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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1877, p. 2

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on.7ci-riemeir-e PUR ANNUM. MIIC1I15, 1877. se Law. A0thue ustuit'.of- b"sness euS ceeu- illareltalnui ud id~ila1 tolltoisa beaotn, inaorea nval sud' diverge, nov cuipliea-s tiens ailes, il$ gWeli lecdieabtleas oh exiag u oiulat ef businaat, As Coin - - ttrce devolopad bis. Lombard hauSsa tu*.mted bluli 91ezoasgo, s»d subme- r.#uiemontu cf a 'héluglag course of4 bilnexa, anS ioi he(Jonoonal Siw m'elttung lwtisse s lpensab1e oWusiýl 1 rc teis1h55 beenau ataIc- <drej~ h7n gnw ki. J ifS unr, Id eolipar alivoly tùhderu daye; tise l I vtnud. oihes f insuince amiS liulvas'haa'egiovu amt i- evleped ulule Sy elde. -,lut aommQnity ile.car -ovu, ucoi i tai' cf oISon youîng cenubrieu ln wbhiipa-eihlon .-slei-o eanS »uuoey gore.., nanuftuîa-ergax- nd -tr cliss- ave 1a pushlà Ime auleocf tieir - dg; a.o ndu cf bte Jouis tIsai-ohave aprung lutoc oeîuonusua, kuneowufa-on Che. lar4;etcfgbada lu respect cf visicis 010uY voci-el -AmuSe, ais "Hwing - F101ollo Agmeanents." Tise Seau- eruelts . u ,ilestion ora sigixed by C18 ii, uuesr, asd- cenlain-eun agneu. Mul- meto laurcllots ,gesally by lestai- -mente, a 'nil a dse1lenetlon lsdt until tha -a-iaIs susî, ch h.lly paitâ for, lb ahouhi uucuitiua e -e pory of h. vaudor. -Tiiii liguehlly cf sucS 'inarumenulsIS itt1u staulsh.llu bois I'revlaoa hy lIt, i Lecleon of citr Court cf'Appeal, lu wltiiuaiteicu le a S e a àjiidg- itufirut cf I1la lHouer Juuigo l)artneiî, tb -bu fflin le hien ceolmea Inthse cuintitblocCourt cf Appeal tise ulaleul- cnt, vitltioub notice cf thie existence cf s1uoi a documîent, , Ànd uSter seaurait forer ouelonu. tinS clluatel toea-gagos1 io inou prapen cilice, paiS cash for a1 - - 1,1)I vtîmuoiuaf, for whluii ovu obligea f') 1-l' A secourt ttucowitim hîaavy costa.9 ev- - of 6;.eýui t atte of thil:w ti'ruai> cf pinos, 'agriailttanal -au.] riiuiituilitioa, andi even foruiturearut hu,1 ulng iîpleS, amiS thora lu né iiliu-ry paovideil b h vis a put- ç.1 ul,î eau bu> ais-s cf the tille of tue U110101tol ho pnneu usü. lreviouîu. NY'iitij4 auto-ha, anI le Sons in many lu. st.euuoosu. e hlove ectoiufornxed cf IV-11'110 lu wlii a large anîxi was ail- Vitten!0#îlipou an euh1,'auS uaacblnanyi tilemu'n c onlatinil-, anaii ut-gaga iuuunbth exoctedl. Ameug the ,îrtilhus x Sgolfoi' lia advance maat whi.hu"~hilt Uos 6990)t, Sit %mitirlo, iitusi±ouieito-Liso lanmien, 'Vuelitae bja-et Ufcul' o t iîsfiugu-uiieut Oune-o Lice troaitise vcedoa-uî, tise lenuier laS te ahiêtidou ai clalai te e ohaitel oun- lts ebaongîho cf tuhe ovnerebip unS vetlue etaulehi lieuMadvanced'lis ,luiy- Souaxe 'euituphe and offoclumal tane ai if n-glstea-iig thuedocume~nts le requîteS I forthle protebcton cf thesapublic, asdva hopu e t ind lI itsoh.text sesalon ef lihe Logtstatoie in Sllotfuced visicis vi bayràe 1-ieUofi'atobf proetollg purcasr bliylg lu gceuu laittis,&Bdenabie tlis al ioqille a- $lre ile o suIieS chabla-ps-o.b î,orly ai bue hava iven value fan, vils- ouI Seing caslilSuponta tesatlafy clais of mlvilistisya! e leaueprottouis notice,t usilb.the xistence i v his il talm- e0ical1oMe for tixin, sa - hlm 1e v m ti ibsuegW tlii' uuay k lcnlug. 1ttl. U1$mt~wiViav cs ON i% SAtAa (liiu-Tlite PortPenny Situsaa- eaou-P tradiitE a statouauîtof cfua-s, maS. ar -fow veeaits ge,thuaI blr.ts-.fowri voteul le haver cf tht.n eouecin.f the tilaiv-1 ffity, o oc df- reetii in -oms 1414 o ta 0k)0.s -Belbv mve ptSblilmtîxe vcte on theo ques- tion,'ýwhlci alueh Ihat Ms. Browvn éNd voue for tise 3'euticuî. - Fo F e b auathon froui 88W30te uns Biar, e bihuue, lliuisp, ,Caine-e, Chîsiocîni, Creigliton, PM, F- Flelayacn, Premier, Gilo. ýAny, Haneocraft, Hunter, Lana, orOanley,bMoD)ongahl, fMiti- MaCovasO, MONSIlUo, bMer,. orricla, Mowat, -ParSe,, 111d. leBolevean, Boxhon,Sinlaeir, ln,tTol, Watnwot'bb. Wia. [Olt the 'Glcêo Ia. .APPISY, Baker-, Ballentyna, , Bëil.Beogild ,Beils,, Broder, 1 Norfolk>,' COcde, Coie, courts, ,IODscouDeo . leuisan, Gmi Grange, Grant, IÜrkln, Hay, ,0e, Kein, Long, Lyon, MeDea. Iitces), DMasIe, xMimer, Mosln Sadrlibuuuy unrellîbl, ÙYin lails eâtamoulabut in lIa Ionj freux Ibaisjoua-al. ente are due Dra. 'oete ofiles cf lrids Pap.ro.2 TIi. meny-friana Deolsr wUl Sepléaged te hear ef ý.revQà condition ocibheilis. 'uCXPt, MAUNar - PeOB na. $hou&zare ofthlb. ew p8sb office 1A Picesring isanbueun. Ma. j. 00deIa i l pcslaxernler, ja B aya *=uai ho 'Mae stheport worlliy mes ui. faune olsgetEgl ~i»BOÇ 3teoen Itozi.-OlaSun- as gra s s U OOusas tibu l l Chancery Spring Silhinge, 1877- Eleouzosoe,~. L JLAIEV. C. The foilowing fa t;ue liaI cf; causes MondDy, 20th Marai 1877: - ' 1eaury va. Gcalc.-Farowell & ai iledge, MoGee .&Joues. QGlafa.o, a eh.C. C.Kelh A. ostine, N. F. PaWenon. .BIgeloiw v8.Osel-W . Ca relie, Jay Ketohuuu, Holliday vao. Gt.lry.-O. Y. St J. Ho"ki, Q. C., J. a. Ewart. Née t'a.Matie-va nl P.8. marti. . ý 1 Lue,' ova., Onimsio B. ce. o. Armor, -âymauEnulsla E.Aziu<t st.ickcui ~Kei A. Ha -mel&Batledge. Bs.oue ao.. reidell.-Bothn Osier & Mars n , aluBilinga. Dom. lJ aul u. Liddieaaf.-Moo Joneo,,ymon Ilg Il:h ledge, John Hoskin, Q.O., G. Y. 8mi voiSsa, Vetn-. L. Ebbeh W. M. Cochrane, THinanAi-NE(ilur'k4STReau.-TlI stanm on Tlitursulay uligbt was va imvero. Little Suamage was, hioweveu doue abayonS laterfering witlî the worl lng of talagrapb iires. 'Hero, thie lat feol of suow anS froaiy -we atben ha' uenoeod'. the skating and seligisin Thora je eew a splenditi lioct-of ilea c th bis.a-ui, amiS the girls. anS' boys ar -making tîxe maul cf Itue short seaien i be enjoyed. PUrrTsFMIETRtAiN AND PsIN Tilo Lecic-ir..-On Situnday cvening lesit a ian cameS Quinn, lu-ci Streller vas put off tise G. T. train froui lii voat for Seing ctuink. Chiai Cousali Ba-yaîo, lîen leooSth Ib 'Soy" lu chas-t anS gave lii uccemmodation ilu lit iack.-uipuncliMceulay mînang,viseL h. vas breeglot belote Hie Worahip 1ht Mayor, vise altan sdîiniuterlng a a-. pniman.], aliovo. ltheSaluquent la g.ý TitE QUr.îo'S PLATIC-Thta yeea-, lb. Qnoeeu'a Pla telisabean aleotteS te lis Preameotî Association, contaay lutie expecaulon cf i ohieonen. Do Dot lot yoiu- chances, Lille tunamu pasu yeuî biy," But go et once euS gel a ha-gain froc W. J. Iilee& Ce., mIxe-' have just oeanet a large stock of àray goodà, goulu fus-niaisinge, &o., mmioli tiey arc sellleg ut sea-pa-lsngly loir polcea. SUNDAY Scîseen JUBMRrou.-Uuihr tIhe direction of Ma-. S. N. Luslier, thue cisil. dren allending the sevel-al, Suudry achoolu iu leve mill give a Union Snu dîy Seheol Jubilea. tI rehcasuul miil Se loulSle lnb.h-Pi'csl)yter-iau Chuirci naît Selurday aflenîuoon ah twi o'chcck WVin iIElFittOurnta-iea-stethe nenu advertiseunaent of J. S. llohentuon, hý,oJa Seller, lu anothuer eeluîuîui. [lis l151 c: neîv iseeku, nealec thse mention cf' ccv- ex-ai new andl veluehis musicual murtu jual receivad, mill doubtis ho cf in lerosi ho iluraeleî-c. IhUNAmtY.-A spun Of herses Sa-iVa-u by Mis' Dr. iVaro, cf Prince 'btli,- teck friglt h it le paesig the suiool buildings, lPart - Pua-oy,' '-nran -ii uwu apteottieg theo curage, Cli]tistuwitig the ladly eut, mIse Lortuuetely, oealccl uhuert. 'Th. carniage manc oviiscev- ably Seunagod. Posx'rouZI) SALL,.-ï.rlie sale cf thIe Little farmne he enpostponoît, as wiii bo soen ly fadvea-tieieun, t> Tiiesday, Mfa-cm 27tis. Utctus.W os AMuOCîAa-îoe.-Aimeeting,0 vilS Ihis cemmandebie c1juet iiu view, az te ha bolS et tise Hlgh Seisea, it. by on Satsisday, 2415 instant. -ANOTisiSaONTAoYO MVrEats.--Ma-. Hard«y lues b'hns appointaSl Provineiai Seeaiy, Mn., Wmoed hcomea Provieci- 41 Ts-a.îunr, and Nra. tJaoaiss retainu the'offiooef Miclste- cf Educatiuu. Itonari Ni IS liOeu-ns-SonoycuUg cmpnis in tome have Senstcaliu'S poultry. Severel complainte hlave i-l reaSy been mfula. IIANLI-vIUiARTru riuo.-'fluc New Y'os-k Hî'uild reporta liaving reeiveul tivice faoic. stuhe'the Afria-en ex- lbre-. SEicaOUS ACCuDNTr AT DAnîaexOTON. -Mn. James Alexander, cf I)arîington,, wus savonely if net facalia-, injureSl on ['uesdayvisle lit mort ini a irol, hy the bueket roe braaking aruS aulowing lie bieket te descend upen luis lieuS.' NIIAIuLY PorscOt4u HuiieaLr.-Ma-.r rcise Helson, cf Bomuanville, rearlV riioneul isalat atit husday mou-e. ng. Ho baS beoux eiliug Lot a fow laya, euS piloci ofra houtle cf cnotui, cii someviafa-uely ly mieluts. For. tuualy ho Siacove-oS hsumiebakeils tim1àall anS bSthepropos-roniedies p $TRuNiEouAUcioozîc.-Oo F11ilday avenlng, Josephs, son of Mmr. Jos. Crahg, racoivod a severe injuna- on lts. righîî 1161aligonua picln cf haruow@ -T Rrrws hadbeen epaIea-en ah Ma-.. J. W. F esud anbSee tisa-av Sown, vilS Ihe Peintse p, Ho stumbi. oS ever thommin lte danS, anS soeaof lise 6..1h pies-ced ih. log te Itue Sous. It 0 uta-valons 5ev l.eascepeid ovon *ilS, anaS iinrias. bu in proabule hoi yll u.etisa corporation fer ûalleing suaS auilchasOo' the eiclaalk.- Vù.tî;. ctoi'.- ACCrraîurer IausCaeasIxcs£-e~ u. -Mn. Wm. Lee in Snlvlng cross lise ica cf Saegog on tise 43h mal., vheun naî 1h. CeaubSarosuore iiaebons. aoke thsha nd uSgeldrovued. Tmi.CANAL ]3)CTWaîsne CàAIto-Amra SuIt., ALAXL.-M. de LaeSPeppg'qfor, 0on baai cf tb. Suais canailCmpenv, to com-. pleo tie verS ou tisacausl Soîmoan Cea-eo anS Jumellis u ea b,auceptod loy liseEga-plian Finace Comuittco. Gyrant a-nie 8 'yeaa-s Strocipesî3'. Tissa 8 baS mac, talntaed, lhrcW cPul S tilîcusunf haloicte sseiev8llnà as loa-. neSh noyltis, ePresideuti8-uetiî 1810. Sucih lis e-iSêr i8ltoir of tisae unit. .5 s18.,- TAI~I saee iave, basa ;aevped fr.uss Mu poer- oattendancý would muéh jlargan. 11oaise regrettea absence cf Hn.T;N.Ubbs who wl hie brther, Mr, W. H. Gibbs, woe, Ottawa dnilig goa o iron -uatendil bte ür iiintiiny dettes. Thg i wr epétted membir,- Mn. T. . Gibi for eted le' have beti» preset mont them, but leWadctained iu Otto% lui. in~ ordar te recordl l11s vote on tho tar > r* iotien, on WlI icul; wesaexpaci ier, tha vote would ýbo talcesu à morrt: evenl.ng. Thay would, how«ver, Pr olu. -eesti wtb the.business and 4 11 a upc» thç,oseerr to read thea- n ilh, report and finanolal abtemout.' T ~he anonal report anS. Iloanoi staes~L-wrethoen proeatad, ras 'qwiailpp .daftsn sou».. forty!.fi, 21:adi àbal"MemlorsbaS PaS fi tbe nr. 'subscripticona, thoeaIeetiou of ýores rd, W'" proceded w 11h, wiih the fuliowit 1 reult, rA, J. B. Biakol;Leq., President. Vzoxc-PasÎ.tilîRYeNr. -W. F. Cowae ne, Oahawa-, Dr. Guun, Wlîitbý» Smith, BasI Whitby ; Whitwoltlî RAI ae tp. %Withy;-,rhur Johuaton, PieRa Ut. Joli-n A. iMoGilivray, ssorebary. h. John Smiith, tresascrar. lo, - J. S La.rko, eirremponcling uccretarý EXYCUTIVII COMMITTEIi. Ot;nAwvA.-No. 1, Walter Coulîliari SNo. 2, W. Warren, JTr., No. 8, W. I Dingle, No. 4, A. P. Cameron, No.J or, W. H. Thiomas, No. 6, Qeo. H.- Pedlu k. Tow's or WsczoEsY.-Jas. Campblue te Win. Wicks M. O'Donovau, Gee. Ho, Va, Wallace, J. B. Pip. g. EAST WHXITBY.-J. M1othoraill, Joh n Bartieti, John Biekeil, J. C. Fox, Jolb tRosas. O Towitscoîp or Wserrn.-Win. Dom teTues. MellBrien, H. I3iokeUl, Win, Puai son. PICKHoUNG.-A. MCX&y, YFred MOea ET. A. McAvoy, John Cathenhert,E bStevenson, John Miller, W. Hollingel J. H. Smnith, W. ]3erke. je 'On -motion cf bMn. Pedlar, seconde, LiMr. Dingle, it waa rcsolved that tih vice.presidant cf ocadi iuunicipality b eauthorized and reqnesed te colleeithtI Io nubseiptions cf inietubers in the cli; )U trials. Mr. ýN. W. Brown, M. P. P., haviel le bren 6hlleîl upon, said ha was glaStit . moet with soe nauly of bisq friendsaet th, V. annmal gathering cf the Association Ila halioved inuaccu gatheriegs au oni e of the heut recans cf keapîeg 0a parti ae together. Ho rnegratted tLe absence 0 teHon. T. N.. Gibbs who wau detained il OOttawa uttanding -bis Parlianientar- duties, antifi-or w4hein, were liea ai te bc preent, t.hey wonld got a specci: worthy of lieu.ing. In the absence o Mr. Gibhs they muet accept a fui i n.rds fa-oin lohu (Mr. B3.) as a poor sut ît suitiite. As Mn. Fârewell was fendloc teliing thena, tlioy wcre a rieatlini people, lioey ail rend the pepere, ti preAs lîept thon.. wolil poet.-d uion pubý le ittyiriallanlieho eulatell tiîem litti. tlicy diid not alc'ndly knaw ; lie li lowvûcrb n feww oodi te Say iii reard te tehe legiglati<n oflcf tuesti timlu y chîu-ed. lTho. firit question Iliat titre 111) watt on thte adoption cLtloe Addi-es* fil ropivto the speech fro:e the Olroce i la iiu bçr ino f petitien.. 1reeuted t. tte -Iolsti fiono evîry ceunty ad i .ul u*A' lt evry iuoiCipality ileftie pro. y vine- askiug hie (tivtrnuicut te do uicn e ii xewlptivils frouo tex-s. Tliti.î wfegeaipnuciîit.u wlich loi. belienv..1 iin, suiîi cf wieh ht. 'vueinifavru. Tiie GOV-,',lit.îpî,t teck lin action i-n tii. sinaiter. Tho oppomitieuî mon-t-J an au aiiiadnt ote i.AdIrvsr, regioettint, tii.. cours-e lef thie (lcnrnluiit'.iit;H 4tl '-d tutn u iînov tiuit il wus a miee k niviiig he tifi.- î.î.-111P,îlit, et tIitoian-tiuler itiio., îîîîri tiiet tih p or f tilic sussiouia - i hit lieut b(eoxldotit.thCto ote wousI liat'4 4goî1 harderi vi h thue Govi'riîrnc-.t, lie. lev- ed. 'îlot fa-w ntteri c.outain.-d le the Il peci were roïedult, anti a; is i- 1le:ding qu(pestions whioins ileUIpfer discussion tluoing tua e esiei-amongst 3 nouera Mr. Uodgiuîs.o votera lista bill, -0on wiioh the. Geverniai-,rt wrr e bae hy a tuau'jcritycf eue. The vote-of 324,- 130))for additions te the. Agricuiturai College wue coindotunnd by Mr. Brown, wlîo descrilucîltiie pi-asant trip and chamupagne Iliicl given l'y the govern- ment te the inonbera te viait the Molei Furii. Kînuajorîy cf the meinhers, lie saiS, liedt coins te the conclusion that the institntion Waa net what wau ex. pecod 'hy ftie farcie-tecf Ontarie. ThMiPY foio;d that ont of 42 pupils, ociy wvouldlie hae oi'éed te redue. tha saaries of Ministere te the clii figure. The farinera' socs' franchise bill won a-le next tepie touchaS uppon, wtiich lie (Mni. 13.) voted for, altiionghi ho- could net undonsAtand wii3 tic socs; cf othun ptopeu-ty iolders ehioulti net hiave votes tw; well au tho socs cf frmiers ; ho feaut. ed it wah but a stop howarda universal suffrage. The sclîooi question, tua iense law, anS the railway 'poiicy cf the. Goeuumeut---whieii latter Ma-. Bhrown voteS foi oLUnîlfiiy appa-ovail, were nazI paspel lun evîsw, and the speaker baouglit fis semarire to a cloue by cengratulating thoe praenet on the liaamonycof the meeting, ua-ging unity of action, and pteclictieg that tha lime Was not far distant when another olso- tien would ho on hand, wheii' lie ha- lieraS the Conaervative parly cf South Ontario, woiuid, as heretefo,, -ho feueS tun te theîsolv.-s anSl assiat in dri-ring from spowesr tho Worsh men thot ever a-nieS tii.'country. Dr. Ounu wius ccxt i.îlt poli Aflen cujnpliui.aiticg iMri. flinkeil uipeu tise prudence anti tact exticiacd loy lîhuîi as chairmnan, anSdîte gerrai toueS- noesof bis view8s, aid ho boiove,1 isnrù *as but eue opinion as; t' tue honcstà, of Ma-. Biown'a votea aun higS isire to hoealltise ccintry. ut lau-g..ne gave Mar-43ibwn theocredit of' beîuiz a,;tJsor ili principles eItishe present dey ilu Gaus .eg anS i e saprétsent condition cf Causu eia- an affairo, were not daserviug tue c ès, fidence cf lte country. The extrai gât gasica of tise Govanurnont in every il we ýpartmecutlof lb. public olpanditne M ri . anothenreason wlsy- tley were z t.d worthy thie confidence of tisa peop ow anS le fuel ha migist go on and give, teo- multitude of ressens whezeby lthe go, 'Pl Drumont- baS lest publocconfidence. amal tisuy wureoutet l tisa wbola paopl Wo wantsd fmon lu power Whoê vou, iai do justie 10te, ewhole country. -E d, eweu nejoiedtisat suoh able mon aus ti iv honor-able T. N. Gibbs had. »ow ses ir ln Panliamunt. 14n. Gilba vie n Fm- oofly auabie man, ha ,wa am94x no seundi commuon songe, a man capable judgleg anrS tbluking well, maSlui] conversant vIltiste tns4eand CoI bn. ce cflie coountny un aài Ilsramification M. an ut orated the dayvwu net t. il distant wisen they would agalu Seo hi] un- 'at tise iglut cf the Speaker lslping 8 John te gleise Dominion better goi erneient aud soregaiu the gneat mnia cf prosperty wbioh tha cocuntry lhaloi Cy undan the. proent regim.. (Cous Mr Joh as tisa usît speal T. on; ha suiffeaSfroni a cid, and aike r, te ha excusad froinmkiuig uy Iong r.liened romanisa. Ha al<o begged 1 excuaselise absence cf hie brother Wh ,p %as obligea te go - ast on buIle ..He exprasad himueif sutisfied wlt Mn. Brown'o course lu tisa Local Houet n und endorsed. Dr. Gann'eearks info' n or of incidentaI protection. Âlthough ir terasteai;a a las-go consamer cf cole lolîsoif in 1h.eunanufature cf la-on h l weld havelo objection ta a duty e: ceai ,hai wouid bc glaS te se it, if littIe protection waro extended le arti oies of troc manufacture. AnS ha de a-,clo that this would have lise effectc encroasing the ceaI cf those articles t onI ur owe ecople. In 1h. abstract Ire e taad. auuî proteotien bots miglut I ~>prove trula-n stheonies. Butellise a ein oua- own casa wes te judge by lise n. enlia. He pointeS to wlsat isad baoi don, l etaltes, viser. a large pou ig tien cf tlier greal vn aisI b aS buei te paid o0f. in tise vonut cf limas as dirai le proof lbat protection* was tha ta-a poliiy. Tise fa-ctoada uiIoflb fti le prasent Governmee~n%1iaaii.4 ymIenti '1 Canada. (choera.) Df Mn. F. E. Gibbs vas nazi cellei Supon. Spesali.masking, hoe said, vs ' oct bis forte, ho prafennsd recnainieg il lethi background and woa-king atIli a- eeesment relIs. Hu re#retteS thd Sabsence cf bis father, Wvuelbavritles ~that ho wouid hacproseut, and ho tuai the pleasere il vod have giveun bill 3fto b ha ongultishem,-but thea voeozo g th. iariff resoiniion vas expacied on or le Tuesdey niglit-it would bc a tout qnos l_ ion ou viab Io vayOppositioneo ýe woulil ha reqeired, anS atteeding ti tuaiintSuty was tuec only thing that coul h ava kcpt T. N. Gibbsa avay. He joiný ,te with Dr. Gene anS Ma-. Cowan it ecoudeinnimug tIi.' fa-ceta-ada polioy of lui Goverament, and iS -élil vas undeul. ablie Ébat the. great nuajoa-ihy ocftie peaý apie cof Canada vote lu haver cf iiucidaetit ,pi-oection, and in this respoat Semiand. edai change li hiapoliiyoy f the Gev. ca-rnient. Ho apoko ut soealongîl ic the uleceptive. promises cf tise mou now in poer, of thîrir prehensions te purity iupuon wbihicb ey baS truded for tiseha tuveiiy yea-î, anS miclh tue voa-y Onu uicpjuotunty forIjîuthiug hern in praetice provcultisrai te hobut huotuo iîypocits ; thse emiouunmooa isineueofe expendihure, tha défioit of tpwarde ef tiro uilior:., uot%'ithstailing -lieta hreé unmilions additional haxes levied hiy c ie-rn, n'eu-e a-vieweil, uni] th-eaction of 3Oie Govarnont tin uoviding places lfor r fu-ioc.ie ual dieliergin.g fîithftil old pliio servants, in eatiigup ti>hî aev- eîîuela by oeay imaginable connulpt ex. tuevaganec, anS vitis provieg thetu- setve vinleveryrspect any longer woi-thy, tlie confidence of tise pubtlie. Slc w.as glad te Bay ihat tise opinion wra duily grewiug lu etranglis. South Ontaneio ndbailay iea-alefere givan the key nota ;itlihaS donc se isefora, anSdirouilS Se itagain, and Ma-. Mue- kteuzia wouid ho senl te tii., iglîtubout te joie his brothsisns ethir busineassut Sa-nia. The e ca-abettler govea-eni anS botter limos vas at banS, and let flie Liserai Cousrvaive-the mau cf Seulh Ontario, ha aI their posta te iselp il forwatS. Ini cadca- te hacaoaeusfui, Ma- Gibs eiruprasa.] upon ail the. Suly cf loolfing alher lhe assomamenta-cls anS cioaad an excellent speech amiSsI Lieut. Col. Vallumoe gave bis axper- ieccocff troc traaunul protection le anS lise Provincial Legieaturemilt ha doua uway with atogctlîer. A vote cf thauka te anS approval cf.' Ma-. Baown's ceca-sa as Local rap- reantativa cf tise Ridine vas ea7ied' uuanimouahy. Moved by Col. Wallace acended by Ma-. Hanry Biceah, lhîut thia meaîing whila regratting the absence cf Our rup- nesentative lintisa Domnlion Parue-. meut, HIon. T. N. Gibbos, ana gluS te lenoir that lie lu. le hie place le the Houso et Comtnonos, bravely figitiug 1h. thie batllas cf lIme LiberaI Conserva- tive party for hettea- gevernuient, anS hleaatily sppa-cve cf bis ceea-se as lise repa-ésentativeocf Sentis Ontario. Car. rieS uuonimouely wiîb onou haerng. . On a motion cf Ma-. Brown tise mien- inons thanka cf lthe meeting were feu- Saned the Cisaian and Presidant of the Association, M1r. Biciseli. Ma-. Biekeil baisly reterceS tisanks. 110 vus not Sispîcusedl that tih. pre- sent ian lu poer ar uSa ohanca te adeuinialer the affaira of the country fer a short titno. Theijr misianage. ment anS iecompeteucy sunlit iocaig- tec eore now* knoîvu te lise people. Btut ha luopaul thaît luforie they wonld nereain long enouglo lu te sanS Itue lai collecter atounS hg , tdpla'o, dôore tbay womul Jha p utont, TdgMs f69i 'fÀuls" anS~n,,oha.,C"h awa *nov abouitta otn &,nd kaep men frouai ed IhiLt tbe'Aot shonlil not Sslnning, net loy aducating tisr menaliBritishsCoilubia. The mi powers, but by wlîat ut fia-at elgis may vantaS a lîttie amunemneà aeem a abehrter, oand esslar- way cf long joea-cays by steanbat reahing tisatMt Idesirable abject, net vent te sce.tisa ian wla -viz:, h y pntting il eut et their power tisa bowala cf the eanlha ta Se wroc g? I hava, beau informeS tbisltIle Iuzùnies. - jthat ilu eue instance a clergyman Tise Minieter cf Justice 1 placeS ilmaihf at onq of, tise poilesud cuside -tise prcprlety cf a âhýYt0we#yen iluoi es-ti. Lamboats. Danki ' Aà, cred cti "Glony' pý te tGoS 1", Wliat haosaiü, or bov liéucon- hrdaMn duetedis imoul,vWhon' a votaevas.givon ThrdyMa in cf tisa, oppesifa' desiniplion, and To day Mr. -Richardsa'bl 4tiserefore prosumably nt ot e l gaay 'Uic aleelion sel' Wa"diseti y of GoS, 1 b ave u ai ufileS n 311proposaS tht Itisa Sape 1a topie cf tIb i buS vs ongist ach oeanov pai5 by osolo candidate rof ns tl e - b.eaecluly careful net. le hurnlng otUn e sould Se in e 1roao r opinions toc poailively. 0200, cf wvih 0160 aisculd1 Dog M a in ual -maltera unbeconi. to ihe necul 0udiSat@ r iu1i ielg î aaooueypr candidate Who hjd Vllçd n niolous, nt leiai 1t iii, for 1 muat votee cf >ise suouul canSi tnot aveu tulie expression of Ibis objeoth ie Bill. -ate'ii op inion sllôpw mystuif le b. tee positive. rasta-airitas ipn vexallouis or Mueh, isovorna tlise piait cf -dog- Aftar ushort discussiou th ou mtIià lsa 0b. dapaocate, ne eue thàw. ogit t bcrestrainea fromoexpresulig M rmie oandour, net aven;tisough tisuy should vas vîit soie amndmentai clats-vitshichs. cof lte ,dignitearies of ime.-. tisa ehUreis.-1 trust, tisorefors, tisaI Ma-. Dymond tison movat vithout uany nlsk cf giving effane.' ta neadlng cf bis Bill ta enab thoss vise may look ut tisa mater chargeS vwils crime "e glv' diiferauntly, I mu! hoalalowed le say uneraocti,, and supporteS that fa-cm my point cf vîow .tise speet- viths an ahi. speech. - Iacle prosentedl by onea,'- aimlPinu lu lt~-eclon Caumeron anS an eupeciaî niannen hoeibc a mînisten opposeS tise bill-outise grect cf Go ,. sbeppieg Sovu froni the elaval- question vas net yot ripa for aS platfenni frcm wloich ho isas bean Ti.bh asiisua. vont le exisort maen te eschew evil, anS e- - Se gond for rigisteounes- gako, in ca-Set Fuiduy, M'ae liait ha May evail liisiel! cf thie Ma- Blan rosumed tisatti civil power ta ceea-ce visee h aisa Mile xpesun ta-eu failad lta rsuado, le on. wliicli dSeu - - le docPri5himsel net cailrr congratulation;, but on beltiste emendients. tise eontaay l uis oban eue as rney Aftareupehs front sevea vail ho deplored as nnvoi-hy cf thue c ah'ue ieSb higi paetensions cf a succissenO - eadjoua-ned. apos 'hes. If tise lav, anS humen 1ev ut huaI, is te h. put formatS byclergy. Men ueu le soie meiauro a anhatihule DMenta for tise Gospel, tLusy viii finS thîarn- Tise genouida-erutnebus Pesves ba-ougbt im disagretcehule coel- noticesaend motiones, meetl Uion ien vhoe.wiso may oct tliiek importance. icepieil tisaRHi as thîsy do con ibis* enljet; unS ulti- unuill , abocula te l îvemeonî ha pros. sautea i ils l eiconcimîion. iu..,.Tuesdo viii Siscover tisaI thai occupati.on i Bille uestablishing a Court gc.no. For thie clergymen e ivill Jitieidictioe anS amending bave suhulituteid Setactiveii, policer. o-nuy luws wireerieaa oe: cea-g, pnoeaetiîg attoreys, &o., &o. 'UtisutatiS'Seiate vas roi Tha conduol cf îany ohsa-g-vynjs,ù fînther adjourned. Ibis malter sàvumr unpleaantly cf - 40 qneckeny. Thay have bean uistee Oddfelowship le Onui aehdy t cartify to, tise vondei-fel peteuicy cf rinignev panare. A toc INTrICESTIOiG STATIeTIOS--eBE. great complaisance lu*titis husinseuscof Or TE Raieez. giviog certificateontenu's -sre ahi keoir,- a ve-uknossa tewlalh theeclergy soein 'fOlic R. W. Grand Saca-atar3 peonlie-y proue. Thbey migiît ceatain- W. Grand Ledga, Indepand ly, vitiiont aendaing tiiemaýls-i; jnwtly cf Oddtellows oîf Octarie,lian liuale te a cluatrpgi' cf tee great enyness, lJis smi-aDnnual a-clercs, wv exhisit a legs easy via-ue le Chi; aruo. *ihuit (1163Onor iitilI continues1 ticelat. A nicox pevceptiounicf ui trna-ucad tluat ils 'mxoe b ship dignity cf tisr ait cuihiig old in tuhils n-itauffmontod Suring Ch- eues have prevented hiietu fretin isaur- Theiii.îîbmea- of ledgea on ai ring 1hn' Sieers.it tisat miii evontnuuily Octaneo is 1h64. For six iu resuit frein thsir veing about le ec- irug 3'. Dec., 1876-mniti cea-lance mith tise ucptia-u-bronze tIocA ailunitticl luy carl, 134 ; nei is blowiuog. i de net migai bc te uder- l'Fon-thsewmoulecf iset yeua- saned as le any %vay otbJeting htaonec, 2.,W8 ; ahmihlted hy ca-o, 278 vise happens t e ba ceu-gyiau, giviig oS, liii ; a total of 2,47*2. bis voe like any otie-r c-titon, ca-Fia- six nioî'tlîe ending Slst evon giviug lis advice te tiioso mho -i.12 ; wutii-eawi, 252 peak it ou tls, or- tny olluca- .d, 867; oîî.elloul, 14. For political quoethon ; but %-n bru o pmta et-hd70 ; mithdtee, in au appearencu at thue polie lehis eedu, M634; oxiellad, 27. clittrectea- as e .'y»n for tisePur-- Metxolpe.si)iîpar lest a-spot îuese cf influeticin-z, ou- intinifflutiuug ail pr-acl ît ueiu)toe-li, 11,741. mise eau bho inade . hfoli iRa uthcîit *v 'or six nientha anding8 le thie mway, tise proprioty cf loisi cou. 1876:-(1),enusuhur of bretha- duel la v-y cleestioueulleinilceil. To vero palîl alois houefitm. 492; say thueleast cf il lue i. u]oiog .viiet h oS edfailtlies ralievaîl, 11-4;( eau tae shstirhi a vory Saugea-ouii pro- puiîi siet boesits, 45,9i;2-12; cedert, anS cne againetlthu noce ii,of ividame;, 61,989O.80 ; (à). humes paI hlavu bee Moue ready te titJiio.88I;' (6), hua-ing ltea innaight thuan lave tIie Paotastaut clcrgy 6,36.62. For tise vseh yaar- sud the Refoî-m naaty. j-2), 195; (i82,14.9 (4),8 - Yoca-s' ta-ly, (5), 8,3.6 (6), $2,637.8î - W. o. F..- relief, 020,66e.81. - Division Cona-i Nomos. Tuppei- a-. Bigfo-<a.-Au action of la-ovea- for a eaving machines. Tise -machine isad been soiS for W(45te une Thoîpson, vise signe u agreemeut te puy lu montbly instalmoula. Thuis agreemntontaineS a provision bisaI until paiS for the pa-oparta- le ena machsine ehonid romnain in Tuppr. Tisi2upson paiS $27 on accounl oeil thsen meaggedIMise hattels, lueindina tise machine, ta the Sofendint, vise lied de notice cflise agegaement in question. Hiesisonon Judge Dartnel saiS thuu theu Court cf Appual in a v'oay ta-cent casa cf W alker os. Hijîncan, hed dci. ed tiuet. under e simila etrent. tise ptapea-ty in the. ohattel l iiinet luase, ai-en as aguinet a bousit ido unalîser foi- valu.. mithloît notice. 1hires ag saubocf tise iew tisatinl mauy cases wouuld leaul te gravaeijugtice unS wtcung, andl the lsgiiuutts suihoclulinter- lare. lismut, uncler t-le sutioity of ulual caîue, give juuigmanu foi tise plate- tiff, hit Ihes aea mii lhilt ife lulr- C-ue o hoieen thiariceaega-eS edn ic thie suie pries on accnunt. WilcoacV8, Wade-Tbc clefendcant advaa-îiuod a sale cf d~anS green wcod tae uupiaceonaulot 4ilelut con. cf Cartwright, mnicb vwas uneisua-ed, un- OCcup10,Ad, st some distance Inoni bis I-eidance. Tise tua-misver tIha-e menthe' ca-sSiI en uppu-ovaS notes, ibut notliiog vag saiS, eltmea-in e .i.le bille or allise sale, as t-o t-le lime milS- lu wiiol lIe mca. vas ta Se nemoved. One Tomes (cf mhiomthe plaintif lus uosiguse) beugisl, sud ggave hiii nola for th, prias of 18 csoea f Sa-y vad anS 20 cf green, Tise sale teck place ou the lat Nov. 18374. Tomes dSa-ev ae hia Su-y mcc.] hat vinter, but udt tisa green veod ou tise dafendaut'apre mîmes tisa viole of Ibat vicIer anJSla portion cf tise naît. Tovua-dsutisacdosa cf lise second viotan, soe peranc un- Snovn taeaitiser tise defandant or Tevus, reîovad tise 20 corda. Tise plaintiff ncv sues tise Sfeodant ior non d.livery of tise 20cea-ils puasu>nt te conlnuet. Risalhouer hld Ibat the prciperta lu the vend pausleS upon lise glvieg cf bis nota ; anS, although is Sal a reason- able lime te reniovo il, it ri-aine. on tisa defendant'sa promises attise purobues. ans a-lSk. Tise Mofndant did, (aselho engîgad ta Se) dSaevout and] pile lise vood for Tomus' ceuvenianci, anS il vas tise latter'.snbuy, tisaneaften, te hock aften isapa-cpaaty. Suppose a fine baS cacurnod anS the vood dasînoyaS ne doubl tiselbas in snob casao muet al e pon Itie puuchaser. Il vas nureasen- ahi. le expel btat lise dafandaul abeuiid b. expeceil te give lise use cf bhie.e misas gratis for neanhy mo yoar,fkud thiatbu culleul epon te mate gond. ana- In", baceso is e piicu- 515 didnet finS- ih couvenutte to éîo luispa-pea-ly bfcaéL- i ag'sI~ti' orremoveul ha- oon prartes Jeldgient' waq aulteS fer tb4ip4it " - - e te lthe ne- ineeed 10 he. nelurnoal' Ior t0 auy- mno-hlf tise didatO" Thse îosa furîber lhe bill vas vcedure, Bihl areed athird d lis. tisird hie parsona a-e avidauce bis ýmotion àMa-. -Bla unS tisaIlise S iegisîstion- cah 111h. - protection apposeS te ra mambera vau funtisen dey, lSth. staie, anS hy cfo loal Jay, 18Ih. cof Marine tise 1usd- nS tinte. )smeS anS itarie. ,y cf the R. ident Orde- sL pobuisieul biais show Ite pa-cepr-, l as lîsen sie st year. existence in liateS, -874 taleS, 118. 3reinstat- Pt Doe. 186 1 uspeud- tie vhiole 4:31 ; sus- St, 10,683; 1 3111 Dec., sa ho viiona (2), viii. 8), amount (-4), relief dea.], $1, -(1), 1,040; 8,640605; ,2. Toal Total receipte cf bocigea fot atx moulbea eucliug 8lst Dec., 1876, $48,592.790; for tise msoha cf 1876, $97.220,44. Deatis rata, 1 lu 1674- Nuinher of moats siakuasa for visicis I;é-nefltas vepaiS l e saabave-nemed hiall year, $2,140 ; for tise wvseuyea, $4,290. Avea-age paiS te eaeh brother, $11.68 ; aveu-ega te tetal înumb-ahoip, Gonoral luS cf LeSges, 8164,520.41; midovsandculorpisaus' fend, 858,699.05;- total tends, $228,215.45 ; as ahevu busI, yaar, 8180,274.54); ieca-easu, 842,040.89. Nemnber cf dSaga-so aerred for belf yaar onding 31esI Diec. met, 2,504; whole yesn, 0,246. N umbec f njactiena samo halL year, 1113 ; for hie ycar, 281.t -Tise folcwiaag nov ledges have haun uinetnlSte( ice tise lest'sessior cf lIhe Grand Loigu, viz.: Cherazin, 1901, Lon-1 dlon Haut; Jeu-vis, 191, Jarvis ; Hovicis,t 1932, Gerrie ; Victor, 108,,- St. Mary'. Albert, II, Toronto ; Cicea-one 195, Wooctville ; Florence, 19q, Florenceo Mkinerra. 107, Hamilton ; Bitnunia, 198, Holln ;Scotia, 109, jorI Robin-a sou ; Westen, 2010, Wcatcn. Oua Rsîosusa--îusTopro. ceedingu ls is e Heusaof Comue lest elisht vorediegraoed by lise oustem.a eny aqualoble. Ma-. Masson vontured te0 suoggaul tuaI tise 'Premier lbui e.» misied in a coeain, mattea-. Tise Pra- -, otes- inslantly fineS up AaS (vo qUota, f-rnt a Minietea-lal engin) lelled ont: 'II tisw a-e lisit simvutation vilS tiser Utmost Guat ilS ichis Iliocapablep o-f being' tha-owu -lisak. I cen ociy hall i lime hon. gentloonan Ibal I So't cana visaI iiopinion in." Ma- Masson lisen, i asi a queshion bearing upon the suh- jeat, but gel ne engver, stise PremierC declaed tisaI le vas "net lb bc. aie- , chdoueSly -nY hon. gentleman." The Y Hiou. Mn. Mitchsell adminlaeand a il iaild rebute, anS Hon.'Mu' Cartwright, a, ovideeîly uslanted cf bis leader, endes. o vored te change lit.enbjecl.-Monoaeahi Sîu-. i Bucxctrx.-Th La oa-pe-altr, t Blondin, vhace xploiboaut Niagara Falla anS elseviere are vel nemaîherad,e ha beau creaiîg a greul sensation in Chli, SoutS Asutaice. Jo connachien mitht bis recent performnucua, j l sd in UsaI vhion bu v-.as aI Viennu, ise valkeaS'c au ice-covea-ed repe, meuted on silta o Iviresot long, lta aendSicf viucia baS beau ssa-pèed nd utIrousî- mb soda t valea- hottlua ; anS neit ohly tîis, but a- ha aclualia- Sancod l. LiverpoolR horepocl"li.thseaccents-ad, eurryiug hie in secaelary on hieshouldens, unS lotling ht off fia-avenue ut tise sanie tinua. be TitisRIDERîcEipST IN 'LIo<GLAND.-Tlsu rnderpout hlps mads ils appuitunce ln p, Lincolnsuhire,unî thlie foot as unobolisM diseuse ileCh >shire, Soeai- ir, ndS i luntebre. - stiio n PEACE sCcUIexacasoN.-A Peage C- fli issicu ferrtlb. Scuthaa-c Stateasîa abouti ho 10 b. appointeS, asdviiýiWqp',iit 'cf 'Is Vlo.1>eedeu Wsaaaa, 8urtqr~cn * Ar Ce samun oster, sud wo]~o ct#ni îinoowû mu. -' ta h.bu asiie5s O.. sali Andeftro naluicoy C. A.I1Whsite" vill bo volcome lu tise bonime. The humerons -SePartaient bisa - l oomio bïlla, "Tse Barai a Tî ho.s ides "Fasioacu and Follye 1n ie s,,, llnstral by a senies cfadibl Banoôwz, àNovzer-Foai tseuFrench cf nia, Waaaon àe Co., Pub1lishars.ý 'This ils a brillianl anS intirestlng noavlis chaîsetise attention cf tlis. rer from beginning 10 and. Tise2 Nov Yerk World aya; -"M. Alphose Daudet lu th. pua-est cf modern Frenchs nova, llet; bis Soicate'> anS paliselia talent reiuas c f Brut Hant more tisan any cîhen vniter ef cer day. Thse anIser, fer semae limeenevu s eu e cf tise' Most oanmlng -of journaliste, sud. denly broke upen tise Parisien publica a noeeist. Sideni *'as a surprise anS * encloses. Tiese cena le laid lu tise petit-bourgeois uooiaty of Paris, anS detuils evantsa talcenid ciy ceura-nlu tisa Imagination cf lise vnita-, ,yeî Se- piotedwili'suais lauts unS hifa-lllceuesu tet it ueoums a fai.ily istoa-y. W. particularly contmeud tise tr-anslation fer lthe excellene cf lis ýEnglisis, as lise freadci fa-cm idiome incident te meal ltranslations." Paper coers, 75 o dlols, 81,00. For sala by J. S. Boises-t. son unS ul iook-seilSra or sent, peut- paiS loy tise publisbers ou recito prico.ocptf A .FEÂuRFuL DzÂTs.-DeualS 'Mc-- Deegaiti loft hem.eut Aiton on Satu- day nierning vilS lise axpa-aused -iten- - timn cf gotug ho soine friends te sep' about contasts for utano vert,, lustead of iicislia meut te Orangevilla. Iu lise avening bo enteraS lise train te came homo, but tisee coducter 0SnSing lue liaStnaitsen ticket non meney put in off. On Mccuîy hie son vus in- forned cf hie being put off tisa train, anS ut once saerteS in searcli cf hie tathar, wviseabody vue LoueS under Meville a-ailway bridge, lise face heing fearfeliy meugla.] anSdh-ok en.- Bro Eoa.-Tlio Napuec Siaoidc& ili grouSe cf a rose-aembed lgsoraocf Mn. Frys vwii prodmeS an egg measuring 81 inelîii cinrufei-ne. on. vay anS G& tincits tise othoar, anS 'maigbieg i a trifl. oven a quare- cf a panS. i .Tii. big .gg season lias ceirnued.ë Btieg un Iliosoe gs..8 A Gene RtECo.îI.-AclYtig tisaI wili tend to eitve pain' tanS suffaa-ig l. mentis. keewing. Brtuelen'a Diges. 'P tîvo Fli iSlahigtîly rcoiunedlfor tisat pea-poea. l oe i aoaf tis e hst blo>di pua-ifypr-s tuomux te science. Tii os not us conjeeture, but au establisad -tact. Tuera arc suveràl cases of oui Chroulo DiaeaaeaatisaI eutra-culaSby if lais élyete.n thal au-e nov cempanatively Il Wvall. WVe ad vide petRconsesmifering fa-ci Dyspepsie, Ileant DiReasa, or Geiea-al Dehility an.] Narvounees te ma-y il. It ti le an almnost intallible specifla. Nearly Il ahi dmrnggisha nov sou il. el AN EXAMPLE VoaxrY OF IMITAITION. Il -Tise'h exaîipla set by e manufatuninag Pl fia-m ut Sentis BecS, Indiana, lu pre- Si aouting eaoh cf Ihcia- veakmen vil a 'w twahve-iouh saulscaiption te, 'a weakly Pl nomapapen, tisa employa« aignifying viiaieve- neapaper ha Saesia-aS 10 taise, is vcrtsy imitaione. A volevas 81 tian among th. monkmen, loy consent- cf the employAru, te escerain wbuî numban vanid pa-afera- a uua-talea navspape-, anS cniy tsaeu expreasad aM pa-eferance fer tisa Iurisey. T hein Sa. el sire vas complieS vitus, aud aillis.e tu ote- workman, numbenin g aavaaal hîndredu, wmare -suppliaS vil b weakly piperq at tseexpeuse dLflime fia-m. Air ix.Xusuac SET To Tovxr CouNiecns. Ci -Tie Barrie Advaatce ays, Tise Onillisala Council bas decidad te diviSe lthe pa-lul. el irîg pahrnuige among tise loveoffices, di unden the supervision cf tisa finance tl îommnittee. Tise Mayor in snppcs-ling b tise nition ta that uffeet "av no good h relation vsy lime corporation siscuid ax- pect pa-lot-ers bter k ton tham et heis tisan oa-inury ratas. It vas net likehy - lImaI mnerca-cuts *thoe geltisa-êou an Lr N times as mucis prloting s;tisa Conneil rere ovea-eîoaagedl." The Orillia Cccii. ii have set an exemple lu the respect îvhioîi migisl meil Se LclloweS loy many unother towit coutnoil-Bai-ie inueS -affeclad vits a mania fer "healing Cht love" lis.'pa-intan, as tiougi lie vere s-a uciscming, graaping, Sishenedîl Suave w vie can neyer Sa delt wihh afler Î7ce lacent business fîshien, but must b. r» uaa-efeliy vacad andl given wmca-uoly-P. haftc cuiig anS sa tîý Dtovr aneneh. istecm as isow n, aay ua gil stdun lii seules off.Ts dlgt lalis nvrg, pertStnse ougt o- îar hoing « ebioparnioset cameDet e )a uniseedad loy pua-acre. A- Fplan rWITS A CAT OvL --Oce wening laut, waak, as a maxi naieS doIetostu, in tise employ cf Mn. JanLés Wli t. John, ltaock, vas returnun* heme -à MOt tIie bush, b. vasstakiS by a -rgeoit ovl.-Txe mcFpooigh Mut enutukdlynanvi,.,,cull:uul - itt oudiy for asaletanco,.'unS aftar a lia-S Wh iruggie he came off 4pere tisun aSt Gar înrr - -- -' To Arews&sible aubui"rfne volcanie er~u, £,coured reuetly in H1oolu g2' NoWesu o/Birt1e, marriages, and Death. chargeâ 60 cos acheal. B IR.TH S MASON.-At Whibby, on Saturday, March Brdl 1877,. the wife of Mr. Tiionisa Maon, of the Ontario hotel, of a son.r DEFATH.S. SPENOEB. - At, the homastaad, DorsalFarni,,nesr Brookliu, on Fr1. day, Mfaroh, gbh 1877, Bebeoa, reliet of the laIeMr.,John Spencer, aged 87 Y"un sud Il montha, a native'cf Don.' setahire, Eagland. WHITB Y MARKETS. Chzixoax Orysez, March ldto,'1877. Pau Whest ...........$el40 el 5 10 Spring Waast ......... el 25@$1 85 Barley ............... $0 M@ $0 60 Peau....... .........78 @ 75oe Black Bye Peau........300@ $10O5 - CloAer Seedo.............08 @ $88 GO Qats................. 500e-@ 55 Hay .................$8 @810 Potatoes ............. 75o @ý 850 Egp .......... ,...... 180. Butter ...... ........ 20o @ 25e Ceai, per ton........... $6 @ 66 50 Wood ...............8 50 @$4 00 Wool ................ 80o @ 82o. Beef, iS quarter ...$6 50 @ e7 GO Basf, fore quarter.... $5 GO @ dS5 0 Sheepokinh ............. $10GO @ $1 50 FuSes ................ 550 @ 66 0 Dueksper pr ............ 40a @ 0e I-urke"ys, per lb .......eû Dolons ................el 25 Turulps ............. .. 5c kpples, per buashel ....50ceCa 80e Uheasa ...............3se @ 14C. Oarrots .... ............5e 0 20e Park, percwt.........$800 @ 86 25 Elhiekens ............. 85 c 400 per pair Oppe sce-Gatiand Cern- forti -"B'a Ilarougis nowledge if tise naturel leasvhtel gaveru tise operatiens of digestion anS nutrition and bv a caret eh application cf tise Sie iperiies of weli.aeiectad cocue, Mr-. Eppa uas pa-ovided ana- breakfast talas itis a dliataly SivroeS ,beverae, -vihiirsmuiy save us many is.avy Sachts' hilla." Ih is oy the judicious uset suob articles ai dieu thua a constitution nxay ha gradus]ly bîmilt up ntil stroog eneugîs te a-camie every han- iencyt ledisease. HuneS-dacf subile mala- lies are fliahing ai-oued us raay le allieS rlaraver tisere is a weak peint. We rnay escape ian y a fatal sial I loy keeping aur- sivea meli fortifieS vitl pure blocS anS a prope-ly nana-lIseS frame."-Oieil Sea-vie Gozette. SolS ada- in Pacicets, habefled,- 'iJanses llppa & Ce., Homoeapatsie Cher»- Rt, 4, £Taadneedle Street, amd 170, Piecadiily Lodn. Chemistry has-Disoovered at last whlat Everybody wants. Wood's5Improved Hait Restorative O uniSe any ather, andS las ne equal.* The Improeve]bas nueir vagetable tenie pa-eper. tis; restea-es grey- hairt teaeglass-, calerai -on; a-astuces fuSleS, dry. baerais ai..]fali- ng liat;tores. dresse.s, givas vigor ho th, hait; reateres li airteopremauurcly a- ai caSa ; remeves danSa-nf!, bumors,' scal- erutions ; renovea irritation, itching anS cal, v dca-uss. No article produces such conderini effeuits. Ta-y il, cilu for Woed's nmpoved Hait Ilestoative, anS doa't bce u o f witl. auy oClier article. SoiS ha- ail druggists entis aplace anS dealers cvery. eliere. Tade'supplieS at rnanufactu-rea,, a-iocs hy C. A. Ceu & Co., *Chicago, Sole Agents forlise Unitad StateS euS Caiada, and by LYMAN, CLARK &- Co., 85 Montra-e. ItAND'S NEW YORK CITY ')IEhEC- TORY.-Tui, is tise tihia of a veluabla mvorS of Commercial referene , ejust IssueS la- Walter IHeugl & Ce., Printers anS Puhhii. a-s, ai 14 Park Place, NovwTua-k. It Ion., tns e fulleand couuplets iat of aoUthle pajorera, Tober, n i Mî.uuf.ccturcrs do- Ig business le tise ga-eat met-opolis, cosasi- aS eanS araageSaa- Tredes anS Occupa- âons, indgping Ileir uta-ct anS ilmer tdress. It lu an lnveluabla mark for tise aunntry Merdaent. It telhale viser. ta )blao auytig frmai onedie ho a Stean meins, of tii-st or second isands. The mark 111 ho sent la- tise pblishera te anya- Iruse, pestage prepid, upon tOue rcceipt ai i. prace wich a as foiloma: Cilt, fuhl muS Ei tien, par dopa-, Que Dollar; tiexi. )l. clats bonS, Sevena-five Cents. 9£W AD VERTIS -,MENTS. B3e it cn.icted that certain Streetto or parts ýfStreet», know as Ciiereli Street, and ut portion ni Ontario Street lyingnWest of Scertain peint twa chains am ud5( links. 'est of the Western lieut of the 7th con- 088i0e-ofthe Tnwhshi p of Scott according 0a certain Plan ef t he Village of Udora, nada by one F. C. McCalliumn, Esquire 'L. S., for Measra. BIlter aud Sinafl, Lea loseS and stoppeS np. TAKE NOTICE 7liat the abova BY.Iaw wiillha taleen ioto uideratlan by the Municipal Council of be Townsh-ip of Scott a t thle nextt netin~ beuli.ld lu the Town Hall, in the ousaS uwnshîp on the Twenty-First duy ai >rul, A. h., 1877, et twelve o'clock, nonn, Sd that the siaiS council WiU thon heur 1y. e whooe lacd may bu prejudically sctm by the saiSd ysiaw, and who pot- bus te beheard, AnS thea aidCouncl MY then enacit theuaid By-law, and cutne le same te bd auboolîted fLorconfirmation ya By-law ai the Couniy cf Ontarie. - Tia Natice iogiveu lu secordance with ae Statuta 88 Victoria, cap. 48, sec. 24. DateS at Scott this lOth day ef Marol, ISiguedh WU. NELSON, -4in Cierk. OTICE TO TBACRERS 1 A meting for the pua-posa ai argaeiziug ['sadis Asseciation for South Ontante ll b. SaIS. in th lseHuisSchéol Building, ritba, onu SATURDAT. 2it1 MARCH, 67 et 1:0, P. M., te viielai Teacisars Mia-0h 1811, 1877. 12 RYlANT GIRL WANTED. Appl- to-_ Mffl. JOSHUA RICHARDSON, $Whitby. uitto, Ma-cii 14, 18477. 2ie-i2 'OR SÂLE-cIBAP 1 Fâ-irly Residunce, mith i, 14Acreutot Laud, tuihe vitsin anlile af theie ov et lba- and Ontario Ladies' Collage. Largg nda staccisd'-vitI -Fa-uit sud l)lovemi. ta Counstilet sideorallim the meailo OrSua-. Wisitby, Match R1h, 1877. Sa-19 FREE FAIRE The Second Fi-eu Fair fth 1e 'liiby Marx- - ket Association vili hueléAon]tise &gnl-- culturel Gransl, Town cf Wlllhi7 with use of tisaDDlhlled and Tewn Hall, on TRURSD..4Y,.,MARCH- 22usd, 1877, Wlen the fehioving.prizes vill ho awardadm Boitý Fat Or or Steer, speoisi prix. cf Massa-a. Stoea & Gould, Final prix., 65; second prix., .. Besh Fat Cav or lier- special prize by G. Y. Smithu, $6 ; zecon& prix, hy luffroy Burthers, 88 Bout Fat Siseep, dresseS, speoisi ur'e eN. Rey, $8 ; second prize b13Tannr, $. Beat Veal C aliaf 1877, speciel prix.eof Jos. Thomson, $3, second prix. by Samuel Daves, $2. Beat Hag, Dréssea. 6 meonth ia l, apecisi priz. of Gin. lHopkins, 52; second prix. hy the Associaion, 1 Het i eg special proxa cf Measrs, Daverill & hom son, 62'. seond pizen Best Turkey, dresseS, speelal prixa U Col Wallace, a New- ChocS , secondpr. e. Bey, $2; tlind prix. byWm vtoison, $1,60. lieut Tan Pounds f etll Butter, spuobal pria. of, BS. Armstrong, e2; second prixe 14' W, J.'Gibsan, $1. ,Bast Ferkin af Buttez, Ûualeiss than Foa-ty &4;una apeciai prolL-of Thomas Mao, .4 2ulpa-e by CapI. C. Dives, #2. -All enhries muat be cloueS net liter 111hm 'Xen o'eioehe. on tise moring cf the Fia, anS niy bho madoent any lime pravious thsa-aIe, viol tle Secretax7yoaalthe Brit- tis Amariceai Hotel. Parties fnot Membeta of the Aueociation eau gel tickets an tue - moî-ninq ef the faar fa-outLe Secrehary misichi .milI entie Clan- te show aItaau faira heaS y the Association for ane yeaf- Tickets, $l. Ail animues and articles for exhibition muai ha on thse grenuS by Eleven o'cloek, ou the imoruiug oetbhe Fia. Mr. L. Fairbanks, Auctioneer, vili givo hia serices gratis in Siaposiug of all sui. mils sud articles for exhiboition, tisse May be offered for sale. N. RAY, GEO. HOPKINS, Pa-eident. -Traasurer. - Secretaryý Wbitluy, March 131h, 18177. 12 Ins lie Mette>- of JOHN LITTLE, NOTICE le hea-ela given that ha- virtue of the pav-a rsvesteS hanime au Ausige ot the cave Inaoivent's cahute, I shall offea- fer Sale ly Public Auctiaux ah RAYS IIOTEL, in tise TONVN Olý WBITBT, oi TIESDAT, île Tisirunth -Dia- ai -Marris, nazI, 1877, aI nca'look, P. M., ait tise nighîh, tOGOe andlinterest ai tise saiS Insorent, euS cf rmyseîf as sudh Assignes, in anS ho Alt and Siigulur, tisaI cartaie pameel- or tract ai Land leiig île Sauth quarter ai Lau Numbar Eigistin the Savants. Coucusioe eit tieTovnsip cf Pirkcrlng, ontiiiing i3fny acres, more or legss; auàî Tit iuBie Actes of tise Souths West part af Lot Nuonlea-Savon, ini the saiS SoventhsConcausiou ai tise.Tovnuiçbp et Pickernag, je the Cantota-etOntaio; Bave anS eîccpt,-Tirena- pt-rces solS off tise Soulii.West cerner cf saiS LotI Numbea- Rigît, te île Ephacopal Methodist Chu-el. Thero is a lange andS cannodions Brick Dwealiug Heuge, anS a Large Faee Bai- anS BSe anS e Living Strem af Water euS a goodOrchard an tie-preuises. The lanS is- &ail cesa-o but about Six Ar-,sud ini a gee.d - sate ai cultivation. anS Wal fonceS. TERMS Liberaai runS de Suc-un on tise day et Sale. For Fui-tIen Pax-hicuhana appiy a-llchen Mille, -'l', île AusgePicker-ing P. O., ort G. Young SîltsEs., Soicitor of tle Estate, Whitbî-. PO0S8T P0-N--ED-! Tluo cliore sale is boen pastponed ta ROBERT -MMI, Aesignee. at tse salue Lhuran.] place. RtOBERtT MILLER, Matrri 14t1, 1877. 12 D OMINION 'I'LUGRAPH COMPANY. Reduced Ca-bIc Rates ly Direct Ronte. '25 Ccniazper 1 verd e-teUniéeàc 1Kiugdoi îutd 1"raiice. plaue of ongle anS two mords cf tle Ad. drees frac. l'romptest Seapathgiron. Reduved Telegraph Rates ta the Un/tted Stats.- A Taitouau ie i, 510 CzETS Ox-Lx- Wi'il ho change.] y late Dominion Telegeapî Company- lE iofilco cf -te Atiantie anS Pacifle Toiegriis Ce. lu the folhtraing Connecticut, mi hi~a Dleleaa, - Beyap e fist. et Columiai, NeyJerbey, Iediena, Nw uak hIlinisl, - hia Kenucky, eun -sVlva, Maineo , iiooIlid: Mssu-alacS, Vermout, MasEachust, V'iaconfiii.- Tise above rate' is chargeS ho îthe eastea-n part ai Misseuriand Iema,end pi-oportianate' redctions have aise leen iode to, places tatsnWest, -THOS. SW1NYARD, Maziag-usg ljireeeu,. Tuoente, Marcis, 1877. 12 ODD FELLOWS' HALL, 7H URSDA Y, M21AJiCI 1511e, 1877, ÀT -8 O'CLOCK, P. M. Fia-at eppeuanceiz Whihby of Tise musical pbouîomenan cf thae age, le cownad Clronghouu tise màlie us tht Oreatest Natural Pianist 11vInÉj, At lIssie pertrmenees Bhlnd Tom wili exiit the ccsavious gt vîtel lus gainea liicomriS ia's-id. osheb-ita-, anS vhlcis bas bath agleuished sanS deliglited îthe graateut ?cazt 1-8 eet maie. ADMISSION-60- Cents; ChilSa-an, 25 PaiS hr. u, Païa W. J. 1E Dudu Stra Brock Street Bas. Line.. XNerti rdr Contre Wsa-c South Ws-d, Lumar. PalS Expens mihuing B TowfiWei PaiS 1D. mec ]PoiS T. Wul salaries- VIlerS anS Ti ChieS Congts aUe.eper. Asseer,- - Town Solicit -Liceuso isp PaiS on Acet elusive cf- i PaiS Returu' PaiS Lawce PalS for Wo -Paid.lt. C. 1 bal. 8.13. i PaiS fer 81.. PaiS rent 1D, Office. PaiS inspeoti PaiS pecialc PaiS Fuel, Le PaiS Be o ir PAlS SuasSai. .By BaLimnoe. - Wei tisauni poation of t' a-uer 187. ceri -Abstract of lb for th, yaar Il Statcmerut ci ofChie Ci Whitby, -Cah on lienS. Taxes ncoliec 488 00, lyleli Non Reaident j collecte&... Graunda - F ia- Gi-enuda. Fia-o Engine t piatus..-.. - Rt. R. Stock... Maticet Lotl h War...,, Notes unden c Ontario Ban]i Counta- Rate IYesr's Jut Bonus te R,ý Suaidia acts. (i Due ou Seltool* -Debenfuros-- Pin rGround. - - Bonus te B. Be liv 158 .. Rl. R. Stock... Pire Engiln.... MuSge & Yarwu Bonus teRB.Re w T tt ti Pl January 8th, 1877.

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