Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 2 Nov 1876, p. 4

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4*UN LITTL4~ Greenwooal, Dm-il LAND) JAMES WALKER, 191h, 1870. 8 BL iloVBE poilI A rio..Iory Brick Dwellcg Hoq&me, q%rtsirs ai an acre of land t.' t'lstorkid wlIh teh",P 1rclt smza$tet un te net-er ni Gren Sstnie,'Wiîthyu'id fleur the, il t f te town. Tries easy-fo0r lecularo appi> t DRIMX1TON, Hhckr hty r. K. ZtcUMLLÂN, Ola igt ftIl, 187e. 08 No, 4 z5LÊLiNOH st,, Bo8TON,- TfiTi'SCIflNCE 0F LIFE, Or, ,i,?-PRJISERVATION. MORE THAN 0-tE MILLION COPIES SOLO- Gold Mrdal i'ardcd tu te Autitor by the 'CI alonjat Medical Associa- linIMarchpst, 1 87& iiww t itl c f btetuodittul 'ftCliuNClut1', FLiLfl; or, 8J~a'.,tnslqtj'Ti~. S îrtu~upon brtit boati titrin t0est, ow r'ginbtlotl suit httiwpoerpat. c'ýandt(luti ciof E' ShitoîlVlttl ity, uIl aeu~ Ilroai(tnre 2>llou ,lit maîr, star. ttaurtu. or S1ttl ost iasesl t)ttbtrtaaltI l Nu ,)stî 1ttcv ia itl l'hiht tl !tttl Ollty, ly a1,( nt ýilf. ýjý)j sttr1itee!7llrî n t l i tif a i a, tt-jkgI ppr< iv- e rrt ait'îrlt î lor te tittlanir,. lita tor stftoiosa i v tiintrit ars. Ifi.utc¶t cilIttttle Mat-att. o! tîsutu-t- li tunsasthe t'ttyklsia! y arriageu. J!,J iy, LI«L(P[tuîlrhu4,w le Cyttttali tut t'CtLIt4rcrtt(tufsicure, ttîlttlîtr tttwethIîse Rft).,Irtuft uf titi i ofîîîsltî i 1'te tii. Itîrhîct Iiiîri. delnîtuu nui-mtitt Digit$îrcc rtttd l-rrat'uu, Muuanii ('i tlint', , u tld'aR1il Mi.. tgt-nsPriti- tutu otof 44aJ14 w ati lIt andif I>t-sttitttssfa thm, tuaveoiti00,ta iatu fosîsts atturît -th"itn itif,,andtoiltear tt ttéi l btt. TIi. Insîltute acislepublilso THE PI-Iy$tOLOOY OIt'ViOMA I AND 1-1ER DISRASICS-, Price, $2. The bcsi it blcof th itIcnd oXtasot.. »k.J lIt, titn i L1 . utltaligla ratettlatulyt truIt' t. Itoaiîtiui îttttttNttryeus liiuiOdbwtîtînsli 12tt itiiîtrti, ttttti lu ititatpuy for pitasj. IlhuaIt !ftr ytînng tai tiîltl ue gsd hurt tri rititl .uutPii 4îvé tg li o (ti i e tfi, tot' liit! IltcJî i riçfuut htlitlttî, a alla <4 gale ttîe -'(uItif (4ltnsriliq l i'hit titluas Pualitétîl> 't~ilîlJitNoe, N4. 4]tîîlttli ittrcaiet, lot- Picultettîtijieot i Lti luoibtY(nul tilt caretari. tit lie routexlittetlrtny nark an 1#1tYFstae- Iitirntellia thte- baîttîni uaitPndua SIe aciit tfilus loir uuluta fwwtk , girhllsbt ly lta Ps1ttaly lt~idlt Zitstfjk,ttitb,,-shtit Moacrisr-j: Itaalutti tI, wieh ttiltu lItaStitialto titatel etllt71i ne Iaatti "hiltiitu trest i )Yto rittti. thu io lditu, l trtaiid anaty ftîtuitît att-r taufertutj t Vdl trMilit(l ijeua. ia tjIlts coatry, Ias a ct'?it-u~itiarro! eillitadp rofasittonal 4sttcless, tu thhea t ttiirrtittc h ortel tae aivtil fiviiattieIo, ut ii uuutltu t - i tt lit tt5n, 'lsf - x0 tnl. ,t J th ir, liItit ta t, l itlitr tc-lt.d uIt tu'tUt.tttIn wttF fttris-tsttît101ît uVOItlillylisttl.M . ttsttîttu Il 'îîatîut', Iuit tItIr, $876. ttutUlîtt îîIîi.ilî, l 'Ilmnton Ujt t ut f li fo tAl, 1lNltTTti'l',llii'W. IUl. Ili.M. Il., tuaîsîînîu t'It'-utttut iiNa,4 iutlîî ttii. ii. - N.~'Vlit atittîr etlt,î t'iutilail athSie WiI.L INIT 2000 ÙSill'CHE8- IN A MINUTE 1 A PACICL FMIY NITT MCIN Ile,'Lttgglîîe, -WrfstjtosGlotaet., c olt~î vtiry eutt[ia uvaritiîyu ut plalî ii taty îîcr qttItem 1riOt.. lu re il drtutle iitatiîit of1 1 ihuhir Vont, ity tiiu-rminl> il fi-J hinakit, tuui Wonieu ruettu J3.00l> or. day willtIL., rtu ciauactr-n;.tJiMéyinft #q(tftlig Mt. Wcsttltu St~ab, îU ~ ,Of.u flAiLy tUNE >TO ROC1HES1 Tut STiSAUEai lis of tekn t ct us 06 in b ctf Wl ie ~aober rplrtàp. on titisr hle Cobourg eyap-yQý=à Port no eatO:50b'ëé*ekfer.Bosté tii.' aurval et G. T. R. tmuis East &1 doeotng *O~re wih boNeiwYor Cez Lako Ontario Shore Division of thte e WastWwu s&Ogdecsburg Railway fi Ruaxime: WiII lese Charlotte (po hou - Bdlly Af1P. ut.e , opt Poaty, hte st . ls' j Deo intéck;&.wllfigd thts J.ovIa NwYrk.'or fur tmat4ec,&Fply tb- or, C. Y. GILDEEIBLEEVE, DG90DS, AND GROCBUT STORE AT AUDLE lu 0g.> ho eut r ei g .wl'1 1 lieheait>'theo subscriher ias betinauî be epou busaa lin thtestove lino., A. Large -and Well Selected Sto( equal lit prioas ud juulity ti>sny tirai b.urcbased in$ewit or cit>'. (live u C rail, judgo for ycurmolf, ant il fYoeneau as ut-oit sutil as elitewhere patron.o bc traite. D. 1McBRADY, Audl lutiley, Nov. 24tli, 1876. 48-t ALÂNLINE 1 LIVERPOOL, LOND)ONDEFRRY G LASGOW, CHEAP FARES Cabin, tyoni VtîitliY - - 99, $79, $89, itýor(liîig ii îceitoaio liteerage-;ts low ut, uny oitt itîroe I1ropîîicl passage cortiftleaeimued At lowtptt rates tg) persans willug te brlng Fror ticket, auld fiirtlier informionle apply GUO. «YULlI. ILtp. aîîd 'Tol. M1t4s Whltiîy, Auguti 1tli, 18711. bf-84 ýpOItT WVII Thi ANI) PORT PER) EXTENSION IIAI!WAY. -TIME TABLE No. 1à. Tttkme Tel aon Monday, May 8St, 1870. Trais 1mn lty acitou ire,wiilin te ty-tvu miite s1ower tItan G.'-ti.tu TRAIi 0t11.a,10 ilu-ria. III j, 4 IL. if r p WhttbY-Inn ... e. .ti>a.. 7.07 pin. Wiihty ............ 9.20 7.15 hirooklinu.... .......1l10 7.35 M4ancuîseîr ... 1 22 t 8 17 purinceAlbertb.10..:j12 8 .27 Pourb Pairy.- arrive t10.40 8.a15 Port Pnrcy. .. (lep.h6it0a. . .1.2;j pro. Ou-ince AIliert ...t,109, 1.85 *Sliamjt...... ...8tt0i 1.517 Myrtle .. ........6.42 2,10 itrookîluti... ........ 7.JW < 2.27' Whlitlly ..... ... it.1720 An-.i12.47 l'p ,801 vietu. u9..55 Whitby Juîî. .ar-ie SIt l.j i 'tuila o11y. Cetittclig et Wiîithy Juacîlon witl tIre (1. T. iR., eRtta ndtWeot ; atl'ort P-r-y witb s luge foi- uxltrldgo0, unitStamer aMupte îtutf of 1iruuIlity, tîaert cerîaoctiug wiîh the htltnd I#:ilual l<nulwith uteamer fer ffetoln ptte nbraiyoe0n, st sturgeitu Pouitt Hair, a bauntifat pleasure raenit. JAMES ITOLIIEN, 20 Macugiitg Ditertor. Tfi E G E FT ENGLISH REMEDY1 Bafore Taldnug. GlY After '2kLl SPECJFIC MEI)ICI1N E Crs, l 1NaiîVouu, snc ic lTlimon,, DrEBLa toleici; (t il iiltliOUi 'telit'itgit ttir te f4iccueit4 Nledijiiio i lit i .~c l '"910111îît îri 144 A ;t ri iii irra iii, ti f . t , <i i ltetr tlçi flhtw L, leîîuiitf il Ahise, lu 1,4 ,oii'M. %iît ttvtit'it., LAsniTVTtIi. I'~ii U Til; Iitit, tux dit, irVîiiN, PRii. XUTtbx it u, rta :îruye lleriueass ttat I4til tii 1»,q"",;, r iisrurOt ala 5' PhsnAluîîu tt IIU Vii tit tawbtti ar4u at-t tirot î;ttntvîtl vue'id ram the. patl i tOture anti Ovniîiîl2: The tletctlotelirIllîe tIllercstîlt oi a lUfe htty ni auînv vua oex aireîoI treast. fia tii emo RAliitilLl it.tatto.. uit iîarticulsr$4 stîw 4;cî we de&uhe 50 gond frpffqbIt Tho tit,iilc Mt'iltle t# soit! li 111 rmg CilitO attisi lai iaclarge, or slipselckage, fao or %ihl lit0 tOUt 11Y Mai On. reclt c i te flhtny, t>y acdf.iltîg t L VL.4 G4~&o~ Weinfsor, Ont. so il ivlit S tIb > . W., ,I3ýith, Jas, ltreant ilî t'tggss Ilit't&op ky=n. 'Toroett. .whoiewttae nte IDLAND BILA 0 ANADA. or ops- t Mi-212.5p.=m 1 Mlxed ....... esae comng SoulI froni Onllia tO ida' Poberboro' uand port Hope. Y sv Og Obuthfrom; L-- - l rùIyMlzed .... 4:45 a.um.' 1Mull... &,Yl2 aia ,- Cnetewt b ln4ut stt, ehi are 0 oni NEW NEW BL ?O~iî1LTIpSfM Whieb OU#ihromr 'e BO oll #eîuai4ed push. ,cil<n usm~ We' are waeapytesejutoghoaek / I t' - ~JAMSS . osh5ua, september 6th, 1878. CÀRIÀ~~ ~N1~BUGGIES THE',LÂRET. AND àMOST £OMPLETE STOCK 0F Carnges,8/eighs -and%, Cotters M. O'1)ONOVÀN's CAR RIAGE' EACTORY "ýBROCK--ST,ý VERY CHEA?. SWHITB', CALL ý& SEB.'THE M. Important to the Afflicted. BRUNTON'S RHEUMATIC ABSORBENTI RELIE VifS TW PATIENT FROM PAIN IN A FEW HOUR5, AND NEYER FAIL6. eRhcumatisîn is a poisoning of the blood froiniacids acting on and contracting theu mutacles, and giving intense suffering. It arises iii the stomaoli from l£mpaired Digestion. The active principle of this discovery is to Absorb the Poisonous Acîid-Acid by Outward Application. It le composcd auntirely cf vegetable substances, and lis nover bee'n use4 before the pt-sent proprietor pphîed it. Pirom the nature of the diseare of Rlieumiatifil,, uid the Peculiar.Pro. pet-tise oet Iis RWduit i.'au Inpeeeiiiy that il cau faitlunReIievin# lte Patient fronu pain iu a faw bonne when appliod as directed. * t Tliere le a distinetive feture ia il au conipared wiIt oller Patent MedîwfueM. Ahinost allliterâ profees to ot-e a vittety cf diseuses. The proprietor onhv chaut. tiat bis rSnedy will :elieve the Patient frout Pain freut Illeuanatiom, LiV) that itfi. tiheoniy- reinod y , b**ÃŽ5 pplication) knowd te Science that will do se.-1 Thits preparation is gparantme4 te remnove ]Rbeuwatic Pain lp &i,,*few bliut-eor the. moîîey reftitadeci. LtW' Pi-lac SCos pet- Bottle. Soit! wholesale sud Rotait by & W. B. SMITHu Corner Break and Dundase Sto., Whitl T AIL-OBINO wi -000- J UST REC-EIVED AI] kinds of Spriug'Goods, inc]uding English, Scotc]h -and Canadian Tweeds, Worsted Goods, Fancy Vestings, Broad-cloths, Doeskins, &c., &C. GOOD TWEED SUITS AT $1 Brc tck Street, WbitbY, May lut', 18761. A. &. RPRINGOLE, Merchàtut Talors mcXBJIVED .AT LEWIS A]l ALLI N'S ýb rt BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, large and well assorted stôùk of Raout Paper and Win. low Blinds, whiah be is prepared to sali at ,tlie iqNwest rate$. - Mao a fii-taI~ Whitby,' M~guet29th, i 300d July-2th88 .1 TO MY CU&T@MÈft&~: retrnngthuk t heThneoundusoers for -d. 'ina Ivrs returning tanks olnu nra9cuto ersfrpST fa vsPFM.B .1e R ta anonE that o*ard aftiïiute FRst '0 f givn'ôgrei SETMBR nEX ifth cérill discontnue.tIý, SHemo j inlongsortcredit adfwlthee otýrwrd selF for due- tomers, thereby enabling him to seli -Goode at mudl L'olwer Prices than heretofore. ai kinds Stock of BOOTS & SHOES8 and work of all ind i eavy and well assforted, and will be sôld at Lowest prices for Cash. lus accounts are being made up, and wil be ready for deliVery on the above- date. -Having pressing d.caims to mee't,' le respectfully 'requests immediet myent. Ail Notes and Accounts past -,due, will be placed. in other JOHN SAUNDERS. (3-RlJEAT. PRICE v. [] 7 e M A splendid assortmeùt0f Newa MiHccrllauuuous Books beautiflufly bouud, eaul kiîîds elneolo~ Vic>lins and coucertinas. Seiviug Maehàines-,_u iakâ.l ilew tssortmeut of best Gold and Silver Watehces andîd Clajîs on haîid. Wool anîd Fitucy department coniplete. ,..-AIl orders foir English aild Ainerican Periodicals and Newvîtîîriu>rumptatlyhityblled. \,are now -in a positionr to sîîpply Prize -Books for Sclîo'ot,i t rît hî]tprice, îand we tee] thatie ccart give good aiti8attction. WVli LEWIS ALLIN. tby, Aptail 5h, W -G ElNT'S C LOT-H I NG FURISHNGGOODS Fo u~è*rClothin .g suitable Summer we~~ ~ ClothigSoeadueei for Tail- ])UNDAS STREET,- WIUF-By.ý A dOO1â' fI'NJAMijLIS U XRATD Gent's Furnishing Goods of ail kinds, inelclding Shirts, Hate anid Caps, Umbrelas, &o., Whltby, Jul>' tTth, 1875. - ---u 14 QHL9IE WINE8 dr PUIiftl1U at WU044SALE and RMAIL to suit hr HOîI~À~VIiEM AN Ica. LN E ~ ~ & ~o.' E T11 C ilX V rPor INTEUTc~ ,OF THE NS rgans and -Melodeon Organs' at greatly reduced prices, for Cash or Note payable in Octobar next. Cali at the "ORGAN FACTOBYîî and examine our dock. Al-to Sccoud-hîîud Organs sud Melodeons at very Io w prices. THE MUDGE& YARWOOD M'F'G. C0. Vlitbv, May 15th, 1876. ELGIN o 'The fineuit, best, aid heapest Watches madie, for the nia- tîey, ar-e thte ELGIN WATCHES, which eau ho had at Taylor,& Bar. nard's, in every grade, bath in Gold and Silver, Ladies" aud Geuts sNizeb. Alto a strg tock et English and Swiss aWtthee aiwaya on-baud. Cocka. Jeweilery, 63ilu'criarc, aud Faiîcy Goods to suit every taste anti pocket Jlîtuember tule pitC(e-uext door to Grosm & MlacNiaclin's;, Hartdware orcliaitst, Brocht Strcet, Whitby, i LIST 0F j\TTCTIONEEJIS Licensed for South PLidùtgk of Ontario, North Riing of Ontario, and separate, Mituiipalities in the. latter. Dot -r. Il Wtt- Jobn . C. C. W Dan Tho; J. M. H. E Dons Elisa Jahil Bisiû Ednu- Ntitir.. RosiDrsNC. MubiacîLt-.t.r. LcraitExPrcax. uriti Rua . hori-------horah-------------Oct. l1t, 18783. Hl. Wah-...C aniugon -d.. o---------- 10, lI7. 2Garttan-...S aideaiâd -13Book-----------------t19, 18711. os Dighy, Jr. .. Clarcinont -S.... nott Ilding-...Oct. 26<1» 1876. e g...', Jr... Carmot - xi e . ...... ct2th, 18701. n L. Watlae.... Pont Pory-...N othidig . . Oct. 281h, 187à. 5. ilk .....SaitftelcL. -Non* hlida. .j... Oct. 281t, 1876, MI iLz ....P ort Penny -N..... t Iti ...... Nov. 1it, 1876. ffEson--------P. ort Port-y e ... -- ---Nov. 2ttcd, 1876. )ma@ Tunket- --. Leatdato -S cott.------D c td Oe -. Witsle -Toronrto,--------N ortt Ridtig De .11h'86 mas Pencher - Makham - ....South .Bdpg eu. 24rh, ji877. . Patteuon ....Blootnigon -.... South Ridas ... Jan. '26t, ,877. Fuaibanks .... iby-----------Soth ou=tî{ Pehb'î-2rîl,'1877. B- ()'Dell -A.... y--------ars---------------'rh th, 1N77: aidý Roa -everozx. -B...rok---------------Mar-.1E1U, 1877. -s Baves -M... anill---------rook---------------.. JItl,,: 1977. iston'Brewn.... Village 17xbnlg Uxhide,,. ... Met-. let, 1877. îop r M&OKa>., Oîswa..------uth ti , -,ngý)1t,187 S Caut'hes.. Beach----------Reeat .. -.- Jl.ith 87 G7. Sullivan.> ** Breehin---------Net-oth Riding . oct'r tj7. raid Majore.... Glen major... otbRliîrg.. Oer thn61, 1877 LIST 0F PEDLEIRS FOR *THE 00. ONTAOÃ"., -lames Blackweil.... John Giligan.. - .D'ffott Broou... upetf Bt-os. GeoD. Burton-: AlvinBatns -- Whi Non-Rident.. Bado ....... LitbY, Âpril 4614 18%t. 1 bot-e, Ceunty... -- 911> Dec. 18711. 2 trt-s, Cunty. - - ititDec, 1876. 2 herses, Cuntfýt - 2 haoses, coant Ul 1 hore, Cont>'.. - . 201h Jan. 1877. 1 haRrie, Cou - 2ý5t Mat-. 1877. WM11,0sTet~ 2u. J<<i GO w1lere you can get ýa We1l14ftting GanTt-Th Taîorng Estê bfshmen6kyf SUP~[~ Ç~TqGr FiS !ELGIN !! 19 O 1,éif andan eeheaets. in china and,."Oanoy er 8 1'. In china, Stne~F y Toiect Sets. in Parleur, lT andfledroeni lh4 Glas cake and Yrifle .)isies. - ~~m14, anad Wine Glasse. ýFANOY GO $FO 0ESNS In Cp aueers, Mugs[ Vases, Toy,4 e., &c. Gnssx h, M3 za have ail kInds-ôt.fl Choice Faifi'4oeeries, Best T o e- ' 1 T o b a . p- a l in cs o f F a i pe sR aH an , B a co n , a < O y te o the ~ ~ !à ~ bs ri 1 a s enhand. The hi stinmarket 'priee paid'in cash ioer anyrqàa&tily r'GooaliYýriàâed' GIBO &SPARVELL'& 'tby, Dec. l5th, 1874. 1 vl 1 an lhep1s CABINET FACTORY "AND' FURINITURE WAREROOMS TU/E OLD STAND;', BROOKÃŽ STREET, WHITBY BuWlings, l8 9g& Haave ew~.an h 'ca tucoefrlb Specl tel aetion paid te it mMg cf: jNZEDLEWORIC OTTOMANSP LA MBBEQUflqB, t3ONIC&,&o.&e made sud pub denen in lb. butstylo. A-To ai AR D. T lwbo are ruffering frein te erora and tadiséretions et youtb,Ilietnine eak.. , l e $ ," e a r l y c i a, 1 a s o f m a n o o d , T1 w M l seDdarat;tbatilIa- onP EE. .&iscovered by a missionery in South Amer., ica. $end a gof-addïessed envelôpe ltt, REv fToimpu T. BINAsBStationuD, Bibld House, New, Yorkç Cityi. £7' RIAEALECLUS te offer for sal-the fllewitig pro.- perties - - - 2. Brick IHouse, T-wtt SItoree-a-d aud set I water-quarte- acre-naceliy a out-fiuit anad ot-nmental -trése. - enltre street.: shed, ceuni y -bwe acres. e1 lsand,- frit sud - arnuuiontal tree,--Dyrou 'stt : L- Al l te abe propefties arze desjnsbly low ternis by ara # ýpa ifen l ahîsd on tuat te suitcoenec fpzbe- GEO. .HÂT Lanil, Contunissien, and geceral Agent. T AIP:-OPTES 1O BE TAl"N j(rUnder Order i'Co 'ui.4 datealL4tlhrday .2Arý,t- festo! o - individual ujizoa warrant,............ - 2. Setring srumons or subpoeuet.. 0v2E' 83. Milcage te serve mmSuntn, .subu- poeua or Vmraùt. .. .Oi.. ï 4. Mileage witec servi"ca esun efu-b n p o -f due diltigeuco_.. 4. CIO-" 5. Mileugaklng dnisoners tu gaoi,< exusve o!f4isbursenients nec- essurily cxpended in thoin con- voyance--------------------...... I. Atteuding Justices on summmàry trials,et- ou exanainatiofci -. soerosciarged with crime, for,> acit day- necesssry employet! ira Ïon.e orpinre-- aue e rtnua engageé miW eh Lbni-s..A0 7. Do. do. wheu engsged eore thau feturbo.......Sh 'S. Attonding Aserres on Sentlons, Il. Mileage-traveiniig te -attend -As. - (Whou publie oT 'ne au 1nWb takeuolgteéo i7edisbitni 10. Sucsiun Cr oners'. - pt-ct Ikerçof, iliàeldoàuwc as J'tiy*autiiined. -. .........%! 2 0 .1 AtteàdingTý ,each -. adjeunnet toeof, jif nire aei-mn ffour ibourg............... 1 ea 12. Dl. de.; if eugsgo n1ire. han four bout-s.. ....-............. 150 1. Servianuicsonshest 14)1eý&Mý.-1.,......... 1. Bxhtuiagw buy,,ànàr*,'U r i warrant-... 2'-00 101. Re-buryitîg suint..............S W' 17. Serving dau-tresa warrant, cre t .rcicg sanie......... 0 18. Advertliing udrdsrs a t- u ...................... 5 e 19. Tisvellineto nake diptreor ïte seatrit fez geod* ta nsàkeudls.- trepe, uhe'no 0ý g9dswfpirid 0-10' 20. Appruisenintx wteltierby c'n 21. Catalogue « sala ~4-ctuneii té$oncet pro ne,9,cf goda. - 22. Execoi' seatch wr1nf.-- i -60 28. Serilg notices -on coustables. Pubhisbed by odet-, 22 Agent.Wsacd us Prisa Médal Organ Maùàt*ttur.- cd b the Smt) c ricn-rgon CO. and orge Steca sd sPin. B ARReITER, A Soi-in nChu B3lock, Bt-cd Street 1 ILata Gneecwec B ARRISTER, A' itor, Notat-y l'uN liea-Byron street. Wbiitby, Onta1io. pUGGÂNv4I ne:. uARIuuxEI~S, Alr SOLICETORS J COlVELYA1 OFFIOE-P-ovincia .1. Dlois,4 . 'T w',cYLERRI., romn 9 to IcecSk. W J. GUT SURGEcON TO TT Pr. W. j ovrecz-N;eEt door i3" REaidoncô, at Mn. CTthoye RB O.E Wititby,oaver Mr. Jam t Oide Gas adetinimbu trconof beebli. buat Taotb fiied ; TeMellxtreactod'wibit local enmathesia. 1D su's uew block, oe Ring Street, Oshsw& BUILDEB-ANI 92t-AU eores pro fAIR DRES JOHN Wl AGENT FOBR ef Jeniatia Wotfeud L u .dEJRajiner, Or largo quantlty cf ai aleanti>' onbaud. -~E. O'DRI -Clark Division Cenaissionor iB -te., Atheriy, Courat3 Atheriv 9-vt.Snt1 Phayidiu, Surgeon, WVitth>, Sept. Sothu 43<intee with hitna Any-r OUlIio et-lihoMI-ut alOt 1dê+ faoionn ýand cObtndtecnutestica ,s>ý itàd eustoni'eiànfort1, tii g-H 1cau,£~ds i ,nyt ~~ ~ ~ imnprOvements- ot ,ýheday. -hbi ÃŽLESE I*F-It AI I No Ul A PEI{ anu oi ï ed 4 suO i S.Ie'q ~ 8 Me>l ne loth iin closel eý ed triatl dIi 1th. '1andii a atàù-ý i i~reîUlteyn-ta, 1-ae uttuhsVaot o3aumet wiî a Ile çfi rà t rd ré u e f è3ttpot 'JNIR-Mci-WrER !si rhitbY, Juen.Oh, 1876. 1ER CHANT pleased in making seleewtioxis of god, farniturei. Splendid Parlour, Drawing -Room audBedroM -,etS,ý Ncw Designs wcll worthy à- lispcctiOU,ý at astonishing lOW prîees. PDin- ing-room.EFxtcnsibn TabledL.4 ver7 superier article. Gilt Cornices, Picture Fraiing in every style. Soine fine Chromos aud Egravngs fôr sle. In u , its brapches; finerals fully supplied, *Atlock of 'egaifî <iadkets. Coffins always on lhand, trimxned tu suit Clustomnr.e, and a welluppointcd Hearse couànitl "iyin readines. WM.TILL. Whitby, November 24th, 1875. CHOIseChesMeo, FRUpIT. ërS ail kinds of Fruit in seasan at the 0onifeèti6ian and Vv - -Trea - tore L of - NASSTREw vu m:uy, Sept. luth, 1876.,I88 JUST THEE PLACE --U000 BOOT AND SHIOEMAKER, BROOK-ST., WHIITBY, HAS now on baud a large and varieci stock of Boots and Shees. He qls< R makes to order every description of LadiesGentlem'eÉ' itnd Childrënslwesr. o s tinvited te examine the uew sok WILLIAM BURNS, -Wlitby, Duituenber, 18375. Brook Streét Whrtby. LAING ~STEWART, ,WHITB Yi Have now opeued ont a first-class assortrnent of SFail anid Winter Dry Goods. llaving been early in the rnar ket ive, purclîased aur stock-before the advgnce-in goods% and, art- now prepared te offer to bour custom'ers and friends the advantages which these early pur.. assotuiet elases enable usta do. Ourassrtuentislarge. Our Styles -the Latest. Our- Suplie ar rite bst ue. Orprices at-e governed b:( the fuel that at ail times we wisb to ai a large ainount of goodi. on suieliiprofits. - (CLOTIS AND TWEEDS,. Ss~aaarîs:DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS,- WINCEYS AND FLANNELSi-- MILLINÉRY AND MlANTLES LAING & -STEWART. Cheapý Harn.ess, Trunks, Whipsý' and Lashes, W" tby1 Utb ,iustânt, ,879t8.* l 1 dlesire bc Calithe attention of the publie fétahefàyct bWt'à ne tiile dmî the peait five years have I been able to offer larnres of ail descriptions at as low a price as I ean Ibis Spring. My pxp(-nres haeig ]ighs Ieu rdç-il, No mori styhili or better RiLrneàs mnade ini thig County.'- Cash turcbasers il find special inducemens,-zbaî iswhîuî 1 am fteî. Cati -and insp~ct. rIZe' lopairing; do7ie" lreâuonably. Pieasetie&q4H~ Shop South, next to Grosese Hardware Storp, Brook Street. tlsè Tei Yeoere cge. 12 db~Ã"n~ç-86Iý 1aking Beaper. îAWARDED THE FI RST PRIZE. 876. TILL~. & Jo.ft4~~ Whitby, ELGIN !!!l - I .ýWILLIAM 1. 1 1 1 1 l ' ---l Yd m p Me i 1 first. IÉ b; -,ý , es Mare I L Go' where CHOICE 1 l AND 1, - q The ýuù'dersigË d": cannot fail to ýý'b é

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