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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1876, p. 3

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NlOKUE cf are offéring CHEAP LINES DRE88 000D8, FOR- CHRISTMAS PR E SIE NTS. Ai10so Ut roi a 80FT LADIES', T# CLOTHGOVES AT7 E~TS ATy iOli day it FOR eEBIRYBQODY. l3osutifiil bound Books, Albumis, &Ic. Silver Ware, WÉ6tcheil, Jcwelry, Tea Sets, Cake Baskets, Goblets, Caril Br ooc hes, Chai ns, Ribngs, NAp. Plat.d Wsre, WABRANTEDý Reliable Goode, d&o., a.&-o. &o Superior 'Stationery anid Fancy Goods. L. ALLIN, Brook Street. 1WhfibY, Dec. 101h, 1870. F18 ÂIPORNI &5 STRÂYED. DATES. CATAWBÂ 14PS *Childrens' Rid Mîtts. ser ed on th PremU of thennbncrb- 01ANGE. LEMONS. ore, Lwo.y.ar ai con.Toew.shipowue l r. 0 queg t 11rove p Opc r Jiay m se M! aeLtaa, oitez±twug =l s- g o 1".RMSOÂRJHRS U S GENTS' TIES, SNAUS, byaeo;îthîY GOL' T3 1ALÈONDS. BRAZIL./ 8IK'HAK'S.GODw -iT DIWALNUT. PIRT9. S-RERT STUJDS GOLP A NU R S.E GR . HOOX 4ÂU Apply o COHESTNAS. CFFBUTT ON SMES.JOSHUA RIOHÂBUDSON. OLOT GLOES, 87eBaskets of- it candied XI LU"Unquàesîlpusiiîy the bora suaahed fruits, yoj'aa asee u igi GLOVE 5work Of the kind in the World," Laies' l'île eridastnd s and ITT, Hapers lts of s'iweetMeats. Sugar Toys. -andMITS. Hrpe's agazine, Chinee Lanterna in great varicty,' ILLUSTRÂTED. an4ugar toys of every description. Notiesof th# pr,18. TheM~ga,,n. lasttalned inlis nea-0- Will haeaGinV ' ORSTMAS TREE. The undersigned hiu /e. Ifitted his store and filled itle lha fun SUPPlyof the 0hice Lxrlea of ith/5eaeon, bo Wàhhehobegs tb c 1he atten- tion of ha. s n na d 1h p~tii# gi~esi~..,~e tenders h IC lf ff ayfkvr smad ana m È~j> ~rompt ai- eferyhng b < - eit the .I#tge spot6.meri. Eié present I4RGEST AND BgST ,DISPLAY OIp.,ANCY CONFECTIO NERY P-YER OPPERED IN FR ~TS OPf EVRRY DBS IF2'ION. Likewise thàey hlave reoeived ainotlier- L TI The attention of the public is siso directed to lis fine stock of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, Fia,. rigEssences, Raisins, and a fuI Cheap for Cash deslgned t """,LI y rcere mrely ortaet tee fthe ignorant 2in-51 Dna-I rmtO OFare nover lusmned."Ohicao ouzrnral. Dus C Pcsaago freeotel aIl Piras Of ahe United 1B RIG ITE --00- F U -R States.FO.SL 100 includes erepayment i .1S4pst A60UA LS &gobyth ?uli os.A v T or e]uidn Stcantaiu. Subacnlp La toH"Pzs ;MÂAZ"Iriptour and fve-el hth acsbeî agWZOandIb pblzlsh eone de#8 LOT NO. 18, ECOND 'o5plCO 'si"ON okm whici w l b sol ata sight Waa su EÂEÂEban aci #7 0~0 F I oI G n-hait mile eut af British WBand c to ce ~ o.c§jer, 7 6: Dfa ,' Cr*e',ajOWnlng rianda',MeetIng advan e ou cosi and n ~ 0apy i her teHAn, opcposite the N ovow duBof Ho edrtili W 1k WOOklY, or .Bccor vu be z Seho0. For irtiular -Order to nuake a-clearance A tareien c Apy awo bJueieClt - - an iane ; or., i ona o O S 0 i t o u e tr o P A tla y o r J O H N W R I G H T , offering T~~~lh. Volumes oi theMafogcce,»,ocommence htyD"e12,18. Pikrn w ll the N um b es for June Sn D c m b nC T R <tT E O R p o , C h cl d r n' a1 eaeb yesr. Subsconpui' onnmyconi.ATI Mence vlih Sny number Wheunaolime T PRTO lu OPeclfied, I il ho eulidOrstood Pibal Ibe 0Fri' V~~~ , umaber f the s a thgo ilthe lFren , )ato nm rs carrent volum, Sud bck ie d '-q-~ Dagansmumen nl esent iccardingly. TOWN 0FWH ITBY. Rest, o IN SIOA Complte e0of lHarPr'O Magain,î, bnv comprinlng 0 ou esunt lolh GE3,L0M'a bfndllgev b"snt by express, tralgbt a stordsc, 01pen e ai âu se, 1r 02 9W per Vol- rged by m ny influentia 1 urn. Bc e~ryes, I have been inced ta afier W rs !y mst, 0.ll b oop inca, g cnt»,paiadacnddasfor Ma or for 1877. Wincese AcvonloteAnal1 bo resectfny t g yit aur vote etu our - ~~~~ ~c icflIeAalcîIndex tethIe dr.4 sudinterestutor my eleotion.tyeiurHo, lVu.nc.~~~.Fit o ns o ai crperla Magczine hasllrn ellmn Jn6tOn ublghe, rnde am GetleenLittle Folks, Sun- iofldene pnb vietsdaregavallable for You rlu e 0 orac tivo a d rldweallh otilin0- ObadIOlt senv't., &c a Prat ivlehstraeitetasthunperlodical W . H. BILLINGS. cday at Hlome, Sunlday Cl:0d: pete tlsroatec!lllT 0yclTH~E LECTORS 0F;-TEE Magazine, Quiver, Lit- iwi ta copgarenoi te co ' tT0 J O l t of P in s at &laTME. rcof HARPEIR T O0 F W Hti. e W ide Awake, &c., &0. jol ot f Pint at50 ddrst ARPR &BROTHERS, GEN;TLEMEN;, New York. Your voteansd lutereat are re- --O ---------- IPectully soliclted tor the re-eleclien af 4 ot., er yrd. ILLIQNS IN ITP G. YOUNG SMITH fr B I B LES,, P RA YE R ELDO 0- Spring eat. BOO SH M 0TEFEAND INDEPENDENT OKHM D T L 0F S pTHE Rcd River V pring Wboat, TOWN 0FWHITBY. BOOKS. R EAD Y -MADE F D ETLMN For partie ,appîy ta UAt Ibm uolilatiln o amn>' ai YAR Dt hie Mont infinentil natapayens ofthIbm tavu, B . J. YAR Dt 1amnilnduoed ta came tannard as a candi- CI] 0OTlH I NCG Algen tlby. date ton the Reevonhip ior 1877. b Dec. 41h, 4876. 8 1 resecfull>' ag thibm hnor of your vote CHUIRCH SERVIE and Dhlecato necure my eleotion. VCS 4t greatly reduced prices. SAIT 1 SALT 11 1~ reniaju, Gentlemen,< ou ob'ervantPrhsdaBnrp tc lu Bairis. Fine for geuersl use, and 0 THEELECTORS 0F TE -:00:-- Coaran for Cunlng Park. Saittt atoakîbhe T. whicli we will soul at 5o es i find a good (World's Fair.) bas il.Cnani oustoune CFiALPnWOOsD, TOWN 0FWHITBY. pecnt loth aBSOrtznenî of Freshi SALT, PLASTER, GENiTLEMEN : Yeu voteansd lutereat are ne- e.et eo h adWATERLIME, specuully soliclted tanr the re-eleetian of regular selig G R 0,C E R IE S, ospl> nad JOHN BL<,.51 YEO As ne for 1877. prices. Whilby, Dec. 811, 1876. din 50 0 E BLCO PTH to choose froun, conhlsting of ---~ L T0 E LCOS0 E Nëw 1 ruits, New-Raisin, SALT 1 SALTI! TOWN 0FWHIThYI New Currants, Lenuon 1 TLE eg I orousofutall solicit 0V ENTRYBO0O0 .i'el, i 50 B(*8 rVEPO 118r77. Duringthe see years the raje éee, 50 1AS rupo, ai the Contre Ward did me tt MRS, FANCY Pic- meert eac o o es A1he. onne MAR CitroIL Peel, 500 ]BARBULS GODIRICE, fiithhilly te the vhole t. eord l TURES, DIARIES Coees, - -Juil necelved sud for silo 'y vUfntooadonIsb. i t f heTon NIX NAXS 0OP ai Whitby. Teas ~ ~~lbb -.T. LAWLEB col0. Iz bvtbehonar to be Gentlemeneey id WhbNov. 218t, 1876.t-s 51 J. B. PEILP. E N ýT L E M E 1T0 E ÂEAES0 E (Jannled .Irf; 'tet>' b.mnave treU a i tOW FW IB GAMES! -0F' ALL KID8. -lr-4& gonrto veIMl Ae te(eauor GENTLEMEN: 1 be>'a i illbring th taIearYaur vote and interdit ire mes# -:00: . - nitural --colalnsd I I l m m oSi s eaetully nollotecilnfîoïlCahme nopalngduewvthem ra W. AUlre- servant fer the. of iDepuy.BOevfor ?sler S'Produce taken D i ot mle ane r ,vhîtia, fI Isar. NB t homot o hesas Stlm r yem tTO LET 11 "BUY PROM vv A. , a o 9ý,New Store and - » -ý-.WHTBY. PeublicmH ÉmwIndi dv ous to buy t tins tore (L.) OUR STOC LARGEST. (2.) OU GOODS >WFT BOO1Ký u»Q ry style of Bindin#y Selectk personally by the \ s r b r TOY BO OKS from 2 Cents to s2, ead%. --00- Dolîs, Bugles, Horse Cart, Tea Sets, Alphabet 1 e OfIf you waut b select for Chrislins frein th.le P&ebespe.t sud baut stock A P E o C h i n n 1 h e 0 eo t , g o t o . . T . G B O If YOU waûuîte select fronlâ . uljrgent, (cheapest sud butlnlOhfGanw TUBgD ?udý& 0,- PAROinIZE, T.H. MoMILLxANT, Sec..Tn. WibDc 3h 8 CHRIÎSTI .1 - r i sI~g' . E DVJE WANTED ON ,A AND NEJW' XMAs ê NEW WHITBYCHN TEA STORE, $4,OO ~N EC~AGE "Fol- OREBÂTD i m RRf sud Aron"r,-gtoW. . GB-O-l For te bot an chepestCannd Pe s es r, mtm ugrs, ud Pa sânTAiD .1, . , , IGwHf&e. W. J. GIBSON'S. oa ros-adgoheILes t r 5 cente parlbai W. 3. iBSOr n's AY IP yB P quati f god remd Panty, te tao t e andf , opeutd, hea u n '.. I ON WM « CJ. TStoe. -AND-> MA8 186 B0 0K 'ST O'RE -1 R o d gers' T able C utlery.AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL, TEL. OE I , R K ST GOLD sud 1 SILER. AN ni.,~ LVERWARs CIJOCES, BOSEWOOD &2NJ~ WALNUT ENLSH 1EBINGO, ENGLISH AOD W PRENCH ORKBOxES: Rodgers' Pookei New York Club Skates. Skates and Straps. Russian Gong Sleigh 13e] GR'OSS & MACNACHTA Whitby, December 2Oth, 1876. ofXMA8. PRESENTS IXMVASI PRESENT6 -1--000---- Have just opened their stock of FAN.CY GO-ODS Suitable for XMAS. AND NEW YEAR'S PRSENT. Our Stock is large, well assortei and Cheap. ALBUMS, INK STANDS, BAG PURSES, INN BOTTLES, BRACKETS, FANcy. HAIE BBUSHES, BOXES FOR JEWELRY, MUSIC ROLLS. BRIAR PIPES, PERFUMERy, BUSTS, PARIAN, PAPIERTERIES, CARD CASES, PEARL. PARIAN WABE. CARD C AS ES, TARTAN. SPA.BNA=NTS. CARD BOXES, SMELLING BOTTLSS, CIGAR CASES, TOBACCO POUCHES, !CIGAR HOLDRS, TOYS, IGR BOXES, VASES, BOEMIN GLASS EJOLOGNE FANCY BOTTLES, WÂTCH - TÂNDS. ERAUGHTS, WALLETS, :RESSING CASES, WRITING DESKS, - PANS, IVORY, WOIIKBOXES, lGLOVE AND HANDEEBOHIEF CASES, de., Sc., S&c. &~ Bronze and Pulley Hall. Lamps Shades, &o.- This year's articles ini our 'IIexoeed in Value anything we bave ever shown before. -Aeo a barrel of ~msCandies,25 Cen(à per Pound 4land ee our to4k Geoýge Yule bels to annnoùnce that he has - re-opened hi& Stationery sud Boo Store- in Win hëzë iltatimery of 9à kinds, of the best quality, win be keýt ýn Und - aloo Schoo, Boolm of -êvery d"MPKôn,ý DOPYý'Bboko, Slat«. ýpeîlcul3.- iýkx. Aum- en n4. 4'L- hie Statioery the Bok Storeirile tbrdweere staionery ofail hindi oThe bail quandyvi bW epto ad is aolBoS Sof overy oaàgâlls lY Paers lwayson hnd. u- tle hod. reato iteM demeriplion Copy Book.tSaac.aInPn.hla Tr1, Thsicaly Indruetsldy Pap fiers a s o liand. o Sub- Gsa l it at iorlin-oita eiil ae tknfo eiff ilalznc n Igi. B -ad wblch uodexetam tton IoSpanedree.lu tbs pric arti on ter a nverme G O YULE, 1. Fo0r OoUghs, Caldz, W Iil b y , D e c . l th , 1 8 7 6 . 5Rt o ni, & & L w o k a li e PRICE 25T8. âCe'arm.lil 52 L A I NG & S T E-W A RB *Tl Noýtice that that an app balon the noix n Ibereotr nAu uend= the Acta lg athe slî thaacmpsn t n ta-e tahenaex S' In anticipation of real sorm tbsdnp aca dte0' xal weather about Christu have bouglit Several Articles abling certain In Ies, ta aid the aii which it miglit be weil for those people taken witli the I!ailWay aud t aierpses Cold and Hard Times to inspect. The goods referred to- . ~- 1 . - Soliitor for t -way. are Mn SUCAI a s±aape7 that tliey cannot altogether Prevent baenhr t, 1876. 46 )*but will matoriaily assist in keeplng out. the cod,, and dhi v- ____- img away duli care. For in a storzny day, wl4ias better ~11 O AEI AA than a good Fur Cap on the head; a flne warmn -0O vercoat The suliscriber offers for sale on your back, grtli about with a sash or maffierstuh as ~ABS0 AD Lainig & Stewart Bell. (5 acrais dleredj, Soutb hait Lot , 111h cou- cession àMar;m »itbquarter ;mil of achool banue.-A choice lot, ssttlaea au araic! it. TEBM5 at aile von lbera. A «aoc! MILLINERY AND MANTLES, br Aiucnbuy tridya. - MINK ÀUFFS AND FURS Ah= .0 S.of most.ai kimds to cheer the ÈLgdies, at11h18.- -8) LArG SEWRTS. T . ~T ,CAUSE F HUMAi! LAING STE RTbl. P %e -lu s aled Whitby, Nov. 22nd, 1876. 48 E Jngveopbeleruce,si-z cents. * Y R End relate 'ORF thAra~ Tre-aie nt, su Rdiaure af cmT-i- elf-Ai 19Ivalnta andEmuaieaImn. -M O13RT 3. vla ï), bo AU t« "eoIl Book, mirablo Lecture, cloarly mves Iram hiÉ ovu effpeemcothal thoîntul connaquees Oi Self-Abuse -ma>' b.eftectually rmnavd vithoul mediCiue, sud iïitiant dangorous surgical aporaliane, bougleu, instruments, rangs or ordIle.ping out a mxdp 01 doffctuaL by'viich eu-or>' uffere, no -mutter vhat hia condi- tion May' belnia>'cure himuel cheap>, pni- vatoly sud radically.- 'le Tua liecture Vil prove a boan ta thoumadg aMd Ibausnda. Set. under segl Ml. e lasift euielape; t an>' eddrasu, on receipi a61sdi coras, or tMG - postagea TE ULVERAL MEDICAL Cd$.i THE PHSICIANIS BEMED-y. MWE NYOU uA"IIiand don't knovhow g tU e Joveri0u gaseUyralBond for ~rI~auiccen Ifheop cien 16 LeaS y ciMuOf *og l la -eoumdse& - JUST ARIED, AT TE IODD) FELLOWS' BUILDINGS! FOR THfl NEW 1IRUIS, FANOY GpýOD I' .& ýLL' KM$D, CANDIES, (the bout in tovu), A LAR(e ÂASSGaTMBNT. NEW FIGS, ORANGEPE, LEMON, PEEL, CITRON - P'EEL, -sipicES (aIilkn ~CHEESE, HA.MS, BBCOx, LARD, &c., bc. AUl of whieh iU lbe 'sold Olàea FOIR OASH., PETER 8ITH N.B.-Caih paid ,for Butter,Eîgïl Poultry ana Apples. Wlitby, Do. lUi, 1876 50 GOLD MIT~'S A>LL. vorthe oe C*o to GOLDS. MITH'SUAL for Watches. > G6 to GOL~fITWSMA i.or Ooloréd GçltlJivl -Go -fGLST~Hi4or Bright, Gold Goodis, Go toGOLDBITH'gý-,HALL for ERleetro-fila1e Ware. Go.to GOLD8IT S IHALL for Deske, Workboxes, Thoi (lob L aiDAY ùole aizl O >t Cutlery. WABE, suput and genam fmuy W. i. GIBSON'S. 9NGLISH AX. 2in-0 1 1 the, '18-7 6 5.1 ,-Ili, 0'-L I, D AýýT' - X IV] L A 8 GIFTSIý

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