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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Nov 1876, p. 2

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fine decaced strasS, uéaiy K.Krlicitor C~,opay. , mloeta tu 3.Pr@Prty of ThoqàA .Proot1orî L No. 1 Broken Front. Pioering,c Nfov. i4tii, 1870. L. Fairbanks, Au ONLY S o pgPR ANNUM. Whltby, Thinrday, Nov. 9 187E Th* Prosidetilal Election. * TILDEN VIOTORIOUS 1 Tiie PrealdonLiai eloLlon, whicohftc Illace all over the. Uuiteil States o * Tueoilay, ha. restlt.l, s aIl the.Indigo ti.»is go Lo'8iéW, la rayor of Ur. Tilder the Desnoratc ocadidate. Tiio.effil of N iw York sud Brooklyn hav.e-Xive iai wards of 70,000 msjorlty, oarry lig Li the té H.Rehas ailôa&carried tip solihI 'vote Of lthe South. Tii. Staiti W'hieh haive gono for Tiiden are-Ney Yorkç, 3e; New Jersey, 9; Dolaware fl; onuectleut, 0i; Inidians, 15 ; Misa ouri, 15 ; North -Caroline, 10 ; Sautt Citrolina, 7 -,Taixag, 8 ; Ucurgia, il Aiiijitus, 10; Teunesse, 12; Louisians 8 î; 'isieppi. 8 ; Kentucky, 12- maklug a total of 1039 elators. Fuor llays, tLiè foiiowing Staten have arit their balloti-Niaiui, 7 ;Nen 171lïpshire, 5S;Vermont, 5; Mas@&. eîzusattx, 18 ;itiojo .aéind, 4 ; 1enuc eJyivýtila, 29; Ohio'. 22 î Illinois, 21i 2NMinùin>uto, 5; Nebraskla, 8-Total, 114. Comploté roturns havéeflot yet b..c recolveul from Micigan, il; Arkatiaai 1) ; Florida, 4 ; Kansas, 5; N'evada, 8; Virginia, 11l; Wiseoucin, 10; California, 6ilown. il ; Maryland, 8 ; Oregon, Jl; Wet Virginia, 5; Colorado, 8.- t.viiviUg' a total. of 86 vote. The EI*'cttîral Colloge conipriaeos 869 V04tq ieh di tao ieiug éutitiéd to tii lirîtiilîar rof vortom aboyé given. A eau. litiati, for Pieiceut, lunorj1r ta b. suc. -vonifui, mluet have a ulajority of allihe elnetrar-183. 0f Lthe StaLes from whicl flio u i tig have uaL yet coue to hani, Tildon, tus oppoouts admnit, wili *gut Arkcamqs, Virgzinia, WVest VirgIii and NMarvlli-80-iu adition L te109, ý!Vfiî hitu 14 vo tene or the vtouisite nclrt, râf.uî'é his elertioii. r.Tiîitu lias ccc'i Lit ilt fthe oleca tt.on ttinrul -lu ticvour of the Demcratid tirket iL woiil produe a tuilientumn.' r,'~hovc thcct SCo May he Cs a"e, ftoi' hai. w, iccy tu able tu cougratulate o iibreupou an u ecccvséd Pori o! rt' îpro9perity, and botter and houet. or 4vî'it iluer Donmocratio rmie New DominionLoan. Anotiér Domninion L')au han. hee piacdc ii the ni'rket ?or two millions fiia iîf tclig 1,ui.The Uidor be i foridaby oaleiéthat the. Ian im jeéci welroceived iounLihe 4t1 r'k Escicangn. It wiil be isauod ai Q1,>b hractîcaily 9'.Thie rossons giver fonr the ban are that iu addfition ta Lthe blia -y demanîde npau tue Treaeury for the tipublic wurke lu progres., a -ver large azimut of aid inudobtecinegs lein t. iring atincialiy, aud requirgs to ho re. iiewL'il. It ln probabip, tl1ûrA1lre, that thifacet hîax bediî' one prettaing cause for rùgaii-iug Lu th moucy nmarket for P. 'iîow 1Aba ue ii.preoet lime. Turkey aud Servie. AKoU1rI liAc0-Y TUE CAMPIIpîL COOViF.-AL ti Toronto asesizos on Fni. dg.,-lion, WIllIam- MoDougail, eounisel Cian. smpbeoll, obtslned a verdict for $850 againat Lii, dofaudant, Robert CNmpbelld; bSn. MoDougaiiiL wiIl b. rucollected, ws aretslued as colinse1 for MNt. LCampbel!lunthé unouccsefui ai. """, or e e éoro thé Sonate. The Chilrman of the oomtaitte, Lo whoiza ttce tmatter *was -loft, adjutigoti Mr. )leDougaliL he aunount of oasts lalux. cd anisd w"hiolc Campliali thon stlpulat- cil to pay. Mr. Camxpbell subséquent. ly repudlated bis llability, snd thue Lthe colt l in Ix hMrs. Campbil'o couol bas berna sucéesficl.- 'EXCURu1ONq ovés r Ts VICTOacA RAIL. w.tv.-A. grand excursion over thé Vie. torituRsislway talc.. pisé. to-day. liLi oxpéol.d Ihat lésdlug mombérs of tihe Government, sud miny gentlemen of p'onicnce owho have recolved invita. dons will b. presse. The- party' (rom Torono. wlli b.é onveyed by speélal train on lthe Toonmto sud Niplssing Ils tu Woo4tillo; u Lb....by the Midiauti tu Llnay, and by the %ort&,Bil wa4 W voeàlon Fallu snd Klumouu*. accounred ln thseoolîcminunlu fiominatioene wihi bo bold ou th. Friaay Pr Çdig"hristmua#'Day-tii. lutter day Uh' Ïioc Mondày-ths ususl day 013 mn~lo.The.poling Win t&ks Plf" uMOnd&Y, 5rsL J&bpAry, thuiré bd D~o roZ0yi5on 1 'l, the ai, l thé satuts wltb olingu IOJI. Wlt thelia.wlg tce buUiqxtnd 60 fest; Th ii.gweeo lea isbâed lin the. bàaacrwih ihagoood osiilsp, &o. One ofilt.epprin- Mud cipal rooma u lac l06ahau4socs. bow wlndov. CosI, sean>'#4,000. Mr. 'DevenU bail the eontraet for Lthemrasoni jus ma brick werk sud 1Ur. Stopplu Groes for th. carpeuter work. 1Rneowoou-tbe'bandeouze »w rgcdd on eceofMUr.BarnabuoGbsoa, céapues lino. Il lf ahbanuome famiyrsideuoe, bcofth c omposite style of aréhlloclure. Lot' The. main buidingiso 40 m S0, wo &tories ou wllh s wlcg 40<w 24, two 1stari.s-o.il. ,Ue* lugs il tes, and stoce ceslai trougli. .009thte. Ingth of tic, buildIng. *-The -drawing room tsa s paclous apartut, 28X14, parior 18:14, _wlLh. hacadsme bov window. Tiser. 'are nlie qpaions bedroomll, audthe baild- Lus hronghout is tteulup with -&aU the modern improvements anud &. beautitniy lvlsic&1ho. Thé windows are ini the Prenchi style, op.uing (rom lbe firai floor on lb. vemadoài. Fremnthb, upp.r storey téise ilaMàgniàéoý.t-_ oommanding Lb. Lake. for 20 miles, eut a&0 West, and euubmtolug mauy ckmlles.oftsceeery of tho surroundiag on country liutn. Mn. Gibson bas a pro '~perty of 150 sereis of superlor land at, i2tSabed, undér a tifgh Piste -of cultiva. OU ; h. ha. laid out, th. grounds lu 'a rac.s sud 6 makiug a large éxp.adi. Yt ure on oruaméntal grounuds. He has li c îso tl>' éect.d a flna roomy build. 'a ing ou hiei.farm, WallI ae>from bis 1W résidQece. Tisi latter is 60 ew 100, witb '. alla of atone sud brick Lwelvc t.,t B~above Lb.. foundation, tweivc feet ta tuée bh firet esvoeç, sud 40 fcet to tb. mdgé. The interior la ucost couveuiently ar. ~.raugeti wiîic ample stabliucg ton a large - sLd, sud fon cattlo, ineiudiugsparate compargméuts for mares lu fosi, oows '~et oailg imé, bulle, hieifens, &0., sud W wiLli food sud vaten lu the barnu wthoût a- expualng thé aniain iu îtén. Inside sud ouiaida éver>' convouleucé ii pro. videti for lsbor.aaving purposes andi 4. ecicutiflo fanming, as Wall as canefut s took-bréediug. Thé coet of thé reabd. oncea as 85,000 ; uf the barn, $88,0 sud with brick wood-shi, aheep pu, al driviug ixousé, s&c., in coures.foecetion, sud other oontomplated improve. meute, the total oxpeuditure wilii(ail1 littié short of $10,000. Thé brick sudi mason work vas exeouitéd by Mn. éDevoc.lil, Lice carpéntér vork by Mr. Darnes, andi eavetrouginig and plomb- iog by Messns. HaSchà & Broticon. Mn. G resu bas put up a good two. h storey brick dwotling, 28 x 80, wiLh o brick kitehen, 16%26, ou King strect. SCoal, 08,000. Mr. T. W. Rs-binseon, Scarpénter work; Meare. Dckiey & Mn. William Rebson, tovu conucil. 6 1on, s IlAndaunie tramé two-storey dwélliiug, 24x40, viiug 18xi9, onu Byinou Street. 81,500. Mr.Jiordett a fracu' torey-and. lt lfdwellicxg ou Cent ~eStreet. %Ir. Wmn. Robson,.builder.- Mn. George Gilchnist a goood tva. a Mtoray -rough-east dweliig,, 20:80, off Centre Street. Mr. C. S. Mate, trainé cottage, ii store>'vitlli 14 feel wing, sud vorkabop -20:80 Brook Street. Wr. W. Bobson i buder. Mr. Madill, tvo-stomey nough.cait 'building, 80:82, off Centre treét. c Mn. Robent Corréli, 14 store>' rouglh- casit stweliiu, aI Lice bay. Mn..' Mann, tva-store>' rough.cast b durelling, ou Duda8setréet, eset endi. tq M ni. Jamues Johuston, carpeuter, Il. o tftedstorev rough.csst dwéhing, Duotisa St., b WiblisÇm Mathevicon, carpenter, 14. n Ilstore>' tramne dwelling on King treet. 1 Mnbf. Joseph Tîcovason, 14 store>' (rama Il rnrsideiccé, barn sud out-buildings, off si Brook Street, N. W. Cornelius MOAIîliffe, Constable, 14. ti *silone> (ramé dwclliiug, off Dudcas St., W est snd, Matbéwéov, builden. Deunia MceCrogbau, 14 atoney dweil. ' tiug, off Biroek SteS, N. W. e, Mn. A. C. Wilson, résidence of Mr. t Péter Smithi, rough east (ramle onu gocug np sud nuL yet completi, oute~ wvieib vé do net funnishu p articulera. Il Tie blassra. Kiug Brothers, tannera, hâve cmude largo sadditions tu Lhjir fac- au tory, anti havé othsnwise rmuoh cmpnuv. 1 cd the nelghchorhsooti of tihe tannéry. u Mr. Gengé Hopkinselicaemadée e-. g enaiva improvements ilu outbuiidingui eust of hile rcsidénsxé, on Brock Street. Tics trame sud rough-ast isousses,M nuumerated,euS t ram 8#500 to $1,500 m eaoh, sud fOrm ccl>' a portion of theéa man>' lmpi!avotaenoticesablé lu théý iown duiing the puasason. r The owu ut %Vbitby bas more tuasi hsld Il. owa la thé vonat ot imés, sud l0 no0w prOgreOsaing teadil>' ouvard. BoBSaxar or BANS BuLu.-A package ln ut nov uahlgued notcea representlng di 040,000 ut the fit issue ofthtec Conûol., datetiBank, ver. stolon abt Montnéal,ý in tb. course.uf rémoval ufthlie Benka ' offices. I15in thé intention of thé Board' Of dfreotors to de9troy the plate from gC viiich lissy wver nnted and. thé ne. O Mgialalg biseOf tLb.800issuani ta orcier Au n ouinel>'difféent plat. Su bu engnev. ot eti for Lie sew lune. A Coliscrio.-The #Pocket Bock" advtise ilt styaks issu. belaags La WidLamn Edvards, cf Andie>', whoc.. os=ai bould have sampareti itead of "Jobs" ah foot ot i . adverla.meui. Fcar sv aa Gucaaz..Puanosc L Tus.-Mr. James Milue's eam toLok first prce t Lhe Pickernug Agieultunal Exhibition tis (il. [This correction cc -should. bavé bééu made befai...] Tic, b osaue teani vas ulo awarded final prizé 01 at th. Mankicaz and Bat York Pair. T oi Luocuux Oie Tè E NCTRNNAL,...Mr. 3.-B, Biolkeli, the' Wulhay réeve of thé tOwC9icpý of Whl4by, 'ente rtalpose4 's0C large audience at týô Mélhodist- ciïOb, t Bnookdl, os Tbwsd.y:evenlsg lait, b>' b a grépiie&munt 'of .êo...ha......A» e>' and 5ang4ter-maving véro solt!t toxy attitude ofthe man so diagustisc Mr-, Haruden was tbld.Sisal hé von b. sloved ever>' propér <seuil>' tom, ex îLhes1 eclonns; but tLia, iace ho ici aiready chosesan6ôthenmédium. ofcoe0 mucatiour wilh the.public, va <.11 cin dem nu pressing obigation ho permzithin tlehe etftise CBUerec. lH. eft tl letter. Bétcre, ve Lad Lime ta perusei a, paper conWaling Lice producîion vs piaceti lu car banda. Mn. Hercidea bu thenefome rélieveti ns tram au>' daim i caiglât have te lie beard thrugliu LI Cmuaouc. Hia letter le, as vo Lai remanket, abusive; it la aiso nmadeé o ut quitibies aud distortions of thé tacto Tise main complalul, ageislhlm-io baving bis#ouduet nabcikcd troa ti beach, b>'Lbe jutige oet saire andti L [jndge oitLiccoud>' caunt-nemains ne houcioti. Theoupinions erpresset b3 Jutige Bnmnhamn anti Mr. Juuice Ps'ý tenson, lu opén court, ofthe impropietj of Mr.ýHannden's conduet as a magi. tmate romain recon-let. Let Mrf. 1Harû deén bégici hie "11111.e litigation"l-e i tond et that sort uft hiaig-suad vo pro. miss hlm Le shév mure <nl>', if héa a tords us Lise oppartunit>', thé estimation lu vii hielus harseter snd conduot arc belti bb is neigiboune, b>' Lie juigeE uf tise luti, and tih ie public as a dis- penser ut justice. Deatis et Cardinal Antunelli. A 'iespatoh traom Renie ennauncea the îleath etf'Jardinai Antoneti. RH vas hum lun 1806. Thé Cardinal wvs lmausaeting business vith thé Pupe an Suuday whén hé %ras séizéti vilsa sévère aLlsck of'*gout in thé cheét. He vasa immedisatel>'cannie otie sspart. meut. lHe relusetiLut beliéve tuaI deat wA appreacbing. At àsaL he consented to ucceivc thc sacc-ament, but vasnabie -te swaluvw. Hcerepireti ai 7.15 or Mfonda>' mamning, short>' after senîling a message te lice Pope, eiing for hie blesslng ant i oplorlng pardon ftan ai the fauits ha msght have commilted during bis administr-ation. 'Thé fortune loft b>' the Canîlinai will hé divide-. among Liéenièmbérs ut hie (ami!>'. Ii fine collections et gerce, antiqoiries, vanka uof art, etc., are bhequésuhédtleL tb. Vatican inseucu. lu 1847 Cardinal Autonéliwae'raisedtotahie dignit>'of of Cardinal Deacon, aud smo. her bas been tise Pope's mesS truseet Min- Cuxirncn nos BcoAui.-A cuan namoti Thomas Crawford, néésidicg in Oshawa, ha heencommutllte La ol tom higamy>. Crawforit manriét iei iret vité, Margaret, in Hamuilton, on the t7tb ut bis>', 1875, anti ou thé 14th uf last Outober coutractetile secondt marri- cge vitb Mary Jane Scot, utOshava. The Hanfilton vomuan, vilix vioni Cnavturd s>'. hé neyer liverI as man cutli vie, hati naré.Lcd. lé aivési an examiation snd lu ta ho brougisi up bofone tise Coont>' Jutige. A YouNu; VAGRANIT vio gives hii camé s Robent Cramipton vas takén up b>' LIce Chiet (Constable anti brought betone thé Mfayon, Who scuicucet i hm te touteéo da>'s; Crampton le e yonth if fifteeu, anti bas a letton punrcartiog Le be tram thé Mâyor outGelphc, rcum- nentiing that hé shouci hé asélset t liontreal, vhere hé 'ailegeti le hati ne- latives.Tt Lurne eut tcat lice Young oespegrace bas heén téliiug stunies anti icat biseniaIer tives lu Toronto. ALL SAI-NTS' OceucunCI os-cilerAND TEA, hield tiatLie tovu hall, on Thunsia>' rvening st van veil attenciel, andi thé performance ut a supeniar cicacactér. The proceeda, va are pleaedteI icru, will make a eousitierahle addition lu thé fonds. Locto CEr-IL sud Caplain Dnnilop have beén attraehin g large aiteudauces oe ibeir meetings et thé Otititeliove' Vm. J. Gibson' makes an announce- cent lu other columua vll olthlis> ie Utention o et heisut amilies, anti ail îquirng groceniest, crueker>', gles. wairé, se. MiEsR. LÂcicro "DuSTEWART havé lov a complète vintér stock-fultlieues , evér>' depantmeut-vuieh lise>' are laOposing Out the lovest'eh pricés. GiciEsUiL ToiTîcucîi anti Company' -ill appean hère on Wéinésday, 151h. [Sois advt.] 0f course overyboy i> ii ÇO to 000 tise Uttie peuple, as on tormer K-* RZAD thé ativertixeméent lu au. Lixer culuwu bsetie "Pictume Boks."l L kuoviotigéetofthé secret viii prove ut ccl>amusiug, but instructive asnd MWetu lail. No meeting ufthtic.Town Council o n [ondé>' oveunag ton vaul ut a quorum. BialeiA> Ycuxo's Tsomm.s-Salt suake, Nov.' 1.-Four carnlsgea, thneé 'sggona, one palm mules, une $asu of) iorées, one set' cf Launesa, andti'tineo vsw, Lice properoft tBeigham Yung, wre soid here at public auction te-day ýy théc Commissiocier Su psy tis eard )fLbh conrt in Lié Auna Eliza oss. bhey bnuught 81,185. Funtherseizures t propuL>' viii ho matie. Tua Hiocizan SuIcaco11; TEE Wocu.c.- ita Lié,exception Of Lihe pyramiti cf 'boops, thé spire efthLe Slrassbnn Ca. âcdrI, 4Q4 test; iu LeightI, bashitherto masble'gootel elvateti buildingnluhLb.- rI4 bu Lasnov been ezmcod i pi>' la-'leiua big thing ; Ien't iL? lhe nAud is san rsui;nuicLtediy tnn,, Ig, fan indeed 111e 'a great affain. Tisé il situationut .the- building le really spieudid on Lise batiks'Outheb. Bobyt. E*kilinriver, one ut thé tributenlea of thé suDélévane. lths latter. belcg tise river ad that torms thé barbon of Philucdlphla c-Thé oit>' itzet tathée sconid largeat on mnoble buildIngs, buLli public snd pri.. ho vet@, large numbers ut thén incg iL buill t fiwite manicle wbicb bas a beau. IS iful éffeot._Tise aireets 'are aItlalî11 out at right angles, éaoh isaviug a lin. ofu tramway ruuning Sirougl IL,-ver>' te very fév cabs or omubusses. béing nset he lu v4îiceulan locomotion. Tics éxbtbi- Le ion buildiing la about Llcnee miles <rom Lue city, inuriairmount Park, one OfLise, iP fluest in Ameries, sud approaoheï b>' s. rsiiwaysansd stréél cara from evér>' of direction. The Main Building doyens ào twenty-one ase-s ocna :, construet.- ào GsIlery stands anteidé thé main buildt. n- ing, andti le oostruoted ot white marblé )y sud Penaylvaciia wite granite asiL is t. permanent PieLune Gallery' for the ct>' of Philadéiphia ; its ares béing y u ne acire sud fivé polos. Thé Machin- 2- er>' Building ln alec céparete, sud a. ut ut thé semé maaternais as the main i, building, sud stands on 14 acres ut grount. Thé Agicultorel Hall, like- vise, stands b>' iteoif, sud, likA thé r-other ocrectiaus, madeut giases,Iroan d in wooti, sud covéra tou.and-a-hsif acres o ut grount. The Honticuitural Hell i. 08intendeti for pernmaunn o, béiug, like Lice Art Gallon>', Liceprupent>' ut thé ciL>' ut Philadaiphie , sud has a grouti plan of an acre anti a hiait. Tîséro are séveràI othér annexes, sucux as thé department tir Wone % Vark, thé lepartment ton Carriages, thé Fruit Déparîmnent, thé SBroyons' Hall (viti machiner> icitriu- t ion,>the Unitecd States Gaveorment 5Camtoc-t, béaides ésch cf thé States ai n the Amicican Union lias a special es- a hbiit out Lieir produce lu ééparate le lions.: écéctid by, ansiat the expeuse of th Stat goveaLnens ;nany o these buildings being large, andtihie IL exhibite ver>' extensive. Ticen again. ýd moétcuntniei have érodaei psviions, le restatirautsl and bouées of their ovu lu 12whieb thé créature coocrté peculiar ta e ach nation areLathbefail, as, for in ýg stance, lu thé Turkiéic Café yon viii sgeL coffe a lac Tsi't e, lu the German iCafé, lier béer, Il ici e sema ta hé iu d gzreat ciemauti ; anti in Lice Frenois ýe Cafe, liglt vine. Thé American aud aCanadian Dairymëu havA au im- is mense bnildting ru cuir both ase an Biexhibition, anti an eating houée, wiui-rê o c-u eau have a bowl ut nov mik, a LI néasouabie quautit>' ut breati, and a )f piste ut icé cn"auc for Lveuty cents, or n ten pence, Euglicshi, hiclc, consicier. -ing ail, is resu>' viuoheeomé ansi gu t, is nut dean. Théecslowvoutclesée in tiheclair>' deparrunt ici vecy large andi 12f ee ué,t iuari>' ail froni Canais ;- anti it et a tact nul gem-rail>' kiovu tîcat muet ut thé cheeccé tuttiniuEngilanci,ci4 Arnenican. comes tronc Canaai- -a a joint upon vhici LIe Canadiens tirlai a ie sure, as eyc> do not waut Lu> be overshadovéti hy tixeir greater neigli- hours. I hink thé exîibits ou ther viiolé mighit lié taken lu thé toiiowiug order o u enit -First, Lihe Unitpai States, vhicic lisea angificpnt dis,- play particularli>lun achitiery ant i agicultnrai prorince, prohiahi>'the finebt coctioin ocr- brouglut togetiier b>' an>' counusy. The distinetive tés r tuoutAconrcan sud Canadian ni%- chiéc-yase distinct troun Englisli, is iLs liglcînt-sosud strpugLh ;thé ver>' béai ut matrial uni>'being us. Thrééh iug nmachcine, mowin.- machine, tplougise, sav mille, planiug milis, wa- 1gons, carte, carriage, sic., being muce ligbtrrthanc théesmée lasês utgonds lu Engianti. Jndging trom wisat 1 0v- seeu in ni>'travela in uthe Statesudt Canada, I thiuk thére i.s adéal ofuenée lèe sudad unnceeeary weililt sicawu shount by English borses, for nuocieb eau accuse thé Canadiaseasd Anirni-e caneaiofbéing rnon-progressiveé. Yt P ttceir véhicles are considérebiy ligîstérs tissu anyilcing ut' thé kind inluthé aid c counuris-i, vhlth is, ut course-, a gmt-at seviig luinese flés. Ncixl in neit voniti be Great Britain au' I relanci, but thé gorîs are, campecativel>' spéaking, liglut ;éuchi as dlotc, jewel- k-ny, ciiawai'e, potter>', entier>', %wrke oif art, sic. 0f caurée Licere in sanie Eugiish cuaeiuery, but lu companléon ta licat it might hé as tu tiré Acericau and Canadien dispia>', il iscomunpara- ivéiy Lame. France andi Genniauy havé bath ahowun p Strong tic t orn- Ar uin frIs, mnihccc u d eincalin, par minute. Tilé le smoet ius'rpl- hIle but neverlicelefs il is a tact. as the AI mécicanistnutofthé guns nia>' hé ai seea u i aton, biank buliéta onts n quik abligib'niug, the néal miétiies ha. fi ing cartnitigés ike thoso ut the an>' hl breeclic.oader. Witlii ucic terrible i véapune as those vbat viii van hé lnuir LIhe future ? However. lot né hope c theré Ma>' hé but uttle ou t e, ansi that CE thé groving inteaiRigne ut peuplé viii Pl maké IL ucît ta impossible torn illare caléti gréat varriura ta arise, becanc- of in ever>' Countr-y'asd in éver>' age, acu- Pl bitiaus conquérons haveahtéén thé corsé Lbi of the lnuan raLce, nuîwithstanîiucg o that eisurobmen, hiatoisuns anti poeséC. have comncedtieluononir Ltce memory pi ut some of thé vileét mon anti gitlat m acoundrels the vorîti lias &ver seén. I am fan tram fiudiug (suit with men wha ihave drawu, or éudmavounéd La hi draw thée ord in feéior's ae.é but e thé>' voulti neveu be vautei if Lice cou- n quering despot héti uat gone befone ti îhem. d @ne hiug igl certain, namel>',ttn vwan betveen nation. '-pcaselsaing sncb 1Vespana rill b. short, tsharp, aud de.L oisive, au columna of men ma>' be eut ? dowa 1k. uisitles bafoues amoyeu.11 Cousequeuti>', countriés viii nuL b. 0O subject tb the terrible suffcciug beogit hi ou hi>'long osmpaigns, sainutlb. tiaye P! wrabei es out eaoc tien dovo wiîh eO hatcets aud bill books. At thie great e Volt'a Pair, Canada bsas moade a frgt- bi rate sicwavs show wiieb aven surprieti Pl me vice kuev sumethlng ufthLie enter- f prise of ber peupla, anti une that I am e. certain viii mtiiréotly psy ber tentolti. Thixill an age- ilu vic bthora ie aunu-T parsileleti Labour sanldBrain pv i gompetition andt he man or nationethatt' utilfses boîL la auné ho carry off théepam,00 sud certlscy tbat viii i.Canada'sp casé aIt ta graL aseémblageofuthLi goulu7 "d 012em ofutes 5anti coura-Pi tes. &Steai ndElehrieity bave done éut deý #x4ielnmasaiaatadW£. for ti people bave von a fonemostlae cléani>' shoving lber' sog tu b.e rtill sti prolibl, andi ler luliabilante eoei Fgel' ianti nterprising. lau >' husubi '9pnin uistake hbcs beeci madie bj munloiipsilties, corporatcins ud ov. enménta in noS aestiLng o one lu vcrking men to visIt thé greaI show bécansé iL vonîti encreasé their kuovi. edge anti énlugo their -idéas, anud Li lu Lie improvemtent of cuducîr>' beccéfii tiseir caunir>'. Âeeamtiog thé epresen state ut hbings, IL isoaiy éxhibiters ý4 geL métiais or honorable mention, whilr ta man>'inalancés thé réél inventan ià su absoura wuriemau vinse. sème ne anc kuovs auyting aient. Cerntli su] loyéecs lu ailcaues have boon Lbé mesf t onkers, which requiroti botis au educated tim. an eduostéti eyé, snd am educeteti braici, lu conetruot élaborat, compiesteti uraiery, carve sais tuas anti monuments out utsa shape. loss mass ut suome, un moulti ligé cnet. inga frucu a design on paper, anti yo' tisera are no honieunfotho ue mac vho are, tram thé ver>' tercé ut circum- st..uca, bounid ta bc intelligent.- The Frenchbhava matie a véry fioe. etiea. tiouai éxiiiit, anti 1 think nuit Lu theur ca -mes tise Canadiaus. pertienhani>' On. tanin. To me, a practical vorking man anti sauething et travélier, iL vas veuy isnstructive -La look on the sections ut locomotive éngine, rahenes>'ai a giance 1 cocilti sesthe uséetofévor>' pipé and valve. I vas alIea mucx interested in an ingeneouscontnivaucéesctil sCento. grapis. eziçiieulb>'a gentleman tran Monîneal, iLs elijeot boiug Su Ax on tht mnd lice great evenis ut Hiatomv, oaci beiug denotet b>' a penticulan mark andi calour. Canadias Gepiug>' anti Miner aiS> havéndoubteil>' tabou a leading place, tise mac-blics lupicenar bslng excellent. I aie notioci somne granita sud synito uta capital quahit>', lu tact, equal lu Aberdeen, Mluil ut Ross, os Mount Surnl, ant in the aId countrys, tht-se are cdi coneideréti finsi-css, Prhono are aléa on show a Lithographile Stone (nom Ontarnio thaL I am* inoinedt ta tisiuk wonl.1 i amnauti a ready Ma-- beL lu giacît if Lice prupriétars couc] ope villu Lhe Geuians lunlice pries, as nut preseul Lise>'havé neani>' s monupahy lu tise article. Tué Dominion Plombage Conipany' his s grand exhibit ; une buge pièce ut that valuabue minéral, woigising hélvoon taur sud 8v. tiouéaud î.ounds. Quîeensland bit upon a novei plan ta make heu-self pnuminecit ansd her scern ucuf on euli as lice 'vaileaof li depenumeut covereti vitu piclurés of tovua, viliagée, caihvays, ruina, britiges, lautlscapes, &o., whi.-hc gives onç- an Ides ut tl1e général as;pect ut thé coanIr>'. Ei'idéntl>' thoaeSouSacîenu aolunit-s are nahinig hic tnries in ti- ligti of inociées, viicl i4la uolicer- stuiking exaemele of whist eniraté- ianu>' o inoc wuould hitît'pauiptrs -ét licce-etn ciawheré thJré lé roon tri stilie ont. Nov conintnis are brut sxp b>' émigration. Most p-p!.leIricie oti>' rarng armasandti hiicltiul trains -atiousii aftn accumiuiating a littie uxane>'antia e sidence ut a fév yeas iu heter liues tican tisa> hati beén accugtomeil ho atheme, mai> ofteté pot un wicat lé calît-tigishtoue sud atlt-mpt Lice Lanul-c-poo i-b>' ovén>' rt-eans iu tîeir pover. Howver, tliey are nul to iriame, for il i. oniy human uittire, anti vo are ail muré on lés suhjrrct tu a littie eaim I am ue yon viii be gladtieLukuurv tuaLyotir native Province uf Ulster bas; adatt ves-y tainrcshow ; lier luéens anti pophins beircg fer sud ave>'thé hésl ln the building luinloat uine. Belfast holding iLs io égaiccét mli conicre. I arn atraiti thie ietLéc lé sîreati>'tualong aud me>' tire yonn patiene-. but hnoving yuc lesire tor nfm nation, I teiltyen vulti b. glati n, cave cny .isws ou tise gréaI- rsi g-atlcerinc tiof sktit, energ-, enter- prisé anccu upezlan thé vont evon seûn. NpvI Satnuda>' I salit for Europe and, ère I go, h-itnie thank tisa Cana- lie peupla foi conuirécit-e receiveti dir- ing tise mecnthes chat I have heen in tihe country. - Youna. &c. ]PETERI 0'LEAItY. Marine Intelligence. POwROF WIIITBY. Arrivais suri teparînre ut veiseis for ceek t-nting Nov. 8Lh. AttcvAn.s-Sis. Loticair, N ursemauc; Slurs. Fiturécici, Vicoo, A. Stevens, Garibaih, Lyrion, Fiana Emmna, Mac- dale, Bermuda, Aunie Falcouer, anti Pandone. DEPiiTÂu'RuiS.Pandura, fer Enié, amIe>' ; Victor, Buffaalo, harle>';tien- icute, Oswego, tarie>'; Megtidaia, 0.- rentun orcuéliies vere inflicteti uic ré laicitrant canviche on thé ver>' shighctest rovoication. OneéouthLie kéepens hail rpeatclI> ticreateultid La také Lie lité )ti of' uthLie convictsa spresurne(i ta, proteat againat th. cruelîlés Lu whicb fe>' vere iceing subjecteti. A chargé t' dunkenness is matie agalusi the Oluet Offleur of Lié prison, tva ufthi mriaou officiais s.aserLing Iheir abilit>' ta cake tLe cierge gauti. MCQUILLAN, TUHE unaca-ic la cundemnaîlon MoQuilisu, Lié Msdc vite curderer, bas bison itfsuyîiing cure menue saniudccommuuicative tan bétoire. A fév day. ago ho vas etect-etimsleiug preparations ta cum- mit suicide sud-.lia Prison Inspecte ras cummunicateti vitb. B>' Mu. Langmir'& direction a man has been Bgaget ta tcaMoQoillan, et igit, e order te pisTent hlm frein carmyîng >ut an>' desperate tdesign rahici be ma>' avs fomei gciut lsis lite. The nlisoner bas et iàMe pokan aif passs. :d ui strang LahUcinaiens, sud hhrest- oct' 4o dram himsétt lu bis vater naboet if oppuntunit>' offGréd ti.I lenuL ,roIbablé Liai snob a chance .vili hé af- irsiéti hlm, as hua is ver>' caretull>' look- Id atter bath day ant i ugit. ADDITIQNý vo THE éBocîrîsieNAvY.- Me B-ltleh' nAdminsit>' havé ortierot ceo imnood",t conttruction cf six steel rveLtes tor~éve as ciruisn u Li seiflo anti Chinées ewaters. CUBnA AT Ascr COST-Tae Spauisb- ýrecaler, iadl'eusing a meeting et Dep.' ties, ha. déoim.la hia i lathé luLen'. ail martial apsnt. Ti'h ae ne wonc 10 "oethoir conecnpb5aSd dia tor thé UsîaihaimtY ' e1t Le Servta seltiiers. Thé rabota Ierritoxy luthc Mouava Valle>' seulh ut Psrakin lafi conne cf unîverast ovaouaLan, 'pain futactieamlenateti by 'incormect rumuucr cf Snnday's lossea, ne, certain estiasat cf miic'n eab.forcuet boso'se mai uftShe Servisu battaliona ana moreuorles diplutegrstéd, anti nobod>' eaudistir geisia betwaau kiléti, rcunded, écu mincg, thé test nameti béing strs glere. Man>' raundet musi Lave beoi leftton the fielti ut baiLle. Important Action as lu Insurance. ZWAST Va. TUEc AOLTTJ5AL MUTUA cIesusacA550ASOUITiN OFCANADA. This vas au action brougiat at Li, Semnis Asaicces, Su necuvén the amant c a policy issuéd b>' Lis Association (c $600, upon e building ovuét b>' Lis plaintif in Lice township utf 'iympLton an the <il ut 1875,tibbuidinog bain, msei as a driviug sheti; sud a quantitl ut Agrimnilutra machines-y ant i mpie ment.evisicis mené store néth e buc] ing aI thé ime. The détécudauta ne sistai thé ctaim, un thé grounti thaé Lthe buildings sud conteuts more nul o Lise valuée t wbicb thé>' vero estimaI. oit; censequenil>' Liat tice pîttinîiff bat seteti tnauduloutly lu tisé caLLo. A number ut vitueccée. mené tullati on the part ufthlie plaintiff Lu provo tisatieh hEadth ie building anti prupent>' lu hi possossiacoet lise Lie outhtie fine, sut Liat thé>' véa ut about Lice vaine ei rahieb ice plaintiff estimatet theni On tisa other htu entdfendants' connes énuteavoredt L show that thé value vsE over-estiméted. Tisa pies ut Traut, hawveén was aihovedtoLadrap lu tii course ufthLie trial, anti thé efforts uft tht counsel véné directeiLavoande tepreci. ating thé vainc af tise prapent>' testro>' es.in lu bstemnent efthtie damaes. Ai ta Lie pliitiff's ight Lu necoven the value ufthLie prupent>', Lu an>' amounut uaL ercoosting tha imount outhtisapolicy, tise court va. uftIhe opininLisoecould hé no question vicatéver, anti as ta the valua tticey'(tisé jury) vouit have La b, thiejotges. Ticajnry accordingi>',ste. au absence of about tva hourserned iro cons-I viLic sverdict lu tavor outhLii pisinif -tonr8.518. Tise Cicampion Reapen Patents. As unr restions anravare Lice ight ta contraiLiche Champion Iheapér patente ici Canada lias beeru hétoré thé dourts, siuc, iastsipring. Va art) pieased to lt-ancticat ail thé suité have been ami' cabi>' seutliri hi> securing ta Mn. Giér tIce exriuEivo niglot ta use lice nîmu Chtampion as a rade mark, sud aléa Lice exclusive contraI utfsl patents lheneto- fore grentedti L Mr. Whiteiey lu Canada,~ anti aisaLise rigîct ta usé ahi paetesap- plicleie utLie Championu viobo na>'be herénf te-r grcutati ton conîrollèti by Mn. Whihnécy anti bis aseeliates. Thcis seL- ihemènt secure. La Oshawa lie contrai ut thé moet valuabie réaper 'patents le. sued lu Canada. Ail tliegreat shape ut Spr-ingfield, Ohilo, havé commeucet raork on Lice Champion ftLhe harveal ut 1877, wvie neai>' a.1 thien mannfactanleàgot Reap. ens lu the States are etuet. 'rhia tact alune speaka votumes ton Lié Champion. Mn. Glen hes qniétly ant i teadil>' over- came ahi thé obstacles-in istay>. lu nu single instance bcas tue bot-n tieteateti b>' ticuée viahavé su pérastenhi>' op- pusot imc. Wa cougrstuiltehlm aud the village ou thé happy terminatian uf this muaI important cunteet. Tics FÀcnLW He5nAiDAiND WEuoov Su-an, publiebeti et Mouhreai, ta tise nevihiaper nf tue country. It le a noeypeo of nahiaucal aico anti seope, editet b>' thé utmost cane in even>' deutantineut. île pages teéanit inl tereéting aubjéctît tonrhiscugit, sLnd>', sud conversation, anti are aununfailing source cf ut-v sud instructive information. île edttoî'lal cohaimne nudèn the -managemntu et pé%venfal and vigonone iers, preseni able andi etcecg arguments Lu faven of polit tuai ecan>'y, exposé aIl kuaver>' anti con- ruption, anti poiut ouItlthe mayaanti ueas for thse ativaucement ai the intinélnial anti arguculonal lutereers ofthtie ceuntry'. Tise Agricuitural Départmeneutoftthie papie r l ins charge cf men et intelligence anti precti. cal expérience lu. tanming. Thé 'Vetenin- an>'sud 'Médical' Department, L51ew test- unes lu newspaper press are noetiohie ca, g ecIgentlemenuf enuienti-profession- as! ski1 acîtn i erg éd elp, cie. Thé Mouietan>' anti Comenirieepntruent, gives thée osi compieeeporL at tiséflota- cci afairs ut tise greaS moîcenar>' cautérs ut tise cocctinn, théennciag pnies sud narket vaine of ccl stock, prodicce sud menclusu- dise. Tise l-cceily Hei'ald is thé oui>' lîspen lu thé Engîcis ilangusgt, that agrée ta ne-lunc hetise uteeiptiou nione>' ta su>' isccbscribt-n who ta not tisérouglcly atisfiéti 'atri thé paumés, Ps-te : $1.2a per aciriu. Spécial iccricement ho euh new suhsecbec'c receivefi tétore tiséeend ut thé yeux. Speci- mecc cepbeo centsiniug club rate anti ai in- formation sent free an applîication. Hauti- sou., Cash Pizics ho enéngic Canasésers. Canuvsernwaiedirl fverywhtene. --4*Ob0-_ Hov0WMAzîv SUrFER COnsLantly, lu soaie tn,lice maladies Liai res-uhI tram tiéens-ans utf vouLu, aindi oniti givo al tise>' iossesa Lu hé reéhuredtial sounti ani vigorné baiic su necescar>' Su îci>'icai anti mental eujayinént. Let scîchi coneuit, lu unr ciuicns, tisé ,auverîisemant uftIhe "Péabaci>'Médical InsëtituLe," éetting (onu the chracter crf thé médical vorks puhîliiseu b>' iL. c1Tlce science ut hile, on Seit-pneeervs- tion",wili guidetitlos, via are afflicteti viih thé cousqîceuces ut yuntisful ludia- crolione La paîis ut pléasentuese aund pisysical vigur. "S8exuel Plcysialagy ut Wocciau ant i ec- Diseuses" viii guanil sud guideîhe iaemale soi b>'ILs admirable teacicingo. "Dieaees ufthlie NerveantiNec-voua Maiediee"ie sanou,- tain ta ahi snffiening tram servons déhil- iL>'. A Gulti Médai, ut great heaut>' and! valua, lias eceuil>'lieou présenteti ta tho author outheio bove irke b>' lie National âMalicat Association. . DiATE uor à ILrZ* SceBoucau ntoce EECncus orPUstseIScRUI .-c.Oue outhLe lady teaciers lu the publie c secohlu Milwaukee réoeuthy punishéta i Ittle boy tor aume misoléméasnrb>' nfittig LWO ur Lire ilgiLblcvs UOea Lis hauci viti a amal nattan, atter viicchaovas seul Su is seat. As ho amI dovn hs iesnet is hoLatiountetk, anti qne cf Leé ciiltinssaid hL bLa falutéti. R, was lmmedlatoynaiaet p by thé lezieL. er,wmion il vas <oud Le a.deati. No blême i ahtachiedti te steaoe, bow- even, as ti. punlalimou mas ver>' ligit, asti coulti net have injureil hlm bodily'; bîtitt Msuppmset ih s héebilil ica soa fucuoionail deauga ment, rahici the erciltemeut oethLe punisbmenLt atath5' litastneti. HORsIBLEo OUTRmAGEé ex Nxosocc.-' Augusta, Ga.t, Novamicu 8.-A part>' cf negrues Snoke itasresidence ir miles fs-rn Aiken, S. C., et midaigct blut nigit, aud mnrdere'd Mr. Rausman sud is aépbevnameti Poetman,'both Gem- Mans. After robbing lbhepretuiies, Lise mouérea lnel Li,-4vlllg oertho -deoai iodle, i.. e o g s t s Ducci SaOOTîtco EXTRAuuDNciAcY....Dl The Sacremento DesetofOctobér 18th'h reports tise toiiuwing ducir shuuingZ,-a. part>' of four, vitli Bill Irelanti, Lie bouter, atLice hea et, véut o ,uSica-P moue' lake outhSicaMaryaville rosti, lutai eveuing on a dock shunt. Tisé> report ý thii asoniccg Lviug bati excellent bob, 11 kilngl,200 outIheé gamé e>' vyent 0C a(1er. Tbe dock, came ici scob nom- bers &a thteiieteza ceai-I nul loati Sheir gune fait enougli to> asoot Liem w sud ficcaiiy batil to decst tram ticevuint cf kihaugister b>' reacun of sheen pisysi.'p cal oxhaicatca. TEE Dueaiva ON TUE LaicoisVAL-. LEr R. B.-The officiai report cf lb.e diaster aI Lehligi Ssiciit, néar se cua ten, -Pb., gays lhér."vase 'terday,8 hi dasi, 2 seriou'nsi Il slil y veuccd. ed., Muasefth1e voundeti ae thonglit to bofrom poiàUonste Utmviqx Ticere-vene 17, "Aaou Lbtai - Vil mont oe.thLe passengers-va.étor Pila. déipluis. Tficleft8cuaantto'scas laie sud stoppéd t i ebigia tattaire IK vator sud Ioa>'e an oýngle in ch Lie>' ie hail te ielp> Lieux up Lie grade. The to efuglue haul, taken m ater suad siarteti, 'I vicen s caupliug bruké, ant 'tico>' v m eoopling ccp again mien lb. coal train, vhioh he> ad passeti tour miles nati C( oftLebigh, ran inlute etrain,Loele2cop. or ing Ivo Panaylv"iceucxnaandi vocui. ing. lhree eLiies, A buakema u ad g. -vould u.k Lie spiriteDna eon., 0- idesblo parI t f i Lime thé alsbi WM 01 sno8 vWeblë, and Slade'sigicb 5I'Owu a movlng malthongh hocav wnlhng. Thé et- $hle spleuntrIo itable5u bd-' U' ton,thosdofvnitigwasbean - ce cuti vices Lte-,adite vas look, ah tiit in cccý it the vords UgsiH casbeà god M writisg medium." Simd. asheti Puo- ns <essor Laukepeier if aome 'depanteil ea Mentis of bis (Lankeeter's) hati ual et maecite tathemzelves un tho lest ce- 88 casion. ,Pgoteaar lAnkaateu sail Lice>' l -bc",, and SImde, samiti a oulti sea if tid thé>' vuld wirite again. While lalk- g- iug hhe ed théeu"te cul cf sigllsa be- n tare, sud bis arra movedti o and, fie,,< andti Iis Limé vitnéa heard Lié Loak ig as cf vniting. Puotescu Laiester puessei itnesa'fingen tomeU iea atetion utus* faet. MIAfen thia m liedgoneonoisome ime imd. éputtLie1 alate batikunaerthe Labié.-:Âgam lbei scratoiig sounti wu hLoand"..sudhLié le yards appéanéti as Slad reati then!, If "Samuel Lsnkester."' Tbe yard nr "Lauleestefuva legible, but Lie otisér Oword vas indistinct. Profeser Lau- ,kesier saiti héeticroug i ILwvus-'Etivin," g9 anti ho ruibeti the vniting out. He Y saitheLi spirite coulti write, pénhàps, if 9-Lankeaier belli thé elate. Re again 1-put thse siate eutnt fslgit, antimatie 3-lcolsslubîletiamoat whiteis arsu mov- kt éd sud thé scrateuiug suies-vas board. )f Hsving doue that for seétblasc, hé t- saidtoL Professai Laukesten, "If you ,d viii hait thé siate as I do, pémisape Sthé>' ylwrite," ou verts Lu Liat éffeci. Prutassor Laubeeter put -ont bis baud antiinstmutsueousiy énateheti Sthé aiste âaasd helti IL up. Tiser. dwas sireati>'writing ou 15. Professer kt Lankosten sai!, 1 1 have vatehoti you - vitiag il eseis ime. Ypu are a gros.i hscoundrol sud an impester." Sîstie 18matie no nepi>' Su ti, but leant hack ta i blé chair, loeking ver>' mucis agitat- eti. Whoeu Stade atte rwards saiti IL tcould I al b. orplainod, mlînescalleti I lm a Il---an," andti Lid hlm he isad vatehet i hm write Lice messageé elo tsi imé. Profeasor Lanircaten car- t niedthLb.siate inta Lié front rooca vhere Simmons ires viti sosme oSiers.. HoRemetionoti rhat bati happeneti, but Ineither Stde, irbo bcd tollomcd hlm ie Lb.herooni, aur Simmous ufféeet lan>' explanation. Simmlos ai t S nr mlînesasuna mvtone that as Ibe>' bat d nuL boen satistbot Lie>' vount- libe erequiredti Lupsy. Ho saiti thé 'same Lhiug heti happeneti betor ; IL va. lise beet ativartisameut, anti 200 people vouiti corne again Su seo if Lbéy Lad beau sintleti. IL je saiti cammentany upanOunr Dboasteti civiizatien.ihat tise momén ot o ur tMls havé dégeneratet iu bealth sud physique until thé>' an. ites-ahi' race ot invalida-pale, nec-vous, tféee anti becb ali>', ith ont>' ier sud Lieue a few noble erceptions iu the persan ut tho mubusi, burom ladies. cieractenistie ut thé soi lu days gone b>'. B>' a ver>' barge experionce, cuvering a periot eto years, sud embraeing thé tréatcacut ut nian>' thousaude ut caseut' thusé ait- meuts peculian te Wumieu, Dr. Pierre, of uthLie Worhdt- Tispéeary, Buffalo, N. Y., bas penilicteti, b>' the cumbluation ut certain vegéhabléertraets, a naturel 9spécifia, mhicbhaodoes nuL extai as a cure-ail. but eune h hatmirabh>' fol- fils n singlones -of purpase, being as must positive anti- relianie remet>' fora Alias. veaness sud complainte tisat et-à fieL thé vomén of the proeont de>.'. thés natursi spécifie compoyunt isl cati. éd Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Proscription. thce tallaviiog are amung tise diseuse luwhc vbiuis wsevodertul metieinoliésP f çwouked cures as it b>' magie and vith a cértéint>' naven béture attainati hjsuy medicinés,: Weak batik, cnyons anti gonersi débilit>', tshling and ti air dis- placement. et internat organe, résnlting f tram débilit>' sut lack et atnengtb lu inaturél supporte, internai foiver, congés-d ion, inflammation sud ulcération andti very men>' ether chronlo disease inci-1 dent ta vomen, net proper Su, mention i boe, lu wanch, as vél as lu thé casest bthat havé heen enumeratet, Lié Favur- clé PréscripIon affecte curés-Lice marvol et thé vaniti. IL vili nul do harm inlu an>' stèLe un condition et Lbe system,0 sud b>' adopting iLs nus the invaliti ladyE nia>' avoidti hct sevomeat ut ordeaes-thea consulting ut a tumil>' physicien. Fav-h unIte Prescription is soit b>' dealern lu médlicinea geaenall>'. BeRTS Er NMîARCEcT.-Â loadingp circulersasys:-"1 Witb cuntcnued fine r, veathen tev<mring Lice iahors ut huaban. dry, Lie British grain mac-koLs are sîli AsaREv Or NO F T r UE LAZarue BuaGctÀRs.-Iiadore Maréchal, an Amnerican, icas been arreste s une ut tlue burgianra ho antereti thé pavu. arar, Lazemus's promisés et, Montréal, cutI succeedeti in carmying off s 'birge bouL>'. Part ufthe prupeut>'. valutidat betveeu five anti six Liosundt dollars, bas been: recovereti. CRîcILEAN» PPaRucasr re INeNrAND. Thie numben ut couvictions fou murde- in Engtand bas beau greéter lu 1875- lieu lu an>' precéediug yeam, thé exact fgures heiug Pince 1870, respetiv.ly, 44, 56, 60 anti 68. Sbeoting. vopindiug cuti stabbing huave aslo nroeethIe inuber ut convictions laL year iaveîng ceeu 897. Crimes égaicst prupeul>' anti peupenisc are stéadil>' decresaiug Tic. cliet marahai utf a Boston poiiti. cal démonstration cocueti s gecucu. ai ortier as tollows.: "Tic Ciief Mar tial proposes La move himaelf at elgil oclcck precisel>', anti Lapes te bé tel avwet prompt>' b>'thé astire procea- CAYiescAce000D1 ORAUsRAIzA.-Tié barqua Océan Gem saileon Su aturdé>' for Melboune, Australia, witii s.cargo of Canadien goctis for thé Sydney>'Ex cibitiou. WAENING To MUdîCIPAhîruzSî.-Mr. l>attemsonu La.obtaineti s verdict agauains tevu anf Guelph tor 840, for dam cge sustéinet S bis buggy b y como. ccg lu contactraitli s atane asILhe aidé if Lie muet. NccAILY CHoscED.--Mr. Tiosocac Da>' ieoe f ust e ternug bis winidpipe.- A srgical operaLien savoti bis lite. r. SNeg e Wxru".-"Oi, manl- rÀa, that'a Cap. Jooccs kacki 1 kuora ce Las cama e sk aue bcIha vltsI" W.ll, us>'dea,, zaon muetat ept dca." BLl Lcugt- 00 ict.dLim et" ~ ~ é- gRt n oaMuch Lt aI uteeti te be blé coLir.in.lara." B ýe. na seas playiug due. Iin-a saloon lun tuorvile, C l.,rian'lha fuaral pro- Oepion 'uf hi. wife camne b>'. Hé éat aO Lie tuer, mavat ius hbaticinalcet, -hal csight hé vms almoat killeil b>' a mob.~ Y1119r ComnzruNrSa.-Fifty-tvo French icmuuula.have eitLerbeau icsc-ulned' Improvéti Hai- putfcf aifh ans>' i tinuggists ta Ibis1 rabere. Trte i] prica b>'C. A. Cc Agents ton thé Um and by -LYN -N&EW -ADVERTISEMWTNTS. N0T 1 C . Teke Notice ticat that an application vii b. made o LuLie Psrliamouil- ofOntario ai the netx sceelua thereaf for an set to amecul thé Acta reiating ta Lthe Midlae icdBli Company of Canada in so far as ta onena thxe Baia Company La consoldaté lthe exist-I iccg dobt uf the said Cucup.ey, sud ta Iits uew debeutures, sud for tic. purjios of en- sbliug-certain municipalities ta eid the sait -Railway snd for other purpose. (Sigueti,) RE Solicitor for theBailwaY. Novécuber 8t1g, 1876-. 4 "6'PiCTURE BOOKS."i Boys and Girl. make your oas 'Pieturs Books. Au metirely new asu ay nietha of taklug accetcopies of Engraving Plctr1Peints, &o., inci la or crayons. lnu cons- by mail with colored ssmpi 25 cents, withent sample 150. Addres, *B. BOUDEL, Suc.4*Oj2ndaga, Ont. "M -SCFOR THE MILLION."o M15 pieces cf popular.8heet Musie sent ta suy address, uoneeiof p by5. C.Ulr bam , 25 S. SLh t.,.Pula l.o10 . fer tw e mon and tn. express -mensengor. So aR ft7 Kmp" passngers vero ktlled. lunsdditton t speuy anti, Lie ecigineer, Geulher, Marna Bmasccas .tsciio, As", finmagn cf Lie trais oomcccg <nom 0Cin anti cill throît a cinnêti, vau killod lu Lie ,'accidts. a pcsitive and r James Baumàn, asotucer -erprese mens- voas Debilit>',' enger, suffereda a ration ofthic lett tog éD@BNorveus C James Boyd, a thxinti tnemn ith duly te Maé it Genther, va»saenionaly vounieia&bout <.1evw. Atua Lie Leét. Nu passengéns werelnjni, rail! cicanul ibro. coachces ns rng n te g, .ail who desr : FWasingtonc, Nov. , -.-As tidet , ndfa id csurreti ta an eu,tra ~ionte luin tis TI Mempis asud Litti BoklBalom 1mai e ea otti nigit near Bdmonac,'casa»d b>' a fcr- coveny viticolt vend truck on thé sleeping car droppn aq > tde dovu ati trovln Liecar Over a npse brestie, pallinthLianoz émar off w il , Dx, OHABL2 ati plliccg ItepassengéresRp in a. -pro-> Dt HR miscueu eape. Francis Moore.,-et Blecdaaeý- .ndcg, Ark., wva kufleti Thé intact of J. T. Bgglestene, cf Misé.- issp W ftalYinur4;J. J. Bannes, .Wc Ètices ynluei; and lDorMi. vch Mn. Jýoic Gvathéméu, of Arkansas, 'a ____ nsb bruken asti svère internai injuries. W I. Bomé 150 othera mene aligq iat'ljuneti. H MALEE» ieBOA»ua RIiS Taànx.A smens ucconneti ou th. G. Fl Ve W. B. a ewédtiys since, tisaI ta seîuiom Spning Wlxéat. mituésseti iy trsvoilers, ant i h h <un Bale>'.... niaiset matérial fuiran>' quanti>' t fou antijailli>', hanti.sbaking anti véhi Blacke B>ye e.. viscing. A youug couplé aboard tho Oct.. train, b>' Ihéir appesrauce anti actions, HRa>' appéaret t be scurlous to cunsuumate Poiaics. Licoir b i s b>' eing n ite i n m a i agc. E g s. . . . . . . Tise attention ut a caluister, raie vasButter. .. quiet>' cnjoyiug île némépeper, ievingOC,4perntonn... been diréctet L theca, ant iLe a.aing Woo ...... tbeim eaeélooksautnicipatony yot trot. Wo tui et thé dele>y, klndlyeddessod a c ...... few mords ho ticemandcimucs tei ef cn ur jo>'an suatoulimént offére oti rryBeef, fore quarté themn théne ant ben,mistht fe or' 8iceèkins.-.-- revard. Thé groom imvlag aireai> Rides .... procuredthlb.nécesan>' liceusé, sud Ocions-,.... wituessea bsing essit>' fouthcomiag, no Tunpi-... ban eristet, anti mithout furtién paré>' Appien, pern busb Lie evains meré prnunoed mas sud Chese .. vif,. Tisé>'receivéti thée custamar>'Cannois .. ceifieste, signet b y tis e ey P. More, Park, peu cmt. .. s miasionsu>' tror Tarke>', on Ide vs>' Chiekens... Lu become cisapiain Suosoe ofthie West, Docks par pr. . .. eru Indian Agencies. Tié>' got off lise Tosnkeys, peu IL. train at StonéyiPin 'l. TRN AnunAcas IN TE Eàsr.-fa&n lu Lie TRN Euet seam nolkel>' to long préserva Toasom lisat couleur de rose rahicia lhe>'ama-Feu Wicest.. éd ou Le ieagnature ufthLe ai-nisticé. Spring Wheat . Russau diplonaise i cprking Su ecutine- 1>' éxelutie Turbo>' froue thé 'conférence; oas .. acuothor difficult>' being a propesition te Ra>'....... tieposit the reveues*of the inuscrgenut.Pare....... provinces l is te -Ottoman Bank, aa. B uter ..... guarntee for the payaient cf the ne--Ape...... tianal deht iute.ast. Tiser, is a rumor aiso, onsidereti cf aignificaut impunt, LiaI lunLb.eévent et van beicug doclarêt, Gémnu ril pretect Ruuasin subjéecte A, lu Tnnieish tenu-item>'. Monténégro, IS le Mointeal .... sucouncoti, accepte tise ituesocu thé Turto ... sae terme a. Servis. -The De de.Otna Cezes Sas again dintioct>' déclarét Mec-chants.. Frnee'a intention ut présenving a strict Consulislsted. - - -- aeuLnaiity lu tisaeeu t otufrthesén . Commece-.. plications lu thé Est. H~o AccoTHei FiRE AT ST. HcrACcNc'ncr- Sandard... Satuntia> morming a fine caught ta8 s eia .... stable 150 roar et Larivieré Buo's. eteam oany6pfcn planing mil anti carniage factar> lu tsé Townsipi auuth pari t oftisa ciL'. Tisafactm>' Navembén Sth, il andi atjuiniug buildings véeeutfveeti, anti, athèeewas a higi vini tram Lb. moat, iL vas évident Liai Lad Liera Eppss-<c>"t> heen materiailu in te shapé"-qfcompact oftheuiumd> bluceaoutbuildings, as before lice pro- opéraions'.,ut i vions fine, Lice fine departmuL anti ap- sud 0v a eanefùl piauces vouiti have hoan luadýequatee retces utfire Le stop the'- général dévastation. The useprovidet ui luas la astimateti at. $12,000 ; insurétidelSaeln' li ar ton 06,000. Th oal bas vii l ot ér- b>'the joticions u ceeti 880,000, with insurancé u is te Iliat sconetitutia fuiloving cumpaniée :-Royal Canadi- up unIt] elrong er an, SLtiacaua, Niagara Mutoal, Cana. deur>' ta disease. ta Fermonsa' anthie Baîver iàf Tenon- tuereeraahlng cs La, ta tisa amount et about 010,000. :esca e - afn Tice SL. Hyacinthe Bout sud Shoe Ca's. selves ireil fortle tsctery vas again seveti tram destruo. propei>' nouii tion b>' groat erertiond oettLé émplo>' Geazzette. Son ir eand citizens. and lb.,isélal Hamoeopéthio CI] NroocrA-ncocs nus Ali Bîna.eÙuîITIO Streal, sud 170P, TasOTY.-IU Commun Lawa mbiers,- , ou Saturda>', lu thé case ut Marsine A ttend to-vo Smith, the Detrocit munderer, Leiti for a -decision on Lieextraiiiiou question, - Don't de, Mr. Betcina, appesrng fan tic. Minis- léter utf.Justice, méat a telegraca tram Wo' i Lord Cimnanvon, tram ranchitLappeere isn ulline su>'ot e that Ibère is a probabii>', tram tise Inipruveta s"uev présent stat, d&'tLb.nagotiations hé- Liés; restomes grey Ivéon Great Dnitalu andtihle United colon ; restares t& States, that Lice Etradition Treat>' le ing hein; restorej théeicair; reelonus Iveen lié Ivo cauntrlee'siabout Su be hne;"zoe ât lest teporarly reumed.eutis remov ot-Graefal and Cli.-, digestion sud nutrition, il applicaion outhlie Sué dl eelectedca, Mr, Epp xi'breakftltables ia id .ýbevéràgé, raiccl na;y cvy.1 ,doctorie biU. - Il im nes of sucx artieles of tuaI on mna>' be oatull>' bult caouetoremct esi- en>n utn suicleuble mala- &roundtnreai>' ta ataci à s vèsk xix L. W. ma>' atil shaft ry ée*pong aur- sti vlth purebluot enta sn Paukat.suad Tins, 115, R,-"aie ppe &Co. ,hémustg, 48. Tieaneedle PiecadIle>'Landau. ur Head and Hair, IlayU9nth. naovet Hair 'Returative t, sud bas no e1sl. Tics m végemblé Lame praperý Dy cir toa mglass>, culturel ed dry.ba-si nd fMl- e,4 dnees, gi-réa vigor te m hein ta prematurl>' bal! 3dendruf, humans, "cY> mes irritation, itching sacd No -article protuces eui i.Try il, cal tor Wood'a Bealtosatié, sutdcloWt'fe of/cen- ci-iee. Suit by ail place mut dealers evar>'- ipplied et manofacturrs Cou: & o., Chcicago, Sole Initet Statetd Can=ais, MAN, CLARK CO., Best UffluR specwime iso ter to ecomie bis properhyam iBest Chae, pnlxe of Mr. Jin Best collectao Me0acnn--Lhe s tes c'ciock os t ' abe ruade i can HoteL * All animals mousb. un the the faimonni Mn. Levi Fias bis services.pso mals andxti tc ofeéred'fon aalé. Hi TE NDES i lOth 0F 1 -,4nW1h. tevin 1 about equsl -nu feet, aU to beli tee% to, bola le livered l>' tic, h Thé Coma Wicite Oak, ml 17 tache.;- eaci The Compai lowest on esy fBaP. M&RBH&LL, Bufaho, N. y. tof Birins, mszrrWUgs argotS 50 c.et.at. 077c5, Nov. @th, 1876. .......8095810S ..........70a .... 85c 87e .2w ...... 7 08 00 .8400 450 ter ...8450-0500 .r.....84 000 ....... 100 tel.S"*'*8c 0sc ... . e. -10 a20e .800082 ne, November 8h, 1876. .8..... 1.00 @ 11.16 .........$.05 11.06, ..... ..66080 . ......78@76e .......8ft W 400 . ......89 818 STOCKS. .... 192 189 in7 1061 103 981 -92J 1011 100 125J .... 101 99 81 80 .... 1051 104* 110 1081 t. Debautures, 102 'i97 876. tiu.., a pes- cent. ODýDFELJ --positiTi WEDNEBDA TWO PERPî Doors opa SYLVESTER iE Thce grecS O GEN. TOM '1 Togetheri miss M17 And lthéemiaox, 'Wils pparisma ating enfanmax DueLs, Dances, 1 lauglieble Sieb In addition te Liceir Estertaine Sentiment, Fuit i At «eteisetu Wrear smairl ne Sottden 95 et..i - Ladiessua ci viséilt Lu cteïa thug avai thLeci Evenicg Penfoni 'ý!b1ïby, Nov. ti OTATOES F 4W0BusIxeIa:R beet qualit>'. DuffIns' COà4Ni B Y-LA W Nci To establslsa'n COUNTY 0F NÀIO vil lie iolden ir. theaCOURT IHOUSE lu Lie TOWN--0F WHITB-Y, Dec. fliesday, Nqov. 7tic, 187S WPot Pas- Bcbcageon itaiÀ acres utLot p;-s 7 acm res onid,. luge, guot fencea Novemben SIx, 1

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