bitby, TirdaF.22,,1877. Mev Prohibition Worko...Csnt, 'riat prolsiblou doeÃŽ cal prehibut eO have mouintalus -of lostieony trous1 ýhnevar Il hec bpan triesi, It has tI "nôe 80 ln thei COUnty of!-Prince EFa. ,rd.,T o maueduitei. Db Levis,' ie aiginatar cfrlise "Womsn1a TaM. etamee iuovasen4t, blh priue 40h reusîrkabI, r9subt lu OtilciIweor irce yoibrg sgul iias )lieopinion cf rnhlbitory IsiqisopL Law, tlsarougiity fered, voni, 1I liane neyer doublai, 'iîbloio nta otuahe atiaiOftue tie sud l 1e-ie tUane of socletth& han 1 tue othier 0f(eain Stabtutet put te. tfiser. But fItix a 1 e w naclti &.- fotc ru ist iadîent 1 the subm# tamperence ments mt 1h. viorcué id Uuiidod -esnptoymanî of tics., oral liuiuoas visidIli cloua eau giv, ýV@lopOms»ud* scipaver of public si. naut. I affirrist ] 11.*il nfluenec Neiw Igs4ha. b..,,sdiraelrous te theltint" WIsAc tu eMain Liquon Law ia been ilutracluce,î Iuo the tiaatas tdu oehlitJas bro tatranciar tise Iraffil Hçlîton ta tlis dnuggis sud lise ciiemisi, wlîo virtll>' carry on lia husînasa0o puibIictuu ba. enery t«au'tuirvolage, Atravelles. lu Iodiaaeglvibg s«e aI elenonile.At dmuer 1I&sas for vieî, but titere : vas noithar vin$ Uan bain Ici le Iliai, tléia llond ex. plising usait h e kpl a tlaiperanos liotai. Rut ë ai iho, If you vaut su> - hlkyor brandy-I cao't answon fan vbule-you en juI go up theo stnaai te tlise irutso, soI gueis >o'llgel l."roceding La thi. drug.ter., tise ttuvuisr f'ud mue- ifficlut>' le altais. Tîg luioisi o'ne heb.-persans an is-itîiiir erand u i is owneresasta ltIhe intIepariaur, lusbibing "for thior 61tuuîsLiisrhîs sîk." Onalenio ane brau- td'y, thi. miv tomer Wc inbkai viiether lio %tpuid ianve il usoaI. No, vils 4-to. îfoI or cola-?" "Hpt."1 "With of. coa- dui@&-?" Thé sugar vas put luncuti tho "msudiclna" admin- lLii.Tise tranallsr veu bave pna. ls1ýrrtd 'la hî.ke iiie glass 'cf vine cr a. Mt tise iotsl vitis bis suppar If i. ceuti 1110îe', uniowsi tise priitege, vliich 'VauIi have saved ilatise trouble sand ,l'cien of rldging ivice hhrcugh Lntlgl Thi'.'1lis dicoxufos.t,- inever, %vus lisjuefasle sacrifice le hai ta maie tii twi teiuparausce MlI ai;nd iL vasis 9,ipiuiOrs tien, i iL romains nov, tiat it '-u Wsus- or eth the . mlii.o! lhe Iii:ltinîo! tuchlî'sa ta tranfr e b lîldon rtraffictenu sthuatanernnieeper ho tIsa îluggisl, os taunake it rocesen>' far ais>'Y 0ise, eaIntangesr on a native, la set tLiii hiypocrite in onden te oblelu a neai.- l'lit i'e!rrceslii. 'rîinosigliostiself Stute cf Main,, enasj ranVeller lftoVa thIs e hsv i loal .evn(dqi. W. foîn. it1h >intourcor c A xperbence a fowyears liga, ani hai ni dilicat'Ity is oblsiisiog, wvils a crovi c0 allieri, ipinihiious iqtsorns et enen>' on- ai hie, su-clad ' irepncelisotela 11,i'Por-tlaundthe 8hotus of dil Daw J11i t-i uuthio! tIse Mains Lav, vinai eiIiliquoî- ss iptisu l opeul>' la si -wlia choeta el for letis -Sus I i thîe expes-elesao! traneliensA losr the Shites -tIse ful o! tiseoither heinl liaI cuel>' ilosie visa do seou pincipfi 111e0a elitain Irons dinug. We ne.- liai; repent Liseproofs snpplied in formos artileîs$, tvienener -athemptei île isCnaisprohtibitIon liai; vonked un o Ia ne ai isîp baing fbroi>'struol w0Àiti tis important part luI Cent pIe>' ltis lis luor qdesion. lu ail lb- heiiitbsiesidsg la, Cau And thie dÉtlue ocucupicd hfobcfurouiii(. ýv. liai the etatloalca lsit saoutal lise gallons 0c sli-usîig drink oumnsousiall lie mouoaî ilivo'ehd ffour the legitiniate uses cf tut fasîily-ahî lie delianaisses vlo roliat qlrnnk Ilirough thie tret-ani aIl 'th@ oil'encasdiraotllyoigiuletlg fren hie 'Ingreiing -ice co! imuskenuesa. Wiiat btesiLîlîle Cani la do viti lhe justice on' injustice ai lie Duokin Act,s aAp-. tlieul hoatiseont>' c!Ontario ? Dnas au>' tOse defeni irunkenuesa oanthe nions wlili pi~ng frai Il? Yet Ibis lu tise hem.- ve hean ofineassaul>. - Thse Pulpit rings vihi il; 'rauperauca loturan liavenver eat i tba Pro- fess'lan, sni Tempernuce at-gins nanan tire proeialiing 1. I&flot saltthIbi ()ant-hep Isiusan rlan Gaut, vblci, cnnot bu resohb >' rgunhsutr Agul, 0 - sve p asilnoue den>'thies«Ils ofi ntaui. - ~orance. htiliararlu usiotale -- .l)tînkln Act lise propaneur@ap Tisla tIse question tl iOnt!Ug gentlemn - - - - à set bafoneIh Ours, Gi atrguiments lu tise negativa lu lia lait two fissulia ct-th it CEoN((ref rflin Ull. isansvaned. Tocil tlie oCEROmIGL "tisa vliik8Y Onga.," ssiiabusa lie hov-e-es laiooo h kindofdle teiligouice of!tléa Cantot>*aiOntario. Titesuaulin eocuuallen aguiut Our- el 'ON Js tisa qusnhsance fc ant. W. liane noyer deied ébtisaIliis arensoaue - eestmen vpknglýnthâ 0411" cf tauiprenca; hut e*imsuua uï Gant lisan boeau efteu prôvai ta be0016 patl- Pie, A sot' fo arnestieus OS.é @MDu . ýi1tbel e Isalio4ce f nt, Thos t>. 4leet l»tperUs ud Gsato thie Bp.u»o $ -~uIatrsea syre oarnest Mon ; yal lise> igîiteous u lereana. ainocaflai huer tlIuIs nirecotlectbon 2 TII.trathiose'ni ta le 'ht its- Tempes-suce Canila rOvlsug up a ew aed sud sgerus ----povror nu aller cause 'hu It beau tiesaeai ho tue saeade. pote--and isuiosa put dcwn b>' tlé and sl luispeuel ntMsc, aidai etO19oomon ensse af lis i s t * W -aleusir45Agnseu1tuna1 uu9 lis&- - -Scisool compIaints. been le iSfonae by MrMa o-me At the. last meting o! tie $S1100 ; koszie. Roend à ruuoiutlou vas pasuaed ebouel. AMT-DUuiI!Iursos-.ns iag thé Oildren 01 hhos. ralapaym djay o.nslng tii, evaing on whlich.ibis viiop# lhor taues *telthe support 'of pape lsent ho pness) the. ~s f &rtofa Jb. Soparate sehoot item attendaste seet ofaiMeetings ln opposition ltii.h et thse public ashools 0-ohéthêtovue DiJueblaby,1la uto e bheld nt Oaia Th. bu giron du to ome boPlnl', iÉuruy avcning, tiesanie el aoquant for wlsfsb ibute appieara ho us to hbuno speaker,YeMr. .3J. Havinsu, of Brnt- founiaton. Paisvi Who boe cnora , jllîsauresu a Wbltby audience in tributeta hir laxos tý ho#bSapanteto hé Oidt(lals'hall. ]Seo adyt. for achool abeula sendt! tuar *lillb* im nasd plaua of meetings tiiraugiaut thara toho be edùetad, anudhava no wlgbs thouîty,-> to Impose lthe burdanupau the achoola depnivet! cf tuai support. On thé. Othar' Oue Decent Grit Papen. hbaund,, vaara luf«ormde tit I bdrin h onalpehie,1oeé h attend, thi. Soparate seheol vho"spectii oabl Fùrmeele n' u pemta psythhir taxLes t e .public raetbaRuim aeaspoln scIboal, sud do not pay sapaate slolM.~cez.aGvnssubst tais. iseneias ava been suppliai deeency-heuesly la refuse imputing us-tise oehurnn e ldiog are motives ta Sir John A. Maconaldinl BN'. lu -eumber. Thse SepaI. eoùeeotiau v iii lthe Secret Survice. School Trustees, va are furtier lofons». iPend. Hrel1hecupiocfa etai é taîne têke no actoen, asl ta ex-* honorable appount. etudlng nen.suppartans', but voteema "Il nov appears by tiie entny lu the aU ornrs,'ruI l a altr alo~Publie Accauta hhà t vIsen the Sacrat &Ugeth aI hfr avesOp tion. SIt 5ee u nd wus iuaoenuueda con- gatu A thir wnopton.Thé ilénable lsus» raainlethe pouses -aculdi lagilU&n aleouse a! coin. gsien af tiiex-PremIer, oa! vilhesti plaint,-l isait rese, liea&th.>'chouan au e aameto.daby aa folev tisa cours. taken b>' tishev ow u«pnaxpanalance- HOv tia mono>' c«ue ta romain in tie posiasin O! Sir ýËand. Il Wuast, va araeauunei, john Macdonald Aile: bea bidgene Out lb. intention te imprive an>' cili of ai office lu tua -question tIsaI bas bien tis» aenait of au aducahion aetîhe. pq. rabu.d by Ib. entrn thIle Public Âc- lic eisela. ii. esollionvas lunt$. And ta telithtei.trutb h la a talbr ionvhiaa.vaibf bing aitthé ts a. i ratapayaface ho facutU tha ques. tan, sud bis exýpianà tlon ho aur mini houas o vlei seseo liy scui b.per oti8 tlaoa7. Ho aas t tinla iu wlyoa esi or, bet tisu l liae be vent eutfo, office thore anèe ivsl.v auéses orat hs rounds. uttiei tisînis *for services viiieis wbontheasseoormake. bs ron vsiien settled o8i ha, ebcargeabi. Th isa tu vascaiaorai opportune ior againsî ibis foni; eud t! lasfor the. iracting -tii. attention of ithe ratapay. plirpMos. f elling tuse. daims vitIs. tise out ramovngethe mandta of sacres>' ar* ta hematter, and eotifying tiei.m om the individuels concernai liai be af tie rasult ocf lb. option vliiceisti.'rtained, subit teabus ove persona, sionhi mae. ,crier, as su of mon. y ont af lie Sqe Sgoma of the public sohois have ]&te- rai Service Faui. W a bave ne doubt 1>' be e mucli sa but tisai Ilils cîptanalion conens thc thal, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ whl uapanifo»cmui- I grouni, aud tli il viiibe ne- lion. lu tise. columes, teewu" n tanh e o stls&tayb' atimn -acommoaitonfor cilran o a"i ts cnt>. vise hava bae al along paying hige South Waterloo. taxas for thair maintenance ;-ln fut tie ebireu vih ad a rigist la attend Tii. Governl:eet candidate bsas oniy van. croviei eout b>' the chisiren O! been îîectei for South Waterloo by n.auppartîns. Lange hva "lie skie o! lis teeti.'" Tise srturns bicn expond.d in squipping Our public gin. Masters onu>' a mejonit>' O!f our sclioljs, and saklng theniefficient bin .t liulonimhTrong Grit ascendana>'. seuninaxias cfie eatiaano anditI is ani> TIse voting in tii. ilferent municipali- nalunal tisaI the peopte vio contnubute lies vwas asfoliovs :1 no ilib.raily t10 lisond ibouli desire ha soeuni for tbeir ehilinen &aIlhlbebneflus f'or viheb tia>'py their mon.>'. It is nat unrassonebto liai lie>' siauli ba jeasof thci ntrusion of - hose via nal ont>' do sscI pa>'laadse ieee lits securei, but wv i vhdrev heir taxai item tisa publie scol iued ta supportsa rival systei. -Catiotia par- ente, ie ait otier fatherndminoth- ena, boe ita -gin.thlein eh- rau tue siveetage cf tIhesoasaliootin g vitiutlsefr recel. TIse>' kuc sud feot tuet,' in 'WIitb>' most cesteint>',Ibis la to bha obtainai ssctallihe Saparaha salioci, but aItIshe Publia sahools cf lthe lave. At cee bulding aven>' requisite,- vithicareful afficient leachers, soi veran, condcrtalile, healtiys>' oIooi- ooama are provideel. At the cthar, we vI l ui>' '> liaIhie piature vil b. tIse revners@. Iuniakiug tise cosupani. son no reflecticu l' intendai upon thesa Sepanete sciaut teacee, pensenaîl>', on s ta uis aharacter o a cisphlih'. He1 dams l is bail, and bis acquinemenhsaran donitesas lise hast lia trustes are on- suble tpnoviia for tia mimenable pi- tance tho>'cen affoni te pus>'a teacien. The truth S is aI Caihobias, aven if tii.> desinaditi, are unabte te support a Sep. arete scioci. in Wiily, and tIsa> knov tIsaI, lu trying to do so, tiiey are but doing -an injustice te them children,, ced deprining thaeo!thie advantaâes oe goodssaaiom te lie badinb coramon vilith il llres o! theirneigîshours., But Cathotias hliedn uaeisire Sep. arate saloola ;lia>' can ose nat occasioa for bum ; tien. is ne inien!èencna viataver, soi nover las beeu vitihie religions opinions o! their chlinen et the. Publia scicoos, and tis>ieydeu il a1 laamihip-ao Ba>' tise leat-to le lot-cedl mbt a course centrer>' la hem bolier judgsseot. 'rie>'aise betiensi thtal a battesrlnoladge of iboir iocial sur- naundingi sud position veau dsoesk t1 aid îts. rresu>' religions neis b>' gin.t ing s nîsiient priait t ta eloccsiiy-ai 80 isuPrant a paot - au lhe caunt>' tavu c! Ontaio-instaai cf compellleg t-Wer.tasupporh Saparate soheols wviaiei tIse>' sieter losine non nequire.1 The Presidenlial Content. 0 The daciutan o! lhe Elactaral Com- 1 mission, 0a fer, baes been in favor of H ayes. Tii. caot sil go., on-, but 1, te balance of opinion i. in favor of tthe Repulibcen ucase. The Eastcrss Question. Letest cablo despatches are ta the. e ffect tIsItihe Peaoe negotiations be- twae Turkey an the cee hand, snd Monteagro an the. other ae progress. lng favourably. à despatoh fraie Con. stentinopl. says tiiel upon the. oonclu- @ian of Peece Turkey is ready ta dis. am, pravidad Russis witt do the. sanie. It la tlai hlietthé, linsian. ara en- 0daavouning ta inne.thi. Shah o! Persie .ta joie tlsm in lthe avent af ver. IH i. >rusnaued in Belgrade tust Russie lia infrmai Servis thet mli. ineands ta eos e h Pruth within tan dae. _EAOT Duniua.-The 'vnit, for the, atactice of momban for the, Hanse cf Ciemnons, ta napresent REat Duream, made-vacant by the. eccepting of thea poalmoetrhip of Port Hopa, by Mn. Roua-heu bae isu.d. Thie Time,,, o! Port Hope, lapS tiia onaarviativea are meklng préparations for the. canteet and it ha. ne dauba, if the. igat sMau la ciOsan, >0atban, oonltitueoy will ba Won for th Opposition. Tm .Dsuxnr A«T ZN<uy.-Tiia Dmunkn Aot l4 tg bu ppeaslad eginst lu Grey on th* gronnd thst the pol.i. bocks vere stolé n le On sonna,1 aftaor tiiay wara le théans cf the 1 Wardan, but befre the.of4011 ceunt haed boeaumade, sud thalii'holivas& not kejit apen inAs racceo. Withh tii. -16W le ýb@ township af Bontvlc' - Th:i. Ast -wau recontly squeîliaed ini, th, ÇJauity cof Lambton for tiie latter re4usuan. a paetltka e PistPaaXoegt; POU BOÉ ANNgLE. tiie question ol fih.prt.cîlon inlanbd lu ~ ~ ~ âwî aay oij 511 tWil U MASTEItIS' NAJORITISiS. Gait ........................ I....... i North Dumfimes................... 900 Waterlao Tovnship............... 153 484 EUINNES IuAJOPITIES. Presto ............................... 119 Nov Hsmburg .................... 181 Hlespet.r........... .25 Wilot................ 205 1Total niajas-it> fns Mahers 4. '19. isal contested election lu Lie count>' vas ini 1871,wvien Mn. Ciemne, thie Reforsu candidathe, -defaelcMs-. A. A. Ennb b>' amnsjanit>' o! 30 llc ra la "e ielting off my Mslene' thai even Gril inganulity nil'scarcouy h.asable ta acconiifon. A MEAN TRicx.-Som2e parties whi mnauaged ta procure sanie of the bit]E oelling an Anti-Doukin meeting pested them over tise windows af the stores cj Mr. J. S. Robertison, and Mn. J. Fengu. son, who are.bath stroug edvocates of the. Dunlein. Bi11. Thse sen trick i the cld ane of lIse "green card" repeat- ed in anothen fanm. Tii. Dunkinites did it ;--of this tIsesae l not the. shadav cf tiaubt-iji oîder ta, bring publie odinni upon tIse cens. of tîseir oppo- nents. Thuis i. af e piece with otlîer lUtIle mean acta cf so-called Tempcrance people. WseOLESALE RassaEity.-Sonie tim on Tuesday niglit lest, moine persans enterea thls.mill of Mr. Dyke, et Si- lbai, Uxbridge;' andtaok seven berreli of flour arid 12 'bags of chopped stuiff bran, &o. Tii. sanie eigist tIsebhen of Mr. Raid was antered and 610 busheti of data abstrected. Tii. steating of grain from itxilla and bans is i. vregret ta find becaîn more fr.quent, sud nequires tb.e trong anus' of the 1ev for th. suppression ai lha crime. LumsDFN'S CONÃ"ERT.- The concert, which vas ta have been given, on Mou.- day r.ight, liy tIse Luoden'a Scottiph Vocalista was sa poorty ettened thet it vas given up. PORT HOPE Posr OsrîcE.-The Port Hope Guide IscYs, defelcations ta tise amuut of Aive thonsand five Ilundned dollars, have been discovensi in thse Port Hope post office. Mr. L. Ras, Mt. P., lias bean appoiated postinaster on the resignetion of tic lete incuin- uent. Tie£ BLAGeCKieÂPTE.-The annuel session o! the. Grand Cliepter cf Ontario West openai et Orillia lait Monday aflenaon, that of the. Estern Grand Lodge opened at - Petenboro' the sanie aftfrnoona. UlTElPsusl.-Mlajor Harper, af Whit. b yý shippeil tva of ]lis patent vinoav saîli making maclinues, tbis veeli-one ta Oshawva, and the. othier to Pas-t Hope. Dpà FEAT aP-TUE DuxxNcs ACT IN OTTA- WA COUuSTy.-Tlie Dunkin Act lies boe defeated in thie conuty of Ottava iiy e majority of 200. ST. Và LENcNuEe's DÂ&Y.-An unuanal nuniben cf toving messages and honil cernic&tures pessef hrangis pasl office. -SEDUXTIOI< À CgncNAL Oa'lfgNCE,-- patition fron tii, ladies af Ottawa la Moait.saduglion a criminel offence lias bean ýpneîented in the. Sonat,. FÂaxs.a' SON's FEal;nCUsE. - The Globe. continues ta express disseîisfac. tien ai li.s uasur.eand prediots liaI sncb lelislalion muet eventiselly Iead ta maelood, suffrage. AnjusraBnE COisziTs-CroLmptou Ca.'a celebrated; a largo coanrislt st the Dominion WVarerona-of 3os'ans. Laves & Pevatla. 4io ea large lot af Canadien Cotton V&7y clinap. 2To ths eamroni . 1e f pasbles lied put l inaggloaeai aims for services tiiay bai renierai, or fenod. ei tisa>' liaireuian.i0 soina delay bai ooceffedin fseîtblng jusI alaise.s.eH -kneevtIsI one, e!thse parties ,ba. e corne personal>' respoui~i.b'a? for neY. t? third pârties. Il vas impossible ta givether cuse, as it mssgiit bc as, m u ci as lie liv es af coma f hIes. par. ý sons vwoe. ortsta divalge IlsaIr namos. Tise secret Induit ai bae managad by Sir George E.-Cartier, Han. Mfr. Moni-s and i ieif, anduinssii. as tii. last r.. meini'ng mem'ber bo "cd te, pspy thse balance oanar. He lied only dravu tvc choques, cne for $0,500, aed ana for tIse- balance in fanon cf thse Receiver-Geuen. ai. He explaleed tthe peynuent of $8,. 00 toi Riel, sa aedr repôn-teel. Hon. Mr.-Maekenzte .aid ho*liadinot for e momeot imagine that on. doijar of the money haît been ued on kepti ia. vroperîy, but ho though t hht Sir, Johin A. MadosalelisIolilbaya tld hlm ail about lIse persona te vhisnmon.y lied been peud, anei jdhavé Isanda the. balance ovor ho I la ent out of office. -Sir 3John., Mecionali sal li. lid, sic 0bjection ta give Ilh. dot"bcanula tant vitli tiit secrasy wiiici fa absalute. 1>' requisitè. HUs abject lun islng vas ta stte tlaI noue cf the. moeey hati been l i issade; li.I Il lay lentth. Bank cf Montreet neai>' for the. Becaiv. er-G.ncrat. (Applause.) The BEstimatea. Th'le estimates fer thse ycssr 1877.8, brouglît dovn Fride', show lis. amesint changeable egainst revenue as $28,107, 690,. egainat $28,081,699 estinsates fan tise ornent year. Tise fallowing lsae summtar>' af the estinaeedexpenditure cUise financtîl ypar endbng thi. 301h of June, 1878, togetsen vits tIe.sauns grnel for tisje finencial' yeer ending tIsa 1Otu af Junc, 1877. 16-77. 1877-78. Public Debt lieladuig Sinking Fond .1.7,24,640 97,820,2G Changes of message. mient..... ........... 1801,641 182,176 Civil Governsinet... 8961,088 W1.:478 Admui etratiun oaiJus- tice................. 12,411 012,700 Police................. 5000 11,000 Peniteniies.8I. ,M1761 313,49j Leglation-..........613,491 632,486 Arts, Agricultureanu sttisil-6, (ssslisdiug cense>...........20,80 1,200 Iinmig-tioi eud Que. nantise .............9,5 3,5 Pensions, i(includisig mapernuusations)... 210,438 227,461 ililitia (iucludiug Do- minion îForces anîd Mvolnnted Police, N. W. Territory) ... 'J9151 tils,e36 Publie Works and flsildliugo, charge- able tauiore 1,176,50 953,8L00 Jc-ean aud Rives Ser- vice................ 427,815 881,073 Lighlhouse andu Cost Fsl ce ............381,142 430,144 lles .........-------8,820 90,570 Geological Surveys and observations.. 96,050 96,050 Marnine Hospitels soit Sick aîîd Dists-esroîl Seaitleil ............ -',000 64,750 ;teesnhoat Inseuc-tion 14,650 14,681 Inspection ai lusur- suce Compîssies.... 10,0W0 10,00 bbeidieato-Provi,,cLue 3,618,11-1.5 ,477,557 andian.--------------.. 0 ,96 339.576j Miscellaucos---------9,80 99,800 COLLECTION OFi REVE-s Customs..........6074591 70,5,967 Exciseo------------... Oi 241,200 Culliag Tiwbîer . 1,... 81,000 Weigits and Me?ïssures 110U,600 j l.t)7ff0 tispeCtioli of Stisples. 8,0"0 1,00 .d,îlteratos, cf Fondt. 10.000 10000 Putie Vorks .....2.30,2111 2 6 4,61-ri aost Ollces---------...... 1,73MO 119,8(X0 t Domihnion Lands.... - 00,000 0 ,00 [ina1 reveiu,îis ......11,.1 Il c c A Pl Pl D Ro Col Cul Total Cousoililistei opemptioia cf Delît.- i bli c Woi'lkis and Bsuildlings ellarg-sbîo to Caspitald..... natal capital.. nesoldateit Foui.... pitlAeîouuit.. 8,977ý900 5,43-,100 9-3,031,699 23,167,686 10,857,486 10,819,839 Total ............3,889,185 a3,987,625 Tic Posa Mlster-Genersl's Report. 9Thei report e! the Postîuasler-Genen- alla0, as nenel, a veny inlsresting docu. ment. Tisa fallowing staliatica show thle exîsntoth Ie postai business ciii.e Domnion-an lise 301h o! Jue, 1876 Numnber o! post offices, 5,015. f Milea of postal route, 88,891, Miles af annuel mail transI, 14,878,- 669. Number cf leLléa, 41,800,000. Post caris, 4,646,000. Begistered bLetera, .1,774,000. Froc lettons, 1,059,292. Nevîpapons and periodiceus, 9l8,549,- -000. Booki percale, 4,539,912. Pas-cals, 70,724. Revenue fan ysun eudiig b'ulC June-, 1876, $1,484,886. Expenitune, $1,959,758, Nuniler of! nsa' rienorfilces, 742. Aisotnt of! nuo' nerfs. lsuei, 815,- Nusuhun o! Post Office aSuvIogBank ùIluCes On tise let of Janusi->, 1877. 278. Nniben of ulupositors on tise Uti o! Jue, 1876, 24,415. Total ansount dapasiteul, $1,726,204. Ainount o! duposits sud acccnoed lu-ý tenest On the 300s Jue, 1876, $2,740,. After neferring hoe tic arrngements o! tise International Postal Union roui ta tise sivauzage ierinei b>' Canada as tisa resuit o! mare libeal interna- tional ers-angenioçIts, as e viias sonia othen malIens, tic report notices the. progresa o! tise Iresdeinar>' systeni now in ftsrcein Moisineai, Ta cote, Que- hec, Otawa, !Hamilton. sI. 1John, Hall fax, and Liendon. TIse average o! veeki>' iveries luDacember, 1876, was Letîsns, 120,796 ; papers, 42,50q; total, 168303, in tîso distribution ai vial 180 carrions verseinptoyad,E The eatiifactary recuits o!flise opening o! tise Iîtorcoiouial Railve>' as regards tise mail service ans acticai. TIipEiMAciiNzp.CAtuciboN Axà fNuçne TRATIOX.-Mr. Massousns a,ýe fer lie preutont Gonamisment, vas a bas- i t,y sn uit havi lee maie Mr. Maokeozic 1 vince-shil susane wisei Mn. Maîron oeil-t ei i th1e Mackenzie. Cauchon Coalition, i as Mn. Makenzi'. sonsalivenass aboutM caeltions us knoov. Mm. Massonu pronsd i usmel! s meuler o! innvetivea iu i:e assanît omu the GovernanulaI ibm u veakesh pas-t, andt le latter, vitIs muai n discreticu, atiomptai nc defeuce, buta returuei vlit projectiles i, lb. aut m tue eueniy'a camp. fiicsissCu cIseau is a sanie liaI vili 1 '-'«' COLLAPSE O011TEE Os IN iG--A Ptos. binuaiou lias comipletel>' calajsei,e Oeen>'refluer>' liuhonto siodon loacs. 1'A ulso Association Iseing cciet atliberty- to mauifatue i sanie font>' citogeCher is LoanuEash, A nÛisbeI'F liss. sliov'go iÃte liehé nianufeehurs fon Cassadiao cansusmpiioe -« mm to A9UeprIn i r -The. MÀyanr ropèal-about hvo-hbà d o! thé. taxze. babeau collectai.. Tise lime forthie, raturjetaltie ûetor's nii.-vauld haluna day or Ivo , sud h. b.llieved lie collector venu ask fan au axtension ai time., OBEAM Ui!tTE OE F STREETS. Mn. Ferguson bronghti io-a id change tiseniels of certain strèeto. TIse nev names are e"Gelii," Duffen- ile" "Rlowet," Tnt 14"- u Vie Tic av W5U nia edpass. TOWsy'RcrasTY. Mv. BIow .brou4t inu't o report of tue cousmittee on, toWe pnoperhy recoini. mendiieg pa)tSioncf the.account a! Wm. 3aerne, 46.21j'. Rport adepi.e cd- Mi. Long priscneteâliit slriport o! tue pninting cammittree rusaneni. F paymèüt of i tisa seunts of J. M. i ton 5, ieny Armitaga $12. i Ceunuil wve nt ute omusbtlg.,- o!tue viole. Mnir.Qîbien inuthe ohii'.ý Mnr. bi0; vaui luka ho mcv vbal lie ciainmnan oi the vniating ce»- mâittaeintedoi a do hliaaont a! Mn. Campbell for '#1.50 referned bock la them et the. lest meeting. Dii Iseinteni ta rep ont cgil t att,? Mnr. Losig batnot aeili hmiat f an. opatsity la sea Mn. Campbeit. H. t h e i.auscuni cberged vas too mnqhi. The. account vouli ha teken intoconiiens$ion, be id oct in- tend ta ovelaok it.'- EISTERING TE si-LAW Mn. Fongusou, seconied b>' Mn. Hol kia*ýýioveul, Ilsat tisa clark bie insIue ai t bhans tIse li-law changing Il naines o! certain streete, regiaterei Cannici.- FIEE ANDO WATEU. Mn. Hannasn brougit lu tise nepoi o! tIse coitsusittea on Fine siid Watt rcommueniing pusymeut Qf Liseacouni oi Ring & l3no. 150,John IBlow 11 67. Tise cossmilte. have receivei tne- to funiuis tIse hovu 'iti ail fon montuli- fon S. W. B. Sînitîs et ilSa pen gallon soi Moeuns. Grosa snd Mac naclhta t SOcLs er -gallon and tic reepminsend thse seceptamo, cf Meusr Grass & Mscnaciiteo's tenders. Council ib committee ofthe viol Mrn. Hopkoimu is te chair. Mr, Ferguson did not fanas tIse ni ceuving of! tenders. et preacet. Th conihinetionii Loudon bai brokers o tie duty eo il hoc lai eni doubi vool, ho sssatenially rndeddnd in iowo weeu li. thoughit ilvauild s dowu la 4OcIu Mn. LUCaMihian neplii, the eaunci vas nov paying tots a gallon fan ail if ail did go down ho 40ets in a nionth tise couneil wooli lave ootluing by it eeid tiser. vas thu uenteiuity viseihei il would go dovn or nlot. Ha wai sîronglin lufavon of eccepting lise tend. er. Report edapisi. Mr. Watsîon, brnsglut in us by-law t regoboîe e sgnuug of liceisses fai 1877-78. Tise by-iaw pranlules fon 8 Satls wiCi a liee lu te of $100 each for the sevu licanseailest yeen sud Ionrlise Nationsl "80 ; 3 i sh a t 82ç10 each. By-tev reuai tise iecesen>' moibei if imes and paiti. Mn. Orisiston presentutis e repor-t ol the Rtelief comuittee secomnssing ieyusent of acct oJ. Bynne 'ic28.24. Tisa comssitteehusd also neceinti au a500000 from Dr. Bogart for sueiical etteoilsuos -fl w1, iici extenulsi Ilrongi 1875 anud 1876, tise>' laid thse accaunt hefère tie cooncil for its coiiei-enticin. Council ventinmia ccmînitte o! tise -Isole, Mn. McMillan in tIse chair. Mn. Hanni nanriliciti totai pa-h of tue accaunt rnnened for 1876. Mr. Blow tnovenaituDr. Bogarth ka affened $25 in full ai' accaust. Mn. Long movadinbu meniment tiat Dr. Bogart recoins $20. Mn. Hanonam move nsila aenianesît i tise amenimuent thiel Dr. Bogart ne- unie the fuît iacuot o!is account. BaLl thse amenimeets vere put and 'ad mihe orginal motion cannisi. Report- vas adoptai na mended. BILLIARD TABLES. Mr. Watson brougIs inbutue report cf seo License conimiltea neaarruenieg fat licensea ta keep billand tabla.slie ýrautai Gao.Ray, Jua. Sianton aui 'anid Sonithi.-Repori adoptei. License llxei b>' by-law, sanie as last ran. th t'l tl el to Il TAXES. Mr. Blowv, soconde(l by Mr. Gibson, moved that the petitions asking for a rebate of taxes lic referred to the. Fin- nance committee. That the collecter be instrncted ta collect the balance of taxes, except tliat of petitioners, due et once sud to place befare the council et iLs ncxt meeting- a lirt of these wliose taxte care yet 1unpaLi. Carried. TIIESiNOW lDY LAW. Mr. I1uiutn iwntcd te know wliat the chairinen an streets and imiprove. mett lied doue towarils preparing e Mr. Ferguson lied it rinder cousider- ition. Mr.flnnnitm eooeplineiltîxet the sanie anewîer ied heeîî given et tIhe lest weting and Seull nûthing bhailbeen dane, lie movcd secaeided by Mr. Orm- iston- «'That the coinmitte. on streets and insprovernents b. initod ta pre pare a by-law for the purpose of keeping the. sidewalks clear of mcv .and iining it up et th. noxt meeting *of the conucil. Carried. ' ýAN ACCOUNT Foli CLEARING ANWAY SNÃ"W. 1On motion of Mr. Hopkins, secoiided by Mr. Watson, thse conneit went intta cominitbee of the whole on au eccount of $6,50 for the cleaniug of snow off Brook street as fer dowu as Peter street. Mr. Watson in tihe chair. Mr. Hopkins expleioed tisait te aide- waik was in e diagraceful state, being iiuried in thse snow. Re bail ordered that it b. oleared away and put thse mon at wark ta do il. Tise usuel nmon- Der in tii. Streets "nd Improvements Committee, was for tb. member order- ing the. work doue, toa ige n arderand sipon its being andoic.d by the chair. mian, tihe treasuror would pay the. ainount. H.elied givon tiieerder, and for ous. resson thse ch&irnian had r. fused ta endorse il, -ha b.d tisarefore appeaiad ta tIse conuâi. Mr. Ormiaton ündersaý.d &U eccunt. îliould be brouglit befar. the cannait b y the otiairmeau cf the comsiittee ta vbicli they belouged. H.e thonglit tise councit thould refisse ta pey it, ntil brougbt in in tihe proper wey. Mn. Pergnion said the eceaunt lietd never been before tIse commuittee, and tMr. Ilopkius lied ordered the work loue an lii awu acce9nt. He d(MI not isink thse work wAe nocassary to be done . at 1t- le. im.Mn. Hopkins lied1 o erdt and therefore wouldnot lign ammmmom rf Mr. Ferelsson t i il- Ot Dy s. 11) Council Boom. Colunibus, :5 Monda>', Feli. Sti 1877. Council niai. nens ratt proant. Minutes cf the. lest mieetinlen andas ~confirmai. Petitions vera preseneLi sigusi froiniJaohn MoGil sud Lewis H. nDnev, sach, asking for thecffice cf As- memeor aud frani W. H. Brown asking for -the offiae of Tressuren. Mn. Makie secouisi, b>' Mn. MotIsersill, niovai, tîsat Fosten Hoeg b. nefussisi ans dol- lar, lieing onenciierge ou deg tex. Mr. Mothisnill secondeel, b>'Mr. Me 0 enzie, movei, liaI lie reev'i grant ain n onden ou tise Tarnto General Hospital ta admit Thsimss WIseelen b lthe Hos- SpiLal foîr mnial ireaunien._-Csrried. TN e dent ws iustructei ta arien tIse slatiisiry, requinsi ionrlthe use o! tise corporration, for thie aunent year. rA petiLion signed b>' James Diakson and othira, asbcbng for relief for Williasm Sehooflefli visa s heen sick for a long Si Lime. Mn. Motisensili, reporteil thal Ise bai epeu tise Treasuren 8$5, which lie Isai neceim'e.d froni Wm. Vea , seent foi Lihe noai behveen lota 14 aoi 15 in Na. 5'2- lst concesson- A by-iaw vas introdusedandss passi, sppoiuting Lewis IL. Dnew Assesson for tise presenl poan. Mn. M othena;ll1 gaîve - notice, tisah et j LIse nesxi meeting o! the council, Ise wold introince c, ha appoint overseers cf Highvays, Pouni.keepers, seul Forc-vievrs for thie aunent year. Mn. Meekie, seaouiei b>' Mn. Mcii- ersili, monoi liaI tie pehition ssking for tise opening cf the. nad ed lseen l ota 14 andi 15, lu tise lot concession ho' not rentai longer tIses lst o! Nonean- b ler nexh- The followimg accouets vene pneaenh. ed sud oriered la be peud, via;: Bobt. Hoigsan, relief cf D. hurr for 5 veeka, 86.25 ; A. MoKenssia, relief cf Elten -Johson, $5 ; Mn. Maekie, relie! cf In. rcilgents, 89 ; m. Veste, raparing vateng-pîace on Kingston rosi, *2 ; A. K. Farvll, gravet *6.18 ; George Young gravel *2.18 ; J. Lici, relia! a! J. Dellon Indigent 86.25. Ou motian o! Mn. MouIsansiti tue couneil aijoonaite lIse finst Saturtis>' (tle. Bn) o! Masel noxî, te meel et 10 o'clock s. n. FuNEBAL OF John O'MAHoscv, 'rie FENSAN HEAD CENTRE.-A Iferald'a London speciai sape lise fumerai o! Col- onel Jolsu O'Mlisoney viii -nieka tie occasionofo a greet demjonstration a- gainsl Britishi suie in Ineland. Cous miltees liane sprong up in aven>' Love lu Irelanîl, sud alonze rise sinprepan. esions fan thseceptiin <iflise lod>' are îuaiîe witîs Lie greahest zeai. Ai. dresses are ieing prepanai, snd nearl>' ever>' hovn vilI - sent a delegetien to the. funerai. Tis a Ctialie Bishop o! Cînyu lias causouhei ho celeiîeethie ueqnim means. On tise arrivaI o! tIs e n- malifistisa ioiy vtll le coeveyed Ironi the tender b>' s grand tonciigil pro csssicn ta Qusenelon ; thoua. it vil lie tekeu ta Cork, viere il vill lie in state billlise 121h, vien t ill nioned te Dublin, for ictenniont in Gîanevin. THs ChANGEt IN TRia LAv ALLOWING TRI, ACcoUax» PuEaSOicS, rGzn En.- xsENou.-Mn. Dymoed's bitlproniiest tiaI an>' peran ecused cf felu>on r- miaensmeane an e>, an is trial, offar toc lie exaninei ounluie ove bebaIlf.HRea suailtuhen ,isesubjecî la ixaniluellon- -sud oos.-exsuinsiou) as a vitnesa fan tIse defeuce, sud bis evlidne. shaHlibe subjeet-te tIse sanie incidents as thit cf J au>' cthen itues, as respects as-oubl- 1 il>' on othenise, sud an>' vilfuil>' laîse b sstaenienl shah i. petiur>', but no suais I persen siall lie exsnimnei vitiant hie i conenti. Lîaaan ivÀA 'raî.--Laai Salons>' t] Jcohn Giles, Whio lineti about leur miles t] vest cf Boianlville, vas, tillai. He 'l vas ont -ciapping alone, sud net ne- k tnrning et six lu lie ovening, searcl i t vas nis'ue, wveolisas foundi lu lie. t voocle cesa i saliluueoach Ires lyleg p anosi is iek. I lorouer Christie vas 'T sîctiflei sund a a jijsMM enad, Whoa verdict ilu accaniause i ltbta aoy lacts w*s renierai. Deceasid vas aà f s soies- inuu n'a -moand > dleaives va1,1I vife and oua chili ta maous-n i. deeli. f ý De .-uusea ntonce. Is e ouugl ie 1 .oct -ses fit le psy lhe billbhe venlihi ahi. te bear the ccnssetences. Mn. Blow vas ai opfinion liatic i lie feuillle hebinan à on sîneetsane iM1*onemenî 1! lise bt lid noltcaset throîsglitii. proper course. Tii . a len>'cfa-emiiîoeru.,Mr, Hep. binasud M.,'Denet-iihliai areed Olia the. wonk vasne cessar>' and ai arien- .1 il ho be doue, sut! jUstly Iba. it vas asie ai the main Iionougbfares al thý tevu1 sud ahoîsîd'ba tept lear. It vaSskOe sseut -o hewbladiesa ndieu- non *transplg hhrougb lise deep snav, but'prbebly Mr. Ferguson vas net in apstion hto a'ymphtiizavIlshemhra tlsouhb-)M, hppéd -hé seau vouti. ( Lauitr.) Tise malter liseutd bave beau -,attaudai ta long ega. Tiie people hufi t li s udevahkaand ventad te nuelieu, and net bavatiseuscanarad vits snoa eli wnlar for tis- ak sii. te dollars and! fify coe.a. ;Mr. Fergu'10 bi no doâbitishe se. ceuni vauli ,.b. psu id.en brougist in inuth. p rapar vs!a., -Ha sa4no proof hhat Mn. Devenu snini le e Zar- iog aiflthe udevalit. ,, MnU. Long.was e fevar aipaymeet, sni sia8 smfusIlier ramanks iran sud MoMillà n, Mnr. Fergnean n oved ta refer île se- count ta lie cemusîttea an streeti. Mn. Blow complained aifIthe effeal ai suaIs e motion as lniling vili tise malter, ami keeping tIse poorn eswho ia tIse wonk out cf their mono>'. Ho eppealed 10 lie gentlemen tlausetlilas men ai conimon- sense. Mr. Fergneon stati tIsaI Ise vouui cal tIse committee togelier la-anarrav aud lihe mon vouti tien gel thein nions>' et onco. Mn. Hopkinsaegneed tetsaiend Mn. Fergusan'a moltion vas canni. THE UA5UiOUR. Mn. NMeMillan eskei visatthie speciel cossmitte.e ppainleel te inquire imb tIse mals o! tihe aun Isaë ions. Mn. Blown neplei liaI Lhe coananuîe coula fini aut nolhissg except lie han- bouin vas Dsot for selsent presenl. Cannait adjonrnusi et ient>' minutes pat eleven. I. CONTEMPLATED COÂLITLON OF G. T. R. ANI) G. W. R.-A celle message from Landau may& sttng efforts are baingý inade ta strengihhen thé, Grand Tnk s ud Great Western raitways aof Canaa by rnana of a coalition. Tii. Timea virges it strennansly. PUnSliNT FRaaTU»E Poas.-The pil. grnms froni Monîreel purpose makieg A' £rdimn to ee poe, we-,are ta M ti i tE Mr. P. rymoea, seondai byMr Farieel, tbat Mn. Ouuiston b. chahr =o.Carriei. Mn. Ã"oristau n, lu, hlhe l.hoair feUl 'quiteapleasi t: tha bonor ionq hi yheaboard. Selsoped he ous ho ahi., and bava the.aupport of Ils board, to diacharga is dtliiau vUsi lis predcesor, Mn. Porr7,suend li bus rubee-vutib. svi Tb. minute. cfi he lest uuseng van tien resd sud approedai COMNImCAION&. PrmG. Y. Smith, . lipector ci To oIo1s, enceIu<omune te Minitr uo&tc, u-readt a l com dcton fe»mn.Jackson, naapeetlng paymant aidlb.hlalter' salr>'.teDou d caom, tiserDéiet' Minà ià shen In. seto, audcrs in eretuirn tua spdetsepiAcorttion, refen. maet, s.sudeoumt>ohlneet tan t, e ud equlpmelofaehool esyOU FrenasiH ariosr, givlfgi teamndan ofaaI la rniu ssoo1:fo lien metis ci Jennaroasteices 224 avree ateiana,195; Dueisu- ut. choo, - imbe au iol,181 average attanisuca, 146; JOhn-sIre seoal, sunier on tise reli, .180, ararage attandsnuta, 1165; Hliis cbaol, numbes ou liah ral, 120, avrnego attandanca, Froni the Ziecatlanai Departuseul annonncing tuai lie Goveuel grent fan thea lest baltef 1876 veuli emaunt la 0452.1 'rie ciairuasstaed hatIa on eq mn> il vas faunhi liat a mistake baibeau muaesad liaI thi. aniount auli be increaesib>' abanî *200 ;' se liet the grant vculi b. about 8652, lusteai of Mr. Farewell, seconddib>' Mr..Pov- elI, anovd liai aà spécial aommitt.e. con.iating cf Messrs. Penny, -Gampialu, Dr Guain, sud tue moyen, b. appointai ta ihniks tbe standing cêjîmuttea ici th. praisent yoar.-Cainnla, Tise cimihle. broug in lutue report necomusseig liat lie foiloving b. lise standing conimillees frrtlie prasult FNNCE. - Powell, Ring, Poat sud Peny. - Sciace MâANAEuMxsNT.-Mr. PFe- veil, Dr. 'ruakan, Dr. Guun, sud Juigo Dartneli. Scisoor. Paos-sarv.-Mr. Camipbell, Dr. Canson, Juige Dartuall, end Mn. Powell. Report adoptai. M iANGE. Mn. Powell Incughtitnl thé report ai Lis. Finance Comniatea racomning payanont cf thei accounts cf J. M. Wal. son], $5.40, Ji q. A. Campll $8, W. B. Hi . us 15, sud J. S. Ballenlyno #8. Report aiopted. MRE. JACKSON'S SALAIT. Juiga Danineit mened, meaoniei > Dr. Cerson Lt lIste communication le naereuce he Mr. Jackscs's salar>' ha r efedi o the commilla. an aclicol managemenl.-Calnied. INTER5EDIATE EXAMINATIOMS. Dr. Gunu, secondai b>' Judge Darneli movai tt thle secrehar>' ho instruahei ta communicat. viIs lie Cenhral Bard et Toronto upon lia sulijeal ai tho In- - lesiae.'examistian sud neqoasî su explanation o! se mas>' failunes main tIsis Selool. Canni. 1 M. Farewell, seoudei b>'Mn. Penny, smcved liaI lhe commilîee on Sciaul Manag ement be inat-uetei te inuira mbt lise mannes sunvîsici lIse lata In- tenmediate examinations veno conduot-, ei ssii report ta Ibis boand. Cannied. SEPARATE scnooa LnaMREN. Mr. Camipbell, scuideib>' Dr. Car. son, movai tuaI tue teecara aif lia diffèrent seboots b. instruceto tanatif>' lie parante ai tue cuiren vio psy chein taxes tasds tue su p Ont cf the sepanat. sala oct ttuh lUdren vowuii not be admittcil sitar tliidae. :Garni. esI. TE4AHR5 Aies , Mn. F arewatl, secouia b>' Mr. Powell, unonei tuel Dr. Gune, Mosars. Powell Post, King. Penny, Joige Dartneit and the moyen ba s cemmitteo ta ravis. lise salaries cillhe teaclera luilsthe ifanent acoîls, sud tins prenant se man>' Sp. pliaions for incneas ocf salan>', ano liat; lie comunittea report aIhe next meeting cf lie bard. Camid. On issolion of Pr. Canaon heabard aijounoei. A HAIIILToN BoT Bussrsxu.-A paie. fnb accident ocaunnod et Hamsilton ce Tiinsia>' aftenooa,isayà tue Tisses, b>' vhiai s lai ai -about laixteen Jeans a! âge, nanisi Heur>' W. Sanabun>', ves bail>' huaid. 'rhe lad vas v.ork- inz lu bis uodle's vine-vorklug slap ou Ring sireet vest, sud standinig near tue atone bis apran caugil fi, viol aoau spreed upvanis eand araund Mo body. AIl lim efforts to untastan lise vsna bsoks b>' Iicsli te apran vas astead ta hm* ranugiuilema, lrie oi taextinguilIe lîames villi vater and b>' rciling in some sucw. Howvee, ho vas unabia ta put ont lie fisuses vhlch, vas oesumiug bis eloibia a! his bsak, sud b>'soie goifortuna bi s autcame devuains, ad baartng bis cries put out tueans-, vhieh beil burnei ubrougiIse ciotues, sud severs- 1>' humad i bodyei, espoialy on tise thigi near tise> pockesl.ioIcts-ovaers. I vas foan i tai b. u. unued lu ohenplace. on bi body &bahIdilsarme- Théi vorÃŽl vouad iî is aou telii. ugl. rie lad suffenet! unapsakable pain. HE.AvT ROssuCRî.--Naw Yenk,: Feh. [7.-The benking, haueai Jaune. G. iega & Sans, William sîreèet, vasrab. beocn Fida>' of *105,000 'lu U. S. Regist.rad Bonis, B. B. securities, and bonds and inertgagas. The secenrites were canlainei in a amait sale lu tie bnrm's vautt. Tii. aie vas unicelued ln the monng bycu.e of the firun, and lie boxes vase thoe le tueur place. Tle door cf tiseesale.vas shat, but tue ke>' vas noal lunsa vin ha 1cause ta lock up ; l i ereving le found liaI lhe boxes bail isappard. -Il à le sup- porei lie>' vena stlon-uy a smiiihie!. ThIe polie. have ne clu. ,ta tb. robb.r. ASsAtlmïrON Tzi Mnimao r - oz.-Smnet -Murre 'assutaal Mn. hlakeas1watrv.enaigle *aEno. Mr. Oarhwnlgbht'Minister Pi anc., madeaibaBudget speechu. Th effort wau a, vey labourai one. Tber i,à ne cuntailment ai expeeer E U* wsnte for lth. present -fiscal yaar #28, id 167,000i au nmffl ofasti$186,000 on lb e'&Munof ~lap.hyaé. Heoseems la pi 5adut>' ai'tva o nts-pèr lb. an aIl heu Ie importe at ttecuiry. 'The eémii <dut>' ou' ptr oabum la t e, b o aboli aba ré. alss'tibeehm dU#à s reiuedfralti 1 taG6cents par gallon. -Tbuné vould' à sgpln oi'*bouh $75,000 te tbé publi Of ha uaid, by thba change, huiliher. vomi a. W*omae he r- venus-s of OIQO,0 Di Tho ty on tes vâuliredoe ithO sqq Illâii=tui w m hoe» tva item.' 0 nWhthrta to beaadditlio of1 co 'vear lb., sud on bon breve! hom cIle irlll t"a»malt, a cantepeallo vatotu théIlisDottr-acigaratte r T» hsged li ciarsuad &U cigar am ô e t d5 2 Fe Fenl7-ad iVlaom. Ail pifumai, Tabig isto h remredfrein tue Ira an aupuýtlnu he1Jpar ent.lis. C0 lail biar sud pontr iseportadinubotIl tuéneba-lo b. a pelle ml'ai o 18 centi cupall alon eut! on lise.antic es' lu voi l Ucenlu.,, 3r ofTtcint omIdsre.À coninud uderprésent regime. TPIsMaWs sapecial sys :-Dr. Tmp pin follavet in a speechs a ê ou st sud Ivessi>'m inutes, vhich la unques tiouablo tua best lie beven umadein Ith Houa. Of> Gommons. Il vas continu on., argumeutatina. forcibte, soi deliv >o red i vu lhe elmost eue. He cas le rastai tiaperiid ingwvich thl rConservaiive parly waa lu po*er aine 186 wih hatsinetii> e wnt cult0 office, makiug mas>' points vbicli-iti us.iss 'ta attempl la suinuseise. H - ointai ont tiel lie polio>' of lie Gov 3,ernment as ho petraleum vas lii. polie, li proposai lutI session b>' Mn. db>, ani d thuen esioted b>' tise aGavermne. Ri >chargeaad pnMn. Cartig«ýi tIsI la sessioni, vian ii- isiivanti husblds ,tspeech, he muet have kuove liaItIsherd ve onuifh. a large daficit at tia end tute yar, and tisaI ha net on>' Iaok ni stops ta provida fan tiie deficit, but cor ri cesled theb. fact lsexistence froni ils Hanse and tue cousnry.. Thse deficit l-sowvear, vas ualtva omillions meolyi Te Ibis sues muet hb. aidai lhe lirei millions i aation. H1 --iieonlâebfe professions cof economy>'o tise Govarnm.ul glning figures in proot cf ie assertions. Thie Finance Minis en's an lie ettackei vitu unquestionsé force, asserting tIsI 2 per cent. on ti - viole sumso! £2,500,000 sdg.liai gani ino thIe poakets ai ecmaebady. Hi pointai aut liov lie Goverusee haý tad vere losieg strenglinu lI acnntny, brougit tla Ibeir attention lti course takou iy Mn. Gladstone vIse ho found i unse leina simien positioni ssii conolqolsi b>' saying-hslil vai Fquit.e endidnt th. Governmeet wve e. 2taruninei ta go clown, as clown tIse 0 ouli go, viii thein Free Traie flag flying aItuteir mizz.n, but Iseppiltheyis coubi net carry Canad is iitIssusm He vas vanusi>'cheersi IlinougIsout, aud et lie close oc iaspeech. Mn Makenzie foilovadinluasspeech vhiah muetl have bronghitith. blal te tle cieek of tise more respectable mes o! hm cve Party'. Il vas coanse, pa brutal, tla s egree. He talce of he Pacifie scandai, tle Yucoe, Shikeen, and Poncopins rivera, lie Washsington ournender, soi a numben o! stock sols- jecta, wviihoa. lvaialtIrots out vîsen dnivoen imb a-corner, using Ian- goage vici siampa lise as > eman utterly unlitted for the. position vhils lie boldo. Ha pnocsedei la comats sanie ai lie positions leken b>' tue pre- nions speaker,' establishing b>'. is man nes sud ie. langufgel hsosrel>'iei feets his Iona af loli upon the. country aud approeciing ejection fron office. >Tii spectacle preseetai b>' e is na Minister -i nanaiofisici the. country nia>' vell féal ashamei. '- 5ffr John Macdonald Bai ie hoboa liard man>' speeches fran tue Final Mlniaten m uius. enoffieillasd officiai capaci>', but i. hsi neyer beeni froan bum s - spooech seunpanliamenar>', so îunvanils>, and se "dligraceful. Il oui>' îsiiov.d boy tia Incisveaud oclusive speech cIla hou. hfrid iront Cumber. landin le vuestuer. vas no t asingle unparliamontsry vond, bas tald. sa fan as lie iuuseli vas concnee, lia wisiid eiiborni -lb.Final Ministen liat lie iesenved ne favarsat liiisband. Loaking aItIthe criticab, position of Eng- heni latai>', i. tisnkei Gci lihai h. Tarante W.ilnesisy FoIs. l4ti. 'rhe Sousyestends>' cauued le vo- solutions, providing for Lb. annuel gral, 0oucertain conditions ocille on. tarie SaabetY O! Anhiatto Su Frait Grovers Asocialion. Tise Oouoliaà ted fsttutes Billvas nia & ib "eon ie, sud referrei 10 s special eommuh&tee. Tii. H6uie 'liou took tIse report o! the COmmiîta on SasppTt> à msny cf the items no abjections vas afferé, but au cohers thano va agreal ýdeat ef discussion. Oa a ielouton ýte grKnt 50,000 for uufonsaeu amisunprovidai oxpenses,ý tIsane aetie # aateti Mr. Mepeugal i oe r nlt<ion of lie itantoa 20,000.'l 1 11' 'rhe.original item, vas concueiin n s division, the 4 un eig49.ta * Tarante rsua>'Feli. 151h. Mn rsr moeaithe reading o!tIse, Fermera' SonsaFrnciasbiBu. Mr. CAmirnos movai an amenameni ho tisa effectt laI, viii farmana' sons, frot-an ein intellgence sudpersonsl si Te Premier, l aensver la.Mit iMene. ir dit s talai liaitisheGovarument vana ~'noS prapanrei ta bnng cown a ueaure- on eenuphina Iis ssein. toThe iiil té failitialtii.h formation kr af Joint Stock C ampanieu vea brovo W- out on avote of 42o 27. MY M. Babusso itisrev bis lltpro. M. vding for cumulativo vçing. Dr. Eastwood on lhe Dunin AhI-. deTO aIlEditor of the Whitby Chrokicie. te if the LÀcasei VicIal- se lers have aalèi nvimel>' ishreeten- ,e ig is struak, to i.ttrike baeksomaue ilueaw auIce Id" be maie for theminder the cîruwnisices. Tii.> M a n a ' po sibly ec aisiter lia I e en a Smajori>' o!.lthe netaPaYers o!s n OlY 'e Me>'so b>' tIeir actions damiage tIse 'u business,'r'ssiidepr,Cs&at tO praPant> v- cf privaI. Individuels, aen tian i i ,n sho ld i sha m auuTestly forltIe p nlýic he ainanage, ivitiont ML*siug provision ce !cr tise reniunuration ai. ulsose who me>' of îiera y usîin a legs. -T à , same of ùr tIe licenssi victuales tIse eliIing lh. -e Dunkin Act le operaion i b tisceun>' mens financialrmin, and ta sane c cy thein creditora probable los.'Tc - 'nYRslf 2d being tIsa ubfontumale ovuebr '%f -tt -eIotl, tlosgsnot a- ticeneai Icta wî il means tIse rduction cf an> incas f' ,e - to the extent of One Hnind doar,,le fperarsem, aI lest, an-d poesuibly "double or Ireile- thet- aniunt. Tise no style ai sivoae>'adoptai b>' tie ultra. - temiperance people-Can peoplè lie he nitre sud et tIsé sanie tume temperale?2 ÃŽe, -am net'been sul s-s is beat- calaulat- y- ed toa aeshLe.gooi ceose.'TIse 61 incongrucum mixture cf paaos, ana 16 burlesque, tie mandile synpstiy e- of pressed fan lie real -offeuclers. .vIso vill if sol restrelu hei apatites 'vithie due ýt _bounison vheinoving -tIsaItIse>'cen- not do sa, vIll not refrain siltagellien; ~thse sioxitigaisi conienntion cf those wh vIseh cee. and do, heep vihin tIse le bounda of moderetion ; thse abuse h leaped upen this, aofviose provision le fan 'the confort o! tl1ra-velers---vo are 'e including even thase wvisa dam tbbe Stempernee people, pc-r excellence- s0 gîsil et limes tla avait ounselves, ansd vhc affen ail do but supp> ' apub. e-lia demndni hials they do notiing la W creste, are on. snd aH arguments and 19 incentives ta, action better ceicuisisi 'Y to misieai lhe public mini, tIss tue>' a. are-,ta place tue enle o! intemipérance 'tin its inn. ligIsI, snd Iheneby>'ta mndi- cae thIe beat maunen o ai csig vith it. Let il, 1Isover for lie purpose c,! thei* Fresent argument be- granteil tuaI e aver>' lange umosint of public gocil v, ii b. gcomplished. b>' puttieg tIse ' Dunkin A n-tilu'force in tii. couet>, ) ail tie goci £" feel- tIsaI l in-lu fs-van an ofitBae>' tha.t j5 vii. 1s the ,SCCOMP- )"lislimenti cf s pnr1,'0t.segood ilu itmelf, b>' !ympropen me :sa ý1-tîfiable, on even - p a li a ? l a I s i l nig h t ôr Ž' o n e s l lia I lie ngenanal publia mhouli .1 h.pncflted at the epegeo!- certain pniN5,te led.- vitiosas?. Cauot 'the public- belter* afsfoni te psy bonest>' for whi.' eil - req oi nAs, lIsse it c en b >' n a tc h in g viis.. it vants, negsniless o! le iengis cf yprivate individuels, ta emtablish s uncst dangsron."pneaeienl, for li, rail. oce establiiled is susceptible ci a -multi- pliait>' ci applications ? Thora vIses are penciiei upon tie upper part of tse ni of tue via-el lu feoeied seaur il>'it ta-day May'throngb an unlookei- à ed-icrnevolution, lie clingiig for ver>' tue a tu te unies part to-nicnnow.. Do 0lliose wvoisaletruh ansd vith- -good ymotives strine afher liaI vbici is landebie,. emplo>' meens for tuesa-. cîpismmeol cf tIse.purpases vbîci are sot laudable? Il is quit. possible lit aIne'of thoae vise meke a busi- ness cf lecturinig upon temipérance,- SMeay b. fonnd ready-b>' tIsaI psautier mtyle cf loic v hicil îaemBsose eli adepted te temperenos plalforus, ta prove tIsaI tie business o! botalý keep- ein.-, aed conmoqoeetly Isotel propent>' f aiso viiili e acLnaliy--3improvab>' tii adoption of the Dunkie Ac, and1 sonie viose training ma e>'leles.sinadanced, me>' le villiug ta admit tIse the Adt, le 80 ifa- as il effecis uiiose-sylo are in cee va>' or anotier conocted in thse liquon trafflo, nia> lie somevIset un- just lu ils operatice,- vilI yat. pacif>' tlîeir conscience while voting- for ilf, b>' tise neflection lIat if iL sîsouli iseinge tise Isoel-keepèr' -poeket, tisat hurt viii lie mare than compeisatel for b>' the good il ili dois soul. But il b ateat Ldh-uhîfuil wheler s- gaciin- preisian l ilaUel>'te i. producèd upon inu, vose meassie f smpporting hoir W. . Eà TWOOD, M. D. AN INNOCENT MAN HANGED.- des- listaIs - vas receinai ai Nevark on .Tiorsa>' fro-ni Washington, -saying : ,'You bave Isnng ani innocent mas. TIse munieel o! Broc-e is boes;-onea h- uneduatet'." -Tise shlirf artai aI HAiYES's ASgÂs5NeÂrItN SU-SuaTei- Cn;.-A Washinugton special $&Ysan eitital ines th.ue -7.rai l Gà .,MJn aur. a ndathe couut 01 ni vo li fore thda Packard Ltias net job oaith, cal capit lune ibi S and a wi s he e ofs Regneis "O the Bi rJat-ril 'on the a 'vould W, -sureofu' 'as Ciriin tuas.$vu prve yo by force, Mlg cup lash-.à Gas one mai 1ion. TI obtain s Dunkinie Etead. E Maine, ha greal nus Stt, noi lsanofivo. chronicte eusyinylt border as articles W sud Mail vils regs] -If-lieuà -1msovu tu( vonhi han mre lt.:, appêsrs os Woodboi.à graea i s, isumsbrar bisadefeu lut altagi mraad hafl>' mot do W !1&ys e m a ;iad blotsCî 'voxsld sue - pasud I ýas-iautuos Jon aifGant s motion ti seconder. rie>' do mucl, hl yan meteh rat, seit 1 of iifferee ~Aemmla 1 ' - 1 1 1