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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1876, p. 7

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'sok for - CH,,RISTMA-S and, the P E HOLI.DAyS,- and 5 per cent, off for Cash, -egojýstt on purohase. NEW FJOT Fineit TaIbde Raisin, Lon- dlon :l"osud Blu se t L. *mraîia Sul",ns., edous, Vol entias, Ourranta, Patras, &Cc PEELS, Orange, Lemon and. Citron. ORANGES, ýFIGS, SPANISH GRÂPES,; ORÂANBERRIES, >NELSQN'S.) & ÀA Fine Assortment of rut,'limnGrhai, eutnnslLikewisei 'c AÀsýé M A& Caun, Ravean Oooer, f v*y ixd.\WRKOX --.ooo- CE E - --gt Foentgo. beat sandh4yeat otioe Tes., Coff :a- Suprasnd1genri f1miiy U.N<*2 W.JGIBS0OWS.AN Po th bo i ats Oad," *.t~ hoio. Med Osues for 0MIa. faii. BN s hav e au h vata -r OTTOah, tgo -,.oeuDom.j 8h 86 or- Wf q'b-m . J GIBSONS. For Wathed- dte iget tke Pipad.frn Poultry, Buttr, Potat'Oa, Of, Cidese, a hes ud have aumhoeW&sud pifi 2~IMIUA8, 187 .. lB. 118dKST1876. Rtodgers' Table Cùtlery. - Ro lger' P eket Cutery. "Eleetro'Plated Ware. New York. Club Skates. Skates and Straps.. Rusbian Gong Sleigh Beils. G]ROSS & MAGNACU9TAN. Whitby, Dember 20th, 1876.> 52 XMA ïS PgiýEN T8 I XMVAS, PREEN TSI ophe her tcko FAN-CY G-OO»D-S1., Suitable for XMAS. AND- NEW YEAR'S1 PRESENTS. qo. Ik Our Stock ALBUMS, BAG PURSES, BRACKETS, FANCY. BOXES FOR JEWFLRY, BRIAR PIPES,. BUATS, PARIÂN,' CARD CASES, PEARL. CARD CASBS, ,TATAN. CAR]? BOXES,' MIAR CASES1 CIGAR OlS CIGAB BOUES, HICKORY. PEANUTS. CETNUTS. Baskets of fruit, caudied fruits, Yokohama, Japanese, and Ladies'cf 1h. Period assorted 'bau. kets of'sweetmeats. Sugar Tcys. Chines. Lanterna ini grest variety, sud sugar toys cf every desoription. -- 0c- The attention of the public .à a1sc direcet ,hi. fine stock cf Tes., Coffees, Sugars, Spies, lsv. oriug Essences, Raisins, and a fu line of Grocries Chegp for Cash. W. P. WILLeIOCK. BUILDING RIT FQR, SALE A very deairable Building Site, contain. LO NO. 18, ECOND CON E SON 0F PICKERING, one-haU -mile eait ofJ DuËna' Créek, adjoinlug Frianda' Meeting House, aud opposite the New Boardlng sellogi, For particulars Appiy ho WU. V. RICHARDSON or JOHN WRIGHT, Whltby, De. th, 1878. Plker n. T o TEELECTORS 0F THE COR. PORATIONq OF T1E TOWN 0FWHITBY. GENTLIEMEN: Urged by many influcutiai ratepsyers, I have been induuad te offer mr.ela scandid* for Mayor fr177 sud Ineetfrza lcin I am., Gentiemen, Tour piiedient serv't., 50W. H. BILLINGS. T 0 TR ELEOTORLS F TEE TOWN 0FWHITBY. tlo GENTLZUEN: Tour vote And interest are re- spectfulJy solicited for tho re.lectien cf G. YOUNG SMITHB 51 as Mayor for 1877. T 0 TEE PERE AND IIDPENDENT TOWN 0FWHITÉY. At the solicitation ci msuy cf the most influential ratapayers cf thetcn I amn induced to corne forward a a cani. date for the Beoveshlp for 1877. I re=ectully asR the honor of your vote C] I ramain, GnIreorbtevn fO- TE LECTORS 0F TE TOWN 0FWHITBY. Fon vote snd interest are re. spacofuy oiclted for'the »eootion oi 1 -0U qiBSON 8as Reeve for 1577. 0 TEý ELE9CTORS 0F TE r0WN 0FWHITBY. I beg respectaflyte olloit C ,ur vota sud lutereat, as DepostUéeve f or en7. During th. uaveu years the rate. fyr cfhle Centre Ward did me thée M. inorete eot mes te sa sst Athei Council card, I endeavoured to, disoh ,ge=myduty dthfuy te the whoie towu. "My record le dore yon. AuIn uthée rat, ao in the. futurs M1 my bout affortu be dir o eadvmnoe e iterests la(praPerlty 1cfthse Towuýn Whlhby. 1 hava thea honor te b., Gentlemeon, Four obediont servant Co TEE RÂTEPAFERs -OF TEE DRESINGGASS, WRIING DESKS, WORKB X EGO WiIexoeedi vlue >ytin 'wêhvqe ylhpwijbefoe. , Go A1eabiz11ov. .~'4 sois g is large, weil .àss()rted, INE' STANDS, INX BOTTLES, H1AI BRUSIIEs, MUSIC ROLLS.- PEBPUMERýy, PAPIERTERIES, PARLÂN WABE. SMAR ORNAMENTS. SMBLLING BOTTLES, VABSO BOHREMIAN GLASS. WTHSTANS TIM Ak$~~RE S AN? MNTREL TL. OEFIOE, ROCK-ST. Take. .à George 'Yule begs to annnounce that he has re.-opened- Whib his Stationçr and Bok Stôre ip Whitby where stationery of all indg, of the:, best ' quality, wlbeetonin; alsc Sehool Books cf every deqcritio, C<opy -Books, Siates, Pencis, Inks, & 0 . oa i oys pricesnce The Daiýly aud Weekly Piapers always on hand.. Sub. Por Pi seription Solicîte Musical Instruments, includling a fine sssortment o)f Msnchel Violins. O1,ders are takéen or Periodicsls., Magazines and Music. umn * ~;' GEO YULE. Whltby 4L A iNG&ST'EWAIR T. ln, anticipatio'n of real stormj weather fabout Christinas, have., bought Several Atce wbich it miight be weil for those people take4 i wt the Ooldsud Hagrd Timeqs-to inspeot. Thegoods--eférrd te, gre in siih a fhp hat they ,,cannot altogether preveut,* but will zn'teria11y assist -lu' keeping out the cold, sud dniv- ing away duil Care. For -in< a àtrmy day, atis- better. tlhau a good Fu>I cap on the"head ; a fine Warm éYvercoat on yeur b ck,.girth aboutoWit ss o Èue, sa Laing &Stý wartse1l. AN ,MANTLES.,, MI'NK -MUFFS AND FURS osct ail kùnds to cheer. the' Ladies, at a W. an si 4 a8 9 80am ,rluIm satiojns, nais Only. cnectng At Wl G. T. R., eosan uSa .stage for brde Leava PortHoe- ~LI.... 40 Ioa m laeM brock: Mail... 5:5 p.M.- Coming Sonth Irom Pphterboro' sud Port.8 Loave Orilia- Idail ... -12.30 noon. .Comlng Soutis froz DA. .r PIHoýpe 5.90î -Ar IJAING & STEWART'S. vvLUhiny, JNOv. ~ud, 1876. JUST ARBIVED AT TE ODD FELLOWS' BUILýDING NEW RAISIN, FANOY GOdl)s 0F AUL KI;DS, CV AX4 (the best su tcwn), A LARGE ASSORTMENT. NEW PIGE QS00 - PEZL, LEMON-- L'_C4 MÂS, BBCO LARD o.&e AI1f~hic ~l1be .sold Ohea",FOR CASH. Daily. PTR SAT ý.B. -Caih paid for Bu [byý , - h Tsi l 1J DI A UÂ1E.OTA.WBÂAP Childrens' K.id Mitt8. ORANGE.LEN. GENTS' TIEiSy CBS SILK 6EAN 0F.GLD -WALNUT. TRR SHIIRT., STUDS, GOLD CUFF BUTTONS, CLOI uwsuu UC.4150thi elbtd Aiberi Biscuiit.ý GOLDEBN DROP SYBUP? uneuntanlnatod with eprisiacia. -000-- A iiasortment Of Canned P2ce;Peâro, Pines,~ Apyles,- Strawberries, &o. -Mac. oroni aud Vermiel- IL, warranlod to, corne froma Iialy, not cansad. I' Q «' R S: A Qh4istmas Case contaiu- -ingi Doz..Botties for $7.50, 4 Ïr,4udy, 6 Port sud Sherry, 1 ;P' u ey(Jamoson'.,)i Seotch(Bullcehlsde)î chamspagne, 'w Gin, l Cherry Brandy. Agent for Molson's Aie. and Poà.er ; on Draught. Bass's Younger's sud ILab. batt's. 13ott1ed Ale. Guin- ness Porter; a two-yea -Old.ý BYyan -uncomatable GREEK .Lquor. ,WINE AT $2.0. -ccc--- PROVISIONS: S. S. Haml, Spiced Baýon, Beef-Hans, S. S. Tougues, Sausages, Flour, Springi- ed'sud Fall, Grackb"d Weat- Graham Fleur, B. W Fi-our amd Cheese. - t 1~N'VIOE ~000 RII GLOVES and MITTS. they have reoeived another -4. '-r - N~W L o' FUR S, which wil. be sold at a slight advance on cost, snd ini order to make a clearance before Stock Taking are offering Great Bargaîns IBlankets, Wiuoeys, Quilts, Job lot of Prints at 4 ets., per yard. R EAD Y - M#D E C L 0 T -HING, at greatly reduced prices. Coustomers wiil fnd -a good assortment of Fresh tê'Rh0oE from.oonaseo New Currauts, Lemon Citron Peel, Teas. Scotchi King, &a. c --cc-- aP"er'B Prodiuce'taken in R.11 JMElSON, x4 DUDAS~,WETBY, W 11KE400. Whb, 87.SfS Whtby De.. 109h, 1876. 52 :s. 1JOLOGNEPA1«~y BOTTLES, hi very >style l selected, perso the Subsoi of Bixndi iber. TIOY BQOKS fr'om 2 Cents to i$2, each. -Y S. Doils, Bugles; Hors e Carts, Tes Sets, Alphabet Blocks, BaÙs Drums, &cý AN NUALS. British Workman, Baud of Of Hope, ]British Work- woman, Jutvenile, Chat- terbox, Ohild's Com- panion, Chidren's Friend, Day 0f es, Go Wesr ouri' Lie our1 Liy tHek, Sun.a Magazine, Quiver, Lit- 31B LES, PRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS. RUIRCH SE]RVICES. arohased a Bankrupt Stock which we wfl sell at 50 per cent. -below the regmiar aellng, Pr,"e. )VENTRy BOO0 fARES, FANCY ÏPIC- TUBES, I.IS NIX NAX3 0F ----- - , mot f the eaon ýUY PROM CLOTH (*LoVES. Xf3 LOVES AT 75 CNS -00- 1 l 1 u 4 -11 1 Whitby, Nov. 22nd, 1876. 1-1 Ni Èhitl 1 X-m

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