Bui nerag sDiÃŽr e 'to r.~ WHITBT IBANOR, ~ TRU8 ow  .S I#Ozt Aiea Sub-Agoncy ai .Lvepôol "a. B. -T4ÃLOBR, WbAtby, sept. lathrr1876 g J ACUNC NaV& TÀB"of3 r enllpta for a>" iWeotor ci 1om. Ur,' PAIIÉELL k UTLUBDO t, (mes - ttdooir ooulh of 8h. 107*1 JÀMBSBUTLZDGEO NIA. 3.1.FAREELLL.-L. 1, County crown Attorney. 48 ýJAr«Es' KEliTU GOR~DON,. 90 t ht a a *r, Onvgaacor, 17, s0", e,Ãrck Sltret, Wbllby, Oni. A RTUC . KIILLTLPO, Cnig A TTkEY.AT.14W, SOLICITOR IN ÉLvuenr< ENGLIAT II L . T, W co ar ~cYu9-Sa&o Bloak, lic-oie tr,ét Wlmltby,Ouf aria. ILato Gi'eeoodS* MoMWilan.) - AUIIITE, ATTORNEY, SOLIO- IMo- am'-yPahllç, Convecer.cf.C ile-Byron Stroui, Southi0ainîtOffice, Whitîby, Ont&rio. - W~BINSON St KENT, (Lira Dc.oa, L& 110=9o0N ONVEYANOER-BIgc. q)pprdE-provi.nià t deurance Building., CURT à wXT T'oORO, THOM~lAS U *H4hTON, rhOWN CLERK AND) TBEASUIIER, ,Whitby. Offle-Tawn EaUL. Hours, G 9ta 1 o'clock. -R. J. Qtmm~, M. o., S URGEON TO TIE COUNTY GAOL, liyroil Stroet, yWhitby. Dr. W. J. 1JURS. Omrce-Noxt Coar te C ONIaCLE O1200. 92W Rosidence, at Mr. Lewis Houak's. Wm.. NeUrDIIIN, 8i1I,..., G0UTS OSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., theo B. 0. B. L., Oshawa, Ontario. W. ADGAMS, DENTI ST, (SUCCES. 4 D or ta Wr H. Card.) Dentalllom-Duudu ,Strent, Whitby aver Mr 3s.menau'e Store. Nitrons Oxide dai adminitered for the peinless ex- traction 0ai bath. C N.- VAR@, L. 1). B., oerr EITH insorted on ail tihe Li-iAtest priuoipiee of tho art, us 0 en s tho cheapest, and as 4oo uethe beet. T oeth flied with Goiand md Siver. Teeth extracted wthaut païn, hy pradnucing local an.cthesia. DoutasiBoanma-in Oow. & n'o lnaw block, avec tklnsons Ding Store, Ing Street, Onhowa 8 TIUIRA* DEVERILL, I3UIDÈR AND CONTRACTOR, DURDAB ST., WEITDy, l- AU arders pracnptly expcuted 4JX NROBJNSON'tS T'AIn DRESSING AND) SIAVING 581900u, Brook St., Whutby. A NT PU TUE ELEBRATED of Joa.than Wollenden,Dundau St., Whitby. LBRD ~MEEICHANT, CARPEN TER Luand Jotuer-, Oresu Streut, Whtby. A *largo quantity of aaU kiude ai lumber cou- iltantly on baud. X. O'DELL, AL HERà T Clerk Division Court, Tp. C/erk, commiaioaor la B. R., Lanil Agent. &-., &o., Abherly, Coanaty Ontario. ai. IOG&RT', P'hysicien, Struison, Accaucher, St., &tc. Wliilby, sept. 80th, 1874.41 ROU1T. I1MSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. «.Iraiiate (wibi thnaiireofethle U'nivoelty ai -u 'd Çollege, Cauada; Phiiadetl 11 - ýtvI f biio ail dangerv; ,nailai Uîtv. of 'uuyvau 0; lleîaCollage of l'mSis lvaul mtA dLîoeehtlato .miafcolla-y aif tho hulv. aifiidlabu-g Sobtlini Cor- onen 'or 'tie Oounhj ai bntarto. Ofie.- <Jolciwtor t., OniltIsa, Aà _ga*lti4tij h875- lyn 86 lsUCCuuusaa TO J. cEs-As.) VTETERINAIIY SUR~GEON, Uradua'tb . Qabarlo Vobec-inary ollage. By paflotmuemi V. S. ta D. P. Bs&tteny. W111,be ai Arunstrteng'4 Rohel, Whttby, oeroy Tue#. Clay frhota(0 o4. whro-ie m4Y be caualtej ah ail diseae ioslfte doetmtaanimale. Rs~idaceOananoc-l oel; Offie- Cartee'Dc-ugstore. Klng strcob, osbawm. Wbitby, îlot. $rd. 1876. b1 T 139 EO HORSE -MEDIQINES. Ali dtscrtpttons af lbé buat Hs o'gId. kwoo4* n a anit sud ton sala ah io e lbyLlvsc-y abbos. i,â"No Charge fon sitvec. N. BAT. DUALER IN LUMBER, Ilag on bia splendi4 stock cifline chear &a satveliueaudd Lù M'her. Ail kinia fon carpenter sud building prpoo*s. Porg;iDrgiesa Lurben always on jy mesmu ald ou4ost whieh & how ci Pic-ny, spt t W17. M EAU x4aI't! qvffl,OUN Tame, 1.00 pon Day. Stabling mn ooù. B ITISE 4MIOÀN RTFL <L.2AVX CUIoN Roue.) T5HITBY, ONTA4RIO. b1n4h ont, mud puta frst-olaus rAr for ho reception o01g sie. Auombibu la sud roma mltndlu. Yns.ausml ona HITM OTEL. Supefci ntcosnodation. Tablf;" is puw t - out tasûa Genumas Icïuous. Citatu, but brads. -Billandrpi.~om tà bitos sud uh&b.o4-* n RID -TPNKRAILWÂY HOTEL, AT WEKT3JY STATIONX.: WM. O'NEILL ..PeQPRIÈTO)R. Partieu taling thotrata sndleas humeas. svil iyqthon woU takcneuea',iil.thi FOaRSAT, £T TxE GILEN MWOR MILLS 1 Ow018e.t Pin, Lainier, woii stauon$&. F elezg BoirAs, Nple for ailes, lot qusltty, I.0i-SquareTimber,-1 AU olfAwhtéjin ltb&oiA eiesp foreoùI. G-4OOD NEWS'ÉOli TEELDIS à ' NEW VELÂTý0Ntj'NTE SCIENCE FDES.ÂIG _COENWALL'g UELPITTIG reînxn.- WITS SOYDRCHART. rElE URW8BOTEL, Dresees fitlod tram maemnt, "0uon j,- QE'N' vibut ohangeofai a e#tch. (LAvEtlauitxEcta,>Fan sale, aihh intstructions, at ISBOCKSTRERCT, WRITE?, miss MINTYRE'8 TAYLOIR &, cCANN, :Pe0PRIRTORS. -DRa.aaAMneeRooMBWRIE?. Thip ndacsrold (estre ta intorm theinAet t nel ibrlidnmnst trisuasandthle public bbah thoy ha"ettakén r¶uane. t ieaadcmnst lie save well known hoteala ihthey Ibm o bave newly fittoit ap and rnovatediand put Ity,,*1187u inbo the beal ai crier fanth èôto homol hlbAu.1, 84 tien aqisa. Tîte Ban, whlcb latbtýabn-I isamoat n tie Caunu , lu aili saUptouisitvh lthe finoil brande of nousilquions, aid ci- Y - S 7T gars. Ample unolosed saedti roo na Smd oa etani bx s à ,&c-Detasabeit room À " NG SM TH fo omriltnavellerg.- ISSUER 0F JP.TAYLOR, PHTLIP MOCANN. lite ofToronto. MARRIAGE LICENSES' RlOYAL HOTEL, *HITB3y, ONTARTO . wilIIT aT, -TAS. PZIINGLLH, PBOPRIETOR. The langest aid mosb commotionis hatel lu thc towa: bais-large sauupicmoinas bon compieretial fravelonrs, Tablé weil sappliei ivibh thé beaf la éaon. Beslbiatidiliqaoi-o ai cearsi. Raclosecl yard- miiiuhidroata; attentive hastiera. Cisc-gem tasuitthhoé ines. N. B.-Ltvery atfache. 27' ARMWrBONG HOUSE, (LÂTE ÂEti, WHlTB3Y, ONTAIIIO.- EARMSTIIONG =PROPRIETOR. w THITBY 1HOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHIITBY. (WEST 0F t1a8T OFFICE.) - JOSEP1H A. BANDEL, PROPIETOR. Thisttouas baislaeean ecenttýy baltl, ta lar eaUpA rootvndmifileadut' a fico-hciaas stylo. i3eat Wnes, Liquora anA Cigana; froeli Lager Demn. Gaad tabling sud en- closei yard; attentive cableru. 46 CARTWRIGHTu, ONT. JAMES DEWART - PIlOPIIIETOR, 00a!accommodaton 11.12 ArOEY TO LEN]). Tho und(leralgne! lias aoy arnaunt ai Mon- ey te Lsnd apaa Fac-m or Towna Pnaperty, at uaaaually Low Ustes af Intereut. Laans can bo repai ta soins ta suit bon- Sovsrab Improved Fmrm md Wtld Landa for uale cheap. Iaveatmnete matie in Municipîal Debén. bunes, Bak, anA olion mankelafablé Stocks. Fer funîbor partblamnuapply fa - JAMES HOLDEN, Officiel Assigne, Brcker, Sto. fipnil 9h, 1872. 15 WILLIAN sCOOPER, J3LACKSMITH, - - BROUGHAM, (Succasuar ta Thomas Mitidangh,) Hloc-e s ietig ant Ilaitkiada of genermi woc-k. ly.52 M ONEY TO LOAN. Thes National Investment Com- pany of Canada, (IMITUD.) Lend Money ou Rosi Ritale. learcisse Exiuîing Mcnigagos. Borrowens wiil fiai ltée Company's fac-mu inodea,switii spécial fadilitbea bonpaytag off themloaina. W. Il. liILLINGS, Agent, Solicitor, &c., Whibby. 03 010 f privais Funils on lcod te Inoetinl Mortgage a Frm e Suritp. 44 B ROUGIIAU CARtIlAGE WORXS. S. WEBB liesettfnlly inforcme is- Pabroas su! thé Public bliat lue hapurchaaéi tho Riglul-fr Ptckering, ho Matiunactuo Conboy's Patent- Seat BUGGIES, CUTTERS S&e. AlI pic-lieu wllI do wll taose Oucr Buggies anA uItons, before gviIhe riréle. whec-s. Brougham, Jtmiy 18i, 1876. -; yn-80 JOHN S. M. WILL<JOX, OFFICIAL AS8IGNEE, 1 Whitby, Jan. léth, 1877. 8M-4 y OUNGIS IOTEL, UONCJC OD LTN RODT., X. YOUNG, -PIROPÈIETOR. Roliabla information iregarding-:theoccun- try, etc., furniabod ta parties isquiring It - ample acoma;modation for Haaateouau< Sportsmen., The bar and larder iun liedl vith tho bout ai liquorn udvii5nd4 lo b. bau"d inlhelb.oontcy. Nonuet obllg- ané attentivo sevate' kopti OM~MOdioS I stabUin and prompt bastleo m1was. u ROBUET XL YOUiNG, IPIL MONEY TO LEND an Fac-maid Tawn Property, at LOW RATES For bnrtber parficalan.s - Apply la- JOHN FABy1JHARSON, Whllby. Angual 15h, 1876. 84 KIQBROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Imprtea, Deiens muA Manufacturnersaifal .Kinis ai LEATHE!? AND FIND-1N08, Caabi pai for Hldea, flarà . an! Losthir. Loatier atretcheti. ga"BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. May. 1872. 22 IONEY TO LENIII ÀAlar-gaqantityof ai oaayta tan! at la-w iaterest, pivaf etuid.. Fonrsale, sovecal Tawn loti, twoo Pnm, Hougsa, andi a largo Brick Honge. For ferma, apply ta '.Y' o'UNG SMITH. Whllby, Fob. 9h, 1874. 7 1)egi la annouace bilai hé ils.removed tho KngS..a tow itacrs EAST 0F THE POST OFFICE, OPPosito Lakes ashow-noomu, whsre avill ho faunai %fine stock oa i .1kanti boit ilsts Ibm ladies sud gentlemen, a'i bu awnmanti- ,facture. 9'Stc-aw bats- colored amdai stosi ta shaple. Oshlawa, Jnly Ot, 1876. 89 c OAL CEAPER THAN EVER 1 DOWN AGAIN 1 Caîl anti gel pncoe aI A. ALEXANDER'S, Whitby and Oshawa. Sept. lUth, 187f;. 8 CUaTois aDEPARTMEET. Ottawa, Nov. Sth, 1876. AUTHORIZED DISCOUNT ON .t.Americau luvotos anti] iarthr no. tice, 8 par cent. J. 3ORNSON,' 40-ti (Smmisof a Customs. L IST OF TEEB DIVISION COURTS or TmE COUNTY 0F ONT.ALO, FOR TETEB EAR 1877.- Whtby.2 1 1 s9i l 8ij111 Brou Lam 8 ~2 2 4 aut tn 1 i' 127 710120 I j.j.j, !j Junior Judg. Whltby, Dac. 27th, 1876. MODLÀRD IRAILWAâ P CASADA.. ýT- Ir Z - TAÀBLEB. Ga ï tic4rom Yart Hope ta Llnisy, Beavontn maAOfilia. Léave Pà orRp- Mai, .. l'10ia. m.I1s ..8.4ô p.um Gaing North te Peoebra'& Lakeflsld. Leavo Milihc-ok: -1 mail... 5:26 P.. m ail.'!..11.40 p.M. <Jomln0g Souti frain Onilia haLiOiay, Poebro' snd Part'Hope. Leave Oriuia- Mail . ... 12:W0 noon. Ar 'Pi Hope 0.-20 P.= Comiag Saufhi mcmLakofed. Mai..9u......:0 P.t- a a I j; a otu witbh théNIPUlh 3Btllwsy ho Estes ai Insnrnoé. atIoi that 25 contal vi4lun 100forvv~mg1u Aaauranoe? çmp'any, Tbt is gd nA v1eiteblieliA ompà ay "arWo.to q=W!Ptniek.tA&U olasdi *- a PÂ'A21, ' ' 4i tobard st. -and, Çrog'Qos, London. ZSALIEDNi1782. LE~PIE MÃ"FFT &Co., tià aiucouaapus e J.or ffelt. an." L. FAIRBANKS. Apri)4 sAgent,Whitby. ÀWZt,1876. -I-Y HEBAD OFFICE, -QUB . Flusucial Resuit Of 14 MxtaRi- nous ý8ta 318t Dec., u875. Aathac-lséi Capital........... 5,00,ooo Snbiarlbed Capital............ 2,80,00 Fai up >Capital .......... .20,9 ýquîonnmeat Depaît. (Fire)- .0.000 (ýoieraçuï.epoat,.Lit-:: 0,000 Toaulca.nue, Pire Prenunmu,. Lth&o Asseu................. 508 Total As.............. -8»879d Tbt",C:>pay;bsanow establiahod tileb -l'ibas 9 BraesuanA 207 -Agelois in ueDominion. Q0 .P."É Managor, C. NOURSE, Agent, Wiitby. à PIL , Deposit wllh Dominion Govrnumént $50,- 000. Expenienceti Agont s birangitmhthe Dominion. Fire Riaka writtewata Adequate Rale8. <J NOURSE 87:Agent, VWhitbr'. QUE INSURANCE COMPANY (PMADL auli 0F LIVERPOOL &LONDON. CAPITAL, - $10 000,000, Maclms eInîca.a mavuaEZa: MOLSONS BANK 0. A. BAYNES, ESQ., M.. Headt Office fac- Canais: 191 St 198 St. James Street, Montrei. FORBES9St MUDGE, Ciéb'Agenfs. R. EH. LIWDER, Agent, Whlbby. 1Aagusi Olil, 875. NORTE BEITSE StMERCANTILE FIRE INSURA NCE COOUPA N YI Saié, an! raliable, charges inoietonl, prampt Betlemeat ai daims. , GRO. TULE, Agent. Whitby, Jane 2, 875. 28 - JAMES W. BEALU, TOWNSHIP CLERK (East Whihby). CONVEYANCING AND GENER. AL INSU!?ANCE AGENT. Tho Clark ailI beta is 1woffce la the Town al Colunbus, on Moatlaye anti Pridayain Tawnship business. Office haumas, 9 a. mn. to 5 p. Mn. Marcil 27th, 1877; 14 Il H01 <JB A Il0U T 40,000, -AT ram- HOME NUJRSERY, Prom lat tonr yema s ge,ouulntg ail tho boit Vaioties. SETE <C. WILSON, Lot No. 8, 2ncl Con. Pickerilng, on Kingstona Rosi, Olt Office, Wlby. S TAGE BETWEEN WHITBY & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY Leaves OOshawa mI 8.80 a, ni., imi 1, p. mi Leaves Witbby at 10.80, a. ai., snd 4.80, p.mu Fane 28cointe s eu h & nia piv WII u all MauMhbe TSn tprv reuidéace, (Wiexi aoriens arebl ai tany of the lihote0 Cnneta srl haa a nA siiatagej mluo aili the WiiIy and PaMI P'rrLllfa, a AwiIb Brangi. THOS. HOPPER. Wilby, Mrai121h, 18. 1.11 JOHN L. W.TKTS, RAILUW 8aa DIMTION COURT, AnA General Commlaeoa Agent, Port Porc-y. SIMON & KELLEY,1 OIGAÉR MANUITAOTORY,j osa . ri lew uamej 1 't$d t rmp WTHITBY AMNEWORKS 1 BR0K$BET W.HITBY. Tbn ,aupe bgq ta wfçnm the ian WhWhselbsrro, 1.0ai aU cln4a w D 'M N ION e YOB ,YEE 1 ,OR CHiARLES PENNYLEGION - -lage ta noify hie friond sudaistomel thai hoe ta 00W prepared ta aappty Flour and Feed of-the Best Qualit3 at the towet lving priceas. Ploun, Carn, Chop.Feed, Bran,e Shorti, Gai Mwm, Crackoti Whoat, Peas, Gate, Po., tatoeu, &0., at Whoele ana lItetaL. Cheaper tailthe Clcecpeit for Ca8li At the Dominion Ploar ana Feed Star Crosbyî DBlock, Eaet door, Dundlas Str'ee Whitby. *CHAS. PENNYLEGION Whitby, April 24th, 1876. VALISES AND) TRUNKS. LEÂTEEVALISES *AAD SARATOGA T11UNKS &0e., S&0., et WILLIAM THIOMPSON',S, Sadiler and HaaseMakon, BROOK-ST., WRITBY. Jane 24, 1874. 26t L IVERPOOL MARRET 1 CASE FOR GRAIN, To bc delivered at FrenChman's Bay. PLASTER, SALT, AND MONEY TO LýOAN Ou RotalReltate, aI Low Raotes of Intereat. J. Hl. McCLELLAN. Jauuany DOl, 1877. S. R. WICKETT, Importer, Manuafacturer aid Wilosalo Dealer lu Leta 8 hoe-flndehgg, Etc, Sole Agent for iuiharia af j. H. Mooney't cembrate! Coloreanid 'acy Lealiers. Ne. 52 COLBORNE STREET, P. O. Bax, 822. 1ly-115 SALT! SALT!! 500 BÂ1RRELS GODERICHt .TuRI roelve! andl for salte by T. LAWLER St&<O. Whitty, Nov. 2tst, 1876. 11-48 F OR SALE CHEAP i A Brick Cottage naan Iliheas Contns la thé Town ai Whity. For prcte andtiercms appiy ta- WluiIby, Feby., MRL -WVM. TIIOMt'SON, lti, 1678. S ,r,-osioRE saTpORE. M ,ortetà t O a l mrtuau b fOartbespoeo&C0.re emt sreb, N.t. YE OMAN <lIaSON, General Comnuision Merchant. and Produce Dealer, Agenttfo r Iacai aLand Co atr .Ur;- las Pire Inuraaoé Comnpanles. BATES 0P, INSUBANCE LOW h Aima Agent for -the .LouD;anoe-maA leAia Lotac à ieiiAaaEC cb ouupicT. Maney la. eA on real csaais payable tram, T*o ta Twelve yesrs, sud nla sata sut parties. ~luIteaeet iow'an& adno commission chargai. Montgsgae bongit. Office ah, W. P. GIBBON, China ros Store, Danitas SI., Whltby. Wiby. Mac-ch lOti, 1876.. 12 Begi ta inform luis friandseat -..publie bluat b. cardes an the Llvery bu mass aI R AY'S 0-LD, IT A(D Parties reqnlnlng eaaveyanoeou-.cov sait apea--canho sacommoade a smomont'. notice BICE. PIERDON. Wiltby, Sept. 12, 1875- ALAN LINE I L IVERPOOL, LONDONDERRYT, GLASGOW, CH EAP, FAR ES! <Jabla, tram Whiliy '- - en9, $79, 889, mccordiag toamecammadatuon. Inteémoodja. -- - 1 Sheons<e--gs bw sb 0117-allilno, primciplly ila igontiieýr.-7jMu. ftént iglon ,e t éf:'a~-ie lm awner o atiibtonerty adaiaiag th&m satPse i lu:pnecbi on - thsrp wt.ie. the Ismis-,whih poycl -pgqesful andl n.rsitc asvy 1l00,, lgrgetÃ' lavoîn. ing uit!e iolanti te ompany -rminaetad. adoling properties- -M St. Hniumgton- projeoteit an!dpauiatod- 115 'a Company cjled * lite_ -" Hning. - tan Copr ,anA Spiphar'dCmp ' ""1t à laoi aEnglanti Wibh a - 'în -camains appea-mague..a, direétor.. la lb thâ empilai of the Campanqy wss - ai ý,stafei-ýat ,£200,000, te, li , ,, in 20,006 sitares cf £10 éaah- onu'itf,'it. kas -, tiierela propose&-teo oml map;£8- -per ahane, -making ila ail£1hI0,QOsterling:ý, ,ýMongît ohher axiggenaoim.ia the b p ro sp ectu s i w s l a t ea i "bl in .lasix , i. ùti tieHunt ug ca mieico*ýwd b& h. twc thhsand fana cf .oro,- select.ei ap ta six Pan cent. etaI . onth lyprofit af aven fana thouSandi pandesterlhng, berides coetiensuâit taiscgftwandia Y. huiai!anA 'tiéper ceânt. cré for treat. .8 mental thé ,mine, givlng,-a'uuicthly - profit ci ona-thousan! pound terling;"' ha wit, thle twc farnaingi-a. aonthly profit of six tbauRaq ' ' pancha-sterling. An!'facthon, ituai tea-'p'r efitab-t caine spart frein bhe manufactureé-cf -mîkali and hleachiag pawiter. ahewst aJ Srebira of foc-y-fivé .pan ceont.,.uýipon hél emp alipropose! tc be e'ied up,aaitîiîab thbu migil bie grcahly luoeeoit hte l9niier opeoing cut of lte mines.,1 Andti t, waa fartier tienein atatet,- î tiat hy zmmciei cLg - up lthe anuai't yiel ieitmiit asincroasoi tetafra id 0, îî000* la 150,00o tons ai ore, ana bilé re- -tnnîi l in taI caPe wouid b. vény lange ;--;E thatthie Mines wené inalmmoat perfect t wekiagoc-don, - soit ready- Car. funtier1 lodeflnibo devel qpemoaat, witi a' mag-- uifieent Wahec-pawýen cù lot'N o len, (a A lotaI ijcining tire 'anmIe)-. Wlueothe'f drcessing mille wone eanotd. - TuaI the propose! enterpniso waa noctan un- pc-ove! tor doubîfat emterise, anti Lthat Lie Company wauld have thu bon.- efitof lia expenience cf lie Han. L. S. Ilaniaglon, wluo, au it W4a tht-rein asaserte!, liai boon cou-. r eehed. wii thle sai Huulingîqcc Mine r frei ils comencement, andi ha! givea. mmuclilabor btleitsevoioperniét.. Thé glowig fbreaof 1theprospectas .a pnt fanward by Mr. Hantinglan and luis ca-advenmrers inituce! eny ta snb-c scribe farý tho stock, an! thereupon, as I waa tIei. mtntion on thc formation cf p tue Company, bis miné an! adjacentlf pc-opocîy woeboigit by tue Company for lie sain of £125,000 sterling, equal ta about 8625,000) c;lcroîmey.u TIae foc-mation, and! tsllislunt ofai liaheComnpaniy, ils purcliase r.f »o minen cx! mintng praponties an! fldsaecess- i fui fltatag lie sale of tue sîtaras issue!lI by flhe Company, wec-o effecled. 'ciieilyt % ma nmaiaily firoug lIme linflecec f ci Ifr. H1natinglon's naine, an! of lis pub. Iý li c position ta C an a ia, an ! of t -e a ihoe g- ci! prospective proiutuaivenss cf liete -mine, andis alioge! kaowie!ge tlierof as having woc-keithliasaine; and tIlrougluof the trnetan! confidence reposa! in lIeapl eincanily of the reprosentations publisi- fr e! union ils naine an! pulie teigna- l bien, ast a meinhen of thé Hoase cf ea CoLMus cf Canata, in thé prospectus, al 9as te lie mine ma propénties and blueir cc profitable capahilities. te Tue Huntingbon <Japper an! Sut. go phur Company, limitéd, was pro. ti unoteit iy obaining lie namea cf knowa pi an! respecitable persans a Gulagcw, an os Ilcotiani!, as diretoire in canneton ar wiilu, anti pablishiig lie samin uglas. 0( gow anti eîséwhene Ln lié prospectus oa, p Company, whlohinladadition conaaed, ç an! circolalei the faîse amuit xaggec-ahed w1 eltatements and oxaggenaled afateenents cO anA nepresentafiaosof tlia anticipated pl profits frcm thé wonking af flhe mine s- unit proparties. - Theso naines wene nn prcered bhy pc-mate andt secret consid- as erabions au! indncenueuts passing frein sw hlm fal'hena, inetly an! indinecîly ce wii woro concealeti froin bis public, fe andl Cc-onthé péreona thec-eby initace! la becouno shareicîders ina-hie Coin- th paîîy.fo Wi tlute exepion of tlo na fattOf GO Mc-r. ntinglena sproviaus cunealion th wibihie qiné, ahi thé obiér fine 51mbe- lem monta an! nepneuienbalioua centaine! tna i the. prospectas cf lie Hmntigtoa Cap tîî per anti Saîpian Comipany, limite!, p wono incorrect and saibstatially antrue, o- an! wené cf a natune ta misiémit and' an isceive file pnblic as te thea value and' -s;l resoucai of tie mine tho faut big itf thé£L ah-gitm -nicu waé-oefit mon ey. - rî Tn tilr.irpeb ,<hé Memýro. White 'avez Qmn fYing 'tbê aivémsecan=ei.o f the Ja[ Gazelte on Mn. Hnnhington'e perà hioao, 596 ""'mai " 72, bMn. Hanlington bavigDir Piani 1eonlc iermedIers -,mn-m ýà pml aLie l nc i(abc.t wt- ïl . 1 Op ;nMôaé aie £mPîui limite&oh èms an.luéia.nâMayi. Med, - p -ov the 3ropesna-pXqperty, stted t ~ .",000. 1 efsIne N ail", nd iii mit von 'Iùutgd' cf *60,000 for the Livaat, moiaié 0niy 40j000 S'id, balancé af #10,0(0 i l had. [boiaw*ýbïà s n Il-t.4 stré ,,)>Boltona Pro'penties_.400 1005 il1 Vlgoý Minou ..... 1,6 0P, Sl haw K ...........00 16#0 -10 Gaitlaiey IA&Udoý...... 2,827 60,4 lSt.Pnaucis >iae. 60 28,1 'i..onm .......... 100 eq,1 o7Lvn ie....... "090 159, "The. above mie the at -rsp'.ie -,1hich are tea[IIo,paid by <hé prosei -edr"(Hùiingf anma1 Alexunt!i - McEwiu) "t~ th Ca nadaprapriëtor 'Inacqnding haiepropérties caide, ýblé outlay ha41ta hé inoarredhy.-th vendons, and - ley hai totaaiake 15 a iv a e s o n * c o u it o f h u a n ri aay.TiqDinectons"have herel Lfo-o agc-oed, o rr, an!aboyé -thé price -p&yabIe ta th~ CanaAdia prapnietori,, -pay ta bue veaitana thesam' of £15,00 fon expunuos- uhoareéd, la.-Canada lin e carung the pnoperties, aa coanmisboü pal! Canadiau agents, andalmsa a pne mni c.f £85,?0 - Wli' le t aintt alt chargés »fi -I r paoion. Bath, uhose. sains wHIl-be laiton by t11e vend-o tan fally pali- slipuo!Ceczwpa As the pxapeniies, have beon aitvage otIsiym, cqatc-ed, mn! lan mny odees l-i' -considec-ably in7raed1-vaine, th Diréctors are o~f opinîiaa that tiiese Sam ,are fuir anti etsonabte," - We niow qndte froita--bluealiegaltion in the pi, lepaI vénbiage and:,,ail -That on thé 201h Jaiy, 1872, ah Gba -gaw afarésaid, _ couco f thatdat w"'a. caiteéred mb b"etweOa thé saâj pluinliff-and 11111 sii"-!ifEwa- of th oônu part,- and à John -RIalsabonCuaning hénijamorof~be tbe:pprt1whig] said John. Remý4ten Cnnuulacnwa thereinaoaýg o0 ntionba îf ai'il sdlu aprojéètd ompany; -ýwheýr» -by Wl *as .gree4 amnigetl aéthorthingp lihai t t gal iLfmc 'h ai bu th mit' tentoea mïilnng*lpm- pentiesare.atiîdsnleil o~ taon Éohedu le naxoeA t -tic salA con biýact, wluia - sale il ws, .blieroél mýgee, shoot! l'emt a nilbu;Cai eiteratlon cf burre9peéîttive piota apet1e fie! ln théeai cenls ioai -icn aut the lasai m'f6$ld9,800, 'I>int the. sai plaintif ana the sai McEW' (lie vendons la thé- salA ited amat thoc-eby expreaaiy declunei, thé -prc-h for whioh the v , dore ha! a grec! Lion, salves fo acqaire theai! soerat 'pro pen.ticg from tile sui! (3anadiao firop-ie TIuat ifuel lia salit plaintiff nit lb said MaEwen nepreseuotiB be he ýsail Company, that the said prc-las soacaemîti onai; as aove wéere acimia boita, file pnicauani thlie PýWABea éaly: tai11e pal ian eaci properfy ta thé ýseverai Canà ad! an pc-opriétors uhpcroof by tlimaitl plaie. iif an!dtue Ou!MolEwea. Anti il waE upon flma-stafernd nt aof the saiclplaintin anti mli McEye n, mnd more eyrpecialiy apan the c-eprae ubatiome ai thé ýsel( plaintif la intaI hehalf, that the state- mont wae naile i athe sali! p 1ospeetns, maf flue pnies b e poli!for- the amid sevoral pnoportii4a were aotaly, the pniees te 1be boitcta ldcpalit otheLiouby tha salit plaintiff and salit Mceweu t lhe propnietOc-i thereo*f in Canada. Tutat by thte salii laat nentionea Pata f nstement.antli re réesuaain,,thé a lanan ! le 1 LAl McEwea obtaineti frnm theo ai!Lit nentionéit Company lhe snm'cf £15,00 0 sterling in paii-a1 stock of lImé s&iè Company, equl If aut $75,000 cuml-énoy, for'tliaalleged calts, ohargea, an )i epse, snppoaeà t ae taé en a ~ionrnnne!b th gaid plalahlif andgal McEwoa il noga tihing.thé purche.of he* mmid' sevorâa ropertiesieltc1ug fhé. onm»iaa ouppaséithoihavé IlséEpalt o canal. '00 sterling as a premiuw - te.ltme said plainilif andA sapA 10MoEviou the tnices cf ltme Ba, itseral,',jiroparties, wiicb lust mentichétsain m'waà tae la- clie aill charges -!-'mie hy - 111e êsali 'lainiif anA salitMéEWen for thi cc-vices fan lia fornatioa anti eabhlah- ment ofthe lait 1gitioneit Companyï as weli aas he expénÉsatiiencafus the wiolo Wiil mone ýùlIy appear by tie contnacb or agree'Ment henelaafter c-o. frrei te.- And tiefenitants-fac-he- aay, liai -ai te bime of thé coanmencement cfthe (inafion cffluhe' Midtwo Camipanies8 ao proinctai! hy tée saipliififf,anti te prospectus cf eIaeh of whièh wai 90, aÉsn! pnblisee!an! sanctionei by- à ir as afarésauit,.i; waà , anaang cilîéu lgs, montionedit d tdéolared ian1the prospectus, wibthé Lae itent ou thé puant If the piaitutif ta te éoive, thé publie, mi te lémdbit hé',to bélieve liaI1the <aId C ompanoswÉé iiy oh ro- tabl anAthalth~ èproenhtionu ua reoaora af a &uiphar. XIthe sali llîiam Heuderaon 11W ana fIlle ai k» f £fT,OpO s1orling lt pid.upp' i ý- Ii~ê f Anol- Q'b 100 4bdé id' O(Jaià da CoPPp i tbea 110.1- prage 00boéonb'm 4iv.eutor' à f the said Coin. thc e.;l j "Pliitee, anti tg aliawhbisna me ta IllTpear bejliold 8 w t b e f e i n a s 'i' u h d i n e o t o r . -- l n > o na o d e r . P a nY - f- cei atitt-ýwberèôf li sl ltlim -eud- tllegall But en6dn~iet daeaicid be oihêià ei idroa'~roA n l ajUe mail ch «. 'mamevand for <ho 11k. pn-Plee, and 'bonus c r-~ witb'a iike Inteit, thé salit plaîntif ai nd _'n ho: :his £woîalt]at, ga've'ýa' thé aauaQ1amoa maC e *o, Bain,- James :Morton, and Michael Ewen s L88 Ja'ies amliesan, the. fanther sin n - frfaudall t- £8,000 sterling, for the. purposa of car- actacof1 asE - rptly'obtaiaiuig thoîir namea s ireo. InBl ,ta tr fteai anpnn their'la- iloitan, Il) 11uence lu tpnobuning persona' tW take, fraudaIg Be- stoci tnladC~nay aklng lantt ies teau biléb. enti of £18,OO-,terîlng, e qual fewpn t]- O. t aboat 065,000onn-re à >aeYi go-h ai aainst de oo;-rpt-purpases, ait whîcb thi. ual! tho du] afo nf Al ti d cwucaca-frui l ns.oitfrm tc. ubia nitfnm te ou-sharelat Yhà ny *stookhoidetî af 1the uald Company, lois, anl ;O! Ti"at"th aid Jameés Bain, James« Mon fmvonibl IvOeaaa Michlael Jaà mes -Jami'oan, np- -mits 0 lie on the dise ovecy of the, smid, paymenits, -men, wl na 'and, af the frà ndultnt ohanacter of- the theeCI' çà tine -transaction- Wilth- the plainýtiff, - ýtiié 01 Svinalyretarved tii. sai 28,000 ot - tonling ta) thé ;sal"iupay; but,- la- biawt-tho aid. William. Hndènison -. LLLE te fused ta; returu th. aum of flO.« ,OBCIiPru; id, noceiveit by hlm, butr wae fibl1ysad illegiblià '0by tiioaald canada <JappePyrite antd 00'obu Fg- cI.mial- Cenp any -;for tho necgvony . FneelCO t4e* Ë urne ,to'theiai al mpan y,;-au& lu n he b4s,-nnuden canstcaint of Ith e ait judé. auider tî i iet,.actually-repaic tho saain:eý- Oaiutl c - Açtd-tliesaiAdefandtats further ajýr mnBo; le- -tMtm-afche iegal,,imnptçpor, An lIGarni -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l fiI1eadace-fn iepurpo-te o f i lral li 'ffacting tlhe desOigns of bue plaintiff 1n Fia4UCO 'o- *eapou4tt e satd- mniningpropea-ie, cniie ~the-iclit plaIntif and -tha>.""j ME ealth,' MM éitered into.a secret bacg-ai, arrange. OfC cornu ýY: nIant, e.nit cntradb'wliîa busald jauuesdancy I ~P o i o c w e n o y n d e r t h e l o l n 'e n ce o f - a ; e s .ý ci 'flueai ptaintiff -andtihue salA Mcilwan, - Tho iA g s alA Taylor was ta o, gent ont ta Can- natebes -,' as ada ta aot thora. an haèalf of the Can- characia Dn ada CoppecPyrites and Chemièal Coù. Germuai d) pi ny , the, ir t an d m ot i mà p oi r tn Oe l iiO t, e dntyotf lte said James Taylor being Tahiing l- ta Vexify the stat e nîs of the- soi.] fÃŽ111411 t46 iP piutiff, ta examine the sai, um,*n!-bahrths, n pYiopc-ntieau ! a g ' ie atuu;y Crat1a . - or the complteion î an! tîeeptançél1y,"nlia le the Comupany of t'lie convc.yaue 41(treý- Germnai id of, andi fan lia payaientby btee tloro- In ti Al . p an y of bie P rices et, ag r as! u îo mt l. ' , i >)t e te eqau! plaintiff. At,, in ortie, hu ilthuc, 4 id secniré Pafavorable repiort l'y thea sti il1111Y ly 4. Jamnes Taylor tupon the said ti partii4à , S.. , , n . thslir qualities anti valuie, tho sald Plaien. uwni is tiff and ai! McEwau secr-c-obiy agrpa-d pic-t of t] iff with lm 10 utpay iia teona of ',À10. ltmperal ly 000 in paid.up stack ofiflite sait Canada tiat.tb cid Cojîpt'c- Pyrites nd! Clieiiiicat Coanpany, Nexh ta o-And foc-liter ta se-ctre thuaconcmu-ronceorof bhe sa El, of tae aid Jamos Taylor in thte saiui paros Arf i 1 fraud.ilnt Scîtarne, tlh a fid 5Pl i' ofgoilol 10L£10,000 %,Vas ta Ife pîcicita im ii>pro ri h ltc-owg Iy of the anme oignt-y feýrnui;l.g the e9neec'e -o p ila of the sai! sale, caCli of t11 a y. i:3 realdil Illronta tlereof b'éing uhsc-eby coUVerUtfe! ; nal, OU' a into a prenaiumu or litnoranlina to bule doyn ta d' flaici James Taylor for Itif approval of a üj m;V .ÃŽ eoreontiing qnianti!y aof the ricet loîimnj: Y p* eny. Andi thseropon, aftccwacds, mg by ar p'~tî intflunce of theaa iplaintif! self suee a and . eau McEwan,thue raid James, îalcîn'i ce i -Taylor was engageA .by tie sait Coin. îy, w -Ili: i iany as tluic eianaging Pc-ton in of col! Canada, at an annotai salany of £'8,000î eation >_aterling, hy fmeani wiiereof. the salid ! , à James Taylor becmme ai wu sBOOl'ly an hir- the agent af, the sait plaintiffaid Me-.hie hem!, -Ewan, ta assisi in deoêiving th1e staid Weliwo- Conmpany undar caver of beiùg thoir A M a agent n Canad a, and re eived fo-the A YE e services ta thieslit plaintif- a d ta the iz i Ti F a i t Itl E w a n b be s n n f £ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ,s a e r l . 'N e ic- fl n : ing la addition ta hue o.sa itsaaiay of fair tient1 '£.8,000 per annam receiveti by hlm New Yonl r fro in te sa i Com pany. And that the. ojc e. >A sai Taylor ita a lly procced ta pearane Canada, andi iii actuaty apprvo of that a yoi thé sai proporties, and:muthorhzd11ehat-hr ac apta aaé tie eof by h e isiti agent s aligh eat1 in C an ada , an ta pay m n t i t ii. p ice s ea c g tiiereof ; anit Aid îactnaity reaeiave frain tiencoa 1t h e s a i p l a i n t i f a x dtal teME a u i t i l i t l b . tsai sain cf £10,00 abelilng-; of which -O#"à rc- ce fraudinent and deceptive cotivancea enuI teli, uni device. theBasai Company ciii net Tue yoae - icoame awro ntil aler, they hait Ac.' the car, b ceptoti tha sali ia yao e , anA pal wholo cl aeventhe purchasa maaey tiereof. - ,langliter, r AIen payment of thélr money-thé A ventril Cmpany discoveed that ail tba tate- rAol, th monýnts as ta the paloos Iwer né ane, an tid i 1 An d hat l iifa t H nn t n ton a i Mfc . w g a sic- Ewon liai agneea ta moquiro the pnaop- Titis lit COAL 1500 BAUS LIVERPO()L, ly-sa 1 1 P T PIF A dthé iegracoful Pracabooand oent miirepresentaia iln rospct sae ai thé property eipoioi. No Luan sevea acifouisa Wre inshiLutéd tMn. Hantingtcu la Quebleo y zpei ca "paaycxi f ét ef Oms oui traneactions. Thé Eagliah chIÉers have sunfered enarmoas id wé msy veli acuceivê1the n- bl imprssion created mla heir af Canada mand canaian utates- hbeur a aman mgainst wiom mil]thé barges tare maie htbomnpeoaaon of Dminant memnbera ai the Goven. 'IccI5tATE BaguiS IN-EUR$pPi.- lssf, ouI cf 1,00)0 binthe, 120 anc rate ; la Sote-uiGoc-msny bt ai 1A"tlare illegitlmato. Tn "se.o finivlousasndt conup<,thh mate birihsmare but 70 ilx 10011 lati the j =e but 60; aninc o6 'f u ll y- a p p r éc i a i t t h é s ig n Af - c-tai tova! imauci eésier aumy huMa la- Engiani, whanems nacs mariagé lais iwlilbl. Sanit ]Iéland, tac, arc-iche- ce, anýt he dovélopement ot by hïégotthing a higiten standard aort 'moi refinent, bas a ton-. to- geatletc a numbj cf marri. a.;uelro-HnngaanaEmpire fur lihatiéhica of a more ebmnlling e. >HIeno7 saye Ihl. maLie, us claim fa représent Aié moral t, but, figures ane agmbnet thein. lite Soiev proviaces lisi, oue aithlIe a nais-n ýof' illegibinste l1,000 la ; foîr Coudca, 90-; for -03S; fur -Dalunalla, 44 ;-forlias ey frontici-," 14 Now fon ths nprovinces. To Upper Ana- tpfcpoc-ticn is 243M hic-ha ta là Lower Auetnia, 805 ; in Car. 456-lI1taIs .ta Bay,in Carnabia vcry cac- rchildi eilîegitiaWe aia--As a c-nIe, a saseze le - iu ua hn c-a g iv e s t a I s ain e Il iylaexpiose! lta acooler- boreo tlittheotiier parts, an! te aneozer ile "calciting cco!. î Ibise -wmuthg,wa intle -idue utieeze t' IL tiows op-en the lite whluot bodiy, aad lipicesaa pec-spicaicn ;. l a a wrd, it of lma celi. A chili! nar ly macro thun wle,-persprabion ly ioducain a yubh ; aunaldt- I the cùotay, sucezes haîf a a a Iio-..u tinlùs,' wiiIi a Ioadly -0 "cae la. 1h larder lu pierspi.nuagý Whea one le elbt- ta ?peu wiaitow, an! fuode bina- ezuog, nature tellesluien'hae le :lil. Ho* 6ehuuitgel upinstan- abouti. an! tilco a fântomabler, 'gtec- ta keep np thé qea1le pan. a îhat thé asucezo set an, malion. « libis, ho -willi-nao bc lllmtg,- _ater, blimI héolasu aîli in V' on ciesti, an taug.-Dr. E. RAIN.-A. genlomea living Lu tala Apauribosa alanglabef- hk lace- la thé carioiewen an tu-artfenti s iéw iiglita &yoang laycf réspoctabla ap- sprmng frcm heu seatdAelaring Dung man sltngireeby iho- witli wliam sohai noltuthi gaquaintance. wonbi perast lu Yte he-. Ho r-lesied innéi. di mité tek andien seat, but voies avas heart hy nualy ne la 1the.car, thugh nona Ilwbc it 'washist wu sipohin g. ,g maanerfenri-ttao flabty 1.1 but he tsbking went aun. Tic anala iwu'conivulse! wLlh -anA lt, flnaIly leakei ont tuat loqulet wua aboard, sud was9 he br eoze. Bah no one coatit etot hlm, Ltougi coepersan Ugiy sapocbed. ite iramahUe inclident,-sa-nec-y aomas- tus by the laut eamer , Iltaldir avassitlng, a short ck, auntheaumil cf a hili ig K-.garilson towva; bis hoarse aeA nýar by; thce-man a is4 lalmfurehy, sand frôni limé t alang*fouu-ho esplaae toa %Ieuvelgpo Le hlin ablahami aèpassecibe.an"d fsa1, "What foing héïe ' ' I ii aring. lient M'ulaiaos lIadaitfor .ik A p