d*e thelb. $,duubgo inspeeuon of ou leiIes.ur di e et sokh statemu. ebewIg&.1".LuWrP mmeon r stckbu .......... dates, il Our imotto will1 piviama no. 40, 4 Leavig balance of pfit for 1hy................... 0677974 Te vinée idd balane of. profit ladSlons froro last er ...79,M4428 Lus wrtten off 1"jr baS andS1efl0 doubifuldoW t........ 10,0»0 00 Balmne lo Credit o oft an .08............. 1 01 #gl64 Prrom tho aboyé exhibit th. obse. bolders will observe that 1 b. year's bosinéess doue by the Bank vas soûli. ient to ear the uul dlvld.nd o! elg Par cent. wbloh vas pald, aud to addte "P1rofit anfi Losu" $67,787 41., The -general d solit ii @Try braneh of business t eunt the Do- minon, te wbh yourU etors to1t il ncsayte alludà la théir luet year's; or rtbas thuy regret te aay, continu- e lth unabatud soverity. The injury btiith agricultural inter. est by tho defiieney in lait yearla crop, (ffOtWlthstandilg the. favorable pros. p#.Çts at th. date o! laiyear'a report) intensified the alroady exsting finanox. a embarrausment, and th. hopes your Direotors thenuentertainsd of&a revival of trade froni a good harveut vers net reaffod. Tho chiei business of!thoeBank dur. Iffathe,,paîtbyearwvas c6nfined te giv. flng sUcUaccomwodstlon te sti regular customers as, under tiw existlng cir- curustances, 14 was bouud to do. Carefulexaminations' bave bean made into ail the Bank's transactions by fruquent and tborougb inspections nt tho Head Office anud Branchus in tl orcler te arrive ut the valus of thie busi- Wý naos donc at each point, nu well as teo 0 deturmne the. auount, of lasses the Blank bE if stained (vbiohi yonr Dirac- tors iu their lait Anunal Report desired 01 sboutS bu e -rs dellnite1fy ascsrt.ained bofore making provision therefor), and bave resultud in finding that the. bises wi1I amount to about #155,000 ever sud aboyé thé. amoont writtén off during theTiepa ar. Thuirectors consicler 14 thoir duty te the shareholders te reconimend that thèse toises ho nov vritten off, that the Omm ef $80,000'. froiu th. ameount nov tanding at thîi credit o! Profit sud Lioss, aud 4himn'of 8Ã25,000 bu taken froon the reserve, sud appropriated for that purpose. The. favoreble prospect o! au abun. daut liarveet (hiF ycaria a hopeful sud ch11erug Mature, but your Directors, fronith, expérience of lent year, de not venture te dépend too much upon 1. Th4îy, bowver rIncfiué1to believo that the buiïeos dépresion bas reach- ed514. bowest ~oint anStat the expri- énce gainea will teox to cause gailhui. naosi and hauking transactions hure- after te bus baecd on a sonadur footing, and check.that spirit -of textravagance aud spuculation too 'nuch indulged in during the p ast. Thé nouai setaemnt e! 4he bank at the close of the. ysar. ls u nneeS. Al of vhiclç ýctuly ubittd. Président. Ontario ]Bank, Toronto, 124h Jon 18717. OENEJIAL STATEMENT bP TIEE AFFAlES OF THE ONTAIO DANKAs ON TIIUE5DÀY, MAT S818T., 1877. LUABILITIES. C apital Stock palS up ... 02,998,180 00) Réserve .....é 25,000@ Profit anS Lois 80681 64 Internet anS .1 >Exchan ge S reserved,..- 28,470 87 rnélamud Di- Videénag.8. 0 1 DlyldendNo 40, payable Wu, June 119,847 20' Noieucrcul. - *&.,710,84 1 6 op* -784,859 00 Its Deposits not bearlug ilu- tarent...1,6C,417 64 Dp bear. po Balancée t 0 t hur Scot Ilanko 242,672 68 04,028,69 85 ua #T.6 7,788,883 00 STE Balances$ u tram other Bns--.. 102,8010(02 Notesud Che.- quoi of o the 0r Bank ..... 168,416 71 Débéonmts 2000 crnt...0,188,240 61 Notea ouBille ovCrOdLut.éd 226,980 84 Dabte éécîîred by ymort. gagés sud other se- cnrltis. ... 175,887 96 Bank Promiseus 189,046-68 D.FISJIR,. Otaria Bank; ,Torante, Goneral Managér. 816t May, 1877 After a fuw ruinarke on the. Jmnineus or lhe paist Jar' froinithe- Hon. John simpeon sud thé Hon. W. P. Rowland, it vas moved by the formier ana second- s by the latter, that the report hé ado todvhiohvasoérriudunaunimousîy. Movud b>' J. H. Morris, Esq., -second. uS by Aaron Rose, Esq., That thé tlîanks o! 4h. sh&râholders are léereby gven 40 the Président anS Direaters for hhelr efficient managemeént O! thé affaira o! théeIlank during thepput year. Moeud by Jihn Hallare, E sq., se-. ondeS b>' Audrsv Hamilton, Esq., That Mesure. H. B. Fonbus, W. J. g9c- SoceU lanS W. G. Casuels, bu iéruli,ý neuru e! liii ceutien> snd' liat 4h.>'re- port the resunt te thé Guuerht Manager; sud tlIaitheb.baiolig now -oemmeeu, asudthal t I cemuAt two 'clook ; but if ai aoy lime dv. minutes shah have ux.' pieS vithont a voe belng tendérud, lis ballot iyb. eloed b>thé scri6ti. neers. * The ortineurs reporteS agollov:- SaWuthé underaigned*"eoroti. Snuers, appontudlAt the Annuel Meeting o! the 1Sharahlere o! 4he.'Ontario Back, huiS tuis day, do déclare lie !ollewing gentleman Sel>' eleote4- as Dlretoritfor tie currunt yuari, viz : Heu John Simpson, Heu.. . How. land Hon. D. A. Macdlonald, Donald 'a'cy 0q~ . S. Gzowuki, EB ÀA M.5~tEsq 1 nin._MoGW i, Eq. W. G. CASSELS, ' W. J.-MACDONBlLL 5orutineers. H. B.-YQBBEse I To D. hais, Bsq., Gau&uNAL MÀNoa. The Board of Direetors mot'afpur thé B urt of th. Sérutiners, andi re -eleet- eut lime Hem. John Bizopieu, Président, an~d thé se. W . à P, 9 la dVIes ~vld7i BI aflwm cou gooas fr e sa £low percent.6, oncot W eýha e j streoeivea mi asEortmùent of ri?-ashionable Good* Now ini S60, 'hohWeare preparedto offer ataidvaut"goue prioeg. in- Dry 'Good8 we have Full Lrne8 in Grey Cottons, Bteam, Lot>m,Duok9, Peims, Table Linons, Towefiiw, Brown ýHolland, Dýress Linons, Black Lustres, &o. À funl a,- sortmezil of MOUBNINQ1 GOODS,, also lain and F'ancy Dres God. IN THE HOSIEe' DEPAFRTMENT We have reoe ýived a flomplète euply of Ohildren8' White- anda Striped Houiery. Mn's Plain and v-aney haMt Houe. SpecialB&r- sains in PABASOLOPi wl4oh will b. offered et smheard of prie*, OUR BO&r AND ,SÀOE DEPARTMENT Comprises al the LeadingL in , luLadies',dChildrens' and Gýentse Boots, Shoe iaýlýes IN OUR GROOERY DEPARTMIENT WIil be founÃd a fresh Inupply of aul the goodo. usuaily kept in asi Rut-class Gtooory Store As we intend to'do an exolugively CASH BUSINESS, wq have marked ail goods in plain figures, and at bottom pricos. Parmers' .Produee taken, in exehange FOR GOODS, AT CASH 1PHICE S. -M.R. SHEA, Who has for many years earned and heId tho confidence of his numorous eustom*ers,.has kindly censented te romain with us for some time> to superintend, the business ana introduoe us te bis ild customers. Oshawa, June 20th, 1877. ROOM MIXED TEN -PER CENT. OFF TO Ml 4ppDFELLOWS' hAL, W]UÃŽ 3Ministerial 'Straw Hiats,. Mniserilet Ha, Mini Ministeriga Lustre Cat; Minterial Linen 't, Mi Minibterial Linen Uliter'à Minà tstSuite, i Miniteril PatsMinisterial Vests, Whitby,~Tuue etb, 1877. GIRAND MILITARY JiE VIEW Il -GRIFFI1N &. GARGAN. PDAPER PAINT S,1 GLASS, PIJTTY, &c., &c., -A T- (OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE.) FOR ALL CLASSES I -WE AIRE SUE WING TUE- .arest and lJo8t Fashionable Stock -OF-. STYLJSRI GOODS IN TOWN. the Gooda and the Cheapness of them that does it 1 We are anxions tao el aur Stock without Ileserve. Our fils weu't slow us te tlirow off 10, 12 aud Fifty per cent, for that's al ili haeGosiprerIEgad rln n 'hland, and the UniteS States, besides a large ouppyo aainmn Lture. K_î If any oue's "Ragged," sud ou thé "llEdge o! aduespair," him ho from tewu or counitry, thay cau gel olothed at LAING& TWART'S. CQ Printer's ink suits saine classes ; our Goods suit ?ry noody porsen. FI-NE. ARTS EST'S GALLERY, OSRIAWA It.L e 1 SPLENDI'D PICTURES, Life-Like-talien lu a'nioment in the best style. Mr. Bèst ba8 secured the services of one the best nega- live retouchers in tia United States. I teel confident thal I eau lurnéeut wenlc equal, (if net superieor,) te anything ever beforo nmade in tbis aountry. 91r CALL AND, SEE M'Y -WORE._ Ail are welcome to inspect the Gallery. -'Flue Photos of the Leadîng Sttesmen ef the Dominion.. Riglit Hou. Sir John Macdonald, Hou. T. . Gibbs, &c., and eof11ev. A'T W H1IT BY, Thursday, 28th dune,1 Latest Styles in Tweeds. GADMMTR SHonAM F][, EGLnEradiTnr L a Lmr eoe Corseu Arlmluy ngi neur untanty*151U tiL Th aor-jeuml Commanding sud Wines aind Liquors othr Danglhed Officur are expected te bu presn. ORENCN Fine Aie in.kegs for Family-use. INSPECTION AND ]1E VIE W. A FT ER N O N: *-Righest Market -Price for Butter. SHAM -F IGHT,____ _____ Aite which the Buneuers vil! urcta Port vhi vil Sended by cantlon, IRRIVME HAM] 'TBY.' istria MeueRats, ilstria Lin~nsen i jaterial Coats, One Price. OE. FROYS,al 1 LTON &Co. JUST TO HIAND, RATS, BONNE TS, AND) 1nishings in Great Variety. &Bu u.êé..1.a Dy MeusToronto nFied attery aud thé 844h Battallon, sud altter a dssper ate âtruggle vil U evacuated sud blom np by dynatulte. Parade of the Fixe Brigade. ALSO, GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT ln the Dri! Shed, vhen the Spieudia Bands of the Axtfllery, the Engmnuero, d 844h Dattallon viii aU tsk u r in the prc- grammne. Sevéral interusting mffitsry exu,- aihés viiibu pertormed. Mr Excursions have beun arram'ged to v% hsGetMilitary Réviéw, (the on!' dl$a yofthe knd uvur held lu the Pro- rvince) tram Rochester, Port Hope, Péter- borou gh. Llndsy Port Psrry, Toronto sud Hamilton, hy Mhch excursioniots vii la able te reach tVhià tby in Urne te ses 4he vhole ot the prooéédsg, snd ruturu the CPnDht esliai made arrangements vlth Captaini avg etr& 4 h. Steamuer "Maplé Lest," by' vdch pas~engeviii be carrieil tram Lindsay te connéot vlth the railvay at Port Perry sud returu on suy Say sanie wek-FOR 0cNB PARE. A. G. MACIMAN, J. E. FAREWELL,'[ W. H. IGGINS, romtte EODT. H. LAWDER,)ý Whltby, 134h lune, 1877. 25-Md The 84th I assémble FRIDA Y te perferni staff O0fi paniés sud ment, vii i;,&me cawn, Li>O.émr-ir.dx, ana ieaculng ciieDs, frsal i à - « Wléth", 12<l BESTS' GALLERY SIMCOE-ST.; OSHANA. Diamonffi FARM FOR SA LE 1 VtlHITrnY HIGRHSCHOOL. The South bal of Lot No. 80, fin tho th ENTRA MASONIC Concession, EX AMI NATIO0N. KI TOWNSHIP of WHITIBY, ~ diso iib The neal examnation framsinwnb CONTÂiNN<o l!,!ou wt 10 0 A.I TE,2ueday and Wedlesd4at , ~RS latel>' eccuple,! b>'JOHNTHOMPSON, in July Srd tad 41/cnext, MAY KInG.5 nov affuréS for mso.Buglnuing at 9 A. M. - M> ld OTICE IS HEREEX GIvEN THÂT lï. . RiNSoN M A. Na prsons tesasigon Hi ro gh S 5h ,Ma>'15,1877., i-2 HYSICLA mises v, proiucutudaeaSbrdflng te Law-. Crési For Termes sud Conditions of Salé af mimd ELF."EU DYý landis, apply ithér pérsonsilly or b>' letter LR' A..-" .iL P PL1 to the owuer- 0SHAWA. £A Nigaa ODt TIi , EM WRK DbONE AT THIS LAtIN. Court of liée Or Onta T yinexueuted itas supertor mn9;piration ofi t UeorP ARIEWELL & RUTLEDGE, s ngbtivu hnaa, aSingé ha. su msertion hère>d ployéS, anS aise vomen oY éxpurimuncte telaa -nt lù BArristriWh%. mhnage the Ladies' dupartmeat. Tuit. %týîAt WbitbY, Ma>' 16, 1877. a 19 mouasis of onstomuers say-'The olothlng John 0lceof LLu a bed in suprter mmrm eElizabeth Be LET. ~have ever i.nptoduoud. sud vu récommsendBni ot A cemmodioui Hall, utablu tors& Rollor the abers Laundry te au vho ddrupelrbignli 'Ledge.roa, on the flat shevethe Mohehnlst work.!, sa~atM.Beeton L ibrar ', toe lt; reut m odera te a pvto eue pua 1 GR. iL 4t. A y aropl "ed Wlaliby, Ma> 98, 1877, 2 Osasseyllb douto-- 0*perd"«,ai. --- ýGU ,j umme arior gudL NRIgëdïô-ôtà ý_& Suerior workniansghip, and'of the >ýiy beet mat( Pietre fammn,, 'Very cheà p' orders exeouted with if~rtiude and despatch. âe tiot the uphiktering branch. j&- A well appointed E'earse-Funerala fully supplied. Whitb.y, Mitv 7th. 1877. E. J. JOHNE A911 *'---..' ,uey.1 Spea hadom ai IMPORTE Rs WHOLESALE& RETAIL DE ALERS IN Chimneys, B{flljers, Wicks, Chand'el- ieStoves, IBurin Fluid, Rock '011, Wooden Ware~ CLOTIRS-WRINGERS, AND GENERAL HO'LJSE -F,1JRNI-:HINGS. 81 Yonge-St., two doors [rom K/n g, TOBON TO. May 2lut, 1877. TACKLE, RODS, ETC., -CALL ON- lOm.99 J. L. BEODIR, ALSNE W 1XN Ci MACHINES. FYOU_ WAIîT TO J3UY SEWING MACHINE, ATTACHMtNTS, NEEDLES, -THREAD, &c., F'ISHING AT H1- Sewing Machine Emporiumn, To ates..... 11 ens TomatooCuras2h-ces pls tabereRsb 'Coru........il-cents. G 00D S 1 ne, Fue APIe.,ý C aveo.-15 ters.1.5cents W. .J. HICJÂIIE & Co., Mr aa7~ uk IMIMILLAN'S BLOCK, English Picles, 151 ceilts. A Good Japan Tea, 25 cents 3. Coffee, 25 cents. Prunes, 7 cents. SB R OCK S TR ËE T, FIH ITB Y. Agents for Car]ing's Ale, $1.25 pelriPozen.- Molson's AlI 90 GooS Malt aud Rye, $1.50 pr Gllo. The attention of the public are invited s EEM S e to their large stock of Twilled and Plain Sheetings, Pillow Flowcrs (a choico colleotion), fldks, Glfadîolus, Oxalis, Tuboroses, Voget- )Cottons, Table Linen and Napkins, Tawels and Towelings, ,éble Sérede lu Butk, Tnrnip, Carrot, anS Mangle Sueds, Lawu Grass New Shirting, New Prints, Linen Costumes, New Ho î ',Séeds, fjonvlusSeéde, Fasturation Seuds. Gloves, Ties, &o. 5 PER CENT OFF FOR CASH ON ALL GOODS For Gents' Newllats, Caps, Shirts, R. H. J4MESON0. Coilars, Ties and-Gloves, in great variety. -Whitby, May 104h, 1877. 2 A large stock of Mens' Beady-imade Clothing, lu Linen Dusters, black and colored Lustre Coats'r; PRIM ( ( O (if I also youths' and boys' clothing, S- i'.' -G 01 wD FRESE[ GROCERJES TO IIAND.ÀLAGAN HIEOTF The above goods wilI be sold as cheap as any lionse inALAGANCHIEOT0 town, for cah or trade. HIK E C .LO0TRHS ANI) TWEEDS, ...............JUST TO HAND, AT COQUET!MI. EEjG _USQ IVs> C B 0 U E T !Suitablo for Spring W ear, and a prices te suit -the limes. Aiso, the Largest and hast solection o! Rats to be founa -in Town.- - NV have received another lot of -or Don't fail te sce thuni before purëbasing olsevhere. C.AJSI-CI:Q--E !Wbutby, March 244h, 1877. .1 Cheap, Cheaper, , Cheapest. Set ox B O OITS A ND SH OEs from -only $1 .00. Best Value we ever had-. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. Othr uaites n tok.BEST AMERICAN IRUBBER GOODS ON HIAN]). Gents' Calf Boots and Shoes, the fit and most durable made in-tie country. 12-m Ladies' superior goodsin Prunel>, Kid and Goal, (a specanliîy.) RH A Rt V E S T T O L . when dnrability anS achéapes are Iraquiredcall ou j Old No. 1, Cheap for Cash. Sce ur ew FeldDoube ResBURNS, Brock street, Whîtby. Se rNe Fil Dobe HeyWhhtby, May 204h, 1877. @312 Made uine iee, à ,11 steel. .ELty anct ivianure iFOrks, Scythes, Snaiths, Cradles, &c.- BUILDING HARDWARE: 75 nd 77 Yonge Street, irat Door 'from, king Street, ToronIto r0CHýiLD RE N 'S IT 1 REiPIGERATORS8, Fil,.,ERS AND COOLERS, TileS Sets, Baft,, WeSnar , , .oae-' utr, -oI-s Hrdar, ou rsThrnu, sud-. >aau vés f-Goo4 ong. 8$80 resali 'MYocllg uSsP'ar Locks, Latches, B tt HngsC t -93r' TheuLar .Id talvrélssu b'apust u'aUé gesl Stock f o! em uaishinga'in lie City. ..fl and- Wrought Nails, Gelasà ;, PutyýC, . > WILSL ~ EA ANŽD"LRAR:ESS. NilOl'K-S ., kbl- - WHITB Th ubarriber beq; léaez otf i, onaja± f théeunc htyu, viiity, that h6 bas opéx:ed a . UTO HE R S HOP CROSS y'g STORE, IuDasS. Wlhohé il! kçep constautly on hA,,d a -good assurtmcut et LAMB, EL * MUTTON, A call is*solieitédi. Whitby, MaY 1iSth, 1877. p aim (I MMEÛCING ON MONDAY, May' 7Û. 1.'77, sud until furtixer notice, trains -WUI LEAVE PORT liOPE for Lindsay, -Péter- baro', Laleld, and intelnediaté pointe,, At 5.8,0 a. Mn., 10 a. m n.sd 4m8 madfo'thea Goorgà zan ay Wau- ~uuséeae,an int»ermediato pointu, at 10 JlO.ni. -Trains arrive as follows PROM Lindsay, Poterboiro', anS LakulM, atS8a. nM., 12.80 P. ma., aud 6m P. nM., and froni the, Georgéazi Bay, -Wiiuhu- siéené, auS interniédiatu paint,at Fo uté aticulars ueo Pockét Tim-ý ad, dehél au alStaton. H. G. TAYLOR, A. HUEL, Superlunteudent. Présfidant. ~$600 PIANOS FOR e250 And aai ter styles lu thé ramepoprtion including C(louéS, Squaro sud Lpzht-Oâi .firot-elasi-soîa direct ta thé poji1at fa'- tory îrces. 1No agents; no omoi.ons: ne déScauntu. Thesé Pianos maSo-onu of thé finést dispià ys ut the Ccntanniul Exhi- bition,-sud n-creu nnimously récommén,!. -ed.for thé Highéit Honoro. Regularlyin- arporuted mauutactuing CO.-ewmanu- tsctar7--Oue Ot thé larguit and finest in the *orld. The Square Grands ceniain Ma- thuRhalCs nen- patent iDuplex Ocverztrung Scaýle, thé gruatést improvémnin l the lits- oro Plane makmng. ThUprightis are ih6 luest-,lu Ameica. Piao, ent on trial. Don't tai! ta -write for Ilurattd sud Déscriptive Ca talbue,-meiee ro. MENDELssffoN PIANO Ce.,- 19 No. 5Broadway, N. Y. E XAMIATIoN 0OF - PubýIio- Sohool Teachers -in -the Cauutyof Oint&rio.,, Thu Aunnal Examination -et Candidates for Publia Seheol'Tuacers,PiFst, Second, and Third Claus (!ertiftcalus, for thuyéar 1877m iisuhuldin théu BcShool, Tovu '61 wçitb; commanélm- r- Dearmet.- resGoods, P1rints, Silks Jac-k.ets'and, Manties, Shawls, Parasols; Umnbrellas,, Hats, Hanse Furnishinga, Carpets, Staples, Linens, Flannels, Fans, Fanoy Goods, Gents' Furnishuzags, Olothing, Millnry e All etents Thoroughly Assorted. goods maked upanfgrs The Only Cash Store, in Whitby. MILLINERY aoo_<-;_j Chi-ldp-e's MNTAL OEDBR-r Battaion of Activé militia vii eat HuaS Quartera, Whlthy, on F, HE 22nc2, INST4Ný', thé Anu--al Dnifr 1876-??. surs, OfiLcurs'oemmanding Ceux- aberhs connectéS vw"bthé Ruei- govaru thafîielvés &cm=dngy MS WALLACE, LT.-COL. Cemmandlng 844h Batt., D. <h luné, 157. 25 me9 lci] f oz dsad PeAjlEE 116 e Mannfsaturer ef C, ODDFELLOW5,, IHTS o! PYTHIAS, . AND ALL T WVET, . -TOBO, UN# bUJRGEON, &e., Duffini' ak- l o te h Jdgs 0t thé e uni>' bCocuS>' et1Onlanlo, at theu - twsuty drys trm th. finit lu. Wf in te w m m ra ouaosrc ary Ana Rico, o et b.Toma e th« Ceni' tOntanlo, vite et z Or1st ia, ailS May té'lfeu hushanslWi"te 1h. eaud]Mar Ellsbet Seoti niunder lth spci Tvunty- BBB AIMOUI3, Solltacfie LÀwa.é- 1 ýý> 1 ,WllitbY, Xëýltli, 1877. )rcter. 1 1 Whiiby.7une Oth, 1877..ý 1 GeÛts' Fur. May 219t, 1877. 12m-22 1 JU IN 'JOýiN' -- - %-.9 %ýr %-e.Lff Kje 1 N 0 > 1