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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Mar 1877, p. 3

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tý h rdWEEITBY. '.UAA IAN AND-ENGàLIS' W E S ni twahpot r h c1il crBpo1u Sl S G OAIN SAad Plkr s.,ri . i G N R LGENTS FURNISHJN( Pckcrng, lth UMatch1877. Whhtby, Mu.,. " D es G o ds H a s, &e,, la ge st ln CTOR IIATON. 87 rs o 4i'8Townshlp CIrk. oTiOC o of Millin 8EWIO MAHINEoAL- theCrapu Gods, Parasols, Ladies' Ties, h. 8EWNG- ACIN SLE &Aciwe-d 1 M11oseot zi Crm tn Adjustable corsets, .A FOR 1876 wili, dreAssociation or South Ontarlagoesoda maiavnoadmohSa e y , 1)sonBATU DJ4Yh1 IA1CE H' e admuhbelow l - agla 7 ti 1:80,P.M ,,t0W lch 11 TÎ, jý prices. -S e Wheoleison M't'I<Co. sold2 0 Mtroh 15h, 1877. -1 1079 einumahins eu. 1»Tailoring and Dress-maà n ,Howed,ewi...achin, c0...1.. 8,k n WmeetJe o Mah g p04M SE VAT GMB T-. order and inithe osat sye omstae âcMahie Co.' GIrover &dI' Bker Sewiniz Ma ,9 ppyo..Whitby, March -2ls1877.LOWES &PowEI: chine c eletimai.. i ltemiugton mpire Sewlng 20,000 MlS.. IoSHTJA RI0ARDSON, machine Co...........Whby Wilson Sewing MachineCo s 17 ty Mrc 4,177 inlgy GodMdlSewing Xcý»- 1:2 rhI,17, Wildox & Gêlbb s .. 101J4R AEClP Sewls it- MPO TAT ON ci E of " 18,710. Faxnlly Residence, çsih 8j Acres ci Land> AmeriB ý Sewing situaced wthln one mile of 'the Town e Le "c 1e65959 Wbltby and Outaro Ladies' Collaeo. Lag Vicor ewnr achneCo,*. 6292 Gaa4en stockeS iih. Fruit and Plawerso Florence Se-<jn 0ac e e 0,617 To viay the tsame appiy to Secor 8ewmrM=* e e... BatE. e.audozi & Ce., Etna..CHOILlPPC -Md; FaittonmSewIngMac14h17' Ir mchie C.. ...... 20 XMh lth 187.8IU-12 THE NE ET S YE M.OXCY Sewin9 Machine As' ." ton.......... 128- JNSOLVENT -ACT 0F 1875. lesyBtone Sewing Machine Co. 87 In the, Malter of JOHN LIT'TLE,N liEW YORK XIeieî NOTICE -l a hég >5'e a Assviue MesetY si»E 0 te OTsIOR e retu tat bAs e6' Y uths' and Boys' 1h. aboya Insoivenla estâte, I ah oSrfer 13 B W 1 N 0 fur Sals by PubIliaAuction ai RAY'S HOTEL la the TOWN.7 0I WHITBY, ou TUâSDAY, the, Thirteenth Day ni MACINE.Mitalc, nudt, 1877~ at oue o1lock P M. F E L T HF-A T S, said !nsulvonl, and et myseil seasnchb THE S1NGER MÂNVFACTUR1NGC001!.Assigne., lu and t Ail aud ingular, ASrn PANT $Md, ln 187, 248.079 Machines, certsa parcel or tract oft-LandS belng the ENGLISH AND M ICN being 1,18,852 more than auyother Compan* South, quarter et Loit2Number Biglit ln LIILIA sols',Warrantes!a te tuw.ap wo ofauthe .Saventh Concession oft he Township af oth.r nmû.k. Bewarof Imitations ana Pickering, centalning t.ttyacres mors -or cbeap.mas!e machines, bs ; anc Thlry Sine Acres ô, 1h.South ATHA M ILTO N & S - Weal ar of Loi Number Sevan, lu the Non@ Genuine wilhout sais!. evenîb Conae,.î i lb. teTownship 9DEtAis9TM A DEM MARK ILo Pickerng,l te Couaty of. Otario ou Armet Macine.lave ,ad except, Twentr perche$ *solla<,d on Am ofmachne. btheSoulh.Weit carner o lsais!Lot Number Oâand Show Rooms, ]Jrock Street,. T.î lpaeplMthdi Oue Fresh A 4as :aiyat W. P llo ks Efghî,îo tha large aud commodhous BrinkArias..,ar "V VVlo k' 8ol AgntforhoL. FAIRBANKS, Dwelling Bloura, and a Large Frane Barn 801 Aen frteGenuinc New York Singer '%ud ShedsandaLvn Stream of- Water FRiUIT N O FiIN R T R Bewing Machine,,Manufacturing Company aThea g00â Ocad o hromND CO FE TINeRY ST R fur the Conuty. - The lautlisu1 cleared but about Six-,e Mkhu taemns~~ ~.w~Acres, andl iu a'gond state nf cuitivatian The Latest and BestAetmeof Cnetoë P. . eiues, ibrhentsawstnand. nced. ersKaeortmnî Cuetyionr, Whiîby, Mrob 21, 1877. 13 TF4IMS Liberal, and made kuewn ou Texesaceeer.iseaiyFf, ......the dayo al. 1A=,mons! Ceceanut Bar, Buffalo BiB, 0, T0RELL OR RElIT 1o For Further Particulars ? Py iteiRoberiNt Ic Trkie' Butter Scotch, Barley Sugar, otgesd aianarutln- ste Miler, Esq., the Assignes, ickeriug P., iht utain ri a, &., cddi Mr. John Ham Perry's. ERatI, Whiîby. . oliilo niIb Apply t- WN. ROB RBuET MILLER, Chestunts, Peaunts, Hlickory, Barelonis, &o. Wil, . &sue.FRUITS-AppI., Oranges, Dates, Fige, &o. Cann'ed Ueeds of â ai vàtire. 1tm lit 87 8.I January 8ih, 1877. 2M-8 &W- Teas et excellent qulity 20 ta 25 per cent. Cheper, for CASH. ~VatedW. P. WILLCOOK, DuznsaSt. Watdboaria aprivate bouse-large P'o sT y'o N E D 1 ac t,17.-li r.' 1 tnWib Apply ta-.- The aboe. sale bas beeu pastpoued l t HAMILTON d& C. TUESDA Y, 3ARCE 7h , 87 - l1 1 Mareh 21., 187. 18lin XVA.NED IMEDIAELY t the saine heur sud place, WANTE 1 IMEDIATLY 1ROBERT MILLER, 0 Dimes Maker, Trimmer sud Operator for March 14th, 1877. Asig2, no Whsaer & Wilson, L A Nx MISS McINTYRE, l~INET TO LOAN 1 T Maroh G lt, 77, 18Z m- e iJ.. 22imperial Lean and Invetmcnt Co. Have. received part of theirSpring fAili O RNT 1 wili advance luney cou Beal Estate Secur. Imprtaiosfor 17,adi a e a wlu hw h -~ ~~~~~~~~iy AbuinArsn ia peaul il.17 umaur01et#100 sud upwarde No nraiosfs Aot 7Acrrhe sofhpat oaat Lsiu-rdolicitora' Fees w4beu 1h. amount borrowed Fineet Stock of Dry Uood5s tey ever 1mporited. Special Concession nf Whitby. Weil wetereà wlth B fot lew tan 5yeas. egsu atio esattninivtd'etesok0 llh'ee never falug aprinil ;f utea a stheo n raue' esaApi odSalSrn ktMa n l sO? Silks V'elvets, Neow Bain stune tovudat on; a1-;1:s erifstkees, anSad7 tCare odthe but emaji Flrame House, Al the plowiu borrowerOî.alr ud nrpaul ars ap y ihe nTùý2neLcs Ctos ens aeCr doue last lu, Muet ha uan with cleaapl ibos TimngLaeCotn, rntLceCr tamiiy. 111 heallh the cause for rentlug. (11,0, ST.joHN HALLES. tains, Damasks, Linens, Shoetings TBlck Lsrs preseso.ffo i Ar. ppyo h Solicitor, &oe., Oshawa. Family Mourning Goods. March'9si, 1877. 13 N. 1B.-800,000 luprivat. tonds tae ban W oce enlmn D u Rlitatê sourlty. Terras 10 suit ber. .1e also invite .the attention o te enleento£ u Rev DVIDMICHELrower, . Sprig Stock of TWeeds, whieh wc find muai bctter value than on any -R. DlAVIyDM etITaHLu, Fehruery 251h, 1877. lim'.10 former sesson Also a C.,boioe Lot of Hats - ana Caps, Tisse Bows, and Wiil delivr bis leture on "A Mcocpe~o to c l0ueyasereMared eee isc vle s! Inisbl Wnld' u thor ccs as will giv satisfaction toe cpurhaer Muùre a spccdy sale P 1lows Bll, WBRITBY, on MONDA>, S M 0[ K E -RS the vondor. MAlICE Qakh. 'Admission, 20 cenits,LAN S Oilîdren, 10 cents, LAN TEWART, S* r'- Mitchell ls au eboquent speaker, and Wht-:00:-- 6t, 1877 veiry capeble ai doiug Justice tb the inter. 7htyMriOh17 esti a5ubjdecîhe bas chosen for bis lecture, Wlty, m4 ereh 21 ,,1 76, 1111.1VWCiitvo ag.liliteoeal your attention R.OBICE8 lJ IORSES 1I to the nunierous IMITATIONqS 1-E : Ei A.- ' CATTLE and! IhPLEMENTS 1 ef the BY A UC'1 ION. M'te ayTo cGREA'T SWEEPING .'SALEJ 'lh T h iubcrber viii bolda sale 0c! Herses S T 1 L L 0 O T 1 N U È - Micîtbws, Cetîlo, Shoop Pige, Faruf T L ON I U S îoiijîemeuts, a&o., ai TRE STÂMIP P1IRS'I' APRIL> NCfXTe TOWN. OFWH P-1Y , Two yar ds wide Sheeting at 25tswot50c, For tho restlon ot rain.StoreHoes- - Pl Seagrave, Oakveod aneu , Li rit ilîn, sn-Lsaa,- u8dyArit3r,187 Union Carpet at-80 cents, worth 75 cnts lan an OAations my enA Àt he ou f 2o'clock noon ;e-ofwhicb hy ae8elngfe. as n PlaBen ans i 5 Linsay;adon&! akCoronorsuet .tcootes Peaceada pal' fbWhitLy. n heS tacheredta1e ticeaS a 7;ar sf ulan Lovest or pny tender net ueeessarily se- eru therasives a'cordn l' a bar9ainwltpl, t W ïportun#rs -' - -N. G. EZYNOLDS, - - Seoe-. 0. ~~J8S -COJ .Persian fJord, Prints, ~c. -----eS ickings,'Duck ' Driis, De'nlms ]Roiled .Cambriés,&. In NEW New Shirts, Collars, lies, Scarfs, .nts' Furnishîngs WB ARE SHEWING FELT H AITS IN ALL JTewellery, YO)UTHs' ANDBOY89' IN MENS, &C. READY-MADE CLOTHING1 A SPLND. The Above gode are well worth the inspection of t- O rMto k s ar e, wel ss r ing Purchasers, as they are AB M,' INK STANDS,,. BAG PRSESINKBOTTLES, BRACRETS, PAKCy.HARUSH, 'BOXES POR JEWELRY, MSCBLS BRIA PIPES' ? PEBUMEBY, M KED DOWN AT PR/CES ui,,&jB -fl A CABD BOXES,' 8i MELING BOTTLES, whis li CGARCASES, TOBACCO POTCES, wil elithem! CGAR< HOLDS, TOYSM CMAR BOXES, VASES, DOHEMIAN GLl COLOGNE PAÉCY BOTTLES, WATCH STANDS. 00--- -DRAUGHTBO WALLET$t PANS, IVOBY, WOEK.BOXES, On hand ~,GLOVE AND UDK 0HIEE'CASES, S&c., &ce, &o. &o., eaul andl see c& Stock. SOCK la» N. B. 'Parties need not ask for crefit as it jwfl be given. J. S. ,Whitby, Mardi 6th, 1877, G0OLD S MI-TH'S 'HALL Bargains lu Watches.. ]3argains" S GoldJe4wellesy. Pre V'Barga lus lit Electrokp ate Il ue., iz earu. AndU the said CoeSl JOE 3~W TIl-ma then ensc etala siiBylaw, Asd case the same lo be submited fer confirmation 3 byea Bylaw s*tlc Cuuy ai Ontario. This lNotice le given lu eccordance vils' Practical WatchinDker. the Statuts 88 Victoria, cap. 48, sac. 24. Whitby, Jan-. 3lStq 1877. D.,1-1Â.DJà7sit Oe 11 dyaiMrc - WM. RLSOX, STO VES LA4ND -TJINWAIR]E. aCORN FOR" ÀLE1 AgaCquamtity et Western Corn fur sale et t te Station of the Whilby &i Port Tin WTae, iilvy, inuthe tevunifWhitby. For pr GEO. HOPKINSi Copper.W are, WhiÙtby, Feb, 25h, 1877. 'à UCTION SALE 0f every description ini stock FR TO, MLMNS or made to order. an!Tehe rprniîm -of - Mr. SHERtMAN BROWN,- ST O V E I ST V ES ~ On LoI No. 5, Qiss Conceason pJCEERl- 31 )AD A Y AI>II'l, 2nd, 1877,i Special . inducements to purchasers ofTotloin aubePrpn ey Hfonis..-! Chotunt Mare, 10 yrs, (gen- elulI nTose) ; 1 BrocS Mare, 9 yearsaiSl, ,Stoves for balance of season-. - igot y ethenhy- 1 l'airBlack, Morses, ya'od,(genri purpe);,1Chestnu horse, 4 yearsoUI, (gai by Mangeun)i -1 11 Gn- S M CN)H A. car,s ols!, Dmaught, anS 1Fil BoitZ Ma.re syarsos, ) lmane 4 jears old whtb, anar 88t 17,.(got >y Grad Turhi) athe! WhibyJauar Bet,187. * C TTI..2 r5t cows, 14 Well-bred milch ~- Cow, 4ail in cUit; 4 Heltens, GrPAd, 2 YeArs 01Sd-G?6celin Steers, 8 Heifers 2 Syear ol;1 oeg .bred Bull 2 yearsndbe S E A. SO 1 . Â B ici]mE C-G DO O s o YMr.John ller; S veli-bred RiE,1 ALWAYS 0ON.HAND AT' rem<ei>..} (ËLM)sîîfolk, ina gta importel boar -2ages e of Pbsi. PoSa;a I. cage of ee, P B I N G LEUC l epe,(marsh arveit- snneir; 1 Moirer, <daymga chliot Inn'- -Merchant 7ailoring E&tabliRÏneïït io>rown Pattersouls, nov; 1 Sulky McMILLAN'S BLOCK, 3 Brook Street, Whitby. Sav W.B.SM pndhIr tock&oof Threshe, i seltni E TUralis=. ~I~f~~ T ~--- f l"O F~ss o. vy~ ~. ýed, Pamr'Produce Factory Cottons GE --000-- Xlib 1 - WILL - MAXE FJP 1 CHEAP, FOR' ý l STOCIR. ýFANCY 0.-0 D S White A SPLE.NDID r

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