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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1877, p. 1

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OJITAaîO -BAN, -dmwa fufl l V A WH ITBY I3RÂANO,C, MtÙà u a Table an Bar W, TROUA I>ow ýtrvns. Je Idt W a r k e t. . 1 -Â80 '1 U Q l1E' T l~., w r nr eot i a on 'dope- "W . G . O HË ÈO N , 1 B IL~ 13. TAYLOR. Tau io o Wcitby1 Sept. 18th, 187Dy. Stab: 1 a, in 4 *anQemn1. oortoal rotainer Q17N55; BB !8T"E4MATTORNEYS, SOL No"m ..Pablk4»àu4 Cow. ce fiet (o aouth 0olhelii, lo IAKZS RUTLUDGB, B..J Oomuty Crou .Aftorney. 4 V JAEES .KUIT II GORDONe Mrnay, oa. A di r ,riok SObéit,-Whltby, ont. C~lRe . KELLER, BAI.oxzL.T.LIW OITOR ID tnro*4Oïzw. ____ G.YONG ISHITU, LLa Des, A.u"Tgi'.ATMOMI.AT- AW A(nootoGreinonod sud cIUno.) c 'Notathy, O &o.,r&o. (ta ueUooÂI<& Xuloauco.) ARI2TATORNEY, SOLIRS ON VBy4NOBBS, ado., OPPIUE-Provinéial Asturance Buildings COWT guammr, TOxoNTO, J. G. Htolixgox, et . IBEXIuT.JLKE. IST. TÛOMAS' HUSTON, fWOBRKAND TBBÂS1itBhI, uiy.OMee-Town Hall. Houri, rrom 0 itb 1 oolook. a. J. GUNK, M. »., ei$UROBON TO THB COOtTTY GAOL, ý0 yo treet, Whitby. Dm- W. ..BURNS. OPCa-NeXt door b O CUOKICLE OfIROe. tr1Résdence, st Mr. Lewi lo onk's. Was.. »McDJlÉp/f, n.,J .c,u., (ITUY'S. HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., t. he oye B. O. H. , Oshawa, Ontario. W. A3JAPIR, Du-NI'IST, (SUOCES. ~ ROT to W. H. Card.) DantalBoome....Dnn Street, Whitbyover-Ifr. Jamoona Store. Nitrouà Oxidtuceas admtnistered for thé pblnloue ex- traction of tooth. C, N. VARNç, L. D. 9. j EEHinre on ail tii a ela. oeheoîpe sdi ooheat, J 1112.4 ûIedwith aQold*gmd dsflver Teeth oxtracteci without pin, by produclng local aumthoiiia. Dent il ms--in Oow- suis newzbloolc, over Atkinson'o Ding Store, King Street, Oshswa. BUt1TDER A]ýD CONTRACTOR, W 'Ail aidera promptl>' cîentoc JOIEK RODLNSON'8 flAIIi DRESSING A-ND SHAVING LSoaon, Broclc,9t., Wiltby. GENT F'OR THE CELEBRZATE» AsettiGrante;At Marile Woîkg GENORGIE CORMIACK, T UMBER ME ROuANT, CARPENTER 14sud Jainer, Green Stroot, Wbtby. A largo quautit>' cf ciiikiasiof lumber cou. ebontl>' on h4auci H.eH. O'DELL, A T H 1R i. LY, Clark Division Court, Tp, Clark, (JammnsslouiIn B. IL., Lanci Ageut, dc., &eo., Atheri>', <Jauni>' Ontario. Albh Si sst. 2nd, 1872. - i <A n D. - Ph>iysiclan, Surgeon, Acconceor- dc., deci %VAltb>ç Sept.. hOtu, 1874. 4 IMM BT. IRAMSY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. * (LÀTE 5"Boom 50051.) -~ - WHITB Y, 0 yNTÀBIO. eélBoag--Z 1 0 Rouse nemi>' .rouov*w d-"aioncifilbed - >0O<Afeai<f Oak, - ~, brogimntoac pt1riW4oo ëxdécirfor -M[aple, torri klo acatty h>Y- elonfguua Au omnibus te sUd& Bassmcty-," -1 ' 1 " U1IP# rom rsna.PAsI- àsammple rooms. - _-18,0W0 t. Squareè Tiuti e-a for1 HTBI OTEL. AIfbmflf,, >4jjj'~~ WEIT]Bi, 0ONTABIO. WOi5d>n â"t-'AOâ m*oiz. '~THOS. MASON, PROPBIETOR. P a n 1eslcte47r8~ ~ Superler aeoomodau. Tabla, su"1. e ý 1AJOR I1, uh>a mii botitnAu osi. Galai, hAý=.iDes. 111h, 1878. PrOpriiter. . Vo, Cigare, bsut brandi. Billard rocin. pEconu --.- ImE r., étab s sd sedeD-NEWS FOR TIE LADIES, - R N -T B R R A .LTW A Y HZ O T L , ÎA R AT WHIT T,,-Â,ow, A NEW BEVELATIO)N IN THEeâobe N~ WU. 0'NEILL --PROPBIETOB. 8SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MÂM j sj mths - Pories Ialdng ttintusud leavinsi boas.e- Wmilhave thonm eil takou crs oiftii bhiar CORNWALL'8 SEL.bITTNQa Ami 2h relus-n. ______ W lT HAR? 9 WA- - & SHOULDER C -r L QUEEN'S. HOTIAL, Dêo tte ront mesenremont asiens or -(Iârxcs tlMXItli5, -For sole, mth froe instruoiions, aI HE-A.D aaor-sxTNvHTBT JMISS9 McINTyRE'S Fluammeli TAYLOR de MCCÂNN, PROPRIETORS. B5.Â<sonirT, rThe. uudoruignecl de osAIlntIo rm Ihir £ - Autiacuizecino frilsaeianlime Pubio tlle>' ha. lakenton Aento manteci. Libenal laclacemonîe le Subscrlbeij -them&bovemweli mcm hotel, mihthlie>'0 o d. - Pari np C have sewly fitteci nd cirenavateri, anaputnaalby, Aag, 18, 187. ,~ Geverumez Auothe best of eider for the .oacecpdaut tou ogta.Tho Bar, mblch s tic, baud- Goveramei semeslgublm enu Is ail n uppliaei ih i-- Total Rave thies ab roii wT' liquors, aci ci- I ,'Iiatlon to parelment sud Ila gare. Amle a ecloea d rc oësudgoc]Total Luse stabliug, box salalo. deta.bciceirooms 1TZCsheoyAenht jpllinInvestei i tan coamercial irarolieru. j'QICmllh moe la ie Pat picau tn i u s J. P. TAYLOR, PHILI McCANN. Ontario atitis neil Session, b>'the PickeringOtrAs- h0 ci Toronto. Horbour sud Rouci Joint Stoek. Company, Total Ai f oronu adIte oautimoie thét ssld boté*mauYt Assuenaslimiteci ount -cf Hoibour.Ileben. simdba pIVOAL HOTEL, trsu d tor cIier aurore - J. no DUMBLE, tics Domimit WK9I1T3Y, Solcietor for Co'y. Deo'u. 111h, 1876. 8n-si JTAS. PRINVGLB, 1'ROPRIETOR. ~-- 15-1>' Thce laîgestanduc most cemmodleai icotel in tho towu:. bas largeoaimple io G.o imercioltiveilers. Tabli wmoU su YOU G S ITH mIthtbat lsnscu."o Baieslboslquoro sudcign i. nolose, 0 nda«cm; ISSUER 0F N. B.-Liverymatoceci. 27 MARRIAGE LICENSES, SC(HIÂNSPEÂRB HOTEL, ~WIIITBY, ONTARiIO. < Oc' 111 XrNAND TOUXBTS.,I JAMES POWELL, -Pa«PBETOR, MONEY TO LEND Firsb-elcigsaccommodation; batb.nooms, Fr a euPomi>,a dec. Bloard, $1 Mparcioy. îQ L 0W BA TE S .MSTRONG HOUSE, ofetIntîrest, .oî i (c.aiAT .ALce NJ Fur n tather porticnlars 100. hixperie WHIDY ONAUO.Apply te- Dominion. WHITY, NTAR0. 4,1pre Ri*ks s4 B'. ARMSTRONG - PROPBIEiTOR. WHITI3Y HOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (irIaT eF POST eFFICI.) JOSEPH A. IA NDRL, FBOP1IBTOR. Tis bons. has beau rocouti>' buil, - is oarge and oamy;, sud fattei pAn finIt-ls stYle. BosI Winss, Liqueus aci Cigare; frosi Lagsr Beer. (foocistabiing ana ou- closeci yard; attenlive ostiers. 4do D-OMMERCIAL 1HOTEL, CARTWRIGHT, ONT. ÂAMES DEWART -PROPRIETOR. 1-i 1ONEY TO LEND. Theundrsinedhaoanyamount et mon- Ilnanal>' Lam Rateso aIterest~ > Looni cou b. repaïdci insumo te suAiber. Severai Imprevoci Faraus and Wild Lands for sle eboap.' Iavostmeuls mode ica Municipol Deben- tnîeî, Bank, sud otlbr mas-kttabi Stockso. For funuher pariculari appi>' le JAMES HOLDEN, Offciai Assigne., Broker, dec. fiprl th, 1872.,1 WILLIAICOOPER, J3LAOKSMITE, - - JBOUoHAM, (succemeor te Tiomas micicisgi,) Hoeeshoeinmp aci &Uli knde et goacrol mark. l>'-52 J UTS, FCALLS;, SZREADS, STRtAI» i LS-We týllhf ail> execute a)l aider, for lime purohos, oand sol ocf stocks o; 2 te 5 pen cent margius. Finit <31maiStock Prlvilea neolltecilu on>' amenaI. W. sellait Cime poonsg e Of parties Itesirons of obt*iu1ng e »fble sud remponsAble brokeri. Oui ho o kon Stock Opeeltioa sent ou ap- plication. TUMBIIIGB de Co, Bankos sud Brokors, 92 BUOAnmÂY, 1N. y. 16lî WGrtiaal(wvilîhonuors) cf tb. Ucilversity' cf ~I yT ON Qumn'n (Coll 0'.Canaris; Philadelphi NB OLON UuAiv,cof ModilneaSrelo , meou - Unir. aimenusylva lu; EclctcolaesofThe National lnvsstment Com- Peonalvautu. aud Liceallal. et morose>' cf thoW ibm. ot Bdlnurg,,Seelacici Cor-payfCnda ouefortheCounc f Ontaoi. Offce- e o anca et., (LIMITED.) Aîgal2411>, 1870.,1r48LouIt Mono ealsiEstate. W. J. . JKliAN, Puichaso ExAsting Morlgages. (maoccimoa TO 1 Osccà.) Boiromoa ii iifinci lie Company's terme moderato, mth spocll tAios for paylng WTVTE'reI«AÀY 'aURGElON, Graduioto off thei cous. VonaiaVeaj vy Celloe. Byp lnnaçlV. y.lD . Battai>'. Wilhbo W. Hl. BILLINGFS, Agnt tA it R~1ut 1 , Ori>'Tuc- Siçor, d&c., Wicitb>'. l- oldioaneuofthe Itomostin animais. 83,00 a Ocf olndaoshand te ." ieae-Cmaroo Htl;Ofce- Icieset i& Morigage Fam ui Carter's Ding store, RIng itreet, Oshowa. - BsmU. 4 Wlitby, Ot. Suc. 1878. --l - 1 JO0RN L. WATKIS, TH BSTAUCTJONEER, &o.,&c H0 R$ E MEFDIQINES. - Amw 0"BE»DIVIosIOCOUIET, Aildeeritinu f b.bai HrseM.l-Andi Genou lComissiou nt ué,Pr mnketoibien huadtra ePor>'. - lim WilbyLi er>' Blablase tWNorchargefrs; ..N'R yUNG'S HOTEL, - ONOS EcAD, DALTOM, c. y O H N1S o 01N, OBT. K. YOUNG, PROPB-IETOR. DEA.LEa IN LUMBER, Beibeifrainrcrn h on W H I T B ample aceommodattenî for Huaters andf Sportsmen. Tics bar anci larder inppll.4 H-te auon d a splendid stokof fine edésir miti lb, beocf lknonu sud vfsicîo le Lu avnli e'el a d <ibei. Al kiadu fou foundinAuJhiccuntry. Noueno b Agg cspntoîoud building Ep oes., ouê sttontfve servmnts ke * Ccnclcs luilgadD#esi . tmrbor -siaya cmnsabiUg ad Prompt fito à iboîam i'ou thoql Gr:jîpcncgcilasljaluLg, ou - li. r&m1ses , r idrs are prempti>' OSEEBT Ký.XOVliG, JOH±N FARQUHARSqN, Angual 151h, 1870. WlA84< K ING BROTHERS, WHATBY, ONTARIO, Importons, Dealers aud Manufactiîren of ail Kinris ut LEA THE!? AND FINDINGB, <3aih pi for Mides, Bark. sud LesIlion. t1i;RBELTNG MADE 'TO ORDERZ ON Jaeflit,E1 SH1ORT NOTICE. 1i. HLà MAY', 1872. 2 Aauut bic, 8 MONEY TO LUND I NOBRHBE A large quntit>'of mous>' ho isacitaIloiFIE NS intereét, privaIs fuands. - w IE N8 For solo, ssverol Toma lots, tmo From Sate, aci reliai Rouss, aad -o large Brick Houso. For otîlomeul cf CI tortue, apply<bo G. YOUNG SMITII. Whiîby, Jane;2 Whith>, Poli. Dli, 1874. 7 ___- -- To theo Inhabitants oet ffns' .Cueek CHOIC snd Vicinit>'. I1cah avem openeri e ButelIcr's Siop ira Mî.W. Cuthbeul', micero mua> hc, seen one ()f 1he best cdAn Isys uof e, Park, sud IYovl ever offered la the AFPPIL Public. L~ e"Iseonabis Pricos I Came eue, Corne al, simnd get someiAng te du yen A Il gooci. E111<3111)RDWIISTLAKE. HOM E WhitbY, Dut-ec.-ilmrr 22md, 1875. 52 H M ' Framumo te fnt 1' - ....... . - ýC j-tVo-" ~- . ~ t t S- *Ill the4agpï M4y. f&thnhage f-- Mè 'W Ot last set Uu, tpe e d1 aoI f tIi bý ,tý Albe wa4lo!W 1LIG 1 bth à Wgf~~ OLAYTOl~s) worçed -dir ~mom~s6d ce g~grig .4 ùoutd WIi wa ,>o ~Ofr~Iu ---7 st gEpia j nle.the J ,[Vtne, 1 g. i 'Wàmn,ntl ahc BRO G~ITREE , W KIq.Y.courseR zrang aaicam e .g<. hall au f#sa'r ai > e n tmIa c are , x 1d s l bon u tue e pLr owf ber ad lie ondbegoare oni ?tCoter- 8ifl ksh ilb cokl are .nftonted Statr.esW & c,- uQ urto s ýe ' ne r aîsge.4110- 01 1bu "Oiarnioale r ~Ze'r '~ ~> ~ ~ . 876. ue fa t. o n ? ppq ' do s oj; t*8 iathe2" Au parin c mi lM , moJHn . .aWLL OX olad , aysed ilfonml iii n efs;bt 51<1 oen ierliinya ceopl e 1 lnt Dow 1 anon- hat g l romLaee . aamas.m&depbti ~n br. - he9 ws e nt itul . ofthr, wio -t e LAoo i m.Iusy Of- tel l ers," nIsg aaa ESoT The5H11» 1K 1782.tainf22 T he f M aNN. OFFI rc eiofsaor al bya n sd n s f ad br<o' lt £det WC fro'iar Al]( ù8Itoi it.. "IjiiJic suu til. -~i~ l- K t L A S I G N E E o u î t ee lyf l w t r , o n t 1 1 10g 1 t b é n p I s a ç i w l c ~ ~ j u t~ s a p t r j w ,h nf M on fqrOsnads- Pt, pool', and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ston;atellEni; Whllay Apil 4h,180."toort1bh q Q cTc . way dlibo o rongwarlk u bilt, igser <V~i1 ' Oeodeas , gr - - - 1. cam e t T.oxestlmChs Toi DBrclls orfgetifcial roun e , &Itb cihty cc wthe l nioule, 1ecdo h ai nçar lie'iiland of Ba cal, nosts1cionsme, ndopuAhîuý mudion., HAR RS ENN LEG ON se ueK ce a stndu9g entiog ontet ue s b ' ~i "L, ïýr- e>l "Oly 2 t, 51876, lQ ing arDon me, i M IE PNS R eIcË , to ,oTeî tii48thiclc. d a jngie thaL o r e d tdýiA l is t b sann£ an ~w s l k a ~ t 4 i l r # c I Eed M .na i ' la s fr e nLs u a lDL N n ' es I r wg a o nt an d , aiuy s u d wag o in g s e ton d m y e c u ion I i i l t e aoILno m e Y nat h n , t c s l ia" à u L. WABE NS ~ thlIa t nwprpae 2142pyT M E - ABL teised raepinnro, sroiug I.uoti r a iced mtr i celoo lia smly r mm'ad.1 dn't 0w eOUR aa "" Oý V OZ A y mo, rckd hAb, PisCiAfs P- lgorFI T h te Pet ihoo'& EEea ter in the sh4I aera n d âetcîs sudk t hîeca Ics jngl, udfirS'cid upÇ ayicngti, nn fv r n t Of -tii E oibe, dec., -18 suesn Ir. e vel Îsal onte Mt]alooyr i l . IIt w ne wh, utlee te be w btre.1i .s-AsL s nlce a inrse . 0Fon ibs à. Par.-. QUEBEC.Wb 1aptr liat li, Cicfapel;for Ca r Miii.:25 p.xn I Mail .1.40rp.m uiet cfdr enh ue- A t D mCiFan nada 7 eec 'yStore omlo"g S on frein Ou i t Lndeq-ay boit dan g ee , f mu r u ke the.wi b i ghinc i à ny compa i a crsi '0 er- à sido. t -h e e anrs i ousno,n aii BS O35 q. 85 Cob' lck at or udSre tIb,-orol'su oil ope' . W p d f ortie myshouy , wit i âw L ften- "A. ihtigrnndensdtlye,'t snwe ed. lI no hoIefrc hm we CaF OV tai.. ....#ooe oo Whby Luve Ouilla- ,j.rc j ie ames -luàifogr lite yea ar! sd "mra wtoe re lstW Yeu h 9$O n 8elose Di i et um, P i b I2 0 0 , 0 5 ' ~ c m i m a S c n t f r c c L a i c f i e l c . . 1 1 c s l c u a t o d t a ne r i g trA î l ine d , w i i ao l e a r , h o l , e d Ot , s u d no t i e u t i c" Y ak - g rl se a rne Ar Precut onuli mu,, gufrofthemuntToronto intermeIduaht fisth- retnddstationsaoutt nderb e beacia, rmpuralohod froc» lookorehtwhglppl re M B1 mv pBecoB àsud scoesur mcc[niccaugiclshlm-balipt decs'ti, ah ilirou a r for Petrbro'aAOuli, u h ieu, but a ei on oonstautiy Ue!sMbarn f il-c d. e'snre -o te d WhzI lived wua n n i --th ."c ad the Doîeosiliving 7i8 AM. -ewith PGradt Hp -u o n h nPiiip etrn a-bf'6Icu 16morm- a 1 ii, laI n lmeeWotie beug crd " . u erel esia as "ets yte Aun Ssily b e dine Flar, orsudh We ta a ied b ter m oitand bie w. ged caf ne ostrion ce lice ldrcuc)m- caté h8m? DPar huler, aelc Cs  " P R E LIAI. - ee ,BaTOG A tIA N i s uri Stu... N10 cm 10 b a.M. or ize h8.4U r. ' m 4i h i be q i k y u t d a ai e h aae m w u pr*f m it /i ou r bè i cha ont eil, WA I m et, I inh on ed ho ________ H. G. TAYPLOR, c, Po.n m en erLot. Tu e w g oed di c eed a a'hoslag.I e. u&rtc ec and! ia , u s o bws coi Dot 8 2 9 8 7 9 dec., dN.,thtt P e e Fr l a, f T o l n . cl h aib r e e n e s a o f l lç we s s d t s u ci to d f o h a l a n l ý a d.; w e j (, ga t h l m b yft e i e le g s f rici t o fo 't h e lasmr 27teelst a rane,&0,it Hoe a dRtne.er Tes e REMEDY. alpiss.ud u etut woe--resclèiet! u o asin dbur o ugemi. hAk, ba hi.nme ner segav lot, hoa u.# ... f.m P.. 1 ail .....11.4 pOA.oinsoi3a fl5OK-T, PC8- iTmy.j - -ec iueq so, hee wo(Jan ee peeda c., z8jý. Croby's Block, East douroveddaîeStrrety ternoronuan asrtmlie;.su we kindiecistesytirechwall oftenp ail. C&I soAnt à i pire el u a h imdicls Ag nt W iby J n 2 ,1 . L n 2Stt r:: ig r u db b ed ye " aiy fow e n w .ia ........#,0,wnsudarthon the k n t .huti . sud Thnr e ally se qut, lee p saleIg alug ld is ital............seil, orHS- PcNmh sIL s?&en... Auto0 tic ArwPaHoeu,:0pln, ted y ud tni pei ifç'e u wèsite-s"Ntion.awOuiiman0hivl-A, rby aaiAn1ntyed Lader yau1Lird7d woiuhycf"co7idence .y u il a y f toard entnin tiaovntaedo f ar eveîy f ignue mervotte fema-n suK ep, cSap Tio tec, ia,r ight, A quae l m1 gag.- n Pire remfme, Cnnelwith he Npigsmc0 tobeachnever ne supen. lu frisn lou; ud f elo vpingt e ss ne d.im e e a Sancauas yen w nt lu. Girls Import....r,..s..d.W223l7os an d R. 8Toron BA U ine me aestieone ranlybecm eprt e ols enstrcko t enl a Oi'tba aUtetiu 1k.bt les-.....froua.r.s.....cflouiLISE S atM ielsotkrforgPatibor. dandejnugîe, Ana lie opeeir theail tembcngoaruaaty! tiee1recrutstml ...... .. $194 eahr~ ho -n ig,71Etc. RiheGradtsm and o t J'. sud rn Vitin Cl], cou ise e cp fle ere g tti ug boack t" e t O ea bfee srin as ,,yj3, g Aun ia ay , d dîeu naa- ooi .... 4,198 gntfo O1aieof3.H.Mone'n Tol e llyfibi i ltrices. M sy ndsicaue f e d oeie reian cor boit,:sudwèýgo e e e oe sii u te a ach hl cerne liha r in UI raino havecrt0.,e fcî H. TcYRe cf enmy ne. Ths in v e, go aiveü,s daoinot.a lare travci miles ou l'A. nue lime nlie smhn wice mais o1 Igeoit; ................UMATI98,NDUR0LGApt GoT a anAneLad'I ba oe w is armçei iiti. 1 s; d irien' lie-ha e a ocf cwJe aigitof en il heav e, s o fh bi-slci u Manlaiscuroc eesilcf theo imitaus iihw pi se,1iattuniddenoe;aol edrsu, pareinl e La u " n e isnauemms, itourcel tise; 0. Ja GE f2,1, 18aic, t eaci, totc- A aadsriA the FLcy bcdtronc s romat i ovatiu off,Çuo tn d er aul iittoti d ema gencih gelmn p s iu i paceLi phco ir o cie n I bis Contm eut s Oe adireil asd oons t a li ic arî py f b v s, f uAsss o yaineerocions higer o r , I h m i. I bl e i a i h e liO uropth al>"diroisrue Ticephycsiinsof Migimtured s ut onisilig er e p l hlor Astm ais forsshtorthedistc, im îrin'orp io;itaion.O ucn, - ],Atî lapnt, te be omiu 1, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T D Ai»Gvuimot10- raeteaaaa .3 ahuoc 1 yc i s ogu coaiden wce >'.- be 0 aueisteed. c1 a laceu( at, e m amieaagh u hefeeroo- ntia ngteeua t nase ~ ~ S Agnt-hru'su tel-rWaeb>1alcigisset5 etss d r"Wekwiu'thgo fc-,Btid, si n Ialr servaclaes,"I sidb ups ui i ie e r elbois sy e l ic 7 1876.il ticImpoteAgn, hî. rs r ,ece Mhanufcrder aenea h a'e t loMnteal sIe 1 et novr caize diu g, n sim D i e h;uanidalenc, aI i m a is ett e mÇ les eue t asboIwan.e. ls -- B w n m n vt ]e s a g e ai o , w t h t e W il b ~ là fo c e. t re t w f p sn ici o n si,>' h e isu t -ds o àp i e ' u n u s e p tl ôes w i ia l t h i e ae n g a m e n d th l e r en auc Prt ery sil av aui wthlioag- e t t he Tetirnd onlaîs f '0Ouw r ii ujd rabi caut o ùn, ud wieatic. iric e ee ori e or autu - f se coulci n evuaocehn h arnmna a Waaty.I ourIcelf yseaou m n e. viauoes tue hi aglt ae ug cam e L er in rat hsd SoeAotfrO too H OPE. f,,.f. MoDus avec«rMfeCcZZrh etMontrealThs, - Ie, amappeued.itm nt W rïél il GIiINI er' mucISrM e UnIto yA rsto»ic emauI sicceGeO nofhîuga poht' nteu ii a AuIll n ieBih e T 0 No52Jlheam9É E I' TI FUSat iAn h.k JOINT S e Imch ahear si ck ma îm c o fl piortiae i mss li u a b o Wis icctbinic m b ti e ctsr a . y en ccig a odesi an > X [ m o  . n v s a i:l i I e l e f t o m p l a m i ti f a etwl i c In rv o u s a s l a n.-' e m eo a e s c i lyý3 W NDBNGPANS &. WCaelaant in tra o in Or at ulutaof, ice eWnarig w llic e retea Inoe mmrred2"tI PI'OdL0Cî_ it ]as er sgim dsys uetcftlaeeryiy, î gimpid iic rtat qtouib ie o u vr inotheglua simdr aiaet lce o£ p rowX e ;tba om en t fe-ce l onlie, for -ITAGE 13ETWE'EN aSud tmysi aso tire e in Cnaa, a geit;i icbut lluiu[romam eadvsc edlat i J ug wii beat sa timnos s a ir-su Ie ras a rsgoc i an; suit - haei Mon Eul iI 55î.sriCmmscîi U- Iares te mnl ethabl icyfr i i de ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s r b aDG Ed(vaillAgets co anre tsj en e < o m p nie .tatic e,-eil e m rtI oh anceegnai eoputa wlbti dee , i a ogfied euf. t ra r l cic ec asi us, lie bas mes w er he ra map yfilîlntu pine suics la' 1W~ ~ ~~HIB &1 gcl lAb. AE hNUAC LSHWA. Ib UNCeaffect ALs- M. t. expes feit folimeSbordsptatlie, immerliecvtnoit eeir us; *dÎlarc» way. l y 5 i a A e t rthI E L A D an s aeroieC S A D U SS gJ uues otf,1 8 7 6 . ad i g e a .nt riakAps s s s orc n , u d p e u i g e m f e i o u e f > ' c a e r r OAS AeiaAs 01 Montréal à..MIauon eau- ottle boneatlurg e êcàsh t au u sf g a"I m ure h n on g i sgi b ofr tic a Ciltfiite t t t e t jme a s u n il o Gd r i p t t 9 o nL t ra e i ca l a a . maIs y b e f e n d 1 L aga M S H . o f S a M O e C O M a i b ac] iles, N e c lt o fir ' e bi l e a t s e a n i p ist ým m m tr s e in e ev e r e ns la mIti t q a l in , LcaveaWilitb ut. 1.30, a M., Iuil 1avefapleokolr CeapfiaateusfPsud utteuare capanio *ta m, My ity fug, ast brunettever sudw si bleudoVI ..ce Agents hrougoatsthes. loirorsude noRIc mgg»essio s cants and e o'ofni. sav,1 ai to a leso In. -t m cm anon - eul'i v o ad ers sd liy lle i IL E O PAN chrgu. "aggsbcgt F U R N IT U R E . 'T rsmtts nkdg tics le o HWben tedi. litte andn a>u- sîm tue, sddnlt.1 penesir aiA eq a e a e8 n ahaI, ,a d a b il hi y p aal, rfu eic i n d o ,bieuga u fi ble a d usCtesoo o ur i o ea>,ie eîtac y ch r Anle w yl ne ecr ila li mieFar e5 aueod r t ,pr m tWntsm O , a i es c n aI b e eu c n fo h ' de c n e i a lc wio ud, sud migi uix o fl thz e cun: t nhe l hou n s rk topu u - 1dm. distancel alw am ci>theo lucky adenougi iftefauwLErS ilARaINeSrtura, ne longerff pre is u-cmît!urpci ;gbut scie ieribxuuette's.letu Ilcfa eh7, 876. 1123 W OtI. onet ihOsaaaSle Agent forcCan15a1hd1876. 1saWolai pu ied n ourhe a>' a ticke t e - u,-uin ctac dangersmgot esnoea f roc» tiwodeaexteaKoeh1erm BOmavil sag;a -wthteeffebyatoce.iAet ait close qusuters." niitor eu g If p rovet s retible illflte iiil m flicuvsleus ub.g B NteamfouperPprhai aeiler vienlatay, aunndta. tIl sufenAgugud rmt - ho a icebbode' :m ai a W War Oeofmthe lbrti Hn a ll ifr crde le a o t dral aifonv, an ial thegain orloo ns lu leg depuis nd-Of Isl W etu ld edabrualo ,m e i h esi f- N C 14: C O M Pac eNetl uci , ea c upr 1 G rd a ucO18B il mg5. 8 9 o n e a S t. t utn. F o t M . u c n c a lu n c n e sI ca ev ye e An aao m a t e tin dspa ir et ev r fri g oui a >' eult. faceu g il i fts elr e. aT h hon l e nst oc c h a u d a I l e e x c e l e n teos i i te, t o m o u l > e ch e. s y o o r B e r n e t àli w . l a i d f w h i cl m a c i t m a u o i u e o fl i a t ie. mes ? l a i uoi l c t i a W e t. 1 h t k g.v mAlNontetWbtby to hi m h foli e an t tiltnlAearsfo iu iry;anr d m ernoneauve b utsliaee bin -tcitj,-iaide bt eeu uss d bahg ,Imut!ois. Bt! le noverd <J~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y 40 00 , ela. arIud SoI rte o lm p emtenu ale t ttend a p mudrste wi i t e arie l' arupeo f but pet c e - r lya ul ec le ii mI ve o p d sst e ba, ud A - A _c s e ; a e a b a n ui nab e s o U P S O l e w-o r c h e e i a i in, utthecapliaton oDr Brmaultsinxged ar ruîicsopatiude ira hicutur. s offp.hastw bli eveci hogru en udl vomaslieait ier a rn cl. m eoex '$10imi00,00u0immense milCotmdasgernmierrcaud gRusuwonld8kepacdaGmed;Reon-ydn-goTl girls ins u R E R , F o f u t î' ~ J O H T A Y O R , E s q . S p c i s i b l e t i o n p a i r l o t . i aiii a g Mo t ] a c k ; r u g e d ro c k I sp t h c od i u p . sriu o t r k e oag l h a i n d i n 1 r aig a t - w e ,11 1- r- a o f f a l e r - i ca .t n s- - O n lilifmeom p anpadie m ieen. mh I w i iar v u s pa n e, gîtn d fhe1 m y s e i l e. n u t a ter li c e , cs m ecnligte ra so n lier m m d","e i G.so igYe , ebro MA andug rff WlltyApAl12h,188. a6 n fEr Eig td L E WOs f ti55vey g o la ityl t er i u e est , eiîi cu .i l ils bra nch sc? i e, ob>' tering V npailabo t i- fs-Tilong ucm g fo aaa 9 g t I V E R l etirly j.augies e î; vy min i ti a lieagve a, aI î i nslves b le mi as, i re ctim saa a d ho - w-I r s ti da l>ma obra odabI Mou rea. gentfor an COMMECIAL U - I ow this tatemet to te ubl sic]. t e te o Ach id basn et! Ana danse y sms cf ies us- elolh niIla lotudmsh.n u- m is cmeni ' s a ILS d aw yshv ou. & iDEken i o luAgnts. wNF reI -Lc ouane. fI ess Ci En ,h eioytegnule pe tconît t e nor atC e gAt. dov e ufi . eIWo r cff s cp a sion t e b s eod rigt o isoens aPY i i sg ccsuq em Idrist Whit RATS O INSRANE LW 1 rtile.DUNCN MCALUM, . D pdacpiearn in g, feth b sitofgthsud sulwdititanding y oi moes. -,tan i puU, ng ifie OTTOMSmeraaiu lierite mtossestsiro abacinitualieng pan frhhîcngh At Ll ves esi, neWCat3r Lea eA ufa rm bA s CYcfuad a -. puurgbe lusicng ward us ios wnie ned bo ore tfhin eti c aiit - agi p -of -t .2. tSiMowaiqcmieasyAU îY.Moo ons Ic lcbdeta, a i e ane fyfetamnfieg sudbal meperf n Ime mh mne a > udince froi :ln teVrintuee W R I I R & M R A T L c n r a s a p y b e f o w a s d buMie aS I Lr c a , d t h n e sl u d r n o n n s r p t l s ; b t e t6OI oM Pi f t r o h li e d é i T ev e R ICH .nPumotDuiOprt. esimoe a ttleel ie, sli>' esacec icae t ic aii u t ngsud ssw bere sa w dl Hesiga brunete and ablonde t". eO grdua dee0l, ienlte' sgmi Mls> ilge ii ~~Ceul]IemncIlen sedvandg-ucle in Y Ac C E C O ,P A N Y 1 Whaltby, sep t gag12, ,uh187U5R N I-U R start e éd m tia s g h i ppbe of t e a-m bous es ât ou ost a, ud ti em e e t ri & m idr o LA E - B R ~ O ~ S II U E A T I3OfficeA 2 .,IaJ r p cr ason hoI u sounc; i n t ec io n li or 1h. rous a c, OurAt an y ,h:rW C m la i s à[y O bh èr in e wdi t hu< m <s M wribed i L AN ) IG ST VE F UI . sdaaci p t om Au th b scsyl, e ie bnu cio oiir ro nc las stat d m tha e FkiJ51V' 5Oin'T cfiny. dcire not o C A O X .J H Anim . deJ. G IB O N ,cbsA n o s ann t b e p onfsîf org ut a a my se lu b. rab os, p d , nd a itr ety 4 y Ii A 7_ B 7~~ o D aSn A f as St. h Mb . OrEciL E & ILE T Iil ices e ea arnons ceig ta within i , ib bn îj l ienN ih r wre t i a n> et e, and ild e 'b td f --_WC_____ eue rnches epedAnont wAn oo->'thange fIo us-fllofm Dlo <hatge r thniantx t lolleý 01% SALE T H1E St~ - drelami f udr er il mi leokiugh,ig ul! .adret .li su igabirlir-um x i,is toe n ->o ,f FTma As at on s doeommîc bso ba t iU es- vo e rtia ava s muht ! vr w i ,iea su ie I t i et o ue, n orb e ptI ro a ti peî - .,.. itt s d o ham ci ime or tiv e i ur ilep in am tiird nc it eckly naRBs, iza de, uLd re. 1 a set n o f air,.~ . 5 B ' B u,1iug s R1i8 9ieu it j mo k IgI O Sd nlo o e n y , w its e u l al g, g o f u n, u d * . aIe f o w i nC O o u t a t a S t reoar a aIe ccrs ofula ci bis n ovad n a d O - h tw ldeer flotR M E Y is ngle .ar -o ds..-aied fab>' i .' u w y on ; ho h to t e r i t S e a t o f e x ci ;e l ief sfal it i n a t b oce -th e iy l c a l Fsril e n l d fin i s m > '- h a ll W lad ' v e l u o t l it e l mgéC e t h o l 1. i A t a c h e fr eO b i o c piâth ae JhnHmor s. it-Hv lwy n-n aFI tcko ey eare thcuite ae tic. dep- siaidfoa W.eprvat! lb. objteeta cegpaIiong ce a M nara dsWhouttond It b uto ma i lenchit s of - w'itlm hluan thelosi>', s d mo e soe surr nnded y »osul t .gestrictbocattentilico 0 0, 0 , o tiu nc fth atoac.-to t P ons vo lesu sovch u in er it g da 0ne it ein u rg esch s yac sad ; a dw e ul t! i en miaslïe Teut- br~V u et t e r vad eli e gont or futherpartcullrs eiquWiiaiesq eliug tv iA picen se odnes m om n g s ko cè s li e p, - 'o -o -o - I h do SERY meH TeceoAYag DoepisdirscrdL OmR, et , us I iocl srs e tslu. afae thmc i ansunerangi.W a tatdof te a gtu n ' i l g h edrs e l s e l W i , p r i l o c a e t r o A d s 'So i b > D r n is,. .g1 E D E O I e » L onv e t ,a u d d e c t u l i fs1 b r a n e s iu d t o r , O oe n i i u p >a a eti, 7. lyrSO ' Ga~u's~rTékmug, mli s îartîci ciy an>'commu ion u efthm havsins lt M i « the rng tom-"e a é Î1li*i*n seveil cet su li- fnm avese1[auc'ga1qlltut-lijîig. ,H1Ri as t 'Words t, 1 slamr B O K S " L L N I N !S P E OI F I O M E D I C I N E p u s v l I i i n t d e i e x a m p i e , l e s n d w e r e s m o a l l I a -v o t. T h e > in g m r e : W r a p U ýw i n a uhl l a eve' u m -at lit 2-1 oeemet! ta un ersuà uaie ud a ify ou -lu Ptn oa iel3 Cures a hI. tavou s, u la hs e T M U OR 5, DEBIL. - - i r ng ng f rt m a rbin c w iao app ar et! to ho a chi ot m n g u e . o d,' . S h . -I& u w e ', o sÎ r mnaie your oamu Piclure m' aaarep o ezom, et., lct, in>'cs ecaatiu ed. ltoku it isdeDn, a aittoesuri mon>' tisa ho ans re or tire LetLocua rav ng for e&adrood.et! i sidii 1)8 * he îù- on1o!h aOOS Pdirag teYs coc»mudàilaou nature mariunv, an1uushe, nd s ecgigie i r, Steae-slirs nyeir iod* Md4iiei#teosl fte frmbîOntu;u t. H E FAunS liw wreaI isuci o Bs OcurBain Dao, ~ DEPt l resii asta i i; M or l1ux= y nt- ii e fac ha beu cale on t an. we du liko1i enao sfor PâmÀ" GAv ý a O wict Ps aru ofmain "te iscvey. fhahil IGha -ev dnl-gt tec cef. ha O lta a, W i b 0 9 § 9 ' 89 r t â M f N ov. Sth, 1 t e p th o ar o e c p - 6 m cf a n rt e o r ro :f78.ve . ý P o ý aecuring u auoinmdatio. naure nd oer Idulgece, f h6ror i th Whithy, Mare Q U INSURAI 0F LIVP CAPITAL, -mANKSeEl MOLSONS BA [-STORE AT AUDLEY. lu In oren te cneeî lime growiug imante of li te lucalit>' lie sibscrib,î bas beera Auduceel of teopen bnsiness lunlime aboro hue.o, A Large and welI ýy ~Selected Stock eqUal,1iu price oaci qusîlî>' taan>' tiat cu bo purehaseci in temu or cil>'. Gir. ns a cali,jndgo ton yourseit, abri if you eau ho a Wail eniteci s eeeopabrouze home brade. - D. McBBADY, Audio>'. Andle>', Nav. 241h, 1875. 48-I flegisho ounes ihI bas romoveri le King St., a tom doora EAST 01 T14E POSTr OFFICE, oppaslte Luke'i shom.ioojas, irlerc mAill be tooünci a âne stock of stlk ondi toit hate for laddes and gentlemen, oet isommanu. farta-i ece Stroir hais coloueci and miborec inf mcape. Osicawa, Jul>' Sbh, 185. 89 C OAL CEÂ,PER TRIAN E1r1AR I jLot No. 3, 21c(l c Puiéetho ha 1ickoziag Conboy's B U G G 1 P S. AM parties irlU and ee. ibeor Brougiaa, Jul',18 DOWN AGAIN 1 Beoc~Gl1 Call andAcIures1 Pr at I, A.ALEXANDER'S, 25 ceai,wcithot,0 S ept. 15h , 1876. W ilma d sh w . î cÇAn D 1- T. H. MeMILLAN, Agent for lice Cse ROYAL INSURANCE CCMPÂNYr, PROVINCIL AN5UTRCE 10. aCi,, l iiOa- 5m' Pic ue~o fuW&4 BtTIE« - i

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