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Whitby Chronicle, 3 May 1877, p. 3

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OP This Season Il Whiitby, May 2nd, 1877. You will Save 32 HA$ NOW 0 to which he invites» the attention of beantifyihg of tlieir houses, at but a'Ti The Entire Stock is New; not' a rc Place. .Vr&' It àadritted by al Who have imade a assorted stock in the town. Iltas been purchased on the most adi we have marked -it al prices that For the accommodation -of custom, the services of a Fi.rst-olass Paiper Hanger, and wil 3Ou, wîthrn'tWenty4four hbours after the purchase of the samae., -Sontir Ontarlo Booki, Stationery, anS Novelty Store, Brobk.st., Wlitby. tsen.iundrsdlira cf a müli,'on tire dollaralhi addition te a&l cIrer rates be asssssa oleviea and collected in eah ysrr og the coinuance cf tis dabetures, or auy cf tireu, upon' Mudiaiyot 0 omaop cfick. 0. Tire saal bonus abali b. payable i 7. Tis Debeuturéeate ire ta4e. us a aors. 'SAJA, @all hodellv.r4d by tiherAeaio thas caïd Muaio ty tO te sTrute.. set ùof ncororatlion 0 te aid Coeupcul, and ltas saUne, or tire pro. eseda lirsof abli bs' by thers ala Trartesa Slivered le tirssaiS Cour. licuY,fbeau -limea, teime sauths saiS omupany xney beomie entitled te re casotime rasunder tire cuSttisma o! lhii, y.làw, iaSd ual cllaerwtsee; euS bsfors cary of mch Dubeuluresa shh disposeS et or couverteS lnoembuaeyer *dlivered te tirs said Company, a&l lie matureS lrtsrsst couIpons lereto et. tacheS sàlha b. Soasieirefom anS * rsturnsd le the Troasurercf th.sacid - unwdpaulty. 8. TheirssetSDbeutures, or lie pIrceS * lireoi ihal be diliv:red, or palS by 'et tire limas, and Saujet te tecni ooua. l tiai lute uay ;-De- *boturés,- or tus prbosseS.tirereof ta tire amouat olFdjy Ticusand Doûars Whou lis proposeS rocSah bI al ve beu ldanS bridgeS, frou tire Esely Iiait cf. ai. saiS Township, North tif th ire sessson lins b.lvsen liesixtir anS sventb cncesaions, cr f rom tira Ncrtbsrly, huimt of tire"sa T',vuunlp, lEt nflot numiber fin lin th aid ..ovnàhlp, le tirs Wetsrl) lrit 6f1lire siS Towuship, pualng b.. tween the -villages of Brougham ced Groeseood, anS vîtim on. mile cf tira icillga cf Whiuvale; asd the renielný 1ug porlions o of a hDsbepture ow!-thre preceeda lliersat;viien tare sedSroad aanl bave bae completed frour ht. Cty'cf Toronto te .City cf Ottaa, uxcepa as te sucir portions cf the dis. tancé as ho vhtck raaemng rigirbtu ma bave been soured over cUrer Ra. vays. 9. TirtAI apermanent frelgitat enSpasen ger station chiîl i iailadon tir. saIS preoeasd rosvilun oee niiso cf livillage f itenals, ancilar ibo. t eesée iro Village. cof BrougiramianS Gresarvood anSvilin halit cmile ef à*e seceaulicensbetveen liaé fir and xtir sonseasteno cf tie saSTcwnsblp aud auothr betveee ths galS asutnaer Station anSdvin tree selS Boad mey eInter the said Townsbip on iii. Euterly ci Nerthêriy bpudary. 10. The comarucion cf1 tir. seia aopo@eri BoaS mial ire beuaaflds commedceS on or bsfcis tire lhWlrtirat day cf Daceur ber, Ou. TIroflaud Rigit Huedref and Seneniy. eigirî, asdcomplettd frour lie City ôeIlrTronato teothirtyC7of Ottava Ceoat aste c, sc portiqus o! ctherj Boaic alovirtir runnhig rigirtu may be ebtaineds aluracl4) vit b lu tour ysara thones! er lu Se t uit vbereot sncb cf tirs salS bebontursa se my re- main itire hande cf lire italSTrustéeee1 mhitb. returmed te tire Treasurer cof1 tire saiSunlclpcliy. 1 This . fl4 %hall cemeaite force sna tsae 5 cm 1n h. Tirrty.firut ay f December,Qune Tiionsar SBla u r.t ýareS andSeventy.ssiven. Il. Tii. votes of tir eci.terti ettirssaiS Mnlclpllty airali bs tlasuon liis By. 1ev on -SATURDAY tire TWýENTY.' 5IÏTH Day cf MÂIl, Ome Tircusend Elgit irrndrdad md esty.séen set tire felvloig Plsse$, anS ,iy and before tirs tsroig ovlBturutng Officers, re. speatvely,'tiret là te say . F-?ton sar Oxu, At Auatila' Se oir Nos- gus Mclay, Beturu. on Drroon N ma TVv, et tire umsperanse Hall aale-Benlamn son, Btttralng bôff r. - 1 Fos Drizos Nomma Tins et tire Oranoge Hal BigilirCoc salcu-Bire. noter Blrrsd, ataarnug or. Feu Drvoarora Nueaseux st tti Publie Scheoel Nous, IDuffi 's Cneek-fi Tamu e imbeo, Botuamlmg 0oer. d brR trnurfic er F e u D o v r u o m N m c s u at hea i Tepal,-noghD am- Davld balr, Bt urnng Oflr. J Foariovre Nua s ix s, -t tire Pualie Hall.hlîenal-Jom aeyan Wostrnbng Officer. AnS FOS DovosoX NuBIRus NON, a e h Soirool Nous. Altena,,Abreireu Reser, 'W Returnlng Oer. And tirs Poil phaîl be opened et Niesce- oleiook ilu hero morntng, anS close ai a Fine o'lock lIn hç aternoou. a 1. Traeady,Mue van .inui day cf May maxtiet thea Towne Hl,'Iin theVilleag e of Niougiain et Ton e coosk tu tire lorenoon laefireby appointeS as the - lime anS place fr t euummig unby tirs Clsrkcf the Muulclpallly oftreJ nnuhber cf votes givon for andS 4genst L4. Esardby lireNimtesutir day of May 4,exl, st lesTownu-Hall, iu tire Villege o! hiroogiram, et Ten o'clock i lh. tereucon, lis rebyappeinled aus th0iel lime anS piace fortie appootmnut by W]~ the Reevé c9lireéselSmuneldpaliy o! oi pansona te attend ai the various polUsigto Places asd stis fiualaummtngupc! lbe votes cmnirsah o! tire portonsutorestea te lu and'promottng or eppoals otgtreBy. 1ev, rarptlvely. Taka netestiraI the tabe Iolua.true-copy If a proposeS Eylev viricir vîli b. takeor to conalârallon iry tirs Conoilot lire if elcipaltyy cf the Tcwnship c09lP4en'oe, Iter one mentir froa tire finit pulctàt,9, io t tire Walis-- CIsMOrcO eêwpeer, lthé aie cftvhiritP c1o ýirslva, aiSt LUeriejau.Lgujg .0 au paper JS. ROBERTSON-* NEW; ÂDVERTISEMENTSb T., JUST RECFrEIEn: B+ LAWLER &Ci FRESH: SEEDS-! If Timnothy, Clover, American- Seed Cor n, Cangdian Seed Corn, Amer- ica'n Feed r, Mlet, Hun- garian Grass, Tare' sFlax, MangTold, Carot, OD Special, Terrn&8 Io Counftriy Mer» chants. Lower than Toronto. BEST.SUPPLY 0OF FAMILY GROCERIES 1 N.TOWN I Wllatby, April 2iah, 1877. NEW rADVERTISEMENTS. BROUGHAM HROTEL, BROUGHAM, ONTARIO. - THOS. BENNE T, - PROPRIETOR. LicenieS ttelel Wlne, Beer, anS Spirit- 'à@ lquors. -Gooa Stebllng auS attentive cutiers. M(ay lai, 1877. 2ln.19 D AILY, LINE TO ROCHBSTEfl THE STEÂME*B ,(W. BUeiiWQOD, MASTER.) WI aehrreguWa trips on thia route Ilaî 0bugy morningeat,7:80, an~ Port ÃŽope ait 9 'look, on arilval of G. T. B. train from East and West ; oonneoting at Rochester with the. New York Central- Sorthern Central and Brie Bailways, anâ Lake Ontario Shore Divinjon of!the Bome, Watertown and 0gdensburg Blway, for aIl poinuts Eâot, Wzt anS South. Barum<NaoG-WIII leaVe Charlotte (j(ort of Rochester) datly st- 9 p. mn., exceptUBatur- days, when ah@ vili leave at,8 p. m. for Port Hopo, direczt, Dealera tn Stock, &c., will finS thi. the oheapeut and most expeditioua route to Boston, Albany. New York, &o. For fuirther iormation apply to- W. SHEBWOOD, Or to C. F. GILDEEBLEEVE, Kingeton. &pril 80Ou, 1877. 19 DSOLUTION 0F PÂBTNERSHEIP. The. Partnerohtp heretofore existing be. ,ween the nnderslqned under the name, style and firm of 'Till& Johson" vas iissolved by mutuel consnt on. the Blet iay of April, 1877. AIl parties indsbted te the sala ftrm yuil please settle villaB. .. Johnson, Who vil] pay ail liabilities of th. o ld firm. JOHN TILL E. J. JOHN90N. Whitby, Aprîll2t, 1877. 8in.18 s TOBE AND DWELLINGe The. handuoma Weli ditteS up siop, i n wibl lir. Saaniders aet proumnt catrleso c ta. lbot aS mios business, iBrook street, Whlthy, Tiare ereý four good, roomsu «p 4taira, ariS Ivo roux cifte h.uop.Ample Daa o, otern, and bard vateýr puni sd every convenience for a respectab e tmily. Possession lot October." O BsUA B CHAÂ DSON. Whitby, April 25, 1877. tf.18 ENBOLVENT ACT 0F 1875. [k ihe maiter o/ JOHN THOMSON, Tii. Inoolvent heu made an axaigument of ila autate to me, asdlte credilors are noti aSd to meet nt my office hi the Town o! Wiuli on MONDIY, tir. SEVENTEddy iMA.A. D 1877. et Tan o1oloek, a o recolve ata6sment cf bIair, shi, ndteO >poInt an aignpe if lly se lit. J. 3. M. WILLCOZ,- O8 H A w A, Týete.rinar'y Surgeon,- VIII li. istArmatrong's botel, Wbitbyi .veay ueday) frour 1 te 4 colock, p. m. &iPril w5,1877. 18 4n.1 WHITBY RACES1 TH RBANIAL SPRINGI-MBETING 1othtir Ontario Turf Club wili coma off cvar lie Wbltiry Courue, on THURSDAY d-.F.RIDAY, 31A Y 24th anad 2th, 1877. ]pIRSTDAY. $175. HuBOLz Bncz. Handicap, dasia et Ivo miles, ever 8 burdies 8 test 6 Incbea i. Tep velgiri, l&lifua Firat irn On. HiandreS anS Fifty Dollrsr; secona borses, Tventy.five Dollars. $200. DoaeNzoroPLATs. Open te alDo. anlnion.bred ersenstaineyer von publte mcney, A dSaaofetwIo miles T. C.W. Fini bos, One Hundred andFltyDollars; r scond irne, Flfay Dollars. 8175. LnADxm'Pusss. Opentealhhoros. Mils heats. T. C. W. Donatntoot.bred bermes slavweS Tan Pounda. FinI ions One- Hunared anS FIty Dollars ; second hre, Tvsnty-five Doara. * SECOND DAY. * 5175. Trror.rNe PUSE. O pesu ail borsea ireS l tire Dominion cf Canada Irat m ener boat 9,85. Mils batsaBi 5, te irar. mess. Pirat herse, One. HunUA.anS Puy Dollars; second bos, Tvsnly.fins Dollars. e175. Doacro Ror fz. Open te ail De. minton-bred borses. Mils hasts. T. 0. W. Fiat hirs, One Huadred and FiftyDohler; second berme, Tety.fins B oliers. #100. U TIrrrrePasss. Open b aU Proence-bred bcrsea liaI never hbset 2.48. Mlle hasts, 8 le 5, te beress. FInIbhos, Saventy.fi 0 Dollars; scond barn., Tvanly. fine Dollarso. CONATIOrNrrrrHAICAPei.PUsas, 0fFine Dollars eacb ivtir - Dollars added, for ail beeten berces only. A Saab cf oe mile. BnLCes AND ROULATIONO. 1. Entrenos Pas, 10 par cent. cf pafire. Tino. or more te enter, anS mot Iessu Iran two te tart. 2. Ridera minet apperlpercosume, olirervluêtiey viii meIbealoveditaurcunt. B. DeclloncofthesJudgas to b. final lu ail Oeo.Races te ho mnu nder lb. Do. minran Bulea. 4. Bases vill comxmence eucdy et belt.past omse clcak, sar 5. il ntres e b 'a" i vrimig, ausi entry te specfy tiremne,'ege, celor, so1, aire anS dem eoflire boras, viitire bern fida cvner'a marneenal ind hia assid envolo *dSresa tth i eolaRaya 0. 1Tir. .n s to e as9 o'siook mqu. MondavyMay 218t, at Raya iaol lWh'tbd 7.Peulinsly ne entry val nib.@ ole nesa the outrance mcnOsaoupanlea RA GCAUBS fl.y, Teeeurer.Seoretaoy. Wlrttby, Apnil 24, 1877. le - THE BEST Phbtographs ! WR ARE PLE .ASED TO ANNOUNCE 0te Ire peple etOshava andscsr rouhgtovnsahtire ave ans dnS a nov sugagament vilir MR WALTER C. NORTH, Pirotogegrares te vwiibe heppy te - s.any Ibat *visir te asure Ire Fineet of- Photographia Work 1 rudaS under iis pérsomal supsrnlson. Ourdtao te *leaetIrepublie vithin rt. cimean, r as met vitir UNBOUNDED SUCCE.SS il anS enr gealerybas been crovded every day- vili atiers simo. ifs engagment. Il vil b. usc SMAKE AN 1 r Ier partes vlihing ig te IMENT IN AUDYANCE, 1 a va Dan do. and ou.~ .S.UInj do. ["M. blsAuteyý..;* MarryMoLsan ... Miacles oncUsl T. B. Prankaib... lle'MDrmett;. do. B. J. Prenon .. Lissuse Inspecter.... Themas Bermet.. deý Tiniothy O'Lery .... 'dSe Thomras Major ..«.. do. Jaeob Brook ..... T. ýB. Frnklh.Re.dJersk MoRae .. Nelie so n ola Saunai MoGara Wealey Ramensa...Wn. Arny. .... Hom ~ Grasuford. Dani. Parleament .... surawemtein.: John Tyns ..... Licenas Inspecter... ;Wzi. 'Taylor ..... do. I.e Michael Brooks ... T. B. Frankiair.Wm. Trnlockýï. do. Mrs. Mar Gamn. do. John TrEer .... So. Balmund'Herron .. isuse Inspecter.... Willam O'Nen1... Wmn. Atkine.......John Martin ...... Tuaisr Pen....... Themas Poster ... As.eaull and hi see ig ner i do. do. do. do. sellng liquor s Ferline1.ri'.n Aseaît aaS Breaking voirie Aseanit .... Selig liguer cc Selling liguer i Selilng liguer do. do. Seliung liguer la Selling liquor 0: Assault anS hal Aseault .... Charles Mansfield... John Hlauilton...Asenît and bat Johný '-.DUotstî..., D. diA. 'MelnteSir... Drunk sud-disc Timothy Tironpson. William- Parker.....For vages due. Wurî Had0,;Samuel Qnlglsy... AsuIrt..... Csar ot .Js. Galloway......Trspeaus...... Josepha Hovuird". WnTaylor.......Nonpyment oj Edvard Ho Bo:3.B.fiçkehi ...Usiug veigirtei Licence Inspeetor .... Pirilip Harper..Ssh** Bllng liquer, w do de do. MerlinRevianS ... Euund Herron..Taking parceis) M"r.. MOPillipa. Hugir eii uAssanitansd bat Susannalr Piler..Henry Greig.......No.payment 0: .ss..'............. 7 *......................r28 17 tt.r.',.........S; ......... .............Feby.1'2,"I .............s........ .....e.r. 1 176. .......... .................. N ovr. 28,-187 sitoutIsns. .........Setr. 24018" g ............................." 2 , o........ ....... ...Jau.. 2,17 o .... ...;......eby. 12j do.. . . .............. 4 1 79 t 8.»...................ec ,' ndo uny....................ey 8 ..e.h.ur. . 16Nv 2, lioie. ..... Seny. 20, l" 1... ..............Febýy. 241277 outrary tolaw...........F y.1,87 dtot ..i.eu.e............ 14"C -e.......... ...........2, :2 Z -rhbie ioro.....er 821" n Suney. ... ....A1 l1,A lr.................... ..eby. 26, "i ."lany.6 Mrery ...........6 .Fa .....p ..b . 22, .......................r....7. , 26 18760~ witirut ....to........ ...... .D o . 8 bein duy eampd.Fby.2%-1e77G witirout liseuse...............Mer.12, fi-J do..............." 1428, 1 n robibcuter; uret..i.g:t ....e. M ar. 22, T ttery........................ U1, "J4 f vagea................." 16, " oie Piralli............ 760 D. "S. Browea -&M." Gill**e$pie.' r, Msmott di Waarnss. -de.' de.'- J.Moflermett & MoPhersôn' J. MDermott &i W. Barries. do, do. de. de. G. H. Griereen d& F ie . John Nottd ESa. Wsflker. S;»dô do. D. S. Browni.......... .... do.................. do.... ** ............ d.I. e........ ... .... G. H. Garlimon F& Re rouiS, Walke, anS IVirler.. IJ. (FouiSdi DaiviSWalks.. B. E.Peritt &i ES. Switeer. T.. ï,Glendeunhig....... (1.ý Y. Smrith B. . Gunn ... D:- S.:Brew*n d&M. <*illeipie. B. E. -!errilt,' M. Gilleepre i an T.H1. Glen2denùnig yohm PLuipu .......... ... F.Warren .......ï......... D; Doclittie & GOeo. Doidge.. l. H. Grieeson &.P. Ras .. Vur. Beteman .......... . d o . ibln NotI .. ............. __do. do Ed. Switzer & B. E. Parritt. seorge Doidge ........... 20 &-coet 100 100 40 00 80 00 20, 00 20 00: 20 00 4 00 2 o00 50 0: Osteber 26tl ...... In one week..,.: Immediate...... ............a.. .... ......a..o..dat.... ...... ............. ....... da .......... lo* tir of Meci, 1877 l10 dye.ri' at. l 1day...... S ....er.,.1877 ........ .. .-----. .................. .... . Snt for.ltrelî W ithy........ ...... ......... do- dol .......... Paid .Edwarda ... . ......................................... Lise..e.ne...t.. ................. Took'security until Sate mentilacued Licanse Iiaseator ........................................................ .Çiense Inspecter............... ...................................... 1 pu .......1.....................Dismissed, complainant te pay cseus ... To Ont Bank ona acot. of LicenBe Fund. .... ...................... ........................... Case Dasonassad................. Paid B. Edwarde .....................................I.............. License Fend................. ........ ................ .cond........e..ce...10......s..an .....o . ..................... :-* .-Comm itted for 10 mentir.... ....ard...b.r Fine net pa .....Sl............................................. ...... R... E..P........ ...... .:.........Scn fe e Pa...........use. Inspectrh............ PadB ded... .........Cmttdfr1 lodaysi a..... Cl.......rk...à ..of......P...e....... .............................. To............................ To Jstie........... .. 1 ...ue........... H1aif te informer, iraîfle o*Gov. inspecter ...........I4, .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . D s ie s ùd . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ............... ...................up....tirs......... ............... Comaaaate geol............... Te Cempleinant................. I certify that the above is a true 'copy of the ]Returns of Convictions made 'ù)t me to. date. H.J. MCOEL Clerk of the. Peace, C. O. Office of the Clerk of the Peace, April, 1877. .L IVA UVElR'TISEiNLENTiS.; WaII Paper! WaII Paper!! -AT- A SPLENDID ASSOIRTMENT,_ Ail New, Clean and Brighit. No Old Paýer or Old - Patterns 07» A Good Paper at 7 and 8 cts. per Roll. Plain Green for Windlow Blids. Whitby, May i.st, 1877. CARIRIAGE S AND BIJGGJES!1 TUE LABGEST AND MOST OOMPLETE STOCK 0F Carria4es, 8leighs and Cutters, M. O'DONOVAN'S CARRIAGE' FACTORY. BROCK- ST., WHITBY. VERY EAP. CALL& SEE THEM. Spades and ShovelÉ, Garden Rakes, JUST 'ARRJVED AND FOR SALE AT TE WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE, A choice lot of Green and Black Teas, that caunot be beat in the Dominion, both for quality and cheapness, price from 50 to 80 cents per pound. Coffees from 25 to 40 cents per Pound. Sugars of ail kinds, M- 8lbs. of rihite Sugar for $1. Good Valencia Raisins, r 6lbs foi- $1. Ie A full assortment, of Choice Family Grocerie s, of aul kinds, at equaily Low Prices. MAPLE MOLASSES $1 25 PER GALLON.: House and Garden Flower Plants. Green Vegetàbles ina their season. 95e FRESH TOMATOES JUST RE0EIVD. A fuM assortment of China, Glass and Orockery Ware, Tea. Dinner, anid Toilet Sets on hand eand for, sale cheap. Ail kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, Clover and Tîmo- thy Seed, &or. Turnip Soeds 0f ail kinds, direct froni Soot1and,to arrive this week. la» Good Potatoes froni 50 te 80 -cents perbiashel. At WM. J. GIBSON'S. Whitby China Tea Store. WANTED.-Any quantity of Good Butter, Eggs and Feathers, for whioh the highest caish price wilie paid. W. J. GIBBON. Wiil offer during the: month of April, Gooa Fast ColoreS Prints art Oc. 70-- 80. anS 12c. par yard. Paotot'Y Cotton At 6c. 7à. Be, 100- ana 12c. per yard. wlrite Gotton et 5c. -8o. 9c:, ,10oc.ena 12e. par yard, 88 incirs. vide,. Oua Case- Alpaca, Sprig Siredes, 20 cent , vorth 25 canto 50 Plaes eàBa] Brovn Dreu Goodu, -15 cents, vor 80 ces;ta. TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, CRAS'HERS. 830-cent Ln<rm bics Table Clethos fer 25 -,cents. 65-cent BleaclaSd Table Cilothofer 50 cents. 100 yards Toweled, Crasir fer 10 cents, venr 12 cesnt&' Cirsipest Linao of Napkirs 10 ire, found in Teown 1 FLANN>ELS -ýAND- SHIRTINGS. B5.csû l mWoil Planelfor 25 cents. 17.eent Stripad Cheviet foi- 12 cents. HO0,,1E RY. o ee-" 3euu - 1r mm arnRose mor ?WU'Conts. LarleùîkLoes, 20.dent 'Mfena'e Bro Hall Houe for 15 Cents. 26.ceit i4àns' Bro Hslf-' Houe for 10 ce Ts. Je- 18 50 > -Fr- & ,&c.25.eml tPull Balbriggan 'Hose -for 20 mel, couo anS Ses them A ~"-' Lete.'Has, Irs-n veglat, for 10, 12,d 15 et. 'The' Best Assortment of Ready- Cut Nailis, Painuts "and Ã"ils, Paint 7ae ltigi on and arnih Bushe, ~Anoth'er 'Case' of FeIt Rats.- Latest -andBruhes,&c.Styles. gTi] MAR-CII,_18fl1! LAIN.G & STEW.ART Have received part of -theirù Spring Importations for 1877, and in a few days wiI show the Finest Stock of IDry Goods they.eyer imported. Special- attention invited to the stock of Silks, Velvet4~ Dress Goods, Sha-wls, Spring Jackets, Mantles, Gxloves, Ilosiery, Ribbons, Triminings, Laces, Cottons, Prints- Lace Cur- tains, Damasks, Linens, Sheetings, Black:Lste,'n -Family Mourning Goods. Wé also invite the. attention of the Gienidemen to our fiprirg St «ock of Tweeds, Jvhicli we fird anchi ietter value than on any former seasan Abe a (Jhoiee Lot of Hats ana caps, Tias, Boys, and a variety f other Fancy Articles whiclî they are prepered ta offer t sueir pricas as viii givo satisfaction te thre purcliasar, anaiSueased al for the vendor. isr peTsl Whitby, Match 6th, 1877. - LAIING & STEWART. H'AMILTON& Co's., MILLINERY, SHOWBOOMS WILL BE OPEN IN ýA FEW PAYS WITH ALL 'THE NEWE ST Most Fa.8kion4ble Siyle8. SPR0N1 G~OD À LARGE AND 011010E LOT 0F CLO0TU]FS AND TWE JUST TO HA1ND, AT J. E;EG0- --U-E Suitable fer Spring Wear, and at prices te suit the jus Aise, theé,Ltrgeat ana best selection of- Hais to o fotma orDoWt fail te se, Ilissubefore purebasing elseviacre,' Wliltby, Mareh 24th, 1877. 'eof W. J.HIOKIE& o., r 1 , ILI M'hitby, March 6th, 18'1 Co.1 -AND- «

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