POU moi Fat Ob@"- 0~af1 fMr. ino. Tanner, #0; seconder Bf.o MeeRog-"o - B -e e090 pris e o fW Xa -. a A. eh7S eci i oempelalris-f1f. GBut atP Si-Tu isprsof U. ha. Ban, Wbobeon teoCer.y& t 1fr. T*n, at ibo,,uie ct bcorne blsprcua$-stPlSd" U.. core h. pcpety-lut, "Party ci thé Eut pair. Bol Butt.-ep«WaIPrime cf Upc r. om ise cf W, B. Xlggs 4t but-m bis p.-lit 8-heinW# obicrn Bout ChiseynOl lus an 9 be-poo pise 1r Oipb Ring, le; 2d, 818. Boutmbclecon cf Garni, mot mre ha Url. Ohm Set"*crneh "r;el),P ,md-mp of 'W' primec ir s. Taplbrt- tcirt=h grt orn i. prop#rtar AeuieadtiooiduotlateetIl .inChcc" i. moln cft.faxmd nyBeda0 t au thurneWlreoie tîre Bath fie Secre aar , r t o re th" me cenot aU s iteof o exbiin ,(théimais u ouibelaii;gound y evn 'coc8o lii fimnlng.pust bcm bspopr Mne Les mPairbki, auot lr wll.lv to eclcknthé m song f aianid ,anA uexhibinytim vo fit may b. oitie oro ale. te rde méi Na oe.RAPrsdt W. Îiýad toe. B forMI ecritary. TENDER wltleà Wor eoUid by hti. unde signed fptasale. Ot0FOREeEMBER, EXT for the delilvey at Port Whitby Barbor of thi e laini lmber ta bu made from GREEN 'WHITE PINE ; ta be lwlve luche sequare, Well uaufaclured, frie frnt vn or verm hales, sud ta bu itralght. 400 fuit, lu lentis cf fromfl5 tud40 fée auoequal nunibr places ofteuch ; 8,9 fout, alIta bil eugls cf 80fet; 1,100 test,tac hein lengliof 17 tuit. Ta bi de. lvereA 1y the 151h UNS, NEXT. The.Comrpany d k 6 0 places Beat Whit Osk'*fh bak onfiat vill square 17 luce.; .ach pia. ta b. 9 fel long. yTii. Company ual bound ta accept the. lowîst or any Tender. - .DRAPER Preet. P. *. H. cc. O018ce P. W. H. Ce., Nov. 7h, 18. 48 'Port Ferry Siandar,.Lindsay Po#i, *Joowo lnahca ftocopy. FLORSauE.- Flrst-claisfarm for al-thi soiti 150 acres of Lot 9 rd concesionuoetPlckerlog 7 acre. crchar, WOU ii atered, <ced build- ing., gocd fonces, termae «sy. Apply ta WM. THOMSON or JOHN THOMSOI, On fie promises. 19cvembir f8h, 1876. 8IU'48 Custoxa Dzpà aTMIT. Ottawa, Nov. stb, 1876. A UTROBIZBD DISCOUNT ON uAmînicen invelces nuilfurtiior no- tice, S per cent. * J. JOHNSON, 6-l, Comsslaor af Custasu. ODDFELLOWS9 - amit Poeively On. Day only, - WEDNBSDAY,- NOV. lôtls, 1876. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY. APTERNOON etf8, EvEN'G., is 8o'clock. . Docon OPen at 2 anS?7 o clock. SYLVESTERBLEE .en er The. great Original sud Ronovued LIEN. TOM THUMB AND WII'E, Togetier vwl he fiZuautismal MISS MINNIE WARREN, AuS the Shatarl-PhenameocdSoemlc Geulue, MAJOR NEWELL, WiII app4ai lu a varlehy ot New asudFascin. afn elormanc", ceudislg of Scug Due Io, Danois, Dialogues, Couùe Acte auz lang"ible Sketches. lÛ u St"iantheInr actvéeois asthe meupefect, reluiS On, intellIent Ladies mad entlemen lu Miniature, lu oistence, theirBEntiumente areunuequaled for Setiment, Fnn sud Polla!1 At maab etertalument tii 'Ladies vilU veasr Movral Dev and elegant Costumes, mag$iflcunsDiamondo, &o. ADMISSION, oniy 925 ct$-'OhUidrent (under 10 yeare, I1o -; Eseorved bats, SOc Childrn (undler 10 yeare) .0R~r Seuts, U etm. Ladies anS Cbldaron are conslderately sa. viesA te attend thé Day ExbLbtlon, ta thus avold the crovd anS cenfusion et the * voung Performance. GEO. PECK, Agent. Whltby, Nov. Itb, 1876. lin-46 OTATOES FOR SALE 1 4w BusheIs rny Rouiand Chulles- WM.'LONG, Duffni Creesk. -.Domfis' Cneak, ov. Oti, 1876. 8in-$lu BY-LAW Number 13, of' 1876, To otabiUi a ecad oi Lot 5, 2ad coucou. sdon of Thorali, inaWu xUo0 hran viti aa- vev10ô i PU"i9 Of ti smeatm.44ec 882 oeoil to ehidlate -TOWN 1HALL, Beivoibo, on fcfi&rdaf8eJrd day of Doc., t870. RE. 'ÂA l»presh Oystors, anld ?rush Pinnau Miade of Salt Piah. W Best Bran4 cof Tobaccop Cigar, baccl o chas, o, a He is determined flot to be undersold, best value for their monýey. topurohasers. Mr' The highest pri"e.paid for Hogg,'ý w M. Whitby, Nov. 8th, 1870. ana to give1 JGIBSON. Bi Oum .SPE0AF [S1 TIEAÀS Green Black -50 @80 ots. 60 80 ets. --00-- Green Aadiaoastea java. Mooha, grou.nd to order, 50 ots. lmied chic- ory e adaCofee, 28 COCO AND CEROCOLaTE1 ail the' oy.l e, LIQUJOIRS: Brandies, Wines, Whiskey Gin. ALES ANDc PORTER Bass's Younger's and Lab- batts, Guinness's Porter, in pinte and quarts. Ports and Sherries, 3'REEK WINE AT $2.00. .(A specialty.) PROVISIONS-: Rame, Spiced Bacon, Beef Rame, Breakfst Bacon, &c. Flour, mixed, Spring and F'all, Cracked Wlieat, Gra- îsm Flour, Býye Flour, Oat- meal, (a specialty.) -000- )yeters, Finan Haddies, &c. -000oo- BI S-CUI T S ncluding the Celebrated Ddinburgh Albert Biscuits! rA.MS JELLIES, CANNED GOODSe GELATINE, ISINGLASS. -000-- ne ice8and Sauce8. lustards-Wioka &. Keans. 'ure Engli8h Malt Vinegar. eckitt'e Celebrated flue. 000c- Eyaointhes, &ci., assorted. E verythinge in ýthe trab, the best. Try, JAMESON'S. -ccc--- 28145 ouIatp 10 '7- 10-7ý 1a 14 1 410 s1se «88 Ptne ,0 .,.,47 189 686 Phni POigT pielay. CinerlatWj lu k 817 Cludelellast 19m * 128lu ueeSt 184 * 1889 ~uenStpl 14 la'of 1706 ubueentSh"ilotei*-1708 Broken Part NW North"sut r North.veat* Part 8 j aSwPr of wi purt East part West haou Prt Wi Part NUE Part N B Part cf S SouthjioUN i North part Sth-West part 5 NOrt-eaut pr South partcfla 8 cor IMM isite,' 6 Northpoicf84 . 6 Eait part cf centre 8 Partocf North haon 8 Eti-pt cf North 1 12 N 8Slm. StD Ros' 18 PIN j laN 8Sint.St 14 PtiI12 8S SIrn.tl ]Pt N Slrnm., D.i1 G. MaDouilS, 1 PtS81SmoeSt 14 Part cf Ncrth-half 6 Part cf Ncrth.hslf 6 part cf Nerth-hslf Part cf North.hall 6 Part of South-hall 1 Part cf South.baif 1 Part cf Rail-lait 1 Part of Rat-haif 1 South.vest qtr Ncrth.hsll Souil-hilf North part Scuth'part South rt Senti-veut qtr Part 28 Part 85 Part 85 PatLot Nuo2 14 Part Lot No. 2 14 Part 16 Part 12 Part 12 Pt. lot No. 11, Dut. C'k 15 Pt. lot No. Il Dnt.0'k 15 Part cf Soutl-hal 28 Part et Soutihmif 23 Part et North-half 1 DROCK. 2 42 792 2 25 687 9 ou 468 4 87 il168 & là 1819 9 7 - 97 9 2 .82 9 100 2008 10 8 oit 14 8 128 14 42 z 71 id4 24 262 14 50 788 7 la27l100 515 1 84 1490 1 Io s8180 1 86 8 64 1 2à 1160 1 20 1197 1 20 2182 2 88 W025 & 164 1285 5 88 5 à 970. 5 à 1891 5 k 1950 6 2 386 8 07 561 8 25 846 e 4 56 8 4 56 9 si 860 9 9 1 52 10 80 509 10 70 1190 REACH. 1 4 2 19 9 100 8225 9 100 M587 10 200 7010 18 92 2159 14 101 4 85 14 8 28 82 1 80 589 PICKERING. B. y. 1 B.?. * i 8i5 of1 1 2/5Set i 1 2 49/100c 2 51/100c 2 8/Seof 2 2/Seof 8 10 a 50 9 10 North hait Seuti hall Broken ,Part Nati-hall Part North-halt Part - Part Part et Nerti-hait Part of North-hait North hait North hall Broken Broen Sauti hait Narti hait Souh hall North hall North.vout qtr North haIt North hall Part North hau Nortiha#2 North hait SetihallU Soti-eait qtr N E cor.etoN 94 Bridge St Pt Nortihkall Seti hait - Part Part- Part'cf North hall Part cf North hall Part Broken S E pt Part West hall Part West hait North hall South-eaotPart i Frent 100 5 Front 100 8 Front 100 sa8Front 88 84 Front 180 87 Front 100 20 i120w Gere 24 1 18 Norhpa t 16 2 58 Setihall e18 S 10) 15 4 M0 South hall 16 1 100 North helt 18 4 100 Broken 19 4 100 Part 19 ô 21 ili1A 100 14 A 100 19 A 100 6 B 100 6 C 100 7 0 100 18 D 100 17 E 100 4 G 100 Part 17 G 60 Part 17 G 18 Part 17 G 7 8 R 100 il N 100 Treasurers Office, Whitby, Ootoe o 1., 1878. 280 2 74 1 62 1/4 2 61 1 174 8 06 ofj 88 of4 90 £1 895 2 266 876 45 58 2 ËO NARA. 12 88 19 69 85 il 298 8 87 622 19 78 260 66 59 2 45 9 49 9 57 1609 2685 79 24 5826 87 19 1421 528 14 45 2 14 8 98 1 48 14 52 1040O8 25 81 23 18 41 40 41 40 ô 74 9 78 8 97 80681 8081 3 85 87 1 82 5 la 1 83 14 78 46009 21 51 2389 4 75 16 61 RAMA. 1 81 1 46 1 46 44 60 59 48 44 60 12 94 7 95 2695 299 84 W 1629 2889 17 95 607 169 1284 1759 6228 21 17 14295 449 1a ai 1058 il el 5 10 194 905 22 98 ide 1671 Pateuef 168 962n Patented 1l5s 2601 1,45 9 87 111 828 188 606 164 18 17 158 1477 1 27 9s4 1 26 1K8 175 21 38 145 759 128 286 142 818 182 .894 a822 5190 1 88, 658 1 62 208 1 47 154 185 1 80 201l 256 188 1 49 160 1 74 185 189 184 i 27 1 27 1 47 129 188 185 16e 52 -888 u8 62 ,/8226 14 91 4 71 il 19 15 51 21 24 5 21 700 480 188 1 88 1007 2 81 6c47 1845 8 49 84 81 47 76 78310 2888 571 821 a8ô4 nPatente Pliatete PatenteS ptentd PatenteS Patented PatenteS PatenteS patente& Patented Patentea Patented PatenteS PateniteS PatenteS Patcuted Pateutea PatenteS Patented PatenteS PatenteS PatenteS PatenteS PatenteS PatenteS PatenteS PatenteS Patented PatenteSl PatenteS PatenteS Patentea Patented PatenteS PatenteS Patonted Patented Pateztted PatenteS, PatenteS PatenteS 189 6 78 PatenteS 1 56 1 74 2 18 i 82 1 46 1 41 1 75 i 81 292 498 1 49 1865 1 88 8 23 2 58 2 18 1 61 188 1 61 180 1 48 19 1 61 a885 1 90 18es 229 2 29 1 89 149 1 85 202 202 1 88 1 26 1 28 158 1 28 1 62- 290 1 79 1 ai 1 87 i 67 4 12 406 2 91 8 98 $03 4 89 2 15 ,217 580 8 98 1028 47 92 851 18 89 21 dB 87 24 480 9 b8 7 68 2158 8 91 69651 8 76 1098 il 00 17 71 27 28 82 47 56584 89 87 15 82 6 -66 160OS 844 1046 2 72 1618 1m798 27 74 24 96 48 69 ta 69 7 18 il 22 5 82 8288 82 88 4 68 1 88 2 60 656 2 61 16 88 4899 28 80 8370 6 12 1828 3 il 2 75 2 75 4697 62 17 46 97 14581 940 2887 4 82 8680 17 95 U 48 1965 7 47 17 95 1890 1906 819 2295 15 86 585 17 15 19 10 18 88 ô6d8 8 21 108 si475 - c ~Conuty Treamurr, Ont., *PatenteS PatenteS Patented Patented Patmutod Pateuted PatenteS pat'euted patonted pateuted patented Upatuted patenteS unpateute PatenteS patned Patontea Pateutid Patented PatenteS Patented PatenteS UPatente patented uPtente pateted PatenteS PatenteS Patented patenteS patenteS patente patenteS patenteS patenteS patenteS patenteS patentod patenteS patenteS patenteS patenteS- patenteS pteuted patenteS patouted patenteS patenteS patenteS patented patenteS paited patenteS patenteS patented patenteS patenteSl patented patea ptenteS patenteS pateuted patenteS pateutedl patete patenteS lypatete Upatented patinted Patented upatentod luPatentel Patente patenteS tutenid Duateted patente Colored GFold Sets, very handome ana very heap. Colored Gold Broooches.Oblored. Gold E ar.drpsëoloredi Gold Lookes. Bright 0îo14 Sýées rih Gold, Erooohes, Eardrope sud Lookeu. Gem Binotav, « £à o assortment. là 8,carat RUSSELLe WÂLTHAM, AND ELGIN- WÂTCHES. Ladiie ua dGants. GeM ana Silve Oauma. Elotrê-PateAGeeda efthe bêit quality. Omuets, Pick!. Pramo, Oake Basket., Trà , , Butter Cëolero, Bugarand lm Bowla, PUbcave".. Ta0l,. - t a Tm. Speeno, Eerks, hM.,, oI 12r Spectacles ta- I. suit ail.- Sights. , Weelcly ' Globe, Canada Farmiër, Mail, seribers. "Subser to sub- 'lS. ROBERTSON, flooksefler and fitatiouer, Whitby. ler.ro«V MI- -e 4> i.. G) o o ~e ~b3 ci C G> ~ o STOVES!1 Whitby, October iSti, 1876. &MAIGNACUT-AN. STOVES! STOVES! ENGLISH -HARDWARE. Hardware bouglit- by Mr. R. Hatch, while in Europe, is now ,, coming to hand,--Friends will please note this. sTO CDVIE]s i We are offering stoves manufactured by R.Armstroýng, know nothing to beat them--to whicli we invite special Stove Pipes, Elbows, &e. Also Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, &c. gTO BLACKSMITHS--100 Tons 'Bar IronAn à vils, Vices, Basps, &Ci Do not fail to see oui' stock -if you require either Hardware or Stoves. I A rV TI & _ýBl:OC.> No. .4, Brook Street, MWhitby. ARRIVED THIS DAY, FRESH' OYSTERB Êy order of the Board, Ontario Bank, Toronto, 0h Oct.> 1876. TOWN LOTS FORL SA] OctUbr 2 it,86 Ocfcbir 25th, 1876. 4-44 J. IL PERY, Whitby. T 0 BE BT! ELIGIBLE FARM, being West-half of Lot- No. 20 in the Secoyid concessionu Township of Whitby, CouiLy of OuaroA et present ccupied by W in. W.Mre.For furtiier particulars as to rent, Urne for which Ici.. wiIl be given, and other pricua RWtOMBL Town of Whitby Sept. iSth, 1876. 89 tf R HE-U MÂAT I'SM CREIr Druutosi'a Rhenniatio Absolvent wil relieve scntoe heumatismlnt4honrs,aud all pain withln 12 houri. It in certain ana per- Druotoe's Digestive Fiuaa4-Nearly ai Diseases arise from the, stomâch, cci- sioned by free acids. The Digegtive'FIwid neutralises-al1 acids, conscquently 1* muat cure a&U caees7cf-DyspepatEyrslpelà à , ai other Blood Pais9uings. he effeuks imi- Mediste. Sold by ail DrnitM. Price boc. solo Whâlesale Agentd, Rerry, Watson & Co., Montreal; or addreis W. Y.]3runto-i, Loudon, Ont. 48B4y FAM lOR SALE!1 one eundired Acre. ini the Towush ip of Mari; hall cleared; good .soil; two- mile!s from Brechlu<Raiiway Station. Maco, Thrce Hundred Aores iluoeeblock; first.clas s anA' Ixsrd..woodtimber: Avo miles from Atherly, and saven miles froin Orillfa. J. es, H. FERRY .WMtîLy. Octùoe,2, 86P4u4 T TOL EN! - Stolen tram the premisscf Mr. Williatm Luke, Beach, about the E1st lit. a BAY MAMl, 9 yesi old, 151 bainda h"gh, black mani, tail sud legswlth star an oreiiead. An prongrlginformation that vii lead te its recover-y viU bu lberally - * WALTER OOULTHE.D, 1Osbavs. ÇOAL OKREAPER THANý EVER!1 esa nS ît prias at W. J. HNKA (succzss o JO . a rwTTERflILy 5URG .DAIL Y. FURS & DRY GOODS, NEW STOCK AND LA.TEST STYLES. SPEC'IAL is drawn to four lineis of extra value goods at THE ODDFEL L0 W'8 HAL L L. -Dress Goods in ail the fashion able materiais, olors and styles. 2. Merinos, a fuil range of colori oheaper than ever before known by the writer. 3. Manties decidedfly better thani 4. Ail Wooi cient value. The oniy houee in town giving exclusive attention te, Dry Goodi al C)othing. The only house in town that giveo ne crcdit. Ceurtcous attention te Cuetoere.- W. »Il au cheap as any House in Can. ada. Goode marked in plain figures. One Price. [Whitby, Oct. 4th, 1876. DOMINION Lowes EDWARD FROST, Oddfeflows' Hal, Whitl W.L4RERO0OMS Powell Are re.ceiving Fali Goods which havi times.A of MILLINERYDRESSMAKING AND TA ILOR/Mi DONE TO ORDER. 1Whitby, Sept. lSth, 1876. NEW. ÂDVERTIBEMENTB. P HILADELPEIA CENTENNIA L EXHIBITION, z876. S. R-.-WICKETT, LOWES & POWELL S HORT.HORNS ÂND HIGE GRAD CÂTTLR FOR SALE. Several valuable Shert-homos anSdIgh Grade Vattle ter sali by tiei nuderlgued, s Glondin, Lot 28, 8rd concisalenWlatby. WM. G. DOW. Whitby, Nov. lwf, 1876. 8lu-45 manufacturer, importer ena Wholosaleu ONEY TO LOAZO. Dealer lunLVJ LE A .T I-1: .c r, he Nationali nveatment Oom- 62 Colborne St., oToronto, has recelved tiheHlgh Distinction cf a SILV*ER MEDAL Avwardfor bis ovu saputcure et BU FF, PEBBLE, ANDOr0nait L EAÀTHIrER top ATTU Inerational Exhibition, eHI LADELPHIA, Béing thé auiy "mtnotion forthiearne cités 00118 wmÙM StaaMy exUhbitar lu té9c 09Ontario. Intendlngpurchae vi fi 1h10their oumfPe Movstck, veill But Brande et French CaJI, Kip, Slagte sud Spauîsh Sole, togodier wlh UPPR LATIER Stoc L IL MM duetiptien-. J. »r E eouans d nSCal"w ynetmudlaud ~tà lté èCod cil At Lcvîst Palies. Alec Spéial article of 2'ANNERr PRFJIB)NTIVR OIL Tarante, Oct. Mbf, 1878.- lnth& _ ,-rtheprs softh ju bi., * pan>' of Canada, (LIMITED.) Lend MOnOy con Real Estate. Purchase Rxlstlng Motigages. Borrowirswl f nd th. Ccmpsnrs erms modoraie viti sp« efiiUiesfor pyn os tiefi cns. Pl 03,000 of privai#FPuis on luznd Io Inuif in Morelgag. Fw era urity. LAUNDRY. Ti.undenslgud a oeed ' a "uns doue ta bri u "0 Ls ad 'ep Witbiy, Oct. 260 1970. tf.44 .13E lOB SALE. midinsu m0 Anus eea"@ in LOOK AT H-1ICKILE'1S . DISPLAY O0F A T TTE N T I O bhrouglt rom -Franci th tepted copies of local hanc il Blankets of magnif good stock - ilinery on hand. ----00- Lm v &Mes m NEW FRUIT: Raisins and Currants, Fige, Oranges,' Lemo's, Prunesf, &o.. &o., &o. - -l .1 i a .1 cooking or heating, ý> we attention. 1 4 VU. LUNG, 0 0