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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Dec 1876, p. 1

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131 PUil4SJZD iii TBVRSDAY~ MO âBEOKBEET, WKITBY. rerma 1 60,par Annu, eyElITioEMT. - AU Alvectlse A moula meaiurelinu NopaliMd - gont Intiioin.a Speopuursato mal. vilb avertisa hytutoysr,eorotitsrvli, *@ Orlera ta discontinue mdvselismema must e lab. intiug. WHLITBY I3RANOH, THOMAS DOW, OMINION BANK. WHITBY ÂGE NO Aima Sub-Agency at Liverpool Market. 'itvlnigDepartroonto ln connection1 both oCe, ,Where luterest le paid on dg m11. 01$1 lupWardo. Whiitby, Stpt. Ith1! IL. B. TAYLOR, 1876. A4 wlt O'I A. HI.i an% [Ci. t'c, th a. At. 48 W, I. bâOce, South Wlug Court Hloua.. ~augem.unts for epeclalretiner ai Han. Cameron, Q.C., sud Dr. Molohael, Q FAREBWELL & ËUTLIODOI 1 ARRISTEBS, ATTORNEYS, S0 3I>etoc, Sotaclei Pubilo, and Conj neers. Office Britdaor aouth ai the Bc Ilotel, *h4by. 411ES IIUTLEDGXB. '. 13, ATREWELL, L. TL. B., Couuty Crowu Attorney. JADICe KEXTIE GORDON, lio'. store, Brook Street, Whibhy, Oci CliARLBS' C. KELLEIR, ATTOENEÊY.AT.LÂW, SOLICITOR À - Calicery; Caueyanerc. &o., Cun, bon, B EGLlckiL L, B BARRISTE B AT LAW, SOLICITOR BChancqry, Couveyancer,dcc.,dce. Si onte Street, Oshawa. G.YVOUNG SMITH, LL. B., BARIISTE R, ATTORNEY- AT.L.4 B Solcitorlin Chaucery and Insolveng Notary Publie d&., &oc. Offce-MeM£ciu,& Bllock, Brook Street Whllby, Ontarlo. A. G. MoNIlLLAN, (LaI. (heunwood d& MaMilan.) ARIT1,ATTOIINEY, SOLI Bitr, otry ublcConveyancer.( fieBrnSreet, South aistOfi Whitby, Ontario. }{OBINSON & KENT, (LATI DUGGAN d oi&so ÂTTORNEY8, BOLIUITORS, CONVRYANCERS, <f., OlPPICB -P-rovincial AÂuuraice . uilditt CoUlT STrUrT, TaowRON, THIOMAS BV6TONt ro CLERR AND TREÂSURE1 T. Whtby. OZfic-Tovu Bai. Baur froit Gta 1 ocoock. * VU&iBON TO TU~E CIOUT GIOI tByron Street, Whltby. Dr. y. J. BIURSN. Orr'mcu-Nxt dbar ta CmîtcOsîCuI YOtitce. L«"'eoieece, at Mc. Loei act f1UY'S HOSPITAL LONDON$ ENG., ~Alte eya 1B. O. B. f., Oshava, Oniarlo. T'INTIST,V (SUCCES- dMDser fte NV. II. Carl.) DentaiRoana-Duulas Street, Wittbpover Mc Jnmesan'e Store. Nitrons clîîc'dao admtslrocifor lte pales ex- frcacto i o I t C, N. VARSI,--L. D. M. T EET'IIuserled oni il the s ocep bitq cheapesl, sad asagoal as tire hast. Teetit oUedvilt Gol suddSilver. Teelt axîractol viitanut pain, by proîuciug onalenaetiteia. Dental Roons-in Cav. su'snew black, aven Atinson'a Dnug Store, Klng tStreet, -Oshawva. 05 -TUUMA» DEiTERILL, IJUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, nUNDAS sv., wnITrsY <, Al ordera promptly executed LT iR ESSIN4 AND SHEAVING -ILL Saloon, Brook St,, Whitby. A FET1OR TRE CELEBRATED *Sottlih Granite. At Marble Works OtJbuathan Wolieuden,Duudaî St., Whitby. GEPR(ýE COtrSACK, L UMBBU MEBÊCHANT, CARPENTER aud Joluer, Greenî Street, Whltby. A 'large quiutity 81 ail kinds ai luruber con. t4tantly on hmnd. *H E.O'DELL, A TH E BR LY , Nêerk Division Court, Tp. CIerk, *LOumininsioner iu B. R., Land Agent, &,, ko., Atherly, County Ontario. Atherlv es'pt. 2nd, 1872.,3 t-'hYsiulah, Surgeon, Accoucher, ace., &.Ic Wliitby, Sept. 30th, 1874.'4 RlB'. RANISA-Y, M. D., L. M. EDIN. (raduate (wih honore) nithie Unlverîy of Ques' Colleg e, Canada; Philadelphia Univ.of ai *lielio and Surgery; Amrna Unlv. 01 Pennsylvanie,; EcleetieCcoleège of Penn. ivaulas ud Licentiate ai Mlcrofiey of th.e Jnlv, ai Edinburg, Seotiaul. Cor- oner for the County of Ontario. Office- Cotdwater St., Orilia. tuguqffl4th, 1875. lyr- 85 SON . M. WILLCOX, 09 tho Towu ol Whttby, kas beau appoluted OFFICIÂL .SSIGNEE, - (tYNDER TUE 1EW ACT,) Foe Ilthe Oouty -01 Otrio. ÀNI busince tintruîted ta hl« charge will be carei'ullyat sended ta. Whltby, Jan. 14th, - 1874. 81Y T ]E BZST VOL. xx. TEE i-KE 71JE PORT PERIT, W. B McGW, .PnOPBIB2OB. Witit erenuve Flrl. CI&"Aoceommila, stan, l. oloo. ai lit. Martl lc lte lavelllng PUbùo and lb. public uin pra vilu nite Wlker Roags mlitêca:n. veuieuce anul'camiôrt vici a itotel eau Port Perry, sept. M31, 1976. 87 OHNSON HOUSE, IIAUT NARXET SQUARE, TORONTO. W.k. JO]îN$ON, --PROPBIBTOR. Tmroi-ti, $1.00 pur, Day. Stabling iu cou- nectian.42 ID AIE MeýB1CAx HQTELO, (LAvE IOsons Oinuez.) WH IT BY, ON T ARB10. Houa. uewly renovated and.Lurnlibed throughout, sud put lu Iiritclais order for b. receptionoet ggesta. Aucinulbug to sud ralu &Ulrains. Frtc.mamnpleromm&. O TÂRIO HOTEL. WHITBY, ONTÂRIO, LEOS. MASON, PROPRIETOR. Superior accomodatlon. Table, îupplled wlth best lunmesuon. eu quou sales and sheds. 4- QYRAND TRUNK RAILWÂY HOTEL, AT WIR!TBY 8TATIOx. WM. O'NEILL PIROPRIETOR. Partiei t" gt tran d leavlng herses rUt have them eiltaLen Cof ai their 'eturu. TEQuEEN'S HTL (LITE COMMEECUti) I PO NTW I O G N SINGINO AND 8INOINe CLASSES TAIJN Qu'> A3R .L 0110 C [#fl8,-A. MTULIN01NC Bega t a uonce tath.o IE udRte& D,~ONPxo. BRO oe rwm the lustruton of pupla on thegln.a lodocu, aud organ', gouremoufh -ThiasOCinpinY 1;maures B Prof. 7lggiua, PIaulaI uAe mcaII asm0 Prof. HE.Luba. thé tilsuted solo VtolIIet l ca g4 r oue toa,- Bo ,a JUST 'LOSSES p]aOIPTLT 'PAX fo 0emblieteg L ARAN . FOR sALE, L ~AKKi.,J . I x GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 m'0000 ut Pin. Lunber, wefl aaaand. Incoh Boarda, x z4 6imnng 2-lnch PInk, Feucing Boards, 100,000 feet ai Oa, Ifaple for aie. , lit qmfity,' 15,000 t. Square Tlmuber, AU of whlob vIE be seaid cbemp for euh]. He 'vould &ac beg ta amy that the -Griat Chop? cloue 6 daya lu tue we, for every Proprietor. Dec. 101h. 1878.. leui GOOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES. A NEW REVEL¶T'ION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DRESS.MÂKING. CORNWALL'S SELF4IITTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. Dress at11d musmesauremenl alone viitanït changeofai a tilct. For sale, vitit iras instruetioni, aI tInocK-sTREZv, WHc'nnv MISS MCINT YRE'-S TAYLOR &c McCANN, PROPRIETORS. 1 DESMXOBOB ETY Tite uuîertigneî desire tla infarut their' friands anullte publiceltat ttey have laken Agenta vantel. Liberai inducemeuta ta te abave vell kuovu total, 'victiolt lte traIe. have uavly itI up anul enavatol, and ultu hl imito tea tstfaiaer for ltce accoaei. W p nAg. 18, 18174. 84 lion ai quenle. The Bic, vitichitheltahaul- - moemalua lte Caut, ',hWvanauppliel vitb FTE th. Ounest brande ov ines, liqutora, anulci.- S O5TH DVISONCOURTS gA. Aml ed sahed roomannd goadL I et&ahlng, box sImili, dc. Detactel romse0orTEE fer comnn cW t rav.llara. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIl' McCAWN. 'COU NTY 0F ONTARIO, laIe ai Torouto. FOR THE EAR 676 ROTAL HOTEL, - WHI T 3Y , JAS. PRINGLE, .PROPRIETOR. Tita argeat aud mccl comusodiaus hitl lu te tavu;.ha. largo siulpli nons for commercial Iravellora. Tmbé velaupplied viti th t.bout lnsuesnBout brandesiquanis suadp cia.Enciae yard.anAditelnt; attentive itostiera. Crec 1o nuite limes. N. B.-Llvery attachoI. 27 s HAKESPEARE ýHOTEL, L A Il. rnasse, or asu A*D TRE UrTs., TORONTO. 'MES POWELL, - PsopamrEoa., 1i'rsl-claes accommodation; balth-roacus, c.Bonrd, $1 80 per dmp. 10 RMSTRONGF HOUSE1, (t.ÂTr ALBIa,) WHITBY, ONTAILIO AU315TRONO - PlIOPRIETOII. ffIBYOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (WEBsCF aS eT OF'FIC.) . JOSEPH A. B.iNDEL, PZlOPRIJITOB. -This bo0Use6itas iteen receully builî, i, large anul r6om sud lb ni' lu infrt.elas style. Bat insu, Ti ut i Cigars; rs LgrBeer. Good steblug anud au-. closai yard; attentive oîtbers. 403 c OMMERC IAL HOTEL, C'ALtcvvuIeur, 0ONT.. GEO. H. DABTNELL, Whtty, Dec. 111h, 1875. "J 51rJiîe G. YOUNG SMITH, IBSUER 0P MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTARIO. MONEY TO LEND u F suad Town Propecîy, at LOW RATES tlInterest. l'or ftîher parliculars AIply la- JOhLN FARQUHARSON, Whitby. Auguist 15IL, 1876. 84 IKINO BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, JAMES DEWART - PROPRIE'IOR. Importer., Desisca nul Manufacturera ai mil Goal accommoatiîon 1.1 MJONET TO LEND. The umderigud ta&sau y amonofaiMon- @y taLandluponFParm or Towu Property,mît unuuallyLoy Rates ai Inteniat. Loins&eucon c epaîl lu auma ta suil han. cavars. Severah IanproveadFans and Wilb Laule foc saleohotap. muetoneiaIe in MncplDbn bures, Bank, aud alter marktatable Stéa For incter pwnieulars apphy ta, JAMES IHOLDEN, Officiai Assigatee, Broker, &o. Dprit Gît, 1872. 15 CALSPRRADS, STRAD. PUJTDsESA. îitifuîîy execute al acIers for lte purcciazeanul sais ai stockes ou 2 ta 5 per Cent margins. FirI Cimses Stock Priviteges neotitedlal any &Mount. Wa soticit te patronage ai parties lesîrous ai uitaluing reliabla nul reaponsîie traitera. Our boo k on Stock Ileeniatîcu seul on ap. plication. TUMBIDEBd& CO, Bankera nul Drokers, 92 BaoÂnwuY, N. Y.' 10-bp R HEUMANTWELVI CURD BmuneomsRRhaumatia Absolvenut viii releva soute lheumaliei n u4 boucs,anul al Pain wititin 12 houri. Ilus certain anul per. Br.amîouta Disteaelg luid -TNearbp ait Dîsleasea arise froni lb. itomat, ceca. aioned-by tCc..acida. The Dqis, luid ctontcaliees ait sella, cousequenly Il muat aune ail Casas af Dpîpepegia,pra peia, anul otar Blod Poisonin a. Tite afecl le lut- medlal. Saldby all brigste. Price Soc. soie Wtoleîaie Agents, KomWto Ca., Mauleai; or alaes W«.ry, Wmrtu d Lanbon, Ont. .Bu t M jONET TO LOAN.à The Nationali nvestment Com- 1 pany of Canada. (LIMITED.) Lend Money on iRa Ristale. Puccitame Exiaîing Martgmgei, Barnovera w il lI the Coaupanp'etoc-tu aoder fo vtitepeciatfailItes foc paping of M.oi 1'me HORSE MEDICIN ES. W. H. ILLINGSp Agent, Aiei ., Wittby. All escrlpba icu, .Fi'beal Hegrst e&d. $39000/PrivaIs 'Puad, Os an <tdo l lin tostantierp an ad lfoc saiset Imoisi in Miange5.Fat-a Soecu,iîj. LM'No charge for .advice. N. RBAY. y OUNG'S HOTEL, - - - MONCKID c, 'DALTON4, C.JOCIl NSB ON, R1OBE. K. YOUJNG, PROPRIETOR. J)EALER' N' LUMBER, Roliabie Information regaralns te cent. W H 1I T B Y ample acoammodaton foc Hgunteca and liasan and spendi * S rtaen.The bar and larder ounplhil sd tock ofai e lurobear th'thh elai liqucra udandas &uai h Wiasoual Lumber. Al i tia for focl dlunlite country. Non but o WsAetr sud building pnrposes. gmd atetierate nt a. nfl LEA THERý Cash pail for ]Elles, Bari, anul Lother. Leathar aîretcitol. sr BE LTINci MADE, TO ORDRE ON SHORT NOTICE. May, ! 872. 22 A8uranoe Comeau 0OAP1T AL, #4O00. 871AE»LIsHED n13* This old auA wefl e"tbllihed o are prepeel ooe«Pt riak inaullm sured for tbree pear or lmealka rate&. L. FAMRAN 8 Ji PHiNIX PIRE INSURANCR C Lombard St. andl C)arug Crama,' Lon, WaALIKD E1782. GILLE SPIE, MOFFAT &C Agentýgibr Caad JAMES DAY'ÏSON, -Mana4 ed on 'thé ioêeuibt rnasdaid said lotteern.tteorlu April 121h, 1876. THÎE 11TADAoONA.. PMRE cLI Dapueit vitit Dominion Govertamict Sm QUO. Experienced Agents titrougitoult t Dominion, Fira Rioa mrfilicu ai Adequale R1a te C. NOURSE, Wbitby, Marcit 7th, 1876. Aet ht Q UEEN INSURANCE' COMPAN' (Fmni*b ur) 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, - $10 000,001 BvJR înîiDc" a DVcB: MOL8ON8 BANK G. A. BAYNE8, ESQ., M.1 Head Office for Canada: 191 &c11 James Street, Monlreal. FORBES &c MUDGII, Chiai Agent R. B. LAWDRR, agent, Wtithp. Auacusl Ot, 815. N ORTE BRITS] dcMERCANTIL FIRE IN8URANCE COMPANY Safe, anulrliable, citargaor m l, promi setlment oai daims. ere Whitby, June1-2, 876,5. YLAet -HjHOIc E A large quanlily ai money ta leulai low inleresl, privaI. lundi. For sale, severai Tovu lois, bwo 11rame Hlouse, and, à large Brick Bouee. For lerms nappby le - G. YOUNG SMITH: Wtltby, Fa'..90ti, 1874. 7 APPLE TREES, ABO30UVT 40,000, -AlrT TE- i -a--- oAiv'z iUAXeJ lyI Ta ta .Inhiitants a! DaMfna' Crack Fnom tva ta four penrs of âge, embraciugal anudVIcinlîy :ltae boit Variollea. I have nov apenol n SETH C. WILSON, Butciîac'sSBitainluM.W. Cnlhbert'a vitero ae o QICuPcel nK o may ha seen one aiflteestoat lfplàicf E N.8, - o. ikeig, o g.to Beet, Park,_anul Fawievar offere talihe ond, ast Glce, Whibp. Publia. tz-Rensnable Pnices 1iOCose' - one, coaa anul gel omebhing tbado yau ROUGILAM CARRIAGE WORKS. gS. ICHARDI WESTLAKE. B -S. W E B B, Whity, Iecember 22n1, 1875. 52 Ressnclfulp informesiisPatron&a nullte -- Pulic titat ta tas purebasel lte lgtI fot D RY GrOODS A"D GROCERY Pickering, ta Manufacturà STOREAT AULEY.Conboy's Patent Seat for luarentamettt govngvatefBUGGIES, CU TTERS &'c. he boaiilp lite subacriber tas bon indnceel A priesvtlaeias.acBuie ao open buoiness ite abave inu.aA uIt e, béfone gl'rtng thou ardens e se- fuu c unaWevlI Selected Stock equatl u-price.andl qpâaiy tesnuy ltIc hopucetaed in t6wv or cIpy. 434v. ni a eaU, judge ian pourseli, audJif pou eou h U as vosuitel o as liere palonie boni. traa. D. MCBBÂDY, AucibeY, Nov. '24h, 1875. Andiy. c OAL CHEÂPER THAYFEVER i DOWN AGAIN!1 Cal sul gel prices ab Erougiam, July 131h, 1876., lyr-SO To aH who are îuffeijifram thé errori aud indiscrétions of yot, nervana we!k. nemi, early, deon 01aiaai.mombood, 1 'rI OFd .»cHÂRtat *in cure you, PE lOo-ORE.dby a pe y ým Mo ndey aionry lu Boa*u Amer- los. ,send a ieIi.addreau epvolope ta the Rxv, laaaiu T. INrex&v, Station D, «i. Roue., New York# cm4e. "PIOTURE B00KS8xJ Dopao sud Girlo mû. xur, avu Plo1tUje pfetm r Pintu, d&e., in os ôt nac aùtmdna by mail wlth oolored .aspl~ 26 cents, withont amuiplikS1. Âddreaa, B. BOUDEL, BmfSOnonaa, Ont. tue,~D1ÀeT IOE Toi T LI E TTTownsklp1 o rogue mihea dini Office AI, ta- a CitinemaslealetIi seap aul alier f mm itici t tey are apl le shini, ns friga, a carvette;,santI ruigunboatsv GIB O N c S A R V LL articles for te t al a. 1Ico uai n ul deny N eapolit ens rec uil frozu t hlie rep ut aI T itan va should b . tic. quicker ri l ao ch C hina rea S t e, t aIt I lipl 1!, sl u a of t ies a aI M . tut. possesso n of ithe E vil E e. C etainly t e T a ap ing v en in , vio e i uEom en d au( D u n dlas S ., W htby . g t io f f'as"e n I t!.. l i p a a v ay t e 'I ad ren erea t é b oy 'Ësan i e r ies ; p res o ce v a s .c ain g a va y ,t rae fr a m un' W itb Y . M a r c i t i S .1 8 7 6 .1 2 at er tlaio ,, or t i a st. tv a sim i e n co i s, b u t ô h i g vo u l h av a b e a u m r a in o n oa ai t e ' s I î l m a t .- tnllea in ani a I t h o p s iw i f a t n 1 .- B u t i t a l o f c c r d n c e i t h C iin s a iu in n u n u r a t e f a i r E a t , J o u e s a l a i 'it e g a t *EOR SALE i1ta ? M y l t instaim e ul f slary tian blivion o u hese p ints.' Y $ 'm atait a I bi îhad , fIé l l te b iaggin g' ;bj F bal beau pai a hiefiy lu Porluguese Ching vas lu eansca, agII d I ald i t is'fnieuda asto thattnii'allpoien 0 Titat eligltFnmily Reidence vititsi goïa, obtnîneltram lte seaîîlaunt at houbî ltaIha baiiaveahlmeoit ta ha of bis cita. n~e vitid'l&u r:Isa n e acces ai land, canipriaing Gardon sud Oc- Maooviit vicaitva mainteinal n able, lu soma wap aI vbieh I icoulî a etuea ser ot ofil eia, iïhba? Aht, ltaI *cl citrdalai excellGeent qumlity, iorusarly oc- cero O u p le A b Y th . laIe J o h n Ha m e r, E R ., s atu n. a aln g - lia d e . T ita b o o s b ae m e g u e s , la c p a i n tn p b r k e n fo rtu n o a' m u e It Jao tr u c , if eT it ù ot s n r o ly c - ie about o.ml sIaiWibo o t l tis sttemnt ul saa itae Wheter tera vas ay valid reasn frmabrsl n ia cpcity -of "bn- Ki gtn o ndRsI, Theo Bou e co ulalu. T n m e mcy aiftae al c siier, vita gave is pre ent caicence, o , et h a ir tiis net" Aa ln gm b iug .ba n -s u a -Frsn- Ne, Boms beaidlakitoitan lu roar, vith gocal shieodnoa itit penfeal impartinlity. vas marely lue aaMialîin cisca. Aulnd iiu i ne tsitla newov e celler. Bard anA Sait vater ounlte praml- But ns te Ibe orivate mark ounlte coins oujupment ett eoping ltaechue ta lta ase si ru ais~t bsmai,-in oli ms; misoarand lstable. f1bc 1lts ianit nnca ua'.Tt -ttrée. sut crosss-I coullany mpstory lu bis cyn bauds, 'va aise ho ea igu h l'or furtiter particulara enqulre 01 nolhlug ; viile il appeared lit a aer I bepoul Ail npopavanatla'conecturee nenad ounita pac.le to-ua, v Y réa J O H N T A L O , s q . , l a t t e v l b p a r t y na t t a B u s s i n c n - M u e l n v i l p e y l a g a t t e r, P o i t , e r s a s Ig i t t o t iéAel1 On tae promises. sulat, Ibsa mysteius tiras crosss Constance ; gay M is y heln w aît 171 iïî a oo a'ftii Bfo*m an Witlty, April 1M1, 1876. 16 bal beau observaI, thougit vielter by- Cbing gaI say 1" Suali; t e-hë i's. 'c9u1l' ssùr0 erêi,vit zneA tg'a bte vlnuar, or by JulianLake., vio domaul, s tabronglit vciùîiug muteri- pacPO ,lian~a-lngr fa I RRU. vs cclnly a ee-tuemi of thlr AIS n set tao. n aulitltalae a1 y t .,,tor,, aIune ffl u ov ry, w â ot. vn imubis w s punch ofai cbeu OU I teé m ar te bâal beau uo lc sl-' and aI th . m ention, ai bac ' d arn am e. te titef i U Èy biats, but teé "l au t . t uade tee üab ect of. public -com m ent. - C nstance tnp ovu C onstance vas now ling o I u *a B t e i l t5i a l Ja Ega te lfOrm Mb i i odsa n ul I'%.publc M r; B ar et'a grief ana a uxlty, vito n let tom a! W ha lig t ba llia adî es thiorefo au , n tae ladies ai S ia g ia sud titat te carries on lte Llvery ha sueis Ata ltaes.dauculug ocoe teosgraumly han, I ounvirons renIédaI lic slos vre vila ta uccura fac-situlci litnth. thal forc al hammlves on làie un iUig ofa avile but unrefulal acustiocýàn'u,èg o Qîî M Graiami -w4$ Try b eia-nt R & 5 8O L S A. D.mina, 'van onîy equailaby bisanagor.altaI ucidor lte tnniug. N avec gaI over ltasuas"-srote, pax c- ro. P a r t i e s r e u i n l n c a uL v e y à n e esg - c v e r e d u l f t r u s n t t x t 1 m e h t a b e i h o h c at l b i a s ! w t a c u la I 0 s i t er Open-cai be accammoatel nammeola 0 tal f ,,,,knlh ,l'olteoled tlitinkofmc?,HoW' iAd*sbe ,ýreceivel abr A'uta-'OIA IPO a moic.adpuniahed. Obina la nuinexpensiv etabatefûl uan otgP'suppaathec niin ac t ti aay aiof t ,adsnorhi BI0H. PIERDON. > placeoairéseidsnce, . anè! a 'youn 0nte intanhrntbusal rm? 'o tuontits DU' n'noe Wittby, Sept. 12, 175. ea'vtt uA loi imucelmalaulhaanncli,-fbniil a S.- a ai pobtd'AAtSAliI psnia5~ ~i z6vnl no muv ptebuieso es Uu 'èleryindov'a out; watui taI1 I18e&hII@e dlessemeaI - a innvgin up lb. tua Totiaiy ,1.a îîîW d tu? Wlxat, thitl ièwfe'Jaure ince, the prospeota of no D. vtaelietat. uciner e. aine Ma flaekrauî nianUl vit wat any wronglullp aclni o ne aang, ,àll ôISI liviigbstig 11) w h1oll th»r, dc *go.f '-*1t'm ine k r d eche- s -r n oul n lu m y case have- doue c m m unîîf 'yere ' b ig 'b. I .tli s- Dat vam20; 0dae-mite.1bouae; u taw oli'a a ipaÉ.a doiicti &à derialîs et dsprvat appy1hhoi " É4Ë.headmeu, tiIero. îiit 5etm end Or, oy prompt, mud T'Adû. dol yra no aliter pop %oupid blut , pet8iaît 1 WIas vhiî lselvoa'deseliodlp uuuourw,,,gave mle, a lut ofdul tttonte, te givifun 't',elleYmrcob sla. frfe frqiii Marn m Ieuatr~aA lael hl ~ Ibltay cents sim otlo ei ma vrle it"'I 1. , àeh atr;ad paei hisem a nu lt#er Ole r .Ho e a ec rmilk ban fer a Ibrum, 1h utgu gOtat npatienî JIbae- r Jeuds, w>soout-#irge, -h apdiranad 'Blil'Armigtead Nts n y t uttalemeuwluIoacaothat I fàaiéIn.c>. in1 0 e n~miuooypb- .1 frée.ai charge. To inake der soliticka la beat it mit..- iui t h. mare i thauglilful anj..'ex-lie place. In Our ooes, I wi a 1COU. Alio ea i ae 4. iobaud. Môcalna o a rn! ' prccel of.mynndiioras 'The-ou'yon$, dered-as a risiug~junioc, one dey la oe~ Âlmnentît cdn' mal,'for gles dcc. I lînauiehÉeasd va g blitart, mn oe rou my aide, and trie;,r4 eckonpd saçpgthe l.arger star#, of lhe mlthav mmacza Whltby, -Oba.ere IH.klokiup lach e 'Iduse- in Jhutei cou1ný zovap. ta expfiel .rb ' The deaeet N oiy Pff ee P n lb e vZ Zu e d a t h é S a nd a d B u t.n e fe r n a ïfl, d e r b be uv o u 1e w -1v W.KWULOX,*pallanbi a heraapan ntfrlùh' ci leel b7eisp e.;w~n itco4bert,8.pt. m~i, 187. g, He 'asha nme questions acaca iause.o 'ltheaod, but fror i te beart, and vWa, s wieiseyli.'i -rne2h-82 89 Who-a n i note aa rad ? vortttea lu n intllignt ,li a.Consance Who hlai Ilnculainaellgentopoint of Çonitanh uýap Missy' liten what * OHN TL. WATKI1, Vrom 1er baier unon rmine itead caut7i.Tite seniora vera sooptical, Chiug gaI Bay fi'reaumed lte familiar, Lps Und vitereder p lare go. Tram der iarup politely attentive taetnp word.,, but ast My aibow. And iu a drenry wood AyVere'er der ,ih I danse- cea. They seemel, ta expeot lta of coorpliance I toak nc'" Myp en, andi '"4<of AUO TION ÈER, M., &o. Boy alaCMe 'shoulperforai lite proverbiaîîy 'diffi. ecravîcd a 'few huma vithaut add~resffor a'b20 alavo~rua cuit feat of proving a negative util alsgnature, beginig or eud, but ln y l. EILIl UD iviiae O$JE, 1 somecllmes diuk I shall go yl vhiait exploit ahould ha accompliaheà, 'rhicit, besidea prmig thât Couslanaa y lav And 'Goueral Cotma'slou lent, Port Mil sooeh a gmr- POY appearances' Wore,'fatally agaluat me. vanîi gxive àear * tao ýChiug% .cocn u rit- ~ Percy.Und viabo voucemore 1 coull have cool And thon aI fast My unole, vith 1ms ars onu, whatev'ec lit migit be, cu Undheaceful lImes enioy; iu bis oese, bnt. Amninlu ie bnllhesa tie mhov ta'hlipder onttlte '7HTBY MACHINE WOEý8 1 Sa quiet &na usns, vudrsg Ioa, rI hy ~tthta.v ltutl (riATECLAYTOI'S) Bueay ot Ya!,Ob Strauss, avait ltae arrivai ici Mr; Gregory, a nme lu spite of appearanoas. IL vas don BOO SRETWHI'Y.mansberof the firm ho, vashaitrîy talthe oldeotl ove.lettèr, pechp8 ltaI My FriSREnd, Ching. coi- aut front Engîanu, anul vitse cver vas peuned, nasOnes, ugvs lte Th-nMy in Cig' preseuce voul anable the permanent queereahinesaenger IbsI etevar-caried -a 110., ~ifr iefn partuora ta form a quorum, aud fa=.u bilet.dux ; but somehôw itae fèeroish uni1tockiaalarge g>Utî PAR7T ifPA CT Il. ally ont me off froin ait coainectian hurrié line. were tracel, ana off veut Boxes, Churna Turayl Drills, H4rse Rallea, (Coniul accd,) vcu Barnet, Pashiey, & Ca. 0f caurse Citiug witith I releutgthela oain.w Wagon Beu aCrts e Vla I rofuscd rsg.,Sotasoawud ke sfieTzes "A.atow, ,ppropriatinrgi-mSnbonsopvoy."m Ingig mogeitpafnpt.os ffc.Nec Tal asianenzn-mu.."&&rpet-have lbceu tantamount ta n confession ; tMp biod tiugling nI limes 'vilt nimiesa Doses &o. . &o . reWtslmrveh ia yrdsmcbnnicanuy, anud lua but I cauld"unot but cemark ltaI aoveu rage, anulan yul impulae ta bie ni' nud E.n eptasr~?ingciail hmndi mre0oted vtit sart of inoredulous tupar; anudltaon, Vaughtan anulCharlton evideully dbing, while ailltae lima rny bevilder- Le.Ds ls n espatt. sau ltae dreanfalul davuel upon me, titongitme 111 alvisel inci o liugiug .1 brains wve.faebly lrptugta hesin-- THOMAS MSCANN. Ioilotl aa ia l at taltefast ragea nultattars of mylateiy Inugle ltae ravebea 'tirendiofiha affair. .tb. BookSt.tn ovu cars, sauna lika mina : "Arn enviable position. ' Titat thora vere serions graunuls for 6-ly Whitb7, Aitril 4th, 1876. *17-15 I calaId a tiif-is ltaI pour menu- Hov I gaI ont of lte euuuting.hconse, lta varst suspicions againsl lme, vu ing ?" Mr. Charlton beul bis bond ui~neyter exacîly knew ; but presauîîy I undaulabia. 0f course 'Itvas a ms- IFE D OMNION FLOUR d& FRED STORE. tlon of assat ;andl ttaon ltera seam" found myseif, vitit itggncd cheoks ulîerly fatse, Abiat 1 inbah 'desarvel ltae ?a ta ha a vitirriug as of bney wheels aud burng epas, anul baie bsanul harsit trealmaul anulltae cruel oppro. E. CHARLES PENNYLEGION lu np oce,anulacaus senmataon as itangiug hnuybow avec my temples, briumwviicit al fallen ou me. But Eeg. ta noiiiy is Iriendiand ul mos fa stro carl vere hbaigs t'isted lyiug arng lte sof.cnsitious in Bow.' boy dnmagictg,anul pet baw caharaut tsi- that lha la nov praparel la supply tigittly round tnp temples, anul lte rn's iodginus aud slaring vacanuly aI and seeutiugly weIl founlol, vera lte Fleur anua Focc of ltae BesI Qîcality, recul graw dackjor n vhile. The nazI a blni4red caricature cf myseif Linlihe heavy suspicions, tuiler lte veigit cf lhiug I comember is that I vas lbanng F ch otnggns poit.Ibayiicttpgoal naina bail gona dovu E10 t lte toveal living prices. on samane a es san, falut and dizzy alilil samne iazy recoîlecîlan flitI owrnau lite a fouuderiug shipaI seu l 1,9 Fleus, Carn, Chop-Feed, Brand Shaihe, nt- anul ltaIsemae other gaal-nalnred fol- lite a gool feilov as hoe vas, bal proe- We are ail cf us s50 vnappel up in Our ý.-:: meal, Cracited Wheat, Pose, Cals, 1Po- 1ev vas nufasleningtMp collerranul el tiis hionpitaiity upon me, since, cf owu peraoualily, 8snpramaly canaciaus WO ttesd&o., nt Wholesal anul Rotait. cravat, la gii'e me an oppartnniîy cf course, tnp uncîa's bouse onulte Ver, cf anc ovu individualirnmpor4uce, ltaI ý,7; Cheap ith aesl for Cash. belcu aefrey h an.milion Canal vas ne longrbous fr lrequiros a poverful afforîlo ashk f ~naG'.ato li~ fhosterf',excepî Lakte, who etapIsilene, me.-And I rememberel ltaI afler lunlte involtcutary 'egoîism litaI inttrais ,58 ' At the Dominion Flaur anul Fee Store, vera ail speaking aI once te bld tme vain offérn u i aite f iuduadt oa twrabrsee ,718 Crosby'a Block, iFast bar, Duulas Street, "iteer up," or ta grumbia ont ltae il.cnoatoferin eavnaees of li i u of nul aias 1.1 erseubirn,e ,198 Whtitty.cosltofo agtanumi-vavcaneleneabsoansIn CHS.P8%YEGON ogicai, but kinbly venrid ict aI lhey julepletltefamilier sodat-aud-bcandy, ltae axlrenity cf umental dislrcss - nul 1, tuew I vas ait rigitl"-"noi bite citap . my lit as eare muttering saine- moral anguisit, I made lice uec= J. ,74Wiitby, April 24th, 1876. 18aludo anyîîîiug vcang"-aud Ibeir îti I ab epangr a el, suA1aditth he ANDTlUfS eympatity did me goo, anul bracel ebe tul rtin.I ufu eh rryfigitenel me. Graluuiby I becama ~ ALSEal coudroultlite ardentltaItnp h efore for htus enrlt. I Wus net euh' wcotcit. aare. vitl mcon muensI lhink, usa. ed, but dulaId and banumbel by lte vital Iity must eay, of Harnp Spring. ri LEATHRVAL18ES ,"$Came," I ei, mare lrxly ttan veiglit cf lte great mioforune ltaI hnd field;,anul vitl onla eMY' owu vara loy. ADefore ; III vaaken aback etfirni, befalten me. A tnp at lta',door. I re- îlot ounuotiter ufilucky fehiov lua ir- ýby. but nov I am ready te banceltae charge Iuned ne ansver. Anotiter. Cunti- Cnelatncas praiOlay similar. My .giïilt -' SBA.TOGA TRUNKS, spaliautly as I eau. 0f witlpositive eusty lte dccc opened l, u upedola seemuel saprobable n a ta ealmest de- * dc., &ci., at net cf disitouesty amu I accusai ?" sieek Juend, decanted witit a siik cap tnonstraleh it litae cerlnlnty of a W ILLIîA M TRHO M pS~O wI , "0f lakiug mauey from lte cesh-box, gay viit featiters nul embrocdery. maltemnîlcal formula. And litote ual once, but ou titrea distinct oc-eue quiet ganco arounu, anul te body weca aggtnvalingcircumslrauces. Mlonu1 Sadier sud Banne. Mater, cassions', anueeelMr. Charlton, vary ltaI belangel taelte bonta gllded lu. a poor clark vitit a iow salary goes BacOCi-STr, vmTBY. graveby. Aul ltce accusation preseutiy ,Hist, master !" said Ching, lu a low wroug, presseb by deht, bal oompauy, 2fs itapliseif as fallova. The cash-box, imresive whisper, lite ltahi es cf a and brandy pavuee, sarneioby le gau. June 24, 1874. loincnikuw itanm csie uk."Mse n oryol-in.ugeraily foucîl la urge a pion, ilu1mitige. - 'h " 'i * a ly-nw ytenieoth nure"M,,li or e-Cdsmait cash," vastepl u intae couutiug. ciate ait righî'aue pi'eoay bit soon." lion. but lte nisiug yougsitor.ice S. R. ICKETT, bit, . elt'otupor .% uPor- Pin 111.spade partner wvie bad cau *aeaily Importer, Manufacturer sud Whotesnto bock lte ouphoard, as vaît as ltaecash- Drewtcing mocn, sa lte proveri tlti adopteI son cf ltae man vîcese coufil-1 Dealer lu box bimsaif,vicecenaite grant iron snfe ns, willlcatch aI sîrawe; anul il jeonce lie itel basaty abud3olice was in-'fi litIconîined lte huit of lte spenlo bîarbly vouberfut if, it np b esporale beèb e kuava cf ftla finsî-wnto', a sn-o Leathrs, Soe-,1ndings, Etc. naul vaînables vas accessible ltalte conditionc, I snatcbeci at aveu se poor a lier beyend, rédemption 1 il Imuyltan- i Soie AgonI for Ontario af J. H. Mouey's casiier alone. Tita six vito tnd kae crurnitof cernfont as ltaIfiîeld cul le est putl, ail Ihm 11111e bygqna bedalnd P telbraedColredan FacyLeaher. e t l "malcash" vera ltae nsitien, me by Ciig. jumping fromin tn lit' y ards ltaIital yen tué hikiug anu l celbrte Clorl udFncy enicre lte principal, yenng Mr. Pnsitey, vite amenýg tîte seî'ncuei'ien, I ltastiîy goel-wiii of my felloiw, veubi conut b No. 52 COLBORNE STREET, vas a cogular partn, anulltaetre adajuraI ltae boy te sîpeak eut, if indeed DeW fol' tha spaciotîs Iiriyp .4ly Ilîntbal I W. Tonr, ONT. s;pade partuers, of vhito I wns ene. ho liaI auyicing te impact. Titis tuaskel aa vit bond! 1t te lie otiter Ivo, Vaugitan anud Citaclen, itowver, dia net mccl lice vievs of my And Ciig 1i vIt couill taI cocon-i iyP, 0- P.O.Xa, 1322, bldbéeau IaIely abseut, anul abahut voung Cîineqe friend. lie pursel ccp trio yeong heathen, vitose wvitir iwas "' --justrti ralnuol iy te pacetlfronm Hang- lus îips, anul aheethies ncalt lienb ta ha faitfuilu ta iformer henefacter,I SITAULI BETWlIEN kaug. Tha olI casiir daposed ltaI ucilthie pigînil vibruleil ltltae pou. do b tati' nmeaet titis pitîcit1:The idens on01Ilîrea ocasions viien ltae contents lulum cf a dlock, vitile hie cnt-like wa tuiseif au aheurd eue. I bal been I iW H I TBY & OSH A WA. cf ltae cash-box were countol, a dolacit, aes exprease a wvend cf iazy-siyness; pWI.leelity lte boy's ovideul lunliuots: il TWICE A DAY icolcousiiennbblu namoat, but inox- but I seau sav Iha u nyik t fraut but it vas mueli ns à man sitîîug fcr-.-11 plcbleon snp auppposition but ltaI cf oxplanîeon vas nu a te hoooked for. iecn besile ibis beso!le bearlt, oel for il Lenves Oshtava at 8.30 a, m., anul 1, p. m. 1'al.piap, bah heen disceveral. FHa Net îrnnaturnlly, tee, I gîew augry. ever titrongi deserteon on' bath, mayla y Leaves Wtîby aI 10.80, n. m., and 4.30, bal, as wns bis dulp, tuentienel ltaeyonong itnmbng 1"ý said 1, grnsp. ha ooteliied by lte foniing anul viiniug p. M. cironrnstne ta Mc. Baruet, vite vas iug Chiing by te cellar of icis ioose robe, otf ltafl i sthaI omes la lot lus banI. ft Fara 25 cents ench vay. aI firsî disposadinluhe clmau's "witdu ycu men by camiug liera e acr, nafev minutes, 1 bah beau inclinel il, Wilb cal aI ail the hatla,anul st private yards, ltaobh-poaitflite afiair," but fosse ime lu luis vay 1I1l'ave banif a legiva soma crédiltaelita notion flitI l rasienoema (vCoen cteaa ie lOsIhaIa andWcf ,aflen îIce second oomplainî bal minI ta try if 1 cnn'l shako tice Irult Chiug ceally vas, as lice police aay iluLI ~*Bovuan,.lle stage' aime vith lte Whltby beeu brongit la regard flite malter luna ouI of peu, if pouti new auytiig." Latlen, ,in possession cf certain infor. o] mnd Part PmrryB&Uv, ,a, ud vitit Brougit. very serions ligit. Martel pieces of "lMaster eue very big piocp mis. mcatien." And pal,wvit anau igis. 'y ami mail aI Wtctby. rmouep italbeau pînal lu inte cash-.-laken," relurnel lteunubaunted Ciig; fatuns,Wvita avery jadk-a'.tantcrn, 1. TifOS. BOPPAR. box, anulltae contents masî carefully "China boy spoilI al if la îineety dncngmadly ovel bog anul bnier, St. WhitbyMach19t,175. 1-tIf ounuledlaiflice prinoipals presouca anul sevitlmaster asic lahin. Suppose valltitis vague int from sncb iips ai Ihase martel coins bal lisappeuiral shako- supposa boat-Cbiug halla sî pcobnbly tucî t ul laha1i Prbapu ', la g ~fror lte box. langue ail saine. Master tuov anaelte assertion of bis payer la bonafil me Pl Begm ta aunounce ltatiehobas ramovel la IL vas avidoent, titalntaI isituasîy limie, ual long vail, ail hep knaw -nol vas bol n pions fenau nCiig'e, part, o$ King St., a fev boora wns t l a o fii mpulel luasame eue, time good le day." n mure slrnlngem te inîltie me te ali bI EAST F TH POSTOFFIE, ud ugty suspicions soan altachail Il vas ta no* purpuse taI t 1Iied, tnp spirite,anul emorge framilteacis ( J AT 0 H S bE taemseives ta tnp unluokp sai.I Ii everp possible wnp, te modify lte cianîs cf lespair. I nememberel lte it opposite Lnte'e stav-raems, vitere vili b. alona, of ltae five junior possessors of lad's' fixaI resolutien. Pesain a a nhigatuorigl, nul aimante floud 2 Inastock ofai&landl t011tbats for tapa, livel union Mc. Barnet's rouf, failel, bribes fuilmi, nul asteorrouevi*g huailless foculyfrligvtcti n Iladies and gentlemen, of bis o'vu manu- nul ai b bv aynca alt pfre irn iaiu iasecret' of ltae peolilarittesoet Chitnjè versatilae facture. lcu tling aeecta., ac c î, otem omrtheto hk h Pt Lt' Straw bats colorcl nulndlecel l onnghu se hc ai act, cul of hlm, I bah nuietiteabot leta o0,oeouulryman. With ltent, neIWel p sitmje. - epeudeno. of ltae pamun, at any bouc fcr Il vas evileut flitIMyphumble tuev, fatsehol is'-no a vapile veel, B Osawaa, J ly ti, 1875. of flicea p or niglit,, b foe and fton find as v ry genunieip sry fan m e but a gardon flaver lab aately cultIva- dI 28bu i ess lo nn. A u a t iief t er a vas, B l e ars, t ae fr atI î bnci ve n seen a- a nAC în a i ccom Pl sim ent , by viic it 1 d 1OPy atiul F ansiw 'I jas inîs ofi AND. FINDINO8, WhtIy nul Osbawa. Sept. 131h, 1876. se T. I H. L AN Agent focrlte .B:eEýS FOR 8ALEË 1 - HEAD OFFICE, - QUEBE Finaucial Remilt ai 14 Monîhi Bu nossa ta 3Pe1Dec., 175 Authorizel Capital ............c Subseribed Capital............ .2,8w0 Pail up Capital ................. 200, Goverumeut Dapaail, (Fire)...50, Goverumeul Depasil, (Taflle...50, Total Revanue, Pire Preminnis, and Inlereal ............. p2s5 ToaliLusses .................68 Investel Puuli.........194l' Cash lu baud aulDeposiýt. 49 ig Otiier AssoIs ................. 590 Total Assela ......... i.....#"' Titis Comùpany bas uow establisitel Ils and ha 1anes n 27Agae lte Dominion. .e n 0 gaee - GRO. J. PYKE, M6-i C. NOUBE, Agent, Whitl fiSlRnC , M<IDAnmae ~ taiiig 9, Wod bal &baut îttis bmnemi B3ovman, kuacklug avay the- gaa-. jng asi.fro ~ $théup;~a-eeal lit e Id in." u'th "Onhtnpyawrd, ald cbap, I itadrratier uatl lopa, .blurted cul ilty iend, anumaculug'ýevan. W bie sacs;0, tioIt h avarhal'à lI-uattured, oaly ' pele 'sçhEnl,7' baddlel, lu a depcesalung 'nane. l'And titane Who are Dal illmasle vit do ileey sny ai me 2" r1 astesi bitt-ely. Bovman filgetedansd grov ,estless, ":Takit lcoalp, Sprnugfiel," ho SalI . àa fov ai us-litemymili anA' Hall# anldthose vite knov oil <oll...ate quiloý sureypaun neyer 'lid--nytbing amies, Intarlest,but tit t lb vile aflair la soneinfernal bluncler oai me. body'& But thorae aie lta.. *ho go liaI an lthe< otete aciand *atilà bang pa f titay aaulit. AnA dlem vito prétend ta be mareo citlablet ti Ibeir uaighbaurs, seltlthe ltiug lavuta thp- Whnt h'ye-nhllit-I tone-- re afin ltae neoapees 2" "Kleptomlanie2" sal , eang tnp apas vider Ihan befoco. "Preditlsay. Thea complaut lice - lady sbop-littecs are, aubjoot Iaî" cretuu'uot Bovmu ; "I1½,eeatley an auita Thoera vas a fablo borea, nlieutenant cf Hec bfajastys s c' pMd Pis-Ifoi; gaI hie, mime, 'Dawsou, Yveanaif, somntug ai lb'a sert; vory well.caéo. uocte7, genibemnnlay, itan, andi belong cd ta Lard Fakeitau'. family-wità nover veutttdi liet viitaut stIsa- - thom vien-he bi'usiel pal doit." JusI Ilten,nl befare I cad iems an opinion on lie oWer.mcqniitive lieu. tenant aiflthe Magpia, nsy supposeil pratotypo, Ihere wva n oebk, t te deo,andu tva or ltre. Chtinea. ga" vanIs -nl coolies airnvel, itninging mp punlmalnsu bahtboxes, my boots aud lcoeiug-cae", vitlait1I adlobft la tnp coam aI my unelo'a pamn itI ia beau arrangeA itI- - f " bve a bail maIe-up.for, me on ltse sofaisii i3awmau'a lolgings fer liene.xt'far-oi ,Iva ulgits, wvici vuld, il vas sxpect- aI, giva lima for Mr. Grpgory, lteè pnnîuac frasit irons Englaul, and visas prcsen 1ce vas needtoitamatea p à lcal concil, la arriva. Then 1 siltdd& c formnlly put un ctiy *lafeiot ài nIIf 1 maI taý rebut lie cirahnuisaitlda evibouoe againai usa,-cf course I iuet oeai' Sitangia nbanei sud braul6à tien. Il vu no pleunamulproèpeidt j for boy, unleas Citing stail IMTe6 'riaul in neeolconld I hope laoanviuo thase vico vare pralispasel, by Itie îglp nspaalt ai usicleaso,-ta .rega di nareiy as a hardinal criminalpraib. ngla a uhion system of aibseeam le., Bul ltae servante bal brongit aime- bhing aIse vit thitatthe- lthe 4oltas anI boots nlguu.enso, tuI itbba ie nurriediy gnltered ni' in ltse apactisuet tat I vas noa langer taocaup6niy. Thte luief cf thaut, n corpulant'under-butter, %icose smoatit pitmpnos anA ýsiav mevemenîs bah, iuvnn-lably rensinlel me cf a slng, asumol a si ystériaus air as ta siippel inta y tuêalti note, vrilta aon.lthe preit of aipinX papar, lthe vary sigit ai viicit, mddrs. Bd la niecse au'il v as lu in t.. ,lauty haulvniliug lthaI I itairse oo L, "nei. Id la set tp uisesliu2gling mal liai'. LUg'v ilb nvil lrlill af bape. Il vas il itaI Ilcauld la ta resîrain ulyâetf 'kns presing lthe-deliate nisslltaîihy pa ut eirnineand 'Ilcouiii 'd-t inca , l tn rabt unparaelvod by Bovman, wito ah ual amen lthe man lelivon Il. -I*ba a o especlal roasan. br tsepiug >secret train my gooadfrianl ilm tfact ltaI MissBarmit .maI 'wvileus 4 mi. But.lteblack ay ofec lthé itinaeameiseugir, 'as haotrudl'lii. ny oblong ai peciamel papes luta uMp anl, bal relielan *l ikecl luna-nun. anr more siaquezilttan ,aeunlitIof aild Bunieigh's famana beal.abake, as 'cdpr to l îlt. C r U ki , an A I k ue v Iltalhsu la id strict hicrlltim Lad beau'njapel upan me. I gavb ta mmmon afav dllar sud nul ianlue (To RE Coxnnr A, iui'nxcx.-TcmNew Yack ctvangelisl aoflite 101h ma, ,la eépu ble tonrlthe feloving.,"Il e Yomt go lteora vasu iue a brief PsublLatimu y ana cf ltae Moslem prapite ontaln-' ig ire prehiclions af, latter day aigt. Id amen.. Il tu n <a s 'Tito eoù rJeir.' nl il .deàces tIlthe 1 1 1- 1 1- 1 _-. 1 1 'l ti -l

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