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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Nov 1876, p. 1

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esst b. inwgtiusg, <, N'r 4 Ile' AYK,Vx 9BIT BY BBANSOEI j THOVÂS, DOW,, D1oîINOmi BANK- AMo *ub-Agsrncy at Liverpool ~svligo Dipatiiiti In conuellon wth, bolli offire, whsrs ltuit le Ptid 0ou dePo. oit§s cf elupwmtd. l.TT-R 'Wlby, Sept. 151h, 168* 89 Cf 03701n* COMVYMODIG tosugmm.al5 forspéewlsietalier of'Hon. Mn. ARRIISTP RS, ATTORNEYS# SOLI ators, Nt%,r!.. Publaud" ii Oeîh' office, ot. oor*soutia cf lb. loyal Reel AMES 'RUTLEDG, B. A. J. aL.PARBWftLL, l. L. B., BAIRISTBnJi > ATTORNETiAT.LAW. ïnlloitiir ita OMuv, Convsymuc.n Notany publie, ho. Offie-Over bn. A. <luuonfi alors, Brook -Strool, Whllby, .Out. (hALM C. KELLFR, ATTOTINBY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN ton, Dràck, CeW LYNI4,t<lq NGiif4l gte. a., A RÏIOTER AT ±Â*, SOLICITOI De oneeRrent, OshAa. t4. VEi1l,40 N14TEi. IL 1BAnIISTER, AChsNýYd rLAW 3 saittewIn aesy idIieolvlitay. INtilarvPublic &o., &ot. (fle-Mo)Mlln' Blocks, Brook Street Wbiilhy, Ontario, A.G.N IIL , <Lais Geenwood h MoMilîmu.) t)ARIIIRTBR, ATTORINEY, SOLIC h )ttor,, Nntary 'Public, Couvevamoer. tCI lre-lyrntre tra, Sontt cf ?oit Office. Wltby, Ontarto. D UGOAN & ROBINSON, SOLICETORS W CHANOERY, CONVEYANCERS,fc.,, OIl'icg-Provincfîl Assuranieo Buildingo COUuR ssv, TostroiT, .1. I.UecM9, . C., J. G. RosiseN, Mr.. A TOWN CLERE &ND TREASUREIt TWhittby. Offic-Town Hall Howts tom 9 te iocbook. R. J. GtyÇN M. De,, URGEON TO TIEE OUNTT GAOL. S ByrnuSreet, Wbltby. *Dr. W. 3. SilRNSit. ortios-Noit door tue RICiîE oa ce nt ~ 'iotue Mr. Lewis Hlouck's. IU' HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., the oye R. . H. fL., Oshawa, Ontario ' lENTIST, (SUCCES 4' on te W. H. Oavd,î Dentl ocme'-Dund&s Street. Whitb Çove Mn Jammsoule store. Nitloum 0ziadmC m alsdned for the palnlesex- tirmotion cf tombe V. Ne VI ne,-L. Do 19. SUEE Intuerled cuill thé -o'hi T laîscI principlos cf te art. s. ,as te hlsapet, and as podls thp nt, Tet f11usd ilh Gold sud OlIver. Téetit orteîsith tlhMlil, by produclusr local samothemat. Dent.?Rôoms-in Cee'. a' eew block, ovr Atktnon'tLDrug Store, KIngStrett, Oehowm, 85 TRU>MAN DEVRRILL5 0Otinnser lu B. R., LandiAgent. &c., ,t., Atlerly, couel fntanlo.- lthenlv 0"Pt. lut!,187. t c lAnI Dj. gj s P 3yeets, egeon, &ccouohon, &o., &o Wiîitliy, Sept. 801h0 1874. RBT. RAMSAY, M. D,, L. M. EDIN. tJr'oIiîoto (ilh hîni tf h. Unlvenity nf I tew* (not i -(Canoad; l'hiladeýphls îlv Of Mmi liigsny;-, Âme cati Uliu. tof vPoîîurylvniA; BEceo Cllege cf Pfqnneivîvtis anti [Msuhtiseo f mtnctoy- cf blite ulv. cf Bititltbg, Somud. Cgr oncr teConty, .1 Ontarto, Ofgece- j.<>IN 5. M. WILLCOX, Of th. Tcwn c09Wlttby, hai been tppolntetl OFFICIAL ASSIGNEZ (UNDER TEE NBW ACT,) -For ts ,Coîîuly cf Ontario. Ail business ontnîio tils Eàchange will b.carefultyas, tleld le. WblbJm, 16'174. ly TEEBEO ISE MEDICINES. dIoemshii*y 'bauhéd sud foc aie aI îby Livery tables. charge for Ativce. - N. RAT. C.JOHINS ON, DELER IN LUMBEIR, W~HI1TB Y, 11$aslni tock cf, flue dean seaaacd[4imor.Ait hind, 'for ;U'Q eani DiesatLttcbêr -lwagyi ai p$sliming cmill sAoicllue, cmi VOLe XX PORT PSUENT Wlth iba e &nlt;First clu ioiwe4s rabté md IW s4âd bsig ooo»tti tFort euy, $sept. tb, 1876. jôqgxW ltb, July I151hl, *' . w MST MAURET SQUAlE, TbDitSlTO. 'Fa' BALE, - GLEN MAJOR MILLSI Tissus, $1.00 Por Day. Staitling m cm: ARA, OTE,9! * LT txovrssoies oumi.) WHI1TBY, ONTARIO. flouse uowly renoevaled' sud furulhed thbrontut, ama put ilu irmt.cims order for ti. r.cepon ai gueste An aeualbut'osud ONTARIO IHOTEL. W13ITBT, OMTABIO. THOS. blABON, PROPRIETOR. Supeior -aocbmidlah*h. Table; muplisi with bail le seabon. Genmli7 auori. qi4el.,beal brandi. Billard rcom. Romy ameis sud sheds. u 'lRAND TRUNK 11AMWAY H0OfEL, A? WREITU? STATION. WU. 0'NEILL --PROPRIETOR. Parties t"kig tha train sud leaiving herses iI have heom well lakoti carscf liiitheir TEE QUEEN'S' HOTEL, (LÂTE dtiMulEotL,) 'ýL,7181 el, 1J114, 1 .DO3 s.cwsry.]Pr.Uloeots wtt! insur. 1100for swoe. Im 00,M tIet PlusuMMbervwefl sosscus. m au vvjpc InchBocards, OPTL 4OOO Pl1oonlng, AIA, 4000 i s.~4jg ~Thtis old sud vèUeil tbtshpd. Ccmýpsny 100,flO tst aiOakare preparse meplrtskin au i«1se1o Map oto forïp lr' t ra~tsmmaias eof ny;weii asi tïcies it qual"y a mIs l cmp n uCand" Basàwood, Isciated and uon.hadous proierty in.- - 15OOQ h. Suar Tlbeî.surd for titras yem or lsm, aI pe ay loir AU of w" cwil besoldob*ep for sh .FIBNSJà Ha woud alsQ o g lsay ltmat te ibMtGII chopehndouea 8days in lia. week, for eavevy Jf NX IEiNUAN O E. MAJOR, Lombard St. and ChanhngCross, bondon. Propnrletn. HaTABLIeNSDIN 1782. De.lte1878. loti Do., 01h, ____GILLESPIE, MOFFÂT & CO., G OD NEWS FOR, THE LADIES. Agonts for Canada %.X JAES DAIDSOMnan - ia"p A NEW REVELATION -INTHEE SCIENCE 0F DRESS.MAKING. CORNWALL'8SELF.IITTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. Braises dtti frmmomasuremont asie wthcnl ehh'iage cf a fitllch. For ale, vith Iains utrucions, ai- XISS 'MeIlVTYRE'S secon-eREET, !ITDT, I B5.AKINGO uOMS, WEITBY. rÂYLOR h&'lTcCANN, PROPRIZTORS J1 Ltea lduannsh The unddsgued dei, e oinforni tem h fnteunis sud the Vpblia liait $bey have oken ,he sovs woll. kucwu bolel, whlch le tave newly fitteti up ced renovateti, enti put * n the boailcf onder 'for th. acommode- dien cf gnus. The Bar, whloh ta the baud- ,omueitheIbmCaty, tn Wal supltoti wllh' dil meet brando of-vieu, iquoru, and ct- gans. Amiple eçcoeed oited ronm d gocti 4taltlng, box stalle, "a.Dotached roonis fer commercial traveliere.. JI P. TKL0tO, PHILIP MoCANN. lae cf Torouto. R OYAL HOTEL, W MKT B Y, TAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. The largast sud mocmmndlous botea lu lhe town : has large &ample romsnt for coîmmercial travellers Table e'ell ou1ipl*oqd wtth le bosi ueason. Bemîbraudilquers sud! cgare. 1Hnclooed Tard nd d hedroom; %tteutive botllars. Uhangas le suit th. N. B.-Ltveny eitached. 27 SUÂKRESPEARE 1HOTEL, cORore cNscANe TOUR M~., TORONTO. JAMES POWELL, -)PROPRIETOR. Finit-claie accommuodatton; bqtb.nconi, &o. Bloard, Il 80 pen day. *10 X MSTRONG HOUSE, (LÂTE ALBItON,) WHITBY, ONTARIOG E ARMSTRONG - PBOEP1IETOR'. W IHTBY EOt$E. c DUNDAS-S'fl., VHITDY. (WEST OF ZST FCmos.) JOSEPH A. BANDZZL, PROFRIETOR. Thts hou" bas beeun reoantly built ia Ian e and nocm , dnd tled np iu firsit-aaass frtye.b gDeain. Ltquors sud C*gans fres Lagr Ber. cd iabilg asud closd yard; itteutiveo ilons. 40 ÇOMMERCIAL HOTEL, CARtTWUIGET, ONT. JAMES DEWART - PIlOPRIETOR. God eccommodation lf-12 TIS PAPER 19 ON FILE WITII IONET TO LRND. The endensîgneti bas au y mmcccl et Mon- oy to e Luepoc Farm cr TownuPreperty,aet unumualuy Lau Rate& cf lutenest. Loasuieau ha repalt in sucm.t10santI ber- rouera. Several Impreveti Ferma ant i Wld Lantis for saleechep Iuvetneeîa made lu Municipal Deiten. lurnes, Bank, and ater marketàttuble Stocks. For futher partlcularsapply te JAMES HOLDEN, OfficiaI Assignes, Broken, &oc O)FFICE,-Oven lhe Dominon Bank, Me. SUpri l h, 1172. 1 L i v E I y. flegs ho iclrminhie rient. cudt h. public liaI i. canneis un te Livery hesluems et R&AY'S OLD STAND. paeo s quring couveyances-..overed sut apen-esu be accooinoteata a moonent'. notitce. R ICE. PIERDON. Whitiay, Sept. 12, 1878. 89 Whltby, Ang. 18, 1874. L ST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS OF TE» COUNTY 0f ONTARLO, FOR TEE YBAR 876 Wbtby.. 8 1 Iil11 1 91 1 Brougham 28 52 2' 4 2 PortPery J >1 025 15 14114 27 Uxbrldge. 127 114 !268271 I 1118122 Cauut'gt'u 128 15' 2728! 1'1' 2l Beavt-rt'n 1 61 121 1I l 20 17b 80 . h1119 GEO0. H. D.ARTNELL, Junior Jutige Witby, Dec. 111h, 1875. 51 G.9 YOUNG SMITH, ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTARIO. MONEY TO LEND on Parm sund Town Propcrty, aI LOW RATES cf Intorosl. For furtion peticulans Apply te- JORN FARQUHARSON, Whilby. August 15th, 1870. 34 Ottawa, Apil 22, 1870. A UTHORlZED DISCOUNT ON Amenin invoîces unlil funthern o. tice, Il per cent. --J. JOHNSON, 2911f Commissonnen cf Customel. ýKING BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Dealers ana Maufactureasof al Ktncls of LEA THER AND FINDING8,1 Cash pald for Rides, Barit. and Lether. Leamher stretcbed. Lt.CBELTINO MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. Vmv. 1872. 22 MONEY TO LRND i A lange quantlty cf mcney te isnd et lcw itersot, privaI. lunch. For sale, severel Town loIs, two Frame flouses, sud e lange Brick Rouse. For terms, apply te G. TOUNG SMITH. Whltby. Fait 9th, 1874.7 To ie Inhabitants cf DufOtns' Cree and icinty:_I have now openod a Butoher'a Shop in M.W. Cuthbmn's wlitere may b ho oanon. ci the bail dl. lays or B.df, Pork, and' Fowl even ofonra te lte Publie. . - g Reaonabis Pricos I Coen on", come mSU, sud got smethlug fe do yen gocnd. -RICHARD WESTLÀKE-. Whlcby, Deceriten 22ud, 1875. 82 B ROUGHAM CARRIAGE WORES. S. WEBB RcsflufWormls hiâiPatrons ant isi BEES FOR SAlE. ýictât as ptoae ieRgial ton SvnSsmveny strng, lu.il gent Movembla Fjramo ivas. Wbllby, sept. 201h; 17. Bo doIre VOUNG'S 1- HOTEL, MONCK ROAI, DALTON# ROBT. K. YOUNG, - PROPRIE TOR. billablo information reganing lie doue- tnp, etc., funnitbedto tenies requlrng ft. ample acmuaat5foirtHuels saiti Sportsmen. The arlien aulardor aupp lieit wli h hast et lîquors snd viandet le b fetiadnl ie conntny. Noues'but obliging1 iati ative senvunhu kepi. Comiotici otahing anti prompt hesîlene - aluavt onu' baud, Coxibqoy'sPl rtSa BUGGIES , 7Tr I o AIl Parle will C"l do i e àe eugs antd Cottt, befone glveîg their endors oese- wiore. , Broug ai, July 1 31h, '1876. lyre 8 ROTA.L Agent for lte wanneté ayfu-fir Insurances agalust Ici. ity Finare effeeot- et ou ltse moît reasonable temsdantisses s aid mthout refere e isBoard iu Lon. on. _ April lth, 1870. AgentWLitby. 16.ly 1H1~STADACONA" FIREE hLIFE ILINqURANCR COMPANY. HEAD OFFICE, - QUEBEC. -Bill nautî~t.d a &ïm4 ote. fùr~iï-, AIe imps lwmb o md at;te,.jmoxoLzoa.. vniitby,.,,Obuore Qffoe ,Prtace Abe i aëtt48al idard, One., Port Perry. * W. M. WTLLCOX, Pince Abert, Sept. 241h, 1879. 89 AUCTIONEER, ;&0.,&c 'BAMUavr8wDIVISION ÇOURT, Aud General commission 'Aient, Port Ferry. WB"TBY MACINE WOBKS i (LATICGL&YTcJ'1 BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Tho unaonatgned bege te lnform the fanm. ors cf the surroandtng country, thet lie bas lu stock a large assortiment -cf Outllug B~oxes, Cheuns> Tup Drilla, Ho Zskos, NMc% Yoes, Whikc.T&re", Wheelbarnows. Ropslrtug cf &Il kindsexoecuted wlth nestnouan sd despalcia. THOMAS MrCANN. Brock-St, Whlthy, Apiil 4h, 1876. iy.15 D OMINION 1"LQUR & FRED STORE. CHARLES PENNYLEGION Fînsecial ResuIt cf 14 Months Busi- Boi LIat eiii fw rIad su onlom nais98--te 3 Ist DeC., 1875. 1x'm-... -,a i..PAaffi...ne....e Aulienizeti Capital............ $5,000,000 Sebsonibeti Capital ...........i.. 2,800,00 Pait up Capital ............... 200.095 Govarument Daposit (Pire) .. 50.a00 Govenumeul DEpit (Lits) . 0,000 Total Revenue, Fine Prmims, aud Iutt-noi............. 8223,775 Total Logsse................. 63,528 Iuvesîed Fua-di...... ....... #194,718 Casth iu hstud Deposit. 49,198 Otiten Assots e................ 89,888 Total. Asseel...... ........ 8298,794 Thils Company bas nou e@laiuIisiat itsif, anti bu 21 Brauches sud 207 Agencdas lu te Dominion. j16.-hV :Manager, C. NOURSE, Aget, %Vhttbp. t i Depoit wth Dominion Governnuent 950,. (10. Expeniencad Agonts thiougiont the Dominion. Fire Rieka îcritten et Adequato Rates. C. NOUlISE, Agent, Whltby. Whlthy, March 7th, 1878. a Q U E E N INSURANCE COM PA NY (VIRE AlN)LIFE) 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, - $ 10 ,000,000, itAmNzai: MKKMC&L ÂvîiEat: MOLSON8 BANK 0. A. BAYNE$, E8Q., M.D. Head Office for Canada : 1911 e 193 St. Jamas Street, Monîrsal. FORBES h MUDGE, Chiot Agente. R. H. L&WDER, Agent, Wlitlby. Augnit 101h, 875. ly-38 11;ORTII BRITISEH& MEIICANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANYI1 Safe, sud reliable, changes moderato, prompt seutlement ofc dims. GEO. YULFE, Agent. Whitby, June 2, 875. 23 W ESERN SSUANCE COMPANY HEADOFFInCE, -TOReNTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - g4co,0oo. Â025T FOR SOUYTH ONTARIO, .TOSEPE HOLM.4N, BROORLIN, ONVT. Aiso Agent fon lie CANADA FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, HieatiOffie, HAXILTOiS; eut CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'Y, Monîneal, Fine, Lite anti Guâanues Departinent, $2,000,000. 12m41 c HEOICE APPLE TREES, A il 0 VT 40,000, HOME NURSERY, From two le leur years ef &gooanbraing &ll lhs boit Vonlelies. SETH C. WILSON, Lot No. 8, 2nd Con. Pickening, on Kingston Rosad, mt Office, Wiitby. - 10Oo ACRE FARM IN m 'ARA- _FOR SALE 1 West-half cf Lot 14 lu th. 8ixth tconces- sion cf Pias. Onehsîf' clemned, Rsud uncdon culglvotlou7 Log non",, Bav e.'o:Wlîh- le lwo miles.oet Brachia. Ralway Station. DmnoBmkwhl tby. Lot 12 lu 121h concessionî, 200 acres. Sonth.hallf etlot 18, lu 121h ceuceosie, Itîl &ores. Acut six miles froin Athoniy 11.11 w&Y Station. J.I-ER, Wbltby. Ç ADPffSv,Otff eSoE allihe lomeet living prises. Fleur, Ce rn, Chop-Fetd, Bran, Shorts, Oui- mal, Creeked Wheul, PcasOtitI, Po- tetosa, h&., et Wholesalo and tiIeLtil. Chteaper that tht. Cheapeat for Ccth. AI lthe Dominion Flour snl Foot Store, Croahy'î Bbuck, SasItaonr, Deodas Street, WhItby. CHAS. PENNYLEGION. Wlallby, Apnil 241h, 1870. 18 VTALISES AND TRUNES. LEATHER VALiSES AND SARATOGA TRUNKS, - &C., ho., et WILLIAM THOMPSON'S, Saien sud Ilarnes Reo, mmmcn.er., Wnt'itBY. June 24, 1874. 261f S. R. WIOKETT, Importer. Manufacturer and Wholesalo Desleronl Leathers, Shoe-findings, Etc. Sols Agent for Cunteiocf J H. itonsy's ceisinated Coloret aud Fsncy Lottere. No. 52 COLDORNE STREET, P. O. IDo., 322. s TAGE BETWEEN WHiTBY & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY! Loavoes Osaaet 8.30 a, m., aud 1, p. te. Leavos Wihitby et 10.10, a. nm., eud .111, p. M- Fane 25 cents saci w"y. WilIcii et ail lte hoteis, sud cIt pnivûte nesiteuces (mie odena are l'E t aI auy of lie botels.) Connecte mili Oehawa antid Boumauvilla stage; cao mIi ltseWhitby anti Pont Penny Railwav, aut ubti Brough- am ailat hity.THOS. HOPPER. Wbitbp, March 101h, 157 . 1-I flege b ennounce liaIteobei nemavedt te King St.. a few doors EAST 0F THE POST OFFICE, opposite LeLeession-.rooma, uhens miii ho fa2 id % fineoctaroet ilk and felt haIt, fon Ictîle suad gentlemen, af tus eue manu- facture.t tm Sîàrmu hale colonot sud eltenet lu saaio. Oshama, Jnly fith, 1875. 80 y EOMAN GIBSON, General Commnission Marchant and Produce Dealer. AgonI for IMERu'nAe anti Comuztmi, .UNt- tas Fine Imsersuce Companies. RATES 0,F INSURANCE LOW 1 Almo Agent for th. LocDoa anti CAsseur. LoàxsàNso AoxsCY CoseàsY. Monoe mme. eti en rosi octale, payable from - mn 10 Tuelve yeano, ant inl sumo ta auit parties te' Intaeeglolan sd ne commiesion, chargeti. Maogeges banghl. Office ai, GIBSON h SPARVELL, China Pam Store, Dundea St., Wbîlby. Wiitby. Marci 151h. 1870. 12 VAUAIILE PROPERTY FOR SALI. Thetsstcniben offers forsale tie falloir. tug vainabls iunoperlytu is heTome cf WltI bp:-Au oxclent Brick Cottage wilh t acre et land, situeted on the cerner et Green and St Peler Sts., lunlte, South Wevd. AIea, i acre cfland, mell fonce&asd-lua itigi t aIe of c0ullvallcu, conter Weliglon snd Oit- lcrd, mis.; Ncrth Wand. 'j acre on Contre St. soulh e i tesednce of C. Draper, Es;.. lu lha Roulli Wand. Aiea 20 mares o o d SIm, bain d c -mp o f.'Purt of lot 18i 101h. cci. cf Tcm=Iibptof Midey,, Co. Nerttumben. A éleean tld lspoulble tigle ilbe gven le ailt'le above pnoperty. For further p&r- llouisapply 'tOehiscrr Witlby. July 1871. 21 F OR SALE I ThaI eligible Fan acrea cf1 hmid, doMi citnt1ilof exeatl eii l pltse laieJ aeaohuemile _Kungti-tôàR& -T Resideuce 'eilb it8 îg Garenansd On- Lualily, fenmsnlyoce- ly-85 B 88. I was on dnty', as bead.guard cf theo up teftii trainwbo& whÀt I ain,aboný,4 eue wot and 8s z' :-altMinev'eing rue abp'ut l uek.Ho#w Il. I remeém. ber thé»tîme My journey fer lb loay was lever, anIb rinws.js ra- ing up tae l ptlform eat: Fark 'Enil ý Station--Park ËFUt is a vs.ry busy placej uewv, asI, tias o yeare aware, andti it was e, bugy place, even "tben-whon I i Izeard -a sntldeu ery cf "man clown l 1 frouasomo f l8eporters. The very fane Moment, as it seemod, my van,. whichwas at the tale sud cf lise train,1 gave a atrauge sort cf jolI, -as tbougb, the whaéls had been lifterl off lte1 metals aud-bad gone ovèrsr e thing' soft. Iturued cold from ishai te foot,1 andl letling go lte. hanile of my brake,' was ont cf my Van in a couple cf tsee. onde.. There thei. oor fellow was, sure1 eneughi,,lying abont à yard awioy from* the. binduiost wheeie, a heap o'fc otse and broken boules. In altez.uptiog te gel out befere tbe train liaitornle teaa staud.still, lielied slipped down be. twen thie carniages andth Ie lalforni.1 Que carniage andi my heavy brake.vau bail gone over him. 1 waq the firel man .that leapeil down ou the lino te lift tilu up. We got ltinounlte plat-i forn as tenitieniy as we could ; a ring cf1 portera, guartîs, andi passeugers formertl aroundu:4U. A cuple cf lanterne hielî 1 aluft lightîc np the ghastly scene. He1 whjoLa 1 i htd in ruy armat wu8 a insu( hetwcten ftty and sixty years olti ; bisi Baudy hair and bies 8antiy beard were1 fast tuning grayHeolialt a sharp,' foxy.looking ftoce, liiie that cf a mani keen i a barg i tu!well able lu taes cure cf hie owîî i iterests. Ho wao plainly dressoîl lu bltoukand gray, buti with a certain stamp about lm nwbiplî shewed hat bc wati boti a gentleman1 aud a man weil te do. ý. Peur fellow I ho. was very near bie enud. Hole ad given ulterance te ne cry wlîen lie irestfult, sud oue or twoi low motoue were ail that now toid bisg sgeony. His lips mnoved as tliougli lip wauîed te epoak te me, but ouly a falot murmur came trot-ihem. I bout my ear close le bis monlit, but oven Ilion 1I conîl net makeoeut what lie wauted te say. lie groauel andi eh l hie eyee, andi I tleuglit ho wee gene but in ai moment er twe hie eyos opeeti, andi agoin hoe trieti- te spt-ak, but in vain.1 Tho1jn, for about. as long- a tirme as itj wvouli tako e tvnut twouty, hie gaze mot mine witîî an expression in it cf sncb yoearniug aîîxiely and terrible do- spair as 1 have nover since seen, andi lieonover le cee agalu. Tholn i sud. 'ion spa-în crosseti bis face, changingr ils wboe expression; lie fluug oee rm ont qnickly. bis head feli back, and hie was deadl. *A Ktrotchor was broutilîl, on whioli lhe bodiy was carriedta te . eati- lieuse at lhe liospili, there te awail the 'inquost. Tii. dead man lied ne baggago witb bum, ozuept aýsmeIliblack bag ; tnt thone wore pliers about hlm sutllcient te provo hie identitv. Ris naine Wes MuSîce, andtieh liveli in Londion. Ro was a bachoter, andibail cîitmberg lu the Temple ; anti big bilai- nss, as far as I couil make eut, seeom- ed a sort cf cross botween Ibat cf a lawyer andi a uionîey-lender. After lte inquest, aI wbiplî I wss called as oe cf te ebief wituessos, the body vvasi claimeti by the -relatives, and 1 îlioufl1it,' I liati cen and beard thte last cf Mr. M nxloo. I wont about my work as usuel, but 1 cOuIlt etgel eut cf ruy mory that: teck cf terrible duspair wtîich bai flasliod from lbe doad mnaii's eyes jute initie turing the. tast minute cf hie life. 1t ItannleqI me hy day, and il lîauuled me by nîglîl, wben I was at work and when i wa. asleep. Do wbat I woutt, 1 ceuidt g et titat gbeotiy face, wztb its sîrango, yearning gaze, out of my mmld. Peor as 1 was, I weuld hlave given muci te know wbat il was ltaI Muxice was se despairingaly aurions te telt mne. A menti un more paRsol away, andl altheiizh te peor îleadl gentleman was eften ie My hhouglîls, 1i l uite ne- covered mv celierfulness. wlentho strengeet ihina lîappened te me. I was actinîg as giierîl that week te tthe 9 à. m. clown express. Ve hatl Slopped et Clay wooçbt, a station, abent hhirty mité norîli cf IPark End ; 1 bail gel ol11 cf my van as usuel le see after thie passoîîgt'rs; I tbâti ulate everything riglîl, ani was jîtet about le give the sîittingsginal witlî my wlîiele, when, aI walked aloutisile the train,, glane- iug itte a cmparlm ibre ani lionse 1 hati quit. penenadeci myself that such mue;t be tbe Case bY the lime we drew- up et onn e talien;*,stillitilwu net wilbout a l1111e gsinkiug cf tb. nervesthat I walkea qniokiy paet the carnAge wiere I W d een tle ghcst, er, whatever il wus.,.Thoewuunaghost tbere uow-mud I iaulited a little spilo- fnl. isugh le mysaîf. lu fact, twc old laiis hmd juat hid the dccv cf 1he very oo~4mn pQned: for ïem, md were be.ing thrust in- with thoir boies sud bundies.,i iace liad ladies cern- fortsbly sealed, sud siift lbe door ou lhern myseif; anti as I did $se, I un- thiuiiiugiy read off'tihe nunîber of liae caviage lu wbichb they had taken their places-liaI number wae lB 88. There soeed to me a famailier ing about the. wcildte B 88, amidi 1kept re * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ el bu'l1tfb~e ~ - ~ *~~no Iae terile arnigc lili' aeistnoon thereacie i ,bpetiysl spekn bfon, a tiongiil-ied-see 3uclOn'àe bstjsIhý ýà tioitlt , âô, 'Am1ùe(t dil secron il mni , mre d ccîtmeoeth.auelie, a plaeon ilet -'Iybmil e frein i actuexiî tain ne rosI tilI iL bail nevealeti it te Park Enui. The guerd wlno bitc char-s lule, aun! dl me- was tellilookitig-beathleeso, cf the tvgin frein Cancîhipe waë an datitavider, spi-bctnd-nti l 1 se.msed b ave 'Mateoc mne orIt.-cc-lwpîy tihi beulookiug for minutesinelead ocf cec* ulsMonvele' l in ulis'braele I î.tiii onde, Wuenit iowiy uplitiiea.e leee andi uo bat a quiet srnoke and à chat gpii¶nitu fereflugen, aud iteckeued Me le go ta it. tegetlier. Tien, feeling inclinaIt fàr a aetai5t t TItis was moesltean I could 'bear, I Oenze, I .leftI -Iiim eutgeltete à.m v w ic faintei delineway ety lte plalfuom. enpty ssoond-ctmis comp anlmeît.-IHon. pràetioelu Witen I came le Mysaîf, Ithe train liailt reptiiy eit el up, anti'uo rn who.pr isen set ft'nwand lu charge cf muethien eîleep iu lirueminutes . ImuaItave n19Motion gîlanîl, sut Iwuselyiug lu cue cf lte lept fer abut au itoun, wuen I awoke 'lime" Spffé weiling-rooms, uhere tbo stttiou-rnes. uith a itant, and coutil ne&t-make eut andi far beý Ior n bsdhedugiter bail iesu deing fer, a minute cr» tue whîeve I wtts. 1-I thein beel te brng me round. iras etlil rnlibinu my oves, aud leokiUg ADVPNTj Welî, tuy nonves uene se upsel thtlrouai t it e gape, ubon I sau 'sotue- vcy, Ont-, il usealmosî a wesk befere I usi fit îiing ltaI brought tme' tle. ÃŽ n ss.-cf lwc us te go on dty egain. 1 lied plenty miWaehioek as if I liedt been suddeilly qcnetlcoC, Il cf lime, White Sitting et home, la luru thrust cven.hemt in icseold . umter-in- day ehô.i lte ubelA mfain over aeutlever in rny aide tie <on cf Ihiecarniage in wih.I tiys li sea mmnd. I came te tb. conclusion ltaI wastitLju ue a n iaket up tis fatal net to. be f il uas volry* likely I sionît 5se in. tnmen B 88l' 8, Otre Ie Miliose gan-porbapae flen again. AIl, lie feelings autd fears wliieh I liail the babilt But, argng fre i 1îti ldreat and i iloîeid inyself baît vauilheil for oven haole calsi lieard about glîcete, llîey had ne power came backia ue AIs as I reat p9ven thee su pectsd given tîten i h nne ; iltiey nuinît n ysoîf in a frighitonoît ltie- in cantîo could doa us. le appear utuexpeoteîily et pon. -The tibughl liai B 86 woulîl The 1pase.i sîreuge times and places, and se mrake tanin part cf lte train in w-hidi I ebuld le Hati Ri thlîselvos as unpleasant ase possible. Iravel baok homoe aller my beîidtseitVet,'-sud Tîte-urisuiot of iL use, ttlibaviug matie nover euticned loto my oaioulations. I lest, lat e top rny midtuat 1 sitoultiseo Mn. bail nover tieuglît te look at the cerrin- mucti, lu Mturloe egein, I tiedtalese nerve My- agas before getting mblite te train et Site seao self as Le be aille alook on hlm with- Carniope Juuction, and, in consoqusurce sînsu;; su ouI being ovemtoh afrîitl. cf tibis neglecî, e cîrenge fate - liait led liait unds: After I gelteaucni agaiu, y ce May mue jutelte very place cf mil chons supplie'l w b. sure -thet I Iookod cansflliy befere uluere 1 uouId teast bave lihedta lebh. luintiene i saabîng on emoli jcurnuy le ses ulîsîber 'B 88 us e c#mpcile caniag-iliat le macle ueo thaI eocfondeci B 88 fcrrned part cf le eay, theo midille compartmeul wms a have feung My hrain. I lied gel au idthaIit I diret-elasa eue, ulule lte tue endtcoc in.atl. shonît neyer SceMn. MunIe. except in pertinents were seeoelîaw. It ua M consatien withî liaI' parlicuien car- in eue cf tiselaItonr oornpartmenîs MUSD1 niage, eut,ase the evant preved, I wms tîtat 'Iwus ucu Sitting. Theenîldills droadinî iv iihts. -. first.cless cempertmont was lie eue mentl lerol The iret lime liaI I foulat B 88 imunteti by tbs'gbiosî cf Mn. Mîîxloe. art Abzibi maode up se part-of my traie uns mitant I hardly kecu Ilieutaleceibe tayon reti n ive thlaye aflir my reouery. Titerl il filie feeling tint uou telk possessien ofl dalie us, eue morntng wlîeu. I wout ou dnly me. It -as neithor more nonbass> tien cf nebkiey staring et, mne as brazen as yen pîese. au intense longing t lebave lie ci- mut, e bai 1 ceoeindtat pick it ont iustiuoctively partumeut lu ubicta 1 was iting andi Civny, usi frein ail the cîhhen oarnieges. I uen'l 'Make'my wey, hy meane efthle foot- Fritlay te sîmy ha-I my heant thîl't flatter e uitIle horonn ultîde lta carniage, as fan as tie AnivIcg a ulien I1 ia n aket -i1. I kept my windou cf tic nexl ccîmpartment, *thou prisouert e>,eon lil, cnd ucu net a little pleasoîl poep in, atIl secuhoîhen lie gioct cpecutl ec te sc a gentleman anti bis tue sous gel ucre alreeîly Ilions weiîiug fer me. I train. O1 inte il abouit twe minutes btfore atarI. tiod to figitI egainct titis insano clirie Bruseieli E ing. A glane. aI thein tickets siewed -I nid figIt againet'il willî ail my ps rtmne mue liaI îîey liaid beekedthtighi i a streugli, but in vain. Thc-n. w ai ene uzîtu bîo point about'fifty miles heont uliere I power uitin me IliatI foail if Im tnuggle. gave top oharge cf tb. train. Not ho- cible to reis. I was Uike aemniwalk. founîl begc i ablo te bave tli arrnisge le bim- uin ubis sleep, uliese actitons are bc-sd ae self, Mr. Muxleo iiîlnet, on tuaI oca- yenîl loic eue control- encexul liatI I vere mis sien plot in au eppeaanuce. kusu quite welî uliat 1 a bout, andi, mln Tue tays aler, B 88 usagain in- in aIl respecte but eue- was as aollectoîl, opportuni cl in My train. TItis lime tie sud se rneaî in my pronon sense, a s uî Midle compartmieut remanluetonne- lever I liedt beeonitniy 111fe. -. allten whii otîpiot. Frein tiie Moment liai foot I cciii net stop lua argue wiîb my-antiesecal uas dlean le me, I feit.Licure thast I sel! ; 1 conît net stop te redleot. Tie capt uvet. eholîcîtses Mr. Muxloe bofore lie eil, mnpulse ltaI uaav îeneu gnou sîrenger ' - ef My jeurney. Kuowing tdois, Yeu uutli every moment's defay. 1 haîl Basson reiglt, penhepe. ask me uhuat neel oeoed flic. cerniage-tice n sd mac cul Spain, W£ thiere use for me ago ucanflitIpar- ou the foolbeart, uitb flic.cold untgltt- euîercd U ticelar carniage oiI ml-en eveu if I ittil air lîowiiig keuiy svound me, aiment fle vcnyà te pais il. uiy I couti net koppmepY3 befone 1 kuew that I itall inned froin Bcoul thej oys ternei acotien way. If etili mv scat. W. îvsi'o gofitiaieng aI a KiOgt mu qupeions ucre prit le me, my enîy an-t tity pece-ebout lbirty toiles ait baur- the igei suer uculîl bc, tliet I coulîll, Itor lte but ibail ne feare as teaniy efty-I ei51 mule1 lifs cf rme, ksep euay fron ficiecarniage. bail peRset elomîg lie fonlboar is wunpreseuisii As eflen as lte train came te astaandiltIie trains usre at fl epeedtaoalac iuSinitit my feet sePeietaledrag mae Pas1il 1e fr ltaI. 1niiiing a agoinel My %vil], aut tlu.n My leyec Very feu dotpe bronflît nie closelle t to 'eo ucult turu eut look ulîshhen I wiihtei tie windou cf the midîilo*cîîmpanlmoent. aroun-.I Ih Itoni or net. Wei, I dii ee0 Mn. Mur The utnîîou us eor setI ccclii sec cntoin t I ce sovemel limes befons lie eut cf my everyîhitîg uiciteae plainly a. I enu im toieu jetiruey. We sîopped aI four etationse ueue0 yoeubo are cîttîug beelî.le me. claimteit : -tictrinu eoasu express eue-eut Tiere wus onh oue pesRecger l inte krock yî four separate times dit I1cie blina. But companîment-Mr. Mmxloe.- week 1" if I liait ceeu humn a Ibehusandtitmie, 1 yes ; tuere ho set, with hie treaifut jottes, ,i fl Ihual I conît nover bocomo famnilia er sarng sîraigci me mine-looking n sd doi11 uith bim-neyer regardîi hmm ili eeY- biner, colder, more gluosjt-like tlimelever. hniroîîgh it thing bunIa mixet feeling cf thoe eP- Thoen hie long lban fereflugen mme slow. sale 1,, est eue ant aversion-e feelinîg tee in- ly raice.], beekoniniz me te enter. Ali TeJ lenie for me te tescribe te pou in aîîy pouer of resietene tint becu taket frenibasTiiJ wondc. Ho seemedtale i alumys ou me. sîouly I openeil Lte - dean, andibs un te leekont for me. mut for noboty olso. sleuly I gel insitf o-npver taking -My 05'Jint Tîte moment I came in sîglît of Iliiilayes frein off lois for smuoMpn-ttteu 1 i. ils cpi hic terrible'peaucult Malet Mine, aud shultti)toon beicýi -me, sud set toun iittedt, Ilion rny hoant uould eltninltbîin inS. eppoalle le hlmi. Tîtenigit ires a oat*I bLeo w' aniti every nerve, in my bodly meulti.oes, huit I mas îrcug aeut ieerîy, seti head te i tîtîlven mith dreat unspeakeble. AI- haît scerceiy feIt il ; but ltse momntI D. bavini unys, tao, lho bookonet mm iti bis set dowuoppos ie g et9015J1bicame ùion tien long leen forefinger-bul I tank guet ceesoicue cf a coîduesa fer eroethiug ce.. io cane neyer le obvey ti.cumours. any ltaI I hait ever experiencetl before."went fo I don't wu1te I rouble yenu jt ,tIoeIîicameocbilîetlleaîthevery-'murnou: iy fuetd Marty i'elails. Itlais sunoli le caY ltaIThe ainretflte conipartnient sonniet as tons us: eveny limue I look ont B 88 ae a part cf Iliong iti lied cuept loven e Ihttusand pu1giliseS rny train, and every lime lie Middlbe icebergs. My bain seemod te liftt, anti beiung seh compaient won as uribecupiet, sa sure my uluiekens tb eni9p aeutalegle, mitlitSanke; uas 1ItLesece sgiaucl cf Mri. Maxloe. the intesea coid ; sud I found aft.-r- incf Yen ses, il %vas e tIiîg I tarot! netta5k merde fibnt y-watch lbail eloppo t a to 8s r about, four ban lthe Ccpauy Oioilt Bay the very moment cf my entering the at Alteomi Ihita tuail uic usin lus babil cf canniage. I sal doun sud mited for ing." TI soeiug giosto uauel ditteabe gîtant of uhiat miglît Iteppen nexl. net qn a train, aut sionit sent mue about My My cornpauiee'u baud itet gqee oue wes; q oye n.Qe dey, mienhi. bat trevel. li r eti mita nie 8,a h lmy froin Park Enîl 100 mcci . lHso s accÇ9Iue." "'O.é wll, le lie eut ef My jeuney, sud me Iast hc.n - pe4ue do h;ccum çùbed k 4 Ltraun uîp for lbtheclieu cnf lickeleW, t t s orafleY' h"he o Basya I te cas0 cf lis collers, ihô hd -:î s mlen.' . ' ' ê,o paeihieconarmet sas i À l I jury,'deciaved a an hs la& d' tee ae - ens emptysdhsagmyeeoniebis deslby an dne'town magzoot d giaalaillis lrn-sms ï. ô l, yitAbout on per uith-itas cisilàttro bave ,fOr4tten t elot laI el1goil'everdict vspecllint a: Manuthmd been ý - ieket liïe b midtle o'*mpavîmt i o cumet te deatb lu a mili, Wou ten B 88.1'> jury rsarkcd;No blame, ec el h.aI. Pis <'Have I ?" mya Bill,,and with thiet aciedtho the maoliinery." great fir he gesbeok antipns lie <on of :-B' A Iitoboy -cnet e cehoroti boy lie trk 89. "'Wiy, you duffer, lthe cempiant. j eeday sudaseked biniatel hiad00. rnseni' mpty," eeya ho -nei moment, nsua eshortih nose for.. ImbCt'Isgo it Bgivieg th. dean au entra bang. I ont peke itseif bunt therp peeople*s The : cave Ll,...T1.,O15jOUÀ Icocre Ã"pon uternbis vaiueceay ne 1Ithe profil uic a .needer Vfrmn îor enilnal lie May prciduce. breedl1og' mioais -_brouRbl -nee wich aprenoutisuàsn ittergeis ycan by yeusn midî r, util WBceautie'longer 'wèasl sa et the bensficial iufluenoe. litaI -lies.thte value e offity nel, sud ifia unnfal.Alpar- ta -confina i is -value -toi th -: meat uýon ils caress, or itsi~ t mnuilk aud.bullen. -The bveed. rouas. a aupenien animal-sels m u impulse mieai ust in et( an increase. enoruaousiy, eyond computatioe. aezs op à Co.-The Surath. SAge sape: umDuriig tie seau 9é¾s ago, Mn. T. B. -serI, of cet a Ieifer. It mas ou MIou- wai; mimeoti, sud fer several- tercbed fer ber, but ah. mas- fitant. At- l.8t, ho meut te a ek' mien. the cou bat beeu lu of ruuning. Thene ho sam s' tnt iiltstack, and ti I.once b ic cou masinuil. _11e ment sily, fer it mas tiark as Egypt. ag. sieeîeed 10 have no snd. ,ne 2à feet, andi neocu foueti. lis passage- stii eopen. AI distance of 80 feut frein -lIt *e caýme upon tis animal alive, eut coing mel on he id a gecot 'menu benge sie r liaseteek. Ifse had bee niM milenaie might have Livet ýaIl ululer. The pasage oié à e uindiug eue, onrseucubt ad hen may eut aI the opposite ta ii IAILAY CAR.-A munder lunsavmimay comnpart. .tporteti frein Brussois. Leon- arn, a Belgian, Wwu asra- tJnly en board suanImutant eanie frein Liverp'ol o, ecseti, su ad lbe mentor of Md. Mur- mkon, eud hie ýhouasokespen, at ,ai Brnss ,ias delivered Af s_ BegIaî%s officer aI Doyen, et Ostenil lie offlen. mcd is th. lstter mauscleti, Lek a oompenlmeul lu lie Brussehs )nthIe arrivaI cf lie train ah beti mono miisung. The cÏrný t hey oapie'd mas delugel td, and lharo mante-cf s.errnie 1The body cf lthe offlor meu utad lthe tnack mith lth.e kehi r- tettenod.'AIlhi. veluablea 8;i. t conjecturodtiliaI, îclnwat2au opportueity te lilyte atlsek tiec officor miha bands anti beel hlm to esamI; tic be nuleoket lis unaes apet. Hoeitas rinc enm.e- mpiene,,Freuci, Ambassden te ra tolling Henry IV. bau .hho Metirni. .I mss moueted on eimaileet mule in Lhe moloig Ambaisatcr. ', said lthe laI su amueing elgit, -te goe cses ann munted th ae enehi m "'* as pour &imjesty's r.- ,ive," mmc lteejoýinolJen./ eut Joues, mendiante ,mena. aondeuntjst tltiminutes befoe îl, a'.n fonte, ulmen, goiug lie cerner cf e atreet, Jones teteet with Srmih, koockinq r. Smith usexokteil, sud on- : Deo'thiagein, sud I1li ru, jutte o middile>cf nent 6.My dean felcu " sicuted lo il an-1 l'il give yon thoncs- ansi 1For if ileu Xiy ul- fe titi thon %vihlieut brsaklug, l'ni aîilt t' Acclimatation cf Perls nowly escaped e :serians ber- I. Teby, the yoeug elephaut, t iilechilîtlansd has been pen. ie mander ,s1hznosl et miii. vaoke mga ho took h te ba is riait tie - dtimedanlos, butMi. 2g a uemiy bere dromedary on id, mac in a iigity nervens i,. tremblet for ion baby. andi Dr" Tohy, mio mws subseqnent- len e pool of -bicotd. Theasdc re sumnimoceil, antibohthe talion ta liseitespitl, lie lady ào couderahîy tsmagod. ?y io moosteomedtotll, as lie f ,ieith le Fort,' ebeuh Sher- escege iguehlet t Oen. Corse, us, '<1Hold lis fert-I mmii cern- b.e evaugeila, bouseven, 'dos )e Gen. Ccnse's reply, mmih ani6or saer cieek. boue sud su m aie te miuîp aeh helI et.", çnear Norfolk, Va., wme hsught eveny day for, eralrati iral, Brokln, Den. 2, 1872. HOF v y r 1

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