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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1877, p. 4

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orge titnlcpw tiie A1,ý_4 brother. jofeîiu4 lîo.* [iines boy lîîriîtl Ige tappeid. roue, 1 1îla't tlîlîîk It in hlm ta Inarry lita' fathier ?' msal-the .lndgé withI> -r corne ta - utidorotand cil -Auna, wlîo detested Iilosoqplier becaufle file r.tt5tu'1--hiin. do't linow,' siid th A sk Ifidali >esl. yonV ilnut rneinthaI sa uittle re@4h14lihe face î'ao Witter she woASaf- "A.Sketch lu the. Hoaseof!Commonuv Bly 11. 'V. Bieveus of the Moncton Tizes.ý The rt4ik ud' Min of the Minustonsa fiirLy ietilhe Ilause aresà poot lot. O 0 Cg i hn ou tilzt i eqofa!the lousc tran thllw iîmailt..utryuesaarc, V4 1i'vis, 'elAiiprIrby, Devebier and l'ickrtitu , eertwo liai. bralu' dîlaàzgii tu bo Dif sOme Service, -but 1f- rtgelý thinigli initflunceo whch we are flot tue meniton itheir interoîsélu utttpro politiciail as beau destr7ead lut]1LIly bave became >vlrtâaliy 0o1 ns scotiut. Fisrris, Wallace and. min of f fiat tamup, fara uîeuéal1y Incaable or graliplojjpolitlçal lpstious 'and havei (ýirtal long lusogdempaired oa!et. tarin r 1jtemIWtposition i lle t». Hose, and. deiritdta io th e ir otmbitlln to lite eue purpolo of! making"a éboua. niiii dollars a yeur ont of!ttir li et. * Po iucl weni, îofwigloa &hre aie tas- îizvlu féie . ite,1t010position 'Of Misz1îîhr Id wontil jufqt about #1,000 os -y1wti W10m trîývellig oilowance paying tiI thir ipeteso)' aud litai lu Ihe ous im] l eilv ialvaitage.tJl>ey catie about. -rt wwil hoIiitued!fr ecoaomy la the cou- fitlttioiem tleîlu eli suelà monilat haine, tel W '. VyltîîvÃ"î.titiiug botter tu send loi "î w0hliît repreaiOntotion aud lot tl1î,i Pî1nt'.à1~ tved, In sueh a pltzo m- pIttue Iiiiiîqse oînîlnim, a Mia will tlie go iiii, or dowu, If lie have anUîyud tinit a»)Iing, eambitions an-I - 'kIeui'îioeftu mate tepositioi;i for Ihlm- 111- liiwill go &lt i sssretly, bot îiflio ft-kwMsa o i tulie wiII as; stirely dowi ttil lthe iwanibeof interest fvit i)hbilk ttipr Lîerit royà hie own ini- t roti pllie afifars. If thas.elce0- ter4.vi), vote for a susiu I,.czîise lh. li "n Lguimi lîillor" etiloo uk lnu ujou 0p!I~' Ui4i 'eComun imtxî ~sen baw qit, usîualiiy iramotes-tiîeir Revre- îtî ii'î itucas séOttawao tiey %vuîllîr'reatter eoek somo Ililier L- rtttilitta) coîtrtro the ballots wlilcb1 livu boien pActud lnt Ibeir bainda.- 'Tlî ho Ubeegnan8hlp sud élhe gaverit. 1114, gosld administrative slllity aofte JLt etso (3oiîînon4 ara utiitietionahly- l-nfuuind aibltheSppaesliloti.$Iri J.i, ,ot r. Tîîpjur wlxn appeatr ta ho a- ît-teît w wIo rtes are un- 11111> d.yt iIwo abluitilii l it Par- w1iît l î, it wï t iîvi tueaéîcftefi ligiritît l It) H-lui. Mî. Pope, hou., -Mr. Mixitelif, 1- fr. Aleesoaiz, Me- Pcîpo 1'. F.-TL, MN. Gihîn, Mr. liowell, Mr. l'ltr, Nt,*.-1i>otîvillc. oeil la hast at et-r, euft'iik't iîhi*iLy, 'r1ot3projior -i. ii ,1 igîîiîtrit!tb orii niîl.ontial mina - -- ' lt, o aiîleî iuto!fthil bousisl; ic'l îIti,ît, înlyVvvcry tu1it ltavixg a l 1t' .jlr dl at pomtionu f whio.bliia 'rgtaijîinî'îfi4 has, iii still coivti 't, I ~i'4 ttil d fit feri-îitl i] irs11 tîi-ttl i ietlii!wlié,v and * ti ~'t~nîîlî'r'-îiî, liqtlfQeli 'uni coUcrte- iii îuoiî~i tii dce'uiiLn î toecuaril ity ïIii (1, li v ito;1#. l e fbellfe vîm tlti pr- litenie îoîîîilwli,î't4bgclutlîillcux, -~ aîd ît, uîu'îîtg)te fuactily gîftis1fe' lte fl'rin it-tire wlîiclî seîgk îolilhienàl 4-lîîtlaelV t ifrî l glti'N 'pîîivate filininbaoîutoî tlîî'eiîdîttç it J eînî liex iitlustil flt~lO5. Ilh, ilyn few tîyugo wlieîîliii, (trrlt'scou- îqlioi witb lite nnînBcatcnk ,es tiit'.vi'lîy îiiritebd li. Of course sir -Jolîit ',elvqrio e i ireciprot-il îtîi's r ioli lue UtlInhelite Wtîe anî'teî it diu oft ut t iii-Ly' bcbg ta tl"îrtî hl polîîlcafly by r'iuluîg liis prîvt-kuc haracer aud ? rsab iapula- hoau. 't'fiy have faiteT, bowever, aS WMailol, asud leopîto tlîîir efforts lte eonur tvi ll tako the irsI opportuuity le comrmit ils inleresîs akmiu te lte garerof anientleman" wlzsc-patriotisuz, iielity ant long, aiid valua ble servies' wIll nevrr bis forgatéen ao long ase Can- A Silghl Mistalte.- The presaent Anchbitshop of Dubluiti, tlhe'glfted aullior of lb. work, sa widely l- ku, on bhe "Stndy o!f Vrdo," la iiot ta veu-y i-bus hîtailih, sud las hli1 1i frany yasa-a apprebsasive ot - îî'1'l.-At a roet a itier inu B- lii, gnon h y the Lord-Lloîileuumnîfi 1irelail, Illa'Grece but 0t1iLe îiglil sida tif lits Itoîthea 1.Duclti cf Abereomu. tIl thee taidel of h'el dinuer thue coipan>' titis clatlled 11,' eeiog tae Arehbiahtîp - flou tramu hid Fsualla itiliill Mare stan-. -- lî'î ta Lest- l' 1M oxleluz la a dîsmal iti iptllural toue,Il It fas coie i tIas caome V"," "Wblnt liase eoîxt, iYour (Insee1"' ciîorIonidhi1fidoetzvotics frant Wl1II-have boeen oxpctfîIgq for - solinnlansweredtlhei )1ýt0 Lten Iirýo inayseh! for ile luai LwénY ýuly tittbe, dira Suinysoif on- fuel>' wlllxal tosstion." - -- pardauu mIll, -My dsnn Am-elbishbp," fluahes.,lthe gp t lta i -wiltlta sOitWhuttquirzical stalle: 1.îmî'dýon- ité-efr conteadting Yau, lut tl.ie I you bave bees iaig.-u- iiit raM<gailet. 'Tur n.. -I rft Boxs i e éwuîa - - tinding ant'theo'Corner o! CIi-suda Rti Cluton .étetswiîi opoliceman catua along, and, poinéîug ta a box ot bisl oest, this poil boy saSd Tic ar, wlîo iost- that Q e 10wagon wiIl 1,8t1 awtuil bal, I st'pasc you'1llakeie t taeét atatIon, w ylq yn r boys waîhîhaveoîqgoi éathstbox OIT boine, Tes, 1L'tals tt w ta îti*nu." lé -wes 'aa Jtônt box r welg»ing aven eighéty paunnlsand wheu thi ailleer set It do*u ln tb. Ilatian.liauoac ait1blé boueâsohuoid, sotx aine lé vas wuballer, déund BsrneeBsa llcuese, aud $oité vas o pened. rTii'. oaiênî. ene.. cobblse Stones. Thé aifloot- non aittheits a> bsek land ho!se 5i ours : o1dnjgfl5, amo s'se mltaits> ii. Mo -Àyo i fr it la.s. -i ia "kea iflio wii always lave lier tlitus, o pô'lry Pand rpllcf;, 'wjil'ùb oo trobpumh acerutia» anSdabsorp. 't4 e~uor~fneoell " Thon t. u 4 1Ully 'itoeo-ra i$ col& oa! bn the hanse.; XW4 0ta ocott commhionsense w Whr or- the1 THE ,--WI N DSOIR, (Car. KlnoriandS faul-tes NOW OPEN. 82ean PER DAY. Fros omnibus tlansd train adiltrains. Ta- ble anti apeolntmont irat-cias, THOMA9, SCULLEY. - Last M Coucllchtng Hôtel, Manger, No, 4 B(JLFINCH St., BSTON, lt (OPPOSITEUBEVERE HOUS£.) THE SCIENCE 0F LIFE, rOr, SEtLF-PR£SERVATION, -MORE THAN ON1E MILLIOii COPIES SOLO. 0015 Mceal 4Anarded lu tie Aulior by thc "National Medicai Associa- tiont" Mnt-ch 3ist, 1876, -JudItieutltfheif. by iiP'IilOI) Y MEICAL IN'TITIJT14, ati îîe iiucituheinatifat vomIenetitlete iiN lClI,'NtjdiOF LILi; o, HELO.Ptiift.IIVTIO." ltrattipen Mari. liou 1w es ot, hlî,w±tegndaniiuxd h lîwi-pet. isatei; cause sullau. c Eitttîitlat y, - lleeîtety. i'neittatuiîe i>e'uile influtae, ster. itcrltu', orfnitîft tut Lusse, iuctîînlandut I na Nemiculis uiditi'tysieal iieili. yi-- -pefoL-i&tu. ucrme ,uieîiîîîg . ilai 1Dét- itresslce, Luof d kte3,gy, Ifagi'd Ceculeli- aile., conuifiîtof tifuitalitt(tees cf Bemery. litîiaro chute cf the Itooi, anti au i tileses avilug fl-clu errer, on Youtb eorte luîulfare- licou <or exceaitea cf mature yLoin. It telle votiu iatthlIe -craie ci'(Joera- 11v. i'fivuiuigy, the 'hyaioodiy of YMtrîfagu et wVeixfocastil fstring t'tyalcea Coittruiiee -Truc ltlet'tutiby, uif i elcstu. iecveî'sfiu c set i'tîyttles i 7iuinmu, tii. It cause, utC cure, aSiiftoits btween ttxe Sexes, Prools cf tii. Elxpanionfci tVico, tti, blmines af Impru.- detnce, AîîcnleîîigtutiIiaie and Errai-s, Meatns cf Cure. Cura of Body sittl Mmd. "ru*ie'Pris- ciplea of Treatrueul Aditness ta Paieuitsunit lpveahid I(eatiars l'h. Authoro Prnciphas. rhlice.cf Ibis Look l nu' si t Ti llateuk lii conta is mers-tItan Fifli- Ilrosunpticns for tthe steve nusletianti otiar 4lstiaités. each cee vonth more bixan lbheîîrfce of tateoo. The Instilule âélso publishles ilTHE PHYSIOLOOT 0F WOMAN AND MER DIS BASES.' Picc, B2. Thc beau boaokof the ktud extanu. Aire anotter etîtuaiie niedicai vont trial- f ig eeiîtialvoet Mel ansd Nemnous Dîseages; more tiu '2tXtrnyaiocetavo pages, twenty oie- faîtt eitiravftte, boltait I l slîtantlal mlulte. tirf cel oîi hf ttsreiy encugitaunils>'for priait- "', lin o'£dcr Youg sind itiue-agted mon taIiLi meati 1nov. lete uflicienee et Lite, or hlf 1PcoieatitfiTe tiitut' btaeelunneti train Ifirejît Iu erceilaut lialthli. mýl isnsa4is thie C0titef Ct'it n Yit5tt ,iiyaltiof tiie ealtedy d.teîtuurutlI littit, No. 4 tltultfîtntî itretit, tics. "1Tii, Sateitea ot Lifi- la biîociîiaU eî.l-i lin tic motuttitonîtIny wiNtu on liyiic "HRop e ttl(itiilt bluttîtuuof i>ttîtiliitt.' boxt, itndîthbele plici lioeer vingt alir. ,sitee lte oill fii tilie.vtltlo e orks, pliisiilt tîy Oithe 1ituîtd lMtifeiciuutibite. îtlicb art, tieii ltt iuiiuutiiauli uîw ta avoliltitiseitutaashei ifliu tue teî 1%,tel cf i"i,teeiiiÂ.14 Thl irati tti aîly 1itit-iiiti tes-enctttennt'ui ltan uy lîfttltii Mtiutlu tlitta uolitîitry, as a 1iccsititiftt;îcf akllai suitito'sunt it rIco, Wiî ieu'4-iieu'tîîf lii e ututcu-ilof tese vôrti,.f MaefU tai7. Thei. 'Jitiml.u'tiitit w %tIF4 itttia- Ail tIiLiit'tif ftu a traliuiiice liv ligte Boston 'it-8m a. îî iti' flniie Itrit. uuîtîlt4trcouuulita crtt-tlt'v.Tii ittgniurn'st itàt'(iutlis of anoua itoil. set wltilulauealiaut ele hiuiictIntuila liîeltiî,tiUils ,.'teteG tiit e icti- tes, cf Iillatîii-it ild stied),te. Ifuitlu îccîeul. 1 I n 1t11()14Lt tit 'îîuîl e dî'tîi evo tr tuck lu týIifaaouitiry tîîr atty jitu'poi wihtevir. xc le4 tairith 0110 h iC peclfeu cf Nuîuufiuatfns. ta. posage d:siryun tit iitl veit ofil tàlts-to,. l <f t5ttaWitiitvtt etirku st l 'y ai no réîAeetetof pion. îAiltixeca l'if 1(eii'Y liElI- (<Jetîstuttilît iv Noitt tS, 4 duetliîteli i., lies- lin. Mua. eoitlî,tf tu eesHoua,. N. IB. 'Tte csutittr itne cIse etetastoieii lte btîjeitatini lieias (ewel I t u ai insames rettll i-I lue oil. aterütiy ail cxî)lrtauce. 01110e honi, 9SA. ltt 1' . bM. T iAR11eleOPFEUSTO 1lITE i iN 1Y CONSTABLELS. lUnsien Offu lnu t trtthl, dittid 21tb day Of Jîîty, 1874.) 2. Aireal etfttts iutilvitial clioîn a vannant....................1 50 2Servifitgommons tr ir sbpeSa.... 21 à: Mieage tta serveourmoîe, suIt.- 1?o-snaor warranmt............. 0 I.ieage wi'thn atlvce ucutuiiot he upn roolîo f (tue Sîffîni.;O10 à. Mi esge Imiîîg disouttre ci «tel, exclusive cf dishureemette uten. ,1eMsaautly exientctainlutîtoir cou- Voyanie ..................... 10 6f. Atleîdutig Justices an elxmmuam-y trials, on on examfinalioa of pri. oorra ehat-get i ti crime, fan t'îch clu>'necessanil>' emptoyeti lue orcmmore cases, viien it onEt boa mone haîm foui-banna.,. t1(10 S.Do.:Ii' vhsýi segagai mare thuaîî loir]loe ................ 8AIloutinug Atsizeceom Sessiong,, 1eaclî day, ......... ..........1 M) 0- Milsage lmsvaILIîîg toattend As. %laes, Semions, on betore juiics iakencnýyr anitle diaburse. 10. Sunmmoaing Jury for Cotronemrs' Iîtqiest, lnclîîu iig ?lîltiating ai l4ut, uanti ait'services li re. pectI t1teat, ilthelo on saine day as Jurti'r-i nti ..........2 Rj Il.b Aletuu at adjoturament them-eti,If ual engageS mur'e leurn Itecre.. 1.. .i 00 12. Do. du. Ifl naeiutr ha tour hours.---..-............ i150 li8. 8c.ving lau cuon subpuina le No. 110).... e Isu ec 14. Mlcageaset-vin gsaie.....O I) 1.Exhutilig bcdy uande roners Warrant ....... 20 10. Re.brylt int........... 20 17. SOÏvlng dIstl-sea varramîl, anti ce. 18 4tîng sue... ...... 1 5 flf.Advréllug mîdr citresa vear- faut................ 50 19. Tt'svelJi ie ta malte tjjqUt'.ss.o h iieach ft o «ocde lu îuka ts. trose, vîtên ngootige nc tnd., 10 20. Appmaisemeuta, viclixar b y eas encore, 9 coulsa uthe dllar, OU lie 'Value 0 ogie 21, Caltalogite sale sud conînision aikucalve7yat goati-, Sitiiî. in the01, on nef praducaet1gotie. 22. Execxxiugsearchx warrant. .-15 23: Seving neticesa o1i ecu, be -'0 -,Weemploy oniytii. liast careful supervision> est nrtee-adec ta prove the oompleteaei thea in aperatlon by any four W Our machinery ben beonu eclected 'and cons 1tructed wlfh a specfisl refereno. ta the m inafïcture oo u*Ibzïi g~ié -ume fo-b pariçuprpuros, aS ul dqt~d fr tiier work, aud aur workmen are eau- cateS up bio, ewauits aadreq Ànrentsioou sizm6trethliga b* ough kowled~o! lb constu.o o! ur rpaeiunes, antiare tIhisla dbÏ6 taOb-' tain a higher degree of skii andi profioiecsacythais wbsre siGnorai ianufaoturingî is carnieS an. W. a etherefore enabledtotaintroduoe-oee re, ' steuil néotô 41.teSe- paréments of manulaounre, adding not ouly,t9 the perfectiono$. ô heWbtk, but ai' ma ta the rapldity o! is oxecugion-aus dasnequsut reductiaix a! casé. Tus principle in regarded oo n cs a i~owol regalateti establishment, andi we àntb1ed.to 'tanin autoui mchines wîéb a higiier dogues of perfection, "a d , r l4 o latabsWntoly ta 'defy eampùt1tion. THE JOHNSTON. SELF4RKI R]EAPER, lu Dow sa wéfil nown aus asingle BhaPer, Ibat a wotle1ieuaI a ntaui ahmoaccrsom uptun,Oumk ut sathar. *ré mauy elalmlsg ta auenr14 mahin. wba adhere4 tao14 outhen maeh l tloûtx4 lug up tathe lm1voaements;- *9 JWMCtleo uMuevOa an tBrons'require of nm ta aitâe ébat we hvsenaadffi.4 irln-* otevo - fr gb anti durablhiéy, i1aiyu pl ysyi .' draît aud'pso mnaemn-és o;utq,'u e»dm y u- d pre-bemin enîty abe ad cf ail other reayers. lu proof of tlis ,auv "sOUIa topoin ta l. man FinIPrize avared usat li. has tarlo, sudmany oounty trialiç ll have taken place a&U aver Canada, wlthjn the, usé few years. -- OURTRIUMPH COMBINED MACHIES$,; with laIe improvemeizés, in ail thaài o'Leaub.desired intaa Combled ýMacine, aud caanorildta meet ail the requirements cf purchasers., Our-. Improved <ayuga Chief dr., and ou,' YpungCanadaMgowers are both firsi-olansa machies-croustituted aimait wholly of IrQ nsn Steul. The Ca yuga Jr. lias a roar eut, and the Young CanadB B front Cut ; bath stroug, dur. able machines, suad n4t eàielledý by APY machines in tihe market. for quffity pf out, dnrability, lightneii of Waft, ýdap4abiIit'r, and case 0f menagement, OUR NEW -"WHITBY HARVER."1 As the country has becoine better adapted to nzacbiner, sand.*.ny of Our fan». crs have become skilled in the use of machines, a growiag a mand bas liprunig up for a Lt glt, Durable, F4iret.Class LRaper. Alvo to the requiremnentç of the dey, we have succeeded hi inveuting a ma- chine wltla a Wrought Iran Prame, witIz the les..t pospble geariug-with large. broadfaced drive whee,-and so coastructedl that tie tramne and fabe tilt Bt the saine tinie, thereby keeping the pitinan always in lins with the hait.. The rokes are driven directly fram the main shaft-there bing no perceptible "id clraft, and no egtuo h oeaekWeaccndnttitw have sacesoded h nctn h lat eretlepr aing twal t attat lias ever been Ordcd , îi~apidf:Jctr.ptbat iUii ur invention, for aronecuiemnfcue aSw epcfly u~#toin- tending purcizsrta byaou de u ahn bfr iîgterores for the. camiaghret.TeWi1 filatr weg. il&l,60 one but being made prln pall o 0to estquaI 0 on 0irou I taI.k gnosud compact Construction, 'itcm ens the str à n ?k~IuiI ôlic( Al ofonur machines are fuliy warranted. With tuse list of machiine,, we feel confident that we co eau e@' very re- quiremeont, and wc respeetfully solicit a triai ai our machines, beiieving tbat we eau furnish a better miachine for tiie money tban, eau b. obtaiged oewhcort. Rlespecttaily Yonrs,' BROWN &PATTERSON'MF'G. 00. Whitby, Ontario, Febrnary, 1877. B½4ASHIFUONAI3LE TÂILOJ3IN G f Go whore you- can get a Well-fitting Garmnt :-To the Tailoring Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPEIOR CUTTING SHAPES TEE WORK A Largo Stock of Fine Clotlî ; best Enghli, Scotchi and Canadiaji Tweis. CGf- Excellent Ovorcoatings and Splendidi Vest Patterns. A good fit Guaraniteed. GEORGE GUBLEY, 51 King Street, Oshawa. JUST ARRIYED AT TE ODD) FELLOWS' BUILDINGS FOR TE 11-0 L11 I A. - s-mlASOjW!l NEW- RAISINS, FANCY GOODS OF ALL KINDS, CANDIES, (the best iu town), A LARGE ASSOMTMENT. NEW FIc*S, ORANGE PEEL, LEMON PLEEL, CITRON PEEL, SPICES (al kinde,) CHEESE. - HAMB, J3BCON, LARD, &c., &c. Ail of wbiel wil be sold Clîeap FOR CASE. Fresh Oysters and Haddies'received Daily. PETER SMITH N.B.--Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, Poultry and Apples. Whitby, Dec. fth, 1870 50 N EW S TA TIO N ER Y -AND- 00K ST R AT THE EXPItESS AND MONTitEAL TEL. OEFICE, BROOK-ST. George Yulc begs to ailunnounce that lie lias re-openied Itis Stationery and IBook Stoe in Wlmitby. where stsiioncry o! ail kinda, of tho. best quality, will be kept on bond ; also Sa'hocir oho! evof description, Copy B3ookst, Slates, Pencile, Inke, &o., &c., at tho loweat price. The Dai]y and Weekly Papers always on hand. Sub- sciiptions Solicited..- Musical Instruments, including a fine -assortmnent of Violis. Ordene8 arc talion for Poriodicalfi, Magaziness and Music, GEO YULE. .WILLIAM -TILL'S CABINET *FAOCTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROOM S I THE OLD STAND, BR5OOK STREET, WHITY. Go where you canuot fail. to be pleased in making selections of goodc furniïture. Splenclid Pai-lour, l)rawing Room and Bedroom Sets, N&w Desiigus 2elwo-h of inîspectioni, nt astonishing low pites. Din- in-ionx Exteso Tbe -vcy tipel-jar article. Gîlt Cornices, Picturo Fa.-a iliiovcry utylo. Sonie âne Chromos and L4nipaîngs for sale. Xxi all 15s brflàcéjs'fnra&rls stok(bf'eleg cJoffiis olways où bland,t a - dum' CI.h léoàrze cntntýére'et ils Amerca su Cnadanmakes. D0MLNI&JN~ WA RR~O-OM~S-~ gent Lovs &PloýWe1 -Areý in reeiýpt of a large portion'of thefr pS~Soô,onîsmgn part of a superior ,stock of OANAOIAN ANýD .eNGLI8H -TWEEDS, SUJRE COA TINGe- AND- Dress O'o~aUsq,&C., 'a large stock of'Miilinàery'lGods Parasols, Ladies' Ties, &o. gooi~~ A ImiCoe Al ~i, gý4sééàa mlIaÃŽiiè Tdmchb0 last ý,a' *-,'Tailor-ing and ~riigt order an nthé. beestyl SEIjONABlEJG-OOD D S ALWÂAYS ON HAND A1T Merchant Tailorinq E8tabli8-hment, WRICI THEY WILL MAK-e UI' CA4 FOR- CASH. XtcMlqLLAN'S BLOCR, Brock Street, Whitby. CHEAP FTURNITUBE 110118E, I For 'your Puaor and -Drawing Reom Sets.go to, TILL & JOHNSON. For your- Bedl-room Sets, Dining, -iooru Furuiture aud to furnish your bouse complete go to TILJL & JOHNSON. Foi' Gilt ig eveî-y Style,1 9. BG ROCKING Comices, Picture Fram-à do not forget the place-the sign -of the CHAIlI," Br-ook ,treet, WhitLy. UNDERTAKING - DEIARTMENT. Rosewood and Walnut Coflins, Wftlnut and Rosewood Caskets ; ail kinds of Ladies' and Gents' Robes. Aléo a first-class ilearse. ! Whitby, Auguat 29tlm, 1870. TILL & JOHNSON. 80.ly CHOÃŽCE WIJ--tu8 d PURE L IQUOIi' at WIHOLESALE and RETAIL to Buit the HOLIDAY DEMAND UNUSUALLY LOW PEICES. T1IY FREDERICK NEA~L e',S, SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. AGENT FOR DAVIES & BRO.'S Celebrated XXX Cream-Ale &'Porter. THE TRADE SUPPLIED BUG G 1lE s For Sale at very Reasonable Prn'ces. Several Open Buggies with child's seat, Lady's Open ?hoetons Iatest style and very liglit,'Coere Phoetons'with Rolfling Seat, also Light Top and Open Buggies of Super- for Style and Finish. A ll made Whiiby, J ul>' uhu, 187E of ther be8t, Mateia1 and P arraned. 'TOMS & EWPOBT, .-Whitby, Ontario. 6. 28 BOOTS. AND SHOES. -JOHN. SAUNDIERS I~sji~trecv.e aJarge stock of Boots a8 Sossitabi for, rig .w, 'wbieh hewm, At a vei-y smal margin on pcôst. Work done, to order iiâ frsàtelassstyle A Stylish Boot. and a Good Fit JOHN SAUNT)Z~8 la requined. guy oishti id gjxtisse 'lit nist tmühdued te prictlcali tiei.same point as laeIiicurred là uslng clty gaz, lon g dn>c;eoawledged au the.saiest huiS cf artlfleialýIiht. getrscrty i hei.use of gas delverea thkqgp mnent pipes au4 fi, tu'es ove'r tbaî of ualng kerasescannot be questloned. SeDI çe& a - Os wfthiouIz'oOr!i ut~ 108868 i prnprly, and efben iluMlite lof, cus e iê t lathébr e ci' à explosion o61keroseito laznps;-,and *lien w. coin 0fi'thà ýxtié1t tWhixix knstsu lin'àw Irequentiy aduiterated, asud the.diabînesî of nmi4iitxlsealerens tend 4Vptprs, 'w prised et sncb lasses, as thii Bk cf asingieau hrlI'~ lteé~ôdeui u rit~Ilg tbe qualityofithes gus arnishedi $" ~ s t Iit a beOut T e l g t h a t ý t o ura p s r r o u a n d s r cs b u t a m e t u o i5 b t 6 h e e 9 5 I haen n . ~ otrb~slzé'éaî#esyosdles, !ully equal te acodn t w. isputerfecîAwitou aoe eor odeur. Tii.azunut t crs bat nu 'seilna cemrea scaciy orby< esuoiT gs genoratar e u appsièî r to erdluiry ix. n'ai 0 requin ifn t "ePla f ten o>r ifiteen ettecn minutes a yack fa sufficzent, - T~.xpi1n'sa1,~s't i delsil the plan upon whieh Our Machine t. constructed, and iiowitieasla tîeo nediffculty. inhiaverlioement nom la tuis impartant. t bavrs nurr nfcuttnwébt ris setwh very 11lima cane, st luvainpat ttecuty nwichaswsaS 'tmuhdsmctfeodiaillatioiz by manrena-tacoIeo.Thg oesaeepnie t la> -tan snlImble buidins <rs ao eldt-,dcc, l neessril gral. Thy sa r~nle-conaldoirible came 'mii. proeess laelune0 sensé aulomati,; as otten as the velumofo!gaa coatainetiin he-li boiSer ls exhansietheetlams muaet e rechargeS, the Oues neltIndled, sud tho labour et mnanufeetuming another supplrepea-ed. UMIUS gâ inthis way sa orFeaestansd. tmoubleseuxe. 1AqauNiy ccosl,aies ani nnbbiecunlates abou thtlxewarIs ; th oeur btnfslfou lpuia eyserions objectipn, 1 ias ymcaso, es.t dr Introductiton., Gaz sufgtzd'atz plan te aise lame are nover no peilecî, nom lthe yield of gai ?p?éo ysa gasi, as etsth largew'onks in the cities. , - . - - bl eu-d arebh ,This clans et varIs le nov lu a large meaaux-e sapcerseàd b>' aur meiewic r preferable for the tellovîng rensens îtiTlir finost l incit ehlas. li.No *oxpenélve eut-buildings ane requirod. The. tank ta contain the 99s genlera- tem ls a amatI sud cheap affain, underueathheb.ground, ont etfsighéit Ord.. 'Ail-lb. labouir sua trouble ainisaing 0 ga a uveThûame auxrmahines-me- claire la se txflingns 'labe sac o f mention 411. No odeur animes framnélhe manufacture, uer ln thereany liléter on Sirt. ritli. Our nacbfneu are antoniaéfe;;élie gas lna aivaysý ready for us.. 111h. IRa ely arermpirs et snl' Id equired., Ou: iusi1xfes are, cqually gooti>anSa buildings "S etaléiacniaai itnetoaacioie.- rî~od insl h ceountry, or tha ulespr tsaaltwmrinhevy i 4heia uhls e peue tanifaciinviusoena erta-ya paasB u-llb.aé An evidleace of the distance liaIttis kind of gas oan ho csmied without ou ffsrnug niatpniailly frein condensation, vs e uiti claIe that -w., in 1874 saiS a machine - te Mr. Etiar3. ariscfRostileTociuo.This machine he usait inlughing hisbeuse snd a nunuber et lampe, conveying the'gas soune four hundneti feet lu ne doing; in lhe iin.p furtusi.t rieravedhum 11theumachuie ie tis an equally g«catiligiil asIfathe on. neareséta it., lu inimoduuing large machtiues, andi ligliîirg therewfth a nuxuber of buildings ianzp cats mabe set a shtngthe efrect, wilh lanterna et outrance gato, pipes exéefiligiao am-, as ae t'., lo the ditance of lialt a mlle cr more. .?- Havinz : 1 expenlouce ln tie manufacture cf th. machines fam a aumber oftyears i bhc United Staîtes. and beiuug pracical ixechtanes, wa are confidenît hat enr machines are second taoîoe on th. Continent. W. do net ceuni it au invention of aur ovu, but w, have matie sa iniprovemainîs ta malete hem stfe sud eUiae. W. test ever>' ma- chine untier ctien aixupervison, sud warxant thein 10 give satisfaction. PRICE L IST 011 TE CNADIAN OAS MACH:INE, COMPLETE, - Friço oit uiuard Zof L'aro ai Toronto., Nituiben 1. aed te suWpp 1.5 Bornera, $2W511t0t. - '.30, "di ) 250 00. 8, 60 aw8000. - 4 " 75 375 00 5,lm 1-1-50 00. 13 150 6w101W, 7, " 2WtO tt 70000. Il " 250 " 8000, 9. NO00 D900M. 10, .100 t 10000W. Langer inachiaca matie, if recînined TO PARTIES WHO ARE BUILDING. Wu auggesitih propriet>' cf pultiug in pipes for gas, evea buhmotclimmiediatol>' cotempatiug purchaniug a gag Machine, as tite expense of patting ln pipes, if donse t the proper tixte, la tnifluig. If iett untit afler the building ie comploteS, chey can yct bu inlmoduceil, but Ibe ez1ense la consfdanably greater, anti-thée oenpauýt6ocf lie houa.e art, mare or lesiçpîanene Q.îdina- ipes, such a Mmu- lu 4h. Introducion of coal àas are ueiifl4.- Ive inîvite correspoudeuce tram aany one vho is,9uildiug sud coaieaîplaticg ticmiro. duction oi gas. We saalh. eglaS tea dvise vith ench Us 1te beal smanner cf pntting lu pipes, suS otiier deleils.. We his 4' peîtivrkmuen la car emptcy, vixora vçsenS te an>' pari qI'tbè, countir ' pipeèiifllli a oteaé machines, dcc. We sourcit anu îpcrtunity ta stiaI.upo li suurewpnc a u>pin&, fumiehitcg machine, «as iltunef. dce., cern- tif liest oasubeo n eailtore, ur 'ncmiefobn'tbscsete 2baiu idt e ciiangicg ennui pipiug. GASOLINE. We etilit ondens for Geectline. Ocr arrangemente are sncb Ciel vu eau fuilaIl ordens prompti>'. We f uîmigb thbe et 'unulii tf f nid et market r-tes. We Manufacture Iran or, Coppar Tankéà teoctier ton etoing Gasolina. TEST IMON IALS. I bave av-e baS cue cf JOsapli Ptillipe dc C',. Air Oas Machines fa use et rmy glac: in RoseSale for about eigitein moathi. Frorn ai> expentence, 1Iara satitfiedti v thi prineipie et the Macehine. The «asie tcifasuspericr qualit>', anti economical. Toronta, April 11, 1878. DEneuin 3.Ma . chine Mitens.Jeexa Piu..n'sdc i>.Oshawa, Minci 27ii, 1876. GxxTLaai, -I have ver>' «ment pleasume i neocaniending ycnr Air Gas Machine put itt our Caltege, s it lia given perfect salibfaction.-Ytiurs, dcc. 1501 Light Machine. A. B. Dr.ilxL. MESSaS. J. PHuLLtt-s dcCa., Tononta. - . Dze sSns-I bave ziow hies using your Canediaul Air Gag Maciines for about six manthâ;uis.dug wvie tfi it ba s ueened aithe punpoalo I anticipaled, sud vhici'you vsrateti batore iunoducing Il inti ai>' Sv.iug lecie a>'Iîi aéntnsdt netiymngeS. Tii. lit lanpoil, anS tnom the simpticil>' Of the cunstruction cf lhs Maienêansd causequent'cepoats; ahualticame imb «sueeins,. 75 Liglut Mach.ine. Tacs. N. GIBBS. Mas1 1 cr cPumis Whlb>', N o. 22nd, 1876. MESa6.STT.- ocn ir aPs.uwlx dct aam tr IWtb ic opoests -000 ' ARiCUcLTrtAaL Atm AUTrO Aesacxkr.x, Tamoxao, 1874. Euxer EXTRA Pans. Oé 2ecn35No59 - ltetAnn--T' ito CNDAN AIR A MACHJN1 PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, 18YORK ,TRET, TORONTO- Bat7iw, Wçgfer Closets, Panmps, Gar-den Foupitaiia, Rîcbber Hos-e. Gae turMin Bronze and Ca"yncal, éec. STIMATES GIVEFN,,,OR L1GHT11Np AND HI]ZVrîNo IPUILD4NGI 187 -, 48 'V Rl WHO0LESALE &RETAIL..- Warerooms-Albert ]5taJ Buildings, 189 -Yonge. St, Rave aiways on band a 71:11 Stock o<evexy. tbisto th , ~ vnand 0e ' icns it o a t.nteit a cotinuazice of 4he.sptronage -itiuxto ex tenLdédStai tbemù. -Special attention Éga to tie zalng 91 FIE SOREENS, OTTOMANýS, FANCY CHAIRS, LAMBREQUINS, -CORNICES. O&. mio and put down -lu tii best style.. JAS. JH. SAMDok &ol- -March Sth, 187à, 1 W T~EN5IoeTAILWÀT. TIME TABLE No. 17., Takes efrect on Satnrd . y, Janiy 134h, 1877. Trains run by Torontb tr, bih' wn- ty.twu minutes sîcwetr taGT.Rtim.. Wetlnesdays and Dally. nra. Whitby .Tun.. .dept. 10.50a m-. -725 pa-. W h i t h y . . . . . 1 0 " 7 .8 0 d o Brookin . 1. 20. " 7.48 i" Myrl e.......... 11.88" 8.08" aurait......... 11,50" 818" Manchester .... 2O noon 8.25" Prince .Abert. 12lOp.m. 8.88 Port Pcrry,.. arr'ie 2.18 " 8À'0 Xqo. 2 MI. io. 4Ë zm~a .Wedmcsdays :am&i DaIiy. 8atnrdays Port Penry....cept. 6.00 a.m. 8.00p.. PriceAlbrt...... 6,09 ci '8,07 Manchester . 8.....20 go 8.15 ~ 0Sumnmit...... .30 " 8.25 Myrtle..........*'0.42 8.85 '-. flrooliin .... ....7.00 8 .47" Whitby ..ànrIvz.2 DEP&AU7.85 ' 0" c Whithy Jazz. arrive 7.40 " 1415 a "Piatform stations. Trains stop on sig. nais only. Connecting at Whicby Janction witb the. G.* T. R., euss and west ; t Port Perry w~ stage for tzbridge. J-AMES HC)LDEN, 50MaainDrctr. T HE,, THALBERG- PIANO $290.00. The Thalbeng Pianoaldia a vané long fet- tiat cf a GOOD, USEFUL PIANO which combined thieeceamuesa oft tansd - lis, beati tif Seisi cf lie most celebrated niake, witi a mocterate price. Il. it b.sketi boy il la possible th auppi>' a GooS Pia no for aient HALF.'IHE PRICE generally chargeS, bithe wr fa plain:l In tie makiug a'orp4of tiesa instru- menta, Ibere lare no1e l4tF sovrooras'to keep up, no grand Muai t aiu. ta iinan or n expeanaive travelling agents ta psy. Theso insîrLumeats are-au matie afa- UNIPOIIM STANDARlD, FUI L SEVEN OCTAVE, SOLID IRON,,PRAME, OVEBSTRUNG BASS; CARVED LEGS,, - ROUND- FRONiT CORNERS, SERPENTINE MOULD'GS, a nd'DOUiILE VENEERIID ROSE.WOGD ,CASES- Anextma- DISCOU.NT 0F7 ro FER CENT., -viii be saoeS Sehoola ami Convente, alsa te Clergymien fan tie use cf ulisir tamtiliew. - W. ADAMS, WiIby, Febi-cnar>', 1111h, 1877. - 8 cm>' ue liasi;charatiof Gray s theios üf efeets ofthfle Sruees sud Pinot, in cases ofLung Diseaise . The Rev. Mn. Marnay', inbis- baooen S YRU P lie Adiraudaclts, lateiypuh- lietied,1 relates the casacf a cOnaBumjtivé' Yongman OF wvia as ontieiv uréeb>' tliree montho ceznt ot R E D te unelnsrpilal sen1d tho Cnuira Vpu- tionts ta the. pinevooda;, anS ordsr'them ta Siak a tes tiSa combination of thée g= G prtion tié.hé ar nvise- panséem, aaSIrsE1ils anti- B .lrd, Marie epeizmadi eéxpecteramt, tan- 10a nS balsaulo propentias Regiulered. are presenvd. PaT Oougiia, Colas, tiens ,. eiola t ibe a P~iE D 1 0 A- L;~ DISCCVERY % s neaoratîve pncpemtiea are Lmarvelleuis in 'i. al zuemrvous, Liven, Sheinadli sud Riainat- -c le cbuplainta. lIfie Drain Food, b'erve Toulo,,MiA#le-prover, noue Produire':,s&U in ans; suid -ives lac stathe sySheni the vWasé.edatteS y>'tiais bydlésaa> S.excesses of 'an>' lind.- 'rop a n thi le tiie lAboratory of Evas, , ,=r e & ncCa., Motal Forsale Psh1Dmgsiéqu tbe MER &c bite. inc e, Emool& ly(UNG B RRISTER, B Sotla in C Kotary Public, Uc., lock, Enock, Stre A. G, itate GreentPu flce-Byran- 'Stneet W,;bi, OnIitÃŽo. 013RO INSON S l TON VEY.t Tt-fl oaeo J . G SURGEON TO T Byron Street-,'IV Dr. " Oymx-Xcxt door rz ea eidence, at 3à UY HOSPIT) CT Wey . 1 Dental] WWiitbyvazMx. jan Oxide Gas admùiieî traction ti tbeth. cf N., VA] A iiea sle ciealp Teeiub extraeted vithi --local antisth2esis.. De au'a nev blockt, aven, Ring Sreet, Oshaa. -BUJILDER AND DUNiDAS ai ZMAil orders pnqn JOHN R JOHiN wo AGttiah- ranit otJenuithazi Wolfendei GEORGE 4 etantyon hand. Clerk Di vision C Co Cis onerin E. c ARD.- Whiîby, Sept. 30th, 15, Roui. RAMSAY,] Crradcate Ivith hIoniïrsi QUeens Colleçe, Cai Univ. of Medicine antd Ucfv-of Pensylvanla, PennaY4vanias-and Lio' cO h nv f Etihibi anier for tii. Counny e Cohivater SI.,,Orilhia. August4h 85 T E BST the houseml, LOWES & POWELL. 1 W"liith'v, -V'itre qll Q f lai- , liq . 77- Oâawa, 29th March. ism- 1 1 Whitby, roc. 18tli, 1870.

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