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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1877, p. 1

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iyfireyear5protbsrw~se. - *~ ' '-' - s.~...siarfiisaoull~ns advsmtissmeuta _____ iseat b.l~4~sqa r eus.i~,.esà Oireotory, WR 'r ae ftalieli i 0 R K UINS, S, &c,, &iC.. bail etylo. M0 & Co EL fflb, 1977. chid letwen. il" 7.48 1' f ' 808 i" 818 p, 5,urays l 800 p.m, 1307 I < 815 * 4 08 ai itop on sdg. Juetirn wftli the et Port Perry wf lb MES FrCILDEN, WitarglepDtet IG 'P iA 0 -vn lose ing, ft-- J L PIANO ýrirpais citons anadl îe rircet eelebrafed, pcesîble ta eupply r about FflICE; niawer l PLifn: aio tIraslustru- agelif e ta puy. aU ~rade of - PER CENT. nrd Canvento, aIse ic(E tIrir lfanIlles, W. ADAMS, Agent, 1877. uliaslcado rfirl efecte ai1 the WHOX48 IDOW, pIbTfttION BANK. Aise Sub-Agency»tf Liverpot Market. aviage Departmsufs tu aonnsctfon ,tb offrnes, vIre.interest la pale) 'ou ý sit c $ upsrs.~,B. TAYLOR, whitby, Sept. 1Sth, 1876 A U. J- MAC ýDONRELL, m eimunfu for speclal rettirep aiSoe. Uatrreron, Q.C., eM& Dr. Mloal, Q. PtfREjWKLL k RUTLLRDd E, ses Y, >1 vifli dopa. <eut. 89 lINO Ar- - Kw. r C. > JARI8T&ffi8, ATRES Ã" J atara, Wafarlea Public, aise)Convey. Office*hlnI door msoufb ai the Royal gtlbiby. -TAX4E5 UTLUDGE, B. A. 'Caninty Crovu Atornay. j>AIÇSTE hATTORNEY-AT.LAW, usre'o store, Brork Street, Wbltby, Of C IA RLE C., KELLF9,T fTtORNEY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOn IN r~Chanceoeraveyanoer, &o., Canning. roa, lirsale, C,. LVPiA ~NOL8tIL.L. B,, B- ARRISTElR AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN on cstreef, Osfiava. B TBATTORNB1-AT.LAW, Black, Break âtreet Whltby, Ontario. fLat Grenvoai h oMils at ROBINSOý &-KENT, - A4TTORNEYS. SOLIOITORS, r ON VEYANOERB, 'éc., -1 G osiisor, lre.A7 EUXsrrrAE, le T. 89 TilOMIAa IJIJaTON, OWN,-CLEUX ANID TREASURB, 'IWib.Offifa--Tavu Hal. Hus tram 0itofa i clook. IR J. GUN fN,MgD.9 SUGWN TO THE COU'NTY GAOL, BrnStreet, WhlflPy. Dr. W. Je IJURNS. Osrc-Next door to a NCirErc 051Ofice 92r 'Rsidsnce, at Ur. Levdis Houck'a. 'Wu, Micit!lrrî, .1,J.RCS, GUY'SKOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., téeyeaR., o. II. L, Oshawa, Ontario. %te ADAMSa, D NTIST, (SUCCES- Den talmrt W. H. Card.) DetlReoame-Dundas Street, -Whffby àOtr Mr. Jarneron'. Store. Nitrons Olde s daemiîistarse)focrfthe pairrîessa ex. traction aof testh, Ce, N.V 4 Ut L DeM. âaE T rEETH inserted on aeh the Mmf Llatent principlas of thre art, te abep astdire crapeef, aind as goad sfIa lrî,, Tetb ile) vifi Gale) eue) Slver. Teetîr astcacfsd vithauf pain, by proe)ucing local aurièseila. Dental Roomin cv. 'Lu'e uew blook, over Atkiuson's Drug Store, l<fng Street, Osawsa. 85 DUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, Mr8K Al eorders promptly elscuted IAIR 1DRESSING AND HHAVING LASaloon, Brook St, WhltIry. MUiN WOLFRINLEN, 4GENT FOR THE CELEBRATED .tXSeatfleh Granite, At Marbîs Warke OIfJ@iiatlian Waliinden, Dundas Sf., WhltIry. GuEORGffE CORMACK, large quantity ai ail kinde ai lumber cou- stanfly an liane). qE. O'DRLL, ,. A-T H E R L Y, Clark DivisionCourt, Tp' iek Corrmlerioner lu B. f., Lane) Agent, &o., 1c., Afîierly, Conuty Ontario, AtirrI, Pirt. 2nd, 1872. 88 -DRt. BOGARtT, I)hylolan, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., &o. Wlit bY, Sept. 80tli, 1874. 140 R OBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. G(arlhrte thhoora)rco f tIrs University ai qrres a i C nada;5 Pliladoîphia U4li,,f aief rgerynd urf Amertcanj Uni,, Of Petnumylvaula; Eclectio Collage aof of tire Uni,. ai Edinburg Seooflnd. Cor- onernfor theîsan) icianti cf Marali coldr fer t r oiria-. nsro ôf5 Augiret 24th, 1875. r lyr 85 W. J. HINNIAN, -r (,rcccrssarr ce J. cian.> lXTiTERINÂiRY SURGFEON, Graduae V On tarie Veteriuary Cdleoge. Byp POlntment V. S. ta D. F. Baftery. W &l?,b at Arresfraugse Hotel, Wlfby, avery Tise.. day tralou0to 4, vIrera lue may be ceniultad on ail dusoses. ai thei omestin animai. Resldenp,...CommirciaiHtel; Oftie- Carte'. Dr ugsitore, Bing atreef, Oshawawl. Whuîby, Ilet. 8 ri.-1876. f 4 T RBEE8 HORSE MEDICINES, Ail dse4p"ls o If li béatsf Hersaed. clrekeiauiantll auoliannd andforembeat l MeWhty le yStables. - '-Naeharge far advlce. N. RAT. D P, LE T N, L UMBER, W H I TB y, 4> oirul plenld tok ai fine -elear > wil 8asccusd Lirmirer. AIl kinds for 'ýArPrurtr and ~1building r iril)oie, j Plerrrinic aud Dremesed ramber alvays on Gl4 rrisa i la nig- mil1 adjoiJcfng, au Ois prrleevssordere 'are promptly 55srrte)for oors, ssrs lns o a Mi rb ý% and oe o PrPe9,sept. ôh 86 ?ro. B..ifcGAthe 1 8 7 6 . 8 7 , 9 EAYM2<TSQUARE, TORONTO.~O 51 W. ùJHSN,--PROP]RIETQIR,-F r AT TRE T $ri 1.00 per Day. 8fabl« m con.5;5L.O6MJO MLL 1 B~~ ~RA fi TBLn W E TB'Y, SITÀ B10. 100,00 lest oaOOk,. -Rouse nevly ronovalse)jsud. furonsee) -e lo u iiraugbarrt, sdlmpunýtluIf.eso erbr - fàl ftels 1fqafy rom tu1 - "AU*.;r 00l! t. ,Squoapfr aa=b.r 0TARIO ]OTEL.Heorls, gc WHETBT. ONTABIO. ehll rapnugs THOS. (AS0,-g RPUýoq~r4dail ~vrir o 'e aperoôr coodaýtion. Table, au - MAJOR viii; basf u sein s ___ Doc. lIfli, 187. pr LptWS. Clgrst nbrandi. Billar Gora G-OCD NEU FOB R ELAIS AT WEITUT STATION. WM. o'NEILL --PROPRITOR.: Parties faking fIs train and iovlnghors vmii heuswvon talon cars aif t their THE QU2EEN'S HOTEL, (LIE a eirsserÂL,) BB00c-rSTREET, WEITET, TAYLOR &; -McCANN, PROPRIETORS, Tire urudersiguse) desire te luform thoir!c friands andIthfi ublic fIef fi.7 have akseu fis ftbavevaîll kuovru litel, vhich fIeyi hrave uevly fitted urp sud renoateasandpnt , into fie basf ai order for the. soeonmaY) Clo aisti. Thie Bar, vhichlfi e baud. sema«Ii tirs Cofnty, lenvair supplise)viflit tfie ituf breude ai vines lqotadc gara. Anl.e elossaey) mont sure) * asbling, bo t&alas, .DeaclWi recuisi for cannercas travellers. J. P. TAYLOR, PBILWM wcC4i. r t 1sf cfTomante. - .R IAL HOTEL, W R I ~r B Y, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIRTOR. The largest and moat commodjous liotel iu flic town; bas large ample, roome for commercial travelers. Table wsil supplisd wfth the hastlu sason. Basf braid l quors andelre, ,,,,noedyard shedrôoan; ctte arav e ncosled hre esi h N. B.-Livery>attaclied. 27 RMSTRONG BOUSE, WHITI3Y, 'ONTABIO. EARMISTRONG - PROPRIETOIR. w HITBY BOUSE. DUNIJAS-ST., WHITBY. I (WEâT Or POIT OFFICE.) JOSEPH A. BANDZ, PROPRIETOB. Tis lieuse liai been recently bufif ia fr.l Lagr Btt. 4oadstabm Cgas Liqu lrr and su.e 'lsd yard; fef. a s r. 46 Q3OMMERCIAL MOTEL, CARTWRIGHT, ONT. IMES DEWART - PROPRIETOR i. Gaod accommodeffon fu LN1ONEY TO LEND. The undesagned hlia uy ameunt ai mon- ey ta Lsnd upon Parm or TownuProperty, et unusue1lyýLow Rates af Interent. Loan. eau be repaie ln cum ta sunit ber- rovers. Several Improvs Fermsand Wild Lande ýfor 941e chesp. Investments made la Municipal Deben- tures, Blank, sud aflier marketatàble Stocka. Far furilier perffcrilars apply ta JAMEs HOLDEN, OfficiaI Assigne., Proker, &o. Bpril 9fli, 1872. 15 WILLIU COOPER, BLACKSMVITH, - - BROU-gHAM, (Succesesr ta Thomas Middaugli,y Herse shoeing sud ail kinde ai geireral work. ly.89 [OýNEY TO LOAN. 2 T) 'ho National Investmen t Coml- - pany of Canada. <LIMITED.) Lerrd Money on Resl Estate. Purchase Exiutirrg Morgageu. Barrawera vil fine)tIre Campany's fermas meeferlzte, vifli ipecial iscilitles for paylug off thaîr lbans. - .H. BILLINGS, Agent, Solicitor, &c:*, Whitby. 03 ,000 of privale Fundg on lerne ta Invest ine Marigags e ree Scuityf . E ROUGHEAM CAREIAGE WORKS. S. WEBB Respectfullyl nforma Iris Patrons sud tIre Public hat lie heu purchssee tIre Rigltif fo Pickerinrg, ta Manufac ture Coniboy's Patent Seat for BUGGIES, CUTTERS &c. AUl parties wil do wsil ta moesOur Bngqlea where.GEzO. H.DARTNELL, Brangham, Jrrly 17tI, 1878. lyr-BO I Dc.2t, 56 JouN S. M. WILLCOX, MDLAND RAILWÂY OF CANADA. OFFICIAL AàSIGNEE, TI1MB-T A BLEB. lIairsmoee)île ff c îrm ~ ail Golu' Northi from Port Hope te Llndaay, Station te tha ofbfi iD. Ormston Esq., ir* p.rt &pe,.ý T.HM MU1n'a Etalt, Brok.t.,;Wlzfb;! M 10 a. x *d P Whlfby, Jana1h, ItIr, 1877. - Gain g Nrtb te Pmaebau'Lkefisld. y OUNG'dIIHOTEL, Mal.5 25-p.1ni. Iail .....11.40 p... MONOX ICOAD, ZDALTON, Comulg audpotflo rIe at lu.y ROBT. K. YOUNG, PROPRIETOR. Pete rro'andPr- oe Reliable' lufftmation ragarding tIre couru- mail ,. -.. 12:8C noon. Ar Pt Hope 6:20 p.m. f ry, stc:, furnieied te parties requlrlug if - Coing South fropl LakellfiL4 ample accommodation fer Huniers surd Soretmen. TIhe arsud lerdarre.upplad Ma...980 a. m. I.à# 1......0S80 p. M- aihth es 1liquors aud via nde ta be Conect "fh'e N a a tonnd lanlthe country. Nons bu t obliglng en uecinToôtlt ni alu )stan sud attentive ssýrvantt, kept. Cemmodjaqsud froen tork7oi P"M bud and urs&f elo fstslling aud' prompt bottiers sav's à# vltb Grandl Tuk t Port aebcthmaru- liane), ROET O ( *a~~ nffg wItli freine reastaud Wsgf, UNG, pApsi9 a., for Boobuster BOER IL r jgï À N3W'.RE1rBLÂTION fIN Ti SCIENCZ, 0FDRR8.MÂ OOBNWALL'S SELF. ITTIG WAISTë & SHOULDER CHAI Dres fisue) frýn =measureont si vitrut changeOfa i ifa*i.re Par sale, vitf iseinstrutions, et MISS M-oINT YRE'ý DazasEmI.i<Âx Boomcs, WEITBT. Agents vanise) tLlleerel induoe. hubAug. 18, 1874. Ne T. te G. YOUNG SMITH,. issuER O P ' MARRIAGE LICE NSES, WTBONTÂRIO. MONEY TO L.EN[ Ou Farm Aud Towu -Propsrty, ab LOW RATES of Zterest. For irrrtlier particularis Apply ta- JOUX FÂ1fQUHARSO1N - Whitl Auguef -l8fh, 1878. KING BROTHERS, WHITBy, ONTARIO, Importers, Deriers and Manrrfaoturers ai Kinde of LEA THER AND FINDlNoi, bby 84 aul 22 Ie ?r 7 te b, for lu la Cash pald for Rides, Bar&, sud Leather Leather efretclied. Le"BELTING MADE TO ORDER SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872. M ONRY~ TO LEND I A large quantiy ai money fa lourd et 1c lnfsreit, prlvafe ruds. For sale, saveral Towu lots, two Prat flouse@, sud a large Brick Houes, F ferma, apply te G. YOUTNG SMITH. Whltby, Fsb th, 1874. Bega ta anne thaf ha bas rsmoved King e..a fev domr EAST OF THE POST OFPICI opposçite Luke's show-raoms, vhers viH 1 fouud r fine stock of silk sud feif bats I ladies sud gentlemen, aifhie own man facture. Ig" Straw liste colorsd sud altsred1 eha.e.- Oshawa, July th, 1875. c OÀL CHEAPER THÂN EVEPR I DOWN AGAIN!1 Calaud get prices et A. ALEXÂNII'S, Whitby sud Oshawa. Sept. l8th, 1876. . 5 CUSTous DzPàiBTiiET. Ottawa, Nov. Sur, 1876. AUTI'ORIZBD DISCOUNT ON Amricau invoieosi nufl iturfhsr ne- tic, 8pe cet. J. JOHNSON, 6- Commissioner of Curtoms. 0 S F TEE DIVISION COURTS COUNTY 0f ONTARIO, FOR TEE AR 1877. lbr a 2I 12 1 1 1 8 1 1Il 1 1rPer ' 15<6 21!25I 1 i S il le 1 'lblg. 6 I181121M I6 9 1I Canni'ge' 7 Il 1271 7'101 2 Basvrt' i 121 128 1 11ii 19 Athrly. - i 111 291 182 i th, o feci P eO e r y . S f.ssth É d a i J - 'Prince.Albert, Sept. lmBR lem A r r r1 -IIWO The ~ uform~ fsrm - r . A. -rBALL.M a prw of t.eNauSEi-Tthe la - Rpslrlng oaiU ai kfds xèea se ifli Whutby, April l7th, 1877, . 1l- '£bitfle baint -Wbitby, ApÏilg th, Mo.> ly.1 r - ~Lactife:i D O I I O L O U E - e F E D S T O R E . T o s e CHARLES PENNYLEGIONTehe 13690 f0 nify bis friuds sue) onstomaran Ihh i laDov prepsredMa muPËIYt Fbrrand Feed of the, Ésiquuety, -, fl AJa] stthlb ovest living prices. r Fbour, Corn, Cliai«cls,'Bran, shorte sOt- Le si MesI, Crackd1PeUW i PeOU, Oas, Fa- IT > eb eaoohé, IWhlileasuestail. Iaebe80fi C1e.eper mai Uthe. Ch.aejfo r Cat. Tee l Af the Dominion Flour sud PFdStore, Behale) r Crasbys Block, Esaoor, Damas Street, FullinenGn ofnse.SRi CHAS. PENNYLEGION. WVitby, April ?4th,. 1876. 18 S. R. WICKE TT,ý Importer, Manufacturer aue) Wholessle Dealer lu .eather, Shoe-flndings, Etc. tale Agent for Dtaio of J. H. Maoirs elebrated Coîared sud Fsucy Leathers No. 52 COLBORNE STREET, Teacecro, ONTr. l-85 P. 0. Box, 822. F1 OR SALE CIMAP i ÂBiek lr esr Business Centre Lu MR. WU!. THOMPSON, Agent, Whitby W h l t y , ' e b y S o i, 1 G . S a d l e r . W h i t b y , A p r i l 7 t l , 1 8 7 7 .1 Wbby ey t,17. 9- - ROVINCIAL INSURÂNCE COM uwA 'xo» PNY0F CANADA. IWI FOR PIRE & 1M4RINE INSUii.NCE IU fiCguimma eaeWho Iead Offtice - Tarant"-t., Toronto, Ont INN~'~szrresaarempucu Ineurances effected at rossonable ratei 51553'5@ OiISVOià=04ty on aIl daecriptions cf piocerty. l1arues in settlement and an equitalde construoflo: T~eAdIngof Insurance contracte, are the invariabi DAVao C@,SSsasss sree, ~ ruiese aithe Company. ARTHUR HARVEY, - Manacger YEOMAN GIBSON, C. NOURSE, Ageut, Vhitb> General Commissilon Merohant Whitby, April 17th, 1877. il and Prodfuce Dealer. TIS & LIFOMANY Agent for IMPESrAL and ComamiseeriUNr- zoue Pire Ineurance Campanies. HEAD OFFICE, - QUEBEC. Lr 8 sb' -U. -'& :8 tu, 8 oiai. elep foreoru liie ngel oro [4ouath épos iran vacin e)us w beast ghond whase fartuons sthat vifli verminoldal olsv lis veiri rat iuvheeeinu&aiiae ma sking malt fIefr arpt in Ivan'e couuts lu saneecaut gsrbfîat seaned lli ig prey ta .Clrenes'iran toatî, fe mnnvhaaa mroulipinciineid 8 - W ayuug Eos' t oslacte du 000 Exerenee) get lrouglu taI ftiaimmartel bovina,, b y w-ss r Dominion.Disteci, ta reelins efliorea -s'as ho rna FireRiak wrifem i Adqra e ie TIre reast cetuleen, veter oflat ely F i rs i 8k s w rit e C .a AN O U a R *0 U ly sses q n a d ie)ru h a d e d is .. Tirante)mardacrous rat fIidsred deveur Agent, Wlurtby. AntaoedaanesaIe, lu Johin's dameeiic bav- Whitby, Âpril 17tIr, 1877. 171 er. T'KCNIX FIE INSURANCE COÃ". Le, ce inth ro~ uethionoa, Sffee), suc- p 0fspeuaeeoue lokm7fhs pmlest io iakefi Lombard Si; aud Cliaring Cross, Landau, Iu Hynn'egolden.bande the; tom -ýuIthrlf t XSTAulLISBED INc1782. Wîese mean exignaus stara r minamny js GILLE SPIE, MOFFÂT & CO., Even as la kioee . iavirgmnaul foclomu FuADAt. it. nm, ra, m.rcî. eyui2 elth Sochodess lrge TTRsrve Whosmiled tIe v vifliciuplfoenst iran Agente foc anada. EWia u lué vtheralecnjfe otuer llel R. w. TYRE he Irst ase)fvext ire dorutemuiolde Mange, o'iral V(osethoalfengtas ore tec GENY STBL8BE I TCNA t ty rattihde ael g3l'lyinth 0f s ha 4k ut Alsa Agent far the Lorenas sud Ca&xànura LeÂN N Aie &EreC oecPày. Mous y in- ed an rmal estate, payable fromt Two te Twelve yeurs, sud il u ame te suit parties.: ___ Intereeit low sud ncommission chiargea. Marigages bauglif. Office At, W. J. GIBSON, Chinea eésstore, Dundas St., Wlhitby. L£LLAN LINE I -LIVERPOOL, L0N;D0NDEeRY, GLASGOW, CHEAP FARES! Cablu, tram Whftby - - 89, $79, $89, -accordiug fa aecommadaflon. Ilitermedlate - - - -$46. Stserags-as- low as auy ather lins. Prepsld passage certfficafes, issuad -st lowesf rates ta persans wishlng to hring ouf frieuds. For ticket.sud iurflier lafarmatian appy to-- GEO. TULE. . P Exp. sud Tel. Office, Whifby. Wliifby, Augirf st li 187b. tf-84 SALT! «SALTIete! 1500 PARREPLs GODE&RICH,ý V n Juif recelved sud far sale by T. LAWLER& CO. iftby, Nov. 2iîi, 1876. «148 L VRPQOL VA KT 1 CASH FOR GaRAIN, Fre-nohmaXi's Bay.1 PLASTER, SALT,<ý AND COAL FOR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN On RosI Estafe, ai Low Rates ai Iutsrest. J. H. *MoOLELLAN. anuary 9tb, 1877. - 1-8 SIMN01 KELEY fligar,.tBo tel.ksepers sud Dernirs vii ,ndith& advantags fa gve them a triai. Whtlf bFeb, ?fh, 17 ' . ly-71 A'w DEMIRA.LL AUSES FOR Town and Park Lots F O. S LE. Subseribeel Capital .............2,00,0< Fatd up Capital............... 22,0» Pire Prcmium Revenue, 1875.... 18,0 Pire Prenrrum Re-venue, 1878..201,000 Laissas Païi, 1876 .............. 28,000 Goverumont Depoit........... 117,000 Thes excepticual lieavy Lasses sueitained. by Chia Company during tire peut year have besu prampîly liqufdated, sud uotwlth. Standing the gaiieral businress depressior ledn oardctiln linusacarried, fthe Premium Revenue for 1878 has besu lu- ereased hy 018000. Th Irec'lA DA 4t9N A as Irereteicre wMl sustain ifs reputation for IlroapI ifr. y- IMetIs. A share ai public patronage la *olicited. GEO. J, PYKE, - - Gen, manager, IMPERIAL LOAN AND INVEST- MENT COMPANY. CAPITAL, $600,000. Hlead Office, Irrperisi Buildings, Toranto. PaESIDESTr: AueKEaS: HON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. saOLICITc R.-G. D'Arcy Bairifon. MONEY TO LOAN an Impraved Farms, af Low Rates oainiueresf. Apply ta- C. NOURSE, Appraseru H. KERTLAqD, Manager, Tarante. GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGHT. C. NOURSE, Agent, Wiftby. INSUR4NCE COMPANY (PrrUr A»rnr.ru) OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, . - $Io 000,000, BAuBIE:MEnROÂCL AMBvRa: MOL8ON8 BANK 0. A. BAYNE8, E8Q., MD, Hesaoffice for Canada: 191 & l9s St. James Street, Moutresi. FORBES & MUDGE, Chiai Agents. R. H. LAWDER, Agent, Wlritby. Auguet Ofli, 875. ly.88 N ORTH BRITISH & MRANTILE Sais, sud reliable, charges maderate, prompt sefflement oai daims. GEO. TULE, Agent. Whitby, Juns 2, 875. 28 OHN L. WATXIS, UMM YF8&BDIVISIQX OQUT, And Gserai ComIsoApfPi STAGE BETWEEN WHITBY &OSHAWA." TWICE A DAY I' Leaves Opliavas t 8.80 a, m., sud 1, p. ru. Leaves Whithy af 10.80, e. m., aàI 4.80, Faes25 cents sahab Y. 17 Hruldah the Help. .rlAN1sIvr LOVIe-STO1Y. e rerneluber a etory tiret Jndge Bal. coin toiri a fow years ageono the afte r. mnooru of Thankpgiving DAY. -I do net feci cure that it will interest everybedy as it did mc. Indeed, I amrn aid thaf à i will net, and yet I cannot lrelp thluk- *irg that it le just fthe sort of a frifle tliat wiil go well wif h turkey, ceiery, and mince pie. Iwne in tire Judge's own mansion on Tiiirty-fourth street tlratI 1liard *it. Tt does net matter to tho reader lrow I, e strariger, came to bc one of 0 that faurily party. Since I could net 5 erjoy thie seciety cf mv owrr family, it 0 was an net cf Christian clrarity tIret 0 permitd me to share the joy of ailerki. We lied eaten dinner and had adjorrrn. Irtete werm briglit parlor. I have noticed on sncb occasions thet couver- s ation je apt te flag after dincer. WVleî1rer it is thet digestion absorbe al c f one's vitalify, or for smorntaler rose.' on, et leasat sa 'it generelly fals onf that people msy talk ever Po brillsantly et flic table, bof they wiil bsrdly keep if up for the. firet lbalf.heur afterward. An dgseif lrappened thet SOMe of thre parfy faîl te lookrug at the. baoks and) sea turrring tIre laves cf fthe plie. to&raph album, while othera were using tire Afereoscope. Fer my own pari, I wes staring et an engravrng in a dàrk cerner cf tIhe parler, wliare I. could net have made ont ranch of ifs purpese if I lied desired,-but in realify I was thinking of thre joyens company of my ewn killi aud kmn, hundreds of miles away, and regrefting thet I conld net bc with tliem. "IWhet ara yen thinking about,, papeP" aeked Irene, the Jneiqe'e sec- ond daugliter. She was rather a hanghty Iooking girl cf sixteen, but, as I lied noticea, very mucli davolsed talier parents., At this moment she was ruuning lieri biand fhrotrghlber fafber'4 lieir, wlile1 lie was rousiug himoeif frem iris revery1 te answer bier question. "Thinlcing cf the old Thankegivinge,1 wich wera se difféent from anything1 we liave liera. They were tlie genuine, thing ; thasa apro only.couuterfejts5." or .Com, fell us abot them;' please" bhis tima if was Annie Belcam, tIra oldar girl, wlio spoke. And- we ail gatliered round flhe 3udge. For I notice thef wheu conversâtion does revive, affer tiretperiod Of silence thaf foilowa dinner, ifis vsr attradtiva te the wliole' compîuy, atdïiu whatsoever place it breaks ent, titýls-soen wa kuof of iutefesfed istenerg" ;. ' II on't jusf uow tlrink cf any "par.t ticular sbory cf Ne* Engliud, -Thauks. giirs that woild infeéreif y6e," àld : t h i u d g e "Tell thorm about Hauldalis mince. pieW 'sai'l Mrsi. !3alcom, as cira laoked rn up frcm tji c rf .Whittier csehaîtedr, beeri re lti I cRL..Uo j,rCfr('Iell te) give the sfery r, whiah follows cxucîly in thaJuelge's r words, for if ijeflires yea ràs amasI beard if, but as nearly' as r eau ru. Thire was a yonng lawyer by, the, naine cf John Harlow practisje ga1e hareinNew. York twerqty, odUyeaur 4age..]Hie father .lived -'ot very fear sway from r#y, failier. John 'had. gradrratsd. viflrhonora, edauld 1ev, aud bid the 66od' fortunel -9ene irumdiatly fto apartnersbfp ir hie lawpreceptor, Ex..Qpv. Blaue. SE6 esg.r héLinprouedahwa atudifs tb&Iý, fe r fwo pari ha' had ni tâ- 'hig1, Whheê l 1 inearéadW'-vi.it <,Wu trh semoflier vss 'dead, sud: hii eny sistrWRmarriedaod J(ving luBasten,: Take thé "vomnn.folla" o f a houas, [sud if nover ëéseelunmch lika home- ta e Young mAn. But nov, as Thanksgve aydrv near lie resolved te give,,zolf, a brief1 reesegrteýbonA4ge of bolik . teld hii aKarfre, hwrr*efnaehomo i W h o u J h n d r o Y e n p l u t I r s b u g g y I f f r à h ol is q u i r e d f H " h s f e i i g Y O u ! at fhe bys ad talrn tte Ie dopa J thfee5E fm ,fa lrnehùw oreÏhing JO r h m , l i s fi r sa f c a m as.0 t e e l s a k e a b o u t i f - :u e - i t s - i l i f I s d e a o n , vI n e v a i sItÀ il d n lt v a ut t e c o r p l a i n f y o u r J O I E ee in, but ,cule)Dotnef febear e. J site te ye,-Mr. IHaro- IilO an j a h o p e i ha f lh e . W o u d ' .' W¶ s li a v 1it c ll > m J o h n , _s u d e a ilfo r i - - 1___.. ._. , - & .-- -o n PORT raaAw, 1 Wliitby, April 17th, 187 Or TIM To be deUve»d at 1500 ý BAGS LIVERPOOL, ý ISIMON & -KELLEYl rup te.,jlut yow muetprepara te .ppita.- #ater. -a-die)ov.eryihuigbha lise)bea i li t~ - -r i Joh di mo jieý ean a's gum- as muah'pleàiesua iu rorÈetïtilfbàt liq lug tepiék &.ite for him, but- lie e)dWas a ru ,ail,3è'lis e ié ' foil net111. he.prapet o metig sliping fa le a man. Tire tvo boa amatgirl, -sud he le-eea ia Iptter. aujeyed bis sooiety -greafly, sud i ûb < ka gain te make enre fif le-lise). nefmotfat4iîir.waq d r .Lae, oea fIat lis led di mnistnderstooe). ile rende again, "n- rataine) * ie ris nfreat in farm.lifa, lh dsxafandsEmeroni," John WasMpeas. though'the deecon e-videnfiy faît au ruri- eti h? ItloinkI-eau àdivine. aouquereble.lrostiiîty-fêvhsWt -hacai1le gi 7John wes vain cf ibis-oWxl .abiitie's, sud>'Ietsrh.1ùh-bifh pthh. rIf 5lie vsnfsed e omxen that voal)-. -appre. thrinuk if John -aîtd kuaver hoW sfr"ngbi ci*ýes liu. rH edlev ot yu i ah "feeling vas agsinst t hig bi fhâ hoa liWautedi congeuisi soclety. Bu1nt 1muaI h liee& wo~tha vulihave 0 î congenisI faee socliety te «au ambi- mawed tire cop arrd grazd :thrs flell ni tiens man, viee hearf is ýyet antouolie lesely until lie got bsck tefth.ity. .>ft la only- oci efy tIet, un s ae a s oe , John vas fnot ins ensiblestO ae t: e f un2deesfaude his ewn- grareas eue) -d- Inton's charme. She coule) talc fin. e i miea la.vade. .eutly abeut ail tIre authîors -meef in 'm IltraoIe)home tliey vere lookinlg vogue, sane)ioaafecè't" -f lier flnency fi for tIe son. TIre femily preper con- vas raallyidezzling te a àmarn nftyet wi aisted if fte fafliar, go Diacon Hec. cnftrvafed enougfl hirnelf teO se low> in low, Johin's two, broflers,tinand ue)sp&rficis'lhler culture a,t.For :al W tvalva yssrs oie), erre Huldai, flue lier leamniug fdostedon. top. Noua cýf -,AI a narghborin .farue< vhoe vas poor She vagbrimmi ' g fnl.j"cf flut riw! sud irapoeasfly martio-u:mea fsite lia ed saqiée, brutif iebd Dnet bepirieF tira danghter's liard eârniàgo,, .euf te inocrpemated into -lirc ov - nature. - i eke eut tfhe-soanty sabsistenue- t loe. ,John diiiDotnefss Iis, ereli:e vas 88iii. o -Aunt-Jodjîli,>île ulafer O ofeh-ý'.motli. fatquçs.ed vif 1< îl -ule' f >n'aT ' a i ar- "'leked, efter.- fti, housori affa4ire ifoncrs tfsinmçnf,. rou.iwelrd iro o f i e k fite r in la w ï b y oo m i rg av e c v eu l e ) d r i l e i r a d - e onue& a week:ardbalping Huldali. dem Gavernot veul) -lke th::telle- te li1er 1- T sud,-moe) -and nxaea, sud by gjiving RHow eh.le ule) ehine luinlis parlurs 1-- i's Huldai- ~roh dv~pasT eipriance How eh. veul)d déigIrt people as ah 'ti esupoe -. rar, But nov gava tliem tasud ftlk et tIre semae tfI Dacrlev's -daugliter hbai left bar .Aime. John vasil lva vith liec astlie'cia] Irusbarrd beastr urkey slire in Bos- voirIehave beau love vitI a e ja s i, fpu, 'airslbrouglit lier Ive - ahriltireun , or a mars boeok. SIre wes a nica in homete recaive lis pternalL hlelsig. thing te show. Oflier people thari- ed .Net that Itrs. Ameuda Helines lise) tIre Jolinhavo marcie ou tieraengtli cf oui paferual blessiug oluiefly in vlev lu Irar snéli'feeling sund called if -loe. Fer ne, trip. She had breuguf vif h lier s vary Jeohn realiy' imagined, fief Ire vas in yoi ,lear friand, Mise Janet Duonthefli love. Âne) ducing the week hae talked vil acooiuplislied teacluer lu tho M t . Par- sud walked aud rodaelunflie aleigrvifli hoi nassue Femeloe Semiurary. Why Mies MieDanton,,eae) lied -rade up hie tici Jarret Ddnfeu came te tls conryruine)1h: wonld carry flîls brilliauf -Ie witl lier friand, aIro cane)lr arcily have prize fe New'York. But, v itu lawyec litt tale). Net a word lier] MrHolînas lika caution, Ira thonuglie ha ouil.pnf Jel spekeni t e lrou the eulrjcct of, the off tIre commuiftal s- long, as 'pateilne. la,, matimaonial sohie. SIre auld hârva If hie lieari hue) beau inIris rtteni *a ku resanted eruy allusion te snob ea projeot. flic caution veul) nef lhave eauworth ftint Sha veul) have rapaIlse) suy insinue- mucli. Caution is a good ti lrk. vafer if]l tien thaesle d ever daeed fat agaiusf vanify; but if isu'f Worth He p2 erriag a w a e dair ablo un ler n y con- tmu cli g in ef fh a pring-fid a cof lov a, îue ceivabie circumafanoas. If is e vey us Jolin Harlow soue"fond. - we have of tea hing girls e li. W e For tevard tIrae e)d ,f tIe we k ie flic aducate fhem te catclih ueband. hogan te <séel e vanner feeling forMiss hici Every super.added ecaexnpliehlmenf le Janet..- If'wsotin tire nature of thinga flic put on vifh tIredistinct rindersfendlig thet Jahushouli valk erre)talk vith e ; wl thaf ifs sale use-is te rr;akaflie gootis pleasaut girl e a e, sud nef feal tome-vwoi mare mackafabîe. Wa get -up parties, thing mlore than hie firet inferesteàl de- tIrs wa go te wataring.piacas, we buy sica te cnerry ae slowy-wife. Elitihcart tIra dresses, va refurniali our lieuses, ta bean te ba tenchati, And lie reselvatomfi m Fuap our girls feu a goati match. Andi brrings te a M aiis as acon as pos. ed l lin eu vaeaci hem te ebiror tIre awful sibla. Ha lierefere -seuglifan eppar. mei rikednese cf verc carfesig tie reat tunitý' te propos. But if vas lard te Irea lesice t laf natureand educetian have flue). For fliongl Mrs, Holmes vas i raurbinat te maea fIachef longirrg of tulecably inganueus, eire coule) nef gat ont, Ireir luearfs.' W. train tluem le lie te tle boys or tIre dasoon te psy auy ce- ing us, thair trainèrs ; va frein thom te :gard fa lier Inints. Boys are fheîaliy de. figE lie te fem eelves ; toe Ira aie vtî r avd on Qucix questions, anylow, sud aud everybdy on tis sujet ; te say "no"' alvays manage te tunib in.vharaequs dieu fhey mean " lyes ;"te todeuy au. auy privaoy is seuglit. And) as ftir fIaloav engagement vwheu they. are eying te deaenm, if rely seee- ee) as thougr hiIr miJte rosat Of if, It l Ocf the e mfi]emeuts hai-sme deSIginluintrnrling at'tire ceel of Christian eivilizatiou. -retiohi va pcay crifical momant. -(vol th& Wcmsu's Missiouamy Society net I do nef tlink thstt John was serions. fîpr. eo cemmliniate te- poor ignorant hesth- !yiluolea if h MissafDanton. If ie gep rs vhe o ne noiettr fan t telleUthe bad bea, lie wold Ihave fune)adsea &Éc trulu about thiqse fhluga. ýýý, ,maosof communcastiug with.lar. A liesi But,ý Iefore- I digress d ino t aï;atlins ibousane)@psls ith *ie epiem seyc e lV ' I of rsm ark, I vas say ug tirt M ies J e. round flair h eadg cauS'o$' kéép a m en out net D anton veule) h av a roesu ed- the fr ein - tllirg hie love- as en lehav, f hl e s si m ost ,rem oes suggestion f -m amige. really hlea sloea£fr lir., - , tirât Sha often deolarse), sautimeutslly, luet. Thra is anotliýarfstvqicr ceuvinces TIr Irle va s ve d d a d t e- e b es, ýsu d _ ev - m.1 e 't Irt J aI m H s mlo w ' vaws- gxi t" v acy r e) laer Jisure, an:sue) -v s determ irred t ea ceeply in loea vifli fan îL; H o:n e sW e ue)n beau oie) maie). Ane) aillte lime fluus ,fend-af falkirrg vifli irrof Byron und) Spp incera Chrimtian girl vas dyig ta eu- ýMilton, of Lrd Bacou sundEmueron, -Tt rr fierself upan saiea orthy man of ï. c., as I lava alreae)y sad e), rvas wine« ,ogenial fates ; vhiol. mesuf lunler fond of puffing lis avu lrrievsade on tîrre ,as a, ju s at il i de) in Jo h n- H a rl e v's, eress.p srad e l i e h ë p raé rraa - .f eu e g irl l -soeaouaevIre coul) admire lier aet.- vIe coule) appreisite fi.thdlaly. mcci fluments. But, eensitive as sha vas But wiranavar sny .11111e thiug rôeed of a e ary inp tat ion aif a dsira te mrry, hmurfoc îe fine froin convrseiôrLin .,dns ile sud 9Ze.HaInes understood oee li tiug-roerrrh lie as giveu tu slip- glori in th e r <i sti u tly . T Ier a ei s a <ci e a . n g ca t in fe t-h ir e Id k i feh 'é n, *w irtca, s 't- ligli a s a ry cf vo mn e u, su rI th ese f vo li d tin g o u fh e ch ir vh i dli lise)- iue b a cik heur rada signs. Tliey lad talked about in- sudiesnuing againett îe olriruiiy.sida, varr his ise hg Ir deeligh fed te falk-to-H uldal. S îs AIl - Mrs. Holma.-My dear Janet, you'ilculdn't tlle mucl- uàbut.boksB, but-eae) ne) ry brter a bear lu maners, I- she coule) talle inet clarmingly, of IHie uar. -' I vis I h a o v ulci m arr .; I lap e , ev ey fhing fluet rel te dl te th -- oountvy se an run vn'f break bîle hert, foc I know life, fsd sha cêoule) ak JfaIrmamu e ru-ý vouldnt have hum. ilestions'abo t thé gràat oeity. >1In fet, mi gr' M is D uMne.-Yon. kno v muy viaw s Jo n fune) th t BnEul a l r 1ud cam e in- uAndc S tlà uerbjeat< ny deir. I love beoké_ te possession cf onmly smci actes ua d, fa pç lid"-,oelsl m ariy n abedy. -Beides, frutis secoula, lie rashed in lie musarmev ýcpiti tonrbcethors great, legal sud literaiylif, but thet île bl i sngiaf.e't irm, ty«e falumeufs veul) <ciglten sucli e poorarnsudtrorhu bot hm,-su .îr' on fi ittle m o ui sss I -a n, vas m rîre sfesin g fa ù :h s r- -hr cYL - -J eux A n e) lu msy i u g fli e e v rd g fh e y la d g in a l a ire) p iq u e u f m eniï les a b o ut t h ee I u t ir eanageel te eay fief John Harlowv vas topica-,sple .was acquaiqted v-fi, .Uýýas 'A m ,n 0o ph iefiafe l- e fu de uf, sua d - 11 t olietg p lb f tirales u a re srn o f J sa e ' > T b e y r o u l e) r u n h i l o w nu b e t ve e r u D n n f o n's eo s t è tà ïi 6e iý o d Li n A n I in e) 13Éý:ý,- : - -:, - r -. for. oe é - - telfng ire 1- M ci, H o1mes sud ler frind lM is r- éscuct aud lun -.É#ded ountry pier-9 cedtvefy4ur ureebee) f Jhngir iteutthégrei~*rldcf mri 5fie) lier*n 1 1 1 -- ea rebt eno by thre- oulsde door sud 'a, ie lu -threu*l thîe kîtdhens rhe leighbor's 51.igb thRi vas le calleor rem. vas alraady a et lsdcci re)nJohn )egd fleur te excuse him.-RaHale ;Ã"tiiemt ounlralpinig Huldah uake Minc es as he usae) leuielp iris mo. 'rýe houl wa8 -a loy. Rix sister vas in despeir, but sie diA a notsay ruai). he tld John if vas tins ie vas gsttiug over luis;-qPeer <ceaIrE. Lne) the seigli drovai-off. Flo sulueur aftsr-wards John rainped ifiisstrscilduen aud tal) ear- st fle eys s .l ée) fa is aller. nhon ama h barely esaped going 'aer a prenipicelie des net 111<. ta li teeonmudh about if.. John didt Aft fi te litfle dhildreu veufte liait. 'he oIe) genlemngrev slacpy, andi fired. - Thé boym vsul mb otIre sit- brm andue) eut te aleep eue sou ie louingand cure onuhfi er HUI- .Ir vasjust ready ta begin'lac pies . je vas deeply hurt., but Joli e cet. 1makldg lhermoraie cfal. jH a r[Oel. 1 up hise.,eleeves sire) vent .te rolliug- ut, fluae',Pasty., Ha theugîf Ir aid ver seau a sweater piofurea ter ouDg girl in dlean de)rsa anti ap-ou, tIr lier eleaves -moile) above lier eI- vs.; TIées as s statuesque pecfec. ruýi lier em arounde) ama. 'Tic Bat Of tire lire al)fluiret-Irer face a MIa, are)sIre wvs leugling nercTily et Dh's svkverd -blonders lu pie-maie. r wu1~ a dellghfsd, hé iarly nev viy. nfxi fepie-eruat hif; agars toucuatiblam, and le efarceds -lied f >uchrat a galvarrie baftfeuy,.- :eokel ab Huldar. antia* a hai- tinful axpreesain on ' ler drase) fae. F'or fie firet fine if GOouree te himui i H>uldali MarinerB ad irixcitad ln o s feeling "a fueusaurd fines dqoper iauyfn5bing'ho hadýfaît tesrd Jaet.f ho seemeti te lie -uev imu anothar )de). - For hfIlrsf fuma e realitel at Ira vas more in loa v itli uldeli n if h Jaen'Il tIe finis.NWhy nef arry, 1er?2Anthtin:hg mememb'er- vlat tIhe Gevernor Irait sae) about rryiug as*vnau's heurt ande)-neftber- He put on lis irtan d veled ouf,- euot, line-trs darkness, tie dnizzl. 5rein, eu e a aIsi of msîting srrev, rfrng -a fièec baffle. AIl lis prida I- ail hie -covardly veuity vira an sida, alIlua .icmesistibls terrent et r ou tIra otIr. Ha valle) ay fà clth ark vôce)- pestera, fiying ta DI li tmv rylug fa thiansd orle yoeu.bslipva it) ryiug te prayi if4-sta greaf sfmuuggle andin any itsý'trggùa' triteseul alvpys fuels Étuin8 maery liCe 1prayer lrr inris Ire feeling af love meay exist vi&Ir- attracting-fhe attention oaitofs-a ar. Ifla neyer occurreel te JoClin ýt lae coul) lova orinaumry uldeli. na fIe passion'lied gàw- alhle re-pLeerfnl fer nef >lbiug bservati 1no*th fie rueen fie lise) aIs fula ýeceti as an sll-oonsuning cure. uaruiug hmàk, he sfood viflout dire idew, in Ihs shadov, sure)loalcee ruhi the. glama -aillte triolyoung ent work vile ler .nie . thu.flue dest, restfui face halse) lie etomy &lieart tâ fiat l) arMiatgresii -. un pafieutlly anI. nebl. rsfa ioue plafure me:wan vmifusd f, .framée) in, dacess. Ta Iris -f ai tiret moment, aillfIs liglut aud rrn;hof -tle orld oeurtred ,lu a lil. flue -vomît) hesidea vas lourelinees 1dremjsee sure)drizzle and eluai. ifear ofIda sister sud-aof-bis friands nied.l baseie)-i'covardly. rAne) lie eà hlokad aInt ilis rikflocf the lt iA revelaton of pesas- sud love )ousseetiLYen vii eU hlm pre- snto. But Whoun al à a n's nobl- ou none side eue) ail Iris ureluruss kulIér, * ftly besifale? Bsds s -Hatiav hie) doris r marei- hnkdur eat halI-lanur fan mail ndo . ln eo vision lhad vaulsledfrin thea i9W andi ha-ivent in- -and) sf dowîaui L1d,-by fis fie, r put-lu 'the 15lut su&as aittirg-wit lielauhemd ou im1dr. The ra dla fiipIeereêand Lont, aud'fIer. -wàs ôiry thae Éie) fi religît. i cau teill!- - 9 udspaeaebeiverirJour3anrd nrprise) Huliah, virobailtirongiî slgesady betrotbaci te Misa Duzilon. cruelW felj iatlwae -BiCl in.tire oftlit fixe ; I'd*ezri'4upp-otse ar- aàul) ll het stefyiieel£- .- r litIah. saked tflai lie-.aoud'=t aY r ring about ift tM'-his siafer vue Of G0flýohîo th"abcir ait for lis maire. lBnt ris au Lrdce vwu glad of tira shalter. rofJohn's (ývhqm ti a 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 i 1- 1 1 1

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