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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1877, p. 4

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ir an d esseflty qalor .u dSO et Iii e I raft nd nty eau. cf aaagemstthrr Jt poêeain y heacfail etherréesal tpittati liiiu mny Firt tat'Prisea W trl,-ud m ycô. ..vtriala whlél o, aful e~ok. M1LW M ee art- thé la tfe îra.1Vg.UMPH COMBINED MACHINE ztma wen andl van. gdesvhr inUa éLm-soarMachiOUR TRI te asto. eh4 'ZPena lit luthé, botton ofP o! i,niOréwth laté improveMents, lu 411 tfrétcan b. e urdi obudMcie n ~ iirry.regp C by thapo ?ircoer WfU tlugac, site scaunot faeu ta méat,,ail the'requiremenhs of pnrejard. ~> l 7 teachin thoaudahow tu saiodzi ax 0wOu' Improred-Cayuga Chi'ef dr, and aur YoUnÈCanada 1MoWéa eyfuly ,l ol thtasap thé éltacI lfe.-u.uzm 1Ȏrr,ýrtre6 TheVis ent!- Zze1Q1i;Iars.héD . " ~~ ei i d met wholly of on and Stéol. Ti -~ wjuiJlaIJ ohoulid breaxi1theYoung, th ludlc Camgà Jr.ba aà reurcunt, aud îIiÏ Young C(Janada a fronit Cti uliot e1treig,'duir. te isiteresuig - to knew ' lfldo ad o t nediti avercourrredia mcies, and net éxooîleil by aymchnlutén ielfe1- nit, o 1' hatohet ieoehlbi. Upou nn MéduiclMain this c ouistry, as à eut,.durability, lightnéaaef tdraft, sd'aptability, andsais cf Maàn9ement. usum f uscuni7 as préeot.dtoe é utborefo! iue worksi, O R NEj " lI y *t akont itliat aIu, aince MUrhoiot,lWe.ý Thé preseoxation wasncoUýE W B. HARVESTER:' Ise ~ ~ a ru'r ed t i t Mne of Ils, océnanco b thé B3oston ç. mîî4.. Tii. lJeady a 'rméIlth umîlcuo1< ygloîxé ~ u - bai bs b oter pIeýd temachin Toé,adte1ai ml uonrer7, and many cf or fim' utor. h l lde ofa o l rThtinuýIdO:'ét Iil tsofsoiti .r111a'have béIe akt lled'in the i'éof machines, a grcwiug demandbas epruujg anso aebriimoy. np fora Light,,Durable, ro tho ropoitio ths a Altogather, lu its exécutiozn ad t rteh- utig culd be peuh, osé"s cf1té nitérlals and sire this la déiedd: Alve tte requireménts cf thé day, wé.haveé aucaedéd lminmventi» a nia- !y thé mnat noticemblé modal crer truck lu chiné with a Wreught Iron Frimé, witb théolosa sulegaegft re nuliitth (our i vél orh for aMypo 4Vae , a Iév e Z'touiZ un ha thhénetuspue cf bru.faoed çlive 'whel,-and sca ecestructthat t'oframé and tablé tijI at thé WU a tlY Won and WOrtlitv beowed."U"ils iiSlmthrb oplng thé pitman aiwaya lu lin. wlth thé knifé. The iffurol fren 'nitlere TTOtagiL& ent lOn rt Oc e cents for 'rjen direetly frein thémain shaftl-théeébeing-neperceptible aide 'U L 0 90 RU E , Ctt hab i o é n n r c c se cnt e n" d ra ft , an di 'n O w eig hl up on th é h erses U "cks. W é are c ccfide t,i * sal w e h ave (JA.L&NftThUe Pi wrki ment ) walin uemded in'inveniu hie .meut perfool Beapér, Iaking itia sl Ia itsi la t ofrpliait. cf Irut h1eCoosoîtîoD V -his eve ee'n pred:oed., W: hàve.àpplied for lto atbo.i rlimelm lu the ton o M P)o;ttc Révéré Roug, t urha0r, i heyh hold 0 his 'hi' b' ' Vn horOjjr ani turnlÃœg p thie Y l Ve tor cao hé conuluted oethé endn ueaea a e u é i a . èe li àd beud aoeé uamed diseasés, a& Velli60As ai 0,18 or4ecomluïg barvest. Thé "ýWhitby Harvealei wéigbm, artold, 600 pounid., lb. nibéllaatatirslulrlng skil, secreey and t.zperlanc*. cilice but béing made principallyocf h. beal q"itliîye rou sud stéel, and from ýits lu. thhiarlsad ourg, tU A. M. te0 P. M. gamicus"td computc oneîructien, il combines thé streugtb aund duribility c4thle pg béer Inethio cerner------- i""~----- mcins Yclrni 'movm hlianid wtulJ Iîei' mU jcýv é Miil hIià ho liai beau et làInldue, cni E TO J 3 fliait lié wes wuellhcg tor an "Extra," ' iil. T yslfé rmaééaw 'oI f' h uoiterir wlvés would :a M itne Molo /cl,,I1ém, su extra %orthée opécpatOf 61VOU ebsi ( iliîk," BitI tiatitléthcr 'bère non g* tahod aijn tiicrpe. Ll iq résumé üothe tîcreati of * 4ID' S fzVO, 80asa barn narrative. u terXT (1144 otti O itiil>i. ~ 'X-r daed Afterthie ocherry Ire. éisoeand- jandJPAY vokfo o bImîcnlfosuer wétmor fontge a11,l or voenteririsnjgmon aud womcn n l éet whalti er hé fféos, ie Si euhle Out- Adréas J. LATMAN ,& CO., .419 achoohl l hle t'etorl. ilé lié nnOvr Washtnagton.uî., fleèîcn, Ma&s. 8 r-evert-i o t e l sqpaiîiolgq apukitîg 1 - -. - ..ý-1ý . - It wa.qea tender f snbjet.On ocf the /") v VthE tiloneliuitlbard of tîbi Hcéit liviilcIétite, hwertrwY8 ttéunfîî!ettîticttiof thet ht lc it iii tii t t4~liti i'eeîlanti olLnnig Dli é 'ue T Iev'. îiileti staiîirg îîjî fin'e voiintl ltyaMr. Mîrray, it hlusLbock on ittlter tu c eîrreuue. Sy R'U I- lIhe AtrnLct, itelylîub. Ota luîQdîi it lltllîlguisilî liucanlf Iltiitél, rélatea the case et a ,d élîol, acroket putnui wcnciel~ onuinptlvt' voutîn mai iti moioola crooeil pa nuitworasti- etliely etieil hîy a euîciatsîe 1lîtolonttoiug ttlfDy ro.- tiorce ciiotli3campîinxg out tuiLilséeiiete ofil'wiichî wl'liaeé uty iri, ,1 Inv [0111atim. Aglogro bit furhuotfls'ic'aug reguianly hov f,4ît inl%u veatid sîtreillte ruy, Aeend Ibmcoilinptîvé pa- dîslugîîaliegiuînior ca muoccaiontionts te thé plnewoouls, unti wvlîen Getrat llrsltl(locl gol bUlaZed. nado r li te pt dnlt a te -'A. ilitlro Ili thaitcny Wîîîcîî wé ôpruce mtifsnnieupîeto. s undiéd showsca Jptain Washinîgton GcîavY'éS tailu a solil- Jlitlng heu of thée néwuy Ah onde lu thée tiffe combinetion of thé gi:n Itlhrop ip l id c@iaoycn"' stylé. ckUM whtclî exndea froin the-Réd Tîsi Ievoluîlcnary a -rlill hmSp rucé tree. In thim pré. brétilil ' paraîton Iflé o guic n9ver se- pronmotion Andi troubile. Wilon w. gazé paratés, anti ml ittc mtIl ares-1iinlodus tc andysui oa ,thé 4h cf aiumic expecorttn Mas-o hwhlng Iowand lte situiation Brqe a nd bspasmiité ex pert ton thtlias une 'résident, wu aire net par.-Rgîtrd are preservéci. feelysaoen-hiiawe cuglîl la b. F o r CoufflwCollis, gînalitil for lis bavlng faveit thée cun. - ternas, rait A ice- tr, gtiboe.tlie radai, ivil i ittden. ' CE 26OTS. ties, ., lvnilk .fstmutl tbaI a tsar. lie beau shed!. ___________ 55 lÂRiii BUAuîgl.-1 'vo îîîocoed. Gdrnonal Walngleu, 'Who had 'xnrnléd Mar n t h. mean. Lie, cnqtténed the Brillshand receiv. ùit the aWond cf Genenal Cornwallis ab Yorktown. On thée occion Cennysllia 8uns "lVoie! leé abmre domoit pers 1" andi thah wam tlItafinal nenditlen cf Ibis fuavoite llali~- Nelhér Ainie non )Msidi biai beéa dreauiai of ltién. Itrevlcusty Waalilngîcn bat accepleti thé cUtILasiOf Burgoyn. 'at*Baratogi, whmnq tbéEnBgllsh géném raoimaspenil. lng thé nuzumér. Semdlnsèuh6wevér, George hlml a véiy rengli lime, anti lié>' (le susy tlîxobiokîna bhut o-,ost ve7 iellntYalloy li'uigé. fBut ith() "'i aicau il résltleileacîly, and hi bic.ptultl'ittsir inc IritiupL -d'dt wavc oves- liii, hoe cf thé frgo mut the lwttA wlîere over>'. humnan bêle5 hue a rigl Lo vole for a lremideut as a malt. er ef taiîleiueuî. Il caneol be deniet!, Mer. 0hirinau mbnî Iolil, î a Do nt au OiU1MIING u futé »5tLtW»< if 0ic rcmearknblé évenha o ;bo'a life was lis crousinghé 'e, J ums wby lihooud il aut tijdul wali unlilthie bridgé weu là uqâr cf ne ltppontamoé nowv. tain 1Ifuli lie madee'lie férniago e up,footàily lu thé beai, *ith k wruppedl ,ibeont hbu andi rue- yfu1 misse and Meamua tie boat). Irie action Oo e Gnéral l'as istio&UY prêelklad sol éan'ibe a1ly lquon stOre. Alao eau LéS soî bo' our O f (George andi hob a âul4e ot cfa. ginîlé. o ho. a pl.ognt WMpianw#b s Ut lier liipîî'and liaI pleàaa8 lob wOuld i(sdece las potatcn 'e liaIOh 5ie'w 110V toniake aseneze%îlonetiodèr tpac e -l hiligeorge le mw ThiashAtôent prevoui kweal wZelec:l 0wlêéeb ic. ndIAde -a goed mien. lo li taI tsvp gïoc i e T AIIItFF OP0F irlS TO lMe, TAKIÇIN (Under Orties-lu Cotil,1, ctécl a-flic jtday af Juty,i874.) 2. Arréet ofCaleb iudivitlltal Upoît a varnant,..................... s 2. Serving sum mons on ubpcua....- 0) g5 8. Mil&eg u srvé sltcndloômcsb. piena or warrant, ... ......0 10 .Mitéage vlén service caxiuot hé uPOU POOf Ofdu ilignc.... O 10 51 Mdlsg takig dnisonera ho ÃŽaol, exlnv fdshurééemenîs n.c. éeanly éxpendetiinle ibm cou- veyauce .......... ......oIo i. Atleuciing -Justces, on sumar7 trials, oras- a ltination cf lin. uuffic hares-gtivitl Crime, fan carIa day ueceniiy émpîayed In leeueor mas-e asés, Whouî udt ec1cgLee marc titan four lionne., 1 0 7. Do. 0. ,whien engmged more theu four hones ~...i.. S. Attoutii Asies oussons, oaci day..........50 9. Mtlemg ravlin .10attend.... Rlzés est$doa, or ber. Justices (Whou publiec onvoeatnce eu b memto te e htnovét.)......0 10 10. Sming.JuLOrne lnqetts, ant I L ust-viceslutré. peci Iberéof, Sf heltion smré a i.Aténdiug' aOSIL 0adjourmn thoeéif, Ifl nggtirér feytr iera......ï.........10 12 e e fenggémore thon four lipuns.............. 'atetutieloeCoroner (ubject 010).................... 02 wa.89 rrant................. .010 W ...2 00 t7 à vngasa , ...... i n- r t der die etr". temle mltre»'; tresp, mien ne-geoti, are fuunti'L 10 20. AppZnsfimaio,'s hléibyDo - enfloe, i2 esfita enheVene fcn,,. Al cf our machines are fulîy warranted. WiLh tis ist cf Machine, we féel confident thaI we eau umeat every quireinent, and we réupectfully iclicit a trial of oar machines, helleving ti*t eau furniuh a better machine or the. mcnéy Ilîs eau be ebtaiued elsewhere. Rapeétfuily Yourv, BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. C, ,Wbltby, Ootario,J.'ebruary, 1877. JUST ARIIIVED AT TME ODD FELLdWS' BUILDINGS F01R THE NEW RAISINs, FANCY GrOoDS 0p ÂLL I(IND>S, CANDIE (the best lu town), A LARGE ASSOMTMENT. NEW riIGS, OBANGE PEEL, -LEMON PEEJL, CITRON PEELt, SPIGES' (al l knds,')CHEESE, HAMi$, BI300N; LARD, &c., &c. Ail of which will be sold Cheap FOR CASH. PETER SMIT.H N.B.-Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, Poultry and Applei Whitby, Dec. 5th, 1876 N EW S TA TIO0N ERBY [ O.K S T 0 R E AT- THE EXPRE AS AND MONLTREAL TEL. OEF ICE, BROOK-SI George YuIe b egls to annnoun<ce that ho lias re-openei lu tatîonery and J3ool< Store i Whitby, wvheroe tationery of al l knds of the best quality, vil bu kcipt -on liand ; also Sohool Books of ever description, (Jopy Booksi, Slates, Poncis, luks, &e., &c., at the lowei Prices. *,lite Daiiy and Weekiy Papers always on Jiand. sub. scriptionsSlicie Musical Inâtruments, ineluding a fine assortz.nent o: Violin,,. orders arc takett for I'eriodicals, Magazines and Music. Fresh Oysters and Haddies receive( GEO YULE. Lee-an'~eHliest Market od4l--reaab.ePouI-try, .Butter, Potate-s o g d e llv 'e re d m i Iltp N For your Parlor anùd.DIrawing Ro.om Sots go te TILL &JOHýNSONi For your Bed-room Sets, iDining Boomi Furniture and to furnish your house complete go to Cormices, Pieture -Fr--' do not forge the.piace-ýthe sigu of1 For Gilt en ineery oS3tyle, poIG QRNG UNýDERTA-KING -DEPARTMENT., llosewooô'd and Walnut (Joffins, Walnut a-'Ïid -.Rosewood Caskets; ail kiuidsý of Ladies' and Gents' Robes'. Also a the. - 291i, 876 TILL & 'JOHNSON. 'O. i l r. i d h. Da . John] J. R. PHILP Ilas juîit receivýed lus fail stock of CARRIAQE WHIIPS, STOCKS & LASHES. Also a large and elçenet assortment Àof Brushes and' OurirycombS. A good assprtment of Ladies' and Gents' Tnunks, Valises, Bateliels, Skawl Straps, Scehool Bage, &o., ail bouglit at close priées. My usual stock or Cairnage and Team Harness, (Jollars, Halters, BéIts, Suaps, &c., alwuzys on hiand. Wbftby, Neveuiber 15th, 1870., Broo St.etHIL?. y Broo Steet Wb48y .WILLIAM WTILL-Ys CABIN'ET FACTORY, AND FURNITURE WAREROQMS, THE OLD STAND, eBROCK STREET, WHITBY, Gw-he youiý cannot fail to 'bé pleased 111 n ma g selectio-ns of good furnmiture. Splendid Parlour, Drawing Boom and Bedrooni Sets, Nm, Designs wcl Worthy of inspection, st astonishingilow prices. Diii. inioom Elxtefigioei Tables-a 'very superior aiticle. .*II Comices, ieur ranuung in -évery stylo. Bénie fIne Chromos anad n * ngs for sale. g r-aý A i . r GENT'S CLOT-HINGx ANDa FUIR NISRHING G00D S For 'Superior Clothing. suitable fc Summer-wear try the Clothing Store and Merchant Ta >ring establisument of i O E NT FE I !:?jGTTJSoCD3,T 1 GOOD) FIT AND STYLISH CUT WAR1IANTEI) Gent's Fuxniishing Goods of al kinds, inlcling Shirt rats iud Caps, Umbrollas, Lc., Whftby, July 27th, 1875. f >1' il- 81 IHOICE WINE8 &-PURE L IQUORJW ut WHOLESALE and JIETAIL to suit the I[OLID.AY DE.MAND Oa-- UNUUALY OW IIIES SIMCOE STREET, OSHA'WA.' NET LEI S elbAENT FO r PAVI Ale & B orter rgr THE TRADE SUPPLIEID Ixawa, Déc. 14. 1875. BUGl G er eaonleiES. P r v i o u u t e t h & 'n t io d u kf o jn , f a i r g a sm a b n é s . m Uy e a g s w o r k e w e r e ér o t d itivaLrions, parts of thé country, ini whieh gag wes made tbrough destructtve distiflationi by firé end retortg frou cool or oil. Thesé worksare epenaie the îutia:. for alitAblé bildings for a gag holder, &o., lunaceisarly naaf They ,'also reguire cuiderablé cre and sMOl to manage. Thé manufacture of gas for a single dwlling demande nearlY- as mucli labou, and que aus mch okilas lu requirod toagake aupply sufficient te funiab a eaîuillae. Thé proces lne enoue autointii a s Olten as thé volume- of gag contained ini the holderJ é zbYuiOed, the retorta imuse be reebrgéd, thé prerérkiudlle4and the labour of m wutaoag ére ad.j, d troubleoeme. A luantityc cai, me ad ruhb nuulatea about the works ; the odour ariig from thém la a ver>y serions- jbectinum - ases tp thelr-lo1roduc.loni. GAsn'awifactnréd on this plan is ao <tquiM e 0 exe Puif bflUn ÃŽte theflbst ft f oateri, betfakenhnto i4out the Iném It muet ase hé born éIn mind ht ilu amuitg s works t o appliances of manufac. tre areneer se perfect, nr thé yiléd of gas proportionslyne grét, as là obtaind t thé large worku lu the cities._, lut. Their ârsl ceallamun lésa.ý 2d. o expnive ut-buildings are vquird. Thé takte contain thé gs gcîîeî ter inswall and cheap affair, undérneath thé grond, eut cf slght. ard. -AUl thé labour sud troubié-ofnxukipng alé s aved, Thé ciré oux zmachiues2 quiré lu se triffilga te b scurceiwcrthy of minlon.' 4th. No odeur arisen from thé nianuficture, ner lu thére iny littér or dirt. 5tll. Onr machines are automutleý; thé guzis alwaya reudy for usé. Ml. ;'Ràrély arc repaira cf uny id reqnlréd. Our machines are éq»uy gecd an aUl things consiexd, iucli cepr. ions of oui zuchines ln und te ligit a nme c. Tw#t rrîhebxtsines parteof à siall towpý, m--luth1 w4be lighted. at;muchIi «1p% ie thanif ach individuai occupant were te by an ïappratus, sil euehalf thé oi cf cas gis yen. Bch consumer maýy have hlm metr thu, paylg nly'for wht gi Au eyidéncé cf thé distancé that'1h, c i giscanbéciridwtoc ufn La b rc a p , o v y n h g s a m o r h ndred feét lu m o n ; l h a 1t. b _o o lu ntnl-ig are acine a nti.îc rewit. homé fbidns poils may on s e 0 0n h aré wit aurt outrnegtips xndgi Iniut.ing largpnemiceo lie anfatrge t ansfrumber cf yigsxa the United States, and b en* prédticat inch nce, we are confident that o ur machines ai scond te noué on thé Contient. Wé do not count il n invention f eux ov,. but w have made several ixprovemeta te malté themade 'and rliabl. Wé test very ma l'iICIi LIST OP THE CA1;ADIAN GAS MACHIINE,ý COýfPLE'TE, Erce oit board cf Cars ai Toronto. Number 1, rated i ta suppply 15 Blinere, #200 00. 99 2, i 80 If 26000. té 8, <tid tO " M0 00. dg 4, id 75 375 00 .9 5,' il 1lm dé 45000. c'd 6 di" 150 Il 0000. 7I, .9 2.50 Ilt' 70000. d é 1 0 , o s 4 N0 i l 1 0 0 0 0 0 . Langer numahines matie, if requined Weo suggest the pnopriety aI pultin lui pipeuton ga, even tîcugli net immeduatel' cuntemplaîîng purch-Auiîtg ag as machine, as t he ex ns. 'cf putting iu pipés, if donctcpoe uistiin.I éinuttutrtéblh S cpet éy c anyt u introduce, ut thé xpuse la cosideably greater, andtihîe occuants f théeliuse art mce' or legs inconvenînced. Ordnry pipes, udli au are useitc thé introductionuoc coat gas are puedi - i- w u ilvi c9W e l 'éce froina sny one-Who o l%'uiding and c nteuplating lImé itrb- dution o as gi e églati to advisé mith uch s tethé bot maner cf puttin g in pipe,*anti oler dtails. We ave comptent vorkmn in.our employ, hom we seni te any.puteôf thée ontiy te pipe buildinga. sel machines. d». We solil m n opporlunity te estinafeupo we ,M3u éuire woni f pplpig, furishing machin, g ui fixturef. &o., com . ang enretsaar.Wcémecnrtfrle rtrajb, pariscn.vash ue Iargély upan a thorougl ender-nstM d iogsdlth ni .eéu.nionf détail.. Whe ha n nse .rea 1ed pti In col ga, ete n aldi armciéseil We soUit ordra for Gasolie. Our arrngmento re suci laI irve ca i SUal rdenu protptly. We furnisi hé beSt qualiy ifliti a market rates. Wé manwufcturé Iran ,or Clpper Tanks te entier for atorieg Gascline. TE TI O -I L .'- 1 havé have lad one of Josephm Phillips & Co's. Air GOas Mailinea ln usé at my place ln ilosédale for about elgîleen moutha. Prom my expériance, I ai m t,-S d' mil thé pinciplé of the Machiné. Thé gas is fa supeior qualiy, andi econanucal. - ~EnnUi J. J.&I&yle. 5 -veral'Ã"i u -Buggies9Witl hilUd's sent, Lady's Open Phoetons latest stylo and, very liglit, Covered Flicetons with' Rolling Seat, also Light - Top and Open 'Buggies of,,Super- the best Jlaterial a'nd Wfarranted'. imade of LIST 0F AIJTIONEERS TOM~fS &.NE WPORT, Whitby, Ontario. censed for South Ridinig of OnItarfo, North Ridig of OitàÂ'io, anaad ý sParate MUicipalities ini 1he latter, Noe. Rszgy, Beaverton. £DSak.. . VI~.j ïtpo ôn.. VuI4tblg th oa.~ saa. El artea p't. 1 lian Brebu LIST 0F, PD'DLER8 FOR- ýTHE 00. ONTARIO.i Muxîoi.t.mavy. Sctt ............. Nos-lrth dg South Eidiug. SoutlhaRdiq.. South Ontano. Muthra... ....... Bhrak.. North ÏRu*hu .', L 111zExzau Bec. 2ud, 1876. Bec. 15th, 1876. Jan, 241h, 1877. Jan. 26t1>,1877. Feb'y 9nd 1877, mar. lm; 87~ Mi .10â h,1877. 1sr lth -1877. Sid, 1877. Huabunti. i BlaOlt'Wéll.... ~vezn Noneoi in.. 1 horaci, Ceunty.... 2 hanse., Oouniiy.,. Itcrses;Octiul~y... - 'lent' MEstui. Jouieria l'NiLit's---- ma-,cni..Ln h, i, .u GBNiTLEMEn-I havé véry great 'pléaaura linécommeeding youn Air Gui Machineý put ite our Collge, aus thalu given perfect satislation.-Yours, &c. mrsui. J. P»mrouar &Co., Tennt. -"~ "" 00 B. Snu- av nomba ou arCanadaArOsMahnsfrout six muls, 4u-ta iridl0tlia l"u msienc athéupmIatipaedat hiyen M achn an conséquent aheep es, mahoulti onéie énra é £R Awa 9] . . ruin l MESSaS. SCOdTT & PUeiLîIPe. -" -.--.- GYisns9 .-Your ir gui nomW itrduceéint-i y store aI Whiby gives complté satia. faction. The machine oka te a chamn, ant Iam saveti a laje utuount ofl.abu anti éxpense, besides'thé advantigép cf cléuulinau anti a ve supenar llglt 1 E. H. JeXMaxo.' Whtu. N. Gac2.1 Artile-anaienAir Gis Machiné. Exhibitr-Jos. Phiffipe. P HidIiL- LTcnantS V TUE ~ ut (JANADIAN AIR"GAS MACHINE,_ PLUMBERS, GÂS AND)SE M FT E S 158 YORK 3TRIERT, TOIRONTO. thé] Spécial att io,,r paid te thée- illgdf NF-E D L ]1-W.Q. Kj FIEE SOREENS, OTTOMANS, - FANCY CHAIRS,- LAIMBREQUINei- CORNICES, c;&s.. msde and put down in the beal style, - Morp JAS. H. SAMO& ~Co March th, 1876. I é.Gilmiore d C0., Atitorneys>at Law, 7(Successora te Chipmau, HoamertvCo.,) l, 0129 F Street, Washington, D. (J. If ' - hé Aîîuzcàui) u»FcxOIc I?îpérmrPt DOO enta prccured ie' ail coutries. No fecms za iladvcoce. -No chargénuhe hpilent is, asgrantel .No-lées terakith pem. ary éxamiumttpuu. -Ne le o 'g btiningaudjoonducting armheurng.. Spe' X~ciel attention givan te luterfereuce Casea a beforé thé Patent Office, Extension before r'P Congréas,' Infibnent Ruits lu différent ta States, and ml litîgation appertaining to I- ventions or Patents.BdSenumzpfûrpcm- 'Ppllet f f irfyjuges. UiTEraSrnTEs CeuTars "DDpmjiruxvNS. -Caims prosecuted i the Suprême C ourt n f cfhe tUnited States, Court-oI Ciarbos, CouTiL re of Cammisaioners ,cfi-iMbamat. CI'Ls. 'e Sônthéro -Claima Commnission, muaéidi i-classes cf ver cimim eferé thé Exeautlt'eý Déparlmnents.' AaRzxAsoryPÂv Ni BOUmîr.-OffIPceic Selliers, sud Saiens o! thé late war,eor thuein:. Juentre i-lumany casés éntiltéti to mauéy' ncathé Govérumént,,aI which they have: nocknowledgé. Write ful i story of service. and étalé amnount cf pay andi bouri*y xeciév- éd. BEilasé stamp, anti a iltrepty, star: examinaîlon, vfii hé gven ye n fiés. Pzrcsîoz;s.-'AtOfcers, Soldiérs, sud' Salons waunded, ruptureti, or injnred in liae late van, hovever slightty, cmen obtiin a. p e n s i n u y n o w r o rc e i v i n g p e n u a eu s a r - é tît tcau n 'recsé Séod, tamp sud. information yl hé funniahéti free. UNrrED Sr.crxs Gxm.tz.LAu» Our.-' Coélted Land Cases, Pnavate Land Claimi, Mining Pré emption anti Hometéid OssM praenuted bofore thé Général LandiOfie and Department cf thé hntenior. y OLo Boumimy L.uin WAxxjxruThé liat. R leport, of thé Commissionér cf thé General Laund Office uhows 2 897,500 ocres of Bouuty 'eLanti Warrants culstandiug. '-Thesé vers If issuéd ioder set-cf 18,55 andiprieracts. We pmy cash fertem. Sentibmy regialereti let- 4 er. Wheéeasaigoméntsa reImpérlect wé n give instructions te perfect lhem. 0 Each deparimeul oo ar- business 15 cou- yducted ilu&a sepurate bureatb nder thé chargé of expenlencéd havyers sud dents. By réamen of érror or Irmuti many, atter. àonys ané a uspéntiéd from practice*beforé thé Pension anil aller offices-s èech yef.- Claimuntu irlosé attorneys have béénties, auspéndeti vill' he-gnatnitauslv fennisheti t vit 1 full innmalion and propen papens an applicatin te us. As ire chargé no fée un- lét.u succésal, stampu for t»tanpostage îhabuid hé sent us. L berai arrangezb*nts made villi mttoees lunuitclamées ecf busi- ness. Atitres- GII.ùcRE . CO, P. O. Box 44. Waalcingloai, D. <C. Washiugton, D. C,, Nov. 24, 1876. I taképleaeure In expnesaîàng m ni tr confidenré in thé respcnsibilclp and il ltg of thé Law, Pato.ct and Collection Houa. of GîLMOaRE & Co. cf tîia city. GEORGE H. iB. W1zp,. (Cailcier Nationml Metrapelitan Bank.) FOR SALE CHEAP I -A BricIk Cottage near ilysinéas Centre lu the Toirnai Wliitby. For pnicé ani terme ipply t- MER. WMf. THOMPOON, Saddler. Wbilby, Feby. 201h, 13-0j. 9 TBT ND PORTIIIW Y. EX. TIME TABLE No. '17. Talwe éfct ou Salurday, Jsu'y dli, 1877. Trains ru by Taranto lime, whici la lirea- ~ty.twoiminiutes alower tien G.T.R.L imé. Ivecluéadayki and. Daiy. Saturtiay. WhilbyJnn.. .dept. l0.50i.M. 7.25 p.m- Wliltby ...... 11.00" 7.80 t Broaklin .1...1.20o" 7.48 ' .M rt1l..e ......... 11.88 t 8.053 umuit.....;.11.50 " 8.183t Manchestern.... 12O 0coou 8.25 Prince Albert ..... 1.p.m. 8.Sm . Port Perry... .urnvo12.15 8.40o Wédneadaya asud Daiy Stirdaym. Pot e dpt .0cm.n. 500 P.. Suuîmit.ýý.... go 8.5 Myrtlé...... . A.2 " 8.85 ilrooliiû,.....7. 8.47 wilt .. Auciva 7.20 4 0' lié dIl ,lion Ma A, h*1 1 iimu whi Mil( inI Y AnmWI TTOB T09 Tir. ddenc~ ordars 'k Division lsÉiner in 1 tberly,Ccunît env mt.2ir ), sept. 301h, BT. RMA V. J. H :cxuaex- ý.'j di . 1 Il 1 1- 1 1 1. I.- ýl lut Ilibvindalfial oj ce &R avar £llànâAa- m u8E ! 7hich our L advertis4 1 - ... - . ' . - . DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. 11%- TRY GASOLINE. Toronto, &pril il, 1876. 50 Lighi Machine, WhitbY, DUC. lýtll, lf376. Oshawa. Mar,-11!27f.l. lk,7(.. A. B. DEMILL. 150 iiighi Machinc. 75 Liglit, lfaÏhint. - - . - - - -- - - -- 1 AGVJCULTURAL iND AnTs Assocuvoy, TOBONTO, 1871. FIRST FKT.UA Pluinz. SOTr, If nr rr=,o 1. ; Ta g Plow it le ta 1 tke(ýi

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