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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Dec 1876, p. 3

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-Oc.- ed #9aàmonth. PAaCzn . , -LotsI 10teb W4, incluive onI'14 plan.J"iornilng a block of lind bonded bÇ Enrot,Pincees, ation, ai Quoeu «reste, aas hiwn on Raaid plua, oi halfnnf about four acres. AsLoeto09 JD s2 * u-ad tb. land shown on Ua on ou b wst 1,y IHron atrot, imd loto 69 and 09 ; on the ou byLotsa92 snd 98, and by the lsnd laid out for à rom or rlght of w.ý frein stâ£on.atreet tb tho Quarry; and 8180thl aui laid ont for thebgaa0rosd cl rlght of w&y ate b.al nary-aIIal ohewn orlaid outinluithei.Id plan. OunIli lait deoMbed land -la a soral.mn.ail tramse houa. alad trame barn, rocontiy sblnýled, roukng, wlth about olic acr,lot ý5ab0of8, r anu=, *ThWoblock la fonced n tb. noeb., aotbst, madpartlall on the wost. Ili. bou2.d, b Princéea., to Wà4SO, md Hura&on ,s ilw in4278ndthoa.poooflota i19î121,9 14, à, 148, 272,Man 275, oaa of, anU nt Cn'Vffle 1Ohé iortWh4tbyand Port P.rry Uway Oompan& hisPorcel l f.ncid, =adbonnded on eaatby WIUL ýey tioed, cn lteeo=th L'wation streoi, '4ai'm the waat bY goadKaflvy. A 1 01 fels a o renllonod Pl"n Win tâprdcod a .t ui.of eail. Thpuxebiie 0f ParOcela NoOsu d 7 $ hall, ai lthe t 1 040o # a.,PaY down ten per cent ocihé purobsa. rnony, sai t hebalai,, wlthiu Utîy apa .#oflbthe, vihhont in. The pitrborWof Paicel No. Sihali, At the. lime oS1as", pay down teu por Cent ci th. purohae monoy; fonly Per cenât wthhln 80 cOa.o iie, asic, wlhonl Interot, sud mh O bl20n Onoe Year fromheioday cf Omo, viti intereat frein the day cf mu cAi elght Per cent, oh eacured .by, Stalutory mnoitigg upon the promises. The pur. cbaaWerohavohooption ,*ltlgn lhe aald lhirty daYi cf PaYlng dll th. monoy lnitosadof glving a mortgag. Upon paymoul 0f the Mo sli Punhàae oue an & iml-ercution cf lb. -IW mo thle purchaier cf cach parcel r- vii etitlcd te bhis eouveyanoansd to bc lot Intopossesion. 'rhô Vindi». viiinot bé bennd ho pro- duce aDy of tho deoda not In hi. poosu. sincr to radcti nyabtracto, oxcept B.itraagrdcU orc f tii saine. Thé. othOr 0couddlons sare the standng conution. of the court cf ObanCery. Furtiier particnlars =&y b. obtalnoâ, fraln Misara, D. orilten solicitor,'W. il3llUngd, Slloltor. cf *bltby; Messrs. (3oultao,1Sitlir & rBa0, Solcilora4 Tor. )4to, andtheti. aster. D. OMISTN, G.9H, DABTNELL. Il. ORISONMauter. Vou ori citor. n0 "MILLIONS IN IT l" 1LDORA SPRING wHEÂ- T leuli River Valey Spring Whleat, FOB ED vOr particulars, apply le B. J. YABNOLD,- whiltby, Dec. 4tb, 4878. - 'Aen, 1uib. SALT !A' SALT t11 lu BDarrols, Fine fer gonoral use, andi Co&rse for Ouring Pork. Sait tIraI took th. Prt Prize anud moualai b.Coteuilal (Word'sFpair.) COAL,.WooD, BALT, PLASTER, and WATERaLîmË, A ohoice aesortmom of GROC-ER LES omigin ýfor the IFALL &HOLIDAS. -000- SPECIALTIES IN T EASI: Gxeen Black readlly sud soonrêf to provon l I*ge: COAIad xangt Store, eppoallo Bay Connty sud Tu- Whihby, Nov. 28, 1 NEW> 50 80 5O8ts. XMA 8, 60 .8 â0Scs. 00O0-- ite for ode, htbDcc. iSti, 1870. t- or Id 1, la ir bi n n WhirtbY, Doc. ôth, 1876. J4L4JLW SALT!' SALT!!I -600 BASLIVERPOOL, 100 ARRELS GODERIORK, ,atrocelveti and for sale by '. LAWLER &co 'WliitbY, NoV, .ÎliaI, 18711. t cCHAOEBY SALE H1OUSES AND LA',NDS IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY. Pur"ut tO a Decre. of the.Court of Chamnory, mmdla nbtheesuae cf WRIGHT V8. DIOKENSON, datedth ie ma rdDay cf1 NOVEM£BBIIlat ill LébcKola *it th le aperobstgon c1 0e0. Il. Dartel, Equ eur of thé Saa Court At Whihby, by Mr, Levi Pair. Lanka Aucîloucor- At 1h,.BRITISH AM1II1CANHOTiL 1,athi, TOWN OP WHITDY, en T UESDA Y, 26E/ o fPfBDC., 1870, nt 2 - 'clock lu tho aflernoon, lu Two Par. cels, lte folowlag valuable Dwellingr I{ouseî anti Lanids siuatolu th. Town ot Whihby, lu tIea Couty cf Onaro : PAIIVXL .-Thira beauiful sud conumodi. 0118 'rick vii K ith ltcien, Wood- alies, SableanaGardon e uaste on and u'cîuprludg one-îiiirt of an acre, more or legs[e, Loing ceriposeti of parts cf lie-Nortl bra et lot No. Twsrtyaeven u inre Tiret concession citIe Township cf Whirtby, sud fornrirrg Tvr lots designahtet ou a plani ,f lire uarlNorth iraIt ciLot No.27, mati, Ilry John SIrota lanîd aurveor, for eue Asa 1 orten, susLoi No. alnlutiré lot Tier cf thre 3rd double uage 01flot lying West cf Bruick Street, cuntalulagoue _quarter cf su acrre, more orilegs ; anti lie West cue.lirird A fthe Ad *ownlgL, kuown anti deignated oit saiaplien as Lot Nc. 61un tir ala iFrt Iieruof g la iTiira doublé Rtange cf lots tyllieIVest cfi Brook atrool, culsirlng one- two li of an acre more or loistire salai fio e rtrelu 0 lJad bing bc ntleti, alla liavlng togother 90 test andi76;/1h0 luches (routahge on Dîîulop atresât anti raaulug ruuhwad arlll itIrRn tet, ha',' lýug equsi sude1kebreattirlrougbaoul... lrahi su 46 linka. Ti! vaînable prepert la nov lu tho rccîîpîîieu of George La lg, EDaquire, Mer. chat8111 . ls..thrareof iiiexpire con de ry of MAY, uextll anb cela iguirect ho snch lengs.e ot l'.tcr, ....CeMeî., cf liraI v8rý'valu. alble Two 51r7 lemme oDwelluig lioueo, %Vltb Ritchea, sud olhor buildings, uov 00uuploi ly William Henry Blliaga Esq. Wrioso eseIlieroof wiil expire on 1. , 5 diay ef May next soituaI,, on andicmrs Ille Town Zid0 Nos. 21 sud 22 lu lb. ogrui Tiet cf the 2rrd double Range cf iota lyiug ruat 'ofllrcck"treet, frontlng ou Green sud Dunlop atruets , a ntieapart cf 1h,, l ta of outNo. 20 lu tire lst Con. liraheTawaairip o0f WhIiLtcontalulug hal1f au acre more crles. 'I boe, iii Le A rirerveil bldfixeti iy lte Master outhie repivparceIaf ull 00u tl, nyb 9i4ullgdte fur. Vo Bhe aglslrsr'a abstract cf tille le tra sala respective Parcels ifront regloîrsîlon cf Wortan'a plan, andtill îinotl ofdoaisOrdc ment t i,Kos, and WMntb bligeti ho provethié ab. atrt ecep b îLte production if nc dod uaret i Posenusalu. LTho prcirobusevii Le required ti atle tinot. e t eopsy 4d1va hebVeudor or bie Soilcîor, ono.teontb ofSthe Dur-o e5tbMooyof he re psye cied o rnaintier, wlbout futeoset labo l. Cour ufCanàceZP te t11 creuil cf licanses, "Pue 1&4uilhey wiilt-,>enhîlleilte tire ro ut$ fron t rt dy Touht,etle onruîaraelthe standlrig 0114100i1tho e 0 I iofCiiaucery. ,,Por furtirer Priuio-n diton uý "i 'yl' fToronto, santti o .a.a gaei ri Iiscourt. COFFRE: -Green and Roasted Java. Mooha, ground to order, 50 OtS. Mixed chic- ory and Coffee, 25 <Cents. JOCOA AND 011000LATE1 ---00- NEW TFRUIT: Raisins and Currants, Fige, Oranges, Le-mno, Prunes, &o.. &C.0 &o. LIQJJORS: hrandies, Wines, Gin. Whiskey1 ALES AND PORTER 3ass's Younger'sB and Lab- ette, Guinness's Porter, inx pinte and-quarts. Pdrts and Sherries, MEEK nais.ý Slu.49 A D V E R T I S E M E N '1' r PRE8EN TS XMA 8, PRE8EV 8 W B. SMITa j Have just opened their stock ci FANb-Y ADVERI'l S EM FN T; 18 'MA &- NEW.,YEAR'S PIRESENTS. ORLEBRATEJi MEIDNELECTRO - ELGMEIN NSIL VER WARE. 'o-i GOODS WATCHEs, .GOLD an~d SILVER. ENGLI13H Suitable for RINGS, &e. XMAS. AND NEW YEAR'S PRESElýTs Ouir Stock and Checap. ALBUMS, BAG PURSES, BRACRETS, FANCY. BOXES FOR JEWELRY, BRIAR PIPES, BUSTS, I'ARIAN, CARD CASES, PEARL. CARD CASES, TARTAN. CARD BOXES, WINE AT $2,00. 1 CIGAR HOLDRS, (A Specialty.) -00- PROVISIONS: Ha m-, Spiced Bacon, Beef .Havas, Breakfast Bacon, &d,. Fleur, mixed, Spring and Fail, Crackedl- Wheat, Gra' hain Fleur, Bye Fleur, Oat- meal, (a specialty.) FIRESH FISH: 1 4tuvz0.o£I '4,n ,- - MU .LUCtLUÂs, &ûl.1 -000-- BI SCUI TS including the Celebratedl Edinburgli Albert Biscuiteb JAMS, JELLIES, CANNE]) GOODS, GÉLATINE, ISINGLAS Pickles and Saitce, Mustardg-Wicks & Keau Pitre Entgl Mai Vine gar. Reckittts Celebrîîted BluÈ -000- BIJLB%3: Elyacinthet;, &C., afssorted, Eiverything, in the trade, fthe best. Try, JAM ESONjs * I.J*ESON, is large, CIGAI! BOXE S, COLOGNE FANCY J3OTTLES, DRAUJGHTrS, DRESSING CASES," FANS, IVORY, well ..assorted,1 INK STANDS, INK ]3OTTLES, HAIR BRUSHES, MUSIC ROLLS. PERFUMERY, PAPIERTERIES, PARIAN WÂRE. SPAR ORNAMENTS. SMELLING BOTTLES, TOBACCO-POUCHES, TOYS, VASES, BOHEMIAN GLASS. WVATCH STANDS. WALLETS, WRITING DESKS, GLOVE AND 1{ANDNERCHIEF CASES, &c., &c., &c. &c., Bronze and iPuiley Hall Lamps, Shades, &c. This year's articles inl our IDOLL AR Will exceed i valuie anythig we hiave ever shewn beforo. Aise a barrel of1 -Xma8, Candie8, 25 Cail and see our Stock. 1WllitbY, Doc. 151h, 1876. Cent8 per P-ound.1 S. W. B. SMITH & 00. GIOLD1 December 181h, 18376. AMEBICAN AND FRENCH WOBKBOXES. ENGLISH AND FRENCH FANCY GOODS. ýBEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY GOODS. TA YL OR& fBA4RNA RD, W}IITBY. NEW STATIONERY -AND)- AT TIE XPRSS ND MNTRAL EL.OEFICE, BROCK-ST. A e r c v A T H E X P R S S A N D M O N iI A L E L.~e v in g F a i l G o od s w -h i c h h a v IrAMILT-1N & Go., HA-VE NOW OPENED OUTTHEIE ~LAiEtGwE 'NEW STO-C K, GO0:D S LATEST STYLES 1Jq FALL AND,-WINTER MANTLES, AND CLOTHEING. NEW TEAS, FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, LIQUOIRS.>-WHOLESi&E AN]) RETAIL. orp Agents for the celebrated Port Hlope Aies, iii Keg.9 QLASSWARE AND CROCKERY in gre#tvariety. DOMINION Nô. 4 BULFIA (OPPOSITE B r IIfE SCIEIý Or, SELF-PR MORE tHAN ONE A Gais! Madal Awa by tlb. "Nation, WARER OoM*S, Geore Yule begs te announce that ie lias re-opened his Stationery and Book Store in Whitby, whoro statiocery cf ail kinds, of thé beet qality, ilbo kopt on hand ; aise Sohool Bocks cf every description, 1oy bkSiates, Pensis, Inke,, &c., &c., at the lcwcst prices. The Daily and Weekly Papers always on hand. Sub- scriptions Socicited. Musical Instruments, including a flue assortinent cf Violins. Orders are taken for Periodicals, Magazines aud Music. XMAS. & NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS GEO YULE. BOOK AN]) MUSIC STORE, A large and welI assorted stock ef Boom Paper and Win- dow Blinde, -which he is prepared te soUl at the lewest rates. A splendid assortment of stationery, Now Miscellaneous Bocks beautifully bound, ail kinda cf Sohool Bocks. Violine and Concertias. Sewing Machiins-best makors. Large sud now assortinent cf boit Gold sud Silver Watches sud Chains on band. WoolI sud Fancy departuient complote. Ail orders for Engliel and American Periodicals and Newspapers promptly file «We are now in a position te supply Prize Books for Sohools at hall prise, sud vo feol that voe au give good satisfaction. Soiitin d, ie . h 17. LEWIS ALLIN. Whitby, Dcc. l8tb, 1876. I 5TANDARD BANK-OF CANADA. L JN1& STE WA1 18 EReld thala. dividei ofiTIEE ,S."i fthre current Irall.yoar, bilg In atii1pti1on 6f .real soIJUIII SIXPERCEN., ER NNUÇ 4 je4 weatlier about Christmas, have bouglit Several Articles sp iRCENTi icPEsc! lRe lNuM,- .~>- "~o whicli it miglit ho wel for those people taken witli the tutien, iras liii dîy been decîsre *,,.and. t4' .'aJ Cold and Hard Times te inspaett. The geods referred tc tiresame vili ho payable aItire Bsnk antidri uhasae ti~ it ciBonadale TEDAte ha hp that te cannot altogether prevent, sAgeuce uar ,le U DY ieare lnsi second day cf Jauuary, 1877. bu il a.8 lyasii n keigotte od nirv S Tire Tranafer Books viii bc cloued freioul 4;. btwI mtral see epngettecld n rv tie 151h t h lSt December, Lotir tiys % 'Yingawaydul care. For ina so daywa sbte i cuer etlr(>cr~ than a, good Fur Cap on the liead ; a fine warm Overceat J.L-eRDE on your back, girtli about with a eaeh or muffler, such as Toronto, Nov. Olal, 1876. qak~~ 4 4 P Laing & Stewart seil. N CIANCE ny. - 000 MUNIlO V YLLIE. MLIEYA DM N LS ?tPursuanîltethe Deeeee sud final ortier ~MLIEYADM NLS for"l made sin , cus, neter MINK MUFFS AND FURS 87 sdthe2t a i eappobal -----onf ci llkimds te clicer the Ladies, at Geor HDrtnIiter Of ti >*>~ Every oehnhad0 j TH Dta, Boq re, csjPa îî ena bafes bortheLAING & STEWABT'S. CeahWhhy, by TionmaH siae ~efcac i r Auctiouor, at lie "Queecai HeoI l ie hpruoem and teiCauaasa te. VILLAGE 0F CANNING2'ON. lfr. Murray lu hlm bock on v±liy o.2n,17.4 lu lie Tovnoip cf BRocx ou the SYlIUP dire Adirond&ak IaIelypul,. ialieS, roesea ecae cf a AI 2 o'cleck la lie aterrnoon, tie followlng or hVie ony curoti by a DY0 EEBR 86 IA Si 8 > lands anti promifiseing compoudti0otvVf. tire. montra omn laout eA 8 1age Lot No. Elgit, frontiug ou lie vest RE'amonghe pno. =I ruce"~ sidfetLMltilereel, la 1h. mu Lvillage ocfEE D lte :iodatlnuflal Canulagtn,anIa tl tlhie Plan oet h.een cnanin vo a, 00 sali Village and tai nîmn&bout a qurter dents to lhc pincvcoti, anti cf su acre oÏ lanti, more or louatvoflf encei. order tien' te drinksa to Il fronts on lie main treet 2 theb.Vllg OI/106ade fron t lieprue top#,, JUST ARRIVE]) AT TE ofeCanno uani Ias oeceatupon il a 'llifSM b ý a « Fraine e ILig Hous 2 ,one.and.a. eln baili ilionei atrame Idtcin ai. tIto coi tscieti, doueyalcrayGUM spice. elu ODD][ F-ELLOWS' BIJILDINGS!1 There vii! esà rmrved bld * Ite lit lii pr M(auter. The pa2urIoer te proe-éul pirahlon lthe g=Jnyr . oth e poe Ihu l fleprtm odi!laih. FOR THE %:r oiat athle 1>rad, mark lapiartleepcornMn. furtier aum ofet Ivhobn dddoUavitbmn fit airi rpris ,e one -es" thaersfto4mathéb balaciet BuugtuUrl iTtIDpria.tsved. ____ M; tireireienrnar eo r ho emuofl r Congs, Col&,, OLIf . x..~i..~ Prn ithye7o';ts;ho ha At dt b. iora ,Tirotise. ci fti. rchaaser Ly aîautory.ntort- Zon, 8lit vorkoalie a NEW RAISINS, -FANCY 000DB 0F- ALL KINDS, CANDIES, gags wth.i________t__etentau_____8 (the beet ii town), A LARGE ÂSSORTMENT. NEW VIGS,, nu2ly troinlite day etfmaie. uino ______________ le ceuntaacovenanl te hurne for #W.eXTAORANGE PEEL, LEMON PEBL, CITRON puiah « cM p N O Tthe pE!! sura9let tionIlr PEEU, ICS (iH.Eùo)ORESES àthi owuqm â4euérhâu"'o Take NoticetiraI Hgm."liain MAMS, BON L, &0., &0. exocution;; e Vender villpreparo sud b. int thle piameul 09o Onlmro At i rl.....s . »M i tfe thiOn««U 0neà Maon tierof'for»anto AMenti Ai l fwhmOb.will vOsold Oheap FOR CASH. TavIrcle, su d f flB4n Îs -op "te relasUng o tie KidImaL R&Ull abitacU, udiVe pO b=d te Prm o moftOnin o l r st mito petlwot are tne anoni"an sbc t@ la' m t Fresh Oysters and ]Haddies ieeeived tmes.neA gondn stcko or tire b.twiï rTic Institute aise PHYSIOLoGy 0F HER DISBASES.' bail bock of lia kin Aise suohor valuable tng ezoiveiy %'Moula more Moun 0ro ai oct, racé 02. 85Barely-an lma]Book fo».r on,,.,. The O0shaw*à- "Argand" las proven by experience tbo be aPie-ls Stove. Buy no other. I -000 lIARD WARE now, :iILLINERY, DRE88MAKING AND TA/LORING PONE TO ORDER. WItby,, IN SetTHE, 86 LOWES & POWELL. GOOD TIMES COME! FRESH PAINTi ADDITIONÂL SHELF BROOM, NEW GOODS, AND) LOWEST PRICES!1 The undersigned bege te tender hie hearty thianks te the residents cf this Towu aud Ridiug, for thé very liberal patronage they haveextended te lairn for npwards cf twc years past sinco lis first bccoming "lOne cf thcmsclvcs.' With incrcased business have corne in- crcascd facilities for, the pirchaseocf Gootis. Ho is showing, tbis PsU, a stock of Bocks, Stationery, Fancy Goods, itnd 5mai! Warcs,- that ho makos bold te say, surpsses auything beretofore shown ini this Town; and ael2<ng all at theu rery loswe8t rates. Our motto, "18mai! profits aud quick rcturns." Býereniber we have several SPECIAL LINE8 ta. offer ycu. J. S. ROBERTSON, News-dealer, Dopksellor sud Stationer, Brook Streot, Whitby. Whitby, Novoniber 28th, 1676. rDIRECT PROM ENGLAND., BreechLoading Shot Guns! r Muzzle Loading Shot Guns! r English Shot, .Caps, Wadis,' Also, Pistols, &co. &c. Intending purchasers will please note the above. STO C "FTE8!- "Iron Duke and the Armstrong" for Wood cooking; and the "IRoyal"ý for coal Cooking. Take our advie and buy, the. best,. GUN49 wau proui red thre t country. gold, met diairoird RACoirsBira PLoOInÀ, lurd5. e Cataloe hrto eeitcécet o Postage. ROBuOnrePtO8Cesfr Ehtlirof lte aboiro 'rk s suit r oi reoîiror pres. Aultrems f'EAIIQIIy MI1)V CAL INSTITUTE, (or W. H. 1'AIIKEII M D Coîreilling Pîryf;clan), No. 4 B3ulfiici SI., Ro' t0t, Itateq. OPî,OI4to iRciere Route. Ný. B. Tir e ntior eau »0e eorrsulteçI on lIra titove îîaîrred dieoseR, as volilai mau disoeu"0 liauru, il A. Mi. to j;i. f ,,Just Pubiabled, iu a E ele.Price, six A Lectureonoutho Tretient, sud Radical Cure cf Weakness, or Spermshcrnhoea, iq0m elî.Aobs, Iuvclunhary Enifialon teuoyNervous Doarlity, ant i ui» taMrigo geuerally; Cousfurat eapati Fila ' Meulai anti P Or ie D9yuhr oBte "Gree Thre verît-remono uetuhor, la t mirable Lecture, cleszly proeu fi ovu experience tiraIthbeavfnicouac cf Se11-Abuso may Le effeclulyii vithout medicine, ant i vthutd&i arrrgical opunstiëus,,bougies, muirs ag, or cordialai pointing ont a cure aM once ertuein anti effectuaI, b1 every safferer, no mater viral is lion- May bc,, may cure bimself cie.1 Va ilrAd rudically. T- Th Lecture viII prcve a1 thhan doaathcusanis. Sert. initer nuli, in a plain envol, auy aiors, on roceipl cf i ail nts, postage nt&= g.j THE CULVERAL MBI)ICAL 42 41 Ana St., NovYorkr-Pc.Ba THÈ ?HYSICIMNI4S REID Rheur To thec0 menu)ugnitat î5ottom iPrices and. ile s. old osith Lot othe peopl take th rêstl 1- 1 1 1 i'l 1 CLOCKS, IROBEWOOD AND WALNUT Low, es stock of LOWES &'POWELL. Pvhitby, Dec. 18fli, 1878. 'Whitby, SOPt. 18à,1876. WAY11 A LL IN eS. S E 1 ý 1 LEWIS ALLIN. 1 Whitby, No--vémber 28th, 1876i -000- CO AL, ENGLISH

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