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Whitby Chronicle, 17 May 1877, p. 4

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vimonisftara4a Clsluel]Y-vgY dtalbf1ug subjeoe$adt h.e evel.- 'oc.&~ ~I biL00 f the owl, t fl-ici; ali h aona stOiughly testeidbebre lsavlng aur worke, Yac bsgofIle boI,~f~f>U >UUOT H E Wl N, DSBO R. toawweeg:, part, and ther, eu uyutu ,17. irsia W m~~o~. *'Oongtant Realer" , % 1tkminOprtin"yaW pjo i 1moderato ineelohabl i 4 - procoool, A SnellIgnorance 1 Uofiii ri or >Ourmachlnery has bftn uelected and oondructed<vfth a spécial reforeice ,Penff. tonl' i-8n c !.. NOW OPEN. jSa.oa PE R DAY. L the nmanuactre Of Our Own m 0a w uytoIh r f ud~ o K R Q - )O S .'a 'rooolwy, raton.yaar.ald sohool ,Zeordbmotonn4dfrom&altraima. ýpulou'ar PurPosan4~ad not'adâpted for dother wo:rk, and our workmeeu re eaui-MI I.& il <JL j boYontllyuwli4t&rocýcolt. bl andaM*ntmnt frstclaio.cated 11P ta the. waîtu eand requlremont4 of Our manuifactureobtaining a thir. 'proctool' le a-& tIÙgou' wioh tb OULT INIÂN ogh knwledge of thse Orrctino lrmcie,~t r hs r~1~t cool proctH, of course - though thse fUly Propî1etsr.1 tains, highor doe. i éklu îand proficlée ncyt iwher arerai Wmantifaéîu,ùn foregnerg Jouit s#poil cool correctiy. la fi grrled on. fo rl ati eicina ; Aj ~ gent I ioe ol reil i uii hie audBeare t e étee a *a inftroduce a More perfect sytem l lto ail 1he de.P at,î wsowa:exîu~ciyî,tîocy o tthe rapidiy of fie OIOutior-and aWoonsaquent redoio1i~.7 M*1y bl" e ozii, ej wliat tire This preilî la regardsd peisary ina wlregfflated establishmeent, and ou pt ts bthr w t<WB. atec tur owt Our Machiries with ahighier dero.aefecnsd Are i ,receipt -of a -large .,portion -of ' iLr5l 'uu'hoo, 1" ~0IS, l tht *priées go lôw ai; aboflritolv (o defv aoupetition. ail?" 1)0~u)tloeu "cTHE JONSTN EI~-RAINGREAER their Spring'Stock, consising iPart of a supetior ëtoek of e mi, inue J ti~l .bu tte r" 1to te d Ch 20litti.alm oot seou lesuperduori, 'u e t e e a e m any laim in t a om anc fa cî'ItinoD A js N I itcil;"t1 h ipfitofedmachine Who hav0e adhOeodto tise Old aIÃŽginal Joliniton Machine, wtsu ep ~ES ing np ta the' lmroesenîtsaI;uîsl t.ic anî'Oselvei and "sîri.lequreofEg TINneSi Àý n Tis dicuvry f te tlepane byNo.4 BLFICIISf. BOTON ar datt WBieîi tyqlî i nt, l vey ln a ondi éàtio id pa;t, bnei whicli Mul n ovrai, .ay b. oent benî over tise 'rore-for long '19lsanoei, (OPPOSITE RBVEIE daf ndomea mnReetUh "ouso,"a munfci i s-'tirere -od drf n asihe a af ail thraersIibn roof of mcuthu osition w, have onl to p a wde tleld, for epeculatfou asi fnety Has ca ag tc tu h î w y c .d . I io k~ to pointit he al n y Firsl Prizea awarded us-at lb.elait Provincial triait f n. of M lin""oo a P a a o se L Êas'_ i " - c l l; or C hti lionelmr fiiture. hmud rpds ' tiri3 ud auy co antO Frals whch av ta en Place alI over a ada, szam l er oo a, ' ar s lA L d es T e , c (ilueiati will be b. ah ,4itlied?înk. OrSELF'.PREsERVATION y -Craflinti'. AI of iiileotway, Vie npnqntiQn binlg MORE THAN ON1E MILLION COPIES SOLO. -OURTRIUMPH COMBINED MACH lES, goods sold at a email advance, and mubelo atya by OoldMdii Awarded t h uho wt aI m roe oto 5ai n b. dfiired in a Coanbined Machine, and priees. wt - by !e "N a io iî ,î hiedjcal A ssocia- can ot ail ta m cc 'l al thé r u irouen t o p rhaser .# 3 T a ilo r in g . nc ie s - à k i g t ï IlNllA4SSIN.touD," hMerch 3Vat, 1876. Our Improved Cayuga Ch/el Jir., and O'U YoungCanada Mowerii n ues- a lgt J r ia t u b I I Nb o d i y h e P E A 1 3 0 D Y % M D I C  L 7 r ' INI uI e tow 1of0» t he ntedcal are bath'flrat.olaso mwscrnueîonsiuu lms lolya r»adSe h order and in the beat style. wokoîîe ho'CE »E< I rFE; or Cayaga Jr. bas a rear out, snd the Cniz(anada a front Out 1, bath slraxR, ilMarch 1877. log bondhow est, lîw 'I treglidaats uonMesli' and flot exclu tise usssmacinefor tritiis li,, ~<,f ty, i'otîtuo iutin lu ssa, =Sonet, ditrsbilily, glineuo! f ratadaptability, sud ease of managemeut. _______________________ Clealti omb u d the toa rrlioear Satinlioa i lotra ot e ttij fiural) vu sadp fic Dbi y RT d~~iYsa>etlt,,,a' UR* EW e" ITBY HA RVESTER COU NTY cou't o 0h00111y roruhbodingu, Montai becSomi ÀL S 0 MTlu mue nc:e(ut msomal CO NT 0U T ýrijlnLss(fÉnrYfagadConenAAtecountry bas bécome btter adsplea tb maolinery, suri mgny af aur farm.S J.A SO 3fA 8L EJ 3->O:1S om 0t, Çe)fIt ( Istt f <httirlo ivilil b ia lc purs at o f t heBlond, aud ail rUgeaes 9yfi - (11 iupurifjono r b i ad oisudtoe ot emory, ors have be e@ile ntheue fm chns a. fi e an a ipt fît>' COURT HoUgSYi ti the arittzg front ere or Youtt or tise ludtiore. rip for a Ligbit, Durable, If'irel.Cias Reaper. eagcigdmar pugA.LWAYS OIN HAND AT fi f0 ~ ~ VcII1B t0t, ttc ~esmso aaîutureuso e,andba ttella YenO.1U ail&ht tise %orah; offUooer>s- Ailve ta lhe ruquiremeuts of the day, ebave ouceeded in iuvonliug ama- sudet 121h ,Iyytire ?tsvetttio 'v theu siooetMriage, c lunê it s1a Wraugbî Iran l siih1the leasî osibegearing-wfîb largo,T L. . us of wlloek nd aIrpritig P erersica ontrse radfce rve whel,-aud 5go Canstruc~ bt P R I NGt na Fite lh>ait -jpln0rntt, Pe~ 51crverr kusCharehedrivame ptuaawasnusd table tilt a ihe .'Jasu ,Ur aoCojgaiocptaduedlvcoli-same lime, lbereby keepiug 'inwiltekuf.Toh tTal ig Etalsm e . tht-ýlý mî:,rie 1211, r ita 1,677tou», tf tiIso tte Estanat âlwut in lnditet Mtherleu o! Thepiri. Rlaîtiniboït% etî n th'o Sexes, Proofs of the'roilp 01 iscase aù creraesao draft n directly tram tho main slaft-there beiug no pesceplbie id:e L.Lr (ifve)if)i xlauit(Il f ice te Xeeiegof MP' daf, ad o wigt nonthehe Iass ecks. We are confident lbat «we have M rhn -a-tl ig Es bihm t iisoii ioiatsat.ti.j are foste, Cue O ttdy and Mmd in îventiug tse Most, pertect Beaper, tai i i n l ail ils paris, tht cipenofVratietAdres o atent ad ia eerliouprduec.Va bave appiod for lellers patent, and sball bold aur WHICH THIEY WILL MAR2E UP CHEAF, FOR; CASH qut N. G. IM ff 6e. Invalil tc laders Tise Authtsr'o Princlibe, in ven tion, for Our owu exclusive manufeeture, sud we respucîîuîîy suggusî ta In. _ _ _ _ _ _O .T__ _ _ _ _ot isi lula o n y i o .t n d in g p u rc ba se rs, Ili tk I hh ey e b au id se Ib is m c i e b r t m Prescriptions for th, above usuted sud oliser for tIse eOmiug isarvest. Tise "Whiîby Htarvoster" weigias, ail laid, 600 pturdoa --"-digeaasf, eaais onu Worth mure titsu tise prie t igmade icplyof tho bést a ira s ogie&Iol su0 ud f oi u.areoo o!ds >0k e sa s a r compact co tsruction, it com bines th e itre ngt alla dcrabiliy of thse p o r T h)I nD Wt u t a i s pGb- h e tÉ*be i r m ci n e s f a l u l t t e t T h t y r i TOD ljm- PHYIOLGY OP. WOMAN AND Ail at our machebos are fluly warranted.ea tj pf . J Io' L E J r lTie I SoîtE A lS o .P rbie , $2" TE E he avioomac ines 'l'ie l dt ou e Wel Ied Iu )P lo p i'W ith Ibis lot o! m acîinea, W e fuel confident t 'WB ea os T r - w 1 1 3 Y1 ) A P MAC Y B liIcîiNr tn, drs at preletit t> isc0bét book a! tise landi criant, quirement, sud 'se rospoctfully solicit a trial of aur machines, believiug (bat 'se 4 lit Élu ast i eho s , ts i 13, JVrttok tt is thor velaina(i otcaî work rlit. a uns u c>', asti tw't tes p Ami 2w royal octavo pages, twtoe.~ epcfuyYra tIity,o Peur o tsltr oo A ompl rnely ts d e macfine for mnyIa eub bandlesee i ,t aitrt 'te t cli,, v g' n suohanastss uslutl a -tvtlotstunf., t' te re'ape 01 .lîn$. Ba c deouiz 5îeay for prtst- ut: nuile Oc obr.er tl)léI'Te.Bnsfrytugss oddese irBROWN & -PATTERSON MF'G. CO. 0Our Stock i.uevei'y.Limie is L re4resh v'id tred it t 00 l h esaScietce o! Lite. or Self iibOtro eb*ay187an W l A s t d.ý ttopuio~ Prasorvston.The athos'iass ;'tttnd trot Wiiby naro F b'sr,187 nd W ye Il excllen b ' ah, alu theAsred istooiurile atnt Phstiil thendiaboyD G N E--I A euse, hyApi,2) tg7.ay ok nIlýsil F Ai 0L T A IL D R U U A N D C H E MarS lf.9 "tto.otaeilugst5~ft ai SJION I3L OIING "' Ail the popuitr Patent anud Proprietary M~etdicines. nube PIA NO,5 FORg;,ovo- 1, wousa, pttilatsed 'owhr oucnget a Wefl-fittin Garment:-To the IL v1o,ýfilthe aile prporio bx, e.d w]tichhe àTailoring E'stablishment of lIres -ý tM r>> ge i lu to Il o 0', thuad o t yi h pr l a i,'a>- hy te i'etsholy Moiiteal ntit.G O G USA, O H W .in o b ,S on e ,T ü tSop ,T ie S t h itîd 1ot made tson et xis gal)Ethe uu>s EO GE GU LEy OHA1.Vases, Perfumery, &o. second' "1l'aCeheu ld q tnitr% e reai Uv Cihe youlithe ditldle _110JOi C UTTING SHAPE S THE WTORR IhaveM ali', -,ýV0j elt l",u01I ' 0i. Bts,'lue à.< I l. Tteaou te 01 ( tts' iso,îs1Youi TiiSi u P,%1" io Clt1 P. ', n ,,t'é ÃŽ,uslcs,/Anuîu sf a lbIi i chIe l1Ts~d.tit fg -cw lal in- 1119 ,st andeit it >uverdonorm SJ, 505-fFie . hé;boit 'E'qglifj, Scotch anudt anadsan uorscrpî.uif$ uatly >;~a nd An uratol.c~y uîopClIou, s, oll f t»' làr".rut,»ttl iluosI itiloiortegultluu uf 'iil alad ro0.for eouicrvIss, A Large Stocii "t Overcoatiugs and Splendid Vest Patter'ns. A '11IL rontain Yii~ f. aisrilctia7a. ttcraucir osyCtse. olBostoni L za u & M rr s iakteui cd te tea lsicgourath'oîglutthe obngood lit Guarnteed, . GEORGE GUIiLE, Sl gnsyfLzu & ~ ors tll>ittt ainidr ue i ît s tva os, u d the< ' rîtî j n u r(t i tt M',aiughf o idth ý) 1rl iuliu h pihnaecutyI £t liafotsls, 4gstreut, Oahawa Celebrated Perfeoted 8Sgeetaeles. wiaIl ita rîtruca, Plitauoetant ou gui.1, net with sLoresChatnoune hutidrd Itdia bin .l> t MI t weu l w ite !t>î' itiu ats'sîfu l dat-oouttlsot 'ae Itritittlty . C o<11i ise. "Allor'atitr. lu ita oxueuition and the rich- QcnsprI eia r1ies ut aertaho, sunamal, hie is'tlecistod- id EN DLÈ;iSf1èXPIANO CO., yv tise uso8t sottcotsble umodîal over etruckin u~C a u ) c n s p r I p r a No,.Cul;Iiroî«1way, 'N.Y, tihi rtuîst'y for anly 0pttrpo iaa ist . It J S usVE T ' ~ ws s afriî won antd worotuhrsurr.'s US IR'TDA HEGlo.Fu alosfr$ 'Y 1'uiblio Soliobl Tetachcîts in 10w CouttY of Oîtuî'io. 'Te Aunsi fiExanutin of elcandidtsa for PubicloSchiont Tuarri>strs i5irat, Seconsd, sl Thtird Cioq Certiflnatat, forctise our* 1177 %irilie boiS lu tise RgisScisool, Tliýtl oî W)îitbiy,coointun na- UONIAtY, 0112JuIy, ata. f, oi' lirt CICH, atnt1.80p m,tfor* Second Clairs, ;î'hrtî 140, oh t' 92a s, ufr 1ru15>5 eof! Chu ilie lu ubu îsrcvîostsly iict'n iy lie C1uidsteti, eau bu ubtlid 'Il aPPtilcatit tu tise luspertor. Il lm inditpensable tisat Casdldatess ie'lothur troni la Ccusty or' s City, saonîd sso0tllytise ComttY IUN ,octor rot aler than ttum o! Jsiie, ai thehiitaution hi lire' at t tisrirtiilvtsfoîr earsstluttis, JAS. MorBRIEN, Conity Peettî1.S. %tdycttr, Atl'Qi>,18M, MIDLANJ> 1I1LWAY 0F CANADA. T 1 M E - TAà B L E,;- 'îtuJ ilecluti, osuiday, Meay 7tis, 1877, N4oigNrths roms P'rt iHope te Lindsay, 1iL>vsrtou sud Orillil. LrtuPart Eie- atxî ., ,0s. lun1Mail... t0 UO îa. nu. Mlixel'..4,40pm Jtîd... G0 usI. ni. Mail .....11.10otflan. ilucel .!"1)j. la. urturltPOrot aud port hope. Mci,,,11 u.IM411sS;,.. 5:10 î'. Ociing 8SorbtifretLakollolS. MIaS,..SCO a, Me. 1mail ..,...8:20 p.ni st iUWok for Paeerbara' sud OnfiDta, auj wit rnTrustaIP tpoî,a>oboî user- Iig n sa e.ng titis Irans ]Eaiut est, an i ti-. Norseussu li190sm. foi- Rachester,' 4E '.T&BI o,18 a$swedà6&dey# May 9tli, 1877, TORONTOI TIMEZ. su..et,9.10 7.25 m, 9w 7p0" 10.10 .8 là di "l.55V.1040 " 8.40 ...'.Saep*..0 s.u 1.25 pm . .. ..680 cu 1.57 " ,,.~.>.. 042 " 2.10" tals. Tolegaph 'itdtlorsd. Cittsioguc sent On raC-aipt ut6 donti for Eltier o!fCscho t> owoke cutont y rnii!nu recL tt t ictAdtlrOee PEAIu(tlJY mItDi- C1A 111NIS TÏT UT fui- W. HL PAlUtEB, il. D., Constslluug Phyfieitau, No.~ 4 Bilttisci St.,,Bo,- tati, iam., oppomtitaver» iMolie. N.B Tilhualitîhor n»t»Wr ecltetion tise ahov'cussuoind diseaseFi, ag woasi i mUdiseaies ratltitrtts LIhit, eccroy îînt axporissîce.' Office IsoOsit, 9A. x. lot6r. hl, T ARhIFl 0F F1111 TO 1BE TAKCEN L3Y CON STABLES, Waller Ordr i Councl, lteol 24£h dsy of July, 1874.) 2. Ay'e,t onieseis ivduai upon &a warrat .................... si50 2. Soiring lurmoits or isupta.,.. 0 25 8,Mileage Ce serve sunisons, suis- pT)Oo or warranst........... 4.Mileage when service cîtuntho upon proof ai Sua diligenc, ... p)1 il. Mloîg e tsking drisonrrste gu,) exlsiv fa!dlsisurgeuninîs uer- essori-up expeddeinlu hir con- voyance ............ ........ 10 i6. Attuudlng Justicces on squmrnir trials, or.on exaunlnalloii of îr- sonoeschargeS titis crime, for ueis day neaesgar!IY umployeti iu onse ai-marecasies, thon nI one n more tis4u foui- loui,. i Ù0 7. 'Do. do, when engageS morea tissu four hear-s1 I50 S. Attondiis'Asie rSeso, eacisday, ........"""... 160 9. Mfileage iavlnlg ta attend As. siles, Sestons, or isefore Justices vi lblccouveysuce caulie aItInuly ressenshie disisurse. met a lôe...... 0 . O10 10. J3nmnonlug Juryn for Coronon, Inquest, ulssciig atlending at tuquesI, sud ahi servcfa lu res- Pect tIlsoeeIfhaiS On an. day as Jury summoned ........20 Il. AtIcnd.ing eacli adiurment therqo f t otengageS more 12. Do. Se. t! iuOgaged re ,tisnsu lotir heurs.,,--- ....... 1 I50 10- SOI'vugsummoas ai- aubpteus ta stetnd. beiore Coroner (gunjoct 14. ýiim ans ...... 10 es. 's arrant, sud ru. 18. Aire- ..,flk 5 uSed;; ics a- .. .... ........ ..150 10, TrU i pte a Ildistreas, ai-tu tes 1 oeO'o make dis. tieî,*cune gai, re=dss,. o 10 20. Aplîra1s4gr tu, vietber bt>Yaise 0 e ýtise doular, gopod , etcl, lu ODD FELLOWS' BUILDINGS! FOR THE' NEW RAISINS, FANCY GOODS OF ALL XCINDS, CANDIES, (the bast in toivn), A LARGE ASSORTMENT. NEW FIGS; ORANGE PEELy LE MON PEEL, CITRON 1I, spinEs (anl kinds,) CHEESE, 1HASM, BBCON, LARD, &c., &c. Al of which ivilibe sold Cheap FOR CASH. Fresh Oysters and Hladd-ies neeived Daily.È PETEISIT- N.B.-Casli paid for Butter, Eggs, Poultry âidý Appleg. Whiitby, Dec. 5tb, 1876 ~N EW .S TA TION ER Y -AND-- AT TVIE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, BROCK T. For Sale at iery Reasonabile Price-s. S. W. S- SMITH.& 00. ýVhjitby, éc 27tls, 1877. CH Q/CE WINES à PURE LIQUORS cotemp at WHOLE SALE and lIETAIL to s>'zk the ca a Vu il HàOLI1D AY D E MA N D pieso pltrea UNUSUALLY LOW PiRICES. TRY oltl e lREDERICI NEALE'S, 'g' P SIMCOE STREET, ýOSHILk-WAÀ Celebrated XXX Cream Aie& Porter. OF THE TRADE SUPLIED G-eoige Yule begs to annnou.nee that he has re-opened hues Stationei'y aud Book Store iu Whitby, wherc. statiouery of a kinds, o! thoa boit quality, iil ho kept on haud ; also Sehool Booke of evory desciptio», Oupy Bookso, Siatea, Pencis, Iuks, &o., &o., at the lowest prices. The Daily and Weekly Papers always on hand. Sub- icîiptioiîs Soicited. Musical Instruments, ineluding a fine assortmnent of Violins. Ordors areo taken for Periodicals, 'Magazines and Miisic. Whitby, Dec, loth, 1876. GEO YULE. W ILLIAM TILLY'8 CABINET FAOTORY AND FURNITURE WARE ROOM'S 1 THE OLD STA4NP, BROQK STREET, WHiTBYI Go wliere ýyou cannot fail to be pleased iiim* kin.g seleotions of good furniture. Splendid Parlo-ur, Drawing Room and Bedlroom Sets, New Pesigu0 well" ývothýy-o! inispectiîon, ILt astonisliing low prices. Dim. .ei0rom extension Pble-a very lperior article. GiltComnices, Pict!oQin zev y ~me n oo ana Engravinga or'w __ -,< Several Open Buggies with child'a seat, Lady Platons latest stylA enid very liglt, Cove Platons with ]Rolling' Seat, lo Liglt Top and Open Buggiea of Super- of the best .,Material and Tarranted. AU made BOOTS AND S'HOFS. TOMS & NEWIPORT, lias just re,,eïeivd a-'-lare stockof Bots andShoes 'suitable for Spring wet>r, which lie, will tIr7SELL CHEAP FOR Q4SR At a very small1 margin pil cost. Work done to order in first-class style. A Stylishi Boot and a Good. Fit c&,.nl o'"uooute prseua ie>as.oit i ucurrta luilugCity gag, long 5 ha e raYiitifiCdfr theauCIycs ce kaldsaihift.nd Of artificiai lfght. 'frh i.c to~~le i y is the 'nas of gaç,d iivoreâ Ibrougs permanent piles asid flxtures REfLÈUT'I!M'NEURÂLGIA, 'Goz beojgainuot bu pe.Ileued. Scarce aday pasies titiout record of 8TIFF14ESB IN KJINI S AND LIMB n i tefcau.e by fir. resnlting frointhlie brualage or S E I S 'OT BT S <~~ iland hon tioconoseer thse orIent tlavich kroesei.faer BLÂme U USECU S ip e îretycliettd sd1. ubnya an ufc easddserw ia s' W'ANDEBING PAINS, &c. sedetsusth.ê;àsobJs c ugUangidie b e , rreotfn san LtCn lud ted. ibs cured sererai ai thea" phyicis l~ n be"~îYS à 'à acssa 10iast a b e n d ou ai ithets lu Canda, sd bat ia è~,riyj~ Li5~l~,bt 16ueÃ"> i e n a i t laM(te ecys. Il las ,,, iiis agde d n tis.eu that 1E ý O tue ,I»Y rellabl renin ayfer rr oiypuregan'etdiss ba gsuren iin Impriis fnyaofMntel a reo or o b~sr$fbuj~' tob ls'~rf~î 'sihon smoi' _yr oaur,' gll qul nunalea iaecc. ITiPôeasuîfar iag aur fIinoî roqusessareîv wt s iselTo~R sle b acionues. a 0cet gdirator i anppatout iord tin ise dhes uolreu re il bl gtu e lis roThpprboto rc ific igaie is ci6lass ra lt ly me a s, atiln atr Aiefotiilise only atnian deraaude k d pou eabose,1 sud, au mo e o she elemain ca's wlgslutie cle as uftas ai t aua doea ocefo Itice aveek urdxi lai o fraet ga l r a hinéA e r ato i e d ma"cyw hin f ibeutfoa dwiTh e -, a d aie titi! r of pali ou r eu s 0 1o l a keep < mts onprfec reqbu i ilise keran tru 1 e ot.- C tinwsfbgea l Preooteglheistrlr ngai air. ai acines. mhs , thnyam aligsttatire ereclded Fr, 1r.D cnfe lns , foirei scios prtsattse ornrylu issis os v s mris Ibougs dstrctie dstilat on ei la tis e , s der eaued Bbe en ed » o by rhielfsud i e iro rot e ior sl t se la s.,ots aees i e u 1h. n otwis orsuîbe e i, mai ortseltIe, y~r lring t fo wraile, c. as ntuesaarily grat TlizeTachinreuitneabl o r e tioura 'CRAisIhe LkjLES VdéATIN, or'M tl if« ta mnae isenu, actk n ur f ifera 1 g: 1, n dmnd eri s iai tele unsblfurtalnada mand Tebabr, u ltarsu is détil tse laneuirod la maeoi sacsippiys côentlaru , ii .g u reppuaiuaDds v gt 'p "t'-> s'a-m"ter oisostise Ristermiatnismvssisd Goûtnorernedis mparean Plie prorage tin nair r. uo aintmaîha; u aflena s i se b ~ a osetsas u b c r le ian pa n s dii r a ii % l a e bu ,atnd, tie returat inuit e sar ge, l ise ire u knd it er sud tse laboure ! ud uate pOne s t o r itis' lai ta 'yo a f a c itirt n g a n o ti s e r s u p p i y r e p c a t e d .'t À  1 t i m s u d s t a e g l d y s u ' u c I i u e y Psreis t e s <h(is way se lsofarga ab) csd rniesmant.' A quantily of ia I, salies ud PrmyMr.f utireiy erreS. ttrat ario nussfte aountrliselnarich' gagodou. 8 fs01 grom , tiumisvry ditilatis on 4-tene Ib i g tneul laiseen ubliaI ire and retortcîs re n ctsu]rpèn. se i repar pue apaauso ioi oaali UN m cANor th; Io A.rc Id'l m 'u'sllc:bét,u e < usS ia m migai vThaas t is e ppinc e iabslsaci J.oe l7tiomint 1878.eibc ire ney o pef e u t re dof ga paoor a' ûsshiy ig desaande arl aI tise a fenual ottnomé valà rii lu ls quie s f o k l si e u r d t a e a s p l uf c en ef r i b * b t t r e â p c t o s l r B ri ý u Thei ess tiilnosnu arg maos-enaadthebvolumach 'Çtine,, tiinhiae ts e iffonpin n tf&eawi [oabie for tiete rsIn metg rasousth insreiir :telaor fdJ etepri< p d teA-ttw ei iua thr i nt-st otl u ll o ët.ýd d e ey thilselborsd tryoublatgbe o uad gailameTe as u nende o is fro lrlfltug ai tase ssei-iontimtsy4et mention m. "ooeu s, e r o ir ieusarufurue l heu sy Ieou - sao r U ttm: e ho h b.îe Oua meioaaeatsisl;ts a saivp ecyfrue eIsoLEd SAL, E-&rETAI ÃŽgWdtahe a outesa,editocfirm e sc ftgis l ie A ruai e ln gs c untise &M le n' re liebuies ar-te a eniofS tair Iis veay be gbled. aI mcifual erOomsAMClbertMaXlD su tis 1eci ndv nilocuanidt votory man ppark aàpa, a teu.isaii i coa18'6. ai nveoki.Esfcs consum e sof ave hameler ius , a s àl or visda a B idigth89eo e S T i lmse cide o i l is d ia a rgeIbi s urn i eu e l e ca-l a cuh autes tsfeiuga e ýrA è S I A M O P l. J'T-i, iIir lbo or nt, Tirsm cintb aicuengtugh b ns udstiig horlio s d a,.blsritat s.i ia. lampa, oveytngtbie gs sore fourisdred fooetnlute 0 dain tg; u e lamp la Usevus f<R cusT (JeRs aE.u sai> al eno efnlismp ai nne at ho uequshtiy gonofigsî it <t is- u era e cniiaieai<optoaeh iet'> WndrcAUghelaborge acnesrulgistmairggatsuisa a4,Thier a ObudMsgshinsp nertatset is o r". up ïa td isoe î rt iv ofis mete in race g ,piesot dig a ýta loodeuratises lè t e a ufacmileor or i hr.e, , -te r ir.RE in ar sad rporine n tsemaatatue goini 1se m aiesfar anuserai years l itti naes, anti lei ng ra il rueiurs, sur cnets aiau achne ySpcil9ttntod.l tatie sku>o lang ne on Ch u , cinn . e o fl ount <tanine nnutioai o t, abt vof N~ E DL £ W O R' etovea ir e ist ace ftise mai e r.d relb of.We l i thma ýndlert owsn ae rvs udwan t lin t te givu sea isfa tion . t lhea ar s 'A b t ]U ]sFrce afeah vducupoantwd af C Yan ýaar atuai tTarasîio. OTTOostMA, Nnmswrk.B o 1,ria bhapvpl>15 Burere, $200 noly ii. - FANCY CHAIRS se, 80 189250nli s Ilyfrm cndnsaio, w " 75 " hs ein 874,500 amahnet r r .J' ao RclaeTrot. hs ahieh u 00i0.gtngbsbog COeterRn'n -- ticS. &e., &,. 1 intrducing lag argie mac ihins tie, t! reian ume rodulins lm stsggast tsa orie t u t , ntlug lapiena f o r anen hogisrotpipsunxtedinteJS .SIO&C ltatu plresact hstng ana o f fach na ie or moes. ipt gl iei oe5 aasSi 85 l e,' in ae, la ri<st. inte mnu acturler itis e m achugiséorpleteti, <S of ar otnbe ______ Attention__________the_________ nied brt Iaeusîd ein<s cierab gros, eredntise cpnts eRt dureabous are 1u tcan'ote ntent. insy e ant uis ianruusSinv iennt r odiuctn aiE THALÉ E 0,RG tiasd e sha u gad inrvenqta ae tis ais and 0 tisebe .ssuer itestng luma de othr dotais W. ve ompeland warkusaut.gvsaisf ctin. 'bm1, en- udy a lgli up ouitoardmeulare aitriti camaO.titiMANSdo Nuises 1,k is'ev couae î fer cup ent1 r ne prts eualaabum$2TsWT brgPan iast nt0. i- st posbe0otis rn oi2ahiefr5utla 0a isr asu0 dvier0.(a i tp ~ ~ ~ 9 re-ugo u.lutîsNsinmnyohe ixdàa uins, uauaSeed in ioogsuderasd9g u fir0tlerc J"i o 0d0al. GO,'JSFLPAO '* ~~W u s o i i t o t d r g f o r G a i c t h l e . O u a r r a n e n t u t a r e u a i s h a t v u c a » 5 1 1 a i l o r d e r s promptA.l.W. fui-niashuhebeet qualtty ro! SuliS at,-mai-kit rates, . wsisaunfaclure I[r,, a»l lng le are 'B- wua - ie :1 6rg àe in£r mewith a moderato pi-ce. sIf it bu a8keS' bot <t àa-passible ta aspply & sGaod Piano for abaut HqALE IEFc gouorallp chargeS, tis er isa aplin,: lu tise malng or sale ai th ise.nstru- monts, '<bei-e ai-e neolie miotir'oma ta keep ni,, isa çraud Muste HLl l a ainu or no exemev travelling agents ta psy. Te iusea taumuentssi-e ail mado of s UNIFORM STANDARD, FUIL SEVEIt OCTAVýE SOLID ItoN FRA&Mh OVERSTRUNG BA.SS CARVED LEGS, IROUND FROTC ES "su^d DoUBEV~EEf Au extra DISCOUNT 0F r PR CET viii bd save S Saoulas 'd Couvents, sio tu Olargymnfar uh0 usa fi tl.efr ait W.ADAM, Wiily, FebrtsarY, 151hi 1877. SresvdPinea incase oz Lung Dosate Tise'Bey. Ma, Murray, lii isbooka ou S YRUP thoedrodelatelypuis. lete, relates the casaei I~c0nsumpive oung man Ibrue mJitis ampngont R E D ,In5angliseine mpx"»00 the lpbpasns FM'oual gonSdt49 rcournptive Pa- tiente atiste pineworedi, anS aidaen t mtadrink a lus p'uo8 madeie irn the sprUce topa, SGBàr'g SIrvl atn liSe a ombiuation 01 thi Ibis pro.forath e isaration the gumt' evea ai- pirýatai, rid al ulsasuti. Brada Mari, !P - Odle erpecolirant, lo- 10 M d'.iafimtcproperties Fo0r Couglia,'Clas, HaarseneÉ, Thraaî AUé. lionsq, &caqiItawriek. PRIGE 25CT8, chiai-n.' ~ TEE GREATEST Ik ý M F, D 1 OCAL J Ai -tIon, Broc G. ' (La RiO-ByI (Libp J. G. RBi T BY- triont , I tbe oj fet Teetracal ans nov bloc King Strep1 DHUi AGET LT'UMBER I su- ad J6=i, large qusutity mlantly on han, CONVEyd2 AL Ilm Tise Clork ç TownsIbnalC Pridapi, fI-r isours. 9 a. iM.t Manuh 27th,: . E 011: Clerk D1v18> Camniaiouer i &o., Atierly, Cc Athaly gs.t C A BD. DR Phiyeictasss,8ua Wiitby, sept. 81 'OBT. RAM Grdate5,toth 1 I bave have hSSOnu ai Josepl i lliips & Ce'i. Air Gis Machines in useataIMy p lace in ilosedalo for about eigbtee menitise. Front ntpexperiaeu 1 s alifieS tit t he prinaiple o tise Machine. Tisega is ot s supertor quaisty, aud ecconticdl. M EaS . J o s a P a n a . seI L â & C . 'u o a w a , 1M i 1 ' d l 7 h , 1 8 7 6 . 150 iiI tMahine. A. B. Dzxm. Mzossas. J. Puuusss & Ca., Toi-ente. Oshawa, 221h Mardi, 1876. Dzas Sza,-I havé nov bèeau uuing pour CanaStan Air Gag Machinues for about six' 'tanIS 'a, Suring 'shicli lime il bis anaivered ail e'Dý 1îtii asudi thici a 'warranteS befor1 Itraducà'ig il inla my i'soling. llreq vry tle attention, asud s- or' nÉange. ie fght is ged, sud fi-ontthese izrpltatty ai tise aonalautien ai tise Macine su cosequent.cheapuess, ibould com nt laganerai rie. 75 Idgs'sfMachoie. .Gis Maasa. SarrvWhiîby,'Nov. 22u5, 1870. GuinTs .-Your air Las net intraducedita my store saI Whitby giveaz hote ala faction, Tise macinue vara te a chiransd l'ans savod à larqe amerut et labour an erpenso, iseides tho advaatageof aia;iessansd a very superlor ligisI. _ R.IL Jastasor. Aonieursvaà usx un AuTssoc,àTros, Toosxo, 1874. Finir Exite Pam£, Aaltie-Ouadaas irdansIfachine, S C, TT1,&T PHIL L IPS5 SOLE -MANUPÂACTBBS 0F THE CAADJAN -AIR GAS'MACRIE iberyoRK., TREET, TORONTO. ýrdent PoSmiai#ma, Rubb"r'os a ire and Orystal,. etc. Bat/os, Wafsr Olo801s, Pukm;s, luroe, ineBi le 10 a mapo *0 otart. It WC the Pis.. ciTai-s ~>ui1 o s il>!! 'i issu ~, ~6 hitri r>' ,~ , 'r> i i'>i'ii' tir>t s,> t, 'il tity c> Site' ji t> 'r tilt four Wheels, -1- A- n"d jw tao ý tank, in a ry- qn L ec MI- 1-10 111 ID -A -M- s m A s 0 i-,T! li AGENT FOR DAVIE IB 1 WhitbY, July ôth, 1876. 1 . TESTI MON IAL-S. 1 J-OHN A U N D E->-Itý'S

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