Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Nov 1876, p. 4

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t hilacoulsgry. [0tiJO" LTTIL r&i 'Lot No. 8 t » DAnT - t 1x£&Tu110( - -~Â6oe~MiYL~8J2i, ca#ofr L, sle OF, LAND. luart~ es fil. cfiohul wtued4aaU aroond t My' >15.811. A g1,.'4 td fur s'èady tabh. uu thebco rn of>.eeO aU. ,cec su i w t.coi.Fri R, Elolloltor, Whllby, Lt.AN, Oîhawe. nu., 8] No. 4 BULFINVOH.St, BOSTON, T]W C ,NCE 0F lUE Or, 'ýZLP.ÃŽ-IRElSER VATIOtl. PIOR" 04IO'E >MILLION 0COIES SOLO. ý1d1t sd1Avarded tu the Author - $ Sc ' closMuiisal ABsoçîs ,- *vaS tttilltu tl io SiePAiSI)Y rUEllCrAL 1NLtT aI W ulttti cf t1.io eulcht ittl ct otîtiuantitt0 Icir t xballqted Vtalty, ittîtuey 'rto îtlîre iiioîlatutlu ais,.Miter. -.tSit. o . IvnLI ttîeuluo.tts-nui ttttt ilîiitt klt IîP i,otid lntqvtfotce1,Itî l'ituotctîî tît iotulttt t 'tt tlfd dl o tf Meotitrt-. tItitir,tiIsrf tîlo l§1001, mcd 01cli tase eil î g lfltttu çr isC I 1 e o nltt(r t te f ltlsre. ri Sel " .î; ( itittuà»ti iîîîtai ,tulrelnPi , 1Ptît-srME-1.i M tt 't;~r, <ojtîîslrtitpl ad reliv clive- l1 tîîlîn(fVice, te tlxerSes ut ",,,'ru, tv, îit îtpttreneealot Ergoxto, xMette rt tic, C~Ltl nuilysttî~tid. fr05 irfo- ullfi uf l'r'tfîes:.Addeit4rso ltai.leus tit til Itîtî. i Ilt'ui a, Tti Autlntotlirtg cili- ipt; ci nt ui' ltt h ok n YI) ' l Ilt lIl '0fs ,10,01 111 ntulstetSttiIut 'She Inatitute alita publinhesIl"THE ltI1YSIOý,OGY OF WOMAN AND HEït DISEASES.1 Pricst, $2. The litIst bock cof the kiîxd extauxi. ý,î)itlttt-vltabo ie ncïlîcitl worklî h-sa Mt ltiel l- 'l ttimu Nt-voue f>l.eta§tsi; ti'tl ,tlîIUrtii Ctutt l eeît, Lw etti.- tiI l~alIIgI4,bouîîtd lu l.tlîllnnio et kl. tt> g.oltrtyeteîtîbay for prrlcl. tIri;; f,11t ,î thilu ui t lt tiflite atletl ttc,, v.tlt it'il, th, in- IcttîtenLif[I, tiret-el ,ttî ii, Tht- jtiltîaibriot raturilîcl fron lt iti n xiollllîtt-leliit, ltiotShl. ilaitîithe titrfI Cnsî1tlt lîyvlla tof te Ltal ctly 1.îîr- i t 1, t 111I, , No. 4 !11fi tlltu Lî trLe CIl10 - t (z îiîtttutifl c , Se Jeuttfil%; t4t1h. (ofLt .tî. t i tt.tt litlIýo-e'wttt 1co l'itil- [lipu.at Ieli the ttiitittiiolif l't îdoî' li i ';I' i~- 7l to11 i m10 1ntist ait. 6lîltî tîn t; ;ttiht~îtîî~îîîîlu ou ,1evoi Siteutlafilles1 lt t -t1t <ht itittlel i a ll VIotA nuitatî -1 eI,,l'i L ireti l i ieyitg t utt î;: Ii't11 tutu 'u ) 11e ît. w Tutiti TitHNfi. ii tret tîi;l cly tîrelgllieai'îctferred orîîiie;ttkiltel te îtiLitui ooo tîee o-,, Ici $~l dts11710îîsîtttîlt't lti wt.tiSt-km -iititLisîîailnit )tudîl hc cIl til itf itti ttitu'e Ltttîî an 1:110iuti r itonu t5lil'til"fitlt ing t if t titit îîîl llîo t te 'iL' f itltr 'llglitî!ll s lo, Sttlemt leî lll >l lt )flitti t ttu,î;v ;.-M t'titlog ist itit Vasrut,:l oi cents S010 Utt iStftle1s. tstof Ni.~ituii ,-. fMi. I-lrrit,, M-- eltî i tdlv ttiit HIL K1T- 20,000 STTHES IN A tA-INUTE e NITT A A PACTCA~FAMLVKNITTING MACHINE. 1 z d Iltn tStor u te'î4 btiii L t;l.-ij ti -~~~~~~~~~o ptIcS -ttyjiinIItvti-ytftlaflianti purtl'lte tft t-lt -1, b>'pro iut iltlt Ai-WAtît- sitStnil foJc bteitplti. ["'-lt. LieSmtd (ilteîlare r l pt-Itipl-oiît and l sisnutsctoay, ".Bckford Ktltttitc moie '01111it0 Mflz. Cij, BtattlobtiO, Yt1. S> o 111-1 N.rd,1 i razedway, lNew Vent; 2(j E yQfliZT uen c111 anal dotî le:n*j'1e s{tIî ly ut evag6ce, csyoî idl1 DR. BIRNOQAU.M'S Rheumatîem and Gout Ripmody. Pto biue ýYW1 elltc ~tLstl, 118 pisîet Wi l aie. br regular ttipe on'"titis ro*io f eatitig Co'burg ever)mzornSng st 7.80, and Fdrt lAope eaS0.80,0,otciock, furrlRochester on tbe st-ri val of G. T. Rl. tt'tinm East & woei~ sonnestin t iere wtth te New York Central. Notheru Central sud Et-le Railwaya, sud liako Ontarilo Shorte Division et the Ntoms. Watsu'tcwn h Ogtlenoburg aiSslway for a&U jinlt$ East, Wost and Sonth. .iLTUttatto:WilIeaetChirlotte lvort cf Rlccheitterj dally at 0 p. i., except Sstur- dsys, wheu sho wilU leave st 8 p mi., fer Pe'i Hope direct. DeeLlera in stock4wM. willlaSd tisI thc cltkpais5d i , edttcuq rtoe DeBs- tent Albany, Nsw'Yu o lct .c; F1or fartter Infornmation stpply t- or, C .OLESEVI April 12th, 1876. - 1 D YGOOI'8 AND OOBEE STORE AT AUDLEY. ln, orter >te ouethe ts ro$iOwantm of &bu lcicilSsita sie rlevbas l.eeu lnidncod ko cpuiî blimmtssis ite îî'ovslino.. A Large andi weli SI1-ct d Stock eqnL jpriCse îLd qtaiSsy tu sny that tan Uc 5turtaî]li àtowo oreciy.Gise ne t til, ti get for yonrègelf, alud Ifyiiyesan b.e as %volt euiteisti'l se sWhtre patrtunxze Soie trtdît. Auflley, Nov. 240j, 1875. 8I I bflLJLINERYt , -A LES, AND CLOTHING. N~EW TEÀ8,ýFJRÉSH4- I4MIYSR0,0GEJS, LIQUORS.-WHOLE SALE ANI) lIETAIL. (11~e - s rthe teIebr&PotHp Ales, iW Keg oz' l3arrel.Pot op - ýL4SW-P ý4ICROCKÉity in great variety. *%ýCARRIAGES ANb ýBUGGIES! TELARGET A24D OST.COMPLBTE STOCK 0F CaNge,8Ieighs-,and Cuttes, M. -ý0,"D-O OV AN'S CARR IAGE. FACTORY BROCK-.ST.,, WH ITBY. VERY CHEAP. CALL & SER .TFIEM. Important to the Affliet ed. ALLAN LINE 1 tBR1UNTON'S RHEUMATIC BORET LIVERPOS)L, tONDONDERR'Y,-- GLASGOW, CH EAP FAR ESI1 f tttet'nîedilats fb- - - -S45 Stt-,raia'-as low mai y aterr linoe. lltrelld pastîlge Cetrllcieto.s auaL Ut lowetil rates ta JIilîina wisliiig ta britng Ont fiands. For tickets aîîd farter information apt-iy to- idES. 'JULt. E-41).ati Tel. Offilce, Wlxtby. Wlautb.;',UugbtptîLtli 171. 514 I T WLSIt-tii AND) PORIT itERil EXTFiNSION IIALWAY. -TME. TABLE Nos. 15. TiuOns t-Lîit t, 'tottîîotinte, e-hici L'ate tn. %-1). 2 eaIu. 40. mix. Whitby.Tu.... delri,. 510 â.t. d. 7 07 pi. Whîitliy .............91)0 7. 1.5 titokiu .... .......le.40U 7,135 àlyrtîsý..... ........ 9 , 8 9 7At21 Mtuittaâter ... uI..t.817 ttt-les AUti 1..32l 8.27 trP t-rt-y. 10iue .40 tt 8.85 TRAIN GCItttitiOUTtI. Port lt,.ry . . dep 600 tiL. 1 125 pin. 9olîotîAlber.......609 I67 lScu ........... 7.00 2.-2f7t Wbitby ...... .... m.17.20 ~ i.2.47 V .i Mil)1 Dit. i 2.5à %Vliitly Juu.- arive 7.3 tt I 3.W 6 "Platftt tîîatinis. Trains ettîp on Big. tîsîs cîîly. Ceînttecting et Witttby Jolttlion% stLthlie (3. Tr. ILtcas: suanrt ;at Pli eut-t l'at-y il îtage for Uxiîridgs, undttdUesaier Imapta Last nf Lindsay. lieacttîîneîtug wilti the ttldîatd. ltitiltv ant with ater#ner for ' e'Ut-lotiV-tti. goiînivleon, and t -rgen JAMEIS IOLDEN, 20 Miahgltttr T li . G0EEA T ENGLISH REMEDY!I Before Takium. GsysA.rX.J SPECIF[C 'MEDICINE Ciret al Nî'îîv.ts. ,t aicM4'itsiith, iNîsit.. ils, Pn4TAttovsceî>te. il. asîtîIt St.itmy caai, tre iît-tdited 1 lyi; itrnîiulgus n t hSe ln c t tti ttt-c ateoýittlte a ptrlt - but the . Aiatf litftllelttig tîître forlîl eîtttnndtla llit ifolos ti$ a s9tîeletîtut huit Abtil, se, rose îtfilt:ittiitv. UsivI.tttL TeARbTîît»V. PAIeNTill vie: itet IM. i) tiitto )Vtc'VISON, Pua tiATtt&ý it.D LOAoiyundtIrtottt votlittr tleaite tept lutl to or CON4ity Or Note " l titd s Pituit.ti; itî.tali if whiStS. et a rie, fir fti a cit-d ty devletiîg flt-ni tae petit c tittre antd nvttt- itltgeic-. 'lite Sî%t!itc l ettiitte ote itattit tif s lite -ttrt and liutîsy v-at cf sxpot.'eîtse intisal. itîî ttttesb ieliticesuk. I i i it atculere Sn car itittvlI itielàîtvtu Iere tI centS Iros by lieipîue Ilellà i. tol'iy tII Drug. 11-.tttii#tpetptt oae.or sisealiesfor 1Cx. Otr malCtttt t ilIton te.elpt of the. înîauet, liv ddt-tseiLk MILLIAM 0111e & C~O., Wtîtdgor. Ont. gd*l gtold In NWhhItbby WSi, .1, Fimtnuktu, s Iuce eatd aU arugfPeisa- iortitt-tp & Lyman, Tront.o, wliclas.eleîagents. 7 Il reconnsacS bottl,\DÂD AL 0 AAA sb s.S aWbya. LLES MARI'TN. Losvo Port [Toe- maiil. ... 10 l(t) s. in. Mse4-. .. 8,25 p.ou Goîng Nt'rth to Peterluoro' h Lakelelci, eb luS'Si4 a<l -flUa te Lfidmay, ral ..l uês. .Ar pi Hep .45,lSp.=. Comlnug Souih frontLakeMeIS. -- t-e4..48 a.tn . 1man, .0.. , REUEVES THÉE PATIENT FROM PAIN' IN A FEW HOURS, AND NE VER FA ILS. Rýhe4rnatism is a poisoning of the blnod fromn acids acting on and cuniàoting thea muscles, aud givingintense snfferig. It arises in the stoMSdhfi rcunImpaired Digestion. The 'actiire principle of this discovery is to Absorb the PoiÉon4s:-iNtwid Acid by Outward Application. ht igs Côi4sd .ntireiy of vog,etabersubstances, and lias neyer becu; nst.ti befeure thue pussent proprietor epplipdcit1. From thxe nature of Uic discaseof Rheî;matism, snd the Peculiar Pro. pprties of titis fleMedy. it is an' imposihulity that it cen faitlu itcRlieving the Patient freux pair. in a fcw houri when applied as; directed. l'bore la a tdistinotive, fetv~e li it ai; con4p&red with other Patent Medicinets Almeet ail others profetia 50 cure a variety of ditteapa,-. Tina preprietor cuit- ciaimexts tItiS liiirelywill :celiove the Patient froio Pain frein Rhîeunatié1x, eu-ý that it ia the only retuedy (y outward application) known to Science tbm: wilI do se. ' 1 Titis preparatiti gnaraulaed to upuxove Rbenuwatic Pains lu a few beuts or the. ooney refusided. LFo' Prico SOcle per Bettle. Sci wholemale and Betîii byi SWliitby, Jâue Odi. 1876, S. w B. SMITH. Corner Brook sud Dundes Ste., WhitLy MER CHANI TAI1LQRING. iUSI RECEIVED Ail kinds of Spring Goods, including Englishi, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds, Worsted Goods, Fancy Vestings, Broad-cloths, Doeskins, &c., &c. GOOD TWE ED SUITS AT $1 13tock StresetNltlby. Mtîy leS, 187(;. ÙNDE1RTAKINa bý -'tEPARTMflNT.È Casketd,; alkiidLoaTia 'ad Gents' Robes. Also a firs-olas Harse-. "TILL & JOHNSON. 1,rhtbyp August 29th, 1876.ï8.> Il - - Ï TO MY CU8T4 OMEÉRH8, The! undersigned, in rçturning thanks to his numerouas customers - for past fa- vôrs. begs to announce that on and after the FIRST 0F SEPTEMBER NEXT, ha WRll dispQo irn îethe sse'i giving long credit, and will thence forward seil for CASE[ only, or short credit of three monthsto prompt paying gus- tomers, thereby enabling hini to ciell Goods at muoli Lower Piices than hieretofore. Ris présent Stock of BOOTS & 510E S and* work of ail kinds is -hoavy and well assorted, and wilr be sold at Lowest prices for Cash. His accounts are being made up, and will be roady-for delivery on the above 'date. llaving pressing dlaims to meet, lie 1esp6etftilly requiests imméudiate payinent. AIl Notes and Acôounts past due, will, 19 plced in- other, bands for collection without fuirther notice. JOHN SAUNDE1RS. -I:EA.TIEDnTOT iO TT lx THE PRIGE 0F ORGAN.S.] -Peter? - -- r -PETERS'- no AT UE ËETET<NIA4L $1-70 YoNI - t Wheni VO ontul T H E-.- san RECEl VED THE ,HIGHES ÀWARD!1 International Medal and Dipl'oma 011 ItE IN TEE OI~GÂ1~r WOIII4D,ý W"The ouly Organ outside of the United States receiving an Internlational Medal, .althoàgh seven Cana. dian manufacturers Nwere iomnpeîtng.- SrEND FOR PIiRCE LIST9. DOMINION 1Bowuanville, Octobor l7th, 187C6. tBOWtiAVILLE, ONT B u4 F4or Sale at very Reasonable Priées. Several Open Buggies -with child's seat, Lady's Open Phaetous latest style.. n4 ,very -liglitï, Covered Phoetons. with l<dlliug se4f,, i lght Top and Open B3uggies of Super- ior Style and Finish. Ail made of Wbitby. July SSIi, 1876.. Mhe best Material, and JJarr-anted. TOMS -&.,EWPORT, WNhitby, Ontario. 28 WILLIAM Organs and ?velodeon Oîrgans at greatly reduced prices,1 CAB 1 N ET' for~ C.ashl or iNote payable in Uctober next. Cail at the "IORGAN FACTORY" and examine our stock. Alsu Secord-lhaiid Orgai and Melodeoiis at very low prices. THE MUDGE & YARWOOD M'F'GT. CO. VvIitiby, May lSth, 1876. ELGIN !ELGIN! ! ELGIN !! ! A. & J. R. PRINGUE, 'Merchxmut TIailors. 19 LEWIS ALLJN'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, A large and well assorted stock of Room Paper and Win- dow Blizîds, whicli lie iii prepared to seli at the lowest rates. A splendid.assorûment of stationei'y, New Miscellaneous I3oolitileautiffully bound, all kinds of S&bool Books. Violjuîs and Coticertinies. bewiuxg Mahines-be;st makers. Large and ncw assortuient of best Gold and bilver Watelies and Chainsencr Iîaîd. Wool aud F'îtuey' departuient coluplete. Ail orders for English anid American Periodicals and News:paV-ers prcmptly llilL. -We are now in' a position to supply Prize Boolis for Sehoold at h.df price,- and we feel tirat we cau give good siatisfactioni. Soliciting os'derd, &o. LEWIS ALUIN. Whitby, April 5th, 1878. 15 GLOT.HINGý AND1 FURNISHING GOODS For Superior Clothinig suitabl.e for Summer wear try the Clothing Store- and Marchant Tail-' oring establisument of :m_ Tz~ ,GCFTi 81 I\T, DUNDAS STREET, WHIT-BY. A GOOD FIT- AND, STYLISU CUT,' AR.RANTE,' Gent's Furnishing Goods of ail kinds, incliîding Shirts, Rats sud Caps, Umbreilas, &o., wlitby, July 27t1u, 1875. f CHOICE INES J PURE L1ýqilU0B8. 4WHOLESALE and RETAIL to souie-he- ~OLD~?jE mA N D- r- UNUSUATJLY LOW FlURS. &TRY:, FREDERICK NE ALJ M DC Ã"lý S TWEET, 9 5 HA wA. AGENT FOR flA\IRS & BRO.'S -i 41 -z The finuest, best, anid cbeapest Watchies mnade, for the ino- ney, are the ELGIN VàTCHE , whiich eau bc had at Taylor & Batr. nard's, ý;t every grade., hcth in Gold and bilver, Ladlies' aud Genlti sizesi. Also P, large stock of Englise li ad SisWeLtCh-eS kalWayS 0on had. Coceks,j Jes dot-y, Silverware, anîd Fancy Goods tb suit everY taste snd pocket. Recmembcr the pl enx door to G;ross & MacXachitan's, Hardivare Ms; chants, Brook Street, Whitby. LIST 0F AITCTJONEERS Licensed for South Itidïing of Ontario, North Ridiug of .Ontario, and separate Muicipalities in the latter. Doualdatts T. n. WIl14l,.. Wi. 00t-4oUt... James 1)DigtîyJ Dan.xca îhy... Jos h.utasit.... .1. C. Piikeydo.. L. Firbne .... Tlouae ',ulsr. Donald Majse. LIST OF FeIiýs Gven. .0Dffltal. .... lisitasuiçcz. 'ritaras. s.toiiitu. Clae.-nart ... pourt Ierry. p'art Pet-ty. Toronto ... ]ilootttiug..u.... Whiby .. Atitery ..... OIes Ma&jor..., Tîttiraix....... do,....... ...... Brock... South. Rîding ... Urbridgs .. North ttitdiîg. Not tidiitg. South ltidftg. Memsc............ Soeuthx ttiding. Mers . ..... North liStinIg... Norih RSding.... Oct. 1 .1876. 19, i76. , 1l9, 1876. , lOct.t. 1876. Oct. 26th, 15711. Oct. 28th, 1876, Nov. 111h. 1870. Nov. 2-2nl, 1876. 'DSe. 2àd, il 6. Dee. ilitth, 1876. Jan. 24 ! Ji: 1877. J t iu , '1 '11115, 1 8 7 7 . Feb1y Itut, 1877. M'u-eh Ssii, i-77 Mer. lUth, 1s77. 'Vat-,1Oh, 1877. MIat-.'-2Is, 1877. Juily liîh, 1877. Or-t't-Sud, 1877. Où-tr 4c5, 1577. Oct', Osh, 1877, PEDUERS FOR THE CO. ONTARIO. ~in14Sçalita.... 1 Sot-as, cout., 9111 Decï,87. 00e 2 heses:C.ty 145E lna-.1876. dou. . 2 herses, Cnjuny I1th Dec. 1878. io2huness, C'îu&nty jOuôti Ds:.t876..1 (is'Sî~at. ..I bo-seConnty-.. 2115 Jn.58 Osesi 1bot-se, Ctunty. 21st Mer. 1u477. Ns.uItsia~,t: 2 hot-es ...........lot -April, t1877. Blua. .1 Hersie............ 25thi April, 1877. WM. - LAING, O. Treasurer. 16 kASHIO0NABLE TA IL OR, N O-o~~~~ ~ A~4eeyuCI e 'l-ittxuig GarInêIet -To thue 'Tailing 1Fstablislhment of jGEORGE ,9LE 0-NIA FURNITURE WAREROOMS ! THE O0/O STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITBY, Go where you cannot fail to- be pleased in inaling selections of good furniture. Splendid Parlouir, Drawing Iloo-m and Bedroop Sets, ,Nev Desigus ai-cl worthy cf' inspection, aI- astcnishiug lcw prices. Dis. iig. rccm Extension Tablesw- very superior article. GiIS Corniiecs, Picture Framing in overy style. , Some fine Chromos and Bngravings for sale. UDERTIAZP.r- AZ:I 'T G, In ail its branches ; tunerals fully upphed, A stock of elegant caskets. Ceflins always on bîand, trimmed to suit Cufstcmcers, and a well mppeited H-earse eonýstý,ntly inu eadunes. TIL L 'S Whitby, Nov enuber 22t1;' 1875. .WM. TILL. JJJST THE PLACE-' W M. : TTIR5 1TS > BOOT AND SHOEMAKEII, BROCR.ST., WUIITBY, ti AS now on baud a largo and v'aried sqtock -et Bootsansd Shoots. Hoaise -'-esitkcs tect-de;- cver>- description ci Laîlies* Gentlemen' sud Chilelrens' wcar. Jt'ýClep.iiring d(oue on itua shortoat notice, und at reesonabla rates. A el ta invitud exl amtlti ie te -ecastock. Wliitby. Pefcmii.-r. 1875. WILLIAM BURNS, Brook Street Whiitbv. LAING STEWART, WHI TB Y, Have uow opcned out a fis st-cIass assortment of Fali and Winter Dry Goods.l Having been early in the market we purcliased.ouîr stock before the advauce in goods, and are now prepared to offer toi our eustonwrs' and" - friends tlic ad*vanvngeîs -iluich theseeariy pur-. chases enabie us to do. Our asrmn slag.Or Styles the, Latest., Our, Supplies are frou tiie besources. Our prices are g0eýerued by the faut Shat at mil times we wish te sali a large amonAt of goods on sael profits. Si.nîuaTu ( CL OTHS AN» TWEEDS,'~~S,- MILLINEUîY A-ND ANTLE8.. LAING- &STIEWAR.T.- Jofin ston 's Sef-Raking Jeaer AWARDED THE,-,FIRSTPRIZE At the Provincial Exîîlhltion. Toronto, in 1870. the Iatestl.àmd lIIest useful i mprnvmé ; n , t- ,rÉ-i-ittiv-rsilsucces' tf Uuis MavChiiie, <>b ilf:,, osel> eoîftesîý eW trîtalîxc 4 iii in t phnnti. orf t(,lu i-niriA.a-ttti tlf li#. ii g , il &: 1 t ,lt x $eitýRhk-. ira Rtaanp a lp. i l i- asel l, e lis delects. ;sot bat. me W ifl1 14%]CCPg suc cas. er ~p filurt i~le-,Iereiftric-i iflt.sd iti. tl lti CAYUGA ý,.-jVNIOR MUWER! Bassket of jewawMaauIl roi Btrawberriesa nd Oeein4 bandla.. 25 tTéZte pPIsyer::::-DrsqWMa1o LA. ORlME DE LA C O3W , . . ,I'35 Fis~ ks f Fzlower cf&nstria..by Bggbsrd. FiMagai. Grand Wàltz. .by-Leybach T re ecsfor advanced Piano PETBRS' ORGAN SELEOTIONS. $120) No v.ic9 5 t, i awi: Invocation. .A Voluntary by Mine ron Preludet............ b Jan~ - -hornufroni rsatien.. b, Esydn '4 Part5,rie 25 cef, cousiada:. CHoflUGESThO Gipsyliie. .4 volea. Schumann SThe.1<ainbow. fi sie 2 'ai5. ipriée 2W ceiits, eiaina: AH Tbr Worké Pr"'"eTJhee,,O- MEHES ordt Full AnthenWI fo rveagt *Fi Festivals. by Thorne. tsoatsotbeiSono6Dw&Vid!PFun An mfur Advent.by Macfarren Anuy of the above sent,' post piid, -on re- ceipt cf 25 i(erts. A4ddress, JL PETER ,S, M4 Broadway, New-York. lm44 NOTIC-E 1 APPILICAT.ION wl .made te. tbi tiL. gilicnreocf Ontario, et itz neit 4eidn eb l.Wbitby and Port Psry-Ez.. tesorifwyComnpany for an Act ratify- ing the sasle te the Compsny et ertin r perty owped Spý Meus. Austi,; FaIen, Mit-hie and Boldpn*. antaao the rasode;ca paymexit 1 lierefor by thiC4Dmp "Y, tir ah or mnortgage bonda;; ise ratiog pSail Sp- Iewa grantiug aid toe omrp.ny; &lie-ta modify the powera cf the Comnpany as toth ispeocf mortlzsge bonds, and for lsutch eher- aiendouents te the Actof Incorporatiôn - sud amezidments thereto as may b. cenald.. ered advisable.- WILLIAM MUI.OCKL, Solicitor for the ahcve-narned ]Uiway-, Torouto, 27 th Sept. 1876. 8iï.41 j AMES H. SA-MO COMPANY F U R N1IT U RE WHOLESALE & RETAIL.- Warerooms-Albert Hall tlilIlings, 189 Yonge -St.. Have alwaya on bâtda &Mtcie ocf every.- thing their Iine.and bec p atrictattention e0tb wants of theii customitrs,. te merit a continuance of the patronage hiitherte ex. tendod to the=. Speciel attention paid;te 5therosking of FIRE SCREENS, OTTOMANS, FANXCY.'CHAIR made and put down in the lest mjylie JAS. H.- SAXO hCo. MarcS 8t5, -1876.i A AKR'D'. To all wh a Àre sufferiug fro 1ni the err saud iiidiscetioas of youth, ilevo ek. liss, eaxly decmy. l108s of n=uuhi& I il so,,d a r-ceipe that wiflcnrs p,yiiI;-EZ OF CHAR GE. * Thha gr&est r gmedy, wus tliacovered by ii mies= n laï uhAmer- e. Seiud a seli-adthese enelpeter>tii. llmv JosuntT. IuaSftainD-Bible HoaNcI York Cify. 2 T ARIF1 O FEES To 33E TÂKEN BYCONSTABL}.S., (Under Order te Coïncil, dated 245h day à.A ets.tf I siteS individuel upen Ae wA*rrant... ..............>5 2. 5îrniug annotions or subpoeua.. 0 O2.j al. m ilesg to serve anmonus, __usb- poeua or warrant. ý............ 0 4 Mileagewhen -service stunot ho upen proïofcfdus dillligeuce..i. 0,10 5. Miles ge tiktn g driit.oîers tri geol, exclusive of dssbursemes nec- earily expeudstd in their en.- veysUncc...................0:w 6. Ateniing Justces on, susltma trials. orn ee nuination of pul ,pierharged, .thcie e un Pils or more cames, wlueu not etaen more than four Leurs.. t0 0 7. Do. do. wheu eugagsd more tbmn four hourgs......... .......... 1 50 8.AItondizig Assize or Sessions, tach day..................... 1 w 9,Mileage -týu'veling te attend- As- uies, &Sions,. or before Justices <when public convea <snoBstan b. tsen olg5ressemblee diaburse. -zimmeSQ -e0 10 10. Snine-aituulJ 1y «Coroners' Inquiett lundlng*t,ndina et ùiqoeft, misd ailserviesin res. peut tbeueof, iLheld on uame day ~ IL Aut.nding oeh e djourniment thauef,if mot oaggd more -four houxm.-. ........100 12.:tDoe i. il osagegdmoru Iban- -fuhours ... . utO 18. oyu~ o~ou~rnpsst G EN T'S Dir. W. . Ornez-Nazi doo Ur 3eidens., et IL Wm. meERIeRN 1Ur HSPT WUIDEIR ANm ter AUn.&s tr A-T H; Division miener ink terIy, coni IV t.2 IL ý "Dý WINM ORGAN CO.p FACTORY AN D 1 1.- Whitbye July ?9t 1

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