Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Oct 1876, p. 4

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NU OF' LIFE, MILUON COPIE$ SOL. arded tt#e iAuetor i Medical Assocli. àrcbaIs .s7ss ueL e sis,~ses.. I m etlfaors ihan PUis' f5e ee sa S thea s Woerth more tIssu ft, prie. oe sîso pubishos "THE 'f OP WOMAN AND SELS.-Palco, 8..Tise lie kind ta, "iun"I, "ali yodstreakt. Bioots fur yossuoansd nmiddlo aged moun lsslnw lu tihe so 011.11Lie, or Self /l os,'Jtse nuthos ar rtqurlsed Imm lit exellsailssalti, snd In agaul tisa !eugseItissg 5'hymiiaasof th11e I>ebody ( Lo4îltute, Na. 4 Uilsineli Street, Dis au'-tsvssî,suacassa.. Mijllente s, iltsi I bycuS il curisart- îshet ustirstury work aunJiysioiIo- lieptislssusasolser wliusgs anew,ince. iiug oftisouo vtéluma5,io e,-5spuhiltail I'vtaW(iy Maiisilalisttite, irla teire la tousare Subs1551te avalA hie uAissio rth ise cltfe,si ,fo.-'z.nas ictussisera i-o lîss ti Young tie miSile (Iuasdolisseda averco eefrrusî sn Muia tba sla oisentay, asusà inistu tof alliausl proianai servlaeu, Il1s'f, 15 Tise prononlatiosu vas ucîla- iius o ut Is acaeuca Sb tise Boston Tli' saguifisuojt Moali l e soiid1 toienhart ans hundi-ed India dru of sit UrlIlanes'. fpùIc lnsrlu usé cuttial Nsi Ue riais. l4uit usutaî sis, and idoe, titasieaidesl. ankti alireacitlisie sîedal qe'r trnek lu air t'S LOUusniU.. JU, , ana l .1876. tasl~asiieous reçv il 0 *casiefor r of tisa sims,,,WorkHa meut b mail ons 'If psius&sgAlssu 'IS u15)) MEiDI- 4l VIl55"iV. sor W.%V. 1'AiKERl, b. i., ist5tsrisnlc . ,No. 4 ItultliseisMt., Blis oa, pse IsVara tllsUs5 'Isa uî turo asis bss canull4oiestMise ssssaneu i sosaist, aam oll am aIl i isoua 5(4 til, ssarey a-i uspeissuceDuSe A, s. to 1;as', m. ITtw Surrogato Court of the couffly of' Ontarlo., 16 tJ'lt'l llty giveris Irtssail crail- N tara ssin thosu )ilsî sssrsatuvlng assy ss,U t-) a çi srgina.t tse eitcta et William f~~u, d s itshep lVusil af WliLly, in (us susuuy sof Oiursss'se, 'lsuuaslus siacssd, y sus tliss tsA ssl o O ttthesu l'ittî lss1e19,s n, i~A. 11), lti7i, #ara I usrus? lIy îdu tet (tas li 4u urusauuueliof uttIi, lilsnuusf, aussi lli-sfIr îreatsi eGavge Flist. B.sîuslire, sols- lixuituir suf 1l'lusbi t iillissl ts.aaulai o tfisa sîululWilliai Fli, 2:17 VictrisauStreet, T'i'saul, a1s or utfore lthe And tÙtskusnutra e t ftfar lIse erail last isîsutiuseul <date lIhe stif usuiswill lpro- ltrusi fo sistrilsate thua usasulacof the saisl telîe-subîgtis a ps'tls's, stitlaul tîsrta; lsa'iug sugrdosiy e tsoalissoet hiri ha ilsièltisen have noutie, ansi tIesaalda, e- essttur ylnet ba h Iblîifer tic asute no siutrliitai,or uny 'paritthsreal lu> auy Issr- son pnf whosss ctains ttessss.ucsstusr shall usi have bail notice nt tlise tipci safunes slîitlsilitlti, Ts notiele giveislunllsrsussae af tisa Sitatulte 20 Via, Cap. 28., Sec. 27. M st !îtWltby, the Ma dAtsg., 187fl. uSole Basculer bte William Flint. 1FIWILL &UJLD E Sfsîluitosa Ifor Exsrulr, 5 WlLL KNIT 2U000 STITCHES IN A MINUTE I p9CKFojjn $VTGMATIc A PRACTICAL rAMILY KNITTING MACHINE i 1(ultIl1.. iZot cf1atorl-, narretvs sud 'ideus IL; ghApo4AUs ail s su coplets. Ksiti aven 1 Aitternt gsrmmuta, Soaki, iltoakinge, Mitane LgglsWrâtile. ls, oyeo? etc. IL bu ite avers' passible variaIs' of pan anS lancetsilte.7a rcn. pslte munu- atasiulgksl g Fs.i&merseasu tasibs tieva d ut irr aool, lis'conveatiug It .itklt goods. Wouzen inueke #8.Wo pan Xojaf.rs WÀXcmtb. SOud for sampies, Primo iii anA cirauilars o taps'Iîsiil effirve andi wesuttojry,11131cktord KuittIng Bit- sr/.us Mi gCu,, Brattkoieru, Vu." Or, "01- floédNÉ. iMIO lrastsy, ow Yor,c*a, 29 Wet lrA lbtroast1. VLa]n, Mun. 37 apo, wswU se Wsu sue P. .iU u Port sops stirst. ý Dealdo ln .too I&o. wlll id Me ibthe o4.u.sud moit oz MltOU route t0Bou Fo trdrînîorsuadon ;appîy -, èRe AlÀW0 DýPort qO ~prl 121, 1.6.16 Couunty of Ontarlo, }le hero igimonU ait vo wUT the court 0idAusSi. N1PrsOye« and*Torqpler, sudGoha Gto dllvry wIl ieholdes' laanA for.tho Couny etOutslltns Court Ksà li teTonof. Whltbr, on MVONDA Y, OOTOBER lBthi 1876, At thelore B'eo enos t wlsleIiUi CormmesJustices of . P". Z1la ethou ~sk.sre4 i ce AW. gai. cru ~hbsuolves foissrlffsOffice, Whluby, sept dli, 18701.. 87 DRNY GOODS AND GBOC9EET STORE AT AUDLEY. lu erder ta muet thes rovlug -a té Of tise loeilsy tise aubuarlbeal pboeu lu&sssd w oapen basinotsuin lu iaboie ino. A Large ,and« well Selected- Stock ugua i lsprieas und nalty te &sny liai eau bepourcaad In tavu or ciy. Give us a cli, judgo for yeurself, and If you eau lie us velt eulted as eisvhere pafronla. ihomu trude. D. MOBBADY, Audley. Aufley, Nov. 24t>i, 1875. 48-t ALLAN LINZR1 LIVERPOOL, 'ÏýO0NDERRY.- GLASGOW, CHEAP'IFARES! (ab"I trmWhltby - - 859, 870,889, accodisg ta accommodatien. I4tersnedîate - - - -86 5teerag-as l o u uy othar lins, Pro pi a passage ceatildoates issuedsta loveel rates ta perssns visling te brlng coul friande. Por tickets atsd taniser information apply ta-. GI YULE. Exp. sud Tel. Offce, Wicly. >Wlàittsv. AnsuâtIhlis.187c, t54 i -. P ORT WITI1Bi AND PORT PERRY EIXTENSION RAILWAY. TIME T&BLE No. 15. Takes affect u Monday, -May Sili, 1870. Trains ru y Toronto time, wlulch lu iven- ty.tivu minutes lowar tissu G.T.t. flime. uNa. 2uMAIL NO. 1 i i. Wbitliy JIn... .dep. 9.10 a.m. d. 7.07 p.m.- whltby-----------0- .20 go 7.15 Brookl.u.... .....19.40 " 7.85 Xyrle ...........09.58 " 7.52 Snummlt. .....10.10 ' 8.05 Mfanchsester .. . . 10.22 8J17 Prince Albert.....10.82 8.27 g Port Perry.. arrive 1(0.40 8.35l Porc Pcerri,.. ... .del). 6.00 aan, (1. 1.25 .m l'rinsce AUei . 6 0 185 Nfachester. 6.20 ' 1.45 «suintait-.....6.81) 1.57 g X4yrtle..........42 ' 2.10 Brockii,.... .......7.00 ' 2.127 .hy... ..IIs. ( 7.20 , s 2.47 WIily or.17.30 un. i 2.55 4 Wlitby Jatis..arrive 7.35 e».00 nIs only. (Ionnecvting at Wlitby.Janctian witl tise G. T Il. satr Bt; et Port l'crry viii stae lorUsbridge, aund Steamner Maple Lestet ludeay, til era rencting vitîs lie Midland liailway ani vlth steamer for Feielan IPtillî;. i3olcaygmon, andi Stnrgeau Poit Motel, a licantiful piessure resort. JAÜES ISOLDEN, 20 Managlng Directar. T IlE G REA T ENGLISH REMEDY!1 Dr. William Before Tuking. Gray'sBAMtr £ukiug SPECIFIC' MEDICINE Cures ail Nuvus, snuch as Tisuions, DzEDSL. uTY, l'ssoTavuàvou, etc., which, tu iuany case., ara psoslucod by over indulgence lu lie use cf tobissasulialcoliolu srts. bunithe Spelfe Mleticissa Is mars espclaliy recommenssed au a u ssfallsg cure for SzitsrusAz.WsIAxEns, f'issviuus.,IsaPOTEuucv, ant îdsue thai 1011ev au a hesînence ef gaif Aliue, as [,s#or Maxosur, UsxvzsusÂr, LÂsouunsu, P'AINTM, s Bj:cx, DîMussuOP aVIStION, 1Pas. sItÂusse OLu Aaz, aud imasy otiser diseuses that b làa oINsANiTx or Co-;asvuToN aud a PBENAMÂvUuuz nvr. ail eofvsicis, urue, ara firsi cameod by deviating tromtise pats 01 nature sud over liîuIlgeue. The Spociie Mediciinsnlutisaresuit of a lie slnud yand many yara o e vees luIntreat. lng tissessctia 5 9 e. aitl aur pansî)h et, vuis we desîre o tesdufree lsy mna Uta aversdie. T7%e Specîlie Mediaine la solS by ail Drug- gistdatO81 ler package, or six packages for 65, or 'vi1' le sent byy mail ou reeeipi ofthtie mou*y, liy addresmlug WVILLIAM OGRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont. tirM 51 lis Wiitby isy8, W. iB. Smiths, Jus, ilyrue bsud aIF drugalsi. .ortirap d&Lymanu. TernO, esoupu. gsts. ,-.7 N, MOS ILÂDELAYYAZW NT 10a . ~ ..1 -u ï5dss Oa i IS. 59 ., T h,,, L@ sudPrt ort op. tkniz , od Mau... 0 W . M. 1 Mina .... :OO .m Wibare NEW W"I>IOIEBS And 8; large renewal cf t1he oelehrated branci of BIJ~O~LvJT R Wih Ou.uoouaes re .~ane ih -a!ui znle WeOý are alway happy lte show yen threugh ,our. stock. Oshava, Scptembér..6t~, 1878, JAMES SHEA.11 CAJ~1AGJ~ ANDBUGGIES!1 -009 THE LABGFE8T AND MOST COMPLETE SÉTOCK 0OP Ca 96g8, Segsand -Cuttera M 0 '-ONOV A N'S CARRIÂGE FÂCTORY' BROCKso ST., WHITBY. VERY CHEAPO CALL & SEE THIEM. Important to the Afflicted. BRUNTON'S RHEUMATIC ABSORBENT RELIE VE8 THE PATIENT FROM PAIN IN A FEW HOLIRS, AND NEYER FAIL8. Rheumatism is a poisoning of the blood from acids acting on und contrueting the muscles, and giving intense sufeéring. It arises in thse stoniach froma Impuired Digestion. The active principle of this dieeovery je to Abeorb the PQisouous Aoxid Aoid by Outward'Application. Iiscmoed entieycfvgtable substanc es snerer been Mose bte.fs Il Oe pro r appvad. Fm te auec Iedsueo le mtsu i the Peculiar Pro. Tisr. i istncti ve fouure i f as Qomipared with otisor Ptui ei1ns 7 1ims fta ljirred iireiv- is a n fr inl in l eigtheum t. u tisai ~p Il is teeoirrwey(yofar piçouno e en elstwl dos.Tiu popaatiu i guaute eree Bseumatie ais u fed ut]o '5 e ey otB ded. 1 Pi 5Ot s e ote Sl lslosdRti byo& dt SWhiitby, Juno 6th, 1876. MHERCHANT S. W. B. SMITH, Corner Brook aud Dundes Ste., Witiby. ~UNDE1RTAKING ,DEPATMENT. Rosewood and Walnut Coffins, Ws]nut aind Rosewood' Ousýt;. " I kinds, of I.Ladies' and Gekts? Robes. Abe a fiist-elas Hearsie. Whtb, ugt Uti,180. TILL &;JOH4NSON.l Whitby, July 29th-, 1.876. TO MY QU8TOMîER8 R8 thne o The undersigned,, ini returning tak ht is numerous oustomers for past faà- vors, bege .ùoanounce that on aud afbter'the FIBST» 0FÉ SEIPEMBR NXThé' will discontinue the, eystem of giving long credit, and will thenoe forwýrd,,sal for CASH onIy, or short oredit of three monthe to prompt paying eus- tomers, thereby enabling him to seil Goode at muoli Lower Frices than heretofore. His present Stock of BOOTS & SHO.ES and work of ail kinde is heavy gadwýll aseorted, and will be eold at Lowest prices for Cash.-0 Hie accounts are beîug made up, and will be ready for delivery, on the above date. Having pressing claims to meet, lie respectftilly requeste- immediate payment. Ail Notes and Accounts past due, will be placed in other hands fôr collection without further notice. JOHN SAUN-DERS. IN THE PRICE 0F ORGAN, S. Organs sud Melodeon Organs at greatly reduced prices, for Cashi or Note payable lu Octeber next. T AIL Q RIN G. Cail at the "IORG-AN FACTORY" and examine omr J UST RECEUýVED Ail kinds of Spring Goods, including Englieli, Scotch,. aud Canadian Tweeds, Worsted Goods, Fancy Veetinge, Broad-cloths, Doeskine, &c., &o. GOOD TWEED SIJITS 1Brook étveet, Whiliy, May lo1, 1870. AT $15 A.&J. R. PRINGLE, Mercliant Tailors., R~EGE~WED ~JP LEWIS A LLiA1N'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, A large and well assorted stock of Room I'aper and Win- dow Biinds, wMhhhe is prepared te seII at the lowest -. rates. A aplendid assortment of stationery, New Misollaneous Books beaulitufly bound, ail kinde cf Sehool Books. Violins and Concertinas. Sewiug Machins-beat makers. Large sud new assortment cf liait Gold sud Silvar Watches sud Chalus on hauss. Wool and Fancy depurtruent complote. Ail orders for- Einglieli aud American Periodicals and Newspapers promptly filled. We ae now -in a position te supply Prize Books for sceole aI lbaitprie., sud va teel tisai vaeau give geod satisfaction. Soiciting erders, &o. 1Whitby, April 5th, 18761. LEWIS ALLIN. G ENT'-S CLOTHJNG AND F UUN1SlI NG G0 0D S For Superior Clothing suitable for' Suminer. wear try the Clothing Store and Merchant Tail- oring establisument of frOE-1Ilw :GmiTpvC 8- ,M DUN]1A$ STR~EET, WHITBY. A GOOD FIT AND STYLI$H OU-T WARRANTED!1 ..Gent's Furnishing Goods of aUi ids, i.nluding Shirts, Rats snd Caps, Umbreila, Li., WiibJuly 2! 1875. .tfi CHOICE WINE8 f,-JUREiLLQtOR8 at WHSOLESALIE and AIjositb UNUSUALLY LO'W' PIQES. FR L~-hIRCKH TRY NEALIJYS, BIMCOE STirEET OSÂW AGENTP FOR DAVIES & BI 0.' stock. Aise Second-hand Organs and Melodeous at very low price. THE MUDGE & YAIRWOOD IM'F'G. 00. Whiitby, May lùtli, 1876. ELGIN ! ELGIN !! ELGIN !! o The finest, best, and cheapest Watches made, for the mo- ney, are thse ELGIN WATCHES, which cen lic had ut Taylor & Bar- nard's, in every grade, bath in Gold and Silver, Ladies' and Gants sizes. Aise a large stock of Englisis and Swiss Watches'always on band. Clooks, Jevdllcry, Silverware, and Fancy Goods te suit cvery taste and peeket. Raomember th. place-next door te Greta & MaeNachtan's, Hardware Marchants, flrock Street, Whitby. LIST 0F AITCTIONE ERS Licensed for South ]Ridi.ug of Ontario, North iRiding of Ontario, and separate Municipalities i the latter. Nana. D. MaKay ... Donald Rasa;. . E. H. Cameron ....- C. Moore. John MGI iC. T. H. .Walsis.. Wm. Gordon.. James Diglis, Jr... James DIgi', Jr.., Johin L. Walkis. -. C. Wilson...... Thomssi Tuker... Thomas Pauciser, - J. IL Patteraon.. L. Fakbianis ... H. E. O'DCU ... Eîtes Bave ... Joinstou Brown....- LIST 0F John eCr. ... Jameu Briggs.. A. C. ula( James Biaokv.IL... Foutu Mcdauvern... John Gmlllga.. Buftet Bras . Du*ttf Bras.. Oshava ... Tiserais...... Beaverton.. CauainIgtau2. Sunderland. Ciaremont.. Clartunont ... PartFenny .. Saintilold. Port Perry.. Port Ferry.. leaskdaie... Toronta,..... Marklsam. MAnsls ...... Village xidg Sontis Riding.. Mars ............ Thors ....... 40 .......... Sontis Rilng ... Tisera ....... do ........... Break . ......... Seti Ridlng. North Esding ... Nortis Rldig .. Beach............. scet ....... .... North Bldiug.:, South iRdmn. South is ElAl.. SetiOntario,.. Mars,,,,,,,,,,... Brook........... Brook........... Uxiriage .... PEDLERS FOR THE 00. Oshsawa,-----------Ou foot....... Brooklin.--------.1 harse....... Nou-Resdni .. 1 homre'. Ceunty.... do . ....- horse,, CeunIs'.. - do .... 2herses, Couitys.. - do . '- 2 herses, CeunIs'.. - Oshsawa .........iIlrse, Caunly... - Nuh"eud. -. 2isii WM. LAING, Lucruasx Expiais. Juna 28, 1876. Sdp.20. 18761. 2,18761. de 29, 1878. Oct. lot, 1876. 18,-1876. 19, 1876. 19, 1876, Oct. 251h, 1876. Oct. 26ih, 1876. Oct. 251h, 1876. Oct. 251h, 1876, Nov. 111hr, 1876. Nov. 22ud, 1876. Duc. 2nd, 1876. Dec. iSuis, 1876. Jais. 2tht, 1877. Jan. 26his, 1877, Mrli, 1877. Mur. 101h, 1877. Mar. 219t, 1877. ONTARIO. 21sf Apnl, 1876. $tbi.MSsL1876. 9th Duc. 1876. ldii Duc. 1876. 151hDe. 1876. lii Dca. 1876, 201h'Jasa.-1877. 21st Esîr. 1877. Co. Treasurer. 'Whitby, 4eril ah.,187b. . GO where You. can getý a Wel-rfitting Garment,: -To the Tafloriz4 salihnnt of GEORGE,,GUR.LEY;, OSHAWA. SUI~m OUTING SHAZES THIE WORR I ajso &SPAJ]RVEL.Ly fl1avejugi rece ive41tbe Iargest, best ýassorted, and cheapest stock, of Crookery ,and G1assware ever'offered in Whitfb7. in china, StoeeansiF auey TIes Sots, In China ïad .aney Dinnor Sets. Iu China~, Stane sud Fancy Toilet Sets.7 lu .Parleur, .Table and Bedroom Lampe.- .u-In s-rit, lGa keasiTrin . Dishe~ InuTTsWe Sets-Ail lu New Patterns. FA-NO Y GOOPS,,FO,,fRPREISE l'u .Cups, Saucers, ?wlngs, Vases, Toys, &ie., &c. NITS, GIBBON & SPARVax,!,bave il kinds cf Choice Family Gioceries, Best Tous, Tobacco, and ail kinda of Fsncy Pipes, Huma, Bacon, Lard. O6'ters cf thse best brauds, always on haud. The higlicat market prie paid lu cash for any quautity cf Goodl Dresscd Hoga, Oste, Sinali Pense, Marrovfat Poa., &a. At GIBSON & SPAILVELL'S., Whitby, Dec. 15th, 1874.si WILLIAM TILL 'S CABINETý FACTORY AND FURNIT URE WAREROOM-S THE OLD STAND, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. Go where you cannot fail -to be pleased in making seleotions of good furniture. Splendid Parloux, Drawine Room and Bedroom Sets, New Desigus well werthy cf inspection, at ustonishing lew prices. . in. ing-room Extension Tables-a vary suparior article. Gui Comnices, Pieture Framing lu every style. Some fine Chromes suid. Engruvingefer sale. Iu all its branches ; funerals tuily suppliesi, A stock of alegant caskets. Coffins always on hsand& trimmed te -suit Customers,and a well appoiuted Hearse constantly in reàtdiuess. 1Wisitby, Nevember 241h, 1875. DOMINION OiRGAN WM. TILL. c0,Si IMPROYED AND 1eEMODtLLED CA B/NET i A ND COMBINA T/ON. (37~TS H- z L. Co Ths Company lias recently beeu re.orgauized by the addition cf thre cf thse meut pratical men tram tisa Factory cf Clougli & Warrass's Organ Ce., Detroit,, Micis.. oaci -tukiugnan active part inbis owu particular department, andi are nov manufacturinig an OrRan EQUAL, aud in many peints suPrsoB, toi an-y inanufactured lu thse Uuited States or Canada.,» We tlie pleas;ure Ini anuucing te aur cueteuners sud tIse trade geueraily that va have securad tise riglit te manufactureansd use, in tise Dominion of Can- ada, tise celelirated SCRIBNER PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, secured by Lattera Patent in thse United States, Engiaud sud7 CanadaL. By meaus of ibis invention an orgun centaining tva or tirea sets of reeda becomes ,-quel in volume and power, sud far Superior in Quaiity sud Brilliaucy cf Toua te au erdinary reed organ cf six or aight reede. Ke' Our celelirated "Vox Qaleste," "Vox Huxuana," Wilcox Patent "Octave Coupler," '-Clele" -or "ClarrlWet" stops, "Fisgie Horn," "Dulco-t," "sEýoline," "lCramonu," sud Grand Org-an Stop, ani ALL TH£ LATE IMPROVEMENTS, eau lie obtained enly in tise. rgans. Tweuty-five Different Styles for tise Parler and tisa Churcs, ef tiselbest material anîd workmanship 1 r_- QUALITY AND VOLUME 0F TONE UNEQUALLED. SI PRICES-$5O TO $1,000. Factory sud Wurerooms, Cor. Tazupernc snd Wellingion Sis., Bowmanville. Ag#nts Wantcd la Every Ceunty. ý' Seud for Price List. Address, DOMINION OIIGAN C0., Bemauville, Ont. Geucral Agents for Canada for thIl"Celebrated" Bradbury Piano. Bevmanviile, Mardi 28th, 1876. 14 Cheap H1arn'ess, Trunks, W/11p8 and Lashes. Whitby, l6tis instant, 1876. I desire te euh lise attention efthtie publie te tise tact tisat ai ne lime duriug tise psast dive years bave I been *able te offer Harness ot ail descriptions antau low a prico as 1 eau tis Spriug. My expauses baing liglit I eau do it. No more stylijior.,betterHurnus made lu tiisCeniy. Cash purobasaru will fluA s'peoiai iuducemnets,-llst la vist I1nam ates. Cati sud inspect. iiespectuy ycurs, J. R. P IP Iz:' llepairing doue roconeably. Plense uotice-second Hurnss Shep South, uext ta Gross's Hardware Store, Brook Street. E81ablisheà 1'wentp Ycaru cge. 1 John ston-'s Sei[- akingeBfi per, AWARDED THE FI RST PRIZE. At ýthe Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, ini 1870.- We olfer to our cuetomers for the comning 14arvçskt two dis- tinct. Machines, which in,, tylu and constr grio, embrac tholoeet -and iniost usefui l nproveents! of, the day. JOHNSI»N'S SING L El SLF-BAlNGRA M E"ý1NGF O? EAFR m»Ad sua put -dowulun the but style. JAS, H.SAXMO col0 MuraisOtis, 1876. 1 A Q-ARD. Toea&U 'vIseare oufcrinj fIrosuthe errora and indiscretionu of yeu * ,nervàmti weak-- naus, early decayleoumuniùod, 1 -,Y=, seud a rpoe it M rwi1 cure' you, - MEE OF CHARGE. Ths great reznedy vus. lisadvüred by a miesioery W &ouê Amer- a; sela o ef.u8ad.cdnv1oxso te tisc- Houso, N'eswYork City. 27-, A LECTUItE T0 YOUNG~oN Just Publlubed, in a iesled En- . ~I~ene hN*tr,-Treat- retmAadical oureo'01suenl Weak. nous oSmor rrsmin&uacd. by Ssi-.. Abuse, Ilulunitari Emissou, I-pote.-- or, Nerou Illitysud lMpedlnents ta )iurlak,Çe gerstrily; ômsuptioif, Bpilep- an ental X-Wand PeVialInc~ auic ftise *GrsuBook-" &c. TIsewerl-renvne&autisor, iu this ad.. smirabile Lecture .lcsxly:proves hrm biz ow prece he ba wfl cônaequences. cf 0 à?A ,' e msy lie Sffectàuly removed without -inediolue, aud withouté dangerous ,murgical operatIons bou 'es, instruments,, mgor cordale; Pesntsgout a mode of cure utonce.certamn sudIteféctus, sy-wbicb every sufeërer, neoinutter Isat ieicondition may boe, may cure hisuseli cheaply, private. ly sud radically.- w ro.a o t rhuan adouusndo. Sentunuder ial r=s plain envelope, te any address, ou receipt of six cents, or-tva. postage stamups. F. BRUGMÂN &SN 41 Amin-St., New 'York; Peut Office l3ox465. y1 REALf8 TA TE COLUM-NI The undersignbd lias instructions to offer for sale the, following pro- parties 1. Brick HRouse, storcy.uud.u.bulf; -on Dunlop sud, Centre streetu, vîtIs qpaxtcr acreoetland. Durbefmlrsdne. 2. Brick Ranse, Two Sty hud sud soi vater-quarter ar-leyli ont-fruit aud erusmeutaýl trocýs.-Centreý, street. 8. Frame Dvelling-stable sud vood-- shed, nesrly Itwo acres ofe land; fruit anda ornemental trees,-Byýrcu Street. Ail the: aboya properties are. deslrably situated, sudl sales cen be effetted ýou Vr 1ev termes by a am8-11 u~o.ub,~w on tinss. te suit cauvenience of p=userý GEO. T.HAL Land, Commnission, and general Agent- OFFICE-Duudas. St.,_ Whitby. MarcIs ili, 1876. il T AIIIFF 0F FEES&T0 BE TÂXBIÇ BY CONSTABLES. (Under Order in Council, dated 24th day of July, 1874.) 2. Arrest cf each individual upon a 'warrant .............f4 2. S-rving summens or suÜbpoena...O025 8: Mileage te serve summens, suli- pna or warrant .............O010 4.Mileage vhen service cannot lie upon proof cf due dilligence.... O01M 5. Mileage talcing driscuers, te gael,* exclusive cf disbursemenis nec- esssnily expended iu their cou- vayance..................... Il l 6. Attendl.ng Justices on aummsry! trials, or an examination of pri- -satnr chargea vith crime, forý ehliday necessarly .exnplcyeàt in oana ar.-more cess, when nat engagen moue then four heurs.. 1i 001 7. Do. dô. when engagea more tissu four heures............. 1...... 1 5c, 8.* Attonding Assizes or Sessions, oaci day.................. I 5c, 9. Mileage traveling ta attend As- sires, Sesions, or Mcore Justices (whan publia convaya necm cen i taken, only reasonab1e disburse. monts taelie sllowed......... 00, 10. Snmmnoning Jury for <Coroners'-, Inquest, sncluding attendiag at inqnést, sud all services in res- pect tbereof, iiheld on saea sty as Jury summoneil...........0( 11, Âttending each dormn liserant, if net eug ýad mre fesir heurs.w............ :... 16 12. De. do. if engsged more thon four hoire ...................i1 501 13. Serviug summrons or-subpoena te atet.ndlieore Coroner (subject Neo.O1... ..............0 25 14. Mileageee -0n sea...... 10, 15. E bimn ldy under Coroucer's warrant._. . .. .2 _» elnrigsm........ ý...... 2 60 t.-Rebrig same...............50 1.. Âderiug de distresa war- ndrs Auy uumbei cf iestinsonals lp fatvor of4lsose firot-ciasa organe eau lic fornisis- ed, but au they arc se videiy linovu- greuitumbershsaviugboeu soldibrougis- ont tb. Dominion andhaiviugiecn asaU faotion iu every instauècNotsimoi al bowover fdatteriug eau udd te ibeir- reputation. STIse Stock Piano Co., icelvcd tIse only *gold modal awardcd teuy ozIsili itor ut thse Viens Exposition su 1678. -Chuirebos requirig organe wlllbe libcrally desît vitb. -tle 82, Snifl Axueroren. va vassid c$uattentloii 10 The universal su-ecesýof ti,.is achine, h-oth ini closely contest- Pl 111 ed-trials ;arA in tia banstu.'of tisa isermerp1 wsarrumus us ;ie. sayirsg th..t, et s Si.oaao ing Igesping s Mn'.«il .hiha oregsaod î.assrand si ssasfectl.siia o al more aneceus oïâales filura. tissu bere.tofare ofiared to te .public. thp 1 CAYUGA JUNIOR MGWER! dionssru cee Sireet, C -G. Y3 liotary Pubi Blocks, Broc! ILatel1 Bitbr, ONe SOLicrT TU5 fresu 9 toi1 o R- Di OrrICc-Ni Wss. McB GUY'5 HI the eye Wlnitby -oveër Oxide Gaaid traction oetfe C. N as cisp as ti lieut.- Teetis Teetis axtraci loi nlnesti au's uev bloc' Ring Street>(4 Tus) BUILDER DU AGEN.iT 1 GEoi large qusntitý etantis' onisas IE.-o Oîerk Dlvi commisianue tac., Auiserly;, Atiseriv g-' c A RD. WIsilby, Sept. JROBT. RAý Graduai. (viil Qiuen'8 Colis 1 md il-cele 01 -,,ý Pl - . 1

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