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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Apr 1877, p. 2

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aime ~ ahi. Taylor. B. »rysu.-< kison. 'Mse C.-0, salien. 69.19110ea. *-m.T apon. -4. 8. TBobanheOon11, îrwel ufemg Ntà-Plclurlng g'l ocîy tmeIIIIuveetmasut , o.-O. Nonnie -Agent. NbiQuel Insuwauce Co,.-:C. N e Agent. 41srpers Magazin,- Provincial Iurauc. <Co.-Ci Nouse., Agent, 1ivdend sheet, m4oue# Smith, Inmolv. eut,-Jan. L¶g elp choleand 11we4 pViiftêd ,ait the OaaIaNCLU OffIIoe,and ailarge variet>' of iiow cuti frain wlîloh to a uks a ONLY Ii 50 PER AKNUM. Whitby, Thursday, April 19, 1877. ACOOUNTSt tACCOUNTS!11 Pairtioji Iti.debtud iotu hieofflce are- reqîwstrd Là ottie theii.tnunt -of tlicir ïocounts fortliwitb, and save trouble iind iitponue.- Neaeissily ftunPuégtng Palifament. Tsîn. Nornis, foliowîag te praise. îvurtis>'uxainple set b>' Mr. Cnmier, tus reoîigraul Iles scat tar Linlu. Tise IttesJWaié dean' egitîlue liii, as ai cou- trivster ùnïlcr goscrumenit, so thone vais uaohîn ai1ft but to make n vu-lue cft lîaiauîcéualy. I la sali tit hie Ioda-1 îacusocmee et bariamenI Act haie bient ifi(nagaal.byauvenehalliter membsns tissu tiose -uiiro,îly useneal before tise1 pubtlaie. The ommes of Meas. Apple-t luYý sudIly>nn ,are snow rentlaamet aunngot thie lateet cf- Mbnleleial mop- ý huaitons v anve joopiahmabiu tei- sea.dtttb>' fhliaecceptanca of govrnumemt ftuvona. iteucsIu course for bMn. Maie. kaizie juatat nv oulai le te ipurge te -Ilai b y . disqluoofetPanîbmmoul. %ViAt, bfassoeau guevir4imout coattrach a t aitta jîaaius' 04 hhtu, toum cltarge ikýoughst a;ruLu et terInaibelu sides jof the -flouse, stiaithe -genensi corruption vîiai appears hotaive giovu up unden l1ii proesut aaquia dissolution, aiter thlia present sesion, votildappean talie tie euly n«1litaslecemfpîehe pauii. usatiueft hetiaîticaletrnoephîaro.t 'tluix osriae is le tlîe expresire - Iiaggof oua- fnieiai reMr. Ilietao, ou aiuuller ouioaieiu)--uwas uaeoceivei lin iîhttai fa tua, foaaaslatm lisml. 11e tuas tuie larliiîieuxhaay conduits beo x-c j-usita o is psu-c tDifsélufion le ma umu t'ii oa ptuirer ncpreseîstmiou et tfta pbompias. Cau Mi-. Mackenzie ise aIlai iltas lie 00amaiuua * Signa et Prempenit>'- ILt i.gnnllfyLng b )'kuiow, nt lîis Beai- 4oea et se tan>' um1pl-ftof liai-ai ined, huit buîieess ilau \Viltlb>' iseteauil- b>' pa-spr? ai. Eliqutrnus LIýud te the Itiiowtsdgu ltai lie rnsrciamas fm u Wliiy are doluit a botter hade tlimf.-t ton main>' esisosepait, analol un>'in - siionsaîseal sales hut in the noceipha of cash oser fie countan, Onri- nufac. tunersars ful>' ampbuyeubaiaid runbung fufl ime, mecisamias bava> abuntlauce ait w.ôand urbîiinîg operaiue for fie liarsiul eaornoreajito active*. sales out rosi cstalata, - ,are effscted et anu enaaaue avlue, Se tan,thssa, Whitby la uu neoul>' holding ÃŽfse aI bt le pi-a. gruiiug etomdiy, and lilas taily emergeai (nom lie geneil itdepreasittn cf ibai m mmm>' complaintm reaaa ais tram- thien quainhe-e. Witim thie cempleilon afitfia exteusaîn cf the Rmlvay ha Lindsa>', whiois viiluacaiuaseuplialheal w illîit e flic .h Io moutheqandmuali. withdtaiuai 0, -lia' lovo tramthue jur. i-iihthluo t lmeu uuiut>' connu!i], wvil wiuîiss la ew ffecl of ligltung tisa -imudnofet lintfon aianepîcuishlmg tflac lava> freasmi->', thé prosipect meadid e Sioielng upon viilcl vo mai>' ain>' eomga-attlate Oc onvssmeo. QUANo OozuFLOWSav' ExcajammuN ON 2.,c) Juas,-The bhi-ohmo f Easeren Star Lor]ge have, thi-ogi fIaskindutese et Mn. Holda, tfl aunmgiog Dinector, mtioccaeda iniuakng partial arrange. wonhe fur a gi-anal excursiion ovesthie Niliy, Port Penny & Lindsa>' and Victoria Iaibwa>'s, ho Fensilon Felus, on àuna>', 'anai July. Tic formel agpan. Lgothe flcrosai ntendeal for Dominion Day, wilu, Il Io expeceal, teke place. ou lie Saturais>i -eitons, thec fret cf Jol>' falliug ou Sunday tfls jeer. Parinn laina vili b.moeadafinifel>' ennounceai lu s short lime. - OXTÂRio STOCK FRoiBuReIT8HCOLUI. 01Aà-Weduemday liser, ver. sipped frountfthe Brooklin station of fie Wihb>', Pore Perry' & LimdyIai> alive, a vain- ails lot of animale for Mn. James W. 8taebêblClnfon, BrlaitaColombin. Tii. lot compiLacal igit vaînabâ tharongis. breai elortioru hiiers, anal Ivo youasg bulle, oshectea b>'- Meurs. James I. Devialion anal Jobn Drydan trom tlier -w Wvimi fhie mIllraTiommon hiid At length the. modale sud dilcma given uti the- Centenniail Eiliilitlon hta%,t I(ilun lsri'uted l monggt thque whok w. rý atiwî liaIpr,. Our findî4 itl iltczî 0011111Y h i' ,t.I l gl n douul bIlie thé, 'iît utlli% gliftCr~ing, tokacnsuf tlic excellence uft heirdia- pliy lit tue. groat Worli'e eoniî,titiou. Amongot tliose tint favourod are Mr' William Clark, of' 3onwood, who ro. ccivod tuieigqld modal for tho bat throughbrd ; nwarded ta the. Canaidi. au stallion "IWaramnble," 750 henses, competlng. Mer.., effrey 3Brotheors, WhitbY; Ga. Doadge, Columbus ; _and John Smith, Raglan, bronze modale fo hcavy draught marEs. WS. Miler, P ickering, semaere vêr modale aud dîplomàs -for primo heifere. Wm. Uodgeon & Son, Myrtle,, lago> Internationîal modal sud diplbma, and four oliver and two bronze Imodale, togethor with six diplomu mccompany. tng smre, for Cotswold 'ram, 4 Owen, trep brccdlng ewos, ane sheerllng ram, and threo shearling ewes, commendod 4ýr higli excellonco in qualit', nifoarm. ity, symmefry, groat cantitutlonal dovelopmont, and for being a ver>' uperior development cf flhe breod. Bhiuol Dawes, bronze ;medal for whoat. Thomas Mandereon, modale for Data suid wheat. 'Ïcter Francis, modale for catmeal. S. I. Wcheft, l3Brookliu tainner>', modale for leathor. A. S. Wliing Manufacturing Ca., modalefor egicultural tfade. The Misses Strickland, modale for fane>' work, snd Misa Farquhiarmon for panting on velvet. The modale are ail hoautifully de- ebgnod and ongravaid, and the diplomas moet tutefuli>' exeouted. The connty 6f Ontario Maiy justly fool prcud of ifs sItare cf the honore won for fie Do- minion et the great Americen Centon- niai, The Debate o n the Loan. Thec debae u Hon. T. N. Giuls's motion, caenring tise auosinluhich tise' last Govarnotnt boan lier] ieen aairnedlunEmaglanil b>'Mn. Carhwright, lifts boeipronouncealfi thei et ofish session. We gise asmunimar>' et Mn. Gibhe's epeega Im ollior cobumus. IAc- ceraingfte evenal cf aur content- porenies tdms honorable genthoman's ehatement cf dis. case vas olsar anal concise, and] Mn. Cartwrighti made 1h. best cf a baaljob. Tic, emarkaiblo tenture cf lIme lieussion on ftli part cf fisc GovArumneut, - Iovever, vie tbcin persirtent efforts ho dean>' tié credit cf lime Dominion, andti 0 magmif>' fisc dangaescf aur proximit>' fa fi. Vuil Stîtee. OuIlu intiia>'- could f4e la>'efand e boan b>' iih fic hecomm- týy lame osb s quarter cf a million cf 'dllars. Tic Queen se. Wilkinson. POtITIONED TO ?NEXT ASSIZES. At lte -Cobourg uîeizem, au Tuesaa, the final case caltoal vas fie Quoense. Wilkinson for libel. Houa. M. C. Cnt- eron, Q.C., James Bethune, Q.C., W. Krir, Q.C., T. Delaimere, ot Tornto, anal W. H. Wulker, of Ottawa, repre. senteaithe Crovie J. D. Armnlxr, Q.C., Dalton MoCarhi, Q.C., Sidne>' Smithi, Q-C., anal Hena->'O'i3ien eppeareai for the Mofndnt. - - Mn. Arituur moveai f0 postpone lhs triail lu eouequneo omathlIe aibsence et Hon, Richard Cartvright, fie Finance Miehser, au importout vitéess in lise case ton thme defennatt. Lundoint' se lie rondi an affidavif praminmg tii. pensanal service cf Mn. Wilkinsson oet1h. mui- putui. Thle affidaivit vas alec, maido, ho wlaicli vaeattacsea ilethen ram inMn. Cartwright. Case postponeml ta nest assumes. Wihis>- Races. 'PliaSpring meetîigoser thIa. Wiiby Ceau-se wvill te place ou 241h anal 2511a May'. Tic programme vill appean mcxl veela, fracas viicli il viii bc scen thait liberal purses villibc offereal for comîaetihiou. Iuthlscrlmlnate Fimiug b>' Magistrales --Public Dimapprebesion. Lut veek Mn. Frederick Meen, cf Greenweod, vu limogit £11 fh. va>' ta WIsitby before Dr. Guun J. P. (aI- fiaugli.hieoare dazeus of muigistratem lu fthe meighboni-lmana) aimaifineai 020 fan selling a botîte brandy tea a main, via eteteai timet heventer] ilau tise cenlificaite otfa& aocton ton medicinal purposes. Tise case vas one ot pculi- air iandship. aie fier. vas no inteutia0% te violele tuse 1ev, but Lu tact vas an act ot kimaines sud meoe> tovîruls a îaoèr 8ufféeenprosîraleal on ealied et -In orden ho mark thoir condamnation ofthe uich, Mn. Macn's neiglibours paaid the flue aimai enal us -fie tobowiog: To leritZMeen, Eaq.- We fie nnderigneml ieg ot you to acceph aur smmll centributions loveraisdenig -your axpences in- curreai iregi elliig a baIlle ai brîady, bu a case cf ver>' sesere sick mess, for viai yu ere (w. ceassider ndar tise circumeftancee;T njosfiv fineai. Wa do mot offen Lt uhinking yen are nat abie tu psy tise fins, but fa îiicv ftheapublic- iow wvauppreusiate your canduatknovtng liat you 0mb>' bave eobd it in case ot sicknens. Signeaib>' Fred Green, Esq., J. P., Anthur Jeinafon, Eeq., Johnu Mitchell Esq., anal 58 otlsern.- ItciuîÂP« eh-Mn. Charles Nuisa is agent for e numbsi-of fret-class Campa-nies, wioseananorncameuha vill b. Soundnaibu-othifcolumus. Mn. Nonre dcvotes bis viole finie ho the businees ; lo ie a lied large experieuco lu ail matteci- connected vithinimun- Mnr. Nonnse le &Ise igent ton lie Impeisi Ioan anal Inveelmant Com- pasy, vici advenues mon.>' on tai-m pnoparty af 1ev rates of ntcrart. tloza, &a-Beos quelihy, champ at Gnous & mecnacifen's. GÃ"Oainai xLUSe TutAN Cose.-Mm. Jus. Shea, cf Oshîava, is niring trom -busi- nést athfaï pluie., anal le mcv ellimg goode at les. tien oacI. PAUITING ANe» PAPR.-Se' Mn., Hmanism'e anouncemetit. "h id of painting oecuiteal u in beut stylo. A fine of cfucwP,pc.r paf-M tentas. - &uinngstt he. mpiemonas bolug manu- fuctuireooCp(oially for thic oming bar. Pest, w. notioed the. aId rellabi. John- itou Uméaper, Onyu-ga Mower,anud Yýung Canada Mowor. Those machines Lave beon befare th, frmer. cf the. Province toa long ta «need ýan>' commente from, un se ta thelr euperiorlty. The, carn- pan>' have lipravcd their "Triumph" machine, makikig t a mucb ligliter and more compact milhne. It Le a coin. bined machine cf ver>' mprior guérit- aa th fi mprovetnente late!>'added ta it make It ane of the. moet 'ieeirable for fermere rrqniriug a combbned Respen -anud Nower. %Ve lately héard that Mn. Brown had iuvernted a light durable firetelasa reaper, lu arder ta meet the. gnowbng demand ampng fermers for sncb amaichine, andl wene eurprieod ta flnd it fully completealý and ready for use. Thse first eiprneûb of this ncw reaper waijtiitbôininade. It eppean ta bc Ferfeet inu aillite perte, eiowing deep thaught and inventive àekin luite constnuction?, canabining as it doos 0 many pointe cf excellence. The in- vontor hem justi>' nemeal if- -1 3ROWNIS WHITb3Y HABVESTER," Te give thi e»Ader Smre ide% cf ite construction, we ma>' etate that anc of ifs main foature e in fte compact form and liglituese, haing cul>' anc large broad.faced drive wlhcei, with wrought iran framo ; wittl the leath posible genng, eand 10 construoeod th'mft thi frimneand table tiltint tfi a me im r, tlîereby keepiug fhe pitman alwaye Lu liue with tIi. kuife. The ralio. are driven 'diroctly Item Uic main haft- tiiene being no perceptible ide draft. and no wight upon tihe bormes, neeke. Mr. Brown iseconfident that lie hem aeeedaliu lnvonting the-most perfect neaper, taking t lu ail ifs parts, that bas evor bocu producoal. -Ho baie ap. plied for Louter. Patent, and elirill hold lite invention for tîjein awn exclueive manufacture. He alon itates that hwouty yeairs practical expenience ln tho manufacture of reaipgnm satifiei hlm fliat the. "lrown'e Whitlhy Han. voofer" Le ver>' farinL adveucc of an>' other machine madle atfthc proeut day. Ik- weighm, ahl told, 650 pounds, and being macle prniepally of tho boit quality of iron aid steel, ais well ns ingonieuml>' and eompactly constructed, combines tii. streugi and durability of tlic. havior machines. Iufending pur. cliasene ohould ec theo "llrewn'o -Vhit- by Hlarvesher" beforo giviug their orders for fhe coming harvest. WVe partienlanl>' noticed another brandi cf tidir extensive manufactures, boing a large numbcu'- cf Lundy'îsSelf- dumping snlkey hay rakas. Througli long and patient observation cf the construction and working cf iiay ratios, -Mr. Ltndy hais inventcd a new pinci. pIe iu their construction, coing ai"ry with the firesoyLe haind lever, anud inf ite place using ai friction dump, which is controlled by flic driver wifh great ess ; another gréait edvautage je tint t will diump with eitlier whecl ras wcll whcn uruiug corners ats in n traiglit swathî. The su-perionit>' cf thuaa raike over the Rigid Daruipo Le camil>' soeu. Being simple Lu its construction, the Lnnady Bak. Le not -easy te get eut cf arder, and eau essil>' h. taken te pies and pot up by fibruxoEs lu a short tilnie. Dr. D--s W1Lc.-A clause lu Di. D-'s will, a wa'll knowà plîysieiaii, whîo lu his lifetime resided net a lindrüti miles firn liehu.ond 1Hill, reais as, foluv;c 'II futherdircct, and rny will im thnt simulai an>' of flic chilatren of rny brother Cliistephier mi-ari>' before at. tainiug the age cf 25 yemmns, tie>' are delaarred from hav nay interest whûtsoever under the rny will aisai 1 furtîxer direct, tiat shmul a ay.cf my ucphi'wa, withfin- 2 years frffrn amy heceage, Wearin ay lair upon hie upper lip, or au> gelai wahliclain, tint lie bau hereby 'debarred fror ny>'interest colonial life, that is strikingly- original Lu ts incidents sndnetiaod. Another short ster>', b>' Maitiliai Joslyn Gage, cntitled "Tii.WalkiugFerii.' Le cf Ameian village-life t lias someê geod cliaracherization and unhaikekuy- ed incidents. Juliau , Hawtbor-ne, onder thoetile of "Tlie Greait White Wall," descibes, in his cwn cîaracter. iaîbe aind efflutive stylo, faatures of the English scuth cait. Thone. le a paper by Mn. Eggleston on fia pecliar re. ligions secte in Pussia, derived fnam Wellaee'î and Hepworth Dixcn's reent bocks cn tint country. Mn. George M. Towle gleaine sorn cf tie liestpoints in Harniet Matieau's autctiography ; Lucy Hooper explain thie ininicate lawm cf Paiisian étiquette; and Mn.. Churcli disemmeesai'sonabl>' the.mak- ing of country and it>' gardons. Thon. are poorne b>' Stodaird, John Monan, aud Nora Penny, the. one b>' fie latter being accompaniied by an admirable il. lnstration frorni tie pencil of Aifremi roeoieke. Thee seial "Cherry Ripai" deepeseibudràmatie intoeet. Tii. edi- faial departmente are as ful aausal. Stop that Cough, on t vill ternminafe Lunf iafdreaifol digese, cansuniptioma. W. are avano that fie prjumice exiats amon ain>'y L enone againse smeaiLalasse vîlis pro- -ose ta Cure a ceagis or Celai v4eu bon- dela nconsumpticu, or.e vtn viet fslgeaffecheal, but va cals assure aur needers fiait WIer.AB's BALsAIS or Wax.oCuzai lil do aIltfile! aimaiin maikiug tfs aesertion vs spaak troni nxenanc, iaving suffsred ton monts fCmoclai, vich affmr nsimg main>' nemoaies vihlipuf an>' relief fisreatemeal ho lerminaife seniomîl>'. We voeh. v osai-, so foi-humat.us- fa secur.e ssoraI botles et WmrnAUue LxSABm F oiIuOm [Cnnp'pr, anal are nov enhirel>' id oethie COURi, anal oetong.4,; t our.formen aeàlths- Ta -Ipe.iW' N~Iialite ~maànor e 'ro n~i' 4eAutd' - John G. *ostaterait of tise. OlrobelsEiadhmôe p aq 26, 174 '5u ---- euanpIny, su withýeu conçmse f tea Pire ýCompan>' had eouslud*dfth>' adding five or six ta thoir number the.' coulai take charge of the biookasud lae. dér appairtue ; fiat the faUaowing fircs 13@4 occnnred during lutest.r :-Wrn. Matiew»on, lame #1,00ô; Jî B. Powell, lams 81,000; àA'. semble, lois $900 ", M. ý> Murphy, ls$0;Stne m ttmck, losa $100, banne and con tente ebdjiningt valued eat $2,0D00, avid, and far'whbch, they neied -Adonation -front Mn.t Shnicklaud, tise cwner, cf -$20 ; C. Draper, ths old warehcumc, lois, $200; aved $2000;' donation tram )Mn. C. Dr'. Wa$2on enfired and teck his 0 scat.1 IMLIBY. Mn. Ormiston brcnght lu thc report1 of the relief committee, rscommendingE pa oen f the. acounite cf Peter rmt, oecaries, $5 *'C. Fennylegian,1 dar 81; C. Pennylegian, dnawîng wood, $8.52j; R. Hoper, drawing wcod, 87J et. ; W. J. Hiekie, grocerice,i i. Report adopted.t STREIliTS AND IMPROVEKENTS. Mr. Fergumon branght in the repart cf tise Streits ana improvernufcain. mnittpe, raccmmeading fie petiticu cfC Wm. Green and athers for the. apeniogj cf Trent streat lbe graated, but Ihiey doà nct tiink fhe financeaiofie tawn iu m condition ta comply wth thc patition of >«I. Philp aind othene, mkng for, thse lmproving ut Gilbert etreef, leadiug ho the. Coîlaga. Cauncil resolvad iteeoi bta conamittes cf fia wholc, Mr. Onmiton inu-fhej chair.- Tise firet lduse of tisa repart wau dopted iu relation te fhe apaning of Trent streot. On motion foredoption of fi. second clause- Mn. Long arase anai maii ha thougit if bardl>' nigiii hoignora aliuoeier ma petition frarn samanu>' Lfluantial rate- payene cf the fown. He uudershcod s coufenence wuse lto hasla 4lere -fluE yeair, whichi would doulitlese attract n largoe rowd ta thte town, allai if thse streehe cf tih twa, loaked Wall, parties miglit b. iudnced hta ks np thumr r- ideuce boe. Inaprovemeuts, hoe un. deratooil, were going-on ai thie Colloge, andal b.themghtthie sidawalk ah least miglît be -given tisemn.'He laopedtbe comnsithee wonld gis. samaeaatention te ec large ai pétition, and would net like tasssethie report pase ais it 00W wam' Mayor Snsifl's idete laise enuex. pressai b>' Mr. Long. ' More attention shoulai havé basu given fie potifion b>' fia cemmithas. He Wu Seenîyto ey> thie comiittheawes'a adopfing a low poiiy-fishe Spnilie d opaned out weil aud yef nofhing-had benu doue on fie streets ;lumt year, atttitdîne, 1nuni1- bei-s cf mon wers at %ork ail ovor ft.e hewu ;tIi.> mai>' la this yeen, but lie liad oct ceeu thien. Thia sort of ecconi>', hoe theugit, was "penny wisG aima Pounud fooliah." Tii, petit ion Isad licou igncd by sorne 60 nafepayere, anad flue lenst that couldalie dons wae fa build thse sliéewalk. Humidrede wouid b. blie .thse sommer froni aIl parts of thse country, sud a gréait many-Lf they saw our town lookiug well-maight be nduced ho settle aninget us. Il wonld nef ceet a greaf deal for shade Insree, hoe woutdlie quihe willLng fta subsonie a fair obarehiîisahf if a pivata oi. seiption wsrc taen up. Nothiug beminfifies a towu more ; lie wais mrry ta unmdortamd hfliat fie by.law negulat. ing fte planting OfeBlide trees,Of Whih notice hsai baien given at the lait meot. img,wonld mot liebromgltup. 1h womld mnu onetee late for plainting thie t rees anal if was nef igitte ho lidlly-dallying over fixe iaithon. If we waut t a niik aur town attractive wesbeiuld plant Bliade frocs. Hé lîmpeai -tliacommrittoc woulal isconsider the. rater aimaisa luch tgranit th. sidowalki. Mr. Fergneonu fingit thie Mayor juanped nat conclusion, te-niglit, for ho dfd mot Seo liaw cilac e rnivea i mt tlicm. If the Mayor wouild ouI>' caiet bie niemor>' back, lie wenld find ont thah at this timne 1hrt yoar imt a mail liad beun drove. The tewu wasi mot iu a position fo gise à îialcwailk te thie col- lcies tic towm rccctved me taxes frora thetu, andl tiere were dezons cf etreets in tmwn wanhed al hiermoes>'thospare put on flin. (Gilberh shreeh wae Lu a geaxaicomndition. Numbere ef flic marnes on thé petitionulied beom obtaineai tireugh mierepreseetaition, said tic> laad askea i hm that f 1>.> be eraped. Whou narnes were got on Ln thait mein- uer we shoulai b. on our guaird, Peti- tiens are osait>' got np, theiea are lots of mon whio have mt gel t'es grit iu thern ta refuse a miniter wheu lie asels thom tic advaotage cf tia twnihagive t a lielpimg band lu oser>' way. W. neemi mai necesmaril>' grant attthue petihion aekeai for, but w. shoulai make thie ap- proaich lu the, college, gpmetig like wliat if s imporlaDoe' demaudoal. TIhe ladies cf fha coleage Lu order te gat ho thoir churci wore obligeai ho go firouna b>' Dundue Street, aind ho uhougisu fie idawaik on Glbert straet -sbold be put in enci nepair arn would make Ibis unneceesoan>. Mn. Blow expecced a diffarent neport tram the committea, fie>' migit hava laid estimates aifishec octet fore tise couneil and thon wce wouild lie able ta juaige if we ceutd net givee a.wiole, wbafisen we coulai nef give part. Ho fhougbt thé matter sbouid neyer have gene liefane ftue ganeral committeo, but before fie centre ward commitfae, sud fia>' siould maka the Lmrpnvameuts, if tIsa>' fongbtt flensdeeiralei, outf c thoin owu fonds. He condamnea tihe building cf tise ix-foot sidewalk, (smre Ibrée yema go ah tthe request. cf the. collega aufiionitias) leadL-ng ont ta Dun- dos Streaetwmse- -hCe waa a gond four- font one tiare hefore, ainditiangif fie moue>' speult on if could have beau appimeal on Gilbiert Street witii botter romulhm. Ha agreed witis Mn. MeMillen ou tisa question of taxes.. Soanethng slsonld be done Li nnmer ta mo large anda infimentiail a petitian. Mn. Fergurnon ramnanked. il was fth, dut>'cf ftha Centre Ward cominittea te look after the streefainai ont tist cf fis, genenal caninitfee. If fhe centre wanai wimbcd te spomdal aIltifein appropriation on fle hi- est mai lot thé cthios go wifisout, 1h wais tîseir business. ib . Mn. Wicks felflhq finances cf fie nitr.Othen plities who id a tszxt.tahiîlmrn çwuld b ade amk ta s te ne baoe caos gn1.ng u.exsoex-s mases mad Mn. GIbmcusecoudea tfho amaundment, wnilci wae cmnLcd- aflar oine furtiiar liscusoion--evensl members e«pressing surprise at thc etaternent thst fie Col- loge people Went outeide <1thc tawu to punchas..thein moppims. YeaMmn.Blow,Hsannam, Me- Millau, Long, Gibeon and-the Mayor- Naym-Memrs. Doverill, - Watson, Weaks and, riergason-4. On motiola for adoption, Mn. Ormiston (wha ws butise chair inu cormnittea) voed wilh hescneye, making thse voteas lie, 5 to5,-the Mayor voteait wihfte yeam andideacai thsemotion carried. TOWNi FINANCES- Mn. MeMillan asked if tlie Finance committea were preparad ho reqport aie dasirea b>' a motion cd île a short fin.B ago an a sciions te lessen fie Iowu taxation, b>' çonsoiialation onrallier- Wise 9 Mn. Oiso eauoplied tfiait Ltwouhd lie ailmoat pliile ho el lui all fhe deienfurm <&ftisa town, as they>'ware eeattered ail oveor, scias cf thei boing lu Kansas andl Illinois. Tioae re 430,000 of debénturea or whihwc aire ouI>' paying interest, andl which have yet lwonfy yarse a n, and for whiclî ws provide ne inkimg fonda. Tic ne mabuder of t lb elt, anme 048j000, iL; n0w beiug pai off ysurl>' l iLnqtal- monts of aboutf $8,500, andi Will b. al paid Lunabout 12 >-ears. COUaT 0F miEVISION. Mn. Blow moveai fiat flicMayenr, Reoea, DeputyReva, Mn. Hansm, ama Mn. MoMîlian compose flic court of Rovision tor the proent yee.-Car- risai. - CauncîLiadjourne., Ta fias Edito- cff te Wiitly hrenicla'. The airgumeunselItat pro- Iaibitîoniets, or Dnukinihes, aivuasce Las support etfttuc position tiat thé>'eain conseieutienshy grow liai-la>' for sale, ne- mimaisrme 'of tiseBirminghmnQusmaktn, Whmo immi failen iei a t a gnn-makinuc estabihehont. lIe tna] vioîsit- cime ho look oser thie concerulimatit L vas capaiuio of placing hm u na posèition ut aiffincunce, if hie coulai take aiavmimiaige ofth ficopportunitios flan prosénîin. Sisonhl> atten tiat, prior le flicccen- mauncoeut nf the Ashamuûe Vr, liai vas offensdaia ver>' fuvaurable cantraet b" tlie Govcrnuimst foi-a nnuer et rifles. Heauccepleal Ils affer, aimai as engagea! on lus cotat, wlaeu an inti- mait. frmend vîmon lishlanuoh ès-e since luis ascocesie tte propsi-t>' pti-" nm a vieil, ana ter tie usmal cngra- tolations thec Q.aaier vas siovtug is trienu] oser t-ho wonks, anal vas expînin- Lmg ta hlm umte cf tic mytauries ut tic trade, vimen trienal Davidl saoppuud sdenely en secisaz rifles vill a inyact, attaclîsa in censiaierable numiors las lIsait part of tiheibuildinag %siere lis>' lieun wtns. a. WLay John, sal lie, aihaet thoainer- Ilnomucesi the pa-Lomiple -tils' tiftlu Ilanti art eiga gedi inakinig wvoue aufon naun ho siW.d thir rthetrg "bloati?' IlFricual David , tluou ar-t aifageheui "to hast>' ; thoar ni- ol jst thoPe- :peotinueci the lik,4. Wisy,flige minlîf "ai vollmai>'Ionguimnef me mnanase hure tuausiasg-piuýc5, baeucuxuzO îoiciaa-né soeinsokilt - game-keepars witm Il But, intepsaaal Daviî, '"Iiee e rifles ?' Al'Tnne, I admit hlie liasaiecga-on "for th>'suspicione. Ifliimk tises "knovs limaI wliere oui- pceple aine g-- Lug licro ans greal unzbens et fcra- -cLous beaisis, anal tt is ailsolutl> ne- Ilcesear>' bis elida SSci1aranedalu ::protoat tleseslvesfi-rn tiir allaic1s, "anal I tiainlulise î'4it admit limait sisot "guns vOU411i06 ,,erx' p îoti- lings ton lImaI purpon.' - "l'Excuse me. fimmu Joimi, fiose rifles "base bayonche.' I'David,thes is fao quxist ; I usan "gointe explaailmabot Vicia, wvhea "lb.. imfernuptcd me. I think tuteA "muet ihave neaul fIattflueicruel cnesý "tares, wvisu Ivonmici, affen lumu on "tIssu- pnuerge Siuexpsctedly liaI timoré ie mc tinme ta cuosad, au nacuuld "athig b. lbetter ta sncb an culer- " gena>' tian thae bayonetIlBut, I ,kuov visa t blae vomISsa>' ; butthe "n* umber of rifles list I maku, na>' bi *nocaiul toi-car peuple's protiction, maid if lie>' are put ta a lad use bcew "trcas ie ep il ?~ II Vongive me, fntenul John, I w-ae Ilprejsiieea na ignor-ant, I nov see "I a . t fol I rapideofo mavelt;;lb>' '"reaiseuiu$iairresisliiilc. Ittisevan2te "ia pairtuet-, 1 vonildhave mDoelajPction. taorit woailsi ensIle tuneha gise larg,-.1 "b oyards the biuildliugutofui-rmeptingr "lhanse.'" F. C. Harpcr'é Magazime for Ms>', ma77, Hianpor's Magazine for May',vitîs a saoesof articles anal inety.fivp ituis- Iraiim, is neplcte ivisil vaiici> anal muluorbl>' lsaaihifml. Tic gem ofthe Nuaa inleMu-s. Frances L. Macs iPosa lni ni ifIa eanht llmstratione lit'Frealerické. Botis the poand mm ltee tlave dispbayed rare qmali-ies.ot goulus L iela- vr onk. A nicl lLlimîhabeîl article ou FIer- elace Le centrilinleal b>' O. M. Spencer, attar outhe article reoutl>' patisea en Genon. Wiri BLkee comhmimltes aintier ilus- tateai article about - Wabes-seieching fitinethe valle>'o et lcUsk, anal espeeilsl>' the site ofritnLg Arthmnr's Round Table. Mr@. Mary Treat gises smtsfi-si observatiens caesruiug fIas faimilier lirais oethtie South, sud striktmg illus- trations. An illusfratari article b>' Ernest Iu- gsi-sol, sutiteai "Af thi.Gafova>'ofethe Cffstikilm," le au interstlnc sketch cf a negion l is hetAglboncod cf lte me- trepolis, but shili reteiasing lic primi- tise ematants cf thé lat ef etur>'. Inu'"Au cld Gentleman's Becellea. tiens, Horace F. 6c3uddeAr gises moine entenlaiining ext raicfs fremthtie ciii->'ot .Mn. Saimuel Breck, rclatimg ho Societ>' iu Boston aima Philadepiai jumt aither fia Revolutio, vils ilîtistrahions tnorn liat gentleman's sketches. A. H. Gui-se>' has an iblusînaheal paper on "Camei-cn's Journe>' aci-ces Chat-les Breaide's $'A Wouauaaltaa-" -5.-s----- Exvutea»nca - "Ex. ai Heu-v. paie monun, as iauows * Hsnny.et.Shol BOaô ........16 Girls...r - 8 248 Duda-t.Shool. Ou RoI. Boys ..........179 Girls .........689 14 oh-t.Shool- On Rall, Boys .....6 194 184 Avarage. 70 50 -. 20 Average. 57 55s * 126 112 MsiANGE. Mr. Powell bronght iir the. reponf of thé finance eomnthtee, yecarnnending payasu f atisaaceounts et John Blow, 085.82 ; Lewis Alite,$18-80. Report adopt ea. epNd5AL COoMITTaE ON sALýARs8E. Dr. Gnon lriaglit in the repart of tihe spaciai committea on salaries, i-e- comwnuseaing flue folleviug changes Henry-et. scicol. .Present Tucreaseai Grades Salai-y. Saisi-y. HeadI Master . $... 600 $600 jet Asistant......290 800 2uul Assistanti...250 250 ard Assistant.....175 '200 Dumaai-st Sasîool. Hleaul Master .... $510 lit Asistaunt.....800 2nd Amssit -...250 $600 800 250 Johu-ol. Sceeml. Hesul Masear.....$000 $600 lel Assistant.....250 250 - High iila. - HIead Masfer.... Sb20 0 $1400 lit Assist-t....650 750) 2mai Assistant-...600 650 Brut Asisitant.....400 450 Tiec oumittee turtier recomnenai lihe aibove chanuges take effeet front lot Jaar>', 1877, vimi lIme exceptionut thie Brai amistaul iauthie Iliglt semail, anad thée3mai assistant ofthle Heni->' etreel sciotil, wvicilaisal mot camle imaho eff5cl until let 301>', 1877. Board lu coannittee of tfia vloe- Mn. Pérry in fla chcair. Dr. Gnon, lu exphaining lie reasons fanrlime vaini uschanges, sali. hc salai-. itas vane nov gralemi, said lis feacisers holiding lime saine popitions in lIme diffrent Seimools, lu regard ta salai-y, plaucOai Olu nan lal foting-. Mnl. Camapell wilAced tise beail tua uas ratanai has t hie bendmasier ai Jolmn-streletsimol isau moi-e ta do Chan sirnply leaichiig. 11e vais canehaken ci lIas buildings, aind, in cemmen justice, simuli lieoalloveai somsthuug moeo. R1e dial mot tiink lie otheme vene oser- paidu, but vainteai somue increaise pail thie Jolin-etrest leond master, for lie services se carehaker. Dr. Guureplita thîe cemmite voeéaippointeal ami>'ta coxaiden fie salaries cf teachacre, net cf carelaken. 'fiat vas ai mater ho ho bnongist ho- fore tise boirdai ah eme othen timmu. Tic coumitea simpl>' vauteul ho place lIe asluiesiosf the fhree isoai mat-ms ofet flc on ait $000, irnespective oi wvlo hold thie position. Mr. Campbell lad juitfotun ut uhli vas vi-aut. Tise Joliu-street lieaid masher gel $25, extra, for hakin,«' came cf ftme schil. Aient $100 vas pai tor tic lakiaig cure et liechler scîmools, hmmdly lu proportion, but bchouiatraie 1u11= get h le repart on lis salar- ies o uthme igi aciool tesrciaers, Mn. Campblsl salul ho vas informeal lime lot assietanst ofthtie Higla achaol lirau baen-moffoesai$800 ho go omneviaete elce. lHe suinet cay tic prescuf on- creaies vas isot emongb, but h li sainom wautthfe twtovu ho becai go feacîser Dr. Carson hiai been infarmeulb>' thSe Laislcn liait he voulai liequite Wlii iug la nemain tfoliataInunet. nr. Oriston intermed tfia board tisuu saloris, bai héen fîxeal b>' lie aaoinriteo aicoralimg le lie grade, anal ast the parI>' vîs filleulthie position. Tiose vume sian't ike tic suw coulaI go, anuI thoseo Ievee net vorthitL, te>onlal oc nt base. Mn. Campbiell aid uct find aul tt 1lc cul>' vieliemithlimatter fixed soaies vs voulu] iave a good staff of tescisers. Mr. Onmuielon expîsimealthie increas et salaries vomia imt tmalte thet airaiw amy Iseaivi-r ou tIse tovn, ais an.aev a ceapeliemi lime Comîity>'te gise a grant 1te . t iLgi achlacoe uqusai eha iaofettic Govermanent grant, toelie applicai ta- varul slia. putmnutoet aaries. Thengis the gi-sel vas gtve n o theicgi almam prepe thèlima-> 1adistrinmteaiit arnima tote pulice;làelaes aie veil. Tise> vould gel aseine 86010 on $700 extra seul Llue iuc-cae ut salaries vais about $560. WVliun the aidoptionmofet i lmml clause efthlIe report vas neyeSd- Mr. Farewell, seccenuea b>' Dr. Carson, mnaueai lianthle von-I JamIy lic ctnsck aut anal Apnil imséartuuu il s place. t- Mm. Oaistmu gave, ai e iseasnn a lte eoaittec for mol ciainging ummil Jul>' the tulasiEs cf Ordal aei.;laaif e0' fligl amui Henr>'-st. sciecis, thiat ttîey vornew ev echersand allji-ut corn- meuccal thiein onk. He vomala, liow oser, offer no opposition hoalime amuenai meuh., Dr. Canson considerea itl mm>'josi the feachens sioul avuie fi-dms April. ' Dr. Gasun fslh tbe néaesmjb>' ut stick- in gto lais repent, Ilis more se as eue of lime membens of lhe cemmnttee vau absent. Mn. Camipbel vas in favor ofthea amndmeut. -Ou lb. yeuan sd osys be 0caiîfeafor on tbe>amomaiment he>' stoos:- Yeas-Mesma. Farevell,'- Caipholr aima Carson. . Na>s-Dr. Omun, Dr. Tuaken, Mesers. Powell, Ormistouasnsd Cameoun. Ameudment vas lest. Mn. Farevell, seondea b>' Dr. Car- son, moyecu fiat tle report lic acendeai mo as la allow fias increaseocf salai-y fa lise lirai asistant un tlie Higîs mahole eliovéal tromthfe lst of Apnil. Mn. Fareweol onulendeaiChtithfi cae of the Brai assistant ofthfie Henr>'- ahiest sebool, vioo ui>' commenceal ber datiez on thi.lot Apn1.,tisene rsaIIy vaa nausr o -Mt-iloin -feinra. sescuDes, WD.p.aai 15i55 as. vasenutlse.shl te e week s salai>', :viei-hatnot beau peidbiljnsanaldemeîxadiug. fie ane. Acaodng ta Scliool Law lhe vas enfifl' amIi tf. Mn, Hernialge 'who ucceedemi hlmwae mot paial for fia yack, sae i board vonld 1bac notminR-. ThaeanoUnt b, vs about 818. ca - 'ihe, Board ordoeeatfle airnonut be pai.- 1 ? - . Boirai adjourneai.a The Sonate.. -Ottaws, April 12. t CIAMPBELL DIVORCE 0A55. 'Han. Mr. Reeo movea fie IHonsa into Cainmittea on' tie report of the Coniltee on the. Cmmâpbell Divorcea Bill.a Hon. Mr.OCtapblal nemindoal fhe Hanseft vianhoutise isubsual in flue csa aýpplieal -for a divorce ftxe Cor-h 9ntte gortied sginat hie agip iaion, anud thora fie malter shouldaleve sud. ed. Bnt initeaid cf tisaI the wLfe &p. plbeai fon a sirelan sd- lem>, anul ibis wvu fhe case nov boforethie Sonate. Nol cul>' vas flue originaL Bilt rejectei, liu il vas nevenseal Ties vas tisa result of pcrvs-rfea ingessaUy>,- b>' wiiib se Hou.. .baulbeau led imbo Its pi-suant positiean in tus case. Whit saparatinu of boal an&. board coulai' mol lie obfained in Ostaia;' tfis 8inrts ai ths province coulai Siàfal1aikibfl7anal tuea cushody> of thie aailaaeu.. He peint-. oui lu tiofctaidtt liis llikywasiîsanlu- tenfereuce vithicivil ightis w>hii came unuier lie jurisiaiLtion outhtic'Local f Logielaturo.. While hbc Sonate oulai grauf ai divorce, t haad n o poeYlu allaw aliman>' or the custoay>'oftcula- rom. Tiacre vas ne pracedlent wihhin 200 yeairs in lias BritLi Parlianient for thie alloumpt ho intentèe. M'hh thé aruM- mary aidmiitrahion cf justice. Hé wamneal the Hune. againefu fie dangern et aisseuhimmg ho sodha a proposition, and I b>' Act cf Panliaîment over-rialing tbed ulécisions of thm Ontarnie Cuàts. Mrs. ý Campbsell culaihbaiseaaaleaisiu lu'inteb courts as often as mime pleaseaionmthiep fqutioma o-cf alinicu'. Bshe bil oui>' ta mruaaue nt at a store anal let lte r nierehaul suéfimte limmiaul for pa>'.v ment. - Ho vas surpniseul Ihat Senamorsa siionlai subatltlabcloliicandamaibullon boieml as lias>' iad boon ounliais question. Tii.>' mioulai be fraesta vote upon thii iquestion on ils merlus. Wais liene au>'- fliimg more cutnigonus than ta proviabe, i aie luis Bill dia], fiait hie aumbaina, irres-q peehive out us meana, sionlai pa>' so main>' Ibumanai dollars a year fta fi maintenance of thevite t? Tise Billr ehouildmrp viare il vas, aimaihlie liierefere moveil tho six tniemîis' haust.c Hon. Mnr. DLcke>' sali thiLs BilI vas- f net lu hie chairge, but laaving besu Clîirman of the Comusittos viiels cen- sidercaithie question, lie fetit hi u dut>' te anake a fuav reasncmif. Thie case uai baen uaturely consiaiereai lait . -session, flac Contuitce liaising report-U éd aaimif thie auiagotions oet he hlame- liahialanal lufaiseur oethlie vifs, andai il vastherefèra' auuito csidenomhflal it relLefs ccti legmtk - 3 given lier ltme Hes 1 ugit la grant lu. As hoelise questiont cf jurismiioion, lIme opiailon of a..etoran * thesman like len. Mn. Campbell wvueI deeervaaig et acaipeot. Th iserlIicuIt>'1 v aq thié If Mrs. Camnpbell shoutaic appt>' for alimon>' in au>' Cenrlcf Ons-r ? tarno, site voulu tc eth iti htc hi-t 1nicai Objection liantlime Court of Chuan- fcer ' Ismaidecidisul igaiest her. Tic ami>'y question, tieretoro, vas viefier1 thie Hanse 1ai juridicîlon te grant E lier alumn>.Tieme vene precealents1 in tîme Engîila Panliarnent ut Bille pre. enhei b>' bebamuis beimg aimenleaiteho grant alimon>'aiailietehsody>'of thie chihîren. Re' cileai the Mlieun,thie Leviaimne, thse DomdaBn, aimai tiier cases. Tise principie on wiici alimon>' is *giantelllistant vien lie inebanal pre- tveufs-lis vite tram living viths hum, h. prosiules for lier supporh. Lunfîes, *ca.ces ai. divorce îsai graintei ounliset greuna of thie aidulter>' cf the vite.m Ilow mmci more neamemaule, thoen, v-ais 1il wiemthie vite vais innocent ho pro- Vide for lier inaintonanse. This Hons vais qol boumai b>'tise decisions uftheii *Courts, lut b>'thie evidenco elicilca b>' jtise Commutte. trom lie viluesesesx- amined b>' uison. Hon. Mr. Caîmpbiell saai tie House vais mol bound b>' lie decision cf Courts as ta lIas question cf adulter>', but fiere vais nu preceabeul fatthie Houée setting aisiule tic ducision cf fie Courts ou tii, quesiien cf alimon>'. Hon. Mn. Dieke>' sali le hoail citeai tcases visonstise Courus hami rofuseeah.IL meny, aimaithe Hanse cf Lords lad *aineuded lie retief Biilte grant ah.- mmcm> . Tio ovr0t i. Houaà.l fan ais il hai t f ad gone ou unaien a sartIoetlaiuiti proteét slsp b>' stop, but if -il liednont ibson npremeolcal b this jHEluse aItflue initiation efthie pracesai ainge fiel fie ultumate nesmaîf veulul li su net fParlianient fa compel Robent Campbelila ,pa>' ainon>' ho hie vife, 1h aot vuna ue beau projecteulinmealiahel>'. -Il vas on no 0f ler guard fiat expedi- oe>' fluait1hieBibi sionlai b. rejecteti. at wol vcît ot aidai ohoeluhlonor or tMg- oit>'oattise Chambor if il were 10 go t brcaid tht a miliberatiso body>'of geai- tiemem via met fa> legisimite ton tise ceuntr>' bad enteaitailned au appeau for alimuon>' vich al lieon retuseal in fie propeai-Counle below. 'If tuis Bib veré -pasa<ed lta>' coulai nef closze -their doore ageinit. &iI arien applications £or al. -Mo,, unden uirnilain cineumstauces. Heob hieveaiif tl ia ll paissei fis ,eHomme, it l nlilibctrovu ont b>' lie Hou. Mn. Pen> conélieretua is Par- liaineut vais the Conutoft Appeal, Par- 1,uiment rairel>' actea inl a judiolal char- il acter. 11e aid not kmow tisait teré 5e vms au>' other case lu vbicm it aichemI 5jumicels>'excu'pf lu m alIens .atfutfdi- evorce, aideven Ln liaItishe>' Li net i aah juallcional>', but logislaleal opon ju- ah diciail groaunais. Supposing tise Ouftaiol Court s hsdgranteai Mns. ,Caimpbell ail- moyandl fuis Panliameot hai con- 31 =ider tii. preamuble of tie finît Bill :I -oveaiandlargmntd the" ausband e Bifi if file Panliament bildp4wen ta-estab- Liii a Divorce court where snob mt« ý I aere ais hat nov ndendimssuoncouldj se tried, 1h bead mise fie Pou~r tede--l aide fis epeeisl case. lu ble opinion,I aowcver, Lt vas not expadieut ta page ibis Bill,se thora vas a deubinL lis1 xaind as f wehe uion' asde iervcd. Hou. lMn. Wilrnof eousidered fief 1h was unfanlunute fia t fis Hanse* 0sad ta deuilwifi maltons ot divorce uit ail ; but sein batiah fe Committea hadr- pontea he wameaieaslieing innocent,ý aud fiait the Courtsi ad deciaica that she eiould nul gef aliuon>', fiers wae no otiaar mode of 'nadreesopen ta hanr, and ho wouhJ bave fa vote aagait lie arnenalmentof-île honorable frional.- A vote vas thon faken on -Mn, Camp- bell'o amenilment fon a six mentihs' haut, wiieim nesultea inlua itle Cn tents,81 ; nam.conteuts, 811. Tha Speaker vofeal, amaidecîared tse amemiret . A vote vas tien tfen ou fie main motion, whici resulteal lu a lia :-Con- f ente, 81 ; on-contents: 81. 1The Speaker tien voteai, andl declen- ad tha motio let. Dominion Parliament. 2sREHwF5T AM5NESTY. Mn. Copfigam's nmotioni on hieoubjeet,' tus tomaeel> W. B. O'Donogime. vas brongit Up on Tlursiiay, and vas de- -featea b>' a vois of 60 fa 105. Tic motion was soppantea b>' bir. Whsite et Hastings, Mn. Macnkenzie Bowell, andl 1is $b eding Orangexuen î:; the Hanse. Mii,- CÂUIiWiI-GtT'S LIST LOAN. Hlen. '.- N. Gibus4,- Lua-ccordance wif l tise ufetieesbhf nagiven lise ofler migit, wistftd te living the me tuer of the hast boan boibre the Honi. Ho alli net doici for' tha purpome of ipraaeugingtfli;c esion, but lic d.'d-il liecamme ha wmnld maSishave anethor O<p- portnitv of eordtng, le-- opinion and lviesin regard te if. LL'e-tpsotPnsPaf make a tev ohservaitiong u4TutIse manuer Lu wiiclitlie Ian au wn i:ýated, andal ho Ltenaledai ooffer a resobaf ion for the considération of the ieonee viich enibraceai hwo hropoitions-- final, tiat lie manér of floatimg the Iman waenwise ama inexpedienit; anal iu thesecondi place, tulinLucouse- quncèr of deing if lu fiat way, fie freasrur>' of tlae Dominion 1bail suffaireai a large peenniar>' loge. TIse returu necemil>' breuglit down siowed fIat fis. ban vas, for a ver>' large amont of mou.>', two ama a huaIt million pouais sterling for tlainty years, heur- lng interesh at five per cent., one con- dition beLng fixat ne-saif lierý cent. sWauld hlieemployed inlutfe purchase et lime bonde uf tic boan ait on helmw par. The lmainwa pinosai mn fhe market ait 91i. A rerncatalils tact lu connection vils flic motter wae liat ailhlimgli Lt liai bec befeotfe Houée for lis lait six weeks nu n e iLa 1'euofficiali> netifleai cffit.eaictaal smm realizeai on tuis 91 per cent. witih te commission grantcati ho le purciasors. The Immun liai1 besu criticizeai on the floor of fie Hense animailuhe prese, ama yet those ®riticsins iai net boom succesfüsl>' met. Hle (Mr. Gilbbs) almoîtt hougit lat lIme FLnaince iiLeer hiad aban- domîcal the case, andl tiat the position laiton b>' thé ion. membene for Cumn- berrlandainsd Carawivolvas unainîver- aile. Ho 4opçd, however, fiat Ithe hou. gentleman would sec fil te infonni the Hlonso iow mcl as realizeai. The tcnnis vere ais fmliows :-5 per cent.r on application; 15 per cent. on ailotmnent; 20 per cent. on flic Slsh Jauar>, 1877; 20 par cent. mu tise 27ha Mairel, 1877 ; 20 per cent. on tIme 25ti Mai>, dedncting the baif years coupon as inceme max, anal il ppr cent. on the 28rd Julv. Calculaims bail been made as lu wlmat the lu-en realizeai, and the reuît bîail boom that iaile sorne liela iti wae 89a per cent., the bou. membor for Cumibelamnd calculat- ad it was aliout 90, te whici whcu Lt was stated inLutfisHomme the Miniter of Finainco repimi t ii was wroug. He. (Mr. Gibibs) mai madie calcutatiane mlimwiug that if thé boan liad boom laken np, amai-tic Lntera'st cf four por cent. allowed- letathe purchasier, lh-woud thave realizeai a met reemit of- £89 8s 61di. Snpposimg limaithe purchasens cf flac secunihios piaid he moes>'att down u-rn became entilemi ndon lie terrms offie agreement te a rebate aftire. per cent. fuar inmoaliate paiyment fthercsult womlb have licou hatit hé ieaibow- aineo et herert mie>' wonld have been enfihlisaith £89 16e 44id Thé Minisher of Finance lia bis speeých sBaia that ho %visheai tiere vas on the faoneofthtie taino andl placeal tise lban lunanuadvau- tagous mannen ah a tinte visonlions vas a, groat pîshaa-of moes>'in Lon- don, ama capihaiLts wusrc loeking auxi- ainsI>'fer investlments. The muons>', lie fîmonglt, shouhaave besu oaimsau on rnore advantageoms torne hmain were secucai. Timoré vas noe mm>' for fiais. moue>', as iL. vas mut vanedalat thc moment. Canadian Fectinities wero qnotcu ailtishe tinte tram 93J -to 94 1, anal it appenaaai fa hm thal a mirgitcf 1,i par coul. vaulai po ample ta shlow off Ilais., Tise terme on wiîicl the lban hiai becu mlade-involveai a tocs te fihecomm- tryof mot leme than 2 per cent., on -an average on £2,500,000, equailuta£50,000 stg. (Cisens.) Pex-hape fim vas net hoa be vondereai at Whou lhe dola-tnt- lic vas sémost gciugtoha a>'lacitrymose -o.omh4at wviiol Ihoiangentleman (Mn Cartwnigbt) vas vont to m ake on te lomerfethe Homme, vers nemeauben. cd. Tio fear ot faildre eviaientl>' pre. valiemi ver>' ux els vonlie viii te oh- talin fîme beet possible ferme. Il %Vas ftolnaIs ton liia (Mr. Carlvni4lit) Ilînt- hé iad gaine ha Emglauid un fiime %wic m)ue>' ai;saso abundaut. lu wafi doubtful Lt ever'fière was a lime vWhou secunihies coulai liefloaeai on u sda ad ventageons fermes. Sentli ýA.strauia huai phaced 'a ban boûthlime iankf o £4,000,00 ait faonrper cent,.aiaidlie quotafip n vas 90ite 9fl. Victoriabiad a loin cf£4.900.000 a1 97 te 98 anal vWhou Senti, Aneralia Losheaul offooibw. coulai mol bave olitsined 80 good a pnice. Hao teck fi. auvice of lise finencial agente of Canada, aiaid of chenpersans, Illatfviseuradvimad ibmte fil the debeatures, aimainmt ta exceeai ti. rate if wic tise>' verena lal>'isseel; anal lie contendoal fiat aflthe cincunastanees sunrouuaiiog fie loinead tie moue>' marklet, faken ino consiaieraihion witi tisé facf tisaitlie Canaiiu 4 per cents. haid dnniug tise -pevious sIX momulis molulatr au averaige of abont 9n~per -coeuf., juatiftod bisa iu flaatinghlis Loan ait tisepmi.ehaoalli. But ha allinot gisee isoHase amy information astlu tise nasmer et offars.ha rf.ceiveal,tfle 'amount et moue>' offéneai, fie pmarties vie teudenecl,.on fhe parties vione offer e ves icepteai, nn alaiis e< et- plaiu fuil> wiy-he closeaité.fie1sf beoro tisa fimshtad luil s prospectifs. 11e akecl fia House ta vota down tise aindmnst, aimaistaifed in affect fiait se long ais e vais Miistr_of Finane lia sisoulai use bis ovu judgment, Aima taka bis owo course viameniseo bai ho bornov moue>' on -fie London -m- kat. Arnement boit, 60 te, 111. -Monda>', Apnil, 16th. (Fron thfe MaiLPe special corresponance.) STUF, PR.sUIaxsaAT ni- AOAni. Ottawa, April 16.-Quite a Sensation vais croafsi l ibh ouome- -a- weu Mn. MeCaili>maseai for instrction s tram tue Deparhruent- cf' JustLce andI Emignsfiun aie teseroute oetrfavel tu be foltoveai is> the Mauntoal Police aima emnigrauts troti Manitobia durng fie >'ears 1874-75-76. Mr. Mackenzie ait eues deicai tisait au>' instructions 1ai issu giscu, vlieasSir John Macdoenaldi nsami the fohbovimg latter, vwiîci ham bseabaiesseai fa cae of tisa staff li>' ýI.Rovain, s promineut ougineer et tht Pacifiec Railva>' Deparîmeut r OANADI5A5NPAUCIPO ULWAT. O'IFIC 0F TISu saairan-Csy :0 291h Jume, 1874. V, -rr &r,-Ou fie -atier 51db ,1a lst outhfe firme froni >'wh -oth ieix> for fie parties ho lic empleyeai si& - yen flue sum mer -e te lis piireba6eoa, 'Von viii ho cardfu fii'tiatmf.uug wbiclsfbaey cau supplyisQpzreams.. 'a souae. îYe ,il aIse have th, k," - sta semai yonr parties -ta .Thundes .Ba>'b>' fli Sarmnia ineaitf, steamers. 1 romain, mv dean Sire- Trul>' yure, TN JAS. H. BOWAN Supplies for-pa4rties for tise surue"Y of 1874 te Jas punciaieai cf the un don. naixasa fints in Haimilton, Ont, .« - Hardware, -Adamn Hope & Ce., Cbas. Csmeron & Co. ; qusrm-ies, Simnpsonz. Stuit. & Ce., Augus Sutherlaindi; d&Y ge&ds, John G. Maiekeuzie & Co. readmnaae clothing, Sautera, i LkIe>',- & Cm., iluua', Hendenson, & Bicklcy ;: coachi sadailer>', huruese, samathnkm,.- Fieldi & Davideon, Ernest Krsft, Jais. Tille>';. machiner>', F. G. Becket Co.- Mr. Maickenzie muimot agaicalas>' lis imupemelimeut, aibhulugiti is proveai b>' thîs lettonrfia h le Premiers ont- pîmyee gave specifico dinechicus vwih regard ho isstters e hiad repualiateai. Thae Premier simpl>' saiid tisat penhaipe the niglit ion. meuuibon voubllike ho uave thes retumus for .1872 and 1873 irougil dovm. Blank alLema>' vas ap- parent on lis visages et Ministeriauistl aima aimiub cienrs anal lainglter tram the Opposition fie Minlee t ofPublic Warlts tmk is seat. EREStt.NATI0N uO' aMR. CURxatia Mn. J. M. Curier, M. P. for Ottawa, resigmeal bis seat ho-day. 11e di a e psrsenathy as veli as readimg iLsvrIt- ton résignation. Ciseer upon climes veut up tram îié-OppositLon, asai vien Mn. AbrnasWright, Lu an incisive andl ebeqixcut speech, condemneI-the Gos- erumomh fer saivimg crueil>' periocuteai onew0 viasunavano tisit fîes -vers patranizing is finm, bath tie Mirabsien ot Justice m su r.-luMackenzie appeareai ta ver>' gréait disaaivantaigo.-'Mn. Cur- rier,s nésignation is balsai iti Sasaii faction DY>'hie constitueuts, vie vihb ne-elet bhlm b>' a soi-y large aijonl>'.- Tnes.lay tlic guse vas occupicalil2 alebating Mr. Fairrow's amonaimnent ho thie motion ho ga luto Committea cof Suppî'. The meuniber tan Nortili U- roll, lu a ieuthy speech, cendenineai mime Governient for allered ai tsfo i avardlinu the Golerici hairbor con- taslte Mooe & Cm., vien Tolmon ofiseai hotedoûlime work for $29,000 lese. Mr. Farrev eliawed liai thfli fmte viaicli lIe coatît aasgiven vero poli- lictlospporters cf the Mimistm-r cf Jusý a i nitep cxlnilcuii tat tiere vas fais, CAREFUL M,&NUFATUUNG.-We viil- ed yestenalay lie Hahi Vorks anal versý pîsassai ho sue lh.greait cane taktn 10 sesaie mailcial oif lIsever>' beet quaiil>. Tests of the etrengll cf cashiegs airs mamie oser>'dlat> in tis a >. A ban of ironle a m oue neoh sqmaare andti tv :feemlcug , -anal tien eme;peudleal ntah o oen4. aimxai sure'lÎîpliedtluthie midldle ,of the han analinlu ftis -way fie>' aecer-- tain hov insu>'panaspreissure the- iran vwilb beair befors t ilvii hoak se- lisait Iaey aire certain:limait ne pear est- i gicainae mamie. Varionsu te sts were madinLuIle fi-s;t place -aima a certain mixture of varins brandsofut ron socui-- oi visicis' veulai iear -a vony igi pres- sure unden flie tests toViLelit L lit u- jectedanmd io__u;ke sure fiait Zere suait h un a mistaakes in tise qnality of flacý caitinge, thi is esubjeeteai ho tic saine tout cvery dmasy. Tlamare polio>' Le pursusea threugiouf all tise aepsif' meults ifandtegiratait posshbe ese exercised ta praveni 'an>' matenLal beiog -Tweed-i lImimar>' tu lasse. If Lf -log ai compi proalocing c vas appreai *slow, coocor -Tweed'i ci ferneai ho w te lie sasdiil te he divial -Sooaitora foi papsage <if Ë tfails ci fie 1 SAudit anal ai estes Gari -Watt-on, ami ors. Hall', Blrowm's air docuLnettPl Mianufactura -ew to-k C ipsiai1c'lxea 'paaaage cf tI standinlieh but it vasi Who also cloques. 13 fa Tweed,ýau Eris Clasifi gave Tweed- Confessioni .biookceases-Lu vers pald fo WHI Fa-iasc Spring Whos Peuau.-... Blaiek Eye Peu CIaiver Seem,.. Butter ... Ceai, p;r taný Wood... Wool ... Beef.zhiadqui Boef, fcre que. Sicépdkims.. Ridles... Dueke per .pr. T-rkeys, per s4iles, per lis Park, per cvi. * Ciceiens .. Onions... au 5 n~ atura 'P'iratiols o f rýnC iv ascar repentes et -f "; eprovmlea dlihcately liav *aive sasmany>' '1>' the judimicua tinta censtitit ýUp antil strong dene>' ho museau ailes aine floatin vir'ereven fions ' escaipe min 'a selves veli dort propent>'nouai Gazeeti-t Ssii "4James lippe iîs, 48, -Tira PiccadMSy Lau Dou't Spi Wood's lum js suiko ue oue Imnproveai tas i fois; reoresg i., colon; sres te hai; restai imeadai; -removu exsupf ions; nons salsy dry-asss. wonalerful efe Imipnuveal Hail pe oitff wùit), - uiuggiste intli - viere- Trado »Aý'geals nr i-ri aui b>'- NEOW AHb an& tbhehr ina -wfhh-mtèrmt; aus of va>'. Tie pu of sle, py a dapl purcissa moue>' anssahaill pi>'ii trosu lhedas>'ofj Tiers il bc a' Tic sale mvitlia l conditionuscf the l'

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