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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jul 1877, p. 3

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OU, monnail za so9mU 11 HL-ÀtWby n, O.Joue 951h, -1877, theWiffO01Mr. John na, of a D E À& T H B. D>Â1TNLL-,At E.wkubmm i ont, on tii. 2m h 3m, KlJRmbut Coo l Puin, .tiiba.I@ed wife of B w ayteDa> il , heulu c o com. sud 'Bnall, muid otier of big, Honor r WHI2'BYMJURET&. OuaoxbcLu Orpocl!, jul>' th, 1677. Little;produe moflug.1Voe'wlde fluctuations iù prfim, et01ran. ý Flour, perbrL .pa0o50 e 00 Spring Wheat... .S 4,14 io Peu.. .........060 a705ô Fée............... '0 75l By. ...........1 0 1 PaCoes............. aý Eg-go ....... ........ 12 016 Butter.#............ 160 @,18 Waol------------- 2% 0800. Défhlud quarterà...0560, a,$70 Beat, fora quarter-....Os 00 a85 8 gheep"îl. ......#. ... #0 76 #10 slfes---------------.1 ... 4600 0 2 Ponk pert t......... ,#00 @ça25 Lambe............... l COU .............1i2 4 Turnips ............. .. 150 Obe se...............lie @ 17c, Canrota............150e ~20o llppi'e enaV.os-UacIsd tie fortag*-"3B.a,'hhorough kncwlefg ct lthé naturel 1w. whichh goveru th operations of digetton sudnuntritioe and bv a careful & e pllcatiou of th, dun apravtdéd Out breakfias habis'a?,' dlîcàtl>' favbtea beveraga, 'whlch ra saVe nua inu>'heavy doctoral' lia.- Il f by th ufieidcIOos sfcsucir articles of dîîi thât a cOosîlînton uxa>' be graduaily buif Ip unti slroug enaugi hoeroeliâtiver>' tes. dancyloe iîsesé. Hundreds a ombtle mals dies are lloattng arounu us rend>' taetack wlsoreves' thera la a ivoak eInt. We ras 08capa rna11ala hafl by keepiug qui. selves wallorttfied wîtls Pure blood sudà praperl>' nonrisied frure."-Oivil Bonre Gaseile. Soif only lu Pachets, labellef,- "Jaras EBps o0.,Homothila Cham. tata, 48, MTIeaotOdue S tlreet, and 170 Plccadilly London. - undreds of Thousande are Now Daily Using It. Woad'a Inprovcd Hais' Reatorative luullkaanyaqtier, ,and bansnoeoq ual, Ths Isnprovstdhaà,nua vegetabie tout o proper. lies; resooes greMîhur tb a glosy, naturai colos'; retorîe adeçl dryhrhan al lcg huitx- retores -dr., ari sulail. t theh-isSr; rnstoresIuAIrto se gIves v l basds; rernoves tAmamipD' '< erptisa; temovea irritation, lhching suâ acal>' frynesi. No article prefticea suci ,wonclrinl oufeots. Try Il, cail for Wqad'a Iraproved-Hair Ilestorétlvean sd doo'e b. u wthamy eider article. SalA b>' aII <rgglto lu thit0 place sud desiers evar>'- wbere. Tréde alipPlled« ati ranutacttires Prime b y a. A, COUR &hCOu,, hilcs, Sl Agents faor thé United SîtA a sqd Cago, l and b>' LYMAN, CLARIK d&Co., Montréal. NEW ADERTISEMENTS.- WALZ'S LAGER *edeavonr $0 fsnpply mn article.whlohWtil ft'e uatlufmtton ota Ihe .Who patrontre- JOHIN .WALZ, - Toronto. TIRE Best and, Freshest L A CF mi?,RI WILL ALWAYS DE POUND -AT THE WHITBY WMUSE, i. A. DAN DELL fi also sole Agent for WuIu'u Luger Boeor for the County of A.lFINE ARTICLE Or. PURE CIDER. PHOSFOZON E OOMPOUND.ý An effectiv, sud at th. asme liame c agreeble teste, - GZNTLEUNSSuTIj sala i ycur PHOS. ifOZUlihiInceases, anA nombersaifau ctarnezqrs leshil>' o hoeb nali te>'havi rocetvèjI frora Ils use, anA a e lwarrantes lu recousinndieg Il., DEVINS &c DGLTON, Drugglsts, Notr, Dama Street, Mcnhroal, Preparaf lu fie Laliorstar>'of Evans. Mercer & Co0., Montreal. 2â F4OR SALEI -DR. FOOE'S RE&IENCE, -'TORE ST, PA1UÎ" l'anus 8 t,, 4 acres ai LanA. Orclad- Cestains Applo, l'eau, and Plssm Trees, Ini geef beanlng.. GoaA Oulside Buildings. TERUS LIIIERAL 1 N OTI0 Wié foilowing Animais, viz: twoa abers, aslie red sudd wile,lie atiegra>', are lin- Pauidad ahLot No. ,lu i 4h eacste aiftée Townships oi Plclartng, end viii thcre bho00a4i by public &uction 'un lie 81.t day 0ai li>, lb 7, Aethlia hur cf six o'clock, P.-us., if et %coasier cilainef. DateatAI Pickering, tis SecouAd dy of Jli>, 1877. ALVIN ORVIII BY-LAW No.- À Dy.Ljaw oa aid and a«sist 1the Toronto anid Oit aiva Ilaiwaij Company, giving .Nine.ty Thosauud elia>', to ils. Oomplanp y eocp o f bonus, anad - Iousas Deben- - - e f horefor, asd oa ut hon,.e tite1cpin9 of a 0' oCci'al rate for tlw paginet of 1 ci debe/i thoeby created andi intes,t Wberoao, twety penanu sd upwsrds lu - ach i aitle Montipalicle, olfie Town. ail s i lcle, each, seuoua, ausdlie $.ilgootartirr, in Il',Coc. ui>' cf onla ,ud:bain g respactivel> reslAenkitreeli afr n&fni>' quailleA vcaaunder tlb. MunicIplh t uac oifihe nid mveral M uscp lticshâhva ln eccardsuas vils lia Acta cff ican. Puration of tise sauf (Qomanp petitujned tie Cani>' ossseaif z. idnilPmtlY of - thle ount>' ofOntario ho p sesAs-B>'. La.w grant'- a banna forth0ePurpo.. ci ahllug 1t0econstrucletio i ni d Torot ndul mtta11w.a holway Itu lia anoult ai Niait>' Tienmi Dollar., aud it la expoiIent te granlt-te. mre. -4$sd wbereaa, t il ll quire lie aus of -savon lsand Elght ndred sud Frty-eghs Dofallera thob. sésed anunal.- y y@ 0aptalrseenlihe viole rateable )ro y 01 thelb.salA s.vrl rainai, d 1 teli. above Aicrb tor p&y. Il e d aumaci inot>' oond - nottoued, ~~ cor Wh a wl ci lleSas oty o t erlpolie t un e r sudpureun enltahle ActéaifIn- corporation ai thé sal Comarny, sud _ion lie semae or tic proceefs thareof shal E lb P li a slf Trisélees déliveref os'r pAidhoolie raif Company train lima ta Fau lime, os lie saidCoampeuy usy bo entîlesi hoeréceie th e sen.undor thie conditions cf thii. iy-La;x, sud hilare' t au>' aUOlk Dabenture shal libe disposodFeuasI ai b>' suci Trusthees, al lie maluredP lnteresh0oupas hierato attached shaU be detaciaf hionefrous sud deliveref la Pus! 1 thie Treaaurer cf -liae setd Oouuly ai E Ontario.,in 7. The sailA pro oced road ahal bnci tIhe Pas M Township ais Seugog, theno, proceed p lirougi the %Villlage0iofart Pers>', tu crsingc Simée a treét,--lu ldi a concasalen of Rechl, sud Iheuic - --- 4 Uurnin 0aer . 8, Bnci Dbenturea on lia pracecAs Ibèere- g-ace- cf shah hoc Alivencd or palA b>'hesliatlA FOR TSEE TOWNHIP OF 5OUGOO GI» limes, muA on the conditions iollowsng, To Jh c' s.. tha- Tutée te li:-e saA Ctunrptior the TAr e Tawuauuî HAy, assAfrrnPCg' fiaosth amay :-Deamuan r îe - e ueiourln . ÇMMNCINGON MONDÂT. gay 7h is uout cf 1, TEE VILAgE or PO09T PZIBET. 7,adutlurther netteiralavblli /v - F rty-fi ve T ho ssand D ll r a w hon l e ELRP R T H P E f e ,di > , e are s a l A - r o p s e f R o n d sh i l l th e b e n F o i s D i v e s i a s N u s s ei n T v , a t li e T o w n E B O R T, I Rk E orl s d l i tes A ~ e. , ~ ~ ,4.sdc cxd lAg tnhe lina bencîn Bal-Win', -M.Catiranae, neturnilng pitm .0an, 10 m. o u .8 efore menlionef, tram lie Township Offcer. aOiîr aAto i ei -nd /4'tjo~- ol sougog, lhrougi lié Village ci Portr PsDvsuxEussOeamBmeWu , k' P ery, lrougi lia Townahips oi Beach ezesLvsSm1-baaola ushene, and. linermezte pits, m N7 sd le lsann g la Ilse W estern im i c f E ssuzie, etu r u u g O f c e. l T rP~ an su darriv eilau .b 11 lunes an thea proceaf s t ereai t h-Adti unther enaclef, liaI befare hs RULinAdsA>, Peterbora', sd. aed.d aMuantl of. lie reînsning aura ai Forty. B-Law àIsmnitthefor publiabud lie aI 8Sa. Mu, 12.80qp. asd M.i .'sr,~ ,~ prapcsçA Iload shah have beau th le contyTreasurer thi e auci Wovn seeAuàltrell pita plosted, ansd lirunnina orAer fromem IlHndreA Dolars te deira>'thie ee.usi tua.68à 6D clr' (:OC iri Cit ofToototo meVllg c arle. iIbsCoonil lunconnexion li.revi] ios Î;Mo Pi etàgo oeA ke im. edo h ieithe a roaf pirisu. N O T IC E.-SIemluii, Pelut ~~4 ail nacessar>'si lu accarardation sud -KTW BUTCER SHP i4 buildings aItisae ioiaing"laces, fiaIt. Take Notice liaI lie above ina tru.o' A-4j ~ ,s; tee> i-n lth. vli i at0i1>rp05e4B -Lmvw ivi ~be laken The gsoriee bçleavete aIf'lb 5 Ferry, ouein-lui lb.Towushif) ,cl-émi luI.can4lara on the Caunacil ci lbthe bt b, c ieeu vian. the salA 'praoaA l ad &hall muuîilpahlyo«,!ect(eulWofOntarioaafter OWllIy n cross lithevl SoSuth os'thliendan oulu mous lb. flnpubfiiôàa=e~ -vcsIyfelb a iee C e usI e ro afN a t i aI th e é V illag e of 1 lu t h a " W S Ivs v C c uZB " ,N O W glm lm zU T . . Hý S T A hall ' a rhieSouthirl>' or Tient>' lhàtwegtnly -0r1l Ayo In, A. P. 1877,--- chaîejusNanhenl>' Ir-outhlei.South-vcwe udfatfi otes oaiheIlse io ors a fieCROUP'8STOEuna-t corner af Lot numiser ThIlacu, lliste msa Ib uaorUMuslssipml tg.télia y, e>',.!t.1 FifttiiConcession Of themaeid Township teTownab,~Poelg ees u opar i' oru of Bea c ; naui n s hio r-lae lu Scugog, snd & V IT ofPS poit P , Wi Waehndb so a O T 9 O T fésalA Townshlp ai Beach on9a;lo b. 5cmorehre1non ' iscetnl'o aith li tproposed Roaf, Wistes'ly July,, A. D.,>1877, ai -fteéaiveraipo g goad aaortraent ai ZvueS oot 01 Yeneatoruo a!'a traiMancisèser, hutl Norsisaif01 th msA an baorontotrnnBEF, esLraoeefsi TirAeucslo i0ieslATvielu a braened suh tsuEE 74.rocq st.8 as tia To"usit Conoil aI i. he vllbepueaîhaI fori AMD Mis. Tawuohsiat b7. B laPd-1evdni . nle ock lthe Ieri»ocn MTTOM ~vIlilcand a haltl s ai tie h South-west cOof ILotfezbe , lBn~J~ It îàkenm «cang~~e Fjesc _,ET t, 5 cENTS ;ýcfi - ,N T 1M X D Pý«A IN T-,S 1 O1T~ GLASS, 2' $ EAC0! R Ç allandlset South Ontario Book,<ýtaRion ryau4Novelty. ,Store,-I,-A. S '"S etS Junle 27th, 1877. BROOK..ST., WHiTBY(OPST TE POT FIE. lii. raid Township, and Vithin hluî. Mile aof tli* Oaheoslaujing beeoui 1hh ani& * Ndn E A 1) V E RIt IS E NT thiziMaiges moe cf 1h omo elue lla., b t 1h, Iftii sud weof oemî ovale. lu.sefTwnon fterthh2n Jl-VYL.iuVoniEvN 0i The tar&i orfrethtor> passe O gers ane n Jl5 EWN TE th. mai ElkW&y, irwn an>station withln the laidpou shailual aI au> Large8t- and Moà F8h able Stock titeb*,Lna»Mfronar A M LT Net o.-Fa8- rIlaway, te the emare place on the salA A I TO .C liny oItWest cSsobsttin a h.ou ~jenthesl ala aI wl offer the'remainder of their IsteGod"n0te 0.pns fthmta de t IThe construction cf t1h. nid praposed IstheXT ad h CeanSo e hte'- t E ilw ay $ h all b b o ia fie c o m m e c ofe O a e a x o s t s u o rw t o tO m -b> 1he TirL-tyl iDecexber, Lriniost elou tc itotRsre.Ou G E I & EhRAlL s-roc i profis wont alow us to throw off 10 12 nd Fifty per cent, for tht's ail a .reaf ltl our yeers thereafler. G N R L S O KBs 2. Tht. By-law sal e voi4 sud a1 no We have Goods imnported f:&on, Engad rlu n apnef loiures, 1h. oxult ila efeclol gan )11ea n Apodfo n hes., blai, 1h.day eeef rSeotland, sud the United States, besides a large supply ofCfn numx ti C tesi eljwayCo ~ AT GREATLY REDUCIED PIIICES. uutu. 'Ifayoe "ged"sdonhe 6"Edge.of despair,"1 theiCorpoationo he, sald c O ltlhùn be frorn town or country, they can gel clothied nI LAING& tarie thetr Covouimuilfor 1h. peiiozm. 00STE WÂRT8. anc.d aU, suif ingul IisB. &contions (lirj ~Printer's ink suits some classeaof Il L anIpovsosInIi lylwcotl.No Sutumer Goods will be held over, but we overy uieedy persan. -,OurGo sit L This IBy-lmw sailDcerntilafarce suidat 1m. Saioute rty-irs dayet w1 of fe sucli prices as will effect a speedy LAI.NG & STEWART. Decem ber O ue Tho -an d lg ht nd- *Thé thdeof July, On, Thcnsma 'Euhad Seventysvn At he ai 1of he o nil>Clerin tli b. Tewn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cf Whltby, eI Ihe buonaI lée..i clockF 1T S lu-the farenoon -4e herby appointedas ]p UB LIXC MF iT1NG; ty he ,m Wau-euiforlb.eappotn 1Y h Ure n of e fo l, utciNEW YOJnK --o persans te attenf aI lhe varion places, and the final arnrnng p a SI01 the volte on beblil cf the persans. lu-S-GAL ER teresled Lu and prcrnaling or opposlng 13 ST' GALLE y, OSHAWA 1 t Ds y-law respectvely. Ta discusa lb.epprrlyci grsuiting a bonusE W iN0 The Seventn h day f ly, next,a1 ti tfe alA hur sd plae to heroli' -oot n ,-M C I ESy.~ E ~ T I ~ T appoin hed as bt rn.anTorontoford Dttawa Railw auei N .±.i r i uE, Oonyof fie nuberaofvoteujven AIWMLBE BEL» AS POLLoWs -T RES ain AtCLABEMONT, Thurada>', the dii jul>', _0 ieLk The voles of lb EMlectors ai lbe.&nid eaI7 o'cîl ,p. rM. P Tou WANT TO BUT portion ai the cuny f Ontario, con. I LAt',1e t nla Life-L ke aken in a M om ent in the best style.d JULY, On. Thonsaijf E4h H A A UPth.RnrModa',lisS E WIN (4 IA oe-N E- tive retouchera in the 'United Sta-tes. I feel confident that I es un t andmet avn t irl onw» uj e 7o lokp.m.work. equal, (if not superior,) to anything ever before mnad iIbsonry sudn sud Liionsthe follicg t B HÂOM, Tnesday, the 101h Jul>', ATTACHMENTSNEMD de inAL ANDSEcountry. _ Pl Sn cero respectivel', tliil a t7 clcock, p. r. B D E , . 1 1C L N ' M l sy. t4 Ai intereste are respectillulin.lu- THREAD, Ac., FISING Ai a e- we co m t th fGl le ns ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ie to attsend.POK BIB, y W.H.SCOe TAC ILE , R-ODS, ETC., 1 O ' C e " "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oeP o o t e L a i ng t ts me n o ft h e G D o m e r y a Diviso nosN um sE et », aIA s tInPre t. T. & c 0 . B . C . CL L . O N - -o n ioci Hfase- ' kei ue2,17, ,2 .F A 1 R B A N K S Riglit Hou. Sir John Macdouiald;aHon. T.NGbbst, & ,sdomcf 11ev Mon. T. X.NGTbbs &a.,1h.dTofpen- Iln Dier. c o A L c o A L i. -AT ss- ' Rather McCanu, Rer. Mi. Laird, sud leading citizens, for sale at suce Hall, m&l- en auuln Mean, Thfo ii ee ineclh bau là njo0.8Sewing Machine Emporjxiu, BESTB' GALLE-RY MO-TOSHAWA. R.tunlngOffier. e JWo n OHNu LOW. T Y Divsion Nuiaxn Sx,4 At tie Public . -AM = ý - urh .-. SEaUO Roue fnonTi r e-jme he- etw trA cnlcuira LitRtr um OfIcer Dun, 7 POHIN G LBELOSH. Devisiox Nuc.3Szvz,aîet Town FOR SALt JuE, 18n. OK 1M 27C pel, ran Rail - unbant onD a GI C N G TS c P THn; î iiinluBl I, ttep b 9oli a otN. ,s D îe sanA ALL s Mechn TirInan en8'Frnein T u Divisionc Nuuxa Ezur, -et 1hez. sacFOR AiciL N l b. tOcK. c Scltygaa,01)IIFELL0WH 1a , W b teval-Join W esley W on hh ou of Lot miri ,i n 4 eW î e. c c I L A N S B L C K ' Ieuning Ofcer. Wo c of e DTwsipo Bokl n Pru, i efs WHITB1aia ewil,& C Dmim V - __-44,_ -1- f s_.,8 hO., isao ti20acrs iarRrMn la F O m URR L LA ' BK -'<a Summer Dress Goods, - Our' Stock of Summer'Goods là coin- Plete in every department. îW- Linen aüid Lustre Coats, WhiÙte Vests, Mens' and Boys' Stràw Hatai E&o. OurGrocery is supplied with Choice Sugars, -Teas", Tbaecos, sand Cheap Fruits., [E~ M ilin e r , D e s m k ug4n Taloiygy ýt Ord7. 75> and 77 Yofe 8 ret 'tDoorfQ Ig8t#tTnc MAN1UYACTUR4 E ÀAND pOoRTEE01? OHI L DiR E N ? 8 OA p~y ' -' h..i . aGnudn Imprtra f ngfshsu Àmei~ ar dware, BroeIk-ài., Whitby, May 801h, 1877., . B060178 ANDY SHOES..! NEW 000DS' OONSTANTLY ARRIVING. -BERT AMERI(JAN RUBBEB GOODS ON RAND, Gents, (Tai 'Boots and Shoes, lite .finest and most durable niade 'n the country. Kie Ladies,' superior goode in Prunella, Kid and Goat, (a speoislity.) 'When dnrabity mand oIëspnama are reqnfred, cmli on Ol1d No. 1, Cheap for Cash. BURNS, Brook street, Whitby. Whitby, ]gay 25h, 1877..2-m ~E.J. qHNSON In anpouncn th, oontinuauce of the businqa lately caried (0) by TILL.& J-ORNSO, as Cabinet .Maker8'ad Undertaker8, by himself, begs to solicit also a con- tinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upoxi the flnn. fie las11W 011 hýnd, an Excelflent, stoak,- comprismng Sideboards, , Centre Tables,Wato, lraU stands,1 Sofas, Parlor and Bedroom Suits, ail of Superior workmanslup, and of the&eybetm'eil Piéturëý fram2ing very cheap. Ail irders .oxecutïed wvith promptitude'and despatoli; Bpecial ittention- to the upliolstering brandi, jAr A handsome MAMES8 GOODFELLOW col, IMOtTI WOAm BTALDALB l cthienrat«s te b.e oleAlo eWrll Ihelald portoof thé eacoùnii' el Ontarla ouspasredof the obaboyd e4d mraI ,MunielpaIltiog Bell therolcre antoted b>' fie' Municpal Ccuncll ci the Cot>' c1, Ontaro, n Itfl h iieeby enacted b>' authanlt>' cf the saie:-, i.ThStltbeluAna blawinl lo the lai saAportion ai thie salA County. of, ou- tarlarpasedai 1 l itésaAmineor muni- C: opâ.ltlete aid suA bsadt l Toroto sud OttawaRailway Oorpnsyx giving n lireta fie. ansoaiNinet>' ou"t ne Dollars by w&yelous. ps 2.Tiat for the ptsrpaae saressif, the aWardeu, an othar iesd oi lie Coannil o>' aihe salA MuniclpaUty ofaitle Oossuly l of a Ontario, &hal cause, Debenurea ci et liesoaif CoonI>' aiOntario, ta be moade ut lae ernmount lu aulcf théesla ura af a- Nînet>'Thaussuf Dollars, asciiDeben- a- ura la be for ual lsau han the au= cf * One Bunfref Dollars, wblbsali De- ky benlureo ahd be sb.asiedville -thé, geai r. of héaid Omnty ofOntaio ensd oied à h ;he Waden, on alier bead cf- lie le douna lftlasidCaunt>, or b'such - Uerson as ras>'bc ulhoizd«by lidel . luncilloe igu the sae n a.,sdcuter. 3, îogned b>' thé Tneseurer of lb. sald Oounty, aud shaldefine 1h, portion of -thé said Countï 'os Ontarlionorsud on - cceunt ni iwlie h Iii>'are Iosaed anA shah declaré au lie lac, thereoit1he aithorlt>' for the lssuiug ciflise se. 8. Thé laid D:bentureoshsallbear date on th dy erinitrppg ite or fie comlng intofe Ioaifil yLaws, sud siail b. payable vitiu hi-e m esherein. Aerneel menionuf, liaI la h ay 1'2: 8 2448.00, lu cne year irora lie fatsfe hrai;_ 02594.88, lu Ivo >'cars irarn fie date Ihereci ; 82780.58, lu fine, years fror tihe daté there- o; #W,15-64, lu lour >'eara trara lhe fdaIe Ibère. cf;- 800.58, Il ve >'asrs frora Ithe fate lieei; §8W7.00, lu six >'ears irora 1h, date thersai; #Mfl 9, e u years irora lie date lier.1 0880.98, $lu elil >ears frein lisedate thire- 015, i nin year frrathe date fer,. 14 chri; f447068, lu lau year fro n ieftetherdael Ihereof; #4M4.88, ilu teveyear frora lie dae tiereoi; 0458, lunthlteesi yeas' ram lise date thereof ; 6M.1, lunfouteen >eas from fie date 06218.72, iluviten yar fronat the ate thereof; 6588.6, ilu sixteen yeasfrora tie date theref; *6871.42, ilu sesteu years train fie date fiareol ; 07885.09,* lu lwenty yaars froin thé date liereot ;- and suehDebaulsirÏa o62 lb. payable aethle Pranci or Ageno>' olfiéheDominion B ank l ié heTo*ss of Whitby. 4. Tii.eslad 1ebentures sinl bear lutereal aI anA aller thé raté ci Six per coul. Fou péo ennuns frarathie data Ihereai and aucnob luteresî s&hall b. payable yeary an lie Tirty-firsl day at Docerni, lu o yisd vr year, logtien wifi fie c Déeutunos thon rnaturiug at the salA Beanai os' Agona>'oallie salA lBank, andAsuci Debèiýtureosshalhave algaci- Pc ef ithe Coupons for thi.payment ai fise inherast lieroon. 5. Fer lthe purpose of pding lie doil FOs lsereby creatf l anallielrah as thé>'ma mature sud tleie treal thercon a eeooeprovidad, su equsi Pou oussual épocial rata of une illlanA on.. sixth ofa s ilSlun:thé dallar sisil, ilu addUintgilaail oler raton, lie assessef, Fas levted, and collécléA lu oaci year upOn ail tihe ralebla properly withiu fiatt part of thé seilConu'yof Ontario composed f aihliéuiner Municlpsli O R a ieresniefore mentionef dunlng hietenin " ai Twenîy years frora lié day harein- c aller appoiu1eA for tie camlug-into Foui foe'eo hsDy-Law. J 6. The self Debenlure, te bc iped sud 1 - nsauéd as alaressid shell lié delivered b>' Pc5 lie Warfen or ohier hisalli te Oouu- CLTHS-RIGErs, Amng, TONT'O' [028EFU1 1 Yonge-st, two door Tom atoes-.....ý12- cents, Lgihrrie151 cents. lsCant, Peachens, Agents for aln'~,12 90Vnsprozen. 1Dianoi Gao MI sudBye S11o),Bs Fwes(a Co able Seet Wlntby, MAY lOti, 1877.. À LAR<3 OCLOTISI Jus 's ~ frm DigTOiONO cn ............ 1 r- -Ov O Dses...5cnà A-PP1es, Strawberuieý, Baspber- 9 &.-l-cets.p~rPot. idée, -fili-]uk A Good eapan Tea, 25 c'ents. Dohen. Asie< ictin), b lks, < q m -himneys, Burners,ý Wickis,,Chandel- iers,-.Sto-Ves,, Burning Fluid, Rock 011, Wooden Ware. "h,-,Idrep's Carriages, Boile*d %tby, May 7th, M7. 1 ý12 . M-22 E ý J, ý AOHNSON. LOWES'-'-"% -'POWELL.

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