat.'), WVavAT acAIN huit-ENaLIRE PaauuS MEusîsTCu.-Wrat is bu enexcitel lu Eugiglehi Dfsnaell'c lest invective ut Ai-isusburi-. He selul: 'The caaduct et ofata1 lus POiilleue la omie than amy et thsose Belgunlun trocities et wbich ce b1ave hourd se seneb. RoYrÂu.?ryLID TRE ri suof.Iea.Ren 4tdviaea ftrouBoerlens$peaks Otan atteupt maie hi-the Prneasa Royal asi <iliumr titled ladies, te inict Atanahuiidonmunt hi- Geruan woam cof Paris tushionn, amIt au Adopian of fahlans creatssd ah T B&Iin. Pl ates oethbie prapsel usa'Ies bave bh-eù publiesi, Mut hey uaseaU ahanfi80a-e a si-i-t Igsuet tfrou France, ua ndamet dosaual promisa peuat suocosu. --- Gevgauos HRAYSus 5FATEL-Iltap- pleuraIbatb a tthireof Govener Baye., tus - lpblieanicamiluttfon Proieat, 'vues awtaverila1,24te, Imeluesi. Su, tif tIsetatiler Of Gar. Haymes venunov GClà"is nud lis telov cf tihe Atusenoun &Ailàeuo olut bus la aver of 6'eilim-ilng banU trou the uifrage en - caountgf lnis ih tl. unecu , aunaunel Di- f - D,3tailey, ut prementrewplioei au & beist- t hua Ravi»S oute, Broo. viPllbutulshf eaMtnl uc' lu ïh leava oix e Maru: tb. jm Pantidges sed pigions ame cd ttalUe Gsoaeu ELuorzox.-Eelurn Riva the Démaetaa ujonty ot 80,000. lu the Boue . t ire obut ix Bopub. licazi., ~ Prsasuu.-Tlsrt.ul' aiai.prlapmi- ais. iuaràoratti 1i'the. Ceucti-<sui,- Ottawa,. alluoked ttulrceys, eho vira leallmg thoraeunot rations. Tii. riogleaders wore oonftaed lu ilark coeils, unI kept op breal uýnsivut.r. FilerT83(ow.-À ilght fuI eluuov -fa Whilby ou Suniai-, CucuL I' Aosioasg-for th. margar- mander, amud sffinsnatlb. u-gi t ffor. Sued enjothé protection eft habunt hor. Itie. $4w MuiL BLIXRD Duwcu T OEILLI. -Buuid's sav izilti. autuig beue for thbeoinbuconnection thenawith, adabout 400,000L ffet cf lL1ubur vere destrayed by ine on Suniai- morniag. Lotsa 69,000. Na inaunance. àA. i2 u as pickod nuphopelusaly drueS ia Beoteusthe altier nigist, in ilhose pookele vare foond 'aue 08,U00. Cesoieao EsinsTo.-Tha Bepub- licana suv-aone-lîsird najaril- ia eitbor brunoh et tisa L'gislature. DziATEor Lainé LmaoL.-Baron Lisgar, butter tuuovs as Sir John Young, ehe eau GovernarGeneral et Cana fremi l88ol1872, isdesd. HB, wau bora le 187. .. -Kacua Ko.-A 'mater te arrive in punis shortl- tvbevii attruet tcencidar. able ullenllon-Kiug Ro. The. parti- in questioan rineuser à portion eftW1h isaand et Banseo. Haeluea'ltended by à nunenaus suite. ELSPUsà9us. -ý-Fuft7 thoussud toie. pliantsaure SuaI edvamy yeur te famelul tb. lvomy wrerisup n uEngland Mae. The has& ivori cauesafrein Zazileer, bue siiven grsy trou negas eutb et the equator, amnd tha fuvorite ornement. uI trou Siamn.- TEK CG£ZiaR&L 0F TUE JE5UIT.-The Gemenai efthbe Society- ot Jesus, Faîben Bocki, luàa&.'native of Belgiu. Hio fatben va. à poor grocen, livung ut Sichon, ehere his disîloguelasetson was bhem, Februari- S, 1795. Tisa poor crocon uiying ehilsi bis fi va sens ver. i-at yeng lissi- vre 'ualaed by them saother's lâbonu auasnsumutiees and vasberveman. Fatheur B-Ackx ta e. gandad ae lhe probable auccessor et Pie Nono. LutinitisFuaIîuvs.-Lunben freigbls trow Ottawa bae uvànosel dauin tha vos-k 25 conte ; tiîay nee tund-to Québec, 02.75; Mentréal, $1.75 ; Ban- ilagln, 0.50; hitaali, 00;Al- bany, 68W0; Nov York, 08.75. Ts: FuxIenT OasVàacB.-À oom- munication n lu a allfapapor ropre. sents a egiovance lunconoectios with lb. rates of freight on th. Iatorolonl. aI. dlho wniber complaina that while a car boaucf flour, oaa b. brought frein Toroale te Hauts: for $45, a roture car loail of fiais cannot bo sent troun Halifax te Toranto for becs Ibau 070. ItAs remanked that tbla differenca ex. lstns pit. of the fiut that th. génoral rateg an fnb i are u» low us on fleur, aud bist returs freighueare e os abund- aut su freighte froesaît toBast. Ouzo AND INDIAN.-The elfetlonu la Ohilo sud Iniana have pasaed over ï ui etly. Bath parties claim a majorily. be indications arc that th. Retpublicansi have carried th. former and the Demo. crate th. latter 1State. SOUTE WELLINGTON.-Mr. James Massue isthlBetenu candidate. Ystc.zow Fitvza stili prevail a t New Orleans, Savannah and other parts Noý xtices of Dirtlr., Marucsg, and Deailis chas-ged b0 ce.nfa mc, STEVENSON.-In Pickerng, on Sutunulay Oct. 7tls, the wife of Noble L. Stevenuon of twins, Ban amuid Anghter. 1MOVILLAN-At WIsitbui,om tise maruiug cftIse 7th lest., tise vite ofA- G- MaMillan, Bitriter, af a duegbter. fElme anmi Montroal pupers poause copy.]- - DEATHS. HOLTBY.-Aî Whitbyon eus hmaduy, SSîlî Sept., 1878, Mme. We.W. Hobthyi, agel 62 i-ears, 1 uoaîh une S Jaya. WEITBY MAR1ET8. CEssauNuca,: OurscZ, Oct. 116h, 1870. rull 'Wheat------------...6el10 te el 12 Sprlng Whuat-------....S166j Si 81O llarlei-------------.... 8075 <@ 10 80 Claver-------------...$es 5 9 35 6 Timothy ..............*2 25 C382 25 Peau .................70 o Bliaclk Myel'eus-....80e03850 ai-e---------------.(....cUn j70o Ct...........* ".......o n'yai---------------..$10@<819 Potutaes------------...0eon (àS60 Egga--------------.... Io Bublur.4..........18o <28o Coul, pqn ton---------...*7380 wond--------------.. ... 4 00 taSet Wuol--------------..... Un<@ 21c. Oeuf,iinI quarter-....64 50 a 850 Ileef, fore quarter-....540 @ &4 80 sheepslns------------... 6 00080 70 Hils-----------$4080 oiona--------- . -$10 Âpplesiqer bushl ..... î0e <3a800 Curotii.. - ....1500<20e Park poney ..*60<3870 Chic Wi - ........ -2<50eonpet pair Dtieks )pr..... ...... Oc <3800e Tunkei-l, pernh. ..b. o STOCKS. iliexu. 5ELLZgO B, .oi MonItreal-----------.189j 189 moHrchant.....,; 8 gj Consolllte. .. . 101 101 Commerce---------... 124 199 128 Stndrd-----82 80 Fana--------10 1011 Imupersal-----16j 106 COuInTti- 8 Pen austDuhsntuu'cs, 90 Toiuuip .4 "911 Or-tOor lan 1, 1870. T'ORONTO f4rg5 - Texoose, éOel 116h7,76 Fag Wlios------------10a #1 Wnainla7Maa, *bar. Trudo supplied ut manufucturera, prie .. y ,A. CeOKliOC., Chicago, Sole ýAntefor 6he,'United Btaaua Canada, nbyLYMAN, bLÂýBK & CO., Montreuil. NiEW ADVERTISEXENTSI KUCTION SALE w s CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND OUTTERS, Monday, Octob'r 2Brd, 1876, AT M. O',DONOVAN'S Carriage Yfactory, Brock Street, Whitby, tise iollowing TFirlit-claie. Vhetclwthont reserve, 'iz : 4 Top Pboetonsl,.Three Sprngs% .t Open PhStans, Thnee 8pIgs 8 Arcs Bo ug.eJtBuies, Three Springs 2Llgist Rolling-beat Buggies, -8 l'aune-bom Buggies, 4 Yacht Boggies. 15 Cuttars. 1The above -work- j, ail now, first.class and Warnated. Also.a few goad second hond Buggies. Sole 60 ,Commence at x O'clock, p.m. TEBXB.-ig Monthu credit, hy inrnish- lng approvel Notes, interest charged Srom day aofale, il-not paici Whou due.. L, FAlEBANKS, Whltby, Oct. Iltis,"1876. 42 Anotioneer, s TRAT HEIFER I Strayel tram th. promises ai the subscri. ber, Lot No. 24 8rd con, Wbltby, a 1.yeur ai Haller, marks red , iespot on face, und a Uittle white on felly near hind loe, short hem.s. A situbi. revurd for ber re- turm. Parties vii retain ber ut their pei altem tisanotiles. JOHIN FITZÉATRICK, Whitby, P. O. Whitby, Oct. 116h, 1876. Sin.41 E VANGELISTIC MEETINGS. Tise Gospel of ÉOodli i viibe, preachel -(Goa vlling) iu tise ODJJFELLOWS'- HA-L, on Tiusunaevenlmg. Ocloher l2th,:at 7.80 p. in., ala Scou Lorlsdy, altemmoonund uvenssug, st 8 uu'loclc, P. m., aul 7, p.'ým., hy LORD A. CECIL & MR. DUN-LOP. AilU e InvitaI. "TitE DOMINO 0F THEi LORD DRAWETH NIait," Wisitby, Octohen litif, 1678. 42 G REAT CREDIT SALE Or TUeaeuUGu-aaE - CLYDSDALE ,B.ROOD MARES AND FILMIES. DURHIAM CÂTTLE, HIGI.BRED GRADlE CATTLE, AND LEI- CESTER SEBEP. 1 Tise subecriben ha. recelvul instructions main tise Executor of tise Estute ai the late %%ILLIAU JEFFR.E Y, Te salli hy Publia Auction, on bis !ate pro. mises, Lot Na. 80, lu tise lot coceoon oi the TaofciWIIITB Y, an IYED.VESDAY, 25tA OCIT., 1876, the iolbtsving vInublo Hanges amnd stock, 1vi. 1 Brood Mare, "Diamond," 18 i-ana aid, got eyDuke af Wellington, dam bi- MeMi Fumier, g. dam Bucisanan, &-c. 1 Braod Mare, '"Diumond Sud," ci-cars olI, 0thi-C.onquLenor, dam Diamon, (weigis ave12. ct.) vincier of i8 firut pic- Provincial unI Counti-. i Brool Mare, "Conquenas.," 65years aid, ghCo V queron, dam Diumond i arolMre, "Conquenesu 2nd, 4 years al, got hi- Conquerer, dam Diamand. 1 Mare, "-Daula," 3 i-cars al, got hi- Nether- be, dam Diamond 2u1, (Centunnial Mel. i Mare, "Colultream Mail," 2 i-cars al, i- Netuerby, dam l)aamoud Sol. i S-i-eut olI Fulli- hi-itaisie Borne, 1 Yearling Fi-, ,'Whitby Laïs." hi- Prince ai thse West, dam Diamoul fnd. 1 Yearling FuiIIi- Prince of tisa West, i Yearl.ing Fjll-, got hi- Lorn, dam Nance. Spni,.gj . y, got hi- Cianurnan, dam Dta- h rn i- byClansmap, .1 C2arling Entine Colt, gat l'y Piunce a! tise . West, dam Conrqueress. 1 Sprn l HmacColt, gnt hi- fol duccleugis, dam ,Conqueresa 2n1. .. CATTLE; 4 Tisorouglu-breul Coure, 8 Thonough-bncd Reier.i, 2 y-aura aid. 2 Tisoneugsabredt lIifers, i i-aur aid, 1 Thaongh.bned Heier Caif, 1 Therougis-breri Yearling Bull, 8 Tharough.hned Bull Calves, i6 Elgi-buel Grade Cours, ô Higi-brel Grade Heliers, 2 i-cars aid, 9 Hîgi-brel Grade Yearling Hoifers. - SHBEEl, 10 pure-bu-rdLeiccstenrMures, frosuti 1to 8 yeane .il, 14 pure-brel Leicester Eva Lainhe, 1 "pura-tred Leicester 2-i-sur oadRam, 4 pune.brel Leicester Items, 19 pure bued Leicester Bamn Lamise. Tise Mares oft6hé noteI pore -dsdl bn-el une .11ib foui ta lirat clasheavy siraugist hanses, and ure aIl Pize-lakera- th. beut lu their class seli austise tiser- augis.bred Cattie, and tieseuep cumnat he lîeatem ithie Dominion. Tise E s are ail buel te-tise pie Ram, Middlesex Cham- plan. AU illii hosol vithout reserve len cansequenceoattise timulisavimg univel fae malclng a division ai the prepembi- among.t thze members as the famiiui. Sale ai aà,0O dock, Noon, 'Sharp. TERMS.-Al seins af $25 unI under Casèh - Tvelve montha crelit on upproved Promissori- Notes,'- - - SWhlby, Octoher 106i Lé. FAIRBANKSt, ." ,, 1876. 42-64 T Es GREAT CAUSE 0F HUMAN MISEEF. Pbiuhl a eae A Lecture on the Nature1 Treatment, sud Radical Cure ai Seminai We&aknesu, or Bpemuutorrhoeunducel by Self-Abuse, Involuntuny Emnisutous, Impo. tmncy, Nerveus Dcbillty, und Impediments to muniage penenuliy ;eCauum tlon, Epil. epsy, sund Fits .Mental und Physilc n caw ity&C.ùyROBEET 3.CULVER. L 1 , M D uth aio the "Gren Bock." Theworldsrenownod author, tuhuasd minable Lecture clearly pnoeu fretS bl ovu expemienoet!a baicosq5ne ai' Self-Abuse uuy ho eflectmWly rmovul vithout mediotue, UnI ithot ni 1mgeronu surgical openttionu, -bougie#,,>?Insé*aht%, rings, or cordials ' poinemg <ont a tmode er cure et once c"lusa unI ffectou y visicis eveny sudorer, ne mutter vbat ýt .coudî- tlon may-be, muy cure himuel cheuply, pet- tg-* Ths Leture vwill prIve a hoon thouaoduunIdtluoulands., 1Seul, ouder cei, in a plain envebopo, té suy aldresa, on recelpb of six cetst,-or two Pstage stam 0.~e, TE ULVERAL MEDTCAL 00., 19 il Ana St., New York; P, 0.3eBox86 Suit buver "G alop.. . ..... l Little al cabin i he Lune.... lm,0 ST L- î OR RRSTR&,e National Mey. By O. Coon...Price, 11.6> msdleycfiBEy--sSo ." " " 1.60 Meley of Steat.lns % 17 -- Addreag, J. L PETERts, 84 a. wy ewtr A PPLIATI vNilb. inàde! to the session,by the. h1¶ t éï otiëmE. tension EalayOo sY for an 406 ratlfy. ing th. suie tOIe .Cempsny 1ci r n parwown.d, b, Meuurs lutin, Ke M'n. su unl i aluo"the omode ni payment f haret or by th. Co Yany, euah or mortgaebouda; alec ratii,.cg ai by. asbuna dte th, Conmpany, alsoc te zndi ryth,pw of tho Oompany auto 6h. Issue of ortgage bonds, und for snob other umendm.nts 60 the Act of Incorporation unil amendments thoretomaumal ho consld. orel advisable.' WILLIAM MULOOK, Solicltot for 6hé above-nasmel Eailwayéý Taroc.to, il7th Seit.1876. eln41, NO T IC E Camie futé thé promis.. of th. subscriber, a red und white huifer, agel about 2 years. Thé Ïewner la requesteil bprove proerty "I e es, sd take ber away, or aise U tel w. VM. BOND. Wh.ltby, Sept. 29,1876. sin-41 F AUX TO RENT. 1~ ce;Lot No.-8, luthse Sti -Con. of Pickering; 90 acres:laned, sud under - good stat. of cultivation. Good hua mad & seds with atone cellurs. Stone -hon.., izood oprinî well; creek run.s throngh reu of larm.Tw acres of Orchard. For terus &0e, upply rtg zeotIl'AOY Balaam P. 10. Octoher 2n1 1878. 81n.41 FURSI FURS!! m Rg.RRVEY baga te annonnce thut fura in tise Iates$1>tyles, PrFan mel und relinedl imufr-- uml. M.6edi6<@1 Chu BSet, north cf 6he aid Whitby, Oot..8rd 1876.lm4 W. J. HINDIÂN, V ETERINARY SUIRGEON, Graduste V Ontario Vetonlnau-y College. a3 pointnuent V. S. tW D. F. B3atte;,. *Wlbe et Armatrong's Motel, Whitby, evcny Tues. day fromx 10 t0 4, where hc may bc consuted on ail diseuses af 6h. domestia animals. Iteeldence,-Comuuerclai Hotel - Offce- Carter'@ Drug store, King street, ôoswa. Whitby, Oct, rd. 1876. ti.41 1JA N E O O D. MLJ R ES6T OR B D. Victimofa yonthful imprudence, wha have tried in vain every known reuuedy willearn ofia simple prescription, FtlEI, for 6h, speedy cure olnervous debility premature decay, lost manhool, and ah disorlers isrouigbt ou by excesses. Any drugglst ha. tise ingredients. Address, DAVIDSON & CO., M6 Nassau St., N. Y. NICHOLAS MORITZ, HO TEL AND RESTAURANT. 'No 4033 Girard Avenue, Opposite Ceutennial Buildings, PHILA. DIILPlIIA. RATES,-#1.Wi, per Day. October 8rd, 1878. lu-fl RESOUTH ONTARIO EBLEOTION, JULY, 1878. Abstract af Elertion Expenses by, und on liehali cf BON. T. N. GIBS, a candi- date attbe election isel oni lie BObi Juise, and Ilti July, 1876, for thse Houth Itiding of tiseCouty of Ocntario, as per returu te me by W. F. Cowuu, agent fur tise salI HON. T. N. GTBeS. Retturnai W- F. Cowan Agent sau fare- said : To Printiag Accounts ......*281 90 Postage ..... 9 90 Hanse hire postng ill .. 84 00> l'aubing Bila..... ........ 89 40 lIent of Committee Rom 8000 -OÙ1 sud lamps, Com. ltoomn. 10 08 Pull curetakena comn Boom 480 Enecting Plutiturms ...140 Pail ttoun......7 10 Telegraph Acct......... 12 99 "Voters' lât............ 8 00 Pull Printlng Act ......28 0 e498 87 I cetiiy the above ta ha correct. (Sgej W. P. IOWÂN Sept. àtlu, 1878, Agent. Abstract ai Returu of Personul Expenses oi HON. T. N. GIBBS, a candidate, #27.88. T. N. GIBBES. Oshawu, Sept. 116h, 1876. Tseaisove la a rus copy of Retumu made ta me isy tise saId W. F. Cowan, Esq., aldtise Hon. Thea. N. Gibbs. Dated this 2ud day of October, A. D. 1878. i. HAM PEREF 8in 41 Returning ôfficer. ELIGIBLgýýFARM, belmg Westhalf of Lot No. 20 ta the Second concsulc Tovuhipf W i (ouleyof sual, n t preaut lcmte byWm W. Merer. F ruther partol asaute it me fon vhloh lease vii h gien gal other partlcula a 1 trMBLo R * Towu af Whltby.l Sept. 161h, 1876. 89.ui ,NC)TI CE 1 050 «008, hi beoeii-w.1 'J-o 4hty, Oct. lOth,, 88 s t ýý ýýý- ' - , m ' - "l 7 l Praotiol Waie1 1L4e;4- S*PECIAïýL-ATT-ENTI ON is drawn to fur-lines of extra value goods at- THE ODdFEL LOW0^ HLL la 'Dress'Goods hi 4n ail'the-fashion-. able materials, oolors and. styles. 2. Merinos, a fuir range,, of colos cheaper than ýever before known by the writer. 3. Manties rought from France, deoidedly bétter than the attemapted copies of local hands. 4., Ail Wool Blanketsof magnifi.- cient value.1 The only houme in town giving exclusive, attention to Dry Gooa and Clothing. The only house in town thst givea no credit. Courteous attention to Cuetomers. We seil as cheap as any House in Can-. ada. Goode-marked in plain figures.-,OnePrie. 2 DWARD PROST, Whitby, Oct. ill, 1876. dflosEU Whty DOMINION WAREROOMS. Lowes, & Powell tèJa . UIWAE,.AND LAINOG à8fl Have n ow opened out a first-Ïlass assortnexut of. Fail-and,ý.:Winter Dry Goc Having been-,,,early in the market purohased obur stock before the advanoe ini gooda, i renow eprepared offoer to our oustomers and ohases enable us to do,. - Our assortment is large. Our Styles the tatest. Our RI SUPPiesre rom he-boi 5ouceu 'DT picesare- jovered y te b -Supplies tare roimehe oitoe Oua parges arc tfgons on b Ofe tat ht Iai te w ish t Pofitale. aoutcfgod o * am ll pofit. -. - th CLOT ND TEEtS SPIIAITIS:DBESS GOODIS AND TBIMMIGS~ - iWINCEYS AND FLANNELS, s 1MILLINEBY AND MANTLES. - s-' 1- Whitby, Sept. 12th, 1876. LAING &STEWART*' HARDWAIRE, RAY, FORKS, RAY RAKESI SCYTHES & SNAITHS, Are receivÏng Fali Goo4s which have GR6AIN CIIADLES, been bouglit, at J3ottom Prices, and will be sold to suit the limes.A good stock of BARLEY FORKS;$ TIJRNIP HORS. #jiGENUINE PARIS GIREEN.UU MILLINERY, DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING G-RlOSS & MACNACHTAN,' PONE TO ORDER. 1Wbitby, Sept. lStb, 1876. LOWES & POWELL. CHOICE FRUIT. Grapes, Peaches, Melons, Apples, Pears and all kinds of Fruit in season at the Confectionery and Tea Store of W 1=F- w ILOO 0X DUNDAS STREET. Whitby, Sept. 186h, 1876. 38 ODD FELLOWS' -BUILDINGS ! ATIRIVED THIS DAY, FRESH OYSTERS,1 FINNAN HA.DDIES. BROOK STREET, WHITBY. The-Large8t Stock,I The Gheape8t aood8,ýý The cZo8se8t attention to Cu8tom, AT\ RQBERTSQN'S, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Two Cases containing Blank Books, Note Papers, aud Envelopeu, openea tis wcek Our "Counter Blotter,'" aold at 40 cents, is the cheapest and "biggest" book on ieoord. Every store-keeper should seo it. Our Commercial Note Papers, from 90 cents per reaiu, cannot bebeat in price or quality. Our Business Envelopos, from 90 cents per thousand, are the cheapeet goode sold in the country. Xar OFFICE JOUBNALS FOR- 1877. -e The Cana"a Methodist. Hynin Books, a large aesortment, ranging from 20 cents each upwards. J. S. ROBERTSON,; Boolceeller and Stationer, Whitby. GIBBS E L E'CT E-D FRnESH OYSERDALITH COUNTRY 15S SAPE PETER .SMITH, JUST.. THE PLACE WM_ :a UR b frJ.S, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER,- BROCK-ST., WHIITBY, ]JA no onhanul a large sud vuriod steak et Boots and, She. . H ais make to rderevari- description ofLadies' G'ullemniua'nulChid[renu voar. Sa' epaWrig dame on tue ehortest netico, surd At neasonabla rates«...A o Ui is favted toeyeamine the now stock. SWhilbj, Decembere 1875. WILIAM BUINS,. Brook Street"Wluftby. D OMINON DANKEFO S L N m. Theaubcrberoffrsfor nIe Rus eponol a Brssch of Whltby àgeaey ut ,Ts nuzbmdm LIVERPOOL MABEET, (à eaicbed), Soath hWllLoti, 11h con.. nean Pickering Harbor for convenleucecifcession Muma; wlthtn quarter mils of uchoci ganmahantsald Othens bing businesshanse. A aboie.Ilu,stidarul teeald tom reeîvtlnpslte TERMS oi'sube vort l -le ~.TAyLOR, bargaiu cmn ho obtuinod for reudy cash.O WhiLbY, Sept. 18th, 1878. da*t. 4,1 IY e àohbtmn, P.lO Septeinber ltis, 1878. 8 If your gament. have tan, grasse paint or dmb on them à "Ii make theun dean, onr lUthey me iale I iii bnlng thoin.te tiser DO V AGA IN nt'Omulolo,::1.v:mûne. hmAeuto-N I nel dué 1 11,e 1.he f tennv Ar. conund get iprces' t' nos g~na themunentsar tort! tae, AEANEI 8. L,. SEQUEI, D. M. EO!D, Ir. Wet'n Pa.'A . G«i. a rA, sapt. luth, 1876.-- TEPHYSICIAK'8 BEMEDYÎ' W TEBN ieu are iii ana don't 5mev boy t ovr it gou gienerail &endlfrr yorhfon.If t e opinion 0l--R ?g ilbcsius cf Montreul bu considerui vwor ýhi-cf confience, yeun ii xi DR. BIRNBA1JM'8S Rheumatismn and Gout Rernedy. To the eficeacy i- fwbich thcue 16 phyisoaln huve cetifiel for the cure cf . REUMATIOM NEUBALGIA, GOUT. STIFFNESS là -JGINTSÂNE LUMS, MPAINS, FROST BITES OEIL- BLAINS BR3UISES oU'rs, URNS, 11WAffDEE1NG Ff' &Slc. Itha bu ured several cf Shaeephytiiaû ad'thoussudaci others nOaC'asa anmia nev coualdemed on Shu Conatinant au cl au ia Enrope, thse.culy relluble ramaI- for ail Rheumatlce sectioýns. - .- Tha fa. smeeue ignutuire oi16 ieedtng physicluns of Moutrâaren ac uh-bottla Fan sale by &U idmuWglte et 50cents and Siprhti.Certillcates 0ofphi-sia are ony,, eabtla cabe hu ad by Sp. CHABLES MARTIN, Soi. 42eut for aNo nd U.a8. Oaaet ftise Testimonisa. Prom 82fr. Duuaus JtcCUuum, lfcnreai c . 1, bth. undersiusel, have tiaen suf.mling- uri much onr6ho lust Sure Youmfrc Eheumtisc lu thse anicle jointnoemneis se thutI as oiton unablo leutteul te mycuil lng, but threeagpllctlnaefirBlrnbuum'a Riseumatlsnm ad Goul Bemedi- gavre us tisa relief frein p#ÀIn mal stiffesa vhbeb 1 di net uxperloace for tha lait te eneu.5 nI siaaiglut Iay's mmsetfthz t, Omued-c tînI myoeli entlreiy curaI. I ave tisa tatemenî t10th. public, te the profussion amd te th ise f thef b genuine article. DUNCAN MecALLUrM, IL E. Juine l7th, 1878. flOM'L TO LET. NATIONAL HOTEL' -At Port Whtbpv. Thiu Rotai bae receutli- beaucput tu tiser- Apply te '- -JOHN WATSON Whltby, lOtb Sept., 1876.. Pn b1~ FORSALE I Tisai e!Cgi V U nll eldeaceW"vi4 acres cfi -n, ompruG u ua MdO- CAN'T' TURN OUT McKENZIE !Fnutep -00 HARVEST IS800OOMING 1 And if you want Forks, Scythes, Cra- dles, aand ail kinds of Harvest Tools, Oheap. Go to < Wbltbyi Aprâ U11h, tain facrsaaed. Bock 0 la fan t on aisi H ATO0H 'S.1:r ' For Harvest Glovýes, woll made, and u aan ed to fit. - G o ft Brie H AfTd0 ffr Food forý Potatô Bugs,1 TO PARTIZ e V1I..,D'II NO0T I Cl Millinery on hand. ý 1 0:0-

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