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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Apr 1877, p. 4

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~li a ut' 'n. 't' imatter vouiS occupy a Ivctislug comun ivorth sulais." 1 -"But thon tIbm voulti 1 où,ldul have any thlng tluce, 1 fearit h"oneleân palot wtiyou. Yousar e ùlde-llufaluatecl wlhb bFat luteroste yau is of rtosI la1 atire vorîti, îltfbble labe crammed, ýl,' ufuotohebs ro*deè 'Ilny or W"enkly News. e ILrPPY Io da, yaurJob 40-d. camh on dolivery, ng Mli your Aulocfallil) Lioeslis mn. s soçounlo' i 0 hut ujor 'ortli the. paper ie> or~ le varst payers i l' 1- (Cor. Ring and York.sts) NOW OPEN. ts.ce PER DAY. Fiee orùnilbos ta audiain a&ltrains. Ta. bic sud appolalment flint-claue. i ýTHFOMAS SOtILLEY. LaI tâe oai ochfclng Holel, woild is a-Society ehont un of~~ Lave nhut doteis u t sot of t iagr' ~lil otnlittee thien wlihdricW, sud Ni.4BLICH tBOTN 018te silghtly warrd le lç o1 neved an- à ý'UFN HS. Ã"TN uther ati1 deopoe. s$gh(OPPOSITE REVEIREBOUSE.) B3ut the . dorva vas prerently il. lutuiesteti bya VisiCuon flov@"oliÀna. ANC O L F "I'Ol disei lady, smiîîng u tinh oset iES IN E0 IE bewilhihng Mannasr, - iepO4 10théii Or, SELF-PRESERVATICiN. acoutti, eeuing lhe, exiausted 'Yonng nan ta suttSouly>sta a nov jiasîioie MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLO. Iigr blu a convnlslvoly sud ~l Gold Modal Awarded tu tie Authar off 114à othorm,ýu fte, athoug lihe vas lu. by the."National Medicai Associa- wair<li.y ea&f.l4tirt mie wan i y (sl .t l0 ion," fMarci 3151, 1876, bcygce ik. tire resnI. Juasapulhd by lthe PEABOD'y MEDICAL 4ýdy. -24oosweétlty)-"'I vaut 1t e k NTITUTEn a cw oftiu the .madiosi If ydiu'khll be so klnd as ta notion oui g y-P.pa 111VAgTION.-I i' Luse or. n Socia*l Lbe filnalext Thnredsy oec bcad. how lent, bow re s edad t>ne et. f, ,foi' tirs befit cf thre Làdieî Odoï"tate*i;causa and cureoa01iixbaunlodVlfly 1tel Aid boclet>'. Tlckets'oniy twonty. m ceo mnlLaoseoturnal sud lvs, cents, antgi I auOura (mlore ohjeý plumai) Narvons sud Physicai Debtit Hy. hiýl Iio;àAaGlomy Porebedlngs, Men e sInrila ga uille that agitatod lufa vary resiU ai frdcaunten. i>at-1lél) Yoer Will buy a couple, won't sues, Confusion of Mfuii a oss ai Momory, 7" lImpure fita le 1 the 00o, sud aU diseases yoni ' -ariafmg troaierroer rYcnth or the lodiscra. (IIerk. (Ilord'lu a whirl)-tsWell... tiens or saceasea af mature aare. tif) ttirk yoiu ;(ggining courage) vo t telle von au about thena ouais of Canera. poo( Amotiloftilsetive PU -oog, 1h e Phyafiogy ai Marriaga, gsi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o alni ekamni ins iWeil ock aud Offspriug, Phyoicat Contraste S.'ninnf tickets inrcuantec te ns. Yen Truo Moralily, Enu firbalsm, Perversion oï ntnînînu glnewspspar man lu u8sel Pyseanndirl ta auesan = nnrns> ~ ~ - (i îen u o oaï." ., Iatione between lhe &e@e, Preofe a0lire Lnrl.-" ef 1 7cmwiilgir.us ~Expenefbnu of Vice, tin oesris foq1Inpru. aic nntc'o aywYeu Il viiU r 1godedoce. tnoient g1r aejaud Errori,. Mesu item oIt! l bca ai ofcura, cure o ody adMmnd. 'fruePrin- '.1-aof noe. cpi., ai Treaîtrent ASSies ta Patienta and 0l lb-otlupyl i eInvafid ReaSors ?£ho AnImais Prlneiplai. 1111lcmrit, YteWndThe rprlc iesoftilla book oly si <00. Oitî fin iiveriement and ifnertit IlbetTbla bock algoc cantatue more tien Flfly lie. m111ia itsPrescriptionis for lin. above named aeuS ter Tire18s@mle, At onco e w.loQ nd lthe 0ftire book. ac'otrmr rnImpc Ji>' 4idlikewisaingthre 00w neai. Tire lstitute alec publifhes 19 THE 1>' duriPte:iCl yôIlî lÏe Wonder ifthiers ISOOYO O A N ti'tis etrytljng inlilf* Worthm living for. PHIO GY0 W MA N [lia ilinit lonig taepoadai-, liowet'er. HER DIS BASES.' Pruce, S2. The A eellluliman 'vitlb uor'epowvoiing ait. est bock o! tireid Sextaut.' ut biz., sud an1 acre or two of shirt. AieOauantor vainable modlcal work tiaet- i'nt,îria lu tin lia lre -cleik'n opeg u< exculevoy 'Metal sud NervauN DisOsîeîi nu l)%urf.ýonn a tie po nouatitan 10royal oadmo pages, Iweuty oI. îîck rr~uwirttinuni a te ropoct et mraviugs, didn substanatilanli .f' îîfw rn'tarvînmg a gonuirue crder..- cooui?>'$2, haredy enougfir tdpsy for priaI- Gnnr>..-' reîrcnmuj Shacapora I'Il.o ltîkficiyaung aud middle, aged men Willrnrrtir>111grant ti'sgsliau. - l'eu tar1 04d int110w, awitire Science oa ielf, or Seif lilim --ioti titoi-liow ucharoarvaîîoin. llireelai orbas raturued frain lIrino--101 olarsn.,, Ecc " uropinn itoxcolentaltadt g h - .'Jn"k-Tc olar."Cieif Conrsltinig Pliyalotar fth abd Qîr..Alrigint, Myy. e sMdca nttt, u i ihSreBoas. Cînni k.--Tlnrurjk yoi 911tislt ost extraordluarymoîk on Phia 0. Grnrîon 'te Rivo e U HonatieS n lu ira ballo a 'ndora's n-ei iiiepiIaY, I10-e are jolus inox, ant i )oï lumes heu inga anor, Stu. the.. la isuinng ii t oseavalimablo marks, punlied "ira 'OU ICtitus.~ cOVp Jli ly tlirPoirbady BodicaliInaltrrtte, -wiciiara '~ortinu." * *toacilfng tlioirsanda Iîaw touîvai limae ldl"ls ýt'1îîugl yu' 110., tisaI sai) tLl atadel orfle"Pnnn.n -'->n as ,P. larn4ecth unr g s " horrii t oroaibt'Yug hmdl arr fyt&nloly modal evar cauferuali . 1 ron arn y tdîcai bien l ints acouirtuy, ae 11VU -"0rtiriot, af srînnrand proiea,.iouel saryboos, 'ct ira Oiltar.t~,,;t.t.. 'qtrted 101h. amtior- f linos. wauks,r n; tits n~rlif~amtit,1'f<7.- Tihaprosanîtlori tserrtte. 1n, itII thre Ciok rkiiiimrel Ultta OUf i1e ýnun-nînrrunl, ayiig o11V bmoi, - . Wsil, drilirni l$èet yo trin fur' un. \î iwlnoift 010o iie a yoiig cha ? t ienu, andi' sainl, imlily-"'Cook %vuutcî, IBmf&enca ieqrired,2l40Jrîiîu- atui,"-ltCt 25 cent pioce ou lhe rnînrsdItirt.enI evAy- Tire Clark ~,'ILiI-iidfor a inAmuct a ira tweuly-flve Conut place, sud tbicuSt the retiritlg figur.reu ci lýaller Miin sud thon buvàt.nntnn tere, vithltu rawnrd-'tGfNe uA vour boand ; yen arc lith inat mAn, syvmtUrnuorcîilti I haveeean to-dIay ~ titIwse iit a ent, lu diaguisie,, trym~ ' ngpulnloity fi»' heovu w uie, untlar lina püeaua t it I. waa ".owa.>' Shako baundn, ISamy 1- vau aisea square sud a gentlemean-if y- q aur ne oly a twenty-flve conter." 11AIT Fon Tas ForAro BEL3Enr.-We iava, us tor re.di knaw, regardeti 0f10oUseoftif ile Paris Greena on lhe -growyiug petala pla&nt vlth diolinit, buit e carteepouaeut of the N. Y;- Tri. bmin maltas a suggestion, wich vo look upon san both vise anti tiniel>'. û ne lis 13>'put iug osiali ospn of bruused - pOta4.ei Irale âsud hhore i im e fieldi, tarly lu SpîiuX, sud ajuiking lie liuape wIth a 11111e laria gren tire l inbor of igiiing lire Colorado polala- * isetlo insy Ie eseneti s îiîoutaud-loidi aniti Ino cmnse af a ci-o p of petetoes * înt.rdHpoumlfugly inoreasel. lire bugs )Ogin t lfy lia iresi Warin day., long be1foe a poteta top fi iusigit. Il ap- pecars ta b. taking a general'survey anS Coitatlng on main chances. At luis esi y dnsy ils appetite in keoir ana IL wfil su9nel sbruisea otala a lon g wsry, lireho e o' hot-uld evile caen' d<y or tva, and <lie potatoi rsbruised -anS sprinkled &a keep up lio4 o<or. If tir e sn bolerybat the ,ir0ape iiioqld b.&uladeil frqu ino direct isys, or lIna patatama will..i'oan dry sud miale poor bale. Acoar ng ta eonted- * tologiste One baottes-nay lbc tire moheof o!ashundred millions -lin-a single oeesn. Il thInl4bo lrno, or eue- *tentim tre, 1 it hbo eontiraImuch in galued by glvng lhi mrliflea tler s bite cf green lbeforaeithe laye in ogg. hIt taonshlng haut many -bugacant b. killo& ai nt neuali ieap. Any stnpIi, utothoiosi- toltaca iiido. Cale airculd lb. tabou tù.1plec lite * ' haps whtere sloe'k cannai @el ho heur, anS above asU evoryfarier, sud oery oneo onfng e gardon sihatrîd vork lu ý11N7 i' dear," * al&a cipotiott imr- tiend, 1110atier day, onlfinding a Lglsg broltasaout of il, cancer sud npothei cut of hlc plairci 5It &seoms ta - tatç verything belaugag-te yom te brokon. , 'WehI, 705, My love,"' e- -6pOnded the. uife, steveu yaii sesin ha '0 ào <Ilitl. oiaked." - a 1 oleerois g ' bèýbhàpfl o tg uet t., tme .jù mtinr.riuee inta i e su I f nyamuilof lothoa hoeeta et*Iri ,o ao " No;ý' but ît1é am gend 4 Y iU à ne îad's resa dmedg or rare briliamtîy. '"Alla ctlnau, lu ils on'rcmtith enStr roe dt rnterlrji irS lleIZ, tbfs l ¶enl r~enat notlceailb marlil-'et' atl-uil en Tn'y Zalay Z.VroniowhaVOrer. Ilta WOUi WouthLillbnpooai fNurn#lst>ttts. t wmas fetuly mou ndtnWortilh .atomtéd,"- -Mis- sa euEri 'aciriauA n e SlunI. bnc18. Fcu atalogue sojet ou iocclpt ofit coûts for postage. Iitiai ai tino elnovta marks sgent by juail an recel ao i ica. Adrdogg E IAIIODYMEDI- CAL INSTITUTE. (or W. Hu. l'AJIKEiI, M. D.,ý ÇasrtrgPhysictan). No. I1lerlnlci St-, hoO- oa M1ss' ýopposIte Rover. Home.. Ç'~ .Tr le nLutinoicen ho cnsnlted on lIme aboyamareSdlaeaatea.asaIas llu ail Slgsens rounqiri ikili, socueay ani expariclace. Office irouis, liÀ. m. lin 0 y. M. T ARIFF OF PERS TO BE TAXEN BT CONSTABLES. (Undor Ouder lu Council, SaleS 2411. day ai Jli, 1874.) 2. Amuîst of eacir inSflIviual upan a variant..................... 81 50 2. Serrirng summons or subpoene.. -O025 8:, Mlaage la serre summnous, mii. poena or variant------------O.. 010 4. Xileseo vien service cannaI ho upon preof cf duo dilligence. - - -0O10 5. Mlaage akng . drisoneus ta gaci, oxclivie o! Staburientntmec- aossrily expended inl their con- voyanceo.....................0 10 6. Atténclng Iqaticos on sma- triais, er au examination of puî- sontre chargeS vilir crime, for euch day necass"ily employaS lnunor oruouacsea, viren not engagen mari thaùn four irns.. 1 00 7. Do. S%. vhou engge more Iran faux bon"i...................1 50 S. Attouding Astaea or Seasions, ench day .................... 150 9. Mlege traveling la attend As. sIaes, Ueetor i oore Juiticei (teion publiecouaveyance eau ho ena,only asac ale isinue. ruanîstos t omo.) . O..... 10 10. Snrnmoningju for Coroners' Inque, rocîn ing aîlonding aI inquesl, eS hservices in ras- poolthoireof, hblS on sanieday aseJury 0ummoned----------.2 00 11. Atepd(ng each sdjournment theroof, ifl ougngoed more fouir irot.................... 100 12. Do. tdo. il engageS are ;tiran four bonus------------------... 50 13. Sprmlng lummons ou subpana ta, atetuS babore ýCoroner (snbject l 14Mileo morm=8g6, m ..........O010 15.1t .ubmlgbS>nzder Coronar>s Warrant ....... ....... .......9200 16,-.bnin saure-----------...9000 i7. Sermng dloni variant, aSdre- t !1« ame ......... 1 50 18. A verIlrng u»ddisîrosvar- iant-----------------------....i 150 10. Travelling to unake disîreae, ocita osercir for goode to malte dis- tress, vimsn mo gooda are ifond. O 10 20. Appratieaments, mhther b y ou e or more, S centa i tire .do4a,... on Ibo 'cure cfgooda,:. 2 1. Ostaloia a e ansda êm ustu tbeeune'rO'oaetos. i 22. Exscrdfng sahwarraît ...150 Dl.Serving - le ono o4siblto, WlIdn pns uerad,;.., 0- moseçardul oauperviîiou 5and.sertiny-oepy detailbe1sqgoçlt*ea 0t~sv Ws oriticiuma.as0"11cl m achine ta uhoroughly tesici befiire leaving our works, 010 pORthe complatenesg «_ qvezy part,ad thora n e isjfo dlfiyIn putlU themluoperatn by &DY Persan of moderato moch -ulal ability. Oui a"binery buimaàn lected and canstruited with à ope"lalreference ta the manufacture oif our own Iffaôlnes --mau'y taabla4lîuýg beum d. frIàibs L.partimnlar plurpse, sud not àadapted for other work, sud oui workmen mr edu. caed tipto thé'toulna4tqnfmenitn of oi manufAtr8 ,btalungýa î hoi; oehknowledio of t-ho cosàtonocf aur nma.hiuno, and are thon enaIb1ed ta ob. Ltain a bigbor degres of akili anud proieucy than whore general iannfaotnring abre uhevfri enabled' te introduce a more perfec têmin'tasumbal t thede- pattmenla of maenufaciture. ading nal ouly ta tii. perfection ai lb. work, bu& ai- na to, the rapidlty of ilàs octon-aud i causequent reduction of 0081. This, prlugiple fa regarded neeeeary iu a welI regdlaW.deatabliebaneuî, aud weua dt metoui nmachines with a hlgber dope. cof perfection, asdd at asottelw» absolutely te defy cônipeli lion. THE. JOHN STOft SELF.-ftAKING REÂPER fi Dow 50 well'kùuWn's a aSingle. Reeper, tiret a Word àf ommendatlou wonld almoa4t seosu nrpeauu -but as thora are many qlafiug to 'unfso±ur. tl4i machiue Who. baie 6£dberod ta thé aid original Johuaton machine, ihhoui keep. bit up ta thb.. fmpivemets ; that jusWioe te ourselve -8suAd patrons require of ne te Mae batle 1l i# 'maeJodled. à, ID 5IWost'every et1w ïl ült, -md f6r streuïsh sud .durabiity, quallty of.out, in avery kind .ansd condition of grain ý Xhtuess cfo deait axid eu. fmaor mu te"Jolnoton," asmaLunfactureti by na-stands preekiiuotly~ c ai atet eaprs.lu proaf of tins position WOUbanaoul te POLO&t th Be Many Fist Piset mwarded us-at tb. lait Frovluolai trial of!OB. tédro,,sud MnY couDtY trWal whlelèhave tahen place 'aIl amer Canada, wlthhn th, lait. fa* years. OUR TRIUMPH OO.MBINED MACHIES, with laie improvements, l il 11 t au nb. deslred ina Oozbàed Matciini,,sud cannot fa-il te meet albe requiremeuts of purchasers. Our Improved Cayuga Ch/l J r.,,andoùr Young Canada mowers are botb ia-ls shie- s#tdaimant 'snly cfiron sud Steel. The Cayuga Jr. lia a rosi cnt, aud tho Young Canada a front out4 both stt-aug, dur- able machines, anud net 1.excelled bÏ ;suy IMachin" es ul.mmilfrqsyo cut, durability, iglituus'iof daf,: adaptabi ity, a-d .ese 0f aneent.q*yo OUR NEW "«WHITBY HARVESTER."7 As the country lia become botter adapted te machine'r-y, anda many- of oui faim. ors bave become- skilled in the use -of machines, a grcwiug demand kias sprung op for a Light, Durable, First-Class Restper. .A.vc ltelthe requiemeute of the day,9 we have nuocoeeded iu inventing ama. chine vitha Wrought Iron.F]rame, wt the: leant possible geairiig-iith large braad. faod'drive vheel,-aud no coustructed thattheb.framùe sud table tilt aI the naine lime, thereby keepiug the pituan alweys in.ne with the kuife. The rakes are driven directly frein the main ihaft-there beiugr no perceptible aide draft, sud no veigh upon the. bornes neoka. We are-confident that we bave oncceeded lu ,inveutiug ȏh most periect,.Reaper, takfng il in-sîl its p arle, liaI bas ever been produced. We have applied-for jetteatiet, aïrd shalluhold, aur invention, fpr oui own exclusive mauufactureý snd-ve-reipetfully! suaéeoî Be in- -tending purchasers, limaIt tc7 îhonld au. tuis ntahine beforeegving theu orduen for the comiug harvest. The "Whitby Harvestar" woghs, aU wldOoo poundi, Ibut being made princlpally cf Bhe boit qnalily cf ih-uan.d steel, sud friein sl. enosud compact contruction, il combines the streugh n d durability cf tii. AU of oui machines are fany'warranted. With thin lint cf machines, vo feel conftdenî that voe au muoot every re- quiremeut, aud vo renpeclfully solicit s trial of oui machines, believngla* eau funich a botter machine for the monet than eab. oltained elneMwha e Renpectfully Yenrs, BROWN & PATTERBON MF'G. C0. FASHIONABLE TAILORINU Go where you eau get a Well-fltting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establishmenut of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPEIIIOIR CUTTING SHAPE S THE WORK A Large Stock of Fine obths ; beist English, Scotch and Canadian Tweels. 0> Excellent Overcoatings sand Splendid Vest Patterns. A good fit Guarantteed. Rinig Street, Oshawa. JUST ARiIIVED AT THE ODD FELLot5 FOR TH il:C MOL Z) A. -y Ladies' Fine Corsets at 50ce~nts, Wvorth: $1 50. Black Lustre at'15'd ents, worth. 25 cents., Aberdeen Winoieàs. at 15 cents ,- worth-30-cents éledFrenchi Merinos at 871.,, ýworth 60 cent, ,À Heavy Jotton Shfrting at 12î cents, FineLa mbs' Wool Hosp at 25 cents, worth 50 ets. Two yards wide Sheeting at 25 1 ts, Worth 50 ets. Union Carpet ..t 80 cents, Worth 75 cents. heare:i8elling fasi. Cali and a bargain while thie opportunit offer8. pshasFpb,214,; 1871. isecure IJ A MýE-$,H E A." STOVES AND, INýWARE TIn Ware, CoÇpper, Ware,- Of every desçription in stock or made to order. STOY ES 1 S TO VE È Special inducements to purchasers of Stoves for baance'of season. 'GJRSS' & MACNACHITAN. ~JEP'FURIINTU/iE NOL018EI For your Parlor and Drawing B~oom Sets go ta' TILL &JOHNSON. For your I3ed-room Sets, Dining Room Furniture and to furnish your hanse complete go to TILL- & JOHNSON. Fýor Gilt ing lu every sty1ié, "BIG ELOCRINO. Comnices, Picture Framn- do flot forget the place---the sign of the CH:AIR," Beook Street, Whit4y. UNDERTA- RING -DEPARTMENT. Rosewood and Walnuf Coffins, Walnut ctnd Rosew ool Caskets; ali.nds of Ladies' and Gentwu Robes. Mlso a TILL & ýJOH-NSOW. BUILDINGS ! Whtby, August 2Utim, 1876. CHêICEWINES d P-RE L IQUOIi' NEW RAISINS,. FANCY GOOJ)S 0F ALL KINDS, CANDIES, (tbc bestin tava), A LARGE ASSOMTMENT. NE~W FIGS, -ORANE PEEL, LEMON PEEL, eCITR0N PEEL, SPICES (al himide,> CHEESE, IIAMS, BBCON, LARD, &. c Ail of which will be sold Cheap FOR CASH. Fresh Qystors and Haddies recei'ved Daily.PETER SMITH N.:.-Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, Poiiltry aud Apples. Whitby, Dec. itli1 1876 -50 NEW STATIONEIRY BOQO K ST O R E AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. QEFICE, B11OOk-ST. George Yule begs to annnounce that lie nhas re-opened his Statioaory aud Book Store in Whitby, vimere stionsiy cf aIl lnnds, cftire best qualily, 'vii be 'kepit-on hand ; alec Sohool Books cf every descriptioun, Copy Books, Sistea, Pencils, Inks, &a., &o., at tire lovent puces. -The Daily and Weekly Papers always on hiaud. Sub- seriptions -Solicited. IMusical I 'nstruments, including a fine assortment of Violine. Orders arc teken for Periolicae, Magszines and Mugie. 'Whitby, Dec. 18th, 1876. GEO YULE.1 WILLIAM TILL'8S CABINET FAOTORY ÂND FURNITURE WAREROOMS 1, YHE OLD 8TAND, BROOK 8TREE-T, WIIITBY, Go where you cannot fail to be Ipleased, ini naking solectioeia.of good fnrniture. Splendaid Pnlour, ]Jrawing Room aud Bedroom 'Sets, New Designs 'veil wortimy o! insecetion, at astonishing low prices. Dia- iug-roorn Extension Tables-a vary ariperior article. Gik Comnices,'Picture Y>qmýig lm very style. Some- fiue Chromos laau its bn'asodaa A ('n4tlv.a aluwa a*- an at WHOLESALE and RETAIL to suit the lOL ID "y D M NDi UNUSUALLY LOW FLURS. 'TRlY FREDE-R CR NEALE'S,. SI-MCOE STRVEET, OSHAWA- AGE NT FOR DAVIES & BIRO.'S Celebrated XXX Cream Aie' & Porter.. '-THE. TRADE Oshawa, Dec. 14, 1875. SUPPLIED .fl BUGG lE s For Sale at very Reasonaàble Prices. Several Open Buggies with child5s seat, Lady's; Open Phoetous - .latent style and v&ry .liglit, Oovered Phoetons with Rolling Seat, also; Lâglt Top sud Open Buggies of Super- lor Style and Fjniéh. Almde <of Whithy, July 11h, 1876. th e best Mater'ial .warranted. and' TOMS & NEWPORT, Wimitby, Onlaria.g BOOT'S AND-SHOES. jO0H N S A JND EBISý hag jiitt ýreceivrd a large stock o1 Boots ~-8LL IIAP FOB À B At a 'very small margin-ob cot Work done to order in firist-elass style. A Stylish Bôot and a Good Fit rtà#X T TIR-P gumn. ànam aue material l .in ioiae, eaptin-g 1-h. gai conta tbe Imdis. Then rdnidt pck awlic dhe utepit uan IincurieS lu. using city &as, lonig Ï Thé greater secrity in Ibe-use of! s dlivere tTh W rdéa ~lIllht urs Mn t pes and ftturç amer thal cf uuing keraemno naIhoqdes*ionedui' 8 ea' t drases, wrtbout record 01 Aosses iu pr<rlyh, and oflen in fitielaf, ýcasded'l re iimfltng ifrom te reaa explo0ilon cf kroasuae lampe; an i.cnsd F e b o~ a bcbk roeeina fraquntiyadultrate, au. lii dinbu s idar ateetslnS do ervosae neteau? prised et sncb lossan, ai theoisk of usfng àtean bardiy bqoverostinrated.rqetyAutmesdtedsoet!fàaes eaeDtsr Tii grrsnngloni quality cf thie gau rrnlshed bur mhht, ;ne fault can b. found. Tholfgýtiàmt ro t arich,bumta IBOmeanreIvnd sit'to6treyes. Itbhan vou- l sés 'es il uvini ig nveé i xteeu t40 îy cnndles. fuly.eqsal f 0 c l gai ofS abu n.br orito eoduxl upiib.l gscan tes.d;ý I~l .s~byu g' uan oiîpuacrpnrdi g" ormpc n id;, g ÃŽ'rpe on er colnsin f ,rec wlou io e o r > hasntea SaIa urfeirqir ssscl votbmention. Th aý te or ite teenOf 01nntctwe ,sufcet T go ax -pla bsl su d . in delsl1.p an upan mwbur acine is cotilfr ate su con os ap U , r at ersn ne ifcut. lu nà vrte at o iha m etu ii M a l qi r x euso, anSp rfet e a piety n rfe o. gattlg an - bu ersant l aillms Fe raye iion 40h.inoutiontair gk a ulcinn.nsy ilgavrI oieecd tbuiig fra gaqoSe>&. erriyren. T e ry sa e lrac iderle caret. mub a~o*, nSqu t. smui kl a rqi o t urbeita s uffie unsh lie proce 'Y't e o so s uom is as fen a o o u o af s c nt n d lu ie Oroalg a-i e yn s. xsde r o eabi, anS Iroblesma . Aqnc y ca, he abeto, umn 0 ea 0 terituto.1.a nuactu raks w piaiite als quP ensvLf i ddt on u u ca iteMusalai. tihnnaecou1. laou o mnuacur sd b.eus a epir uo l. pp tirs o ilinsnilo la e ye'rk lIl. ites Th s cls fvai a n alrg a0 ue uerae uxmchnetvicr prefer abl o the flla 0ng omons ' h'tng b lot. TIsais rot coantte such les. gnd. 1(o e«p ensime onit-bmildlugis are requira. TIsa tank ta contiu th~e gag genara- tartein a i anS chesp affair, undoinsath tia ground, ont of sigirl. OrS. AUl the labour anS trouble ai mskiug gasist saved, The care eur nmciues Ta- quiro te so triding as 1d b, acarce vor-thy oi mention. 41k. No odbrwsises-frosn the manufactura. uer la thare any litter or diut. - 5tih. Our macliliýs are atamatia;-,thoega stys ready fer us. Olth. Buelll ste. repaira of any bic-S requied. Oui macbmeg axe equally goad, and, su thingi coi ored, moitir cbespoî. Oua ai our machines iu useS talightsanubter ai buildings detached siaconslderablo distance troa eacb ether. .A. grqurp a linuiinlthe eountuy, ai the, buuines parlofaiesuali tovu,, May lu thia 'waýy hgtod. aItmili s oxpons Ian if each, indfviduel occupent ev oieb uy au apparatus, aIt ' ne.hell lb. cOit cf cai gas vorks. EBach conaumer niay have bus moethue, paymng ouiy for iral gai ire usas.-% >An evidaince of tire distance thet thin s iffiof gai can b. carnieS vithout suffering matarially from candeaaation, wa vould elate tiret wo, iu 1874, cula a machine to Mi Edgar J. Jarvia. aif Éasodale, Torante. Tbfis machino ho usaS lu lighting bis banse anS a nnmbcr oi lsmpn, cauveying tir as sacue four lnnndfed fbat lu so Seing; in tins Iau.p furlbeil rasnoved froun tiramachine iro las an aqualiy good ligirlas in lira ane neartueil Iu intradluclug large machines, auS ligbtirg therovlih a number ai buildings, isnup gpoasme yha set up aiong the street, with lanterna at outrance gale, pipes extanding ta brnn, stable' ,ta lh. dietance ai haIl a mile or more. i a L à àedxperieuce in tbe manufacture of tire machinas ifsu a numbar ai yeara lu the 'United States, sud belune preclical mecinanci, vo are coufident tiraI aur machines are Second to lioue an tirs Continent. 'We do ual caunt il an invention'ai ahi own, but vo inave matie noverai improvemenlo tb make thon sale anS reliebie. W. toit evaci' me- chine rirdar oui oten super visson, auS warranit tram ta givo saliefactian. -PIIICE LIST OF' THE CýAAIAli GAS MACHINE, COMPLETE, Frec on tboard of Cara ai Toronto. Number 1. rataS to ruppply lb Burinera, 8200 001. tg 21 et 80 4t 250 00. tg 8 1 di 0 tt P5 JO 0 «t 4, et 75 t 875 00 04 ,b di 1w0 " 450 00. 61 160 6w (0l'. 7, ' 2e e. 70000. te 8, 2,5 tid 800 00. tt99 9.8()o0 id 900 CI. de 10, 91 4<0 tg 1000 00. - Laîger machines made, if required TO PARTIES WHO ARR BUILDING. W sueslImpupiyautngl u ppapforgea1evn lab netnim Medietely ah, puprlie 9a rlig.I ainui sitatebuIlgiucltdi.hey eauyth Ma re ales inconvanCed. (îi r ipes, mclIl aausS tieinoductioof lie " 0 0 asaret c geoded. a pies, soirt0 eil.W e cmut wapi rm eauepoyvia u.eda ta etimae up n n eroki pfp 0 Ug,uaremcia a itrf ccm plo nvteayt lirphttnu ara m anyowoin, tinand oe mpati vthé auSa. .ipei' talhrsl.essvan. 'e ae o nitlirat Cieenin o pres cen aiow e send <f tie« bail possible resuit, fuanu oui machine,, for lu thlis casze liais esauu*ndivided ra- *,enibilily restinuusonne l à, as ilu meny aIrer hinds ai business, auccaîn Seponds lai, yely upon e tharangir underatandfug and faithfai execution of deteil. Wian bousaa are aineadi' pipcd foi coal gas, te eacu elacir ouirnmachuines teitheut chanb 'ing Sncb pwtg. GASOLINE. We nolicbt oudea for Gaenline. Our arrangement., are sncb tIrt et varn.SUil ordere prompt] Y. We lurnrisblthe best quality aifliuid et market rates. We manufacture Irou or Copp( rTTanks te azder f£Pîr soring Gazoline. TESTIlMON I ALS. I have I rave liaS one of Joseph Pinillipe & Co's. Air Gai Machinai in use a my plae lu Rosedale for abaut elgirteen moulins. Fronu my expefinca, I emsatlsfiod vith tire piuciple ai tIse Machine. Tire gasisleoa a auperior qnality, andS ecoiomical. Toronto>. April 11, 18761.Eu.mJ..nvi 50 Light Machtina. liasEBS. JosavEPI LLîPi & Co. -Oashawa, Manair 271h, 1I7. - Gzxcrxta>,-I bavaemcii' great ploanure lu recommendiug yaur Air Gas Machine pIî juta oui Cllage, as i itsmgiven perfect ietisfaction.-Ynnri, &c._ 150 LigliMafchine. MxSraa. J. Pntcar.rS & Co., Toronto. A. B. DaiLLu. Oshata, 29tir Mardi, 1876.1.q Dxas Srea,-I bave nov beau using yaur Canadian Air Gai Machines for about six montra, duiing 'ebicir lima il han aniseraS ail tire punipase I auticlpated, aud vbicir:ycu varianteS bafoue introîncing il mb nny dvelling. Il raquiresme ttle attention, anS la ~aiIi~.tu.dsTh~ jlghIlsgood, sud fro~n tira ilurpilcit>' ai tus canaîrucîlon et tira MachInal mil cousequonUchoapuoas, ibauld como luta genoral nie. 75 Light Machine. Trios. N. Gîra. Muiuiss.Scor & utLLrs.Wbitby, Nov. 22na, 1876. GileTa .-Your air gas nom introduced ino my ilcue aI Wbilby gimes complote iset.fe. faction:' The machine marks 40 a chenu, anSdI1 a ived e largo amanint of labour anS "Upese, heaidai thre edvanleges ef cleenlineas anS s ver' upemor ligil. AMCUAescu. "r D axnAitTi A5eoliorlo, TeeciTro, 1874. - I'ssnr EreA Pama. Clasi 52. ,Section35. No. 19. Air(tlee-Canala Air Gas Machine. 'Exbhbitoir-es. Fiiîips. s.COTT & ? PHJL L I PS, N SOLE MANUFACTrUliRS 0FOP'THE - GANDIA - IRGAS MACHINE, PtLUMBEERS,, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, 15&:-YORK STREET, -TORONTO. a, fi, Wq4er Clasofs, Purnmg, Gardes FocIntcritte, Ruebbes- Hosa, Gao Fig turcs, iBronue and, C'rtijtal, etc. E$T;ÀTJp GV~ ORLIIIT4<GAN»iZETIO HFDNC 'DUJNCAN McOCILLUM, MD. Jans l7th, 1876. j A 8E . 81.110 COM1PA . FU RN ITURE. WHOLE8ALE & RET4IL.:- Warerooms-Albert Hall Btiildinge, 18 9 Yonge. St. Hsre always o" band a Pu Stoock ofevery. thl heu aeland bqm .y taitttent08 Weit 01 WUS ftheir dnatenesrs. -to merit9. cntinance of the pstronaà -bitherto ex teâte he mig i MN8ED - 9-W <a R K.. FIESOBEENS, OTTOMANS, F'ANCY CHAIRS, COMNICES, &c, &c.. msde and put' down ini tue beit style.- JAS. H.L5.410 & Co Mardi Sth, 1876. i ITFTBANP 'PORT FERR'y Ex- ~~N ION RAILWAY. T -E TALE NO; 17. Takes effect on S3aturdsy, Jan' y flth 1877. Trains ru bj'Toronto itiin, which f1w twen- TBAWS COING NOIBTMH. We8nesdays and. Da stnrdays. Whitby.Tun. dept. 10.50a.iu.-'7.25 p.m.. Whitb .......... 1100 do- -7 Brooli .... .... 0 " Il 7.4P Myrtle ............. 11.88 .6808 68mmit.......1150 818 Manchester ...12.00noou 8&m Prince Albert.. . .- 12.lOp.m. 8.8 Port Ferry... .arrive 12.15 8.40&' 18Â1JS OOft O SUTE. wo. 2x&n.. io 4zxprsso. Wvednesdys ad Daily. Satnrdy.. POrt Perr...e Pt. 6&00-azm. 'ROO0pj. Prince Albert .......009 si 8&07," Manchester-...0.20-11 8.1&5Il *Snmmit .......6.30 - 8.25 I Mlyrtie .... .... ....6.42 9 -8.85 ." lirookin ...........7.00 " 8.,47if Whit'by Jnn. 'arrive 7.40 ti .4u& *Platform stations. Trains stop on. sig- nais only. Conuecting at Whitby luuctic'n wlth tbe G. T. R., east snd west; at Port FerrywLtb stage for Uxbridlge. "sR IàN 50 I «snsimr Dirertor. T HB THALBEEG PIANO $2..0 Tiro Tiraberg Piano111e s ' Vent louItoiet-- Ihat of a' GOOD, USEFUL PIANQ whicir cambined lime cIearnasaof'toue anS, lbe heauly of Siir .ofiba emest aelehratedl malte, mith a maderate price. If il ho asked bow il la pasible t40 enpply a GoaS Piano far- about HALF 1'HE-. PRICE:. genoraily chargeSl, theaimerte plain: Iu tua mskiu4g or sale ci Ibeeinistru-- menta, tire are nu lIargesbhoerooms 40 - keep up,-uo g"d Music Halls ta inntein,> ou nu expengiva travclinig agente ta psy. Thesa instrumente are aU madeofai s- UNIFORM STANDARD, FUI.L SEVEN OCTAVE, SOLID; -IRON -ruAidE, OVERSTRUNG BÂSS, CARVED, LEGS, ROUND FRONT CORNERS, SERPENTINE MOULD'GS, anS DOUBLE 'VENERED ROSEWOOD CASES.. An extra DISCOUNT ' ra z PER CENT., viii healalowe ebociolw euS Convanta, alsa- lu Clergymenfar tiranue idf -tirirfamilles. W. ADAMS, eeaitu3'. Wbithy, February', 131h, 1877. - 5 Gray>,, RED niS rein e prctpa. - - - se- Gmai xta era rnt toln- hI ain latio lIte GU0M r éàlchesfr .'Colas lt etraieroeftnS baleami rerous all gistarss. 5e rssureSn Reua {LÂTE DrGo*aà ATTORNEYS, TOAS Dr.'W. J .OMvcx-Next doon, te'ResiSanco, et Mu., WmÃŽ. McDrtIEN, E(ý ËOSi>ITA t ~ ey1 R.0. E -WltbyWrMr. Jua= -OmiS. G-"aadminster tractioni cf 1001h. C. N. - v-i E THOMu Q~ASa8 TBUI1FURAND t'All aidera proux '. JOIf N WO },GENT FOR Ti eolalir Grsuait ,oiJ'enathan Wolfende GEqbuRGE 5 L U-MBEd-R MERCE .8.and Jarner, Gros large quauitity af al 'atantly on banS. T10E.-0'DELL, A T 11E P -Olerk Division e 'Comliisioner lu B. -*a-, Âtbeul'y, CountyC -Athrlv S8'ul. 2niS, I Whithy, Sept. 801h, la ZO T AMSAY, 1 Eve n.bas heard ai tire vodrueffecte oi tire Sp incas anS Fines lu Cas oft LngDiiasse - The Bey. Mr. Murray lu bis booku on tira Adirondaeks5 latalypuir. lisbeS, relates the case of a mios piel.cycurS .bye ti-e olu sCamping- ouI smougtre luie, In Frauc< 'ah. physic=*a s eguiarlyr îeud lneir consuusptive Pa-. liant$ ta lie pinovaads, and aidai thenta -drnk a te& J. Hi ff01t Tt Ri su îemeimn .40ô D.]1 a N S-0N 1 WilitbY, lanuM Blât, 1877, .a ý 1 1 i - . 1

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