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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Nov 1876, p. 3

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DIU] -.-------- >-.EDwtRDSf«Lu tu l=* . The o w e sbJOe vrepty c. et= ~,flb sou saoa-ing to lw. Wu. XEBE. Whltby, Ot, 9Stl, 1070- 81no0 Molay TO LOAI. Tho National' lnYe8tment Com- pany of 0Canada. Lcnd Meney oÎn Rui Etat.. Purchase EJiltlug IMrtgsgcs. DorrowerSiwI lfind the Company'& terme ffoderato 'Wthepeclaifacwfàeg sfr ptylng off their LZa , s ,. W. H. BILLINGS, aget Souctor, ab.,Wiitby. $a"000 f araelnion lmnd te lussiMin i Sgyiaalrm Bacurty. 44 -UXTO. RElT 1 conslatige 74 Acres, of part oUetlo 4,,IBrkenro ickeringS. fre paçticulmars y Lot U, ob~n., Whltby. WhItbeo~t. 25, 1876. 91n.44 LAUNDRY-. Thé. und.rslgned ham epened a Lanndr in the. houe. lmxedlately eut cf the l Soboucl wbsre washing and makiug o aliIk1n,às, oass.and fins linon, &o., wilbe aone to culerin the lst and choîpeat Manar. Witby, Oct. 25, 187. «f44 1' AY0N ý SALE or FAK STOCK, IMPLEMENT8, Ac. Tihes orbu r i eved, lnstr"uon RIca RD WINÂQLOTI, To ssiIby liction -wtboutnaveve, on hie premi Lob No. 1à, ln thé 20acocu- cession cf the. ownshlp et PIOKEING, on Saturday, Y ber 44,, 1870, the. following va ble property, vua 1lDrivîngH orièe,6 so lgotby Jack thi.e aber; 1 Driv Mai,4ylogi oid, ?t W Jck theBar a cd Mous jroffn, 8and 0 1yr old Filly' by O fouuror, i - 0o ily by Nather- Y>ý, 8 CE ows l ii Prrew c, 2 liears. , sr Ne aeshort horax, got ýby Mm sew: dc' làl; 2 Winter celles 2 sprint ý Vos ers ;o Sprtng Relier balles, 7 V 0 Aev.sud and oue Ram i 1Mies pr Wood's sof-rakb; 1 ,ower, Wods li.rse Beader, sprlug hoa iT1 ble.ikaiu *Wagon, (uearly uew) ; 1mev Otter, cdock borse power; 1 Ray Rackc, 10' -y Bah., nesriy cavw -i1Pâr l Bob-osloighff Horse Carte 1 Port Perry snPlouButter- ged loag, eteei moul ar ; idouble- hease.RoUer, i ont':Sctch Humro eist doublet.am Harucsn, 1isinle u1unted Harneos, isotpuhiRieso, iSe$ ilf. ltrees, iNe4 Tek., aud varinse'.tior si ticles $90 nu rctemeton. Sale, 1 z ocloclz, P. M. TRMS.-.tàllam st itldundir 0 cIN ;ovr hat &Mount i en1 cei oiib.gv% Iby furnlshlng rapproyed Jol Notes Intéroit chargod from day of cal. * flt paid evhon due-.le L. FAIRBANKS, Auctionoor Pickering, Oct. 24tb, 1876. 44 THIIE WOODLANDS FARM FOR SALE, Owued by JAMES WRITE sud vel kulovu s)e n c tho best Stock, Dalry or lirit Fu=es i n da. bIt containe 400 acre# of great varlsty cf cii. 800 Acres cicred-rosidus valtlmbamed, situate lu lu Couuhy cf Hilton. -neir Broute Station, G. W. B., andaobout 12 Miles from Hamil. ton. The "Twalve Mile Creak" flovi thîeugh lia roprty. The. dwsling bouse i cf coer 0etîs lass-aud Ln prttlly %îhuato on the. Southiide cf a pin.à grave cf S acres Tii. outbulldiu th reqoire repair -shundanca cf timber on hoie ortyfor the purpose. 400 Fruit Tros, b. This i sàvary attractive faim, vill b. sold In ens or more arcels onupayaconts ezteudlng ovr a pertod cf Ton yasr. BEnuire frein Mr. WILLIAM LAID. LABarristar, &a., Hamilton, or anciy te Mr. TR1O6. SHAW, near Bronte ts., t- o tîuho wlU show inttudlog puiehaes. ovar tho tarin. Octeber 241h, 1876. dé Stoonfnt het. promises cf Mr. William Lut. Beach, about the. 25st act., a BAT MAIÛt,9Gyeau ogd,181 bauds liigh, biak mone, tail and legs,hstar on forehead. Any portin Llng information that vili load t t e ercovery viiibu lborsly re. warded. WALTER 0OtTLTHABD, Oshawa, Oshavi, Oct. 24th, 1876. 44 ÇOAL dREAPB& WEÂU avBRI DOWN AGAIN!1 Cil sud gt prices at A. ALEXANDER'S,. Sept. 1$ A7. Wltyan lbsa8 (UsUpcUSOZ vO J. CZsÂ.) 1TZMTEART SUGEDION, Grsdoate- v Ontario Vatortaary Oclia0go. Byp poltment V. 0. ho D. F. l3ttery, WILb st Armtreug'a Rotai, Wlitby, .vary Tues- *-*day trc.o 1 ted vieah. may b. consultsd on îl diseud o e e i.dometi anals. Resld.OP.-Ooirnnp aH e' Office- Cite?iDr)u; dors,=Klg tre ohava. Wbldby, ce. Srd.,1876, tf-dl a Red wh~i *w. Thi. ovur a or ssysud 30 dlndua WtWo fry came. NOTICEÎl fTiRE OàÂnlZuwCNT' AvuarWAv  coie &*tuent of GROCER'IE'Sr 0 mig ifor the. FALL à,i HQLIDÂYS. SPECIÂLTIES IN T EAK S Green Black %0 0CitÉ. ---00-- COFFEE;. Green and, Roasted JavA, Mocha, ground $0o order, 50 ots. )Mixed chic- ory and Coffee, ,-25 ÇOCOA AND CHOCOLÂTE 11 -000- NEW FRUIT: Raisins and Jurrants, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Prunes, -000-- LI1Q U.0.RS8: Brancies, Wines, Whiskey ALES -AND PORTER Bass's Younger's sud Làl- batte, Gu$4nne ss's Porter, in pints and'quarts. 1ports and Sherries. GREEK WINE AT (A Specialty.ý) $2.00.1 000- PROVISIONS:" Rams, Spiced Bacon, Beef Hams, Breakfast Bacon, &c. Flour, mixed, Spriug ana Fait, Cracked Wheat, Gra- ham Flour, Rye Flour, Oat- meai, (a specialty.) -000- FRESH FISHR: Qysters, Finan Haddlies, &o. -00- BISCUITS, includîng the- Celebrated Edinburgh Albert Biscuits. JAMS9 *JELLIES, OANNED GOODS, GELATINE, ISINGLASS. -000--- Pickles and Sauces. Mutards,-WickS & Keans. Pure English Malt Vine garl. Rec]dtt's- Celebrated Blue. -000--- Hyacinthes, &o., assorted. Everything, ini the trade, thf tibest. ,- Try, dAMESONIS. -000-- I U. JAMESON, South.s"stpa N W PtorP * i/v t 995 il ~10 Y t -10 7 C=n.rIlst 099 Cn et-St 109 « motel ed Broken Parth N"W pu Nertb.vest j Part 8 4 Part Part Nu2 part NE Part cf 2 South i:cfxNà North u *à1 10 14 18 19 19 7 7 9 18 7 eti-vest part 5 Northtust pat ô sot ut 1a i ô8j SE cor., 'Miii Sitq,' 6 Nrth ptolS8 4 Butput Of centre 8 part Of North bail 8 South pti cfNorth à 12 N lii. st'D Boss'la PtN 119 NSSim St 14 Ptw4i 9S Sm. st 14 Pt N i158- Sn., D G. 1 oai, 14 iPt 85188a simio st 14 part cf Nertb-bslf 0 paut ef Yortb-hslf 6 Part of North-hanf 6 Part of Nertbhalf a Fart of Sonth-houl i part of Sonthhal 1 Part of Esst-hsl 1 Part cf 2Zithalf 1 South-veat qtr Norhh-hell North part South pat South ~rt part 23 Part855 Part 85 Part Lot Noe2 14 FartLrt No.2 14 Fart 16 Fart 12 part 12 Fb. Iot No. 11, Duf.Lc il.1 Pt. lot No. il Dol C'k 15 ParI O? ondx.hsf 28 Part of Seti-hall 23 Part cf North.balf 1 85 8048 8 d420 PORT PER 1460 8 17 12 84 170 17 0 BROVK, 1416 7 92 687 d'os il 88 1810 97 82 2u 08 8614i 1 28 6 71 9262 7868 -8 16 195 -87 10 42 21 50 '18 271W0 8180 il 97 21 82 -3025 12 85 a888 9 7) 18 91 19 80 8 86 5 61 8 46 56 86 880 i 82 5 09 il190 BEACH. Ise 1 71 lROBE0R 162 16F2 Paejd 157 *-i PaI 1 71 20 0 Pahantod 168- 1le il PatenLed 1-41 1 PaeB. 188 ô ' Upàone 124 28Z Patentai 175 si, 7 Patentai " 1 do 709 Pteno 1278 2i r paten$ed 1 42 8 18a Pitenhed 182 894 PitfntedI 829 8iso Pateuted 188 688. Pene 16e9 8888 1011l 18 14 15852 28 02 8g " 149ai 4 71 il 19 18501 21 24 6 il 7 (0 480 1 83 2 81 6 47 18 45 il 1 4 9 19 1 80 ad 18 9 .,g100 82 25 206 .8481 18 9« 100 -4587 289 47 78 19 Io0« 200 70 10 800 7810 6 18- 92 21569 1 79 2888 ô 14 101 4 85 '186 6 14 a 191 130 8 8-14 8 2838 loi1 9.8(l WJUITBY.11 82 i - 50 a889 1 a 7 PICKERING. B.FP. i B.FP. B.FP.i i 2/6 of 1 , 2' 49/100oc 2 51/100 0 2 8/5Sel 8 10 9 10 North bii Southibal Broken Fart North-hball Part Norh-hall Fart Part Part cf Nortis-baif Part cf North.haff Ncrth half North hlit Brokcen Broken Soth hall North bail Seti bal North hal Norti-veit qtr Norith hall North hall Part North hal North hall North hall Soutbhslf South-eatqr NREcor. ofN 94 Bridge St Ph North half Seutih hall Fart Part Part of Nortiheal Part of Northi hall Part Broken 8 E pt Fart West hl Part West hait North bal Sonthh.eat part Gare Northlbpart Sonth. hait South bal North hall Broken Part 1 18 15 14 87 10 24 17 17 17 18 il Front Front Front Front Front Front 2 4 4 A A B D G G G G 280 2 74 1 62 1/4- 2861 1 174 'fit 90 8 95' 2 66 8 76 45 58 220 NfARA. 12 83 19 69 85 il 2 98 8 87 6 22 19 78 2 W 66 59 2 45 9 du 9 87 186 w 25 85 79 24 58 26 87 19 14 21 8 14 45 2 14 8 98 14ta 14 52 1040OS u 81 23 13 41 40 41 40 5 74 9 73 3 97 30 81. w8LS 858- 87 1-82! 5 18 1 837 i4 78. 46 >9 21 61 2 89, 4 75& 10 oL KAMA.. 1 si 1 48 i 46 44 6w 59 48 44 80 12 94 7 95 28695 299 ai468 16829 28 89 1795 607 18029 12 84 17 89 82 28 21 17 14 25. 4 49 15 51 10588 il181 8510 1 94 905S 22 98 Tressurer's Office, Whitby, October 81et, 1876. 1 82 1 82 .1 29 i 82 1 29 183 1 27 1 27 185 i182 1 47 239 li 8 1 74 2 18 1 82 1 48 1 41 1 75 1 81 292 i 19 1 49 165 1 88 a828 258 2 18 I161 1 88 1 61 180 1 48 1 29 i 61 385 1910 188a 220 2 29 1 89 1 49 16 202 202 i 33 126 1 28 i1 88 1928 1 62 290 1 79 1 si 1 87 1 67 1 80 1 29 1 29 2 8or 2 74 2 87 1 57 i 45 1392 1 88 2 12 à 66 209 1 70 1 40 166 166 189 206 1 78 1 61 i 86 1 64 1 82 166 1686 1 80 1 48 1 82 4062 2 91 8 98 a8os 4 89 2 16 2 17 580 8098 1028 47 92 21 48 87 24 4 80 9gis 21i 63 8 91 69 51 3 76 10 98 il 06 17 74 27 23 82 47 55 84 89 87 15 82 66 1605> 844 1046- 2 72 16 18 107 98 27 74 24 96 43 69 43 69 7 18 i1 22 6 82 82 88 82 88 4 68 1 68 & 6 2 031 16 88 4899, 28 80 8 70 6 12 18298 2 75 2 75 62 17 46,97 2887 4 82 17 95 25849 19 65 7 47 17 95 13 90 1908S 84 29 22 95 15 w8 6 85 17 15 12 10 18 86 6 48: 8 24 1053 24 75 WM. LAING, ý GO0LDSMI1THR'S Pateuted TIptentod Patented Pahented Patented Patenad, Paheuten Patentea Patented Pateuted Patenhed Patenteid Pihenteci Patenteul --patentad Pahented -Patenteil Fatented Pstented Patonted Ps.tented Pateuted Patented Patented Patented Patented Pitent.d *Patented Patente& Patentei Patented Patented Patentai Pateuted patented patanted patenteS pâtented patented patentea Uptentd upatented Patented Patented PatenteS PatenteS PatenteS Patented Pateuted Pateuted Upatenta Patented Unpateuted Patented Pstented Pâteuted Patentad patenteS patenteS pamteta patenteS patentai patentaS patinted patenteS pteai patnteS patented patenteS ptete - atenteS patenteS patenteS phnted atnteS patenteS pâtented patenteS patented patenteS patented Patented PatenteS patenta pstented pat.nted pstented pateta paténhed patented patented patentaS pahonted patented patented patanted patented Unpatented Patentai PatenteS Patsntad UTnpâtented UEnpatentea Unpatented, pîtented patentai patented Couty reeurront. HALL. NEW- GOODS JUST 'REOCEiVED: Colored. Gold Sets, very handlsome andvery ohýýap. 'Colored (*old "Brooches. Colored'-Gold Ear-drOPÉ. Coloredý Oýld lookets. BihtGl St.BriltGold Broee, adi-ops and ýLookets. Gem - Bi4s vey1#6lue ass4orte. 18, at 'e~y Wadàding i 9 ~ f * - Solitaires,&ç,ào RUSSELL, WÂLTHAK O EIC3 Ladies and Gents. Gediansd 811r Cam. . loctro 1 dGooda ofthe)é- best quality. <jrets, Piokle Fîsmes, Osëke Bakets, o~Y,,Uf0 CooI.re, Surtand -Nilk Bowle, FiahCarvers. bIDe' sort ând Tes' Bpoono, Eorks, kM., et. -131Speoe. , -IoSuit al, Sig4t.~~ Weekly Globe, Canad Farer, mail, Spec»I 1ontreal Weekltne,88. ildu!e'ments B>,offe-red ýtO ub- t'Szà.scribe 'Now. J.- S.ROBERTSO6N, Bookseller and Stationor, Whitby. 1s Tr, e,- o À <n 4~ o 4., c,, <n a) g., o GB OVE:S i., a, O 4.. g.. v <n a) 'e g.4 a) a) 0 S STOVES! .I Whilby, Ociober lSth, 1876. sTO-V EMII I <n o 'e c-' o c-, O 'e 'e a) '1 $~EC~L TT E;N is drawn to four limes of extra value gci >THE' ODDFELLOW'8 Ri 1.,ýDresà Goods in al the able materials, colors and styles. 2.-- Mer.nos, a fuli range of co« cheaper ta ever before knoWn by the writer., deoidedly better.than the ikttempted c-opi es of local hands. 4. Ail Wool Blankets of magnifi- oient Valueë-., Tho onyioneh ougvp exclnsi4,ro attenition*to- Dry Good.s ana Cltig. Thet oly h line itown that gives'ne credit. Courteous attention to Cuatomers. We sell as cheap as any Heuse ini (an-, aaa. . Goodes markcdi plain figures. One Price. EDWAIRD FR~OST, ôddfell<ws, Hall, Whtby. Whitby, Oct. 4th,.1870. DOMINION Lowès WARER-OOM1S. &Powell Are receiving Fail Goods which have, beell bouglit and wiil be at Bottom Prices, sold -to suit th6 times. A good stock of ýMlinery on hand. MILLINERY, DRESSMA K/NG AND TAILORINO DONE' TO. ORDEiR. SWhitby, Sept. 181h, 1876. ODD FELLOWS' LOWES & POWELL. BUILDINGS *--oo ARRIVED TRIS ýDAY, FRESH OYSTE RS FIN NA N HA. DD 1E S. -000 FRTESH OYSIIERS DZI IL Y. PETER SMITH, ilHE OI~3~T -T HE- RECEl VED THE t41GHEST AWARD!1 MLL .I $80_ 25 eotSVTeg ?hC lye ... b LA CREME DE LA CIRME, NO. 35. $ 35 Price W8 cents, cotaime: I- Mcrn'g..Noatnmua. idchnar SFilwjof Auctria ..by Egghard FnMagaiL.Grand at.bLeac 25 ctShepi -foi advanaea Piano PETEES' ORGÂN SELEOTIONS. $1. 20,ff.price 25 cnte, confaina Invocation. .A. Volunntry byKlune P rolnd ........... by Jackson Chmfrom Creaion.. by Haydn 25osHym ofBve .....by DrArne PETERS' OCITÂVO 0C110R U 8ES P art 5, prie 25 cent., centaine : 4 TRU eÇGipsylife I4voices. Sch-maun Folk Te'Rinteb. " LiShi 2,5 ç îio t tei.ttia" Morgi SE T E RS' SACRD SELEOTIONS. 2, Part 5, prie25 ceut,contane: AUTy Wrs ris Ohe NTESLord i PullAntb.mforHaiýest Anthhm forAclvent.bvMsarrenu Any of the. abovo sent, post.-pad, on ro- ceipt cf 25 ceats.- J. L. PETERS, 848 Bres&way, New-York. THE PHM1CIkN'S BEMEDY. N o r lU and don't know boy WvIttget ovoe t on genarall1y sendifor han If t e opinion of 16 Lead- mg Physiciens cf Motreal le coneidorod wortby of confidence, yen vill $ry IDR. BIRNBAUM'S Rheumqtism and (Jout Remedy. To the. efficacy cf vhich those 16 physliansi -bave certi[fcad for the. cure of RHEUTISM, NEUBALGIA, G1OUT, STIFFNESI IN JOINTS AND LIMES, SPRAINS, FROST BITES, CRI!- BLAINS, BRUISE84ITS, BURENS, WAiDBIQ PAINS, &c. It ha& onred caverai of thesa phygicin. sudttontiands cf others in Canada, and is nov cousiderea on tuis continent s al a" in Europe, the. only reliabl. remedy for ail Rheumatic affections. Tho fac imi1e signatures of1-6 leading physiciens cf1 Montresi are on each botS.e us a guarante. cff iseffiecy. For sale by an drnggists atiO cents and $1 per bottle. Certca-es cfphyciclansare on eacii bottle, and con b. had aise by Stp. p'igl> CHABLES MARTIN, sole Agent for Cannad anc U. S. One of the TestimonWil. Fro,,c 3fr. Duncae Jfcailnm, Ifontreal: 1, the underslgnad, bava been snffaring VI'y mch for the- lat two year frein Rhoumatiem in the. subie joint, se cnuch 50 that I vas citen unable te attend to my call- iug but thee plctcafrBmbu' Ehaumatise.m uG eRmody gave me that relief froe.pain adtiffnus whioh I did net expérience for tii lait twn yers, aniF sitar eight day'. une of tus remedy, I findt myseif enirely cured& I ove thue statement t the publilc, totle profassion sud te tthe mernu cf the genuin. article. -& DUNCAN McCALLUIE; IL D. June 17th, 1876. FABM FOR 0S.A MAII, AT à GAIN. -Btbcng alf L ,concession 8, vith. in il- 0 ~ilOf the Villages-of Bracbu. CI1'U5~il.%512IA5czti*va- tien, 15 se«as now up. Title mdaiosw8ble4 apply on tii PATRICE DO Septeaber, ISth, 1076. \f£]OTEL TO LET. N I-W TEEf i e à iNKi A i -L n- r i Wfflby,1 F nl'at nd-Diplono 1bT :EEmD * .-i-IN-~BE WOIR D !.' 'STOVES I ALSO OSHAWA Iwhieh, for cooking STOVESI ENGLISH HARDWARE. -0:0- by Mr. R. -Hatch, Hardware bouight whie hand,- -Friends wili please note this.. sTQr VYE s i 1 We are offering stoves- manufactured by1q Je. STOVES, Sr heating, wel know nothing to beat tlhem-to which [0 we invite special attenion iAISO Stove Pipes, Elbows, &c. COA L OIL, Wholesale and Ieta il. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, &c. ~-TO BLACKSMITHS- -100 Tons ]Bar Iron, Anvils, Vices, ]Rasps, &c. Do not fail to see our stock if you require either Hardware or Stoves. 1-1 &ATO0il T OWN LOTS FOR SALE 1 Beversi Building sud Park Lots in the. vi- cinitLWhihby & Port Ferry Railway C'.. Wo ho . tot ocf Wlitb. n Aise, c oice Building Lots on Byronsu Breok treeti, NortiWArd. Whitby. October 25tb, 1876. 4.44 & BR>0, Ne. 4, Brook Streot, Whitby. R HEBUMATISU CUERD WITHEIN TWELVE HOUES. Bruotl Ueaale boveivi relieve soute Rmam imn 4 heure, sud mii pain within 12 beurs. ît i. certain sud Per- manent. Branste'sDigestiveFud-Nay aU Diceao.-arise *0e. hie -tomaci, ocea-- sioned by fise a"i. -The Dièeet1ee -hui neutraises lai sa, cousequentiy 1h muet curea&Ilcases cf Dyspep ia-yrlelasu n other Blood Foisonings. 'Nsefewt, 'C l.- mediete. Soic b5, ail 1raggsto. Priem SOc. Sole WI,ite Agents, KerryWatsoà f Ce., MoütrPal; ou-' adlress W. t. Brinton, London, ont. -l Mrallieicieàrsd jfpoiuoil tvO Ml fiee. Brochin ailm ftatuon. fst land u; hard-wod limier: five J. H.FERRy Octebeti , 8 188, .7 8ATURDAÀ4ph- 1y 0? NOV, l 7rjh1876, o run of à Freight R/~~&~ ouge, ISON' MACNACHffTAN.1 iii Europe, is now coming to1 R.Armstronçî, 1 1. vi'y

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