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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Apr 1877, p. 3

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&- "0 Fbit4--a" v1f.,,-J-------------manu ADBAT. ; Wbltwell HaIl,- goods ù ls aGoa. WhitbY. Apr ilIkr1877. -1 Pattorin, indIgont, #12; J".. Bills, boardissg aoob Topp, an indigent, #4.. 40, D Bravamatertai, for sldewglica $ 7>5. inkâe 25. Thi Re.ve agie In to emt t Ji.Almond, 05,' tiï. Q L;Q .A0N expended 10! th. bienet of Wm. Grian, an Iîndigent ; aisW 0 etU., ta Se alowed ONBtRBT-CLAS te $ÃŽlr..ter Lynde, te b. oxpended forI thse benefft af Truman Bearden, au n .FA R M L A N D S, digent; also Walter' MoOregor te b. notifled thât the -allowance tà Mrs. l sIn suaci,$20 an paud &ds, ab Sper Griflfu viii b. dlseontiaacd,..1 1 cent. Payable HIUUye.irt'. 'On, motion of Us. Hollidlayseeoanded bu Ur-. 80344I, rssol,,ed, That tht. cean. Appiy ta- Olt do Daotlin fiture psY auiy printing GEO. 8. HALLE1N, acooutb uniosi ord*red b printing Slitciter,&0., ëommittaesexcepti scu rfin s e "sw clerk is reqnii- te laye g ans byApril17t . hshysa1 statuits. On motion, Vouncîl adjonrned 0aNS R N E meat sain an tise iritMonday ia mat. 1Ny: A tcO*8ifelon of 1oss Tjie, - ý'MUTVUAL INSIIRANCE CO' .1-UDGI, 5ENATORSgïAND XMR3B.- AMBrjOP ASSEMBLY IMPLI. MI PIO, 1ROCIK1 ST-, WITBY. Tweed -bas rmadeoa statemeni, Pl li1lnary, 10 An application for hi@e lease. 1t Jt.long and exhaustive, g ing acomplet.i istory af the Ring, sa prodncing checs a ani memoranda. shows tisai Sonafar Woodiri, af Aubui vas approached througis Senator Wi slow,' concsruing bis support il isast Tweed'soharter., FinaityTwesd rai ferred ta Winslowr in pserson #200,00 t b.118ed ln pailsiug thse Charter, ai ta Q«o dividsd betwepn several Ste Senato for their infinonce. After t] paosage 01 the charter Tweed arrange viii; Hall7 for 8he municipal a poin, mente. The confession iveqe faî l taiis of tise, proccedinsin of &iLe Board( Audit an d division of @,poils. Il itupl estes Garvcy, -Ingerioll, Da&vidse Watsonu,andS a'mjonity af thse Superi Oo. Hall'# proportion was ten pi cent. Ha baS aiaau latereet Il Birovn'a street cieauiug caniract.j docunespurporting te, be a recordc theapruceeingoo heBoard af Audit bY.Whiolî Hall secured acquittai, vs Manunaturesl by Hail aller the ex ýue tg Hastings, editor of ti 2.lwYrkom»mercji Advertiser, wùw IPutd a cheque for 020,0)00 after iii 'passage cf the charter, with an under standing tht t h as ta go ta Woodin but it was àPpropriated by Hastings Wh IBO aeareceived sevaral emalie] cit-qeusa. ýHsings brouglît Jay Gauld b ¶iTwed, and in return for passinR tlb Erse clasificaiou Liii, GoulS and Fiel gav'é Tweed the Eries influence. 'TIi confession gays ail tisa paintings and lkookenses lus Recarder Hacketts h OUAC were paici for by ths ity., WHITBY MARKETS. CJOOICLX Oiiicz, April 181h, 1877. Yall Wheat ........... Il 50 j$ $1605 Sprfiuse hati.........1 4530 1 go Barley ................ 00550@tO 60 Black Rys Peau..... 1 0000 1 O Claver SeeSj............. $7 60 @ #8 00 Ots ....e............. 450 0 50 Iucy ....... ......... 08 1@ 12 Polatees .............e75c 80o EUggs ................ 12in Butter............... 20c 5o3 Cald,pr ton..........06 @ 6 60 Wood ..... ....... .. ...s50 @84 00 Wool .................. 800 g 300. 1301 lei snd quarter .....$6 50 @ #7 00 Ileet, lors quarter.... $5 oOO@ 5 850 Sheepakins .............. &1 60 @ l7 Rides... ...... ..... .. os50p o oo Duches par pr.......... . lue &Coc Tnrkeyso par lb..... Sc Appies, par bushel ......C @ 1 uo * l'rk, petewt..... Ciikens ..............n5 040e per pair oulono ..................1 25 Turnips .............. .. 15C -Chsse ..............180 <@ 14C. Carrais,.................15Ce(0 206r s *0,ill...c;a0 ,h mnd Conis- 41'- a tisorougish knodtgo ai o ntre flava -wich gavern tisa OP 'rations ai digestion' andnuntrition, P.ud bi a caretul application ai tise fine properties ait well-selectedl cocos, Mr. EPo b~ u providçd our breakfast tables --ws ea dlicately flayorati bevarage, wisicis may save us nsy haavy elociare' b ill." le hy theo indicins use af sucis articles ai dtet tat a constitutilon may Se gradualiy built up1 until strang enougis0 tasret every teat. dieucy ta diguese,Hundrede aisubile maie. aieles aire iffoating iaround ns ready ta attache wierever thars lna a eah p oint. Wa uuay ecape inuy a fatal shaft by keeping our. selves Weil iortldied wlth purs bload. sud a properly aourished fraine."-Civil Service (moeite, Sold onhy In Packete, labellet,- "IJameos Eppe & Ca., ilanueopeîisie Chenu. ini,, 48, Tisreadnoedie Street, and 70 Piccatly Landau. 10 Don't $pendi a Dollar until You have tried this. *Waod's hmproved Hair Restorahlve letînike auy ailser, andi bas no squat. The lnproved liase usw vegetable tonte proper. tie; reestarei grsyhiain ta a glosoy, natural coer; rester(-@ faded, dry. liensis snd tait. Iîtg hair; restores dresses, giron vigar ta tiheliais; rostorese haîr ta prcnIaiureiy balS treS,; renuoves dauttimuf, Sumr@oscaly ..iitins; reinoves irritation, ltching anti mi-arly crynese. No -article pratinees ois %vonderfiitl ffsects. Try l, oel lor Waod's [rîtiroveel Esir Retorativa, and don't bc iit eof s.ith anp ai her article. SoiS by ail dlmggists i this place sud dealers every. w4l, .Trite asnpplied- ai mannfacinrers' tîjrices byC. A. COOKti&kCa., Chicaga, Sale ~Agntts for th~e Unied Stated anti Canada, eid by « LYMIAN, CLARK CO0., NEW ADVERTIS MENTS. .CAN CE RY0eSAL E 'i0WNSH-IP OF DARLINGTON. 1Ulu puýua»ce ai a decrse mede by thse Court af Chancery, in a suit afI]KELLY vir. MDONALD.. and vîti tise approbation ni Thomas Wardiaw Taylor, Esquire Master ai tise said Court, thare wiil b. sole1 l'y PubliceAnctio,î, by'Levi Fairbanks, SA tieer, t LACK S COMMERCIAL IW0TEL, lu tse VILLAGE 0F OSEÀ-4WA, et One c'cloc-k, p. mu. ou 114 2'URDAY, 5(he day of May, 1877, In oui parcel, tihe South quarter af Lot 84 in the 9th Concession of thse Township of Darlington, County of Durham,, oontainicg Ã"() acres, more or leis. The whole of the sid land la cleared. It le situated abbut 14 miles trom Whitby, the same tram Bow- nuanville, sud about 10 miles irom Osha- wa, About 10 acres are iall.plougbed. Tise said property vili be sold subjeot to tvo mort eu,, (wbilh eil b. produced ai tmof 1.upon vicis 8W0of prlnci,ýal it'nwtetestO aisesct ta'& csrtain rigisi of way. Ths pmrhaser shahl, at the trne ai1 0isi py s 4.positk a1 tan r cent. of bis pui-chais mnoy ta the VeourO Solicitor, adsalpyInto court, lu ane mentis trainu tise'day of qale, wltisonà interasi the balance of irs purchase maney. Thars wll bc a reserved bld an tise prap. erty flled by thse master, The sais:vi l b. isld, under thse standing conditionsaf tise sald c'nrt. * Pullpartîculars and ocdtions ai sale 7nay be had atithe law olc.s ani Messrs. '?vâ &v B kIoomer, 26 Adelalde Street, East, STorono aVs'drs' ollcftr; Mess. re..*r'" OrIlta sd ymn ngI » sa»a B de B BOOME, Toronto, , T. W. TAYLOR. * Thï. Compaay 'Insares Itm Buings, Country OMarohe, Bhool Henaesaaei the pr: ContentseAt ratesa se i s tes.any vs. woU.esiîtîL$ssd ompeny tinaa iv. JUST LOSOBS PËOIMT PAIE. sud LIC L JOHIN WL rin. ý O. NOURSB, - 9 Rates ai Insurance g o IrPthat 25 cents 00 viilers o eriev maths. ,dWhÃŽtby, Apnil l7ti, 1877. 17 e ~:As8uran.ce Cmnnv INCORPORATE 833. ASSETS,81,10,7 F. A. BALL, Manie Ineurances effected i-tishe lavesi oui rates an Buldlings, Merchandise, and ci praperty, egainet laoscar damage by fies C.. NOURSZ Agsnt, Wlj uniS7y, April i7ts, 1877. ther itby 17 0e. Agents ion Canada. R. W. TYRE, Manager, Montreal. AGENCY ESTABLISHED IN CANA- 1.DA isn1804. Unlimited llability of, ail tise Staekisolders, anti erg Recense Fantis. Moderato rates ai premiumM. C. NOURSE, Agent, Wiiby. Wnltby, Aprnll171h, 1877. 17 P IIVINCIAL 1NSUttANCÈ COM. PANY (OF'CANADA. F-OR FIRE ce- MARINE INSURANILCE. HleaS Offlice-- Tororito-St., Taranto, Ont. Inenrances efaected ai roasonable rates an ait descriptions ai pîoperty. Faimns ln seithenucînt anti an u *tablsonstmoction ai Insuranee contractÇàare tise invariable nuie oi tise Comanay. ARTHUR HARVEY, - Manager. C. NOURsE, Agent, Whitby. Whitby, April 171is, 1877. 17 11STADAONAI, F E &LIPE Depasit vith Dominion Goverumeni1 $f 100. Expenrienced Agents ibrangisont Dominion. Pire Riaka wriin ait Adequate Rai Wisitby, April 17th, 1877. Agent, Wii pHN FIEE INSURANCE Co Lombard St. sud Cisarfng Crase, Lonti S ESTAISLISHE'D INq 1782. JILLESPIE, MOFFAT &RC ýE EEBAD OFFICE, - QUEBEC Subscribed Capital ............ 2,800,00 PalS np Capital ............... 22,05 Fine Preminu Revenue, 1875...188,000 Pire Preisun Revenue, 1878...:201,000 Laauee Paid, 1876................ 248,00 Govenumneut Deposit ......... ... 117,000 Thse exceptional hesvy Lasses essaineS 'by ibis Company during tise past year have beeiu pnompthy liqnitlated, and notwltis- standing tise getienal business Sepressian eadiîîg to a reduotian in linase carrneS, tise PrernininRevenue ior 1878 has bean lu- cneamed by 018,000. Tise 5I' 1)>A CO NA as iseretoiancs viii sustatu lits reputatian iorn 5rncni pe 'Ky- mesie. A sisane ai public patronage le soichteS. GEO. f. PltxE, - Gen. Manager. C. NOURSE, Agent, Whitby. hitby, April l7th, 1877. 17 M'IIL LOAN AND INVE ST- MENT COSMPANY. CAPITAL,000,000. Head Office, Impeniai BullSinge, Toronto. PRESIDENT ',. nANKRS: HON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. eOLICtToB -G. D'Arcy Baulten. MONET TO LOAIi an Impraveti Parias, ai Loy Rates ai in*aeset. Apply ta- C. NOURSE, A~5acr B. 1H. KEIITLAND, Manager, Toronto. -GOOD MRTGÂGES BOUGHT. THSE BEST Wl 1 . Photographs! 'WRAREPLESEDTO ANNOUNCE ta isepepieaiOsisava anti sur- ranm n ovstia w ave matie a Dew engagement vus MRi. WALTER C. NORTH, Pisotagraphen, andt tisi e wvI ib. happy ta se sany tisat i vu ta secure tise - fineat of Photographie Work I maSs nuder bis persoi supervision, Our efforts taoplasse the publo ic vbs rslis eldai vonhe, bau mat vilS UNBOUNDED S U 0CCESS i and our galleryhias besu arawtied sVeryday vilS aiers ame ieisengagement. It il u o necesmary tnparties wishizig sittitigi te tïý'- MAKE AN ENGAGEMENT IN ADVANOE 1 As vs have mobre than ve can do, anti eau- not 1Ail aur arder siasprotnptly as usual.j -Cal et tbe Gal leryanscee outr ul ands cnna a Bitttng. JOHN BST. Ocav, prl i17. -iy.i8 of i- of it, iX. le le i, t, t] w-auwe-oua nursa&uer the purchiaso of the ga South Ontario Book, Stationery, and Noveltp Store, Brock.t. l by BI'R2~CF, 877M Spades and Shoes Ga ýrdeji ,akes, Forks c, c Cnýt Nails,Pant dOl, and Varnish Brushe*s, &C. ge Tinware 'of in Stock, or matie to ortier. di Le A.ri Paint every --description G«ROSS &MANCT. Yhitby, April l7th 1877. 17 GIVING UP BUS/N ESSI SELLING OFF AT COST -' LEAVING ,T OWN. Ilaving sold out my entire interest in mny stock anti business ini Oshawa) I now beg to 'an- nounce to My many frientis and patrons, andt« the public in general, that prevýions to the business being trgnasferred to My succeeeôrs, I intenti offering the -AT- £55S THAN COST P11ICES 80 THAT dl Cani Secure Bargains DUIRING TRE 'AC RIFIC E SA L E is a token of how I appreciate the ýronage extendeti to me for years, anti for which I ten- r my Éince thanke, CbA7MtEs 3hawa, April l7th, 1877. 17 ADDLERY AND HA-RNESS.' WILLIAM THOMPýSON gs to direct attention to hii large and superior stock, oomprising every. thing in the Sadd.lery and Haraes Lino, aleo eather Valises and Saratoga 4. LOT 0F CHILDREN'S Cz il l7th, i 'l runks 11 Very handso-ns and Cheap. Attise aid establlahment. WILLIAM THOMPSON, 877. Brook Strosi, Wlaitb1y. C A1tRIAGES AND BUGxGIES!1 THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETVE STOCK 0P Carriages, 8Sle ihs and Cutteps, M. O'DONOVAN'S CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WITBY. 'VERY CHIEA?. GALL & SEE -THEM. NEWirADVERTIsExENTs,ýL IVERPOOL MRN F ARM FOR SAUR APRIL Qth, 1877. CET= IE. ba 0AF ; 0és- Seeti Barley, Small Peas, .5,balnceGoo Tibe r Almile iram Ba-eyeti Pes, Olover' At srl tation, Nortbern Ratlvy. ARCHD.TAYOR, Seée, m a ots, ROcceanP. 0.1 ont. P..arsiet Eevtr snessna ]WBY. Apnil 17th, 1877. 1l"d7 loýay quiity af H OMME013OWN EEDS FREBH- GROUND PLA8TER, ARE STILL ALIVE 16 CHRA?& FOR CASH, 1,J.H.OLELN Marchantsaitise pubishin la gonra, vii Sund le ta theintereat lu vaniona vayh, ta I v3By patronlrse hame lndustry In seecia, su vaîl L ERY au other branchas af business. STe are - Se-- vein ur viaole time ta sec growing, The unerap.Sbje totir VIIIIn lriëzdoma taM.puotâ ierssT visichif viibenei ibase ng our Ieb.,,,* pSunbpbUa 5. .B R O W N «a uth e aseee if l r p a e u seca . Iusara, LZ l»N mCENT. t wil ual- ve-sa omintaoiM d I ml cure ObbWinsln pran ise. m-A =, =e 1 le.sm... 4.8. 'icecimptaull NEWADVERTISEMENTSý PAINT ,7and, PAPER Room ,,Paper-the - La test Pgtterjj àil new', no OMd Stôock;'" prices to suit -the times, wiIl be found at siPO8 'l TE POST OFFICE) BORDERS-BOTH PLAIN AND G,01. WINDOW BLINDS, 0F THE LATEST DESIGNS. Painting, Graining, Glazing, Paper-hanging, . Ceil Whiteaed, Coionred, Painted or Paperced- îWI» Particular attention paid to the v-arniehing of 1 aiture. Glass eut ta, any size or shape. Ail worlc attended to c neatases and despth,87 JUST ARRJVED AND FOR SM? AT. THIE WHITBY CHINA TEIA ST-OýR A choice lot of Green and Black Teas, that caunt be b in the Dominion, both for quality andi cheapness, pr from 50 to 80 cents per pound. Coffees from 25 to 40 cents per pouudt. Sugars of ail kinds, , 5 -8lbe. of White Sugar for $1. Good Valencia Raisins, *C-î'l6lbs for $ I :- A fuliassortment of Choice Family Groceries, of W. H. HANNAM ings Fur- with tf-17 JE )eat rice al MAPLE MOLASSES $1 25 PER GALLON. House anti Garden Flouer Plants. Green 'Vegetables in tiscir season. 9ý FRESH TOMATOES JUST IIECEIVED. A full aesortment of China, Glass anti Crockery Ware, Trea. Diuiner, aud.Tpit $ptsu Is4adIforsaehap. AUl kinds of'il anti Garden Seeds, Clovier andi Timo- thy SecS, &c. Tîurmp eeds ofa ii ids, direct from Scotad, to arriva this week. 9Iýr Food Potatobs from 50 fo 80 cents per hushei. At f WM. J. GJIBSON'S. * Wiitby China Tea Store. WANTED--un quantity of (.ood Butter, Eggs and 1 Feathers, for w1i+ ïhàhiglisat cash îsnice iJI ha epaid. W. J. GIBSON. HAMIL TON &co's., MVILLINE-iY SHOW IBOOMVS WILL BE OPEN IN A FEW DAYS WITH ALL THE NEWE ST -AND)- Mo8t Fashionable Styles. 187,APRIL, 1811 - W. J.. HICKIE Will offer during the month of April, Good Fast Colorea Prints at Ue. 7c. 8c. anS 12o. per yard. Factory Cotton at ea. 7c.- Se. 10c. anS 12c. per yard, Whits Cotton at 50. 80. De. 10c. and 12c. per yard, 86 inchse. vide Ons cage Mpacas, Spriug Shacles, 20 cents ; vorti 25 cents. 50 Piecee Sei Brava Dreus Goade, 25 cents ; varth 80 cents. 8-esut Loam Dice Table Clatho for 25 cents. 6.5-cent Bleached Table Cloiho for 50 çenis 100 yards, ToveleS CraLuh for 10 cents, %'orri 12 cents. Cheapeet Lins of Napkins ta Se fau im To n FLANNELS- AND SHIFRTINGS. 85-cent Ail Wool Flannel for 26 cents, 17-cent Striped Cheviot for 12 cents. LAING & Hlave reeeived 'Pa Importations for 1877, and Finest Stock of Diry:Goods R L i b b o n s , T i i i g , L c s ' o t ù , P i t , L c 4 u taiMý, Djamasks, Linens, Sheetings, 'Black Lustres, ane ýFamily Mouxning Goods. - We ab[o, invite the attention of the Gentlemeni to-our Spring Stock of Tweeds,: whieh irefind mach better vaiue than on stny former seasan Aiea a WChoie Lot aI o s nd.Caps, Tis, ]owâ, and a variety of other-Fancy Articles whichi they'are preparýed ta efer at suai pnices v aswl iE atisfaction te thse purcéhaer and m aur Bped ale IRT forty thÉvnarch t, 87 A LARGE AND) CHOICE LOT 0F CLOTHS AND T*WEED-S, JUST TO HAND), AT l" MFERuGTJUSOIV-'S Suitable for Spring Wear, and at prices to suit the times..< Aloo, the Large.st and best selection of Hats to be found in Towin- SDou'tfail to see thom, beforo purebasing elsewhere. Wbitby, March 24«h, 1877,.'14~ Our Stock in every line is Large, Fresh AND ell Asorted -j A-R Uthe poua 4ti nd -rpit HEMeicALS, flair, Tooth anîd Nail Bruishes, D)ress- ing Combs, Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Toilet -Sets, Prescrip ases Perf n Aur &c. sened Sole Agents for Lazaruis & Morris' elebrateti Perfectei Spectacles. SCoal -Oi,- 30 cents per -Jrnpiàa -allon. Four Galions for $1 00. r G w i A CANADIAN AND ENGLISH TWEEDS,- SURGE COATINGS, AND risitby, Mardi 27th, 1877. 8. W. B. SMITH & 00. DOMINION Lre in receipt of a' large WARER O OMS.* -000 portion of AMEREICAN CORNM! for FeeS parposes, ALWAYS ON HAND, Having punobseed em- Beeds tbis, sescen lu lange qu ntitie , an d Lu h. e ry as -Markets, va are prepsred to eel4bem au low as eny Torante hanse. 5 Speciai Quotatlauss ta Conty.- Mer. chants. T. LAWLER CO0., Whitby, April 4th, 1877. htL .EN]IERS WÂNTED 5r O 'r pr acre) viiibh reasved fr l186 A .re ai & d ti otNo 16, lu t eU r 'au af Rama, lii îe Fini of rniy, nsxt.9 Adtires- JAMES COLTA-RT, Paris Station, P. 0., Ont. Paris Station, March 22,18r7. SEWING MACHINlE.SALES' FOR 1876' The tInger J1't5g Ce. -- solS 262,310 Have machine CamO .*." 109,2q Wheeier &kWiiso aMsaygOe. Id 10599 Domasio sewingmahineéCO. "29,487 Amenicen B. R. etc., sevup - Machine Ca............ 17 Deï Weed Sevang Machine Ca..:: 2 rWilcax k Gibbs Sevleg Ma- S ChineCoi ................12,758 Remington seving Machine Ca.-..............2,710 GaiS Medel Scvlng Macin .COa.... ................ 7,185 Vicier Sewinq Machina Ca...d 5,'750 Florence Sevung machine Ca. " 22078 J. R. BransSari &k 05.. Rina. 77 MeKay Seving Machine As- s eacatiou.,;...........' w.2 NEW Y0i11i 3 B w i ,et SEWINS THE SINGER MA&UFACTURING 0051. PANY soainl 1876, 262.316 Mac-hines, being 153,024 more thau any atiser Compansy Wai. WarraniteS te autwear tva aif sny ailier malte. Dewara ai Imitationir end ciseap-made Machsines. liouie Gennuine 'witisant al 'S 5. T RA D E IA R ML Office aud Siscow Reamff, Brees Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Sole Agent lartise Genuine New York Sîngoe- Sewiqg Machina Manjuiacluring Comupany. ior tise Caunny. P. S. Neetiles, thrud, twisi, enS Seving Machine altachmients aiways on hsàud. Wisitby, Marcis 21,1871. 13 M ONRY TO LEND. Pnivath fonde ta IonS on geod Morgg oecnrnity,in inns aifSM0satS npvad. - tores"S pen cent, haIt yarIy P. o. DRAWER S , Whitby, Feby«lBtb, 187 7. ly.its Dress 'Goods, -Hats, &C.,'a large stock of Miflinery Goodsr Parasols, Ladies', Ties, &c. Crampton's Adjustable -Corsets. -AIL gooýdseoltiat a smail ativance, aandm c"h below last year's pricos. g 'Tailoring and Drèssm kigt ordex- and in thebe tstyle 'vi i.' CRASH ERS. 1 25-cent Mens' Bro Hall Hase fan 20 cents. 20-cent Mens' Bra Val Hose for 15 cents. 25-ceai Mena' Bro -.EsIf Hase for 10) cents. 25-csni Funl BalbnigganRHas ýfor 20) cents. Ladies' Hou, hsavy welght, for 10, 12, d 15 ets. TJie Best - Assortment Another Case of Feit Hats. Iýaes -IT Came 15 50 t ana Seo them I LOWES &- POWELL. iitby, Mareh filet, 1871. GOLDS M I TH'S - s0!-- - '1.1CORN FOR SALE-! Now to hand, a fuil assortm>ent of N1ýew A ws cr G oo tis, ubioi h av n been uell bought, w ili be offeret t es et1 T its Wsth e P r aiW.t ni. pr 'E'Y LOW PRICES. e~ p~o GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES & CHAINS. ,1,HPIS BRIGT ,AND'COLO E]) GOLD JEWELLERY. - WihFS.2t,87 - -BLACK JtWELLERY, JET AND) ULCANITE. TOBR AND DWELUNG Electro Silver Plate, a very large assortment, new tiesigns AI iCruets, Buatter Coolers, Cake Baskets, &a.$ dia., -relia- xc ble goode, anti prices loirer than ever. Woulti cal special attention to a New LUno of Goots- man ~NIKELITE-as sbstitte for silver. Nioelite Table, Dessert, ancl Tes Spoonis, Table' ana Dessert Forks. Inspection invitei.. m NEAR-SIGHT -ýAND OTHERSPCAL.d ChRUiltiens' Carnages in great voriety,, two,, three, anti four Wheelé, Amerlean aniicansd iaae. - March 27, 187 PractiesiWath -neker, rBrok Street. - Nobby lot of Silk Haudkerhiofs, Groceres-Stock,.,eM & TieSforý .a..tJvy.LilD V.LN P R I ~N C kt Liverp)ol Market, à New fStore aulf ellinag, veR fIlteS Up c9"i W"tb Ver M a17 ccoimodation Ap t-, J. H. McOLELLAN. Xc 201h, 1877, - f-lt ÂNHROOD:- EOW LOST. HOW RBE- L ES y by. RA-L L 0. 1 1 1 lý 1 ý.1 1 1 -- .1 lýý i 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 'l rkeil ià PWý STEWART. DB UGS ý (l à S. W. B. SMITH & CO-1 Vhitby, March 27th, 1877. Lowes LOWESý& POWELL. i (3F 0 0 ID S ID lq>J:Bl s s TABLE LINENS, TOWELS.. 1 Refýdy. St., rb WRITBY PHARMACY--

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