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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1877, p. 2

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NoirIrhmi. Fosi Mrumuerai Pe tpr'ted s nil (lod-r.Iffnu . ifb eu Lf I S@ mnte0 dia. mui 45<009 Bonus-Toronte&o tte asutive epfteiestt k '.v i N-Uioo-aylor & Barnard.-- lvrdo it isobr4etei E, Nole.~. s t rditors ôtilbeitiast'UMacKkenzie repllad déeemdiug' B. alls- >uOleOfethfixeGovarnuxeni. Tise ve losoilveye JohnuThonpon-Jans. M. wus reaaed ou -Tuésiloy n~il> D Wiloxl, Assigns. Tuppe'. imesxdmnt balng ieet-yue 8utops cOf "Brown'$ Wifby Heet. 59 ; neys 14. or." The. New York 1SInger FSevina- Macixi. 4 Notio-W. J. Uiueu&u, Vt. Surgeon.Lies. HOIIE 1 ILLSThx e xmlnsioners for South or HOBSE- BILS * tarie met ab fixé ecurl hous., WIIItb (lesp- and Weil puisifee-utt fi on Safuiday lait. Tboy runco Cneeureslc.uoffice, muid a la-ge vuilety under- aillieetcrcumstaucei, le t of neircuts frein W111011 te mneke ~tise Uessfor fthe prenent ea,0 seluh.f~si. - -te 1sfot ay 1878, notvlltbandlng fi fixe obstacle as ixe D"nk Acfid ~itb~ jr-onc e cues bave acoudingiy beeau isead ONL 50Os PER ANNyM . rffi A e Ica, otel ; Joseph À --T -Baudoil, Wihby IKoaso;- Edwai WJlbThiîrsday, AVril 19, 1t. Ars-na, Armita-ng. Hanse;4 jamul SPlihile,' Royal Haotel; Thos. Maie:, Ontario Hotel; Taylor k. MeCiauî ACCOUNTS.1 ACCIOUNTS l Quéen'a Holalf Wm. O'NelI.- rin Parties lundebted te titis clice are Truisk Hofel. requeç>rd te solfie fixe aMount f cf Sh0js ieno.-ThomrA leir fuel- eceoounts tortixwlis, anS save Ce., Hauxilfon à CO.,. . LaJmges- trouble and expanusé.-OÂA-u. TaylorQueaon's Hetel - . .. ýe ýlimes BIsou. CommerilaiHotel ; Win. Toronto AOtava Riivway. illoft, Thxomas ,- Ofll-on, Céera -Tho. Munieipal Cotiuelloet Pickeuing Dale; 'Mie Hobue- Oshava HRousa; hsavapassaS a be-heiw, to bbasubusitted 'James Gibbons, Lèookixar Houe(il- te thq -epaysis gantlng aid tatehfie 6ene te lune vLen Ibonne turnusied.) ampouat ffik btousud dllîars, t. Sleop Idn.-Pred. K. sesale. vairdin the connlructon oethébsToronto CoLu»uu.-BoReb Rtodgecn, Crevas & Ottawa Raiiwsy.-Tise lena-tiofet1h. rInn. lino écsasseéixefownhip -'s tvslv. RAOI.sN.-Jelin Taylor. tulles. Tixeo rete-t .iree stations Baooxcs.s.-rederick Poel, Globe builîffou- ihe accomuxodation etftthe Hotci. lo a r fl . If :lis ra lway eau lie A6sHaU E.- le n Fsuleing.- 'eciurleaS eue fer thse peuple et01 U5AO-i5.Bnof LiIckilrifug. TIsé uotieyihut umuetflbe CLASSemoN'.-lsuxas Co eper. laid orut in luildiug -thea.lin. frgin DuNaizTN.-Iloîf. Secor. lthe tu .wsehilji, and ltise cent eftihe cugix No application vas eoedfm t-uân, se wcIi ce the exceuclmure Surlng Tixes. Luiskey, Port Union, Licensed oi-utltlbn, viii oetiheueelves give au lutsyess-. isuxi'tuirte refi-n cf Mare tixan -tixrae Miisopuci liaSSic Linu tIhe suouni cffix ebattenu. The Msr.ixo' il n wth Iiii wil, givue direc o mmonunicationu1Th iseîew ivitlxfreux the Grââd WlLs f lo ncapitail et Ontario and fixe Trunle Ruiiway te Spink'ii Mill, Dut. suail t ho lle 0wuuin. Msuy ad'fins eeok, ln u e b. lu suung eider hy isîstagot, of coet-commua 6ICiit fefllpfttber. This vii sic bing r.eiS 4a usnitakîna-s, Wvil resuif fOfthe thse ilppiug-pint à mile nearer ho Ms. msesulien et country iixreîgh vhlibtisaHoover, Mr. Wite, sud ith.e tLr shlp. lueux) Iai oufruxcfed, laidues lu file case pers lu tise surresuding - lsify. The tilàseîcallvaile.otieliue as a eux- nwitehia cnsfiuted by ftha Grandl Tsunk Ixtihai cffbise Grand Truuk toi ahîosp Cenpny-fhe Messrs. Splnle psyiug six i sai treigixhi.. Tise fax, takiug théa per-cent lofes-est uposi fixe amouti cx- a4uiixeseeesxet aet 1870 ai. f6e bus, %ilI pende5 fer fixef in5e they requin. ifs umo. usuiittab euiy a lii hie oves- ese dllai The fine Mill builh by tise Messin. "st svery lt-1ui1and ofetasseasosl -valise. Spink, tve jears &ge, ontfixeu ansd ephViieie ,a cliespor rate tIssu thâtai went bnanlaîes et Duffins Creek, is about- tuoR 'O"4"le@h#%v tsOd h8 (etareesîve furfixer additionn. If nov sI,ý, ,i leIospease flche eul'ts cf railvay centaine tour rmue etofstone, fa vliici tiueieistitsiesîfies, io more as-e teulue adulasd fixe cap. "roun ustoi of Whifby pulut et sclty derclapsed freux 500 fc 1500 bai- Viser, Iserimupg, ai tise fbat blus, vo rois, par veek. - The original cent vWu euegll mci lc sieosai o e egard thile $25,000, aud they are 'gOba- te expeuci suw anconochuceuf spon teuuItoi-y 05,000-mos-e upen ths nov hsýprove- trbiti arnt Metnsi ffava mots.Tbey hail te pureixase, outeide, fetts Te Tn i Rd ta a il f tixa post yoar nseasiîty ihousaud bus. Ceit, leuswev', 'i nt xci uely local ; It ]eln of vhest for a-inding,lisavina- euly ae gron e<eis r'ovlnxisl sansd Nafionsal rnoive ent fixe Miii sones, vien fthon- -eic- Wi- làiitiuy unIi'ickeritng, sand bunhielîsens t as-re. Werk le- otur Iecelilicêtsleug tise greafaesosutu ugx.Te uee cles-eisa ieOlt tlie- 0e55eue ssu sufiliclent -steak up te finI sep. ofiltie, nuuiulent fflutit -position. PThe ember. Tisey .etinsate fixe sa-ing ou -ii; iîlikseîy tub litai-re benefileta ixi cuinug 25,000 uixels at $1200, sud biceS lsy lIse Isopiuuunily of fixerail- thi $400 wiul puy tor their riglit te fixej --cýy lunftheslonmg an. lu tlise day se. eic use tesmnee r esosf fsadi ans in.u 1 snte-vy lue'essusuu-b"ily prina- up sud grow v Iel exetnce Mit evon vas-e il uilsi.wlie, flhapeople eof Vhitisy, WlialI 1 lecy tneey nii la c aijîcetisifaadroccle 1u41e1110tu 0,114ones st eiktotebar lIhe way to a giest puluie iîupîove'mont.- 119#1eI suiî leI cx tisaCsoNuCosE, ut ail - QCusche e nt couilueci b fisc fovu - sîet, but esubî'aeo ftscadrocaca- et lit' inticutof e evcry hurtaffixhe counta- Z vweli. lit tfis aiustai- vs hiink f6he poaple oet ihe wnehip cf Picerina-are vel capable cf jîuiging sov ata is1 -ralvia- ilsiegix tie townaip vould t mosrve fioir ifueresti. Tise visaispro. jeot, anS ltie ou, are nev before fies 91 u itus t tises sItIse declilen. Suceuss ci'"Biows's WHssrsuxr AUL VEIdTrl1t" Aftfixe Manceesier Spriuî nhow, haIS ounfixe 24t1s husi, "Brovn'e \Yhithy Harvosier" carrieul off tise Prý,e9 trons ail- -oîmpetiters. Tcere vero shbwovu50etof 3yee'o, miunfaa- titreS ba- Huaa-ai-t eBroBrantfocrdl; Bloyce's ba- Green & Bi-ofiser, Wsfe-- tord ; Champion, CombineS, anS single reuper, fias Oshsawa, sud tee- Kiu-by reipers, freux Han-ha&soen, Brantford. Tix. novntieS-reaper cf Brown & Paffernon teok three fiss prises treas the lot.. ENTERTAINNSNT AT rUs POLLEE.- À litex-aryan sd musical entertalument. Des est fi doai -hall* '11 ULu wSa aOit u a n eparsuxenaiMr. )&a0- ne keuuie diseovax-e au uncuxuxen vauxtot ud kncvladgeotfite 'woikiug. If vonld e bisilete oinfer that ho troubles If no ~*oftane f tbon hoa lie iinstanae, t'e Geaiàelp.T nto seý business. Here wa have thie Prauxier- iuising Inte a wcrk wltheeit surveys, estimâtes or Pariamsenfary sUfbcrity, à' n&>vi e fix lly et doing- business à,. lu suixLapasr faims le isdemon- rd et rafed, ' paylug , vlthout anfberity es cquaiiy, *109,000t h o li. etirwvixo had uaxdsx-falen fhe job. Tais. fixarail loanina- sau. A,1B. Postes-,wvanper- misxted ta halp lxlmself te rael rhs ed fer fixa Canada Central, te o r ia secrit bcpluei (îd if, turneeut & hâ te er vanwuoompsiahlvely vertisiais), wiiixeuffixe doparfmonuii -oiIls isavlng 'auy knovledge oet1h. business., W. *nd nov 16t sf ued et th. 100 toms for vixicix Mi. Poster de.. -posifedie "curify inSoti ateru Bail- v~bondo#nosleu tsan 227 tous Lad eextaken." Thun 127 houe have beau "6boia-oved" freux 4'r. Mackenzle's de.ý partuxent vlfbout any secnity vhat- ever Living been put ssp, sud, an Mr. Poster le an ineelveut, seversi questions arise n a texepreprieheinixip eoftthe rails 1whIiih may prove embarrassiug. Who le te accouna fthes.publia for tixose rails ? If may 6e e lite .îensrk fixaI soue etffixe evideuce brongixi betore fixeeaux- mittee la et an exfraordiuary chai-acer se ta tise sans, rails. Mr. Maîsen Letifled tisaf fiety cusief et su oufeide ci-ne of ires while tob acre la cf iron elsag sud muSih. They ix-oke on being efrucis sud vore evideufly wcrfixiess. Ocaaurse if wili b. argued tixat fixe Premier vas nat bounSho test fixe quaîity cf fixe rails h. purcsed, but if appsars te us fiat if wan uest Durmis- fakeably hMa dufy ta ixave bod officiai teste made by competeuf officers et his depar-fuouf. Tise Geverument of Canada caixpof afford te bnihd Alsughferiug iailioads. W. take ihe Foart St. Fraucis lock@ affair, sud flud« tisa Premier equally ah ses lu regard ta peinte upon vhicix ha cught af ehave besn perfeatly af houxe. -'Hoeeter.d upen a work tuauthorizedly, sud speuf 8100,000 upon I, itixou fixe rauxoientt pesshbillty of s dollsr's vorfix of benefif acx-ing a théxecountry- Obegling t vanth fix <uif ixat Mî. Elake vas un-i able te detend his chef, vLan Sit John A. Macdonald tbld Ll iit et Lshd neither ti. vsrranfy cf Iaw or mouiey. Wiien Mr. Narras arien pecca8i, far.L Mackenzie aye that ho van uavare oet any Contract havling been eutered mb. c between hinsself and bis supporteS, sud t drewue tise grief lie teels lu eulogy oet tise retreatina- siipovuer. Wheu fe ix Goderiais iaricr business le np for ds.-Ji section, ihe produce s afable ofetata le show fiat hix. d a liffle beffer fxan. e fixe Couservatives lu acceptina- the 1ev. ti est tender, but he professes Ignorances ofett. tate ofthe cane, pleadi a ix. had nef been given fluxe te stndy if up, c: and then retreafs bellsnd tue perieusiity . e fUr. Page. These aro afoe peionurd bricks etfu admlplitrative capaity o, wiicb was te startie Canada ont-o e .-la inembrance e al lier previcus minis- di feriai experience, sud we fear tixaf, he- 'Ix tare fixe session le eut, somne more vil hi b. ready for exhibition. They illustrai, n once more fhé wieidomeofthfixeadviee cet an suthor nov soldons read l inte imuer politicai circles cf I"Retors": "PQt Dnef yaur fruit lu princes. OCEcAN TO OCICAc.-By tise Rev. George M. Grant, cf IHalifax, N. S. En- largeS, sud revîsed edifio-illue. frafeul. Toronto Belford Bren. e ln re TURi ST-LAW. A very entertaizxing and careflliy *prepared description cf whist the writer, ývho accpmpanied Mr. Sabdford Flem- ing, inuIhis expeditiQn on theo une of fthe *Canada Pacifia Survey, saw, fait, and observed during thxe journey. 'iTravel,>' Bay e i thor, linfthe opening chapter of the work, a "thon. Band miles cf the St. Lawrence ; an. cther thousand on grest lakes and àwildernese of lakeletsensd streame ; a thonnsud miles acros prairies, and up- en the valley of the. Saskatch.wian; and ueaxly a thousaud through wcode, and over great ranges of monncaius, ....... -v--- andsud enhave fravelled freux Ocean tf lu Frenchansd Geruxan, wuo given ixy Ocean througlx Canada." War Declrad 1fixe pupile ef fixe a0ilege, te a few This ià wixs the auther has dout friendesud invitsd gueste, under thesud the resuît beau placed before fhi VI[Ii îU11SIN~ CROS THE upeaitendeneeofMidlle. Baaixmww pblaltavheraalebc PRUTL. renax sd GemenThxe Messie. Belford deserve muai * teaixr, u Frdaycreif for fixe tasfeful mauner lu whiol: Our colunsus ba wltuees .thiat we eveuing -labt. Thxe pupils shewed a they have produuxed fixe bock, sud fte ilevr-pt fithlý he efor@ O dilo.large acquiintauce wifh fixe prennas- fixir enterprise in tiis sa well as ir uxauyte settfiaedledifficuities lu the. tien s an cf fixhe forelgu longuagen flic Produafion of ofîser litereîy wcrkE and cqutte thaooles rodiabl toof werxft, which uxake fixeu fixe rusi t1axut. WMgr, wu 411ail ong ixld sdawonedtaeevscrdtbl 0popular et Canadian publinixere. iluxvitablei and wauld ie fixe certain themeelves sud their tesaixer. AUl fie ý - --. remult. - Opr luîautast tixe situation le gueets expressed fixemeelves higixly SP'uIcxL NOTIu.-.Tlie fcllowiug im pleaeed witls fie enfertîlumeut. sud proof cf what Taylor & Barnard have siw fuly uoufirrud, Diepatahes ihave xcxsirsdafx rfaea a- iaîaaueta iergcl r Iîuuu rucuoeved freux St.Petoieburg as u c upseettepoien ai- lwycaîdhâtorgoeae tipéd by tise saixolars. tixe boit in fixe market- ttnîanaiug tixat iluseia han declsred war - -----"-0 ýICeufenuisi Medal sud Diplomi Lgî~aaut Turkey. Fiffy thonesufi Rue. A-WOuAN Fcux<) DEtuNx AN LL ON awarded fixe Meriden Britannia Co., aitUle crosseed fixe Piuxtli on the nigit Of THE IDSîE 01?THE Roan. -Ou lait 8sf. for Silver Plated Hollow Waîe, alec for 0(1 26îu1, aht Juxrsy,.sud tee et er points. -urday eveuiug Chief Cousfable Bryau, BplPriir Speoun, Forkec,et.bor Th umesians hav e euered I1ýuoainiu tounud s wemau, about, 80 yeaye cf age, ing the Co e. frade mark.ectcba ferrltory.- -Txe 'Grand Dîuke Niaixolas lyiug druuk sud haviug sf11lix er pen. Report: rm CuenilJde -hame lnnued la preclaaifon Ïthie Ron. session a baffle partly filled wit i Their large vaxinfy of Silver PlaStedl îitiaianu ay lug fixai by eider cf lis wiskey, on fh. aide cf fixe rosd,oppoeife White Met ai Hohlow Wsre in cf exuee Caî,Lr hit arnmy enfers Èoumauia, sud- AU Sainte' huraix. 56e won brougtlnt ' qusiity sud finish, sud oetfastetul esgus." wili tae, but a shorgtfluxa paeelng betore B. j. Guns J. P. sud G. Y. -Tieir ilver plated Forks, Spoons, flîrougix, aud wili aowhere 4letturb lixe Smaith, mayer. Tihe unfertunate ares- sud Kuives are cf superior qusiify sud tranqullltY. *H. appau tte ilacient' fuie vas fonud ho lbe snfferiug freux excellent, finish." tîieudsixip otRoumnanlaus, ngaye their etixer caunes besides fixa drink asudwu Extracte freux Auericsu Institut. auceniers shsd tixir blood for th@ e nuf te ie ueai Hospital Toronto. Reporth lietye Ruala udbi.,.h lWe conider fixe Gooe m uade by 14uàrih'oukfrBotai'ssp e IbàiySEXN ed.M.tis Company ho lb. by-tai fi. boss han~~~ ~ ~ a -gfhoakfr ou lassp Clakevzl asa ea n x nvradyM made in tfiisocuutry, sud weobelieve port for hiesa"My. * ~ -Cak i rai iesnvxer e.l inx.heWeîld." asdd I ar Tii. Runelsus aie'uxaîeiuig th mon on beixuif of fie Oddfellown, eat the~ Fia-at Premiumaswadde I ar diection of'Galste. Metiodst Tabernacle, Ou fait Snuday wheje exibted, froux World'n -'Pair, If a epitd las afe sxoa a fternoc Atfl, ,P. m. 185. te Aurican ntitute Faire, I t n rportil hai a tw ehts ave 8781874. eau axalsed bçtwoon au advanc ef i SAXUI fwnla sxw ste. TAYLOR & BARNARD, gnar d ofet Rssaiasd fixe Tnrklsh ar. certificate aacmpsnying the. ilver W-e y- unis l Ais.macla, awarded hlm. by fixe Ceutenniai Tas LORD Basnse'OF ALGOMA Con- Onhario Ladite' Collaege. Commiesioners. "Excellent condition duated fixe services lu AUl Sainte (Epin. ef Delhi vixeat, weigixing Wodi, pesr copal) ehuraix bore ounlait Sudsy ANIAN NA5Obusîxl," are fixa recommandations nef moriig. A c amnladflon <rom Ut. Holden, frhl ix vr.WHITSY Ràcz.-See programme. Iltorenst oethfie Collage,pltdlu rorL...lv . M.Milei, whe rninosBy vanotier paît ofthls paper, refies the hansbWunoficiating lu-inxe Congrega. - sîstemeut zmade sif sa nàetlug cf the flous aicih, ibere, for soee isse puet, FuzxaNOIA'BAY, Apsil 281. TawwuGuoU fiaithfe. seppien vers tock hie fareweil efthtie congregaionThe. bsy bas a busy appesîsuce te. I)ilolm4 ôtgid th - QW4 liàÃ"URI 'alutManay.dey. Scir. FIera Emma as Here losd& îuI!ian.e fnlo4 ue- tQa how. a--------uY. ng peo sfor Kington ; Venne Iosdiug Qrg ta.ti. fa totaeaeivînsh Oew. Miuse. GBosu eàMAGNÂOILTAW have barley for Onvego ; Woodduek nuload- jug ii.t cfatotl exsudîcure~ ~ing bricks freux Port Darllngfen ; Bell. '07 elýrgo as amonut s $784ia lasrg. iuppîy of spàdse, <ris, 40.t of dischxai 0041,cansd fixe 50w Indus- xurexit te eur townspecple in. Varions mprlor qualify, for spring werk, seli.- ry ds rgn ube rmTarante. tialpen. This tateinauf, WC fMeI surea e~ Testimonial te ftha New York Singer vili las aai hxpleuaurèansd viii b. INVItAOTIONS OF rE iesLcENnieLàw.-.lewIug PMachine. f1in eas of dieipstlug theinjulon Smo 1sf April '76, flue informations To L. i7airbsukq, Escj., leaar-sion on fthe eulject tuf lisgene laid nunxbered650; convictione, -40. »A$Ma. FAuàsK etbrods anog oui aiitens, Amounu f cfinles, $810 ; èolleafod, $045. . The new Singor Sewiug SiýiýllxtM ablue vIAnicl LI et Lu-c0ihmyou worke !l'Altoxntiu, 'e oufiS hOehsswj,vas PuUY Play@d durina- lait week in tetoan sfalai â7a ] h e owv, It 4riéronnJ. P., onsa Stua- Oddteflpv'n ll ho mual, audiences. iug machine ued in My ise sanJL e"mptasie Mi egupThxe pedormana wu geod. ts itpiis 7~?lr x~y lioansa. et O chusand eeuer members, ou Se greuud2 01 want eOfinotice sud that fthe bill, ad ibeeauixauged freuxoeeof divore t L'abill for aimony. r-M- U. Gibbs rrnnarced thaf fihe motion. was toe edy sn injustic. Petitiolun had bien preseui.d t hoelixLegislature ladt session praylug for thxe Aat. Tii. Oommlftte on Standing Orders report. ed on ftxe sumalenay efthfie peitien, sud fihe bill was lnâtrednoed sund pro. pregrees made luafthe Sonate, but fixe matter net being oeneluded if was sgreed tfitfshosld beftaken uplu inxe foilewlug session. The billlad been takeix Up 'saordxngly sud duly pansed fiireugh fth esae. Re thougit thaf "after fixe parfy )xad beau put te aon. siderable eoponse if ws Aun justice te >ixrew tf ixe out - ou a quesnfleuoe eider. He deeled to have thxe aonsti. futioual question dinussd- wifixenf sUtbjoahug fthe paty te' fhi neon. venine of anofixer applicatien. Mr. ýpeaker anked the mover te withdraw ixe motion ntil temerrow He had eonsultai! toms sutiiorifies, but wliibed furtixer lime te censider the. peint. As h. looked upon the matter now, hoe hongixf fiiesiihond, be a Mo- tion fixat tixê stand.ing eider slxenld b. su'upended. Ur. Gibbse agreed te withdraw thxe motion for te-day, sud r.marked fiat hoe iad already givan 'notiae ho fixe mo- tion ouggested by fthe Speaker. The Town Council sud the Ladies' College. Dmia Stas: Iu your report cf fixe coun. cil proàeedings, sat. week, I was sur- prised ai fh '.0statemeufs made by somne cf fixe councillors in ceuneation with fIe petition askln4,,or a sidewalk ou, sud f6. imprvemd'ut OfGilbert street, ieading freux 0the. Celleje te. Break street. 0 If ws sleged tixat ixe supplies for tise Celege weîe purciiaed thruRih. a Grange, sud ft fiiteretere fixe institut- tion was ef ne value teafthe tewu. Tutu Ia not fine, s"d I teel eatisficd fixai Messis. Ormisten, DevenU, suad Wafson would net bave oppoSad fhe petitien but for tixes estaemena. Tii. Mayor, wixo is a dàeetor of fthe Cologe, ezplained ifs relation te the towu, sud was ably snpportedl by Messre. Long sud MaMillan, a great leal of-credit io due for fixe manly in- telligent aonure faken by fixes. gentle- men. If wonld be naturally expeated ixat thon. members cf fixecuneil be- longiug teafixe Mefixodiat body, wit i wniia fthe institution is alosnly ideufifi- ed, would fake fthe trouble te secertain lie faatn% sud 6e prepared ta refuf e noix accusatious. Rad ixey doue se, Iam sure fixere would have been ne oPpositiontte eptihian. . he followig statemeut by the Sec- rofary will sixow fit fixte institutioq le one cslaniated te benelit tihe towu te s lrge extent. It le the intention cf M1e Jireaox-s te enlarge fixe promnises, 9iV- Ig increaned facilifiee, sud thPreby lrgely hxareasing fixe expenulture ci îouey in the tewu: -ONiTARIO LADIES' UOLLEu.. atafemeuf nixowing Amount cf moiey expeuded lu tixe fown cf Whitby for 21 yearn, cndiug 8&.h Faby., 1877, sarnonfexpendeul ent- aiS. fofixhe town, whiaix prcbably could have been expanded in town.1 F r Aderiung 482 41 332 94 I Iaurnre.......281 25 Aiteraticus & repaire 2,052 05 Schooi Booke ..... ... 676 76 8i92 18 Furnil§hIng .......... 7,658 612 498 25 Salaries.......... 13,944 w0 $87,845 16 82,892 90 Net seven Per aent.cfofixa wiole ex- peuded outeide cf fthe town. J. Ries, Socretary. If weuld 6e ver eaeg' te enlarge upon this subjeat, but 1 fbîuk fthe above statemnent je .11 fiat le neeeeary te a complet. refutation cf ftxe maistate- mente referred te. Yours truly, JAMES HOLDEN, President 0. L. C. Wiitby, April 28rd, 1877. Lecture by Revd. Mr. Vandusen. To the Editor cf theo TVldbiy Chron. idle, In Town. uppl1' es-rBards-S&c. 511,870 89 relsuxinsa- oxponsea.. 206 40 Ontoide. 1,169 58 1Sut Plesse allow me epace in your paper te etafe thaf a few oveuinge ago we wex-e iighly favoret witlx an excellent lecture, delivered in our hiull. at Port Whitby, by the Revd. C. Vdn. dusen on fihe IPhilosoplxy-of a Triuity lu Mau," whiah wae li9ttaued te witb manah pleanure snd interest. lIn genersi, Mefapliysica S uljects are net the. ment simple, or sufficiently practical for f6. crdiuqvy nind te digest ; but in tis case fthe subjeat wae eluaidated in suab s alear and poiufed manuer as te aommaud ft.e triateet attention ef the audienae. Thxe avails cf thêeaeture were to, pro. anre fundi te parff a remaining debt eu euy organ, whloh, I am glad te say,1 wss more than suficieut.1 Aft th. alose a cordial -vote cf tiianks was preseuted te fthe revererd gentle-1 man fer the literary treat, sud a re.t quesf given thaf if migiit be priuteil,1 sud efixers be beneflted thereby. Yours respeatfully, JORDAN POST. i Port Witiby, Apri. 1877.1 languor, lassitude, sud that low et ste, cf the. system peauliar t e a eprng. time cf ftxe yesr, are immedýiateIy% re- Ileved by fthe PERuvU.N SYRUP,- whialx su p plies the. blood wit itis vital pranai. pal of 1f, element-iren-infusiag strengtii, viger, sud new life jute ail Parts cf the, sYstem.- Beiug free froiu alciiol, ifs energizing effeafs are net followed by aorreepondiug reafien, but are permanent. Sold by ail ding. The, hotal.keepers iu Lunnex sud Addiugtou have lxnld nverai meetings eince fthe vote wasfaken ou the Dnn Act se te thie course fxey wculd purnue when the Acf cornes iu force ou thse lsf cf May. A fiual meeting wae iield on Menday isfaffixt te Tiahixorne lieus;e, wiien the tollowing resolution wass a 'dote:-" Thab th ie xofele sud ysîdsebe cloaed on the lat cf May, and 41n0 thst nIl tihe beardore lue disujtsecl ernuibusen te bc disaoutinued attending. bot rta-àâf býV n." ; e *',11 ato h t -7- '7grb Ifl JU55ua s li-.Iaw SOiLthé, proteoo cf sâd. liués :pansed lu ý tise piotecfiexïof lhe freee, ïsu aIl 111sf vouldbuecessx-y nov vould b. le W lutroduos a by.law »te a-mend tlix. -141 - Mr. Hopkinsi lntroduaeed s b.iî, whh.as pases lrough aal .w tatges., 0 Tise by.lsw enacta- fixaf every panwoný Who plante ornauxeual isade ine ros vifixin six orelght test fiosn fieheS, d 1a sud thîee roUls part, sah, iffi f vo yeasnfreux fiscdate et plsuhing inua s a-ccd sud flourishina- condition, be ait lawed s rebasteaunfxeir laxes ah fhe 0 rate cf 25ats for escx fses fixes living. of If le fia, dnty cf itev oCnstable fa. examine ftxe tramssnef ouf., n la lu nxuihtee oethle vixol,, Ms-.X Blov thonght tvo, yeiie fs-osa nov o vould haidiy do th 1t11lvixether the Z frees voe, thritty sud flcnrinug or Ti nof, asIrît an net easy tu diafunguisi au vixetiser hbey wvesor nef xii fluxe oetC fie year. He fbought the. by-lav c abould lbe amendeS te reailf wo year e freux fixe fallinu vbcii fhey vase plant. las 4d.li Mi. Haunaux naiS! s the taxas vere 6 Dot paiS until tali tixere vould b. pleufy foi cf fins. bsfcre fixe -rbate vas granted teses if -the trees voe living. The Mayo- nnderstocd some of the ooullcillere ixad been lu commxunication witx ciher tevus, vhich bail cffered a ns bonus for fthe planting et trees aud hey at bil been atssureS fiat nef ou, dlaim mg for fixeixcuuty had been made, for un wicu parties wic planteS lhieux aw W, ixow tixe fre beautiied tixoir prepeîiy, $b fixey eensiclered fixenselven amÀpla- re- 40 pal. Hie vas villina- ho increase fixe Bu anson. -% Mhr. Fergunon cousidered if a wante cf et uxouey-af Any rate et paper sud vie fluxe-to offer ibis bonus. Parties wio $11 had nef enterprino enougis fa beautify à teir cwn property would nef lie incdue- we eS te do se by su offer et 25 cents, f wc yearn issues. 1-t .Mr. Oranieten heliered if fixe towvn veuid prpteat tixe trees ixy providing Jui boxes, if would 6e tsi bette-, sud l.u- Suce sncb usore-than a bonus cf 25 al cents lu twe yeais-fhe plautiag et lait fses. aS-: Mr. Blow vas lu taver of holding out D iuduceenus, lu tise way cf proteetion s te tise frocs sel ouf, sud suggestud a Sa, severe penalty b. inuposeul ou any *one c Lsjuriug fie tiees. fHe thougat the peexple cff sii t feuinubeauti Siug fixeii ,reperfyvose tifr saiS cf ptise lu any et s r towu sud lhe waa ofCflicing opinien fixe peopleocnly needed te 'Jr aisderafand hsow uuelmore pleasaut shado fi-ces madSe a iown look, te, havec vos-y one plauthug trees. If ail woul id n inîy fcllow tie exuimple cf Mr. Hep. cle kune-vse has laely surrouudjed hie; edi uroperty with esaie free-twcwuud Ctio not neil fixe byiaw. cor- Mr. Hoî>kinî fisotit tise penalty lu flcold bylsw .£5, qoite heavy eoughi. He wcxuld 6e qUife villssg l t o tis te lu uagesfiniof et r. 0Ormicfou j boxing tise fii i-ens> bent tisought tise coet wc'xld bt,' tee ii greaf. atils Mr. DovreihI telt fixe sussa as ýMi. lM Urusiatou, if Ils. towu procur-d fise alsie boxes tIser. wouldixe flares etfont for uvo, Dvery eue afix te 25 cent bousn. iie hy.lj oxven wotld cigé about 35) cents osai M 11r. Lonxg sjreji luin flicsaffer of'agre aasuLiug rthi lewis by settiig oui /TI -ens, b;ut tlonu1 lic oene sonlul hoIsa ýcQ [yven only tu týcna who planteS suaplecos Tees. 1le-utv cf iudivicltis coulcI be hS cft te put out ctlxer kinde, suais as dc iosse chesnut, if 25 contEencls, ncarly for t sory une cf which wvuuld gruw, as àif ifw an a iardy, thsriffv Ci-ee's, tiougi iixa Colt' lenirable eue lu hiave. Mr. Ferguson knew et no mnore beau-0o luI fiee tfinutfie liase cxesfusif. Mesc Mi. Long diel net wiFlh toe i-esie- wr xlerstood h; ie ascilbhac coualderedulce as tise bes- nie Mi-. Deverill-+Nariety. eau Mi. Long-Vsriety la cIl sigisf but oe U" urne ch.-s'nt trocs are a uiesencel. Mr-. McMhllseu estimasted If vonuld ift ai iest 080, to bei oee itindre] Th Mee, only part etfvixicx veuid lire, auer erixpe it woxîd ha bef lui hopay 50 uts for every frexatilived, ans hes On uses vonîd 6e satiared as-endStise unI >wu sud haiofet hem loims aud de- cose xoyeS. aud de Ms-. Ohixou vas afrsid tise aceil isae nild make pîantiug freensa good speo- pi-ov atian. Tweuty-five cents foi every view le fiat liveS h. thougixi van quaitework iaiient, laeilsouglif be fixai enery to col le vho :planteS s frec venîd protief fera 000 Ct Mrs. Wicks fisougalaf if tic trocs we're fs,,ec siiehed dtis people ilxcy would pro- On t tiscu. adiot Mir. Dcvres-U aoueidored if would ha pyre xW TevN PEOi'EiTY. resn, Ir. Blow broughisi luéfies-port cf Wbcu eomuxitfee On toWu ps-operiV i-c- susSe uxouding tfie counai anfhorize peojaa ai fa have nbs de frs-nscent around mine. aoarket arotinS anSdlhuve painted, seasui Wooed vore in front cf flhc towu ceunfij 1 ud fixe bell torneî. a-sueral sU Suufggeian cf Mr. Gibson 'sud brofiser fixhe coruxiffea 6e isstrrneulte ieieve o fixe boite and tise bracen lu tixe enferu 1shsed, viai are in a Singerons corneSl eition tigixiened' vas adSeS toteceorps&- )ef vseuit vas adopteS. - tIse cCd iJOLLECTeiu'enROLL. 15pu aut e motion cf Ms-. Gibicu a turfîsor Thieyvw slon of t vo veeks aiasgranted uomu collecetor for fthe rotur et, lai.s-cill u pon Il unail adourned. -if forgel The fir ENsu, OF CANNIR-urioN.-Tlieceacuu u i auuihsgton hsu juef been faken by George Hlaw, fixe cennsinner DuoS ieSl by thse Counfy Caunchi, sud -Ou Si usaS te 6e a 11111e corer oua tIson. Mai-gai, i. An n;even undstred sucd fifty are yens-s,E hatis é *edte intuorpurate, itaister, a b oulattivre ha uDociifficulty iwont tsi bai score. fixe ville aTaS fer Offava anS Lincoln have lafed -. - - (tO the ýf!xiuations Oeiug on, e.- !*10 tor wood supplled of James Drew and uuni u0 oaorouu teSU SUexp.i ln tqffixg eovubill bu tewnship Petitiou of Wm. WilIkl aund fixero-in tavùofetinxpioving roail beau lots 28 sud 26, Si-Scou., eking- feras grbvtuf# 80. Iî Fions Janaee Tâyîer, eCaliiug st aun te suie>case of. Mx.. Siank- a i ste vouxan sud "sking fer aid. - Mr. Hoîlbin, vas issus-S betere mOuai lu nreteeei ïi ote e.Il dais, )f 0srin gîfxewusler -off Lia s ft the Rouge. W p r Exp nations ver. giusby eeve, Menis. -oover-,Mokcs fixrafie punlldeolinina-lol s-e ifi fixte rigiI t0prirateprope Vhe fence-vievere' awid ou fixe si ube-tsadreofed te bcuxomia luted ttieparties ireeted. Mr.,,, Hoover lurougisi before eunil tie case efthtie vidow Johnse ateîy turneS eutiftfixe,-aid sel Ou motion, fixe reeve lefi fixe ç Pr ait su hour.- Counci resumed. ACCOUNTS AND A5P5OPRIAT5ON8. Ui. Green repôrteS freux fhe c itte. te on fix te several accei nS petifleus vcrc roterreS, mec oudina- payuxent ot account se ci uSer os-Srof e Juelge, 040 ; Mo chaso-, for vood, supplied Mia, B 10; Torontoe O-ee-a losifl, 9;W. H. Higgins, $53.40 ; W. xrke, ali te Min. Brown, $42,912 coodruif, for Min. Jobueicu, per e. 1Ms-. Hoover, 04 ; P. Las-kml, ians as colctor for 1876-icinui 10 exfs-a-0180. Aid ho Mis. Sti'ner, 50 cents, lek, te lit Jungç. To Min. Lapp, 50 ceente, peu- veeu ; June. Teo Mii. Slxank, $~1, per- veei, te Ine. Tlie cosnittee recomuxcudtd, i 1pefitiene for rends anS bridges Sd ovr iuntil next meeting. I1eq lopteS. DAMAOaiS 5 111 S1iZZKLLEp SIX 1100 Te Jono-psLaw. tfr 5 aseep,_ $28 nmages, boing two-iisirî;cf v-me lois. By-law road a tfird i- fluxa 0756 g otehafrcnx eSpink'îs aill te are suk Raiway. 3soNNi. On motion et Mr. Miakie, a roe m panseS authoizing tise reeve s rk te havesa noe f or*500 discon attse Liverpool Market Branci aDominion Bank, for th, use oet rporation- TORONTO AND OTTlAWA RtAILWAY. NIr. Gi-con infieduced tise by-Iav 1 sul-jeaf f0 aid tise constructien )rsiw-ay lsy elebenfures te latint et 8ý60,000. NIr. Monkiouse sousidered t iotvnt ton mucaisnsd iciered tise sI11,1ee- a botter aisance et carry ise4 .1,w fo', 50,000.ý io,-ors. Green, Hoovrer aund IhAl wed vîtîsl si. lic s-eep udertock lu cousuît lu >ts, ftirongi fixe telograpl i wle, as icil adjourneul for that purpoeo. isboe'querutly lhe by-Iaw wî7Lntrl ,d ssud pans8eS to a second rosii thue $50,0o0, in tise siapa s inwii wilS be tounul publisîsieul lu cl un maotion cf Mi. Miouloilu iire. Hooeri, anS James Loge -- 8aî(icL'fd seoaal aemniseicnersi fioh lisekinu asuel eu-seina cf fi, ïeist between lots lii sud 17, fer snbstitiuîsd for tha isaIuscil sil ftruaticu cf fthe Spink Switcis. 0VERK5Ei5. se lxy-law appoiofing orerecers we 3eled aud pannieS. sn motion et Mr. Hocrer, fisc ice, tise sorer (sud afferwarln th !rasenibers cifite council -vos Sd) voie appeinted a consuitfe. t 'cf Pickeringliai-boni sud fle ii sumnus -reerily ruade, vif isfis eto sertssining tiîe extoentofthi k and amnunt cîpended, anutI il muui vitxtixe corporation nullei te e tfhe poar cf laanehissg ovres-4, lies-cou, ou obtaiuiug a bond trot copauy, anc1 report. amotion of Mi. Eloove-, coui urueS te Saturday, i9ta et May. Suttea lu Indus. ýE OF- Jjuiu iAIDOis wiYEe au iSOLAs-ETHEF.. ry snd te mnainiain pesce; tien ù diieafious ver, giren totex er-lu-liv. Ti s at tas tb Bsons. prinaners. Tlsey thon I tise lune-aI pyre quife unou- !Iy, utufern- praypri. Tise v as fisen- laid on ifs isole, anal lest Rance took ifs isad lunlier S-fia. twc others teok -thfiet. e-e-e ie sure~4e ly oSerops itt4les, asuit flue 1ýpeS-gazeS je tatuîres cf-tIs IShsx ,a et'," 10f eve-yotixer ceusiderafion re vanl thonappliedi by hie éon, v as over lu a fewý minutes. ruNte ACCIaizus AT SUNDRLAND, aloi-day lait a yng girl lensed et Anderson, sfged ahont nino aeconahd by s bs-cher aud' iical] d e f Win, Andeurnan, 0the cesole nfixe est eide et sa-e, anS Igetting en saIca- vere ont in St fream,, -sud upset eo vafer- Tvecf tiso n anageS Te a ixelîOfet tie;-ueg, sud theu tracteil ~ tpie cor n te seaur arieu ati mered fixe six .__ 1instuctins fom, he Ar . - .cMuionOs sud 1u rai1 n ios iifendsufs ans- .Thie right of fis Houge.te grant divorce leaf i. fRe vasavos-y weitixy min, psuy te aecept rates cianged te Ransil- aveincselo anS judicas separation ceuld el vel respecteS - by ail visa 4new Ilaimf tou fe nsd bicix, Tise amont paid vas not be disputed, sud alhs&ôoy vwan iliai. sud a Most estimable citizen. #eti 28.20,, cf whieia the AocnCeux-'dntl O ivos-ce. Tisiall, if paisseS, ANDEESON.--mAt Whiiby, on Apsi pany ge t018.60. W hox e fix ovîs ver. m uni go bef eo tihe higixeet uegaî aniser - 2 r ,1 7 , M ga e t e b l v d w e th reisned tie pigeonsa ee.not amogi iies,,cau-tic questiont fiuiseitieci< o i-,1fMrae, ieicoev -ptet ecied. ts1 lus c1 l6 fnsî nt Ifd of Mr.3suxeg Anderson, ageS 58 yesars spue ca2noas, fixeplaintiff,,- gave e .the"motion n luaubieument ixsould bc anS il menLixe. portye douce té fthe effoiotft hix t'e pige one ai-- carried it veulel-ixave tixo efleai ef vip- - fie iyd ail - gh f >et lih e xhibition. At ina- ut ail fie vide c o taken, sd if W H TB Y MA K E TS. an di fie clo0se cf fie exh ib ition ,, i. ca ie ,l M s. C aup bele l a i p ply n e t ses -. Ãœ upox Mi. Muudy, fixe agent ôfthfie Coiy sien fer a divorce fixe vixale atdry CasnauuCza OIFFacI, Apr-l 2SfI, 1877. s r t o u h i e a r o u n d s s a i - H a m i l t en , -t e r e g i p v o l d i s s e t e 6 eo f a i S ev e r s a i un .L i f e p d u e m ans fx ifo.Teagent-gaveiximslabels, Hn i.P tai haked GoS ac -g ho- vd ln -iep t o uap p m i d t e S e n a a ti a n a s n e t i a l a vy c . H o t o k I o f t e r fl u c t a n i n i i p r i c s a e t g r a i n . - t e taske charge eft te n. T he m an , gr en u . - fls, sy npathIiesn' sud convic e PýAH W ie l- - - - - - - - --.... 1 60 @ 81- 0 came sund'teck cuarge cf craies aud telS fions ve. i ix Mu-s. Camxpbll, fLoua-g SrlgWbet----1 0u 57 cho, p lin tif h.ie m i ah t l av e sud fat fixe, ih o di S n et k no w ib er , o s- b er ineb sud . B a sl y - - - - - - - - - - - - -8.. ... 0 1060 $ 75 iool boi rda vou d a-e by t ic.,s aue rain . R h. iall n eiread fie sidence, ut fro uc a F leu xr, per b -i-.. .. ... . 8 00 0 89 GO -Tixis evidena. vaýs cuIrebci-ati-an aise visatie beardoet fxes eehixebel ievt Poe . ......80 @'87e isr vidence as tt vl vain e lx.pia-ens, nibe hall beau, cs-el-uy 'reafed. -fHe'BakE- oi - 1 01O y uenvrivteB.f-mHnifn could nef sigue vitix fisclsvyorsi- but Cuircer SeS-----------47 50 ( $8 00 Londen. &a. The 'eleven pigeons foi ix. believed'tfils; hoc uS power e ode, Oas.. .......sM@ w)siai s nages alaiseS vèe.nefafther. na-ht sud ho vould vote for fixe Bill. ----------8 1 w r is i d e liv re d . T ie b lac k c ar i r es T ie d b a fe va à c o tin u e S ti îîr s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -S& @ $ 12 Do m w v re vlo rt ixa t b a sf 40 , u d. i fi s fie vixen lth e H o u se .d iv i Se S o n H o . 1M r. P ta fes - - - - - - - - - - - 7 5 e @ 8% e Qn ufs otiers l st toô5k na y pri es o i plain .« C am p bell'n am an d uxcof, vlic lu vas ris- E ggs - - - - - - - - - - - - - --....1 2 1e- com2- Lif.- The dragons, $25 ; tise barbce, jecated.-Contcnfs, 28; Non-Contenta, Buttes--------------...2oe @ 25e eirk, $15; sai thé tnnsbleîs freux $2 te ,10' 84. Ceai, pton.fo ......... $à-@,6 5W [ses Verdictfotes- 020. Mr. Fareweli, cf- Hon Mr-. leesor's motion vast cas-mi- Wood ..............----.850 e 864 00 meal, Farewell & Rnfloda-e, appoareel for ,S on fixeame divisioni. ...--------------80c @ SOCe. 12.plintiff; Mi-. Monkmnufer détendants. - Altos- recens, Bcdf, hbAudquartas- -$8....0es r 0av0ce Th. H ----Tcfouse vont loto Consmitfee on Beef, fore quarter -$8.... # 0085 50ý r d e r M a is C o u c il fie B ill te g r a n t s ju d ic i s si e p a ra ti e x u h e ep oi nclu - - - - - - --.. $ 1 5 0 0e l 7 5 -. Be- Tovtep- 141,17.-1 Mun. Campbell- 'Hon. Mr. Miller iu Hie~s---------------......8 50 @ 86 00, d i n T w n H a l . A r i 1 t hf ix7 t e c i a i -. ,- D u k u p or p a - - - - - - - - - - -. o c @ 6 0 e isng ilme Hou. Ms-. Rener moueS te amend Treo a b..... o C ,xci ; members ail present; fie Bill s0 as te provide fiat .Mr.1Tn....y.,sper@l1.00 p r fisc R o ce lun fie c hia ir.7. M in u te s et C a m pb e l h o ld p y il l $ 8 0 0 a A p p le , p ar . b u s ici , - e @ I O ilat m eeting r aid a d ap roved - ev- s ho l a i ieP r ,p re t. . . . ...6 0 -'teesaiaconis pfiies orai l soa;yeaa-. payable in isa-Yeasîy tinsà- Pr, o t-----$ _@ 625 5teoauSacpouitonof ixtins fo et cinodsou ete. Ciikena ............35 @ 40eîper-îpair- lit S etion nofthps-ayutsfe bouS- Hou. Mr. Campblol mareS lu anseud- Ou.ou.---------- 25 aS a os ection No spaisould . he bnîr-e ment te sotnikeouot ftsc clause aifegetxes-, Turnipa------------....15e arien oa- anseig tneve u lsfex Soreiold a-sm entes-ed a rirona- proteît ÇClieo--------18 O14r. thu byanexig svo los fomScholagaiuet thla legisiation as belug uncen- Cas-s-cii------------15eO20e, ilac, Section No. 4 te ficir section, voeestituhional. - port laid on the fable. Tise aloi-kvas lu- The arusaudmen vas lest ou s division Eppaîn CICorcsesx-Graiefl sud Ceux-. struateel te senS oufthe uee-sssary -e ,1;us-,2. -loits 113 0 t5 les-anai ne viOweda-e 8.ý notices prepuîates-y fe lakina- houcou- Hou. Ma-. Diakey moreS le fil tise ocf ti ns-alla-ge-s vil avnie 5.2 iderîfieu a ha-liv fox- flicpurs-ne cf îîauk viti tic suux etf0600. CarieS . andoraflous o dpigestion anS theritio s) a t m an k i n a - f i e s a i s a l t o s - n i o n s . v aT gh e n u t e M m .f C a m p i c î l , f ix e m e n o p e r - i e d af n sl - s - e l ta t o o s - s I x:p p A by-lav panseS flarouis its noverai Ts encute Mry C mpbflue tuetaue t Ea r v ell.nsibeckt--abs-wt stages fox-thfisseue cf deixtcs t be r rons Kingsftouagalu preîestiug Slcatola- Savored berverage, visici enay tiseauxuntet 600toiScieaiSecionaganit snb a ines-es-ncevifs cviisavo us mana- hevy cdctes-sbis." If la selioni o 60 o ni olees, &< t uc u nerérne lllcii. ha-ei.judicious nite of sueaic lles. af diet six. N e. 5 for erec ton . f aet o se , & 0 ila ifs. t- n a c on i tuion m ia- h e . M m-i Ua y built sud Tise aIes-kvas instructe'l te uctifa- F. Ion, Mr-. Reescu- moreS for a pro- np nstil afrena- encighi eosmt ove-a-ton- W. Aritrens-, Esq.. P.L.8,, te deflue vision of #200 per sunoun, payable in dencytocdises. Hundredi ofunbtiemnisa- tIse nide lin. ai lots 5 sud 6, acroiostheh.iaît-yeînîy lifs-ulinus, for support cf hies are floaina- esoundud ss-eaSy te sltack el4fl con., aise le efs-aigîsten lia istixtiechWd heerêver t fies le a-ek point. We mia- alu- the cisild. e~sscap n aafatal satcakopgor- ana1 con. ltmse at lot 16., Mr. George Stratis- Lt vas cars-led vithont debato. seluc vewll fortlSSSwiflxpus-eblocS and- ont creu, patlasnr, vas iunstucmtesl t - Hlon, Ms-. Campbeîla-ave notice fiat props-Sa nous-laieS fiamnse-Ccil a&le-ssu 2 o campel Mi. Patr-icke Duffy f0 replace lie ironîd uso te refor hixis Bih foeflic Gazette. Solu-ole nia aPsakefn, labeiiod'-- tiae tiesoc aae-beo a so ii Spen ort Jugs fox- (lais deision .James Pps & Co.,- onseopahic a hum wos-ktug on pivate pîcupes-ty. Mi'e be-fore faleing ftie fiaisrcsciaing. iqta, 48, Tiresucl6él Street, and 170_ aies-k va alecinesteted 'te luotifa tise Aff ci sortie Sciate, -concurrence on- PiccaSilla- London. _ Counta- Tra-ens-s e canceul tIse laxes tise ixacucienîs wues Sofes-red ulli Don't Spend D ollar until On appeariusg aucainni, Lot 20 on tise 7tli MouSsa-, unfil fus 11111 sixcuid b. ps-lut-r a - tisa .,fo M 1ses-. -1 s. You have -trred thias. - thTess riuornapn, T. EYLearat-, - Wood'i Improved Hais- Reitorativeý aud ýPIsilip M'itse, Eeu., vos-ee appointeSl A Peuty Inquisition. - 15tînlike sa-eotie-, aSd has noe4eual. Tise ho, us couinshîe ou s-cnhseuSn bridges, ho - nspscvod lias uc-v vegelaile houle prea- ere whiosu ail potitieus for >aid eun mo-de axe We as-e' sctisfici tisai flac listora- cf tics; restos-ee gre a oas glaisay- nîural to be e ertc-r]. Meses-eJaspesMc- reproeutatlue institutions affords nocaler ; -etesfaessy es ianS - la u Itenale sud-Miistin Timlu vore graufed paralîci te fixe diegreceful bulepqîse I lig. s; rotoies, drtreses. tves vger te ho, lesa-efv e tiseS- Statuie labour nsef lcbeiug enacted ut Ottawa,unuder tic- hcad; retoses hais- taphrmains-ciaalS jcusîrt ou Centre x-ad, anud suxliuxg an guise o&au Pariausseutara- inquiu-y ie e-nions; romoves irritation, fithlasgnd nS Mr. TLasnae Warren vas appointeS vay Comupany-. In tise purlicun et- vendes-fnl effeeti. Tra- if, eall fes- Wed's s oa d c w u i s iô u r i n t I e p l a c e o f M s . v e s - a rs sg e c i t a - a r e s o i a n d g a r b a s e L o u p s - e - e S , ia s R e t r a fi v , s d d c i s f b c icapi as-auS vicîs, igisianel puet off ucitianysu- eher artie. oSlSha- al ro FlrneOLer- eito ryn bes rerutsmeps)or nigrand deys druggsts n tisplace and dealersevees-- Ing fr thechang linvng he n liaded i . bovr som poli tuierabls-ados ofupple..eTra e aiplie& nt aclus-eeti s' le h Thefolowijzclseqnes voie grantil, bofi xs, oerer andson afoop te prtcea ha- C, Ai. CocX & Co., Cicago, SoIs os- via :-To G. Brune. scrices ansi-oaS pokoeIsu- clcauna- ciavisud nosds Agents for tie United- Stafod and Canada, aonjuseeur,$1; . eneea-,buls. uiestie il',l er expeefaticu cf ~h-LYMAN,-CLARK & <CO., les- approcese te Talbet bridge, $355; tiedinn a as-a- sers-tho sdi8# te tIse 0 Ments-sai. se H. r. Slnclair, municipal blans sd -u-ares s eslur iimarine tou-s. _________________ au staioxcm-y. $13.48; Ti-uFtees et S. S. 2, ,casi for sagi" is tise sigu ove-r ma. fa 1in resideni sciool fax taor 187, 6.40; luAcrestzu 's office, ansd ilitier itia NEW A DV ERT) S M EN TS. h o D i , R u m a y , e x a m i n s fi o n o f a u i n s a n e e e r o x a s h e l o f s a u - a i f l y a u c a s a r a p e - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -ccl pe r o , 4 ; El c oes- ML a n -isi ir, rep ais- t cg tiîer r su ix loisi fa tsulatl sc ve n g cra.. P T J1 S U A N F T O A D E C R E E eof fie - ho eftofwn hall dccii, $1 ; IL. Brucé e, i-o-"Iuiisîs filfed lier." hoeudrertises, CourtfChance- adie in s cause of. paisetfs-oaS iersape-re;, $8.88 ; Petei- andtI fca-brins- itlis vifl a svenge- LIe ntJnsteceiosc 'I'omupon, foeur ho an indigent, $6.50 ; sc. Mr. PAL51ER tWnuie crrect GulDT lu. SAiss, lafe eftho Township .-etWitby, in fie Ceunfa- of Ontario' vie J. H. tseas-i, do., 06.50; C. Jclxnstésne, vixen liessaisi tix at ana- compasIan 41dieS lu os- about thoesuonfhi o!-mune, 1889,, ase s-enf lufull for rsoaS la Otîs cou., 840; beteen fixe Commite-esasd- a Iivision axe, on as- beortsole 711î DAY 0F rMclY Mie. M'Vsa-, cieaniog fowu hall, $8; Court wae "rougît outise Dirjeion 1877, te sonS by pest (prepaid) te FsiresvLl1 Mis* Batemnan. au nidlest, 85 ; J. Court." LIt i. ut tient a fierions pouifi. & Rufloalge, of tuieTowra of Wiiia, the k1 Solieif-esf fixe Plaintiff, tixoir Cisil ve Gi-aliaso, do., $5 Mmn Moffati, do., $5 ; cuaI inquesi wlth ~Mr. GuTruasfor cor- anS Susnses, adds-esses.aid description, e Ifs. Fa-Ce, uic,$5; Ms-s. Brown, die., $5; oner. Lt le a 1f8iugs-inuiition 5in the full'sustianias of fi l aims, attis- re D. Camptisil, f0 h.e expeesded hsa-Mm. acarcix cf polit ical capital. 'The amaîl- mont ot'tii- scouaois and tie nature of t'O Whiun, 05; Mis, Lee, ta e otîpendod est appoatrana. of a ahance te count uiche ensifien (if uni) bollS y hafieso; es m b.ha Mr. Eere, $5 ; Johnu Walsh, te bac eue fer tIse miniuherial ncanial-uxungero detauuititereefso- ~iea vii be feeula- expendel ha- Mr. G. Sullivan, $6; Ms-. is sgrla- seizes. For instance, ul f eclcuded fs-nte binfit ofe saisifDe- ~ Pa-, tis flousselecf hcun vini ~ Cre. Eesy creditr holding ay seeerty eo Coqucil adjourned tcefixe bief Safur- pusesed uusfer fie s-cvicv cffixhe Guit Chmbes, t t i Ton:o Wetby i th i. day lu April, ai 2 o'clock, p. s. inquisitors tîxea- poumuos ouly en (haie Ceunla- of Ontiria, on thes Iltix Day o! Mia-, -- - - - ilitixea- tliuk likeba- te burt 'the 1817 at ton ochock la fie foeoon, belin2- n Dxsîsso Enrou AN Rspomre.ss leder ettix Coeoratie arla, The tti fle ppoinfofi for adjudication n ii AssocsArîe.-Txe adjosîs-usciannual Mail, ci samoboda- in opposition te fixe DateS fia LOtisdia-of Apil, 1877. il meeting cffise Doiminsion Editors' and paves-s lisat lue. Even tIha pi-otsnecf GÏ1O . DÂRTNELL, repeeorr' Associatiominausîelli ntiîc îsminlus- tic books itihlafie ricetof18-21nMetr reporters' apsa-tuest, flous.etfCoin- disceverina theo bouta fide8 affixe setihe- mono,a-entes-tia-, Mi. Thxomas Whaite, muent aiied1 at vif la tix Geveruseuf, \VVH ITIB RACES £ Pie-eelent, lu tise chair. The cnnu al lu noSv droppedl. An expencIitume of Au b -report of flic Couneail vas presoenîcc, te-n îsoussud dolas ile notteauvasaed, wliiaislifter seioving flic position cf thsouigl pose-ily open te criticissu- fixe Association, relrued te fhe ps-o- whctlsos ineusreel for locomotives, cas-s, poeed amalgamation villa flicCanadian os- lu tiseceuae of voikina- Oieses.OR5AO. - - LSPRING IIETING s-Proes sociation, anti rpeommoucied Toi eeî Ie-capa-Savucs' ~'f(te Ontai-o Turf Club vil] com' offa thie appcintusenoncf s cornuittee te cou- vitis tus. susnseofthtie manager cf Thie oe es-tcWiby Cens-se, on fir witis s liko commite- iela-aiilataes-si éo i1e---ucos is tan g"vtegrai" fildat lnaS vxu i.Mneilafs-na-fsat evec-bsýe doues liai neyaos ef28 facein- tc rai ifcies.Tisecrickets.,fs-a-ilu fis unaaill-fcor unS inquisiteri- nveiDoars. olr; eodiase vna- are akin te fixe gi-asioppere aud, liC. al riauisaetng cf private affaire. The Caeaso iusrPresetFe - flacs, ae tie ceanloelaaoPn-ao ureS atteiupt tu psriSe naacf-off te DeUiara eaeh, uifi - BoSSasaaddi- fur montset fdry sciions. Tihe utîo seh tise nsbilltouS sa-aiuuuf MÂcxL3Yzssaaliboston hors-eula. A Ssii cfocmUxi is s-eosteti hn San Mateo Canta-. Tisa &Ce. viii hé huit saunlerabie faîlure, - . - 1 nunses- of seieep fat haveeliecl or Eta n tepifa-au exeeedingly atna>Es AND U exsaesci. snvarita- eot ssfna-ie a oileSas trtis exausreFeée iQper cent, f pur-e. - 800>000, katai iléesd* cf tfis, a-as-,lu. Spish reiberrs are voi-y polite.An twà,tditrt .n¶- u nfli is stead cf harlua- 8,000,000 seeop, as *ved BlImu u as Ocu ce ated on* a, 2.'Rdsims pes-9rpmoiuo ehould have vt it avrarcsea refail, boriela- ioaS ha- trufian. "8fr," snaSotliervmse tisa- vuSi netfh.a owed tw Mount. vs shouil probabia nef ihsue more f lasu lac, "yenu hare M y- coatof u; M y 1 8. Deicisioneote Jnda-eite h. final lu 7,001a,U00, perîxapa nit se mana-." trouble a-ou for if?" Tise Ens-linlt n iniis ûl te aaa ne- i c - Si-c a pipfol, snel tcid fixe feîiow lue 4 Races wil asitunicoesgoi day ut A pr-ûaçllerî baCup s, collection 0ou vas misiaCen. "u, si i clbsisui-pute iacO'Cdoek, sasp Sundiand su ndu, vîsen lus liai as 'I pereoire that I shs. )wuîu a-eu dû 5.1-Alct-e abs'td uviiiicf . retuueul, tixai fier. wasu'u a penny' ix me fioISner ta 'commîuiceaoui cnfs-a- tu specîfilte namoe, âge, aolor, sois If Itissk ms Godsfi" suiS us-n. name, tisaiIinay roemei- t l a sr >ailuxeffi Pnes, ~-thofe ona y , se a- a flsle/OovaeB'sn-aise, encooet.luina acaied, luis-is-, upside Sowu, usuel luppins- puayoss senvelsupe, aldiessed tte ie Scetaiy, Riy's fixe ais5luof et i v is ebanS, 11f I Cll OI N iurOci or. ihtel,- Wlfha-b.- have a-et ma-bat bacC fs-aux fiis congre- CIin Sas appi-oveD fi.iPORTS-a tI. 6Tic culris-ste clsoe fit 9 o'clek, .. gation."prswMouSsa-, Mia-21sf, ai Rayes aft.el,Whlfs cpening auldifloual ru-e Weu ansd 7. p cell-nxeentra- vsilis -iscsuved o "If t bire's unc meenliglaf,: v ilI a- u ba. - -uss]ess lie entx-ance meueey-aacompa4ios the meet me ba-siKaeight, dearest Juliana ?"I Tûf avtnl laid a-s; :e"Ma, pa has s-B~AY, CHARLES RAZ - t'o A i;u~~wn F; rn g gai a-cf fieboatf et-aou-yen ean't strllce - ?aiatolaas on- vous- rrnam hg La *,, =1,161- L .s,1 MA..5. - - A.I-011 is De foi ien I Fity, Saiet - amenai pertyi sud li - - lie-in AndSwhie- Of ut sci Tevisal Thons. Hundri Bigty deit cl T7oinsl lisaun thex-c is ne par ogual 1 M=11, on cther s-i t he said -Bo iltiterefi fie -Io coumty 1. Th ift Coryora - kes-xgt Ottawa M. IsaTif of %unee 2.fientai 1 lcaussi gacs Del the suin be scalel p ration Tresur tlac face i t tse aae 3. Tht fieh date 055 afis te C -xaw, ai samunts, $1441 0, la t - oet; 0ý1528 10, la M19 a80 lu fi ef; - 151716 97j, là tlereof; 01820"00, in, cf;4 $1929 20, lu lite-caf; $ 2044 95, lu 0217 62, min -' ,o~f:uL $2 1M555, in txereof;- 82581 70, la i $27860, - tfi tseront; #M90080, ila fie-t $8078Bo, ilu fi thaef; 082M582,' in u * fiereof; in:4 0,lase 0862 20, iu o therce!; tiereaf; uad suaisDel tIcs- Âgene Liverpool 4. Thît tihe entes-est six ibis Ba--Isw, raatcaed cfa dei'urnedte Th adumil inherai te, i l. T à si De at h ifie, e lions foloie benturoe o- - - bc aanuit ai visonlise i - - icougradeu 11,1,1,u - i .1 ......... -, - - Spring Debility, 1 1. 1 1 - 1 ! 1 cirinu eétion, , civil To the Editor of the Whilby Chroieicle. ;ul

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