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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1876, p. 6

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briglîl aud lnàl..a muent of t(1alm t part of 1-at wede -- to.s5y p~rsee;~ - iruns nsr things Tne ùdg sitrcliauts ef1Jîiï...RHoha4 lhe honor godoe s1 Centre Ward, as fur iw tiO0lers- bsikeri, butcbers, itookeellers, gcds .@bswisu nd faùcy goods storesý, aud q~î t.h bOst iedtâl dda Ihrivîng btlsinees.gen n cù f the %Ve are ga4ro(it. After the duluescf lsuppose, hà --[~ring anmi fusai wil lit.,wise, and if he IisePast yÃŽbr, Ihis quiekening cf trade . w.l eael nst have beeu a seasoneble, and wol- Ipve an evasiv wotose rely coinserelief te a gretmsuy. seoteven *ndsaseacllh Befere we agelu greet or roaders -heI1 olntas let yr Chritmssand New Year's shalh have niedifiem 'iaeofnths ass esos paomQ4 away, and people Bsa1 have prelo gt <9 charge Sattliddown again 4nte m-everyay 3ugy work c1Ilite for another loug ytesr's bat.- War ta tlie tic wlth fsrune. Wb troissitat aIl aurli -friands tuiy b. prosperos ruf -thelr va.r- TeIiht ]otis avocations sud projeets, au d tsIbal th 'G* tue iiext 'Zeteriie Chiristmas", myle pnte"r t s n it wSildosegot thsei with euoreesed setore cf wcridly emnt wverlth, lhualtli-anîl happinesux. lis fixed. ---- the risb ,ed Chenet The Beut, termina: iot -buta W lo- ý'fle candidates for mlunicipal houera Our zug'- are uow falrly before the ralepayers cf porares %1 te tihe town.. The list ombracwee iî PUj ilarnes Of nome gooti men, Wiho, if dl- oi.. ed, wonldl mako sseful representetives. tb s. Lot us hlopeo that teeloioe of the rate. thie L paers îusy feul upen the boast cf those teet uofterig. In lte North Ward Messrs. ai de lte ln the Ce- Pairbanks aud Orîntaton weuld, with ticians. Mr. Hannaîn niake au'excllent repre- The NoWe sentelion fer tise yard. -Mr. Harper le Truu Banss îlot offerlng, altbough-nemirsated. Mfr. Cornwall F Stcsteiarn. Fbrguscui, belng License 'Inspeceor, Reform, lia- titioildnot saeûk for re-leetion. There Lonesty cf iu n woul'd be semeîhing lucougrucus lu tbm ton T'imes ias &B lL useIspecter sîllinirutet lte conseil domination îils Imi' boardl and- votlng upon question mndi- cily trimmer oonsolid4te rather titan f - se lesmen the rectlY affetu~inthbIusinescf lits London Adintha 9 oflIle, .A p orcouWho-in virtue cf hie cvert acte aof t- e aiugt eg 01110c0, nay et eny moment find il bis151r ; but bas, *vn dity tu presenute soine ef lbisfellow rclmleuc f eleigImd towustiuen for, *ifriugeweuî cf Ibm Li. 'ilaihave ive>t -- B il ceuse 1mw, slsould net ab te saine lime susesa..THE lanisse CANA.»_ .Bitu isek to bo placedlibmth position cf their ever, holdO aleft the flag af-war ngtb, municipal rprseutative. The Begie. -dealli upon Gril Asoendancy ; a4~. hmdli ti.sClr c tePeas ls Cunytermineti, if thet aseendauey catnut Vin bis trtr, t Ceko h Pae h on subordinateti by arrangements a5 -nelidiation Attornmy sud olbsr Governainuî cilai. faetcry te cur people sud tbe i îw( u .4is are dlsqualifie th iere are mucli Reformera before Ibm next general athe ate- betîer rdao,us why a Goverument M.- lon, te Crash il aI Ilial elmoion, %iii plaeiug a c mseInpete sontihoinliibe.tends ,lin*he hope cf'avoiding tIemWla. lese ýho cosnnau des etrohdisuali nr egbn. tcf Ibm aeartv'invitation te organ ye'd thm Thon. oi u nI Il ws ne yr.teFltedoftheIrish sud Englisli Reformers t vemnents so. uti ws eercotmÉatdrallystroun t inlu ime for Ibm rescu 't liaI gentlemen inl bis p',sition would cf the party from certain disaster Idunon. niaint nIbeing eandidn.bes for municipal flELFouD'S MýAGAzUEz.-Tbie numbe -rç gnt là lnours. for January is indmed a bulky bo id& eor h lu Ibm other wards ithere are oMe number, brimful of 90ooti ugs.11 . l. isayo ho goudiianes ou tise lisI, fram which à not onîy ara ou sc7e mpublisbers buî T.r. Haron w fair sleclion cf praçticai, intelligent lu svery respect a credilte ite Domini .ator sud lMr. jiusI. busitess moun cutbi macle, sud w-bu on.Every Canadien, wlsc would be Ihm purpose of setîl- ivoîsd reficet crodil it sthe position. anybody, sheulti resti Belforci sud mn. Of tbe raihway Com- Tîte towu colîld net fait te beulienefitoti courage canadiau literstore se wel g n f. utnht informeu liiiutliat lie found everytbiug 1l' lavlug tho ~aIvantege 'oOf Mr. N. wertlsy of spatronàge: Sel by J. S. sabiefactory. In railway matters, lie. flty'tiorviiiss att'ise ceuincil board. Robertson, Witiby, sud ail beekseîîers. ("%Ir.salit - id tried le do ail that ~ .-.-- - ~wasinbiey -rte proteel the interess,î fi-tIsîoCARER s19 IliSOLV>,I;r.... L. O. L. No. 828.-AI Ibm lest regu. of Ithe. - htirs was net a dellar 0% stîtatncrdaytte csasinImisl r montltly meeting cf L. 0. L. No. ef -Mie b- oney le bc called fer Yttes assin udhwmr 28 eii nthi lde onWbîy. util te &-y was caînlmted. He vdýc.% IIbLerof'Mikinan HAke, 88,hel i thirlode co, hity.deuict has.g plcdged humiemf net te en;ile up beifore is HMor Jirtige turn. Ibm fcliewing worm mheted and dcty in- go for tbm raiiway by.haw. Every man ue cD'f whicil involves a question staied for the ensuiog year :-Bre. knew lie was a railwey ma- (YI îta- litîlti Interoit. Il appears thal Wmn. Robson, W. M. ; Pro. E. Carter, Mr. Bihlinge--Di itennet' promise I lie »;(4bcf Ibis inselveul lent ope-rlain Depy. M, ; Pro. H. Milles-. Sacy.;-91Mr. Lewes, cf tbm fin cof Lowes Powell? inon-sçw o yber lhushanti au tsl lb ona Brc.- H. Pagan2, -Treas.; Pro. Wmn. 1r mt.lo, ykolde irlc# of "bttnscliou- wrc.mpeacbed Wicks, Cbaipain; Pro. B. Breaw;- I made no plelge to,1Mr. Lowes. Mr. by te assig.119e, 1Mr. 1unsrsè, ef Toron- -Dfret. of Cerma. Smith conlinueil tu Bay ltaI l~e had discharged tbm dutieç cf lte office wîtb. to"t who 'oonteeb"ed Ibm chalut îade for Ta£ LeQuoa QuzSrîos.-WVbat will eut feur, favor, or affection, and hadl usà Juan ou hLd patuise. jýdgiiienb yen tale. -Grip. board no complainte up to Ibet day cf Wats adverse t tuie ati:'t1 i è ' it oa the ------ Immanner in whlch lhe boa discbarg. Oieg, but thiestou toana-a Meeingofîthe Dominion Parliamneut. md lte duties'. vmry cemplaint wlseher wi< colti -iscvei - roughl hefare hi had bean atlmnded Ii ýbad ,ecasenia emu s'eiIen -Parliameut is sumnsonmd te, Mmmlton Ici, and lie gave e"ry credit ta the -isad - Ibm SIcf Fehraryefu Ibm desetk-f hiefeconstable, 1Mr. Br4ent for Ibis very feit-bre,. 0; c b plirc<.5 aable imanuin a*nd oe b e id dis- îswey,, elslînfoiibeus].y weue.ts<cburgcd Ibm duties cf bis office. Ho tiswly,,It pýii forr8uthy wy'o jirl-r 1 ý« 1did net wish teoblowbhie wn trumpet ton rýeecç,, avîtere there was Yîi distraint, ,1llcuaL NOTiO.-Tbe follewing le muai. Il was hlow'mver, ctttomery te Jiqigtentmol yl bm given iext -week. pref wbat Taylor & :Barnard have elecl lhe mayer fer a second and even eieibeduedo hse coules- bâ liýd ta l-rgo for a Ibird tortu, und lie felt confident ~lîmvidmîcQ tidceil011 ~ y~ lairedIhattht-i- dodsare iaIbe shoulti ho re-eleclmd. Net te ý4tiOQ@ e .wetj tise iusovtulîehave lb. " >ÀI1J6, d iLmakt. do se now was to sey Ibat ho was unfit resu àhlty pf great negleet sud vilful -d(czte0tMsl edal andi Dipioma fer the position. Itegarding Ibm cou. seogigeuce ln k.eping truck cf hie busi- awarcled tu f b- Xierideîr Brilannia Cc., solidlalion of the lown debl, Ihere werm nesss, andi il wac '1Yanscn t tit lie ilied(dis- for Silvor Piaf eî HllohvW&arm, aise fer a great many différences of op'nîo royefi~~ li1eti &i1o u ok ueirSenPrls e. etba-m mne ate aoal eibmn Legileatuit 01 tie bthéuPro,4limee 01 Wzàvîexs PacpiEc.-Mr. 1Venn-, cap f foriMr-ODcepi; in Ibm dollar for lppmr Canada, -vblcb position li nid of Monîrel, jis ouI vith another pi--ro. n ei wo 70ltenei t headollassci-i utu hi e reval tlte t owusbipet .pheey, prdibl e nothen beavy _-ao_- ficet teM tear Autinhâve en and Whltb~~~~ ~ M br o vrfryyawb fore New eer's Day, a coiti 5O5a5 1icbie lete 1edisativantaga cf the litaen s active luterest- nlual thise sJanàuy,', feICUged, by a lhav, sane to'w Tusnelho e2u refý'm su icpmv cIn Ibmth Pro- lrdeldip lu Pabruary. rnae h ead ulucs e wte s*xtethsvmlyengagd in SunSz or lft, WILLw ' Draper bat been lulisg, lumernbnng, a41 iergaisÉlle Mr. William Lmauig, of Dsnlis me to eRmmthIb bttohnioansd did mucir for lb. pros. miteti uicde byoullu ~ ir did nol sot, Lue amladlon* ým@mb.r.d by Dr. cG~il atéribut.. in Mentrémal te &H vs who hev hm. Ibm illnaacof tIe,-bodai y 0810being ubjeol loi att#bshiaof Wrgie -ro Enoldi.-Mr. Fairbanks de'resaln. 1r. Lmaek- * w moe iext speaker. afid Mr$ Demepill, Candl4dtes fniLnall oestsetlrientheIbm ghbro oao reptiv4 y for the North aud Constre nbis hig sa g d e WIbmbrtepay- thoir hau i.wnthlise con.--pltfits 1sth~ omwh o W-- bm Theonumeo « ames. muet -.pp«Ar h estlbtheceoatý Prector< ~nu ym~s~ lueinB-atser ]>epuîy Eom .Bruce, electeà tz, n Iimp110WIby scc1ammIicun avaiil, aoo.ssîed c i-inasel, CouillOn- - i-lce . std ifdofea" oslêgi-est ba-m weult e J. Donald.. J. %oesut Aiex dette. Il was lb. zigirt o et tato lpe3r-Camai-on. e»i- le maire their owu choitie.The 1,- - ' - px. am fice vas net Ibm exclnsivem P«'rY.ef TP.WieadSK.Bonfr suy one Matn. H dnobeivlutmree'Wieet.K.rvfo dontrtne tbat because ose man bld lot Samuel J. Gremen qýud- John Haiglit, office hast ymar, il gave 1!n2 a tlhnn 0 for lot deputy-ree. il for Ibm nexl. As ta the cnsoi an Arthur Jobnsten and Sylvester Mec- cf t a ton deh, Ib m aya dbt ei-Ikie, for 2ud depuly-resve. ailu tote mmalter la bukieg bis sae P .B. Hoever, Sit dopuly-reneieelee- ai Ibm concil. If-tise ratapayers vi re ltid by acclamation.- 11 lui faver cf Ibm measure ail riglit, a d Fo onilor-JcsepbMonkhenes StieyBu he shonld eptisider wheti er WUaa 1a eaving lu paying thie face cf *Ibe i4o- Bove--Di Bas it W . F. (Joyau. bentunos eptsîandiug, aut selling ni w lst Dejsuly-noeve--Malacbi Quigley eues aI s sacrifice. ,Boy muait di ir. snI .Cmrn lance veuid thmre bie, fis Waulmd, to 2nt Deputyreeve-James Macirie, 1mev. 1- Wm. Stephmuseu anti W. H. Thiomas. M r. Richard Balch ausvored tlat Concllors-Jelin S. Staese, J. P. Iliore voulti be thie difference lu PayftgKetidie, W. Ring, F. E. Gibbs anti- G, ol th neetisadoaaivere nov payi#g, principal antid Ir EAST WHITBY. est Reev-J. Lick, John Simithi, and Mr. King asserW hathe satIbs a asRaîphîfiaruten. vers loyVer Ibis yefIan laS84 but et Deputy-reev-.RB. Mcîbersu#l « snd tiey lied teai-aise $1,800 tiditionel r Wmn. Smithi. - -sebiool purpeees ; batlesot $550 in 1i W . Couucihor-À.e Mackenzie, R. J. tests by Ibis Watson bequest, a4it Mackib, eut AUsun Smitlt, by acclama- bopeti ne more atxch hequtiesîis vonld otien.- 1sft Ithe tevn. He vas ageinst geîig> ta 1ev about il, eut Mn. Pilliugg a id Scheel Examninaticu anti Presentation. ether legal gentlemen advisedt hem i et- ta te se:; but Ibm majerity of lie cou n- Titi annuel examiestien efîbe tllare. cil censiteret oIbherwise-'aud veul )n mont public eçbeol teck place in that vitb the suit. He vished i ita le: n- -1 timteodtfithalibe was nol persona 1l y vilge os Fnidsay, 22ud mest. Thes pro- opposedtial consolidation, only bie vei 4- cemdiugs wene cf am nuuùsiiy pleasant md the, matter ici-m fully anti ci-ef ]y nature oviug le tue presenlaîlan, vbielt cousidoreti before beklng action, a id vasi madtie thIe teachisi, 1fr. Airm- fin ut n t tlby would gave by il. ! I Mr.Phip bingcaled n cmpli 11-stroug, cf a iaîdeione vniting tiesk anti et 61 a batl coit andi saidthtisa as e contents, as 1aise a set cf flue cul crys- liedn itlbeon lu tbm conseil. lamI ye S tais te Mrse. Armstrong. ie lied ne oina to ausver for, and s The examinalien ki6à piste u in h bis eppoent, Mn. Blow, vas not dep1ulý 0.. forenoou, eud s lai-gm nuiober ef tie neeve hast yean Ibere vas no queti9os parente eut frieutis cf tie childi-en turu- open aI pi-ou etwleen thbsm. As ýo md eut, Ibis, slcigbiug being excellient. lie questen cf consolidation lie lied il t Tu Ibm aftereuon recitatiens, dialogue, givon il mucli tlooglil, Ioug i liil tandi siugiug PytheIbmjunior classes vers see lte anticle in tbe CaitoNr esc h I- en in an efficient manuor, reflecting iug attention te il. Ta gel consse i- li. ulmosi cretit on Mn. Armstrecg,. dation ve sitouit bave le apply tae andeutahiao on Mr-. George Iiorrimau, vbo legisiaturis le gel Ibm uecessary pew l. ban beeu gh'ing tlie moolars instruc- Consoelidation b.iebongil voulti lssqn liou in usàie.-- Ibm deleiture doti ofthe e tavu ; b îit Mn. Armetrobgp-,.ing abent to leave ha abonit favon befere tire council i A Clarement, tbe»preseetation vas malle anytigi eadl oslttot in the naine cf the echoiers, by Mr. P. &lit a public meeting cf tie ratepsymis Macuai, lieux. à Acsrefuily pi-epareti shouit bm cahîsdandci lte malter fuly attirese eccampaniedthtictestimonial. discusset. Babveen bucusehf- anti Mr. The Ilmyti. Messrs. Itookisi anti Me- Bleo'wltere vas notiting persen4l. Bise attineoeet Ibm popila, anti alomx- Thaukieg bis nominater aeut seeondèr pi-esseet their regret aI loslug lte servi- sud vtshing the ratepayers the coi- ces of Sncbl an officient anti werlly pliments cf Ibe season lbe bepedtalr i-P. teacier, vbi hst von for bimesf lie oive thîmin voles onenlitlof Jeuar-y respect eut stemm of sciolars anti par- Mr. Blow saitliîe ih"t sermet il h mts aiike. TJiey#mre felleweti by Mr. tie conucît Ibm past ulue yeaJs. McSvaen, Wviliu aiale speech cule. He titouglît Ihat during tisaI lime iýe gizadtheli many goi qualities et Mr. batl disciargat iebis tles faitbfnhtl', Ar-mstrng, eud expressed himselfiligi. otber'wise i. vouit not have beau . ly gralifioti by lie manner in wiic loti-edtolerepreseul lie ratepayens f r hitipupils lbat sequittedti tbmselvos in se mauy yeers oontinouosy. It vwis Ibisexemination eft hem mexercises,. anti an cît îa;rim te premo* a man foi- aiseu inteir generaI bebavioni-. long anti fsitbful service,' eut on Ibeis - . Armsl-eng repiet, Ibaukiug tbe grounds lie efféeot imsoîf loi- ltaesuff- scholars for Ibm bantisomne proseniation rages cf lte elecbons. It batlies m4adt l Mel~uef sud elo leMrs. Airm- ni-gmt agsinst hintuhatlibe vouit favor strong, anti bopedthIbt the kiutly féal- lhe South Wsnt, le thougit tial Ibis ings wviol nov existait belvfec hlm- ci-y sboult soet be uset agaînsl bîm but self andtIheb pupils wouit net lbe alcu'- for liii, for if lho bae been failliful in md bt ic ont, althougbhiea vas levlug litlum Iinge even se voulti lie lie in lte section. Be ceuit eely say tbat lie gi-mal. Be vouiti say neîhieg about would alweys remember andi chmei consolidiation as lie tieughit Ibose whic vitb feeling cf gr-atitude the unifoni bhat soken boforo bini batisaitiait kindues iihi lied becs xentmti ta 'about il Ibat coolfi hm ait. Bcpiug te bu since lho came arnongel Ibmm, anti receîve Ibm votes cf tha rabopayoespr-é- vbicb nov sommet ta be redeuhieti sent, lie cencludeti by sayiug lhe voulti since lie vas about ta lbave lliem. He hie greetiy olilget ta al Who ebouiti aise impi-esset uo eb pupihe Ihm ne- on Ibm laI cf fioxî January mark lbm$r cessity of gwîung tiat attention anti ap- ballet papen for Jobs Blow. titute ta their stios vbich clsaracler- Twmive o'ciock having arrivet, Ibm izedthIem in Ibm pasl, anti abeve al nomination cf couceillors took placé, implicil obodiesce tQ Iheir tesaber; by Mr-. J. A. Campbell Relurnnng officen, -50oteing thmy - vonit net only refet Tbm.folloviug gentlememnvers somini- creditlaupon tboîselves but aise on thein ateti:- . : leacber. Mr. Armmtroeng Ilimu bato CENTRE WABs.-A. G. Mc1fian, 14- Ibem a cordial farenoll. The pupiis Ray, Thomas Devenul, J. Long, Ge4. sang tie National Asîlien, efter vbicb Hlevis, Wm. Dunkley, N. F. Mao-the- proeeoiings vere cleset by prayen, Neeblen, J. G. MeDougaîl. . tbe Bey. T. flooeri- ffiiating. NoRiTaWAn.-Jebn Fergusen, Id. Cà - Harpon, W. B. Bannai, D. Ormieton, A MONDAY CHIasSrTAS.-Chitnstmas L. Fairbanks, W. Bebson. (B. Fi-secr, Day feil ou Montay Ibis yer. Il fll Bsturuing Officer.) ou a Meudiy aise in 1865, andi en Ibal SOUTH WAD.-B. L. Bugganti, Ga. occasion Ibm fcilowiug vas uneartbet, Blopkies, John Watson, Wml. Wicks. froni, il vas slatcd, Ibm Barloien MSS., (R. Snew, Rturnieg Officer.) Ne. 2,252, folio 158-4 : " If Christmas Day on Moutay be, FS-e. A great viuter buh year you'hi sue, - - ~Andi ful] of vins sboîhl ousiansi ahiit; Jarvis, Ont., Dec. 26.-A ire broket But in ssuici-, Iruti te tell, eut bei-m lutInightith ebmbei-n oeth 3 de wln ohall Ibere lie, andi stroug. Fainmera'MItIl, cemplelely destroin Wiefbt meRse astin houg Ibm botliaeutWbitaken's bhiof w)d et cflesîybeaJ t t stores. The loieais about $10,000 ;They that b uIy thbasîs aR I e partiallyinsureAti ga i-e strônbora hat dad een Acstimy cf Moie. Aportion of tbï 1I -TTEMPT TOaSÂ5AS5~ISA Ml--Y audience, wbicb vas unnenelly lre1eÂa-nattempl vwu made le mnadm for Ibm onîlels, brokm -dovu -sssist iaBy fr raio ticors and toi-m davn thé vlndc ssasnt h e-M.Amtog o-ents. Saveral ladies ainleti mu fo nglican clergymn, aI Oýnandago, ne» a limne gene:ral cmme.p-yae ilt , tu trdyngl w- vbia va hmgbltbyerepnt b ~ols yens fEreIbi-oughthIbmwindov et Ibmc galw4 as unsefte Fi eta' a thegentl emen whl bmw*as. inclii ng dner -esteret befere eyn oaoeMrAmta n e ofn t - orm£MId'1sprtnt*i .lhw gldims îaued Oliver, it TÉS* .àlùe S EEzMog'.Qr-17. The FParia exbiil-0ci t1878 is 10h.oa pietr m rvel sa Egrd-mu ;o uménificeat concert',h,-hàiF--issaien inogmâd rounnd, vitbiulte wails of which a varna volcome yl hie accerti. ad tealal ferme cf momie. Oratorios, iiamatie mugie, erebesîrat îiinsio vil eucessively hm breugbl ferward., The Engisbbave decidd o fiit-, e acen. i -te caton' ie yHandel, sud Sir 4oi Comnte as -J fd0baton, sud AM over 8ail raau7 io-tbm Expesi- b,&,ndandi chorus complote. 180 vhavepreiisot spmo. ,44endoemtaccerding te' 1same fer 7 t îla' Wa tel -p4-,av ymsr,; list Ài. iiffl 4di ot skê»e èasyqueisme1lectiy aïinairecoIWasta IbmassusnenI cf hiji'eidévlde, but ha dornpTaInm6& Ã"otttt" - Uââtof otismi PmIowned -by hiàin Ibm Town as Collecter or'theb.-Corperation Tâvn!i ofWhitby." Whitby, Dec. 22lid 1876i nCw-Intèndfêliýepli-menaimat- tors mb lise etittest foi thb. wayoasiy. 1 cptainily -1Iààuno dmsire of making my aims, iY4hose- cf aMy opponent tia ubjeel t of nevepapar discussio*n. -But- sino Mr- Smith .bas. foreed Ibmth issus .Upen Ille, 1 vil ntet mbink fromn lte .qh7 bs Mba tf. Smith dosa fdrIbthe wn *taoutille bin ta i-e- -eleclion?1' Haî hbe given a verd cf ad- vice te sava bthe tu nfi-cm payiug more Ilian $500 iu law cosls in couse. queuce cf tIbm legislation about Ibm Watson boqqsos? RHe bmst on Ibm Contrai encourageil the suit? - Andi 1vas ile tlbrougb bis qusrrelling witb Mfr. Greenvood in Ibm first instance, asý ta vbicb sbould make the mosl eut of Ihm Watson estale, blial the bequmat cf 04000 vas lest le Ibm tovu as veil as the Costa Wh"iet h Iw.isata, ic te pey, ou acceunt of bis grisai anti selfishness ? 'Bas bie net sal atthe Rail- way board .(iilegally rmpneseuting thbe bevu stock) simply as Ibis bol of 1Mr. Holcimu, voîing for every reselulion irougbl ferwarcl, vitîoteu a p4rlicle cf regard for bis intereets of Ibm bovs cf Whitby? Didienol gooeuespecial mis. sien tea afontrea1 on pretence le salI tbm bonds cf the Railvay Company and. re- port Ibat the bends vmre valuele andi unsaleabe-Ibat 25cts ou the dollar coulnttbe gelfor tliem, lu order le enabis Messrs. Btoldeo, Austin, & Co. te iss them lu at Ibeir ovu figure; and bad not Mr. Draper, (dlisgusted wilb Mcr. Smilb's ceniluct, as lie expreseeti it) te stop in anti offer 70 cents luibish dolar for the semis bonds, lealirevent them beingscrificist anatate ave the tevu stoack frem beiug lest? A nie man le represent Ibm Iawn iudmm-a man wbo, as solicitor fer the Dominion Bank, tiare net boit an epinion adverse le Ibm interesîs of Ibm- Presitent of Ibm B3ank, Mn. Austin, or tireelor, >-. Heldan, wbe g ivehm bhi-mrati sud botter I leilmchia iantbal shoultibis placedt e b'ieat of tue corporation thti eoming yeer, vismu tbm question of Ibe sale of Ibe Wiitby Bai-heur, in wbic lte Reilway Cempauy arecsRo utjucli interestedi l ikeiy-to bis bronglit forward ? Onglît Ibe important intereste ol the tovu hocsAtrusted tea aian lu Mr. Smitli'sppculiar position under ltse circumatauces ? Wouit h bis safeP I miglit mention otier tuatters lu whicb 1Mr. 8Enith's personai inlerests or Ibm intermîcts whichi ho repreenîs confliit with thosa of tbe tovu of WVbit- by, but I do niol wisb 1a0 ml-ode upon your spece aI Ibis lime. Enougb, hlsemer, I trust, lis been saidtateopen Ibm eyos cf Ibm ratepayers te lie feot It 1f r. Smith, tIbm an vite broka. thie seimu pletiges giveu by bim lest yman (as prevet en Ibm men ing ef nomination) is nseltIbmian ou- tillai te Ibeir suffrages. Fer myseif I have cnly ta e eoetat I biave ne persoual or private inlereet to serve in cominq foi-yard at the pi- sent lime. I arn simply a candidate et Ibm request cf rny fliev.towusmes, amengel vbom 1 bave rosideti for seai- hy a quai-locf a century, and wbe be- lieve Ibal Ibm confidence lbmy are vili- ing te repose lu me will net bc mis- piaceti. - Witb Ibo.aseraue thal I vil do my best mutiavoursliaI Ibey shailual tb. tiisappointmd, aeutha et bminterosts cf Ibm tovn ebail bciseacrediy guardeti in My bauds, I ara, Mn. Edilor,- Youre, &o., - W. B. BILLINGS. Her Majesty'e Indien Tubl. The London Tmes, having oine lia ince announcedt tI er Majesty's Indien tille veuit ho Kaisaur-i-Hind,j The Tmes ef lutis, a paper prinlet lu Bombay, -teck exception Ibereto, anti lu a long edilorlal expesécl ils incon- gi-uily. The 'Atbonoenm seen after came te the support cf theBisombay Papan. "Wbat doms Kai8ar-i-Hinc: misan?" il asits eut anevers as felhove : -"lIt meaus th*lie Cser of lutia. Kaier oiginales itn Latin-Cusar. Il le masculine et ils source ; masculine lu ils varions use aIIbis prissent day. Fi-em the Latin thé vort passadiutb Arabie asti Peigian, andti Ience imb Biuduilanti. Ieneoother hauguagze cf Cout nîte aucîber in, ailltaI cornes vititin Ibm expeniencs, eobservation, on spberm cf Ibis due.. They are Ibm safeet -Who mar-y fri-c the stautipoint cf eutment rallier' than cf-'feeling, Passion, or more love.. Nevmr deceive, for lise beanl oucê ~mlsleti, eau ney.er trust wsliy again. .Woodrnztb hb'Plus luin ent -er çnrnstances, n that jas.~ W' iôýrme, and H *P1ellfor ,0 fe 'e G ý, Smith of Peter Brooks, and emfuil. ionsder-' ed the amre;?,resolvégd: that thQ ccmun- oit take neoaction in the matteir- -,xatl buh~!eas the aaid Peter BYrooks furnish thii onlcil with an orader frobm the commissioner, stating that Ibm said -Pe4et Brooks lied finisbed the bridge acùrdig ta contract. RepZved, that thé petition oOf D. T. 'Rogers là laid over until next meeting »of this counne ~j.Gen moved that the time for thre eturn ofthe Collector'a roll beý ex. 'tnedo the flrt day cf Febrixary. -1fr. Brown -movea that. 1fr. James! Taylor hand over ta the ypath master, lessl-12.50, ail the moneyin his handa. for commutation cf statute .labour. Mfr. Brown moved that, the Reeve and Treesurer hea teorized to-sign, sai an& forward ta thé Hou. the Legis- lative AIssembly cf /lbe Province cf Onlerie, on behalf cf Ihis corporation, the petition prayingifor amendmenls. lat the Munieipsl and Âssessment Acta so- that equalty ôf taxation will be estab. lshedl among ail property holders. 1fr. Gold intrudnoed a.by.law, which was read three severil limes and peass- -sa, appointing the place cf meeting for the nomination cf candidates fer muni-.' cipal electli-us, the polling places in Ihm saverai electeral divisions, and the per- soastO.. premide as Beturnin g Offcers thereat. Mfr.- Hoover moiVed that Ibhis -Coûncil do now odjeurn and. stanif adjou ýned until the BIh day cf January, 1877.1 25 - ouzptivcs. The advertiser, a retired physican, baviug providentially discered, ýwhile e Medical Missionary ini Seutheru Asia, a very simple vegetgble remedy for the speedy ana permanent cure cf Consomption, Asthma,- Broncliitis, Catarrh, and ail l troat and Jung affect. ion.-also a positive, and, radical speci- fic for Nervous Dffbity, Prematnre ])ecay, and ail Ner-vcns Ooralainte' feels il bis dnêy te- maie it zinown -b bis snffering feilows. Actuated by Ibis motive, fie wiil chmerfully send (fres cf charge) to ail whe desire it, 'tihe ze- 'ceipe for prepafring, and foul dire ctions for successfully useing, this providenti. discovered remedy. Those who wish te aveul themmelves -cf the benefits ci Ibis disoovery withonl cost, cen do se by returu mail, by addressing with stemps naming paper Dit. CHABLES P. MARSHALL, 88 Niagara Street, 52 Buffalo, N.Y FAMINE RAVAGES ixo MAna3As.-Ter- rible accounîs have been reeeived cf -tbe ravages cf the famine in the Madras Presidency. Much distress and disease prevail in the ccuntry districts, whience large numbers of starving peo- ple are flocking int the city. 1-'ÃŽe Notices of Birtha, Marriagoa, and DéatM clîarged 50 cents eacc. WHITBY MARKETS. OURONICLE Orrnez, Dec. 27th, 1876. FeUl Wheat----------...61 1& @ $1 25 Spring Wheat.......... 8110@8 1 là Bar1eY,-ý,............0 e650 5O70 Peas ................ 70o laeck Eye Peu......85e @92e Oats ................40e @45c Rey................. 8 1 Potatoes ............. 5h o6e Eggs,................. 200 Butter ............... 20e @22c Coal, per ton .........70800 Wood ..........;.. ..8400 @84 50 Wool ................. 28o @ toc. Ileef, hind quarter.... 05oc @e6 oo Ileef, fore quarter.....4 (A0(9 5 00 Sheepskins .............806e 01 0c ides ................ 84 60 @ 8 Onians ............. .... s C Turnips ............. .. 15o Apples, per bushel ....80e0@aSoc Cheese................lie g lac. Carrots ................,I-Se@ 20ç Pork, paewt.........60 @ $625 ,Chiekens........ ..... 8540perpair Ducks per r.....0 O Turkeyg !pr l.........e - w noe ceulai'suspect Ithe causme., OTeé b-uilding'. blas wboon bnrning l ii'bé -zuorning, ut thmne is sIll much sMaks cc gfi-cm'lb. ruîn. The prcpeity. vas àinsureat l l.tïmeunt of .824,000. Nolblngatalvase>ved.1 Tbmbomi-ters bin tbm convent vere -48 la suniber.- 1 Ste. Elizabeth le ninie miles from LJeilmîbe, asd t lSemns theât last uigbt a blage vas seon froni bei-min IbsI direc- tion. 'The building veea ea den one, Ivo shonisys bigit. The village 6f Sm.- Elizabeth - ceulains about tvestyfivm bouses eut possesses se fine appanalus ef any kind Wieu the' fi-e breke out Lil vas seen liatitIlcoula! nol b stoppeti, tana ail Ibal couîliehotene vas le sav li te soighbouring boildings. For a dis- Stance cf about five or six acres on Ibm re rod cluders coulai lc font lyiug on the isuew. AI one c'cloek eigbt hoies bad, ebeen fournd and-takenu-frôemtUe iins. Tlîmy vere aIl lu-ut toceintimrs. Il is saidtIhal Elizabeth Gravel, ans' ef bte victime, vas seen oulsiie ofIbm convent IsasI nigit. but sie must bave gene back tb save soie af lien Iblugs, Fapparently mxpectiug tle bave time tb commneout. The tii-me LavaifmJ? girls bmiong le lires bretiers. -The -SimIen tSuparion, it eppears, persisted -lui- e- malning lu lie mouvent ta maBa-ethre cilden, aest thIbm ast escapet vltbý dhffioulty. The victime are suppesedto bave bise abursî ou Ibm stairs vhite rning -away, ci- sufiocalet lu theur bedrooîs. The Sisters in Moutrisal state Ibal tie couvent was foneinl 1849. The building formet Io viugs, oee ccupi. ed by bte ciens asthIb boariens, vhite Ibis ollimi- as tevotedtolethe, erphsiu', anti inflrm anti aget peop?érs. The sigters incitarge vore six in numlyer, bis Lady Superior heieg Marguerite du Sacre Coeur. Borne 50 lady boarders iva in thée couvant, vhuiê* 20 infinni pensons anti 25 crIlheas in tlhIe Cher viug. Extraordinaî-' Epistie by tic Ccnvict Belcher. Bmfore Belcien ,lbe Morses moi-sien.r vas nepnieveti, anti visu bis believeti he wvas te be bangod, lie vi-ote Ibis foiloving ilIsi- 10 Mrs. Kenyco. 'tç'ife cf bis victim. Il vas seultet Ottawa, bo ait lu hie neprieve : My DF.et Mns. KENYTON :-Gleny le Got 11 arn nov nideemeti. O, iou'I long te hic viti Jesus I O, bey I long le seis your busbant anti ask fongiveneas es I bave obtainet Cisa's 1 Dean lins. K ' nyten, let rme urge yen ta ac- cepl tie crime I cemmittsiedtth i- stignationocf tus devil as a Iuning point cf your lite. ]Telou' Christ. Semk him. Oblaiu Chrisît vs ve ili ail rejoice luthe FaIber'a ar-mse ver titis affliction. I %nm ebeulne dia for murden, but, glory te Got I1T cen say lthaI I arn fergiven. CiiaIbs praièet I O, ltse infiuile mercy cf got I I lu-n -te îy Bible eut may viit bte sapostie Paul, IIcm nov retiy, lie tume of my tieparlure is et lbant. I bave fonght lthe gooti figit; I bave finiebet îy course anti bave kept the faiti, Hmncmfcrlb Ibere je laid op for me a crovu cf righIisousugess vici Ibm Lordthle rigbteeus jnclge, ebaîl give mue lu liaI day."' God's vill liecloua; Goti's name he pi-aiseti, Farewell. Yeurs in the Lord, a sinner reteernet. JAMES BELCHER. By-Rev. J. B. Malcelm, Zion Misslonanv. Sarait Pnigge, (reting lie police re- port) - "Sakes clive I I voulti no more sm-me a chilti Aies than soîblu" lu lthe vorlil I They're 'aihurs cullin" up some caper ; Bai-m'a Il ias Thiom. psou, Aies Williams, Alias lis Night- iîeuk," aIl been leook np fo- stealin' 1" A negro about dylug, vas toItli y bis master tliailue migit fengive a certaiin darkey, agaluet vornlie seem t t setentain veny bitteri feelings, "'Yms, sait," hoe replisti. "If I tues, I foi-gib dat nigga ; but if T gels veli, dtl igga must take cane 1" The beentiful lu hearl, is e million tumes of more avahit lu ecung tomnes- bic iîeppiness iien bte bs.autiful ie per- Meny have a gi-cal lion-encf going eut cf doona foi' fear cf lakiug elti vien lthe feel isy titi very besl vey cf fontlyiug te system againet takiog colt, labto be outlevery tay, raina or sim. THE MURDERERS OF MR. Betîcix- Tue murtirore et Mr-. Binai, Ibm Prit ieh Besitent in lte Malacce $ttlement, have bee seuleucet le hc bangat, bot il is ceumitereti probable lthaI their sen- tence viii he cemmuleti. Theaîysem eMaioiQ . - TERMS. pontsgesfree la mhienbeeribmren l b. UnitediI -~ IA et 1. s pes~gmNEI suBei-iploneoHa - aaziecoi, A Fine A a-1Bsal n Re s for oeayesr$Wm on;tvae Hantiaeru Penodlcat, oe nsaddrcss fcron &7'r. PO- stage free. mti4ssr I1 0-b heMeagze,Week- 2Nlen's Dundee o~.r ]azamr viii la su, gra-lie fer ai mittance; oc i-.Sx coptes fer 020ce w lIbhoe &de.-Dirc extra cepy - =e efi-ca BacC nom i-scan b.ipUdtantm. es ofeotehe eeI.Ly commence wt the ycsr. Whn no lime in méntioned, Ct w m ~ nee lot mi diing..vISb.eulotiby express fi- Of ai-pense. fer $ mach. A comnplet. ec-et ocmprlulng Venyolumeoeant on rselpt-- cf ca-eh a.ItIa ae cf 05 25ta r vetq -frcighet sa-I - te' cf purch-men. eu casas ferrcadi vi-lume. sultablo for - vt i-l.psp-lIo 1150,-Âbint taes ta maChivclume sent gr-U atte . ons,- jnu= =tetio i tepo mci-fer cf aeré & Bnethers Oft-BU'- Albert UABPHE &BBOTHEBe New Toi-k. T0TH LEOTORS 0F GOLDE TOWN 0F -WH IrBY., Tour vote auil, influence ai- respectfniy requmet en bebsif etf Dlt-for Conelloir of sait Wad fer ]87L fl SSrTj D 9ta bthDec., 1876. iJA-so Strawherries,- co-ouài ant - lwey, -cans s A T B- - 1 A NU RSE GIEL. Whilby, Dec. lOti, 1876, 6 GRA B VAIOR FB SAlE 01, Bas a slfenitIbm whitby &PAt;mi Extenaion Ba-ilvy. bn nevly =ten affents a- fo-h-rate chance t Aany osse a g rai ciant cor vaiehouacman.Appui' tarJfK GORDON, Basei-mI, WbiIby. Dec. 201h, 1876. - ' 2-- WaLlAn COOPEBR, BLAOKIMITH, - - BRO0UGHAx-I' (Succsmwor le Tionms Mitiugi,) Horse mboeing anti aUi kmns of gemis vei-k.îy Strayet on tIbm jîremià«aecf Ibm mabmc-lf en, Lot 85, 8th cau. Tevuso-hlp ofWhitby, rot, tvo-yoar olt ielfer.The owner la ns questedtoecmfl, prove, propnypycq mes andti ake il avay, oriS vii e a sit se cordlngto lui. z A Wliuîby, Dec. 191b,, 1876. 81n'.55 SANTACLA U'A HEADQUARTER5' Holiday CGift FOR ËEYERYBODY- -00 - Beautiful bound Bocks, Albums, & Silver Ware,-Walches, JevelrY, Tee ISets, Cake Baskets, bce Pilhers, Salvers, Gobleta, Gai-t Rocelvers. -Brooches, --Chans, Rings, LNap. kId l, jg nanA nisd plat4a W#te,_~ IT~ ~eibeGoodi, &e., &.&.. Superior Stationér and.- Fancy GoodS. L.ALLIN;K iii Sing 1 Diuz. Bêti L 1ts<idy,6 Pont I4Whtisley SScotch (Bolochlaa& 1 lGin,,1lCher SAgent for Mois Porter; on :Bass's Younger lnessus Porte r; -olci Rye, an - - Liqpa GREBK WIN] 'iS. S. am4d, spi Beef Hams, S Sausages, Flour, ed and Fail, Crac' Graba-ihîFlouir, -13 and Che% Mackerel> iiuokei Scotch King, -c---00 H.AM] 2' 4 - I -_ I - I - i - s -i - i -' s - t - i -t> - I - I ---r - -i -i lIppOS iCocms.-Gi-teaimfeitNCern. lenîsasg ,&,,thaoough kuowlmdyç cf Ibm natu e amwibgevm erIb operallens of tilgmsllcn and. nutritico, ant bv a a emià-applicaticn cf lite n n opeies eft vll.sialcladocca, M.-Ep ~as pi-ovidot ou- -breakefast tablms vIihe delieately flaverd elmvmnage, vbhicb me; savo us meny besvy ticebers' bills" Itla liy Ibe Indicions use et sncb artl;ocf duel Ihel a constitutian may liegiadusly boill up untrt-e uh to re m'ay lauen dencytodisasme. Hundiels cfsubîie'mas,- dies are felaing aeonentius i-mady tOi etlack vberevertIliro le 'a -vomiroint-Ve may escae m atilhafM keeg our- Gecacetfe. SoinluTacemts antý is, ii, andti l.,lbelet,jamue p &Go. Barnoeopatbie Clmmial48 te eeilm Stet, anti 170,:Piecattii Ln The Oldesit nd.Bet tiï rer às Found iiusiug I WPcd'e ImIsa 4dMays aç.s4srsive ImpîîâveThasnmv vegmlable tonte àrpen- ties; reslonsi gray liai- ta e glcssy, Iaturai colon ; i-sli-s fatet tii-y. baish d fail. icsg bain; reborea, dressis, gives gi- le Ibm lair;-neelones bain tapremat aJyli limais; remove a danti u m sbîaà caly erupions;' removes i7iitles hefg andi scaly tuiysess. No article p 1 u co vostisiful mfecla. .Tryi'lcâai fr -wooais 'Imprýoved a" labi-tvatSe b. putC off cotit cnpote tefices. Soli h I I _ I-glta l is place ana tiaarsemvery- -vliie.Traite iîppiisi et annufàclunWrs p Cle i , A. COxK & Ca.,' CiiCQge,5m Agients'otoihImusilti Otàlti ýan s"a-aa. 1 «1

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