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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Nov 1876, p. 1

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P~. B. TKIIU.8 DOW,. W~t1DY GE NOY.- Aise 8ub-Agency a Liverpbol bat o a bire Intormit 10pation tialo. is ofi l. 4ký'ý Whbttt, "pt. 18th, 1976 - 9 FAStg*i *L. le BUTLt»Gýil BARMSMRSATTORINETISOL!. cBo 3 foLîio&isublic, andi 1Hatol, TLDE .A ~J. E. PÂR2WBELti L. likE, Ounty Crosu Attoreay. du5 J 'MXM CJTf GORDONE, B- IOZ & BAiAOR NATLAW, dlion's atr rok.troti W)rtby, Ont., TTONE.A.LWS1 W1?OýRIn; ta», Br.clt,'- f3AlutÉýki SCLIO OR IN 0. - VU I»Tl. Lt'P. a., ARISTER, ATTOUNET- AT. LAW, B3 solcîttor lu Chaup nci Inulvncy, Votar m bl1 aie mc-Ubmw Block, Brok=% etWbltby, Ontarle BARIfs=T7IBATTORNET, BOUIC- ito Nti ' llë,Couvi uscer. Cf. fle~.Byit,8itOiSoi2th of Pool Offlce, Wbltby, Ontario. D UGGAN k ROBINSON, -Voaaiai raae, ATONTOT, TIJIMAS HUSITON, -~ Whtby Offca-Tpu HllHouri, fram 9*0o1 olock.l nR. J. GUtr4, DM. D., Dr* W, J. BURNS* orc-Ne5't doon le Crraox<cxOffice G -YI HOSPrIAL LONPON ENG %-b.heoye R.B. . LLo" ~ ;,NTIST, (SUCCES- seý on '1tgW. H. CarS.) j nVemr eeaosStore. Nitroirs C, . V AlKL L. D. 8 ~TEETH bserleti ou all tise 4N---"laitsest -pinciples oethle art, schoap as the cheapesi, anSd ca gooti as tire het. Tetbfilîsti sitis GaIdsuantiilver. Teetb ixtractod-witbot al,-by protiuciug local anîstheala., Dentoai Roorna-lu Cas, -ans nus bisack, aven tldniou'a DnniLStore, inlg Strei Oshsa. 85 TRUMIAN D5fVILL, ;i3U1DER AND CONTRACTOR, BIYNDAr S., WHITBT. 9- eAUl ortimnu promptly ezecuteai JOHNM ROBjNSON'O JIPIN WOLF'BM-ueN, A GENT FOB THE CBLEBRATED Sjçattlii GranIte. Ai Matbîe Worka -of Jonttiau Wollantim,Duiaa st., Wiitby. Tr UMBER MERCHANT, CARPENTER 14 -, s4ud le?, ýGmSreSnet, Whitbr. .A iaroqurllayci ilkisd" ai lumbmr'cen- taetly an banti. [j E. O'DELL, A T Hi E R L Y, 0IClrk Diviàion Court, Tp. Cierk, Comnîutslouern luB, R., baud Agent. ire., -.,Atherly, Couty Ontario. 9tîe t. bL2ati, 1872.,8 C ARD. 9# O 5OGART, l'iyeltau 8rvgmuAccouchor, &a., &a. -' WI tl~ S~.lti,1874. du Ro»T ~IMS&, MD..L. M. LEDIN. tlaiuse cil tauonrs of tje Uulvarslty ai Q 'rse's llae6, Cîaada; Pilladolphlt VseaiMidis I us sue Surgiry; Amanbca» Uiv. of t'enusytvarda; Behîcile COIllagea Peuu*Ylvanla aut i Lcentiate o! Miarafley oiftae Uulv. cf Etitoburg, Sotiauti. cor- oner ton ýsire Contire1 Ontario,.0cg- -Atigrt 4h, 1875. lyr855 tJOUN'- AÏ.WILLCOX, O! the Tas-neofWhllby, ibai beau appolla OFFICIAL ASSIGNÉE, (UNDEII PUllNEW ACT,) pan tire CountY cf Onlenla. Ail buinons - Ontrust.dt *0 is charg iU itih armf,ýuly at- Wbitby, ,au. I4tb, 1874. 817 THLE B -SP -N.'RAIT. DIR4U ER IN- LUtBEIR, 'au c an-Il WHlITB1WI, fiue 8.7 1dA W . p É K doS , Pgg A Ã", T O O0 . ¶ R S L E ýIFNMÂJO1R MILLS Taux1.00DOper Day. Sablut cn.- nectio. 48 6AO0 ft*Pln. Lumber, weUiesm BEITIBU AUMICAN 'HOTEL, i»g - ti~ughutant pu luftrtias- r4e fo 'à,0' lt .iI&y bq maîtio o q~sisAn mnbus*0 nti15~Q I. qrsusTimi rcs*1ltrans. raidai saplevooa. &u i sbissuSbu aoim.p er uh, o NTABIO HOTEL. W131TSY, OUTAulO.- THOS.-MÂSON,- ýPBOPB IETOB. Suplo acosodaloi.Table, up1liMt wIl:t ot lumon..- Genitin. lq2sora. Cigrsbatbrde. B Barrom.Roi G BAN4D TRUNK RAILWÂ HOTEL, AT WITBY TATION'. WM. O'NEILÈ . ROPMIETOR. Pagskng e train nd lavinhorm T UEQUEBU-3 HOTEL, LA?! CO0KKUCUt,) BEOC-STREE, ,-WHITBY, TAYLOR & McOAXN, PROPRETORS. ytac ïor, 17 C mwudas bgt a isiimGls MIIl uuigatihdthfrtoas ok [Doc. 101h, 1878. Proprhion. GOOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES. A NEW BEVE.LÂTION IN THE SCIENCE OP ' DRESS-M!iIG. CORNWALL'S SELF-l' TTING WAIST & SHOUILDER CHART. Dressesmitduitfro'.a mesorement alan. sithout change of -a stitcb. For Bâea ie t: freee instructions, at MISS 51011TYRE'S DtdsàA.'G je 100, Sm. Age'.ts ýfanteti. biberal luducemmuta *0 the t - Tise untiaroignocti dire to inform iheir w frlmuda anti tha oublietisaI tbey bave taheulb.b1 Ang. 18, 1874. 8 th le ,%I bco -s. l own otal, siticit* isdy -_____ hava ueislyfitedtiup Ïant noavtét,mant u into lthebéat of, ondin for tireaccommoda STL' OF TEE DIVISION COUET sem t té- ho Baoun ,i s thtie baud- île uct bth - wsSesli l4una *uirc-jc E gara le esreoaetwi aod *tromanuI' .1.TuV stabiln, bgx dati i, ho. e oms O fer ommercial traveilera. J. P. T4YLOR, *PiLIP Ms, CANN. FOR PIEYEAR 876 laite-ofTornto. R OTAL HOTEL,,~Z~4 I4. JA.PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. Tha larges ua m nti ni in the tasu-; bas 1est onmmotionsht cornmnirial tiavo' &me sarnç insomafor sith ibm test lu À.Ls. Tabla salI supplieti at eôgaunE. P .,Bealbranda liquons attentie hcLnclmedtt-y anti antishedroon ; Urns. alers. changes ta soit the NB-t.Lveny'ablacheti. 27 Q~.LAEBPE R OTEL, comUNai07risO AND OUX TSxr., TORONTO. .rry28u 1820 25.26 '5'14 14'W """ridg.27 1141 126 271 I6118 11512g Cairgt""* 28 15 127 28'I7 121t G90. H. DARTNELL, Junior Judgo. Whitby, Dac. llth, 1875. 61 G. YOUNG SMITH, ISSUER 0F - 1 JAMES POWELL, - PR'urTos.1 MARRIAGE LICENSES, &o. Ilord, $1 50 per day. 10 ARMSTRONG HOUSE, (LATE ALBnOK,) WHITBY, ONTARIO. E ARMSTRONG - PROPRIETOR. IQVHTBY HOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (WEST 01 PaS? OFFrCE.) JOSEPH l, BANDJBL, PBOPBIBTÛI?. Thia hanse iras beeu necenîy belt ha lang0 aniroomy, sati tdep in 6rst-cýaio style. Boast ines, Lîquansat Cigars; fresb Lager Boer. oued stabing anti en- closeS 'Yard; attentive eshîmni. 401 uÇ-OMMERCI.&L MOTEL, JAMES DEWAT - PROPRIETOR. - Oed accommoadations - 112 ____--1 28-tf TnIS PAPER 18-ON FILE snITIt Ako WHITISY, ONTARIO. MONEY TO LEND on Farn and Towu Property, ai LO0.W3 R ATE S of Interogt. Fur fertirtpanticclard Appiy to- JOHN 1PAlQUIARSON, 'sVitiby. Augubt 151h, 1876. 34 Ci.S'ners DzPARVISgT. Otawa, ApWiS, 1876. A UTIIOIlZED> DISCOUN'T ON LAmerican invoicas until finiher no- tice, Il sper cent. J. JOHNSON,. Coluniesiontr of Custonis. KINO BROTHEItS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importers, Dealena anti Manufracturera of al Ninas of Where AdvenslaIng éOtaicon ba s,,aios ILEATI ERI AI1ONEY lTO LEND. Phe untienaigne ue iean y arounî cf Mon- ey ta Lenti upon Ferm on Town Property, aI ruususîly Las Rates of Intereat. Loans cen be repai in lu sma ta suibar. roc-a.. Svsnsi Improveti Fnrma ant i Wld Lantis fon sale cirsap. Invosiuta tsmàaSo luMunicipal Daen., tores ,Bank, andi thîn marktabablteSîokae For fuether paticulars apply*0 JAMES HOLDEN, OfâieliAssignes, Brokor, &o. OPFICIE-Ov the Dominion Rank, Me- MllIan's Brook S., Whilby. Bpril 9th, 1M7. 1 L I vE ILY. eeg. to a rm bis frieS sud tire publia chat hi corles on the Llvry busineug ai R&Y'8 OLD 8TAND.1 Parties r %quinlng couveyaucs-cavee sud open-eae ho accesumodateti aI a maurnt's RICH. PIERDON. ýWitby, Sept, 12, 1875. 8 FOR lte ue S inhlWsak- Lrought on lryilu nexoesu,. Auy Druggbst haaà getleta ttr1 y OUNO'S EL, MONCE ROAD, DALTOZÇ, ROBT. K. YOUNG, PROPIIETOR. Rellabe informatii noegendlng tire coun- try, etc., fmrnbed. te parties, raqulnbng lb - ample teccmmoatiîbu for Houters andf :B ren. Phé bar -uika itier opU' tobs01liguera -Vi 'aa b. touS lu lIte country. Nou but'obligng Anti tleutlv. vu-vante kept. Coaiomou8 utabllnsarr Is suopi- hostIexe-alwayion AND FINDINOS,1 Leather stretoheti. 9Z-J BELTIXO MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872. 22 MONEY TO LEND 1, A large quantity Of money to lenti ai lois interoot, privai. lcunds. 1Foi sale, sevoral Townu lots, iwo Frame -Ronusi, andi a large Brick Houa.. For termu, apply to G. Y017NG SMITH. Whitby, Fe, 9th, 1874. 7 To the Inhabitante cf Duffins' Creek and Vclnity : I-have Dow OPeneti a Batoher'o Shop ln Mr.W. Cuthb.rt'i where may b. aen ode aofchhe tdia laya of Beef,, Pgrk, andi Poisieve offere to the Public. gw Remaicablo Priais!1 Corne ô Omo S, Mdgot somethlng tb de yen Whlqb, December É2iïd, 1875. 62 BROUHM CABRIÂGE WORKS. S. WEBB Rîspsotlully informo liei Patrons andi the Public that b. bai purcbasedthe ibmRght for. Pickering, io Manufacture- Conby'sPatent Seat foi. 1,IRU0:0!I-B , C U T T B 8 s&c. Broughsm, Jluly 1 th, 1870. j,4 c ARBD I T. M M 1IL LAN, Agent £or the -rotes. PIRE RINCE CO. 40mri d" - g Cu ýrois, Londonr. E5TABISK8 I~i1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFE'ÂT & C0., 'Agentsa«lor C4atie JAMES DAVIDSONi Manager. Inouranceaagaiiloas 4y Premraeffeet. cd ou the mount as«onable terins, anti leses &i itisont reoreuotbt. Badai ln. Âpil l2th, 1876. Agnt6Wlty. HEÂAD OFFICE, .:- QUEBEC. FinauciliReacit cf t4 Menthe BusI- nets te 3I5t Dec., 2875. Authonîzeti Capital ...... ....'*55000,000 Subscribeti Capital..... k....... 2800,000 Paidtmp capital ............... 20,95 Govrummut Dspasit. (Fine) 50-- : ,,0 GeverumentE -ecsl<b.).:..;- 60m0 Total Revenue, Pire Praminia and Inteest ........... 8,775 Total Loaes..........08,828 Investeti Fona.............. #19,718 Cash lu han4 anti Deposit. 4998 Other Assila...............::: 59,8w8 Total Aoaeti .....0........ 029M,94 This Company has,nos ieitablighed Itamif, anti ban 21 Branches - ati207 Ageuchea bn ith. Dominion;- GEO. J. PYKE, Manager, 16-ly C. NOURSEI, Agent, Whltby. Deposit wili Deomiuion Goverument #50,- 000. Experienceti Agente throeghouh tire Dominion. Fire Rieah writf cccat Alequala Rate,. C. NOURSE, A0gent, Whitby. Whitby, March 7th, 1876. il Q -u E E N INSURANCE, COMPANY (nIE à - ir LirE) 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CA PITA LI - $10,000,000. I.tKE MEDICAL sevnirlu* MOLSONS BANK 0. A. BAYNE8, ESQ., M.D. Headi Office for Canada: 191 & 19)3 St. Jameus Street, Mautreal. . FORDES & MUDGE, Chief Agents. R. H. LAWDElI, Agent, Witby. Augnet ltIr, 875. iy-;38 NORTH BRITISE k- MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY I Sale, snd raiable, charges muoderato, prompt sest1lent oi clamei. OEO. YULE, Agent. Whitby, Juiris2, 875. 23 W ESrERN ASSURANCE -COMPANY 0 LA\FFICE, TOR ONTO. CAPITAL'!IT0CK, cSoooo AGENT OR iOUT'rfu oxerAi, JOSEPH HOL4N AOLN, ONT. Also Agent fon thCANADA FAIMElIS MUTUAL INSUI ,~CE COM:PANY, HeadtiÉcm, HA TON; anti CITIZEN8g' INSURANOZ COMP'Y, Moulgeal, Fine, Li ant i ante - Depanîment, - CAPI'I'AL, 20000 Brooklil, Dec. 2,1M72. 12m49 c H OI1C E AP PLE TRE ABOU VT 40,000, ES, HOME NURSERY, Prom 'wo t four years of ago, emhracing ail tbm boit Valiles. -- ETH C. WMLSON, Lot No. 8 24di Con. Pickerineg, cn Kingston Roaia, pot Offles, Whitby. 1oo ACRE PARMI IN IIARA FOR SALE i West-half of Lot 14 lin bm Sinthcouces. alon of Mfar. Ou-Int cicaretianti under cultivatlon. Log Houa, Barn,..ýWlth- tui twa miles cf Be~1rRlwPalu ýFOR ýSÂLE É 1 southi.halfce lot »,ln l2ih couceso 1110 acres.Auû~mlurs tel al $1l0 1DWE!» Ka $1e700f ~JITByMACHINE WORU I1 (LATEu LAYTOI'a) I3ROCII STREET, WHITBY. Tiha inideetignedpti egaoli formthe fsrm- ors of thae urrouutdiugcoutry, ihai h. has lu stock a large asgortmneut of Cuttlng Boxes, qChorus Tuvui Drills U Xc tk, 0 W0ies, c-Trees, WhoeI aMiiis, Ropatrlng of all kiaiis mr.euted wt neatneos. anti desateh. THOMAS McCANN'.* - Brook-St. Wbitby, April 4th, 1876. ly.l5 DOUM011N FLOUE & FEED STOffE. CHARLES PENNYLEGION Bega ta nolify bis frianids anti custurners that hm las nos prepared ta supply Fleur and Feeao f the liest Quality, at the lawst living prices. Flour, Carne, Chop.Feed, Bran, Shorts, Oat- meal, Cack. SWbeat, Peas, Cals, Po- tatos, &o., aI Wholesal, anti Retail. Clseaper thsst thce C/reapestfor Ca. At the Dominion Fleur antiFod Store, Crosby's Block, Uast, door, fluSdas Street, Whitby. CHEAS. PENNYLEGION. Whitby, April 241h, 1876. - 18 V ALISES AND TRUNES. LEATHIER VALISES - AND SALIATOGA TRUNKS, WILLIAM THOMPSON'S, Sadier anS Hearnese Msker, BRiOcE-Ni'., WUITBY. June 24, 1874. -26t1 S. R. WICKETT, Importer, Manufacturer anti Whoiaeale Dealer in Leathers, Shoe-findings, Etc. Sole Agent for Ontario ef J. IL .Muoneyas osiobrateti ColoreS am d Fancy Leithers. No. .52 COLBORNE STREET, ToORO, ONT. s TAGE DETWEEN WHITBY *' OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY! Leavcts Otihawaaeti 30 a, ni., anti 1, P. nM. Leaves Whitby et 10.30, a. ni., and 4.30, Vare 25 cents each way. Will caU eit al the 1.otelK, wand t prlvete resideuces (whon orticrs art lcft et auy of th. hotels.) Connecte with ,hawa and Bowmanville stage; ao ivith the Wiîitby and Port FerryRailway, and wiih Brough- am &ilat hity.THOS. HOPPER. Whitby, March lSth, 1875. 1-tf "CITY OFRý TORONTO ,"» (Capt. flicx), leaves daily foot of Yonge.8t., Toronto, at '7 a. m atrrives ai Niagareai 0830ea*m andi Lewfa on ai 10 a. in. Con. neotions ?or the Fals,, u#alo, Rochester, Albany, Clevéland, NewYoï*, Philadeiphia, &c. Tickets and aU informatione et 8 Front 1$ D. MILL01X,,Agent. Begs loannounec that he bas romoved te King St., e few doors EAST 0F THE POST OFFICE, opposite Lnke's show-rooms, where wifl b. founti % flne stock of silk andi f.lt haie for ladies ana gentilene, of bis oc-n manu- facturo. 93r Strais hats colored ant i ateret in shape. Oshawsa, July Gib, 1875. 89 y EOMÂN GIBSON, General Commnission Merchant and Produce Dealer. Agent for Impzitiun and CoxaoeacuLý Us- ion FFare Insnrance Compenies. RATES OF0 INSU1IÂNCE LOW' Also Agent for the Losuîox anti Càxc.Dwc -ouei AND Aoascr Coxsâasv. Mouey las». ecd on real eitat. payable fom Tisa. te Tiselva 7mars, anti lnsmm.tosuit parties.- te" Interest lois anti no commission chargeti. Mortgagea bonght. Officeat, GIBSON & SPAEVELL,ý China TeaiSiore, Duntiab t., Wbtby. Whiiby, March lSth, 16.12 Mh uun e raLsMals ibaoflos-. ng valuallmrop.rty tiTcwWh. -v-Au, 1, ntBrcCttar lbiar 0f iti Junet Frourpue aurd Tô o u i rt Whe passIon'. d- W - Rengaina i D~rgeius I - "Suc a ban gaie,, love 1" cniet Mn. Pouder, joyely, 10 lier hisaeà. "IA ba;rgan 'Mn. ronder ca st te iseWor; e dtiuI ii; lhe lad. pli dearly tfo il ; l%.istireS cf py, hng fvr il. Halaid tosu liis book, -auni aslà; , "1Viral' wiftyen do, sill i Il2" "lb"' sas a large haridscma sartirobe sitir Iealing-glasa ticors anti extensive draineraanti flittinga. "Do silis it?2 Oh, I eau to icflfy tiigas itis it," siSlire lady. "Buet yoe probabiy silual tde mors tisauene ; wisabswiithat Lm ?" irmsali.- où. Sisa museS a moment, andtiseggeiteti tebis bsIbedroonu.'-'Mn. PenSer ne- mraketi this ailaa artirobe. "'Yes, se bas ours, sud sealias tise ciinîz-rora ; bu I coulti put tlia into ths beet roorn, anti put tira cee tisere nait oueces anti ours imb yen: dreso- ieg rom," se naaketi, tisiukiug tise lasI concession soirîti in lb is eart te hien bergain.- But tise inexorable Mn. Ponden saiS hli atia sandrolie nos-lu hie tiressiug- roosu shir quile satifi ier, lu; I vain tise I4ty suggesleti varicns views, lu siiel fier peneirase 'migirî Le-cee- siderot as'a sveluabla iuveaimenti ho Simply repliaS 10 ach cf tIliora t Iit sas nol sauteS. "PWeli, reall1T, te tliiof letting tis sli cul cf eue s fungers, et suais a pries.! it seul hava been 'sastelul, quita waetefni, I eenaidmer," saïa tire lady, sho c-as toc nseetatebattIes.over lien bargain. te Le easily dauutod - "Pardon me," replieS lier boabauti, ",tis a sse liesenlu byiug il. lutrinsie- aily, il îuay Lbe rlistwenty pounds, as yen ssy ; but mine' ydu 'don't saut il, I maielain, if husteird cf baing swortis tise five geineas yen palS for il, it i not sorth is lu pence te us." "éDepeuti en it, Mn. Pouder, i'. ab. surdly ciseap, anti an immense bengai 1" she crieS. -My dean," lie saiS, neenimieg hie bock, 'II repealtishe pries may Le les, bel, net being senieti, it les ortis nil te us." A. lithoe pouiiug, a little frosning, a fes spntiments, hlaitiheeglit, isaîf epokan, signifying tisat "sonme peoplea are very lisard ta please," "somie people are veny inconsistont," thIrI "il sas enougîr ta depnive anyne cf spiri anti energy, ta e Leoseonieually tlisanteS nd( blamei îsen praise was doser-ced," accourpaniedth ie beautiful bargalu te its settietieine utise Lest betroora, snd Mra. PenSer stoctilisera lt sitir a sornowful SurI cf enjùynru,sishiu)g lier isband ila a n2cre libenal spirit. Mn1. Fonder,ulhukingieal beau aiitile liard on lier, foIloisddlier np ta tise lies bodrooni, andipaiS a Compliment- any tribte lier taste. -On, 1 kues ye nruaï admire lbt" sire saiS, sitîs animation. "Smo! sisal drainïeria!1anti look t1siral lovely deep shielveel1 anS tlieae pivale dnawens i anti sucS roinr-for lsungieg dresses-! Oht1it cil heildceaus 1" Mnj. l'entier sas gcing le Say lie sas glati tisaIlira Pacifie and bnoad Atlantic wono not likoiy tealbc pub up at auctice, bet lraving j nt matie pareslire abstain- ed trora lia joka ; andi very soon Mrs. PenSera bangein became rallier a care le lier. Tlrey soidon esedth ie bestbobaroora. The sendrolia nos in lien nooni sas espacions ceougis frber attira; sire sas serry tisaiten menthse t leasalcut Of tins iselva tLeireantittil convenieut languie siroulti Le emesa. Sudtieely a bnigi tiseougi struek lion ; il sas jeel tire tising bo bolS spare hue ; Lut lisen ase liaS tisenoble liume ciesie alreatiy. TiBia as soon manageS ; tiry sîculti bc couverteS luto store cisas, anS tisa linon sirculti immetiîatOiY travel mbt lise sartinbe t Thi.s ag aeellent management, sud ail tise moreieg Mn. PenSer board uotîsng cf iris sIte, Lutifn tle eflornoon sire saiti, II ara gaig ta Repp's tier, sis Mn.f. Smiths ; sire touls me tisera is te La a sale cf Ibous linen, jest secît a I saut, and ti l il lie mar-llousiy eirsap, s seul o'tlesn tise opporluiby." "Hnouse insu 1" exalaimeti Mn. Fon- der, ,snrely se cannaI be iu sent cf tirai?" (rememLsrng as lire tithîe stock cfliromespue anti finetamasks usai iris gooti aid motisar hai hequeaiir- ed ta hlm lan tise so linunciesis), "0f course, 'Sean I io»'t mean btaY se saut il aI Ibis proent Moment; Lut linon, likea allbder tiringasowars out, antiDOnoitdmanager allos ler stock tao mn,"OsaiS n. Whor sr lied lare spemrot loftinluber lest bailangeo udsirce jthosgt wÃ"â1lock, Ms g n , F n d i app$h o t e b . b b-Soecs A nliu cL=skwtmrîns4lo vvcaor sen.sse~uyandi naomfcrt- 'abl!te b*relbeuti she liai t< dust anti waehI pecus artUles that she, taresnot- enîrnet .i%,ee *0 lier parler- dusteti, tley are :put 7back,,. etise. sbelveo l ie nê ailgaen Sieaar mueitco'Costly, ctbdrs far tee flkàklélétýo Le iit'i e'xepte-onlte ao-eveut.cloos happon, lier iseart in, a one, mor e safe rlu'their liidieÀ.places. Thse real value -of lbtisemlainsagmary; tise irueCosla ua ou ly ch. priep sie palid, -buttl laeaddition cf lime anti trouble, anti when a crack oet a cisipý comes (ýpit ocf ail procautiens) thse 10,s.1 Mr. Pouder, srlie id -receiveti wilix lli. iife the brillat reputatiou cf har1 heing ganfirsI-rale manager,.ss holi lied bmcn SQ heppy as ta liglit on 4 sec. coor o ven athird-rate, fcr, iij *ex. perleuce oPf rfst-ratc management" is thatit leadi te very littie comfart anti great expense. 1Wheu lie is crn pIl. mnteti b) oulside observera on -Wishat a capital -mnager Mn.. Pander la," lie tisinki tc himself *titele mânuges to spouti a greal deai cf monmy, anti lio' sishes l is is ant, thAt aire cuew tire secret of "msanaging ta ,do witliut."! Hle soiustirnes 1.11, uer tisI they will have ta take cuotîrer boue for lier se- cumulations cf' linen ilsey sili neyerj use, home-matiïe tiraI ili go down ,te tieir iseira andti ssignees, as vinîga.r- proemrves tIrat are tiryingup thei-. vine-, gar ; sud se to furnàiture,- lie ouly. wishW es lie coul'gel a 'day aI Repp' seli et lis]! their ccii "tse, argains tisI Caît juse l tiVn,2 The Bustie Abomination. à WOMAN 8 5'BOTEST AGAINti AN ABSURD AIO» UNOSFORTAIILt AstIiON. Doms i nat seetfuli apparent teyoui tiret theim elf aisu cf eux ahionable inventera le to perfect à a rem ombina- tion of diacosufort ant islcard, lu female .warirobe ?, Théy ss.m ta iisink somen are, but a, lot cf milly focola, siso are boundte l war anyting. ne malteri liow rldiculous it makea tiser appear,1 se tisai il is, fasiinable. Wmý do not clem tisaItbey are- ves-y fer from the. truts. Tire lalest styles cf, drees, to say tise leset, are aboeninablm-tso more wrinkled anti loopeti ant hitciset, bent, ticublecl, Isisteti, peekered, con- torteti, curtaileti anti relaleti, couvez anti concaver a somau'e tirese eau possi- biy lie matis, tise.mcre stylllihad fashionable ahise, anti ler value' ïna position lu society augmeuttid ie lh same ratio.>i The new buatie perfeetetid oms-ý bin-es Ilia idea, on goueral tieorder -i( diecomfort ; il migbt as sdillie wora on there mad, for bcbng coucealeti froin vies by lie inteutiet position le a posi- tive ixnpcssibility, anti a failere lu that respect.. The ugaefal rovement ih givea te lise skiýqgat walkiug gait tselle of ils lanits. ÎýNo eue can ait dose ou one o thean easiiy or comfortcbly, ns'ither eau it be woru long etaeUlie witbaout- positive weariness anS iojslry te the Il le tihe most abombnable invention of tihe uge ; if a man dloubte ht, Set hlmu put oee 0ou ant ry il, sud partieularly lot hlmu try te ait down wilh il ou. Again, tise itien cf ai busesinluhile-. licale, andtiiis mnoustrosity la donbly se, anti a positive nuisance in every way. A lady lasebject te nid ionie sisi oue on, sud au object of rosnerk if seen ou tise sîreete witisout Il ; s50ineillier cse hean il abomination& Ilmigist*b. serviceable iu e family as, - a Pigeon. coop, but itiI, ont cf place on a lady. Tisere are tist uyles of tis moat iu- geuicus manster esle. One le vony lnreachiug neanly te thse tubr ; lu alter wcrtis it la e Lesle of tise whole. sole order, tise very superlative cfftsr- louable fcliy. With oeeof tisese on e lady neerly makea a figure cflienseif ; tIre elotires jeesp front aide te aide ; as se siîka tise Lustîn iseaves andt m. ble. about lika Ihm keiof a es&ll selsooner "lu a lilow," anti a seler seniti feel lucieet t l Steatiy thre helerthero 1ih-ld lier fust 1" A. short isusti lan lilîle- abbreviaticn. lu lenglis, but ulterly numanageable lu a sîreet car or anyshere ese shëeeh unfortunale wearer sente *0 ait' dowu. if a womau makes up lier mmnd-. t)re sutl ail dowe le ,spite cf ber. shle boues, she funson ce lsng, thée shle affair eutrrely leb out tof, Shape, and one or more loeseneti bonetiret bunst from tiseir onefinement are stabbing lier 1 u tise back te lie.r aller miseryl and is su a&ifu kilieti, craerlcthly hur , in Wýîr nkesi lrw e e ople de 6etcocnfin3e thaireves te ma1t. and tlrqreuted - liqucrxs- for brandy anti whm.3ee are, ,neý ealliy obtarftii aneassil I havo asot, beén- aele- le learu that tihère lauy more ,neslrieticu - on tise-Sale tlian 'on thakef tait,-or tobscco. There, il.; no ; isgaenepenalty ' aahedt'O 0tlieln mwaeufacture, sale; an use. -;ýThre$(.,are reserveti for the abusé.Ecsprnle rmqured,,o geveruhigoar lien per é asi, feilipg tir do: go,,beesthre, couse- que nce lionea. Itla tire mati wliso ts 1 dmri .lheci sIc ýferûlsisethé, mesuWhe ý " lrs tirs pýziultycfidmunuk-" ennesi, anti-tie resultcf Ilse - yslern :. ccrltaluly sadmuirable as. compareS eithi curs. I 10àk about liers, andi back frfty-five = an te the tira. sIen there -sas a armlof"elierry boniie-neslutir eIer' of My -fatlrer'. lieuse, a botle cf wislkeyý lu lte kiteisen episeard. sud. sin'eor cardiallu tfise itlng-roonra ,cliset; ,shen my fatrorgntfàther, anti uails. ail too7k "bitter"esymerning as con. eieuticusly as ch. helti-famlîly wansisip, anîl'comivelle d overy cuild letirelbeuse- *0 take bitters. Net oeeof Iliera -ever. iras dnrnk, or if tisey- %rere, I nover iscard cf il. X My brother &lwnys liaS * te ks bittonsi sisen I dii, asu eyer imarueit *0 love tiselIn, ufeol, I Se net tllrink-iler,-cf ns ever ceeldisave overome tihe diaguet' se acquired for lire tuile cf wsikey, for se elsays isadI e, tae. itsili- cen castor cil anti Epéora gelîs.' if &Dycoe camé e *,thea laisse ou, a visit,-or ou business, hreo r ohér-was uct polilely reéciveti unies. effereti sorne- îisipg ta drink ; anti- shen.tire'Rev-. Jolie Black came te make a pastoralj viail anti ssk -us cen questions, lie teck s glass of ine a s ome cake. I neyer Isard cf hlm heing danuk, on eveu "tise worse for- liqeor." I-e tact. I rieven knew, le tise list of ur friands andi re- leticea, cf uy oeawlio diS >gsi drunk, antil long after I lied selissti lte referin thisrl set lougistise ageney cf tem- perance rganizations. I joinadt iem early,oanti have, ulil quite necesnly laborati failirfelly te- proxucte tissîr growtisudatihurt coma te tIre conclu- sion tisai I hati a gooti deal botter have been etirersise employeti. I thînk se eueceedeetinrudrvsg a însijcniry cf conseleelieus nsunout cf tire besinas cf manufaeturing- and sal- -le" jiqo, at etrnad ti l0selargely inte. thel4rde efunsenupalous persorie tisstIbeeadsltaratiou anti poieonin.- cf I.ls-àaaPleiof- human cunsumplicîr ie- caa&*,mo,,ter cf course. To tisieaS- ulleretrer4.1and poisoning are due lise ,m2dD6&*tud merder, anti niae tenthe of tlhe-e!¶raetraéd te ils use.' Welvated execitements ilu ililira- èireds z~if irousands signeS ýselemnu "pledges," aftarwards 1broken. We nm- poseS legal restrictions, Whlnd - seré eveded by tîrousantiu of tire men sire voteS for liremianti tee. cf tisîsantis of ettrerwise law-abidlng- citizeus-. Pnaiibilory lais have. cugsneloeed siselesaloeenalization, le tise tricks resoiýtted te -for iliir evasion, aiahave tîros ahidet1inje owenlug ilre standlard cf trutllîfuluess. antil iesinees integrty, un- tl îesiury llaelf le scmrcely regartiati as e es-lina, anti or business is paralyzoti foi iack cf cenfideance ini 111e integYriiy of tlite mari. Tise tempenance nrovounctliraser-ý tainiy aideS lu bringing about tisaIf state o! mecety linsiriel a man cou- victeS cf lieving illy couttiitei' huiself on catIr eau ctir e candidate of- e powerful Party -for tira iigliesi office inuh l ndIlno. bet heneit temperance nen oo ths malter. squarein'utire face. Il s net posiblo thai a masu eau take, anti Lseak, a, solemu plotiga -sitlrcet àh1bos of saif-respeet anti a boa cfr respect et' tise trutir; yml , nrtn l tinfluence cf lemperanco excitemeul, how, many,- uuany thonsautis have heen luducet l lako piletges, ofîsun atiflet by ajedicial caineyer 'again lee lise abohol asa beverage, anti ave eafîerwsrtis violeteti thal pletige-broken tist aIctis.1, * Tiseeesaras e onomenous th isaI I l has ailalihedtie*0Ii,ind eo- f solenu falselrootd, batenu crm f pi.uy unu honegt effort te prcrnpts publie jmoral- ity publie lntê-grty iti-been seioesly uuîlorminet, and,,if lire perpese bad., bemu aceoempllsied, tho loge scultihave beau linmrneùanàble; but se have total- lyý faileti la u nobjet,suie tire m'iaus nature cf burulugire bar,*teget nidcf !atise rAt" -Wk of« hsety isaSerrooe na 6ïnalevil; but lak - of 'rol be-. tisée» manin a't-aia -social Se-ý tise ar bkrhOottbar; setr : mry. m-tre, it as, an themoaojn-aw o. 'lben, i soema *0me, if You mutifly the. anpt by tirs daogitsu id é1hide tire IM canai» Oby themomthern: laîw, l-iasne sey anr-pIler, or oxtractt-bis quare root o! thera cousins an S arbtract tier, r- el fres tire aunt, beeping thre d8ugl- ion as.-a commoidenourluator, itS a - .iira-sarnstimb - anra g*discinuélh 9 tiinof th. -rnotheai-lsaW, peninapa iI) resqlI.rlgirt Le satîsafaoorY. But 1 am not certain. Iam upnor et mrtberuet- les. I wsr- tire ligltiburg caiculaton soulti gel- at tht., or tiret Proféssoi- 'Tyndal seulSa ubjool 1114 - ceiniest analysis.-- ,Pe,:,liarReigliu Soda in Vermont. MEr DeaunLLITuS, TIRfIRTY PILRamnlS; AND TE OI.?ROLLEES. le l7974S eset-cf psaple a8rinxgjiu lu bseYdee, Msas.-andspi-esd imb Ver- mout, isisse fornn ews à Bitish reý fugea mcm Bnngeynm'a army, by tiré ,, naine cf Dornil.HRe claimed.tô b4 h superisuman, sante tbiave poser te gie'd iin 1mortaiity bo al sIc balleeaSli bi The issy m,Iouvgtables, ivjgeted all bis cf GoS or mn, anti tollowed btce- dictates of tirir oc-a resalas. Tley met -once a wesk t0e eI, drink, - her Dorril', exhortations, idtileanti Sauce. At one -cf,,tirese inmeebl7,iea îpectaer, Captain PFoster, % isu cf glatit frarne, ireanti Derrili assenting tiraI "no arm-of- îlesir capriet meia" Tise captain équareti off anuckea hlmireoià aven head-, atIbeeilos plbltotihimiseif up: Pester lncrked luiradowu agaigt anti~ ~ ~ b Lethm-utierenouneetihi. neesenee, and irs toIloweroë tiuigustet, lIeS fýrm lIn, ant tiri as the euSdsof Dornilliesu in Vermao)rl. Inl 1817 Isaac Bullenrl catre front 'Ascoie, Cantada, anti set u-p le be a pro- phot. - Wlthaý leatlIrnn girsile about Sic loins-le traversa the-4ccrntry, andi -a flode 6t foole folloisL Minandi l'e-- c.-rrne hie disciples., A Chriatian niiels- ton, - natmd Josephi Bai believetdinu -Btllard,, uant e ehodist - iiiiwWra'- naineS Ilmea aise joineul tir, seci. Tirey aIl put Ili propenrty iute cens- - mon'stock., and- Ballard gave te eseir sisal at e:pleaset. Tlsy sans mtti anti unnrrimd, wera rewarded or pua- irotâ. as ha directeS. Fitthinu a ea- tiecadinal virbue, anS oldt ilu yo mal rse anti fernale, rnleit ie surt o!, tire treet. Phlgniure lb.y call; eat hesrevee, and flnally. urigrateél ta tirs West lu a.lbody. At qinainnati they wo r ugoly reiufbneedi by o'e marir. WV/h -r acbed ie MadidS tismrade a lld, aid lirre Utokudaspesd, ans i otoftlra In Ii1887 onaenBitigetnani, shci bat besu a UniVersalist, beeorning fflltly- 1 P. 0. Box, 322. 1 1 IY-85 1 1 ri-rurn

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